/** * @file LLFloaterIMNearbyChatHandler.cpp * @brief Nearby chat chat managment * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llagentdata.h" // for gAgentID #include "llfloaterimnearbychathandler.h" #include "llchatitemscontainerctrl.h" #include "llfirstuse.h" #include "llfloaterscriptdebug.h" #include "llhints.h" #include "llfloaterimnearbychat.h" #include "llrecentpeople.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llfloaterreg.h"//for LLFloaterReg::getTypedInstance #include "llviewerwindow.h"//for screen channel position #include "llfloaterimnearbychat.h" #include "llfloaterimcontainer.h" #include "llrootview.h" #include "lllayoutstack.h" //add LLFloaterIMNearbyChatHandler to LLNotificationsUI namespace using namespace LLNotificationsUI; static LLFloaterIMNearbyChatToastPanel* createToastPanel() { LLFloaterIMNearbyChatToastPanel* item = LLFloaterIMNearbyChatToastPanel::createInstance(); return item; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel: public LLScreenChannelBase { LOG_CLASS(LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel); public: typedef std::vector > toast_vec_t; typedef std::list > toast_list_t; LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel(const Params& p) : LLScreenChannelBase(p) { mStopProcessing = false; LLControlVariable* ctrl = gSavedSettings.getControl("NearbyToastLifeTime").get(); if (ctrl) { ctrl->getSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel::updateToastsLifetime, this)); } ctrl = gSavedSettings.getControl("NearbyToastFadingTime").get(); if (ctrl) { ctrl->getSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel::updateToastFadingTime, this)); } } void addChat (LLSD& chat); void arrangeToasts (); typedef boost::function create_toast_panel_callback_t; void setCreatePanelCallback(create_toast_panel_callback_t value) { m_create_toast_panel_callback_t = value;} void onToastDestroyed (LLToast* toast, bool app_quitting); void onToastFade (LLToast* toast); void redrawToasts() { arrangeToasts(); } // hide all toasts from screen, but not remove them from a channel // removes all toasts from a channel virtual void removeToastsFromChannel() { for(toast_vec_t::iterator it = m_active_toasts.begin(); it != m_active_toasts.end(); ++it) { addToToastPool(it->get()); } m_active_toasts.clear(); }; virtual void deleteAllChildren() { LL_DEBUGS("NearbyChat") << "Clearing toast pool" << LL_ENDL; m_toast_pool.clear(); m_active_toasts.clear(); LLScreenChannelBase::deleteAllChildren(); } protected: void deactivateToast(LLToast* toast); void addToToastPool(LLToast* toast) { if (!toast) return; LL_DEBUGS("NearbyChat") << "Pooling toast" << LL_ENDL; toast->setVisible(FALSE); toast->stopTimer(); toast->setIsHidden(true); // Nearby chat toasts that are hidden, not destroyed. They are collected to the toast pool, so that // they can be used next time, this is done for performance. But if the toast lifetime was changed // (from preferences floater (STORY-36)) while it was shown (at this moment toast isn't in the pool yet) // changes don't take affect. // So toast's lifetime should be updated each time it's added to the pool. Otherwise viewer would have // to be restarted so that changes take effect. toast->setLifetime(gSavedSettings.getS32("NearbyToastLifeTime")); toast->setFadingTime(gSavedSettings.getS32("NearbyToastFadingTime")); m_toast_pool.push_back(toast->getHandle()); } void createOverflowToast(S32 bottom, F32 timer); void updateToastsLifetime(); void updateToastFadingTime(); create_toast_panel_callback_t m_create_toast_panel_callback_t; bool createPoolToast(); toast_vec_t m_active_toasts; toast_list_t m_toast_pool; bool mStopProcessing; bool mChannelRect; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLFloaterIMNearbyChatToast //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // We're deriving from LLToast to be able to override onClose() // in order to handle closing nearby chat toasts properly. class LLFloaterIMNearbyChatToast : public LLToast { LOG_CLASS(LLFloaterIMNearbyChatToast); public: LLFloaterIMNearbyChatToast(const LLToast::Params& p, LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel* nc_channelp) : LLToast(p), mNearbyChatScreenChannelp(nc_channelp) { } /*virtual*/ void onClose(bool app_quitting); private: LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel* mNearbyChatScreenChannelp; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel::deactivateToast(LLToast* toast) { toast_vec_t::iterator pos = std::find(m_active_toasts.begin(), m_active_toasts.end(), toast->getHandle()); if (pos == m_active_toasts.end()) { llassert(pos == m_active_toasts.end()); return; } LL_DEBUGS("NearbyChat") << "Deactivating toast" << LL_ENDL; m_active_toasts.erase(pos); } void LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel::createOverflowToast(S32 bottom, F32 timer) { //we don't need overflow toast in nearby chat } void LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel::onToastDestroyed(LLToast* toast, bool app_quitting) { LL_DEBUGS("NearbyChat") << "Toast destroyed (app_quitting=" << app_quitting << ")" << LL_ENDL; if (app_quitting) { // Viewer is quitting. // Immediately stop processing chat messages (EXT-1419). mStopProcessing = true; } else { // The toast is being closed by user (STORM-192). // Remove it from the list of active toasts to prevent // further references to the invalid pointer. deactivateToast(toast); } } void LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel::onToastFade(LLToast* toast) { LL_DEBUGS("NearbyChat") << "Toast fading" << LL_ENDL; //fade mean we put toast to toast pool if(!toast) return; deactivateToast(toast); addToToastPool(toast); arrangeToasts(); } void LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel::updateToastsLifetime() { S32 seconds = gSavedSettings.getS32("NearbyToastLifeTime"); toast_list_t::iterator it; for(it = m_toast_pool.begin(); it != m_toast_pool.end(); ++it) { (*it).get()->setLifetime(seconds); } } void LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel::updateToastFadingTime() { S32 seconds = gSavedSettings.getS32("NearbyToastFadingTime"); toast_list_t::iterator it; for(it = m_toast_pool.begin(); it != m_toast_pool.end(); ++it) { (*it).get()->setFadingTime(seconds); } } bool LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel::createPoolToast() { LLFloaterIMNearbyChatToastPanel* panel= m_create_toast_panel_callback_t(); if(!panel) return false; LLToast::Params p; p.panel = panel; p.lifetime_secs = gSavedSettings.getS32("NearbyToastLifeTime"); p.fading_time_secs = gSavedSettings.getS32("NearbyToastFadingTime"); LLToast* toast = new LLFloaterIMNearbyChatToast(p, this); toast->setOnFadeCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel::onToastFade, this, _1)); // If the toast gets somehow prematurely destroyed, deactivate it to prevent crash (STORM-1352). toast->setOnToastDestroyedCallback(boost::bind(&LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel::onToastDestroyed, this, _1, false)); LL_DEBUGS("NearbyChat") << "Creating and pooling toast" << LL_ENDL; m_toast_pool.push_back(toast->getHandle()); return true; } void LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel::addChat(LLSD& chat) { //look in pool. if there is any message if(mStopProcessing) return; /* find last toast and check ID */ if(m_active_toasts.size()) { LLUUID fromID = chat["from_id"].asUUID(); // agent id or object id std::string from = chat["from"].asString(); LLToast* toast = m_active_toasts[0].get(); if (toast) { LLFloaterIMNearbyChatToastPanel* panel = dynamic_cast(toast->getPanel()); if(panel && panel->messageID() == fromID && panel->getFromName() == from && panel->canAddText()) { panel->addMessage(chat); toast->reshapeToPanel(); toast->startTimer(); arrangeToasts(); return; } } } if(m_toast_pool.empty()) { //"pool" is empty - create one more panel LL_DEBUGS("NearbyChat") << "Empty pool" << LL_ENDL; if(!createPoolToast())//created toast will go to pool. so next call will find it return; addChat(chat); return; } int chat_type = chat["chat_type"].asInteger(); if( ((EChatType)chat_type == CHAT_TYPE_DEBUG_MSG)) { if(gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowScriptErrors") == FALSE) return; if(gSavedSettings.getS32("ShowScriptErrorsLocation")== 1) return; } //take 1st element from pool, (re)initialize it, put it in active toasts LL_DEBUGS("NearbyChat") << "Getting toast from pool" << LL_ENDL; LLToast* toast = m_toast_pool.back().get(); m_toast_pool.pop_back(); LLFloaterIMNearbyChatToastPanel* panel = dynamic_cast(toast->getPanel()); if(!panel) return; panel->init(chat); toast->reshapeToPanel(); toast->startTimer(); m_active_toasts.push_back(toast->getHandle()); arrangeToasts(); } static bool sort_toasts_predicate(LLHandle first, LLHandle second) { if (!first.get() || !second.get()) return false; // STORM-1352 F32 v1 = first.get()->getTimeLeftToLive(); F32 v2 = second.get()->getTimeLeftToLive(); return v1 > v2; } void LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel::arrangeToasts() { if(mStopProcessing || isHovering()) return; if (mFloaterSnapRegion == NULL) { mFloaterSnapRegion = gViewerWindow->getRootView()->getChildView("floater_snap_region"); } if (!getParent()) { // connect to floater snap region just to get resize events, we don't care about being a proper widget mFloaterSnapRegion->addChild(this); setFollows(FOLLOWS_ALL); } LLRect toast_rect; updateRect(); LLRect channel_rect; mFloaterSnapRegion->localRectToOtherView(mFloaterSnapRegion->getLocalRect(), &channel_rect, gFloaterView); channel_rect.mLeft += 10; channel_rect.mRight = channel_rect.mLeft + 300; S32 channel_bottom = channel_rect.mBottom; S32 bottom = channel_bottom + 80; S32 margin = gSavedSettings.getS32("ToastGap"); //sort active toasts std::sort(m_active_toasts.begin(),m_active_toasts.end(),sort_toasts_predicate); //calc max visible item and hide other toasts. for(toast_vec_t::iterator it = m_active_toasts.begin(); it != m_active_toasts.end(); ++it) { LLToast* toast = it->get(); if (!toast) { LL_WARNS() << "NULL found in the active chat toasts list!" << LL_ENDL; continue; } S32 toast_top = bottom + toast->getRect().getHeight() + margin; if(toast_top > channel_rect.getHeight()) { while(it!=m_active_toasts.end()) { addToToastPool(it->get()); it=m_active_toasts.erase(it); } break; } toast_rect = toast->getRect(); toast_rect.setLeftTopAndSize(channel_rect.mLeft , bottom + toast_rect.getHeight(), toast_rect.getWidth() ,toast_rect.getHeight()); toast->setRect(toast_rect); bottom += toast_rect.getHeight() - toast->getTopPad() + margin; } // use reverse order to provide correct z-order and avoid toast blinking for(toast_vec_t::reverse_iterator it = m_active_toasts.rbegin(); it != m_active_toasts.rend(); ++it) { LLToast* toast = it->get(); if (toast) { toast->setIsHidden(false); toast->setVisible(TRUE); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //LLFloaterIMNearbyChatHandler //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- boost::scoped_ptr LLFloaterIMNearbyChatHandler::sChatWatcher(new LLEventStream("LLChat")); LLFloaterIMNearbyChatHandler::LLFloaterIMNearbyChatHandler() { // Getting a Channel for our notifications LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel::Params p; p.id = LLUUID(gSavedSettings.getString("NearByChatChannelUUID")); LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel* channel = new LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel(p); LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel::create_toast_panel_callback_t callback = createToastPanel; channel->setCreatePanelCallback(callback); LLChannelManager::getInstance()->addChannel(channel); mChannel = channel->getHandle(); } LLFloaterIMNearbyChatHandler::~LLFloaterIMNearbyChatHandler() { } void LLFloaterIMNearbyChatHandler::initChannel() { //LLRect snap_rect = gFloaterView->getSnapRect(); //mChannel->init(snap_rect.mLeft, snap_rect.mLeft + 200); } void LLFloaterIMNearbyChatHandler::processChat(const LLChat& chat_msg, const LLSD &args) { if(chat_msg.mMuted == TRUE) return; if(chat_msg.mText.empty()) return;//don't process empty messages LLFloaterReg::getInstance("im_container"); LLFloaterIMNearbyChat* nearby_chat = LLFloaterReg::getTypedInstance("nearby_chat"); // Build notification data LLSD chat; chat["message"] = chat_msg.mText; chat["from"] = chat_msg.mFromName; chat["from_id"] = chat_msg.mFromID; chat["time"] = chat_msg.mTime; chat["source"] = (S32)chat_msg.mSourceType; chat["chat_type"] = (S32)chat_msg.mChatType; chat["chat_style"] = (S32)chat_msg.mChatStyle; // Pass sender info so that it can be rendered properly (STORM-1021). chat["sender_slurl"] = LLViewerChat::getSenderSLURL(chat_msg, args); if (chat_msg.mChatType == CHAT_TYPE_DIRECT && chat_msg.mText.length() > 0 && chat_msg.mText[0] == '@') { // Send event on to LLEventStream and exit sChatWatcher->post(chat); return; } // don't show toast and add message to chat history on receive debug message // with disabled setting showing script errors or enabled setting to show script // errors in separate window. if (chat_msg.mChatType == CHAT_TYPE_DEBUG_MSG) { if(gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowScriptErrors") == FALSE) return; // don't process debug messages from not owned objects, see EXT-7762 if (gAgentID != chat_msg.mOwnerID) { return; } if (gSavedSettings.getS32("ShowScriptErrorsLocation")== 1)// show error in window //("ScriptErrorsAsChat")) { LLColor4 txt_color; LLViewerChat::getChatColor(chat_msg,txt_color); LLFloaterScriptDebug::addScriptLine(chat_msg.mText, chat_msg.mFromName, txt_color, chat_msg.mFromID); return; } } nearby_chat->addMessage(chat_msg, true, args); if(chat_msg.mSourceType == CHAT_SOURCE_AGENT && chat_msg.mFromID.notNull() && chat_msg.mFromID != gAgentID) { LLFirstUse::otherAvatarChatFirst(); // Add sender to the recent people list. LLRecentPeople::instance().add(chat_msg.mFromID); } // Send event on to LLEventStream sChatWatcher->post(chat); LLFloaterIMContainer* im_box = LLFloaterReg::getTypedInstance("im_container"); if(( ( chat_msg.mSourceType == CHAT_SOURCE_AGENT && gSavedSettings.getBOOL("UseChatBubbles") ) || mChannel.isDead() || !mChannel.get()->getShowToasts() ) && nearby_chat->isMessagePaneExpanded()) // to prevent toasts in Do Not Disturb mode return;//no need in toast if chat is visible or if bubble chat is enabled // arrange a channel on a screen if(!mChannel.get()->getVisible()) { initChannel(); } /* //comment all this due to EXT-4432 ..may clean up after some time... //only messages from AGENTS if(CHAT_SOURCE_OBJECT == chat_msg.mSourceType) { if(chat_msg.mChatType == CHAT_TYPE_DEBUG_MSG) return;//ok for now we don't skip messeges from object, so skip only debug messages } */ LLFloaterIMNearbyChatScreenChannel* channel = dynamic_cast(mChannel.get()); if(channel) { // Handle IRC styled messages. std::string toast_msg; if (chat_msg.mChatStyle == CHAT_STYLE_IRC) { if (!chat_msg.mFromName.empty()) { toast_msg += chat_msg.mFromName; } toast_msg += chat_msg.mText.substr(3); } else { toast_msg = chat_msg.mText; } //Don't show nearby toast, if conversation is visible and selected if ((nearby_chat->hasFocus()) || ((im_box->getSelectedSession().isNull() && ((LLFloater::isVisible(im_box) && !im_box->isMinimized() && im_box->isFrontmost()) || (LLFloater::isVisible(nearby_chat) && !nearby_chat->isMinimized() && nearby_chat->isFrontmost()))))) { if(nearby_chat->isMessagePaneExpanded()) { return; } } //Will show toast when chat preference is set if((gSavedSettings.getString("NotificationNearbyChatOptions") == "toast") || !nearby_chat->isMessagePaneExpanded()) { // Add a nearby chat toast. LLUUID id; id.generate(); chat["id"] = id; std::string r_color_name = "White"; F32 r_color_alpha = 1.0f; LLViewerChat::getChatColor( chat_msg, r_color_name, r_color_alpha); chat["text_color"] = r_color_name; chat["color_alpha"] = r_color_alpha; chat["font_size"] = (S32)LLViewerChat::getChatFontSize() ; chat["message"] = toast_msg; channel->addChat(chat); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLFloaterIMNearbyChatToast //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // virtual void LLFloaterIMNearbyChatToast::onClose(bool app_quitting) { mNearbyChatScreenChannelp->onToastDestroyed(this, app_quitting); } // EOF