/** * @file llfloatertools.cpp * @brief The edit tools, including move, position, land, etc. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llfloatertools.h" #include "llfontgl.h" #include "llcoord.h" //#include "llgl.h" #include "llagentcamera.h" #include "llbutton.h" #include "llcheckboxctrl.h" #include "llcombobox.h" #include "lldraghandle.h" #include "llerror.h" #include "llfloaterbuildoptions.h" #include "llfloatermediasettings.h" #include "llfloateropenobject.h" #include "llfloaterreg.h" #include "llfocusmgr.h" #include "llmediaentry.h" #include "llmediactrl.h" #include "llmenugl.h" #include "llnotificationsutil.h" #include "llpanelcontents.h" #include "llpanelface.h" #include "llpanelland.h" #include "llpanelobjectinventory.h" #include "llpanelobject.h" #include "llpanelvolume.h" #include "llpanelpermissions.h" #include "llradiogroup.h" #include "llresmgr.h" #include "llselectmgr.h" #include "llslider.h" #include "llstatusbar.h" #include "lltabcontainer.h" #include "lltextbox.h" #include "lltoolbrush.h" #include "lltoolcomp.h" #include "lltooldraganddrop.h" #include "lltoolface.h" #include "lltoolfocus.h" #include "lltoolgrab.h" #include "lltoolgrab.h" #include "lltoolindividual.h" #include "lltoolmgr.h" #include "lltoolpie.h" #include "lltoolpipette.h" #include "lltoolplacer.h" #include "lltoolselectland.h" #include "lltrans.h" #include "llui.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llviewerjoystick.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "llviewermenu.h" #include "llviewerparcelmgr.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "llvovolume.h" #include "lluictrlfactory.h" // Globals LLFloaterTools *gFloaterTools = NULL; bool LLFloaterTools::sShowObjectCost = true; const std::string PANEL_NAMES[LLFloaterTools::PANEL_COUNT] = { std::string("General"), // PANEL_GENERAL, std::string("Object"), // PANEL_OBJECT, std::string("Features"), // PANEL_FEATURES, std::string("Texture"), // PANEL_FACE, std::string("Content"), // PANEL_CONTENTS, }; // Local prototypes void commit_select_component(void *data); void click_show_more(void*); void click_popup_info(void*); void click_popup_done(void*); void click_popup_minimize(void*); void click_popup_rotate_left(void*); void click_popup_rotate_reset(void*); void click_popup_rotate_right(void*); void commit_slider_dozer_force(LLUICtrl *); void click_apply_to_selection(void*); void commit_radio_group_focus(LLUICtrl* ctrl); void commit_radio_group_move(LLUICtrl* ctrl); void commit_radio_group_edit(LLUICtrl* ctrl); void commit_radio_group_land(LLUICtrl* ctrl); void commit_grid_mode(LLUICtrl *); void commit_slider_zoom(LLUICtrl *ctrl); //static void* LLFloaterTools::createPanelPermissions(void* data) { LLFloaterTools* floater = (LLFloaterTools*)data; floater->mPanelPermissions = new LLPanelPermissions(); return floater->mPanelPermissions; } //static void* LLFloaterTools::createPanelObject(void* data) { LLFloaterTools* floater = (LLFloaterTools*)data; floater->mPanelObject = new LLPanelObject(); return floater->mPanelObject; } //static void* LLFloaterTools::createPanelVolume(void* data) { LLFloaterTools* floater = (LLFloaterTools*)data; floater->mPanelVolume = new LLPanelVolume(); return floater->mPanelVolume; } //static void* LLFloaterTools::createPanelFace(void* data) { LLFloaterTools* floater = (LLFloaterTools*)data; floater->mPanelFace = new LLPanelFace(); return floater->mPanelFace; } //static void* LLFloaterTools::createPanelContents(void* data) { LLFloaterTools* floater = (LLFloaterTools*)data; floater->mPanelContents = new LLPanelContents(); return floater->mPanelContents; } //static void* LLFloaterTools::createPanelLandInfo(void* data) { LLFloaterTools* floater = (LLFloaterTools*)data; floater->mPanelLandInfo = new LLPanelLandInfo(); return floater->mPanelLandInfo; } static const std::string toolNames[]={ "ToolCube", "ToolPrism", "ToolPyramid", "ToolTetrahedron", "ToolCylinder", "ToolHemiCylinder", "ToolCone", "ToolHemiCone", "ToolSphere", "ToolHemiSphere", "ToolTorus", "ToolTube", "ToolRing", "ToolTree", "ToolGrass"}; LLPCode toolData[]={ LL_PCODE_CUBE, LL_PCODE_PRISM, LL_PCODE_PYRAMID, LL_PCODE_TETRAHEDRON, LL_PCODE_CYLINDER, LL_PCODE_CYLINDER_HEMI, LL_PCODE_CONE, LL_PCODE_CONE_HEMI, LL_PCODE_SPHERE, LL_PCODE_SPHERE_HEMI, LL_PCODE_TORUS, LLViewerObject::LL_VO_SQUARE_TORUS, LLViewerObject::LL_VO_TRIANGLE_TORUS, LL_PCODE_LEGACY_TREE, LL_PCODE_LEGACY_GRASS}; BOOL LLFloaterTools::postBuild() { // Hide until tool selected setVisible(FALSE); // Since we constantly show and hide this during drags, don't // make sounds on visibility changes. setSoundFlags(LLView::SILENT); getDragHandle()->setEnabled( !gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ToolboxAutoMove") ); LLRect rect; mBtnFocus = getChild("button focus");//btn; mBtnMove = getChild("button move"); mBtnEdit = getChild("button edit"); mBtnCreate = getChild("button create"); mBtnLand = getChild("button land" ); mTextStatus = getChild("text status"); mRadioGroupFocus = getChild("focus_radio_group"); mRadioGroupMove = getChild("move_radio_group"); mRadioGroupEdit = getChild("edit_radio_group"); mBtnGridOptions = getChild("Options..."); mTitleMedia = getChild("title_media"); mCheckSelectIndividual = getChild("checkbox edit linked parts"); getChild("checkbox edit linked parts")->setValue((BOOL)gSavedSettings.getBOOL("EditLinkedParts")); mCheckSnapToGrid = getChild("checkbox snap to grid"); getChild("checkbox snap to grid")->setValue((BOOL)gSavedSettings.getBOOL("SnapEnabled")); mCheckStretchUniform = getChild("checkbox uniform"); getChild("checkbox uniform")->setValue((BOOL)gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ScaleUniform")); mCheckStretchTexture = getChild("checkbox stretch textures"); getChild("checkbox stretch textures")->setValue((BOOL)gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ScaleStretchTextures")); mComboGridMode = getChild("combobox grid mode"); mCheckStretchUniformLabel = getChild("checkbox uniform label"); // // Create Buttons // for(size_t t=0; t(toolNames[t]); if(found) { found->setClickedCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterTools::setObjectType, toolData[t])); mButtons.push_back( found ); }else{ llwarns << "Tool button not found! DOA Pending." << llendl; } } mCheckCopySelection = getChild("checkbox copy selection"); getChild("checkbox copy selection")->setValue((BOOL)gSavedSettings.getBOOL("CreateToolCopySelection")); mCheckSticky = getChild("checkbox sticky"); getChild("checkbox sticky")->setValue((BOOL)gSavedSettings.getBOOL("CreateToolKeepSelected")); mCheckCopyCenters = getChild("checkbox copy centers"); getChild("checkbox copy centers")->setValue((BOOL)gSavedSettings.getBOOL("CreateToolCopyCenters")); mCheckCopyRotates = getChild("checkbox copy rotates"); getChild("checkbox copy rotates")->setValue((BOOL)gSavedSettings.getBOOL("CreateToolCopyRotates")); mRadioGroupLand = getChild("land_radio_group"); mBtnApplyToSelection = getChild("button apply to selection"); mSliderDozerSize = getChild("slider brush size"); getChild("slider brush size")->setValue(gSavedSettings.getF32("LandBrushSize")); mSliderDozerForce = getChild("slider force"); // the setting stores the actual force multiplier, but the slider is logarithmic, so we convert here getChild("slider force")->setValue(log10(gSavedSettings.getF32("LandBrushForce"))); mTab = getChild("Object Info Tabs"); if(mTab) { mTab->setFollows(FOLLOWS_TOP | FOLLOWS_LEFT); mTab->setBorderVisible(FALSE); mTab->selectFirstTab(); } mStatusText["rotate"] = getString("status_rotate"); mStatusText["scale"] = getString("status_scale"); mStatusText["move"] = getString("status_move"); mStatusText["modifyland"] = getString("status_modifyland"); mStatusText["camera"] = getString("status_camera"); mStatusText["grab"] = getString("status_grab"); mStatusText["place"] = getString("status_place"); mStatusText["selectland"] = getString("status_selectland"); sShowObjectCost = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowObjectRenderingCost"); return TRUE; } // Create the popupview with a dummy center. It will be moved into place // during LLViewerWindow's per-frame hover processing. LLFloaterTools::LLFloaterTools(const LLSD& key) : LLFloater(key), mBtnFocus(NULL), mBtnMove(NULL), mBtnEdit(NULL), mBtnCreate(NULL), mBtnLand(NULL), mTextStatus(NULL), mRadioGroupFocus(NULL), mRadioGroupMove(NULL), mRadioGroupEdit(NULL), mCheckSelectIndividual(NULL), mCheckSnapToGrid(NULL), mBtnGridOptions(NULL), mTitleMedia(NULL), mComboGridMode(NULL), mCheckStretchUniform(NULL), mCheckStretchTexture(NULL), mCheckStretchUniformLabel(NULL), mBtnRotateLeft(NULL), mBtnRotateReset(NULL), mBtnRotateRight(NULL), mBtnDelete(NULL), mBtnDuplicate(NULL), mBtnDuplicateInPlace(NULL), mCheckSticky(NULL), mCheckCopySelection(NULL), mCheckCopyCenters(NULL), mCheckCopyRotates(NULL), mRadioGroupLand(NULL), mSliderDozerSize(NULL), mSliderDozerForce(NULL), mBtnApplyToSelection(NULL), mTab(NULL), mPanelPermissions(NULL), mPanelObject(NULL), mPanelVolume(NULL), mPanelContents(NULL), mPanelFace(NULL), mPanelLandInfo(NULL), mTabLand(NULL), mDirty(TRUE), mNeedMediaTitle(TRUE) { gFloaterTools = this; setAutoFocus(FALSE); mFactoryMap["General"] = LLCallbackMap(createPanelPermissions, this);//LLPanelPermissions mFactoryMap["Object"] = LLCallbackMap(createPanelObject, this);//LLPanelObject mFactoryMap["Features"] = LLCallbackMap(createPanelVolume, this);//LLPanelVolume mFactoryMap["Texture"] = LLCallbackMap(createPanelFace, this);//LLPanelFace mFactoryMap["Contents"] = LLCallbackMap(createPanelContents, this);//LLPanelContents mFactoryMap["land info panel"] = LLCallbackMap(createPanelLandInfo, this);//LLPanelLandInfo mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.setTool", boost::bind(&LLFloaterTools::setTool,this, _2)); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.commitZoom", boost::bind(&commit_slider_zoom, _1)); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.commitRadioFocus", boost::bind(&commit_radio_group_focus, _1)); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.commitRadioMove", boost::bind(&commit_radio_group_move,_1)); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.commitRadioEdit", boost::bind(&commit_radio_group_edit,_1)); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.selectComponent", boost::bind(&commit_select_component, this)); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.gridOptions", boost::bind(&LLFloaterTools::onClickGridOptions,this)); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.applyToSelection", boost::bind(&click_apply_to_selection, this)); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.gridMode", boost::bind(&commit_grid_mode,_1)); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.commitRadioLand", boost::bind(&commit_radio_group_land,_1)); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.LandBrushForce", boost::bind(&commit_slider_dozer_force,_1)); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.AddMedia", boost::bind(&LLFloaterTools::onClickBtnAddMedia,this)); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.DeleteMedia", boost::bind(&LLFloaterTools::onClickBtnDeleteMedia,this)); mCommitCallbackRegistrar.add("BuildTool.EditMedia", boost::bind(&LLFloaterTools::onClickBtnEditMedia,this)); } LLFloaterTools::~LLFloaterTools() { // children automatically deleted gFloaterTools = NULL; } void LLFloaterTools::setStatusText(const std::string& text) { std::map::iterator iter = mStatusText.find(text); if (iter != mStatusText.end()) { mTextStatus->setText(iter->second); } else { mTextStatus->setText(text); } } void LLFloaterTools::refresh() { const S32 INFO_WIDTH = getRect().getWidth(); const S32 INFO_HEIGHT = 384; LLRect object_info_rect(0, 0, INFO_WIDTH, -INFO_HEIGHT); BOOL all_volume = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectionAllPCode( LL_PCODE_VOLUME ); S32 idx_features = mTab->getPanelIndexByTitle(PANEL_NAMES[PANEL_FEATURES]); S32 idx_face = mTab->getPanelIndexByTitle(PANEL_NAMES[PANEL_FACE]); S32 idx_contents = mTab->getPanelIndexByTitle(PANEL_NAMES[PANEL_CONTENTS]); S32 selected_index = mTab->getCurrentPanelIndex(); if (!all_volume && (selected_index == idx_features || selected_index == idx_face || selected_index == idx_contents)) { mTab->selectFirstTab(); } mTab->enableTabButton(idx_features, all_volume); mTab->enableTabButton(idx_face, all_volume); mTab->enableTabButton(idx_contents, all_volume); // Refresh object and prim count labels LLLocale locale(LLLocale::USER_LOCALE); // Get the number of objects selected std::string root_object_count_string; std::string object_count_string; LLResMgr::getInstance()->getIntegerString( root_object_count_string, LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getRootObjectCount()); LLResMgr::getInstance()->getIntegerString( object_count_string, LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getObjectCount()); F32 obj_cost = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedObjectCost(); F32 link_cost = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedLinksetCost(); F32 obj_physics_cost = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedPhysicsCost(); F32 link_physics_cost = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedLinksetPhysicsCost(); // Update the text for the counts childSetTextArg( "linked_set_count", "[COUNT]", root_object_count_string); childSetTextArg("object_count", "[COUNT]", object_count_string); // Update the text for the resource costs childSetTextArg("linked_set_cost","[COST]",llformat("%.1f", link_cost)); childSetTextArg("object_cost", "[COST]", llformat("%.1f", obj_cost)); childSetTextArg("linked_set_cost","[PHYSICS]",llformat("%.1f", link_physics_cost)); childSetTextArg("object_cost", "[PHYSICS]", llformat("%.1f", obj_physics_cost)); // Display rendering cost if needed if (sShowObjectCost) { std::string prim_cost_string; LLResMgr::getInstance()->getIntegerString(prim_cost_string, calcRenderCost()); getChild("RenderingCost")->setTextArg("[COUNT]", prim_cost_string); } // disable the object and prim counts if nothing selected bool have_selection = ! LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->isEmpty(); childSetEnabled("linked_set_count", have_selection); childSetEnabled("object_count", have_selection); childSetEnabled("linked_set_cost", have_selection); childSetEnabled("object_cost", have_selection); // Refresh child tabs mPanelPermissions->refresh(); mPanelObject->refresh(); mPanelVolume->refresh(); mPanelFace->refresh(); refreshMedia(); mPanelContents->refresh(); mPanelLandInfo->refresh(); } void LLFloaterTools::draw() { if (mDirty) { refresh(); mDirty = FALSE; } // grab media name/title and update the UI widget updateMediaTitle(); // mCheckSelectIndividual->set(gSavedSettings.getBOOL("EditLinkedParts")); LLFloater::draw(); } void LLFloaterTools::dirty() { mDirty = TRUE; LLFloaterOpenObject* instance = LLFloaterReg::findTypedInstance("openobject"); if (instance) instance->dirty(); } // Clean up any tool state that should not persist when the // floater is closed. void LLFloaterTools::resetToolState() { gCameraBtnZoom = TRUE; gCameraBtnOrbit = FALSE; gCameraBtnPan = FALSE; gGrabBtnSpin = FALSE; gGrabBtnVertical = FALSE; } void LLFloaterTools::updatePopup(LLCoordGL center, MASK mask) { LLTool *tool = LLToolMgr::getInstance()->getCurrentTool(); // HACK to allow seeing the buttons when you have the app in a window. // Keep the visibility the same as it if (tool == gToolNull) { return; } if ( isMinimized() ) { // SL looks odd if we draw the tools while the window is minimized return; } // Focus buttons BOOL focus_visible = ( tool == LLToolCamera::getInstance() ); mBtnFocus ->setToggleState( focus_visible ); mRadioGroupFocus->setVisible( focus_visible ); getChildView("slider zoom")->setVisible( focus_visible); getChildView("slider zoom")->setEnabled(gCameraBtnZoom); if (!gCameraBtnOrbit && !gCameraBtnPan && !(mask == MASK_ORBIT) && !(mask == (MASK_ORBIT | MASK_ALT)) && !(mask == MASK_PAN) && !(mask == (MASK_PAN | MASK_ALT)) ) { mRadioGroupFocus->setValue("radio zoom"); } else if ( gCameraBtnOrbit || (mask == MASK_ORBIT) || (mask == (MASK_ORBIT | MASK_ALT)) ) { mRadioGroupFocus->setValue("radio orbit"); } else if ( gCameraBtnPan || (mask == MASK_PAN) || (mask == (MASK_PAN | MASK_ALT)) ) { mRadioGroupFocus->setValue("radio pan"); } // multiply by correction factor because volume sliders go [0, 0.5] getChild("slider zoom")->setValue(gAgentCamera.getCameraZoomFraction() * 0.5f); // Move buttons BOOL move_visible = (tool == LLToolGrab::getInstance()); if (mBtnMove) mBtnMove ->setToggleState( move_visible ); // HACK - highlight buttons for next click mRadioGroupMove->setVisible(move_visible); if (!gGrabBtnSpin && !gGrabBtnVertical && !(mask == MASK_VERTICAL) && !(mask == MASK_SPIN) ) { mRadioGroupMove->setValue("radio move"); } else if (gGrabBtnVertical || (mask == MASK_VERTICAL) ) { mRadioGroupMove->setValue("radio lift"); } else if (gGrabBtnSpin || (mask == MASK_SPIN) ) { mRadioGroupMove->setValue("radio spin"); } // Edit buttons BOOL edit_visible = tool == LLToolCompTranslate::getInstance() || tool == LLToolCompRotate::getInstance() || tool == LLToolCompScale::getInstance() || tool == LLToolFace::getInstance() || tool == LLToolIndividual::getInstance() || tool == LLToolPipette::getInstance(); mBtnEdit ->setToggleState( edit_visible ); mRadioGroupEdit->setVisible( edit_visible ); bool linked_parts = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("EditLinkedParts"); getChildView("RenderingCost")->setVisible( !linked_parts && (edit_visible || focus_visible || move_visible) && sShowObjectCost); if (mCheckSelectIndividual) { mCheckSelectIndividual->setVisible(edit_visible); //mCheckSelectIndividual->set(gSavedSettings.getBOOL("EditLinkedParts")); } if ( tool == LLToolCompTranslate::getInstance() ) { mRadioGroupEdit->setValue("radio position"); } else if ( tool == LLToolCompRotate::getInstance() ) { mRadioGroupEdit->setValue("radio rotate"); } else if ( tool == LLToolCompScale::getInstance() ) { mRadioGroupEdit->setValue("radio stretch"); } else if ( tool == LLToolFace::getInstance() ) { mRadioGroupEdit->setValue("radio select face"); } if (mComboGridMode) { mComboGridMode->setVisible( edit_visible ); S32 index = mComboGridMode->getCurrentIndex(); mComboGridMode->removeall(); switch (mObjectSelection->getSelectType()) { case SELECT_TYPE_HUD: mComboGridMode->add(getString("grid_screen_text")); mComboGridMode->add(getString("grid_local_text")); //mComboGridMode->add(getString("grid_reference_text")); break; case SELECT_TYPE_WORLD: mComboGridMode->add(getString("grid_world_text")); mComboGridMode->add(getString("grid_local_text")); mComboGridMode->add(getString("grid_reference_text")); break; case SELECT_TYPE_ATTACHMENT: mComboGridMode->add(getString("grid_attachment_text")); mComboGridMode->add(getString("grid_local_text")); mComboGridMode->add(getString("grid_reference_text")); break; } mComboGridMode->setCurrentByIndex(index); } // Snap to grid disabled for grab tool - very confusing if (mCheckSnapToGrid) mCheckSnapToGrid->setVisible( edit_visible /* || tool == LLToolGrab::getInstance() */ ); if (mBtnGridOptions) mBtnGridOptions->setVisible( edit_visible /* || tool == LLToolGrab::getInstance() */ ); //mCheckSelectLinked ->setVisible( edit_visible ); if (mCheckStretchUniform) mCheckStretchUniform->setVisible( edit_visible ); if (mCheckStretchTexture) mCheckStretchTexture->setVisible( edit_visible ); if (mCheckStretchUniformLabel) mCheckStretchUniformLabel->setVisible( edit_visible ); // Create buttons BOOL create_visible = (tool == LLToolCompCreate::getInstance()); mBtnCreate ->setToggleState( tool == LLToolCompCreate::getInstance() ); if (mCheckCopySelection && mCheckCopySelection->get()) { // don't highlight any placer button for (std::vector::size_type i = 0; i < mButtons.size(); i++) { mButtons[i]->setToggleState(FALSE); mButtons[i]->setVisible( create_visible ); } } else { // Highlight the correct placer button for( S32 t = 0; t < (S32)mButtons.size(); t++ ) { LLPCode pcode = LLToolPlacer::getObjectType(); LLPCode button_pcode = toolData[t]; BOOL state = (pcode == button_pcode); mButtons[t]->setToggleState( state ); mButtons[t]->setVisible( create_visible ); } } if (mCheckSticky) mCheckSticky ->setVisible( create_visible ); if (mCheckCopySelection) mCheckCopySelection ->setVisible( create_visible ); if (mCheckCopyCenters) mCheckCopyCenters ->setVisible( create_visible ); if (mCheckCopyRotates) mCheckCopyRotates ->setVisible( create_visible ); if (mCheckCopyCenters && mCheckCopySelection) mCheckCopyCenters->setEnabled( mCheckCopySelection->get() ); if (mCheckCopyRotates && mCheckCopySelection) mCheckCopyRotates->setEnabled( mCheckCopySelection->get() ); // Land buttons BOOL land_visible = (tool == LLToolBrushLand::getInstance() || tool == LLToolSelectLand::getInstance() ); if (mBtnLand) mBtnLand ->setToggleState( land_visible ); mRadioGroupLand->setVisible( land_visible ); if ( tool == LLToolSelectLand::getInstance() ) { mRadioGroupLand->setValue("radio select land"); } else if ( tool == LLToolBrushLand::getInstance() ) { S32 dozer_mode = gSavedSettings.getS32("RadioLandBrushAction"); switch(dozer_mode) { case 0: mRadioGroupLand->setValue("radio flatten"); break; case 1: mRadioGroupLand->setValue("radio raise"); break; case 2: mRadioGroupLand->setValue("radio lower"); break; case 3: mRadioGroupLand->setValue("radio smooth"); break; case 4: mRadioGroupLand->setValue("radio noise"); break; case 5: mRadioGroupLand->setValue("radio revert"); break; default: break; } } if (mBtnApplyToSelection) { mBtnApplyToSelection->setVisible( land_visible ); mBtnApplyToSelection->setEnabled( land_visible && !LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->selectionEmpty() && tool != LLToolSelectLand::getInstance()); } if (mSliderDozerSize) { mSliderDozerSize ->setVisible( land_visible ); getChildView("Bulldozer:")->setVisible( land_visible); getChildView("Dozer Size:")->setVisible( land_visible); } if (mSliderDozerForce) { mSliderDozerForce ->setVisible( land_visible ); getChildView("Strength:")->setVisible( land_visible); } getChildView("obj_count")->setVisible( !land_visible); getChildView("prim_count")->setVisible( !land_visible); mTab->setVisible(!land_visible); mPanelLandInfo->setVisible(land_visible); } // virtual BOOL LLFloaterTools::canClose() { // don't close when quitting, so camera will stay put return !LLApp::isExiting(); } // virtual void LLFloaterTools::onOpen(const LLSD& key) { mParcelSelection = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getFloatingParcelSelection(); mObjectSelection = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getEditSelection(); std::string panel = key.asString(); if (!panel.empty()) { mTab->selectTabByName(panel); } //gMenuBarView->setItemVisible("BuildTools", TRUE); } // virtual void LLFloaterTools::onClose(bool app_quitting) { mTab->setVisible(FALSE); LLViewerJoystick::getInstance()->moveAvatar(false); // destroy media source used to grab media title if( mTitleMedia ) mTitleMedia->unloadMediaSource(); // Different from handle_reset_view in that it doesn't actually // move the camera if EditCameraMovement is not set. gAgentCamera.resetView(gSavedSettings.getBOOL("EditCameraMovement")); // exit component selection mode LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->promoteSelectionToRoot(); gSavedSettings.setBOOL("EditLinkedParts", FALSE); gViewerWindow->showCursor(); resetToolState(); mParcelSelection = NULL; mObjectSelection = NULL; // Switch back to basic toolset LLToolMgr::getInstance()->setCurrentToolset(gBasicToolset); // we were already in basic toolset, using build tools // so manually reset tool to default (pie menu tool) LLToolMgr::getInstance()->getCurrentToolset()->selectFirstTool(); //gMenuBarView->setItemVisible("BuildTools", FALSE); LLFloaterReg::hideInstance("media_settings"); } void click_popup_info(void*) { } void click_popup_done(void*) { handle_reset_view(); } void commit_radio_group_move(LLUICtrl* ctrl) { LLRadioGroup* group = (LLRadioGroup*)ctrl; std::string selected = group->getValue().asString(); if (selected == "radio move") { gGrabBtnVertical = FALSE; gGrabBtnSpin = FALSE; } else if (selected == "radio lift") { gGrabBtnVertical = TRUE; gGrabBtnSpin = FALSE; } else if (selected == "radio spin") { gGrabBtnVertical = FALSE; gGrabBtnSpin = TRUE; } } void commit_radio_group_focus(LLUICtrl* ctrl) { LLRadioGroup* group = (LLRadioGroup*)ctrl; std::string selected = group->getValue().asString(); if (selected == "radio zoom") { gCameraBtnZoom = TRUE; gCameraBtnOrbit = FALSE; gCameraBtnPan = FALSE; } else if (selected == "radio orbit") { gCameraBtnZoom = FALSE; gCameraBtnOrbit = TRUE; gCameraBtnPan = FALSE; } else if (selected == "radio pan") { gCameraBtnZoom = FALSE; gCameraBtnOrbit = FALSE; gCameraBtnPan = TRUE; } } void commit_slider_zoom(LLUICtrl *ctrl) { // renormalize value, since max "volume" level is 0.5 for some reason F32 zoom_level = (F32)ctrl->getValue().asReal() * 2.f; // / 0.5f; gAgentCamera.setCameraZoomFraction(zoom_level); } void click_popup_rotate_left(void*) { LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectionRotateAroundZ( 45.f ); dialog_refresh_all(); } void click_popup_rotate_reset(void*) { LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectionResetRotation(); dialog_refresh_all(); } void click_popup_rotate_right(void*) { LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectionRotateAroundZ( -45.f ); dialog_refresh_all(); } void commit_slider_dozer_force(LLUICtrl *ctrl) { // the slider is logarithmic, so we exponentiate to get the actual force multiplier F32 dozer_force = pow(10.f, (F32)ctrl->getValue().asReal()); gSavedSettings.setF32("LandBrushForce", dozer_force); } void click_apply_to_selection(void*) { LLToolBrushLand::getInstance()->modifyLandInSelectionGlobal(); } void commit_radio_group_edit(LLUICtrl *ctrl) { S32 show_owners = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowParcelOwners"); LLRadioGroup* group = (LLRadioGroup*)ctrl; std::string selected = group->getValue().asString(); if (selected == "radio position") { LLFloaterTools::setEditTool( LLToolCompTranslate::getInstance() ); } else if (selected == "radio rotate") { LLFloaterTools::setEditTool( LLToolCompRotate::getInstance() ); } else if (selected == "radio stretch") { LLFloaterTools::setEditTool( LLToolCompScale::getInstance() ); } else if (selected == "radio select face") { LLFloaterTools::setEditTool( LLToolFace::getInstance() ); } gSavedSettings.setBOOL("ShowParcelOwners", show_owners); } void commit_radio_group_land(LLUICtrl* ctrl) { LLRadioGroup* group = (LLRadioGroup*)ctrl; std::string selected = group->getValue().asString(); if (selected == "radio select land") { LLFloaterTools::setEditTool( LLToolSelectLand::getInstance() ); } else { LLFloaterTools::setEditTool( LLToolBrushLand::getInstance() ); S32 dozer_mode = gSavedSettings.getS32("RadioLandBrushAction"); if (selected == "radio flatten") dozer_mode = 0; else if (selected == "radio raise") dozer_mode = 1; else if (selected == "radio lower") dozer_mode = 2; else if (selected == "radio smooth") dozer_mode = 3; else if (selected == "radio noise") dozer_mode = 4; else if (selected == "radio revert") dozer_mode = 5; gSavedSettings.setS32("RadioLandBrushAction", dozer_mode); } } void commit_select_component(void *data) { LLFloaterTools* floaterp = (LLFloaterTools*)data; //forfeit focus if (gFocusMgr.childHasKeyboardFocus(floaterp)) { gFocusMgr.setKeyboardFocus(NULL); } BOOL select_individuals = floaterp->mCheckSelectIndividual->get(); gSavedSettings.setBOOL("EditLinkedParts", select_individuals); floaterp->dirty(); if (select_individuals) { LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->demoteSelectionToIndividuals(); } else { LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->promoteSelectionToRoot(); } } void commit_grid_mode(LLUICtrl *ctrl) { LLComboBox* combo = (LLComboBox*)ctrl; LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->setGridMode((EGridMode)combo->getCurrentIndex()); } // static void LLFloaterTools::setObjectType( LLPCode pcode ) { LLToolPlacer::setObjectType( pcode ); gSavedSettings.setBOOL("CreateToolCopySelection", FALSE); gFocusMgr.setMouseCapture(NULL); } void LLFloaterTools::onClickGridOptions() { LLFloaterReg::showInstance("build_options"); // RN: this makes grid options dependent on build tools window //floaterp->addDependentFloater(LLFloaterBuildOptions::getInstance(), FALSE); } S32 LLFloaterTools::calcRenderCost() { S32 cost = 0; LLVOVolume::texture_cost_t textures; for (LLObjectSelection::iterator selection_iter = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->begin(); selection_iter != LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->end(); ++selection_iter) { LLSelectNode *select_node = *selection_iter; if (select_node) { LLViewerObject *vobj = select_node->getObject(); if (vobj->getVolume()) { LLVOVolume* volume = (LLVOVolume*) vobj; cost += volume->getRenderCost(textures); for (LLVOVolume::texture_cost_t::iterator iter = textures.begin(); iter != textures.end(); ++iter) { // add the cost of each individual texture in the linkset cost += iter->second; } textures.clear(); } } } return cost; } // static void LLFloaterTools::setEditTool(void* tool_pointer) { LLTool *tool = (LLTool *)tool_pointer; LLToolMgr::getInstance()->getCurrentToolset()->selectTool( tool ); } void LLFloaterTools::setTool(const LLSD& user_data) { std::string control_name = user_data.asString(); if(control_name == "Focus") LLToolMgr::getInstance()->getCurrentToolset()->selectTool((LLTool *) LLToolCamera::getInstance() ); else if (control_name == "Move" ) LLToolMgr::getInstance()->getCurrentToolset()->selectTool( (LLTool *)LLToolGrab::getInstance() ); else if (control_name == "Edit" ) LLToolMgr::getInstance()->getCurrentToolset()->selectTool( (LLTool *) LLToolCompTranslate::getInstance()); else if (control_name == "Create" ) LLToolMgr::getInstance()->getCurrentToolset()->selectTool( (LLTool *) LLToolCompCreate::getInstance()); else if (control_name == "Land" ) LLToolMgr::getInstance()->getCurrentToolset()->selectTool( (LLTool *) LLToolSelectLand::getInstance()); else llwarns<<" no parameter name "<setCurrentToolset(gBasicToolset); LLFloater::onFocusReceived(); } // Media stuff void LLFloaterTools::refreshMedia() { getMediaState(); } bool LLFloaterTools::selectedMediaEditable() { U32 owner_mask_on; U32 owner_mask_off; U32 valid_owner_perms = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectGetPerm( PERM_OWNER, &owner_mask_on, &owner_mask_off ); U32 group_mask_on; U32 group_mask_off; U32 valid_group_perms = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectGetPerm( PERM_GROUP, &group_mask_on, &group_mask_off ); U32 everyone_mask_on; U32 everyone_mask_off; S32 valid_everyone_perms = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectGetPerm( PERM_EVERYONE, &everyone_mask_on, &everyone_mask_off ); bool selected_Media_editable = false; // if perms we got back are valid if ( valid_owner_perms && valid_group_perms && valid_everyone_perms ) { if ( ( owner_mask_on & PERM_MODIFY ) || ( group_mask_on & PERM_MODIFY ) || ( group_mask_on & PERM_MODIFY ) ) { selected_Media_editable = true; } else // user is NOT allowed to press the RESET button { selected_Media_editable = false; }; }; return selected_Media_editable; } void LLFloaterTools::getMediaState() { LLObjectSelectionHandle selected_objects =LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection(); LLViewerObject* first_object = selected_objects->getFirstObject(); LLTextBox* media_info = getChild("media_info"); if( !(first_object && first_object->getPCode() == LL_PCODE_VOLUME &&first_object->permModify() )) { getChildView("Add_Media")->setEnabled(FALSE); media_info->clear(); clearMediaSettings(); return; } std::string url = first_object->getRegion()->getCapability("ObjectMedia"); bool has_media_capability = (!url.empty()); if(!has_media_capability) { getChildView("Add_Media")->setEnabled(FALSE); LL_WARNS("LLFloaterTools: media") << "Media not enabled (no capability) in this region!" << LL_ENDL; clearMediaSettings(); return; } bool editable = (first_object->permModify() || selectedMediaEditable()); // Check modify permissions and whether any selected objects are in // the process of being fetched. If they are, then we're not editable if (editable) { LLObjectSelection::iterator iter = selected_objects->begin(); LLObjectSelection::iterator end = selected_objects->end(); for ( ; iter != end; ++iter) { LLSelectNode* node = *iter; LLVOVolume* object = dynamic_cast(node->getObject()); if (NULL != object) { if (!object->permModify()) { LL_INFOS("LLFloaterTools: media") << "Selection not editable due to lack of modify permissions on object id " << object->getID() << LL_ENDL; editable = false; break; } // XXX DISABLE this for now, because when the fetch finally // does come in, the state of this floater doesn't properly // update. Re-selecting fixes the problem, but there is // contention as to whether this is a sufficient solution. // if (object->isMediaDataBeingFetched()) // { // LL_INFOS("LLFloaterTools: media") // << "Selection not editable due to media data being fetched for object id " // << object->getID() << LL_ENDL; // // editable = false; // break; // } } } } // Media settings bool bool_has_media = false; struct media_functor : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor { bool get(LLViewerObject* object, S32 face) { LLTextureEntry *te = object->getTE(face); if (te) { return te->hasMedia(); } return false; } } func; // check if all faces have media(or, all dont have media) LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mIdenticalHasMediaInfo = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func, bool_has_media ); const LLMediaEntry default_media_data; struct functor_getter_media_data : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< LLMediaEntry> { functor_getter_media_data(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {} LLMediaEntry get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face ) { if ( object ) if ( object->getTE(face) ) if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() ) return *(object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()); return mMediaEntry; }; const LLMediaEntry& mMediaEntry; } func_media_data(default_media_data); LLMediaEntry media_data_get; LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mMultipleMedia = !(selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_media_data, media_data_get )); std::string multi_media_info_str = LLTrans::getString("Multiple Media"); std::string media_title = ""; mNeedMediaTitle = false; // update UI depending on whether "object" (prim or face) has media // and whether or not you are allowed to edit it. getChildView("Add_Media")->setEnabled(editable); // IF all the faces have media (or all dont have media) if ( LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mIdenticalHasMediaInfo ) { // TODO: get media title and set it. media_info->clear(); // if identical is set, all faces are same (whether all empty or has the same media) if(!(LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mMultipleMedia) ) { // Media data is valid if(media_data_get!=default_media_data) { // initial media title is the media URL (until we get the name) media_title = media_data_get.getHomeURL(); // kick off a navigate and flag that we need to update the title navigateToTitleMedia( media_data_get.getHomeURL() ); mNeedMediaTitle = true; } // else all faces might be empty. } else // there' re Different Medias' been set on on the faces. { media_title = multi_media_info_str; mNeedMediaTitle = false; } getChildView("media_tex")->setEnabled(bool_has_media && editable); getChildView("edit_media")->setEnabled(bool_has_media && LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mIdenticalHasMediaInfo && editable ); getChildView("delete_media")->setEnabled(bool_has_media && editable ); getChildView("add_media")->setEnabled(( ! bool_has_media ) && editable ); // TODO: display a list of all media on the face - use 'identical' flag } else // not all face has media but at least one does. { // seleted faces have not identical value LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mMultipleValidMedia = selected_objects->isMultipleTEValue(&func_media_data, default_media_data ); if(LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mMultipleValidMedia) { media_title = multi_media_info_str; mNeedMediaTitle = false; } else { // Media data is valid if(media_data_get!=default_media_data) { // initial media title is the media URL (until we get the name) media_title = media_data_get.getHomeURL(); // kick off a navigate and flag that we need to update the title navigateToTitleMedia( media_data_get.getHomeURL() ); mNeedMediaTitle = true; } } getChildView("media_tex")->setEnabled(TRUE); getChildView("edit_media")->setEnabled(LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance()->mIdenticalHasMediaInfo); getChildView("delete_media")->setEnabled(TRUE); getChildView("add_media")->setEnabled(FALSE ); } media_info->setText(media_title); // load values for media settings updateMediaSettings(); LLFloaterMediaSettings::initValues(mMediaSettings, editable ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // called when a user wants to add media to a prim or prim face void LLFloaterTools::onClickBtnAddMedia() { // check if multiple faces are selected if(LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->isMultipleTESelected()) { LLNotificationsUtil::add("MultipleFacesSelected", LLSD(), LLSD(), multipleFacesSelectedConfirm); } else { onClickBtnEditMedia(); } } // static bool LLFloaterTools::multipleFacesSelectedConfirm(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response) { S32 option = LLNotificationsUtil::getSelectedOption(notification, response); switch( option ) { case 0: // "Yes" gFloaterTools->onClickBtnEditMedia(); break; case 1: // "No" default: break; } return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // called when a user wants to edit existing media settings on a prim or prim face // TODO: test if there is media on the item and only allow editing if present void LLFloaterTools::onClickBtnEditMedia() { refreshMedia(); LLFloaterReg::showInstance("media_settings"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // called when a user wants to delete media from a prim or prim face void LLFloaterTools::onClickBtnDeleteMedia() { LLNotificationsUtil::add("DeleteMedia", LLSD(), LLSD(), deleteMediaConfirm); } // static bool LLFloaterTools::deleteMediaConfirm(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response) { S32 option = LLNotificationsUtil::getSelectedOption(notification, response); switch( option ) { case 0: // "Yes" LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->selectionSetMedia( 0, LLSD() ); if(LLFloaterReg::instanceVisible("media_settings")) { LLFloaterReg::hideInstance("media_settings"); } break; case 1: // "No" default: break; } return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // void LLFloaterTools::clearMediaSettings() { LLFloaterMediaSettings::getInstance(); LLFloaterMediaSettings::clearValues(false); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // void LLFloaterTools::navigateToTitleMedia( const std::string url ) { if ( mTitleMedia ) { LLPluginClassMedia* media_plugin = mTitleMedia->getMediaPlugin(); if ( media_plugin ) { // if it's a movie, we don't want to hear it media_plugin->setVolume( 0 ); }; mTitleMedia->navigateTo( url ); }; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // void LLFloaterTools::updateMediaTitle() { // only get the media name if we need it if ( ! mNeedMediaTitle ) return; // get plugin impl LLPluginClassMedia* media_plugin = mTitleMedia->getMediaPlugin(); if ( media_plugin ) { // get the media name (asynchronous - must call repeatedly) std::string media_title = media_plugin->getMediaName(); // only replace the title if what we get contains something if ( ! media_title.empty() ) { // update the UI widget LLTextBox* media_title_field = getChild("media_info"); if ( media_title_field ) { media_title_field->setText( media_title ); // stop looking for a title when we get one // FIXME: check this is the right approach mNeedMediaTitle = false; }; }; }; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // void LLFloaterTools::updateMediaSettings() { bool identical( false ); std::string base_key( "" ); std::string value_str( "" ); int value_int = 0; bool value_bool = false; LLObjectSelectionHandle selected_objects =LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection(); // TODO: (CP) refactor this using something clever or boost or both !! const LLMediaEntry default_media_data; // controls U8 value_u8 = default_media_data.getControls(); struct functor_getter_controls : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< U8 > { functor_getter_controls(const LLMediaEntry &entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {} U8 get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face ) { if ( object ) if ( object->getTE(face) ) if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() ) return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getControls(); return mMediaEntry.getControls(); }; const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry; } func_controls(default_media_data); identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_controls, value_u8 ); base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::CONTROLS_KEY ); mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_u8; mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical; // First click (formerly left click) value_bool = default_media_data.getFirstClickInteract(); struct functor_getter_first_click : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool > { functor_getter_first_click(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {} bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face ) { if ( object ) if ( object->getTE(face) ) if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() ) return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getFirstClickInteract(); return mMediaEntry.getFirstClickInteract(); }; const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry; } func_first_click(default_media_data); identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_first_click, value_bool ); base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::FIRST_CLICK_INTERACT_KEY ); mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool; mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical; // Home URL value_str = default_media_data.getHomeURL(); struct functor_getter_home_url : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< std::string > { functor_getter_home_url(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {} std::string get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face ) { if ( object ) if ( object->getTE(face) ) if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() ) return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getHomeURL(); return mMediaEntry.getHomeURL(); }; const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry; } func_home_url(default_media_data); identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_home_url, value_str ); base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::HOME_URL_KEY ); mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_str; mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical; // Current URL value_str = default_media_data.getCurrentURL(); struct functor_getter_current_url : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< std::string > { functor_getter_current_url(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {} std::string get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face ) { if ( object ) if ( object->getTE(face) ) if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() ) return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getCurrentURL(); return mMediaEntry.getCurrentURL(); }; const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry; } func_current_url(default_media_data); identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_current_url, value_str ); base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::CURRENT_URL_KEY ); mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_str; mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical; // Auto zoom value_bool = default_media_data.getAutoZoom(); struct functor_getter_auto_zoom : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool > { functor_getter_auto_zoom(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {} bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face ) { if ( object ) if ( object->getTE(face) ) if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() ) return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getAutoZoom(); return mMediaEntry.getAutoZoom(); }; const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry; } func_auto_zoom(default_media_data); identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_auto_zoom, value_bool ); base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_ZOOM_KEY ); mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool; mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical; // Auto play //value_bool = default_media_data.getAutoPlay(); // set default to auto play TRUE -- angela EXT-5172 value_bool = true; struct functor_getter_auto_play : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool > { functor_getter_auto_play(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {} bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face ) { if ( object ) if ( object->getTE(face) ) if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() ) return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getAutoPlay(); //return mMediaEntry.getAutoPlay(); set default to auto play TRUE -- angela EXT-5172 return true; }; const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry; } func_auto_play(default_media_data); identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_auto_play, value_bool ); base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_PLAY_KEY ); mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool; mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical; // Auto scale // set default to auto scale TRUE -- angela EXT-5172 //value_bool = default_media_data.getAutoScale(); value_bool = true; struct functor_getter_auto_scale : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool > { functor_getter_auto_scale(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {} bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face ) { if ( object ) if ( object->getTE(face) ) if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() ) return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getAutoScale(); // return mMediaEntry.getAutoScale(); set default to auto scale TRUE -- angela EXT-5172 return true; }; const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry; } func_auto_scale(default_media_data); identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_auto_scale, value_bool ); base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_SCALE_KEY ); mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool; mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical; // Auto loop value_bool = default_media_data.getAutoLoop(); struct functor_getter_auto_loop : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool > { functor_getter_auto_loop(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {} bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face ) { if ( object ) if ( object->getTE(face) ) if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() ) return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getAutoLoop(); return mMediaEntry.getAutoLoop(); }; const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry; } func_auto_loop(default_media_data); identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_auto_loop, value_bool ); base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::AUTO_LOOP_KEY ); mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool; mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical; // width pixels (if not auto scaled) value_int = default_media_data.getWidthPixels(); struct functor_getter_width_pixels : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< int > { functor_getter_width_pixels(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {} int get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face ) { if ( object ) if ( object->getTE(face) ) if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() ) return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getWidthPixels(); return mMediaEntry.getWidthPixels(); }; const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry; } func_width_pixels(default_media_data); identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_width_pixels, value_int ); base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::WIDTH_PIXELS_KEY ); mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_int; mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical; // height pixels (if not auto scaled) value_int = default_media_data.getHeightPixels(); struct functor_getter_height_pixels : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< int > { functor_getter_height_pixels(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {} int get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face ) { if ( object ) if ( object->getTE(face) ) if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() ) return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getHeightPixels(); return mMediaEntry.getHeightPixels(); }; const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry; } func_height_pixels(default_media_data); identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_height_pixels, value_int ); base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::HEIGHT_PIXELS_KEY ); mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_int; mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical; // Enable Alt image value_bool = default_media_data.getAltImageEnable(); struct functor_getter_enable_alt_image : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool > { functor_getter_enable_alt_image(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {} bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face ) { if ( object ) if ( object->getTE(face) ) if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() ) return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getAltImageEnable(); return mMediaEntry.getAltImageEnable(); }; const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry; } func_enable_alt_image(default_media_data); identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_enable_alt_image, value_bool ); base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::ALT_IMAGE_ENABLE_KEY ); mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool; mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical; // Perms - owner interact value_bool = 0 != ( default_media_data.getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_OWNER ); struct functor_getter_perms_owner_interact : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool > { functor_getter_perms_owner_interact(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {} bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face ) { if ( object ) if ( object->getTE(face) ) if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() ) return (0 != (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_OWNER)); return 0 != ( mMediaEntry.getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_OWNER ); }; const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry; } func_perms_owner_interact(default_media_data); identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_perms_owner_interact, value_bool ); base_key = std::string( LLPanelContents::PERMS_OWNER_INTERACT_KEY ); mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool; mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical; // Perms - owner control value_bool = 0 != ( default_media_data.getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_OWNER ); struct functor_getter_perms_owner_control : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool > { functor_getter_perms_owner_control(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {} bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face ) { if ( object ) if ( object->getTE(face) ) if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() ) return (0 != (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_OWNER)); return 0 != ( mMediaEntry.getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_OWNER ); }; const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry; } func_perms_owner_control(default_media_data); identical = selected_objects ->getSelectedTEValue( &func_perms_owner_control, value_bool ); base_key = std::string( LLPanelContents::PERMS_OWNER_CONTROL_KEY ); mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool; mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical; // Perms - group interact value_bool = 0 != ( default_media_data.getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_GROUP ); struct functor_getter_perms_group_interact : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool > { functor_getter_perms_group_interact(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {} bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face ) { if ( object ) if ( object->getTE(face) ) if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() ) return (0 != (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_GROUP)); return 0 != ( mMediaEntry.getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_GROUP ); }; const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry; } func_perms_group_interact(default_media_data); identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_perms_group_interact, value_bool ); base_key = std::string( LLPanelContents::PERMS_GROUP_INTERACT_KEY ); mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool; mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical; // Perms - group control value_bool = 0 != ( default_media_data.getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_GROUP ); struct functor_getter_perms_group_control : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool > { functor_getter_perms_group_control(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {} bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face ) { if ( object ) if ( object->getTE(face) ) if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() ) return (0 != (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_GROUP)); return 0 != ( mMediaEntry.getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_GROUP ); }; const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry; } func_perms_group_control(default_media_data); identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_perms_group_control, value_bool ); base_key = std::string( LLPanelContents::PERMS_GROUP_CONTROL_KEY ); mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool; mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical; // Perms - anyone interact value_bool = 0 != ( default_media_data.getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_ANYONE ); struct functor_getter_perms_anyone_interact : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool > { functor_getter_perms_anyone_interact(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {} bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face ) { if ( object ) if ( object->getTE(face) ) if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() ) return (0 != (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_ANYONE)); return 0 != ( mMediaEntry.getPermsInteract() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_ANYONE ); }; const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry; } func_perms_anyone_interact(default_media_data); identical = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->getSelectedTEValue( &func_perms_anyone_interact, value_bool ); base_key = std::string( LLPanelContents::PERMS_ANYONE_INTERACT_KEY ); mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool; mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical; // Perms - anyone control value_bool = 0 != ( default_media_data.getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_ANYONE ); struct functor_getter_perms_anyone_control : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool > { functor_getter_perms_anyone_control(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {} bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face ) { if ( object ) if ( object->getTE(face) ) if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() ) return (0 != (object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_ANYONE)); return 0 != ( mMediaEntry.getPermsControl() & LLMediaEntry::PERM_ANYONE ); }; const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry; } func_perms_anyone_control(default_media_data); identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_perms_anyone_control, value_bool ); base_key = std::string( LLPanelContents::PERMS_ANYONE_CONTROL_KEY ); mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool; mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical; // security - whitelist enable value_bool = default_media_data.getWhiteListEnable(); struct functor_getter_whitelist_enable : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< bool > { functor_getter_whitelist_enable(const LLMediaEntry& entry) : mMediaEntry(entry) {} bool get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face ) { if ( object ) if ( object->getTE(face) ) if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() ) return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getWhiteListEnable(); return mMediaEntry.getWhiteListEnable(); }; const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry; } func_whitelist_enable(default_media_data); identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_whitelist_enable, value_bool ); base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::WHITELIST_ENABLE_KEY ); mMediaSettings[ base_key ] = value_bool; mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical; // security - whitelist URLs std::vector value_vector_str = default_media_data.getWhiteList(); struct functor_getter_whitelist_urls : public LLSelectedTEGetFunctor< std::vector > { functor_getter_whitelist_urls(const LLMediaEntry& entry): mMediaEntry(entry) {} std::vector get( LLViewerObject* object, S32 face ) { if ( object ) if ( object->getTE(face) ) if ( object->getTE(face)->getMediaData() ) return object->getTE(face)->getMediaData()->getWhiteList(); return mMediaEntry.getWhiteList(); }; const LLMediaEntry &mMediaEntry; } func_whitelist_urls(default_media_data); identical = selected_objects->getSelectedTEValue( &func_whitelist_urls, value_vector_str ); base_key = std::string( LLMediaEntry::WHITELIST_KEY ); mMediaSettings[ base_key ].clear(); std::vector< std::string >::iterator iter = value_vector_str.begin(); while( iter != value_vector_str.end() ) { std::string white_list_url = *iter; mMediaSettings[ base_key ].append( white_list_url ); ++iter; }; mMediaSettings[ base_key + std::string( LLPanelContents::TENTATIVE_SUFFIX ) ] = ! identical; }