/** * @file llmanipscale.cpp * @brief LLManipScale class implementation * * Copyright (c) 2001-$CurrentYear$, Linden Research, Inc. * $License$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llmanipscale.h" // library includes #include "llmath.h" #include "v3math.h" #include "llquaternion.h" #include "llgl.h" #include "v4color.h" #include "llprimitive.h" // viewer includes #include "llagent.h" #include "llbbox.h" #include "llbox.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llcriticaldamp.h" #include "llcylinder.h" #include "lldrawable.h" #include "llfloatertools.h" #include "llglheaders.h" #include "llselectmgr.h" #include "llstatusbar.h" #include "llui.h" #include "llviewercamera.h" #include "llviewerobject.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "llhudrender.h" #include "llworld.h" #include "v2math.h" #include "llvoavatar.h" const F32 MAX_MANIP_SELECT_DISTANCE_SQUARED = 11.f * 11.f; const F32 SNAP_GUIDE_SCREEN_OFFSET = 0.05f; const F32 SNAP_GUIDE_SCREEN_LENGTH = 0.7f; const F32 SELECTED_MANIPULATOR_SCALE = 1.2f; const F32 MANIPULATOR_SCALE_HALF_LIFE = 0.07f; const S32 NUM_MANIPULATORS = 14; const LLManip::EManipPart MANIPULATOR_IDS[NUM_MANIPULATORS] = { LLManip::LL_CORNER_NNN, LLManip::LL_CORNER_NNP, LLManip::LL_CORNER_NPN, LLManip::LL_CORNER_NPP, LLManip::LL_CORNER_PNN, LLManip::LL_CORNER_PNP, LLManip::LL_CORNER_PPN, LLManip::LL_CORNER_PPP, LLManip::LL_FACE_POSZ, LLManip::LL_FACE_POSX, LLManip::LL_FACE_POSY, LLManip::LL_FACE_NEGX, LLManip::LL_FACE_NEGY, LLManip::LL_FACE_NEGZ }; // static void LLManipScale::setUniform(BOOL b) { gSavedSettings.setBOOL("ScaleUniform", b); } // static void LLManipScale::setShowAxes(BOOL b) { gSavedSettings.setBOOL("ScaleShowAxes", b); } // static void LLManipScale::setStretchTextures(BOOL b) { gSavedSettings.setBOOL("ScaleStretchTextures", b); } // static BOOL LLManipScale::getUniform() { return gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ScaleUniform"); } // static BOOL LLManipScale::getShowAxes() { return gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ScaleShowAxes"); } // static BOOL LLManipScale::getStretchTextures() { return gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ScaleStretchTextures"); } inline void LLManipScale::conditionalHighlight( U32 part, const LLColor4* highlight, const LLColor4* normal ) { LLColor4 default_highlight( 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f ); LLColor4 default_normal( 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.6f ); LLColor4 invisible(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f); F32 manipulator_scale = 1.f; for (S32 i = 0; i < NUM_MANIPULATORS; i++) { if((U32)MANIPULATOR_IDS[i] == part) { manipulator_scale = mManipulatorScales[i]; break; } } mScaledBoxHandleSize = mBoxHandleSize * manipulator_scale; if (mManipPart != (S32)LL_NO_PART && mManipPart != (S32)part) { glColor4fv( invisible.mV ); } else if( mHighlightedPart == (S32)part ) { glColor4fv( highlight ? highlight->mV : default_highlight.mV ); } else { glColor4fv( normal ? normal->mV : default_normal.mV ); } } void LLManipScale::handleSelect() { LLBBox bbox = gSelectMgr->getBBoxOfSelection(); updateSnapGuides(bbox); gSelectMgr->saveSelectedObjectTransform(SELECT_ACTION_TYPE_PICK); gFloaterTools->setStatusText("Click and drag to stretch selected side"); } void LLManipScale::handleDeselect() { mHighlightedPart = LL_NO_PART; mManipPart = LL_NO_PART; gFloaterTools->setStatusText(""); } BOOL sort_manip_by_z(LLManipScale::ManipulatorHandle *new_manip, LLManipScale::ManipulatorHandle *test_manip) { return ((new_manip->mType < test_manip->mType) || (new_manip->mPosition.mV[VZ] < test_manip->mPosition.mV[VZ])); } LLManipScale::LLManipScale( LLToolComposite* composite ) : LLManip( "Scale", composite ), mBoxHandleSize( 1.f ), mScaledBoxHandleSize( 1.f ), mManipPart( LL_NO_PART ), mHighlightedPart( LL_NO_PART ), mLastMouseX( -1 ), mLastMouseY( -1 ), mSendUpdateOnMouseUp( FALSE ), mLastUpdateFlags( 0 ), mScaleSnapUnit1(1.f), mScaleSnapUnit2(1.f), mSnapRegimeOffset(0.f), mSnapGuideLength(0.f), mScaleSnapValue(0.f) { mProjectedManipulators.setInsertBefore(sort_manip_by_z); mManipulatorScales = new F32[NUM_MANIPULATORS]; for (S32 i = 0; i < NUM_MANIPULATORS; i++) { mManipulatorScales[i] = 1.f; } } LLManipScale::~LLManipScale() { delete []mManipulatorScales; } void LLManipScale::render() { LLGLSUIDefault gls_ui; LLGLSNoTexture gls_no_texture; LLGLDepthTest gls_depth(GL_TRUE); LLGLEnable gl_blend(GL_BLEND); LLGLEnable gls_alpha_test(GL_ALPHA_TEST); if( isSelectionScalable() ) { glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); if (gSelectMgr->getSelectType() == SELECT_TYPE_HUD) { F32 zoom = gAgent.getAvatarObject()->mHUDCurZoom; glScalef(zoom, zoom, zoom); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Calculate size of drag handles const F32 BOX_HANDLE_BASE_SIZE = 50.0f; // box size in pixels = BOX_HANDLE_BASE_SIZE * BOX_HANDLE_BASE_FACTOR const F32 BOX_HANDLE_BASE_FACTOR = 0.2f; LLVector3 center_agent = gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(gSelectMgr->getSelectionCenterGlobal()); F32 range; F32 range_from_agent; if (gSelectMgr->getSelectType() == SELECT_TYPE_HUD) { mBoxHandleSize = BOX_HANDLE_BASE_SIZE * BOX_HANDLE_BASE_FACTOR / (F32) gCamera->getViewHeightInPixels(); mBoxHandleSize /= gAgent.getAvatarObject()->mHUDCurZoom; } else { range = dist_vec(gAgent.getCameraPositionAgent(), center_agent); range_from_agent = dist_vec(gAgent.getPositionAgent(), center_agent); // Don't draw manip if object too far away if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("LimitSelectDistance")) { F32 max_select_distance = gSavedSettings.getF32("MaxSelectDistance"); if (range_from_agent > max_select_distance) { return; } } if (range > 0.001f) { // range != zero F32 fraction_of_fov = BOX_HANDLE_BASE_SIZE / (F32) gCamera->getViewHeightInPixels(); F32 apparent_angle = fraction_of_fov * gCamera->getView(); // radians mBoxHandleSize = range * tan(apparent_angle) * BOX_HANDLE_BASE_FACTOR; } else { // range == zero mBoxHandleSize = BOX_HANDLE_BASE_FACTOR; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Draw bounding box LLBBox bbox = gSelectMgr->getBBoxOfSelection(); LLVector3 pos_agent = bbox.getPositionAgent(); LLQuaternion rot = bbox.getRotation(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); { glTranslatef(pos_agent.mV[VX], pos_agent.mV[VY], pos_agent.mV[VZ]); F32 angle_radians, x, y, z; rot.getAngleAxis(&angle_radians, &x, &y, &z); glRotatef(angle_radians * RAD_TO_DEG, x, y, z); { LLGLEnable poly_offset(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); glPolygonOffset( -2.f, -2.f); // JC - Band-aid until edge stretch working similar to side stretch // in non-uniform. // renderEdges( bbox ); renderCorners( bbox ); renderFaces( bbox ); if (mManipPart != LL_NO_PART) { renderGuidelinesPart( bbox ); } glPolygonOffset( 0.f, 0.f); } } glPopMatrix(); if (mManipPart != LL_NO_PART) { renderSnapGuides(bbox); } glPopMatrix(); renderXYZ(bbox.getExtentLocal()); } } BOOL LLManipScale::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { BOOL handled = FALSE; LLViewerObject* hit_obj = gViewerWindow->lastObjectHit(); if( hit_obj || (mHighlightedPart != LL_NO_PART) ) { handled = handleMouseDownOnPart( x, y, mask ); } return handled; } // Assumes that one of the arrows on an object was hit. BOOL LLManipScale::handleMouseDownOnPart( S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask ) { BOOL can_scale = gSelectMgr->getObjectCount() != 0; for (LLViewerObject* objectp = gSelectMgr->getFirstObject(); objectp; objectp = gSelectMgr->getNextObject()) { can_scale = can_scale && objectp->permModify() && objectp->permMove() && !objectp->isSeat(); } if (!can_scale) { return FALSE; } highlightManipulators(x, y); S32 hit_part = mHighlightedPart; gSelectMgr->enableSilhouette(FALSE); mManipPart = (EManipPart)hit_part; LLBBox bbox = gSelectMgr->getBBoxOfSelection(); LLVector3 box_center_agent = bbox.getCenterAgent(); LLVector3 box_corner_agent = bbox.localToAgent( unitVectorToLocalBBoxExtent( partToUnitVector( mManipPart ), bbox ) ); updateSnapGuides(bbox); mDragStartPointGlobal = gAgent.getPosGlobalFromAgent(box_corner_agent); mDragStartCenterGlobal = gAgent.getPosGlobalFromAgent(box_center_agent); LLVector3 far_corner_agent = bbox.localToAgent( unitVectorToLocalBBoxExtent( -1.f * partToUnitVector( mManipPart ), bbox ) ); mDragFarHitGlobal = gAgent.getPosGlobalFromAgent(far_corner_agent); mDragPointGlobal = mDragStartPointGlobal; // we just started a drag, so save initial object positions, orientations, and scales gSelectMgr->saveSelectedObjectTransform(SELECT_ACTION_TYPE_SCALE); // Route future Mouse messages here preemptively. (Release on mouse up.) setMouseCapture( TRUE ); mHelpTextTimer.reset(); sNumTimesHelpTextShown++; return TRUE; } BOOL LLManipScale::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { // first, perform normal processing in case this was a quick-click handleHover(x, y, mask); gSelectMgr->enableSilhouette(TRUE); mManipPart = LL_NO_PART; // Might have missed last update due to UPDATE_DELAY timing if (mSendUpdateOnMouseUp) { gSelectMgr->sendMultipleUpdate( mLastUpdateFlags ); } //gAgent.setObjectTracking(gSavedSettings.getBOOL("TrackFocusObject")); gSelectMgr->saveSelectedObjectTransform(SELECT_ACTION_TYPE_PICK); return LLManip::handleMouseUp(x, y, mask); } BOOL LLManipScale::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { if( hasMouseCapture() ) { if( gSelectMgr->isEmpty() ) { // Somehow the object got deselected while we were dragging it. setMouseCapture( FALSE ); } else { drag( x, y ); } lldebugst(LLERR_USER_INPUT) << "hover handled by LLManipScale (active)" << llendl; } else { mInSnapRegime = FALSE; // not dragging... highlightManipulators(x, y); } // Patch up textures, if possible. gSelectMgr->adjustTexturesByScale(TRUE, getStretchTextures()); gViewerWindow->getWindow()->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_TOOLSCALE); return TRUE; } void LLManipScale::highlightManipulators(S32 x, S32 y) { mHighlightedPart = LL_NO_PART; // If we have something selected, try to hit its manipulator handles. // Don't do this with nothing selected, as it kills the framerate. LLBBox bbox = gSelectMgr->getBBoxOfSelection(); if( isSelectionScalable() ) { LLMatrix4 transform; if (gSelectMgr->getSelectType() == SELECT_TYPE_HUD) { LLVector4 translation(bbox.getPositionAgent()); transform.initRotTrans(bbox.getRotation(), translation); LLMatrix4 cfr(OGL_TO_CFR_ROTATION); transform *= cfr; LLMatrix4 window_scale; F32 zoom_level = 2.f * gAgent.getAvatarObject()->mHUDCurZoom; window_scale.initAll(LLVector3(zoom_level / gCamera->getAspect(), zoom_level, 0.f), LLQuaternion::DEFAULT, LLVector3::zero); transform *= window_scale; } else { LLMatrix4 projMatrix = gCamera->getProjection(); LLMatrix4 modelView = gCamera->getModelview(); transform.initAll(LLVector3(1.f, 1.f, 1.f), bbox.getRotation(), bbox.getPositionAgent()); transform *= modelView; transform *= projMatrix; } LLVector3 min = bbox.getMinLocal(); LLVector3 max = bbox.getMaxLocal(); LLVector3 ctr = bbox.getCenterLocal(); mProjectedManipulators.deleteAllData(); S32 numManips = 0; // corners mManipulatorVertices[numManips++] = LLVector4(min.mV[VX], min.mV[VY], min.mV[VZ], 1.f); mManipulatorVertices[numManips++] = LLVector4(min.mV[VX], min.mV[VY], max.mV[VZ], 1.f); mManipulatorVertices[numManips++] = LLVector4(min.mV[VX], max.mV[VY], min.mV[VZ], 1.f); mManipulatorVertices[numManips++] = LLVector4(min.mV[VX], max.mV[VY], max.mV[VZ], 1.f); mManipulatorVertices[numManips++] = LLVector4(max.mV[VX], min.mV[VY], min.mV[VZ], 1.f); mManipulatorVertices[numManips++] = LLVector4(max.mV[VX], min.mV[VY], max.mV[VZ], 1.f); mManipulatorVertices[numManips++] = LLVector4(max.mV[VX], max.mV[VY], min.mV[VZ], 1.f); mManipulatorVertices[numManips++] = LLVector4(max.mV[VX], max.mV[VY], max.mV[VZ], 1.f); // 1-D highlights are applicable iff one object is selected if( gSelectMgr->getObjectCount() == 1 ) { // face centers mManipulatorVertices[numManips++] = LLVector4(ctr.mV[VX], ctr.mV[VY], max.mV[VZ], 1.f); mManipulatorVertices[numManips++] = LLVector4(max.mV[VX], ctr.mV[VY], ctr.mV[VZ], 1.f); mManipulatorVertices[numManips++] = LLVector4(ctr.mV[VX], max.mV[VY], ctr.mV[VZ], 1.f); mManipulatorVertices[numManips++] = LLVector4(min.mV[VX], ctr.mV[VY], ctr.mV[VZ], 1.f); mManipulatorVertices[numManips++] = LLVector4(ctr.mV[VX], min.mV[VY], ctr.mV[VZ], 1.f); mManipulatorVertices[numManips++] = LLVector4(ctr.mV[VX], ctr.mV[VY], min.mV[VZ], 1.f); } for (S32 i = 0; i < numManips; i++) { LLVector4 projectedVertex = mManipulatorVertices[i] * transform; projectedVertex = projectedVertex * (1.f / projectedVertex.mV[VW]); ManipulatorHandle* projManipulator = new ManipulatorHandle(LLVector3(projectedVertex.mV[VX], projectedVertex.mV[VY], projectedVertex.mV[VZ]), MANIPULATOR_IDS[i], (i < 7) ? SCALE_MANIP_CORNER : SCALE_MANIP_FACE); mProjectedManipulators.addDataSorted(projManipulator); } F32 half_width = (F32)gViewerWindow->getWindowWidth() / 2.f; F32 half_height = (F32)gViewerWindow->getWindowHeight() / 2.f; LLVector2 manip2d; LLVector2 mousePos((F32)x - half_width, (F32)y - half_height); LLVector2 delta; mHighlightedPart = LL_NO_PART; for (ManipulatorHandle* manipulator = mProjectedManipulators.getFirstData(); manipulator; manipulator = mProjectedManipulators.getNextData()) { manip2d.setVec(manipulator->mPosition.mV[VX] * half_width, manipulator->mPosition.mV[VY] * half_height); delta = manip2d - mousePos; if (delta.magVecSquared() < MAX_MANIP_SELECT_DISTANCE_SQUARED) { mHighlightedPart = manipulator->mManipID; //llinfos << "Tried: " << mHighlightedPart << llendl; break; } } } for (S32 i = 0; i < NUM_MANIPULATORS; i++) { if (mHighlightedPart == MANIPULATOR_IDS[i]) { mManipulatorScales[i] = lerp(mManipulatorScales[i], SELECTED_MANIPULATOR_SCALE, LLCriticalDamp::getInterpolant(MANIPULATOR_SCALE_HALF_LIFE)); } else { mManipulatorScales[i] = lerp(mManipulatorScales[i], 1.f, LLCriticalDamp::getInterpolant(MANIPULATOR_SCALE_HALF_LIFE)); } } lldebugst(LLERR_USER_INPUT) << "hover handled by LLManipScale (inactive)" << llendl; } void LLManipScale::renderFaces( const LLBBox& bbox ) { // Don't bother to render the drag handles for 1-D scaling if // more than one object is selected or if it is an attachment if ( gSelectMgr->getObjectCount() > 1 ) { return; } // This is a flattened representation of the box as render here // . // (+++) (++-) /|\t // +------------+ | (texture coordinates) // | | | // | 1 | (*) --->s // | +X | // | | // (+++) (+-+)| |(+--) (++-) (+++) // +------------+------------+------------+------------+ // |0 3|3 7|7 4|4 0| // | 0 | 4 | 5 | 2 | // | +Z | -Y | -Z | +Y | // | | | | | // |1 2|2 6|6 5|5 1| // +------------+------------+------------+------------+ // (-++) (--+)| |(---) (-+-) (-++) // | 3 | // | -X | // | | // | | // +------------+ // (-++) (-+-) LLColor4 highlight_color( 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.5f); LLColor4 normal_color( 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.3f); LLColor4 x_highlight_color( 1.f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f); LLColor4 x_normal_color( 0.6f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.4f); LLColor4 y_highlight_color( 0.2f, 1.f, 0.2f, 1.0f); LLColor4 y_normal_color( 0.f, 0.6f, 0.f, 0.4f); LLColor4 z_highlight_color( 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.f, 1.0f); LLColor4 z_normal_color( 0.f, 0.f, 0.6f, 0.4f); LLColor4 default_normal_color( 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.15f ); const LLVector3& min = bbox.getMinLocal(); const LLVector3& max = bbox.getMaxLocal(); LLVector3 ctr = bbox.getCenterLocal(); if (mManipPart == LL_NO_PART) { glColor4fv( default_normal_color.mV ); glBegin(GL_QUADS); { // Face 0 glVertex3f(min.mV[VX], max.mV[VY], max.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(min.mV[VX], min.mV[VY], max.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(max.mV[VX], min.mV[VY], max.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(max.mV[VX], max.mV[VY], max.mV[VZ]); // Face 1 glVertex3f(max.mV[VX], min.mV[VY], max.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(max.mV[VX], min.mV[VY], min.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(max.mV[VX], max.mV[VY], min.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(max.mV[VX], max.mV[VY], max.mV[VZ]); // Face 2 glVertex3f(min.mV[VX], max.mV[VY], min.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(min.mV[VX], max.mV[VY], max.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(max.mV[VX], max.mV[VY], max.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(max.mV[VX], max.mV[VY], min.mV[VZ]); // Face 3 glVertex3f(min.mV[VX], max.mV[VY], max.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(min.mV[VX], max.mV[VY], min.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(min.mV[VX], min.mV[VY], min.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(min.mV[VX], min.mV[VY], max.mV[VZ]); // Face 4 glVertex3f(min.mV[VX], min.mV[VY], max.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(min.mV[VX], min.mV[VY], min.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(max.mV[VX], min.mV[VY], min.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(max.mV[VX], min.mV[VY], max.mV[VZ]); // Face 5 glVertex3f(min.mV[VX], min.mV[VY], min.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(min.mV[VX], max.mV[VY], min.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(max.mV[VX], max.mV[VY], min.mV[VZ]); glVertex3f(max.mV[VX], min.mV[VY], min.mV[VZ]); } glEnd(); } // Find nearest vertex LLVector3 orientWRTHead = bbox.agentToLocalBasis( bbox.getCenterAgent() - gAgent.getCameraPositionAgent() ); U32 nearest = (orientWRTHead.mV[0] < 0.0f ? 1 : 0) + (orientWRTHead.mV[1] < 0.0f ? 2 : 0) + (orientWRTHead.mV[2] < 0.0f ? 4 : 0); // opposite faces on Linden cubes: // 0 & 5 // 1 & 3 // 2 & 4 // Table of order to draw faces, based on nearest vertex static U32 face_list[8][6] = { { 2,0,1, 4,5,3 }, // v6 F201 F453 { 2,0,3, 4,5,1 }, // v7 F203 F451 { 4,0,1, 2,5,3 }, // v5 F401 F253 { 4,0,3, 2,5,1 }, // v4 F403 F251 { 2,5,1, 4,0,3 }, // v2 F251 F403 { 2,5,3, 4,0,1 }, // v3 F253 F401 { 4,5,1, 2,0,3 }, // v1 F451 F203 { 4,5,3, 2,0,1 } // v0 F453 F201 }; { LLGLDepthTest gls_depth(GL_FALSE); for (S32 i = 0; i < 6; i++) { U32 face = face_list[nearest][i]; switch( face ) { case 0: conditionalHighlight( LL_FACE_POSZ, &z_highlight_color, &z_normal_color ); renderAxisHandle( ctr, LLVector3( ctr.mV[VX], ctr.mV[VY], max.mV[VZ] ) ); break; case 1: conditionalHighlight( LL_FACE_POSX, &x_highlight_color, &x_normal_color ); renderAxisHandle( ctr, LLVector3( max.mV[VX], ctr.mV[VY], ctr.mV[VZ] ) ); break; case 2: conditionalHighlight( LL_FACE_POSY, &y_highlight_color, &y_normal_color ); renderAxisHandle( ctr, LLVector3( ctr.mV[VX], max.mV[VY], ctr.mV[VZ] ) ); break; case 3: conditionalHighlight( LL_FACE_NEGX, &x_highlight_color, &x_normal_color ); renderAxisHandle( ctr, LLVector3( min.mV[VX], ctr.mV[VY], ctr.mV[VZ] ) ); break; case 4: conditionalHighlight( LL_FACE_NEGY, &y_highlight_color, &y_normal_color ); renderAxisHandle( ctr, LLVector3( ctr.mV[VX], min.mV[VY], ctr.mV[VZ] ) ); break; case 5: conditionalHighlight( LL_FACE_NEGZ, &z_highlight_color, &z_normal_color ); renderAxisHandle( ctr, LLVector3( ctr.mV[VX], ctr.mV[VY], min.mV[VZ] ) ); break; } } } } void LLManipScale::renderEdges( const LLBBox& bbox ) { LLVector3 extent = bbox.getExtentLocal(); F32 edge_width = mBoxHandleSize * .6f; for( U32 part = LL_EDGE_MIN; part <= LL_EDGE_MAX; part++ ) { LLVector3 direction = edgeToUnitVector( part ); LLVector3 center_to_edge = unitVectorToLocalBBoxExtent( direction, bbox ); glPushMatrix(); { glTranslatef( center_to_edge.mV[0], center_to_edge.mV[1], center_to_edge.mV[2] ); conditionalHighlight( part ); glScalef( direction.mV[0] ? edge_width : extent.mV[VX], direction.mV[1] ? edge_width : extent.mV[VY], direction.mV[2] ? edge_width : extent.mV[VZ] ); gBox.render(); } glPopMatrix(); } } void LLManipScale::renderCorners( const LLBBox& bbox ) { U32 part = LL_CORNER_NNN; F32 x_offset = bbox.getMinLocal().mV[VX]; for( S32 i=0; i < 2; i++ ) { F32 y_offset = bbox.getMinLocal().mV[VY]; for( S32 j=0; j < 2; j++ ) { F32 z_offset = bbox.getMinLocal().mV[VZ]; for( S32 k=0; k < 2; k++ ) { conditionalHighlight( part ); renderBoxHandle( x_offset, y_offset, z_offset ); part++; z_offset = bbox.getMaxLocal().mV[VZ]; } y_offset = bbox.getMaxLocal().mV[VY]; } x_offset = bbox.getMaxLocal().mV[VX]; } } void LLManipScale::renderBoxHandle( F32 x, F32 y, F32 z ) { LLGLDisable gls_tex(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glPushMatrix(); { glTranslatef( x, y, z ); glScalef( mScaledBoxHandleSize, mScaledBoxHandleSize, mScaledBoxHandleSize ); gBox.render(); } glPopMatrix(); } void LLManipScale::renderAxisHandle( const LLVector3& start, const LLVector3& end ) { if( getShowAxes() ) { // Draws a single "jacks" style handle: a long, retangular box from start to end. LLVector3 offset_start = end - start; offset_start.normVec(); offset_start = start + mBoxHandleSize * offset_start; LLVector3 delta = end - offset_start; LLVector3 pos = offset_start + 0.5f * delta; glPushMatrix(); { glTranslatef( pos.mV[VX], pos.mV[VY], pos.mV[VZ] ); glScalef( mBoxHandleSize + llabs(delta.mV[VX]), mBoxHandleSize + llabs(delta.mV[VY]), mBoxHandleSize + llabs(delta.mV[VZ])); gBox.render(); } glPopMatrix(); } else { renderBoxHandle( end.mV[VX], end.mV[VY], end.mV[VZ] ); } } void LLManipScale::drag( S32 x, S32 y ) { if( (LL_FACE_MIN <= (S32)mManipPart) && ((S32)mManipPart <= LL_FACE_MAX) ) { dragFace( x, y ); } else if( (LL_CORNER_MIN <= (S32)mManipPart) && ((S32)mManipPart <= LL_CORNER_MAX) ) { dragCorner( x, y ); } //gAgent.setObjectTracking(FALSE); gAgent.clearFocusObject(); } // Scale around the void LLManipScale::dragCorner( S32 x, S32 y ) { LLBBox bbox = gSelectMgr->getBBoxOfSelection(); // Suppress scale if mouse hasn't moved. if (x == mLastMouseX && y == mLastMouseY) { if (mSendUpdateOnMouseUp) { sendUpdates(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE); } return; } mLastMouseX = x; mLastMouseY = y; LLVector3d drag_start_point_global = mDragStartPointGlobal; LLVector3d drag_start_center_global = mDragStartCenterGlobal; LLVector3 drag_start_point_agent = gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(drag_start_point_global); LLVector3 drag_start_center_agent = gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(drag_start_center_global); LLVector3d drag_start_dir_d; drag_start_dir_d.setVec(drag_start_point_global - drag_start_center_global); LLVector3 drag_start_dir_f; drag_start_dir_f.setVec(drag_start_dir_d); F32 s = 0; F32 t = 0; nearestPointOnLineFromMouse(x, y, drag_start_center_agent, drag_start_point_agent, s, t ); F32 drag_start_dist = dist_vec(drag_start_point_agent, drag_start_center_agent); if( s <= 0 ) // we only care about intersections in front of the camera { return; } LLVector3d drag_point_global = drag_start_center_global + t * drag_start_dir_d; F32 scale_factor = t; BOOL uniform = LLManipScale::getUniform(); if( !uniform ) { scale_factor = 0.5f + (scale_factor * 0.5f); } // check for snapping LLVector3 drag_center_agent = gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(drag_point_global); LLVector3 mouse_on_plane1; getMousePointOnPlaneAgent(mouse_on_plane1, x, y, drag_center_agent, mScalePlaneNormal1); LLVector3 mouse_on_plane2; getMousePointOnPlaneAgent(mouse_on_plane2, x, y, drag_center_agent, mScalePlaneNormal2); LLVector3 mouse_dir_1 = mouse_on_plane1 - mScaleCenter; LLVector3 mouse_dir_2 = mouse_on_plane2 - mScaleCenter; LLVector3 mouse_to_scale_line_1 = mouse_dir_1 - projected_vec(mouse_dir_1, mScaleDir); LLVector3 mouse_to_scale_line_2 = mouse_dir_2 - projected_vec(mouse_dir_2, mScaleDir); LLVector3 mouse_to_scale_line_dir_1 = mouse_to_scale_line_1; mouse_to_scale_line_dir_1.normVec(); if (mouse_to_scale_line_dir_1 * mSnapGuideDir1 < 0.f) { // need to keep sign of mouse offset wrt to snap guide direction mouse_to_scale_line_dir_1 *= -1.f; } LLVector3 mouse_to_scale_line_dir_2 = mouse_to_scale_line_2; mouse_to_scale_line_dir_2.normVec(); if (mouse_to_scale_line_dir_2 * mSnapGuideDir2 < 0.f) { // need to keep sign of mouse offset wrt to snap guide direction mouse_to_scale_line_dir_2 *= -1.f; } F32 snap_dir_dot_mouse_offset1 = mSnapGuideDir1 * mouse_to_scale_line_dir_1; F32 snap_dir_dot_mouse_offset2 = mSnapGuideDir2 * mouse_to_scale_line_dir_2; F32 dist_from_scale_line_1 = mouse_to_scale_line_1 * mouse_to_scale_line_dir_1; F32 dist_from_scale_line_2 = mouse_to_scale_line_2 * mouse_to_scale_line_dir_2; F32 max_scale = partToMaxScale(mManipPart, bbox); F32 min_scale = partToMinScale(mManipPart, bbox); BOOL snap_enabled = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("SnapEnabled"); if (snap_enabled && dist_from_scale_line_1 > mSnapRegimeOffset * snap_dir_dot_mouse_offset1) { mInSnapRegime = TRUE; LLVector3 projected_drag_pos = mouse_on_plane1 - (dist_from_scale_line_1 / snap_dir_dot_mouse_offset1) * mSnapGuideDir1; F32 drag_dist = (projected_drag_pos - mScaleCenter) * mScaleDir; F32 cur_subdivisions = llclamp(getSubdivisionLevel(projected_drag_pos, mScaleDir, mScaleSnapUnit1), sGridMinSubdivisionLevel, sGridMaxSubdivisionLevel); F32 snap_dist = mScaleSnapUnit1 / (2.f * cur_subdivisions); F32 relative_snap_dist = fmodf(drag_dist + snap_dist, mScaleSnapUnit1 / cur_subdivisions); mScaleSnapValue = llclamp((drag_dist - (relative_snap_dist - snap_dist)), min_scale, max_scale); scale_factor = mScaleSnapValue / drag_start_dist; if( !uniform ) { scale_factor *= 0.5f; } } else if (snap_enabled && dist_from_scale_line_2 > mSnapRegimeOffset * snap_dir_dot_mouse_offset2) { mInSnapRegime = TRUE; LLVector3 projected_drag_pos = mouse_on_plane2 - (dist_from_scale_line_2 / snap_dir_dot_mouse_offset2) * mSnapGuideDir2; F32 drag_dist = (projected_drag_pos - mScaleCenter) * mScaleDir; F32 cur_subdivisions = llclamp(getSubdivisionLevel(projected_drag_pos, mScaleDir, mScaleSnapUnit2), sGridMinSubdivisionLevel, sGridMaxSubdivisionLevel); F32 snap_dist = mScaleSnapUnit2 / (2.f * cur_subdivisions); F32 relative_snap_dist = fmodf(drag_dist + snap_dist, mScaleSnapUnit2 / cur_subdivisions); mScaleSnapValue = llclamp((drag_dist - (relative_snap_dist - snap_dist)), min_scale, max_scale); scale_factor = mScaleSnapValue / drag_start_dist; if( !uniform ) { scale_factor *= 0.5f; } } else { mInSnapRegime = FALSE; } F32 max_scale_factor = MAX_OBJECT_SCALE / MIN_OBJECT_SCALE; F32 min_scale_factor = MIN_OBJECT_SCALE / MAX_OBJECT_SCALE; // find max and min scale factors that will make biggest object hit max absolute scale and smallest object hit min absolute scale LLSelectNode* selectNode; for( selectNode = gSelectMgr->getFirstNode(); selectNode; selectNode = gSelectMgr->getNextNode() ) { LLViewerObject* cur = selectNode->getObject(); if( cur->permModify() && cur->permMove() && !cur->isAvatar() ) { const LLVector3& scale = selectNode->mSavedScale; F32 cur_max_scale_factor = llmin( MAX_OBJECT_SCALE / scale.mV[VX], MAX_OBJECT_SCALE / scale.mV[VY], MAX_OBJECT_SCALE / scale.mV[VZ] ); max_scale_factor = llmin( max_scale_factor, cur_max_scale_factor ); F32 cur_min_scale_factor = llmax( MIN_OBJECT_SCALE / scale.mV[VX], MIN_OBJECT_SCALE / scale.mV[VY], MIN_OBJECT_SCALE / scale.mV[VZ] ); min_scale_factor = llmax( min_scale_factor, cur_min_scale_factor ); } } scale_factor = llclamp( scale_factor, min_scale_factor, max_scale_factor ); LLVector3d drag_global = uniform ? mDragStartCenterGlobal : mDragFarHitGlobal; // do the root objects i.e. (TRUE == cur->isRootEdit()) for( selectNode = gSelectMgr->getFirstNode(); selectNode; selectNode = gSelectMgr->getNextNode() ) { LLViewerObject* cur = selectNode->getObject(); if( cur->permModify() && cur->permMove() && !cur->isAvatar() && cur->isRootEdit() ) { const LLVector3& scale = selectNode->mSavedScale; cur->setScale( scale_factor * scale ); LLVector3 delta_pos; LLVector3 original_pos = cur->getPositionEdit(); LLVector3d new_pos_global = drag_global + (selectNode->mSavedPositionGlobal - drag_global) * scale_factor; if (!cur->isAttachment()) { new_pos_global = gWorldp->clipToVisibleRegions(selectNode->mSavedPositionGlobal, new_pos_global); } cur->setPositionAbsoluteGlobal( new_pos_global ); rebuild(cur); delta_pos = cur->getPositionEdit() - original_pos; if (selectNode->mIndividualSelection) { // counter-translate child objects if we are moving the root as an individual for (U32 child_num = 0; child_num < cur->mChildList.size(); child_num++) { LLViewerObject* childp = cur->mChildList[child_num]; if (cur->isAttachment()) { LLVector3 child_pos = childp->getPosition() - (delta_pos * ~cur->getRotationEdit()); childp->setPosition(child_pos); } else { LLVector3d child_pos_delta(delta_pos); // RN: this updates drawable position instantly childp->setPositionAbsoluteGlobal(childp->getPositionGlobal() - child_pos_delta); } rebuild(childp); } } } } // do the child objects i.e. (FALSE == cur->isRootEdit()) for( selectNode = gSelectMgr->getFirstNode(); selectNode; selectNode = gSelectMgr->getNextNode() ) { LLViewerObject*cur = selectNode->getObject(); if( cur->permModify() && cur->permMove() && !cur->isAvatar() && !cur->isRootEdit() ) { const LLVector3& scale = selectNode->mSavedScale; cur->setScale( scale_factor * scale, FALSE ); if (!selectNode->mIndividualSelection) { cur->setPosition(selectNode->mSavedPositionLocal * scale_factor); continue; } LLVector3d new_pos_global = drag_global + (selectNode->mSavedPositionGlobal - drag_global) * scale_factor; cur->setPositionAbsoluteGlobal( new_pos_global ); rebuild(cur); } } mDragPointGlobal = drag_point_global; sendUpdates( TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ); } void LLManipScale::dragFace( S32 x, S32 y ) { // Suppress scale if mouse hasn't moved. if (x == mLastMouseX && y == mLastMouseY) { if (mSendUpdateOnMouseUp) { sendUpdates(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE); } return; } mLastMouseX = x; mLastMouseY = y; LLVector3d drag_start_point_global = mDragStartPointGlobal; LLVector3d drag_start_center_global = mDragStartCenterGlobal; LLVector3 drag_start_point_agent = gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(drag_start_point_global); LLVector3 drag_start_center_agent = gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(drag_start_center_global); LLVector3d drag_start_dir_d; drag_start_dir_d.setVec(drag_start_point_global - drag_start_center_global); LLVector3 drag_start_dir_f; drag_start_dir_f.setVec(drag_start_dir_d); LLBBox bbox = gSelectMgr->getBBoxOfSelection(); F32 s = 0; F32 t = 0; nearestPointOnLineFromMouse(x, y, drag_start_center_agent, drag_start_point_agent, s, t ); if( s <= 0 ) // we only care about intersections in front of the camera { return; } LLVector3d drag_point_global = drag_start_center_global + t * drag_start_dir_d; LLVector3 part_dir_local = partToUnitVector( mManipPart ); // check for snapping LLVector3 mouse_on_plane; getMousePointOnPlaneAgent(mouse_on_plane, x, y, mScaleCenter, mScalePlaneNormal1 ); LLVector3 mouse_on_scale_line = mScaleCenter + projected_vec(mouse_on_plane - mScaleCenter, mScaleDir); LLVector3 drag_delta(mouse_on_scale_line - drag_start_point_agent); F32 max_drag_dist = partToMaxScale(mManipPart, bbox); F32 min_drag_dist = partToMinScale(mManipPart, bbox); BOOL uniform = LLManipScale::getUniform(); if( uniform ) { drag_delta *= 2.f; } LLVector3 scale_center_to_mouse = mouse_on_plane - mScaleCenter; F32 dist_from_scale_line = dist_vec(scale_center_to_mouse, (mouse_on_scale_line - mScaleCenter)); F32 dist_along_scale_line = scale_center_to_mouse * mScaleDir; BOOL snap_enabled = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("SnapEnabled"); if (snap_enabled && dist_from_scale_line > mSnapRegimeOffset) { mInSnapRegime = TRUE; if (dist_along_scale_line > max_drag_dist) { mScaleSnapValue = max_drag_dist; LLVector3 clamp_point = mScaleCenter + max_drag_dist * mScaleDir; drag_delta.setVec(clamp_point - drag_start_point_agent); } else if (dist_along_scale_line < min_drag_dist) { mScaleSnapValue = min_drag_dist; LLVector3 clamp_point = mScaleCenter + min_drag_dist * mScaleDir; drag_delta.setVec(clamp_point - drag_start_point_agent); } else { F32 drag_dist = scale_center_to_mouse * mScaleDir; F32 cur_subdivisions = llclamp(getSubdivisionLevel(mScaleCenter + mScaleDir * drag_dist, mScaleDir, mScaleSnapUnit1), sGridMinSubdivisionLevel, sGridMaxSubdivisionLevel); F32 snap_dist = mScaleSnapUnit1 / (2.f * cur_subdivisions); F32 relative_snap_dist = fmodf(drag_dist + snap_dist, mScaleSnapUnit1 / cur_subdivisions); relative_snap_dist -= snap_dist; //make sure that values that the scale is "snapped to" //do not exceed/go under the applicable max/mins //this causes the box to shift displacements ever so slightly //although the "snap value" should go down to 0 //see Jira 1027 relative_snap_dist = llclamp(relative_snap_dist, drag_dist - max_drag_dist, drag_dist - min_drag_dist); mScaleSnapValue = drag_dist - relative_snap_dist; if (llabs(relative_snap_dist) < snap_dist) { LLVector3 drag_correction = relative_snap_dist * mScaleDir; if (uniform) { drag_correction *= 2.f; } drag_delta -= drag_correction; } } } else { mInSnapRegime = FALSE; } BOOL send_scale_update = FALSE; BOOL send_position_update = FALSE; LLVector3 dir_agent; if( part_dir_local.mV[VX] ) { dir_agent = bbox.localToAgentBasis( LLVector3::x_axis ); } else if( part_dir_local.mV[VY] ) { dir_agent = bbox.localToAgentBasis( LLVector3::y_axis ); } else if( part_dir_local.mV[VZ] ) { dir_agent = bbox.localToAgentBasis( LLVector3::z_axis ); } stretchFace( projected_vec(drag_start_dir_f, dir_agent) + drag_start_center_agent, projected_vec(drag_delta, dir_agent)); send_position_update = TRUE; send_scale_update = TRUE; mDragPointGlobal = drag_point_global; sendUpdates( send_position_update, send_scale_update ); } void LLManipScale::sendUpdates( BOOL send_position_update, BOOL send_scale_update, BOOL corner ) { // Throttle updates to 10 per second. static LLTimer update_timer; F32 elapsed_time = update_timer.getElapsedTimeF32(); const F32 UPDATE_DELAY = 0.1f; // min time between transmitted updates if( send_scale_update || send_position_update ) { U32 update_flags = UPD_NONE; if (send_position_update) update_flags |= UPD_POSITION; if (send_scale_update) update_flags |= UPD_SCALE; // BOOL send_type = SEND_INDIVIDUALS; if (corner) { update_flags |= UPD_UNIFORM; } // keep this up to date for sendonmouseup mLastUpdateFlags = update_flags; // enforce minimum update delay and don't stream updates on sub-object selections if( elapsed_time > UPDATE_DELAY && gSavedSettings.getBOOL("SelectLinkedSet") ) { gSelectMgr->sendMultipleUpdate( update_flags ); update_timer.reset(); mSendUpdateOnMouseUp = FALSE; } else { mSendUpdateOnMouseUp = TRUE; } gSelectMgr->updateSelectionCenter(); dialog_refresh_all(); } } // Rescales in a single dimension. Either uniform (standard) or one-sided (scale plus translation) // depending on mUniform. Handles multiple selection and objects that are not aligned to the bounding box. void LLManipScale::stretchFace( const LLVector3& drag_start_agent, const LLVector3& drag_delta_agent ) { LLVector3 drag_start_center_agent = gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(mDragStartCenterGlobal); LLSelectNode *selectNode; for( selectNode = gSelectMgr->getFirstNode(); selectNode; selectNode = gSelectMgr->getNextNode() ) { LLViewerObject*cur = selectNode->getObject(); if( cur->permModify() && cur->permMove() && !cur->isAvatar() ) { LLBBox cur_bbox = cur->getBoundingBoxAgent(); LLVector3 start_local = cur_bbox.agentToLocal( drag_start_agent ); LLVector3 end_local = cur_bbox.agentToLocal( drag_start_agent + drag_delta_agent); LLVector3 start_center_local = cur_bbox.agentToLocal( drag_start_center_agent ); LLVector3 axis = nearestAxis( start_local - start_center_local ); S32 axis_index = axis.mV[0] ? 0 : (axis.mV[1] ? 1 : 2 ); LLVector3 delta_local = end_local - start_local; F32 delta_local_mag = delta_local.magVec(); LLVector3 dir_local; if (delta_local_mag == 0.f) { dir_local = axis; } else { dir_local = delta_local / delta_local_mag; // normalized delta_local } F32 denom = axis * dir_local; F32 desired_delta_size = is_approx_zero(denom) ? 0.f : (delta_local_mag / denom); // in meters F32 desired_scale = llclamp(selectNode->mSavedScale.mV[axis_index] + desired_delta_size, MIN_OBJECT_SCALE, MAX_OBJECT_SCALE); // propagate scale constraint back to position offset desired_delta_size = desired_scale - selectNode->mSavedScale.mV[axis_index]; // propagate constraint back to position LLVector3 scale = cur->getScale(); scale.mV[axis_index] = desired_scale; cur->setScale(scale, FALSE); rebuild(cur); LLVector3 delta_pos; if( !getUniform() ) { LLVector3 delta_pos_local = axis * (0.5f * desired_delta_size); LLVector3d delta_pos_global; delta_pos_global.setVec(cur_bbox.localToAgent( delta_pos_local ) - cur_bbox.getCenterAgent()); LLVector3 cur_pos = cur->getPositionEdit(); if (cur->isRootEdit() && !cur->isAttachment()) { LLVector3d new_pos_global = gWorldp->clipToVisibleRegions(selectNode->mSavedPositionGlobal, selectNode->mSavedPositionGlobal + delta_pos_global); cur->setPositionGlobal( new_pos_global ); } else { LLXform* parent_xform = cur->mDrawable->getXform()->getParent(); LLVector3 new_pos_local; // this works in attachment point space using world space delta if (parent_xform) { new_pos_local = selectNode->mSavedPositionLocal + (LLVector3(delta_pos_global) * ~parent_xform->getWorldRotation()); } else { new_pos_local = selectNode->mSavedPositionLocal + LLVector3(delta_pos_global); } cur->setPosition(new_pos_local); } delta_pos = cur->getPositionEdit() - cur_pos; } if (cur->isRootEdit() && selectNode->mIndividualSelection) { // counter-translate child objects if we are moving the root as an individual for (U32 child_num = 0; child_num < cur->mChildList.size(); child_num++) { LLViewerObject* childp = cur->mChildList[child_num]; if (!getUniform()) { LLVector3 child_pos = childp->getPosition() - (delta_pos * ~cur->getRotationEdit()); childp->setPosition(child_pos); rebuild(childp); } } } } } } void LLManipScale::renderGuidelinesPart( const LLBBox& bbox ) { LLVector3 guideline_start = bbox.getCenterLocal(); LLVector3 guideline_end = unitVectorToLocalBBoxExtent( partToUnitVector( mManipPart ), bbox ); if (!getUniform()) { guideline_start = unitVectorToLocalBBoxExtent( -partToUnitVector( mManipPart ), bbox ); } guideline_end -= guideline_start; guideline_end.normVec(); guideline_end *= gWorldPointer->getRegionWidthInMeters(); guideline_end += guideline_start; { LLGLDepthTest gls_depth(GL_TRUE); gl_stippled_line_3d( guideline_start, guideline_end, LLColor4(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.5f) ); } { LLGLDepthTest gls_depth(GL_FALSE); gl_stippled_line_3d( guideline_start, guideline_end, LLColor4(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.25f) ); } } void LLManipScale::updateSnapGuides(const LLBBox& bbox) { LLVector3 grid_origin; LLVector3 grid_scale; LLQuaternion grid_rotation; gSelectMgr->getGrid(grid_origin, grid_rotation, grid_scale); LLVector3 box_corner_agent = bbox.localToAgent(unitVectorToLocalBBoxExtent( partToUnitVector( mManipPart ), bbox )); mScaleCenter = getUniform() ? bbox.getCenterAgent() : bbox.localToAgent(unitVectorToLocalBBoxExtent( -1.f * partToUnitVector( mManipPart ), bbox )); mScaleDir = box_corner_agent - mScaleCenter; mScaleDir.normVec(); if(gSelectMgr->getSelectType() == SELECT_TYPE_HUD) { mSnapRegimeOffset = SNAP_GUIDE_SCREEN_OFFSET / gAgent.getAvatarObject()->mHUDCurZoom; } else { F32 object_distance = dist_vec(mScaleCenter, gCamera->getOrigin()); mSnapRegimeOffset = (SNAP_GUIDE_SCREEN_OFFSET * gViewerWindow->getWindowWidth() * object_distance) / gCamera->getPixelMeterRatio(); } LLVector3 cam_at_axis; F32 snap_guide_length; if (gSelectMgr->getSelectType() == SELECT_TYPE_HUD) { cam_at_axis.setVec(1.f, 0.f, 0.f); snap_guide_length = SNAP_GUIDE_SCREEN_LENGTH / gAgent.getAvatarObject()->mHUDCurZoom; } else { cam_at_axis = gCamera->getAtAxis(); F32 manipulator_distance = dist_vec(box_corner_agent, gCamera->getOrigin()); snap_guide_length = (SNAP_GUIDE_SCREEN_LENGTH * gViewerWindow->getWindowWidth() * manipulator_distance) / gCamera->getPixelMeterRatio(); } mSnapGuideLength = snap_guide_length / llmax(0.1f, (llmin(mSnapGuideDir1 * cam_at_axis, mSnapGuideDir2 * cam_at_axis))); LLVector3 off_axis_dir = mScaleDir % cam_at_axis; off_axis_dir.normVec(); if( (LL_FACE_MIN <= (S32)mManipPart) && ((S32)mManipPart <= LL_FACE_MAX) ) { LLVector3 object_scale = bbox.getMaxLocal(); object_scale.scaleVec(off_axis_dir * ~bbox.getRotation()); object_scale.abs(); if (object_scale.mV[VX] > object_scale.mV[VY] && object_scale.mV[VX] > object_scale.mV[VZ]) { mSnapGuideDir1 = LLVector3::x_axis * bbox.getRotation(); } else if (object_scale.mV[VY] > object_scale.mV[VZ]) { mSnapGuideDir1 = LLVector3::y_axis * bbox.getRotation(); } else { mSnapGuideDir1 = LLVector3::z_axis * bbox.getRotation(); } LLVector3 scale_snap = grid_scale; mScaleSnapUnit1 = scale_snap.scaleVec(partToUnitVector( mManipPart )).magVec(); mScaleSnapUnit2 = mScaleSnapUnit1; mSnapGuideDir1 *= mSnapGuideDir1 * gCamera->getUpAxis() > 0.f ? 1.f : -1.f; mSnapGuideDir2 = mSnapGuideDir1 * -1.f; mSnapDir1 = mScaleDir; mSnapDir2 = mScaleDir; } else if( (LL_CORNER_MIN <= (S32)mManipPart) && ((S32)mManipPart <= LL_CORNER_MAX) ) { LLVector3 local_scale_dir = partToUnitVector( mManipPart ); LLVector3 local_camera_dir; if (gSelectMgr->getSelectType() == SELECT_TYPE_HUD) { local_camera_dir = LLVector3(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f) * ~bbox.getRotation(); } else { local_camera_dir = (gCamera->getOrigin() - bbox.getCenterAgent()) * ~bbox.getRotation(); local_camera_dir.normVec(); } local_scale_dir -= projected_vec(local_scale_dir, local_camera_dir); local_scale_dir.normVec(); LLVector3 x_axis_proj_camera = LLVector3::x_axis - projected_vec(LLVector3::x_axis, local_camera_dir); x_axis_proj_camera.normVec(); LLVector3 y_axis_proj_camera = LLVector3::y_axis - projected_vec(LLVector3::y_axis, local_camera_dir); y_axis_proj_camera.normVec(); LLVector3 z_axis_proj_camera = LLVector3::z_axis - projected_vec(LLVector3::z_axis, local_camera_dir); z_axis_proj_camera.normVec(); F32 x_axis_proj = llabs(local_scale_dir * x_axis_proj_camera); F32 y_axis_proj = llabs(local_scale_dir * y_axis_proj_camera); F32 z_axis_proj = llabs(local_scale_dir * z_axis_proj_camera); if (x_axis_proj > y_axis_proj && x_axis_proj > z_axis_proj) { mSnapGuideDir1 = LLVector3::y_axis; mScaleSnapUnit2 = grid_scale.mV[VY]; mSnapGuideDir2 = LLVector3::z_axis; mScaleSnapUnit1 = grid_scale.mV[VZ]; } else if (y_axis_proj > z_axis_proj) { mSnapGuideDir1 = LLVector3::x_axis; mScaleSnapUnit2 = grid_scale.mV[VX]; mSnapGuideDir2 = LLVector3::z_axis; mScaleSnapUnit1 = grid_scale.mV[VZ]; } else { mSnapGuideDir1 = LLVector3::x_axis; mScaleSnapUnit2 = grid_scale.mV[VX]; mSnapGuideDir2 = LLVector3::y_axis; mScaleSnapUnit1 = grid_scale.mV[VY]; } LLVector3 snap_guide_flip(1.f, 1.f, 1.f); switch (mManipPart) { case LL_CORNER_NNN: break; case LL_CORNER_NNP: snap_guide_flip.setVec(1.f, 1.f, -1.f); break; case LL_CORNER_NPN: snap_guide_flip.setVec(1.f, -1.f, 1.f); break; case LL_CORNER_NPP: snap_guide_flip.setVec(1.f, -1.f, -1.f); break; case LL_CORNER_PNN: snap_guide_flip.setVec(-1.f, 1.f, 1.f); break; case LL_CORNER_PNP: snap_guide_flip.setVec(-1.f, 1.f, -1.f); break; case LL_CORNER_PPN: snap_guide_flip.setVec(-1.f, -1.f, 1.f); break; case LL_CORNER_PPP: snap_guide_flip.setVec(-1.f, -1.f, -1.f); break; default: break; } mSnapGuideDir1.scaleVec(snap_guide_flip); mSnapGuideDir2.scaleVec(snap_guide_flip); mSnapGuideDir1.rotVec(bbox.getRotation()); mSnapGuideDir2.rotVec(bbox.getRotation()); mSnapDir1 = -1.f * mSnapGuideDir2; mSnapDir2 = -1.f * mSnapGuideDir1; } mScalePlaneNormal1 = mSnapGuideDir1 % mScaleDir; mScalePlaneNormal1.normVec(); mScalePlaneNormal2 = mSnapGuideDir2 % mScaleDir; mScalePlaneNormal2.normVec(); mScaleSnapUnit1 = mScaleSnapUnit1 / (mSnapDir1 * mScaleDir); mScaleSnapUnit2 = mScaleSnapUnit2 / (mSnapDir2 * mScaleDir); } void LLManipScale::renderSnapGuides(const LLBBox& bbox) { if (!gSavedSettings.getBOOL("SnapEnabled")) { return; } F32 max_subdivisions = sGridMaxSubdivisionLevel; F32 grid_alpha = gSavedSettings.getF32("GridOpacity"); F32 max_point_on_scale_line = partToMaxScale(mManipPart, bbox); LLVector3 drag_point = gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(mDragPointGlobal); updateGridSettings(); S32 pass; for (pass = 0; pass < 3; pass++) { LLColor4 tick_color = setupSnapGuideRenderPass(pass); glBegin(GL_LINES); LLVector3 line_mid = mScaleCenter + (mScaleSnapValue * mScaleDir) + (mSnapGuideDir1 * mSnapRegimeOffset); LLVector3 line_start = line_mid - (mScaleDir * (llmin(mScaleSnapValue, mSnapGuideLength * 0.5f))); LLVector3 line_end = line_mid + (mScaleDir * llmin(max_point_on_scale_line - mScaleSnapValue, mSnapGuideLength * 0.5f)); glColor4f(tick_color.mV[VRED], tick_color.mV[VGREEN], tick_color.mV[VBLUE], tick_color.mV[VALPHA] * 0.1f); glVertex3fv(line_start.mV); glColor4fv(tick_color.mV); glVertex3fv(line_mid.mV); glVertex3fv(line_mid.mV); glColor4f(tick_color.mV[VRED], tick_color.mV[VGREEN], tick_color.mV[VBLUE], tick_color.mV[VALPHA] * 0.1f); glVertex3fv(line_end.mV); line_mid = mScaleCenter + (mScaleSnapValue * mScaleDir) + (mSnapGuideDir2 * mSnapRegimeOffset); line_start = line_mid - (mScaleDir * (llmin(mScaleSnapValue, mSnapGuideLength * 0.5f))); line_end = line_mid + (mScaleDir * llmin(max_point_on_scale_line - mScaleSnapValue, mSnapGuideLength * 0.5f)); glVertex3fv(line_start.mV); glColor4fv(tick_color.mV); glVertex3fv(line_mid.mV); glVertex3fv(line_mid.mV); glColor4f(tick_color.mV[VRED], tick_color.mV[VGREEN], tick_color.mV[VBLUE], tick_color.mV[VALPHA] * 0.1f); glVertex3fv(line_end.mV); glEnd(); } { LLGLDepthTest gls_depth(GL_FALSE); F32 dist_grid_axis = (drag_point - mScaleCenter) * mScaleDir; // find distance to nearest smallest grid unit F32 grid_offset1 = fmodf(dist_grid_axis, mScaleSnapUnit1 / max_subdivisions); F32 grid_offset2 = fmodf(dist_grid_axis, mScaleSnapUnit2 / max_subdivisions); // how many smallest grid units are we away from largest grid scale? S32 sub_div_offset_1 = llround(fmod(dist_grid_axis - grid_offset1, mScaleSnapUnit1 / sGridMinSubdivisionLevel) / (mScaleSnapUnit1 / max_subdivisions)); S32 sub_div_offset_2 = llround(fmod(dist_grid_axis - grid_offset2, mScaleSnapUnit2 / sGridMinSubdivisionLevel) / (mScaleSnapUnit2 / max_subdivisions)); S32 num_ticks_per_side1 = llmax(1, lltrunc(0.5f * mSnapGuideLength / (mScaleSnapUnit1 / max_subdivisions))); S32 num_ticks_per_side2 = llmax(1, lltrunc(0.5f * mSnapGuideLength / (mScaleSnapUnit2 / max_subdivisions))); F32 dist_scale_units_1 = dist_grid_axis / (mScaleSnapUnit1 / max_subdivisions); F32 dist_scale_units_2 = dist_grid_axis / (mScaleSnapUnit2 / max_subdivisions); S32 ticks_from_scale_center_1 = lltrunc(dist_scale_units_1); S32 ticks_from_scale_center_2 = lltrunc(dist_scale_units_2); S32 max_ticks1 = llceil(max_point_on_scale_line / (mScaleSnapUnit1 / max_subdivisions) - dist_scale_units_1); S32 max_ticks2 = llceil(max_point_on_scale_line / (mScaleSnapUnit2 / max_subdivisions) - dist_scale_units_2); S32 start_tick = 0; S32 stop_tick = 0; if (mInSnapRegime) { // draw snap guide line glBegin(GL_LINES); LLVector3 snap_line_center = mScaleCenter + (mScaleSnapValue * mScaleDir); LLVector3 snap_line_start = snap_line_center + (mSnapGuideDir1 * mSnapRegimeOffset); LLVector3 snap_line_end = snap_line_center + (mSnapGuideDir2 * mSnapRegimeOffset); glColor4f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, grid_alpha); glVertex3fv(snap_line_start.mV); glVertex3fv(snap_line_center.mV); glVertex3fv(snap_line_center.mV); glVertex3fv(snap_line_end.mV); glEnd(); // draw snap guide arrow glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); { //gGLSNoCullFaces.set(); glColor4f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, grid_alpha); LLVector3 arrow_dir; LLVector3 arrow_span = mScaleDir; arrow_dir = snap_line_start - snap_line_center; arrow_dir.normVec(); glVertex3fv((snap_line_start + arrow_dir * mBoxHandleSize).mV); glVertex3fv((snap_line_start + arrow_span * mBoxHandleSize).mV); glVertex3fv((snap_line_start - arrow_span * mBoxHandleSize).mV); arrow_dir = snap_line_end - snap_line_center; arrow_dir.normVec(); glVertex3fv((snap_line_end + arrow_dir * mBoxHandleSize).mV); glVertex3fv((snap_line_end + arrow_span * mBoxHandleSize).mV); glVertex3fv((snap_line_end - arrow_span * mBoxHandleSize).mV); } glEnd(); } LLVector2 screen_translate_axis(llabs(mScaleDir * gCamera->getLeftAxis()), llabs(mScaleDir * gCamera->getUpAxis())); screen_translate_axis.normVec(); S32 tick_label_spacing = llround(screen_translate_axis * sTickLabelSpacing); for (pass = 0; pass < 3; pass++) { LLColor4 tick_color = setupSnapGuideRenderPass(pass); start_tick = -(llmin(ticks_from_scale_center_1, num_ticks_per_side1)); stop_tick = llmin(max_ticks1, num_ticks_per_side1); glBegin(GL_LINES); // draw first row of ticks for (S32 i = start_tick; i <= stop_tick; i++) { F32 alpha = (1.f - (1.f * ((F32)llabs(i) / (F32)num_ticks_per_side1))); LLVector3 tick_pos = drag_point + (mScaleDir * (mScaleSnapUnit1 / max_subdivisions * (F32)i - grid_offset1)); F32 cur_subdivisions = llclamp(getSubdivisionLevel(tick_pos, mScaleDir, mScaleSnapUnit1), sGridMinSubdivisionLevel, sGridMaxSubdivisionLevel); if (fmodf((F32)(i + sub_div_offset_1), (max_subdivisions / cur_subdivisions)) != 0.f) { continue; } F32 tick_scale = 1.f; for (F32 division_level = max_subdivisions; division_level >= sGridMinSubdivisionLevel; division_level /= 2.f) { if (fmodf((F32)(i + sub_div_offset_1), division_level) == 0.f) { break; } tick_scale *= 0.7f; } glColor4f(tick_color.mV[VRED], tick_color.mV[VGREEN], tick_color.mV[VBLUE], tick_color.mV[VALPHA] * alpha); LLVector3 tick_start = tick_pos + (mSnapGuideDir1 * mSnapRegimeOffset); LLVector3 tick_end = tick_start + (mSnapGuideDir1 * mSnapRegimeOffset * tick_scale); glVertex3fv(tick_start.mV); glVertex3fv(tick_end.mV); } // draw opposite row of ticks start_tick = -(llmin(ticks_from_scale_center_2, num_ticks_per_side2)); stop_tick = llmin(max_ticks2, num_ticks_per_side2); for (S32 i = start_tick; i <= stop_tick; i++) { F32 alpha = (1.f - (1.f * ((F32)llabs(i) / (F32)num_ticks_per_side2))); LLVector3 tick_pos = drag_point + (mScaleDir * (mScaleSnapUnit2 / max_subdivisions * (F32)i - grid_offset2)); F32 cur_subdivisions = llclamp(getSubdivisionLevel(tick_pos, mScaleDir, mScaleSnapUnit2), sGridMinSubdivisionLevel, sGridMaxSubdivisionLevel); if (fmodf((F32)(i + sub_div_offset_2), (max_subdivisions / cur_subdivisions)) != 0.f) { continue; } F32 tick_scale = 1.f; for (F32 division_level = max_subdivisions; division_level >= sGridMinSubdivisionLevel; division_level /= 2.f) { if (fmodf((F32)(i + sub_div_offset_2), division_level) == 0.f) { break; } tick_scale *= 0.7f; } glColor4f(tick_color.mV[VRED], tick_color.mV[VGREEN], tick_color.mV[VBLUE], tick_color.mV[VALPHA] * alpha); LLVector3 tick_start = tick_pos + (mSnapGuideDir2 * mSnapRegimeOffset); LLVector3 tick_end = tick_start + (mSnapGuideDir2 * mSnapRegimeOffset * tick_scale); glVertex3fv(tick_start.mV); glVertex3fv(tick_end.mV); } glEnd(); } // render tick labels start_tick = -(llmin(ticks_from_scale_center_1, num_ticks_per_side1)); stop_tick = llmin(max_ticks1, num_ticks_per_side1); F32 grid_resolution = gSelectMgr->getSelectType() == SELECT_TYPE_HUD ? 0.25f : llmax(gSavedSettings.getF32("GridResolution"), 0.001f); S32 label_sub_div_offset_1 = llround(fmod(dist_grid_axis - grid_offset1, mScaleSnapUnit1 * 32.f) / (mScaleSnapUnit1 / max_subdivisions)); S32 label_sub_div_offset_2 = llround(fmod(dist_grid_axis - grid_offset2, mScaleSnapUnit2 * 32.f) / (mScaleSnapUnit2 / max_subdivisions)); for (S32 i = start_tick; i <= stop_tick; i++) { F32 tick_scale = 1.f; F32 alpha = grid_alpha * (1.f - (0.5f * ((F32)llabs(i) / (F32)num_ticks_per_side1))); LLVector3 tick_pos = drag_point + (mScaleDir * (mScaleSnapUnit1 / max_subdivisions * (F32)i - grid_offset1)); for (F32 division_level = max_subdivisions; division_level >= sGridMinSubdivisionLevel; division_level /= 2.f) { if (fmodf((F32)(i + label_sub_div_offset_1), division_level) == 0.f) { break; } tick_scale *= 0.7f; } if (fmodf((F32)(i + label_sub_div_offset_1), (max_subdivisions / llmin(sGridMaxSubdivisionLevel, getSubdivisionLevel(tick_pos, mScaleDir, mScaleSnapUnit1, tick_label_spacing)))) == 0.f) { LLVector3 text_origin = tick_pos + (mSnapGuideDir1 * mSnapRegimeOffset * (1.f + tick_scale)); EGridMode grid_mode = gSelectMgr->getGridMode(); F32 tick_val; if (grid_mode == GRID_MODE_WORLD) { tick_val = (tick_pos - mScaleCenter) * mScaleDir / (mScaleSnapUnit1 / grid_resolution); } else { tick_val = (tick_pos - mScaleCenter) * mScaleDir / (mScaleSnapUnit1 * 2.f); } if (getUniform()) { tick_val *= 2.f; } F32 text_highlight = 0.8f; if (is_approx_equal(tick_val, mScaleSnapValue) && mInSnapRegime) { text_highlight = 1.f; } renderTickValue(text_origin, tick_val, grid_mode == GRID_MODE_WORLD ? "m" : "x", LLColor4(text_highlight, text_highlight, text_highlight, alpha)); } } // label ticks on opposite side if (mScaleSnapUnit2 != mScaleSnapUnit1) { start_tick = -(llmin(ticks_from_scale_center_2, num_ticks_per_side2)); stop_tick = llmin(max_ticks2, num_ticks_per_side2); for (S32 i = start_tick; i <= stop_tick; i++) { F32 tick_scale = 1.f; F32 alpha = grid_alpha * (1.f - (0.5f * ((F32)llabs(i) / (F32)num_ticks_per_side2))); LLVector3 tick_pos = drag_point + (mScaleDir * (mScaleSnapUnit2 / max_subdivisions * (F32)i - grid_offset2)); for (F32 division_level = max_subdivisions; division_level >= sGridMinSubdivisionLevel; division_level /= 2.f) { if (fmodf((F32)(i + label_sub_div_offset_2), division_level) == 0.f) { break; } tick_scale *= 0.7f; } if (fmodf((F32)(i + label_sub_div_offset_2), (max_subdivisions / llmin(max_subdivisions, getSubdivisionLevel(tick_pos, mScaleDir, mScaleSnapUnit2, tick_label_spacing)))) == 0.f) { LLVector3 text_origin = tick_pos + (mSnapGuideDir2 * mSnapRegimeOffset * (1.f + tick_scale)); EGridMode grid_mode = gSelectMgr->getGridMode(); F32 tick_val; if (grid_mode == GRID_MODE_WORLD) { tick_val = (tick_pos - mScaleCenter) * mScaleDir / (mScaleSnapUnit2 / grid_resolution); } else { tick_val = (tick_pos - mScaleCenter) * mScaleDir / (mScaleSnapUnit2 * 2.f); } if (getUniform()) { tick_val *= 2.f; } F32 text_highlight = 0.8f; if (is_approx_equal(tick_val, mScaleSnapValue) && mInSnapRegime) { text_highlight = 1.f; } renderTickValue(text_origin, tick_val, grid_mode == GRID_MODE_WORLD ? "m" : "x", LLColor4(text_highlight, text_highlight, text_highlight, alpha)); } } } // render help text if (gSelectMgr->getSelectType() != SELECT_TYPE_HUD) { if (mHelpTextTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() < sHelpTextVisibleTime + sHelpTextFadeTime && sNumTimesHelpTextShown < sMaxTimesShowHelpText) { LLVector3 selection_center_start = gSelectMgr->getSavedBBoxOfSelection().getCenterAgent(); LLVector3 offset_dir; if (mSnapGuideDir1 * gCamera->getAtAxis() > mSnapGuideDir2 * gCamera->getAtAxis()) { offset_dir = mSnapGuideDir2; } else { offset_dir = mSnapGuideDir1; } LLVector3 help_text_pos = selection_center_start + (mSnapRegimeOffset * 5.f * offset_dir); const LLFontGL* big_fontp = LLFontGL::sSansSerif; std::string help_text = "Move mouse cursor over ruler"; LLColor4 help_text_color = LLColor4::white; help_text_color.mV[VALPHA] = clamp_rescale(mHelpTextTimer.getElapsedTimeF32(), sHelpTextVisibleTime, sHelpTextVisibleTime + sHelpTextFadeTime, grid_alpha, 0.f); hud_render_utf8text(help_text, help_text_pos, *big_fontp, LLFontGL::NORMAL, -0.5f * big_fontp->getWidthF32(help_text), 3.f, help_text_color, gSelectMgr->getSelectType() == SELECT_TYPE_HUD); help_text = "to snap to grid"; help_text_pos -= gCamera->getUpAxis() * mSnapRegimeOffset * 0.4f; hud_render_utf8text(help_text, help_text_pos, *big_fontp, LLFontGL::NORMAL, -0.5f * big_fontp->getWidthF32(help_text), 3.f, help_text_color, gSelectMgr->getSelectType() == SELECT_TYPE_HUD); } } } } // Returns unit vector in direction of part of an origin-centered cube LLVector3 LLManipScale::partToUnitVector( S32 part ) const { if( (LL_FACE_MIN <= part) && (part <= LL_FACE_MAX) ) { return faceToUnitVector( part ); } else if( (LL_CORNER_MIN <= part) && (part <= LL_CORNER_MAX) ) { return cornerToUnitVector( part ); } else if( (LL_EDGE_MIN <= part) && (part <= LL_EDGE_MAX ) ) { return edgeToUnitVector( part ); } return LLVector3(); } // Returns unit vector in direction of face of an origin-centered cube LLVector3 LLManipScale::faceToUnitVector( S32 part ) const { llassert( (LL_FACE_MIN <= part) && (part <= LL_FACE_MAX) ); switch( part ) { case LL_FACE_POSX: return LLVector3( 1.f, 0.f, 0.f ); case LL_FACE_NEGX: return LLVector3( -1.f, 0.f, 0.f ); case LL_FACE_POSY: return LLVector3( 0.f, 1.f, 0.f ); case LL_FACE_NEGY: return LLVector3( 0.f, -1.f, 0.f ); case LL_FACE_POSZ: return LLVector3( 0.f, 0.f, 1.f ); case LL_FACE_NEGZ: return LLVector3( 0.f, 0.f, -1.f ); } return LLVector3(); } // Returns unit vector in direction of corner of an origin-centered cube LLVector3 LLManipScale::cornerToUnitVector( S32 part ) const { llassert( (LL_CORNER_MIN <= part) && (part <= LL_CORNER_MAX) ); LLVector3 vec; switch(part) { case LL_CORNER_NNN: vec.setVec(-F_SQRT3, -F_SQRT3, -F_SQRT3); break; case LL_CORNER_NNP: vec.setVec(-F_SQRT3, -F_SQRT3, F_SQRT3); break; case LL_CORNER_NPN: vec.setVec(-F_SQRT3, F_SQRT3, -F_SQRT3); break; case LL_CORNER_NPP: vec.setVec(-F_SQRT3, F_SQRT3, F_SQRT3); break; case LL_CORNER_PNN: vec.setVec(F_SQRT3, -F_SQRT3, -F_SQRT3); break; case LL_CORNER_PNP: vec.setVec(F_SQRT3, -F_SQRT3, F_SQRT3); break; case LL_CORNER_PPN: vec.setVec(F_SQRT3, F_SQRT3, -F_SQRT3); break; case LL_CORNER_PPP: vec.setVec(F_SQRT3, F_SQRT3, F_SQRT3); break; default: vec.clearVec(); } return vec; } // Returns unit vector in direction of edge of an origin-centered cube LLVector3 LLManipScale::edgeToUnitVector( S32 part ) const { llassert( (LL_EDGE_MIN <= part) && (part <= LL_EDGE_MAX) ); //FIXME part -= LL_EDGE_MIN; S32 rotation = part >> 2; // Edge between which faces: 0 => XY, 1 => YZ, 2 => ZX LLVector3 v; v.mV[rotation] = (part & 1) ? F_SQRT2 : -F_SQRT2; v.mV[(rotation+1) % 3] = (part & 2) ? F_SQRT2 : -F_SQRT2; // v.mV[(rotation+2) % 3] defaults to 0. return v; } // Non-linear scale of origin-centered unit cube to non-origin-centered, non-symetrical bounding box LLVector3 LLManipScale::unitVectorToLocalBBoxExtent( const LLVector3& v, const LLBBox& bbox ) const { const LLVector3& min = bbox.getMinLocal(); const LLVector3& max = bbox.getMaxLocal(); LLVector3 ctr = bbox.getCenterLocal(); return LLVector3( v.mV[0] ? (v.mV[0]>0 ? max.mV[0] : min.mV[0] ) : ctr.mV[0], v.mV[1] ? (v.mV[1]>0 ? max.mV[1] : min.mV[1] ) : ctr.mV[1], v.mV[2] ? (v.mV[2]>0 ? max.mV[2] : min.mV[2] ) : ctr.mV[2] ); } // returns max allowable scale along a given stretch axis F32 LLManipScale::partToMaxScale( S32 part, const LLBBox &bbox ) const { F32 max_scale_factor = 0.f; LLVector3 bbox_extents = unitVectorToLocalBBoxExtent( partToUnitVector( part ), bbox ); bbox_extents.abs(); F32 max_extent = 0.f; for (U32 i = VX; i <= VZ; i++) { if (bbox_extents.mV[i] > max_extent) { max_extent = bbox_extents.mV[i]; } } max_scale_factor = bbox_extents.magVec() * MAX_OBJECT_SCALE / max_extent; if (getUniform()) { max_scale_factor *= 0.5f; } return max_scale_factor; } // returns min allowable scale along a given stretch axis F32 LLManipScale::partToMinScale( S32 part, const LLBBox &bbox ) const { LLVector3 bbox_extents = unitVectorToLocalBBoxExtent( partToUnitVector( part ), bbox ); bbox_extents.abs(); F32 min_extent = MAX_OBJECT_SCALE; for (U32 i = VX; i <= VZ; i++) { if (bbox_extents.mV[i] > 0.f && bbox_extents.mV[i] < min_extent) { min_extent = bbox_extents.mV[i]; } } F32 min_scale_factor = bbox_extents.magVec() * MIN_OBJECT_SCALE / min_extent; if (getUniform()) { min_scale_factor *= 0.5f; } return min_scale_factor; } // Returns the axis aligned unit vector closest to v. LLVector3 LLManipScale::nearestAxis( const LLVector3& v ) const { // Note: yes, this is a slow but easy implementation // assumes v is normalized F32 coords[][3] = { { 1.f, 0.f, 0.f }, { 0.f, 1.f, 0.f }, { 0.f, 0.f, 1.f }, {-1.f, 0.f, 0.f }, { 0.f,-1.f, 0.f }, { 0.f, 0.f,-1.f } }; F32 cosine[6]; cosine[0] = v * LLVector3( coords[0] ); cosine[1] = v * LLVector3( coords[1] ); cosine[2] = v * LLVector3( coords[2] ); cosine[3] = -cosine[0]; cosine[4] = -cosine[1]; cosine[5] = -cosine[2]; F32 greatest_cos = cosine[0]; S32 greatest_index = 0; for( S32 i=1; i<6; i++ ) { if( greatest_cos < cosine[i] ) { greatest_cos = cosine[i]; greatest_index = i; } } return LLVector3( coords[greatest_index] ); } BOOL LLManipScale::isSelectionScalable() const { // An selection is scalable if you are allowed to both edit and move // everything in it, and it does not have any sitting agents BOOL scalable = gSelectMgr->getFirstObject() ? TRUE : FALSE; for(LLViewerObject* cur = gSelectMgr->getFirstObject(); cur; cur = gSelectMgr->getNextObject() ) { if( !(cur->permModify() && cur->permMove()) || cur->isSeat()) { scalable = FALSE; break; } } return scalable; }