/** * @file llfloaterwebcontent.cpp * @brief floater for displaying web content - e.g. profiles and search (eventually) * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2006&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llcombobox.h" #include "lliconctrl.h" #include "llfloaterreg.h" #include "lllayoutstack.h" #include "llpluginclassmedia.h" #include "llprogressbar.h" #include "lltextbox.h" #include "llurlhistory.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llweb.h" #include "llwindow.h" #include "llfloaterwebcontent.h" LLFloaterWebContent::LLFloaterWebContent( const LLSD& key ) : LLFloater( key ) { mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add( "WebContent.Back", boost::bind( &LLFloaterWebContent::onClickBack, this )); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add( "WebContent.Forward", boost::bind( &LLFloaterWebContent::onClickForward, this )); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add( "WebContent.Reload", boost::bind( &LLFloaterWebContent::onClickReload, this )); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add( "WebContent.Stop", boost::bind( &LLFloaterWebContent::onClickStop, this )); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add( "WebContent.EnterAddress", boost::bind( &LLFloaterWebContent::onEnterAddress, this )); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add( "WebContent.PopExternal", boost::bind( &LLFloaterWebContent::onPopExternal, this )); } BOOL LLFloaterWebContent::postBuild() { // these are used in a bunch of places so cache them mWebBrowser = getChild< LLMediaCtrl >( "webbrowser" ); mAddressCombo = getChild< LLComboBox >( "address" ); mStatusBarText = getChild< LLTextBox >( "statusbartext" ); mStatusBarProgress = getChild<LLProgressBar>("statusbarprogress" ); // observe browser events mWebBrowser->addObserver( this ); // these buttons are always enabled getChildView("reload")->setEnabled( true ); getChildView("popexternal")->setEnabled( true ); // cache image for secure browsing mSecureLockIcon = getChild< LLIconCtrl >("media_secure_lock_flag"); // initialize the URL history using the system URL History manager initializeURLHistory(); return TRUE; } void LLFloaterWebContent::initializeURLHistory() { // start with an empty list LLCtrlListInterface* url_list = childGetListInterface("address"); if (url_list) { url_list->operateOnAll(LLCtrlListInterface::OP_DELETE); } // Get all of the entries in the "browser" collection LLSD browser_history = LLURLHistory::getURLHistory("browser"); LLSD::array_iterator iter_history = browser_history.beginArray(); LLSD::array_iterator end_history = browser_history.endArray(); for(; iter_history != end_history; ++iter_history) { std::string url = (*iter_history).asString(); if(! url.empty()) url_list->addSimpleElement(url); } } //static void LLFloaterWebContent::create( const std::string &url, const std::string& target, const std::string& uuid ) { lldebugs << "url = " << url << ", target = " << target << ", uuid = " << uuid << llendl; std::string tag = target; if(target.empty() || target == "_blank") { if(!uuid.empty()) { tag = uuid; } else { // create a unique tag for this instance LLUUID id; id.generate(); tag = id.asString(); } } S32 browser_window_limit = gSavedSettings.getS32("WebContentWindowLimit"); if(LLFloaterReg::findInstance("web_content", tag) != NULL) { // There's already a web browser for this tag, so we won't be opening a new window. } else if(browser_window_limit != 0) { // showInstance will open a new window. Figure out how many web browsers are already open, // and close the least recently opened one if this will put us over the limit. LLFloaterReg::const_instance_list_t &instances = LLFloaterReg::getFloaterList("web_content"); lldebugs << "total instance count is " << instances.size() << llendl; for(LLFloaterReg::const_instance_list_t::const_iterator iter = instances.begin(); iter != instances.end(); iter++) { lldebugs << " " << (*iter)->getKey() << llendl; } if(instances.size() >= (size_t)browser_window_limit) { // Destroy the least recently opened instance (*instances.begin())->closeFloater(); } } LLFloaterWebContent *browser = dynamic_cast<LLFloaterWebContent*> (LLFloaterReg::showInstance("web_content", tag)); llassert(browser); if(browser) { browser->mUUID = uuid; // tell the browser instance to load the specified URL browser->open_media(url, target); LLViewerMedia::proxyWindowOpened(target, uuid); } } //static void LLFloaterWebContent::closeRequest(const std::string &uuid) { LLFloaterReg::const_instance_list_t& inst_list = LLFloaterReg::getFloaterList("web_content"); lldebugs << "instance list size is " << inst_list.size() << ", incoming uuid is " << uuid << llendl; for (LLFloaterReg::const_instance_list_t::const_iterator iter = inst_list.begin(); iter != inst_list.end(); ++iter) { LLFloaterWebContent* i = dynamic_cast<LLFloaterWebContent*>(*iter); lldebugs << " " << i->mUUID << llendl; if (i && i->mUUID == uuid) { i->closeFloater(false); return; } } } //static void LLFloaterWebContent::geometryChanged(const std::string &uuid, S32 x, S32 y, S32 width, S32 height) { LLFloaterReg::const_instance_list_t& inst_list = LLFloaterReg::getFloaterList("web_content"); lldebugs << "instance list size is " << inst_list.size() << ", incoming uuid is " << uuid << llendl; for (LLFloaterReg::const_instance_list_t::const_iterator iter = inst_list.begin(); iter != inst_list.end(); ++iter) { LLFloaterWebContent* i = dynamic_cast<LLFloaterWebContent*>(*iter); lldebugs << " " << i->mUUID << llendl; if (i && i->mUUID == uuid) { i->geometryChanged(x, y, width, height); return; } } } void LLFloaterWebContent::geometryChanged(S32 x, S32 y, S32 width, S32 height) { // Make sure the layout of the browser control is updated, so this calculation is correct. LLLayoutStack::updateClass(); // TODO: need to adjust size and constrain position to make sure floaters aren't moved outside the window view, etc. LLCoordWindow window_size; getWindow()->getSize(&window_size); // Adjust width and height for the size of the chrome on the web Browser window. width += getRect().getWidth() - mWebBrowser->getRect().getWidth(); height += getRect().getHeight() - mWebBrowser->getRect().getHeight(); LLRect geom; geom.setOriginAndSize(x, window_size.mY - (y + height), width, height); lldebugs << "geometry change: " << geom << llendl; handleReshape(geom,false); } void LLFloaterWebContent::open_media(const std::string& web_url, const std::string& target) { // Specifying a mime type of text/html here causes the plugin system to skip the MIME type probe and just open a browser plugin. mWebBrowser->setHomePageUrl(web_url, "text/html"); mWebBrowser->setTarget(target); mWebBrowser->navigateTo(web_url, "text/html"); set_current_url(web_url); } //virtual void LLFloaterWebContent::onClose(bool app_quitting) { LLViewerMedia::proxyWindowClosed(mUUID); destroy(); } // virtual void LLFloaterWebContent::draw() { // this is asychronous so we need to keep checking getChildView( "back" )->setEnabled( mWebBrowser->canNavigateBack() ); getChildView( "forward" )->setEnabled( mWebBrowser->canNavigateForward() ); LLFloater::draw(); } // virtual void LLFloaterWebContent::handleMediaEvent(LLPluginClassMedia* self, EMediaEvent event) { if(event == MEDIA_EVENT_LOCATION_CHANGED) { const std::string url = self->getLocation(); if ( url.length() ) mStatusBarText->setText( url ); set_current_url( url ); } else if(event == MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_BEGIN) { // flags are sent with this event getChildView("back")->setEnabled( self->getHistoryBackAvailable() ); getChildView("forward")->setEnabled( self->getHistoryForwardAvailable() ); // toggle visibility of these buttons based on browser state getChildView("reload")->setVisible( false ); getChildView("stop")->setVisible( true ); // turn "on" progress bar now we're about to start loading mStatusBarProgress->setVisible( true ); } else if(event == MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_COMPLETE) { // flags are sent with this event getChildView("back")->setEnabled( self->getHistoryBackAvailable() ); getChildView("forward")->setEnabled( self->getHistoryForwardAvailable() ); // toggle visibility of these buttons based on browser state getChildView("reload")->setVisible( true ); getChildView("stop")->setVisible( false ); // turn "off" progress bar now we're loaded mStatusBarProgress->setVisible( false ); // we populate the status bar with URLs as they change so clear it now we're done const std::string end_str = ""; mStatusBarText->setText( end_str ); // decide if secure browsing icon should be displayed std::string prefix = std::string("https://"); std::string test_prefix = mCurrentURL.substr(0, prefix.length()); LLStringUtil::toLower(test_prefix); if(test_prefix == prefix) { mSecureLockIcon->setVisible(true); } else { mSecureLockIcon->setVisible(false); } } else if(event == MEDIA_EVENT_CLOSE_REQUEST) { // The browser instance wants its window closed. closeFloater(); } else if(event == MEDIA_EVENT_GEOMETRY_CHANGE) { geometryChanged(self->getGeometryX(), self->getGeometryY(), self->getGeometryWidth(), self->getGeometryHeight()); } else if(event == MEDIA_EVENT_STATUS_TEXT_CHANGED ) { const std::string text = self->getStatusText(); if ( text.length() ) mStatusBarText->setText( text ); } else if(event == MEDIA_EVENT_PROGRESS_UPDATED ) { int percent = (int)self->getProgressPercent(); mStatusBarProgress->setValue( percent ); } else if(event == MEDIA_EVENT_NAME_CHANGED ) { std::string page_title = self->getMediaName(); // simulate browser behavior - title is empty, use the current URL if ( page_title.length() > 0 ) setTitle( page_title ); else setTitle( mCurrentURL ); } else if(event == MEDIA_EVENT_LINK_HOVERED ) { const std::string link = self->getHoverLink(); mStatusBarText->setText( link ); } } void LLFloaterWebContent::set_current_url(const std::string& url) { mCurrentURL = url; // serialize url history into the system URL History manager LLURLHistory::removeURL("browser", mCurrentURL); LLURLHistory::addURL("browser", mCurrentURL); mAddressCombo->remove( mCurrentURL ); mAddressCombo->add( mCurrentURL ); mAddressCombo->selectByValue( mCurrentURL ); } void LLFloaterWebContent::onClickForward() { mWebBrowser->navigateForward(); } void LLFloaterWebContent::onClickBack() { mWebBrowser->navigateBack(); } void LLFloaterWebContent::onClickReload() { if( mWebBrowser->getMediaPlugin() ) { bool ignore_cache = true; mWebBrowser->getMediaPlugin()->browse_reload( ignore_cache ); } else { mWebBrowser->navigateTo(mCurrentURL); } } void LLFloaterWebContent::onClickStop() { if( mWebBrowser->getMediaPlugin() ) mWebBrowser->getMediaPlugin()->browse_stop(); // still should happen when we catch the navigate complete event // but sometimes (don't know why) that event isn't sent from Qt // and we getto a point where the stop button stays active. getChildView("reload")->setVisible( true ); getChildView("stop")->setVisible( false ); } void LLFloaterWebContent::onEnterAddress() { // make sure there is at least something there. // (perhaps this test should be for minimum length of a URL) std::string url = mAddressCombo->getValue().asString(); if ( url.length() > 0 ) { mWebBrowser->navigateTo( url, "text/html"); }; } void LLFloaterWebContent::onPopExternal() { // make sure there is at least something there. // (perhaps this test should be for minimum length of a URL) std::string url = mAddressCombo->getValue().asString(); if ( url.length() > 0 ) { LLWeb::loadURLExternal( url ); }; } std::string LLFloaterWebContent::getURL() const { return mAddressCombo->getValue().asString(); }