/** * @file llglsandbox.cpp * @brief GL functionality access * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2003&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ /** * Contains ALL methods which directly access GL functionality * except for core rendering engine functionality. */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llgl.h" #include "llrender.h" #include "llglheaders.h" #include "llparcel.h" #include "llui.h" #include "lldrawable.h" #include "lltextureentry.h" #include "llviewercamera.h" #include "llvoavatarself.h" #include "llsky.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "lltoolmgr.h" #include "llselectmgr.h" #include "llhudmanager.h" #include "llhudtext.h" #include "llrendersphere.h" #include "llviewerobjectlist.h" #include "lltoolselectrect.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "llsurface.h" #include "llwind.h" #include "llworld.h" #include "llviewerparcelmgr.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "llpreviewtexture.h" #include "llresmgr.h" #include "pipeline.h" #include "llspatialpartition.h" #include "llviewershadermgr.h" #include // Height of the yellow selection highlight posts for land const F32 PARCEL_POST_HEIGHT = 0.666f; // Returns true if you got at least one object void LLToolSelectRect::handleRectangleSelection(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { LLVector3 av_pos = gAgent.getPositionAgent(); F32 select_dist_squared = gSavedSettings.getF32("MaxSelectDistance"); select_dist_squared = select_dist_squared * select_dist_squared; BOOL deselect = (mask == MASK_CONTROL); S32 left = llmin(x, mDragStartX); S32 right = llmax(x, mDragStartX); S32 top = llmax(y, mDragStartY); S32 bottom =llmin(y, mDragStartY); left = ll_round((F32) left * LLUI::getScaleFactor().mV[VX]); right = ll_round((F32) right * LLUI::getScaleFactor().mV[VX]); top = ll_round((F32) top * LLUI::getScaleFactor().mV[VY]); bottom = ll_round((F32) bottom * LLUI::getScaleFactor().mV[VY]); F32 old_far_plane = LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getFar(); F32 old_near_plane = LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getNear(); S32 width = right - left + 1; S32 height = top - bottom + 1; BOOL grow_selection = FALSE; BOOL shrink_selection = FALSE; if (height > mDragLastHeight || width > mDragLastWidth) { grow_selection = TRUE; } if (height < mDragLastHeight || width < mDragLastWidth) { shrink_selection = TRUE; } if (!grow_selection && !shrink_selection) { // nothing to do return; } mDragLastHeight = height; mDragLastWidth = width; S32 center_x = (left + right) / 2; S32 center_y = (top + bottom) / 2; // save drawing mode gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION); gGL.pushMatrix(); BOOL limit_select_distance = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("LimitSelectDistance"); if (limit_select_distance) { // ...select distance from control LLVector3 relative_av_pos = av_pos; relative_av_pos -= LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getOrigin(); F32 new_far = relative_av_pos * LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getAtAxis() + gSavedSettings.getF32("MaxSelectDistance"); F32 new_near = relative_av_pos * LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getAtAxis() - gSavedSettings.getF32("MaxSelectDistance"); new_near = llmax(new_near, 0.1f); LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->setFar(new_far); LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->setNear(new_near); } LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->setPerspective(FOR_SELECTION, center_x-width/2, center_y-height/2, width, height, limit_select_distance); if (shrink_selection) { struct f : public LLSelectedObjectFunctor { virtual bool apply(LLViewerObject* vobjp) { LLDrawable* drawable = vobjp->mDrawable; if (!drawable || vobjp->getPCode() != LL_PCODE_VOLUME || vobjp->isAttachment()) { return true; } S32 result = LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->sphereInFrustum(drawable->getPositionAgent(), drawable->getRadius()); switch (result) { case 0: LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->unhighlightObjectOnly(vobjp); break; case 1: // check vertices if (!LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->areVertsVisible(vobjp, LLSelectMgr::sRectSelectInclusive)) { LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->unhighlightObjectOnly(vobjp); } break; default: break; } return true; } } func; LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getHighlightedObjects()->applyToObjects(&func); } if (grow_selection) { std::vector potentials; for (LLWorld::region_list_t::const_iterator iter = LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegionList().begin(); iter != LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegionList().end(); ++iter) { LLViewerRegion* region = *iter; for (U32 i = 0; i < LLViewerRegion::NUM_PARTITIONS; i++) { LLSpatialPartition* part = region->getSpatialPartition(i); if (part) { part->cull(*LLViewerCamera::getInstance(), &potentials, TRUE); } } } for (std::vector::iterator iter = potentials.begin(); iter != potentials.end(); iter++) { LLDrawable* drawable = *iter; LLViewerObject* vobjp = drawable->getVObj(); if (!drawable || !vobjp || vobjp->getPCode() != LL_PCODE_VOLUME || vobjp->isAttachment() || (deselect && !vobjp->isSelected())) { continue; } if (limit_select_distance && dist_vec_squared(drawable->getWorldPosition(), av_pos) > select_dist_squared) { continue; } S32 result = LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->sphereInFrustum(drawable->getPositionAgent(), drawable->getRadius()); if (result) { switch (result) { case 1: // check vertices if (LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->areVertsVisible(vobjp, LLSelectMgr::sRectSelectInclusive)) { LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->highlightObjectOnly(vobjp); } break; case 2: LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->highlightObjectOnly(vobjp); break; default: break; } } } } // restore drawing mode gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION); gGL.popMatrix(); gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); // restore camera LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->setFar(old_far_plane); LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->setNear(old_near_plane); gViewerWindow->setup3DRender(); } const F32 WIND_RELATIVE_ALTITUDE = 25.f; void LLWind::renderVectors() { // Renders the wind as vectors (used for debug) S32 i,j; F32 x,y; F32 region_width_meters = LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegionWidthInMeters(); gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); gGL.pushMatrix(); LLVector3 origin_agent; origin_agent = gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(mOriginGlobal); gGL.translatef(origin_agent.mV[VX], origin_agent.mV[VY], gAgent.getPositionAgent().mV[VZ] + WIND_RELATIVE_ALTITUDE); for (j = 0; j < mSize; j++) { for (i = 0; i < mSize; i++) { x = mVelX[i + j*mSize] * WIND_SCALE_HACK; y = mVelY[i + j*mSize] * WIND_SCALE_HACK; gGL.pushMatrix(); gGL.translatef((F32)i * region_width_meters/mSize, (F32)j * region_width_meters/mSize, 0.0); gGL.color3f(0,1,0); gGL.begin(LLRender::POINTS); gGL.vertex3f(0,0,0); gGL.end(); gGL.color3f(1,0,0); gGL.begin(LLRender::LINES); gGL.vertex3f(x * 0.1f, y * 0.1f ,0.f); gGL.vertex3f(x, y, 0.f); gGL.end(); gGL.popMatrix(); } } gGL.popMatrix(); } // Used by lltoolselectland void LLViewerParcelMgr::renderRect(const LLVector3d &west_south_bottom_global, const LLVector3d &east_north_top_global ) { LLGLSUIDefault gls_ui; gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); LLGLDepthTest gls_depth(GL_TRUE); LLVector3 west_south_bottom_agent = gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(west_south_bottom_global); F32 west = west_south_bottom_agent.mV[VX]; F32 south = west_south_bottom_agent.mV[VY]; // F32 bottom = west_south_bottom_agent.mV[VZ] - 1.f; LLVector3 east_north_top_agent = gAgent.getPosAgentFromGlobal(east_north_top_global); F32 east = east_north_top_agent.mV[VX]; F32 north = east_north_top_agent.mV[VY]; // F32 top = east_north_top_agent.mV[VZ] + 1.f; // HACK: At edge of last region of world, we need to make sure the region // resolves correctly so we can get a height value. const F32 FUDGE = 0.01f; F32 sw_bottom = LLWorld::getInstance()->resolveLandHeightAgent( LLVector3( west, south, 0.f ) ); F32 se_bottom = LLWorld::getInstance()->resolveLandHeightAgent( LLVector3( east-FUDGE, south, 0.f ) ); F32 ne_bottom = LLWorld::getInstance()->resolveLandHeightAgent( LLVector3( east-FUDGE, north-FUDGE, 0.f ) ); F32 nw_bottom = LLWorld::getInstance()->resolveLandHeightAgent( LLVector3( west, north-FUDGE, 0.f ) ); F32 sw_top = sw_bottom + PARCEL_POST_HEIGHT; F32 se_top = se_bottom + PARCEL_POST_HEIGHT; F32 ne_top = ne_bottom + PARCEL_POST_HEIGHT; F32 nw_top = nw_bottom + PARCEL_POST_HEIGHT; LLUI::setLineWidth(2.f); gGL.color4f(1.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f); // Cheat and give this the same pick-name as land gGL.begin(LLRender::LINES); gGL.vertex3f(west, north, nw_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(west, north, nw_top); gGL.vertex3f(east, north, ne_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(east, north, ne_top); gGL.vertex3f(east, south, se_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(east, south, se_top); gGL.vertex3f(west, south, sw_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(west, south, sw_top); gGL.end(); gGL.color4f(1.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.2f); gGL.begin(LLRender::QUADS); gGL.vertex3f(west, north, nw_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(west, north, nw_top); gGL.vertex3f(east, north, ne_top); gGL.vertex3f(east, north, ne_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(east, north, ne_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(east, north, ne_top); gGL.vertex3f(east, south, se_top); gGL.vertex3f(east, south, se_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(east, south, se_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(east, south, se_top); gGL.vertex3f(west, south, sw_top); gGL.vertex3f(west, south, sw_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(west, south, sw_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(west, south, sw_top); gGL.vertex3f(west, north, nw_top); gGL.vertex3f(west, north, nw_bottom); gGL.end(); LLUI::setLineWidth(1.f); } /* void LLViewerParcelMgr::renderParcel(LLParcel* parcel ) { S32 i; S32 count = parcel->getBoxCount(); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { const LLParcelBox& box = parcel->getBox(i); F32 west = box.mMin.mV[VX]; F32 south = box.mMin.mV[VY]; F32 east = box.mMax.mV[VX]; F32 north = box.mMax.mV[VY]; // HACK: At edge of last region of world, we need to make sure the region // resolves correctly so we can get a height value. const F32 FUDGE = 0.01f; F32 sw_bottom = LLWorld::getInstance()->resolveLandHeightAgent( LLVector3( west, south, 0.f ) ); F32 se_bottom = LLWorld::getInstance()->resolveLandHeightAgent( LLVector3( east-FUDGE, south, 0.f ) ); F32 ne_bottom = LLWorld::getInstance()->resolveLandHeightAgent( LLVector3( east-FUDGE, north-FUDGE, 0.f ) ); F32 nw_bottom = LLWorld::getInstance()->resolveLandHeightAgent( LLVector3( west, north-FUDGE, 0.f ) ); // little hack to make nearby lines not Z-fight east -= 0.1f; north -= 0.1f; F32 sw_top = sw_bottom + POST_HEIGHT; F32 se_top = se_bottom + POST_HEIGHT; F32 ne_top = ne_bottom + POST_HEIGHT; F32 nw_top = nw_bottom + POST_HEIGHT; gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); LLGLDepthTest gls_depth(GL_TRUE); LLUI::setLineWidth(2.f); gGL.color4f(0.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); // Cheat and give this the same pick-name as land gGL.begin(LLRender::LINES); gGL.vertex3f(west, north, nw_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(west, north, nw_top); gGL.vertex3f(east, north, ne_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(east, north, ne_top); gGL.vertex3f(east, south, se_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(east, south, se_top); gGL.vertex3f(west, south, sw_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(west, south, sw_top); gGL.end(); gGL.color4f(0.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.2f); gGL.begin(LLRender::QUADS); gGL.vertex3f(west, north, nw_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(west, north, nw_top); gGL.vertex3f(east, north, ne_top); gGL.vertex3f(east, north, ne_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(east, north, ne_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(east, north, ne_top); gGL.vertex3f(east, south, se_top); gGL.vertex3f(east, south, se_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(east, south, se_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(east, south, se_top); gGL.vertex3f(west, south, sw_top); gGL.vertex3f(west, south, sw_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(west, south, sw_bottom); gGL.vertex3f(west, south, sw_top); gGL.vertex3f(west, north, nw_top); gGL.vertex3f(west, north, nw_bottom); gGL.end(); LLUI::setLineWidth(1.f); } } */ // north = a wall going north/south. Need that info to set up texture // coordinates correctly. void LLViewerParcelMgr::renderOneSegment(F32 x1, F32 y1, F32 x2, F32 y2, F32 height, U8 direction, LLViewerRegion* regionp) { // HACK: At edge of last region of world, we need to make sure the region // resolves correctly so we can get a height value. const F32 BORDER = REGION_WIDTH_METERS - 0.1f; F32 clamped_x1 = x1; F32 clamped_y1 = y1; F32 clamped_x2 = x2; F32 clamped_y2 = y2; if (clamped_x1 > BORDER) clamped_x1 = BORDER; if (clamped_y1 > BORDER) clamped_y1 = BORDER; if (clamped_x2 > BORDER) clamped_x2 = BORDER; if (clamped_y2 > BORDER) clamped_y2 = BORDER; F32 z; F32 z1; F32 z2; z1 = regionp->getLand().resolveHeightRegion( LLVector3( clamped_x1, clamped_y1, 0.f ) ); z2 = regionp->getLand().resolveHeightRegion( LLVector3( clamped_x2, clamped_y2, 0.f ) ); // Convert x1 and x2 from region-local to agent coords. LLVector3 origin = regionp->getOriginAgent(); x1 += origin.mV[VX]; x2 += origin.mV[VX]; y1 += origin.mV[VY]; y2 += origin.mV[VY]; if (height < 1.f) { z = z1+height; gGL.vertex3f(x1, y1, z); gGL.vertex3f(x1, y1, z1); gGL.vertex3f(x2, y2, z2); z = z2+height; gGL.vertex3f(x2, y2, z); } else { F32 tex_coord1; F32 tex_coord2; if (WEST_MASK == direction) { tex_coord1 = y1; tex_coord2 = y2; } else if (SOUTH_MASK == direction) { tex_coord1 = x1; tex_coord2 = x2; } else if (EAST_MASK == direction) { tex_coord1 = y2; tex_coord2 = y1; } else /* (NORTH_MASK == direction) */ { tex_coord1 = x2; tex_coord2 = x1; } gGL.texCoord2f(tex_coord1*0.5f+0.5f, z1*0.5f); gGL.vertex3f(x1, y1, z1); gGL.texCoord2f(tex_coord2*0.5f+0.5f, z2*0.5f); gGL.vertex3f(x2, y2, z2); // top edge stairsteps z = llmax(z2+height, z1+height); gGL.texCoord2f(tex_coord2*0.5f+0.5f, z*0.5f); gGL.vertex3f(x2, y2, z); gGL.texCoord2f(tex_coord1*0.5f+0.5f, z*0.5f); gGL.vertex3f(x1, y1, z); } } void LLViewerParcelMgr::renderHighlightSegments(const U8* segments, LLViewerRegion* regionp) { S32 x, y; F32 x1, y1; // start point F32 x2, y2; // end point bool has_segments = false; LLGLSUIDefault gls_ui; gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); LLGLDepthTest gls_depth(GL_TRUE); gGL.color4f(1.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.2f); const S32 STRIDE = (mParcelsPerEdge+1); // Cheat and give this the same pick-name as land for (y = 0; y < STRIDE; y++) { for (x = 0; x < STRIDE; x++) { U8 segment_mask = segments[x + y*STRIDE]; if (segment_mask & SOUTH_MASK) { x1 = x * PARCEL_GRID_STEP_METERS; y1 = y * PARCEL_GRID_STEP_METERS; x2 = x1 + PARCEL_GRID_STEP_METERS; y2 = y1; if (!has_segments) { has_segments = true; gGL.begin(LLRender::QUADS); } renderOneSegment(x1, y1, x2, y2, PARCEL_POST_HEIGHT, SOUTH_MASK, regionp); } if (segment_mask & WEST_MASK) { x1 = x * PARCEL_GRID_STEP_METERS; y1 = y * PARCEL_GRID_STEP_METERS; x2 = x1; y2 = y1 + PARCEL_GRID_STEP_METERS; if (!has_segments) { has_segments = true; gGL.begin(LLRender::QUADS); } renderOneSegment(x1, y1, x2, y2, PARCEL_POST_HEIGHT, WEST_MASK, regionp); } } } if (has_segments) { gGL.end(); } } void LLViewerParcelMgr::renderCollisionSegments(U8* segments, BOOL use_pass, LLViewerRegion* regionp) { S32 x, y; F32 x1, y1; // start point F32 x2, y2; // end point F32 alpha = 0; F32 dist = 0; F32 dx, dy; F32 collision_height; const S32 STRIDE = (mParcelsPerEdge+1); LLVector3 pos = gAgent.getPositionAgent(); F32 pos_x = pos.mV[VX]; F32 pos_y = pos.mV[VY]; LLGLSUIDefault gls_ui; LLGLDepthTest gls_depth(GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE); LLGLDisable cull(GL_CULL_FACE); if (mCollisionBanned == BA_BANNED || regionp->getRegionFlag(REGION_FLAGS_BLOCK_FLYOVER)) { collision_height = BAN_HEIGHT; } else { collision_height = PARCEL_HEIGHT; } if (use_pass && (mCollisionBanned == BA_NOT_ON_LIST)) { gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(mPassImage); } else { gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(mBlockedImage); } gGL.begin(LLRender::QUADS); for (y = 0; y < STRIDE; y++) { for (x = 0; x < STRIDE; x++) { U8 segment_mask = segments[x + y*STRIDE]; U8 direction; const F32 MAX_ALPHA = 0.95f; const S32 DIST_OFFSET = 5; const S32 MIN_DIST_SQ = DIST_OFFSET*DIST_OFFSET; const S32 MAX_DIST_SQ = 169; if (segment_mask & SOUTH_MASK) { x1 = x * PARCEL_GRID_STEP_METERS; y1 = y * PARCEL_GRID_STEP_METERS; x2 = x1 + PARCEL_GRID_STEP_METERS; y2 = y1; dy = (pos_y - y1) + DIST_OFFSET; if (pos_x < x1) dx = pos_x - x1; else if (pos_x > x2) dx = pos_x - x2; else dx = 0; dist = dx*dx+dy*dy; if (dist < MIN_DIST_SQ) alpha = MAX_ALPHA; else if (dist > MAX_DIST_SQ) alpha = 0.0f; else alpha = 30/dist; alpha = llclamp(alpha, 0.0f, MAX_ALPHA); gGL.color4f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, alpha); if ((pos_y - y1) < 0) direction = SOUTH_MASK; else direction = NORTH_MASK; // avoid Z fighting renderOneSegment(x1+0.1f, y1+0.1f, x2+0.1f, y2+0.1f, collision_height, direction, regionp); } if (segment_mask & WEST_MASK) { x1 = x * PARCEL_GRID_STEP_METERS; y1 = y * PARCEL_GRID_STEP_METERS; x2 = x1; y2 = y1 + PARCEL_GRID_STEP_METERS; dx = (pos_x - x1) + DIST_OFFSET; if (pos_y < y1) dy = pos_y - y1; else if (pos_y > y2) dy = pos_y - y2; else dy = 0; dist = dx*dx+dy*dy; if (dist < MIN_DIST_SQ) alpha = MAX_ALPHA; else if (dist > MAX_DIST_SQ) alpha = 0.0f; else alpha = 30/dist; alpha = llclamp(alpha, 0.0f, MAX_ALPHA); gGL.color4f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, alpha); if ((pos_x - x1) > 0) direction = WEST_MASK; else direction = EAST_MASK; // avoid Z fighting renderOneSegment(x1+0.1f, y1+0.1f, x2+0.1f, y2+0.1f, collision_height, direction, regionp); } } } gGL.end(); } void draw_line_cube(F32 width, const LLVector3& center) { width = 0.5f * width; gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] + width ,center.mV[VY] + width,center.mV[VZ] + width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] - width ,center.mV[VY] + width,center.mV[VZ] + width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] - width ,center.mV[VY] + width,center.mV[VZ] + width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] - width ,center.mV[VY] - width,center.mV[VZ] + width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] - width ,center.mV[VY] - width,center.mV[VZ] + width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] + width ,center.mV[VY] - width,center.mV[VZ] + width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] + width ,center.mV[VY] - width,center.mV[VZ] + width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] + width ,center.mV[VY] + width,center.mV[VZ] + width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] + width ,center.mV[VY] + width,center.mV[VZ] - width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] - width ,center.mV[VY] + width,center.mV[VZ] - width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] - width ,center.mV[VY] + width,center.mV[VZ] - width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] - width ,center.mV[VY] - width,center.mV[VZ] - width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] - width ,center.mV[VY] - width,center.mV[VZ] - width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] + width ,center.mV[VY] - width,center.mV[VZ] - width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] + width ,center.mV[VY] - width,center.mV[VZ] - width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] + width ,center.mV[VY] + width,center.mV[VZ] - width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] + width ,center.mV[VY] + width,center.mV[VZ] + width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] + width ,center.mV[VY] + width,center.mV[VZ] - width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] - width ,center.mV[VY] + width,center.mV[VZ] + width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] - width ,center.mV[VY] + width,center.mV[VZ] - width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] - width ,center.mV[VY] - width,center.mV[VZ] + width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] - width ,center.mV[VY] - width,center.mV[VZ] - width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] + width ,center.mV[VY] - width,center.mV[VZ] + width); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] + width ,center.mV[VY] - width,center.mV[VZ] - width); } void draw_cross_lines(const LLVector3& center, F32 dx, F32 dy, F32 dz) { gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] - dx, center.mV[VY], center.mV[VZ]); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX] + dx, center.mV[VY], center.mV[VZ]); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX], center.mV[VY] - dy, center.mV[VZ]); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX], center.mV[VY] + dy, center.mV[VZ]); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX], center.mV[VY], center.mV[VZ] - dz); gGL.vertex3f(center.mV[VX], center.mV[VY], center.mV[VZ] + dz); } void LLViewerObjectList::renderObjectBeacons() { if (mDebugBeacons.empty()) { return; } LLGLSUIDefault gls_ui; gUIProgram.bind(); { gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); S32 last_line_width = -1; // gGL.begin(LLRender::LINES); // Always happens in (line_width != last_line_width) for (std::vector::iterator iter = mDebugBeacons.begin(); iter != mDebugBeacons.end(); ++iter) { const LLDebugBeacon &debug_beacon = *iter; LLColor4 color = debug_beacon.mColor; color.mV[3] *= 0.25f; S32 line_width = debug_beacon.mLineWidth; if (line_width != last_line_width) { gGL.flush(); glLineWidth( (F32)line_width ); last_line_width = line_width; } const LLVector3 &thisline = debug_beacon.mPositionAgent; gGL.begin(LLRender::LINES); gGL.color4fv(color.mV); draw_cross_lines(thisline, 2.0f, 2.0f, 50.f); draw_line_cube(0.10f, thisline); gGL.end(); } } { gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); LLGLDepthTest gls_depth(GL_TRUE); S32 last_line_width = -1; // gGL.begin(LLRender::LINES); // Always happens in (line_width != last_line_width) for (std::vector::iterator iter = mDebugBeacons.begin(); iter != mDebugBeacons.end(); ++iter) { const LLDebugBeacon &debug_beacon = *iter; S32 line_width = debug_beacon.mLineWidth; if (line_width != last_line_width) { gGL.flush(); glLineWidth( (F32)line_width ); last_line_width = line_width; } const LLVector3 &thisline = debug_beacon.mPositionAgent; gGL.begin(LLRender::LINES); gGL.color4fv(debug_beacon.mColor.mV); draw_cross_lines(thisline, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); draw_line_cube(0.10f, thisline); gGL.end(); } gGL.flush(); glLineWidth(1.f); for (std::vector::iterator iter = mDebugBeacons.begin(); iter != mDebugBeacons.end(); ++iter) { LLDebugBeacon &debug_beacon = *iter; if (debug_beacon.mString == "") { continue; } LLHUDText *hud_textp = (LLHUDText *)LLHUDObject::addHUDObject(LLHUDObject::LL_HUD_TEXT); hud_textp->setZCompare(FALSE); LLColor4 color; color = debug_beacon.mTextColor; color.mV[3] *= 1.f; hud_textp->setString(debug_beacon.mString); hud_textp->setColor(color); hud_textp->setPositionAgent(debug_beacon.mPositionAgent); debug_beacon.mHUDObject = hud_textp; } } } void LLSky::renderSunMoonBeacons(const LLVector3& pos_agent, const LLVector3& direction, LLColor4 color) { LLGLSUIDefault gls_ui; gUIProgram.bind(); gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); LLVector3 pos_end; for (S32 i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { pos_end.mV[i] = pos_agent.mV[i] + (50 * direction.mV[i]); } glLineWidth(LLPipeline::DebugBeaconLineWidth); gGL.begin(LLRender::LINES); color.mV[3] *= 0.5f; gGL.color4fv(color.mV); draw_cross_lines(pos_agent, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); draw_cross_lines(pos_end, 2.f, 2.f, 2.f); gGL.vertex3fv(pos_agent.mV); gGL.vertex3fv(pos_end.mV); gGL.end(); gGL.flush(); glLineWidth(1.f); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // gpu_benchmark() helper classes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This struct is used to ensure that once we call initProfile(), it will // definitely be matched by a corresponding call to finishProfile(). It's // a struct rather than a class simply because every member is public. struct ShaderProfileHelper { ShaderProfileHelper() { LLGLSLShader::initProfile(); } ~ShaderProfileHelper() { LLGLSLShader::finishProfile(false); } }; // This helper class is used to ensure that each generateTextures() call // is matched by a corresponding deleteTextures() call. It also handles // the bindManual() calls using those textures. class TextureHolder { public: TextureHolder(U32 unit, U32 size) : texUnit(gGL.getTexUnit(unit)), source(size) // preallocate vector { // takes (count, pointer) // &vector[0] gets pointer to contiguous array LLImageGL::generateTextures(source.size(), &source[0]); } ~TextureHolder() { // unbind if (texUnit) { texUnit->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); } // ensure that we delete these textures regardless of how we exit LLImageGL::deleteTextures(source.size(), &source[0]); } bool bind(U32 index) { if (texUnit) // should always be there with dummy (-1), but just in case { return texUnit->bindManual(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE, source[index]); } return false; } private: // capture which LLTexUnit we're going to use LLTexUnit* texUnit; // use std::vector for implicit resource management std::vector source; }; class ShaderBinder { public: ShaderBinder(LLGLSLShader& shader) : mShader(shader) { mShader.bind(); } ~ShaderBinder() { mShader.unbind(); } private: LLGLSLShader& mShader; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // gpu_benchmark() // returns measured memory bandwidth of GPU in gigabytes per second //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- F32 gpu_benchmark() { if (!gGLManager.mHasTimerQuery) { // don't bother benchmarking venerable drivers which don't support accurate timing anyway // and are likely to be correctly identified by the GPU table already. return -1.f; } if (gBenchmarkProgram.mProgramObject == 0) { LLViewerShaderMgr::instance()->initAttribsAndUniforms(); gBenchmarkProgram.mName = "Benchmark Shader"; gBenchmarkProgram.mFeatures.attachNothing = true; gBenchmarkProgram.mShaderFiles.clear(); gBenchmarkProgram.mShaderFiles.push_back(std::make_pair("interface/benchmarkV.glsl", GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB)); gBenchmarkProgram.mShaderFiles.push_back(std::make_pair("interface/benchmarkF.glsl", GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB)); gBenchmarkProgram.mShaderLevel = 1; if (!gBenchmarkProgram.createShader(NULL, NULL)) { return -1.f; } } LLGLDisable blend(GL_BLEND); //measure memory bandwidth by: // - allocating a batch of textures and render targets // - rendering those textures to those render targets // - recording time taken // - taking the median time for a given number of samples //resolution of textures/render targets const U32 res = 1024; //number of textures const U32 count = 32; //number of samples to take const S32 samples = 64; //time limit, allocation operations shouldn't take longer then 30 seconds, same for actual benchmark. const F32 time_limit = 30; ShaderProfileHelper initProfile; std::vector dest(count); TextureHolder texHolder(0, count); std::vector results; //build a random texture U8* pixels = new U8[res*res*4]; for (U32 i = 0; i < res*res*4; ++i) { pixels[i] = (U8) ll_rand(255); } gGL.setColorMask(true, true); LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_FALSE); LLTimer alloc_timer; alloc_timer.start(); for (U32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { //allocate render targets and textures if (!dest[i].allocate(res, res, GL_RGBA, false, false, LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE, true)) { LL_WARNS("Benchmark") << "Failed to allocate render target." << LL_ENDL; // abandon the benchmark test delete[] pixels; return -1.f; } dest[i].bindTarget(); dest[i].clear(); dest[i].flush(); if (!texHolder.bind(i)) { // can use a dummy value mDummyTexUnit = new LLTexUnit(-1); LL_WARNS("Benchmark") << "Failed to bind tex unit." << LL_ENDL; // abandon the benchmark test delete[] pixels; return -1.f; } LLImageGL::setManualImage(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, res,res,GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels); if (alloc_timer.getElapsedTimeF32() > time_limit) { // abandon the benchmark test LL_WARNS("Benchmark") << "Allocation operation took longer then 30 seconds, stopping." << LL_ENDL; delete[] pixels; return -1.f; } } delete [] pixels; //make a dummy triangle to draw with LLPointer buff = new LLVertexBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX, GL_STREAM_DRAW_ARB); if (!buff->allocateBuffer(3, 0, true)) { LL_WARNS("Benchmark") << "Failed to allocate buffer during benchmark." << LL_ENDL; // abandon the benchmark test return -1.f; } LLStrider v; if (! buff->getVertexStrider(v)) { LL_WARNS("Benchmark") << "GL LLVertexBuffer::getVertexStrider() returned false, " << "buff->getMappedData() is" << (buff->getMappedData()? " not" : "") << " NULL" << LL_ENDL; // abandon the benchmark test return -1.f; } // generate dummy triangle v[0].set(-1, 1, 0); v[1].set(-1, -3, 0); v[2].set(3, 1, 0); buff->flush(); // ensure matched pair of bind() and unbind() calls ShaderBinder binder(gBenchmarkProgram); #ifdef GL_ARB_vertex_array_object U32 glarray = 0; if (LLRender::sGLCoreProfile) { glGenVertexArrays(1, &glarray); glBindVertexArray(glarray); } #endif buff->setBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX); glFinish(); F32 time_passed = 0; // seconds for (S32 c = -1; c < samples && time_passed < time_limit; ++c) { LLTimer timer; timer.start(); for (U32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { dest[i].bindTarget(); texHolder.bind(i); buff->drawArrays(LLRender::TRIANGLES, 0, 3); dest[i].flush(); } //wait for current batch of copies to finish glFinish(); F32 time = timer.getElapsedTimeF32(); time_passed += time; if (c >= 0) // <-- ignore the first sample as it tends to be artificially slow { //store result in gigabytes per second F32 gb = (F32) ((F64) (res*res*8*count))/(1000000000); F32 gbps = gb/time; results.push_back(gbps); } } #ifdef GL_ARB_vertex_array_object if (LLRender::sGLCoreProfile) { glBindVertexArray(0); glDeleteVertexArrays(1, &glarray); } #endif std::sort(results.begin(), results.end()); F32 gbps = results[results.size()/2]; LL_INFOS("Benchmark") << "Memory bandwidth is " << llformat("%.3f", gbps) << "GB/sec according to CPU timers, " << (F32)results.size() << " tests took " << time_passed << " seconds" << LL_ENDL; #if LL_DARWIN if (gbps > 512.f) { LL_WARNS("Benchmark") << "Memory bandwidth is improbably high and likely incorrect; discarding result." << LL_ENDL; //OSX is probably lying, discard result return -1.f; } #endif F32 ms = gBenchmarkProgram.mTimeElapsed/1000000.f; F32 seconds = ms/1000.f; F64 samples_drawn = res*res*count*results.size(); F32 samples_sec = (samples_drawn/1000000000.0)/seconds; gbps = samples_sec*8; LL_INFOS("Benchmark") << "Memory bandwidth is " << llformat("%.3f", gbps) << "GB/sec according to ARB_timer_query, total time " << seconds << " seconds" << LL_ENDL; return gbps; }