 * @file llface.cpp
 * @brief LLFace class implementation
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"

#include "lldrawable.h" // lldrawable needs to be included before llface
#include "llface.h"
#include "llviewertextureanim.h"

#include "llviewercontrol.h"
#include "llvolume.h"
#include "m3math.h"
#include "llmatrix4a.h"
#include "v3color.h"

#include "lldefs.h"

#include "lldrawpoolavatar.h"
#include "lldrawpoolbump.h"
#include "llgl.h"
#include "llrender.h"
#include "lllightconstants.h"
#include "llsky.h"
#include "llviewercamera.h"
#include "llviewertexturelist.h"
#include "llvopartgroup.h"
#include "llvovolume.h"
#include "pipeline.h"
#include "llviewerregion.h"
#include "llviewerwindow.h"
#include "llviewershadermgr.h"
#include "llviewertexture.h"
#include "llvoavatar.h"
#include "llsculptidsize.h"
#include "llmeshrepository.h"
#include "llskinningutil.h"

// Work-around spurious used before init warning on Vector4a
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wuninitialized"

#define LL_MAX_INDICES_COUNT 1000000

static LLStaticHashedString sTextureIndexIn("texture_index_in");
static LLStaticHashedString sColorIn("color_in");

bool LLFace::sSafeRenderSelect = true; // false

#define DOTVEC(a,b) (a.mV[0]*b.mV[0] + a.mV[1]*b.mV[1] + a.mV[2]*b.mV[2])

For each vertex, given:
    B - binormal
    T - tangent
    N - normal
    P - position

The resulting texture coordinate <u,v> is:

    u = 2(B dot P)
    v = 2(T dot P)
void planarProjection(LLVector2 &tc, const LLVector4a& normal,
                      const LLVector4a &center, const LLVector4a& vec)
    LLVector4a binormal;
    F32 d = normal[0];

    if (d >= 0.5f || d <= -0.5f)
        if (d < 0)
            binormal.set(0, 1, 0);
        if (normal[1] > 0)
    LLVector4a tangent;

    tc.mV[1] = -((tangent.dot3(vec).getF32())*2 - 0.5f);
    tc.mV[0] = 1.0f+((binormal.dot3(vec).getF32())*2 - 0.5f);

// LLFace implementation

void LLFace::init(LLDrawable* drawablep, LLViewerObject* objp)
    mLastUpdateTime = gFrameTimeSeconds;
    mLastMoveTime = 0.f;
    mLastSkinTime = gFrameTimeSeconds;
    mVSize = 0.f;
    mPixelArea = 16.f;
    mState      = GLOBAL;
    mDrawPoolp  = NULL;
    mPoolType = 0;
    mCenterLocal = objp->getPosition();
    mCenterAgent = drawablep->getPositionAgent();
    mDistance   = 0.f;

    mGeomCount      = 0;
    mGeomIndex      = 0;
    mIndicesCount   = 0;

    //special value to indicate uninitialized position
    mIndicesIndex   = 0xFFFFFFFF;

    for (U32 i = 0; i < LLRender::NUM_TEXTURE_CHANNELS; ++i)
        mIndexInTex[i] = 0;
        mTexture[i] = NULL;

    mTEOffset       = -1;

    mVObjp = objp;

    mReferenceIndex = -1;

    mTextureMatrix = NULL;
    mDrawInfo = NULL;

    mFaceColor = LLColor4(1,0,0,1);

    mImportanceToCamera = 0.f ;
    mBoundingSphereRadius = 0.0f ;

    mTexExtents[0].set(0, 0);
    mTexExtents[1].set(1, 1);
    mHasMedia = false ;
    mIsMediaAllowed = true;

void LLFace::destroy()
    if (gDebugGL)

    for (U32 i = 0; i < LLRender::NUM_TEXTURE_CHANNELS; ++i)
            mTexture[i]->removeFace(i, this) ;
            mTexture[i] = NULL;

    if (isState(LLFace::PARTICLE))

    if (mDrawPoolp)
        mDrawPoolp = NULL;

    if (mTextureMatrix)
        delete mTextureMatrix;
        mTextureMatrix = NULL;

        if (mDrawablep)
            LLSpatialGroup* group = mDrawablep->getSpatialGroup();
            if (group)


    mDrawablep = NULL;
    mVObjp = NULL;

void LLFace::setWorldMatrix(const LLMatrix4 &mat)
    LL_ERRS() << "Faces on this drawable are not independently modifiable\n" << LL_ENDL;

void LLFace::setPool(LLFacePool* pool)
    mDrawPoolp = pool;

void LLFace::setPool(LLFacePool* new_pool, LLViewerTexture *texturep)

    if (!new_pool)
        LL_ERRS() << "Setting pool to null!" << LL_ENDL;

    if (new_pool != mDrawPoolp)
        // Remove from old pool
        if (mDrawPoolp)

            if (mDrawablep)
                gPipeline.markRebuild(mDrawablep, LLDrawable::REBUILD_ALL);
        mGeomIndex = 0;

        // Add to new pool
        if (new_pool)
        mDrawPoolp = new_pool;

    setTexture(texturep) ;

void LLFace::setTexture(U32 ch, LLViewerTexture* tex)
    llassert(ch < LLRender::NUM_TEXTURE_CHANNELS);

    if(mTexture[ch] == tex)
        return ;

        mTexture[ch]->removeFace(ch, this) ;

        tex->addFace(ch, this) ;

    mTexture[ch] = tex ;

void LLFace::setTexture(LLViewerTexture* tex)

void LLFace::setDiffuseMap(LLViewerTexture* tex)
    setTexture(LLRender::DIFFUSE_MAP, tex);

void LLFace::setAlternateDiffuseMap(LLViewerTexture* tex)
    setTexture(LLRender::ALTERNATE_DIFFUSE_MAP, tex);

void LLFace::setNormalMap(LLViewerTexture* tex)
    setTexture(LLRender::NORMAL_MAP, tex);

void LLFace::setSpecularMap(LLViewerTexture* tex)
    setTexture(LLRender::SPECULAR_MAP, tex);

void LLFace::dirtyTexture()

    LLDrawable* drawablep = getDrawable();

    if (mVObjp.notNull() && mVObjp->getVolume())
        for (U32 ch = 0; ch < LLRender::NUM_TEXTURE_CHANNELS; ++ch)
            if (mTexture[ch].notNull() && mTexture[ch]->getComponents() == 4)
            { //dirty texture on an alpha object should be treated as an LoD update
                LLVOVolume* vobj = drawablep->getVOVolume();
                if (vobj)
                    vobj->mLODChanged = true;

                gPipeline.markRebuild(drawablep, LLDrawable::REBUILD_VOLUME);


void LLFace::switchTexture(U32 ch, LLViewerTexture* new_texture)
    llassert(ch < LLRender::NUM_TEXTURE_CHANNELS);

    if(mTexture[ch] == new_texture)
        return ;

        LL_ERRS() << "Can not switch to a null texture." << LL_ENDL;

    if (ch == LLRender::DIFFUSE_MAP)
        getViewerObject()->changeTEImage(mTEOffset, new_texture) ;

    setTexture(ch, new_texture) ;

void LLFace::setTEOffset(const S32 te_offset)
    mTEOffset = te_offset;

void LLFace::setFaceColor(const LLColor4& color)
    mFaceColor = color;

void LLFace::unsetFaceColor()

void LLFace::setDrawable(LLDrawable *drawable)
    mDrawablep  = drawable;
    mXform      = &drawable->mXform;

void LLFace::setSize(S32 num_vertices, S32 num_indices, bool align)
    if (align)
        //allocate vertices in blocks of 4 for alignment
        num_vertices = (num_vertices + 0x3) & ~0x3;

    if (mGeomCount != num_vertices ||
        mIndicesCount != num_indices)
        mGeomCount    = num_vertices;
        mIndicesCount = num_indices;
        mVertexBuffer = NULL;


void LLFace::setGeomIndex(U16 idx)
    if (mGeomIndex != idx)
        mGeomIndex = idx;
        mVertexBuffer = NULL;

void LLFace::setTextureIndex(U8 index)
    if (index != mTextureIndex)
        mTextureIndex = index;

        if (mTextureIndex != FACE_DO_NOT_BATCH_TEXTURES)
            if (mDrawInfo && !mDrawInfo->mTextureList.empty())
                LL_ERRS() << "Face with no texture index references indexed texture draw info." << LL_ENDL;

void LLFace::setIndicesIndex(S32 idx)
    if (mIndicesIndex != idx)
        mIndicesIndex = idx;
        mVertexBuffer = NULL;


U16 LLFace::getGeometryAvatar(
                        LLStrider<LLVector3> &vertices,
                        LLStrider<LLVector3> &normals,
                        LLStrider<LLVector2> &tex_coords,
                        LLStrider<F32>       &vertex_weights,
                        LLStrider<LLVector4> &clothing_weights)
    if (mVertexBuffer.notNull())
        mVertexBuffer->getVertexStrider      (vertices, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount);
        mVertexBuffer->getNormalStrider      (normals, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount);
        mVertexBuffer->getTexCoord0Strider    (tex_coords, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount);
        mVertexBuffer->getWeightStrider(vertex_weights, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount);
        mVertexBuffer->getClothWeightStrider(clothing_weights, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount);

    return mGeomIndex;

U16 LLFace::getGeometry(LLStrider<LLVector3> &vertices, LLStrider<LLVector3> &normals,
                        LLStrider<LLVector2> &tex_coords, LLStrider<U16> &indicesp)
    if (mVertexBuffer.notNull())
        mVertexBuffer->getVertexStrider(vertices,   mGeomIndex, mGeomCount);
        if (mVertexBuffer->hasDataType(LLVertexBuffer::TYPE_NORMAL))
            mVertexBuffer->getNormalStrider(normals,    mGeomIndex, mGeomCount);
        if (mVertexBuffer->hasDataType(LLVertexBuffer::TYPE_TEXCOORD0))
            mVertexBuffer->getTexCoord0Strider(tex_coords, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount);

        mVertexBuffer->getIndexStrider(indicesp, mIndicesIndex, mIndicesCount);

    return mGeomIndex;

void LLFace::updateCenterAgent()
    if (mDrawablep->isActive())
        mCenterAgent = mCenterLocal * getRenderMatrix();
        mCenterAgent = mCenterLocal;

void LLFace::renderSelected(LLViewerTexture *imagep, const LLColor4& color)

    if (mDrawablep == NULL || mDrawablep->getSpatialGroup() == NULL)


    if (mVertexBuffer.isNull())

    if (mGeomCount > 0 && mIndicesCount > 0)

        if (mDrawablep->isActive())


        if (mDrawablep->isState(LLDrawable::RIGGED))
#if 0 // TODO --  there is no way this won't destroy our GL machine as implemented, rewrite it to not rely on software skinning
            LLVOVolume* volume = mDrawablep->getVOVolume();
            if (volume)
                LLRiggedVolume* rigged = volume->getRiggedVolume();
                if (rigged)
                    // called when selecting a face during edit of a mesh object
                    LLGLEnable offset(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL);
                    glPolygonOffset(-1.f, -1.f);
                    gGL.multMatrix((F32*) volume->getRelativeXform().mMatrix);
                    const LLVolumeFace& vol_face = rigged->getVolumeFace(getTEOffset());
                    glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 16, vol_face.mPositions);
                    if (vol_face.mTexCoords)
                        glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 8, vol_face.mTexCoords);
                    glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, vol_face.mNumIndices, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, vol_face.mIndices);
            // cheaters sometimes prosper...
            LLVertexBuffer* vertex_buffer = mVertexBuffer.get();
            // To display selection markers (white squares with the rounded cross at the center)
            // on faces with GLTF textures we use a spectal vertex buffer with other transforms
            if (const LLTextureEntry* te = getTextureEntry())
                if (LLGLTFMaterial* gltf_mat = te->getGLTFRenderMaterial())
                    vertex_buffer = mVertexBufferGLTF.get();
            // Draw the selection marker using the correctly chosen vertex buffer
            if (vertex_buffer)
                vertex_buffer->draw(LLRender::TRIANGLES, mIndicesCount, mIndicesIndex);


void renderFace(LLDrawable* drawable, LLFace *face)

    LLVOVolume* vobj = drawable->getVOVolume();
    if (vobj)
        LLVolume* volume = NULL;

        if (drawable->isState(LLDrawable::RIGGED))
            volume = vobj->getRiggedVolume();
            volume = vobj->getVolume();

        if (volume)
            const LLVolumeFace& vol_face = volume->getVolumeFace(face->getTEOffset());
            LLVertexBuffer::drawElements(LLRender::TRIANGLES, vol_face.mPositions, NULL, vol_face.mNumIndices, vol_face.mIndices);

void LLFace::renderOneWireframe(const LLColor4 &color, F32 fogCfx, bool wireframe_selection, bool bRenderHiddenSelections, bool shader)
    if (bRenderHiddenSelections)
        gGL.blendFunc(LLRender::BF_SOURCE_COLOR, LLRender::BF_ONE);
        LLGLDepthTest gls_depth(GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE, GL_GEQUAL);
        if (shader)
            gGL.diffuseColor4f(color.mV[VRED], color.mV[VGREEN], color.mV[VBLUE], 0.4f);
            renderFace(mDrawablep, this);
                gGL.diffuseColor4f(color.mV[VRED], color.mV[VGREEN], color.mV[VBLUE], 0.4f);
                renderFace(mDrawablep, this);


    gGL.diffuseColor4f(color.mV[VRED] * 2, color.mV[VGREEN] * 2, color.mV[VBLUE] * 2, color.mV[VALPHA]);

        LLGLDisable depth(wireframe_selection ? 0 : GL_BLEND);

        LLGLEnable offset(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE);
        glPolygonOffset(3.f, 3.f);
        glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);
        renderFace(mDrawablep, this);

void LLFace::setDrawInfo(LLDrawInfo* draw_info)
    mDrawInfo = draw_info;

void LLFace::printDebugInfo() const
    LLFacePool *poolp = getPool();
    LL_INFOS() << "Object: " << getViewerObject()->mID << LL_ENDL;
    if (getDrawable())
        LL_INFOS() << "Type: " << LLPrimitive::pCodeToString(getDrawable()->getVObj()->getPCode()) << LL_ENDL;
    if (getTexture())
        LL_INFOS() << "Texture: " << getTexture() << " Comps: " << (U32)getTexture()->getComponents() << LL_ENDL;
        LL_INFOS() << "No texture: " << LL_ENDL;

    LL_INFOS() << "Face: " << this << LL_ENDL;
    LL_INFOS() << "State: " << getState() << LL_ENDL;
    LL_INFOS() << "Geom Index Data:" << LL_ENDL;
    LL_INFOS() << "--------------------" << LL_ENDL;
    LL_INFOS() << "GI: " << mGeomIndex << " Count:" << mGeomCount << LL_ENDL;
    LL_INFOS() << "Face Index Data:" << LL_ENDL;
    LL_INFOS() << "--------------------" << LL_ENDL;
    LL_INFOS() << "II: " << mIndicesIndex << " Count:" << mIndicesCount << LL_ENDL;
    LL_INFOS() << LL_ENDL;

    if (poolp)

        S32 pool_references = 0;
        for (std::vector<LLFace*>::iterator iter = poolp->mReferences.begin();
             iter != poolp->mReferences.end(); iter++)
            LLFace *facep = *iter;
            if (facep == this)
                LL_INFOS() << "Pool reference: " << pool_references << LL_ENDL;

        if (pool_references != 1)
            LL_INFOS() << "Incorrect number of pool references!" << LL_ENDL;

#if 0
    LL_INFOS() << "Indices:" << LL_ENDL;
    LL_INFOS() << "--------------------" << LL_ENDL;

    const U32 *indicesp = getRawIndices();
    S32 indices_count = getIndicesCount();
    S32 geom_start = getGeomStart();

    for (S32 i = 0; i < indices_count; i++)
        LL_INFOS() << i << ":" << indicesp[i] << ":" << (S32)(indicesp[i] - geom_start) << LL_ENDL;
    LL_INFOS() << LL_ENDL;

    LL_INFOS() << "Vertices:" << LL_ENDL;
    LL_INFOS() << "--------------------" << LL_ENDL;
    for (S32 i = 0; i < mGeomCount; i++)
        LL_INFOS() << mGeomIndex + i << ":" << poolp->getVertex(mGeomIndex + i) << LL_ENDL;
    LL_INFOS() << LL_ENDL;

// Transform the texture coordinates for this face.
static void xform(LLVector2 &tex_coord, F32 cosAng, F32 sinAng, F32 offS, F32 offT, F32 magS, F32 magT)
    // New, good way
    F32 s = tex_coord.mV[0];
    F32 t = tex_coord.mV[1];

    // Texture transforms are done about the center of the face.
    s -= 0.5;
    t -= 0.5;

    // Handle rotation
    F32 temp = s;
    s  = s     * cosAng + t * sinAng;
    t  = -temp * sinAng + t * cosAng;

    // Then scale
    s *= magS;
    t *= magT;

    // Then offset
    s += offS + 0.5f;
    t += offT + 0.5f;

    tex_coord.mV[0] = s;
    tex_coord.mV[1] = t;

// Transform the texture coordinates for this face.
static void xform4a(LLVector4a &tex_coord, const LLVector4a& trans, const LLVector4Logical& mask, const LLVector4a& rot0, const LLVector4a& rot1, const LLVector4a& offset, const LLVector4a& scale)
    //tex coord is two coords, <s0, t0, s1, t1>
    LLVector4a st;

    // Texture transforms are done about the center of the face.
    st.setAdd(tex_coord, trans);

    // Handle rotation
    LLVector4a rot_st;

    // <s0 * cosAng, s0*-sinAng, s1*cosAng, s1*-sinAng>
    LLVector4a s0;
    s0.splat(st, 0);
    LLVector4a s1;
    s1.splat(st, 2);
    LLVector4a ss;
    ss.setSelectWithMask(mask, s1, s0);

    LLVector4a a;
    a.setMul(rot0, ss);

    // <t0*sinAng, t0*cosAng, t1*sinAng, t1*cosAng>
    LLVector4a t0;
    t0.splat(st, 1);
    LLVector4a t1;
    t1.splat(st, 3);
    LLVector4a tt;
    tt.setSelectWithMask(mask, t1, t0);

    LLVector4a b;
    b.setMul(rot1, tt);


    // Then scale

    // Then offset
    tex_coord.setAdd(st, offset);

bool less_than_max_mag(const LLVector4a& vec)
    LLVector4a MAX_MAG;

    LLVector4a val;

    S32 lt = val.lessThan(MAX_MAG).getGatheredBits() & 0x7;

    return lt == 0x7;

bool LLFace::genVolumeBBoxes(const LLVolume &volume, S32 f,
                             const LLMatrix4& mat_vert_in, bool global_volume)

    //get bounding box
    if (mDrawablep->isState(LLDrawable::REBUILD_VOLUME | LLDrawable::REBUILD_POSITION | LLDrawable::REBUILD_RIGGED))
        if (f >= volume.getNumVolumeFaces())
            LL_WARNS() << "Generating bounding box for invalid face index!" << LL_ENDL;
            f = 0;

        const LLVolumeFace &face = volume.getVolumeFace(f);

        // MAINT-8264 - stray vertices, especially in low LODs, cause bounding box errors.
        if (face.mNumVertices < 3)
            LL_DEBUGS("RiggedBox") << "skipping face " << f << ", bad num vertices "
                                   << face.mNumVertices << " " << face.mNumIndices << " " << face.mWeights << LL_ENDL;
            return false;

        LLMatrix4a mat_vert;
        LLVector4a new_extents[2];


        matMulBoundBox(mat_vert, face.mExtents, mExtents);

        if (!mDrawablep->isActive())
        {   // Shift position for region
            LLVector4a offset;

        LLVector4a t;


        mBoundingSphereRadius = t.getLength3().getF32()*0.5f;


    return true;

// convert surface coordinates to texture coordinates, based on
// the values in the texture entry.  probably should be
// integrated with getGeometryVolume() for its texture coordinate
// generation - but i'll leave that to someone more familiar
// with the implications.
LLVector2 LLFace::surfaceToTexture(LLVector2 surface_coord, const LLVector4a& position, const LLVector4a& normal)
    LLVector2 tc = surface_coord;

    const LLTextureEntry *tep = getTextureEntry();

    if (tep == NULL)
        // can't do much without the texture entry
        return surface_coord;

    // see if we have a non-default mapping
    U8 texgen = getTextureEntry()->getTexGen();
    if (texgen != LLTextureEntry::TEX_GEN_DEFAULT)
        LLVector4a& center = *(mDrawablep->getVOVolume()->getVolume()->getVolumeFace(mTEOffset).mCenter);

        LLVector4a volume_position;
        LLVector3 v_position(position.getF32ptr());


        if (!mDrawablep->getVOVolume()->isVolumeGlobal())
            LLVector4a scale;

        LLVector4a volume_normal;
        LLVector3 v_normal(normal.getF32ptr());

        if (texgen == LLTextureEntry::TEX_GEN_PLANAR)
            planarProjection(tc, volume_normal, center, volume_position);

    if (mTextureMatrix) // if we have a texture matrix, use it
        LLVector3 tc3(tc);
        tc3 = tc3 * *mTextureMatrix;
        tc = LLVector2(tc3);

    else // otherwise use the texture entry parameters
        xform(tc, cos(tep->getRotation()), sin(tep->getRotation()),
              tep->mOffsetS, tep->mOffsetT, tep->mScaleS, tep->mScaleT);

    return tc;

// Returns scale compared to default texgen, and face orientation as calculated
// by planarProjection(). This is needed to match planar texgen parameters.
void LLFace::getPlanarProjectedParams(LLQuaternion* face_rot, LLVector3* face_pos, F32* scale) const
    const LLMatrix4& vol_mat = getWorldMatrix();
    const LLVolumeFace& vf = getViewerObject()->getVolume()->getVolumeFace(mTEOffset);
    if (! (vf.mNormals && vf.mTangents))
    const LLVector4a& normal4a = *vf.mNormals;
    const LLVector4a& tangent  = *vf.mTangents;

    LLVector4a binormal4a;
    binormal4a.setCross3(normal4a, tangent);

    LLVector2 projected_binormal;
    planarProjection(projected_binormal, normal4a, *vf.mCenter, binormal4a);
    projected_binormal -= LLVector2(0.5f, 0.5f); // this normally happens in xform()
    *scale = projected_binormal.length();
    // rotate binormal to match what planarProjection() thinks it is,
    // then find rotation from that:
    F32 ang = acos(projected_binormal.mV[VY]);
    ang = (projected_binormal.mV[VX] < 0.f) ? -ang : ang;

    LLVector3 binormal(binormal4a.getF32ptr());
    LLVector3 normal(normal4a.getF32ptr());
    binormal.rotVec(ang, normal);
    LLQuaternion local_rot( binormal % normal, binormal, normal );
    *face_rot = local_rot * vol_mat.quaternion();
    *face_pos = vol_mat.getTranslation();

// Returns the necessary texture transform to align this face's TE to align_to's TE
bool LLFace::calcAlignedPlanarTE(const LLFace* align_to,  LLVector2* res_st_offset,
                                 LLVector2* res_st_scale, F32* res_st_rot, LLRender::eTexIndex map) const
    if (!align_to)
        return false;
    const LLTextureEntry *orig_tep = align_to->getTextureEntry();
    if ((orig_tep->getTexGen() != LLTextureEntry::TEX_GEN_PLANAR) ||
        (getTextureEntry()->getTexGen() != LLTextureEntry::TEX_GEN_PLANAR))
        return false;

    F32 map_rot = 0.f, map_scaleS = 0.f, map_scaleT = 0.f, map_offsS = 0.f, map_offsT = 0.f;

    LLMaterial* mat = orig_tep->getMaterialParams();
    if (!mat && map != LLRender::DIFFUSE_MAP)
        LL_WARNS_ONCE("llface") << "Face is set to use specular or normal map but has no material, defaulting to diffuse" << LL_ENDL;
        map = LLRender::DIFFUSE_MAP;

    switch (map)
    case LLRender::DIFFUSE_MAP:
        map_rot = orig_tep->getRotation();
        map_scaleS = orig_tep->mScaleS;
        map_scaleT = orig_tep->mScaleT;
        map_offsS = orig_tep->mOffsetS;
        map_offsT = orig_tep->mOffsetT;
    case LLRender::NORMAL_MAP:
        if (mat->getNormalID().isNull())
            return false;
        map_rot = mat->getNormalRotation();
        map_scaleS = mat->getNormalRepeatX();
        map_scaleT = mat->getNormalRepeatY();
        map_offsS = mat->getNormalOffsetX();
        map_offsT = mat->getNormalOffsetY();
    case LLRender::SPECULAR_MAP:
        if (mat->getSpecularID().isNull())
            return false;
        map_rot = mat->getSpecularRotation();
        map_scaleS = mat->getSpecularRepeatX();
        map_scaleT = mat->getSpecularRepeatY();
        map_offsS = mat->getSpecularOffsetX();
        map_offsT = mat->getSpecularOffsetY();
    default: /*make compiler happy*/

    LLVector3 orig_pos, this_pos;
    LLQuaternion orig_face_rot, this_face_rot;
    F32 orig_proj_scale, this_proj_scale;
    align_to->getPlanarProjectedParams(&orig_face_rot, &orig_pos, &orig_proj_scale);
    getPlanarProjectedParams(&this_face_rot, &this_pos, &this_proj_scale);

    // The rotation of "this face's" texture:
    LLQuaternion orig_st_rot = LLQuaternion(map_rot, LLVector3::z_axis) * orig_face_rot;
    LLQuaternion this_st_rot = orig_st_rot * ~this_face_rot;
    F32 x_ang, y_ang, z_ang;
    this_st_rot.getEulerAngles(&x_ang, &y_ang, &z_ang);
    *res_st_rot = z_ang;

    // Offset and scale of "this face's" texture:
    LLVector3 centers_dist = (this_pos - orig_pos) * ~orig_st_rot;
    LLVector3 st_scale(map_scaleS, map_scaleT, 1.f);
    st_scale *= orig_proj_scale;
    LLVector2 orig_st_offset(map_offsS, map_offsT);

    *res_st_offset = orig_st_offset + (LLVector2)centers_dist;
    res_st_offset->mV[VX] -= (S32)res_st_offset->mV[VX];
    res_st_offset->mV[VY] -= (S32)res_st_offset->mV[VY];

    st_scale /= this_proj_scale;
    *res_st_scale = (LLVector2)st_scale;
    return true;

void LLFace::updateRebuildFlags()
    if (mDrawablep->isState(LLDrawable::REBUILD_VOLUME))
    { //this rebuild is zero overhead (direct consequence of some change that affects this face)
        mLastUpdateTime = gFrameTimeSeconds;
    { //this rebuild is overhead (side effect of some change that does not affect this face)
        mLastMoveTime = gFrameTimeSeconds;

bool LLFace::canRenderAsMask()
    const LLTextureEntry* te = getTextureEntry();
    if( !te || !getViewerObject() || !getTexture() )
        return false;

    if (te->getGLTFRenderMaterial())
        return false;

    if (LLPipeline::sNoAlpha)
        return true;

    if (isState(LLFace::RIGGED))
    { // never auto alpha-mask rigged faces
        return false;

    LLMaterial* mat = te->getMaterialParams();
    if (mat && mat->getDiffuseAlphaMode() == LLMaterial::DIFFUSE_ALPHA_MODE_BLEND)
        return false;

    if ((te->getColor().mV[3] == 1.0f) && // can't treat as mask if we have face alpha
        (te->getGlow() == 0.f) && // glowing masks are hard to implement - don't mask
        getTexture()->getIsAlphaMask()) // texture actually qualifies for masking (lazily recalculated but expensive)
        if (getViewerObject()->isHUDAttachment() || te->getFullbright())
        { //hud attachments and fullbright objects are NOT subject to the deferred rendering pipe
            return LLPipeline::sAutoMaskAlphaNonDeferred;
            return LLPipeline::sAutoMaskAlphaDeferred;

    return false;

//helper function for pushing primitives for transform shaders and cleaning up
//uninitialized data on the tail, plus tracking number of expected primitives
void push_for_transform(LLVertexBuffer* buff, U32 source_count, U32 dest_count)
    if (source_count > 0 && dest_count >= source_count) //protect against possible U32 wrapping
        //push source primitives
        buff->drawArrays(LLRender::POINTS, 0, source_count);
        U32 tail = dest_count-source_count;
        for (U32 i = 0; i < tail; ++i)
        { //copy last source primitive into each element in tail
            buff->drawArrays(LLRender::POINTS, source_count-1, 1);
        gPipeline.mTransformFeedbackPrimitives += dest_count;

bool LLFace::getGeometryVolume(const LLVolume& volume,
                                S32 face_index,
                                const LLMatrix4& mat_vert_in,
                                const LLMatrix3& mat_norm_in,
                                U16 index_offset,
                                bool force_rebuild,
                                bool no_debug_assert,
                                bool rebuild_for_gltf)

    if (face_index < 0 || face_index >= volume.getNumVolumeFaces())
        if (gDebugGL)
            LL_WARNS() << "Face index is out of bounds!" << LL_ENDL;
            LL_WARNS() << "Attempt get volume face out of range!"
                " Total Faces: " << volume.getNumVolumeFaces() <<
                " Attempt get access to: " << face_index << LL_ENDL;
        return false;

    bool rigged = isState(RIGGED);

    const LLVolumeFace &vf = volume.getVolumeFace(face_index);
    S32 num_vertices = (S32)vf.mNumVertices;
    S32 num_indices = (S32) vf.mNumIndices;

    if (gPipeline.hasRenderDebugMask(LLPipeline::RENDER_DEBUG_OCTREE))

    if (mVertexBuffer.notNull())
        if (num_indices + mIndicesIndex > mVertexBuffer->getNumIndices())
            if (gDebugGL)
                LL_WARNS() << "Index buffer overflow!" << LL_ENDL;
                LL_WARNS() << "Indices Count: " << mIndicesCount
                        << " VF Num Indices: " << num_indices
                        << " Indices Index: " << mIndicesIndex
                        << " VB Num Indices: " << mVertexBuffer->getNumIndices() << LL_ENDL;
                LL_WARNS()  << " Face Index: " << face_index
                        << " Pool Type: " << mPoolType << LL_ENDL;
            return false;

        if (num_vertices + (U32)mGeomIndex > mVertexBuffer->getNumVerts())
            if (gDebugGL)
                LL_WARNS() << "Vertex buffer overflow!" << LL_ENDL;
            return false;

    const LLTextureEntry* tep = mVObjp->getTE(face_index);
    if (!tep)
        return false;

    LLGLTFMaterial* gltf_mat = tep->getGLTFRenderMaterial();
    // To display selection markers (white squares with the rounded cross at the center)
    // on faces with GLTF textures we use a special vertex buffer with other transforms
    if (gltf_mat && !rebuild_for_gltf && tep->isSelected() && mVertexBuffer.notNull())
        // Create a temporary vertex buffer to provide transforms for GLTF textures
        if (mVertexBufferGLTF.isNull())
            mVertexBufferGLTF = new LLVertexBuffer(mVertexBuffer->getTypeMask());

        // Clone the existing vertex buffer into the temporary   one
        // TODO: factor out the need for mVertexBufferGLTF and make selection highlight shader work with the existing vertex buffer

        // Recursive call the same function with the argument rebuild_for_gltf set to true
        // This call will make geometry in mVertexBuffer but in fact for mVertexBufferGLTF
        mVertexBufferGLTF.swap(mVertexBufferGLTF, mVertexBuffer);
        getGeometryVolume(volume, face_index, mat_vert_in, mat_norm_in, index_offset, force_rebuild, no_debug_assert, true);
        mVertexBufferGLTF.swap(mVertexBufferGLTF, mVertexBuffer);
    else if (!tep->isSelected() && mVertexBufferGLTF.notNull())
        // Free the temporary vertex buffer when it is not needed anymore
        mVertexBufferGLTF = nullptr;

    LLGLTFMaterial::TextureInfo gltf_info_index = (LLGLTFMaterial::TextureInfo)0;
    if (gltf_mat && rebuild_for_gltf)
        switch (LLPipeline::sRenderHighlightTextureChannel)
        case LLRender::BASECOLOR_MAP:
            gltf_info_index = LLGLTFMaterial::GLTF_TEXTURE_INFO_BASE_COLOR;
        case LLRender::METALLIC_ROUGHNESS_MAP:
            gltf_info_index = LLGLTFMaterial::GLTF_TEXTURE_INFO_METALLIC_ROUGHNESS;
        case LLRender::GLTF_NORMAL_MAP:
            gltf_info_index = LLGLTFMaterial::GLTF_TEXTURE_INFO_NORMAL;
        case LLRender::EMISSIVE_MAP:
            gltf_info_index = LLGLTFMaterial::GLTF_TEXTURE_INFO_EMISSIVE;
        default:; // just to make clang happy

    LLStrider<LLVector3> vert;
    LLStrider<LLVector2> tex_coords0;
    LLStrider<LLVector2> tex_coords1;
    LLStrider<LLVector2> tex_coords2;
    LLStrider<LLVector3> norm;
    LLStrider<LLColor4U> colors;
    LLStrider<LLVector3> tangent;
    LLStrider<U16> indicesp;
    LLStrider<LLVector4> wght;

    bool full_rebuild = force_rebuild || mDrawablep->isState(LLDrawable::REBUILD_VOLUME);

    bool global_volume = mDrawablep->getVOVolume()->isVolumeGlobal();
    LLVector3 scale;
    if (global_volume)
        scale.setVec(1, 1, 1);
        scale = mVObjp->getScale();

    bool rebuild_pos = full_rebuild || mDrawablep->isState(LLDrawable::REBUILD_POSITION);
    bool rebuild_color = full_rebuild || mDrawablep->isState(LLDrawable::REBUILD_COLOR);
    bool rebuild_emissive = rebuild_color && mVertexBuffer->hasDataType(LLVertexBuffer::TYPE_EMISSIVE);
    bool rebuild_tcoord = full_rebuild || mDrawablep->isState(LLDrawable::REBUILD_TCOORD);
    bool rebuild_normal = rebuild_pos && mVertexBuffer->hasDataType(LLVertexBuffer::TYPE_NORMAL);
    bool rebuild_tangent = rebuild_pos && mVertexBuffer->hasDataType(LLVertexBuffer::TYPE_TANGENT);
    bool rebuild_weights = rebuild_pos && mVertexBuffer->hasDataType(LLVertexBuffer::TYPE_WEIGHT4);

    const U8 bump_code = tep ? tep->getBumpmap() : 0;

    bool is_static = mDrawablep->isStatic();
    bool is_global = is_static;

    LLVector3 center_sum(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);

    if (is_global)

    LLColor4U color{};
    if (tep)
        color = tep->getColor();

        if (tep->getGLTFRenderMaterial())
            color = tep->getGLTFRenderMaterial()->mBaseColor;

    if (rebuild_color)
    { //decide if shiny goes in alpha channel of color
        if (tep &&
            !isInAlphaPool() && tep->getGLTFRenderMaterial() == nullptr)  // <--- alpha channel MUST contain transparency, not shiny
            LLMaterial* mat = tep->getMaterialParams().get();

            bool shiny_in_alpha = false;

            //store shiny in alpha if we don't have a specular map
            if  (!mat || mat->getSpecularID().isNull())
                shiny_in_alpha = true;

            if (shiny_in_alpha)
                static const GLfloat SHININESS_TO_ALPHA[4] =

                llassert(tep->getShiny() <= 3);
                color.mV[3] = U8 (SHININESS_TO_ALPHA[tep->getShiny()] * 255);

    // INDICES
    if (full_rebuild)
        LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_FACE("getGeometryVolume - indices");
        mVertexBuffer->getIndexStrider(indicesp, mIndicesIndex, mIndicesCount);

        volatile __m128i* dst = (__m128i*) indicesp.get();
        __m128i* src = (__m128i*) vf.mIndices;
        __m128i offset = _mm_set1_epi16(index_offset);

        S32 end = num_indices/8;

        for (S32 i = 0; i < end; i++)
            __m128i res = _mm_add_epi16(src[i], offset);
            _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*) dst++, res);

            LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_FACE("getGeometryVolume - indices tail");
            U16* idx = (U16*) dst;

            for (S32 i = end*8; i < num_indices; ++i)
                *idx++ = vf.mIndices[i]+index_offset;

    LLMaterial* mat = tep->getMaterialParams().get();

    F32 r = 0, os = 0, ot = 0, ms = 0, mt = 0, cos_ang = 0, sin_ang = 0;

    constexpr S32 XFORM_NONE = 0;
    constexpr S32 XFORM_BLINNPHONG_COLOR = 1;
    constexpr S32 XFORM_BLINNPHONG_NORMAL = 1 << 1;
    constexpr S32 XFORM_BLINNPHONG_SPECULAR = 1 << 2;

    S32 xforms = XFORM_NONE;
    // For GLTF, transforms will be applied later
    if (rebuild_tcoord && tep && (!gltf_mat || rebuild_for_gltf))
        if (gltf_mat && rebuild_for_gltf)
            // Apply special transformations for mVertexBufferGLTF
            // They are used only to display a face selection marker
            // (white square with a rounded cross at the center)
            const auto& tt = gltf_mat->mTextureTransform[gltf_info_index];
            r = -tt.mRotation * 2;
            ms = tt.mScale[VX];
            mt = tt.mScale[VY];
            os += tt.mOffset[VX] + (ms - 1) / 2;
            ot -= tt.mOffset[VY] + (mt - 1) / 2;
            r = tep->getRotation();
            tep->getOffset(&os, &ot);
            tep->getScale(&ms, &mt);

        cos_ang = cos(r);
        sin_ang = sin(r);

        if (cos_ang != 1.f ||
            sin_ang != 0.f ||
            os != 0.f ||
            ot != 0.f ||
            ms != 1.f ||
            mt != 1.f)
            xforms |= XFORM_BLINNPHONG_COLOR;
        if (mat)
            F32 r_norm = 0, os_norm = 0, ot_norm = 0, ms_norm = 0, mt_norm = 0, cos_ang_norm = 0, sin_ang_norm = 0;
            mat->getNormalOffset(os_norm, ot_norm);
            mat->getNormalRepeat(ms_norm, mt_norm);
            r_norm = mat->getNormalRotation();
            cos_ang_norm = cos(r_norm);
            sin_ang_norm = sin(r_norm);
            if (cos_ang_norm != 1.f ||
                sin_ang_norm != 0.f ||
                os_norm != 0.f ||
                ot_norm != 0.f ||
                ms_norm != 1.f ||
                mt_norm != 1.f)
                xforms |= XFORM_BLINNPHONG_NORMAL;
        if (mat)
            F32 r_spec = 0, os_spec = 0, ot_spec = 0, ms_spec = 0, mt_spec = 0, cos_ang_spec = 0, sin_ang_spec = 0;
            mat->getSpecularOffset(os_spec, ot_spec);
            mat->getSpecularRepeat(ms_spec, mt_spec);
            r_spec = mat->getSpecularRotation();
            cos_ang_spec = cos(r_spec);
            sin_ang_spec = sin(r_spec);
            if (cos_ang_spec != 1.f ||
                sin_ang_spec != 0.f ||
                os_spec != 0.f ||
                ot_spec != 0.f ||
                ms_spec != 1.f ||
                mt_spec != 1.f)
                xforms |= XFORM_BLINNPHONG_SPECULAR;

    const LLMeshSkinInfo* skin = nullptr;
    LLMatrix4a mat_vert;
    LLMatrix4a mat_normal;

    // prepare mat_vert
    if (rebuild_pos)
        if (rigged)
        { //override with bind shape matrix if rigged
            skin = mSkinInfo;
            mat_vert = skin->mBindShapeMatrix;

    if (rebuild_normal || rebuild_tangent)
    { //override mat_normal with inverse of skin->mBindShapeMatrix
        LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_FACE("getGeometryVolume - norm mat override");
        if (rigged)
            if (skin == nullptr)
                skin = mSkinInfo;

            //TODO -- cache this (check profile marker above)?
            glm::mat4 m = glm::make_mat4((F32*)skin->mBindShapeMatrix.getF32ptr());
            m = glm::transpose(glm::inverse(m));

        //if it's not fullbright and has no normals, bake sunlight based on face normal
        //bool bake_sunlight = !getTextureEntry()->getFullbright() &&
        //  !mVertexBuffer->hasDataType(LLVertexBuffer::TYPE_NORMAL);

        if (rebuild_tcoord)
            LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_FACE("getGeometryVolume - tcoord");

            //bump setup
            LLVector4a binormal_dir( -sin_ang, cos_ang, 0.f );
            LLVector4a bump_s_primary_light_ray(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
            LLVector4a bump_t_primary_light_ray(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);

            LLQuaternion bump_quat;
            if (mDrawablep->isActive())
                bump_quat = LLQuaternion(mDrawablep->getRenderMatrix());

            if (bump_code)
                F32 offset_multiple;
                switch( bump_code )
                    case BE_NO_BUMP:
                    offset_multiple = 0.f;
                    case BE_BRIGHTNESS:
                    case BE_DARKNESS:
                    if( mTexture[LLRender::DIFFUSE_MAP].notNull() && mTexture[LLRender::DIFFUSE_MAP]->hasGLTexture())
                        // Offset by approximately one texel
                        S32 cur_discard = mTexture[LLRender::DIFFUSE_MAP]->getDiscardLevel();
                        S32 max_size = llmax( mTexture[LLRender::DIFFUSE_MAP]->getWidth(), mTexture[LLRender::DIFFUSE_MAP]->getHeight() );
                        max_size <<= cur_discard;
                        const F32 ARTIFICIAL_OFFSET = 2.f;
                        offset_multiple = ARTIFICIAL_OFFSET / (F32)max_size;
                        offset_multiple = 1.f/256;

                    default:  // Standard bumpmap textures.  Assumed to be 256x256
                    offset_multiple = 1.f / 256;

                F32 s_scale = tep->getScaleS();
                F32 t_scale = tep->getScaleT();

                // Use the nudged south when coming from above sun angle, such
                // that emboss mapping always shows up on the upward faces of cubes when
                // it's noon (since a lot of builders build with the sun forced to noon).
                LLVector3   sun_ray  = gSky.mVOSkyp->mBumpSunDir;
                LLVector3   moon_ray = gSky.mVOSkyp->getMoon().getDirection();
                LLVector3& primary_light_ray = (sun_ray.mV[VZ] > 0) ? sun_ray : moon_ray;

                bump_s_primary_light_ray.load3((offset_multiple * s_scale * primary_light_ray).mV);
                bump_t_primary_light_ray.load3((offset_multiple * t_scale * primary_light_ray).mV);

            U8 texgen = getTextureEntry()->getTexGen();
            if (rebuild_tcoord && texgen != LLTextureEntry::TEX_GEN_DEFAULT)
            { //planar texgen needs binormals

            U8 tex_mode = 0;

            bool tex_anim = false;

            LLVOVolume* vobj = (LLVOVolume*)mVObjp.get();
            tex_mode = vobj->mTexAnimMode;

            if (vobj->mTextureAnimp)
            { //texture animation is in play, override specular and normal map tex coords with diffuse texcoords
                tex_anim = true;

            if (isState(TEXTURE_ANIM))
                if (!tex_mode)
                    os = ot = 0.f;
                    r = 0.f;
                    cos_ang = 1.f;
                    sin_ang = 0.f;
                    ms = mt = 1.f;

                    xforms = XFORM_NONE;

                if (getVirtualSize() >= MIN_TEX_ANIM_SIZE) // || isState(LLFace::RIGGED))
                { //don't override texture transform during tc bake
                    tex_mode = 0;

            LLVector4a scalea;

            bool do_bump = bump_code && mVertexBuffer->hasDataType(LLVertexBuffer::TYPE_TEXCOORD1);

            if ((mat || gltf_mat) && !do_bump)
                do_bump  = mVertexBuffer->hasDataType(LLVertexBuffer::TYPE_TEXCOORD1)
                         || mVertexBuffer->hasDataType(LLVertexBuffer::TYPE_TEXCOORD2);

            // For GLTF materials: Transforms will be applied later
            bool do_tex_mat = tex_mode && mTextureMatrix && !gltf_mat;

            if (!do_bump)
            { //not bump mapped, might be able to do a cheap update
                mVertexBuffer->getTexCoord0Strider(tex_coords0, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount);

                if (texgen != LLTextureEntry::TEX_GEN_PLANAR)
                    LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_FACE("getGeometryVolume - texgen");
                    if (!do_tex_mat)
                        if (xforms == XFORM_NONE)
                            LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_FACE("ggv - texgen 1");
                            S32 tc_size = (num_vertices*2*sizeof(F32)+0xF) & ~0xF;
                            LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16((F32*) tex_coords0.get(), (F32*) vf.mTexCoords, tc_size);
                            LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_FACE("ggv - texgen 2");
                            F32* dst = (F32*) tex_coords0.get();
                            LLVector4a* src = (LLVector4a*) vf.mTexCoords;

                            LLVector4a trans;

                            LLVector4a rot0;
                            rot0.set(cos_ang, -sin_ang, cos_ang, -sin_ang);

                            LLVector4a rot1;
                            rot1.set(sin_ang, cos_ang, sin_ang, cos_ang);

                            LLVector4a scale;
                            scale.set(ms, mt, ms, mt);

                            LLVector4a offset;
                            offset.set(os+0.5f, ot+0.5f, os+0.5f, ot+0.5f);

                            LLVector4Logical mask;

                            S32 count = num_vertices/2 + num_vertices%2;

                            for (S32 i = 0; i < count; i++)
                                LLVector4a res = *src++;
                                xform4a(res, trans, mask, rot0, rot1, offset, scale);
                                dst += 4;
                    { //do tex mat, no texgen, no bump
                        for (S32 i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++)
                            LLVector2 tc(vf.mTexCoords[i]);

                            LLVector3 tmp(tc.mV[0], tc.mV[1], 0.f);
                            tmp = tmp * *mTextureMatrix;
                            tc.mV[0] = tmp.mV[0];
                            tc.mV[1] = tmp.mV[1];
                            *tex_coords0++ = tc;
                { //no bump, tex gen planar
                    LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_FACE("getGeometryVolume - texgen planar");
                    if (do_tex_mat)
                        for (S32 i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++)
                            LLVector2 tc(vf.mTexCoords[i]);
                            LLVector4a& norm = vf.mNormals[i];
                            LLVector4a& center = *(vf.mCenter);
                            LLVector4a vec = vf.mPositions[i];
                            planarProjection(tc, norm, center, vec);

                            LLVector3 tmp(tc.mV[0], tc.mV[1], 0.f);
                            tmp = tmp * *mTextureMatrix;
                            tc.mV[0] = tmp.mV[0];
                            tc.mV[1] = tmp.mV[1];

                            *tex_coords0++ = tc;
                    else if (xforms != XFORM_NONE)
                        for (S32 i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++)
                            LLVector2 tc(vf.mTexCoords[i]);
                            LLVector4a& norm = vf.mNormals[i];
                            LLVector4a& center = *(vf.mCenter);
                            LLVector4a vec = vf.mPositions[i];
                            planarProjection(tc, norm, center, vec);

                            xform(tc, cos_ang, sin_ang, os, ot, ms, mt);

                            *tex_coords0++ = tc;
                        for (S32 i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++)
                            LLVector2 tc(vf.mTexCoords[i]);
                            LLVector4a& norm = vf.mNormals[i];
                            LLVector4a& center = *(vf.mCenter);
                            LLVector4a vec = vf.mPositions[i];
                            planarProjection(tc, norm, center, vec);

                            *tex_coords0++ = tc;
            { //bump mapped or has material, just do the whole expensive loop
                LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_FACE("getGeometryVolume - texgen default");

                LLStrider<LLVector2> bump_tc;

                if (mat && !mat->getNormalID().isNull())
                { //writing out normal and specular texture coordinates, not bump offsets
                    do_bump = false;

                LLStrider<LLVector2> dst;

                for (U32 ch = 0; ch < 3; ++ch)
                    S32 xform_channel = XFORM_NONE;
                    switch (ch)
                        case 0:
                            xform_channel = XFORM_BLINNPHONG_COLOR;
                            mVertexBuffer->getTexCoord0Strider(dst, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount);
                        case 1:
                            xform_channel = XFORM_BLINNPHONG_NORMAL;
                            if (mVertexBuffer->hasDataType(LLVertexBuffer::TYPE_TEXCOORD1))
                                mVertexBuffer->getTexCoord1Strider(dst, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount);
                                if (mat && !tex_anim)
                                    r  = mat->getNormalRotation();
                                    mat->getNormalOffset(os, ot);
                                    mat->getNormalRepeat(ms, mt);

                                    cos_ang = cos(r);
                                    sin_ang = sin(r);

                        case 2:
                            xform_channel = XFORM_BLINNPHONG_SPECULAR;
                            if (mVertexBuffer->hasDataType(LLVertexBuffer::TYPE_TEXCOORD2))
                                mVertexBuffer->getTexCoord2Strider(dst, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount);
                                if (mat && !tex_anim)
                                    r  = mat->getSpecularRotation();
                                    mat->getSpecularOffset(os, ot);
                                    mat->getSpecularRepeat(ms, mt);

                                    cos_ang = cos(r);
                                    sin_ang = sin(r);
                    const bool do_xform = (xforms & xform_channel) != XFORM_NONE;

                    // hold onto strider to front of TC array for use later
                    bump_tc = dst;

                        // NOTE: split TEX_GEN_PLANAR implementation to reduce branchiness of inner loop
                        // These are per-vertex operations and every little bit counts
                        if (texgen == LLTextureEntry::TEX_GEN_PLANAR)
                            LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_FACE("tgd - planar");
                            for (S32 i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++)
                                LLVector2 tc(vf.mTexCoords[i]);
                                LLVector4a& norm = vf.mNormals[i];
                                LLVector4a& center = *(vf.mCenter);
                                LLVector4a vec = vf.mPositions[i];


                                planarProjection(tc, norm, center, vec);

                                if (tex_mode && mTextureMatrix)
                                    LLVector3 tmp(tc.mV[0], tc.mV[1], 0.f);
                                    tmp = tmp * *mTextureMatrix;
                                    tc.mV[0] = tmp.mV[0];
                                    tc.mV[1] = tmp.mV[1];
                                else if (do_xform)
                                    xform(tc, cos_ang, sin_ang, os, ot, ms, mt);

                                *dst++ = tc;
                            LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_FACE("tgd - transform");

                            for (S32 i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++)
                                LLVector2 tc(vf.mTexCoords[i]);

                                if (tex_mode && mTextureMatrix)
                                    LLVector3 tmp(tc.mV[0], tc.mV[1], 0.f);
                                    tmp = tmp * *mTextureMatrix;
                                    tc.mV[0] = tmp.mV[0];
                                    tc.mV[1] = tmp.mV[1];
                                else if (do_xform)
                                    xform(tc, cos_ang, sin_ang, os, ot, ms, mt);

                                *dst++ = tc;

                if ((!mat && !gltf_mat) && do_bump)
                    LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_FACE("tgd - do bump");
                    mVertexBuffer->getTexCoord1Strider(tex_coords1, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount);


                    for (S32 i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++)
                        LLVector4a tangent = vf.mTangents[i];

                        LLVector4a binorm;
                        binorm.setCross3(vf.mNormals[i], tangent);

                        LLMatrix4a tangent_to_object;
                        tangent_to_object.setRows(tangent, binorm, vf.mNormals[i]);
                        LLVector4a t;
                        tangent_to_object.rotate(binormal_dir, t);
                        LLVector4a binormal;
                        mat_normal.rotate(t, binormal);

                        //VECTORIZE THIS
                        if (mDrawablep->isActive())
                            LLVector3 t;
                            t *= bump_quat;


                        LLVector2 tc = bump_tc[i];
                        tc += LLVector2( bump_s_primary_light_ray.dot3(tangent).getF32(), bump_t_primary_light_ray.dot3(binormal).getF32() );

                        *tex_coords1++ = tc;

        if (rebuild_pos)
            LLVector4a* src = vf.mPositions;

            //_mm_prefetch((char*)src, _MM_HINT_T0);

            LLVector4a* end = src+num_vertices;
            //LLVector4a* end_64 = end-4;

            llassert(num_vertices > 0);

            mVertexBuffer->getVertexStrider(vert, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount);

            F32* dst = (F32*) vert.get();
            F32* end_f32 = dst+mGeomCount*4;

            //_mm_prefetch((char*)dst, _MM_HINT_NTA);
            //_mm_prefetch((char*)src, _MM_HINT_NTA);

            //_mm_prefetch((char*)dst, _MM_HINT_NTA);

            LLVector4a res0; //,res1,res2,res3;

            LLVector4a texIdx;

            S32 index = mTextureIndex < FACE_DO_NOT_BATCH_TEXTURES ? mTextureIndex : 0;

            F32 val = 0.f;
            S32* vp = (S32*) &val;
            *vp = index;

            llassert(index < LLGLSLShader::sIndexedTextureChannels);

            LLVector4Logical mask;


            LLVector4a tmp;

            while (src < end)
                mat_vert.affineTransform(*src++, res0);
                tmp.setSelectWithMask(mask, texIdx, res0);
                tmp.store4a((F32*) dst);
                dst += 4;

            while (dst < end_f32)
                res0.store4a((F32*) dst);
                dst += 4;

        if (rebuild_normal)
            LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_FACE("getGeometryVolume - normal");

            mVertexBuffer->getNormalStrider(norm, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount);
            F32* normals = (F32*) norm.get();
            LLVector4a* src = vf.mNormals;
            LLVector4a* end = src+num_vertices;

            while (src < end)
                LLVector4a normal;
                mat_normal.rotate(*src++, normal);
                normals += 4;

        if (rebuild_tangent)
            LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_FACE("getGeometryVolume - tangent");
            mVertexBuffer->getTangentStrider(tangent, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount);
            F32* tangents = (F32*) tangent.get();


            LLVector4Logical mask;

            LLVector4a* src = vf.mTangents;
            LLVector4a* end = vf.mTangents +num_vertices;

            while (src < end)
                LLVector4a tangent_out;
                mat_normal.rotate(*src, tangent_out);
                tangent_out.setSelectWithMask(mask, *src, tangent_out);

                tangents += 4;

        if (rebuild_weights && vf.mWeights)
            LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_FACE("getGeometryVolume - weight");
            mVertexBuffer->getWeight4Strider(wght, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount);
            F32* weights = (F32*) wght.get();
            LLVector4a::memcpyNonAliased16(weights, (F32*) vf.mWeights, num_vertices*4*sizeof(F32));

        if (rebuild_color && mVertexBuffer->hasDataType(LLVertexBuffer::TYPE_COLOR) )
            LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_FACE("getGeometryVolume - color");
            mVertexBuffer->getColorStrider(colors, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount);

            LLVector4a src;

            U32 vec[4];
            vec[0] = vec[1] = vec[2] = vec[3] = color.asRGBA();

            src.loadua((F32*) vec);

            F32* dst = (F32*) colors.get();
            S32 num_vecs = num_vertices/4;
            if (num_vertices%4 > 0)

            for (S32 i = 0; i < num_vecs; i++)
                dst += 4;

        if (rebuild_emissive)
            LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_FACE("getGeometryVolume - emissive");
            LLStrider<LLColor4U> emissive;
            mVertexBuffer->getEmissiveStrider(emissive, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount);

            U8 glow = (U8) llclamp((S32) (getTextureEntry()->getGlow()*255), 0, 255);

            LLVector4a src;

            LLColor4U glow4u = LLColor4U(0,0,0,glow);

            U32 glow32 = glow4u.asRGBA();

            U32 vec[4];
            vec[0] = vec[1] = vec[2] = vec[3] = glow32;

            src.loadua((F32*) vec);

            F32* dst = (F32*) emissive.get();
            S32 num_vecs = num_vertices/4;
            if (num_vertices%4 > 0)

            for (S32 i = 0; i < num_vecs; i++)
                dst += 4;

    if (rebuild_tcoord)
        xform(mTexExtents[0], cos_ang, sin_ang, os, ot, ms, mt);
        xform(mTexExtents[1], cos_ang, sin_ang, os, ot, ms, mt);

        F32 es = vf.mTexCoordExtents[1].mV[0] - vf.mTexCoordExtents[0].mV[0] ;
        F32 et = vf.mTexCoordExtents[1].mV[1] - vf.mTexCoordExtents[0].mV[1] ;
        mTexExtents[0][0] *= es ;
        mTexExtents[1][0] *= es ;
        mTexExtents[0][1] *= et ;
        mTexExtents[1][1] *= et ;

    return true;

void LLFace::renderIndexed()
    if (mVertexBuffer.notNull())
        mVertexBuffer->drawRange(LLRender::TRIANGLES, getGeomIndex(), getGeomIndex() + getGeomCount()-1, getIndicesCount(), getIndicesStart());

//check if the face has a media
bool LLFace::hasMedia() const
        return true ;
        return mTexture[LLRender::DIFFUSE_MAP]->hasParcelMedia() ;  //if has a parcel media

    return false ; //no media.

const F32 LEAST_IMPORTANCE = 0.05f ;

void LLFace::resetVirtualSize()
    mImportanceToCamera = 0.f;

F32 LLFace::getTextureVirtualSize()

    F32 radius;
    F32 cos_angle_to_view_dir;
    bool in_frustum = calcPixelArea(cos_angle_to_view_dir, radius);

    if (mPixelArea < F_ALMOST_ZERO || !in_frustum)
        setVirtualSize(0.f) ;
        return 0.f;

    //get area of circle in texture space
    LLVector2 tdim = mTexExtents[1] - mTexExtents[0];
    F32 texel_area = (tdim * 0.5f).lengthSquared()*3.14159f;
    if (texel_area <= 0)
        // Probably animated, use default
        texel_area = 1.f;

    F32 face_area;
    if (mVObjp->isSculpted() && texel_area > 1.f)
        //sculpts can break assumptions about texel area
        face_area = mPixelArea;
        //apply texel area to face area to get accurate ratio
        //face_area /= llclamp(texel_area, 1.f/64.f, 16.f);
        face_area =  mPixelArea / llclamp(texel_area, 0.015625f, 128.f);

    face_area = LLFace::adjustPixelArea(mImportanceToCamera, face_area);
    if(face_area > LLViewerTexture::sMinLargeImageSize) //if is large image, shrink face_area by considering the partial overlapping.
        if(mImportanceToCamera > LEAST_IMPORTANCE_FOR_LARGE_IMAGE && mTexture[LLRender::DIFFUSE_MAP].notNull() && mTexture[LLRender::DIFFUSE_MAP]->isLargeImage())
            face_area *= adjustPartialOverlapPixelArea(cos_angle_to_view_dir, radius );

    setVirtualSize(face_area) ;

    return face_area;

bool LLFace::calcPixelArea(F32& cos_angle_to_view_dir, F32& radius)
    constexpr F32 PIXEL_AREA_UPDATE_PERIOD = 0.1f;
    // this is an expensive operation and the result is valid (enough) for several frames
    // don't update every frame
    if (gFrameTimeSeconds - mLastPixelAreaUpdate < PIXEL_AREA_UPDATE_PERIOD)
        return true;


    //get area of circle around face
    LLVector4a center;
    LLVector4a size;

    if (isState(LLFace::RIGGED))
        LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_FACE("calcPixelArea - rigged");
        //override with joint volume face joint bounding boxes
        LLVOAvatar* avatar = mVObjp->getAvatar();
        bool hasRiggedExtents = false;

        if (avatar && avatar->mDrawable)
            LLVolume* volume = mVObjp->getVolume();
            if (volume)
                LLVolumeFace& face = volume->getVolumeFace(mTEOffset);

                auto& rigInfo = face.mJointRiggingInfoTab;

                if (rigInfo.needsUpdate())
                    LLVOVolume* vo_volume = (LLVOVolume*)mVObjp.get();
                    const LLMeshSkinInfo* skin = vo_volume->getSkinInfo();
                    if (skin)
                        LLSkinningUtil::updateRiggingInfo(skin, avatar, face);

                // calculate the world space bounding box of the face by combining the bounding boxes of all the joints
                LLVector4a& minp = mRiggedExtents[0];
                LLVector4a& maxp = mRiggedExtents[1];
                minp = LLVector4a(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
                maxp = LLVector4a(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX);

                for (S32 i = 0; i < rigInfo.size(); i++)
                    auto& jointInfo = rigInfo[i];
                    if (jointInfo.isRiggedTo())
                        LLJoint* joint = avatar->getJoint(i);

                        if (joint)
                            LLVector4a jointPos;

                            LLMatrix4a worldMat;

                            LLVector4a extents[2];

                            matMulBoundBox(worldMat, jointInfo.getRiggedExtents(), extents);

                            minp.setMin(minp, extents[0]);
                            maxp.setMax(maxp, extents[1]);
                            hasRiggedExtents = true;

        if (!hasRiggedExtents)
            // no rigged extents, zero out bounding box and skip update
            mRiggedExtents[0] = mRiggedExtents[1] = LLVector4a(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);

            return false;

        center.setAdd(mRiggedExtents[1], mRiggedExtents[0]);
        size.setSub(mRiggedExtents[1], mRiggedExtents[0]);
    else if (mDrawablep && mVObjp.notNull() && mVObjp->getPartitionType() == LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_PARTICLE && mDrawablep->getSpatialGroup())
    { // use box of spatial group for particles (over approximates size, but we don't actually have a good size per particle)
        LLSpatialGroup* group = mDrawablep->getSpatialGroup();
        const LLVector4a* extents = group->getExtents();
        size.setSub(extents[1], extents[0]);
        center.setAdd(extents[1], extents[0]);
        size.setSub(mExtents[1], mExtents[0]);

    LLViewerCamera* camera = LLViewerCamera::getInstance();

    F32 size_squared = size.dot3(size).getF32();
    LLVector4a lookAt;
    LLVector4a t;
    lookAt.setSub(center, t);

    F32 dist = lookAt.getLength3().getF32();
    dist = llmax(dist-size.getLength3().getF32(), 0.001f);

    lookAt.normalize3fast() ;

    //get area of circle around node
    F32 app_angle = atanf((F32) sqrt(size_squared) / dist);
    radius = app_angle*LLDrawable::sCurPixelAngle;
    mPixelArea = radius*radius * 3.14159f;

    // remember last update time, add 10% noise to avoid all faces updating at the same time
    mLastPixelAreaUpdate = gFrameTimeSeconds + ll_frand() * PIXEL_AREA_UPDATE_PERIOD * 0.1f;

    LLVector4a x_axis;
    cos_angle_to_view_dir = lookAt.dot3(x_axis).getF32();

    //if has media, check if the face is out of the view frustum.
        if(!camera->AABBInFrustum(center, size))
            mImportanceToCamera = 0.f ;
            return false ;
        if(cos_angle_to_view_dir > camera->getCosHalfFov()) //the center is within the view frustum
            cos_angle_to_view_dir = 1.0f ;
            LLVector4a d;
            d.setSub(lookAt, x_axis);

            if(dist * dist * d.dot3(d) < size_squared)
                cos_angle_to_view_dir = 1.0f ;

    if(dist < mBoundingSphereRadius) //camera is very close
        cos_angle_to_view_dir = 1.0f ;
        mImportanceToCamera = 1.0f ;
        mImportanceToCamera = LLFace::calcImportanceToCamera(cos_angle_to_view_dir, dist) ;

    return true ;

//the projection of the face partially overlaps with the screen
F32 LLFace::adjustPartialOverlapPixelArea(F32 cos_angle_to_view_dir, F32 radius )
    F32 screen_radius = (F32)llmax(gViewerWindow->getWindowWidthRaw(), gViewerWindow->getWindowHeightRaw()) ;
    F32 center_angle = acosf(cos_angle_to_view_dir) ;
    F32 d = center_angle * LLDrawable::sCurPixelAngle ;

    if(d + radius > screen_radius + 5.f)
        //calculate the intersection area of two circles
        //F32 radius_square = radius * radius ;
        //F32 d_square = d * d ;
        //F32 screen_radius_square = screen_radius * screen_radius ;
        //face_area =
        //  radius_square * acosf((d_square + radius_square - screen_radius_square)/(2 * d * radius)) +
        //  screen_radius_square * acosf((d_square + screen_radius_square - radius_square)/(2 * d * screen_radius)) -
        //  0.5f * sqrtf((-d + radius + screen_radius) * (d + radius - screen_radius) * (d - radius + screen_radius) * (d + radius + screen_radius)) ;

        //the above calculation is too expensive
        //the below is a good estimation: bounding box of the bounding sphere:
        F32 alpha = 0.5f * (radius + screen_radius - d) / radius ;
        alpha = llclamp(alpha, 0.f, 1.f) ;
        return alpha * alpha ;
    return 1.0f ;

const F32 FACE_IMPORTANCE_TO_CAMERA_OVER_DISTANCE[FACE_IMPORTANCE_LEVEL][2] = //{distance, importance_weight}
    {{16.1f, 1.0f}, {32.1f, 0.5f}, {48.1f, 0.2f}, {96.1f, 0.05f} } ;
const F32 FACE_IMPORTANCE_TO_CAMERA_OVER_ANGLE[FACE_IMPORTANCE_LEVEL][2] =    //{cos(angle), importance_weight}
    {{0.985f /*cos(10 degrees)*/, 1.0f}, {0.94f /*cos(20 degrees)*/, 0.8f}, {0.866f /*cos(30 degrees)*/, 0.64f}, {0.0f, 0.36f}} ;

F32 LLFace::calcImportanceToCamera(F32 cos_angle_to_view_dir, F32 dist)
    F32 importance = 0.f ;

    if(cos_angle_to_view_dir > LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getCosHalfFov() &&
        LLViewerCamera* camera = LLViewerCamera::getInstance();
        F32 camera_moving_speed = camera->getAverageSpeed() ;
        F32 camera_angular_speed = camera->getAverageAngularSpeed();

        if(camera_moving_speed > 10.0f || camera_angular_speed > 1.0f)
            //if camera moves or rotates too fast, ignore the importance factor
            return 0.f ;

        S32 i = 0 ;
        for(i = 0; i < FACE_IMPORTANCE_LEVEL && dist > FACE_IMPORTANCE_TO_CAMERA_OVER_DISTANCE[i][0]; ++i);
        i = llmin(i, FACE_IMPORTANCE_LEVEL - 1) ;
        F32 dist_factor = FACE_IMPORTANCE_TO_CAMERA_OVER_DISTANCE[i][1] ;

        for(i = 0; i < FACE_IMPORTANCE_LEVEL && cos_angle_to_view_dir < FACE_IMPORTANCE_TO_CAMERA_OVER_ANGLE[i][0] ; ++i) ;
        i = llmin(i, FACE_IMPORTANCE_LEVEL - 1) ;
        importance = dist_factor * FACE_IMPORTANCE_TO_CAMERA_OVER_ANGLE[i][1] ;

    return importance ;

F32 LLFace::adjustPixelArea(F32 importance, F32 pixel_area)
    if(pixel_area > LLViewerTexture::sMaxSmallImageSize)
        if(importance < LEAST_IMPORTANCE) //if the face is not important, do not load hi-res.
            static const F32 MAX_LEAST_IMPORTANCE_IMAGE_SIZE = 128.0f * 128.0f ;
            pixel_area = llmin(pixel_area * 0.5f, MAX_LEAST_IMPORTANCE_IMAGE_SIZE) ;
        else if(pixel_area > LLViewerTexture::sMinLargeImageSize) //if is large image, shrink face_area by considering the partial overlapping.
            if(importance < LEAST_IMPORTANCE_FOR_LARGE_IMAGE)//if the face is not important, do not load hi-res.
                pixel_area = (F32)LLViewerTexture::sMinLargeImageSize ;

    return pixel_area ;

bool LLFace::verify(const U32* indices_array) const
    bool ok = true;

    if( mVertexBuffer.isNull() )
    { //no vertex buffer, face is implicitly valid
        return true;

    // First, check whether the face data fits within the pool's range.
    if ((U32)(mGeomIndex + mGeomCount) > mVertexBuffer->getNumVerts())
        ok = false;
        LL_INFOS() << "Face references invalid vertices!" << LL_ENDL;

    S32 indices_count = (S32)getIndicesCount();

    if (!indices_count)
        return true;

    if (indices_count > LL_MAX_INDICES_COUNT)
        ok = false;
        LL_INFOS() << "Face has bogus indices count" << LL_ENDL;

    if (mIndicesIndex + mIndicesCount > mVertexBuffer->getNumIndices())
        ok = false;
        LL_INFOS() << "Face references invalid indices!" << LL_ENDL;

#if 0
    S32 geom_start = getGeomStart();
    S32 geom_count = mGeomCount;

    const U32 *indicesp = indices_array ? indices_array + mIndicesIndex : getRawIndices();

    for (S32 i = 0; i < indices_count; i++)
        S32 delta = indicesp[i] - geom_start;
        if (0 > delta)
            LL_WARNS() << "Face index too low!" << LL_ENDL;
            LL_INFOS() << "i:" << i << " Index:" << indicesp[i] << " GStart: " << geom_start << LL_ENDL;
            ok = false;
        else if (delta >= geom_count)
            LL_WARNS() << "Face index too high!" << LL_ENDL;
            LL_INFOS() << "i:" << i << " Index:" << indicesp[i] << " GEnd: " << geom_start + geom_count << LL_ENDL;
            ok = false;

    if (!ok)
    return ok;

void LLFace::setViewerObject(LLViewerObject* objp)
    mVObjp = objp;

const LLMatrix4& LLFace::getRenderMatrix() const
    return mDrawablep->getRenderMatrix();

// From llface.inl

S32 LLFace::getColors(LLStrider<LLColor4U> &colors)
    if (!mGeomCount)
        return -1;

    // llassert(mGeomIndex >= 0);
    mVertexBuffer->getColorStrider(colors, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount);
    return mGeomIndex;

S32 LLFace::getIndices(LLStrider<U16> &indicesp)
    mVertexBuffer->getIndexStrider(indicesp, mIndicesIndex, mIndicesCount);
    llassert(indicesp[0] != indicesp[1]);
    return mIndicesIndex;

LLVector3 LLFace::getPositionAgent() const
    if (mDrawablep->isStatic())
        return mCenterAgent;
        return mCenterLocal * getRenderMatrix();

LLViewerTexture* LLFace::getTexture(U32 ch) const
    llassert(ch < LLRender::NUM_TEXTURE_CHANNELS);

    return mTexture[ch] ;

void LLFace::setVertexBuffer(LLVertexBuffer* buffer)
    if (buffer)
        LLSculptIDSize::instance().inc(mDrawablep, buffer->getSize() + buffer->getIndicesSize());

    if (mVertexBuffer)

    mVertexBuffer = buffer;

void LLFace::clearVertexBuffer()
    if (mVertexBuffer)

    mVertexBuffer = NULL;

S32 LLFace::getRiggedIndex(U32 type) const
    if (mRiggedIndex.empty())
        return -1;

    llassert(type < mRiggedIndex.size());

    return mRiggedIndex[type];

U64 LLFace::getSkinHash()
    return mSkinInfo ? mSkinInfo->mHash : 0;

bool LLFace::isInAlphaPool() const
    return  getPoolType() == LLDrawPool::POOL_ALPHA ||
        getPoolType() == LLDrawPool::POOL_ALPHA_PRE_WATER ||
        getPoolType() == LLDrawPool::POOL_ALPHA_POST_WATER;