/** * @file llimfloater.cpp * @brief LLIMFloater class definition * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llimfloater.h" #include "llnotificationsutil.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "llappviewer.h" #include "llbutton.h" #include "llbottomtray.h" #include "llchannelmanager.h" #include "llchiclet.h" #include "llfloaterreg.h" #include "llimfloatercontainer.h" // to replace separate IM Floaters with multifloater container #include "llinventoryfunctions.h" #include "lllayoutstack.h" #include "lllineeditor.h" #include "lllogchat.h" #include "llpanelimcontrolpanel.h" #include "llscreenchannel.h" #include "llsyswellwindow.h" #include "lltrans.h" #include "llchathistory.h" #include "llnotifications.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "llvoicechannel.h" #include "lltransientfloatermgr.h" #include "llinventorymodel.h" #include "llrootview.h" #include "llspeakers.h" #include "llsidetray.h" static const S32 RECT_PADDING_NOT_INIT = -1; static const S32 RECT_PADDING_NEED_RECALC = -2; S32 LLIMFloater::sAllowedRectRightPadding = RECT_PADDING_NOT_INIT; LLIMFloater::LLIMFloater(const LLUUID& session_id) : LLTransientDockableFloater(NULL, true, session_id), mControlPanel(NULL), mSessionID(session_id), mLastMessageIndex(-1), mDialog(IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL), mChatHistory(NULL), mInputEditor(NULL), mSavedTitle(), mTypingStart(), mShouldSendTypingState(false), mMeTyping(false), mOtherTyping(false), mTypingTimer(), mTypingTimeoutTimer(), mPositioned(false), mSessionInitialized(false) { LLIMModel::LLIMSession* im_session = LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(mSessionID); if (im_session) { mSessionInitialized = im_session->mSessionInitialized; mDialog = im_session->mType; switch(mDialog){ case IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL: case IM_SESSION_P2P_INVITE: mFactoryMap["panel_im_control_panel"] = LLCallbackMap(createPanelIMControl, this); break; case IM_SESSION_CONFERENCE_START: mFactoryMap["panel_im_control_panel"] = LLCallbackMap(createPanelAdHocControl, this); break; case IM_SESSION_GROUP_START: mFactoryMap["panel_im_control_panel"] = LLCallbackMap(createPanelGroupControl, this); break; case IM_SESSION_INVITE: if (gAgent.isInGroup(mSessionID)) { mFactoryMap["panel_im_control_panel"] = LLCallbackMap(createPanelGroupControl, this); } else { mFactoryMap["panel_im_control_panel"] = LLCallbackMap(createPanelAdHocControl, this); } break; default: break; } } setOverlapsScreenChannel(true); LLTransientFloaterMgr::getInstance()->addControlView(LLTransientFloaterMgr::IM, this); setDocked(true); } void LLIMFloater::onFocusLost() { LLIMModel::getInstance()->resetActiveSessionID(); LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->setChicletToggleState(mSessionID, false); } void LLIMFloater::onFocusReceived() { LLIMModel::getInstance()->setActiveSessionID(mSessionID); LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->setChicletToggleState(mSessionID, true); if (getVisible()) { LLIMModel::instance().sendNoUnreadMessages(mSessionID); } } // virtual void LLIMFloater::onClose(bool app_quitting) { setTyping(false); // The source of much argument and design thrashing // Should the window hide or the session close when the X is clicked? // // Last change: // EXT-3516 X Button should end IM session, _ button should hide gIMMgr->leaveSession(mSessionID); } /* static */ void LLIMFloater::newIMCallback(const LLSD& data){ if (data["num_unread"].asInteger() > 0 || data["from_id"].asUUID().isNull()) { LLUUID session_id = data["session_id"].asUUID(); LLIMFloater* floater = LLFloaterReg::findTypedInstance("impanel", session_id); if (floater == NULL) return; // update if visible, otherwise will be updated when opened if (floater->getVisible()) { floater->updateMessages(); } } } void LLIMFloater::onVisibilityChange(const LLSD& new_visibility) { bool visible = new_visibility.asBoolean(); LLVoiceChannel* voice_channel = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getVoiceChannel(mSessionID); if (visible && voice_channel && voice_channel->getState() == LLVoiceChannel::STATE_CONNECTED) { LLFloaterReg::showInstance("voice_call", mSessionID); } else { LLFloaterReg::hideInstance("voice_call", mSessionID); } } void LLIMFloater::onSendMsg( LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* userdata ) { LLIMFloater* self = (LLIMFloater*) userdata; self->sendMsg(); self->setTyping(false); } void LLIMFloater::sendMsg() { if (!gAgent.isGodlike() && (mDialog == IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL) && mOtherParticipantUUID.isNull()) { llinfos << "Cannot send IM to everyone unless you're a god." << llendl; return; } if (mInputEditor) { LLWString text = mInputEditor->getConvertedText(); if(!text.empty()) { // Truncate and convert to UTF8 for transport std::string utf8_text = wstring_to_utf8str(text); utf8_text = utf8str_truncate(utf8_text, MAX_MSG_BUF_SIZE - 1); if (mSessionInitialized) { LLIMModel::sendMessage(utf8_text, mSessionID, mOtherParticipantUUID,mDialog); } else { //queue up the message to send once the session is initialized mQueuedMsgsForInit.append(utf8_text); } mInputEditor->setText(LLStringUtil::null); updateMessages(); } } } LLIMFloater::~LLIMFloater() { LLTransientFloaterMgr::getInstance()->removeControlView(LLTransientFloaterMgr::IM, this); } //virtual BOOL LLIMFloater::postBuild() { // User-resizable control panels in P2P sessions look ugly (EXT-3470). if (mDialog == IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL || mDialog == IM_SESSION_P2P_INVITE) { getChild("im_panels")->setPanelUserResize("panel_im_control_panel", FALSE); } const LLUUID& other_party_id = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getOtherParticipantID(mSessionID); if (other_party_id.notNull()) { mOtherParticipantUUID = other_party_id; } mControlPanel->setSessionId(mSessionID); mControlPanel->getParent()->setVisible(gSavedSettings.getBOOL("IMShowControlPanel")); LLButton* slide_left = getChild("slide_left_btn"); slide_left->setVisible(mControlPanel->getParent()->getVisible()); slide_left->setClickedCallback(boost::bind(&LLIMFloater::onSlide, this)); LLButton* slide_right = getChild("slide_right_btn"); slide_right->setVisible(!mControlPanel->getParent()->getVisible()); slide_right->setClickedCallback(boost::bind(&LLIMFloater::onSlide, this)); mInputEditor = getChild("chat_editor"); mInputEditor->setMaxTextLength(1023); // enable line history support for instant message bar mInputEditor->setEnableLineHistory(TRUE); mInputEditor->setFocusReceivedCallback( boost::bind(onInputEditorFocusReceived, _1, this) ); mInputEditor->setFocusLostCallback( boost::bind(onInputEditorFocusLost, _1, this) ); mInputEditor->setKeystrokeCallback( onInputEditorKeystroke, this ); mInputEditor->setCommitOnFocusLost( FALSE ); mInputEditor->setRevertOnEsc( FALSE ); mInputEditor->setReplaceNewlinesWithSpaces( FALSE ); mInputEditor->setPassDelete( TRUE ); std::string session_name(LLIMModel::instance().getName(mSessionID)); mInputEditor->setLabel(LLTrans::getString("IM_to_label") + " " + session_name); setTitle(session_name); childSetCommitCallback("chat_editor", onSendMsg, this); mChatHistory = getChild("chat_history"); setDocked(true); mTypingStart = LLTrans::getString("IM_typing_start_string"); // Disable input editor if session cannot accept text LLIMModel::LLIMSession* im_session = LLIMModel::instance().findIMSession(mSessionID); if( im_session && !im_session->mTextIMPossible ) { mInputEditor->setEnabled(FALSE); mInputEditor->setLabel(LLTrans::getString("IM_unavailable_text_label")); } //*TODO if session is not initialized yet, add some sort of a warning message like "starting session...blablabla" //see LLFloaterIMPanel for how it is done (IB) if(isChatMultiTab()) { return LLFloater::postBuild(); } else { return LLDockableFloater::postBuild(); } } // virtual void LLIMFloater::draw() { if ( mMeTyping ) { // Time out if user hasn't typed for a while. if ( mTypingTimeoutTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() > LLAgent::TYPING_TIMEOUT_SECS ) { setTyping(false); } } LLTransientDockableFloater::draw(); } // static void* LLIMFloater::createPanelIMControl(void* userdata) { LLIMFloater *self = (LLIMFloater*)userdata; self->mControlPanel = new LLPanelIMControlPanel(); self->mControlPanel->setXMLFilename("panel_im_control_panel.xml"); return self->mControlPanel; } // static void* LLIMFloater::createPanelGroupControl(void* userdata) { LLIMFloater *self = (LLIMFloater*)userdata; self->mControlPanel = new LLPanelGroupControlPanel(self->mSessionID); self->mControlPanel->setXMLFilename("panel_group_control_panel.xml"); return self->mControlPanel; } // static void* LLIMFloater::createPanelAdHocControl(void* userdata) { LLIMFloater *self = (LLIMFloater*)userdata; self->mControlPanel = new LLPanelAdHocControlPanel(self->mSessionID); self->mControlPanel->setXMLFilename("panel_adhoc_control_panel.xml"); return self->mControlPanel; } void LLIMFloater::onSlide() { mControlPanel->getParent()->setVisible(!mControlPanel->getParent()->getVisible()); gSavedSettings.setBOOL("IMShowControlPanel", mControlPanel->getParent()->getVisible()); getChild("slide_left_btn")->setVisible(mControlPanel->getParent()->getVisible()); getChild("slide_right_btn")->setVisible(!mControlPanel->getParent()->getVisible()); LLLayoutStack* stack = getChild("im_panels"); if (stack) stack->setAnimate(true); } //static LLIMFloater* LLIMFloater::show(const LLUUID& session_id) { closeHiddenIMToasts(); if (!gIMMgr->hasSession(session_id)) return NULL; if(!isChatMultiTab()) { //hide all LLFloaterReg::const_instance_list_t& inst_list = LLFloaterReg::getFloaterList("impanel"); for (LLFloaterReg::const_instance_list_t::const_iterator iter = inst_list.begin(); iter != inst_list.end(); ++iter) { LLIMFloater* floater = dynamic_cast(*iter); if (floater && floater->isDocked()) { floater->setVisible(false); } } } bool exist = findInstance(session_id); LLIMFloater* floater = getInstance(session_id); if (!floater) return NULL; if(isChatMultiTab()) { LLIMFloaterContainer* floater_container = LLIMFloaterContainer::getInstance(); // do not add existed floaters to avoid adding torn off instances if (!exist) { // LLTabContainer::eInsertionPoint i_pt = user_initiated ? LLTabContainer::RIGHT_OF_CURRENT : LLTabContainer::END; // TODO: mantipov: use LLTabContainer::RIGHT_OF_CURRENT if it exists LLTabContainer::eInsertionPoint i_pt = LLTabContainer::END; if (floater_container) { floater_container->addFloater(floater, TRUE, i_pt); } } floater->openFloater(floater->getKey()); } else { // Docking may move chat window, hide it before moving, or user will see how window "jumps" floater->setVisible(false); if (floater->getDockControl() == NULL) { LLChiclet* chiclet = LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->findChiclet( session_id); if (chiclet == NULL) { llerror("Dock chiclet for LLIMFloater doesn't exists", 0); } else { LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->scrollToChiclet(chiclet); } floater->setDockControl(new LLDockControl(chiclet, floater, floater->getDockTongue(), LLDockControl::TOP, boost::bind(&LLIMFloater::getAllowedRect, floater, _1))); } // window is positioned, now we can show it. } floater->setVisible(TRUE); return floater; } //static bool LLIMFloater::resetAllowedRectPadding(const LLSD& newvalue) { //reset allowed rect right padding if "SidebarCameraMovement" option //or sidebar state changed sAllowedRectRightPadding = RECT_PADDING_NEED_RECALC ; return true; } void LLIMFloater::getAllowedRect(LLRect& rect) { if (sAllowedRectRightPadding == RECT_PADDING_NOT_INIT) //wasn't initialized { gSavedSettings.getControl("SidebarCameraMovement")->getSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&LLIMFloater::resetAllowedRectPadding, _2)); LLSideTray* side_bar = LLSideTray::getInstance(); side_bar->getCollapseSignal().connect(boost::bind(&LLIMFloater::resetAllowedRectPadding, _2)); sAllowedRectRightPadding = RECT_PADDING_NEED_RECALC; } rect = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectScaled(); if (sAllowedRectRightPadding == RECT_PADDING_NEED_RECALC) //recalc allowed rect right padding { LLPanel* side_bar_tabs = gViewerWindow->getRootView()->getChild ( "side_bar_tabs"); sAllowedRectRightPadding = side_bar_tabs->getRect().getWidth(); LLTransientFloaterMgr::getInstance()->addControlView(side_bar_tabs); if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("SidebarCameraMovement") == FALSE) { LLSideTray* side_bar = LLSideTray::getInstance(); if (side_bar->getVisible() && !side_bar->getCollapsed()) sAllowedRectRightPadding += side_bar->getRect().getWidth(); } } rect.mRight -= sAllowedRectRightPadding; } void LLIMFloater::setDocked(bool docked, bool pop_on_undock) { // update notification channel state LLNotificationsUI::LLScreenChannel* channel = static_cast (LLNotificationsUI::LLChannelManager::getInstance()-> findChannelByID(LLUUID(gSavedSettings.getString("NotificationChannelUUID")))); if(!isChatMultiTab()) { LLTransientDockableFloater::setDocked(docked, pop_on_undock); } // update notification channel state if(channel) { channel->updateShowToastsState(); channel->redrawToasts(); } } void LLIMFloater::setVisible(BOOL visible) { LLNotificationsUI::LLScreenChannel* channel = static_cast (LLNotificationsUI::LLChannelManager::getInstance()-> findChannelByID(LLUUID(gSavedSettings.getString("NotificationChannelUUID")))); LLTransientDockableFloater::setVisible(visible); // update notification channel state if(channel) { channel->updateShowToastsState(); channel->redrawToasts(); } BOOL is_minimized = visible && isChatMultiTab() ? LLIMFloaterContainer::getInstance()->isMinimized() : !visible; if (!is_minimized && mChatHistory && mInputEditor) { //only if floater was construced and initialized from xml updateMessages(); //prevent stealing focus when opening a background IM tab (EXT-5387, checking focus for EXT-6781) if (!isChatMultiTab() || hasFocus()) { mInputEditor->setFocus(TRUE); } } if(!visible) { LLIMChiclet* chiclet = LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChicletPanel()->findChiclet(mSessionID); if(chiclet) { chiclet->setToggleState(false); } } } BOOL LLIMFloater::getVisible() { if(isChatMultiTab()) { LLIMFloaterContainer* im_container = LLIMFloaterContainer::getInstance(); // Treat inactive floater as invisible. bool is_active = im_container->getActiveFloater() == this; //torn off floater is always inactive if (!is_active && getHost() != im_container) { return LLTransientDockableFloater::getVisible(); } // getVisible() returns TRUE when Tabbed IM window is minimized. return is_active && !im_container->isMinimized() && im_container->getVisible(); } else { return LLTransientDockableFloater::getVisible(); } } //static bool LLIMFloater::toggle(const LLUUID& session_id) { if(!isChatMultiTab()) { LLIMFloater* floater = LLFloaterReg::findTypedInstance("impanel", session_id); if (floater && floater->getVisible() && floater->hasFocus()) { // clicking on chiclet to close floater just hides it to maintain existing // scroll/text entry state floater->setVisible(false); return false; } else if(floater && (!floater->isDocked() || floater->getVisible() && !floater->hasFocus())) { floater->setVisible(TRUE); floater->setFocus(TRUE); return true; } } // ensure the list of messages is updated when floater is made visible show(session_id); return true; } //static LLIMFloater* LLIMFloater::findInstance(const LLUUID& session_id) { return LLFloaterReg::findTypedInstance("impanel", session_id); } LLIMFloater* LLIMFloater::getInstance(const LLUUID& session_id) { return LLFloaterReg::getTypedInstance("impanel", session_id); } void LLIMFloater::sessionInitReplyReceived(const LLUUID& im_session_id) { mSessionInitialized = true; //will be different only for an ad-hoc im session if (mSessionID != im_session_id) { mSessionID = im_session_id; setKey(im_session_id); mControlPanel->setSessionId(im_session_id); } // updating "Call" button from group control panel here to enable it without placing into draw() (EXT-4796) if(gAgent.isInGroup(im_session_id)) { mControlPanel->updateCallButton(); } //*TODO here we should remove "starting session..." warning message if we added it in postBuild() (IB) //need to send delayed messaged collected while waiting for session initialization if (!mQueuedMsgsForInit.size()) return; LLSD::array_iterator iter; for ( iter = mQueuedMsgsForInit.beginArray(); iter != mQueuedMsgsForInit.endArray(); ++iter) { LLIMModel::sendMessage(iter->asString(), mSessionID, mOtherParticipantUUID, mDialog); } } void LLIMFloater::updateMessages() { bool use_plain_text_chat_history = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("PlainTextChatHistory"); std::list messages; // we shouldn't reset unread message counters if IM floater doesn't have focus if (hasFocus()) { LLIMModel::instance().getMessages(mSessionID, messages, mLastMessageIndex+1); } else { LLIMModel::instance().getMessagesSilently(mSessionID, messages, mLastMessageIndex+1); } if (messages.size()) { // LLUIColor chat_color = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("IMChatColor"); LLSD chat_args; chat_args["use_plain_text_chat_history"] = use_plain_text_chat_history; std::ostringstream message; std::list::const_reverse_iterator iter = messages.rbegin(); std::list::const_reverse_iterator iter_end = messages.rend(); for (; iter != iter_end; ++iter) { LLSD msg = *iter; std::string time = msg["time"].asString(); LLUUID from_id = msg["from_id"].asUUID(); std::string from = msg["from"].asString(); std::string message = msg["message"].asString(); bool is_history = msg["is_history"].asBoolean(); LLChat chat; chat.mFromID = from_id; chat.mSessionID = mSessionID; chat.mFromName = from; chat.mTimeStr = time; chat.mChatStyle = is_history ? CHAT_STYLE_HISTORY : chat.mChatStyle; // process offer notification if (msg.has("notification_id")) { chat.mNotifId = msg["notification_id"].asUUID(); // if notification exists - embed it if (LLNotificationsUtil::find(chat.mNotifId) != NULL) { // remove embedded notification from channel LLNotificationsUI::LLScreenChannel* channel = static_cast (LLNotificationsUI::LLChannelManager::getInstance()-> findChannelByID(LLUUID(gSavedSettings.getString("NotificationChannelUUID")))); if (getVisible()) { // toast will be automatically closed since it is not storable toast channel->hideToast(chat.mNotifId); } } // if notification doesn't exist - try to use next message which should be log entry else { continue; } } //process text message else { chat.mText = message; } mChatHistory->appendMessage(chat, chat_args); mLastMessageIndex = msg["index"].asInteger(); // if it is a notification - next message is a notification history log, so skip it if (chat.mNotifId.notNull() && LLNotificationsUtil::find(chat.mNotifId) != NULL) { if (++iter == iter_end) { break; } else { mLastMessageIndex++; } } } } } void LLIMFloater::reloadMessages() { mChatHistory->clear(); mLastMessageIndex = -1; updateMessages(); } // static void LLIMFloater::onInputEditorFocusReceived( LLFocusableElement* caller, void* userdata ) { LLIMFloater* self= (LLIMFloater*) userdata; // Allow enabling the LLIMFloater input editor only if session can accept text LLIMModel::LLIMSession* im_session = LLIMModel::instance().findIMSession(self->mSessionID); //TODO: While disabled lllineeditor can receive focus we need to check if it is enabled (EK) if( im_session && im_session->mTextIMPossible && self->mInputEditor->getEnabled()) { //in disconnected state IM input editor should be disabled self->mInputEditor->setEnabled(!gDisconnected); } } // static void LLIMFloater::onInputEditorFocusLost(LLFocusableElement* caller, void* userdata) { LLIMFloater* self = (LLIMFloater*) userdata; self->setTyping(false); } // static void LLIMFloater::onInputEditorKeystroke(LLLineEditor* caller, void* userdata) { LLIMFloater* self = (LLIMFloater*)userdata; std::string text = self->mInputEditor->getText(); if (!text.empty()) { self->setTyping(true); } else { // Deleting all text counts as stopping typing. self->setTyping(false); } } void LLIMFloater::setTyping(bool typing) { if ( typing ) { // Started or proceeded typing, reset the typing timeout timer mTypingTimeoutTimer.reset(); } if ( mMeTyping != typing ) { // Typing state is changed mMeTyping = typing; // So, should send current state mShouldSendTypingState = true; // In case typing is started, send state after some delay mTypingTimer.reset(); } // Don't want to send typing indicators to multiple people, potentially too // much network traffic. Only send in person-to-person IMs. if ( mShouldSendTypingState && mDialog == IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL ) { if ( mMeTyping ) { if ( mTypingTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() > 1.f ) { // Still typing, send 'start typing' notification LLIMModel::instance().sendTypingState(mSessionID, mOtherParticipantUUID, TRUE); mShouldSendTypingState = false; } } else { // Send 'stop typing' notification immediately LLIMModel::instance().sendTypingState(mSessionID, mOtherParticipantUUID, FALSE); mShouldSendTypingState = false; } } LLIMSpeakerMgr* speaker_mgr = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getSpeakerManager(mSessionID); if (speaker_mgr) speaker_mgr->setSpeakerTyping(gAgent.getID(), FALSE); } void LLIMFloater::processIMTyping(const LLIMInfo* im_info, BOOL typing) { if ( typing ) { // other user started typing addTypingIndicator(im_info); } else { // other user stopped typing removeTypingIndicator(im_info); } } void LLIMFloater::processAgentListUpdates(const LLSD& body) { if ( !body.isMap() ) return; if ( body.has("agent_updates") && body["agent_updates"].isMap() ) { LLSD agent_data = body["agent_updates"].get(gAgentID.asString()); if (agent_data.isMap() && agent_data.has("info")) { LLSD agent_info = agent_data["info"]; if (agent_info.has("mutes")) { BOOL moderator_muted_text = agent_info["mutes"]["text"].asBoolean(); mInputEditor->setEnabled(!moderator_muted_text); std::string label; if (moderator_muted_text) label = LLTrans::getString("IM_muted_text_label"); else label = LLTrans::getString("IM_to_label") + " " + LLIMModel::instance().getName(mSessionID); mInputEditor->setLabel(label); if (moderator_muted_text) LLNotificationsUtil::add("TextChatIsMutedByModerator"); } } } } void LLIMFloater::updateChatHistoryStyle() { mChatHistory->clear(); mLastMessageIndex = -1; updateMessages(); } void LLIMFloater::processChatHistoryStyleUpdate(const LLSD& newvalue) { LLFloaterReg::const_instance_list_t& inst_list = LLFloaterReg::getFloaterList("impanel"); for (LLFloaterReg::const_instance_list_t::const_iterator iter = inst_list.begin(); iter != inst_list.end(); ++iter) { LLIMFloater* floater = dynamic_cast(*iter); if (floater) { floater->updateChatHistoryStyle(); } } } void LLIMFloater::processSessionUpdate(const LLSD& session_update) { // *TODO : verify following code when moderated mode will be implemented if ( false && session_update.has("moderated_mode") && session_update["moderated_mode"].has("voice") ) { BOOL voice_moderated = session_update["moderated_mode"]["voice"]; const std::string session_label = LLIMModel::instance().getName(mSessionID); if (voice_moderated) { setTitle(session_label + std::string(" ") + LLTrans::getString("IM_moderated_chat_label")); } else { setTitle(session_label); } // *TODO : uncomment this when/if LLPanelActiveSpeakers panel will be added //update the speakers dropdown too //mSpeakerPanel->setVoiceModerationCtrlMode(voice_moderated); } } BOOL LLIMFloater::handleDragAndDrop(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask, BOOL drop, EDragAndDropType cargo_type, void *cargo_data, EAcceptance *accept, std::string& tooltip_msg) { if (mDialog == IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL) { LLToolDragAndDrop::handleGiveDragAndDrop(mOtherParticipantUUID, mSessionID, drop, cargo_type, cargo_data, accept); } // handle case for dropping calling cards (and folders of calling cards) onto invitation panel for invites else if (isInviteAllowed()) { *accept = ACCEPT_NO; if (cargo_type == DAD_CALLINGCARD) { if (dropCallingCard((LLInventoryItem*)cargo_data, drop)) { *accept = ACCEPT_YES_MULTI; } } else if (cargo_type == DAD_CATEGORY) { if (dropCategory((LLInventoryCategory*)cargo_data, drop)) { *accept = ACCEPT_YES_MULTI; } } } return TRUE; } BOOL LLIMFloater::dropCallingCard(LLInventoryItem* item, BOOL drop) { BOOL rv = isInviteAllowed(); if(rv && item && item->getCreatorUUID().notNull()) { if(drop) { uuid_vec_t ids; ids.push_back(item->getCreatorUUID()); inviteToSession(ids); } } else { // set to false if creator uuid is null. rv = FALSE; } return rv; } BOOL LLIMFloater::dropCategory(LLInventoryCategory* category, BOOL drop) { BOOL rv = isInviteAllowed(); if(rv && category) { LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items; LLUniqueBuddyCollector buddies; gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(category->getUUID(), cats, items, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH, buddies); S32 count = items.count(); if(count == 0) { rv = FALSE; } else if(drop) { uuid_vec_t ids; ids.reserve(count); for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ids.push_back(items.get(i)->getCreatorUUID()); } inviteToSession(ids); } } return rv; } BOOL LLIMFloater::isInviteAllowed() const { return ( (IM_SESSION_CONFERENCE_START == mDialog) || (IM_SESSION_INVITE == mDialog) ); } class LLSessionInviteResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder { public: LLSessionInviteResponder(const LLUUID& session_id) { mSessionID = session_id; } void error(U32 statusNum, const std::string& reason) { llinfos << "Error inviting all agents to session" << llendl; //throw something back to the viewer here? } private: LLUUID mSessionID; }; BOOL LLIMFloater::inviteToSession(const uuid_vec_t& ids) { LLViewerRegion* region = gAgent.getRegion(); if (!region) { return FALSE; } S32 count = ids.size(); if( isInviteAllowed() && (count > 0) ) { llinfos << "LLIMFloater::inviteToSession() - inviting participants" << llendl; std::string url = region->getCapability("ChatSessionRequest"); LLSD data; data["params"] = LLSD::emptyArray(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { data["params"].append(ids[i]); } data["method"] = "invite"; data["session-id"] = mSessionID; LLHTTPClient::post( url, data, new LLSessionInviteResponder( mSessionID)); } else { llinfos << "LLIMFloater::inviteToSession -" << " no need to invite agents for " << mDialog << llendl; // successful add, because everyone that needed to get added // was added. } return TRUE; } void LLIMFloater::addTypingIndicator(const LLIMInfo* im_info) { // We may have lost a "stop-typing" packet, don't add it twice if ( im_info && !mOtherTyping ) { mOtherTyping = true; // Create typing is started title string LLUIString typing_start(mTypingStart); typing_start.setArg("[NAME]", im_info->mName); // Save and set new title mSavedTitle = getTitle(); setTitle (typing_start); // Update speaker LLIMSpeakerMgr* speaker_mgr = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getSpeakerManager(mSessionID); if ( speaker_mgr ) { speaker_mgr->setSpeakerTyping(im_info->mFromID, TRUE); } } } void LLIMFloater::removeTypingIndicator(const LLIMInfo* im_info) { if ( mOtherTyping ) { mOtherTyping = false; // Revert the title to saved one setTitle(mSavedTitle); if ( im_info ) { // Update speaker LLIMSpeakerMgr* speaker_mgr = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getSpeakerManager(mSessionID); if ( speaker_mgr ) { speaker_mgr->setSpeakerTyping(im_info->mFromID, FALSE); } } } } // static void LLIMFloater::closeHiddenIMToasts() { class IMToastMatcher: public LLNotificationsUI::LLScreenChannel::Matcher { public: bool matches(const LLNotificationPtr notification) const { // "notifytoast" type of notifications is reserved for IM notifications return "notifytoast" == notification->getType(); } }; LLNotificationsUI::LLScreenChannel* channel = LLNotificationsUI::LLChannelManager::getNotificationScreenChannel(); if (channel != NULL) { channel->closeHiddenToasts(IMToastMatcher()); } } // static void LLIMFloater::confirmLeaveCallCallback(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response) { S32 option = LLNotificationsUtil::getSelectedOption(notification, response); const LLSD& payload = notification["payload"]; LLUUID session_id = payload["session_id"]; LLFloater* im_floater = LLFloaterReg::findInstance("impanel", session_id); if (option == 0 && im_floater != NULL) { im_floater->closeFloater(); } return; } // static bool LLIMFloater::isChatMultiTab() { // Restart is required in order to change chat window type. static bool is_single_window = gSavedSettings.getS32("ChatWindow") == 1; return is_single_window; } // static void LLIMFloater::initIMFloater() { // This is called on viewer start up // init chat window type before user changed it in preferences isChatMultiTab(); } //static void LLIMFloater::sRemoveTypingIndicator(const LLSD& data) { LLUUID session_id = data["session_id"]; if (session_id.isNull()) return; LLUUID from_id = data["from_id"]; if (gAgentID == from_id || LLUUID::null == from_id) return; LLIMFloater* floater = LLIMFloater::findInstance(session_id); if (!floater) return; if (IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL != floater->mDialog) return; floater->removeTypingIndicator(); } void LLIMFloater::onIMChicletCreated( const LLUUID& session_id ) { if (isChatMultiTab()) { LLIMFloaterContainer* im_box = LLIMFloaterContainer::getInstance(); if (!im_box) return; if (LLIMFloater::findInstance(session_id)) return; LLIMFloater* new_tab = LLIMFloater::getInstance(session_id); im_box->addFloater(new_tab, FALSE, LLTabContainer::END); } } void LLIMFloater::onClickCloseBtn() { LLIMModel::LLIMSession* session = LLIMModel::instance().findIMSession( mSessionID); if (session == NULL) { llwarns << "Empty session." << llendl; return; } bool is_call_with_chat = session->isGroupSessionType() || session->isAdHocSessionType() || session->isP2PSessionType(); LLVoiceChannel* voice_channel = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getVoiceChannel(mSessionID); if (is_call_with_chat && voice_channel != NULL && voice_channel->isActive()) { LLSD payload; payload["session_id"] = mSessionID; LLNotificationsUtil::add("ConfirmLeaveCall", LLSD(), payload, confirmLeaveCallCallback); return; } LLFloater::onClickCloseBtn(); }