/** * @file llmanip.h * @brief LLManip class definition * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_MANIP_H #define LL_MANIP_H #include "lltool.h" //#include "v3math.h" class LLView; class LLTextBox; class LLViewerObject; class LLToolComposite; class LLVector3; class LLObjectSelection; const S32 MIN_DIVISION_PIXEL_WIDTH = 9; class LLManip : public LLTool { public: typedef enum e_manip_part { LL_NO_PART = 0, // Translation LL_X_ARROW, LL_Y_ARROW, LL_Z_ARROW, LL_YZ_PLANE, LL_XZ_PLANE, LL_XY_PLANE, // Scale LL_CORNER_NNN, LL_CORNER_NNP, LL_CORNER_NPN, LL_CORNER_NPP, LL_CORNER_PNN, LL_CORNER_PNP, LL_CORNER_PPN, LL_CORNER_PPP, // Faces LL_FACE_POSZ, LL_FACE_POSX, LL_FACE_POSY, LL_FACE_NEGX, LL_FACE_NEGY, LL_FACE_NEGZ, // Edges LL_EDGE_NEGX_NEGY, LL_EDGE_NEGX_POSY, LL_EDGE_POSX_NEGY, LL_EDGE_POSX_POSY, LL_EDGE_NEGY_NEGZ, LL_EDGE_NEGY_POSZ, LL_EDGE_POSY_NEGZ, LL_EDGE_POSY_POSZ, LL_EDGE_NEGZ_NEGX, LL_EDGE_NEGZ_POSX, LL_EDGE_POSZ_NEGX, LL_EDGE_POSZ_POSX, // Rotation Manip LL_ROT_GENERAL, LL_ROT_X, LL_ROT_Y, LL_ROT_Z, LL_ROT_ROLL } EManipPart; // For use in loops and range checking. typedef enum e_select_part_ranges { LL_ARROW_MIN = LL_X_ARROW, LL_ARROW_MAX = LL_Z_ARROW, LL_CORNER_MIN = LL_CORNER_NNN, LL_CORNER_MAX = LL_CORNER_PPP, LL_FACE_MIN = LL_FACE_POSZ, LL_FACE_MAX = LL_FACE_NEGZ, LL_EDGE_MIN = LL_EDGE_NEGX_NEGY, LL_EDGE_MAX = LL_EDGE_POSZ_POSX } EManipPartRanges; public: static void rebuild(LLViewerObject* vobj); LLManip( const std::string& name, LLToolComposite* composite ); virtual BOOL handleMouseDownOnPart(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) = 0; void renderGuidelines(BOOL draw_x = TRUE, BOOL draw_y = TRUE, BOOL draw_z = TRUE); static void renderXYZ(const LLVector3 &vec); /*virtual*/ BOOL handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask); /*virtual*/ BOOL handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask); virtual void highlightManipulators(S32 x, S32 y) = 0; virtual void handleSelect(); virtual void handleDeselect(); virtual BOOL canAffectSelection() = 0; EManipPart getHighlightedPart() { return mHighlightedPart; } LLSafeHandle<LLObjectSelection> getSelection(); protected: LLVector3 getSavedPivotPoint() const; LLVector3 getPivotPoint(); void getManipNormal(LLViewerObject* object, EManipPart manip, LLVector3 &normal); BOOL getManipAxis(LLViewerObject* object, EManipPart manip, LLVector3 &axis); F32 getSubdivisionLevel(const LLVector3 &reference_point, const LLVector3 &translate_axis, F32 grid_scale, S32 min_pixel_spacing = MIN_DIVISION_PIXEL_WIDTH, F32 min_subdivisions = sGridMinSubdivisionLevel, F32 max_subdivisions = sGridMaxSubdivisionLevel); void renderTickValue(const LLVector3& pos, F32 value, const std::string& suffix, const LLColor4 &color); void renderTickText(const LLVector3& pos, const std::string& suffix, const LLColor4 &color); void updateGridSettings(); BOOL getMousePointOnPlaneGlobal(LLVector3d& point, S32 x, S32 y, LLVector3d origin, LLVector3 normal) const; BOOL getMousePointOnPlaneAgent(LLVector3& point, S32 x, S32 y, LLVector3 origin, LLVector3 normal); BOOL nearestPointOnLineFromMouse( S32 x, S32 y, const LLVector3& b1, const LLVector3& b2, F32 &a_param, F32 &b_param ); LLColor4 setupSnapGuideRenderPass(S32 pass); protected: LLFrameTimer mHelpTextTimer; BOOL mInSnapRegime; LLSafeHandle<LLObjectSelection> mObjectSelection; EManipPart mHighlightedPart; EManipPart mManipPart; static F32 sHelpTextVisibleTime; static F32 sHelpTextFadeTime; static S32 sNumTimesHelpTextShown; static S32 sMaxTimesShowHelpText; static F32 sGridMaxSubdivisionLevel; static F32 sGridMinSubdivisionLevel; static LLVector2 sTickLabelSpacing; }; #endif