 * @file llgesturemgr.h
 * @brief Manager for playing gestures on the viewer
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2004&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "llassetstorage.h" // LLAssetType
#include "llinventoryobserver.h"
#include "llsingleton.h"
#include "llviewerinventory.h"

class LLMultiGesture;
class LLGestureListener;
class LLGestureStep;
class LLUUID;

class LLGestureManagerObserver
    virtual ~LLGestureManagerObserver() { };
    virtual void changed() = 0;

class LLGestureMgr : public LLSingleton<LLGestureMgr>, public LLInventoryFetchItemsObserver

    typedef boost::function<void (LLMultiGesture* loaded_gesture)> gesture_loaded_callback_t;
    // Maps inventory item_id to gesture
    typedef std::map<LLUUID, LLMultiGesture*> item_map_t;
    typedef std::map<LLUUID, gesture_loaded_callback_t> callback_map_t;

    void init();

    // Call once per frame to manage gestures
    void update();

    // Loads a gesture out of inventory into the in-memory active form
    // Note that the inventory item must exist, so we can look up the
    // asset id.
    void activateGesture(const LLUUID& item_id);

    // Activate a list of gestures
    void activateGestures(LLViewerInventoryItem::item_array_t& items);

    // If you change a gesture, you need to build a new multigesture
    // and call this method.
    void replaceGesture(const LLUUID& item_id, LLMultiGesture* new_gesture, const LLUUID& asset_id);
    void replaceGesture(const LLUUID& item_id, const LLUUID& asset_id);

    // Load gesture into in-memory active form.
    // Can be called even if the inventory item isn't loaded yet.
    // inform_server TRUE will send message upstream to update database
    // user_gesture_active table, which isn't necessary on login.
    // deactivate_similar will cause other gestures with the same trigger phrase
    // or keybinding to be deactivated.
    void activateGestureWithAsset(const LLUUID& item_id, const LLUUID& asset_id, BOOL inform_server, BOOL deactivate_similar);

    // Takes gesture out of active list and deletes it.
    void deactivateGesture(const LLUUID& item_id);

    // Deactivates all gestures that match either this trigger phrase,
    // or this hot key.
    void deactivateSimilarGestures(LLMultiGesture* gesture, const LLUUID& in_item_id);

    BOOL isGestureActive(const LLUUID& item_id);

    BOOL isGesturePlaying(const LLUUID& item_id);

    BOOL isGesturePlaying(LLMultiGesture* gesture);

    const item_map_t& getActiveGestures() const { return mActive; }
    // Force a gesture to be played, for example, if it is being
    // previewed.
    void playGesture(LLMultiGesture* gesture, bool fromKeyPress);
    void playGesture(LLMultiGesture* gesture) {
        playGesture(gesture, FALSE);
    void playGesture(const LLUUID& item_id);

    // Stop all requested or playing anims for this gesture
    // Also remove from playing list
    void stopGesture(LLMultiGesture* gesture);
    void stopGesture(const LLUUID& item_id);
     * Add cb into callbackMap.
     * Note:
     * Manager will call cb after gesture will be loaded and will remove cb automatically.
    void setGestureLoadedCallback(LLUUID inv_item_id, gesture_loaded_callback_t cb)
        mCallbackMap[inv_item_id] = cb;
    // Trigger a random gesture that matches this key.
    // Returns TRUE if it finds a gesture bound to that key.
    BOOL triggerGesture(KEY key, MASK mask);

    // Trigger release wait on all gestures that matches this key.
    // Returns TRUE if it finds a gesture bound to that key.
    BOOL triggerGestureRelease(KEY key, MASK mask);

    // Trigger all gestures referenced as substrings in this string
    BOOL triggerAndReviseString(const std::string &str, std::string *revised_string = NULL);

    // Does some gesture have this key bound?
    BOOL isKeyBound(KEY key, MASK mask);

    S32 getPlayingCount() const;

    void addObserver(LLGestureManagerObserver* observer);
    void removeObserver(LLGestureManagerObserver* observer);
    void notifyObservers();

    // Overriding so we can update active gesture names and notify observers
    void changed(U32 mask) override;

    BOOL matchPrefix(const std::string& in_str, std::string* out_str);

    // Copy item ids into the vector
    void getItemIDs(uuid_vec_t* ids);

    // Handle the processing of a single gesture
    void stepGesture(LLMultiGesture* gesture);

    // Do a single step in a gesture
    void runStep(LLMultiGesture* gesture, LLGestureStep* step);

    // LLInventoryCompletionObserver trigger
    void done() override;

    // Used by loadGesture
    static void onLoadComplete(const LLUUID& asset_uuid,
                               LLAssetType::EType type,
                               void* user_data, S32 status, LLExtStat ext_status);

    // Used by playGesture to load an asset file
    // required to play a gesture step
    static void onAssetLoadComplete(const LLUUID& asset_uuid,
                                    LLAssetType::EType type,
                                    void* user_data, S32 status, LLExtStat ext_status);

    // Checks whether all animation and sound assets
    // needed to play a gesture are loaded.
    static bool hasLoadingAssets(LLMultiGesture* gesture);

    // Active gestures.
    // NOTE: The gesture pointer CAN BE NULL.  This means that
    // there is a gesture with that item_id, but the asset data
    // is still on its way down from the server.
    item_map_t mActive;

    S32 mLoadingCount;
    std::string mDeactivateSimilarNames;

    std::vector<LLGestureManagerObserver*> mObservers;
    callback_map_t mCallbackMap;
    std::vector<LLMultiGesture*> mPlaying;
    BOOL mValid;

    std::set<LLUUID> mLoadingAssets;

    // LLEventHost interface
    std::shared_ptr<LLGestureListener> mListener;
