/** * @file llface.cpp * @brief LLFace class implementation * * Copyright (c) 2001-$CurrentYear$, Linden Research, Inc. * $License$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "lldrawable.h" // lldrawable needs to be included before llface #include "llface.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llvolume.h" #include "m3math.h" #include "v3color.h" #include "llagparray.h" #include "lldrawpoolsimple.h" #include "lldrawpoolbump.h" #include "llgl.h" #include "lllightconstants.h" #include "llsky.h" #include "llviewercamera.h" #include "llviewerimagelist.h" #include "llvosky.h" #include "llvovolume.h" #include "pipeline.h" #include "llagparray.inl" #define LL_MAX_INDICES_COUNT 1000000 extern BOOL gPickFaces; BOOL LLFace::sSafeRenderSelect = TRUE; // FALSE #define DOTVEC(a,b) (a.mV[0]*b.mV[0] + a.mV[1]*b.mV[1] + a.mV[2]*b.mV[2]) /* For each vertex, given: B - binormal T - tangent N - normal P - position The resulting texture coordinate is: u = 2(B dot P) v = 2(T dot P) */ void planarProjection(LLVector2 &tc, const LLVolumeFace::VertexData &vd, const LLVector3 &mCenter, const LLVector3& vec) { //DONE! LLVector3 binormal; float d = vd.mNormal * LLVector3(1,0,0); if (d >= 0.5f || d <= -0.5f) { binormal = LLVector3(0,1,0); if (vd.mNormal.mV[0] < 0) { binormal = -binormal; } } else { binormal = LLVector3(1,0,0); if (vd.mNormal.mV[1] > 0) { binormal = -binormal; } } LLVector3 tangent = binormal % vd.mNormal; tc.mV[1] = -((tangent*vec)*2 - 0.5f); tc.mV[0] = 1.0f+((binormal*vec)*2 - 0.5f); } void sphericalProjection(LLVector2 &tc, const LLVolumeFace::VertexData &vd, const LLVector3 &mCenter, const LLVector3& vec) { //BROKEN /*tc.mV[0] = acosf(vd.mNormal * LLVector3(1,0,0))/3.14159f; tc.mV[1] = acosf(vd.mNormal * LLVector3(0,0,1))/6.284f; if (vd.mNormal.mV[1] > 0) { tc.mV[1] = 1.0f-tc.mV[1]; }*/ } void cylindricalProjection(LLVector2 &tc, const LLVolumeFace::VertexData &vd, const LLVector3 &mCenter, const LLVector3& vec) { //BROKEN /*LLVector3 binormal; float d = vd.mNormal * LLVector3(1,0,0); if (d >= 0.5f || d <= -0.5f) { binormal = LLVector3(0,1,0); } else{ binormal = LLVector3(1,0,0); } LLVector3 tangent = binormal % vd.mNormal; tc.mV[1] = -((tangent*vec)*2 - 0.5f); tc.mV[0] = acosf(vd.mNormal * LLVector3(1,0,0))/6.284f; if (vd.mNormal.mV[1] < 0) { tc.mV[0] = 1.0f-tc.mV[0]; }*/ } //////////////////// // // LLFace implementation // void LLFace::init(LLDrawable* drawablep, LLViewerObject* objp) { mGeneration = DIRTY; mState = GLOBAL; mDrawPoolp = NULL; mGeomIndex = -1; mSkipRender = FALSE; mNextFace = NULL; // mCenterLocal // mCenterAgent mDistance = 0.f; mPrimType = LLTriangles; mGeomCount = 0; mIndicesCount = 0; mIndicesIndex = -1; mTexture = NULL; mTEOffset = -1; mBackupMem = NULL; setDrawable(drawablep); mVObjp = objp; mReferenceIndex = -1; mAlphaFade = 0.f; mFaceColor = LLColor4(1,0,0,1); } void LLFace::destroy() { mDrawablep = NULL; mVObjp = NULL; if (mDrawPoolp) { mDrawPoolp->removeFace(this); mDrawPoolp = NULL; } // Remove light and blocker list references delete[] mBackupMem; mBackupMem = NULL; } // static void LLFace::initClass() { } void LLFace::setWorldMatrix(const LLMatrix4 &mat) { llerrs << "Faces on this drawable are not independently modifiable\n" << llendl; } void LLFace::setDirty() { mGeneration = DIRTY; } void LLFace::setPool(LLDrawPool* new_pool, LLViewerImage *texturep) { LLMemType mt1(LLMemType::MTYPE_DRAWABLE); if (!new_pool) { llerrs << "Setting pool to null!" << llendl; } if (new_pool != mDrawPoolp) { // Remove from old pool if (mDrawPoolp) { mDrawPoolp->removeFace(this); mSkipRender = FALSE; mNextFace = NULL; // Invalidate geometry (will get rebuilt next frame) setDirty(); if (mDrawablep) { gPipeline.markRebuild(mDrawablep, LLDrawable::REBUILD_ALL, TRUE); } } if (isState(BACKLIST)) { delete[] mBackupMem; mBackupMem = NULL; clearState(BACKLIST); } mGeomIndex = -1; // Add to new pool if (new_pool) { new_pool->addFace(this); } mDrawPoolp = new_pool; } mTexture = texturep; } void LLFace::setTEOffset(const S32 te_offset) { mTEOffset = te_offset; } void LLFace::setFaceColor(const LLColor4& color) { mFaceColor = color; setState(USE_FACE_COLOR); } void LLFace::unsetFaceColor() { clearState(USE_FACE_COLOR); } void LLFace::setDrawable(LLDrawable *drawable) { mDrawablep = drawable; mXform = &drawable->mXform; } S32 LLFace::allocBackupMem() { LLMemType mt1(LLMemType::MTYPE_DRAWABLE); S32 size = 0; size += mIndicesCount * 4; size += mGeomCount * mDrawPoolp->getStride(); if (mDrawPoolp->mDataMaskNIL & LLDrawPool::DATA_VERTEX_WEIGHTS_MASK) { size += mGeomCount * mDrawPoolp->sDataSizes[LLDrawPool::DATA_VERTEX_WEIGHTS]; } if (mDrawPoolp->mDataMaskNIL & LLDrawPool::DATA_CLOTHING_WEIGHTS_MASK) { size += mGeomCount * mDrawPoolp->sDataSizes[LLDrawPool::DATA_CLOTHING_WEIGHTS]; } delete[] mBackupMem; mBackupMem = new U8[size]; return size; } void LLFace::setSize(const S32 num_vertices, const S32 num_indices) { LLMemType mt1(LLMemType::MTYPE_DRAWABLE); if (getState() & SHARED_GEOM) { mGeomCount = num_vertices; mIndicesCount = num_indices; return; // Shared, don't allocate or do anything with memory } if (num_vertices != (S32)mGeomCount || num_indices != (S32)mIndicesCount) { setDirty(); delete[] mBackupMem; mBackupMem = NULL; clearState(BACKLIST); mGeomCount = num_vertices; mIndicesCount = num_indices; } } BOOL LLFace::reserveIfNeeded() { LLMemType mt1(LLMemType::MTYPE_DRAWABLE); if (getDirty()) { if (isState(BACKLIST)) { llwarns << "Reserve on backlisted object!" << llendl; } if (0 == mGeomCount) { //llwarns << "Reserving zero bytes for face!" << llendl; mGeomCount = 0; mIndicesCount = 0; return FALSE; } mGeomIndex = mDrawPoolp->reserveGeom(mGeomCount); // (reserveGeom() always returns a valid index) mIndicesIndex = mDrawPoolp->reserveInd (mIndicesCount); mGeneration = mDrawPoolp->mGeneration; } return TRUE; } void LLFace::unReserve() { LLMemType mt1(LLMemType::MTYPE_DRAWABLE); if (!(isState(SHARED_GEOM))) { mGeomIndex = mDrawPoolp->unReserveGeom(mGeomIndex, mGeomCount); mIndicesIndex = mDrawPoolp->unReserveInd(mIndicesIndex, mIndicesCount); } } //============================================================================ S32 LLFace::getGeometryAvatar( LLStrider &vertices, LLStrider &normals, LLStrider &binormals, LLStrider &tex_coords, LLStrider &vertex_weights, LLStrider &clothing_weights) { LLMemType mt1(LLMemType::MTYPE_DRAWABLE); if (mGeomCount <= 0) { return -1; } if (isState(BACKLIST)) { if (!mBackupMem) { llerrs << "No backup memory for backlist" << llendl; } vertices = (LLVector3*)(mBackupMem + (4 * mIndicesCount) + mDrawPoolp->mDataOffsets[LLDrawPool::DATA_VERTICES]); normals = (LLVector3*)(mBackupMem + (4 * mIndicesCount) + mDrawPoolp->mDataOffsets[LLDrawPool::DATA_NORMALS]); binormals = (LLVector3*)(mBackupMem + (4 * mIndicesCount) + mDrawPoolp->mDataOffsets[LLDrawPool::DATA_BINORMALS]); tex_coords = (LLVector2*)(mBackupMem + (4 * mIndicesCount) + mDrawPoolp->mDataOffsets[LLDrawPool::DATA_TEX_COORDS0]); clothing_weights = (LLVector4*)(mBackupMem + (4 * mIndicesCount) + mDrawPoolp->mDataOffsets[LLDrawPool::DATA_CLOTHING_WEIGHTS]); vertex_weights = (F32*)(mBackupMem + (4 * mIndicesCount) + (mGeomCount * mDrawPoolp->getStride())); tex_coords.setStride( mDrawPoolp->getStride()); vertices.setStride( mDrawPoolp->getStride()); normals.setStride( mDrawPoolp->getStride()); binormals.setStride( mDrawPoolp->getStride()); clothing_weights.setStride( mDrawPoolp->getStride()); return 0; } else { if (!reserveIfNeeded()) { return -1; } llassert(mGeomIndex >= 0); llassert(mIndicesIndex >= 0); mDrawPoolp->getVertexStrider (vertices, mGeomIndex); mDrawPoolp->getNormalStrider (normals, mGeomIndex); mDrawPoolp->getBinormalStrider (binormals, mGeomIndex); mDrawPoolp->getTexCoordStrider (tex_coords, mGeomIndex); mDrawPoolp->getVertexWeightStrider(vertex_weights, mGeomIndex); mDrawPoolp->getClothingWeightStrider(clothing_weights, mGeomIndex); mDrawPoolp->setDirty(); llassert(mGeomIndex >= 0); return mGeomIndex; } } S32 LLFace::getGeometryTerrain( LLStrider &vertices, LLStrider &normals, LLStrider &colors, LLStrider &texcoords0, LLStrider &texcoords1, U32 *&indicesp) { LLMemType mt1(LLMemType::MTYPE_DRAWABLE); if (mGeomCount <= 0) { return -1; } if (isState(BACKLIST)) { if (!mBackupMem) { printDebugInfo(); llerrs << "No backup memory for face" << llendl; } vertices = (LLVector3*)(mBackupMem + (4 * mIndicesCount) + mDrawPoolp->mDataOffsets[LLDrawPool::DATA_VERTICES]); normals = (LLVector3*)(mBackupMem + (4 * mIndicesCount) + mDrawPoolp->mDataOffsets[LLDrawPool::DATA_NORMALS]); colors = (LLColor4U*)(mBackupMem + (4 * mIndicesCount) + mDrawPoolp->mDataOffsets[LLDrawPool::DATA_COLORS]); texcoords0= (LLVector2*)(mBackupMem + (4 * mIndicesCount) + mDrawPoolp->mDataOffsets[LLDrawPool::DATA_TEX_COORDS0]); texcoords1= (LLVector2*)(mBackupMem + (4 * mIndicesCount) + mDrawPoolp->mDataOffsets[LLDrawPool::DATA_TEX_COORDS1]); texcoords0.setStride(mDrawPoolp->getStride()); texcoords1.setStride(mDrawPoolp->getStride()); vertices.setStride( mDrawPoolp->getStride()); normals.setStride( mDrawPoolp->getStride()); colors.setStride( mDrawPoolp->getStride()); indicesp = (U32*)mBackupMem; return 0; } else { if (!reserveIfNeeded()) { llinfos << "Get geometry failed!" << llendl; return -1; } llassert(mGeomIndex >= 0); llassert(mIndicesIndex >= 0); mDrawPoolp->getVertexStrider(vertices, mGeomIndex); mDrawPoolp->getNormalStrider(normals, mGeomIndex); mDrawPoolp->getColorStrider(colors, mGeomIndex); mDrawPoolp->getTexCoordStrider(texcoords0, mGeomIndex, 0); mDrawPoolp->getTexCoordStrider(texcoords1, mGeomIndex, 1); indicesp = mDrawPoolp->getIndices(mIndicesIndex); mDrawPoolp->setDirty(); llassert(mGeomIndex >= 0); return mGeomIndex; } } S32 LLFace::getGeometry(LLStrider &vertices, LLStrider &normals, LLStrider &tex_coords, U32 *&indicesp) { LLMemType mt1(LLMemType::MTYPE_DRAWABLE); if (mGeomCount <= 0) { return -1; } if (isState(BACKLIST)) { if (!mBackupMem) { printDebugInfo(); llerrs << "No backup memory for face" << llendl; } vertices = (LLVector3*)(mBackupMem + (4 * mIndicesCount) + mDrawPoolp->mDataOffsets[LLDrawPool::DATA_VERTICES]); normals = (LLVector3*)(mBackupMem + (4 * mIndicesCount) + mDrawPoolp->mDataOffsets[LLDrawPool::DATA_NORMALS]); tex_coords= (LLVector2*)(mBackupMem + (4 * mIndicesCount) + mDrawPoolp->mDataOffsets[LLDrawPool::DATA_TEX_COORDS0]); tex_coords.setStride(mDrawPoolp->getStride()); vertices.setStride( mDrawPoolp->getStride()); normals.setStride( mDrawPoolp->getStride()); indicesp = (U32*)mBackupMem; return 0; } else { if (!reserveIfNeeded()) { return -1; } llassert(mGeomIndex >= 0); llassert(mIndicesIndex >= 0); mDrawPoolp->getVertexStrider(vertices, mGeomIndex); if (mDrawPoolp->mDataMaskIL & LLDrawPool::DATA_NORMALS_MASK) { mDrawPoolp->getNormalStrider(normals, mGeomIndex); } if (mDrawPoolp->mDataMaskIL & LLDrawPool::DATA_TEX_COORDS0_MASK) { mDrawPoolp->getTexCoordStrider(tex_coords, mGeomIndex); } indicesp =mDrawPoolp->getIndices (mIndicesIndex); mDrawPoolp->setDirty(); llassert(mGeomIndex >= 0); return mGeomIndex; } } S32 LLFace::getGeometryColors(LLStrider &vertices, LLStrider &normals, LLStrider &tex_coords, LLStrider &colors, U32 *&indicesp) { S32 res = getGeometry(vertices, normals, tex_coords, indicesp); if (res >= 0) { getColors(colors); } return res; } S32 LLFace::getGeometryMultiTexture( LLStrider &vertices, LLStrider &normals, LLStrider &binormals, LLStrider &tex_coords0, LLStrider &tex_coords1, U32 *&indicesp) { LLMemType mt1(LLMemType::MTYPE_DRAWABLE); if (mGeomCount <= 0) { return -1; } if (isState(BACKLIST)) { if (!mBackupMem) { printDebugInfo(); llerrs << "No backup memory for face" << llendl; } vertices = (LLVector3*)(mBackupMem + (4 * mIndicesCount) + mDrawPoolp->mDataOffsets[LLDrawPool::DATA_VERTICES]); normals = (LLVector3*)(mBackupMem + (4 * mIndicesCount) + mDrawPoolp->mDataOffsets[LLDrawPool::DATA_NORMALS]); tex_coords0 = (LLVector2*)(mBackupMem + (4 * mIndicesCount) + mDrawPoolp->mDataOffsets[LLDrawPool::DATA_TEX_COORDS0]); tex_coords0.setStride( mDrawPoolp->getStride() ); vertices.setStride( mDrawPoolp->getStride() ); normals.setStride( mDrawPoolp->getStride() ); if (mDrawPoolp->mDataMaskIL & LLDrawPool::DATA_BINORMALS_MASK) { binormals = (LLVector3*)(mBackupMem + (4 * mIndicesCount) + mDrawPoolp->mDataOffsets[LLDrawPool::DATA_BINORMALS]); binormals.setStride( mDrawPoolp->getStride() ); } if (mDrawPoolp->mDataMaskIL & LLDrawPool::DATA_TEX_COORDS1_MASK) { tex_coords1 = (LLVector2*)(mBackupMem + (4 * mIndicesCount) + mDrawPoolp->mDataOffsets[LLDrawPool::DATA_TEX_COORDS1]); tex_coords1.setStride( mDrawPoolp->getStride() ); } indicesp = (U32*)mBackupMem; return 0; } else { if (!reserveIfNeeded()) { return -1; } llassert(mGeomIndex >= 0); llassert(mIndicesIndex >= 0); mDrawPoolp->getVertexStrider(vertices, mGeomIndex); if (mDrawPoolp->mDataMaskIL & LLDrawPool::DATA_NORMALS_MASK) { mDrawPoolp->getNormalStrider(normals, mGeomIndex); } if (mDrawPoolp->mDataMaskIL & LLDrawPool::DATA_TEX_COORDS0_MASK) { mDrawPoolp->getTexCoordStrider(tex_coords0, mGeomIndex); } if (mDrawPoolp->mDataMaskIL & LLDrawPool::DATA_BINORMALS_MASK) { mDrawPoolp->getBinormalStrider(binormals, mGeomIndex); } if (mDrawPoolp->mDataMaskIL & LLDrawPool::DATA_TEX_COORDS1_MASK) { mDrawPoolp->getTexCoordStrider(tex_coords1, mGeomIndex, 1); } indicesp = mDrawPoolp->getIndices(mIndicesIndex); mDrawPoolp->setDirty(); llassert(mGeomIndex >= 0); return mGeomIndex; } } void LLFace::updateCenterAgent() { mCenterAgent = mCenterLocal * getRenderMatrix(); } void LLFace::renderForSelect() const { if(mGeomIndex < 0 || mDrawablep.isNull()) { return; } if (mVObjp->mGLName) { S32 name = mVObjp->mGLName; LLColor4U color((U8)(name >> 16), (U8)(name >> 8), (U8)name); #if 0 // *FIX: Postponing this fix until we have texcoord pick info... if (mTEOffset != -1) { color.mV[VALPHA] = (U8)(getTextureEntry()->getColor().mV[VALPHA] * 255.f); } #endif glColor4ubv(color.mV); if (mVObjp->getPCode() == LL_PCODE_VOLUME) { LLVOVolume *volp; volp = (LLVOVolume *)(LLViewerObject*)mVObjp; if (volp->getNumFaces() == 1 && !volp->getVolumeChanged()) { // We need to special case the coalesced face model. S32 num_vfs = volp->getVolume()->getNumFaces(); S32 offset = 0; S32 i; for (i = 0; i < num_vfs; i++) { if (gPickFaces) { // mask off high 4 bits (16 total possible faces) color.mV[0] &= 0x0f; color.mV[0] |= (i & 0x0f) << 4; glColor4ubv(color.mV); } S32 count = volp->getVolume()->getVolumeFace(i).mIndices.size(); if (isState(GLOBAL)) { glDrawElements(mPrimType, count, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, getRawIndices() + offset); } else { glPushMatrix(); glMultMatrixf((float*)getRenderMatrix().mMatrix); glDrawElements(mPrimType, count, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, getRawIndices() + offset); glPopMatrix(); } offset += count; } // We're done, return. return; } // We don't have coalesced faces, do this the normal way. } if (gPickFaces && mTEOffset != -1) { // mask off high 4 bits (16 total possible faces) color.mV[0] &= 0x0f; color.mV[0] |= (mTEOffset & 0x0f) << 4; glColor4ubv(color.mV); } if (mIndicesCount) { if (isState(GLOBAL)) { glDrawElements(mPrimType, mIndicesCount, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, getRawIndices()); } else { glPushMatrix(); glMultMatrixf((float*)getRenderMatrix().mMatrix); glDrawElements(mPrimType, mIndicesCount, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, getRawIndices()); glPopMatrix(); } } else if (mGeomCount > 0) { if (isState(GLOBAL)) { glDrawArrays(mPrimType, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount); } else { glPushMatrix(); glMultMatrixf((float*)getRenderMatrix().mMatrix); glDrawArrays(mPrimType, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount); glPopMatrix(); } } } } void LLFace::renderSelected(LLImageGL *imagep, const LLColor4& color, const S32 offset, const S32 count) { if(mGeomIndex < 0 || mDrawablep.isNull()) { return; } if (mGeomCount > 0) { LLGLSPipelineAlpha gls_pipeline_alpha; glColor4fv(color.mV); LLViewerImage::bindTexture(imagep); if (!isState(GLOBAL)) { // Apply the proper transform for non-global objects. glPushMatrix(); glMultMatrixf((float*)getRenderMatrix().mMatrix); } if (sSafeRenderSelect) { glBegin(mPrimType); if (count) { for (S32 i = offset; i < offset + count; i++) { LLVector2 tc = mDrawPoolp->getTexCoord(mDrawPoolp->getIndex(getIndicesStart() + i), 0); glTexCoord2fv(tc.mV); LLVector3 normal = mDrawPoolp->getNormal(mDrawPoolp->getIndex(getIndicesStart() + i)); glNormal3fv(normal.mV); LLVector3 vertex = mDrawPoolp->getVertex(mDrawPoolp->getIndex(getIndicesStart() + i)); glVertex3fv(vertex.mV); } } else { for (U32 i = 0; i < getIndicesCount(); i++) { LLVector2 tc = mDrawPoolp->getTexCoord(mDrawPoolp->getIndex(getIndicesStart() + i), 0); glTexCoord2fv(tc.mV); LLVector3 normal = mDrawPoolp->getNormal(mDrawPoolp->getIndex(getIndicesStart() + i)); glNormal3fv(normal.mV); LLVector3 vertex = mDrawPoolp->getVertex(mDrawPoolp->getIndex(getIndicesStart() + i)); glVertex3fv(vertex.mV); } } glEnd(); if( gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowTangentBasis") ) { S32 start; S32 end; if (count) { start = offset; end = offset + count; } else { start = 0; end = getIndicesCount(); } LLGLSNoTexture gls_no_texture; glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1); glBegin(GL_LINES); for (S32 i = start; i < end; i++) { LLVector3 vertex = mDrawPoolp->getVertex(mDrawPoolp->getIndex(getIndicesStart() + i)); glVertex3fv(vertex.mV); LLVector3 normal = mDrawPoolp->getNormal(mDrawPoolp->getIndex(getIndicesStart() + i)); glVertex3fv( (vertex + normal * 0.1f).mV ); } glEnd(); if (mDrawPoolp->mDataMaskIL & LLDrawPool::DATA_BINORMALS_MASK) { glColor4f(0, 1, 0, 1); glBegin(GL_LINES); for (S32 i = start; i < end; i++) { LLVector3 vertex = mDrawPoolp->getVertex(mDrawPoolp->getIndex(getIndicesStart() + i)); glVertex3fv(vertex.mV); LLVector3 binormal = mDrawPoolp->getBinormal(mDrawPoolp->getIndex(getIndicesStart() + i)); glVertex3fv( (vertex + binormal * 0.1f).mV ); } glEnd(); } } } else { glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY); if (count) { if (mIndicesCount > 0) { glDrawElements(mPrimType, count, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, getRawIndices() + offset); } else { llerrs << "Rendering non-indexed volume face!" << llendl; glDrawArrays(mPrimType, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount); } } else { if (mIndicesCount > 0) { glDrawElements(mPrimType, mIndicesCount, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, getRawIndices()); } else { glDrawArrays(mPrimType, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount); } } glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY); } if (!isState(GLOBAL)) { // Restore the tranform for non-global objects glPopMatrix(); } } } void LLFace::renderSelectedUV(const S32 offset, const S32 count) { LLUUID uv_img_red_blue_id(gViewerArt.getString("uv_test1.tga")); LLUUID uv_img_green_id(gViewerArt.getString("uv_test2.tga")); LLViewerImage* red_blue_imagep = gImageList.getImage(uv_img_red_blue_id, TRUE, TRUE); LLViewerImage* green_imagep = gImageList.getImage(uv_img_green_id, TRUE, TRUE); LLGLSObjectSelect object_select; LLGLEnable blend(GL_BLEND); LLGLEnable texture(GL_TEXTURE_2D); if (!mDrawPoolp || !getIndicesCount() || getIndicesStart() < 0) { return; } for (S32 pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) { static F32 bias = 0.f; static F32 factor = -10.f; if (mGeomCount > 0) { glColor4fv(LLColor4::white.mV); if (pass == 0) { LLViewerImage::bindTexture(red_blue_imagep); } else // pass == 1 { glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE); LLViewerImage::bindTexture(green_imagep); glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE); glPushMatrix(); glScalef(256.f, 256.f, 1.f); } glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); if (!isState(GLOBAL)) { // Apply the proper transform for non-global objects. glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); glMultMatrixf((float*)getRenderMatrix().mMatrix); } glEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); glPolygonOffset(factor, bias); if (sSafeRenderSelect) { glBegin(mPrimType); if (count) { for (S32 i = offset; i < offset + count; i++) { LLVector2 tc = mDrawPoolp->getTexCoord(mDrawPoolp->getIndex(getIndicesStart() + i), 0); glTexCoord2fv(tc.mV); LLVector3 vertex = mDrawPoolp->getVertex(mDrawPoolp->getIndex(getIndicesStart() + i)); glVertex3fv(vertex.mV); } } else { for (U32 i = 0; i < getIndicesCount(); i++) { LLVector2 tc = mDrawPoolp->getTexCoord(mDrawPoolp->getIndex(getIndicesStart() + i), 0); glTexCoord2fv(tc.mV); LLVector3 vertex = mDrawPoolp->getVertex(mDrawPoolp->getIndex(getIndicesStart() + i)); glVertex3fv(vertex.mV); } } glEnd(); } else { glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); llassert(mGeomIndex >= 0); if (count) { if (mIndicesCount > 0) { glDrawElements(mPrimType, count, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, getRawIndices() + offset); } else { llerrs << "Rendering non-indexed volume face!" << llendl; glDrawArrays(mPrimType, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount); } } else { if (mIndicesCount > 0) { glDrawElements(mPrimType, mIndicesCount, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, getRawIndices()); } else { glDrawArrays(mPrimType, mGeomIndex, mGeomCount); } } glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); } glDisable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); if (!isState(GLOBAL)) { // Restore the tranform for non-global objects glPopMatrix(); } if (pass == 1) { glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE); glPopMatrix(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glBlendFunc(GL_DST_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA); } } } //restore blend func glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } void LLFace::printDebugInfo() const { LLDrawPool *poolp = getPool(); llinfos << "Object: " << getViewerObject()->mID << llendl; if (getDrawable()) { llinfos << "Type: " << LLPrimitive::pCodeToString(getDrawable()->getVObj()->getPCode()) << llendl; } if (getTexture()) { llinfos << "Texture: " << getTexture() << " Comps: " << (U32)getTexture()->getComponents() << llendl; } else { llinfos << "No texture: " << llendl; } llinfos << "Face: " << this << llendl; if (isState(BACKLIST)) { llinfos << "Backlisted!" << llendl; } llinfos << "State: " << getState() << llendl; llinfos << "Geom Index Data:" << llendl; llinfos << "--------------------" << llendl; llinfos << "GI: " << mGeomIndex << " Count:" << mGeomCount << llendl; llinfos << "Face Index Data:" << llendl; llinfos << "--------------------" << llendl; llinfos << "II: " << mIndicesIndex << " Count:" << mIndicesCount << llendl; llinfos << llendl; poolp->printDebugInfo(); S32 pool_references = 0; for (std::vector::iterator iter = poolp->mReferences.begin(); iter != poolp->mReferences.end(); iter++) { LLFace *facep = *iter; if (facep == this) { llinfos << "Pool reference: " << pool_references << llendl; pool_references++; } } if (pool_references != 1) { llinfos << "Incorrect number of pool references!" << llendl; } llinfos << "Indices:" << llendl; llinfos << "--------------------" << llendl; const U32 *indicesp = getRawIndices(); S32 indices_count = getIndicesCount(); S32 geom_start = getGeomStart(); for (S32 i = 0; i < indices_count; i++) { llinfos << i << ":" << indicesp[i] << ":" << (S32)(indicesp[i] - geom_start) << llendl; } llinfos << llendl; llinfos << "Vertices:" << llendl; llinfos << "--------------------" << llendl; for (S32 i = 0; i < mGeomCount; i++) { llinfos << mGeomIndex + i << ":" << poolp->getVertex(mGeomIndex + i) << llendl; } llinfos << llendl; } S32 LLFace::backup() { LLMemType mt1(LLMemType::MTYPE_DRAWABLE); if (isState(BACKLIST)) { llwarns << "Face is already backed up in LLFace::backup!" << llendl; return mGeomCount; } if (mGeomIndex < 0) { // flexible objects can cause this //llwarns << "No geometry to back-up" << llendl; return 0; } S32 size = 0; if (!mBackupMem) { size = allocBackupMem(); } else { llerrs << "Memory already backed up!" << llendl; } // Need to flag this, because we can allocate a non-zero backup mem if we have indices and no geometry. if (mGeomCount || mIndicesCount) { setState(BACKLIST); #if !RELEASE_FOR_DOWNLOAD if (mGeomIndex < 0 || mIndicesIndex < 0) { llerrs << "LLFace::backup" << llendl; } #endif U32 *backup = (U32*)mBackupMem; S32 stride = mDrawPoolp->getStride(); U32 *index = mDrawPoolp->getIndices(mIndicesIndex); for (U32 i=0;imMemory.getMem() + mGeomIndex * stride), mGeomCount * stride); backup += mGeomCount * stride / 4; if (mDrawPoolp->mDataMaskNIL & LLDrawPool::DATA_CLOTHING_WEIGHTS_MASK) { memcpy(backup, &mDrawPoolp->getClothingWeight(mGeomIndex), mGeomCount * sizeof(LLVector4)); backup += mGeomCount*4; } if (mDrawPoolp->mDataMaskNIL & LLDrawPool::DATA_VERTEX_WEIGHTS_MASK) { memcpy(backup, &mDrawPoolp->getVertexWeight(mGeomIndex), mGeomCount * sizeof(F32)); backup += mGeomCount; } llassert((U8*)backup - mBackupMem == size); unReserve(); } return mGeomCount; } void LLFace::restore() { LLMemType mt1(LLMemType::MTYPE_DRAWABLE); if (!isState(BACKLIST)) { // flexible objects can cause this // printDebugInfo(); // llwarns << "not backlisted for restore" << llendl; return; } if (!mGeomCount || !mBackupMem) { if (!mBackupMem) { printDebugInfo(); llwarns << "no backmem for restore" << llendl; } clearState(BACKLIST); return; } S32 stride = mDrawPoolp->getStride(); mGeomIndex = mDrawPoolp->reserveGeom(mGeomCount); mIndicesIndex = mDrawPoolp->reserveInd (mIndicesCount); mGeneration = mDrawPoolp->mGeneration; llassert(mGeomIndex >= 0); llassert(mIndicesIndex >= 0); U32 *backup = (U32*)mBackupMem; U32 *index = mDrawPoolp->getIndices(mIndicesIndex); for (U32 i=0;imMemory.copyToMem(mGeomIndex * stride, (U8 *)backup, mGeomCount * stride); backup += mGeomCount * stride / 4; // // Don't change the order of these unles you change the corresponding getGeometry calls that read out of // backup memory, and also the other of the backup/restore pair! // if (mDrawPoolp->mDataMaskNIL & LLDrawPool::DATA_CLOTHING_WEIGHTS_MASK) { mDrawPoolp->mClothingWeights.copyToMem(mGeomIndex, (U8 *)backup, mGeomCount); backup += mGeomCount*4; } if (mDrawPoolp->mDataMaskNIL & LLDrawPool::DATA_VERTEX_WEIGHTS_MASK) { mDrawPoolp->mWeights.copyToMem(mGeomIndex, (U8 *)backup, mGeomCount); backup += mGeomCount; } delete[] mBackupMem; mBackupMem = NULL; clearState(BACKLIST); } // Transform the texture coordinates for this face. static void xform(LLVector2 &tex_coord, F32 cosAng, F32 sinAng, F32 offS, F32 offT, F32 magS, F32 magT) { // New, good way F32 s = tex_coord.mV[0]; F32 t = tex_coord.mV[1]; // Texture transforms are done about the center of the face. s -= 0.5; t -= 0.5; // Handle rotation F32 temp = s; s = s * cosAng + t * sinAng; t = -temp * sinAng + t * cosAng; // Then scale s *= magS; t *= magT; // Then offset s += offS + 0.5f; t += offT + 0.5f; tex_coord.mV[0] = s; tex_coord.mV[1] = t; } BOOL LLFace::genVolumeTriangles(const LLVolume &volume, S32 f, const LLMatrix4& mat, const LLMatrix3& inv_trans_mat, BOOL global_volume) { const LLVolumeFace &vf = volume.getVolumeFace(f); S32 num_vertices = (S32)vf.mVertices.size(); S32 num_indices = (S32)vf.mIndices.size(); setSize(num_vertices, num_indices); return genVolumeTriangles(volume, f, f, mat, inv_trans_mat, global_volume); } BOOL LLFace::genVolumeTriangles(const LLVolume &volume, S32 fstart, S32 fend, const LLMatrix4& mat_vert, const LLMatrix3& mat_normal, const BOOL global_volume) { LLMemType mt1(LLMemType::MTYPE_DRAWABLE); if (!mDrawablep) { return TRUE; } S32 index_offset; F32 r, os, ot, ms, mt, cos_ang, sin_ang; LLStrider vertices; LLStrider normals; LLStrider binormals; LLStrider tex_coords; LLStrider tex_coords2; U32 *indicesp = NULL; BOOL bump = mDrawPoolp && (mDrawPoolp->mDataMaskIL & LLDrawPool::DATA_BINORMALS_MASK); BOOL is_static = mDrawablep->isStatic(); BOOL is_global = is_static; if (bump) { index_offset = getGeometryMultiTexture(vertices, normals, binormals, tex_coords, tex_coords2, indicesp); } else { index_offset = getGeometry(vertices, normals, tex_coords, indicesp); } if (-1 == index_offset) { return TRUE; } LLVector3 center_sum(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); LLVector3 render_pos; if (mDrawablep->isState(LLDrawable::REBUILD_TCOORD) && global_volume) { render_pos = mVObjp->getRenderPosition(); } setPrimType(LLTriangles); if (is_global) { setState(GLOBAL); } else { clearState(GLOBAL); } LLVector3 min, max; LLVector2 tmin, tmax; BOOL grab_first_vert = TRUE; BOOL grab_first_tcoord = TRUE; for (S32 vol_face = fstart; vol_face <= fend; vol_face++) { const LLVolumeFace &vf = volume.getVolumeFace(vol_face); S32 num_vertices = (S32)vf.mVertices.size(); S32 num_indices = (S32)vf.mIndices.size(); llassert(num_indices > 0); U8 bump_code; const LLTextureEntry *tep = mVObjp->getTE(vol_face); if (tep) { bump_code = tep->getBumpmap(); r = tep->getRotation(); os = tep->mOffsetS; ot = tep->mOffsetT; ms = tep->mScaleS; mt = tep->mScaleT; cos_ang = cos(r); sin_ang = sin(r); } else { bump_code = 0; cos_ang = 1.0f; sin_ang = 0.0f; os = 0.0f; ot = 0.0f; ms = 1.0f; mt = 1.0f; } if (mDrawablep->isState(LLDrawable::REBUILD_VOLUME)) { // VERTICES & NORMALS for (S32 i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++) { LLVector3 v; v = vf.mVertices[i].mPosition * mat_vert; LLVector3 normal = vf.mVertices[i].mNormal * mat_normal; normal.normVec(); *normals++ = normal; *vertices++ = v; if (grab_first_vert) { grab_first_vert = FALSE; min = max = v; } else { for (U32 j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (v.mV[j] < min.mV[j]) { min.mV[j] = v.mV[j]; } if (v.mV[j] > max.mV[j]) { max.mV[j] = v.mV[j]; } } } } for (S32 i = 0; i < num_indices; i++) { S32 index = vf.mIndices[i] + index_offset; llassert(index >= 0 && (i != 1 || *(indicesp-1)!=(U32)index)); *indicesp++ = index; } } if ((mDrawablep->isState(LLDrawable::REBUILD_TCOORD)) || ((bump || getTextureEntry()->getTexGen() != 0) && mDrawablep->isState(LLDrawable::REBUILD_VOLUME))) { // TEX COORDS AND BINORMALS LLVector3 binormal_dir( -sin_ang, cos_ang, 0 ); LLVector3 bump_s_primary_light_ray; LLVector3 bump_t_primary_light_ray; if (bump) { F32 offset_multiple; switch( bump_code ) { case BE_NO_BUMP: offset_multiple = 0.f; break; case BE_BRIGHTNESS: case BE_DARKNESS: if( mTexture.notNull() && mTexture->getHasGLTexture()) { // Offset by approximately one texel S32 cur_discard = mTexture->getDiscardLevel(); S32 max_size = llmax( mTexture->getWidth(), mTexture->getHeight() ); max_size <<= cur_discard; const F32 ARTIFICIAL_OFFSET = 2.f; offset_multiple = ARTIFICIAL_OFFSET / (F32)max_size; } else { offset_multiple = 1.f/256; } break; default: // Standard bumpmap textures. Assumed to be 256x256 offset_multiple = 1.f / 256; break; } F32 s_scale = 1.f; F32 t_scale = 1.f; if( tep ) { tep->getScale( &s_scale, &t_scale ); } LLVector3 sun_ray = gSky.getSunDirection(); LLVector3 moon_ray = gSky.getMoonDirection(); LLVector3& primary_light_ray = (sun_ray.mV[VZ] > 0) ? sun_ray : moon_ray; bump_s_primary_light_ray = offset_multiple * s_scale * primary_light_ray; bump_t_primary_light_ray = offset_multiple * t_scale * primary_light_ray; } for (S32 i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++) { LLVector2 tc = vf.mVertices[i].mTexCoord; U8 texgen = getTextureEntry()->getTexGen(); if (texgen != LLTextureEntry::TEX_GEN_DEFAULT) { LLVector3 vec = vf.mVertices[i].mPosition; //-vf.mCenter; if (global_volume) { vec -= render_pos; } else { vec.scaleVec(mVObjp->getScale()); } switch (texgen) { case LLTextureEntry::TEX_GEN_PLANAR: planarProjection(tc, vf.mVertices[i], vf.mCenter, vec); break; case LLTextureEntry::TEX_GEN_SPHERICAL: sphericalProjection(tc, vf.mVertices[i], vf.mCenter, vec); break; case LLTextureEntry::TEX_GEN_CYLINDRICAL: cylindricalProjection(tc, vf.mVertices[i], vf.mCenter, vec); break; default: break; } } xform(tc, cos_ang, sin_ang, os, ot, ms, mt); *tex_coords++ = tc; if (grab_first_tcoord) { grab_first_tcoord = FALSE; tmin = tmax = tc; } else { for (U32 j = 0; j < 2; j++) { if (tmin.mV[j] > tc.mV[j]) { tmin.mV[j] = tc.mV[j]; } else if (tmax.mV[j] < tc.mV[j]) { tmax.mV[j] = tc.mV[j]; } } } if (bump) { LLVector3 tangent = vf.mVertices[i].mBinormal % vf.mVertices[i].mNormal; LLMatrix3 tangent_to_object; tangent_to_object.setRows(tangent, vf.mVertices[i].mBinormal, vf.mVertices[i].mNormal); LLVector3 binormal = binormal_dir * tangent_to_object; if (!global_volume) { binormal = binormal * mat_normal; } binormal.normVec(); tangent.normVec(); tc += LLVector2( bump_s_primary_light_ray * tangent, bump_t_primary_light_ray * binormal ); *tex_coords2++ = tc; *binormals++ = binormal; } } } index_offset += num_vertices; center_sum += vf.mCenter * mat_vert; } center_sum /= (F32)(fend-fstart+1); if (is_static) { mCenterAgent = center_sum; mCenterLocal = mCenterAgent - mDrawablep->getPositionAgent(); } else { mCenterLocal = center_sum; updateCenterAgent(); } if (!grab_first_vert && mDrawablep->isState(LLDrawable::REBUILD_VOLUME)) { mExtents[0] = min; mExtents[1] = max; } if (!grab_first_tcoord && mDrawablep->isState(LLDrawable::REBUILD_TCOORD)) { mTexExtents[0] = tmin; mTexExtents[1] = tmax; } return TRUE; } BOOL LLFace::genLighting(const LLVolume* volume, const LLDrawable* drawablep, S32 fstart, S32 fend, const LLMatrix4& mat_vert, const LLMatrix3& mat_normal, BOOL do_lighting) { if (drawablep->isLight()) { do_lighting = FALSE; } if (!((mDrawPoolp->mDataMaskIL) & LLDrawPool::DATA_COLORS_MASK)) { return FALSE; } if (mGeomIndex < 0) { return FALSE; // no geometry } LLStrider colorsp; S32 idx = getColors(colorsp); if (idx < 0) { return FALSE; } for (S32 vol_face = fstart; vol_face <= fend; vol_face++) { const LLVolumeFace &vf = volume->getVolumeFace(vol_face); S32 num_vertices = (S32)vf.mVertices.size(); if (isState(FULLBRIGHT) || !do_lighting) { for (S32 i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++) { (*colorsp++).setToBlack(); } } else { for (S32 i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++) { LLVector3 vertex = vf.mVertices[i].mPosition * mat_vert; LLVector3 normal = vf.mVertices[i].mNormal * mat_normal; normal.normVec(); LLColor4 color; for (LLDrawable::drawable_set_t::const_iterator iter = drawablep->mLightSet.begin(); iter != drawablep->mLightSet.end(); ++iter) { LLDrawable* light_drawable = *iter; LLVOVolume* light = light_drawable->getVOVolume(); if (!light) { continue; } LLColor4 light_color; light->calcLightAtPoint(vertex, normal, light_color); color += light_color; } color.mV[3] = 1.0f; (*colorsp++).setVecScaleClamp(color); } } } return TRUE; } BOOL LLFace::genShadows(const LLVolume* volume, const LLDrawable* drawablep, S32 fstart, S32 fend, const LLMatrix4& mat_vert, const LLMatrix3& mat_normal, BOOL use_shadow_factor) { if (drawablep->isLight()) { return FALSE; } if (!((mDrawPoolp->mDataMaskIL) & LLDrawPool::DATA_COLORS_MASK)) { return FALSE; } if (mGeomIndex < 0) { return FALSE; // no geometry } LLStrider colorsp; S32 idx = getColors(colorsp); if (idx < 0) { return FALSE; } for (S32 vol_face = fstart; vol_face <= fend; vol_face++) { const LLVolumeFace &vf = volume->getVolumeFace(vol_face); S32 num_vertices = (S32)vf.mVertices.size(); if (isState(FULLBRIGHT)) { continue; } for (S32 i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++) { LLVector3 vertex = vf.mVertices[i].mPosition * mat_vert; LLVector3 normal = vf.mVertices[i].mNormal * mat_normal; normal.normVec(); U8 shadow; if (use_shadow_factor) { shadow = (U8) (drawablep->getSunShadowFactor() * 255); } else { shadow = 255; } (*colorsp++).mV[3] = shadow; } } return TRUE; } BOOL LLFace::verify(const U32* indices_array) const { BOOL ok = TRUE; // First, check whether the face data fits within the pool's range. if ((mGeomIndex < 0) || (mGeomIndex + mGeomCount) > (S32)getPool()->getVertexCount()) { ok = FALSE; llinfos << "Face not within pool range!" << llendl; } S32 indices_count = (S32)getIndicesCount(); S32 geom_start = getGeomStart(); S32 geom_count = mGeomCount; if (!indices_count) { return TRUE; } if (indices_count > LL_MAX_INDICES_COUNT) { ok = FALSE; llinfos << "Face has bogus indices count" << llendl; } const U32 *indicesp = indices_array ? indices_array + mIndicesIndex : getRawIndices(); for (S32 i = 0; i < indices_count; i++) { S32 delta = indicesp[i] - geom_start; if (0 > delta) { llwarns << "Face index too low!" << llendl; llinfos << "i:" << i << " Index:" << indicesp[i] << " GStart: " << geom_start << llendl; ok = FALSE; } else if (delta >= geom_count) { llwarns << "Face index too high!" << llendl; llinfos << "i:" << i << " Index:" << indicesp[i] << " GEnd: " << geom_start + geom_count << llendl; ok = FALSE; } } if (!ok) { printDebugInfo(); } return ok; } void LLFace::setViewerObject(LLViewerObject* objp) { mVObjp = objp; } void LLFace::enableLights() const { if (isState(FULLBRIGHT|HUD_RENDER)) { gPipeline.enableLightsFullbright(LLColor4::white); } else if (mDrawablep->isState(LLDrawable::LIGHTING_BUILT)) { gPipeline.enableLightsStatic(1.f); } else { gPipeline.enableLightsDynamic(1.f); } if (isState(LIGHT)) { const LLVOVolume* vovolume = (const LLVOVolume*)(mDrawablep->getVObj()); gPipeline.setAmbient(vovolume->getLightColor()); } } const LLColor4& LLFace::getRenderColor() const { if (isState(USE_FACE_COLOR)) { return mFaceColor; // Face Color } else { const LLTextureEntry* tep = getTextureEntry(); return (tep ? tep->getColor() : LLColor4::white); } } void LLFace::renderSetColor() const { if (!LLDrawPool::LLOverrideFaceColor::sOverrideFaceColor) { const LLColor4* color = &(getRenderColor()); if ((mDrawPoolp->mVertexShaderLevel > 0) && (mDrawPoolp->getMaterialAttribIndex() != 0)) { glVertexAttrib4fvARB(mDrawPoolp->getMaterialAttribIndex(), color->mV); } else { glColor4fv(color->mV); } } } S32 LLFace::pushVertices(const U32* index_array) const { U32 indices_count = mIndicesCount; S32 ret = 0; #if ENABLE_FACE_LINKING LLFace* next = mNextFace; #endif if (mGeomCount < gGLManager.mGLMaxVertexRange && (S32) indices_count < gGLManager.mGLMaxIndexRange) { LLFace* current = (LLFace*) this; S32 geom_count = mGeomCount; #if ENABLE_FACE_LINKING while (current) { //chop up batch into implementation recommended sizes while (next && (current == next || ((S32) (indices_count + next->mIndicesCount) < gGLManager.mGLMaxIndexRange && geom_count + next->mGeomCount < gGLManager.mGLMaxVertexRange))) { indices_count += next->mIndicesCount; geom_count += next->mGeomCount; next = next->mNextFace; } #endif if (indices_count) { glDrawRangeElements(mPrimType, current->mGeomIndex, current->mGeomIndex + geom_count, indices_count, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, index_array + current->mIndicesIndex); } ret += (S32) indices_count; indices_count = 0; geom_count = 0; #if ENABLE_FACE_LINKING current = next; } #endif } else { #if ENABLE_FACE_LINKING while (next) { indices_count += next->mIndicesCount; next = next->mNextFace; } #endif if (indices_count) { glDrawElements(mPrimType, indices_count, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, index_array + mIndicesIndex); } ret += (S32) indices_count; } return ret; } const LLMatrix4& LLFace::getRenderMatrix() const { return mDrawablep->getRenderMatrix(); } S32 LLFace::renderElements(const U32 *index_array) const { S32 ret = 0; if (isState(GLOBAL)) { ret = pushVertices(index_array); } else { glPushMatrix(); glMultMatrixf((float*)getRenderMatrix().mMatrix); ret = pushVertices(index_array); glPopMatrix(); } return ret; } S32 LLFace::renderIndexed(const U32 *index_array) const { if (mSkipRender) { return 0; } if(mGeomIndex < 0 || mDrawablep.isNull()) { return 0; } renderSetColor(); return renderElements(index_array); } //============================================================================ // From llface.inl S32 LLFace::getVertices(LLStrider &vertices) { if (!mGeomCount) { return -1; } if (isState(BACKLIST)) { if (!mBackupMem) { printDebugInfo(); llerrs << "No backup memory for face" << llendl; } vertices = (LLVector3*)(mBackupMem + (4 * mIndicesCount) + mDrawPoolp->mDataOffsets[LLDrawPool::DATA_VERTICES]); vertices.setStride( mDrawPoolp->getStride()); return 0; } else { if (mGeomIndex >= 0) // flexible objects may not have geometry { mDrawPoolp->getVertexStrider(vertices, mGeomIndex); mDrawPoolp->setDirty(); } return mGeomIndex; } } S32 LLFace::getColors(LLStrider &colors) { if (!mGeomCount) { return -1; } if (isState(BACKLIST)) { llassert(mBackupMem); colors = (LLColor4U*)(mBackupMem + (4 * mIndicesCount) + mDrawPoolp->mDataOffsets[LLDrawPool::DATA_COLORS]); colors.setStride( mDrawPoolp->getStride()); return 0; } else { llassert(mGeomIndex >= 0); mDrawPoolp->getColorStrider(colors, mGeomIndex); return mGeomIndex; } } S32 LLFace::getIndices(U32* &indicesp) { if (isState(BACKLIST)) { indicesp = (U32*)mBackupMem; return 0; } else { indicesp = mDrawPoolp->getIndices(mIndicesIndex); llassert(mGeomIndex >= 0 && indicesp[0] != indicesp[1]); return mGeomIndex; } } void LLFace::link(LLFace* facep) { #if ENABLE_FACE_LINKING mNextFace = facep; facep->mSkipRender = TRUE; #endif } LLVector3 LLFace::getPositionAgent() const { if (mDrawablep->isStatic()) { return mCenterAgent; } else { return mCenterLocal * getRenderMatrix(); } }