/** * @file llfriendcard.cpp * @brief Implementation of classes to process Friends Cards * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llfriendcard.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "llavatarnamecache.h" #include "llinventory.h" #include "llinventoryfunctions.h" #include "llinventoryobserver.h" #include "lltrans.h" #include "llcallingcard.h" // for LLAvatarTracker #include "llviewerinventory.h" #include "llinventorymodel.h" #include "llcallbacklist.h" // Constants; static const std::string INVENTORY_STRING_FRIENDS_SUBFOLDER = "Friends"; static const std::string INVENTORY_STRING_FRIENDS_ALL_SUBFOLDER = "All"; // helper functions // NOTE: For now Friends & All folders are created as protected folders of the LLFolderType::FT_CALLINGCARD type. // So, their names will be processed in the LLFolderViewItem::refresh() to be localized // using "InvFolder LABEL_NAME" as LLTrans::findString argument. // We must use in this file their hard-coded names to ensure found them on different locales. EXT-5829. // These hard-coded names will be stored in InventoryItems but shown localized in FolderViewItems // If hack in the LLFolderViewItem::refresh() to localize protected folder is removed // or these folders are not protected these names should be localized in another place/way. inline const std::string get_friend_folder_name() { return INVENTORY_STRING_FRIENDS_SUBFOLDER; } inline const std::string get_friend_all_subfolder_name() { return INVENTORY_STRING_FRIENDS_ALL_SUBFOLDER; } void move_from_to_arrays(LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t& from, LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t& to) { while (from.size() > 0) { to.push_back(from.at(0)); from.erase(from.begin()); } } const LLUUID& get_folder_uuid(const LLUUID& parentFolderUUID, LLInventoryCollectFunctor& matchFunctor) { LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items; gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(parentFolderUUID, cats, items, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH, matchFunctor); S32 cats_count = cats.size(); if (cats_count > 1) { LL_WARNS_ONCE("LLFriendCardsManager") << "There is more than one Friend card folder." << "The first folder will be used." << LL_ENDL; } return (cats_count >= 1) ? cats.at(0)->getUUID() : LLUUID::null; } /** * Class LLFindAgentCallingCard * * An inventory collector functor for checking that agent's own calling card * exists within the Calling Cards category and its sub-folders. */ class LLFindAgentCallingCard : public LLInventoryCollectFunctor { public: LLFindAgentCallingCard() : mIsAgentCallingCardFound(false) {} virtual ~LLFindAgentCallingCard() {} virtual bool operator()(LLInventoryCategory* cat, LLInventoryItem* item); bool isAgentCallingCardFound() { return mIsAgentCallingCardFound; } private: bool mIsAgentCallingCardFound; }; bool LLFindAgentCallingCard::operator()(LLInventoryCategory* cat, LLInventoryItem* item) { if (mIsAgentCallingCardFound) return true; if (item && item->getType() == LLAssetType::AT_CALLINGCARD && item->getCreatorUUID() == gAgentID) { mIsAgentCallingCardFound = true; } return mIsAgentCallingCardFound; } /** * Class for fetching initial friend cards data * * Implemented to fix an issue when Inventory folders are in incomplete state. * See EXT-2320, EXT-2061, EXT-1935, EXT-813. * Uses a callback to sync Inventory Friends/All folder with agent's Friends List. */ class LLInitialFriendCardsFetch : public LLInventoryFetchDescendentsObserver { public: typedef boost::function callback_t; LLInitialFriendCardsFetch(const LLUUID& folder_id, callback_t cb) : LLInventoryFetchDescendentsObserver(folder_id), mCheckFolderCallback(cb) {} /* virtual */ void done(); private: callback_t mCheckFolderCallback; }; void LLInitialFriendCardsFetch::done() { // This observer is no longer needed. gInventory.removeObserver(this); doOnIdleOneTime(mCheckFolderCallback); delete this; } // LLFriendCardsManager Constructor / Destructor LLFriendCardsManager::LLFriendCardsManager() : mState(INIT) { LLAvatarTracker::instance().addObserver(this); } LLFriendCardsManager::~LLFriendCardsManager() { LLAvatarTracker::instance().removeObserver(this); } void LLFriendCardsManager::putAvatarData(const LLUUID& avatarID) { LL_INFOS() << "Store avatar data, avatarID: " << avatarID << LL_ENDL; std::pair< avatar_uuid_set_t::iterator, bool > pr; pr = mBuddyIDSet.insert(avatarID); if (!pr.second) { LL_WARNS() << "Trying to add avatar UUID for the stored avatar: " << avatarID << LL_ENDL; } } const LLUUID LLFriendCardsManager::extractAvatarID(const LLUUID& avatarID) { LLUUID rv; avatar_uuid_set_t::iterator it = mBuddyIDSet.find(avatarID); if (mBuddyIDSet.end() == it) { LL_WARNS() << "Call method for non-existent avatar name in the map: " << avatarID << LL_ENDL; } else { rv = (*it); mBuddyIDSet.erase(it); } return rv; } bool LLFriendCardsManager::isItemInAnyFriendsList(const LLViewerInventoryItem* item) { if (item->getType() != LLAssetType::AT_CALLINGCARD) return false; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items; findMatchedFriendCards(item->getCreatorUUID(), items); return items.size() > 0; } bool LLFriendCardsManager::isObjDirectDescendentOfCategory(const LLInventoryObject* obj, const LLViewerInventoryCategory* cat) const { // we need both params to proceed. if ( !obj || !cat ) return false; // Need to check that target category is in the Calling Card/Friends folder. // In other case function returns unpredictable result. if ( !isCategoryInFriendFolder(cat) ) return false; bool result = false; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t* items; LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t* cats; gInventory.lockDirectDescendentArrays(cat->getUUID(), cats, items); if ( items ) { if ( obj->getType() == LLAssetType::AT_CALLINGCARD ) { // For CALLINGCARD compare items by creator's id, if they are equal assume // that it is same card and return true. Note: UUID's of compared items // may be not equal. Also, we already know that obj should be type of LLInventoryItem, // but in case inventory database is broken check what dynamic_cast returns. const LLInventoryItem* item = dynamic_cast < const LLInventoryItem* > (obj); if ( item ) { LLUUID creator_id = item->getCreatorUUID(); LLViewerInventoryItem* cur_item = NULL; for ( S32 i = items->size() - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { cur_item = items->at(i); if ( creator_id == cur_item->getCreatorUUID() ) { result = true; break; } } } } else { // Else check that items have same type and name. // Note: UUID's of compared items also may be not equal. std::string obj_name = obj->getName(); LLViewerInventoryItem* cur_item = NULL; for ( S32 i = items->size() - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { cur_item = items->at(i); if ( obj->getType() != cur_item->getType() ) continue; if ( obj_name == cur_item->getName() ) { result = true; break; } } } } if ( !result && cats ) { // There is no direct descendent in items, so check categories. // If target obj and descendent category have same type and name // then return true. Note: UUID's of compared items also may be not equal. std::string obj_name = obj->getName(); LLViewerInventoryCategory* cur_cat = NULL; for ( S32 i = cats->size() - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { cur_cat = cats->at(i); if ( obj->getType() != cur_cat->getType() ) continue; if ( obj_name == cur_cat->getName() ) { result = true; break; } } } gInventory.unlockDirectDescendentArrays(cat->getUUID()); return result; } bool LLFriendCardsManager::isCategoryInFriendFolder(const LLViewerInventoryCategory* cat) const { if (NULL == cat) return false; return true == gInventory.isObjectDescendentOf(cat->getUUID(), findFriendFolderUUIDImpl()); } bool LLFriendCardsManager::isAnyFriendCategory(const LLUUID& catID) const { const LLUUID& friendFolderID = findFriendFolderUUIDImpl(); if (catID == friendFolderID) return true; return true == gInventory.isObjectDescendentOf(catID, friendFolderID); } void LLFriendCardsManager::syncFriendCardsFolders() { const LLUUID callingCardsFolderID = gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(LLFolderType::FT_CALLINGCARD); fetchAndCheckFolderDescendents(callingCardsFolderID, boost::bind(&LLFriendCardsManager::ensureFriendsFolderExists, this)); } /************************************************************************/ /* Private Methods */ /************************************************************************/ const LLUUID& LLFriendCardsManager::findFirstCallingCardSubfolder(const LLUUID &parent_id) const { if (parent_id.isNull()) { return LLUUID::null; } LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t* cats; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t* items; gInventory.getDirectDescendentsOf(parent_id, cats, items); if (!cats || !items || cats->size() == 0) { // call failed return LLUUID::null; } if (cats->size() > 1) { const LLViewerInventoryCategory* friendFolder = gInventory.getCategory(parent_id); if (friendFolder) { LL_WARNS_ONCE() << friendFolder->getName() << " folder contains more than one folder" << LL_ENDL; } } for (LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t::const_iterator iter = cats->begin(); iter != cats->end(); ++iter) { const LLInventoryCategory* category = (*iter); if (category->getPreferredType() == LLFolderType::FT_CALLINGCARD) { return category->getUUID(); } } return LLUUID::null; } // Inventorry -> // Calling Cards - > // Friends - > (the only expected folder) // All (the only expected folder) const LLUUID& LLFriendCardsManager::findFriendFolderUUIDImpl() const { const LLUUID callingCardsFolderID = gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(LLFolderType::FT_CALLINGCARD); return findFirstCallingCardSubfolder(callingCardsFolderID); } const LLUUID& LLFriendCardsManager::findFriendAllSubfolderUUIDImpl() const { LLUUID friendFolderUUID = findFriendFolderUUIDImpl(); return findFirstCallingCardSubfolder(friendFolderUUID); } const LLUUID& LLFriendCardsManager::findChildFolderUUID(const LLUUID& parentFolderUUID, const std::string& nonLocalizedName) const { LLNameCategoryCollector matchFolderFunctor(nonLocalizedName); return get_folder_uuid(parentFolderUUID, matchFolderFunctor); } const LLUUID& LLFriendCardsManager::findFriendCardInventoryUUIDImpl(const LLUUID& avatarID) { LLUUID friendAllSubfolderUUID = findFriendAllSubfolderUUIDImpl(); LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::const_iterator it; // it is not necessary to check friendAllSubfolderUUID against NULL. It will be processed by collectDescendents gInventory.collectDescendents(friendAllSubfolderUUID, cats, items, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH); for (it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->getCreatorUUID() == avatarID) return (*it)->getUUID(); } return LLUUID::null; } void LLFriendCardsManager::findMatchedFriendCards(const LLUUID& avatarID, LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items) const { LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats; LLUUID friendFolderUUID = findFriendFolderUUIDImpl(); LLViewerInventoryCategory* friendFolder = gInventory.getCategory(friendFolderUUID); if (NULL == friendFolder) return; LLParticularBuddyCollector matchFunctor(avatarID); LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t subFolders; subFolders.push_back(friendFolder); while (subFolders.size() > 0) { LLViewerInventoryCategory* cat = subFolders.at(0); subFolders.erase(subFolders.begin()); gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(cat->getUUID(), cats, items, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH, matchFunctor); move_from_to_arrays(cats, subFolders); } } void LLFriendCardsManager::fetchAndCheckFolderDescendents(const LLUUID& folder_id, callback_t cb) { // This instance will be deleted in LLInitialFriendCardsFetch::done(). LLInitialFriendCardsFetch* fetch = new LLInitialFriendCardsFetch(folder_id, cb); fetch->startFetch(); if(fetch->isFinished()) { // everything is already here - call done. fetch->done(); } else { // it's all on it's way - add an observer, and the inventory // will call done for us when everything is here. gInventory.addObserver(fetch); } } // Make sure LLInventoryModel::buildParentChildMap() has been called before it. // This method must be called before any actions with friends list. void LLFriendCardsManager::ensureFriendsFolderExists() { const LLUUID calling_cards_folder_ID = gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(LLFolderType::FT_CALLINGCARD); // If "Friends" folder exists in "Calling Cards" we should check if "All" sub-folder // exists in "Friends", otherwise we create it. LLUUID friends_folder_ID = findFriendFolderUUIDImpl(); if (friends_folder_ID.notNull()) { mState = LOADING_FRIENDS_FOLDER; fetchAndCheckFolderDescendents(friends_folder_ID, boost::bind(&LLFriendCardsManager::ensureFriendsAllFolderExists, this)); } else { if (!gInventory.isCategoryComplete(calling_cards_folder_ID)) { LLViewerInventoryCategory* cat = gInventory.getCategory(calling_cards_folder_ID); std::string cat_name = cat ? cat->getName() : "unknown"; LL_WARNS() << "Failed to find \"" << cat_name << "\" category descendents in Category Tree." << LL_ENDL; } gInventory.createNewCategory( calling_cards_folder_ID, LLFolderType::FT_CALLINGCARD, get_friend_folder_name(), [](const LLUUID &new_category_id) { gInventory.createNewCategory( new_category_id, LLFolderType::FT_CALLINGCARD, get_friend_all_subfolder_name(), [](const LLUUID &new_category_id) { // Now when we have all needed folders we can sync their contents with buddies list. LLFriendCardsManager::getInstance()->syncFriendsFolder(); } ); } ); } } // Make sure LLFriendCardsManager::ensureFriendsFolderExists() has been called before it. void LLFriendCardsManager::ensureFriendsAllFolderExists() { LLUUID friends_all_folder_ID = findFriendAllSubfolderUUIDImpl(); if (friends_all_folder_ID.notNull()) { mState = LOADING_ALL_FOLDER; fetchAndCheckFolderDescendents(friends_all_folder_ID, boost::bind(&LLFriendCardsManager::syncFriendsFolder, this)); } else { LLUUID friends_folder_ID = findFriendFolderUUIDImpl(); if (!gInventory.isCategoryComplete(friends_folder_ID)) { LLViewerInventoryCategory* cat = gInventory.getCategory(friends_folder_ID); std::string cat_name = cat ? cat->getName() : "unknown"; LL_WARNS() << "Failed to find \"" << cat_name << "\" category descendents in Category Tree." << LL_ENDL; } gInventory.createNewCategory( friends_folder_ID, LLFolderType::FT_CALLINGCARD, get_friend_all_subfolder_name(), [](const LLUUID &new_cat_id) { // Now when we have all needed folders we can sync their contents with buddies list. LLFriendCardsManager::getInstance()->syncFriendsFolder(); } ); } } void LLFriendCardsManager::syncFriendsFolder() { LLAvatarTracker::buddy_map_t all_buddies; LLAvatarTracker::instance().copyBuddyList(all_buddies); // 1. Check if own calling card exists const LLUUID calling_cards_folder_id = gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(LLFolderType::FT_CALLINGCARD); LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items; LLFindAgentCallingCard collector; gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(calling_cards_folder_id, cats, items, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH, collector); // Create own calling card if it was not found in Friends/All folder if (!collector.isAgentCallingCardFound()) { create_inventory_callingcard(gAgentID, calling_cards_folder_id); } // All folders created and updated. mState = MANAGER_READY; // 2. Add missing Friend Cards for friends LLAvatarTracker::buddy_map_t::const_iterator buddy_it = all_buddies.begin(); LL_INFOS() << "try to build friends, count: " << all_buddies.size() << LL_ENDL; for(; buddy_it != all_buddies.end(); ++buddy_it) { const LLUUID& buddy_id = (*buddy_it).first; addFriendCardToInventory(buddy_id); } } class CreateFriendCardCallback : public LLInventoryCallback { public: void fire(const LLUUID& inv_item_id) { LLViewerInventoryItem* item = gInventory.getItem(inv_item_id); if (item) LLFriendCardsManager::instance().extractAvatarID(item->getCreatorUUID()); } }; void LLFriendCardsManager::addFriendCardToInventory(const LLUUID& avatarID) { bool shouldBeAdded = true; LLAvatarName av_name; LLAvatarNameCache::get(avatarID, &av_name); const std::string& name = av_name.getAccountName(); LL_DEBUGS() << "Processing buddy name: " << name << ", id: " << avatarID << LL_ENDL; if (shouldBeAdded && !isManagerReady()) { shouldBeAdded = false; LL_DEBUGS() << "Calling cards manager not ready, state: " << getManagerState() << LL_ENDL; } if (shouldBeAdded && findFriendCardInventoryUUIDImpl(avatarID).notNull()) { shouldBeAdded = false; LL_DEBUGS() << "is found in Inventory: " << name << LL_ENDL; } if (shouldBeAdded && isAvatarDataStored(avatarID)) { shouldBeAdded = false; LL_DEBUGS() << "is found in sentRequests: " << name << LL_ENDL; } if (shouldBeAdded) { putAvatarData(avatarID); LL_DEBUGS() << "Sent create_inventory_item for " << avatarID << ", " << name << LL_ENDL; // TODO: mantipov: Is CreateFriendCardCallback really needed? Probably not LLPointer cb = new CreateFriendCardCallback; create_inventory_callingcard(avatarID, findFriendAllSubfolderUUIDImpl(), cb); } } void LLFriendCardsManager::removeFriendCardFromInventory(const LLUUID& avatarID) { LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items; findMatchedFriendCards(avatarID, items); LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::const_iterator it; for (it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++ it) { gInventory.removeItem((*it)->getUUID()); } } void LLFriendCardsManager::onFriendListUpdate(U32 changed_mask) { LLAvatarTracker& at = LLAvatarTracker::instance(); switch(changed_mask) { case LLFriendObserver::ADD: { LLFriendCardsManager& cards_manager = LLFriendCardsManager::instance(); if (cards_manager.isManagerReady()) { // Try to add cards into inventory. // If cards already exist they won't be created. const std::set& changed_items = at.getChangedIDs(); std::set::const_iterator id_it = changed_items.begin(); std::set::const_iterator id_end = changed_items.end(); for (; id_it != id_end; ++id_it) { cards_manager.addFriendCardToInventory(*id_it); } } else { // User either removed calling cards' folders and manager is loading them // or update came too early, before viewer had chance to load all folders. // Either way don't process 'add' operation - manager will recreate all // cards after fetching folders. LL_INFOS_ONCE() << "Calling cards manager not ready, state: " << cards_manager.getManagerState() << ", postponing update." << LL_ENDL; } } break; case LLFriendObserver::REMOVE: { const std::set& changed_items = at.getChangedIDs(); std::set::const_iterator id_it = changed_items.begin(); std::set::const_iterator id_end = changed_items.end(); for (;id_it != id_end; ++id_it) { LLFriendCardsManager::instance().removeFriendCardFromInventory(*id_it); } } default:; } } // EOF