/** * @file llfasttimerview.cpp * @brief LLFastTimerView class implementation * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2004&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llfasttimerview.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "llrect.h" #include "llcombobox.h" #include "llerror.h" #include "llgl.h" #include "llimagepng.h" #include "llrender.h" #include "llrendertarget.h" #include "lllocalcliprect.h" #include "lllayoutstack.h" #include "llmath.h" #include "llfontgl.h" #include "llsdserialize.h" #include "lltooltip.h" #include "llbutton.h" #include "llscrollbar.h" #include "llappviewer.h" #include "llviewertexturelist.h" #include "llui.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llfasttimer.h" #include "lltreeiterators.h" #include "llmetricperformancetester.h" #include "llviewerstats.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// using namespace LLTrace; static const S32 MAX_VISIBLE_HISTORY = 12; static const S32 LINE_GRAPH_HEIGHT = 240; static const S32 MIN_BAR_HEIGHT = 3; static const S32 RUNNING_AVERAGE_WIDTH = 100; static const S32 NUM_FRAMES_HISTORY = 200; std::vector ft_display_idx; // line of table entry for display purposes (for collapse) BOOL LLFastTimerView::sAnalyzePerformance = FALSE; S32 get_depth(const BlockTimerStatHandle* blockp) { S32 depth = 0; BlockTimerStatHandle* timerp = blockp->getParent(); while(timerp) { depth++; if (timerp->getParent() == timerp) break; timerp = timerp->getParent(); } return depth; } LLFastTimerView::LLFastTimerView(const LLSD& key) : LLFloater(key), mHoverTimer(NULL), mDisplayMode(0), mDisplayType(DISPLAY_TIME), mScrollIndex(0), mHoverID(NULL), mHoverBarIndex(-1), mStatsIndex(-1), mPauseHistory(false), mRecording(NUM_FRAMES_HISTORY) { mTimerBarRows.resize(NUM_FRAMES_HISTORY); } LLFastTimerView::~LLFastTimerView() { } void LLFastTimerView::onPause() { setPauseState(!mPauseHistory); } void LLFastTimerView::setPauseState(bool pause_state) { if (pause_state == mPauseHistory) return; // reset scroll to bottom when unpausing if (!pause_state) { getChild("pause_btn")->setLabel(getString("pause")); } else { mScrollIndex = 0; getChild("pause_btn")->setLabel(getString("run")); } mPauseHistory = pause_state; } BOOL LLFastTimerView::postBuild() { LLButton& pause_btn = getChildRef("pause_btn"); mScrollBar = getChild("scroll_vert"); pause_btn.setCommitCallback(boost::bind(&LLFastTimerView::onPause, this)); return TRUE; } BOOL LLFastTimerView::handleRightMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { if (mHoverTimer ) { // right click collapses timers if (!mHoverTimer->getTreeNode().mCollapsed) { mHoverTimer->getTreeNode().mCollapsed = true; } else if (mHoverTimer->getParent()) { mHoverTimer->getParent()->getTreeNode().mCollapsed = true; } return TRUE; } else if (mBarRect.pointInRect(x, y)) { S32 bar_idx = MAX_VISIBLE_HISTORY - ((y - mBarRect.mBottom) * (MAX_VISIBLE_HISTORY + 2) / mBarRect.getHeight()); bar_idx = llclamp(bar_idx, 0, MAX_VISIBLE_HISTORY); mStatsIndex = mScrollIndex + bar_idx; return TRUE; } return LLFloater::handleRightMouseDown(x, y, mask); } BlockTimerStatHandle* LLFastTimerView::getLegendID(S32 y) { S32 idx = (mLegendRect.mTop - y) / (LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->getLineHeight() + 2); if (idx >= 0 && idx < (S32)ft_display_idx.size()) { return ft_display_idx[idx]; } return NULL; } BOOL LLFastTimerView::handleDoubleClick(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { for(LLTrace::block_timer_tree_df_iterator_t it = LLTrace::begin_block_timer_tree_df(FTM_FRAME); it != LLTrace::end_block_timer_tree_df(); ++it) { (*it)->getTreeNode().mCollapsed = false; } return TRUE; } BOOL LLFastTimerView::handleMouseDown(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { if (x < mScrollBar->getRect().mLeft) { BlockTimerStatHandle* idp = getLegendID(y); if (idp) { idp->getTreeNode().mCollapsed = !idp->getTreeNode().mCollapsed; } } else if (mHoverTimer) { //left click drills down by expanding timers mHoverTimer->getTreeNode().mCollapsed = false; } else if (mGraphRect.pointInRect(x, y)) { gFocusMgr.setMouseCapture(this); return TRUE; } return LLFloater::handleMouseDown(x, y, mask); } BOOL LLFastTimerView::handleMouseUp(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { if (hasMouseCapture()) { gFocusMgr.setMouseCapture(NULL); } return LLFloater::handleMouseUp(x, y, mask);; } BOOL LLFastTimerView::handleHover(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { if (hasMouseCapture()) { F32 lerp = llclamp(1.f - (F32) (x - mGraphRect.mLeft) / (F32) mGraphRect.getWidth(), 0.f, 1.f); mScrollIndex = ll_round( lerp * (F32)(mRecording.getNumRecordedPeriods() - MAX_VISIBLE_HISTORY)); mScrollIndex = llclamp( mScrollIndex, 0, (S32)mRecording.getNumRecordedPeriods()); return TRUE; } mHoverTimer = NULL; mHoverID = NULL; if(mPauseHistory && mBarRect.pointInRect(x, y)) { //const S32 bars_top = mBarRect.mTop; const S32 bars_top = mBarRect.mTop - ((S32)LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->getLineHeight() + 4); mHoverBarIndex = llmin((bars_top - y) / (mBarRect.getHeight() / (MAX_VISIBLE_HISTORY + 2)) - 1, (S32)mRecording.getNumRecordedPeriods() - 1, MAX_VISIBLE_HISTORY); if (mHoverBarIndex == 0) { return TRUE; } else if (mHoverBarIndex < 0) { mHoverBarIndex = 0; } TimerBarRow& row = mHoverBarIndex == 0 ? mAverageTimerRow : mTimerBarRows[mScrollIndex + mHoverBarIndex - 1]; TimerBar* hover_bar = NULL; F32Seconds mouse_time_offset = ((F32)(x - mBarRect.mLeft) / (F32)mBarRect.getWidth()) * mTotalTimeDisplay; for (int bar_index = 0, end_index = LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle::instance_tracker_t::instanceCount(); bar_index < end_index; ++bar_index) { TimerBar& bar = row.mBars[bar_index]; if (bar.mSelfStart > mouse_time_offset) { break; } if (bar.mSelfEnd > mouse_time_offset) { hover_bar = &bar; if (bar.mTimeBlock->getTreeNode().mCollapsed) { // stop on first collapsed BlockTimerStatHandle, since we can't select any children break; } } } if (hover_bar) { mHoverID = hover_bar->mTimeBlock; if (mHoverTimer != mHoverID) { // could be that existing tooltip is for a parent and is thus // covering region for this new timer, go ahead and unblock // so we can create a new tooltip LLToolTipMgr::instance().unblockToolTips(); mHoverTimer = mHoverID; mToolTipRect.set(mBarRect.mLeft + (hover_bar->mSelfStart / mTotalTimeDisplay) * mBarRect.getWidth(), row.mTop, mBarRect.mLeft + (hover_bar->mSelfEnd / mTotalTimeDisplay) * mBarRect.getWidth(), row.mBottom); } } } else if (x < mScrollBar->getRect().mLeft) { BlockTimerStatHandle* timer_id = getLegendID(y); if (timer_id) { mHoverID = timer_id; } } return LLFloater::handleHover(x, y, mask); } static std::string get_tooltip(BlockTimerStatHandle& timer, S32 history_index, PeriodicRecording& frame_recording) { std::string tooltip; if (history_index == 0) { // by default, show average number of call tooltip = llformat("%s (%d ms, %d calls)", timer.getName().c_str(), (S32)F64Milliseconds(frame_recording.getPeriodMean (timer, RUNNING_AVERAGE_WIDTH)).value(), (S32)frame_recording.getPeriodMean(timer.callCount(), RUNNING_AVERAGE_WIDTH)); } else { tooltip = llformat("%s (%d ms, %d calls)", timer.getName().c_str(), (S32)F64Milliseconds(frame_recording.getPrevRecording(history_index).getSum(timer)).value(), (S32)frame_recording.getPrevRecording(history_index).getSum(timer.callCount())); } return tooltip; } BOOL LLFastTimerView::handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { if(mPauseHistory && mBarRect.pointInRect(x, y)) { // tooltips for timer bars if (mHoverTimer) { LLRect screen_rect; localRectToScreen(mToolTipRect, &screen_rect); std::string tooltip = get_tooltip(*mHoverTimer, mHoverBarIndex > 0 ? mScrollIndex + mHoverBarIndex : 0, mRecording); LLToolTipMgr::instance().show(LLToolTip::Params() .message(tooltip) .sticky_rect(screen_rect) .delay_time(0.f)); return TRUE; } } else { // tooltips for timer legend if (x < mScrollBar->getRect().mLeft) { BlockTimerStatHandle* idp = getLegendID(y); if (idp) { LLToolTipMgr::instance().show(get_tooltip(*idp, 0, mRecording)); return TRUE; } } } return LLFloater::handleToolTip(x, y, mask); } BOOL LLFastTimerView::handleScrollWheel(S32 x, S32 y, S32 clicks) { if (x < mBarRect.mLeft) { // Inside mScrollBar and list of timers mScrollBar->handleScrollWheel(x,y,clicks); } else { setPauseState(true); mScrollIndex = llclamp( mScrollIndex + clicks, 0, llmin((S32)mRecording.getNumRecordedPeriods(), (S32)mRecording.getNumRecordedPeriods() - MAX_VISIBLE_HISTORY)); } return TRUE; } static BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_RENDER_TIMER("Timers"); static const S32 MARGIN = 10; static std::vector sTimerColors; void LLFastTimerView::draw() { LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_RENDER_TIMER); if (!mPauseHistory) { mRecording.appendRecording(LLTrace::get_frame_recording().getLastRecording()); mTimerBarRows.pop_back(); mTimerBarRows.push_front(TimerBarRow()); } mDisplayMode = llclamp(getChild("time_scale_combo")->getCurrentIndex(), 0, 3); mDisplayType = (EDisplayType)llclamp(getChild("metric_combo")->getCurrentIndex(), 0, 2); generateUniqueColors(); LLView::drawChildren(); //getChild("timer_bars_stack")->updateLayout(); //getChild("legend_stack")->updateLayout(); LLView* bars_panel = getChildView("bars_panel"); bars_panel->localRectToOtherView(bars_panel->getLocalRect(), &mBarRect, this); LLView* lines_panel = getChildView("lines_panel"); lines_panel->localRectToOtherView(lines_panel->getLocalRect(), &mGraphRect, this); LLView* legend_panel = getChildView("legend"); legend_panel->localRectToOtherView(legend_panel->getLocalRect(), &mLegendRect, this); // Draw the window background gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); gl_rect_2d(getLocalRect(), LLColor4(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.25f)); drawHelp(getRect().getHeight() - MARGIN); drawLegend(); //mBarRect.mLeft = MARGIN + LEGEND_WIDTH + 8; //mBarRect.mTop = y; //mBarRect.mRight = getRect().getWidth() - MARGIN; //mBarRect.mBottom = MARGIN + LINE_GRAPH_HEIGHT; drawBars(); drawLineGraph(); printLineStats(); LLView::draw(); mAllTimeMax = llmax(mAllTimeMax, mRecording.getLastRecording().getSum(FTM_FRAME)); mHoverID = NULL; mHoverBarIndex = -1; } void LLFastTimerView::onOpen(const LLSD& key) { setPauseState(false); mRecording.reset(); mRecording.appendPeriodicRecording(LLTrace::get_frame_recording()); for(std::deque::iterator it = mTimerBarRows.begin(), end_it = mTimerBarRows.end(); it != end_it; ++it) { delete []it->mBars; it->mBars = NULL; } } void LLFastTimerView::onClose(bool app_quitting) { setVisible(FALSE); } void saveChart(const std::string& label, const char* suffix, LLImageRaw* scratch) { // disable use of glReadPixels which messes up nVidia nSight graphics debugging if (!LLRender::sNsightDebugSupport) { LLImageDataSharedLock lock(scratch); //read result back into raw image glReadPixels(0, 0, 1024, 512, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, scratch->getData()); //write results to disk LLPointer result = new LLImagePNG(); result->encode(scratch, 0.f); std::string ext = result->getExtension(); std::string filename = llformat("%s_%s.%s", label.c_str(), suffix, ext.c_str()); std::string out_file = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_LOGS, filename); result->save(out_file); } } //static void LLFastTimerView::exportCharts(const std::string& base, const std::string& target) { //allocate render target for drawing charts LLRenderTarget buffer; buffer.allocate(1024,512, GL_RGB); LLSD cur; LLSD base_data; { //read base log into memory S32 i = 0; llifstream is(base.c_str()); while (!is.eof() && LLSDParser::PARSE_FAILURE != LLSDSerialize::fromXML(cur, is)) { base_data[i++] = cur; } is.close(); } LLSD cur_data; std::set chart_names; { //read current log into memory S32 i = 0; llifstream is(target.c_str()); while (!is.eof() && LLSDParser::PARSE_FAILURE != LLSDSerialize::fromXML(cur, is)) { cur_data[i++] = cur; for (LLSD::map_iterator iter = cur.beginMap(); iter != cur.endMap(); ++iter) { std::string label = iter->first; chart_names.insert(label); } } is.close(); } //allocate raw scratch space LLPointer scratch = new LLImageRaw(1024, 512, 3); gGL.pushMatrix(); gGL.loadIdentity(); gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION); gGL.loadIdentity(); gGL.ortho(-0.05f, 1.05f, -0.05f, 1.05f, -1.0f, 1.0f); //render charts gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); buffer.bindTarget(); for (std::set::iterator iter = chart_names.begin(); iter != chart_names.end(); ++iter) { std::string label = *iter; LLSD::Real max_time = 0.0; LLSD::Integer max_calls = 0; LLSD::Real max_execution = 0.0; std::vector cur_execution; std::vector cur_times; std::vector cur_calls; std::vector base_execution; std::vector base_times; std::vector base_calls; for (U32 i = 0; i < cur_data.size(); ++i) { LLSD::Real time = cur_data[i][label]["Time"].asReal(); LLSD::Integer calls = cur_data[i][label]["Calls"].asInteger(); LLSD::Real execution = 0.0; if (calls > 0) { execution = time/calls; cur_execution.push_back(execution); cur_times.push_back(time); } cur_calls.push_back(calls); } for (U32 i = 0; i < base_data.size(); ++i) { LLSD::Real time = base_data[i][label]["Time"].asReal(); LLSD::Integer calls = base_data[i][label]["Calls"].asInteger(); LLSD::Real execution = 0.0; if (calls > 0) { execution = time/calls; base_execution.push_back(execution); base_times.push_back(time); } base_calls.push_back(calls); } std::sort(base_calls.begin(), base_calls.end()); std::sort(base_times.begin(), base_times.end()); std::sort(base_execution.begin(), base_execution.end()); std::sort(cur_calls.begin(), cur_calls.end()); std::sort(cur_times.begin(), cur_times.end()); std::sort(cur_execution.begin(), cur_execution.end()); //remove outliers const U32 OUTLIER_CUTOFF = 512; if (base_times.size() > OUTLIER_CUTOFF) { ll_remove_outliers(base_times, 1.f); } if (base_execution.size() > OUTLIER_CUTOFF) { ll_remove_outliers(base_execution, 1.f); } if (cur_times.size() > OUTLIER_CUTOFF) { ll_remove_outliers(cur_times, 1.f); } if (cur_execution.size() > OUTLIER_CUTOFF) { ll_remove_outliers(cur_execution, 1.f); } max_time = llmax(base_times.empty() ? 0.0 : *base_times.rbegin(), cur_times.empty() ? 0.0 : *cur_times.rbegin()); max_calls = llmax(base_calls.empty() ? 0 : *base_calls.rbegin(), cur_calls.empty() ? 0 : *cur_calls.rbegin()); max_execution = llmax(base_execution.empty() ? 0.0 : *base_execution.rbegin(), cur_execution.empty() ? 0.0 : *cur_execution.rbegin()); LLVector3 last_p; //==================================== // basic //==================================== buffer.clear(); last_p.clear(); LLGLDisable cull(GL_CULL_FACE); LLVector3 base_col(0, 0.7f, 0.f); LLVector3 cur_col(1.f, 0.f, 0.f); gGL.setSceneBlendType(LLRender::BT_ADD); gGL.color3fv(base_col.mV); for (U32 i = 0; i < base_times.size(); ++i) { gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); gGL.vertex3fv(last_p.mV); gGL.vertex3f(last_p.mV[0], 0.f, 0.f); last_p.set((F32)i/(F32) base_times.size(), base_times[i]/max_time, 0.f); gGL.vertex3fv(last_p.mV); gGL.vertex3f(last_p.mV[0], 0.f, 0.f); gGL.end(); } gGL.flush(); last_p.clear(); { LLGLEnable blend(GL_BLEND); gGL.color3fv(cur_col.mV); for (U32 i = 0; i < cur_times.size(); ++i) { gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); gGL.vertex3f(last_p.mV[0], 0.f, 0.f); gGL.vertex3fv(last_p.mV); last_p.set((F32) i / (F32) cur_times.size(), cur_times[i]/max_time, 0.f); gGL.vertex3f(last_p.mV[0], 0.f, 0.f); gGL.vertex3fv(last_p.mV); gGL.end(); } gGL.flush(); } saveChart(label, "time", scratch); //====================================== // calls //====================================== buffer.clear(); last_p.clear(); gGL.color3fv(base_col.mV); for (U32 i = 0; i < base_calls.size(); ++i) { gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); gGL.vertex3fv(last_p.mV); gGL.vertex3f(last_p.mV[0], 0.f, 0.f); last_p.set((F32) i / (F32) base_calls.size(), (F32)base_calls[i]/max_calls, 0.f); gGL.vertex3fv(last_p.mV); gGL.vertex3f(last_p.mV[0], 0.f, 0.f); gGL.end(); } gGL.flush(); { LLGLEnable blend(GL_BLEND); gGL.color3fv(cur_col.mV); last_p.clear(); for (U32 i = 0; i < cur_calls.size(); ++i) { gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); gGL.vertex3f(last_p.mV[0], 0.f, 0.f); gGL.vertex3fv(last_p.mV); last_p.set((F32) i / (F32) cur_calls.size(), (F32) cur_calls[i]/max_calls, 0.f); gGL.vertex3f(last_p.mV[0], 0.f, 0.f); gGL.vertex3fv(last_p.mV); gGL.end(); } gGL.flush(); } saveChart(label, "calls", scratch); //====================================== // execution //====================================== buffer.clear(); gGL.color3fv(base_col.mV); U32 count = 0; U32 total_count = base_execution.size(); last_p.clear(); for (std::vector::iterator iter = base_execution.begin(); iter != base_execution.end(); ++iter) { gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); gGL.vertex3fv(last_p.mV); gGL.vertex3f(last_p.mV[0], 0.f, 0.f); last_p.set((F32)count/(F32)total_count, *iter/max_execution, 0.f); gGL.vertex3fv(last_p.mV); gGL.vertex3f(last_p.mV[0], 0.f, 0.f); gGL.end(); count++; } last_p.clear(); { LLGLEnable blend(GL_BLEND); gGL.color3fv(cur_col.mV); count = 0; total_count = cur_execution.size(); for (std::vector::iterator iter = cur_execution.begin(); iter != cur_execution.end(); ++iter) { gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); gGL.vertex3f(last_p.mV[0], 0.f, 0.f); gGL.vertex3fv(last_p.mV); last_p.set((F32)count/(F32)total_count, *iter/max_execution, 0.f); gGL.vertex3f(last_p.mV[0], 0.f, 0.f); gGL.vertex3fv(last_p.mV); gGL.end(); count++; } gGL.flush(); } saveChart(label, "execution", scratch); } buffer.flush(); gGL.popMatrix(); gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); gGL.popMatrix(); } //static LLSD LLFastTimerView::analyzePerformanceLogDefault(std::istream& is) { LLSD ret; LLSD cur; LLSD::Real total_time = 0.0; LLSD::Integer total_frames = 0; typedef std::map stats_map_t; stats_map_t time_stats; stats_map_t sample_stats; while (!is.eof() && LLSDParser::PARSE_FAILURE != LLSDSerialize::fromXML(cur, is)) { for (LLSD::map_iterator iter = cur.beginMap(); iter != cur.endMap(); ++iter) { std::string label = iter->first; F64 time = iter->second["Time"].asReal(); // Skip the total figure if(label.compare("Total") != 0) { total_time += time; } if (time > 0.0) { LLSD::Integer samples = iter->second["Calls"].asInteger(); time_stats[label].push(time); sample_stats[label].push(samples); } } total_frames++; } for(stats_map_t::iterator it = time_stats.begin(); it != time_stats.end(); ++it) { std::string label = it->first; ret[label]["TotalTime"] = time_stats[label].getSum(); ret[label]["MeanTime"] = time_stats[label].getMean(); ret[label]["MaxTime"] = time_stats[label].getMaxValue(); ret[label]["MinTime"] = time_stats[label].getMinValue(); ret[label]["StdDevTime"] = time_stats[label].getStdDev(); ret[label]["Samples"] = sample_stats[label].getSum(); ret[label]["MaxSamples"] = sample_stats[label].getMaxValue(); ret[label]["MinSamples"] = sample_stats[label].getMinValue(); ret[label]["StdDevSamples"] = sample_stats[label].getStdDev(); ret[label]["Frames"] = (LLSD::Integer)time_stats[label].getCount(); } ret["SessionTime"] = total_time; ret["FrameCount"] = total_frames; return ret; } //static void LLFastTimerView::doAnalysisDefault(std::string baseline, std::string target, std::string output) { // Open baseline and current target, exit if one is inexistent llifstream base_is(baseline.c_str()); llifstream target_is(target.c_str()); if (!base_is.is_open() || !target_is.is_open()) { LL_WARNS() << "'-analyzeperformance' error : baseline or current target file inexistent" << LL_ENDL; base_is.close(); target_is.close(); return; } //analyze baseline LLSD base = analyzePerformanceLogDefault(base_is); base_is.close(); //analyze current LLSD current = analyzePerformanceLogDefault(target_is); target_is.close(); //output comparison llofstream os(output.c_str()); LLSD::Real session_time = current["SessionTime"].asReal(); os << "Label, " "% Change, " "% of Session, " "Cur Min, " "Cur Max, " "Cur Mean/sample, " "Cur Mean/frame, " "Cur StdDev/frame, " "Cur Total, " "Cur Frames, " "Cur Samples, " "Base Min, " "Base Max, " "Base Mean/sample, " "Base Mean/frame, " "Base StdDev/frame, " "Base Total, " "Base Frames, " "Base Samples\n"; for (LLSD::map_iterator iter = base.beginMap(); iter != base.endMap(); ++iter) { LLSD::String label = iter->first; if (current[label]["Samples"].asInteger() == 0 || base[label]["Samples"].asInteger() == 0) { //cannot compare continue; } LLSD::Real a = base[label]["TotalTime"].asReal() / base[label]["Samples"].asReal(); LLSD::Real b = current[label]["TotalTime"].asReal() / current[label]["Samples"].asReal(); LLSD::Real diff = b-a; LLSD::Real perc = diff/a * 100; os << llformat("%s, %.2f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %d, %d, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %d, %d\n", label.c_str(), (F32) perc, (F32) (current[label]["TotalTime"].asReal()/session_time * 100.0), (F32) current[label]["MinTime"].asReal(), (F32) current[label]["MaxTime"].asReal(), (F32) b, (F32) current[label]["MeanTime"].asReal(), (F32) current[label]["StdDevTime"].asReal(), (F32) current[label]["TotalTime"].asReal(), current[label]["Frames"].asInteger(), current[label]["Samples"].asInteger(), (F32) base[label]["MinTime"].asReal(), (F32) base[label]["MaxTime"].asReal(), (F32) a, (F32) base[label]["MeanTime"].asReal(), (F32) base[label]["StdDevTime"].asReal(), (F32) base[label]["TotalTime"].asReal(), base[label]["Frames"].asInteger(), base[label]["Samples"].asInteger()); } exportCharts(baseline, target); os.flush(); os.close(); } //static void LLFastTimerView::outputAllMetrics() { if (LLMetricPerformanceTesterBasic::hasMetricPerformanceTesters()) { for (LLMetricPerformanceTesterBasic::name_tester_map_t::iterator iter = LLMetricPerformanceTesterBasic::sTesterMap.begin(); iter != LLMetricPerformanceTesterBasic::sTesterMap.end(); ++iter) { LLMetricPerformanceTesterBasic* tester = ((LLMetricPerformanceTesterBasic*)iter->second); tester->outputTestResults(); } } } //static void LLFastTimerView::doAnalysis(std::string baseline, std::string target, std::string output) { if(BlockTimer::sLog) { doAnalysisDefault(baseline, target, output) ; return ; } if(BlockTimer::sMetricLog) { LLMetricPerformanceTesterBasic::doAnalysisMetrics(baseline, target, output) ; return ; } } void LLFastTimerView::printLineStats() { // Output stats for clicked bar to log if (mStatsIndex >= 0) { std::string legend_stat; bool first = true; for(block_timer_tree_df_iterator_t it = LLTrace::begin_block_timer_tree_df(FTM_FRAME); it != LLTrace::end_block_timer_tree_df(); ++it) { BlockTimerStatHandle* idp = (*it); if (!first) { legend_stat += ", "; } first = false; legend_stat += idp->getName(); //if (idp->getTreeNode().mCollapsed) //{ // it.skipDescendants(); //} } LL_INFOS() << legend_stat << LL_ENDL; std::string timer_stat; first = true; for(block_timer_tree_df_iterator_t it = LLTrace::begin_block_timer_tree_df(FTM_FRAME); it != LLTrace::end_block_timer_tree_df(); ++it) { BlockTimerStatHandle* idp = (*it); if (!first) { timer_stat += ", "; } first = false; F32Seconds ticks; if (mStatsIndex == 0) { ticks = mRecording.getPeriodMean(*idp, RUNNING_AVERAGE_WIDTH); } else { ticks = mRecording.getPrevRecording(mStatsIndex).getSum(*idp); } F32Milliseconds ms = ticks; timer_stat += llformat("%.1f",ms.value()); //if (idp->getTreeNode().mCollapsed) //{ // it.skipDescendants(); //} } LL_INFOS() << timer_stat << LL_ENDL; mStatsIndex = -1; } } void LLFastTimerView::drawLineGraph() { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED; //draw line graph history gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); LLLocalClipRect clip(mGraphRect); //normalize based on last frame's maximum static F32Seconds max_time(0.000001); static U32 max_calls = 0; static F32 alpha_interp = 0.f; //highlight visible range { S32 first_frame = mRecording.getNumRecordedPeriods() - mScrollIndex; S32 last_frame = first_frame - MAX_VISIBLE_HISTORY; F32 frame_delta = ((F32) (mGraphRect.getWidth()))/(mRecording.getNumRecordedPeriods()-1); F32 right = (F32) mGraphRect.mLeft + frame_delta*first_frame; F32 left = (F32) mGraphRect.mLeft + frame_delta*last_frame; gGL.color4f(0.5f,0.5f,0.5f,0.3f); gl_rect_2d((S32) left, mGraphRect.mTop, (S32) right, mGraphRect.mBottom); if (mHoverBarIndex > 0) { S32 bar_frame = first_frame - (mScrollIndex + mHoverBarIndex) - 1; F32 bar = (F32) mGraphRect.mLeft + frame_delta*bar_frame; gGL.color4f(0.5f,0.5f,0.5f,1); gGL.begin(LLRender::LINES); gGL.vertex2i((S32)bar, mGraphRect.mBottom); gGL.vertex2i((S32)bar, mGraphRect.mTop); gGL.end(); } } F32Seconds cur_max(0); U32 cur_max_calls = 0; for(block_timer_tree_df_iterator_t it = LLTrace::begin_block_timer_tree_df(FTM_FRAME); it != LLTrace::end_block_timer_tree_df(); ++it) { BlockTimerStatHandle* idp = (*it); //fatten highlighted timer if (mHoverID == idp) { gGL.flush(); glLineWidth(3); } llassert(idp->getIndex() < sTimerColors.size()); const F32 * col = sTimerColors[idp->getIndex()].mV;// ft_display_table[idx].color->mV; F32 alpha = 1.f; bool is_hover_timer = true; if (mHoverID != NULL && mHoverID != idp) { //fade out non-highlighted timers if (idp->getParent() != mHoverID) { alpha = alpha_interp; is_hover_timer = false; } } gGL.color4f(col[0], col[1], col[2], alpha); gGL.begin(LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP); F32 call_scale_factor = (F32)mGraphRect.getHeight() / (F32)max_calls; F32 time_scale_factor = (F32)mGraphRect.getHeight() / max_time.value(); F32 hz_scale_factor = (F32) mGraphRect.getHeight() / (1.f / max_time.value()); for (U32 j = mRecording.getNumRecordedPeriods(); j > 0; j--) { LLTrace::Recording& recording = mRecording.getPrevRecording(j); F32Seconds time = llmax(recording.getSum(*idp), F64Seconds(0.000001)); U32 calls = recording.getSum(idp->callCount()); if (is_hover_timer) { //normalize to highlighted timer cur_max = llmax(cur_max, time); cur_max_calls = llmax(cur_max_calls, calls); } F32 x = mGraphRect.mRight - j * (F32)(mGraphRect.getWidth())/(mRecording.getNumRecordedPeriods()-1); F32 y; switch(mDisplayType) { case DISPLAY_TIME: y = mGraphRect.mBottom + time.value() * time_scale_factor; break; case DISPLAY_CALLS: y = mGraphRect.mBottom + (F32)calls * call_scale_factor; break; case DISPLAY_HZ: y = mGraphRect.mBottom + (1.f / time.value()) * hz_scale_factor; break; } gGL.vertex2f(x,y); gGL.vertex2f(x,mGraphRect.mBottom); } gGL.end(); if (mHoverID == idp) { gGL.flush(); glLineWidth(1); } if (idp->getTreeNode().mCollapsed) { //skip hidden timers it.skipDescendants(); } } //interpolate towards new maximum max_time = (F32Seconds)lerp(max_time.value(), cur_max.value(), LLSmoothInterpolation::getInterpolant(0.1f)); if (llabs((max_time - cur_max).value()) <= 1) { max_time = llmax(F32Microseconds(1.f), F32Microseconds(cur_max)); } max_calls = ll_round(lerp((F32)max_calls, (F32) cur_max_calls, LLSmoothInterpolation::getInterpolant(0.1f))); if (llabs((S32)(max_calls - cur_max_calls)) <= 1) { max_calls = cur_max_calls; } // TODO: make sure alpha is correct in DisplayHz mode F32 alpha_target = (max_time > cur_max) ? llmin(max_time / cur_max - 1.f,1.f) : llmin(cur_max/ max_time - 1.f,1.f); alpha_interp = lerp(alpha_interp, alpha_target, LLSmoothInterpolation::getInterpolant(0.1f)); if (mHoverID != NULL) { S32 x = (mGraphRect.mRight + mGraphRect.mLeft)/2; S32 y = mGraphRect.mBottom + 8; LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8( mHoverID->getName(), 0, x, y, LLColor4::white, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::BOTTOM); } //display y-axis range std::string axis_label; switch(mDisplayType) { case DISPLAY_TIME: axis_label = llformat("%4.2f ms", F32Milliseconds(max_time).value()); break; case DISPLAY_CALLS: axis_label = llformat("%d calls", (int)max_calls); break; case DISPLAY_HZ: axis_label = llformat("%4.2f Hz", max_time.value() ? 1.f / max_time.value() : 0.f); break; } LLFontGL* font = LLFontGL::getFontMonospace(); S32 x = mGraphRect.mRight - font->getWidth(axis_label)-5; S32 y = mGraphRect.mTop - font->getLineHeight();; font->renderUTF8(axis_label, 0, x, y, LLColor4::white, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP); } void LLFastTimerView::drawLegend() { // draw legend S32 dx; S32 x = mLegendRect.mLeft; S32 y = mLegendRect.mTop; const S32 TEXT_HEIGHT = (S32)LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->getLineHeight(); { LLLocalClipRect clip(mLegendRect); S32 cur_line = 0; S32 scroll_offset = 0; // element's y offset from top of the inner scroll's rect ft_display_idx.clear(); std::map display_line; for (block_timer_tree_df_iterator_t it = LLTrace::begin_block_timer_tree_df(FTM_FRAME); it != block_timer_tree_df_iterator_t(); ++it) { BlockTimerStatHandle* idp = (*it); // Needed to figure out offsets and parenting display_line[idp] = cur_line; cur_line++; if (scroll_offset < mScrollBar->getDocPos()) { // only offset for visible items scroll_offset += TEXT_HEIGHT + 2; if (idp->getTreeNode().mCollapsed) { it.skipDescendants(); } continue; } // used for mouse clicks ft_display_idx.push_back(idp); // Actual draw, first bar (square), then text x = MARGIN; LLRect bar_rect(x, y, x + TEXT_HEIGHT, y - TEXT_HEIGHT); S32 scale_offset = 0; if (idp == mHoverID) { scale_offset = llfloor(sinf(mHighlightTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() * 6.f) * 2.f); } bar_rect.stretch(scale_offset); llassert(idp->getIndex() < sTimerColors.size()); gl_rect_2d(bar_rect, sTimerColors[idp->getIndex()]); F32Milliseconds ms(0); S32 calls = 0; if (mHoverBarIndex > 0 && mHoverID) { S32 hidx = mScrollIndex + mHoverBarIndex; ms = mRecording.getPrevRecording(hidx).getSum(*idp); calls = mRecording.getPrevRecording(hidx).getSum(idp->callCount()); } else { ms = F64Seconds(mRecording.getPeriodMean(*idp, RUNNING_AVERAGE_WIDTH)); calls = (S32)mRecording.getPeriodMean(idp->callCount(), RUNNING_AVERAGE_WIDTH); } std::string timer_label; switch(mDisplayType) { case DISPLAY_TIME: timer_label = llformat("%s [%.1f]",idp->getName().c_str(),ms.value()); break; case DISPLAY_CALLS: timer_label = llformat("%s (%d)",idp->getName().c_str(),calls); break; case DISPLAY_HZ: timer_label = llformat("%.1f", ms.value() ? (1.f / ms.value()) : 0.f); break; } dx = (TEXT_HEIGHT+4) + get_depth(idp)*8; LLColor4 color = LLColor4::white; if (get_depth(idp) > 0) { S32 line_start_y = bar_rect.getCenterY(); S32 line_end_y = line_start_y + ((TEXT_HEIGHT + 2) * (cur_line - display_line[idp->getParent()])) - TEXT_HEIGHT; gl_line_2d(x + dx - 8, line_start_y, x + dx, line_start_y, color); S32 line_x = x + (TEXT_HEIGHT + 4) + ((get_depth(idp) - 1) * 8); gl_line_2d(line_x, line_start_y, line_x, line_end_y, color); if (idp->getTreeNode().mCollapsed && !idp->getChildren().empty()) { gl_line_2d(line_x+4, line_start_y-3, line_x+4, line_start_y+4, color); } } x += dx; BOOL is_child_of_hover_item = (idp == mHoverID); BlockTimerStatHandle* next_parent = idp->getParent(); while(!is_child_of_hover_item && next_parent) { is_child_of_hover_item = (mHoverID == next_parent); if (next_parent->getParent() == next_parent) break; next_parent = next_parent->getParent(); } LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(timer_label, 0, x, y, color, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP, is_child_of_hover_item ? LLFontGL::BOLD : LLFontGL::NORMAL); y -= (TEXT_HEIGHT + 2); scroll_offset += TEXT_HEIGHT + 2; if (idp->getTreeNode().mCollapsed) { it.skipDescendants(); } } // Recalculate scroll size mScrollBar->setDocSize(scroll_offset - mLegendRect.getHeight()); } } void LLFastTimerView::generateUniqueColors() { // generate unique colors { sTimerColors.resize(LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle::getNumIndices()); sTimerColors[FTM_FRAME.getIndex()] = LLColor4::grey; F32 hue = 0.f; for (block_timer_tree_df_iterator_t it = LLTrace::begin_block_timer_tree_df(FTM_FRAME); it != block_timer_tree_df_iterator_t(); ++it) { BlockTimerStatHandle* idp = (*it); const F32 HUE_INCREMENT = 0.23f; hue = fmodf(hue + HUE_INCREMENT, 1.f); // saturation increases with depth F32 saturation = clamp_rescale((F32)get_depth(idp), 0.f, 3.f, 0.f, 1.f); // lightness alternates with depth F32 lightness = get_depth(idp) % 2 ? 0.5f : 0.6f; LLColor4 child_color; child_color.setHSL(hue, saturation, lightness); llassert(idp->getIndex() < sTimerColors.size()); sTimerColors[idp->getIndex()] = child_color; } } } void LLFastTimerView::drawHelp( S32 y ) { // Draw some help const S32 texth = (S32)LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->getLineHeight(); y -= (texth + 2); y -= (texth + 2); LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(std::string("[Right-Click log selected]"), 0, MARGIN, y, LLColor4::white, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP); } void LLFastTimerView::drawTicks() { // Draw MS ticks { U32Milliseconds ms = mTotalTimeDisplay; std::string tick_label; S32 x; S32 barw = mBarRect.getWidth(); tick_label = llformat("%.1f ms |", (F32)ms.value()*.25f); x = mBarRect.mLeft + barw/4 - LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->getWidth(tick_label); LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(tick_label, 0, x, mBarRect.mTop, LLColor4::white, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP); tick_label = llformat("%.1f ms |", (F32)ms.value()*.50f); x = mBarRect.mLeft + barw/2 - LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->getWidth(tick_label); LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(tick_label, 0, x, mBarRect.mTop, LLColor4::white, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP); tick_label = llformat("%.1f ms |", (F32)ms.value()*.75f); x = mBarRect.mLeft + (barw*3)/4 - LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->getWidth(tick_label); LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(tick_label, 0, x, mBarRect.mTop, LLColor4::white, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP); tick_label = llformat( "%d ms |", (U32)ms.value()); x = mBarRect.mLeft + barw - LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->getWidth(tick_label); LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->renderUTF8(tick_label, 0, x, mBarRect.mTop, LLColor4::white, LLFontGL::LEFT, LLFontGL::TOP); } } void LLFastTimerView::drawBorders( S32 y, const S32 x_start, S32 bar_height, S32 dy ) { // Draw borders { S32 by = y + 6 + (S32)LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->getLineHeight(); //heading gl_rect_2d(x_start-5, by, getRect().getWidth()-5, y+5, LLColor4::grey, FALSE); //tree view gl_rect_2d(5, by, x_start-10, 5, LLColor4::grey, FALSE); by = y + 5; //average bar gl_rect_2d(x_start-5, by, getRect().getWidth()-5, by-bar_height-dy-5, LLColor4::grey, FALSE); by -= bar_height*2+dy; //current frame bar gl_rect_2d(x_start-5, by, getRect().getWidth()-5, by-bar_height-dy-2, LLColor4::grey, FALSE); by -= bar_height+dy+1; //history bars gl_rect_2d(x_start-5, by, getRect().getWidth()-5, LINE_GRAPH_HEIGHT-bar_height-dy-2, LLColor4::grey, FALSE); by = LINE_GRAPH_HEIGHT-dy; //line graph //mGraphRect = LLRect(x_start-5, by, getRect().getWidth()-5, 5); gl_rect_2d(mGraphRect, FALSE); } } void LLFastTimerView::updateTotalTime() { switch(mDisplayMode) { case 0: mTotalTimeDisplay = mRecording.getPeriodMean(FTM_FRAME, RUNNING_AVERAGE_WIDTH)*2; break; case 1: mTotalTimeDisplay = mRecording.getPeriodMax(FTM_FRAME); break; case 2: // Calculate the max total ticks for the current history mTotalTimeDisplay = mRecording.getPeriodMax(FTM_FRAME, 20); break; default: mTotalTimeDisplay = F64Milliseconds(100); break; } mTotalTimeDisplay = LLUnits::Milliseconds::fromValue(llceil(mTotalTimeDisplay.valueInUnits() / 20.f) * 20.f); } void LLFastTimerView::drawBars() { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED; LLLocalClipRect clip(mBarRect); S32 bar_height = mBarRect.getHeight() / (MAX_VISIBLE_HISTORY + 2); const S32 vpad = llmax(1, bar_height / 4); // spacing between bars bar_height -= vpad; updateTotalTime(); if (mTotalTimeDisplay <= (F32Seconds)0.0) return; drawTicks(); const S32 bars_top = mBarRect.mTop - ((S32)LLFontGL::getFontMonospace()->getLineHeight() + 4); drawBorders(bars_top, mBarRect.mLeft, bar_height, vpad); // Draw bars for each history entry // Special: 0 = show running average LLPointer bar_image = LLUI::getUIImage("Rounded_Square"); const S32 image_width = bar_image->getTextureWidth(); const S32 image_height = bar_image->getTextureHeight(); gGL.getTexUnit(0)->bind(bar_image->getImage()); { const S32 histmax = (S32)mRecording.getNumRecordedPeriods(); // update widths if (!mPauseHistory) { U32 bar_index = 0; if (!mAverageTimerRow.mBars) { mAverageTimerRow.mBars = new TimerBar[LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle::instance_tracker_t::instanceCount()]; } updateTimerBarWidths(&FTM_FRAME, mAverageTimerRow, -1, bar_index); updateTimerBarOffsets(&FTM_FRAME, mAverageTimerRow); for (S32 history_index = 1; history_index <= histmax; history_index++) { llassert(history_index <= mTimerBarRows.size()); TimerBarRow& row = mTimerBarRows[history_index - 1]; bar_index = 0; if (!row.mBars) { row.mBars = new TimerBar[LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle::instance_tracker_t::instanceCount()]; updateTimerBarWidths(&FTM_FRAME, row, history_index, bar_index); updateTimerBarOffsets(&FTM_FRAME, row); } } } // draw bars LLRect frame_bar_rect; frame_bar_rect.setLeftTopAndSize(mBarRect.mLeft, bars_top, ll_round((mAverageTimerRow.mBars[0].mTotalTime / mTotalTimeDisplay) * mBarRect.getWidth()), bar_height); mAverageTimerRow.mTop = frame_bar_rect.mTop; mAverageTimerRow.mBottom = frame_bar_rect.mBottom; drawBar(frame_bar_rect, mAverageTimerRow, image_width, image_height); frame_bar_rect.translate(0, -(bar_height + vpad + bar_height)); for(S32 bar_index = mScrollIndex; bar_index < llmin(histmax, mScrollIndex + MAX_VISIBLE_HISTORY); ++bar_index) { llassert(bar_index < mTimerBarRows.size()); TimerBarRow& row = mTimerBarRows[bar_index]; row.mTop = frame_bar_rect.mTop; row.mBottom = frame_bar_rect.mBottom; frame_bar_rect.mRight = frame_bar_rect.mLeft + ll_round((row.mBars[0].mTotalTime / mTotalTimeDisplay) * mBarRect.getWidth()); drawBar(frame_bar_rect, row, image_width, image_height); frame_bar_rect.translate(0, -(bar_height + vpad)); } } gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); } F32Seconds LLFastTimerView::updateTimerBarWidths(LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle* time_block, TimerBarRow& row, S32 history_index, U32& bar_index) { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED; const F32Seconds self_time = history_index == -1 ? mRecording.getPeriodMean(time_block->selfTime(), RUNNING_AVERAGE_WIDTH) : mRecording.getPrevRecording(history_index).getSum(time_block->selfTime()); F32Seconds full_time = self_time; // reserve a spot for this bar to be rendered before its children // even though we don't know its size yet TimerBar& timer_bar = row.mBars[bar_index]; bar_index++; for (BlockTimerStatHandle::child_iter it = time_block->beginChildren(), end_it = time_block->endChildren(); it != end_it; ++it) { full_time += updateTimerBarWidths(*it, row, history_index, bar_index); } timer_bar.mTotalTime = full_time; timer_bar.mSelfTime = self_time; timer_bar.mTimeBlock = time_block; return full_time; } S32 LLFastTimerView::updateTimerBarOffsets(LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle* time_block, TimerBarRow& row, S32 timer_bar_index) { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED; TimerBar& timer_bar = row.mBars[timer_bar_index]; const F32Seconds bar_time = timer_bar.mTotalTime - timer_bar.mSelfTime; timer_bar.mChildrenStart = timer_bar.mSelfStart + timer_bar.mSelfTime / 2; timer_bar.mChildrenEnd = timer_bar.mChildrenStart + timer_bar.mTotalTime - timer_bar.mSelfTime; if (timer_bar_index == 0) { timer_bar.mSelfStart = F32Seconds(0.f); timer_bar.mSelfEnd = bar_time; } //now loop through children and figure out portion of bar image covered by each bar, now that we know the //sum of all children F32 bar_fraction_start = 0.f; TimerBar* last_child_timer_bar = NULL; bool first_child = true; for (BlockTimerStatHandle::child_iter it = time_block->beginChildren(), end_it = time_block->endChildren(); it != end_it; ++it) { timer_bar_index++; TimerBar& child_timer_bar = row.mBars[timer_bar_index]; BlockTimerStatHandle* child_time_block = *it; if (last_child_timer_bar) { last_child_timer_bar->mLastChild = false; } child_timer_bar.mLastChild = true; last_child_timer_bar = &child_timer_bar; child_timer_bar.mFirstChild = first_child; if (first_child) { first_child = false; } child_timer_bar.mStartFraction = bar_fraction_start; child_timer_bar.mEndFraction = bar_time > (S32Seconds)0 ? bar_fraction_start + child_timer_bar.mTotalTime / bar_time : 1.f; child_timer_bar.mSelfStart = timer_bar.mChildrenStart + child_timer_bar.mStartFraction * (timer_bar.mChildrenEnd - timer_bar.mChildrenStart); child_timer_bar.mSelfEnd = timer_bar.mChildrenStart + child_timer_bar.mEndFraction * (timer_bar.mChildrenEnd - timer_bar.mChildrenStart); timer_bar_index = updateTimerBarOffsets(child_time_block, row, timer_bar_index); bar_fraction_start = child_timer_bar.mEndFraction; } return timer_bar_index; } S32 LLFastTimerView::drawBar(LLRect bar_rect, TimerBarRow& row, S32 image_width, S32 image_height, bool hovered, bool visible, S32 bar_index) { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED; TimerBar& timer_bar = row.mBars[bar_index]; LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle* time_block = timer_bar.mTimeBlock; hovered |= mHoverID == time_block; // animate scale of bar when hovering over that particular timer if (visible && (F32)bar_rect.getWidth() * (timer_bar.mEndFraction - timer_bar.mStartFraction) > 2.f) { LLRect render_rect(bar_rect); S32 scale_offset = 0; if (mHoverID == time_block) { scale_offset = llfloor(sinf(mHighlightTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() * 6.f) * 3.f); render_rect.mTop += scale_offset; render_rect.mBottom -= scale_offset; } llassert(time_block->getIndex() < sTimerColors.size()); LLColor4 color = sTimerColors[time_block->getIndex()]; if (!hovered) color = lerp(color, LLColor4::grey, 0.2f); gGL.color4fv(color.mV); gl_segmented_rect_2d_fragment_tex(render_rect, image_width, image_height, 16, timer_bar.mStartFraction, timer_bar.mEndFraction); } LLRect children_rect; children_rect.mLeft = ll_round(timer_bar.mChildrenStart / mTotalTimeDisplay * (F32)mBarRect.getWidth()) + mBarRect.mLeft; children_rect.mRight = ll_round(timer_bar.mChildrenEnd / mTotalTimeDisplay * (F32)mBarRect.getWidth()) + mBarRect.mLeft; if (bar_rect.getHeight() > MIN_BAR_HEIGHT) { // shrink as we go down a level children_rect.mTop = bar_rect.mTop - 1; children_rect.mBottom = bar_rect.mBottom + 1; } else { children_rect.mTop = bar_rect.mTop; children_rect.mBottom = bar_rect.mBottom; } bool children_visible = visible && !time_block->getTreeNode().mCollapsed; bar_index++; const U32 num_bars = LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle::instance_tracker_t::instanceCount(); if (bar_index < num_bars && row.mBars[bar_index].mFirstChild) { bool is_last = false; do { is_last = row.mBars[bar_index].mLastChild; bar_index = drawBar(children_rect, row, image_width, image_height, hovered, children_visible, bar_index); } while(!is_last && bar_index < num_bars); } return bar_index; }