/** * @file llimconversation.cpp * @brief LLIMConversation class implements the common behavior of LNearbyChatBar * @brief and LLIMFloater for hosting both in LLIMContainer * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2012&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2012, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llimconversation.h" #include "lldraghandle.h" #include "llfloaterreg.h" #include "llimfloater.h" #include "llimfloatercontainer.h" // to replace separate IM Floaters with multifloater container #include "lllayoutstack.h" #include "llnearbychat.h" #include "llnearbychat.h" const F32 REFRESH_INTERVAL = 0.2f; LLIMConversation::LLIMConversation(const LLUUID& session_id) : LLTransientDockableFloater(NULL, true, session_id) , LLEventTimer(REFRESH_INTERVAL) , mIsP2PChat(false) , mExpandCollapseBtn(NULL) , mTearOffBtn(NULL) , mCloseBtn(NULL) , mSessionID(session_id) , mParticipantList(NULL) { mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("IMSession.Menu.Action", boost::bind(&LLIMConversation::onIMSessionMenuItemClicked, this, _2)); // mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("IMSession.ExpCollapseBtn.Click", // boost::bind(&LLIMConversation::onSlide, this)); // mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("IMSession.CloseBtn.Click", // boost::bind(&LLFloater::onClickClose, this)); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("IMSession.TearOffBtn.Click", boost::bind(&LLIMConversation::onTearOffClicked, this)); mEnableCallbackRegistrar.add("IMSession.Menu.CompactExpandedModes.CheckItem", boost::bind(&LLIMConversation::onIMCompactExpandedMenuItemCheck, this, _2)); mEnableCallbackRegistrar.add("IMSession.Menu.ShowModes.CheckItem", boost::bind(&LLIMConversation::onIMShowModesMenuItemCheck, this, _2)); mEnableCallbackRegistrar.add("IMSession.Menu.ShowModes.Enable", boost::bind(&LLIMConversation::onIMShowModesMenuItemEnable, this, _2)); } LLIMConversation::~LLIMConversation() { if (mParticipantList) { delete mParticipantList; mParticipantList = NULL; } } BOOL LLIMConversation::postBuild() { mCloseBtn = getChild("close_btn"); mCloseBtn->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloater::onClickClose, this)); mExpandCollapseBtn = getChild("expand_collapse_btn"); mExpandCollapseBtn->setClickedCallback(boost::bind(&LLIMConversation::onSlide, this)); mParticipantListPanel = getChild("speakers_list_panel"); mParticipantListPanel->setVisible( mIsNearbyChat? false : gSavedSettings.getBOOL("IMShowControlPanel")); mExpandCollapseBtn->setImageOverlay( getString(mParticipantListPanel->getVisible() ? "collapse_icon" : "expand_icon")); mExpandCollapseBtn->setEnabled(!mIsP2PChat); mTearOffBtn = getChild("tear_off_btn"); mTearOffBtn->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLIMConversation::onTearOffClicked, this)); if (!getTornOff()) { setOpenPositioning(LLFloaterEnums::POSITIONING_RELATIVE); } buildParticipantList(); if (isChatMultiTab()) { return LLFloater::postBuild(); } else { return LLDockableFloater::postBuild(); } } BOOL LLIMConversation::tick() { // Need to resort the participant list if it's in sort by recent speaker order. if (mParticipantList) { mParticipantList->update(); } return false; } void LLIMConversation::buildParticipantList() { if (mIsNearbyChat) { } else { // for group and ad-hoc chat we need to include agent into list if(!mIsP2PChat && !mParticipantList && mSessionID.notNull()) { LLSpeakerMgr* speaker_manager = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getSpeakerManager(mSessionID); mParticipantList = new LLParticipantList(speaker_manager, getChild("speakers_list"), true, false); } } } void LLIMConversation::onSortMenuItemClicked(const LLSD& userdata) { // TODO: Check this code when when sort order menu will be added. (EM) if (true || !mParticipantList) return; std::string chosen_item = userdata.asString(); if (chosen_item == "sort_name") { mParticipantList->setSortOrder(LLParticipantList::E_SORT_BY_NAME); } } void LLIMConversation::onIMSessionMenuItemClicked(const LLSD& userdata) { std::string item = userdata.asString(); if (item == "compact_view" || item == "expanded_view") { gSavedSettings.setBOOL("PlainTextChatHistory", item == "compact_view"); } else { bool prev_value = gSavedSettings.getBOOL(item); gSavedSettings.setBOOL(item, !prev_value); } LLIMConversation::processChatHistoryStyleUpdate(); } bool LLIMConversation::onIMCompactExpandedMenuItemCheck(const LLSD& userdata) { std::string item = userdata.asString(); bool is_plain_text_mode = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("PlainTextChatHistory"); return is_plain_text_mode? item == "compact_view" : item == "expanded_view"; } bool LLIMConversation::onIMShowModesMenuItemCheck(const LLSD& userdata) { return gSavedSettings.getBOOL(userdata.asString()); } // enable/disable states for the "show time" and "show names" items of the show-modes menu bool LLIMConversation::onIMShowModesMenuItemEnable(const LLSD& userdata) { std::string item = userdata.asString(); bool plain_text = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("PlainTextChatHistory"); bool is_not_names = (item != "IMShowNamesForP2PConv"); return (plain_text && (is_not_names || mIsP2PChat)); } void LLIMConversation::updateHeaderAndToolbar() { bool is_hosted = getHost() != NULL; if (is_hosted) { for (S32 i = 0; i < BUTTON_COUNT; i++) { if (mButtons[i]) { // Hide the standard header buttons in a docked IM floater. mButtons[i]->setVisible(false); } } } bool is_control_panel_visible = false; if (!mIsP2PChat) { // Control panel should be visible only in torn off floaters. is_control_panel_visible = !is_hosted && gSavedSettings.getBOOL("IMShowControlPanel"); mParticipantListPanel->setVisible(is_control_panel_visible); } // Display collapse image (<<) if the floater is hosted // or if it is torn off but has an open control panel. bool is_expanded = is_hosted || is_control_panel_visible; mExpandCollapseBtn->setImageOverlay(getString(is_expanded ? "collapse_icon" : "expand_icon")); LLIMModel::LLIMSession* session = LLIMModel::instance().findIMSession(mSessionID); if (session) { // The button (>>) should be disabled for torn off P2P conversations. mExpandCollapseBtn->setEnabled(is_hosted || !session->isP2PSessionType()); } else { if (!mIsNearbyChat) { llwarns << "IM session not found." << llendl; } } if (mDragHandle) { // toggle floater's drag handle and title visibility mDragHandle->setVisible(!is_hosted); } mTearOffBtn->setImageOverlay(getString(is_hosted ? "tear_off_icon" : "return_icon")); mCloseBtn->setVisible(is_hosted); enableDisableCallBtn(); } // static void LLIMConversation::processChatHistoryStyleUpdate() { LLFloaterReg::const_instance_list_t& inst_list = LLFloaterReg::getFloaterList("impanel"); for (LLFloaterReg::const_instance_list_t::const_iterator iter = inst_list.begin(); iter != inst_list.end(); ++iter) { LLIMFloater* floater = dynamic_cast(*iter); if (floater) { floater->reloadMessages(); } } LLNearbyChat* nearby_chat = LLNearbyChat::getInstance(); if (nearby_chat) { nearby_chat->reloadMessages(); } } void LLIMConversation::updateCallBtnState(bool callIsActive) { getChild("voice_call_btn")->setImageOverlay( callIsActive? getString("call_btn_stop") : getString("call_btn_start")); enableDisableCallBtn(); } void LLIMConversation::onSlide(LLIMConversation* self) { LLIMFloaterContainer* host_floater = dynamic_cast(self->getHost()); if (host_floater) { // Hide the messages pane if a floater is hosted in the Conversations host_floater->collapseMessagesPane(true); } else ///< floater is torn off { if (!self->mIsP2PChat) { bool expand = !self->mParticipantListPanel->getVisible(); // Expand/collapse the IM control panel self->mParticipantListPanel->setVisible(expand); gSavedSettings.setBOOL("IMShowControlPanel", expand); self->mExpandCollapseBtn->setImageOverlay(self->getString(expand ? "collapse_icon" : "expand_icon")); } } } /*virtual*/ void LLIMConversation::onOpen(const LLSD& key) { LLIMFloaterContainer* host_floater = dynamic_cast(getHost()); if (host_floater) { // Show the messages pane when opening a floater hosted in the Conversations host_floater->collapseMessagesPane(false); } updateHeaderAndToolbar(); } void LLIMConversation::onTearOffClicked() { onClickTearOff(this); updateHeaderAndToolbar(); } // static bool LLIMConversation::isChatMultiTab() { // Restart is required in order to change chat window type. static bool is_single_window = gSavedSettings.getS32("ChatWindow") == 1; return is_single_window; }