/** * @file llfloatermodelpreview.cpp * @brief LLFloaterModelPreview class implementation * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2004&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llmodelloader.h" #include "lldaeloader.h" #include "llfloatermodelpreview.h" #include "llfilepicker.h" #include "llimagebmp.h" #include "llimagetga.h" #include "llimagejpeg.h" #include "llimagepng.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "llbutton.h" #include "llcombobox.h" #include "lldatapacker.h" #include "lldrawable.h" #include "lldrawpoolavatar.h" #include "llrender.h" #include "llface.h" #include "lleconomy.h" #include "llfocusmgr.h" #include "llfloaterperms.h" #include "lliconctrl.h" #include "llmatrix4a.h" #include "llmenubutton.h" #include "llmeshrepository.h" #include "llnotificationsutil.h" #include "llsdutil_math.h" #include "lltextbox.h" #include "lltoolmgr.h" #include "llui.h" #include "llvector4a.h" #include "llviewercamera.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "llvoavatar.h" #include "llvoavatarself.h" #include "pipeline.h" #include "lluictrlfactory.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llviewermenu.h" #include "llviewermenufile.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "llviewertexturelist.h" #include "llstring.h" #include "llbutton.h" #include "llcheckboxctrl.h" #include "llradiogroup.h" #include "llsdserialize.h" #include "llsliderctrl.h" #include "llspinctrl.h" #include "lltoggleablemenu.h" #include "lltrans.h" #include "llvfile.h" #include "llvfs.h" #include "llcallbacklist.h" #include "llviewerobjectlist.h" #include "llanimationstates.h" #include "llviewernetwork.h" #include "llviewershadermgr.h" #include "glod/glod.h" #include //static S32 LLFloaterModelPreview::sUploadAmount = 10; LLFloaterModelPreview* LLFloaterModelPreview::sInstance = NULL; const S32 PREVIEW_BORDER_WIDTH = 2; const S32 PREVIEW_RESIZE_HANDLE_SIZE = S32(RESIZE_HANDLE_WIDTH * OO_SQRT2) + PREVIEW_BORDER_WIDTH; const S32 PREVIEW_HPAD = PREVIEW_RESIZE_HANDLE_SIZE; const S32 PREF_BUTTON_HEIGHT = 16 + 7 + 16; const S32 PREVIEW_TEXTURE_HEIGHT = 300; // "Retain%" decomp parameter has values from 0.0 to 1.0 by 0.01 // But according to the UI spec for upload model floater, this parameter // should be represented by Retain spinner with values from 1 to 100 by 1. // To achieve this, RETAIN_COEFFICIENT is used while creating spinner // and when value is requested from spinner. const double RETAIN_COEFFICIENT = 100; // "Cosine%" decomp parameter has values from 0.9 to 1 by 0.001 // But according to the UI spec for upload model floater, this parameter // should be represented by Smooth combobox with only 10 values. // So this const is used as a size of Smooth combobox list. const S32 SMOOTH_VALUES_NUMBER = 10; void drawBoxOutline(const LLVector3& pos, const LLVector3& size); std::string lod_name[NUM_LOD+1] = { "lowest", "low", "medium", "high", "I went off the end of the lod_name array. Me so smart." }; std::string lod_triangles_name[NUM_LOD+1] = { "lowest_triangles", "low_triangles", "medium_triangles", "high_triangles", "I went off the end of the lod_triangles_name array. Me so smart." }; std::string lod_vertices_name[NUM_LOD+1] = { "lowest_vertices", "low_vertices", "medium_vertices", "high_vertices", "I went off the end of the lod_vertices_name array. Me so smart." }; std::string lod_status_name[NUM_LOD+1] = { "lowest_status", "low_status", "medium_status", "high_status", "I went off the end of the lod_status_name array. Me so smart." }; std::string lod_icon_name[NUM_LOD+1] = { "status_icon_lowest", "status_icon_low", "status_icon_medium", "status_icon_high", "I went off the end of the lod_status_name array. Me so smart." }; std::string lod_status_image[NUM_LOD+1] = { "ModelImport_Status_Good", "ModelImport_Status_Warning", "ModelImport_Status_Error", "I went off the end of the lod_status_image array. Me so smart." }; std::string lod_label_name[NUM_LOD+1] = { "lowest_label", "low_label", "medium_label", "high_label", "I went off the end of the lod_label_name array. Me so smart." }; BOOL stop_gloderror() { GLuint error = glodGetError(); if (error != GLOD_NO_ERROR) { LL_WARNS() << "GLOD error detected, cannot generate LOD: " << std::hex << error << LL_ENDL; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } LLViewerFetchedTexture* bindMaterialDiffuseTexture(const LLImportMaterial& material) { LLViewerFetchedTexture *texture = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(material.getDiffuseMap(), FTT_DEFAULT, TRUE, LLGLTexture::BOOST_PREVIEW); if (texture) { if (texture->getDiscardLevel() > -1) { gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(texture, true); return texture; } } return NULL; } LLMeshFilePicker::LLMeshFilePicker(LLModelPreview* mp, S32 lod) : LLFilePickerThread(LLFilePicker::FFLOAD_COLLADA) { mMP = mp; mLOD = lod; } void LLMeshFilePicker::notify(const std::string& filename) { mMP->loadModel(mFile, mLOD); } void FindModel(LLModelLoader::scene& scene, const std::string& name_to_match, LLModel*& baseModelOut, LLMatrix4& matOut) { LLModelLoader::scene::iterator base_iter = scene.begin(); bool found = false; while (!found && (base_iter != scene.end())) { matOut = base_iter->first; LLModelLoader::model_instance_list::iterator base_instance_iter = base_iter->second.begin(); while (!found && (base_instance_iter != base_iter->second.end())) { LLModelInstance& base_instance = *base_instance_iter++; LLModel* base_model = base_instance.mModel; if (base_model && (base_model->mLabel == name_to_match)) { baseModelOut = base_model; return; } } base_iter++; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLFloaterModelPreview() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLFloaterModelPreview::LLFloaterModelPreview(const LLSD& key) : LLFloaterModelUploadBase(key), mUploadBtn(NULL), mCalculateBtn(NULL) { sInstance = this; mLastMouseX = 0; mLastMouseY = 0; mStatusLock = new LLMutex(NULL); mModelPreview = NULL; mLODMode[LLModel::LOD_HIGH] = 0; for (U32 i = 0; i < LLModel::LOD_HIGH; i++) { mLODMode[i] = 1; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // postBuild() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLFloaterModelPreview::postBuild() { if (!LLFloater::postBuild()) { return FALSE; } childSetCommitCallback("cancel_btn", onCancel, this); childSetCommitCallback("crease_angle", onGenerateNormalsCommit, this); getChild("gen_normals")->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterModelPreview::toggleGenarateNormals, this)); childSetCommitCallback("lod_generate", onAutoFillCommit, this); for (S32 lod = 0; lod <= LLModel::LOD_HIGH; ++lod) { LLComboBox* lod_source_combo = getChild("lod_source_" + lod_name[lod]); lod_source_combo->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterModelPreview::onLoDSourceCommit, this, lod)); lod_source_combo->setCurrentByIndex(mLODMode[lod]); getChild("lod_browse_" + lod_name[lod])->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterModelPreview::onBrowseLOD, this, lod)); getChild("lod_mode_" + lod_name[lod])->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterModelPreview::onLODParamCommit, this, lod, false)); getChild("lod_error_threshold_" + lod_name[lod])->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterModelPreview::onLODParamCommit, this, lod, false)); getChild("lod_triangle_limit_" + lod_name[lod])->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterModelPreview::onLODParamCommit, this, lod, true)); } childSetCommitCallback("upload_skin", boost::bind(&LLFloaterModelPreview::toggleCalculateButton, this), NULL); childSetCommitCallback("upload_joints", boost::bind(&LLFloaterModelPreview::toggleCalculateButton, this), NULL); childSetCommitCallback("upload_textures", boost::bind(&LLFloaterModelPreview::toggleCalculateButton, this), NULL); childSetTextArg("status", "[STATUS]", getString("status_idle")); childSetAction("ok_btn", onUpload, this); childDisable("ok_btn"); childSetAction("reset_btn", onReset, this); childSetCommitCallback("preview_lod_combo", onPreviewLODCommit, this); childSetCommitCallback("upload_skin", onUploadSkinCommit, this); childSetCommitCallback("upload_joints", onUploadJointsCommit, this); childSetCommitCallback("import_scale", onImportScaleCommit, this); childSetCommitCallback("pelvis_offset", onPelvisOffsetCommit, this); getChild("show_edges")->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterModelPreview::onViewOptionChecked, this, _1)); getChild("show_physics")->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterModelPreview::onViewOptionChecked, this, _1)); getChild("show_textures")->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterModelPreview::onViewOptionChecked, this, _1)); getChild("show_skin_weight")->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterModelPreview::onViewOptionChecked, this, _1)); getChild("show_joint_positions")->setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterModelPreview::onViewOptionChecked, this, _1)); childDisable("upload_skin"); childDisable("upload_joints"); initDecompControls(); LLView* preview_panel = getChild("preview_panel"); mPreviewRect = preview_panel->getRect(); initModelPreview(); //set callbacks for left click on line editor rows for (U32 i = 0; i <= LLModel::LOD_HIGH; i++) { LLTextBox* text = getChild(lod_label_name[i]); if (text) { text->setMouseDownCallback(boost::bind(&LLModelPreview::setPreviewLOD, mModelPreview, i)); } text = getChild(lod_triangles_name[i]); if (text) { text->setMouseDownCallback(boost::bind(&LLModelPreview::setPreviewLOD, mModelPreview, i)); } text = getChild(lod_vertices_name[i]); if (text) { text->setMouseDownCallback(boost::bind(&LLModelPreview::setPreviewLOD, mModelPreview, i)); } text = getChild(lod_status_name[i]); if (text) { text->setMouseDownCallback(boost::bind(&LLModelPreview::setPreviewLOD, mModelPreview, i)); } } std::string current_grid = LLGridManager::getInstance()->getGridId(); std::transform(current_grid.begin(),current_grid.end(),current_grid.begin(),::tolower); std::string validate_url; if (current_grid == "agni") { validate_url = "http://secondlife.com/my/account/mesh.php"; } else if (current_grid == "damballah") { // Staging grid has its own naming scheme. validate_url = "http://secondlife-staging.com/my/account/mesh.php"; } else { validate_url = llformat("http://secondlife.%s.lindenlab.com/my/account/mesh.php",current_grid.c_str()); } getChild("warning_message")->setTextArg("[VURL]", validate_url); mUploadBtn = getChild("ok_btn"); mCalculateBtn = getChild("calculate_btn"); if (LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance() != NULL) { mCalculateBtn->setClickedCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterModelPreview::onClickCalculateBtn, this)); toggleCalculateButton(true); } else { mCalculateBtn->setEnabled(false); } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLFloaterModelPreview() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLFloaterModelPreview::~LLFloaterModelPreview() { sInstance = NULL; if ( mModelPreview ) { delete mModelPreview; } delete mStatusLock; mStatusLock = NULL; } void LLFloaterModelPreview::initModelPreview() { if (mModelPreview) { delete mModelPreview; } mModelPreview = new LLModelPreview(512, 512, this ); mModelPreview->setPreviewTarget(16.f); mModelPreview->setDetailsCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterModelPreview::setDetails, this, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5)); mModelPreview->setModelUpdatedCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterModelPreview::toggleCalculateButton, this, _1)); } void LLFloaterModelPreview::onViewOptionChecked(LLUICtrl* ctrl) { if (mModelPreview) { mModelPreview->mViewOption[ctrl->getName()] = !mModelPreview->mViewOption[ctrl->getName()]; mModelPreview->refresh(); } } bool LLFloaterModelPreview::isViewOptionChecked(const LLSD& userdata) { if (mModelPreview) { return mModelPreview->mViewOption[userdata.asString()]; } return false; } bool LLFloaterModelPreview::isViewOptionEnabled(const LLSD& userdata) { return getChildView(userdata.asString())->getEnabled(); } void LLFloaterModelPreview::setViewOptionEnabled(const std::string& option, bool enabled) { childSetEnabled(option, enabled); } void LLFloaterModelPreview::enableViewOption(const std::string& option) { setViewOptionEnabled(option, true); } void LLFloaterModelPreview::disableViewOption(const std::string& option) { setViewOptionEnabled(option, false); } void LLFloaterModelPreview::loadModel(S32 lod) { mModelPreview->mLoading = true; (new LLMeshFilePicker(mModelPreview, lod))->getFile(); } void LLFloaterModelPreview::loadModel(S32 lod, const std::string& file_name, bool force_disable_slm) { mModelPreview->mLoading = true; mModelPreview->loadModel(file_name, lod, force_disable_slm); } void LLFloaterModelPreview::onClickCalculateBtn() { mModelPreview->rebuildUploadData(); bool upload_skinweights = childGetValue("upload_skin").asBoolean(); bool upload_joint_positions = childGetValue("upload_joints").asBoolean(); mUploadModelUrl.clear(); gMeshRepo.uploadModel(mModelPreview->mUploadData, mModelPreview->mPreviewScale, childGetValue("upload_textures").asBoolean(), upload_skinweights, upload_joint_positions, mUploadModelUrl, false, getWholeModelFeeObserverHandle()); toggleCalculateButton(false); mUploadBtn->setEnabled(false); } //static void LLFloaterModelPreview::onImportScaleCommit(LLUICtrl*,void* userdata) { LLFloaterModelPreview *fp =(LLFloaterModelPreview *)userdata; if (!fp->mModelPreview) { return; } fp->mModelPreview->mDirty = true; fp->toggleCalculateButton(true); fp->mModelPreview->refresh(); } //static void LLFloaterModelPreview::onPelvisOffsetCommit( LLUICtrl*, void* userdata ) { LLFloaterModelPreview *fp =(LLFloaterModelPreview*)userdata; if (!fp->mModelPreview) { return; } fp->mModelPreview->mDirty = true; fp->toggleCalculateButton(true); fp->mModelPreview->refresh(); } //static void LLFloaterModelPreview::onUploadJointsCommit(LLUICtrl*,void* userdata) { LLFloaterModelPreview *fp =(LLFloaterModelPreview *)userdata; if (!fp->mModelPreview) { return; } fp->mModelPreview->refresh(); } //static void LLFloaterModelPreview::onUploadSkinCommit(LLUICtrl*,void* userdata) { LLFloaterModelPreview *fp =(LLFloaterModelPreview *)userdata; if (!fp->mModelPreview) { return; } fp->mModelPreview->refresh(); fp->mModelPreview->resetPreviewTarget(); fp->mModelPreview->clearBuffers(); } //static void LLFloaterModelPreview::onPreviewLODCommit(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* userdata) { LLFloaterModelPreview *fp =(LLFloaterModelPreview *)userdata; if (!fp->mModelPreview) { return; } S32 which_mode = 0; LLComboBox* combo = (LLComboBox*) ctrl; which_mode = (NUM_LOD-1)-combo->getFirstSelectedIndex(); // combo box list of lods is in reverse order fp->mModelPreview->setPreviewLOD(which_mode); } //static void LLFloaterModelPreview::onGenerateNormalsCommit(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* userdata) { LLFloaterModelPreview* fp = (LLFloaterModelPreview*) userdata; fp->mModelPreview->generateNormals(); } void LLFloaterModelPreview::toggleGenarateNormals() { bool enabled = childGetValue("gen_normals").asBoolean(); childSetEnabled("crease_angle", enabled); } //static void LLFloaterModelPreview::onExplodeCommit(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* userdata) { LLFloaterModelPreview* fp = LLFloaterModelPreview::sInstance; fp->mModelPreview->refresh(); } //static void LLFloaterModelPreview::onAutoFillCommit(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* userdata) { LLFloaterModelPreview* fp = (LLFloaterModelPreview*) userdata; fp->mModelPreview->genLODs(); } void LLFloaterModelPreview::onLODParamCommit(S32 lod, bool enforce_tri_limit) { mModelPreview->onLODParamCommit(lod, enforce_tri_limit); //refresh LoDs that reference this one for (S32 i = lod - 1; i >= 0; --i) { LLComboBox* lod_source_combo = getChild("lod_source_" + lod_name[i]); if (lod_source_combo->getCurrentIndex() == LLModelPreview::USE_LOD_ABOVE) { onLoDSourceCommit(i); } else { break; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // draw() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLFloaterModelPreview::draw() { LLFloater::draw(); mModelPreview->update(); if (!mModelPreview->mLoading) { if ( mModelPreview->getLoadState() == LLModelLoader::ERROR_MATERIALS ) { childSetTextArg("status", "[STATUS]", getString("status_material_mismatch")); } else if ( mModelPreview->getLoadState() > LLModelLoader::ERROR_PARSING ) { childSetTextArg("status", "[STATUS]", getString(LLModel::getStatusString(mModelPreview->getLoadState() - LLModelLoader::ERROR_PARSING))); } else if ( mModelPreview->getLoadState() == LLModelLoader::ERROR_PARSING ) { childSetTextArg("status", "[STATUS]", getString("status_parse_error")); toggleCalculateButton(false); } else { childSetTextArg("status", "[STATUS]", getString("status_idle")); } } childSetTextArg("prim_cost", "[PRIM_COST]", llformat("%d", mModelPreview->mResourceCost)); childSetTextArg("description_label", "[TEXTURES]", llformat("%d", mModelPreview->mTextureSet.size())); if (mModelPreview) { gGL.color3f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f); gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(mModelPreview); LLView* preview_panel = getChild("preview_panel"); LLRect rect = preview_panel->getRect(); if (rect != mPreviewRect) { mModelPreview->refresh(); mPreviewRect = preview_panel->getRect(); } gGL.begin( LLRender::QUADS ); { gGL.texCoord2f(0.f, 1.f); gGL.vertex2i(mPreviewRect.mLeft, mPreviewRect.mTop-1); gGL.texCoord2f(0.f, 0.f); gGL.vertex2i(mPreviewRect.mLeft, mPreviewRect.mBottom); gGL.texCoord2f(1.f, 0.f); gGL.vertex2i(mPreviewRect.mRight-1, mPreviewRect.mBottom); gGL.texCoord2f(1.f, 1.f); gGL.vertex2i(mPreviewRect.mRight-1, mPreviewRect.mTop-1); } gGL.end(); gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // handleMouseDown() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLFloaterModelPreview::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { if (mPreviewRect.pointInRect(x, y)) { bringToFront( x, y ); gFocusMgr.setMouseCapture(this); gViewerWindow->hideCursor(); mLastMouseX = x; mLastMouseY = y; return TRUE; } return LLFloater::handleMouseDown(x, y, mask); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // handleMouseUp() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLFloaterModelPreview::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { gFocusMgr.setMouseCapture(FALSE); gViewerWindow->showCursor(); return LLFloater::handleMouseUp(x, y, mask); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // handleHover() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLFloaterModelPreview::handleHover (S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { MASK local_mask = mask & ~MASK_ALT; if (mModelPreview && hasMouseCapture()) { if (local_mask == MASK_PAN) { // pan here mModelPreview->pan((F32)(x - mLastMouseX) * -0.005f, (F32)(y - mLastMouseY) * -0.005f); } else if (local_mask == MASK_ORBIT) { F32 yaw_radians = (F32)(x - mLastMouseX) * -0.01f; F32 pitch_radians = (F32)(y - mLastMouseY) * 0.02f; mModelPreview->rotate(yaw_radians, pitch_radians); } else { F32 yaw_radians = (F32)(x - mLastMouseX) * -0.01f; F32 zoom_amt = (F32)(y - mLastMouseY) * 0.02f; mModelPreview->rotate(yaw_radians, 0.f); mModelPreview->zoom(zoom_amt); } mModelPreview->refresh(); LLUI::setMousePositionLocal(this, mLastMouseX, mLastMouseY); } if (!mPreviewRect.pointInRect(x, y) || !mModelPreview) { return LLFloater::handleHover(x, y, mask); } else if (local_mask == MASK_ORBIT) { gViewerWindow->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_TOOLCAMERA); } else if (local_mask == MASK_PAN) { gViewerWindow->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_TOOLPAN); } else { gViewerWindow->setCursor(UI_CURSOR_TOOLZOOMIN); } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // handleScrollWheel() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLFloaterModelPreview::handleScrollWheel(S32 x, S32 y, S32 clicks) { if (mPreviewRect.pointInRect(x, y) && mModelPreview) { mModelPreview->zoom((F32)clicks * -0.2f); mModelPreview->refresh(); } return TRUE; } /*virtual*/ void LLFloaterModelPreview::onOpen(const LLSD& key) { requestAgentUploadPermissions(); } //static void LLFloaterModelPreview::onPhysicsParamCommit(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* data) { if (LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance() == NULL) { LL_INFOS() << "convex decomposition tool is a stub on this platform. cannot get decomp." << LL_ENDL; return; } if (sInstance) { LLCDParam* param = (LLCDParam*) data; std::string name(param->mName); LLSD value = ctrl->getValue(); if("Retain%" == name) { value = ctrl->getValue().asReal() / RETAIN_COEFFICIENT; } sInstance->mDecompParams[name] = value; if (name == "Simplify Method") { bool show_retain = false; bool show_detail = true; if (ctrl->getValue().asInteger() == 0) { show_retain = true; show_detail = false; } sInstance->childSetVisible("Retain%", show_retain); sInstance->childSetVisible("Retain%_label", show_retain); sInstance->childSetVisible("Detail Scale", show_detail); sInstance->childSetVisible("Detail Scale label", show_detail); } } } //static void LLFloaterModelPreview::onPhysicsStageExecute(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* data) { LLCDStageData* stage_data = (LLCDStageData*) data; std::string stage = stage_data->mName; if (sInstance) { if (!sInstance->mCurRequest.empty()) { LL_INFOS() << "Decomposition request still pending." << LL_ENDL; return; } if (sInstance->mModelPreview) { for (S32 i = 0; i < sInstance->mModelPreview->mModel[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS].size(); ++i) { LLModel* mdl = sInstance->mModelPreview->mModel[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS][i]; DecompRequest* request = new DecompRequest(stage, mdl); sInstance->mCurRequest.insert(request); gMeshRepo.mDecompThread->submitRequest(request); } } if (stage == "Decompose") { sInstance->setStatusMessage(sInstance->getString("decomposing")); sInstance->childSetVisible("Decompose", false); sInstance->childSetVisible("decompose_cancel", true); sInstance->childDisable("Simplify"); } else if (stage == "Simplify") { sInstance->setStatusMessage(sInstance->getString("simplifying")); sInstance->childSetVisible("Simplify", false); sInstance->childSetVisible("simplify_cancel", true); sInstance->childDisable("Decompose"); } } } //static void LLFloaterModelPreview::onPhysicsBrowse(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* userdata) { sInstance->loadModel(LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS); } //static void LLFloaterModelPreview::onPhysicsUseLOD(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* userdata) { S32 num_lods = 4; S32 which_mode; LLCtrlSelectionInterface* iface = sInstance->childGetSelectionInterface("physics_lod_combo"); if (iface) { which_mode = iface->getFirstSelectedIndex(); } else { LL_WARNS() << "no iface" << LL_ENDL; return; } if (which_mode <= 0) { LL_WARNS() << "which_mode out of range, " << which_mode << LL_ENDL; } S32 file_mode = iface->getItemCount() - 1; if (which_mode < file_mode) { S32 which_lod = num_lods - which_mode; sInstance->mModelPreview->setPhysicsFromLOD(which_lod); } LLModelPreview *model_preview = sInstance->mModelPreview; if (model_preview) { model_preview->refresh(); model_preview->updateStatusMessages(); } } //static void LLFloaterModelPreview::onCancel(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* data) { if (sInstance) { sInstance->closeFloater(false); } } //static void LLFloaterModelPreview::onPhysicsStageCancel(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void*data) { if (sInstance) { for (std::set >::iterator iter = sInstance->mCurRequest.begin(); iter != sInstance->mCurRequest.end(); ++iter) { DecompRequest* req = *iter; req->mContinue = 0; } sInstance->mCurRequest.clear(); if (sInstance->mModelPreview) { sInstance->mModelPreview->updateStatusMessages(); } } } void LLFloaterModelPreview::initDecompControls() { LLSD key; childSetCommitCallback("simplify_cancel", onPhysicsStageCancel, NULL); childSetCommitCallback("decompose_cancel", onPhysicsStageCancel, NULL); childSetCommitCallback("physics_lod_combo", onPhysicsUseLOD, NULL); childSetCommitCallback("physics_browse", onPhysicsBrowse, NULL); static const LLCDStageData* stage = NULL; static S32 stage_count = 0; if (!stage && LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance() != NULL) { stage_count = LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance()->getStages(&stage); } static const LLCDParam* param = NULL; static S32 param_count = 0; if (!param && LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance() != NULL) { param_count = LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance()->getParameters(¶m); } for (S32 j = stage_count-1; j >= 0; --j) { LLButton* button = getChild(stage[j].mName); if (button) { button->setCommitCallback(onPhysicsStageExecute, (void*) &stage[j]); } gMeshRepo.mDecompThread->mStageID[stage[j].mName] = j; // protected against stub by stage_count being 0 for stub above LLConvexDecomposition::getInstance()->registerCallback(j, LLPhysicsDecomp::llcdCallback); //LL_INFOS() << "Physics decomp stage " << stage[j].mName << " (" << j << ") parameters:" << LL_ENDL; //LL_INFOS() << "------------------------------------" << LL_ENDL; for (S32 i = 0; i < param_count; ++i) { if (param[i].mStage != j) { continue; } std::string name(param[i].mName ? param[i].mName : ""); std::string description(param[i].mDescription ? param[i].mDescription : ""); std::string type = "unknown"; LL_INFOS() << name << " - " << description << LL_ENDL; if (param[i].mType == LLCDParam::LLCD_FLOAT) { mDecompParams[param[i].mName] = LLSD(param[i].mDefault.mFloat); //LL_INFOS() << "Type: float, Default: " << param[i].mDefault.mFloat << LL_ENDL; LLUICtrl* ctrl = getChild(name); if (LLSliderCtrl* slider = dynamic_cast(ctrl)) { slider->setMinValue(param[i].mDetails.mRange.mLow.mFloat); slider->setMaxValue(param[i].mDetails.mRange.mHigh.mFloat); slider->setIncrement(param[i].mDetails.mRange.mDelta.mFloat); slider->setValue(param[i].mDefault.mFloat); slider->setCommitCallback(onPhysicsParamCommit, (void*) ¶m[i]); } else if (LLSpinCtrl* spinner = dynamic_cast(ctrl)) { bool is_retain_ctrl = "Retain%" == name; double coefficient = is_retain_ctrl ? RETAIN_COEFFICIENT : 1.f; spinner->setMinValue(param[i].mDetails.mRange.mLow.mFloat * coefficient); spinner->setMaxValue(param[i].mDetails.mRange.mHigh.mFloat * coefficient); spinner->setIncrement(param[i].mDetails.mRange.mDelta.mFloat * coefficient); spinner->setValue(param[i].mDefault.mFloat * coefficient); spinner->setCommitCallback(onPhysicsParamCommit, (void*) ¶m[i]); } else if (LLComboBox* combo_box = dynamic_cast(ctrl)) { float min = param[i].mDetails.mRange.mLow.mFloat; float max = param[i].mDetails.mRange.mHigh.mFloat; float delta = param[i].mDetails.mRange.mDelta.mFloat; if ("Cosine%" == name) { createSmoothComboBox(combo_box, min, max); } else { for(float value = min; value <= max; value += delta) { std::string label = llformat("%.1f", value); combo_box->add(label, value, ADD_BOTTOM, true); } combo_box->setValue(param[i].mDefault.mFloat); } combo_box->setCommitCallback(onPhysicsParamCommit, (void*) ¶m[i]); } } else if (param[i].mType == LLCDParam::LLCD_INTEGER) { mDecompParams[param[i].mName] = LLSD(param[i].mDefault.mIntOrEnumValue); //LL_INFOS() << "Type: integer, Default: " << param[i].mDefault.mIntOrEnumValue << LL_ENDL; LLUICtrl* ctrl = getChild(name); if (LLSliderCtrl* slider = dynamic_cast(ctrl)) { slider->setMinValue(param[i].mDetails.mRange.mLow.mIntOrEnumValue); slider->setMaxValue(param[i].mDetails.mRange.mHigh.mIntOrEnumValue); slider->setIncrement(param[i].mDetails.mRange.mDelta.mIntOrEnumValue); slider->setValue(param[i].mDefault.mIntOrEnumValue); slider->setCommitCallback(onPhysicsParamCommit, (void*) ¶m[i]); } else if (LLComboBox* combo_box = dynamic_cast(ctrl)) { for(int k = param[i].mDetails.mRange.mLow.mIntOrEnumValue; k<=param[i].mDetails.mRange.mHigh.mIntOrEnumValue; k+=param[i].mDetails.mRange.mDelta.mIntOrEnumValue) { std::string name = llformat("%.1d", k); combo_box->add(name, k, ADD_BOTTOM, true); } combo_box->setValue(param[i].mDefault.mIntOrEnumValue); combo_box->setCommitCallback(onPhysicsParamCommit, (void*) ¶m[i]); } } else if (param[i].mType == LLCDParam::LLCD_BOOLEAN) { mDecompParams[param[i].mName] = LLSD(param[i].mDefault.mBool); //LL_INFOS() << "Type: boolean, Default: " << (param[i].mDefault.mBool ? "True" : "False") << LL_ENDL; LLCheckBoxCtrl* check_box = getChild(name); if (check_box) { check_box->setValue(param[i].mDefault.mBool); check_box->setCommitCallback(onPhysicsParamCommit, (void*) ¶m[i]); } } else if (param[i].mType == LLCDParam::LLCD_ENUM) { mDecompParams[param[i].mName] = LLSD(param[i].mDefault.mIntOrEnumValue); //LL_INFOS() << "Type: enum, Default: " << param[i].mDefault.mIntOrEnumValue << LL_ENDL; { //plug into combo box //LL_INFOS() << "Accepted values: " << LL_ENDL; LLComboBox* combo_box = getChild(name); for (S32 k = 0; k < param[i].mDetails.mEnumValues.mNumEnums; ++k) { //LL_INFOS() << param[i].mDetails.mEnumValues.mEnumsArray[k].mValue // << " - " << param[i].mDetails.mEnumValues.mEnumsArray[k].mName << LL_ENDL; std::string name(param[i].mDetails.mEnumValues.mEnumsArray[k].mName); std::string localized_name; bool is_localized = LLTrans::findString(localized_name, name); combo_box->add(is_localized ? localized_name : name, LLSD::Integer(param[i].mDetails.mEnumValues.mEnumsArray[k].mValue)); } combo_box->setValue(param[i].mDefault.mIntOrEnumValue); combo_box->setCommitCallback(onPhysicsParamCommit, (void*) ¶m[i]); } //LL_INFOS() << "----" << LL_ENDL; } //LL_INFOS() << "-----------------------------" << LL_ENDL; } } childSetCommitCallback("physics_explode", LLFloaterModelPreview::onExplodeCommit, this); } void LLFloaterModelPreview::createSmoothComboBox(LLComboBox* combo_box, float min, float max) { float delta = (max - min) / SMOOTH_VALUES_NUMBER; int ilabel = 0; combo_box->add("0 (none)", ADD_BOTTOM, true); for(float value = min + delta; value < max; value += delta) { std::string label = (++ilabel == SMOOTH_VALUES_NUMBER) ? "10 (max)" : llformat("%.1d", ilabel); combo_box->add(label, value, ADD_BOTTOM, true); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // onMouseCaptureLost() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static void LLFloaterModelPreview::onMouseCaptureLostModelPreview(LLMouseHandler* handler) { gViewerWindow->showCursor(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLModelPreview //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLModelPreview::LLModelPreview(S32 width, S32 height, LLFloater* fmp) : LLViewerDynamicTexture(width, height, 3, ORDER_MIDDLE, FALSE), LLMutex(NULL) , mPelvisZOffset( 0.0f ) , mLegacyRigValid( false ) , mRigValidJointUpload( false ) , mResetJoints( false ) , mRigParityWithScene( false ) , mLastJointUpdate( false ) { mNeedsUpdate = TRUE; mCameraDistance = 0.f; mCameraYaw = 0.f; mCameraPitch = 0.f; mCameraZoom = 1.f; mTextureName = 0; mPreviewLOD = 0; mModelLoader = NULL; mMaxTriangleLimit = 0; mDirty = false; mGenLOD = false; mLoading = false; mLoadState = LLModelLoader::STARTING; mGroup = 0; mLODFrozen = false; mBuildShareTolerance = 0.f; mBuildQueueMode = GLOD_QUEUE_GREEDY; mBuildBorderMode = GLOD_BORDER_UNLOCK; mBuildOperator = GLOD_OPERATOR_EDGE_COLLAPSE; for (U32 i = 0; i < LLModel::NUM_LODS; ++i) { mRequestedTriangleCount[i] = 0; mRequestedCreaseAngle[i] = -1.f; mRequestedLoDMode[i] = 0; mRequestedErrorThreshold[i] = 0.f; mRequestedBuildOperator[i] = 0; mRequestedQueueMode[i] = 0; mRequestedBorderMode[i] = 0; mRequestedShareTolerance[i] = 0.f; } mViewOption["show_textures"] = false; mFMP = fmp; mHasPivot = false; mModelPivot = LLVector3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); glodInit(); createPreviewAvatar(); } LLModelPreview::~LLModelPreview() { // glod apparently has internal mem alignment issues that are angering // the heap-check code in windows, these should be hunted down in that // TP code, if possible // // kernel32.dll!HeapFree() + 0x14 bytes // msvcr100.dll!free(void * pBlock) Line 51 C // glod.dll!glodGetGroupParameteriv() + 0x119 bytes // glod.dll!glodShutdown() + 0x77 bytes // //glodShutdown(); } U32 LLModelPreview::calcResourceCost() { assert_main_thread(); rebuildUploadData(); //Upload skin is selected BUT check to see if the joints coming in from the asset were malformed. if ( mFMP && mFMP->childGetValue("upload_skin").asBoolean() ) { bool uploadingJointPositions = mFMP->childGetValue("upload_joints").asBoolean(); if ( uploadingJointPositions && !isRigValidForJointPositionUpload() ) { mFMP->childDisable("ok_btn"); } } std::set accounted; U32 num_points = 0; U32 num_hulls = 0; F32 debug_scale = mFMP ? mFMP->childGetValue("import_scale").asReal() : 1.f; mPelvisZOffset = mFMP ? mFMP->childGetValue("pelvis_offset").asReal() : 3.0f; if ( mFMP && mFMP->childGetValue("upload_joints").asBoolean() ) { getPreviewAvatar()->setPelvisOffset( mPelvisZOffset ); } F32 streaming_cost = 0.f; F32 physics_cost = 0.f; for (U32 i = 0; i < mUploadData.size(); ++i) { LLModelInstance& instance = mUploadData[i]; if (accounted.find(instance.mModel) == accounted.end()) { accounted.insert(instance.mModel); LLModel::Decomposition& decomp = instance.mLOD[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS] ? instance.mLOD[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS]->mPhysics : instance.mModel->mPhysics; //update instance skin info for each lods pelvisZoffset for ( int j=0; jmSkinInfo.mPelvisOffset = mPelvisZOffset; } } std::stringstream ostr; LLSD ret = LLModel::writeModel(ostr, instance.mLOD[4], instance.mLOD[3], instance.mLOD[2], instance.mLOD[1], instance.mLOD[0], decomp, mFMP->childGetValue("upload_skin").asBoolean(), mFMP->childGetValue("upload_joints").asBoolean(), TRUE, FALSE, instance.mModel->mSubmodelID); num_hulls += decomp.mHull.size(); for (U32 i = 0; i < decomp.mHull.size(); ++i) { num_points += decomp.mHull[i].size(); } //calculate streaming cost LLMatrix4 transformation = instance.mTransform; LLVector3 position = LLVector3(0, 0, 0) * transformation; LLVector3 x_transformed = LLVector3(1, 0, 0) * transformation - position; LLVector3 y_transformed = LLVector3(0, 1, 0) * transformation - position; LLVector3 z_transformed = LLVector3(0, 0, 1) * transformation - position; F32 x_length = x_transformed.normalize(); F32 y_length = y_transformed.normalize(); F32 z_length = z_transformed.normalize(); LLVector3 scale = LLVector3(x_length, y_length, z_length); F32 radius = scale.length()*0.5f*debug_scale; streaming_cost += LLMeshRepository::getStreamingCost(ret, radius); } } F32 scale = mFMP ? mFMP->childGetValue("import_scale").asReal()*2.f : 2.f; mDetailsSignal(mPreviewScale[0]*scale, mPreviewScale[1]*scale, mPreviewScale[2]*scale, streaming_cost, physics_cost); updateStatusMessages(); return (U32) streaming_cost; } void LLFloaterModelPreview::setDetails(F32 x, F32 y, F32 z, F32 streaming_cost, F32 physics_cost) { assert_main_thread(); childSetTextArg("import_dimensions", "[X]", llformat("%.3f", x)); childSetTextArg("import_dimensions", "[Y]", llformat("%.3f", y)); childSetTextArg("import_dimensions", "[Z]", llformat("%.3f", z)); } void LLModelPreview::rebuildUploadData() { assert_main_thread(); mUploadData.clear(); mTextureSet.clear(); //fill uploaddata instance vectors from scene data std::string requested_name = mFMP->getChild("description_form")->getValue().asString(); std::string metric = mFMP->getChild("model_category_combo")->getValue().asString(); LLSpinCtrl* scale_spinner = mFMP->getChild("import_scale"); F32 scale = scale_spinner->getValue().asReal(); LLMatrix4 scale_mat; scale_mat.initScale(LLVector3(scale, scale, scale)); F32 max_scale = 0.f; for (LLModelLoader::scene::iterator iter = mBaseScene.begin(); iter != mBaseScene.end(); ++iter) { //for each transform in scene LLMatrix4 mat = iter->first; // compute position LLVector3 position = LLVector3(0, 0, 0) * mat; // compute scale LLVector3 x_transformed = LLVector3(1, 0, 0) * mat - position; LLVector3 y_transformed = LLVector3(0, 1, 0) * mat - position; LLVector3 z_transformed = LLVector3(0, 0, 1) * mat - position; F32 x_length = x_transformed.normalize(); F32 y_length = y_transformed.normalize(); F32 z_length = z_transformed.normalize(); max_scale = llmax(llmax(llmax(max_scale, x_length), y_length), z_length); mat *= scale_mat; for (LLModelLoader::model_instance_list::iterator model_iter = iter->second.begin(); model_iter != iter->second.end();) { //for each instance with said transform applied LLModelInstance instance = *model_iter++; LLModel* base_model = instance.mModel; if (base_model && !requested_name.empty()) { base_model->mRequestedLabel = requested_name; base_model->mMetric = metric; } for (int i = LLModel::NUM_LODS - 1; i >= LLModel::LOD_IMPOSTOR; i--) { // Fill LOD slots by finding matching meshes by label with name extensions // in the appropriate scene for each LOD. This fixes all kinds of issues // where the indexed method below fails in spectacular fashion. // If you don't take the time to name your LOD and PHYS meshes // with the name of their corresponding mesh in the HIGH LOD, // then the indexed method will be attempted below. LLModel* lod_model = NULL; LLMatrix4 transform; std::string name_to_match = instance.mLabel; llassert(!name_to_match.empty()); std::string toAdd; switch (i) { case LLModel::LOD_IMPOSTOR: toAdd = "_LOD0"; break; case LLModel::LOD_LOW: toAdd = "_LOD1"; break; case LLModel::LOD_MEDIUM: toAdd = "_LOD2"; break; case LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS: toAdd = "_PHYS"; break; case LLModel::LOD_HIGH: break; } if (name_to_match.find(toAdd) == -1) { name_to_match += toAdd; } FindModel(mScene[i], name_to_match, lod_model, transform); BOOL importerDebug = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ImporterDebug"); // Fall back to old method of index-based association if // we could not find a match based on the mesh names // if (lod_model) { if (i == LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS) { if (importerDebug) { LL_INFOS() << "Assigning collision for " << instance.mLabel << " to match " << lod_model->mLabel << LL_ENDL; } instance.mLOD[i] = lod_model; } else { if (importerDebug) { LL_INFOS() << "Assigning LOD" << i << " for " << instance.mLabel << " to found match " << lod_model->mLabel << LL_ENDL; } instance.mLOD[i] = lod_model; } } else { int searchLOD = (i > LLModel::LOD_HIGH) ? LLModel::LOD_HIGH : i; while ((searchLOD <= LLModel::LOD_HIGH) && !lod_model) { std::string name_to_match = instance.mLabel; llassert(!name_to_match.empty()); std::string toAdd; switch (searchLOD) { case LLModel::LOD_IMPOSTOR: toAdd = "_LOD0"; break; case LLModel::LOD_LOW: toAdd = "_LOD1"; break; case LLModel::LOD_MEDIUM: toAdd = "_LOD2"; break; case LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS: toAdd = "_PHYS"; break; case LLModel::LOD_HIGH: break; } if (name_to_match.find(toAdd) == -1) { name_to_match += toAdd; } // See if we can find an appropriately named model in LOD 'searchLOD' // FindModel(mScene[searchLOD], name_to_match, lod_model, transform); searchLOD++; } // Fall back to old method of index-based association if // we could not find a match based on the mesh names at all. // if (lod_model) { if (i == LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS) { if (importerDebug) { LL_INFOS() << "Falling back collision for " << instance.mLabel << " to " << lod_model->mLabel << LL_ENDL; } instance.mLOD[i] = lod_model; } else { if (importerDebug) { LL_INFOS() << "Falling back LOD" << i << " for " << instance.mLabel << " to found " << lod_model->mLabel << LL_ENDL; } instance.mLOD[i] = lod_model; } } else { S32 idx = 0; for (idx = 0; idx < mBaseModel.size(); ++idx) { //find reference instance for this model if (mBaseModel[idx] == base_model) { if (importerDebug) { LL_INFOS() << "Falling back to model index " << idx << " for LOD " << i << " of " << instance.mLabel << LL_ENDL; } break; } } // If the model list for the current LOD includes that index... // if (mModel[i].size() > idx) { // Assign that index from the model list for our LOD as the LOD model for this instance // lod_model = mModel[i][idx]; instance.mLOD[i] = lod_model; if (i == LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS) { if (importerDebug) { LL_INFOS() << "Indexed fallback to model index " << idx << ": LOD " << i << " named " << lod_model->mLabel << " for collision for " << instance.mLabel << LL_ENDL; } } else { if (importerDebug) { LL_INFOS() << "Indexed fallback to model index " << idx << " LOD " << i << " named " << lod_model->mLabel << " for LOD " << i << " for " << instance.mLabel << LL_ENDL; } } } else { if (importerDebug) { LL_INFOS() << "List of models for LOD " << i << " did not include index " << idx << LL_ENDL; } } } } } LLModel* high_lod_model = instance.mLOD[LLModel::LOD_HIGH]; llassert(high_lod_model); for (U32 i = 0; i < LLModel::NUM_LODS-1; i++) { int refFaceCnt = 0; int modelFaceCnt = 0; llassert(instance.mLOD[i]); if (instance.mLOD[i] && !instance.mLOD[i]->matchMaterialOrder(high_lod_model, refFaceCnt, modelFaceCnt ) ) { setLoadState( LLModelLoader::ERROR_MATERIALS ); mFMP->childDisable( "calculate_btn" ); } } instance.mTransform = mat; mUploadData.push_back(instance); } } F32 max_import_scale = (DEFAULT_MAX_PRIM_SCALE-0.1f)/max_scale; F32 max_axis = llmax(mPreviewScale.mV[0], mPreviewScale.mV[1]); max_axis = llmax(max_axis, mPreviewScale.mV[2]); max_axis *= 2.f; //clamp scale so that total imported model bounding box is smaller than 240m on a side max_import_scale = llmin(max_import_scale, 240.f/max_axis); scale_spinner->setMaxValue(max_import_scale); if (max_import_scale < scale) { scale_spinner->setValue(max_import_scale); } } void LLModelPreview::saveUploadData(bool save_skinweights, bool save_joint_positions) { if (!mLODFile[LLModel::LOD_HIGH].empty()) { std::string filename = mLODFile[LLModel::LOD_HIGH]; std::string::size_type i = filename.rfind("."); if (i != std::string::npos) { filename.replace(i, filename.size()-1, ".slm"); saveUploadData(filename, save_skinweights, save_joint_positions); } } } void LLModelPreview::saveUploadData(const std::string& filename, bool save_skinweights, bool save_joint_positions) { if (!gSavedSettings.getBOOL("MeshImportUseSLM")) { return; } std::set > meshes; std::map mesh_binary; LLModel::hull empty_hull; LLSD data; data["version"] = SLM_SUPPORTED_VERSION; if (!mBaseModel.empty()) { data["name"] = mBaseModel[0]->getName(); } S32 mesh_id = 0; //build list of unique models and initialize local id for (U32 i = 0; i < mUploadData.size(); ++i) { LLModelInstance& instance = mUploadData[i]; if (meshes.find(instance.mModel) == meshes.end()) { instance.mModel->mLocalID = mesh_id++; meshes.insert(instance.mModel); std::stringstream str; LLModel::Decomposition& decomp = instance.mLOD[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS].notNull() ? instance.mLOD[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS]->mPhysics : instance.mModel->mPhysics; LLModel::writeModel(str, instance.mLOD[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS], instance.mLOD[LLModel::LOD_HIGH], instance.mLOD[LLModel::LOD_MEDIUM], instance.mLOD[LLModel::LOD_LOW], instance.mLOD[LLModel::LOD_IMPOSTOR], decomp, save_skinweights, save_joint_positions, FALSE, TRUE, instance.mModel->mSubmodelID); data["mesh"][instance.mModel->mLocalID] = str.str(); } data["instance"][i] = instance.asLLSD(); } llofstream out(filename, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary); LLSDSerialize::toBinary(data, out); out.flush(); out.close(); } void LLModelPreview::clearModel(S32 lod) { if (lod < 0 || lod > LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS) { return; } mVertexBuffer[lod].clear(); mModel[lod].clear(); mScene[lod].clear(); } void LLModelPreview::loadModel(std::string filename, S32 lod, bool force_disable_slm) { assert_main_thread(); LLMutexLock lock(this); if (lod < LLModel::LOD_IMPOSTOR || lod > LLModel::NUM_LODS - 1) { LL_WARNS() << "Invalid level of detail: " << lod << LL_ENDL; assert(lod >= LLModel::LOD_IMPOSTOR && lod < LLModel::NUM_LODS); return; } // This triggers if you bring up the file picker and then hit CANCEL. // Just use the previous model (if any) and ignore that you brought up // the file picker. if (filename.empty()) { if (mBaseModel.empty()) { // this is the initial file picking. Close the whole floater // if we don't have a base model to show for high LOD. mFMP->closeFloater(false); mLoading = false; } return; } if (mModelLoader) { LL_WARNS() << "Incompleted model load operation pending." << LL_ENDL; return; } mLODFile[lod] = filename; if (lod == LLModel::LOD_HIGH) { clearGLODGroup(); } mModelLoader = new LLDAELoader( filename, lod, &LLModelPreview::loadedCallback, &LLModelPreview::lookupJointByName, &LLModelPreview::loadTextures, &LLModelPreview::stateChangedCallback, this, mJointTransformMap, mJointsFromNode ); if (force_disable_slm) { mModelLoader->mTrySLM = false; } mModelLoader->start(); mFMP->childSetTextArg("status", "[STATUS]", mFMP->getString("status_reading_file")); setPreviewLOD(lod); if ( getLoadState() >= LLModelLoader::ERROR_PARSING ) { mFMP->childDisable("ok_btn"); mFMP->childDisable( "calculate_btn" ); } if (lod == mPreviewLOD) { mFMP->childSetValue("lod_file_" + lod_name[lod], mLODFile[lod]); } else if (lod == LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS) { mFMP->childSetValue("physics_file", mLODFile[lod]); } mFMP->openFloater(); } void LLModelPreview::setPhysicsFromLOD(S32 lod) { assert_main_thread(); if (lod >= 0 && lod <= 3) { mModel[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS] = mModel[lod]; mScene[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS] = mScene[lod]; mLODFile[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS].clear(); mFMP->childSetValue("physics_file", mLODFile[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS]); mVertexBuffer[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS].clear(); rebuildUploadData(); refresh(); updateStatusMessages(); } } void LLModelPreview::clearIncompatible(S32 lod) { //Don't discard models if specified model is the physic rep if ( lod == LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS ) { return; } for (U32 i = 0; i <= LLModel::LOD_HIGH; i++) { //clear out any entries that aren't compatible with this model if (i != lod) { if (mModel[i].size() != mModel[lod].size()) { mModel[i].clear(); mScene[i].clear(); mVertexBuffer[i].clear(); if (i == LLModel::LOD_HIGH) { mBaseModel = mModel[lod]; clearGLODGroup(); mBaseScene = mScene[lod]; mVertexBuffer[5].clear(); } } } } } void LLModelPreview::clearGLODGroup() { if (mGroup) { for (std::map, U32>::iterator iter = mObject.begin(); iter != mObject.end(); ++iter) { glodDeleteObject(iter->second); stop_gloderror(); } mObject.clear(); glodDeleteGroup(mGroup); stop_gloderror(); mGroup = 0; } } void LLModelPreview::loadModelCallback(S32 lod) { assert_main_thread(); LLMutexLock lock(this); if (!mModelLoader) { mLoading = false ; return; } if(getLoadState() >= LLModelLoader::ERROR_PARSING) { mLoading = false ; mModelLoader = NULL; return ; } // Copy determinations about rig so UI will reflect them // setRigValidForJointPositionUpload(mModelLoader->isRigValidForJointPositionUpload()); setLegacyRigValid(mModelLoader->isLegacyRigValid()); mModelLoader->loadTextures() ; if (lod == -1) { //populate all LoDs from model loader scene mBaseModel.clear(); mBaseScene.clear(); bool skin_weights = false; bool joint_positions = false; for (S32 lod = 0; lod < LLModel::NUM_LODS; ++lod) { //for each LoD //clear scene and model info mScene[lod].clear(); mModel[lod].clear(); mVertexBuffer[lod].clear(); if (mModelLoader->mScene.begin()->second[0].mLOD[lod].notNull()) { //if this LoD exists in the loaded scene //copy scene to current LoD mScene[lod] = mModelLoader->mScene; //touch up copied scene to look like current LoD for (LLModelLoader::scene::iterator iter = mScene[lod].begin(); iter != mScene[lod].end(); ++iter) { LLModelLoader::model_instance_list& list = iter->second; for (LLModelLoader::model_instance_list::iterator list_iter = list.begin(); list_iter != list.end(); ++list_iter) { //override displayed model with current LoD list_iter->mModel = list_iter->mLOD[lod]; if (!list_iter->mModel) { continue; } //add current model to current LoD's model list (LLModel::mLocalID makes a good vector index) S32 idx = list_iter->mModel->mLocalID; if (mModel[lod].size() <= idx) { //stretch model list to fit model at given index mModel[lod].resize(idx+1); } mModel[lod][idx] = list_iter->mModel; if (!list_iter->mModel->mSkinWeights.empty()) { skin_weights = true; if (!list_iter->mModel->mSkinInfo.mAlternateBindMatrix.empty()) { joint_positions = true; } } } } } } if (mFMP) { LLFloaterModelPreview* fmp = (LLFloaterModelPreview*) mFMP; if (skin_weights) { //enable uploading/previewing of skin weights if present in .slm file fmp->enableViewOption("show_skin_weight"); mViewOption["show_skin_weight"] = true; fmp->childSetValue("upload_skin", true); } if (joint_positions) { fmp->enableViewOption("show_joint_positions"); mViewOption["show_joint_positions"] = true; fmp->childSetValue("upload_joints", true); } } //copy high lod to base scene for LoD generation mBaseScene = mScene[LLModel::LOD_HIGH]; mBaseModel = mModel[LLModel::LOD_HIGH]; mDirty = true; resetPreviewTarget(); } else { //only replace given LoD mModel[lod] = mModelLoader->mModelList; mScene[lod] = mModelLoader->mScene; mVertexBuffer[lod].clear(); setPreviewLOD(lod); if (lod == LLModel::LOD_HIGH) { //save a copy of the highest LOD for automatic LOD manipulation if (mBaseModel.empty()) { //first time we've loaded a model, auto-gen LoD mGenLOD = true; } mBaseModel = mModel[lod]; clearGLODGroup(); mBaseScene = mScene[lod]; mVertexBuffer[5].clear(); } clearIncompatible(lod); mDirty = true; if (lod == LLModel::LOD_HIGH) { resetPreviewTarget(); } } mLoading = false; if (mFMP) { mFMP->getChild("confirm_checkbox")->set(FALSE); if (!mBaseModel.empty()) { if (mFMP->getChild("description_form")->getValue().asString().empty()) { const std::string& model_name = mBaseModel[0]->getName(); mFMP->getChild("description_form")->setValue(model_name); } } } refresh(); mModelLoadedSignal(); mModelLoader = NULL; } void LLModelPreview::resetPreviewTarget() { if ( mModelLoader ) { mPreviewTarget = (mModelLoader->mExtents[0] + mModelLoader->mExtents[1]) * 0.5f; mPreviewScale = (mModelLoader->mExtents[1] - mModelLoader->mExtents[0]) * 0.5f; } setPreviewTarget(mPreviewScale.magVec()*10.f); } void LLModelPreview::generateNormals() { assert_main_thread(); S32 which_lod = mPreviewLOD; if (which_lod > 4 || which_lod < 0 || mModel[which_lod].empty()) { return; } F32 angle_cutoff = mFMP->childGetValue("crease_angle").asReal(); mRequestedCreaseAngle[which_lod] = angle_cutoff; angle_cutoff *= DEG_TO_RAD; if (which_lod == 3 && !mBaseModel.empty()) { for (LLModelLoader::model_list::iterator iter = mBaseModel.begin(); iter != mBaseModel.end(); ++iter) { (*iter)->generateNormals(angle_cutoff); } mVertexBuffer[5].clear(); } for (LLModelLoader::model_list::iterator iter = mModel[which_lod].begin(); iter != mModel[which_lod].end(); ++iter) { (*iter)->generateNormals(angle_cutoff); } mVertexBuffer[which_lod].clear(); refresh(); updateStatusMessages(); } void LLModelPreview::genLODs(S32 which_lod, U32 decimation, bool enforce_tri_limit) { // Allow LoD from -1 to LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS if (which_lod < -1 || which_lod > LLModel::NUM_LODS - 1) { LL_WARNS() << "Invalid level of detail: " << which_lod << LL_ENDL; assert(which_lod >= -1 && which_lod < LLModel::NUM_LODS); return; } if (mBaseModel.empty()) { return; } LLVertexBuffer::unbind(); bool no_ff = LLGLSLShader::sNoFixedFunction; LLGLSLShader* shader = LLGLSLShader::sCurBoundShaderPtr; LLGLSLShader::sNoFixedFunction = false; if (shader) { shader->unbind(); } stop_gloderror(); static U32 cur_name = 1; S32 limit = -1; U32 triangle_count = 0; U32 instanced_triangle_count = 0; //get the triangle count for the whole scene for (LLModelLoader::scene::iterator iter = mBaseScene.begin(), endIter = mBaseScene.end(); iter != endIter; ++iter) { for (LLModelLoader::model_instance_list::iterator instance = iter->second.begin(), end_instance = iter->second.end(); instance != end_instance; ++instance) { LLModel* mdl = instance->mModel; if (mdl) { instanced_triangle_count += mdl->getNumTriangles(); } } } //get the triangle count for the non-instanced set of models for (U32 i = 0; i < mBaseModel.size(); ++i) { triangle_count += mBaseModel[i]->getNumTriangles(); } //get ratio of uninstanced triangles to instanced triangles F32 triangle_ratio = (F32) triangle_count / (F32) instanced_triangle_count; U32 base_triangle_count = triangle_count; U32 type_mask = LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_NORMAL | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD0; U32 lod_mode = 0; F32 lod_error_threshold = 0; // The LoD should be in range from Lowest to High if (which_lod > -1 && which_lod < NUM_LOD) { LLCtrlSelectionInterface* iface = mFMP->childGetSelectionInterface("lod_mode_" + lod_name[which_lod]); if (iface) { lod_mode = iface->getFirstSelectedIndex(); } lod_error_threshold = mFMP->childGetValue("lod_error_threshold_" + lod_name[which_lod]).asReal(); } if (which_lod != -1) { mRequestedLoDMode[which_lod] = lod_mode; } if (lod_mode == 0) { lod_mode = GLOD_TRIANGLE_BUDGET; // The LoD should be in range from Lowest to High if (which_lod > -1 && which_lod < NUM_LOD) { limit = mFMP->childGetValue("lod_triangle_limit_" + lod_name[which_lod]).asInteger(); //convert from "scene wide" to "non-instanced" triangle limit limit = (S32) ( (F32) limit*triangle_ratio ); } } else { lod_mode = GLOD_ERROR_THRESHOLD; } bool object_dirty = false; if (mGroup == 0) { object_dirty = true; mGroup = cur_name++; glodNewGroup(mGroup); } if (object_dirty) { for (LLModelLoader::model_list::iterator iter = mBaseModel.begin(); iter != mBaseModel.end(); ++iter) { //build GLOD objects for each model in base model list LLModel* mdl = *iter; if (mObject[mdl] != 0) { glodDeleteObject(mObject[mdl]); } mObject[mdl] = cur_name++; glodNewObject(mObject[mdl], mGroup, GLOD_DISCRETE); stop_gloderror(); if (iter == mBaseModel.begin() && !mdl->mSkinWeights.empty()) { //regenerate vertex buffer for skinned models to prevent animation feedback during LOD generation mVertexBuffer[5].clear(); } if (mVertexBuffer[5].empty()) { genBuffers(5, false); } U32 tri_count = 0; for (U32 i = 0; i < mVertexBuffer[5][mdl].size(); ++i) { LLVertexBuffer* buff = mVertexBuffer[5][mdl][i]; buff->setBuffer(type_mask & buff->getTypeMask()); U32 num_indices = mVertexBuffer[5][mdl][i]->getNumIndices(); if (num_indices > 2) { glodInsertElements(mObject[mdl], i, GL_TRIANGLES, num_indices, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, (U8*) mVertexBuffer[5][mdl][i]->getIndicesPointer(), 0, 0.f); } tri_count += num_indices/3; stop_gloderror(); } glodBuildObject(mObject[mdl]); stop_gloderror(); } } S32 start = LLModel::LOD_HIGH; S32 end = 0; if (which_lod != -1) { start = end = which_lod; } mMaxTriangleLimit = base_triangle_count; for (S32 lod = start; lod >= end; --lod) { if (which_lod == -1) { if (lod < start) { triangle_count /= decimation; } } else { if (enforce_tri_limit) { triangle_count = limit; } else { for (S32 j=LLModel::LOD_HIGH; j>which_lod; --j) { triangle_count /= decimation; } } } mModel[lod].clear(); mModel[lod].resize(mBaseModel.size()); mVertexBuffer[lod].clear(); U32 actual_tris = 0; U32 actual_verts = 0; U32 submeshes = 0; mRequestedTriangleCount[lod] = (S32) ( (F32) triangle_count / triangle_ratio ); mRequestedErrorThreshold[lod] = lod_error_threshold; glodGroupParameteri(mGroup, GLOD_ADAPT_MODE, lod_mode); stop_gloderror(); glodGroupParameteri(mGroup, GLOD_ERROR_MODE, GLOD_OBJECT_SPACE_ERROR); stop_gloderror(); glodGroupParameterf(mGroup, GLOD_OBJECT_SPACE_ERROR_THRESHOLD, lod_error_threshold); stop_gloderror(); if (lod_mode != GLOD_TRIANGLE_BUDGET) { glodGroupParameteri(mGroup, GLOD_MAX_TRIANGLES, 0); } else { //SH-632: always add 1 to desired amount to avoid decimating below desired amount glodGroupParameteri(mGroup, GLOD_MAX_TRIANGLES, triangle_count+1); } stop_gloderror(); glodAdaptGroup(mGroup); stop_gloderror(); for (U32 mdl_idx = 0; mdl_idx < mBaseModel.size(); ++mdl_idx) { LLModel* base = mBaseModel[mdl_idx]; GLint patch_count = 0; glodGetObjectParameteriv(mObject[base], GLOD_NUM_PATCHES, &patch_count); stop_gloderror(); LLVolumeParams volume_params; volume_params.setType(LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE, LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE); mModel[lod][mdl_idx] = new LLModel(volume_params, 0.f); std::string name = base->mLabel; switch (lod) { case LLModel::LOD_IMPOSTOR: name += "_LOD0"; break; case LLModel::LOD_LOW: name += "_LOD1"; break; case LLModel::LOD_MEDIUM: name += "_LOD2"; break; case LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS: name += "_PHYS"; break; case LLModel::LOD_HIGH: break; } mModel[lod][mdl_idx]->mLabel = name; GLint* sizes = new GLint[patch_count*2]; glodGetObjectParameteriv(mObject[base], GLOD_PATCH_SIZES, sizes); stop_gloderror(); GLint* names = new GLint[patch_count]; glodGetObjectParameteriv(mObject[base], GLOD_PATCH_NAMES, names); stop_gloderror(); mModel[lod][mdl_idx]->setNumVolumeFaces(patch_count); LLModel* target_model = mModel[lod][mdl_idx]; for (GLint i = 0; i < patch_count; ++i) { type_mask = mVertexBuffer[5][base][i]->getTypeMask(); LLPointer buff = new LLVertexBuffer(type_mask, 0); if (sizes[i*2+1] > 0 && sizes[i*2] > 0) { buff->allocateBuffer(sizes[i*2+1], sizes[i*2], true); buff->setBuffer(type_mask); glodFillElements(mObject[base], names[i], GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, (U8*) buff->getIndicesPointer()); stop_gloderror(); } else { //this face was eliminated, create a dummy triangle (one vertex, 3 indices, all 0) buff->allocateBuffer(1, 3, true); memset((U8*) buff->getMappedData(), 0, buff->getSize()); memset((U8*) buff->getIndicesPointer(), 0, buff->getIndicesSize()); } buff->validateRange(0, buff->getNumVerts()-1, buff->getNumIndices(), 0); LLStrider pos; LLStrider norm; LLStrider tc; LLStrider index; buff->getVertexStrider(pos); if (type_mask & LLVertexBuffer::MAP_NORMAL) { buff->getNormalStrider(norm); } if (type_mask & LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD0) { buff->getTexCoord0Strider(tc); } buff->getIndexStrider(index); target_model->setVolumeFaceData(names[i], pos, norm, tc, index, buff->getNumVerts(), buff->getNumIndices()); actual_tris += buff->getNumIndices()/3; actual_verts += buff->getNumVerts(); ++submeshes; if (!validate_face(target_model->getVolumeFace(names[i]))) { LL_ERRS() << "Invalid face generated during LOD generation." << LL_ENDL; } } //blind copy skin weights and just take closest skin weight to point on //decimated mesh for now (auto-generating LODs with skin weights is still a bit //of an open problem). target_model->mPosition = base->mPosition; target_model->mSkinWeights = base->mSkinWeights; target_model->mSkinInfo = base->mSkinInfo; //copy material list target_model->mMaterialList = base->mMaterialList; if (!validate_model(target_model)) { LL_ERRS() << "Invalid model generated when creating LODs" << LL_ENDL; } delete [] sizes; delete [] names; } //rebuild scene based on mBaseScene mScene[lod].clear(); mScene[lod] = mBaseScene; for (U32 i = 0; i < mBaseModel.size(); ++i) { LLModel* mdl = mBaseModel[i]; LLModel* target = mModel[lod][i]; if (target) { for (LLModelLoader::scene::iterator iter = mScene[lod].begin(); iter != mScene[lod].end(); ++iter) { for (U32 j = 0; j < iter->second.size(); ++j) { if (iter->second[j].mModel == mdl) { iter->second[j].mModel = target; } } } } } } mResourceCost = calcResourceCost(); LLVertexBuffer::unbind(); LLGLSLShader::sNoFixedFunction = no_ff; if (shader) { shader->bind(); } } void LLModelPreview::updateStatusMessages() { assert_main_thread(); //triangle/vertex/submesh count for each mesh asset for each lod std::vector tris[LLModel::NUM_LODS]; std::vector verts[LLModel::NUM_LODS]; std::vector submeshes[LLModel::NUM_LODS]; //total triangle/vertex/submesh count for each lod S32 total_tris[LLModel::NUM_LODS]; S32 total_verts[LLModel::NUM_LODS]; S32 total_submeshes[LLModel::NUM_LODS]; for (U32 i = 0; i < LLModel::NUM_LODS-1; i++) { total_tris[i] = 0; total_verts[i] = 0; total_submeshes[i] = 0; } for (LLMeshUploadThread::instance_list::iterator iter = mUploadData.begin(); iter != mUploadData.end(); ++iter) { LLModelInstance& instance = *iter; LLModel* model_high_lod = instance.mLOD[LLModel::LOD_HIGH]; llassert(model_high_lod); for (U32 i = 0; i < LLModel::NUM_LODS-1; i++) { LLModel* lod_model = instance.mLOD[i]; llassert(lod_model); if (!lod_model) { setLoadState( LLModelLoader::ERROR_MATERIALS ); mFMP->childDisable( "calculate_btn" ); } int refFaceCnt = 0; int modelFaceCnt = 0; if (!lod_model->matchMaterialOrder(model_high_lod, refFaceCnt, modelFaceCnt ) ) { setLoadState( LLModelLoader::ERROR_MATERIALS ); mFMP->childDisable( "calculate_btn" ); } if (lod_model) { //for each model in the lod S32 cur_tris = 0; S32 cur_verts = 0; S32 cur_submeshes = lod_model->getNumVolumeFaces(); for (S32 j = 0; j < cur_submeshes; ++j) { //for each submesh (face), add triangles and vertices to current total const LLVolumeFace& face = lod_model->getVolumeFace(j); cur_tris += face.mNumIndices/3; cur_verts += face.mNumVertices; } std::string instance_name = instance.mLabel; BOOL importerDebug = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ImporterDebug"); if (importerDebug) { // Useful for debugging generalized complaints below about total submeshes which don't have enough // context to address exactly what needs to be fixed to move towards compliance with the rules. // LL_INFOS() << "Instance " << lod_model->mLabel << " LOD " << i << " Verts: " << cur_verts << LL_ENDL; LL_INFOS() << "Instance " << lod_model->mLabel << " LOD " << i << " Tris: " << cur_tris << LL_ENDL; LL_INFOS() << "Instance " << lod_model->mLabel << " LOD " << i << " Faces: " << cur_submeshes << LL_ENDL; LLModel::material_list::iterator mat_iter = lod_model->mMaterialList.begin(); while (mat_iter != lod_model->mMaterialList.end()) { LL_INFOS() << "Instance " << lod_model->mLabel << " LOD " << i << " Material " << *(mat_iter) << LL_ENDL; mat_iter++; } } //add this model to the lod total total_tris[i] += cur_tris; total_verts[i] += cur_verts; total_submeshes[i] += cur_submeshes; //store this model's counts to asset data tris[i].push_back(cur_tris); verts[i].push_back(cur_verts); submeshes[i].push_back(cur_submeshes); } } } if (mMaxTriangleLimit == 0) { mMaxTriangleLimit = total_tris[LLModel::LOD_HIGH]; } bool has_degenerate = false; {//check for degenerate triangles in physics mesh U32 lod = LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS; const LLVector4a scale(0.5f); for (U32 i = 0; i < mModel[lod].size() && !has_degenerate; ++i) { //for each model in the lod if (mModel[lod][i] && mModel[lod][i]->mPhysics.mHull.empty()) { //no decomp exists S32 cur_submeshes = mModel[lod][i]->getNumVolumeFaces(); for (S32 j = 0; j < cur_submeshes && !has_degenerate; ++j) { //for each submesh (face), add triangles and vertices to current total LLVolumeFace& face = mModel[lod][i]->getVolumeFace(j); for (S32 k = 0; (k < face.mNumIndices) && !has_degenerate; ) { U16 index_a = face.mIndices[k+0]; U16 index_b = face.mIndices[k+1]; U16 index_c = face.mIndices[k+2]; LLVector4a v1; v1.setMul(face.mPositions[index_a], scale); LLVector4a v2; v2.setMul(face.mPositions[index_b], scale); LLVector4a v3; v3.setMul(face.mPositions[index_c], scale); if (ll_is_degenerate(v1,v2,v3)) { has_degenerate = true; } else { k += 3; } } } } } } mFMP->childSetTextArg("submeshes_info", "[SUBMESHES]", llformat("%d", total_submeshes[LLModel::LOD_HIGH])); std::string mesh_status_na = mFMP->getString("mesh_status_na"); S32 upload_status[LLModel::LOD_HIGH+1]; bool upload_ok = true; for (S32 lod = 0; lod <= LLModel::LOD_HIGH; ++lod) { upload_status[lod] = 0; std::string message = "mesh_status_good"; if (total_tris[lod] > 0) { mFMP->childSetValue(lod_triangles_name[lod], llformat("%d", total_tris[lod])); mFMP->childSetValue(lod_vertices_name[lod], llformat("%d", total_verts[lod])); } else { if (lod == LLModel::LOD_HIGH) { upload_status[lod] = 2; message = "mesh_status_missing_lod"; } else { for (S32 i = lod-1; i >= 0; --i) { if (total_tris[i] > 0) { upload_status[lod] = 2; message = "mesh_status_missing_lod"; } } } mFMP->childSetValue(lod_triangles_name[lod], mesh_status_na); mFMP->childSetValue(lod_vertices_name[lod], mesh_status_na); } const U32 lod_high = LLModel::LOD_HIGH; if (lod != lod_high) { if (total_submeshes[lod] && total_submeshes[lod] != total_submeshes[lod_high]) { //number of submeshes is different message = "mesh_status_submesh_mismatch"; upload_status[lod] = 2; } else if (!tris[lod].empty() && tris[lod].size() != tris[lod_high].size()) { //number of meshes is different message = "mesh_status_mesh_mismatch"; upload_status[lod] = 2; } else if (!verts[lod].empty()) { S32 sum_verts_higher_lod = 0; S32 sum_verts_this_lod = 0; for (U32 i = 0; i < verts[lod].size(); ++i) { sum_verts_higher_lod += ((i < verts[lod+1].size()) ? verts[lod+1][i] : 0); sum_verts_this_lod += verts[lod][i]; } if ((sum_verts_higher_lod > 0) && (sum_verts_this_lod > sum_verts_higher_lod)) { //too many vertices in this lod message = "mesh_status_too_many_vertices"; upload_status[lod] = 2; } } } LLIconCtrl* icon = mFMP->getChild(lod_icon_name[lod]); LLUIImagePtr img = LLUI::getUIImage(lod_status_image[upload_status[lod]]); icon->setVisible(true); icon->setImage(img); if (upload_status[lod] >= 2) { upload_ok = false; } if (lod == mPreviewLOD) { mFMP->childSetValue("lod_status_message_text", mFMP->getString(message)); icon = mFMP->getChild("lod_status_message_icon"); icon->setImage(img); } updateLodControls(lod); } //make sure no hulls have more than 256 points in them for (U32 i = 0; upload_ok && i < mModel[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS].size(); ++i) { LLModel* mdl = mModel[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS][i]; if (mdl) { for (U32 j = 0; upload_ok && j < mdl->mPhysics.mHull.size(); ++j) { if (mdl->mPhysics.mHull[j].size() > 256) { upload_ok = false; } } } } bool errorStateFromLoader = getLoadState() >= LLModelLoader::ERROR_PARSING ? true : false; bool skinAndRigOk = true; bool uploadingSkin = mFMP->childGetValue("upload_skin").asBoolean(); bool uploadingJointPositions = mFMP->childGetValue("upload_joints").asBoolean(); if ( uploadingSkin ) { if ( uploadingJointPositions && !isRigValidForJointPositionUpload() ) { skinAndRigOk = false; } } if(upload_ok && mModelLoader) { if(!mModelLoader->areTexturesReady() && mFMP->childGetValue("upload_textures").asBoolean()) { upload_ok = false ; } } if (!upload_ok || errorStateFromLoader || !skinAndRigOk || has_degenerate) { mFMP->childDisable("ok_btn"); } //add up physics triangles etc S32 phys_tris = 0; S32 phys_hulls = 0; S32 phys_points = 0; //get the triangle count for the whole scene for (LLModelLoader::scene::iterator iter = mScene[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS].begin(), endIter = mScene[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS].end(); iter != endIter; ++iter) { for (LLModelLoader::model_instance_list::iterator instance = iter->second.begin(), end_instance = iter->second.end(); instance != end_instance; ++instance) { LLModel* model = instance->mModel; if (model) { S32 cur_submeshes = model->getNumVolumeFaces(); LLModel::convex_hull_decomposition& decomp = model->mPhysics.mHull; if (!decomp.empty()) { phys_hulls += decomp.size(); for (U32 i = 0; i < decomp.size(); ++i) { phys_points += decomp[i].size(); } } else { //choose physics shape OR decomposition, can't use both for (S32 j = 0; j < cur_submeshes; ++j) { //for each submesh (face), add triangles and vertices to current total const LLVolumeFace& face = model->getVolumeFace(j); phys_tris += face.mNumIndices/3; } } } } } if (phys_tris > 0) { mFMP->childSetTextArg("physics_triangles", "[TRIANGLES]", llformat("%d", phys_tris)); } else { mFMP->childSetTextArg("physics_triangles", "[TRIANGLES]", mesh_status_na); } if (phys_hulls > 0) { mFMP->childSetTextArg("physics_hulls", "[HULLS]", llformat("%d", phys_hulls)); mFMP->childSetTextArg("physics_points", "[POINTS]", llformat("%d", phys_points)); } else { mFMP->childSetTextArg("physics_hulls", "[HULLS]", mesh_status_na); mFMP->childSetTextArg("physics_points", "[POINTS]", mesh_status_na); } LLFloaterModelPreview* fmp = LLFloaterModelPreview::sInstance; if (fmp) { if (phys_tris > 0 || phys_hulls > 0) { if (!fmp->isViewOptionEnabled("show_physics")) { fmp->enableViewOption("show_physics"); mViewOption["show_physics"] = true; fmp->childSetValue("show_physics", true); } } else { fmp->disableViewOption("show_physics"); mViewOption["show_physics"] = false; fmp->childSetValue("show_physics", false); } //bool use_hull = fmp->childGetValue("physics_use_hull").asBoolean(); //fmp->childSetEnabled("physics_optimize", !use_hull); bool enable = (phys_tris > 0 || phys_hulls > 0) && fmp->mCurRequest.empty(); //enable = enable && !use_hull && fmp->childGetValue("physics_optimize").asBoolean(); //enable/disable "analysis" UI LLPanel* panel = fmp->getChild("physics analysis"); LLView* child = panel->getFirstChild(); while (child) { child->setEnabled(enable); child = panel->findNextSibling(child); } enable = phys_hulls > 0 && fmp->mCurRequest.empty(); //enable/disable "simplification" UI panel = fmp->getChild("physics simplification"); child = panel->getFirstChild(); while (child) { child->setEnabled(enable); child = panel->findNextSibling(child); } if (fmp->mCurRequest.empty()) { fmp->childSetVisible("Simplify", true); fmp->childSetVisible("simplify_cancel", false); fmp->childSetVisible("Decompose", true); fmp->childSetVisible("decompose_cancel", false); if (phys_hulls > 0) { fmp->childEnable("Simplify"); } if (phys_tris || phys_hulls > 0) { fmp->childEnable("Decompose"); } } else { fmp->childEnable("simplify_cancel"); fmp->childEnable("decompose_cancel"); } } LLCtrlSelectionInterface* iface = fmp->childGetSelectionInterface("physics_lod_combo"); S32 which_mode = 0; S32 file_mode = 1; if (iface) { which_mode = iface->getFirstSelectedIndex(); file_mode = iface->getItemCount() - 1; } if (which_mode == file_mode) { mFMP->childEnable("physics_file"); mFMP->childEnable("physics_browse"); } else { mFMP->childDisable("physics_file"); mFMP->childDisable("physics_browse"); } LLSpinCtrl* crease = mFMP->getChild("crease_angle"); if (mRequestedCreaseAngle[mPreviewLOD] == -1.f) { mFMP->childSetColor("crease_label", LLColor4::grey); crease->forceSetValue(75.f); } else { mFMP->childSetColor("crease_label", LLColor4::white); crease->forceSetValue(mRequestedCreaseAngle[mPreviewLOD]); } mModelUpdatedSignal(true); } void LLModelPreview::updateLodControls(S32 lod) { if (lod < LLModel::LOD_IMPOSTOR || lod > LLModel::LOD_HIGH) { LL_WARNS() << "Invalid level of detail: " << lod << LL_ENDL; assert(lod >= LLModel::LOD_IMPOSTOR && lod <= LLModel::LOD_HIGH); return; } const char* lod_controls[] = { "lod_mode_", "lod_triangle_limit_", "lod_error_threshold_" }; const U32 num_lod_controls = sizeof(lod_controls)/sizeof(char*); const char* file_controls[] = { "lod_browse_", "lod_file_", }; const U32 num_file_controls = sizeof(file_controls)/sizeof(char*); LLFloaterModelPreview* fmp = LLFloaterModelPreview::sInstance; if (!fmp) return; LLComboBox* lod_combo = mFMP->findChild("lod_source_" + lod_name[lod]); if (!lod_combo) return; S32 lod_mode = lod_combo->getCurrentIndex(); if (lod_mode == LOD_FROM_FILE) // LoD from file { fmp->mLODMode[lod] = 0; for (U32 i = 0; i < num_file_controls; ++i) { mFMP->childSetVisible(file_controls[i] + lod_name[lod], true); } for (U32 i = 0; i < num_lod_controls; ++i) { mFMP->childSetVisible(lod_controls[i] + lod_name[lod], false); } } else if (lod_mode == USE_LOD_ABOVE) // use LoD above { fmp->mLODMode[lod] = 2; for (U32 i = 0; i < num_file_controls; ++i) { mFMP->childSetVisible(file_controls[i] + lod_name[lod], false); } for (U32 i = 0; i < num_lod_controls; ++i) { mFMP->childSetVisible(lod_controls[i] + lod_name[lod], false); } if (lod < LLModel::LOD_HIGH) { mModel[lod] = mModel[lod + 1]; mScene[lod] = mScene[lod + 1]; mVertexBuffer[lod].clear(); // Also update lower LoD if (lod > LLModel::LOD_IMPOSTOR) { updateLodControls(lod - 1); } } } else // auto generate, the default case for all LoDs except High { fmp->mLODMode[lod] = 1; //don't actually regenerate lod when refreshing UI mLODFrozen = true; for (U32 i = 0; i < num_file_controls; ++i) { mFMP->getChildView(file_controls[i] + lod_name[lod])->setVisible(false); } for (U32 i = 0; i < num_lod_controls; ++i) { mFMP->getChildView(lod_controls[i] + lod_name[lod])->setVisible(true); } LLSpinCtrl* threshold = mFMP->getChild("lod_error_threshold_" + lod_name[lod]); LLSpinCtrl* limit = mFMP->getChild("lod_triangle_limit_" + lod_name[lod]); limit->setMaxValue(mMaxTriangleLimit); limit->forceSetValue(mRequestedTriangleCount[lod]); threshold->forceSetValue(mRequestedErrorThreshold[lod]); mFMP->getChild("lod_mode_" + lod_name[lod])->selectNthItem(mRequestedLoDMode[lod]); if (mRequestedLoDMode[lod] == 0) { limit->setVisible(true); threshold->setVisible(false); limit->setMaxValue(mMaxTriangleLimit); limit->setIncrement(mMaxTriangleLimit/32); } else { limit->setVisible(false); threshold->setVisible(true); } mLODFrozen = false; } } void LLModelPreview::setPreviewTarget(F32 distance) { mCameraDistance = distance; mCameraZoom = 1.f; mCameraPitch = 0.f; mCameraYaw = 0.f; mCameraOffset.clearVec(); } void LLModelPreview::clearBuffers() { for (U32 i = 0; i < 6; i++) { mVertexBuffer[i].clear(); } } void LLModelPreview::genBuffers(S32 lod, bool include_skin_weights) { U32 tri_count = 0; U32 vertex_count = 0; U32 mesh_count = 0; LLModelLoader::model_list* model = NULL; if (lod < 0 || lod > 4) { model = &mBaseModel; lod = 5; } else { model = &(mModel[lod]); } if (!mVertexBuffer[lod].empty()) { mVertexBuffer[lod].clear(); } mVertexBuffer[lod].clear(); LLModelLoader::model_list::iterator base_iter = mBaseModel.begin(); for (LLModelLoader::model_list::iterator iter = model->begin(); iter != model->end(); ++iter) { LLModel* mdl = *iter; if (!mdl) { continue; } LLModel* base_mdl = *base_iter; base_iter++; for (S32 i = 0; i < mdl->getNumVolumeFaces(); ++i) { const LLVolumeFace &vf = mdl->getVolumeFace(i); U32 num_vertices = vf.mNumVertices; U32 num_indices = vf.mNumIndices; if (!num_vertices || ! num_indices) { continue; } LLVertexBuffer* vb = NULL; bool skinned = include_skin_weights && !mdl->mSkinWeights.empty(); U32 mask = LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_NORMAL | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD0 ; if (skinned) { mask |= LLVertexBuffer::MAP_WEIGHT4; } vb = new LLVertexBuffer(mask, 0); vb->allocateBuffer(num_vertices, num_indices, TRUE); LLStrider vertex_strider; LLStrider normal_strider; LLStrider tc_strider; LLStrider index_strider; LLStrider weights_strider; vb->getVertexStrider(vertex_strider); vb->getIndexStrider(index_strider); if (skinned) { vb->getWeight4Strider(weights_strider); } LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) vertex_strider.get(), (F32*) vf.mPositions, num_vertices*4*sizeof(F32)); if (vf.mTexCoords) { vb->getTexCoord0Strider(tc_strider); S32 tex_size = (num_vertices*2*sizeof(F32)+0xF) & ~0xF; LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) tc_strider.get(), (F32*) vf.mTexCoords, tex_size); } if (vf.mNormals) { vb->getNormalStrider(normal_strider); LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) normal_strider.get(), (F32*) vf.mNormals, num_vertices*4*sizeof(F32)); } if (skinned) { for (U32 i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++) { //find closest weight to vf.mVertices[i].mPosition LLVector3 pos(vf.mPositions[i].getF32ptr()); const LLModel::weight_list& weight_list = base_mdl->getJointInfluences(pos); LLVector4 w(0,0,0,0); for (U32 i = 0; i < weight_list.size(); ++i) { F32 wght = llmin(weight_list[i].mWeight, 0.999999f); F32 joint = (F32) weight_list[i].mJointIdx; w.mV[i] = joint + wght; } *(weights_strider++) = w; } } // build indices for (U32 i = 0; i < num_indices; i++) { *(index_strider++) = vf.mIndices[i]; } mVertexBuffer[lod][mdl].push_back(vb); vertex_count += num_vertices; tri_count += num_indices/3; ++mesh_count; } } } void LLModelPreview::update() { if (mDirty) { mDirty = false; mResourceCost = calcResourceCost(); refresh(); updateStatusMessages(); } if (mGenLOD) { mGenLOD = false; genLODs(); refresh(); updateStatusMessages(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getTranslationForJointOffset() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLVector3 LLModelPreview::getTranslationForJointOffset( std::string joint ) { LLMatrix4 jointTransform; if ( mJointTransformMap.find( joint ) != mJointTransformMap.end() ) { jointTransform = mJointTransformMap[joint]; return jointTransform.getTranslation(); } return LLVector3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // createPreviewAvatar //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLModelPreview::createPreviewAvatar( void ) { mPreviewAvatar = (LLVOAvatar*)gObjectList.createObjectViewer( LL_PCODE_LEGACY_AVATAR, gAgent.getRegion() ); if ( mPreviewAvatar ) { mPreviewAvatar->createDrawable( &gPipeline ); mPreviewAvatar->mIsDummy = TRUE; mPreviewAvatar->mSpecialRenderMode = 1; mPreviewAvatar->setPositionAgent( LLVector3::zero ); mPreviewAvatar->slamPosition(); mPreviewAvatar->updateJointLODs(); mPreviewAvatar->updateGeometry( mPreviewAvatar->mDrawable ); mPreviewAvatar->startMotion( ANIM_AGENT_STAND ); mPreviewAvatar->hideSkirt(); } else { LL_INFOS() << "Failed to create preview avatar for upload model window" << LL_ENDL; } } void LLModelPreview::loadedCallback( LLModelLoader::scene& scene, LLModelLoader::model_list& model_list, S32 lod, void* opaque) { LLModelPreview* pPreview = static_cast< LLModelPreview* >(opaque); if (pPreview) { pPreview->loadModelCallback(lod); } } void LLModelPreview::stateChangedCallback(U32 state,void* opaque) { LLModelPreview* pPreview = static_cast< LLModelPreview* >(opaque); if (pPreview) { pPreview->setLoadState(state); } } LLJoint* LLModelPreview::lookupJointByName(const std::string& str, void* opaque) { LLModelPreview* pPreview = static_cast< LLModelPreview* >(opaque); if (pPreview) { return pPreview->getPreviewAvatar()->getJoint(str); } return NULL; } U32 LLModelPreview::loadTextures(LLImportMaterial& material,void* opaque) { (void)opaque; if (material.mDiffuseMapFilename.size()) { material.mOpaqueData = new LLPointer< LLViewerFetchedTexture >; LLPointer< LLViewerFetchedTexture >& tex = (*reinterpret_cast< LLPointer< LLViewerFetchedTexture > * >(material.mOpaqueData)); tex = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTextureFromUrl("file://" + material.mDiffuseMapFilename, FTT_LOCAL_FILE, TRUE, LLGLTexture::BOOST_PREVIEW); tex->setLoadedCallback(LLModelPreview::textureLoadedCallback, 0, TRUE, FALSE, opaque, NULL, FALSE); tex->forceToSaveRawImage(0, F32_MAX); material.setDiffuseMap(tex->getID()); // record tex ID return 1; } material.mOpaqueData = NULL; return 0; } void LLModelPreview::addEmptyFace( LLModel* pTarget ) { U32 type_mask = LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_NORMAL | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD0; LLPointer buff = new LLVertexBuffer(type_mask, 0); buff->allocateBuffer(1, 3, true); memset( (U8*) buff->getMappedData(), 0, buff->getSize() ); memset( (U8*) buff->getIndicesPointer(), 0, buff->getIndicesSize() ); buff->validateRange( 0, buff->getNumVerts()-1, buff->getNumIndices(), 0 ); LLStrider pos; LLStrider norm; LLStrider tc; LLStrider index; buff->getVertexStrider(pos); if ( type_mask & LLVertexBuffer::MAP_NORMAL ) { buff->getNormalStrider(norm); } if ( type_mask & LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD0 ) { buff->getTexCoord0Strider(tc); } buff->getIndexStrider(index); //resize face array int faceCnt = pTarget->getNumVolumeFaces(); pTarget->setNumVolumeFaces( faceCnt+1 ); pTarget->setVolumeFaceData( faceCnt+1, pos, norm, tc, index, buff->getNumVerts(), buff->getNumIndices() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // render() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLModelPreview::render() { assert_main_thread(); LLMutexLock lock(this); mNeedsUpdate = FALSE; bool use_shaders = LLGLSLShader::sNoFixedFunction; bool edges = mViewOption["show_edges"]; bool joint_positions = mViewOption["show_joint_positions"]; bool skin_weight = mViewOption["show_skin_weight"]; bool textures = mViewOption["show_textures"]; bool physics = mViewOption["show_physics"]; S32 width = getWidth(); S32 height = getHeight(); LLGLSUIDefault def; LLGLDisable no_blend(GL_BLEND); LLGLEnable cull(GL_CULL_FACE); LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_TRUE); LLGLDisable fog(GL_FOG); { if (use_shaders) { gUIProgram.bind(); } //clear background to blue gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION); gGL.pushMatrix(); gGL.loadIdentity(); gGL.ortho(0.0f, width, 0.0f, height, -1.0f, 1.0f); gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); gGL.pushMatrix(); gGL.loadIdentity(); gGL.color4f(0.169f, 0.169f, 0.169f, 1.f); gl_rect_2d_simple( width, height ); gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION); gGL.popMatrix(); gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); gGL.popMatrix(); if (use_shaders) { gUIProgram.unbind(); } } LLFloaterModelPreview* fmp = LLFloaterModelPreview::sInstance; bool has_skin_weights = false; bool upload_skin = mFMP->childGetValue("upload_skin").asBoolean(); bool upload_joints = mFMP->childGetValue("upload_joints").asBoolean(); if ( upload_joints != mLastJointUpdate ) { mLastJointUpdate = upload_joints; } for (LLModelLoader::scene::iterator iter = mScene[mPreviewLOD].begin(); iter != mScene[mPreviewLOD].end(); ++iter) { for (LLModelLoader::model_instance_list::iterator model_iter = iter->second.begin(); model_iter != iter->second.end(); ++model_iter) { LLModelInstance& instance = *model_iter; LLModel* model = instance.mModel; model->mPelvisOffset = mPelvisZOffset; if (!model->mSkinWeights.empty()) { has_skin_weights = true; } } } if (has_skin_weights) { //model has skin weights, enable view options for skin weights and joint positions if (fmp && isLegacyRigValid() ) { fmp->enableViewOption("show_skin_weight"); fmp->setViewOptionEnabled("show_joint_positions", skin_weight); mFMP->childEnable("upload_skin"); } } else { mFMP->childDisable("upload_skin"); if (fmp) { mViewOption["show_skin_weight"] = false; fmp->disableViewOption("show_skin_weight"); fmp->disableViewOption("show_joint_positions"); } skin_weight = false; } if (upload_skin && !has_skin_weights) { //can't upload skin weights if model has no skin weights mFMP->childSetValue("upload_skin", false); upload_skin = false; } if (!upload_skin && upload_joints) { //can't upload joints if not uploading skin weights mFMP->childSetValue("upload_joints", false); upload_joints = false; } //Only enable joint offsets if it passed the earlier critiquing if ( isRigValidForJointPositionUpload() ) { mFMP->childSetEnabled("upload_joints", upload_skin); } F32 explode = mFMP->childGetValue("physics_explode").asReal(); glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); LLRect preview_rect; preview_rect = mFMP->getChildView("preview_panel")->getRect(); F32 aspect = (F32) preview_rect.getWidth()/preview_rect.getHeight(); LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->setAspect(aspect); LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->setView(LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getDefaultFOV() / mCameraZoom); LLVector3 offset = mCameraOffset; LLVector3 target_pos = mPreviewTarget+offset; F32 z_near = 0.001f; F32 z_far = mCameraDistance*10.0f+mPreviewScale.magVec()+mCameraOffset.magVec(); if (skin_weight) { target_pos = getPreviewAvatar()->getPositionAgent(); z_near = 0.01f; z_far = 1024.f; mCameraDistance = 16.f; //render avatar previews every frame refresh(); } if (use_shaders) { gObjectPreviewProgram.bind(); } gGL.loadIdentity(); gPipeline.enableLightsPreview(); LLQuaternion camera_rot = LLQuaternion(mCameraPitch, LLVector3::y_axis) * LLQuaternion(mCameraYaw, LLVector3::z_axis); LLQuaternion av_rot = camera_rot; LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->setOriginAndLookAt( target_pos + ((LLVector3(mCameraDistance, 0.f, 0.f) + offset) * av_rot), // camera LLVector3::z_axis, // up target_pos); // point of interest z_near = llclamp(z_far * 0.001f, 0.001f, 0.1f); LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->setPerspective(FALSE, mOrigin.mX, mOrigin.mY, width, height, FALSE, z_near, z_far); stop_glerror(); gGL.pushMatrix(); const F32 BRIGHTNESS = 0.9f; gGL.color3f(BRIGHTNESS, BRIGHTNESS, BRIGHTNESS); const U32 type_mask = LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_NORMAL | LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD0; LLGLEnable normalize(GL_NORMALIZE); if (!mBaseModel.empty() && mVertexBuffer[5].empty()) { genBuffers(-1, skin_weight); //genBuffers(3); //genLODs(); } if (!mModel[mPreviewLOD].empty()) { mFMP->childEnable("reset_btn"); bool regen = mVertexBuffer[mPreviewLOD].empty(); if (!regen) { const std::vector >& vb_vec = mVertexBuffer[mPreviewLOD].begin()->second; if (!vb_vec.empty()) { const LLVertexBuffer* buff = vb_vec[0]; regen = buff->hasDataType(LLVertexBuffer::TYPE_WEIGHT4) != skin_weight; } } if (regen) { genBuffers(mPreviewLOD, skin_weight); } if (!skin_weight) { for (LLMeshUploadThread::instance_list::iterator iter = mUploadData.begin(); iter != mUploadData.end(); ++iter) { LLModelInstance& instance = *iter; LLModel* model = instance.mLOD[mPreviewLOD]; if (!model) { continue; } gGL.pushMatrix(); LLMatrix4 mat = instance.mTransform; gGL.multMatrix((GLfloat*) mat.mMatrix); for (U32 i = 0; i < mVertexBuffer[mPreviewLOD][model].size(); ++i) { LLVertexBuffer* buffer = mVertexBuffer[mPreviewLOD][model][i]; buffer->setBuffer(type_mask & buffer->getTypeMask()); if (textures) { int materialCnt = instance.mModel->mMaterialList.size(); if ( i < materialCnt ) { const std::string& binding = instance.mModel->mMaterialList[i]; const LLImportMaterial& material = instance.mMaterial[binding]; gGL.diffuseColor4fv(material.mDiffuseColor.mV); // Find the tex for this material, bind it, and add it to our set // LLViewerFetchedTexture* tex = bindMaterialDiffuseTexture(material); if (tex) { mTextureSet.insert(tex); } } } else { gGL.diffuseColor4f(1,1,1,1); } buffer->drawRange(LLRender::TRIANGLES, 0, buffer->getNumVerts()-1, buffer->getNumIndices(), 0); gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); gGL.diffuseColor3f(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f); if (edges) { glLineWidth(3.f); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); buffer->drawRange(LLRender::TRIANGLES, 0, buffer->getNumVerts()-1, buffer->getNumIndices(), 0); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); glLineWidth(1.f); } } gGL.popMatrix(); } if (physics) { glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); for (U32 i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (i == 0) { //depth only pass gGL.setColorMask(false, false); } else { gGL.setColorMask(true, true); } //enable alpha blending on second pass but not first pass LLGLState blend(GL_BLEND, i); gGL.blendFunc(LLRender::BF_SOURCE_ALPHA, LLRender::BF_ONE_MINUS_SOURCE_ALPHA); for (LLMeshUploadThread::instance_list::iterator iter = mUploadData.begin(); iter != mUploadData.end(); ++iter) { LLModelInstance& instance = *iter; LLModel* model = instance.mLOD[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS]; if (!model) { continue; } gGL.pushMatrix(); LLMatrix4 mat = instance.mTransform; gGL.multMatrix((GLfloat*) mat.mMatrix); bool render_mesh = true; LLPhysicsDecomp* decomp = gMeshRepo.mDecompThread; if (decomp) { LLMutexLock(decomp->mMutex); LLModel::Decomposition& physics = model->mPhysics; if (!physics.mHull.empty()) { render_mesh = false; if (physics.mMesh.empty()) { //build vertex buffer for physics mesh gMeshRepo.buildPhysicsMesh(physics); } if (!physics.mMesh.empty()) { //render hull instead of mesh for (U32 i = 0; i < physics.mMesh.size(); ++i) { if (explode > 0.f) { gGL.pushMatrix(); LLVector3 offset = model->mHullCenter[i]-model->mCenterOfHullCenters; offset *= explode; gGL.translatef(offset.mV[0], offset.mV[1], offset.mV[2]); } static std::vector hull_colors; if (i+1 >= hull_colors.size()) { hull_colors.push_back(LLColor4U(rand()%128+127, rand()%128+127, rand()%128+127, 128)); } gGL.diffuseColor4ubv(hull_colors[i].mV); LLVertexBuffer::drawArrays(LLRender::TRIANGLES, physics.mMesh[i].mPositions, physics.mMesh[i].mNormals); if (explode > 0.f) { gGL.popMatrix(); } } } } } if (render_mesh) { if (mVertexBuffer[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS].empty()) { genBuffers(LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS, false); } for (U32 i = 0; i < mVertexBuffer[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS][model].size(); ++i) { LLVertexBuffer* buffer = mVertexBuffer[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS][model][i]; gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); gGL.diffuseColor4f(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.0f, 0.4f); buffer->setBuffer(type_mask & buffer->getTypeMask()); buffer->drawRange(LLRender::TRIANGLES, 0, buffer->getNumVerts()-1, buffer->getNumIndices(), 0); gGL.diffuseColor3f(1.f, 1.f, 0.f); glLineWidth(2.f); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); buffer->drawRange(LLRender::TRIANGLES, 0, buffer->getNumVerts()-1, buffer->getNumIndices(), 0); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); glLineWidth(1.f); } } gGL.popMatrix(); } glLineWidth(3.f); glPointSize(8.f); gPipeline.enableLightsFullbright(LLColor4::white); //show degenerate triangles LLGLDepthTest depth(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_ALWAYS); LLGLDisable cull(GL_CULL_FACE); gGL.diffuseColor4f(1.f,0.f,0.f,1.f); const LLVector4a scale(0.5f); for (LLMeshUploadThread::instance_list::iterator iter = mUploadData.begin(); iter != mUploadData.end(); ++iter) { LLModelInstance& instance = *iter; LLModel* model = instance.mLOD[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS]; if (!model) { continue; } gGL.pushMatrix(); LLMatrix4 mat = instance.mTransform; gGL.multMatrix((GLfloat*) mat.mMatrix); LLPhysicsDecomp* decomp = gMeshRepo.mDecompThread; if (decomp) { LLMutexLock(decomp->mMutex); LLModel::Decomposition& physics = model->mPhysics; if (physics.mHull.empty()) { if (mVertexBuffer[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS].empty()) { genBuffers(LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS, false); } for (U32 i = 0; i < mVertexBuffer[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS][model].size(); ++i) { LLVertexBuffer* buffer = mVertexBuffer[LLModel::LOD_PHYSICS][model][i]; buffer->setBuffer(type_mask & buffer->getTypeMask()); LLStrider pos_strider; buffer->getVertexStrider(pos_strider, 0); LLVector4a* pos = (LLVector4a*) pos_strider.get(); LLStrider idx; buffer->getIndexStrider(idx, 0); for (U32 i = 0; i < buffer->getNumIndices(); i += 3) { LLVector4a v1; v1.setMul(pos[*idx++], scale); LLVector4a v2; v2.setMul(pos[*idx++], scale); LLVector4a v3; v3.setMul(pos[*idx++], scale); if (ll_is_degenerate(v1,v2,v3)) { buffer->draw(LLRender::LINE_LOOP, 3, i); buffer->draw(LLRender::POINTS, 3, i); } } } } } gGL.popMatrix(); } glLineWidth(1.f); glPointSize(1.f); gPipeline.enableLightsPreview(); gGL.setSceneBlendType(LLRender::BT_ALPHA); } } } else { target_pos = getPreviewAvatar()->getPositionAgent(); LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->setOriginAndLookAt( target_pos + ((LLVector3(mCameraDistance, 0.f, 0.f) + offset) * av_rot), // camera LLVector3::z_axis, // up target_pos); // point of interest if (joint_positions) { LLGLSLShader* shader = LLGLSLShader::sCurBoundShaderPtr; if (shader) { gDebugProgram.bind(); } getPreviewAvatar()->renderCollisionVolumes(); if (shader) { shader->bind(); } } for (LLModelLoader::scene::iterator iter = mScene[mPreviewLOD].begin(); iter != mScene[mPreviewLOD].end(); ++iter) { for (LLModelLoader::model_instance_list::iterator model_iter = iter->second.begin(); model_iter != iter->second.end(); ++model_iter) { LLModelInstance& instance = *model_iter; LLModel* model = instance.mModel; if (!model->mSkinWeights.empty()) { for (U32 i = 0; i < mVertexBuffer[mPreviewLOD][model].size(); ++i) { LLVertexBuffer* buffer = mVertexBuffer[mPreviewLOD][model][i]; const LLVolumeFace& face = model->getVolumeFace(i); LLStrider position; buffer->getVertexStrider(position); LLStrider weight; buffer->getWeight4Strider(weight); //quick 'n dirty software vertex skinning //build matrix palette LLMatrix4 mat[64]; for (U32 j = 0; j < model->mSkinInfo.mJointNames.size(); ++j) { LLJoint* joint = getPreviewAvatar()->getJoint(model->mSkinInfo.mJointNames[j]); if (joint) { mat[j] = model->mSkinInfo.mInvBindMatrix[j]; mat[j] *= joint->getWorldMatrix(); } } for (U32 j = 0; j < buffer->getNumVerts(); ++j) { LLMatrix4 final_mat; final_mat.mMatrix[0][0] = final_mat.mMatrix[1][1] = final_mat.mMatrix[2][2] = final_mat.mMatrix[3][3] = 0.f; LLVector4 wght; S32 idx[4]; F32 scale = 0.f; for (U32 k = 0; k < 4; k++) { F32 w = weight[j].mV[k]; idx[k] = (S32) floorf(w); wght.mV[k] = w - floorf(w); scale += wght.mV[k]; } wght *= 1.f/scale; for (U32 k = 0; k < 4; k++) { F32* src = (F32*) mat[idx[k]].mMatrix; F32* dst = (F32*) final_mat.mMatrix; F32 w = wght.mV[k]; for (U32 l = 0; l < 16; l++) { dst[l] += src[l]*w; } } //VECTORIZE THIS LLVector3 v(face.mPositions[j].getF32ptr()); v = v * model->mSkinInfo.mBindShapeMatrix; v = v * final_mat; position[j] = v; } const std::string& binding = instance.mModel->mMaterialList[i]; const LLImportMaterial& material = instance.mMaterial[binding]; buffer->setBuffer(type_mask & buffer->getTypeMask()); gGL.diffuseColor4fv(material.mDiffuseColor.mV); gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); // Find the tex for this material, bind it, and add it to our set // LLViewerFetchedTexture* tex = bindMaterialDiffuseTexture(material); if (tex) { mTextureSet.insert(tex); } buffer->draw(LLRender::TRIANGLES, buffer->getNumIndices(), 0); gGL.diffuseColor3f(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f); if (edges) { glLineWidth(3.f); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); buffer->draw(LLRender::TRIANGLES, buffer->getNumIndices(), 0); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); glLineWidth(1.f); } } } } } } } if (use_shaders) { gObjectPreviewProgram.unbind(); } gGL.popMatrix(); return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // refresh() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLModelPreview::refresh() { mNeedsUpdate = TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // rotate() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLModelPreview::rotate(F32 yaw_radians, F32 pitch_radians) { mCameraYaw = mCameraYaw + yaw_radians; mCameraPitch = llclamp(mCameraPitch + pitch_radians, F_PI_BY_TWO * -0.8f, F_PI_BY_TWO * 0.8f); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // zoom() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLModelPreview::zoom(F32 zoom_amt) { F32 new_zoom = mCameraZoom+zoom_amt; mCameraZoom = llclamp(new_zoom, 1.f, 10.f); } void LLModelPreview::pan(F32 right, F32 up) { mCameraOffset.mV[VY] = llclamp(mCameraOffset.mV[VY] + right * mCameraDistance / mCameraZoom, -1.f, 1.f); mCameraOffset.mV[VZ] = llclamp(mCameraOffset.mV[VZ] + up * mCameraDistance / mCameraZoom, -1.f, 1.f); } void LLModelPreview::setPreviewLOD(S32 lod) { lod = llclamp(lod, 0, (S32) LLModel::LOD_HIGH); if (lod != mPreviewLOD) { mPreviewLOD = lod; LLComboBox* combo_box = mFMP->getChild("preview_lod_combo"); combo_box->setCurrentByIndex((NUM_LOD-1)-mPreviewLOD); // combo box list of lods is in reverse order mFMP->childSetValue("lod_file_" + lod_name[mPreviewLOD], mLODFile[mPreviewLOD]); LLComboBox* combo_box2 = mFMP->getChild("preview_lod_combo2"); combo_box2->setCurrentByIndex((NUM_LOD-1)-mPreviewLOD); // combo box list of lods is in reverse order LLComboBox* combo_box3 = mFMP->getChild("preview_lod_combo3"); combo_box3->setCurrentByIndex((NUM_LOD-1)-mPreviewLOD); // combo box list of lods is in reverse order LLColor4 highlight_color = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("MeshImportTableHighlightColor"); LLColor4 normal_color = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("MeshImportTableNormalColor"); for (S32 i = 0; i <= LLModel::LOD_HIGH; ++i) { const LLColor4& color = (i == lod) ? highlight_color : normal_color; mFMP->childSetColor(lod_status_name[i], color); mFMP->childSetColor(lod_label_name[i], color); mFMP->childSetColor(lod_triangles_name[i], color); mFMP->childSetColor(lod_vertices_name[i], color); } } refresh(); updateStatusMessages(); } void LLFloaterModelPreview::onBrowseLOD(S32 lod) { assert_main_thread(); loadModel(lod); } //static void LLFloaterModelPreview::onReset(void* user_data) { assert_main_thread(); LLFloaterModelPreview* fmp = (LLFloaterModelPreview*) user_data; fmp->childDisable("reset_btn"); LLModelPreview* mp = fmp->mModelPreview; std::string filename = mp->mLODFile[3]; fmp->resetDisplayOptions(); //reset model preview fmp->initModelPreview(); mp = fmp->mModelPreview; mp->loadModel(filename,3,true); } //static void LLFloaterModelPreview::onUpload(void* user_data) { assert_main_thread(); LLFloaterModelPreview* mp = (LLFloaterModelPreview*) user_data; mp->mUploadBtn->setEnabled(false); mp->mModelPreview->rebuildUploadData(); bool upload_skinweights = mp->childGetValue("upload_skin").asBoolean(); bool upload_joint_positions = mp->childGetValue("upload_joints").asBoolean(); mp->mModelPreview->saveUploadData(upload_skinweights, upload_joint_positions); gMeshRepo.uploadModel(mp->mModelPreview->mUploadData, mp->mModelPreview->mPreviewScale, mp->childGetValue("upload_textures").asBoolean(), upload_skinweights, upload_joint_positions, mp->mUploadModelUrl, true, LLHandle(), mp->getWholeModelUploadObserverHandle()); } void LLFloaterModelPreview::refresh() { sInstance->toggleCalculateButton(true); sInstance->mModelPreview->mDirty = true; } //static void LLModelPreview::textureLoadedCallback( BOOL success, LLViewerFetchedTexture *src_vi, LLImageRaw* src, LLImageRaw* src_aux, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void* userdata ) { LLModelPreview* preview = (LLModelPreview*) userdata; preview->refresh(); if(final && preview->mModelLoader) { if(preview->mModelLoader->mNumOfFetchingTextures > 0) { preview->mModelLoader->mNumOfFetchingTextures-- ; } } } void LLModelPreview::onLODParamCommit(S32 lod, bool enforce_tri_limit) { if (!mLODFrozen) { genLODs(lod, 3, enforce_tri_limit); refresh(); } } LLFloaterModelPreview::DecompRequest::DecompRequest(const std::string& stage, LLModel* mdl) { mStage = stage; mContinue = 1; mModel = mdl; mDecompID = &mdl->mDecompID; mParams = sInstance->mDecompParams; //copy out positions and indices assignData(mdl) ; } void LLFloaterModelPreview::setStatusMessage(const std::string& msg) { LLMutexLock lock(mStatusLock); mStatusMessage = msg; } void LLFloaterModelPreview::toggleCalculateButton() { toggleCalculateButton(true); } void LLFloaterModelPreview::toggleCalculateButton(bool visible) { mCalculateBtn->setVisible(visible); bool uploadingSkin = childGetValue("upload_skin").asBoolean(); bool uploadingJointPositions = childGetValue("upload_joints").asBoolean(); if ( uploadingSkin ) { //Disable the calculate button *if* the rig is invalid - which is determined during the critiquing process if ( uploadingJointPositions && !mModelPreview->isRigValidForJointPositionUpload() ) { mCalculateBtn->setVisible( false ); } } mUploadBtn->setVisible(!visible); mUploadBtn->setEnabled(mHasUploadPerm && !mUploadModelUrl.empty()); if (visible) { std::string tbd = getString("tbd"); childSetTextArg("prim_weight", "[EQ]", tbd); childSetTextArg("download_weight", "[ST]", tbd); childSetTextArg("server_weight", "[SIM]", tbd); childSetTextArg("physics_weight", "[PH]", tbd); childSetTextArg("upload_fee", "[FEE]", tbd); childSetTextArg("price_breakdown", "[STREAMING]", tbd); childSetTextArg("price_breakdown", "[PHYSICS]", tbd); childSetTextArg("price_breakdown", "[INSTANCES]", tbd); childSetTextArg("price_breakdown", "[TEXTURES]", tbd); childSetTextArg("price_breakdown", "[MODEL]", tbd); } } void LLFloaterModelPreview::onLoDSourceCommit(S32 lod) { mModelPreview->updateLodControls(lod); refresh(); LLComboBox* lod_source_combo = getChild("lod_source_" + lod_name[lod]); if (lod_source_combo->getCurrentIndex() == LLModelPreview::GENERATE) { //rebuild LoD to update triangle counts onLODParamCommit(lod, true); } } void LLFloaterModelPreview::resetDisplayOptions() { std::map::iterator option_it = mModelPreview->mViewOption.begin(); for(;option_it != mModelPreview->mViewOption.end(); ++option_it) { LLUICtrl* ctrl = getChild(option_it->first); ctrl->setValue(false); } } void LLFloaterModelPreview::onModelPhysicsFeeReceived(const LLSD& result, std::string upload_url) { mModelPhysicsFee = result; mModelPhysicsFee["url"] = upload_url; doOnIdleOneTime(boost::bind(&LLFloaterModelPreview::handleModelPhysicsFeeReceived,this)); } void LLFloaterModelPreview::handleModelPhysicsFeeReceived() { const LLSD& result = mModelPhysicsFee; mUploadModelUrl = result["url"].asString(); childSetTextArg("prim_weight", "[EQ]", llformat("%0.3f", result["resource_cost"].asReal())); childSetTextArg("download_weight", "[ST]", llformat("%0.3f", result["model_streaming_cost"].asReal())); childSetTextArg("server_weight", "[SIM]", llformat("%0.3f", result["simulation_cost"].asReal())); childSetTextArg("physics_weight", "[PH]", llformat("%0.3f", result["physics_cost"].asReal())); childSetTextArg("upload_fee", "[FEE]", llformat("%d", result["upload_price"].asInteger())); childSetTextArg("price_breakdown", "[STREAMING]", llformat("%d", result["upload_price_breakdown"]["mesh_streaming"].asInteger())); childSetTextArg("price_breakdown", "[PHYSICS]", llformat("%d", result["upload_price_breakdown"]["mesh_physics"].asInteger())); childSetTextArg("price_breakdown", "[INSTANCES]", llformat("%d", result["upload_price_breakdown"]["mesh_instance"].asInteger())); childSetTextArg("price_breakdown", "[TEXTURES]", llformat("%d", result["upload_price_breakdown"]["texture"].asInteger())); childSetTextArg("price_breakdown", "[MODEL]", llformat("%d", result["upload_price_breakdown"]["model"].asInteger())); childSetVisible("upload_fee", true); childSetVisible("price_breakdown", true); mUploadBtn->setEnabled(mHasUploadPerm && !mUploadModelUrl.empty()); } void LLFloaterModelPreview::setModelPhysicsFeeErrorStatus(S32 status, const std::string& reason) { LL_WARNS() << "LLFloaterModelPreview::setModelPhysicsFeeErrorStatus(" << status << " : " << reason << ")" << LL_ENDL; doOnIdleOneTime(boost::bind(&LLFloaterModelPreview::toggleCalculateButton, this, true)); } /*virtual*/ void LLFloaterModelPreview::onModelUploadSuccess() { assert_main_thread(); closeFloater(false); } /*virtual*/ void LLFloaterModelPreview::onModelUploadFailure() { assert_main_thread(); toggleCalculateButton(true); mUploadBtn->setEnabled(true); } S32 LLFloaterModelPreview::DecompRequest::statusCallback(const char* status, S32 p1, S32 p2) { if (mContinue) { setStatusMessage(llformat("%s: %d/%d", status, p1, p2)); if (LLFloaterModelPreview::sInstance) { LLFloaterModelPreview::sInstance->setStatusMessage(mStatusMessage); } } return mContinue; } void LLFloaterModelPreview::DecompRequest::completed() { //called from the main thread if (mContinue) { mModel->setConvexHullDecomposition(mHull); if (sInstance) { if (mContinue) { if (sInstance->mModelPreview) { sInstance->mModelPreview->mDirty = true; LLFloaterModelPreview::sInstance->mModelPreview->refresh(); } } sInstance->mCurRequest.erase(this); } } else if (sInstance) { llassert(sInstance->mCurRequest.find(this) == sInstance->mCurRequest.end()); } } void dump_llsd_to_file(const LLSD& content, std::string filename); void LLFloaterModelPreview::onPermissionsReceived(const LLSD& result) { dump_llsd_to_file(result,"perm_received.xml"); std::string upload_status = result["mesh_upload_status"].asString(); // BAP HACK: handle "" for case that MeshUploadFlag cap is broken. mHasUploadPerm = (("" == upload_status) || ("valid" == upload_status)); //mUploadBtn->setEnabled(mHasUploadPerm); mUploadBtn->setEnabled(mHasUploadPerm && !mUploadModelUrl.empty()); getChild("warning_title")->setVisible(!mHasUploadPerm); getChild("warning_message")->setVisible(!mHasUploadPerm); } void LLFloaterModelPreview::setPermissonsErrorStatus(S32 status, const std::string& reason) { LL_WARNS() << "LLFloaterModelPreview::setPermissonsErrorStatus(" << status << " : " << reason << ")" << LL_ENDL; LLNotificationsUtil::add("MeshUploadPermError"); }