/** * @file llinventoryfilter.cpp * @brief Support for filtering your inventory to only display a subset of the * available items. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2005&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llinventoryfilter.h" // viewer includes #include "llfolderviewmodel.h" #include "llfolderviewitem.h" #include "llinventorymodel.h" #include "llinventorymodelbackgroundfetch.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llfolderview.h" #include "llinventorybridge.h" #include "llviewerfoldertype.h" // linden library includes #include "llclipboard.h" #include "lltrans.h" LLFastTimer::DeclareTimer FT_FILTER_CLIPBOARD("Filter Clipboard"); LLInventoryFilter::FilterOps::FilterOps(const Params& p) : mFilterObjectTypes(p.object_types), mFilterCategoryTypes(p.category_types), mFilterWearableTypes(p.wearable_types), mMinDate(p.date_range.min_date), mMaxDate(p.date_range.max_date), mHoursAgo(p.hours_ago), mShowFolderState(p.show_folder_state), mPermissions(p.permissions), mFilterTypes(p.types), mFilterUUID(p.uuid), mFilterLinks(p.links) { } ///---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Class LLInventoryFilter ///---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLInventoryFilter::LLInventoryFilter(const Params& p) : mName(p.name), mFilterModified(FILTER_NONE), mEmptyLookupMessage("InventoryNoMatchingItems"), mFilterOps(p.filter_ops), mFilterSubString(p.substring), mCurrentGeneration(0), mFirstRequiredGeneration(0), mFirstSuccessGeneration(0) { // copy mFilterOps into mDefaultFilterOps markDefault(); } bool LLInventoryFilter::check(const LLFolderViewModelItem* item) { const LLFolderViewModelItemInventory* listener = dynamic_cast(item); // Clipboard cut items are *always* filtered so we need this value upfront const BOOL passed_clipboard = (listener ? checkAgainstClipboard(listener->getUUID()) : TRUE); // If it's a folder and we're showing all folders, return automatically. const BOOL is_folder = listener->getInventoryType() == LLInventoryType::IT_CATEGORY; if (is_folder && (mFilterOps.mShowFolderState == LLInventoryFilter::SHOW_ALL_FOLDERS)) { return passed_clipboard; } bool passed = (mFilterSubString.size() ? listener->getSearchableName().find(mFilterSubString) != std::string::npos : true); passed = passed && checkAgainstFilterType(listener); passed = passed && checkAgainstPermissions(listener); passed = passed && checkAgainstFilterLinks(listener); passed = passed && passed_clipboard; return passed; } bool LLInventoryFilter::check(const LLInventoryItem* item) { const bool passed_string = (mFilterSubString.size() ? item->getName().find(mFilterSubString) != std::string::npos : true); const bool passed_filtertype = checkAgainstFilterType(item); const bool passed_permissions = checkAgainstPermissions(item); const bool passed_clipboard = checkAgainstClipboard(item->getUUID()); return passed_filtertype && passed_permissions && passed_clipboard && passed_string; } bool LLInventoryFilter::checkFolder(const LLFolderViewModelItem* item) const { const LLFolderViewModelItemInventory* listener = dynamic_cast(item); if (!listener) { llerrs << "Folder view event listener not found." << llendl; return false; } const LLUUID folder_id = listener->getUUID(); return checkFolder(folder_id); } bool LLInventoryFilter::checkFolder(const LLUUID& folder_id) const { // when applying a filter, matching folders get their contents downloaded first if (isNotDefault() && !gInventory.isCategoryComplete(folder_id)) { LLInventoryModelBackgroundFetch::instance().start(folder_id); } // Always check against the clipboard const BOOL passed_clipboard = checkAgainstClipboard(folder_id); // we're showing all folders, overriding filter if (mFilterOps.mShowFolderState == LLInventoryFilter::SHOW_ALL_FOLDERS) { return passed_clipboard; } // show folder links LLViewerInventoryItem* item = gInventory.getItem(folder_id); if (item && item->getActualType() == LLAssetType::AT_LINK_FOLDER) { return passed_clipboard; } if (mFilterOps.mFilterTypes & FILTERTYPE_CATEGORY) { // Can only filter categories for items in your inventory // (e.g. versus in-world object contents). const LLViewerInventoryCategory *cat = gInventory.getCategory(folder_id); if (!cat) return folder_id.isNull(); LLFolderType::EType cat_type = cat->getPreferredType(); if (cat_type != LLFolderType::FT_NONE && (1LL << cat_type & mFilterOps.mFilterCategoryTypes) == U64(0)) return false; } return passed_clipboard; } bool LLInventoryFilter::checkAgainstFilterType(const LLFolderViewModelItemInventory* listener) const { if (!listener) return FALSE; LLInventoryType::EType object_type = listener->getInventoryType(); const LLUUID object_id = listener->getUUID(); const LLInventoryObject *object = gInventory.getObject(object_id); const U32 filterTypes = mFilterOps.mFilterTypes; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILTERTYPE_OBJECT // Pass if this item's type is of the correct filter type if (filterTypes & FILTERTYPE_OBJECT) { // If it has no type, pass it, unless it's a link. if (object_type == LLInventoryType::IT_NONE) { if (object && object->getIsLinkType()) { return FALSE; } } else if ((1LL << object_type & mFilterOps.mFilterObjectTypes) == U64(0)) { return FALSE; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILTERTYPE_UUID // Pass if this item is the target UUID or if it links to the target UUID if (filterTypes & FILTERTYPE_UUID) { if (!object) return FALSE; if (object->getLinkedUUID() != mFilterOps.mFilterUUID) return FALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILTERTYPE_DATE // Pass if this item is within the date range. if (filterTypes & FILTERTYPE_DATE) { const U16 HOURS_TO_SECONDS = 3600; time_t earliest = time_corrected() - mFilterOps.mHoursAgo * HOURS_TO_SECONDS; if (mFilterOps.mMinDate > time_min() && mFilterOps.mMinDate < earliest) { earliest = mFilterOps.mMinDate; } else if (!mFilterOps.mHoursAgo) { earliest = 0; } if (listener->getCreationDate() < earliest || listener->getCreationDate() > mFilterOps.mMaxDate) return FALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILTERTYPE_WEARABLE // Pass if this item is a wearable of the appropriate type if (filterTypes & FILTERTYPE_WEARABLE) { LLWearableType::EType type = listener->getWearableType(); if ((0x1LL << type & mFilterOps.mFilterWearableTypes) == 0) { return FALSE; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILTERTYPE_EMPTYFOLDERS // Pass if this item is a folder and is not a system folder that should be hidden if (filterTypes & FILTERTYPE_EMPTYFOLDERS) { if (object_type == LLInventoryType::IT_CATEGORY) { bool is_hidden_if_empty = LLViewerFolderType::lookupIsHiddenIfEmpty(listener->getPreferredType()); if (is_hidden_if_empty) { // Force the fetching of those folders so they are hidden if they really are empty... gInventory.fetchDescendentsOf(object_id); LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t* cat_array = NULL; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t* item_array = NULL; gInventory.getDirectDescendentsOf(object_id,cat_array,item_array); S32 descendents_actual = 0; if(cat_array && item_array) { descendents_actual = cat_array->count() + item_array->count(); } if (descendents_actual == 0) { return FALSE; } } } } return TRUE; } bool LLInventoryFilter::checkAgainstFilterType(const LLInventoryItem* item) const { LLInventoryType::EType object_type = item->getInventoryType(); const LLUUID object_id = item->getUUID(); const U32 filterTypes = mFilterOps.mFilterTypes; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILTERTYPE_OBJECT // Pass if this item's type is of the correct filter type if (filterTypes & FILTERTYPE_OBJECT) { // If it has no type, pass it, unless it's a link. if (object_type == LLInventoryType::IT_NONE) { if (item && item->getIsLinkType()) { return false; } } else if ((1LL << object_type & mFilterOps.mFilterObjectTypes) == U64(0)) { return false; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILTERTYPE_UUID // Pass if this item is the target UUID or if it links to the target UUID if (filterTypes & FILTERTYPE_UUID) { if (!item) return false; if (item->getLinkedUUID() != mFilterOps.mFilterUUID) return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILTERTYPE_DATE // Pass if this item is within the date range. if (filterTypes & FILTERTYPE_DATE) { // We don't get the updated item creation date for the task inventory or // a notecard embedded item. See LLTaskInvFVBridge::getCreationDate(). return false; } return true; } // Items and folders that are on the clipboard or, recursively, in a folder which // is on the clipboard must be filtered out if the clipboard is in the "cut" mode. bool LLInventoryFilter::checkAgainstClipboard(const LLUUID& object_id) const { if (LLClipboard::instance().isCutMode()) { LLFastTimer ft(FT_FILTER_CLIPBOARD); LLUUID current_id = object_id; LLInventoryObject *current_object = gInventory.getObject(object_id); while (current_id.notNull() && current_object) { if (LLClipboard::instance().isOnClipboard(current_id)) { return false; } current_id = current_object->getParentUUID(); if (current_id.notNull()) { current_object = gInventory.getObject(current_id); } } } return true; } bool LLInventoryFilter::checkAgainstPermissions(const LLFolderViewModelItemInventory* listener) const { if (!listener) return FALSE; PermissionMask perm = listener->getPermissionMask(); const LLInvFVBridge *bridge = dynamic_cast(listener); if (bridge && bridge->isLink()) { const LLUUID& linked_uuid = gInventory.getLinkedItemID(bridge->getUUID()); const LLViewerInventoryItem *linked_item = gInventory.getItem(linked_uuid); if (linked_item) perm = linked_item->getPermissionMask(); } return (perm & mFilterOps.mPermissions) == mFilterOps.mPermissions; } bool LLInventoryFilter::checkAgainstPermissions(const LLInventoryItem* item) const { if (!item) return false; LLPointer new_item = new LLViewerInventoryItem(item); PermissionMask perm = new_item->getPermissionMask(); new_item = NULL; return (perm & mFilterOps.mPermissions) == mFilterOps.mPermissions; } bool LLInventoryFilter::checkAgainstFilterLinks(const LLFolderViewModelItemInventory* listener) const { if (!listener) return TRUE; const LLUUID object_id = listener->getUUID(); const LLInventoryObject *object = gInventory.getObject(object_id); if (!object) return TRUE; const BOOL is_link = object->getIsLinkType(); if (is_link && (mFilterOps.mFilterLinks == FILTERLINK_EXCLUDE_LINKS)) return FALSE; if (!is_link && (mFilterOps.mFilterLinks == FILTERLINK_ONLY_LINKS)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } const std::string& LLInventoryFilter::getFilterSubString(BOOL trim) const { return mFilterSubString; } std::string::size_type LLInventoryFilter::getStringMatchOffset(LLFolderViewModelItem* item) const { return mFilterSubString.size() ? item->getSearchableName().find(mFilterSubString) : std::string::npos; } bool LLInventoryFilter::isDefault() const { return !isNotDefault(); } // has user modified default filter params? bool LLInventoryFilter::isNotDefault() const { S32 not_default = 0; not_default |= (mFilterOps.mFilterObjectTypes != mDefaultFilterOps.mFilterObjectTypes); not_default |= (mFilterOps.mFilterCategoryTypes != mDefaultFilterOps.mFilterCategoryTypes); not_default |= (mFilterOps.mFilterWearableTypes != mDefaultFilterOps.mFilterWearableTypes); not_default |= (mFilterOps.mFilterTypes != mDefaultFilterOps.mFilterTypes); not_default |= (mFilterOps.mFilterLinks != mDefaultFilterOps.mFilterLinks); not_default |= (mFilterSubString.size()); not_default |= (mFilterOps.mPermissions != mDefaultFilterOps.mPermissions); not_default |= (mFilterOps.mMinDate != mDefaultFilterOps.mMinDate); not_default |= (mFilterOps.mMaxDate != mDefaultFilterOps.mMaxDate); not_default |= (mFilterOps.mHoursAgo != mDefaultFilterOps.mHoursAgo); return not_default != 0; } bool LLInventoryFilter::isActive() const { return mFilterOps.mFilterObjectTypes != 0xffffffffffffffffULL || mFilterOps.mFilterCategoryTypes != 0xffffffffffffffffULL || mFilterOps.mFilterWearableTypes != 0xffffffffffffffffULL || mFilterOps.mFilterTypes != FILTERTYPE_OBJECT || mFilterOps.mFilterLinks != FILTERLINK_INCLUDE_LINKS || mFilterSubString.size() || mFilterOps.mPermissions != PERM_NONE || mFilterOps.mMinDate != time_min() || mFilterOps.mMaxDate != time_max() || mFilterOps.mHoursAgo != 0; } bool LLInventoryFilter::isModified() const { return mFilterModified != FILTER_NONE; } void LLInventoryFilter::updateFilterTypes(U64 types, U64& current_types) { if (current_types != types) { // keep current items only if no type bits getting turned off bool fewer_bits_set = (current_types & ~types) != 0; bool more_bits_set = (~current_types & types) != 0; current_types = types; if (more_bits_set && fewer_bits_set) { // neither less or more restrictive, both simultaneously // so we need to filter from scratch setModified(FILTER_RESTART); } else if (more_bits_set) { // target is only one of all requested types so more type bits == less restrictive setModified(FILTER_LESS_RESTRICTIVE); } else if (fewer_bits_set) { setModified(FILTER_MORE_RESTRICTIVE); } } } void LLInventoryFilter::setFilterObjectTypes(U64 types) { updateFilterTypes(types, mFilterOps.mFilterObjectTypes); mFilterOps.mFilterTypes |= FILTERTYPE_OBJECT; } void LLInventoryFilter::setFilterCategoryTypes(U64 types) { updateFilterTypes(types, mFilterOps.mFilterCategoryTypes); mFilterOps.mFilterTypes |= FILTERTYPE_CATEGORY; } void LLInventoryFilter::setFilterWearableTypes(U64 types) { updateFilterTypes(types, mFilterOps.mFilterWearableTypes); mFilterOps.mFilterTypes |= FILTERTYPE_WEARABLE; } void LLInventoryFilter::setFilterEmptySystemFolders() { mFilterOps.mFilterTypes |= FILTERTYPE_EMPTYFOLDERS; } void LLInventoryFilter::setFilterUUID(const LLUUID& object_id) { if (mFilterOps.mFilterUUID == LLUUID::null) { setModified(FILTER_MORE_RESTRICTIVE); } else { setModified(FILTER_RESTART); } mFilterOps.mFilterUUID = object_id; mFilterOps.mFilterTypes = FILTERTYPE_UUID; } void LLInventoryFilter::setFilterSubString(const std::string& string) { std::string filter_sub_string_new = string; mFilterSubStringOrig = string; LLStringUtil::trimHead(filter_sub_string_new); LLStringUtil::toUpper(filter_sub_string_new); if (mFilterSubString != filter_sub_string_new) { // hitting BACKSPACE, for example const BOOL less_restrictive = mFilterSubString.size() >= filter_sub_string_new.size() && !mFilterSubString.substr(0, filter_sub_string_new.size()).compare(filter_sub_string_new); // appending new characters const BOOL more_restrictive = mFilterSubString.size() < filter_sub_string_new.size() && !filter_sub_string_new.substr(0, mFilterSubString.size()).compare(mFilterSubString); mFilterSubString = filter_sub_string_new; if (less_restrictive) { setModified(FILTER_LESS_RESTRICTIVE); } else if (more_restrictive) { setModified(FILTER_MORE_RESTRICTIVE); } else { setModified(FILTER_RESTART); } // Cancel out UUID once the search string is modified if (mFilterOps.mFilterTypes == FILTERTYPE_UUID) { mFilterOps.mFilterTypes &= ~FILTERTYPE_UUID; mFilterOps.mFilterUUID == LLUUID::null; setModified(FILTER_RESTART); } // Cancel out filter links once the search string is modified { mFilterOps.mFilterLinks = FILTERLINK_INCLUDE_LINKS; } } } void LLInventoryFilter::setFilterPermissions(PermissionMask perms) { if (mFilterOps.mPermissions != perms) { // keep current items only if no perm bits getting turned off BOOL fewer_bits_set = (mFilterOps.mPermissions & ~perms); BOOL more_bits_set = (~mFilterOps.mPermissions & perms); mFilterOps.mPermissions = perms; if (more_bits_set && fewer_bits_set) { setModified(FILTER_RESTART); } else if (more_bits_set) { // target must have all requested permission bits, so more bits == more restrictive setModified(FILTER_MORE_RESTRICTIVE); } else if (fewer_bits_set) { setModified(FILTER_LESS_RESTRICTIVE); } } } void LLInventoryFilter::setDateRange(time_t min_date, time_t max_date) { mFilterOps.mHoursAgo = 0; if (mFilterOps.mMinDate != min_date) { mFilterOps.mMinDate = min_date; setModified(); } if (mFilterOps.mMaxDate != llmax(mFilterOps.mMinDate, max_date)) { mFilterOps.mMaxDate = llmax(mFilterOps.mMinDate, max_date); setModified(); } if (areDateLimitsSet()) { mFilterOps.mFilterTypes |= FILTERTYPE_DATE; } else { mFilterOps.mFilterTypes &= ~FILTERTYPE_DATE; } } void LLInventoryFilter::setDateRangeLastLogoff(BOOL sl) { static LLCachedControl s_last_logoff(gSavedPerAccountSettings, "LastLogoff", 0); if (sl && !isSinceLogoff()) { setDateRange(s_last_logoff(), time_max()); setModified(); } if (!sl && isSinceLogoff()) { setDateRange(time_min(), time_max()); setModified(); } if (areDateLimitsSet()) { mFilterOps.mFilterTypes |= FILTERTYPE_DATE; } else { mFilterOps.mFilterTypes &= ~FILTERTYPE_DATE; } } bool LLInventoryFilter::isSinceLogoff() const { static LLCachedControl s_last_logoff(gSavedSettings, "LastLogoff", 0); return (mFilterOps.mMinDate == (time_t)s_last_logoff()) && (mFilterOps.mMaxDate == time_max()) && (mFilterOps.mFilterTypes & FILTERTYPE_DATE); } void LLInventoryFilter::clearModified() { mFilterModified = FILTER_NONE; } void LLInventoryFilter::setHoursAgo(U32 hours) { if (mFilterOps.mHoursAgo != hours) { bool are_date_limits_valid = mFilterOps.mMinDate == time_min() && mFilterOps.mMaxDate == time_max(); bool is_increasing = hours > mFilterOps.mHoursAgo; bool is_increasing_from_zero = is_increasing && !mFilterOps.mHoursAgo && !isSinceLogoff(); // *NOTE: need to cache last filter time, in case filter goes stale BOOL less_restrictive = (are_date_limits_valid && ((is_increasing && mFilterOps.mHoursAgo)) || !hours); BOOL more_restrictive = (are_date_limits_valid && (!is_increasing && hours) || is_increasing_from_zero); mFilterOps.mHoursAgo = hours; mFilterOps.mMinDate = time_min(); mFilterOps.mMaxDate = time_max(); if (less_restrictive) { setModified(FILTER_LESS_RESTRICTIVE); } else if (more_restrictive) { setModified(FILTER_MORE_RESTRICTIVE); } else { setModified(FILTER_RESTART); } } if (areDateLimitsSet()) { mFilterOps.mFilterTypes |= FILTERTYPE_DATE; } else { mFilterOps.mFilterTypes &= ~FILTERTYPE_DATE; } } void LLInventoryFilter::setFilterLinks(U64 filter_links) { if (mFilterOps.mFilterLinks != filter_links) { if (mFilterOps.mFilterLinks == FILTERLINK_EXCLUDE_LINKS || mFilterOps.mFilterLinks == FILTERLINK_ONLY_LINKS) setModified(FILTER_MORE_RESTRICTIVE); else setModified(FILTER_LESS_RESTRICTIVE); } mFilterOps.mFilterLinks = filter_links; } void LLInventoryFilter::setShowFolderState(EFolderShow state) { if (mFilterOps.mShowFolderState != state) { mFilterOps.mShowFolderState = state; if (state == SHOW_NON_EMPTY_FOLDERS) { // showing fewer folders than before setModified(FILTER_MORE_RESTRICTIVE); } else if (state == SHOW_ALL_FOLDERS) { // showing same folders as before and then some setModified(FILTER_LESS_RESTRICTIVE); } else { setModified(); } } } void LLInventoryFilter::markDefault() { mDefaultFilterOps = mFilterOps; } void LLInventoryFilter::resetDefault() { mFilterOps = mDefaultFilterOps; setModified(); } void LLInventoryFilter::setModified(EFilterModified behavior) { mFilterText.clear(); mCurrentGeneration++; if (mFilterModified == FILTER_NONE) { mFilterModified = behavior; } else if (mFilterModified != behavior) { // trying to do both less restrictive and more restrictive filter // basically means restart from scratch mFilterModified = FILTER_RESTART; } // if not keeping current filter results, update last valid as well switch(mFilterModified) { case FILTER_RESTART: mFirstRequiredGeneration = mCurrentGeneration; mFirstSuccessGeneration = mCurrentGeneration; break; case FILTER_LESS_RESTRICTIVE: mFirstRequiredGeneration = mCurrentGeneration; break; case FILTER_MORE_RESTRICTIVE: mFirstSuccessGeneration = mCurrentGeneration; break; default: llerrs << "Bad filter behavior specified" << llendl; } } bool LLInventoryFilter::isFilterObjectTypesWith(LLInventoryType::EType t) const { return mFilterOps.mFilterObjectTypes & (1LL << t); } const std::string& LLInventoryFilter::getFilterText() { if (!mFilterText.empty()) { return mFilterText; } std::string filtered_types; std::string not_filtered_types; BOOL filtered_by_type = FALSE; BOOL filtered_by_all_types = TRUE; S32 num_filter_types = 0; mFilterText.clear(); if (isFilterObjectTypesWith(LLInventoryType::IT_ANIMATION)) { filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Animations"); filtered_by_type = TRUE; num_filter_types++; } else { not_filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Animations"); filtered_by_all_types = FALSE; } if (isFilterObjectTypesWith(LLInventoryType::IT_CALLINGCARD)) { filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Calling Cards"); filtered_by_type = TRUE; num_filter_types++; } else { not_filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Calling Cards"); filtered_by_all_types = FALSE; } if (isFilterObjectTypesWith(LLInventoryType::IT_WEARABLE)) { filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Clothing"); filtered_by_type = TRUE; num_filter_types++; } else { not_filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Clothing"); filtered_by_all_types = FALSE; } if (isFilterObjectTypesWith(LLInventoryType::IT_GESTURE)) { filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Gestures"); filtered_by_type = TRUE; num_filter_types++; } else { not_filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Gestures"); filtered_by_all_types = FALSE; } if (isFilterObjectTypesWith(LLInventoryType::IT_LANDMARK)) { filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Landmarks"); filtered_by_type = TRUE; num_filter_types++; } else { not_filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Landmarks"); filtered_by_all_types = FALSE; } if (isFilterObjectTypesWith(LLInventoryType::IT_NOTECARD)) { filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Notecards"); filtered_by_type = TRUE; num_filter_types++; } else { not_filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Notecards"); filtered_by_all_types = FALSE; } if (isFilterObjectTypesWith(LLInventoryType::IT_OBJECT) && isFilterObjectTypesWith(LLInventoryType::IT_ATTACHMENT)) { filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Objects"); filtered_by_type = TRUE; num_filter_types++; } else { not_filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Objects"); filtered_by_all_types = FALSE; } if (isFilterObjectTypesWith(LLInventoryType::IT_LSL)) { filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Scripts"); filtered_by_type = TRUE; num_filter_types++; } else { not_filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Scripts"); filtered_by_all_types = FALSE; } if (isFilterObjectTypesWith(LLInventoryType::IT_SOUND)) { filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Sounds"); filtered_by_type = TRUE; num_filter_types++; } else { not_filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Sounds"); filtered_by_all_types = FALSE; } if (isFilterObjectTypesWith(LLInventoryType::IT_TEXTURE)) { filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Textures"); filtered_by_type = TRUE; num_filter_types++; } else { not_filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Textures"); filtered_by_all_types = FALSE; } if (isFilterObjectTypesWith(LLInventoryType::IT_SNAPSHOT)) { filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Snapshots"); filtered_by_type = TRUE; num_filter_types++; } else { not_filtered_types += LLTrans::getString("Snapshots"); filtered_by_all_types = FALSE; } if (!LLInventoryModelBackgroundFetch::instance().folderFetchActive() && filtered_by_type && !filtered_by_all_types) { mFilterText += " - "; if (num_filter_types < 5) { mFilterText += filtered_types; } else { mFilterText += LLTrans::getString("No Filters"); mFilterText += not_filtered_types; } // remove the ',' at the end mFilterText.erase(mFilterText.size() - 1, 1); } if (isSinceLogoff()) { mFilterText += LLTrans::getString("Since Logoff"); } return mFilterText; } LLInventoryFilter& LLInventoryFilter::operator=( const LLInventoryFilter& other ) { setFilterObjectTypes(other.getFilterObjectTypes()); setDateRange(other.getMinDate(), other.getMaxDate()); setHoursAgo(other.getHoursAgo()); setShowFolderState(other.getShowFolderState()); setFilterPermissions(other.getFilterPermissions()); setFilterSubString(other.getFilterSubString()); setDateRangeLastLogoff(other.isSinceLogoff()); return *this; } void LLInventoryFilter::toParams(Params& params) const { params.filter_ops.types = getFilterObjectTypes(); params.filter_ops.category_types = getFilterCategoryTypes(); if (getFilterObjectTypes() & FILTERTYPE_WEARABLE) { params.filter_ops.wearable_types = getFilterWearableTypes(); } params.filter_ops.date_range.min_date = getMinDate(); params.filter_ops.date_range.max_date = getMaxDate(); params.filter_ops.hours_ago = getHoursAgo(); params.filter_ops.show_folder_state = getShowFolderState(); params.filter_ops.permissions = getFilterPermissions(); params.substring = getFilterSubString(); params.since_logoff = isSinceLogoff(); } void LLInventoryFilter::fromParams(const Params& params) { if (!params.validateBlock()) { return; } setFilterObjectTypes(params.filter_ops.types); setFilterCategoryTypes(params.filter_ops.category_types); if (params.filter_ops.wearable_types.isProvided()) { setFilterWearableTypes(params.filter_ops.wearable_types); } setDateRange(params.filter_ops.date_range.min_date, params.filter_ops.date_range.max_date); setHoursAgo(params.filter_ops.hours_ago); setShowFolderState(params.filter_ops.show_folder_state); setFilterPermissions(params.filter_ops.permissions); setFilterSubString(params.substring); setDateRangeLastLogoff(params.since_logoff); } U64 LLInventoryFilter::getFilterTypes() const { return mFilterOps.mFilterTypes; } U64 LLInventoryFilter::getFilterObjectTypes() const { return mFilterOps.mFilterObjectTypes; } U64 LLInventoryFilter::getFilterCategoryTypes() const { return mFilterOps.mFilterCategoryTypes; } U64 LLInventoryFilter::getFilterWearableTypes() const { return mFilterOps.mFilterWearableTypes; } bool LLInventoryFilter::hasFilterString() const { return mFilterSubString.size() > 0; } std::string::size_type LLInventoryFilter::getFilterStringSize() const { return mFilterSubString.size(); } PermissionMask LLInventoryFilter::getFilterPermissions() const { return mFilterOps.mPermissions; } time_t LLInventoryFilter::getMinDate() const { return mFilterOps.mMinDate; } time_t LLInventoryFilter::getMaxDate() const { return mFilterOps.mMaxDate; } U32 LLInventoryFilter::getHoursAgo() const { return mFilterOps.mHoursAgo; } U64 LLInventoryFilter::getFilterLinks() const { return mFilterOps.mFilterLinks; } LLInventoryFilter::EFolderShow LLInventoryFilter::getShowFolderState() const { return mFilterOps.mShowFolderState; } bool LLInventoryFilter::isTimedOut() { return mFilterTime.hasExpired(); } void LLInventoryFilter::resetTime(S32 timeout) { mFilterTime.reset(); F32 time_in_sec = (F32)(timeout)/1000.0; mFilterTime.setTimerExpirySec(time_in_sec); } S32 LLInventoryFilter::getCurrentGeneration() const { return mCurrentGeneration; } S32 LLInventoryFilter::getFirstSuccessGeneration() const { return mFirstSuccessGeneration; } S32 LLInventoryFilter::getFirstRequiredGeneration() const { return mFirstRequiredGeneration; } void LLInventoryFilter::setEmptyLookupMessage(const std::string& message) { mEmptyLookupMessage = message; } std::string LLInventoryFilter::getEmptyLookupMessage() const { LLStringUtil::format_map_t args; args["[SEARCH_TERM]"] = LLURI::escape(getFilterSubStringOrig()); return LLTrans::getString(mEmptyLookupMessage, args); } bool LLInventoryFilter::areDateLimitsSet() { return mFilterOps.mMinDate != time_min() || mFilterOps.mMaxDate != time_max() || mFilterOps.mHoursAgo != 0; } bool LLInventoryFilter::showAllResults() const { return hasFilterString(); } bool LLInventoryFilter::FilterOps::DateRange::validateBlock( bool emit_errors /*= true*/ ) const { bool valid = LLInitParam::Block::validateBlock(emit_errors); if (valid) { if (max_date() < min_date()) { if (emit_errors) { llwarns << "max_date should be greater or equal to min_date" << llendl; } valid = false; } } return valid; }