 * @file lllogchat.cpp
 * @brief LLLogChat class implementation
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"

#include "llagent.h"
#include "llagentui.h"
#include "lllogchat.h"
#include "lltrans.h"
#include "llviewercontrol.h"

#include "llinstantmessage.h"
#include "llsingleton.h" // for LLSingleton

#include <boost/algorithm/string/trim.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <boost/regex/v4/match_results.hpp>

// disable warning about boost::lexical_cast unreachable code
// when it fails to parse the string
#pragma warning (disable:4702)

#include <boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp>
#pragma warning(pop)   // Restore all warnings to the previous state

#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/local_time_adjustor.hpp>

const S32 LOG_RECALL_SIZE = 2048;

const std::string IM_TIME("time");
const std::string IM_TEXT("message");
const std::string IM_FROM("from");
const std::string IM_FROM_ID("from_id");

const static std::string IM_SEPARATOR(": ");
const static std::string NEW_LINE("\n");
const static std::string NEW_LINE_SPACE_PREFIX("\n ");
const static std::string TWO_SPACES("  ");
const static std::string MULTI_LINE_PREFIX(" ");

 *  Chat log lines - timestamp and name are optional but message text is mandatory.
 *  Typical plain text chat log lines:
 *  SuperCar: You aren't the owner
 *  [2:59]  SuperCar: You aren't the owner
 *  [2009/11/20 3:00]  SuperCar: You aren't the owner
 *  Katar Ivercourt is Offline
 *  [3:00]  Katar Ivercourt is Offline
 *  [2009/11/20 3:01]  Corba ProductEngine is Offline
 * Note: "You" was used as an avatar names in viewers of previous versions
const static boost::regex TIMESTAMP_AND_STUFF("^(\\[\\d{4}/\\d{1,2}/\\d{1,2}\\s+\\d{1,2}:\\d{2}\\]\\s+|\\[\\d{1,2}:\\d{2}\\]\\s+)?(.*)$");

 *  Regular expression suitable to match names like
 *  "You", "Second Life", "Igor ProductEngine", "Object", "Mega House"
const static boost::regex NAME_AND_TEXT("([^:]+[:]{1})?(\\s*)(.*)");

//is used to parse complex object names like "Xstreet SL Terminal v2.2.5 st"
const static std::string NAME_TEXT_DIVIDER(": ");

// is used for timestamps adjusting
const static char* DATE_FORMAT("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M");
const static char* TIME_FORMAT("%H:%M");

const static int IDX_TIMESTAMP = 1;
const static int IDX_STUFF = 2;
const static int IDX_NAME = 1;
const static int IDX_TEXT = 3;

using namespace boost::posix_time;
using namespace boost::gregorian;

class LLLogChatTimeScanner: public LLSingleton<LLLogChatTimeScanner>
		// Note, date/time facets will be destroyed by string streams
		mDateStream.imbue(std::locale(mDateStream.getloc(), new date_input_facet(DATE_FORMAT)));
		mTimeStream.imbue(std::locale(mTimeStream.getloc(), new time_facet(TIME_FORMAT)));
		mTimeStream.imbue(std::locale(mTimeStream.getloc(), new time_input_facet(DATE_FORMAT)));

	date getTodayPacificDate()
		typedef	boost::date_time::local_adjustor<ptime, -8, no_dst> pst;
		typedef boost::date_time::local_adjustor<ptime, -7, no_dst> pdt;
		time_t t_time = time(NULL);
		ptime p_time = LLStringOps::getPacificDaylightTime()
			? pdt::utc_to_local(from_time_t(t_time))
			: pst::utc_to_local(from_time_t(t_time));
		struct tm s_tm = to_tm(p_time);
		return date_from_tm(s_tm);

	void checkAndCutOffDate(std::string& time_str)
		// Cuts off the "%Y/%m/%d" from string for todays timestamps.
		// Assume that passed string has at least "%H:%M" time format.
		date log_date(not_a_date_time);
		date today(getTodayPacificDate());

		// Parse the passed date
		mDateStream << time_str;
		mDateStream >> log_date;

		days zero_days(0);
		days days_alive = today - log_date;

		if ( days_alive == zero_days )
			// Yep, today's so strip "%Y/%m/%d" info
			ptime stripped_time(not_a_date_time);

			mTimeStream << time_str;
			mTimeStream >> stripped_time;


			mTimeStream << stripped_time;
			mTimeStream >> time_str;

			<< " log_date: "
			<< log_date
			<< " today: "
			<< today
			<< " days alive: "
			<< days_alive
			<< " new time: "
			<< time_str
			<< LL_ENDL;

	std::stringstream mDateStream;
	std::stringstream mTimeStream;

std::string LLLogChat::makeLogFileName(std::string filename)
	filename = cleanFileName(filename);
	filename = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_PER_ACCOUNT_CHAT_LOGS,filename);
	filename += ".txt";
	return filename;

std::string LLLogChat::cleanFileName(std::string filename)
	std::string invalidChars = "\"\'\\/?*:<>|";
	std::string::size_type position = filename.find_first_of(invalidChars);
	while (position != filename.npos)
		filename[position] = '_';
		position = filename.find_first_of(invalidChars, position);
	return filename;

std::string LLLogChat::timestamp(bool withdate)
	time_t utc_time;
	utc_time = time_corrected();

	std::string timeStr;
	LLSD substitution;
	substitution["datetime"] = (S32) utc_time;

	if (withdate)
		timeStr = "["+LLTrans::getString ("TimeYear")+"]/["
		          +LLTrans::getString ("TimeMonth")+"]/["
				  +LLTrans::getString ("TimeDay")+"] ["
				  +LLTrans::getString ("TimeHour")+"]:["
				  +LLTrans::getString ("TimeMin")+"]";
		timeStr = "[" + LLTrans::getString("TimeHour") + "]:["
			      + LLTrans::getString ("TimeMin")+"]";

	LLStringUtil::format (timeStr, substitution);
	return timeStr;

void LLLogChat::saveHistory(const std::string& filename,
			    const std::string& from,
			    const LLUUID& from_id,
			    const std::string& line)
	std::string tmp_filename = filename;
	if (tmp_filename.empty())
		std::string warn = "Chat history filename [" + filename + "] is empty!";
		llwarning(warn, 666);
	llofstream file (LLLogChat::makeLogFileName(filename), std::ios_base::app);
	if (!file.is_open())
		llwarns << "Couldn't open chat history log! - " + filename << llendl;

	LLSD item;

	if (gSavedPerAccountSettings.getBOOL("LogTimestamp"))
		 item["time"] = LLLogChat::timestamp(gSavedPerAccountSettings.getBOOL("LogTimestampDate"));

	item["from_id"]	= from_id;
	item["message"]	= line;

	//adding "Second Life:" for all system messages to make chat log history parsing more reliable
	if (from.empty() && from_id.isNull())
		item["from"] = SYSTEM_FROM; 
		item["from"] = from;

	file << LLChatLogFormatter(item) << std::endl;


void LLLogChat::loadHistory(const std::string& filename, void (*callback)(ELogLineType, const LLSD&, void*), void* userdata)
		llwarns << "Filename is Empty!" << llendl;
		return ;
	LLFILE* fptr = LLFile::fopen(makeLogFileName(filename), "r");		/*Flawfinder: ignore*/
	if (!fptr)
		callback(LOG_EMPTY, LLSD(), userdata);
		return;			//No previous conversation with this name.
		char buffer[LOG_RECALL_SIZE];		/*Flawfinder: ignore*/
		char *bptr;
		S32 len;
		bool firstline=TRUE;

		if ( fseek(fptr, (LOG_RECALL_SIZE - 1) * -1  , SEEK_END) )		
		{	//File is smaller than recall size.  Get it all.
			firstline = FALSE;
			if ( fseek(fptr, 0, SEEK_SET) )

		while ( fgets(buffer, LOG_RECALL_SIZE, fptr)  && !feof(fptr) ) 
			len = strlen(buffer) - 1;		/*Flawfinder: ignore*/
			for ( bptr = (buffer + len); (*bptr == '\n' || *bptr == '\r') && bptr>buffer; bptr--)	*bptr='\0';
			if (!firstline)
				LLSD item;
				std::string line(buffer);
				std::istringstream iss(line);
				if (!LLChatLogParser::parse(line, item))
					item["message"]	= line;
					callback(LOG_LINE, item, userdata);
					callback(LOG_LLSD, item, userdata);
				firstline = FALSE;
		callback(LOG_END, LLSD(), userdata);

void append_to_last_message(std::list<LLSD>& messages, const std::string& line)
	if (!messages.size()) return;

	std::string im_text = messages.back()[IM_TEXT].asString();
	messages.back()[IM_TEXT] = im_text;

// static
void LLLogChat::loadAllHistory(const std::string& file_name, std::list<LLSD>& messages)
	if (file_name.empty())
		llwarns << "Session name is Empty!" << llendl;
		return ;

	LLFILE* fptr = LLFile::fopen(makeLogFileName(file_name), "r");		/*Flawfinder: ignore*/
	if (!fptr) return;	//No previous conversation with this name.

	char buffer[LOG_RECALL_SIZE];		/*Flawfinder: ignore*/
	char *bptr;
	S32 len;
	bool firstline = TRUE;

	if (fseek(fptr, (LOG_RECALL_SIZE - 1) * -1  , SEEK_END))
	{	//File is smaller than recall size.  Get it all.
		firstline = FALSE;
		if (fseek(fptr, 0, SEEK_SET))

	while (fgets(buffer, LOG_RECALL_SIZE, fptr)  && !feof(fptr)) 
		len = strlen(buffer) - 1;		/*Flawfinder: ignore*/
		for (bptr = (buffer + len); (*bptr == '\n' || *bptr == '\r') && bptr>buffer; bptr--)	*bptr='\0';
		if (firstline)
			firstline = FALSE;

		std::string line(buffer);

		//updated 1.23 plaint text log format requires a space added before subsequent lines in a multilined message
		if (' ' == line[0])
			line.erase(0, MULTI_LINE_PREFIX.length());
			append_to_last_message(messages, '\n' + line);
		else if (0 == len && ('\n' == line[0] || '\r' == line[0]))
			//to support old format's multilined messages with new lines used to divide paragraphs
			append_to_last_message(messages, line);
			LLSD item;
			if (!LLChatLogParser::parse(line, item))
				item[IM_TEXT] = line;

//*TODO mark object's names in a special way so that they will be distinguishable form avatar name 
//which are more strict by its nature (only firstname and secondname)
//Example, an object's name can be writen like "Object <actual_object's_name>"
void LLChatLogFormatter::format(const LLSD& im, std::ostream& ostr) const
	if (!im.isMap())
		llwarning("invalid LLSD type of an instant message", 0);

	if (im[IM_TIME].isDefined())
		std::string timestamp = im[IM_TIME].asString();
		ostr << '[' << timestamp << ']' << TWO_SPACES;
	//*TODO mark object's names in a special way so that they will be distinguishable form avatar name 
	//which are more strict by its nature (only firstname and secondname)
	//Example, an object's name can be writen like "Object <actual_object's_name>"
	if (im[IM_FROM].isDefined())
		std::string from = im[IM_FROM].asString();
		if (from.size())
			ostr << from << IM_SEPARATOR;

	if (im[IM_TEXT].isDefined())
		std::string im_text = im[IM_TEXT].asString();

		//multilined text will be saved with prepended spaces
		boost::replace_all(im_text, NEW_LINE, NEW_LINE_SPACE_PREFIX);
		ostr << im_text;

bool LLChatLogParser::parse(std::string& raw, LLSD& im)
	if (!raw.length()) return false;
	im = LLSD::emptyMap();

	//matching a timestamp
	boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> matches;
	if (!boost::regex_match(raw, matches, TIMESTAMP_AND_STUFF)) return false;
	bool has_timestamp = matches[IDX_TIMESTAMP].matched;
	if (has_timestamp)
		//timestamp was successfully parsed
		std::string timestamp = matches[IDX_TIMESTAMP];
		timestamp.erase(0, 1);
		timestamp.erase(timestamp.length()-1, 1);
		im[IM_TIME] = timestamp;
		//timestamp is optional
		im[IM_TIME] = "";

	bool has_stuff = matches[IDX_STUFF].matched;
	if (!has_stuff)
		return false;  //*TODO should return false or not?

	//matching a name and a text
	std::string stuff = matches[IDX_STUFF];
	boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> name_and_text;
	if (!boost::regex_match(stuff, name_and_text, NAME_AND_TEXT)) return false;
	bool has_name = name_and_text[IDX_NAME].matched;
	std::string name = name_and_text[IDX_NAME];

	//we don't need a name/text separator
	if (has_name && name.length() && name[name.length()-1] == ':')
		name.erase(name.length()-1, 1);

	if (!has_name || name == SYSTEM_FROM)
		//name is optional too
		im[IM_FROM_ID] = LLUUID::null;

	//possibly a case of complex object names consisting of 3+ words
	if (!has_name)
		U32 divider_pos = stuff.find(NAME_TEXT_DIVIDER);
		if (divider_pos != std::string::npos && divider_pos < (stuff.length() - NAME_TEXT_DIVIDER.length()))
			im[IM_FROM] = stuff.substr(0, divider_pos);
			im[IM_TEXT] = stuff.substr(divider_pos + NAME_TEXT_DIVIDER.length());
			return true;

	if (!has_name)
		//text is mandatory
		im[IM_TEXT] = stuff;
		return true; //parse as a message from Second Life
	bool has_text = name_and_text[IDX_TEXT].matched;
	if (!has_text) return false;

	//for parsing logs created in very old versions of a viewer
	if (name == "You")
		std::string agent_name;
		im[IM_FROM] = agent_name;
		im[IM_FROM_ID] = gAgentID;
		im[IM_FROM] = name;

	im[IM_TEXT] = name_and_text[IDX_TEXT];
	return true;  //parsed name and message text, maybe have a timestamp too