/* * @file llinventorypanel.cpp * @brief Implementation of the inventory panel and associated stuff. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llinventorypanel.h" #include // for std::pair<> #include "llagent.h" #include "llagentwearables.h" #include "llappearancemgr.h" #include "llavataractions.h" #include "llfloaterinventory.h" #include "llfloaterreg.h" #include "llfloatersidepanelcontainer.h" #include "llfolderview.h" #include "llimfloater.h" #include "llimview.h" #include "llinventorybridge.h" #include "llinventoryfunctions.h" #include "llinventorymodelbackgroundfetch.h" #include "llsidepanelinventory.h" #include "llviewerattachmenu.h" #include "llviewerfoldertype.h" #include "llvoavatarself.h" static LLDefaultChildRegistry::Register r("inventory_panel"); const std::string LLInventoryPanel::DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = std::string("InventorySortOrder"); const std::string LLInventoryPanel::RECENTITEMS_SORT_ORDER = std::string("RecentItemsSortOrder"); const std::string LLInventoryPanel::INHERIT_SORT_ORDER = std::string(""); static const LLInventoryFVBridgeBuilder INVENTORY_BRIDGE_BUILDER; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Class LLInventoryPanelObserver // // Bridge to support knowing when the inventory has changed. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ class LLInventoryPanelObserver : public LLInventoryObserver { public: LLInventoryPanelObserver(LLInventoryPanel* ip) : mIP(ip) {} virtual ~LLInventoryPanelObserver() {} virtual void changed(U32 mask) { mIP->modelChanged(mask); } protected: LLInventoryPanel* mIP; }; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Class LLInvPanelComplObserver // // Calls specified callback when all specified items become complete. // // Usage: // observer = new LLInvPanelComplObserver(boost::bind(onComplete)); // inventory->addObserver(observer); // observer->reset(); // (optional) // observer->watchItem(incomplete_item1_id); // observer->watchItem(incomplete_item2_id); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ class LLInvPanelComplObserver : public LLInventoryCompletionObserver { public: typedef boost::function callback_t; LLInvPanelComplObserver(callback_t cb) : mCallback(cb) { } void reset(); private: /*virtual*/ void done(); /// Called when all the items are complete. callback_t mCallback; }; void LLInvPanelComplObserver::reset() { mIncomplete.clear(); mComplete.clear(); } void LLInvPanelComplObserver::done() { mCallback(); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Class LLInventoryPanel //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LLInventoryPanel::LLInventoryPanel(const LLInventoryPanel::Params& p) : LLPanel(p), mInventoryObserver(NULL), mCompletionObserver(NULL), mFolderRoot(NULL), mScroller(NULL), mSortOrderSetting(p.sort_order_setting), mInventory(p.inventory), mAcceptsDragAndDrop(p.accepts_drag_and_drop), mAllowMultiSelect(p.allow_multi_select), mShowItemLinkOverlays(p.show_item_link_overlays), mShowLoadStatus(p.show_load_status), mViewsInitialized(false), mInvFVBridgeBuilder(NULL) { mInvFVBridgeBuilder = &INVENTORY_BRIDGE_BUILDER; // contex menu callbacks mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.DoToSelected", boost::bind(&LLInventoryPanel::doToSelected, this, _2)); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.EmptyTrash", boost::bind(&LLInventoryModel::emptyFolderType, &gInventory, "ConfirmEmptyTrash", LLFolderType::FT_TRASH)); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.EmptyLostAndFound", boost::bind(&LLInventoryModel::emptyFolderType, &gInventory, "ConfirmEmptyLostAndFound", LLFolderType::FT_LOST_AND_FOUND)); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.DoCreate", boost::bind(&LLInventoryPanel::doCreate, this, _2)); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.AttachObject", boost::bind(&LLInventoryPanel::attachObject, this, _2)); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.BeginIMSession", boost::bind(&LLInventoryPanel::beginIMSession, this)); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("Inventory.Share", boost::bind(&LLAvatarActions::shareWithAvatars)); } void LLInventoryPanel::buildFolderView(const LLInventoryPanel::Params& params) { // Determine the root folder in case specified, and // build the views starting with that folder. std::string start_folder_name(params.start_folder()); const LLFolderType::EType preferred_type = LLViewerFolderType::lookupTypeFromNewCategoryName(start_folder_name); LLUUID root_id; if ("LIBRARY" == params.start_folder()) { root_id = gInventory.getLibraryRootFolderID(); } else { root_id = (preferred_type != LLFolderType::FT_NONE) ? gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(preferred_type, false, false) : LLUUID::null; } if ((root_id == LLUUID::null) && !start_folder_name.empty()) { llwarns << "No category found that matches start_folder: " << start_folder_name << llendl; root_id = LLUUID::generateNewID(); } LLInvFVBridge* new_listener = mInvFVBridgeBuilder->createBridge(LLAssetType::AT_CATEGORY, LLAssetType::AT_CATEGORY, LLInventoryType::IT_CATEGORY, this, NULL, root_id); mFolderRoot = createFolderView(new_listener, params.use_label_suffix()); } void LLInventoryPanel::initFromParams(const LLInventoryPanel::Params& params) { LLMemType mt(LLMemType::MTYPE_INVENTORY_POST_BUILD); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.pushScope(); // registered as a widget; need to push callback scope ourselves buildFolderView(params); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.popScope(); mFolderRoot->setCallbackRegistrar(&mCommitCallbackRegistrar); // Scroller { LLRect scroller_view_rect = getRect(); scroller_view_rect.translate(-scroller_view_rect.mLeft, -scroller_view_rect.mBottom); LLScrollContainer::Params scroller_params(params.scroll()); scroller_params.rect(scroller_view_rect); mScroller = LLUICtrlFactory::create(scroller_params); addChild(mScroller); mScroller->addChild(mFolderRoot); mFolderRoot->setScrollContainer(mScroller); mFolderRoot->addChild(mFolderRoot->mStatusTextBox); } // Set up the callbacks from the inventory we're viewing, and then build everything. mInventoryObserver = new LLInventoryPanelObserver(this); mInventory->addObserver(mInventoryObserver); mCompletionObserver = new LLInvPanelComplObserver(boost::bind(&LLInventoryPanel::onItemsCompletion, this)); mInventory->addObserver(mCompletionObserver); // Build view of inventory if we need default full hierarchy and inventory ready, // otherwise wait for idle callback. if (mInventory->isInventoryUsable() && !mViewsInitialized) { initializeViews(); } gIdleCallbacks.addFunction(onIdle, (void*)this); if (mSortOrderSetting != INHERIT_SORT_ORDER) { setSortOrder(gSavedSettings.getU32(mSortOrderSetting)); } else { setSortOrder(gSavedSettings.getU32(DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER)); } // hide inbox getFilter()->setFilterCategoryTypes(getFilter()->getFilterCategoryTypes() & ~(1ULL << LLFolderType::FT_INBOX)); getFilter()->setFilterCategoryTypes(getFilter()->getFilterCategoryTypes() & ~(1ULL << LLFolderType::FT_OUTBOX)); // Initialize base class params. LLPanel::initFromParams(params); } LLInventoryPanel::~LLInventoryPanel() { if (mFolderRoot) { U32 sort_order = mFolderRoot->getSortOrder(); if (mSortOrderSetting != INHERIT_SORT_ORDER) { gSavedSettings.setU32(mSortOrderSetting, sort_order); } } gIdleCallbacks.deleteFunction(onIdle, this); // LLView destructor will take care of the sub-views. mInventory->removeObserver(mInventoryObserver); mInventory->removeObserver(mCompletionObserver); delete mInventoryObserver; delete mCompletionObserver; mScroller = NULL; } void LLInventoryPanel::draw() { // Select the desired item (in case it wasn't loaded when the selection was requested) mFolderRoot->updateSelection(); LLPanel::draw(); } LLInventoryFilter* LLInventoryPanel::getFilter() { if (mFolderRoot) { return mFolderRoot->getFilter(); } return NULL; } const LLInventoryFilter* LLInventoryPanel::getFilter() const { if (mFolderRoot) { return mFolderRoot->getFilter(); } return NULL; } void LLInventoryPanel::setFilterTypes(U64 types, LLInventoryFilter::EFilterType filter_type) { if (filter_type == LLInventoryFilter::FILTERTYPE_OBJECT) getFilter()->setFilterObjectTypes(types); if (filter_type == LLInventoryFilter::FILTERTYPE_CATEGORY) getFilter()->setFilterCategoryTypes(types); } U32 LLInventoryPanel::getFilterObjectTypes() const { return mFolderRoot->getFilterObjectTypes(); } U32 LLInventoryPanel::getFilterPermMask() const { return mFolderRoot->getFilterPermissions(); } void LLInventoryPanel::setFilterPermMask(PermissionMask filter_perm_mask) { getFilter()->setFilterPermissions(filter_perm_mask); } void LLInventoryPanel::setFilterWearableTypes(U64 types) { getFilter()->setFilterWearableTypes(types); } void LLInventoryPanel::setFilterSubString(const std::string& string) { getFilter()->setFilterSubString(string); } const std::string LLInventoryPanel::getFilterSubString() { return mFolderRoot->getFilterSubString(); } void LLInventoryPanel::setSortOrder(U32 order) { getFilter()->setSortOrder(order); if (getFilter()->isModified()) { mFolderRoot->setSortOrder(order); // try to keep selection onscreen, even if it wasn't to start with mFolderRoot->scrollToShowSelection(); } } U32 LLInventoryPanel::getSortOrder() const { return mFolderRoot->getSortOrder(); } void LLInventoryPanel::requestSort() { mFolderRoot->requestSort(); } void LLInventoryPanel::setSinceLogoff(BOOL sl) { getFilter()->setDateRangeLastLogoff(sl); } void LLInventoryPanel::setHoursAgo(U32 hours) { getFilter()->setHoursAgo(hours); } void LLInventoryPanel::setFilterLinks(U64 filter_links) { getFilter()->setFilterLinks(filter_links); } void LLInventoryPanel::setShowFolderState(LLInventoryFilter::EFolderShow show) { getFilter()->setShowFolderState(show); } LLInventoryFilter::EFolderShow LLInventoryPanel::getShowFolderState() { return getFilter()->getShowFolderState(); } void LLInventoryPanel::modelChanged(U32 mask) { static LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FTM_REFRESH("Inventory Refresh"); LLFastTimer t2(FTM_REFRESH); bool handled = false; if (!mViewsInitialized) return; const LLInventoryModel* model = getModel(); if (!model) return; const LLInventoryModel::changed_items_t& changed_items = model->getChangedIDs(); if (changed_items.empty()) return; for (LLInventoryModel::changed_items_t::const_iterator items_iter = changed_items.begin(); items_iter != changed_items.end(); ++items_iter) { const LLUUID& item_id = (*items_iter); const LLInventoryObject* model_item = model->getObject(item_id); LLFolderViewItem* view_item = mFolderRoot->getItemByID(item_id); // LLFolderViewFolder is derived from LLFolderViewItem so dynamic_cast from item // to folder is the fast way to get a folder without searching through folders tree. LLFolderViewFolder* view_folder = dynamic_cast(view_item); ////////////////////////////// // LABEL Operation // Empty out the display name for relabel. if (mask & LLInventoryObserver::LABEL) { handled = true; if (view_item) { // Request refresh on this item (also flags for filtering) LLInvFVBridge* bridge = (LLInvFVBridge*)view_item->getListener(); if(bridge) { // Clear the display name first, so it gets properly re-built during refresh() bridge->clearDisplayName(); view_item->refresh(); } } } ////////////////////////////// // REBUILD Operation // Destroy and regenerate the UI. if (mask & LLInventoryObserver::REBUILD) { handled = true; if (model_item && view_item) { view_item->destroyView(); } view_item = buildNewViews(item_id); view_folder = dynamic_cast(view_item); } ////////////////////////////// // INTERNAL Operation // This could be anything. For now, just refresh the item. if (mask & LLInventoryObserver::INTERNAL) { if (view_item) { view_item->refresh(); } } ////////////////////////////// // SORT Operation // Sort the folder. if (mask & LLInventoryObserver::SORT) { if (view_folder) { view_folder->requestSort(); } } // We don't typically care which of these masks the item is actually flagged with, since the masks // may not be accurate (e.g. in the main inventory panel, I move an item from My Inventory into // Landmarks; this is a STRUCTURE change for that panel but is an ADD change for the Landmarks // panel). What's relevant is that the item and UI are probably out of sync and thus need to be // resynchronized. if (mask & (LLInventoryObserver::STRUCTURE | LLInventoryObserver::ADD | LLInventoryObserver::REMOVE)) { handled = true; ////////////////////////////// // ADD Operation // Item exists in memory but a UI element hasn't been created for it. if (model_item && !view_item) { // Add the UI element for this item. buildNewViews(item_id); // Select any newly created object that has the auto rename at top of folder root set. if(mFolderRoot->getRoot()->needsAutoRename()) { setSelection(item_id, FALSE); } } ////////////////////////////// // STRUCTURE Operation // This item already exists in both memory and UI. It was probably reparented. else if (model_item && view_item) { // Don't process the item if it is the root if (view_item->getRoot() != view_item) { LLFolderViewFolder* new_parent = (LLFolderViewFolder*)mFolderRoot->getItemByID(model_item->getParentUUID()); // Item has been moved. if (view_item->getParentFolder() != new_parent) { if (new_parent != NULL) { // Item is to be moved and we found its new parent in the panel's directory, so move the item's UI. view_item->getParentFolder()->extractItem(view_item); view_item->addToFolder(new_parent, mFolderRoot); } else { // Item is to be moved outside the panel's directory (e.g. moved to trash for a panel that // doesn't include trash). Just remove the item's UI. view_item->destroyView(); } } } } ////////////////////////////// // REMOVE Operation // This item has been removed from memory, but its associated UI element still exists. else if (!model_item && view_item) { // Remove the item's UI. view_item->destroyView(); } } } } LLFolderView* LLInventoryPanel::getRootFolder() { return mFolderRoot; } // static void LLInventoryPanel::onIdle(void *userdata) { if (!gInventory.isInventoryUsable()) return; LLInventoryPanel *self = (LLInventoryPanel*)userdata; // Inventory just initialized, do complete build if (!self->mViewsInitialized) { self->initializeViews(); } if (self->mViewsInitialized) { gIdleCallbacks.deleteFunction(onIdle, (void*)self); } } const LLUUID& LLInventoryPanel::getRootFolderID() const { return mFolderRoot->getListener()->getUUID(); } void LLInventoryPanel::initializeViews() { if (!gInventory.isInventoryUsable()) return; rebuildViewsFor(getRootFolderID()); mViewsInitialized = true; openStartFolderOrMyInventory(); // Special case for new user login if (gAgent.isFirstLogin()) { // Auto open the user's library LLFolderViewFolder* lib_folder = mFolderRoot->getFolderByID(gInventory.getLibraryRootFolderID()); if (lib_folder) { lib_folder->setOpen(TRUE); } // Auto close the user's my inventory folder LLFolderViewFolder* my_inv_folder = mFolderRoot->getFolderByID(gInventory.getRootFolderID()); if (my_inv_folder) { my_inv_folder->setOpenArrangeRecursively(FALSE, LLFolderViewFolder::RECURSE_DOWN); } } } LLFolderViewItem* LLInventoryPanel::rebuildViewsFor(const LLUUID& id) { // Destroy the old view for this ID so we can rebuild it. LLFolderViewItem* old_view = mFolderRoot->getItemByID(id); if (old_view) { old_view->destroyView(); } return buildNewViews(id); } LLFolderView * LLInventoryPanel::createFolderView(LLInvFVBridge * bridge, bool useLabelSuffix) { LLRect folder_rect(0, 0, getRect().getWidth(), 0); LLFolderView::Params p; p.name = getName(); p.title = getLabel(); p.rect = folder_rect; p.parent_panel = this; p.tool_tip = p.name; p.listener = bridge; p.use_label_suffix = useLabelSuffix; p.allow_multiselect = mAllowMultiSelect; p.show_load_status = mShowLoadStatus; return LLUICtrlFactory::create(p); } LLFolderViewFolder * LLInventoryPanel::createFolderViewFolder(LLInvFVBridge * bridge) { // Create the folder ui widget, unless it's an empty system folder that should be hidden // Note : we still let the code create a listener for it (in case something shows up in it) // but we simply skip creating the ui ctrl and adding it. // *TODO : Need to be verified: if the listener is triggered and something added, will the code // crash (because it's assuming, wrongly, that the uictrl exists)? bool is_system_folder = bridge->isSystemFolder(); bool is_hidden_if_empty = LLViewerFolderType::lookupIsHiddenIfEmpty(bridge->getPreferredType()); bool is_empty = (mInventory->categoryHasChildren(bridge->getUUID()) != LLInventoryModel::CHILDREN_YES); if (!is_system_folder || !is_empty || !is_hidden_if_empty) { LLFolderViewFolder::Params params; params.name = bridge->getDisplayName(); params.icon = bridge->getIcon(); params.icon_open = bridge->getOpenIcon(); if (mShowItemLinkOverlays) // if false, then links show up just like normal items { params.icon_overlay = LLUI::getUIImage("Inv_Link"); } params.root = mFolderRoot; params.listener = bridge; params.tool_tip = params.name; return LLUICtrlFactory::create(params); } else { // It's an empty system folder that should be hidden -> return NULL return NULL; } } LLFolderViewItem * LLInventoryPanel::createFolderViewItem(LLInvFVBridge * bridge) { LLFolderViewItem::Params params; params.name = bridge->getDisplayName(); params.icon = bridge->getIcon(); params.icon_open = bridge->getOpenIcon(); if (mShowItemLinkOverlays) // if false, then links show up just like normal items { params.icon_overlay = LLUI::getUIImage("Inv_Link"); } params.creation_date = bridge->getCreationDate(); params.root = mFolderRoot; params.listener = bridge; params.rect = LLRect (0, 0, 0, 0); params.tool_tip = params.name; return LLUICtrlFactory::create(params); } LLFolderViewItem* LLInventoryPanel::buildNewViews(const LLUUID& id) { LLInventoryObject const* objectp = gInventory.getObject(id); LLUUID root_id = mFolderRoot->getListener()->getUUID(); LLFolderViewFolder* parent_folder = NULL; LLFolderViewItem* itemp = NULL; if (id == root_id) { parent_folder = mFolderRoot; } else if (objectp) { const LLUUID &parent_id = objectp->getParentUUID(); parent_folder = (LLFolderViewFolder*)mFolderRoot->getItemByID(parent_id); if (parent_folder) { if (objectp->getType() <= LLAssetType::AT_NONE || objectp->getType() >= LLAssetType::AT_COUNT) { llwarns << "LLInventoryPanel::buildNewViews called with invalid objectp->mType : " << ((S32) objectp->getType()) << " name " << objectp->getName() << " UUID " << objectp->getUUID() << llendl; return NULL; } if ((objectp->getType() == LLAssetType::AT_CATEGORY) && (objectp->getActualType() != LLAssetType::AT_LINK_FOLDER)) { LLInvFVBridge* new_listener = mInvFVBridgeBuilder->createBridge(objectp->getType(), objectp->getType(), LLInventoryType::IT_CATEGORY, this, mFolderRoot, objectp->getUUID()); if (new_listener) { LLFolderViewFolder* folderp = createFolderViewFolder(new_listener); if (folderp) { folderp->setItemSortOrder(mFolderRoot->getSortOrder()); } itemp = folderp; } } else { // Build new view for item. LLInventoryItem* item = (LLInventoryItem*)objectp; LLInvFVBridge* new_listener = mInvFVBridgeBuilder->createBridge(item->getType(), item->getActualType(), item->getInventoryType(), this, mFolderRoot, item->getUUID(), item->getFlags()); if (new_listener) { itemp = createFolderViewItem(new_listener); } } if (itemp) { itemp->addToFolder(parent_folder, mFolderRoot); } } } // If this is a folder, add the children of the folder and recursively add any // child folders. if (id.isNull() || (objectp && objectp->getType() == LLAssetType::AT_CATEGORY)) { LLViewerInventoryCategory::cat_array_t* categories; LLViewerInventoryItem::item_array_t* items; mInventory->lockDirectDescendentArrays(id, categories, items); if(categories) { for (LLViewerInventoryCategory::cat_array_t::const_iterator cat_iter = categories->begin(); cat_iter != categories->end(); ++cat_iter) { const LLViewerInventoryCategory* cat = (*cat_iter); buildNewViews(cat->getUUID()); } } if(items && parent_folder) { for (LLViewerInventoryItem::item_array_t::const_iterator item_iter = items->begin(); item_iter != items->end(); ++item_iter) { const LLViewerInventoryItem* item = (*item_iter); buildNewViews(item->getUUID()); } } mInventory->unlockDirectDescendentArrays(id); } return itemp; } // bit of a hack to make sure the inventory is open. void LLInventoryPanel::openStartFolderOrMyInventory() { // Find My Inventory folder and open it up by name for (LLView *child = mFolderRoot->getFirstChild(); child; child = mFolderRoot->findNextSibling(child)) { LLFolderViewFolder *fchild = dynamic_cast(child); if (fchild && fchild->getListener() && fchild->getListener()->getUUID() == gInventory.getRootFolderID()) { fchild->setOpen(TRUE); break; } } } void LLInventoryPanel::onItemsCompletion() { if (mFolderRoot) mFolderRoot->updateMenu(); } void LLInventoryPanel::openSelected() { LLFolderViewItem* folder_item = mFolderRoot->getCurSelectedItem(); if(!folder_item) return; LLInvFVBridge* bridge = (LLInvFVBridge*)folder_item->getListener(); if(!bridge) return; bridge->openItem(); } void LLInventoryPanel::unSelectAll() { mFolderRoot->setSelection(NULL, FALSE, FALSE); } BOOL LLInventoryPanel::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { BOOL handled = LLView::handleHover(x, y, mask); if(handled) { ECursorType cursor = getWindow()->getCursor(); if (LLInventoryModelBackgroundFetch::instance().backgroundFetchActive() && cursor == UI_CURSOR_ARROW) { // replace arrow cursor with arrow and hourglass cursor getWindow()->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_WORKING); } } else { getWindow()->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_ARROW); } return TRUE; } BOOL LLInventoryPanel::handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL drop, EDragAndDropType cargo_type, void* cargo_data, EAcceptance* accept, std::string& tooltip_msg) { BOOL handled = FALSE; if (mAcceptsDragAndDrop) { handled = LLPanel::handleDragAndDrop(x, y, mask, drop, cargo_type, cargo_data, accept, tooltip_msg); // If folder view is empty the (x, y) point won't be in its rect // so the handler must be called explicitly. // but only if was not handled before. See EXT-6746. if (!handled && !mFolderRoot->hasVisibleChildren()) { handled = mFolderRoot->handleDragAndDrop(x, y, mask, drop, cargo_type, cargo_data, accept, tooltip_msg); } if (handled) { mFolderRoot->setDragAndDropThisFrame(); } } return handled; } void LLInventoryPanel::onFocusLost() { // inventory no longer handles cut/copy/paste/delete if (LLEditMenuHandler::gEditMenuHandler == mFolderRoot) { LLEditMenuHandler::gEditMenuHandler = NULL; } LLPanel::onFocusLost(); } void LLInventoryPanel::onFocusReceived() { // inventory now handles cut/copy/paste/delete LLEditMenuHandler::gEditMenuHandler = mFolderRoot; LLPanel::onFocusReceived(); } bool LLInventoryPanel::addBadge(LLBadge * badge) { bool badge_added = false; if (acceptsBadge()) { badge_added = badge->addToView(mFolderRoot); } return badge_added; } void LLInventoryPanel::openAllFolders() { mFolderRoot->setOpenArrangeRecursively(TRUE, LLFolderViewFolder::RECURSE_DOWN); mFolderRoot->arrangeAll(); } void LLInventoryPanel::setSelection(const LLUUID& obj_id, BOOL take_keyboard_focus) { // Don't select objects in COF (e.g. to prevent refocus when items are worn). const LLInventoryObject *obj = gInventory.getObject(obj_id); if (obj && obj->getParentUUID() == LLAppearanceMgr::instance().getCOF()) { return; } mFolderRoot->setSelectionByID(obj_id, take_keyboard_focus); } void LLInventoryPanel::setSelectCallback(const boost::function& items, BOOL user_action)>& cb) { if (mFolderRoot) { mFolderRoot->setSelectCallback(cb); } } void LLInventoryPanel::clearSelection() { mFolderRoot->clearSelection(); } void LLInventoryPanel::onSelectionChange(const std::deque& items, BOOL user_action) { // Schedule updating the folder view context menu when all selected items become complete (STORM-373). mCompletionObserver->reset(); for (std::deque::const_iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it) { LLUUID id = (*it)->getListener()->getUUID(); LLViewerInventoryItem* inv_item = mInventory->getItem(id); if (inv_item && !inv_item->isFinished()) { mCompletionObserver->watchItem(id); } } LLFolderView* fv = getRootFolder(); if (fv->needsAutoRename()) // auto-selecting a new user-created asset and preparing to rename { fv->setNeedsAutoRename(FALSE); if (items.size()) // new asset is visible and selected { fv->startRenamingSelectedItem(); } } } void LLInventoryPanel::doToSelected(const LLSD& userdata) { mFolderRoot->doToSelected(&gInventory, userdata); } void LLInventoryPanel::doCreate(const LLSD& userdata) { menu_create_inventory_item(mFolderRoot, LLFolderBridge::sSelf.get(), userdata); } bool LLInventoryPanel::beginIMSession() { std::set selected_items = mFolderRoot->getSelectionList(); std::string name; static int session_num = 1; LLDynamicArray members; EInstantMessage type = IM_SESSION_CONFERENCE_START; std::set::const_iterator iter; for (iter = selected_items.begin(); iter != selected_items.end(); iter++) { LLUUID item = *iter; LLFolderViewItem* folder_item = mFolderRoot->getItemByID(item); if(folder_item) { LLFolderViewEventListener* fve_listener = folder_item->getListener(); if (fve_listener && (fve_listener->getInventoryType() == LLInventoryType::IT_CATEGORY)) { LLFolderBridge* bridge = (LLFolderBridge*)folder_item->getListener(); if(!bridge) return true; LLViewerInventoryCategory* cat = bridge->getCategory(); if(!cat) return true; name = cat->getName(); LLUniqueBuddyCollector is_buddy; LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cat_array; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t item_array; gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(bridge->getUUID(), cat_array, item_array, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH, is_buddy); S32 count = item_array.count(); if(count > 0) { //*TODO by what to replace that? //LLFloaterReg::showInstance("communicate"); // create the session LLAvatarTracker& at = LLAvatarTracker::instance(); LLUUID id; for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { id = item_array.get(i)->getCreatorUUID(); if(at.isBuddyOnline(id)) { members.put(id); } } } } else { LLFolderViewItem* folder_item = mFolderRoot->getItemByID(item); if(!folder_item) return true; LLInvFVBridge* listenerp = (LLInvFVBridge*)folder_item->getListener(); if (listenerp->getInventoryType() == LLInventoryType::IT_CALLINGCARD) { LLInventoryItem* inv_item = gInventory.getItem(listenerp->getUUID()); if (inv_item) { LLAvatarTracker& at = LLAvatarTracker::instance(); LLUUID id = inv_item->getCreatorUUID(); if(at.isBuddyOnline(id)) { members.put(id); } } } //if IT_CALLINGCARD } //if !IT_CATEGORY } } //for selected_items // the session_id is randomly generated UUID which will be replaced later // with a server side generated number if (name.empty()) { name = llformat("Session %d", session_num++); } LLUUID session_id = gIMMgr->addSession(name, type, members[0], members); if (session_id != LLUUID::null) { LLIMFloater::show(session_id); } return true; } bool LLInventoryPanel::attachObject(const LLSD& userdata) { // Copy selected item UUIDs to a vector. std::set selected_items = mFolderRoot->getSelectionList(); uuid_vec_t items; for (std::set::const_iterator set_iter = selected_items.begin(); set_iter != selected_items.end(); ++set_iter) { items.push_back(*set_iter); } // Attach selected items. LLViewerAttachMenu::attachObjects(items, userdata.asString()); gFocusMgr.setKeyboardFocus(NULL); return true; } BOOL LLInventoryPanel::getSinceLogoff() { return getFilter()->isSinceLogoff(); } // DEBUG ONLY // static void LLInventoryPanel::dumpSelectionInformation(void* user_data) { LLInventoryPanel* iv = (LLInventoryPanel*)user_data; iv->mFolderRoot->dumpSelectionInformation(); } BOOL is_inventorysp_active() { LLSidepanelInventory *sidepanel_inventory = LLFloaterSidePanelContainer::getPanel("inventory"); if (!sidepanel_inventory || !sidepanel_inventory->isInVisibleChain()) return FALSE; return sidepanel_inventory->isMainInventoryPanelActive(); } // static LLInventoryPanel* LLInventoryPanel::getActiveInventoryPanel(BOOL auto_open) { S32 z_min = S32_MAX; LLInventoryPanel* res = NULL; LLFloater* active_inv_floaterp = NULL; LLFloater* floater_inventory = LLFloaterReg::getInstance("inventory"); if (!floater_inventory) { llwarns << "Could not find My Inventory floater" << llendl; return FALSE; } LLSidepanelInventory *sidepanel_inventory = LLFloaterSidePanelContainer::getPanel("inventory"); // A. If the inventory side panel floater is open, use that preferably. if (is_inventorysp_active()) { // Get the floater's z order to compare it to other inventory floaters' order later. res = sidepanel_inventory->getActivePanel(); z_min = gFloaterView->getZOrder(floater_inventory); active_inv_floaterp = floater_inventory; } // B. Iterate through the inventory floaters and return whichever is on top. LLFloaterReg::const_instance_list_t& inst_list = LLFloaterReg::getFloaterList("inventory"); for (LLFloaterReg::const_instance_list_t::const_iterator iter = inst_list.begin(); iter != inst_list.end(); ++iter) { LLFloaterInventory* iv = dynamic_cast(*iter); if (iv && iv->getVisible()) { S32 z_order = gFloaterView->getZOrder(iv); if (z_order < z_min) { res = iv->getPanel(); z_min = z_order; active_inv_floaterp = iv; } } } if (res) { // Make sure the floater is not minimized (STORM-438). if (active_inv_floaterp && active_inv_floaterp->isMinimized()) { active_inv_floaterp->setMinimized(FALSE); } } else if (auto_open) { floater_inventory->openFloater(); res = sidepanel_inventory->getActivePanel(); } return res; } //static void LLInventoryPanel::openInventoryPanelAndSetSelection(BOOL auto_open, const LLUUID& obj_id) { LLInventoryPanel *active_panel = LLInventoryPanel::getActiveInventoryPanel(auto_open); if (active_panel) { LL_DEBUGS("Messaging") << "Highlighting" << obj_id << LL_ENDL; LLViewerInventoryItem * item = gInventory.getItem(obj_id); LLViewerInventoryCategory * cat = gInventory.getCategory(obj_id); bool in_inbox = false; bool in_outbox = false; LLViewerInventoryCategory * parent_cat = NULL; if (item) { parent_cat = gInventory.getCategory(item->getParentUUID()); } else if (cat) { parent_cat = gInventory.getCategory(cat->getParentUUID()); } if (parent_cat) { in_inbox = (LLFolderType::FT_INBOX == parent_cat->getPreferredType()); in_outbox = (LLFolderType::FT_OUTBOX == parent_cat->getPreferredType()); } if (in_inbox || in_outbox) { LLSidepanelInventory * sidepanel_inventory = LLFloaterSidePanelContainer::getPanel("inventory"); LLInventoryPanel * inventory_panel = NULL; if (in_inbox) { sidepanel_inventory->openInbox(); inventory_panel = sidepanel_inventory->getInboxPanel(); } else { sidepanel_inventory->openOutbox(); inventory_panel = sidepanel_inventory->getOutboxPanel(); } if (inventory_panel) { inventory_panel->setSelection(obj_id, TAKE_FOCUS_YES); } } else { active_panel->setSelection(obj_id, TAKE_FOCUS_YES); } } } void LLInventoryPanel::addHideFolderType(LLFolderType::EType folder_type) { getFilter()->setFilterCategoryTypes(getFilter()->getFilterCategoryTypes() & ~(1ULL << folder_type)); } BOOL LLInventoryPanel::getIsHiddenFolderType(LLFolderType::EType folder_type) const { return !(getFilter()->getFilterCategoryTypes() & (1ULL << folder_type)); } /************************************************************************/ /* Recent Inventory Panel related class */ /************************************************************************/ class LLInventoryRecentItemsPanel; static LLDefaultChildRegistry::Register t_recent_inventory_panel("recent_inventory_panel"); static const LLRecentInventoryBridgeBuilder RECENT_ITEMS_BUILDER; class LLInventoryRecentItemsPanel : public LLInventoryPanel { public: struct Params : public LLInitParam::Block {}; void initFromParams(const Params& p) { LLInventoryPanel::initFromParams(p); // turn on inbox for recent items getFilter()->setFilterCategoryTypes(getFilter()->getFilterCategoryTypes() | (1ULL << LLFolderType::FT_INBOX)); } protected: LLInventoryRecentItemsPanel (const Params&); friend class LLUICtrlFactory; }; LLInventoryRecentItemsPanel::LLInventoryRecentItemsPanel( const Params& params) : LLInventoryPanel(params) { // replace bridge builder to have necessary View bridges. mInvFVBridgeBuilder = &RECENT_ITEMS_BUILDER; }