 * @file llgroupmgr.h
 * @brief Manager for aggregating all client knowledge for specific groups
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2004&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


#include "lluuid.h"
#include "roles_constants.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include "lleventcoro.h"
#include "llcoros.h"

// Forward Declarations
class LLMessageSystem;
class LLGroupRoleData;
class LLGroupMgr;

enum LLGroupChange

const U32 GB_MAX_BANNED_AGENTS = 500;

class LLGroupMgrObserver
    LLGroupMgrObserver(const LLUUID& id) : mID(id){};
    LLGroupMgrObserver() : mID(LLUUID::null){};
    virtual ~LLGroupMgrObserver(){};
    virtual void changed(LLGroupChange gc) = 0;
    const LLUUID& getID() { return mID; }
    LLUUID  mID;

class LLParticularGroupObserver
    virtual ~LLParticularGroupObserver(){}
    virtual void changed(const LLUUID& group_id, LLGroupChange gc) = 0;

class LLGroupMemberData
friend class LLGroupMgrGroupData;

    typedef std::map<LLUUID,LLGroupRoleData*> role_list_t;

    LLGroupMemberData(const LLUUID& id,
                        S32 contribution,
                        U64 agent_powers,
                        const std::string& title,
                        const std::string& online_status,
                        bool is_owner);


    const LLUUID& getID() const { return mID; }
    S32 getContribution() const { return mContribution; }
    U64 getAgentPowers() const { return mAgentPowers; }
    bool isOwner() const { return mIsOwner; }
    const std::string& getTitle() const { return mTitle; }
    const std::string& getOnlineStatus() const { return mOnlineStatus; }
    void addRole(const LLUUID& role, LLGroupRoleData* rd);
    bool removeRole(const LLUUID& role);
    void clearRoles() { mRolesList.clear(); };
    role_list_t::iterator roleBegin() { return mRolesList.begin(); }
    role_list_t::iterator roleEnd() { return mRolesList.end(); }

    bool isInRole(const LLUUID& role_id) { return (mRolesList.find(role_id) != mRolesList.end()); }

    LLUUID  mID;
    S32     mContribution;
    U64     mAgentPowers;
    std::string mTitle;
    std::string mOnlineStatus;
    bool    mIsOwner;
    role_list_t mRolesList;

struct LLRoleData
    LLRoleData() : mRolePowers(0), mChangeType(RC_UPDATE_NONE) { }
    LLRoleData(const LLRoleData& rd)
    :   mRoleName(rd.mRoleName),
        mChangeType(rd.mChangeType) { }

    std::string mRoleName;
    std::string mRoleTitle;
    std::string mRoleDescription;
    U64 mRolePowers;
    LLRoleChangeType mChangeType;

class LLGroupRoleData
friend class LLGroupMgrGroupData;

    LLGroupRoleData(const LLUUID& role_id,
                    const std::string& role_name,
                    const std::string& role_title,
                    const std::string& role_desc,
                    const U64 role_powers,
                    const S32 member_count);

    LLGroupRoleData(const LLUUID& role_id,
                    LLRoleData role_data,
                    const S32 member_count);


    const LLUUID& getID() const { return mRoleID; }

    const uuid_vec_t& getRoleMembers() const { return mMemberIDs; }
    S32 getMembersInRole(uuid_vec_t members, bool needs_sort = true);
    S32 getTotalMembersInRole() { return mMemberCount ? mMemberCount : static_cast<S32>(mMemberIDs.size()); } //FIXME: Returns 0 for Everyone role when Member list isn't yet loaded, see MAINT-5225

    LLRoleData getRoleData() const { return mRoleData; }
    void setRoleData(LLRoleData data) { mRoleData = data; }

    void addMember(const LLUUID& member);
    bool removeMember(const LLUUID& member);
    void clearMembers();

    const uuid_vec_t::const_iterator getMembersBegin() const
    { return mMemberIDs.begin(); }

    const uuid_vec_t::const_iterator getMembersEnd() const
    { return mMemberIDs.end(); }

    : mMemberCount(0), mMembersNeedsSort(false) {}

    LLUUID mRoleID;
    LLRoleData  mRoleData;

    uuid_vec_t mMemberIDs;
    S32 mMemberCount;

    bool mMembersNeedsSort;

struct LLRoleMemberChange
    LLRoleMemberChange() : mChange(RMC_NONE) { }
    LLRoleMemberChange(const LLUUID& role, const LLUUID& member, LLRoleMemberChangeType change)
        : mRole(role), mMember(member), mChange(change) { }
    LLRoleMemberChange(const LLRoleMemberChange& rc)
        : mRole(rc.mRole), mMember(rc.mMember), mChange(rc.mChange) { }
    LLUUID mRole;
    LLUUID mMember;
    LLRoleMemberChangeType mChange;

typedef std::pair<LLUUID,LLUUID> lluuid_pair;

struct lluuid_pair_less
    bool operator()(const lluuid_pair& lhs, const lluuid_pair& rhs) const
        if (lhs.first == rhs.first)
            return lhs.second < rhs.second;
            return lhs.first < rhs.first;

struct LLGroupBanData
    LLGroupBanData(): mBanDate()    {}
    ~LLGroupBanData()   {}

    LLDate mBanDate;
    // TODO: std:string ban_reason;

struct LLGroupTitle
    std::string mTitle;
    LLUUID      mRoleID;
    bool        mSelected;

class LLGroupMgrGroupData
friend class LLGroupMgr;

    LLGroupMgrGroupData(const LLUUID& id);

    const LLUUID& getID() { return mID; }

    bool getRoleData(const LLUUID& role_id, LLRoleData& role_data);
    void setRoleData(const LLUUID& role_id, LLRoleData role_data);
    void createRole(const LLUUID& role_id, LLRoleData role_data);
    void deleteRole(const LLUUID& role_id);
    bool pendingRoleChanges();

    void addRolePower(const LLUUID& role_id, U64 power);
    void removeRolePower(const LLUUID& role_id, U64 power);
    U64  getRolePowers(const LLUUID& role_id);

    void removeData();
    void removeRoleData();
    void removeMemberData();
    void removeRoleMemberData();

    bool changeRoleMember(const LLUUID& role_id, const LLUUID& member_id, LLRoleMemberChangeType rmc);
    void recalcAllAgentPowers();
    void recalcAgentPowers(const LLUUID& agent_id);

    bool isMemberDataComplete() { return mMemberDataComplete; }
    bool isRoleDataComplete() { return mRoleDataComplete; }
    bool isRoleMemberDataComplete() { return mRoleMemberDataComplete; }
    bool isGroupPropertiesDataComplete() { return mGroupPropertiesDataComplete; }

    bool isMemberDataPending() { return mMemberRequestID.notNull(); }
    bool isRoleDataPending() { return mRoleDataRequestID.notNull(); }
    bool isRoleMemberDataPending() { return (mRoleMembersRequestID.notNull() || mPendingRoleMemberRequest); }
    bool isGroupTitlePending() { return mTitlesRequestID.notNull(); }

    bool isSingleMemberNotOwner();

    F32 getAccessTime() const { return mAccessTime; }
    void setAccessed();

    const LLUUID& getMemberVersion() const { return mMemberVersion; }

    void clearBanList() { mBanList.clear(); }
    void getBanList(const LLUUID& group_id, LLGroupBanData& ban_data);
    const LLGroupBanData& getBanEntry(const LLUUID& ban_id) { return mBanList[ban_id]; }

    void createBanEntry(const LLUUID& ban_id, const LLGroupBanData& ban_data = LLGroupBanData());
    void removeBanEntry(const LLUUID& ban_id);
    void banMemberById(const LLUUID& participant_uuid);

    typedef std::map<LLUUID,LLGroupMemberData*> member_list_t;
    typedef std::map<LLUUID,LLGroupRoleData*> role_list_t;
    typedef std::map<lluuid_pair,LLRoleMemberChange,lluuid_pair_less> change_map_t;
    typedef std::map<LLUUID,LLRoleData> role_data_map_t;
    typedef std::map<LLUUID,LLGroupBanData> ban_list_t;

    member_list_t       mMembers;
    role_list_t         mRoles;
    change_map_t        mRoleMemberChanges;
    role_data_map_t     mRoleChanges;
    ban_list_t          mBanList;

    std::vector<LLGroupTitle> mTitles;

    LLUUID              mID;
    LLUUID              mOwnerRole;
    std::string         mName;
    std::string         mCharter;
    bool                mShowInList;
    LLUUID              mInsigniaID;
    LLUUID              mFounderID;
    bool                mOpenEnrollment;
    S32                 mMembershipFee;
    bool                mAllowPublish;
    bool                mListInProfile;
    bool                mMaturePublish;
    bool                mChanged;
    S32                 mMemberCount;
    S32                 mRoleCount;

    bool                mPendingBanRequest;
    LLUUID              mPendingBanMemberID;

    void sendRoleChanges();
    void cancelRoleChanges();

    LLUUID              mMemberRequestID;
    LLUUID              mRoleDataRequestID;
    LLUUID              mRoleMembersRequestID;
    LLUUID              mTitlesRequestID;
    U32                 mReceivedRoleMemberPairs;

    bool                mMemberDataComplete;
    bool                mRoleDataComplete;
    bool                mRoleMemberDataComplete;
    bool                mGroupPropertiesDataComplete;

    bool                mPendingRoleMemberRequest;
    F32                 mAccessTime;

    // Generate a new ID every time mMembers
    LLUUID              mMemberVersion;

struct LLRoleAction
    std::string mName;
    std::string mDescription;
    std::string mLongDescription;
    U64 mPowerBit;

struct LLRoleActionSet
    LLRoleAction* mActionSetData;
    std::vector<LLRoleAction*> mActions;

class LLGroupMgr : public LLSingleton<LLGroupMgr>

    enum EBanRequestType
        REQUEST_GET = 0,

    enum EBanRequestAction
        BAN_NO_ACTION   = 0,
        BAN_CREATE      = 1,
        BAN_DELETE      = 2,
        BAN_UPDATE      = 4


    void addObserver(LLGroupMgrObserver* observer);
    void addObserver(const LLUUID& group_id, LLParticularGroupObserver* observer);
    void removeObserver(LLGroupMgrObserver* observer);
    void removeObserver(const LLUUID& group_id, LLParticularGroupObserver* observer);
    LLGroupMgrGroupData* getGroupData(const LLUUID& id);

    void sendGroupPropertiesRequest(const LLUUID& group_id);
    void sendGroupRoleDataRequest(const LLUUID& group_id);
    void sendGroupRoleMembersRequest(const LLUUID& group_id);
    void sendGroupMembersRequest(const LLUUID& group_id);
    void sendGroupTitlesRequest(const LLUUID& group_id);
    void sendGroupTitleUpdate(const LLUUID& group_id, const LLUUID& title_role_id);
    void sendUpdateGroupInfo(const LLUUID& group_id);
    void sendGroupRoleMemberChanges(const LLUUID& group_id);
    void sendGroupRoleChanges(const LLUUID& group_id);

    static void sendCreateGroupRequest(const std::string& name,
                                       const std::string& charter,
                                       U8 show_in_list,
                                       const LLUUID& insignia,
                                       S32 membership_fee,
                                       bool open_enrollment,
                                       bool allow_publish,
                                       bool mature_publish);

    static void sendGroupMemberJoin(const LLUUID& group_id);
    static void sendGroupMemberInvites(const LLUUID& group_id, std::map<LLUUID,LLUUID>& role_member_pairs);
    static void sendGroupMemberEjects(const LLUUID& group_id,
                                      uuid_vec_t& member_ids);

    void sendGroupBanRequest(EBanRequestType request_type,
                                    const LLUUID& group_id,
                                    U32 ban_action = BAN_NO_ACTION,
                                    const uuid_vec_t &ban_list = uuid_vec_t());

    void sendCapGroupMembersRequest(const LLUUID& group_id);

    void cancelGroupRoleChanges(const LLUUID& group_id);

    static void processGroupPropertiesReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void** data);
    static void processGroupMembersReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void** data);
    static void processGroupRoleDataReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void** data);
    static void processGroupRoleMembersReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void** data);
    static void processGroupTitlesReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void** data);
    static void processCreateGroupReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void** data);
    static void processJoinGroupReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void ** data);
    static void processEjectGroupMemberReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void ** data);
    static void processLeaveGroupReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void ** data);

    static bool parseRoleActions(const std::string& xml_filename);

    std::vector<LLRoleActionSet*> mRoleActionSets;

    static void debugClearAllGroups(void*);
    void clearGroups();
    void clearGroupData(const LLUUID& group_id);

    void groupMembersRequestCoro(std::string url, LLUUID groupId);
    void processCapGroupMembersRequest(const LLSD& content);

    void getGroupBanRequestCoro(std::string url, LLUUID groupId);
    void postGroupBanRequestCoro(std::string url, LLUUID groupId, U32 action, uuid_vec_t banList, bool update);

    static void processGroupBanRequest(const LLSD& content);

    void notifyObservers(LLGroupChange gc);
    void notifyObserver(const LLUUID& group_id, LLGroupChange gc);
    void addGroup(LLGroupMgrGroupData* group_datap);
    LLGroupMgrGroupData* createGroupData(const LLUUID &id);
    bool hasPendingPropertyRequest(const LLUUID& id);
    void addPendingPropertyRequest(const LLUUID& id);

    typedef std::multimap<LLUUID,LLGroupMgrObserver*> observer_multimap_t;
    observer_multimap_t mObservers;

    typedef std::map<LLUUID, LLGroupMgrGroupData*> group_map_t;
    group_map_t mGroups;

    const U64MicrosecondsImplicit MIN_GROUP_PROPERTY_REQUEST_FREQ = 100000;//100ms between requests should be enough to avoid spamming.
    typedef std::map<LLUUID, U64MicrosecondsImplicit> properties_request_map_t;
    properties_request_map_t mPropRequests;

    typedef std::set<LLParticularGroupObserver*> observer_set_t;
    typedef std::map<LLUUID,observer_set_t> observer_map_t;
    observer_map_t mParticularObservers;

    bool mMemberRequestInFlight;
