/** * @file LLIMMgr.cpp * @brief Container for Instant Messaging * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llimview.h" #include "llavatarnamecache.h" // IDEVO #include "llavataractions.h" #include "llfloaterconversationlog.h" #include "llfloaterreg.h" #include "llfontgl.h" #include "llgl.h" #include "llrect.h" #include "llerror.h" #include "llbutton.h" #include "llsdutil_math.h" #include "llstring.h" #include "lltextutil.h" #include "lltrans.h" #include "lltranslate.h" #include "lluictrlfactory.h" #include "llfloaterimsessiontab.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "llagentui.h" #include "llappviewer.h" #include "llavatariconctrl.h" #include "llcallingcard.h" #include "llchat.h" #include "llfloaterimsession.h" #include "llfloaterimcontainer.h" #include "llgroupiconctrl.h" #include "llmd5.h" #include "llmutelist.h" #include "llrecentpeople.h" #include "llviewermessage.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "llnotifications.h" #include "llnotificationsutil.h" #include "llfloaterimnearbychat.h" #include "llspeakers.h" //for LLIMSpeakerMgr #include "lltextbox.h" #include "lltoolbarview.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llviewerparcelmgr.h" #include "llconversationlog.h" #include "message.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "llcorehttputil.h" #include "lluiusage.h" #include const static std::string ADHOC_NAME_SUFFIX(" Conference"); const static std::string NEARBY_P2P_BY_OTHER("nearby_P2P_by_other"); const static std::string NEARBY_P2P_BY_AGENT("nearby_P2P_by_agent"); // Markers inserted around translated part of chat text const static std::string XL8_START_TAG(" ("); const static std::string XL8_END_TAG(")"); const S32 XL8_PADDING = 3; // XL8_START_TAG.size() + XL8_END_TAG.size() /** Timeout of outgoing session initialization (in seconds) */ const static U32 SESSION_INITIALIZATION_TIMEOUT = 30; // This enum corresponds to the sim's and adds P2P_CHAT_SESSION, // as webrtc uses the multiagent chat mechanism for p2p calls, // instead of relying on vivox calling. // Don't change this without consulting a server developer. enum EMultiAgentChatSessionType { GROUP_CHAT_SESSION = 0, CONFERENCE_SESSION = 1, P2P_CHAT_SESSION = 2, SESSION_TYPE_COUNT }; void startConferenceCoro(std::string url, LLUUID tempSessionId, LLUUID creatorId, LLUUID otherParticipantId, LLSD agents); void startP2PVoiceCoro(std::string url, LLUUID tempSessionId, LLUUID creatorId, LLUUID otherParticipantId); void chatterBoxInvitationCoro(std::string url, LLUUID sessionId, LLIMMgr::EInvitationType invitationType, const LLSD& voiceChannelInfo); void chatterBoxHistoryCoro(std::string url, LLUUID sessionId, std::string from, std::string message, U32 timestamp); void start_deprecated_conference_chat(const LLUUID& temp_session_id, const LLUUID& creator_id, const LLUUID& other_participant_id, const LLSD& agents_to_invite); const LLUUID LLOutgoingCallDialog::OCD_KEY = LLUUID("7CF78E11-0CFE-498D-ADB9-1417BF03DDB4"); // // Globals // LLIMMgr* gIMMgr = NULL; BOOL LLSessionTimeoutTimer::tick() { if (mSessionId.isNull()) return TRUE; LLIMModel::LLIMSession* session = LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(mSessionId); if (session && !session->mSessionInitialized) { gIMMgr->showSessionStartError("session_initialization_timed_out_error", mSessionId); } return TRUE; } void notify_of_message(const LLSD& msg, bool is_dnd_msg); void process_dnd_im(const LLSD& notification) { LLSD data = notification["substitutions"]; LLUUID sessionID = data["SESSION_ID"].asUUID(); LLUUID fromID = data["FROM_ID"].asUUID(); //re-create the IM session if needed //(when coming out of DND mode upon app restart) if(!gIMMgr->hasSession(sessionID)) { //reconstruct session using data from the notification std::string name = data["FROM"]; LLAvatarName av_name; if (LLAvatarNameCache::get(data["FROM_ID"], &av_name)) { name = av_name.getDisplayName(); } LLIMModel::getInstance()->newSession(sessionID, name, IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL, fromID, LLSD(), false); //will need slight refactor to retrieve whether offline message or not (assume online for now) } notify_of_message(data, true); } static void on_avatar_name_cache_toast(const LLUUID& agent_id, const LLAvatarName& av_name, LLSD msg) { LLSD args; args["MESSAGE"] = msg["message"]; args["TIME"] = msg["time"]; // *TODO: Can this ever be an object name or group name? args["FROM"] = av_name.getCompleteName(); args["FROM_ID"] = msg["from_id"]; args["SESSION_ID"] = msg["session_id"]; args["SESSION_TYPE"] = msg["session_type"]; LLNotificationsUtil::add("IMToast", args, args, boost::bind(&LLFloaterIMContainer::showConversation, LLFloaterIMContainer::getInstance(), msg["session_id"].asUUID())); } void notify_of_message(const LLSD& msg, bool is_dnd_msg) { std::string user_preferences; LLUUID participant_id = msg[is_dnd_msg ? "FROM_ID" : "from_id"].asUUID(); LLUUID session_id = msg[is_dnd_msg ? "SESSION_ID" : "session_id"].asUUID(); LLIMModel::LLIMSession* session = LLIMModel::instance().findIMSession(session_id); // do not show notification which goes from agent if (gAgent.getID() == participant_id) { return; } // determine state of conversations floater enum {CLOSED, NOT_ON_TOP, ON_TOP, ON_TOP_AND_ITEM_IS_SELECTED} conversations_floater_status; LLFloaterIMContainer* im_box = LLFloaterReg::getTypedInstance("im_container"); LLFloaterIMSessionTab* session_floater = LLFloaterIMSessionTab::getConversation(session_id); bool store_dnd_message = false; // flag storage of a dnd message bool is_session_focused = session_floater->isTornOff() && session_floater->hasFocus(); if (!LLFloater::isVisible(im_box) || im_box->isMinimized()) { conversations_floater_status = CLOSED; } else if (!im_box->hasFocus() && !(session_floater && LLFloater::isVisible(session_floater) && !session_floater->isMinimized() && session_floater->hasFocus())) { conversations_floater_status = NOT_ON_TOP; } else if (im_box->getSelectedSession() != session_id) { conversations_floater_status = ON_TOP; } else { conversations_floater_status = ON_TOP_AND_ITEM_IS_SELECTED; } // determine user prefs for this session if (session_id.isNull()) { if (msg["source_type"].asInteger() == CHAT_SOURCE_OBJECT) { user_preferences = gSavedSettings.getString("NotificationObjectIMOptions"); if (!gAgent.isDoNotDisturb() && (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("PlaySoundObjectIM") == TRUE)) { make_ui_sound("UISndNewIncomingIMSession"); } } else { user_preferences = gSavedSettings.getString("NotificationNearbyChatOptions"); if (!gAgent.isDoNotDisturb() && (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("PlaySoundNearbyChatIM") == TRUE)) { make_ui_sound("UISndNewIncomingIMSession"); } } } else if(session->isP2PSessionType()) { if (LLAvatarTracker::instance().isBuddy(participant_id)) { user_preferences = gSavedSettings.getString("NotificationFriendIMOptions"); if (!gAgent.isDoNotDisturb() && (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("PlaySoundFriendIM") == TRUE)) { make_ui_sound("UISndNewIncomingIMSession"); } } else { user_preferences = gSavedSettings.getString("NotificationNonFriendIMOptions"); if (!gAgent.isDoNotDisturb() && (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("PlaySoundNonFriendIM") == TRUE)) { make_ui_sound("UISndNewIncomingIMSession"); } } } else if(session->isAdHocSessionType()) { user_preferences = gSavedSettings.getString("NotificationConferenceIMOptions"); if (!gAgent.isDoNotDisturb() && (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("PlaySoundConferenceIM") == TRUE)) { make_ui_sound("UISndNewIncomingIMSession"); } } else if(session->isGroupSessionType()) { user_preferences = gSavedSettings.getString("NotificationGroupChatOptions"); if (!gAgent.isDoNotDisturb() && (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("PlaySoundGroupChatIM") == TRUE)) { make_ui_sound("UISndNewIncomingIMSession"); } } // actions: // 0. nothing - exit if (("noaction" == user_preferences || ON_TOP_AND_ITEM_IS_SELECTED == conversations_floater_status) && session_floater->isMessagePaneExpanded()) { return; } // 1. open floater and [optional] surface it if ("openconversations" == user_preferences && (CLOSED == conversations_floater_status || NOT_ON_TOP == conversations_floater_status)) { if(!gAgent.isDoNotDisturb()) { if(!LLAppViewer::instance()->quitRequested() && !LLFloater::isVisible(im_box)) { // Open conversations floater LLFloaterReg::showInstance("im_container"); } im_box->collapseMessagesPane(false); if (session_floater) { if (session_floater->getHost()) { if (NULL != im_box && im_box->isMinimized()) { LLFloater::onClickMinimize(im_box); } } else { if (session_floater->isMinimized()) { LLFloater::onClickMinimize(session_floater); } } } } else { store_dnd_message = true; } } // 2. Flash line item if ("openconversations" == user_preferences || ON_TOP == conversations_floater_status || ("toast" == user_preferences && ON_TOP != conversations_floater_status) || ("flash" == user_preferences && (CLOSED == conversations_floater_status || NOT_ON_TOP == conversations_floater_status)) || is_dnd_msg) { if(!LLMuteList::getInstance()->isMuted(participant_id)) { if(gAgent.isDoNotDisturb()) { store_dnd_message = true; } else { if (is_dnd_msg && (ON_TOP == conversations_floater_status || NOT_ON_TOP == conversations_floater_status || CLOSED == conversations_floater_status)) { im_box->highlightConversationItemWidget(session_id, true); } else { im_box->flashConversationItemWidget(session_id, true); } } } } // 3. Flash FUI button if (("toast" == user_preferences || "flash" == user_preferences) && (CLOSED == conversations_floater_status || NOT_ON_TOP == conversations_floater_status) && !is_session_focused && !is_dnd_msg) //prevent flashing FUI button because the conversation floater will have already opened { if(!LLMuteList::getInstance()->isMuted(participant_id)) { if(!gAgent.isDoNotDisturb()) { gToolBarView->flashCommand(LLCommandId("chat"), true, im_box->isMinimized()); } else { store_dnd_message = true; } } } // 4. Toast if ((("toast" == user_preferences) && (ON_TOP_AND_ITEM_IS_SELECTED != conversations_floater_status) && (!session_floater->isTornOff() || !LLFloater::isVisible(session_floater))) || !session_floater->isMessagePaneExpanded()) { //Show IM toasts (upper right toasts) // Skip toasting for system messages and for nearby chat if(session_id.notNull() && participant_id.notNull()) { if(!is_dnd_msg) { if(gAgent.isDoNotDisturb()) { store_dnd_message = true; } else { LLAvatarNameCache::get(participant_id, boost::bind(&on_avatar_name_cache_toast, _1, _2, msg)); } } } } if (store_dnd_message) { // If in DND mode, allow notification to be stored so upon DND exit // the user will be notified with some limitations (see 'is_dnd_msg' flag checks) if(session_id.notNull() && participant_id.notNull() && !session_floater->isShown()) { LLAvatarNameCache::get(participant_id, boost::bind(&on_avatar_name_cache_toast, _1, _2, msg)); } } } void on_new_message(const LLSD& msg) { notify_of_message(msg, false); } void startConferenceCoro(std::string url, LLUUID tempSessionId, LLUUID creatorId, LLUUID otherParticipantId, LLSD agents) { LLCore::HttpRequest::policy_t httpPolicy(LLCore::HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID); LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t httpAdapter(new LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter("ConferenceChatStart", httpPolicy)); LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t httpRequest(new LLCore::HttpRequest); LLSD postData; postData["method"] = "start conference"; postData["session-id"] = tempSessionId; postData["params"] = agents; LLSD altParams; std::string voice_server_type = gSavedSettings.getString("VoiceServerType"); if (voice_server_type.empty()) { // default to the server type associated with the region we're on. LLVoiceVersionInfo versionInfo = LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->getVersion(); voice_server_type = versionInfo.internalVoiceServerType; } altParams["voice_server_type"] = voice_server_type; postData["alt_params"] = altParams; LLSD result = httpAdapter->postAndSuspend(httpRequest, url, postData); LLSD httpResults = result[LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS]; LLCore::HttpStatus status = LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::getStatusFromLLSD(httpResults); if (!status) { LL_WARNS("LLIMModel") << "Failed to start conference" << LL_ENDL; //try an "old school" way. // *TODO: What about other error status codes? 4xx 5xx? if (status == LLCore::HttpStatus(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)) { start_deprecated_conference_chat( tempSessionId, creatorId, otherParticipantId, agents); } //else throw an error back to the client? //in theory we should have just have these error strings //etc. set up in this file as opposed to the IMMgr, //but the error string were unneeded here previously //and it is not worth the effort switching over all //the possible different language translations } } void startP2PVoiceCoro(std::string url, LLUUID sessionID, LLUUID creatorId, LLUUID otherParticipantId) { LLCore::HttpRequest::policy_t httpPolicy(LLCore::HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID); LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t httpAdapter(new LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter("StartP2PVoiceCoro", httpPolicy)); LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t httpRequest(new LLCore::HttpRequest); LLSD postData; postData["method"] = "start p2p voice"; postData["session-id"] = sessionID; postData["params"] = otherParticipantId; LLSD altParams; std::string voice_server_type = gSavedSettings.getString("VoiceServerType"); if (voice_server_type.empty()) { // default to the server type associated with the region we're on. LLVoiceVersionInfo versionInfo = LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->getVersion(); voice_server_type = versionInfo.internalVoiceServerType; } altParams["voice_server_type"] = voice_server_type; postData["alt_params"] = altParams; LLSD result = httpAdapter->postAndSuspend(httpRequest, url, postData); LLSD httpResults = result[LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS]; LLCore::HttpStatus status = LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::getStatusFromLLSD(httpResults); if (!status) { LL_WARNS("LLIMModel") << "Failed to start p2p session:" << postData << "->" << result << LL_ENDL; // try an "old school" way. // *TODO: What about other error status codes? 4xx 5xx? if (status == LLCore::HttpStatus(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)) { static const std::string error_string("session_does_not_exist_error"); gIMMgr->showSessionStartError(error_string, sessionID); } } } void chatterBoxInvitationCoro(std::string url, LLUUID sessionId, LLIMMgr::EInvitationType invitationType, const LLSD& voiceChannelInfo) { LLCore::HttpRequest::policy_t httpPolicy(LLCore::HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID); LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t httpAdapter(new LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter("ConferenceInviteStart", httpPolicy)); LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t httpRequest(new LLCore::HttpRequest); LLSD postData; postData["method"] = "accept invitation"; postData["session-id"] = sessionId; LLSD result = httpAdapter->postAndSuspend(httpRequest, url, postData); LLSD httpResults = result[LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS]; LLCore::HttpStatus status = LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::getStatusFromLLSD(httpResults); if (!gIMMgr) { LL_WARNS("") << "Global IM Manager is NULL" << LL_ENDL; return; } if (!status) { LL_WARNS("LLIMModel") << "Bad HTTP response in chatterBoxInvitationCoro" << LL_ENDL; //throw something back to the viewer here? gIMMgr->clearPendingAgentListUpdates(sessionId); gIMMgr->clearPendingInvitation(sessionId); if (status == LLCore::HttpStatus(HTTP_NOT_FOUND)) { static const std::string error_string("session_does_not_exist_error"); gIMMgr->showSessionStartError(error_string, sessionId); } return; } result.erase(LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS); LLIMSpeakerMgr* speakerMgr = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getSpeakerManager(sessionId); if (speakerMgr) { //we've accepted our invitation //and received a list of agents that were //currently in the session when the reply was sent //to us. Now, it is possible that there were some agents //to slip in/out between when that message was sent to us //and now. //the agent list updates we've received have been //accurate from the time we were added to the session //but unfortunately, our base that we are receiving here //may not be the most up to date. It was accurate at //some point in time though. speakerMgr->setSpeakers(result); //we now have our base of users in the session //that was accurate at some point, but maybe not now //so now we apply all of the updates we've received //in case of race conditions speakerMgr->updateSpeakers(gIMMgr->getPendingAgentListUpdates(sessionId)); } if (LLIMMgr::INVITATION_TYPE_VOICE == invitationType) { gIMMgr->startCall(sessionId, LLVoiceChannel::INCOMING_CALL, voiceChannelInfo); } if ((invitationType == LLIMMgr::INVITATION_TYPE_VOICE || invitationType == LLIMMgr::INVITATION_TYPE_IMMEDIATE) && LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(sessionId)) { // TODO remove in 2010, for voice calls we do not open an IM window //LLFloaterIMSession::show(mSessionID); } gIMMgr->clearPendingAgentListUpdates(sessionId); gIMMgr->clearPendingInvitation(sessionId); } void translateSuccess(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& from, const LLUUID& from_id, const std::string& utf8_text, U64 time_n_flags, std::string originalMsg, std::string expectLang, std::string translation, const std::string detected_language) { std::string message_txt(utf8_text); // filter out non-interesting responses if (!translation.empty() && ((detected_language.empty()) || (expectLang != detected_language)) && (LLStringUtil::compareInsensitive(translation, originalMsg) != 0)) { // Note - if this format changes, also fix code in addMessagesFromServerHistory() message_txt += XL8_START_TAG + LLTranslate::removeNoTranslateTags(translation) + XL8_END_TAG; } // Extract info packed in time_n_flags bool log2file = (bool)(time_n_flags & (1LL << 32)); bool is_region_msg = (bool)(time_n_flags & (1LL << 33)); U32 time_stamp = (U32)(time_n_flags & 0x00000000ffffffff); LLIMModel::getInstance()->processAddingMessage(session_id, from, from_id, message_txt, log2file, is_region_msg, time_stamp); } void translateFailure(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& from, const LLUUID& from_id, const std::string& utf8_text, U64 time_n_flags, int status, const std::string err_msg) { std::string message_txt(utf8_text); std::string msg = LLTrans::getString("TranslationFailed", LLSD().with("[REASON]", err_msg)); LLStringUtil::replaceString(msg, "\n", " "); // we want one-line error messages message_txt += XL8_START_TAG + msg + XL8_END_TAG; // Extract info packed in time_n_flags bool log2file = (bool)(time_n_flags & (1LL << 32)); bool is_region_msg = (bool)(time_n_flags & (1LL << 33)); U32 time_stamp = (U32)(time_n_flags & 0x00000000ffffffff); LLIMModel::getInstance()->processAddingMessage(session_id, from, from_id, message_txt, log2file, is_region_msg, time_stamp); } void chatterBoxHistoryCoro(std::string url, LLUUID sessionId, std::string from, std::string message, U32 timestamp) { // if parameters from, message and timestamp have values, they are a message that opened chat LLCore::HttpRequest::policy_t httpPolicy(LLCore::HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID); LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t httpAdapter(new LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter("ChatHistory", httpPolicy)); LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t httpRequest(new LLCore::HttpRequest); LLSD postData; postData["method"] = "fetch history"; postData["session-id"] = sessionId; LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistory") << sessionId << ": Chat history posting " << postData << " to " << url << ", from " << from << ", message " << message << ", timestamp " << (S32)timestamp << LL_ENDL; LLSD result = httpAdapter->postAndSuspend(httpRequest, url, postData); LLSD httpResults = result[LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS]; LLCore::HttpStatus status = LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::getStatusFromLLSD(httpResults); if (!status) { LL_WARNS("ChatHistory") << sessionId << ": Bad HTTP response in chatterBoxHistoryCoro" << ", results: " << httpResults << LL_ENDL; return; } if (LLApp::isExiting() || gDisconnected) { LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistory") << "Ignoring chat history response, shutting down" << LL_ENDL; return; } // Add history to IM session LLSD history = result[LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS_CONTENT]; LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistory") << sessionId << ": Chat server history fetch returned " << history << LL_ENDL; try { LLIMModel::LLIMSession* session = LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(sessionId); if (session && history.isArray()) { // Result array is sorted oldest to newest if (history.size() > 0) { // History from the chat server has an integer 'time' value timestamp. Create 'datetime' string which will match // what we have from the local history cache for (LLSD::array_iterator cur_server_hist = history.beginArray(), endLists = history.endArray(); cur_server_hist != endLists; cur_server_hist++) { if ((*cur_server_hist).isMap()) { // Take the 'time' value from the server and make the date-time string that will be in local cache log files // {'from_id':u7aa8c222-8a81-450e-b3d1-9c28491ef717,'message':'Can you hear me now?','from':'Chat Tester','num':i86,'time':r1.66501e+09} U32 timestamp = (U32)((*cur_server_hist)[LL_IM_TIME].asInteger()); (*cur_server_hist)[LL_IM_DATE_TIME] = LLLogChat::timestamp2LogString(timestamp, true); } } session->addMessagesFromServerHistory(history, from, message, timestamp); // Display the newly added messages LLFloaterIMSession* floater = LLFloaterReg::findTypedInstance("impanel", sessionId); if (floater && floater->isInVisibleChain()) { floater->updateMessages(); } } else { LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistory") << sessionId << ": Empty history from chat server, nothing to add" << LL_ENDL; } } else if (session && !history.isArray()) { LL_WARNS("ChatHistory") << sessionId << ": Bad array data fetching chat history" << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_WARNS("ChatHistory") << sessionId << ": Unable to find session fetching chat history" << LL_ENDL; } } catch (...) { LOG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("chatterBoxHistoryCoro"); LL_WARNS("ChatHistory") << "chatterBoxHistoryCoro unhandled exception while processing data for session " << sessionId << LL_ENDL; } } LLIMModel::LLIMModel() { addNewMsgCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterIMSession::newIMCallback, _1)); addNewMsgCallback(boost::bind(&on_new_message, _1)); LLCallDialogManager::instance(); } LLIMModel::LLIMSession::LLIMSession(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& name, const EInstantMessage& type, const LLUUID& other_participant_id, const LLSD& voice_channel_info, const uuid_vec_t& ids, bool has_offline_msg) : mSessionID(session_id), mName(name), mType(type), mHasOfflineMessage(has_offline_msg), mParticipantUnreadMessageCount(0), mNumUnread(0), mOtherParticipantID(other_participant_id), mInitialTargetIDs(ids), mVoiceChannel(NULL), mP2PAsAdhocCall(false), mSpeakers(NULL), mSessionInitialized(false), mCallBackEnabled(true), mTextIMPossible(true), mStartCallOnInitialize(false), mStartedAsIMCall(!voice_channel_info.isUndefined()), mIsDNDsend(false), mAvatarNameCacheConnection() { // set P2P type by default mSessionType = P2P_SESSION; if (IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL == mType || IM_SESSION_P2P_INVITE == mType) { mP2PAsAdhocCall = (LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->getOutgoingCallInterface(voice_channel_info) == NULL); } else { // determine whether it is group or conference session mSessionType = gAgent.isInGroup(mSessionID) ? GROUP_SESSION : ADHOC_SESSION; } initVoiceChannel(voice_channel_info); // All participants will be added to the list of people we've recently interacted with. // we need to add only _active_ speakers...so comment this. // may delete this later on cleanup //mSpeakers->addListener(&LLRecentPeople::instance(), "add"); //we need to wait for session initialization for outgoing ad-hoc and group chat session //correct session id for initiated ad-hoc chat will be received from the server if (!LLIMModel::getInstance()->sendStartSession(mSessionID, mOtherParticipantID, mInitialTargetIDs, mType, mP2PAsAdhocCall)) { //we don't need to wait for any responses //so we're already initialized mSessionInitialized = true; } else { //tick returns TRUE - timer will be deleted after the tick new LLSessionTimeoutTimer(mSessionID, SESSION_INITIALIZATION_TIMEOUT); } if (IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL == mType) { mCallBackEnabled = LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->isSessionCallBackPossible(mSessionID); mTextIMPossible = LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->isSessionTextIMPossible(mSessionID); } buildHistoryFileName(); loadHistory(); // Localizing name of ad-hoc session. STORM-153 // Changing name should happen here- after the history file was created, so that // history files have consistent (English) names in different locales. if (isAdHocSessionType() && IM_SESSION_INVITE == mType) { mAvatarNameCacheConnection = LLAvatarNameCache::get(mOtherParticipantID,boost::bind(&LLIMModel::LLIMSession::onAdHocNameCache,this, _2)); } } void LLIMModel::LLIMSession::initVoiceChannel(const LLSD& voiceChannelInfo) { if (mVoiceChannel) { if (mVoiceChannel->isThisVoiceChannel(voiceChannelInfo)) { return; } mVoiceChannelStateChangeConnection.disconnect(); mVoiceChannel->deactivate(); delete mVoiceChannel; mVoiceChannel = NULL; } mP2PAsAdhocCall = false; if (IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL == mType || IM_SESSION_P2P_INVITE == mType) { LLVoiceP2POutgoingCallInterface *outgoingInterface = LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->getOutgoingCallInterface(voiceChannelInfo); if (outgoingInterface) { // only use LLVoiceChannelP2P if the provider can handle the special P2P interface, // which uses the voice server to relay calls and invites. Otherwise, // we use the group voice provider. mVoiceChannel = new LLVoiceChannelP2P(mSessionID, mName, mOtherParticipantID, outgoingInterface); } else { mP2PAsAdhocCall = true; mVoiceChannel = new LLVoiceChannelGroup(mSessionID, mName, true); } } else { // determine whether it is group or conference session if (mSessionType == GROUP_SESSION) { mSessionType = GROUP_SESSION; mVoiceChannel = new LLVoiceChannelGroup(mSessionID, mName, false); } else if (mSessionType == ADHOC_SESSION) { mSessionType = ADHOC_SESSION; mVoiceChannel = new LLVoiceChannelGroup(mSessionID, mName, false); } else { LL_WARNS("Voice") << "Invalid Session Type when initializing voice channel: " << mSessionType << LL_ENDL; return; } } mVoiceChannelStateChangeConnection = mVoiceChannel->setStateChangedCallback(boost::bind(&LLIMSession::onVoiceChannelStateChanged, this, _1, _2, _3)); if (!mSpeakers) { mSpeakers = new LLIMSpeakerMgr(mVoiceChannel); } else { mSpeakers->setVoiceChannel(mVoiceChannel); } } void LLIMModel::LLIMSession::onAdHocNameCache(const LLAvatarName& av_name) { mAvatarNameCacheConnection.disconnect(); if (!av_name.isValidName()) { S32 separator_index = mName.rfind(" "); std::string name = mName.substr(0, separator_index); ++separator_index; std::string conference_word = mName.substr(separator_index, mName.length()); // additional check that session name is what we expected if ("Conference" == conference_word) { LLStringUtil::format_map_t args; args["[AGENT_NAME]"] = name; LLTrans::findString(mName, "conference-title-incoming", args); } } else { LLStringUtil::format_map_t args; args["[AGENT_NAME]"] = av_name.getCompleteName(); LLTrans::findString(mName, "conference-title-incoming", args); } } void LLIMModel::LLIMSession::onVoiceChannelStateChanged(const LLVoiceChannel::EState& old_state, const LLVoiceChannel::EState& new_state, const LLVoiceChannel::EDirection& direction) { std::string you_joined_call = LLTrans::getString("you_joined_call"); std::string you_started_call = LLTrans::getString("you_started_call"); std::string other_avatar_name = ""; LLAvatarName av_name; std::string message; switch(mSessionType) { case P2P_SESSION: LLAvatarNameCache::get(mOtherParticipantID, &av_name); other_avatar_name = av_name.getUserName(); if(direction == LLVoiceChannel::INCOMING_CALL) { switch(new_state) { case LLVoiceChannel::STATE_CALL_STARTED : { LLStringUtil::format_map_t string_args; string_args["[NAME]"] = other_avatar_name; message = LLTrans::getString("name_started_call", string_args); LLIMModel::getInstance()->addMessage(mSessionID, SYSTEM_FROM, LLUUID::null, message); break; } case LLVoiceChannel::STATE_CONNECTED : LLIMModel::getInstance()->addMessage(mSessionID, SYSTEM_FROM, LLUUID::null, you_joined_call); default: break; } } else // outgoing call { switch(new_state) { case LLVoiceChannel::STATE_CALL_STARTED : LLIMModel::getInstance()->addMessage(mSessionID, SYSTEM_FROM, LLUUID::null, you_started_call); break; case LLVoiceChannel::STATE_CONNECTED : message = LLTrans::getString("answered_call"); LLIMModel::getInstance()->addMessage(mSessionID, SYSTEM_FROM, LLUUID::null, message); default: break; } } break; case GROUP_SESSION: case ADHOC_SESSION: if(direction == LLVoiceChannel::INCOMING_CALL) { switch(new_state) { case LLVoiceChannel::STATE_CONNECTED : LLIMModel::getInstance()->addMessage(mSessionID, SYSTEM_FROM, LLUUID::null, you_joined_call); default: break; } } else // outgoing call { switch(new_state) { case LLVoiceChannel::STATE_CALL_STARTED : LLIMModel::getInstance()->addMessage(mSessionID, SYSTEM_FROM, LLUUID::null, you_started_call); break; default: break; } } default: break; } // Update speakers list when connected if (mSpeakers && LLVoiceChannel::STATE_CONNECTED == new_state) { mSpeakers->update(true); } } LLIMModel::LLIMSession::~LLIMSession() { if (mAvatarNameCacheConnection.connected()) { mAvatarNameCacheConnection.disconnect(); } delete mSpeakers; mSpeakers = NULL; mVoiceChannelStateChangeConnection.disconnect(); // HAVE to do this here -- if it happens in the LLVoiceChannel destructor it will call the wrong version (since the object's partially deconstructed at that point). mVoiceChannel->deactivate(); delete mVoiceChannel; mVoiceChannel = NULL; } void LLIMModel::LLIMSession::sessionInitReplyReceived(const LLUUID& new_session_id) { mSessionInitialized = true; if (new_session_id != mSessionID) { mSessionID = new_session_id; if (mVoiceChannel) { mVoiceChannel->updateSessionID(new_session_id); } } } void LLIMModel::LLIMSession::addMessage(const std::string& from, const LLUUID& from_id, const std::string& utf8_text, const std::string& time, const bool is_history, // comes from a history file or chat server const bool is_region_msg, const U32 timestamp) // may be zero { LLSD message; message["from"] = from; message["from_id"] = from_id; message["message"] = utf8_text; message["time"] = time; // string used in display, may be full data YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM or just HH:MM message["timestamp"] = (S32)timestamp; // use string? LLLogChat::timestamp2LogString(timestamp, true); message["index"] = (LLSD::Integer)mMsgs.size(); message["is_history"] = is_history; message["is_region_msg"] = is_region_msg; LL_DEBUGS("UIUsage") << "addMessage " << " from " << from << " from_id " << from_id << " utf8_text " << utf8_text << " time " << time << " is_history " << is_history << " session mType " << mType << LL_ENDL; if (from_id == gAgent.getID()) { if (mType == IM_SESSION_GROUP_START) { LLUIUsage::instance().logCommand("Chat.SendGroup"); } else if (mType == IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL) { LLUIUsage::instance().logCommand("Chat.SendIM"); } else { LLUIUsage::instance().logCommand("Chat.SendOther"); } } mMsgs.push_front(message); // Add most recent messages to the front of mMsgs if (mSpeakers && from_id.notNull()) { mSpeakers->speakerChatted(from_id); mSpeakers->setSpeakerTyping(from_id, FALSE); } } void LLIMModel::LLIMSession::addMessagesFromHistoryCache(const chat_message_list_t& history) { // Add the messages from the local cached chat history to the session window for (const auto& msg : history) { std::string from = msg[LL_IM_FROM]; LLUUID from_id; if (msg[LL_IM_FROM_ID].isDefined()) { from_id = msg[LL_IM_FROM_ID].asUUID(); } else { // convert it to a legacy name if we have a complete name std::string legacy_name = gCacheName->buildLegacyName(from); from_id = LLAvatarNameCache::getInstance()->findIdByName(legacy_name); } // Save the last minute of messages so we can merge with the chat server history. // Really would be nice to have a numeric timestamp in the local cached chat file const std::string & msg_time_str = msg[LL_IM_DATE_TIME].asString(); if (mLastHistoryCacheDateTime != msg_time_str) { mLastHistoryCacheDateTime = msg_time_str; // Reset to the new time mLastHistoryCacheMsgs.clear(); } mLastHistoryCacheMsgs.push_front(msg); LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistory") << mSessionID << ": Adding history cache message: " << msg << LL_ENDL; // Add message from history cache to the display addMessage(from, from_id, msg[LL_IM_TEXT], msg[LL_IM_TIME], true, false, 0); // from history data, not region message, no timestamp } } void LLIMModel::LLIMSession::addMessagesFromServerHistory(const LLSD& history, // Array of chat messages from chat server const std::string& target_from, // Sender of message that opened chat const std::string& target_message, // Message text that opened chat U32 timestamp) // timestamp of message that opened chat { // Add messages from history returned by the chat server. // The session mMsgs may contain chat messages from the local history cache file, and possibly one or more newly // arrived chat messages. If the chat window was manually opened, these will be empty and history can // more easily merged. The history from the server, however, may overlap what is in the file and those must also be merged. // At this point, the session mMsgs can have // no messages // nothing from history file cache, but one or more very recently arrived messages, // messages from history file cache, no recent chat // messages from history file cache, one or more very recent messages // // The chat history from server can possibly contain: // no messages // messages that start back before anything in the local file (obscure case, but possible) // messages that match messages from the history file cache // messages from the last hour, new to the viewer // one or more messages that match most recently received chat (the one that opened the window) // In other words: // messages from chat server may or may not match what we already have in mMsgs // We can drop anything that is during the time span covered by the local cache file // To keep things simple, drop any chat data older than the local cache file if (!history.isArray()) { LL_WARNS("ChatHistory") << mSessionID << ": Unexpected history data not array, type " << (S32)history.type() << LL_ENDL; return; } if (history.size() == 0) { // If history is empty LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistory") << mSessionID << ": addMessagesFromServerHistory() has empty history, nothing to merge" << LL_ENDL; return; } if (history.size() == 1 && // Server chat history has one entry, target_from.length() > 0 && // and we have a chat message that just arrived mMsgs.size() > 0) // and we have some data in the window - assume the history message is there. { // This is the common case where a group chat is silent for a while, and then one message is sent. LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistory") << mSessionID << ": addMessagesFromServerHistory() only has chat message just received." << LL_ENDL; return; } LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistory") << mSessionID << ": addMessagesFromServerHistory() starting with mMsg.size() " << mMsgs.size() << " adding history with " << history.size() << " messages" << ", target_from: " << target_from << ", target_message: " << target_message << ", timestamp: " << (S32)timestamp << LL_ENDL; // At start of merging, mMsgs is either empty, has some chat messages read from a local cache file, and may have // one or more messages that just arrived from the server. U32 match_timestamp = 0; chat_message_list_t shift_msgs; if (mMsgs.size() > 0 && target_from.length() > 0 && target_message.length() > 0) { // Find where to insert the history messages by popping off a few in the session. // The most common case is one duplciate message, the one that opens a chat session while (mMsgs.size() > 0) { // The "time" value from mMsgs is a string, either just time HH:MM or a full date and time LLSD cur_msg = mMsgs.front(); // Get most recent message from the chat display (front of mMsgs list) if (cur_msg.isMap()) { LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistoryCompare") << mSessionID << ": Finding insertion point, looking at cur_msg: " << cur_msg << LL_ENDL; match_timestamp = cur_msg["timestamp"].asInteger(); // get timestamp of message in the session, may be zero if ((S32)timestamp > match_timestamp) { LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistory") << mSessionID << ": found older chat message: " << cur_msg << ", timestamp " << (S32)timestamp << " vs. match_timestamp " << match_timestamp << ", shift_msgs size is " << shift_msgs.size() << LL_ENDL; break; } // Have the matching message or one more recent: these need to be at the end shift_msgs.push_front(cur_msg); // Move chat message to temp list. mMsgs.pop_front(); // Normally this is just one message LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistory") << mSessionID << ": shifting chat message " << cur_msg << " to be inserted at end, shift_msgs size is " << shift_msgs.size() << ", match_timestamp " << match_timestamp << ", timestamp " << (S32)timestamp << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistory") << mSessionID << ": Unexpected non-map entry in session messages: " << cur_msg << LL_ENDL; return; } } } // Now merge messages from server history data into the session display. The history data // from the local file may overlap with the chat messages from the server. // Drop any messages from the chat server history that are before the latest one from the local history file. // Unfortunately, messages from the local file don't have timestamps - just datetime strings LLSD::array_const_iterator cur_history_iter = history.beginArray(); while (cur_history_iter != history.endArray()) { const LLSD &cur_server_hist = *cur_history_iter; cur_history_iter++; if (cur_server_hist.isMap()) { // Each server history entry looks like // { 'from':'Laggy Avatar', 'from_id' : u72345678 - 744f - 43b9 - 98af - b06f1c76ddda, 'index' : i24, 'is_history' : 1, 'message' : 'That was slow', 'time' : '02/13/2023 10:03', 'timestamp' : i1676311419 } // If we reach the message that opened our window, stop adding messages U32 history_msg_timestamp = (U32)cur_server_hist[LL_IM_TIME].asInteger(); if ((match_timestamp > 0 && match_timestamp <= history_msg_timestamp) || (timestamp > 0 && timestamp <= history_msg_timestamp)) { // we found the message we matched, so stop inserting from chat server history LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistoryCompare") << "Found end of chat history insertion with match_timestamp " << (S32)match_timestamp << " vs. history_msg_timestamp " << (S32)history_msg_timestamp << " vs. timestamp " << (S32)timestamp << LL_ENDL; break; } LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistoryCompare") << "Compared match_timestamp " << (S32)match_timestamp << " vs. history_msg_timestamp " << (S32)history_msg_timestamp << LL_ENDL; bool add_chat_to_conversation = true; if (!mLastHistoryCacheDateTime.empty()) { // Skip past the any from server that are older than what we already read from the history file. std::string history_datetime = cur_server_hist[LL_IM_DATE_TIME].asString(); if (history_datetime.empty()) { history_datetime = cur_server_hist[LL_IM_TIME].asString(); } if (history_datetime < mLastHistoryCacheDateTime) { LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistoryCompare") << "Skipping message from chat server history since it's older than messages the session already has." << history_datetime << " vs " << mLastHistoryCacheDateTime << LL_ENDL; add_chat_to_conversation = false; } else if (history_datetime > mLastHistoryCacheDateTime) { // The message from the chat server is more recent than the last one from the local cache file. Add it LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistoryCompare") << "Found message dated " << history_datetime << " vs " << mLastHistoryCacheDateTime << ", adding new message from chat server history " << cur_server_hist << LL_ENDL; } else // (history_datetime == mLastHistoryCacheDateTime) { // Messages are in the same minute as the last from the cache log file. const std::string & history_msg_text = cur_server_hist[LL_IM_TEXT]; // Look in the saved messages from the history file that have the same time for (const auto& scan_msg : mLastHistoryCacheMsgs) { LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistoryCompare") << "comparing messages " << scan_msg[LL_IM_TEXT] << " with " << cur_server_hist << LL_ENDL; if (scan_msg.size() > 0) { // Extra work ... the history_msg_text value may have been translated, i.e. "I am confused (je suis confus)" // while the server history will only have the first part "I am confused" std::string target_compare(scan_msg[LL_IM_TEXT]); if (target_compare.size() > history_msg_text.size() + XL8_PADDING && target_compare.substr(history_msg_text.size(), XL8_START_TAG.size()) == XL8_START_TAG && target_compare.substr(target_compare.size() - XL8_END_TAG.size()) == XL8_END_TAG) { // This really looks like a "translated string (cadena traducida)" so just compare the source part LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistory") << mSessionID << ": Found translated chat " << target_compare << " when comparing to history " << history_msg_text << ", will truncate" << LL_ENDL; target_compare = target_compare.substr(0, history_msg_text.size()); } if (history_msg_text == target_compare) { // Found a match, so don't add a duplicate chat message to the window LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistory") << mSessionID << ": Found duplicate message text " << history_msg_text << " : " << (S32)history_msg_timestamp << ", matching datetime " << history_datetime << LL_ENDL; add_chat_to_conversation = false; break; } } } } } LLUUID sender_id = cur_server_hist[LL_IM_FROM_ID].asUUID(); if (add_chat_to_conversation) { // Check if they're muted if (LLMuteList::getInstance()->isMuted(sender_id, LLMute::flagTextChat)) { add_chat_to_conversation = false; LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistory") << mSessionID << ": Skipped adding chat from " << sender_id << " as muted, message: " << cur_server_hist << LL_ENDL; } } if (add_chat_to_conversation) { // Finally add message to the chat session std::string chat_time_str = LLConversation::createTimestamp((U64Seconds)history_msg_timestamp); std::string sender_name = cur_server_hist[LL_IM_FROM].asString(); std::string history_msg_text = cur_server_hist[LL_IM_TEXT].asString(); LLSD message; message["from"] = sender_name; message["from_id"] = sender_id; message["message"] = history_msg_text; message["time"] = chat_time_str; message["timestamp"] = (S32)history_msg_timestamp; message["index"] = (LLSD::Integer)mMsgs.size(); message["is_history"] = true; mMsgs.push_front(message); LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistory") << mSessionID << ": push_front() adding group chat history message " << message << LL_ENDL; // Add chat history messages to the local cache file, only in the case where we opened the chat window // Need to solve the logic around messages that arrive and open chat - at this point, they've already been added to the // local history cache file. If we append messages here, it will be out of order. if (target_from.empty() && target_message.empty()) { LLIMModel::getInstance()->logToFile(LLIMModel::getInstance()->getHistoryFileName(mSessionID), sender_name, sender_id, history_msg_text); } } } } S32 shifted_size = shift_msgs.size(); while (shift_msgs.size() > 0) { // Finally add back any new messages, and tweak the index value to be correct. LLSD newer_message = shift_msgs.front(); shift_msgs.pop_front(); S32 old_index = newer_message["index"]; newer_message["index"] = (LLSD::Integer)mMsgs.size(); // Update the index to match the new position in the conversation LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistory") << mSessionID << ": Re-adding newest group chat history messages from " << newer_message["from"] << ", text: " << newer_message["message"] << " old index " << old_index << ", new index " << newer_message["index"] << LL_ENDL; mMsgs.push_front(newer_message); } LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistory") << mSessionID << ": addMessagesFromServerHistory() exiting with mMsg.size() " << mMsgs.size() << ", shifted " << shifted_size << " messages" << LL_ENDL; mLastHistoryCacheDateTime.clear(); // Don't need this data mLastHistoryCacheMsgs.clear(); } void LLIMModel::LLIMSession::chatFromLogFile(LLLogChat::ELogLineType type, const LLSD& msg, void* userdata) { if (!userdata) return; LLIMSession* self = (LLIMSession*) userdata; if (type == LLLogChat::LOG_LINE) { LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistory") << "chatFromLogFile() adding LOG_LINE message from " << msg << LL_ENDL; self->addMessage("", LLSD(), msg["message"].asString(), "", true, false, 0); // from history data, not region message, no timestamp } else if (type == LLLogChat::LOG_LLSD) { LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistory") << "chatFromLogFile() adding LOG_LLSD message from " << msg << LL_ENDL; self->addMessage(msg["from"].asString(), msg["from_id"].asUUID(), msg["message"].asString(), msg["time"].asString(), true, false, 0); // from history data, not region message, no timestamp } } void LLIMModel::LLIMSession::loadHistory() { mMsgs.clear(); mLastHistoryCacheMsgs.clear(); mLastHistoryCacheDateTime.clear(); if ( gSavedPerAccountSettings.getBOOL("LogShowHistory") ) { // read and parse chat history from local file chat_message_list_t chat_history; LLLogChat::loadChatHistory(mHistoryFileName, chat_history, LLSD(), isGroupChat()); addMessagesFromHistoryCache(chat_history); } } LLIMModel::LLIMSession* LLIMModel::findIMSession(const LLUUID& session_id) const { return get_if_there(mId2SessionMap, session_id, (LLIMModel::LLIMSession*) NULL); } //*TODO consider switching to using std::set instead of std::list for holding LLUUIDs across the whole code LLIMModel::LLIMSession* LLIMModel::findAdHocIMSession(const uuid_vec_t& ids) { S32 num = ids.size(); if (!num) return NULL; if (mId2SessionMap.empty()) return NULL; std::map::const_iterator it = mId2SessionMap.begin(); for (; it != mId2SessionMap.end(); ++it) { LLIMSession* session = (*it).second; if (!session->isAdHoc()) continue; if (session->mInitialTargetIDs.size() != num) continue; std::list tmp_list(session->mInitialTargetIDs.begin(), session->mInitialTargetIDs.end()); uuid_vec_t::const_iterator iter = ids.begin(); while (iter != ids.end()) { tmp_list.remove(*iter); ++iter; if (tmp_list.empty()) { break; } } if (tmp_list.empty() && iter == ids.end()) { return session; } } return NULL; } bool LLIMModel::LLIMSession::isOutgoingAdHoc() const { return IM_SESSION_CONFERENCE_START == mType; } bool LLIMModel::LLIMSession::isAdHoc() { return IM_SESSION_CONFERENCE_START == mType || (IM_SESSION_INVITE == mType && !gAgent.isInGroup(mSessionID, TRUE)); } bool LLIMModel::LLIMSession::isP2P() { return IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL == mType; } bool LLIMModel::LLIMSession::isGroupChat() { return IM_SESSION_GROUP_START == mType || (IM_SESSION_INVITE == mType && gAgent.isInGroup(mSessionID, TRUE)); } LLUUID LLIMModel::LLIMSession::generateOutgoingAdHocHash() const { LLUUID hash = LLUUID::null; if (mInitialTargetIDs.size()) { std::set sorted_uuids(mInitialTargetIDs.begin(), mInitialTargetIDs.end()); hash = generateHash(sorted_uuids); } return hash; } void LLIMModel::LLIMSession::buildHistoryFileName() { mHistoryFileName = mName; //ad-hoc requires sophisticated chat history saving schemes if (isAdHoc()) { /* in case of outgoing ad-hoc sessions we need to make specilized names * if this naming system is ever changed then the filtering definitions in * lllogchat.cpp need to be change acordingly so that the filtering for the * date stamp code introduced in STORM-102 will work properly and not add * a date stamp to the Ad-hoc conferences. */ if (mInitialTargetIDs.size()) { std::set sorted_uuids(mInitialTargetIDs.begin(), mInitialTargetIDs.end()); mHistoryFileName = mName + " hash" + generateHash(sorted_uuids).asString(); } else { //in case of incoming ad-hoc sessions mHistoryFileName = mName + " " + LLLogChat::timestamp2LogString(0, true) + " " + mSessionID.asString().substr(0, 4); } } else if (isP2P()) // look up username to use as the log name { LLAvatarName av_name; // For outgoing sessions we already have a cached name // so no need for a callback in LLAvatarNameCache::get() if (LLAvatarNameCache::get(mOtherParticipantID, &av_name)) { mHistoryFileName = LLCacheName::buildUsername(av_name.getUserName()); } else { // Incoming P2P sessions include a name that we can use to build a history file name mHistoryFileName = LLCacheName::buildUsername(mName); } // user's account name can change, but filenames and session names are account name based LLConversationLog::getInstance()->verifyFilename(mSessionID, mHistoryFileName, av_name.getCompleteName()); } else if (isGroupChat()) { mHistoryFileName = mName + GROUP_CHAT_SUFFIX; } } //static LLUUID LLIMModel::LLIMSession::generateHash(const std::set& sorted_uuids) { LLMD5 md5_uuid; std::set::const_iterator it = sorted_uuids.begin(); while (it != sorted_uuids.end()) { md5_uuid.update((unsigned char*)(*it).mData, 16); it++; } md5_uuid.finalize(); LLUUID participants_md5_hash; md5_uuid.raw_digest((unsigned char*) participants_md5_hash.mData); return participants_md5_hash; } void LLIMModel::processSessionInitializedReply(const LLUUID& old_session_id, const LLUUID& new_session_id) { LLIMSession* session = findIMSession(old_session_id); if (session) { session->sessionInitReplyReceived(new_session_id); if (old_session_id != new_session_id) { mId2SessionMap.erase(old_session_id); mId2SessionMap[new_session_id] = session; } LLFloaterIMSession* im_floater = LLFloaterIMSession::findInstance(old_session_id); if (im_floater) { im_floater->sessionInitReplyReceived(new_session_id); } if (old_session_id != new_session_id) { gIMMgr->notifyObserverSessionIDUpdated(old_session_id, new_session_id); } // auto-start the call on session initialization? if (session->mStartCallOnInitialize) { gIMMgr->startCall(new_session_id); } } } void LLIMModel::testMessages() { LLUUID bot1_id("d0426ec6-6535-4c11-a5d9-526bb0c654d9"); LLUUID bot1_session_id; std::string from = "IM Tester"; bot1_session_id = LLIMMgr::computeSessionID(IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL, bot1_id); newSession(bot1_session_id, from, IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL, bot1_id); addMessage(bot1_session_id, from, bot1_id, "Test Message: Hi from testerbot land!"); LLUUID bot2_id; std::string firstname[] = {"Roflcopter", "Joe"}; std::string lastname[] = {"Linden", "Tester", "Resident", "Schmoe"}; S32 rand1 = ll_rand(sizeof firstname)/(sizeof firstname[0]); S32 rand2 = ll_rand(sizeof lastname)/(sizeof lastname[0]); from = firstname[rand1] + " " + lastname[rand2]; bot2_id.generate(from); LLUUID bot2_session_id = LLIMMgr::computeSessionID(IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL, bot2_id); newSession(bot2_session_id, from, IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL, bot2_id); addMessage(bot2_session_id, from, bot2_id, "Test Message: Hello there, I have a question. Can I bother you for a second? "); addMessage(bot2_session_id, from, bot2_id, "Test Message: OMGWTFBBQ."); } //session name should not be empty bool LLIMModel::newSession(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& name, const EInstantMessage& type, const LLUUID& other_participant_id, const uuid_vec_t& ids, const LLSD& voiceChannelInfo, bool has_offline_msg) { if (name.empty()) { LL_WARNS() << "Attempt to create a new session with empty name; id = " << session_id << LL_ENDL; return false; } if (findIMSession(session_id)) { LL_WARNS() << "IM Session " << session_id << " already exists" << LL_ENDL; return false; } LLIMSession *session = new LLIMSession(session_id, name, type, other_participant_id, voiceChannelInfo, ids, has_offline_msg); mId2SessionMap[session_id] = session; // When notifying observer, name of session is used instead of "name", because they may not be the // same if it is an adhoc session (in this case name is localized in LLIMSession constructor). std::string session_name = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getName(session_id); LLIMMgr::getInstance()->notifyObserverSessionAdded(session_id, session_name, other_participant_id,has_offline_msg); return true; } bool LLIMModel::newSession(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& name, const EInstantMessage& type, const LLUUID& other_participant_id, const LLSD& voiceChannelInfo, bool has_offline_msg) { uuid_vec_t ids; ids.push_back(other_participant_id); return newSession(session_id, name, type, other_participant_id, ids, voiceChannelInfo, has_offline_msg); } bool LLIMModel::clearSession(const LLUUID& session_id) { if (mId2SessionMap.find(session_id) == mId2SessionMap.end()) return false; delete (mId2SessionMap[session_id]); mId2SessionMap.erase(session_id); return true; } void LLIMModel::getMessages(const LLUUID& session_id, chat_message_list_t& messages, int start_index, const bool sendNoUnreadMsgs) { getMessagesSilently(session_id, messages, start_index); if (sendNoUnreadMsgs) { sendNoUnreadMessages(session_id); } } void LLIMModel::getMessagesSilently(const LLUUID& session_id, chat_message_list_t& messages, int start_index) { LLIMSession* session = findIMSession(session_id); if (!session) { LL_WARNS() << "session " << session_id << "does not exist " << LL_ENDL; return; } int i = session->mMsgs.size() - start_index; for (chat_message_list_t::iterator iter = session->mMsgs.begin(); iter != session->mMsgs.end() && i > 0; iter++) { LLSD msg; msg = *iter; messages.push_back(*iter); i--; } } void LLIMModel::sendNoUnreadMessages(const LLUUID& session_id) { LLIMSession* session = findIMSession(session_id); if (!session) { LL_WARNS() << "session " << session_id << "does not exist " << LL_ENDL; return; } session->mNumUnread = 0; session->mParticipantUnreadMessageCount = 0; LLSD arg; arg["session_id"] = session_id; arg["num_unread"] = 0; arg["participant_unread"] = session->mParticipantUnreadMessageCount; mNoUnreadMsgsSignal(arg); } bool LLIMModel::addToHistory(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& from, const LLUUID& from_id, const std::string& utf8_text, bool is_region_msg, U32 timestamp) { LLIMSession* session = findIMSession(session_id); if (!session) { LL_WARNS() << "session " << session_id << "does not exist " << LL_ENDL; return false; } // This is where a normal arriving message is added to the session. Note that the time string created here is without the full date session->addMessage(from, from_id, utf8_text, LLLogChat::timestamp2LogString(timestamp, false), false, is_region_msg, timestamp); return true; } bool LLIMModel::logToFile(const std::string& file_name, const std::string& from, const LLUUID& from_id, const std::string& utf8_text) { if (gSavedPerAccountSettings.getS32("KeepConversationLogTranscripts") > 1) { std::string from_name = from; LLAvatarName av_name; if (!from_id.isNull() && LLAvatarNameCache::get(from_id, &av_name) && !av_name.isDisplayNameDefault()) { from_name = av_name.getCompleteName(); } LLLogChat::saveHistory(file_name, from_name, from_id, utf8_text); LLConversationLog::instance().cache(); // update the conversation log too return true; } else { return false; } } void LLIMModel::proccessOnlineOfflineNotification( const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& utf8_text) { // Add system message to history addMessage(session_id, SYSTEM_FROM, LLUUID::null, utf8_text); } void LLIMModel::addMessage(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& from, const LLUUID& from_id, const std::string& utf8_text, bool log2file /* = true */, bool is_region_msg, /* = false */ U32 time_stamp /* = 0 */) { if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("TranslateChat") && (from != SYSTEM_FROM)) { const std::string from_lang = ""; // leave empty to trigger autodetect const std::string to_lang = LLTranslate::getTranslateLanguage(); U64 time_n_flags = ((U64) time_stamp) | (log2file ? (1LL << 32) : 0) | (is_region_msg ? (1LL << 33) : 0); // boost::bind has limited parameters LLTranslate::translateMessage(from_lang, to_lang, utf8_text, boost::bind(&translateSuccess, session_id, from, from_id, utf8_text, time_n_flags, utf8_text, from_lang, _1, _2), boost::bind(&translateFailure, session_id, from, from_id, utf8_text, time_n_flags, _1, _2)); } else { processAddingMessage(session_id, from, from_id, utf8_text, log2file, is_region_msg, time_stamp); } } void LLIMModel::processAddingMessage(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& from, const LLUUID& from_id, const std::string& utf8_text, bool log2file, bool is_region_msg, U32 time_stamp) { LLIMSession* session = addMessageSilently(session_id, from, from_id, utf8_text, log2file, is_region_msg, time_stamp); if (!session) return; //good place to add some1 to recent list //other places may be called from message history. if( !from_id.isNull() && ( session->isP2PSessionType() || session->isAdHocSessionType() ) ) LLRecentPeople::instance().add(from_id); // notify listeners LLSD arg; arg["session_id"] = session_id; arg["num_unread"] = session->mNumUnread; arg["participant_unread"] = session->mParticipantUnreadMessageCount; arg["message"] = utf8_text; arg["from"] = from; arg["from_id"] = from_id; arg["time"] = LLLogChat::timestamp2LogString(time_stamp, true); arg["session_type"] = session->mSessionType; arg["is_region_msg"] = is_region_msg; mNewMsgSignal(arg); } LLIMModel::LLIMSession* LLIMModel::addMessageSilently(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& from, const LLUUID& from_id, const std::string& utf8_text, bool log2file /* = true */, bool is_region_msg, /* false */ U32 timestamp /* = 0 */) { LLIMSession* session = findIMSession(session_id); if (!session) { return NULL; } // replace interactive system message marker with correct from string value std::string from_name = from; if (INTERACTIVE_SYSTEM_FROM == from) { from_name = SYSTEM_FROM; } addToHistory(session_id, from_name, from_id, utf8_text, is_region_msg, timestamp); if (log2file) { logToFile(getHistoryFileName(session_id), from_name, from_id, utf8_text); } session->mNumUnread++; //update count of unread messages from real participant if (!(from_id.isNull() || from_id == gAgentID || SYSTEM_FROM == from) // we should increment counter for interactive system messages() || INTERACTIVE_SYSTEM_FROM == from) { ++(session->mParticipantUnreadMessageCount); } return session; } const std::string LLIMModel::getName(const LLUUID& session_id) const { LLIMSession* session = findIMSession(session_id); if (!session) { LL_WARNS() << "session " << session_id << "does not exist " << LL_ENDL; return LLTrans::getString("no_session_message"); } return session->mName; } const S32 LLIMModel::getNumUnread(const LLUUID& session_id) const { LLIMSession* session = findIMSession(session_id); if (!session) { LL_WARNS() << "session " << session_id << "does not exist " << LL_ENDL; return -1; } return session->mNumUnread; } const LLUUID& LLIMModel::getOtherParticipantID(const LLUUID& session_id) const { LLIMSession* session = findIMSession(session_id); if (!session) { LL_WARNS() << "session " << session_id << " does not exist " << LL_ENDL; return LLUUID::null; } return session->mOtherParticipantID; } EInstantMessage LLIMModel::getType(const LLUUID& session_id) const { LLIMSession* session = findIMSession(session_id); if (!session) { LL_WARNS() << "session " << session_id << "does not exist " << LL_ENDL; return IM_COUNT; } return session->mType; } LLVoiceChannel* LLIMModel::getVoiceChannel( const LLUUID& session_id) const { LLIMSession* session = findIMSession(session_id); if (!session) { LL_WARNS() << "session " << session_id << "does not exist " << LL_ENDL; return NULL; } return session->mVoiceChannel; } LLIMSpeakerMgr* LLIMModel::getSpeakerManager( const LLUUID& session_id ) const { LLIMSession* session = findIMSession(session_id); if (!session) { LL_WARNS() << "session " << session_id << " does not exist " << LL_ENDL; return NULL; } return session->mSpeakers; } const std::string& LLIMModel::getHistoryFileName(const LLUUID& session_id) const { LLIMSession* session = findIMSession(session_id); if (!session) { LL_WARNS() << "session " << session_id << " does not exist " << LL_ENDL; return LLStringUtil::null; } return session->mHistoryFileName; } // TODO get rid of other participant ID void LLIMModel::sendTypingState(LLUUID session_id, LLUUID other_participant_id, BOOL typing) { std::string name; LLAgentUI::buildFullname(name); pack_instant_message( gMessageSystem, gAgent.getID(), FALSE, gAgent.getSessionID(), other_participant_id, name, std::string("typing"), IM_ONLINE, (typing ? IM_TYPING_START : IM_TYPING_STOP), session_id); gAgent.sendReliableMessage(); } void LLIMModel::sendLeaveSession(const LLUUID& session_id, const LLUUID& other_participant_id) { if(session_id.notNull()) { std::string name; LLAgentUI::buildFullname(name); pack_instant_message( gMessageSystem, gAgent.getID(), FALSE, gAgent.getSessionID(), other_participant_id, name, LLStringUtil::null, IM_ONLINE, IM_SESSION_LEAVE, session_id); gAgent.sendReliableMessage(); } } //*TODO this method is better be moved to the LLIMMgr void LLIMModel::sendMessage(const std::string& utf8_text, const LLUUID& im_session_id, const LLUUID& other_participant_id, EInstantMessage dialog) { std::string name; bool sent = false; LLAgentUI::buildFullname(name); const LLRelationship* info = NULL; info = LLAvatarTracker::instance().getBuddyInfo(other_participant_id); U8 offline = (!info || info->isOnline()) ? IM_ONLINE : IM_OFFLINE; // Old call to send messages to SLim client, no longer supported. //if((offline == IM_OFFLINE) && (LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->isOnlineSIP(other_participant_id))) //{ // // User is online through the OOW connector, but not with a regular viewer. Try to send the message via SLVoice. // sent = LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->sendTextMessage(other_participant_id, utf8_text); //} if(!sent) { // Send message normally. // default to IM_SESSION_SEND unless it's nothing special - in // which case it's probably an IM to everyone. U8 new_dialog = dialog; if ( dialog != IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL ) { new_dialog = IM_SESSION_SEND; } pack_instant_message( gMessageSystem, gAgent.getID(), FALSE, gAgent.getSessionID(), other_participant_id, name.c_str(), utf8_text.c_str(), offline, (EInstantMessage)new_dialog, im_session_id); gAgent.sendReliableMessage(); } bool is_group_chat = false; LLIMModel::LLIMSession* session = LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(im_session_id); if(session) { is_group_chat = session->isGroupSessionType(); } // If there is a mute list and this is not a group chat... if ( LLMuteList::getInstance() && !is_group_chat) { // ... the target should not be in our mute list for some message types. // Auto-remove them if present. switch( dialog ) { case IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL: case IM_GROUP_INVITATION: case IM_INVENTORY_OFFERED: case IM_SESSION_INVITE: case IM_SESSION_P2P_INVITE: case IM_SESSION_CONFERENCE_START: case IM_SESSION_SEND: // This one is marginal - erring on the side of hearing. case IM_LURE_USER: case IM_GODLIKE_LURE_USER: case IM_FRIENDSHIP_OFFERED: LLMuteList::getInstance()->autoRemove(other_participant_id, LLMuteList::AR_IM); break; default: ; // do nothing } } if((dialog == IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL) && (other_participant_id.notNull())) { // Do we have to replace the /me's here? std::string from; LLAgentUI::buildFullname(from); LLIMModel::getInstance()->addMessage(im_session_id, from, gAgentID, utf8_text); //local echo for the legacy communicate panel std::string history_echo; LLAgentUI::buildFullname(history_echo); history_echo += ": " + utf8_text; LLIMSpeakerMgr* speaker_mgr = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getSpeakerManager(im_session_id); if (speaker_mgr) { speaker_mgr->speakerChatted(gAgentID); speaker_mgr->setSpeakerTyping(gAgentID, FALSE); } } // Add the recipient to the recent people list. bool is_not_group_id = LLGroupMgr::getInstance()->getGroupData(other_participant_id) == NULL; if (is_not_group_id) { if( session == 0)//??? shouldn't really happen { LLRecentPeople::instance().add(other_participant_id); return; } // IM_SESSION_INVITE means that this is an Ad-hoc incoming chat // (it can be also Group chat but it is checked above) // In this case mInitialTargetIDs contains Ad-hoc session ID and it should not be added // to Recent People to prevent showing of an item with (?? ?)(?? ?), sans the spaces. See EXT-8246. // Concrete participants will be added into this list once they sent message in chat. if (IM_SESSION_INVITE == dialog) return; if (IM_SESSION_CONFERENCE_START == dialog) // outgoing ad-hoc session { // Add only online members of conference to recent list (EXT-8658) addSpeakersToRecent(im_session_id); } else // outgoing P2P session { // Add the recepient of the session. if (!session->mInitialTargetIDs.empty()) { LLRecentPeople::instance().add(*(session->mInitialTargetIDs.begin())); } } } } void LLIMModel::addSpeakersToRecent(const LLUUID& im_session_id) { LLIMSpeakerMgr* speaker_mgr = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getSpeakerManager(im_session_id); LLSpeakerMgr::speaker_list_t speaker_list; if(speaker_mgr != NULL) { speaker_mgr->getSpeakerList(&speaker_list, true); } for(LLSpeakerMgr::speaker_list_t::iterator it = speaker_list.begin(); it != speaker_list.end(); it++) { const LLPointer& speakerp = *it; LLRecentPeople::instance().add(speakerp->mID); } } void session_starter_helper( const LLUUID& temp_session_id, const LLUUID& other_participant_id, EInstantMessage im_type) { LLMessageSystem *msg = gMessageSystem; msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_ImprovedInstantMessage); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID()); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_MessageBlock); msg->addBOOLFast(_PREHASH_FromGroup, FALSE); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_ToAgentID, other_participant_id); msg->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_Offline, IM_ONLINE); msg->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_Dialog, im_type); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_ID, temp_session_id); msg->addU32Fast(_PREHASH_Timestamp, NO_TIMESTAMP); // no timestamp necessary std::string name; LLAgentUI::buildFullname(name); msg->addStringFast(_PREHASH_FromAgentName, name); msg->addStringFast(_PREHASH_Message, LLStringUtil::null); msg->addU32Fast(_PREHASH_ParentEstateID, 0); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_RegionID, LLUUID::null); msg->addVector3Fast(_PREHASH_Position, gAgent.getPositionAgent()); } void start_deprecated_conference_chat( const LLUUID& temp_session_id, const LLUUID& creator_id, const LLUUID& other_participant_id, const LLSD& agents_to_invite) { U8* bucket; U8* pos; S32 count; S32 bucket_size; // *FIX: this could suffer from endian issues count = agents_to_invite.size(); bucket_size = UUID_BYTES * count; bucket = new U8[bucket_size]; pos = bucket; for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { LLUUID agent_id = agents_to_invite[i].asUUID(); memcpy(pos, &agent_id, UUID_BYTES); pos += UUID_BYTES; } session_starter_helper( temp_session_id, other_participant_id, IM_SESSION_CONFERENCE_START); gMessageSystem->addBinaryDataFast( _PREHASH_BinaryBucket, bucket, bucket_size); gAgent.sendReliableMessage(); delete[] bucket; } // Returns true if any messages were sent, false otherwise. // Is sort of equivalent to "does the server need to do anything?" bool LLIMModel::sendStartSession( const LLUUID& temp_session_id, const LLUUID& other_participant_id, const uuid_vec_t& ids, EInstantMessage dialog, bool p2p_as_adhoc_call) { if ( dialog == IM_SESSION_GROUP_START ) { session_starter_helper( temp_session_id, other_participant_id, dialog); gMessageSystem->addBinaryDataFast( _PREHASH_BinaryBucket, EMPTY_BINARY_BUCKET, EMPTY_BINARY_BUCKET_SIZE); gAgent.sendReliableMessage(); return true; } else if (dialog == IM_SESSION_CONFERENCE_START ) { LLSD agents; for (int i = 0; i < (S32) ids.size(); i++) { agents.append(ids[i]); } //we have a new way of starting conference calls now LLViewerRegion* region = gAgent.getRegion(); if (region) { std::string url = region->getCapability( "ChatSessionRequest"); LLCoros::instance().launch("startConferenceCoro", boost::bind(&startConferenceCoro, url, temp_session_id, gAgent.getID(), other_participant_id, agents)); } else { start_deprecated_conference_chat( temp_session_id, gAgent.getID(), other_participant_id, agents); } //we also need to wait for reply from the server in case of ad-hoc chat (we'll get new session id) return true; } else if (p2p_as_adhoc_call && ((dialog == IM_SESSION_P2P_INVITE) || (dialog == IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL))) { LLViewerRegion *region = gAgent.getRegion(); if (region) { std::string url = region->getCapability("ChatSessionRequest"); LLCoros::instance().launch("startP2PVoiceCoro", boost::bind(&startP2PVoiceCoro, url, temp_session_id, gAgent.getID(), other_participant_id)); } return true; } return false; } // the other_participant_id is either an agent_id, a group_id, or an inventory // folder item_id (collection of calling cards) // static LLUUID LLIMMgr::computeSessionID( EInstantMessage dialog, const LLUUID& other_participant_id) { LLUUID session_id; if (IM_SESSION_GROUP_START == dialog) { // slam group session_id to the group_id (other_participant_id) session_id = other_participant_id; } else if (IM_SESSION_CONFERENCE_START == dialog) { session_id.generate(); } else if (IM_SESSION_INVITE == dialog) { // use provided session id for invites session_id = other_participant_id; } else { LLUUID agent_id = gAgent.getID(); if (other_participant_id == agent_id) { // if we try to send an IM to ourselves then the XOR would be null // so we just make the session_id the same as the agent_id session_id = agent_id; } else { // peer-to-peer or peer-to-asset session_id is the XOR session_id = other_participant_id ^ agent_id; } } if (gAgent.isInGroup(session_id, TRUE) && (session_id != other_participant_id)) { LL_WARNS() << "Group session id different from group id: IM type = " << dialog << ", session id = " << session_id << ", group id = " << other_participant_id << LL_ENDL; } return session_id; } void LLIMMgr::showSessionStartError( const std::string& error_string, const LLUUID session_id) { if (!hasSession(session_id)) return; LLSD args; args["REASON"] = LLTrans::getString(error_string); args["RECIPIENT"] = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getName(session_id); LLSD payload; payload["session_id"] = session_id; LLNotificationsUtil::add( "ChatterBoxSessionStartError", args, payload, LLIMMgr::onConfirmForceCloseError); } void LLIMMgr::showSessionEventError( const std::string& event_string, const std::string& error_string, const LLUUID session_id) { LLSD args; LLStringUtil::format_map_t event_args; event_args["RECIPIENT"] = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getName(session_id); args["REASON"] = LLTrans::getString(error_string); args["EVENT"] = LLTrans::getString(event_string, event_args); LLNotificationsUtil::add( "ChatterBoxSessionEventError", args); } void LLIMMgr::showSessionForceClose( const std::string& reason_string, const LLUUID session_id) { if (!hasSession(session_id)) return; LLSD args; args["NAME"] = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getName(session_id); args["REASON"] = LLTrans::getString(reason_string); LLSD payload; payload["session_id"] = session_id; LLNotificationsUtil::add( "ForceCloseChatterBoxSession", args, payload, LLIMMgr::onConfirmForceCloseError); } //static bool LLIMMgr::onConfirmForceCloseError( const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response) { //only 1 option really LLUUID session_id = notification["payload"]["session_id"]; LLFloater* floater = LLFloaterIMSession::findInstance(session_id); if ( floater ) { floater->closeFloater(FALSE); } return false; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Class LLCallDialogManager //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LLCallDialogManager::LLCallDialogManager(): mPreviousSessionlName(""), mCurrentSessionlName(""), mSession(NULL), mOldState(LLVoiceChannel::STATE_READY) { } LLCallDialogManager::~LLCallDialogManager() { } void LLCallDialogManager::initSingleton() { LLVoiceChannel::setCurrentVoiceChannelChangedCallback(LLCallDialogManager::onVoiceChannelChanged); } // static void LLCallDialogManager::onVoiceChannelChanged(const LLUUID &session_id) { LLCallDialogManager::getInstance()->onVoiceChannelChangedInt(session_id); } void LLCallDialogManager::onVoiceChannelChangedInt(const LLUUID &session_id) { LLIMModel::LLIMSession* session = LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(session_id); if(!session) { mPreviousSessionlName = mCurrentSessionlName; mCurrentSessionlName = ""; // Empty string results in "Nearby Voice Chat" after substitution return; } mSession = session; static boost::signals2::connection prev_channel_state_changed_connection; // disconnect previously connected callback to avoid have invalid sSession in onVoiceChannelStateChanged() prev_channel_state_changed_connection.disconnect(); prev_channel_state_changed_connection = mSession->mVoiceChannel->setStateChangedCallback(boost::bind(LLCallDialogManager::onVoiceChannelStateChanged, _1, _2, _3, _4)); if(mCurrentSessionlName != session->mName) { mPreviousSessionlName = mCurrentSessionlName; mCurrentSessionlName = session->mName; } if (LLVoiceChannel::getCurrentVoiceChannel()->getState() == LLVoiceChannel::STATE_CALL_STARTED && LLVoiceChannel::getCurrentVoiceChannel()->getCallDirection() == LLVoiceChannel::OUTGOING_CALL) { //*TODO get rid of duplicated code LLSD mCallDialogPayload; mCallDialogPayload["session_id"] = mSession->mSessionID; mCallDialogPayload["session_name"] = mSession->mName; mCallDialogPayload["other_user_id"] = mSession->mOtherParticipantID; mCallDialogPayload["old_channel_name"] = mPreviousSessionlName; mCallDialogPayload["state"] = LLVoiceChannel::STATE_CALL_STARTED; mCallDialogPayload["disconnected_channel_name"] = mSession->mName; mCallDialogPayload["session_type"] = mSession->mSessionType; LLOutgoingCallDialog* ocd = LLFloaterReg::getTypedInstance("outgoing_call", LLOutgoingCallDialog::OCD_KEY); if(ocd) { ocd->show(mCallDialogPayload); } } } // static void LLCallDialogManager::onVoiceChannelStateChanged(const LLVoiceChannel::EState& old_state, const LLVoiceChannel::EState& new_state, const LLVoiceChannel::EDirection& direction, bool ended_by_agent) { LLCallDialogManager::getInstance()->onVoiceChannelStateChangedInt(old_state, new_state, direction, ended_by_agent); } void LLCallDialogManager::onVoiceChannelStateChangedInt(const LLVoiceChannel::EState& old_state, const LLVoiceChannel::EState& new_state, const LLVoiceChannel::EDirection& direction, bool ended_by_agent) { LLSD mCallDialogPayload; LLOutgoingCallDialog* ocd = NULL; if(mOldState == new_state) { return; } mOldState = new_state; mCallDialogPayload["session_id"] = mSession->mSessionID; mCallDialogPayload["session_name"] = mSession->mName; mCallDialogPayload["other_user_id"] = mSession->mOtherParticipantID; mCallDialogPayload["old_channel_name"] = mPreviousSessionlName; mCallDialogPayload["state"] = new_state; mCallDialogPayload["disconnected_channel_name"] = mSession->mName; mCallDialogPayload["session_type"] = mSession->mSessionType; mCallDialogPayload["ended_by_agent"] = ended_by_agent; switch(new_state) { case LLVoiceChannel::STATE_CALL_STARTED : // do not show "Calling to..." if it is incoming call if(direction == LLVoiceChannel::INCOMING_CALL) { return; } break; case LLVoiceChannel::STATE_NO_CHANNEL_INFO : // This will happen in p2p calls using the adhoc // infrastructure, which marks the channel as no channel info // after the call is closed, which forces a dialogue. return; case LLVoiceChannel::STATE_HUNG_UP: // this state is coming before session is changed break; case LLVoiceChannel::STATE_CONNECTED : ocd = LLFloaterReg::findTypedInstance("outgoing_call", LLOutgoingCallDialog::OCD_KEY); if (ocd) { ocd->closeFloater(); } return; default: break; } ocd = LLFloaterReg::getTypedInstance("outgoing_call", LLOutgoingCallDialog::OCD_KEY); if(ocd) { ocd->show(mCallDialogPayload); } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Class LLCallDialog //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LLCallDialog::LLCallDialog(const LLSD& payload) : LLDockableFloater(NULL, false, payload), mPayload(payload), mLifetime(DEFAULT_LIFETIME) { setAutoFocus(FALSE); // force docked state since this floater doesn't save it between recreations setDocked(true); } LLCallDialog::~LLCallDialog() { LLUI::getInstance()->removePopup(this); } BOOL LLCallDialog::postBuild() { if (!LLDockableFloater::postBuild() || !gToolBarView) return FALSE; dockToToolbarButton("speak"); return TRUE; } void LLCallDialog::dockToToolbarButton(const std::string& toolbarButtonName) { LLDockControl::DocAt dock_pos = getDockControlPos(toolbarButtonName); LLView *anchor_panel = gToolBarView->findChildView(toolbarButtonName); setUseTongue(anchor_panel); setDockControl(new LLDockControl(anchor_panel, this, getDockTongue(dock_pos), dock_pos)); } LLDockControl::DocAt LLCallDialog::getDockControlPos(const std::string& toolbarButtonName) { LLCommandId command_id(toolbarButtonName); S32 toolbar_loc = gToolBarView->hasCommand(command_id); LLDockControl::DocAt doc_at = LLDockControl::TOP; switch (toolbar_loc) { case LLToolBarEnums::TOOLBAR_LEFT: doc_at = LLDockControl::RIGHT; break; case LLToolBarEnums::TOOLBAR_RIGHT: doc_at = LLDockControl::LEFT; break; } return doc_at; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Class LLOutgoingCallDialog //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LLOutgoingCallDialog::LLOutgoingCallDialog(const LLSD& payload) : LLCallDialog(payload) { LLOutgoingCallDialog* instance = LLFloaterReg::findTypedInstance("outgoing_call", LLOutgoingCallDialog::OCD_KEY); if(instance && instance->getVisible()) { instance->onCancel(instance); } } void LLCallDialog::draw() { if (lifetimeHasExpired()) { onLifetimeExpired(); } if (getDockControl() != NULL) { LLDockableFloater::draw(); } } // virtual void LLCallDialog::onOpen(const LLSD& key) { LLDockableFloater::onOpen(key); // it should be over the all floaters. EXT-5116 LLUI::getInstance()->addPopup(this); } void LLCallDialog::setIcon(const LLSD& session_id, const LLSD& participant_id) { bool participant_is_avatar = LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->isParticipantAvatar(session_id); bool is_group = participant_is_avatar && gAgent.isInGroup(session_id, TRUE); LLAvatarIconCtrl* avatar_icon = getChild("avatar_icon"); LLGroupIconCtrl* group_icon = getChild("group_icon"); avatar_icon->setVisible(!is_group); group_icon->setVisible(is_group); if (is_group) { group_icon->setValue(session_id); } else if (participant_is_avatar) { avatar_icon->setValue(participant_id); } else { LL_WARNS() << "Participant neither avatar nor group" << LL_ENDL; group_icon->setValue(session_id); } } bool LLCallDialog::lifetimeHasExpired() { if (mLifetimeTimer.getStarted()) { F32 elapsed_time = mLifetimeTimer.getElapsedTimeF32(); if (elapsed_time > mLifetime) { return true; } } return false; } void LLCallDialog::onLifetimeExpired() { mLifetimeTimer.stop(); closeFloater(); } void LLOutgoingCallDialog::show(const LLSD& key) { mPayload = key; //will be false only if voice in parcel is disabled and channel we leave is nearby(checked further) bool show_oldchannel = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->allowAgentVoice(); // hide all text at first hideAllText(); // init notification's lifetime std::istringstream ss( getString("lifetime") ); if (!(ss >> mLifetime)) { mLifetime = DEFAULT_LIFETIME; } // customize text strings // tell the user which voice channel they are leaving if (!mPayload["old_channel_name"].asString().empty()) { std::string old_caller_name = mPayload["old_channel_name"].asString(); getChild("leaving")->setTextArg("[CURRENT_CHAT]", old_caller_name); show_oldchannel = true; } else { getChild("leaving")->setTextArg("[CURRENT_CHAT]", getString("localchat")); } if (!mPayload["disconnected_channel_name"].asString().empty()) { std::string channel_name = mPayload["disconnected_channel_name"].asString(); getChild("nearby")->setTextArg("[VOICE_CHANNEL_NAME]", channel_name); // skipping "You will now be reconnected to nearby" in notification when call is ended by disabling voice, // so no reconnection to nearby chat happens (EXT-4397) bool voice_works = LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->voiceEnabled() && LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->isVoiceWorking(); std::string reconnect_nearby = voice_works ? LLTrans::getString("reconnect_nearby") : std::string(); getChild("nearby")->setTextArg("[RECONNECT_NEARBY]", reconnect_nearby); const std::string& nearby_str = mPayload["ended_by_agent"] ? NEARBY_P2P_BY_AGENT : NEARBY_P2P_BY_OTHER; getChild(nearby_str)->setTextArg("[RECONNECT_NEARBY]", reconnect_nearby); } std::string callee_name = mPayload["session_name"].asString(); if (callee_name == "anonymous") // obsolete? Likely was part of avaline support { callee_name = getString("anonymous"); } LLSD callee_id = mPayload["other_user_id"]; // Beautification: Since you know who you called, just show display name std::string title = callee_name; std::string final_callee_name = callee_name; if (mPayload["session_type"].asInteger() == LLIMModel::LLIMSession::P2P_SESSION) { LLAvatarName av_name; if (LLAvatarNameCache::get(callee_id, &av_name)) { final_callee_name = av_name.getDisplayName(); title = av_name.getCompleteName(); } } getChild("calling")->setTextArg("[CALLEE_NAME]", final_callee_name); getChild("connecting")->setTextArg("[CALLEE_NAME]", final_callee_name); setTitle(title); // for outgoing group calls callee_id == group id == session id setIcon(callee_id, callee_id); // stop timer by default mLifetimeTimer.stop(); // show only necessary strings and controls switch(mPayload["state"].asInteger()) { case LLVoiceChannel::STATE_CALL_STARTED : getChild("calling")->setVisible(true); getChild("Cancel")->setVisible(true); if(show_oldchannel) { getChild("leaving")->setVisible(true); } break; // STATE_READY is here to show appropriate text for ad-hoc and group calls when floater is shown(EXT-6893) case LLVoiceChannel::STATE_READY : case LLVoiceChannel::STATE_RINGING : if(show_oldchannel) { getChild("leaving")->setVisible(true); } getChild("connecting")->setVisible(true); break; case LLVoiceChannel::STATE_ERROR : getChild("noanswer")->setVisible(true); getChild("Cancel")->setVisible(false); setCanClose(true); mLifetimeTimer.start(); break; case LLVoiceChannel::STATE_HUNG_UP : if (mPayload["session_type"].asInteger() == LLIMModel::LLIMSession::P2P_SESSION) { const std::string& nearby_str = mPayload["ended_by_agent"] ? NEARBY_P2P_BY_AGENT : NEARBY_P2P_BY_OTHER; getChild(nearby_str)->setVisible(true); } else { getChild("nearby")->setVisible(true); } getChild("Cancel")->setVisible(false); setCanClose(true); mLifetimeTimer.start(); } openFloater(LLOutgoingCallDialog::OCD_KEY); } void LLOutgoingCallDialog::hideAllText() { getChild("calling")->setVisible(false); getChild("leaving")->setVisible(false); getChild("connecting")->setVisible(false); getChild("nearby_P2P_by_other")->setVisible(false); getChild("nearby_P2P_by_agent")->setVisible(false); getChild("nearby")->setVisible(false); getChild("noanswer")->setVisible(false); } //static void LLOutgoingCallDialog::onCancel(void* user_data) { LLOutgoingCallDialog* self = (LLOutgoingCallDialog*)user_data; if (!gIMMgr) return; LLUUID session_id = self->mPayload["session_id"].asUUID(); gIMMgr->endCall(session_id); self->closeFloater(); } BOOL LLOutgoingCallDialog::postBuild() { BOOL success = LLCallDialog::postBuild(); childSetAction("Cancel", onCancel, this); setCanDrag(FALSE); return success; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Class LLIncomingCallDialog //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const std::array voice_call_types = { "VoiceInviteP2P", "VoiceInviteGroup", "VoiceInviteAdHoc", "InviteAdHoc" }; bool is_voice_call_type(const std::string &value) { return std::find(voice_call_types.begin(), voice_call_types.end(), value) != voice_call_types.end(); } LLIncomingCallDialog::LLIncomingCallDialog(const LLSD& payload) : LLCallDialog(payload), mAvatarNameCacheConnection() { } void LLIncomingCallDialog::onLifetimeExpired() { LLVoiceP2PIncomingCallInterfacePtr call = LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->getIncomingCallInterface(mPayload["voice_channel_info"]); if (call) { // restart notification's timer if call is still valid mLifetimeTimer.start(); } else { // close invitation if call is already not valid mLifetimeTimer.stop(); LLUUID session_id = mPayload["session_id"].asUUID(); gIMMgr->clearPendingAgentListUpdates(session_id); gIMMgr->clearPendingInvitation(session_id); LLIncomingCallDialog::onReject(this); } } BOOL LLIncomingCallDialog::postBuild() { LLCallDialog::postBuild(); if (!mPayload.isMap() || mPayload.size() == 0) { LL_INFOS("IMVIEW") << "IncomingCall: invalid argument" << LL_ENDL; return TRUE; } LLUUID session_id = mPayload["session_id"].asUUID(); LLSD caller_id = mPayload["caller_id"]; std::string caller_name = mPayload["caller_name"].asString(); if (session_id.isNull() && caller_id.asUUID().isNull()) { LL_INFOS("IMVIEW") << "IncomingCall: invalid ids" << LL_ENDL; return TRUE; } std::string notify_box_type = mPayload["notify_box_type"].asString(); if (!is_voice_call_type(notify_box_type)) { LL_INFOS("IMVIEW") << "IncomingCall: notify_box_type was not provided" << LL_ENDL; return TRUE; } // init notification's lifetime std::istringstream ss( getString("lifetime") ); if (!(ss >> mLifetime)) { mLifetime = DEFAULT_LIFETIME; } std::string call_type; if (gAgent.isInGroup(session_id, TRUE)) { LLStringUtil::format_map_t args; LLGroupData data; if (gAgent.getGroupData(session_id, data)) { args["[GROUP]"] = data.mName; call_type = getString(notify_box_type, args); } } else { call_type = getString(notify_box_type); } if (caller_name == "anonymous") // obsolete? Likely was part of avaline support { caller_name = getString("anonymous"); setCallerName(caller_name, caller_name, call_type); } else { // Get the full name information if (mAvatarNameCacheConnection.connected()) { mAvatarNameCacheConnection.disconnect(); } mAvatarNameCacheConnection = LLAvatarNameCache::get(caller_id, boost::bind(&LLIncomingCallDialog::onAvatarNameCache, this, _1, _2, call_type)); } setIcon(session_id, caller_id); childSetAction("Accept", onAccept, this); childSetAction("Reject", onReject, this); childSetAction("Start IM", onStartIM, this); setDefaultBtn("Accept"); if(notify_box_type != "VoiceInviteGroup" && notify_box_type != "VoiceInviteAdHoc") { // starting notification's timer for P2P invitations mLifetimeTimer.start(); } else { mLifetimeTimer.stop(); } //it's not possible to connect to existing Ad-Hoc/Group chat through incoming ad-hoc call bool is_avatar = LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->isParticipantAvatar(session_id); getChildView("Start IM")->setVisible( is_avatar && notify_box_type != "VoiceInviteAdHoc" && notify_box_type != "VoiceInviteGroup"); setCanDrag(FALSE); return TRUE; } void LLIncomingCallDialog::setCallerName(const std::string& ui_title, const std::string& ui_label, const std::string& call_type) { // call_type may be a string like " is calling." LLUICtrl* caller_name_widget = getChild("caller name"); caller_name_widget->setValue(ui_label + " " + call_type); } void LLIncomingCallDialog::onAvatarNameCache(const LLUUID& agent_id, const LLAvatarName& av_name, const std::string& call_type) { mAvatarNameCacheConnection.disconnect(); std::string title = av_name.getCompleteName(); setCallerName(title, av_name.getCompleteName(), call_type); } void LLIncomingCallDialog::onOpen(const LLSD& key) { LLCallDialog::onOpen(key); if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("PlaySoundIncomingVoiceCall")) { // play a sound for incoming voice call if respective property is set make_ui_sound("UISndStartIM"); } LLStringUtil::format_map_t args; LLGroupData data; // if it's a group call, retrieve group name to use it in question if (gAgent.getGroupData(key["session_id"].asUUID(), data)) { args["[GROUP]"] = data.mName; } } //static void LLIncomingCallDialog::onAccept(void* user_data) { LLIncomingCallDialog* self = (LLIncomingCallDialog*)user_data; processCallResponse(0, self->mPayload); self->closeFloater(); } //static void LLIncomingCallDialog::onReject(void* user_data) { LLIncomingCallDialog* self = (LLIncomingCallDialog*)user_data; processCallResponse(1, self->mPayload); self->closeFloater(); } //static void LLIncomingCallDialog::onStartIM(void* user_data) { LLIncomingCallDialog* self = (LLIncomingCallDialog*)user_data; processCallResponse(2, self->mPayload); self->closeFloater(); } // static void LLIncomingCallDialog::processCallResponse(S32 response, const LLSD &payload) { if (!gIMMgr || gDisconnected) return; LLUUID session_id = payload["session_id"].asUUID(); LLUUID caller_id = payload["caller_id"].asUUID(); std::string session_name = payload["session_name"].asString(); EInstantMessage type = (EInstantMessage)payload["type"].asInteger(); LLIMMgr::EInvitationType inv_type = (LLIMMgr::EInvitationType)payload["inv_type"].asInteger(); bool voice = true; switch(response) { case 2: // start IM: just don't start the voice chat { voice = false; /* FALLTHROUGH */ } case 0: // accept { if (type == IM_SESSION_P2P_INVITE) { if (session_name.empty()) { session_name = payload["caller_name"].asString(); } // create a normal IM session session_id = gIMMgr->addP2PSession( session_name, caller_id, payload["voice_channel_info"]); if (voice) { gIMMgr->startCall(session_id, LLVoiceChannel::INCOMING_CALL, payload["voice_channel_info"]); } else { LLAvatarActions::startIM(caller_id); } gIMMgr->clearPendingAgentListUpdates(session_id); gIMMgr->clearPendingInvitation(session_id); } else { //session name should not be empty, but it can contain spaces so we don't trim std::string correct_session_name = session_name; if (session_name.empty()) { LL_WARNS() << "Received an empty session name from a server" << LL_ENDL; switch(type){ case IM_SESSION_CONFERENCE_START: case IM_SESSION_GROUP_START: case IM_SESSION_INVITE: if (gAgent.isInGroup(session_id, TRUE)) { LLGroupData data; if (!gAgent.getGroupData(session_id, data)) break; correct_session_name = data.mName; } else { // *NOTE: really should be using callbacks here LLAvatarName av_name; if (LLAvatarNameCache::get(caller_id, &av_name)) { correct_session_name = av_name.getCompleteName(); correct_session_name.append(ADHOC_NAME_SUFFIX); } } LL_INFOS("IMVIEW") << "Corrected session name is " << correct_session_name << LL_ENDL; break; default: LL_WARNS("IMVIEW") << "Received an empty session name from a server and failed to generate a new proper session name" << LL_ENDL; break; } } gIMMgr->addSession(correct_session_name, type, session_id, payload["voice_channel_info"]); std::string url = gAgent.getRegion()->getCapability( "ChatSessionRequest"); if (voice) { LLCoros::instance().launch("chatterBoxInvitationCoro", boost::bind(&chatterBoxInvitationCoro, url, session_id, inv_type, payload["voice_channel_info"])); // send notification message to the corresponding chat if (payload["notify_box_type"].asString() == "VoiceInviteGroup" || payload["notify_box_type"].asString() == "VoiceInviteAdHoc") { LLStringUtil::format_map_t string_args; string_args["[NAME]"] = payload["caller_name"].asString(); std::string message = LLTrans::getString("name_started_call", string_args); LLIMModel::getInstance()->addMessageSilently(session_id, SYSTEM_FROM, LLUUID::null, message); } } } if (voice) { break; } } case 1: // decline { if (type == IM_SESSION_P2P_INVITE) { // decline p2p voice, either via the vivox-style call mechanism // or via the webrtc-style "decline p2p" mechanism. LLVoiceP2PIncomingCallInterfacePtr call = LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->getIncomingCallInterface(payload["voice_channel_info"]); if (call) { call->declineInvite(); } else { // webrtc-style decline. LLViewerRegion *region = gAgent.getRegion(); if (region) { std::string url = region->getCapability("ChatSessionRequest"); LLSD data; data["method"] = "decline p2p voice"; data["session-id"] = session_id; LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::messageHttpPost(url, data, "P2P declined", "P2P decline failed."); } } } else { LLViewerRegion *region = gAgent.getRegion(); if (region) { std::string url = region->getCapability("ChatSessionRequest"); LLSD data; data["method"] = "decline invitation"; data["session-id"] = session_id; LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::messageHttpPost(url, data, "Invitation declined", "Invitation decline failed."); } } } gIMMgr->clearPendingAgentListUpdates(session_id); gIMMgr->clearPendingInvitation(session_id); } } // // Member Functions // LLIMMgr::LLIMMgr() { mPendingInvitations = LLSD::emptyMap(); mPendingAgentListUpdates = LLSD::emptyMap(); LLIMModel::getInstance()->addNewMsgCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterIMSession::sRemoveTypingIndicator, _1)); gSavedPerAccountSettings.declareBOOL("FetchGroupChatHistory", TRUE, "Fetch recent messages from group chat servers when a group window opens", LLControlVariable::PERSIST_ALWAYS); } // Add a message to a session. void LLIMMgr::addMessage( const LLUUID& session_id, const LLUUID& target_id, const std::string& from, const std::string& msg, bool is_offline_msg, const std::string& session_name, EInstantMessage dialog, U32 parent_estate_id, const LLUUID& region_id, const LLVector3& position, bool is_region_msg, U32 timestamp) // May be zero { LLUUID other_participant_id = target_id; LLUUID new_session_id = session_id; if (new_session_id.isNull()) { //no session ID...compute new one new_session_id = computeSessionID(dialog, other_participant_id); } //*NOTE session_name is empty in case of incoming P2P sessions std::string fixed_session_name = from; bool name_is_setted = false; if(!session_name.empty() && session_name.size()>1) { fixed_session_name = session_name; name_is_setted = true; } bool skip_message = false; bool from_linden = LLMuteList::isLinden(from); if (gSavedPerAccountSettings.getBOOL("VoiceCallsFriendsOnly") && !from_linden) { // Evaluate if we need to skip this message when that setting is true (default is false) skip_message = (LLAvatarTracker::instance().getBuddyInfo(other_participant_id) == NULL); // Skip non friends... skip_message &= !(other_participant_id == gAgentID); // You are your best friend... Don't skip yourself } bool new_session = !hasSession(new_session_id); if (new_session) { // Group chat session was initiated by muted resident, do not start this session viewerside // do not send leave msg either, so we are able to get group messages from other participants if ((IM_SESSION_INVITE == dialog) && gAgent.isInGroup(new_session_id) && LLMuteList::getInstance()->isMuted(other_participant_id, LLMute::flagTextChat) && !from_linden) { return; } LLAvatarName av_name; if (LLAvatarNameCache::get(other_participant_id, &av_name) && !name_is_setted) { fixed_session_name = av_name.getDisplayName(); } LLIMModel::getInstance()->newSession(new_session_id, fixed_session_name, dialog, other_participant_id, LLSD(), is_offline_msg); LLIMModel::LLIMSession* session = LLIMModel::instance().findIMSession(new_session_id); if (session) { skip_message &= !session->isGroupSessionType(); // Do not skip group chats... if (skip_message) { gIMMgr->leaveSession(new_session_id); } // When we get a new IM, and if you are a god, display a bit // of information about the source. This is to help liaisons // when answering questions. if (gAgent.isGodlike()) { // *TODO:translate (low priority, god ability) std::ostringstream bonus_info; bonus_info << LLTrans::getString("***") + " " + LLTrans::getString("IMParentEstate") + ":" + " " << parent_estate_id << ((parent_estate_id == 1) ? "," + LLTrans::getString("IMMainland") : "") << ((parent_estate_id == 5) ? "," + LLTrans::getString("IMTeen") : ""); // once we have web-services (or something) which returns // information about a region id, we can print this out // and even have it link to map-teleport or something. //<< "*** region_id: " << region_id << std::endl //<< "*** position: " << position << std::endl; LLIMModel::instance().addMessage(new_session_id, from, other_participant_id, bonus_info.str(), true, is_region_msg); } // Logically it would make more sense to reject the session sooner, in another area of the // code, but the session has to be established inside the server before it can be left. if (LLMuteList::getInstance()->isMuted(other_participant_id, LLMute::flagTextChat) && !from_linden) { LL_WARNS() << "Leaving IM session from initiating muted resident " << from << LL_ENDL; if (!gIMMgr->leaveSession(new_session_id)) { LL_INFOS("IMVIEW") << "Session " << new_session_id << " does not exist." << LL_ENDL; } return; } // Fetch group chat history, enabled by default. if (gSavedPerAccountSettings.getBOOL("FetchGroupChatHistory")) { std::string chat_url = gAgent.getRegionCapability("ChatSessionRequest"); if (!chat_url.empty()) { LLCoros::instance().launch("chatterBoxHistoryCoro", boost::bind(&chatterBoxHistoryCoro, chat_url, session_id, from, msg, timestamp)); } } //Play sound for new conversations if (!skip_message & !gAgent.isDoNotDisturb() && (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("PlaySoundNewConversation") == TRUE)) { make_ui_sound("UISndNewIncomingIMSession"); } } else { // Failed to create a session, most likely due to empty name (name cache failed?) LL_WARNS() << "Failed to create IM session " << fixed_session_name << LL_ENDL; } } if (!LLMuteList::getInstance()->isMuted(other_participant_id, LLMute::flagTextChat) && !skip_message) { LLIMModel::instance().addMessage(new_session_id, from, other_participant_id, msg, true, is_region_msg, timestamp); } // Open conversation floater if offline messages are present if (is_offline_msg && !skip_message) { LLFloaterReg::showInstance("im_container"); LLFloaterReg::getTypedInstance("im_container")-> flashConversationItemWidget(new_session_id, true); } } void LLIMMgr::addSystemMessage(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& message_name, const LLSD& args) { LLUIString message; // null session id means near me (chat history) if (session_id.isNull()) { message = LLTrans::getString(message_name); message.setArgs(args); LLChat chat(message); chat.mSourceType = CHAT_SOURCE_SYSTEM; LLFloaterIMNearbyChat* nearby_chat = LLFloaterReg::findTypedInstance("nearby_chat"); if (nearby_chat) { nearby_chat->addMessage(chat); } } else // going to IM session { message = LLTrans::getString(message_name + "-im"); message.setArgs(args); if (hasSession(session_id)) { gIMMgr->addMessage(session_id, LLUUID::null, SYSTEM_FROM, message.getString()); } // log message to file else { LLAvatarName av_name; // since we select user to share item with - his name is already in cache LLAvatarNameCache::get(args["user_id"], &av_name); std::string session_name = LLCacheName::buildUsername(av_name.getUserName()); LLIMModel::instance().logToFile(session_name, SYSTEM_FROM, LLUUID::null, message.getString()); } } } S32 LLIMMgr::getNumberOfUnreadIM() { std::map::iterator it; S32 num = 0; for(it = LLIMModel::getInstance()->mId2SessionMap.begin(); it != LLIMModel::getInstance()->mId2SessionMap.end(); ++it) { num += (*it).second->mNumUnread; } return num; } S32 LLIMMgr::getNumberOfUnreadParticipantMessages() { std::map::iterator it; S32 num = 0; for(it = LLIMModel::getInstance()->mId2SessionMap.begin(); it != LLIMModel::getInstance()->mId2SessionMap.end(); ++it) { num += (*it).second->mParticipantUnreadMessageCount; } return num; } void LLIMMgr::autoStartCallOnStartup(const LLUUID& session_id) { LLIMModel::LLIMSession *session = LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(session_id); if (!session) return; if (session->mSessionInitialized) { startCall(session_id); } else { session->mStartCallOnInitialize = true; } } LLUUID LLIMMgr::addP2PSession(const std::string& name, const LLUUID& other_participant_id, const LLSD& voice_channel_info) { LL_DEBUGS("Voice") << "Add p2p voice channel info: " << voice_channel_info << LL_ENDL; return addSession(name, IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL, other_participant_id, voice_channel_info); } // This adds a session to the talk view. The name is the local name of // the session, dialog specifies the type of session. If the session // exists, it is brought forward. Specifying id = NULL results in an // im session to everyone. Returns the uuid of the session. LLUUID LLIMMgr::addSession( const std::string& name, EInstantMessage dialog, const LLUUID& other_participant_id, const LLSD& voiceChannelInfo) { std::vector ids; ids.push_back(other_participant_id); LLUUID session_id = addSession(name, dialog, other_participant_id, ids, voiceChannelInfo); return session_id; } // Adds a session using the given session_id. If the session already exists // the dialog type is assumed correct. Returns the uuid of the session. LLUUID LLIMMgr::addSession( const std::string& name, EInstantMessage dialog, const LLUUID& other_participant_id, const std::vector& ids, const LLSD& voiceChannelInfo, const LLUUID& floater_id) { if (ids.empty()) { return LLUUID::null; } if (name.empty()) { LL_WARNS() << "Session name cannot be null!" << LL_ENDL; return LLUUID::null; } LLUUID session_id = computeSessionID(dialog,other_participant_id); if (floater_id.notNull()) { LLFloaterIMSession* im_floater = LLFloaterIMSession::findInstance(floater_id); if (im_floater) { // The IM floater should be initialized with a new session_id // so that it is found by that id when creating a chiclet in LLFloaterIMSession::onIMChicletCreated, // and a new floater is not created. im_floater->initIMSession(session_id); im_floater->reloadMessages(); } } LLIMModel::LLIMSession *session = LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(session_id); bool new_session = (session == NULL); //works only for outgoing ad-hoc sessions if (new_session && ((IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL == dialog) || (IM_SESSION_P2P_INVITE == dialog) || (IM_SESSION_CONFERENCE_START == dialog)) && ids.size()) { session = LLIMModel::getInstance()->findAdHocIMSession(ids); if (session) { new_session = false; session_id = session->mSessionID; } } //Notify observers that a session was added if (new_session) { LLIMModel::getInstance()->newSession(session_id, name, dialog, other_participant_id, ids, voiceChannelInfo); } //Notifies observers that the session was already added else { session->initVoiceChannel(voiceChannelInfo); std::string session_name = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getName(session_id); LLIMMgr::getInstance()->notifyObserverSessionActivated(session_id, session_name, other_participant_id); } //we don't need to show notes about online/offline, mute/unmute users' statuses for existing sessions if (!new_session) return session_id; LL_INFOS("IMVIEW") << "LLIMMgr::addSession, new session added, name = " << name << ", session id = " << session_id << LL_ENDL; //Per Plan's suggestion commented "explicit offline status warning" out to make Dessie happier (see EXT-3609) //*TODO After February 2010 remove this commented out line if no one will be missing that warning //noteOfflineUsers(session_id, floater, ids); // Only warn for regular IMs - not group IMs if( dialog == IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL ) { noteMutedUsers(session_id, ids); } notifyObserverSessionVoiceOrIMStarted(session_id); return session_id; } bool LLIMMgr::leaveSession(const LLUUID& session_id) { LLIMModel::LLIMSession* im_session = LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(session_id); if (!im_session) return false; LLIMModel::getInstance()->sendLeaveSession(session_id, im_session->mOtherParticipantID); gIMMgr->removeSession(session_id); return true; } // Removes data associated with a particular session specified by session_id void LLIMMgr::removeSession(const LLUUID& session_id) { llassert_always(hasSession(session_id)); clearPendingInvitation(session_id); clearPendingAgentListUpdates(session_id); LLIMModel::getInstance()->clearSession(session_id); LL_INFOS("IMVIEW") << "LLIMMgr::removeSession, session removed, session id = " << session_id << LL_ENDL; notifyObserverSessionRemoved(session_id); } void LLIMMgr::inviteToSession( const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& session_name, const LLUUID& caller_id, const std::string& caller_name, EInstantMessage type, EInvitationType inv_type, const LLSD& voice_channel_info) { if (caller_id == gAgentID) { // ignore invites from ourself. return; } std::string notify_box_type; // voice invite question is different from default only for group call (EXT-7118) std::string question_type = "VoiceInviteQuestionDefault"; BOOL voice_invite = FALSE; bool is_linden = LLMuteList::isLinden(caller_name); if(type == IM_SESSION_P2P_INVITE) { //P2P is different...they only have voice invitations notify_box_type = "VoiceInviteP2P"; voice_invite = TRUE; } else if ( gAgent.isInGroup(session_id, TRUE) ) { //only really old school groups have voice invitations notify_box_type = "VoiceInviteGroup"; question_type = "VoiceInviteQuestionGroup"; voice_invite = TRUE; } else if ( inv_type == INVITATION_TYPE_VOICE ) { //else it's an ad-hoc //and a voice ad-hoc notify_box_type = "VoiceInviteAdHoc"; voice_invite = TRUE; } else if ( inv_type == INVITATION_TYPE_IMMEDIATE ) { notify_box_type = "InviteAdHoc"; } LLSD payload; payload["session_id"] = session_id; payload["session_name"] = session_name; payload["caller_id"] = caller_id; payload["caller_name"] = caller_name; payload["type"] = type; payload["inv_type"] = inv_type; payload["notify_box_type"] = notify_box_type; payload["question_type"] = question_type; LL_WARNS("Voice") << "INVITE PAYLOAD: " << payload << LL_ENDL; //ignore invites from muted residents if (!is_linden) { if (LLMuteList::getInstance()->isMuted(caller_id, LLMute::flagVoiceChat) && voice_invite && "VoiceInviteQuestionDefault" == question_type) { LL_INFOS("IMVIEW") << "Rejecting voice call from initiating muted resident " << caller_name << LL_ENDL; LLIncomingCallDialog::processCallResponse(1, payload); return; } else if (LLMuteList::getInstance()->isMuted(caller_id, LLMute::flagAll & ~LLMute::flagVoiceChat) && !voice_invite) { LL_INFOS("IMVIEW") << "Rejecting session invite from initiating muted resident " << caller_name << LL_ENDL; return; } } LLVoiceChannel* channelp = LLVoiceChannel::getChannelByID(session_id); if (channelp && channelp->callStarted()) { // you have already started a call to the other user, so just accept the invite LLIncomingCallDialog::processCallResponse(0, payload); return; } if (voice_invite) { bool isRejectGroupCall = (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("VoiceCallsRejectGroup") && (notify_box_type == "VoiceInviteGroup")); bool isRejectNonFriendCall = (gSavedPerAccountSettings.getBOOL("VoiceCallsFriendsOnly") && (LLAvatarTracker::instance().getBuddyInfo(caller_id) == NULL)); if (isRejectGroupCall || isRejectNonFriendCall || gAgent.isDoNotDisturb()) { if (gAgent.isDoNotDisturb() && !isRejectGroupCall && !isRejectNonFriendCall) { if (!hasSession(session_id) && (type == IM_SESSION_P2P_INVITE)) { std::string fixed_session_name = caller_name; if(!session_name.empty() && session_name.size()>1) { fixed_session_name = session_name; } else { LLAvatarName av_name; if (LLAvatarNameCache::get(caller_id, &av_name)) { fixed_session_name = av_name.getDisplayName(); } } LLIMModel::getInstance()->newSession(session_id, fixed_session_name, IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL, caller_id, LLSD(), false); } LLSD args; addSystemMessage(session_id, "you_auto_rejected_call", args); send_do_not_disturb_message(gMessageSystem, caller_id, session_id); } // silently decline the call LLIncomingCallDialog::processCallResponse(1, payload); return; } } if ( !mPendingInvitations.has(session_id.asString()) ) { // we're throwing up a dialogue, so we're using the voice channel passed to us, // save it in the payload. payload["voice_channel_info"] = voice_channel_info; if (caller_name.empty()) { LLAvatarNameCache::get(caller_id, boost::bind(&LLIMMgr::onInviteNameLookup, payload, _1, _2)); } else { LLFloaterReg::showInstance("incoming_call", payload, FALSE); } // Add the caller to the Recent List here (at this point // "incoming_call" floater is shown and the recipient can // reject the call), because even if a recipient will reject // the call, the caller should be added to the recent list // anyway. STORM-507. if(type == IM_SESSION_P2P_INVITE) LLRecentPeople::instance().add(caller_id); mPendingInvitations[session_id.asString()] = LLSD(); } } void LLIMMgr::onInviteNameLookup(LLSD payload, const LLUUID& id, const LLAvatarName& av_name) { payload["caller_name"] = av_name.getUserName(); payload["session_name"] = payload["caller_name"].asString(); std::string notify_box_type = payload["notify_box_type"].asString(); LLFloaterReg::showInstance("incoming_call", payload, FALSE); } //*TODO disconnects all sessions void LLIMMgr::disconnectAllSessions() { //*TODO disconnects all IM sessions } BOOL LLIMMgr::hasSession(const LLUUID& session_id) { return LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(session_id) != NULL; } void LLIMMgr::clearPendingInvitation(const LLUUID& session_id) { if ( mPendingInvitations.has(session_id.asString()) ) { mPendingInvitations.erase(session_id.asString()); } } void LLIMMgr::processAgentListUpdates(const LLUUID& session_id, const LLSD& body) { if (body.isMap() && body.has("agent_updates") && body["agent_updates"].isMap()) { LLSD::map_const_iterator update_it; for (update_it = body["agent_updates"].beginMap(); update_it != body["agent_updates"].endMap(); ++update_it) { LLUUID agent_id = LLUUID(update_it->first); LLSD agent_data = update_it->second; if (agent_data.has("transition") && agent_data["transition"].asString() == "LEAVE") { // ignore actual leaves as those will be handled separately. continue; } if (agent_id != gAgentID && agent_data.isMap() && agent_data.has("info") && agent_data["info"].isMap()) { // Is one of the participants leaving a P2P Chat? if (agent_data["info"].has("can_voice_chat") && !agent_data["info"]["can_voice_chat"].asBoolean()) { LLVoiceChannelGroup *channelp = dynamic_cast < LLVoiceChannelGroup*>(LLVoiceChannel::getChannelByID(session_id)); if (channelp && channelp->isP2P()) { // it's an adhoc-style P2P channel, and the peer has declined voice. notify the user // and shut down the voice channel. LLSD notifyArgs = LLSD::emptyMap(); notifyArgs["VOICE_CHANNEL_NAME"] = channelp->getSessionName(); LLNotificationsUtil::add("P2PCallDeclined", notifyArgs); endCall(session_id); break; } } } } } LLFloaterIMSession* im_floater = LLFloaterIMSession::findInstance(session_id); if ( im_floater ) { im_floater->processAgentListUpdates(body); } LLIMSpeakerMgr* speaker_mgr = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getSpeakerManager(session_id); if (speaker_mgr) { speaker_mgr->updateSpeakers(body); // also the same call is added into LLVoiceClient::participantUpdatedEvent because // sometimes it is called AFTER LLViewerChatterBoxSessionAgentListUpdates::post() // when moderation state changed too late. See EXT-3544. speaker_mgr->update(true); } else { //we don't have a speaker manager yet..something went wrong //we are probably receiving an update here before //a start or an acceptance of an invitation. Race condition. gIMMgr->addPendingAgentListUpdates( session_id, body); } } LLSD LLIMMgr::getPendingAgentListUpdates(const LLUUID& session_id) { if ( mPendingAgentListUpdates.has(session_id.asString()) ) { return mPendingAgentListUpdates[session_id.asString()]; } else { return LLSD(); } } void LLIMMgr::addPendingAgentListUpdates( const LLUUID& session_id, const LLSD& updates) { LLSD::map_const_iterator iter; if ( !mPendingAgentListUpdates.has(session_id.asString()) ) { //this is a new agent list update for this session mPendingAgentListUpdates[session_id.asString()] = LLSD::emptyMap(); } if ( updates.has("agent_updates") && updates["agent_updates"].isMap() && updates.has("updates") && updates["updates"].isMap() ) { //new school update LLSD update_types = LLSD::emptyArray(); LLSD::array_iterator array_iter; update_types.append("agent_updates"); update_types.append("updates"); for ( array_iter = update_types.beginArray(); array_iter != update_types.endArray(); ++array_iter) { //we only want to include the last update for a given agent for ( iter = updates[array_iter->asString()].beginMap(); iter != updates[array_iter->asString()].endMap(); ++iter) { mPendingAgentListUpdates[session_id.asString()][array_iter->asString()][iter->first] = iter->second; } } } else if ( updates.has("updates") && updates["updates"].isMap() ) { //old school update where the SD contained just mappings //of agent_id -> "LEAVE"/"ENTER" //only want to keep last update for each agent for ( iter = updates["updates"].beginMap(); iter != updates["updates"].endMap(); ++iter) { mPendingAgentListUpdates[session_id.asString()]["updates"][iter->first] = iter->second; } } } void LLIMMgr::clearPendingAgentListUpdates(const LLUUID& session_id) { if ( mPendingAgentListUpdates.has(session_id.asString()) ) { mPendingAgentListUpdates.erase(session_id.asString()); } } void LLIMMgr::notifyObserverSessionAdded(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& name, const LLUUID& other_participant_id, bool has_offline_msg) { for (session_observers_list_t::iterator it = mSessionObservers.begin(); it != mSessionObservers.end(); it++) { (*it)->sessionAdded(session_id, name, other_participant_id, has_offline_msg); } } void LLIMMgr::notifyObserverSessionActivated(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& name, const LLUUID& other_participant_id) { for (session_observers_list_t::iterator it = mSessionObservers.begin(); it != mSessionObservers.end(); it++) { (*it)->sessionActivated(session_id, name, other_participant_id); } } void LLIMMgr::notifyObserverSessionVoiceOrIMStarted(const LLUUID& session_id) { for (session_observers_list_t::iterator it = mSessionObservers.begin(); it != mSessionObservers.end(); it++) { (*it)->sessionVoiceOrIMStarted(session_id); } } void LLIMMgr::notifyObserverSessionRemoved(const LLUUID& session_id) { for (session_observers_list_t::iterator it = mSessionObservers.begin(); it != mSessionObservers.end(); it++) { (*it)->sessionRemoved(session_id); } } void LLIMMgr::notifyObserverSessionIDUpdated( const LLUUID& old_session_id, const LLUUID& new_session_id ) { for (session_observers_list_t::iterator it = mSessionObservers.begin(); it != mSessionObservers.end(); it++) { (*it)->sessionIDUpdated(old_session_id, new_session_id); } } void LLIMMgr::addSessionObserver(LLIMSessionObserver *observer) { mSessionObservers.push_back(observer); } void LLIMMgr::removeSessionObserver(LLIMSessionObserver *observer) { mSessionObservers.remove(observer); } bool LLIMMgr::startCall(const LLUUID& session_id, LLVoiceChannel::EDirection direction, const LLSD& voice_channel_info) { LLVoiceChannel* voice_channel = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getVoiceChannel(session_id); if (!voice_channel) return false; if (voice_channel_info.isDefined() && voice_channel_info.isMap() && voice_channel_info.size() > 0) { voice_channel->setChannelInfo(voice_channel_info); } voice_channel->setCallDirection(direction); voice_channel->activate(); return true; } bool LLIMMgr::endCall(const LLUUID& session_id) { LLVoiceChannel* voice_channel = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getVoiceChannel(session_id); if (!voice_channel) return false; voice_channel->deactivate(); LLIMModel::LLIMSession* im_session = LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(session_id); if (im_session) { // need to update speakers' state im_session->mSpeakers->update(FALSE); } return true; } bool LLIMMgr::isVoiceCall(const LLUUID& session_id) { LLIMModel::LLIMSession* im_session = LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(session_id); if (!im_session) return false; return im_session->mStartedAsIMCall; } void LLIMMgr::updateDNDMessageStatus() { if (LLIMModel::getInstance()->mId2SessionMap.empty()) return; std::map::const_iterator it = LLIMModel::getInstance()->mId2SessionMap.begin(); for (; it != LLIMModel::getInstance()->mId2SessionMap.end(); ++it) { LLIMModel::LLIMSession* session = (*it).second; if (session->isP2P()) { setDNDMessageSent(session->mSessionID,false); } } } bool LLIMMgr::isDNDMessageSend(const LLUUID& session_id) { LLIMModel::LLIMSession* im_session = LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(session_id); if (!im_session) return false; return im_session->mIsDNDsend; } void LLIMMgr::setDNDMessageSent(const LLUUID& session_id, bool is_send) { LLIMModel::LLIMSession* im_session = LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(session_id); if (!im_session) return; im_session->mIsDNDsend = is_send; } void LLIMMgr::addNotifiedNonFriendSessionID(const LLUUID& session_id) { mNotifiedNonFriendSessions.insert(session_id); } bool LLIMMgr::isNonFriendSessionNotified(const LLUUID& session_id) { return mNotifiedNonFriendSessions.end() != mNotifiedNonFriendSessions.find(session_id); } void LLIMMgr::noteOfflineUsers( const LLUUID& session_id, const std::vector& ids) { S32 count = ids.size(); if(count == 0) { const std::string& only_user = LLTrans::getString("only_user_message"); LLIMModel::getInstance()->addMessage(session_id, SYSTEM_FROM, LLUUID::null, only_user); } else { const LLRelationship* info = NULL; LLAvatarTracker& at = LLAvatarTracker::instance(); LLIMModel& im_model = LLIMModel::instance(); for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { info = at.getBuddyInfo(ids.at(i)); LLAvatarName av_name; if (info && !info->isOnline() && LLAvatarNameCache::get(ids.at(i), &av_name)) { LLUIString offline = LLTrans::getString("offline_message"); // Use display name only because this user is your friend offline.setArg("[NAME]", av_name.getDisplayName()); im_model.proccessOnlineOfflineNotification(session_id, offline); } } } } void LLIMMgr::noteMutedUsers(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::vector& ids) { // Don't do this if we don't have a mute list. LLMuteList *ml = LLMuteList::getInstance(); if( !ml ) { return; } S32 count = ids.size(); if(count > 0) { LLIMModel* im_model = LLIMModel::getInstance(); for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if( ml->isMuted(ids.at(i)) ) { LLUIString muted = LLTrans::getString("muted_message"); im_model->addMessage(session_id, SYSTEM_FROM, LLUUID::null, muted); break; } } } } void LLIMMgr::processIMTypingStart(const LLUUID& from_id, const EInstantMessage im_type) { processIMTypingCore(from_id, im_type, TRUE); } void LLIMMgr::processIMTypingStop(const LLUUID& from_id, const EInstantMessage im_type) { processIMTypingCore(from_id, im_type, FALSE); } void LLIMMgr::processIMTypingCore(const LLUUID& from_id, const EInstantMessage im_type, BOOL typing) { LLUUID session_id = computeSessionID(im_type, from_id); LLFloaterIMSession* im_floater = LLFloaterIMSession::findInstance(session_id); if ( im_floater ) { im_floater->processIMTyping(from_id, typing); } } class LLViewerChatterBoxSessionStartReply : public LLHTTPNode { public: virtual void describe(Description& desc) const { desc.shortInfo("Used for receiving a reply to a request to initialize an ChatterBox session"); desc.postAPI(); desc.input( "{\"client_session_id\": UUID, \"session_id\": UUID, \"success\" boolean, \"reason\": string"); desc.source(__FILE__, __LINE__); } virtual void post(ResponsePtr response, const LLSD& context, const LLSD& input) const { if (LLApp::isExiting() || gDisconnected) { LL_DEBUGS("ChatHistory") << "Ignoring ChatterBox session, Shutting down" << LL_ENDL; return; } LLSD body; LLUUID temp_session_id; LLUUID session_id; bool success; body = input["body"]; success = body["success"].asBoolean(); temp_session_id = body["temp_session_id"].asUUID(); if ( success ) { session_id = body["session_id"].asUUID(); LLIMModel::getInstance()->processSessionInitializedReply(temp_session_id, session_id); LLIMSpeakerMgr* speaker_mgr = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getSpeakerManager(session_id); if (speaker_mgr) { speaker_mgr->setSpeakers(body); speaker_mgr->updateSpeakers(gIMMgr->getPendingAgentListUpdates(session_id)); } LLFloaterIMSession* im_floater = LLFloaterIMSession::findInstance(session_id); if ( im_floater ) { if ( body.has("session_info") ) { im_floater->processSessionUpdate(body["session_info"]); // Send request for chat history, if enabled. if (gSavedPerAccountSettings.getBOOL("FetchGroupChatHistory")) { std::string url = gAgent.getRegion()->getCapability("ChatSessionRequest"); LLCoros::instance().launch("chatterBoxHistoryCoro", boost::bind(&chatterBoxHistoryCoro, url, session_id, "", "", 0)); } } } gIMMgr->clearPendingAgentListUpdates(session_id); } else { //throw an error dialog and close the temp session's floater gIMMgr->showSessionStartError(body["error"].asString(), temp_session_id); } gIMMgr->clearPendingAgentListUpdates(session_id); } }; class LLViewerChatterBoxSessionEventReply : public LLHTTPNode { public: virtual void describe(Description& desc) const { desc.shortInfo("Used for receiving a reply to a ChatterBox session event"); desc.postAPI(); desc.input( "{\"event\": string, \"reason\": string, \"success\": boolean, \"session_id\": UUID"); desc.source(__FILE__, __LINE__); } virtual void post(ResponsePtr response, const LLSD& context, const LLSD& input) const { LLUUID session_id; bool success; LLSD body = input["body"]; success = body["success"].asBoolean(); session_id = body["session_id"].asUUID(); if ( !success ) { //throw an error dialog gIMMgr->showSessionEventError( body["event"].asString(), body["error"].asString(), session_id); } } }; class LLViewerForceCloseChatterBoxSession: public LLHTTPNode { public: virtual void post(ResponsePtr response, const LLSD& context, const LLSD& input) const { LLUUID session_id; std::string reason; session_id = input["body"]["session_id"].asUUID(); reason = input["body"]["reason"].asString(); gIMMgr->showSessionForceClose(reason, session_id); } }; class LLViewerChatterBoxSessionAgentListUpdates : public LLHTTPNode { public: virtual void post( ResponsePtr responder, const LLSD& context, const LLSD& input) const { const LLUUID& session_id = input["body"]["session_id"].asUUID(); gIMMgr->processAgentListUpdates(session_id, input["body"]); } }; class LLViewerChatterBoxSessionUpdate : public LLHTTPNode { public: virtual void post( ResponsePtr responder, const LLSD& context, const LLSD& input) const { LLUUID session_id = input["body"]["session_id"].asUUID(); LLFloaterIMSession* im_floater = LLFloaterIMSession::findInstance(session_id); if ( im_floater ) { im_floater->processSessionUpdate(input["body"]["info"]); } LLIMSpeakerMgr* im_mgr = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getSpeakerManager(session_id); if (im_mgr) { im_mgr->processSessionUpdate(input["body"]["info"]); } if (input["body"]["info"].has("voice_channel_info")) { LLIMModel::LLIMSession* session = LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(session_id); if (session) { session->initVoiceChannel(input["body"]["info"]["voice_channel_info"]); session->mVoiceChannel->activate(); } } } }; class LLViewerChatterBoxInvitation : public LLHTTPNode { public: virtual void post( ResponsePtr response, const LLSD& context, const LLSD& input) const { //for backwards compatiblity reasons...we need to still //check for 'text' or 'voice' invitations...bleh if ( input["body"].has("instantmessage") ) { LLSD message_params = input["body"]["instantmessage"]["message_params"]; //do something here to have the IM invite behave //just like a normal IM //this is just replicated code from process_improved_im //and should really go in it's own function -jwolk std::string message = message_params["message"].asString(); std::string name = message_params["from_name"].asString(); LLUUID from_id = message_params["from_id"].asUUID(); LLUUID session_id = message_params["id"].asUUID(); std::vector bin_bucket = message_params["data"]["binary_bucket"].asBinary(); U8 offline = (U8)message_params["offline"].asInteger(); time_t timestamp = (time_t) message_params["timestamp"].asInteger(); BOOL is_do_not_disturb = gAgent.isDoNotDisturb(); //don't return if user is muted b/c proper way to ignore a muted user who //initiated an adhoc/group conference is to create then leave the session (see STORM-1731) if (is_do_not_disturb) { return; } // standard message, not from system std::string saved; if(offline == IM_OFFLINE) { LLStringUtil::format_map_t args; args["[LONG_TIMESTAMP]"] = formatted_time(timestamp); saved = LLTrans::getString("Saved_message", args); } std::string buffer = saved + message; if(from_id == gAgentID) { return; } gIMMgr->addMessage( session_id, from_id, name, buffer, IM_OFFLINE == offline, std::string((char*)&bin_bucket[0]), IM_SESSION_INVITE, message_params["parent_estate_id"].asInteger(), message_params["region_id"].asUUID(), ll_vector3_from_sd(message_params["position"]), false, // is_region_message timestamp); if (LLMuteList::getInstance()->isMuted(from_id, name, LLMute::flagTextChat)) { return; } //K now we want to accept the invitation std::string url = gAgent.getRegionCapability("ChatSessionRequest"); if ( url != "" ) { LLCoros::instance().launch("chatterBoxInvitationCoro", boost::bind(&chatterBoxInvitationCoro, url, session_id, LLIMMgr::INVITATION_TYPE_INSTANT_MESSAGE, LLSD())); } } //end if invitation has instant message else if ( input["body"].has("voice") ) { if(!LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->voiceEnabled() || !LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->isVoiceWorking()) { // Don't display voice invites unless the user has voice enabled. return; } BOOL session_type_p2p = input["body"]["voice"].get("invitation_type").asInteger() == EMultiAgentChatSessionType::P2P_CHAT_SESSION; LL_DEBUGS("Voice") << "Received voice information from the server: " << input["body"]<< LL_ENDL; gIMMgr->inviteToSession( input["body"]["session_id"].asUUID(), input["body"]["session_name"].asString(), input["body"]["from_id"].asUUID(), input["body"]["from_name"].asString(), session_type_p2p ? IM_SESSION_P2P_INVITE : IM_SESSION_INVITE, LLIMMgr::INVITATION_TYPE_VOICE, input["body"]["voice"]); } else if ( input["body"].has("immediate") ) { gIMMgr->inviteToSession( input["body"]["session_id"].asUUID(), input["body"]["session_name"].asString(), input["body"]["from_id"].asUUID(), input["body"]["from_name"].asString(), IM_SESSION_INVITE, LLIMMgr::INVITATION_TYPE_IMMEDIATE); } } }; LLHTTPRegistration gHTTPRegistrationMessageChatterboxsessionstartreply( "/message/ChatterBoxSessionStartReply"); LLHTTPRegistration gHTTPRegistrationMessageChatterboxsessioneventreply( "/message/ChatterBoxSessionEventReply"); LLHTTPRegistration gHTTPRegistrationMessageForceclosechatterboxsession( "/message/ForceCloseChatterBoxSession"); LLHTTPRegistration gHTTPRegistrationMessageChatterboxsessionagentlistupdates( "/message/ChatterBoxSessionAgentListUpdates"); LLHTTPRegistration gHTTPRegistrationMessageChatterBoxSessionUpdate( "/message/ChatterBoxSessionUpdate"); LLHTTPRegistration gHTTPRegistrationMessageChatterBoxInvitation( "/message/ChatterBoxInvitation");