/** * @file llenvmanager.h * @brief Declaration of classes managing WindLight and water settings. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2011, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_LLENVMANAGER_H #define LL_LLENVMANAGER_H #include "llmemory.h" #include "llsd.h" class LLWLParamManager; class LLWaterParamManager; class LLWLAnimator; // generic key struct LLEnvKey { public: // Note: enum ordering is important; for example, a region-level floater (1) will see local and region (all values that are <=) typedef enum e_scope { SCOPE_LOCAL, // 0 SCOPE_REGION//, // 1 // SCOPE_ESTATE, // 2 // etc. } EScope; }; struct LLWLParamKey : LLEnvKey { public: // scope and source of a param set (WL sky preset) std::string name; EScope scope; // for conversion from LLSD static const int NAME_IDX = 0; static const int SCOPE_IDX = 1; inline LLWLParamKey(const std::string& n, EScope s) : name(n), scope(s) { } inline LLWLParamKey(LLSD llsd) : name(llsd[NAME_IDX].asString()), scope(EScope(llsd[SCOPE_IDX].asInteger())) { } inline LLWLParamKey() // NOT really valid, just so std::maps can return a default of some sort : name(""), scope(SCOPE_LOCAL) { } inline LLWLParamKey(std::string& stringVal) { size_t len = stringVal.length(); if (len > 0) { name = stringVal.substr(0, len - 1); scope = (EScope) atoi(stringVal.substr(len - 1, len).c_str()); } } inline std::string toStringVal() const { std::stringstream str; str << name << scope; return str.str(); } inline LLSD toLLSD() const { LLSD llsd = LLSD::emptyArray(); llsd.append(LLSD(name)); llsd.append(LLSD(scope)); return llsd; } inline void fromLLSD(const LLSD& llsd) { name = llsd[NAME_IDX].asString(); scope = EScope(llsd[SCOPE_IDX].asInteger()); } inline bool operator <(const LLWLParamKey other) const { if (name < other.name) { return true; } else if (name > other.name) { return false; } else { return scope < other.scope; } } inline bool operator ==(const LLWLParamKey other) const { return (name == other.name) && (scope == other.scope); } std::string toString() const; }; class LLEnvironmentSettings { public: LLEnvironmentSettings() : mWLDayCycle(LLSD::emptyMap()), mSkyMap(LLSD::emptyMap()), mWaterParams(LLSD::emptyMap()), mDayTime(0.f) {} LLEnvironmentSettings(const LLSD& dayCycle, const LLSD& skyMap, const LLSD& waterParams, F64 dayTime) : mWLDayCycle(dayCycle), mSkyMap(skyMap), mWaterParams(waterParams), mDayTime(dayTime) {} ~LLEnvironmentSettings() {} void saveParams(const LLSD& dayCycle, const LLSD& skyMap, const LLSD& waterParams, F64 dayTime) { mWLDayCycle = dayCycle; mSkyMap = skyMap; mWaterParams = waterParams; mDayTime = dayTime; } const LLSD& getWLDayCycle() const { return mWLDayCycle; } const LLSD& getWaterParams() const { return mWaterParams; } const LLSD& getSkyMap() const { return mSkyMap; } F64 getDayTime() const { return mDayTime; } bool isEmpty() const { return mWLDayCycle.size() == 0; } void clear() { *this = LLEnvironmentSettings(); } LLSD makePacket(const LLSD& metadata) const { LLSD full_packet = LLSD::emptyArray(); // 0: metadata full_packet.append(metadata); // 1: day cycle full_packet.append(mWLDayCycle); // 2: map of sky setting names to sky settings (as LLSD) full_packet.append(mSkyMap); // 3: water params full_packet.append(mWaterParams); return full_packet; } private: LLSD mWLDayCycle, mWaterParams, mSkyMap; F64 mDayTime; }; /** * User environment preferences. */ class LLEnvPrefs { public: LLEnvPrefs() : mUseRegionSettings(true), mUseDayCycle(true) {} bool getUseRegionSettings() const { return mUseRegionSettings; } bool getUseDayCycle() const { return mUseDayCycle; } bool getUseFixedSky() const { return !getUseDayCycle(); } std::string getWaterPresetName() const; std::string getSkyPresetName() const; std::string getDayCycleName() const; void setUseRegionSettings(bool val); void setUseWaterPreset(const std::string& name); void setUseSkyPreset(const std::string& name); void setUseDayCycle(const std::string& name); bool mUseRegionSettings; bool mUseDayCycle; std::string mWaterPresetName; std::string mSkyPresetName; std::string mDayCycleName; }; /** * Setting: * 1. Use region settings. * 2. Use my setting: <water preset> + <fixed_sky>|<day_cycle> */ class LLEnvManagerNew : public LLSingleton<LLEnvManagerNew> { LOG_CLASS(LLEnvManagerNew); public: typedef boost::signals2::signal<void()> prefs_change_signal_t; typedef boost::signals2::signal<void()> region_settings_change_signal_t; typedef boost::signals2::signal<void(bool)> region_settings_applied_signal_t; LLEnvManagerNew(); // getters to access user env. preferences bool getUseRegionSettings() const; bool getUseDayCycle() const; bool getUseFixedSky() const; std::string getWaterPresetName() const; std::string getSkyPresetName() const; std::string getDayCycleName() const; /// @return cached env. settings of the current region. const LLEnvironmentSettings& getRegionSettings() const; /** * Set new region settings without uploading them to the region. * * The override will be reset when the changes are applied to the region (=uploaded) * or user teleports to another region. */ void setRegionSettings(const LLEnvironmentSettings& new_settings); // Change environment w/o changing user preferences. bool usePrefs(); bool useDefaults(); bool useRegionSettings(); bool useWaterPreset(const std::string& name); bool useWaterParams(const LLSD& params); bool useSkyPreset(const std::string& name); bool useSkyParams(const LLSD& params); bool useDayCycle(const std::string& name, LLEnvKey::EScope scope); bool useDayCycleParams(const LLSD& params, LLEnvKey::EScope scope, F32 time = 0.5); // setters for user env. preferences void setUseRegionSettings(bool val); void setUseWaterPreset(const std::string& name); void setUseSkyPreset(const std::string& name); void setUseDayCycle(const std::string& name); void setUserPrefs( const std::string& water_preset, const std::string& sky_preset, const std::string& day_cycle_preset, bool use_fixed_sky, bool use_region_settings); // debugging methods void dumpUserPrefs(); void dumpPresets(); // Misc. void requestRegionSettings(); bool sendRegionSettings(const LLEnvironmentSettings& new_settings); boost::signals2::connection setPreferencesChangeCallback(const prefs_change_signal_t::slot_type& cb); boost::signals2::connection setRegionSettingsChangeCallback(const region_settings_change_signal_t::slot_type& cb); boost::signals2::connection setRegionSettingsAppliedCallback(const region_settings_applied_signal_t::slot_type& cb); static bool canEditRegionSettings(); /// @return true if we have access to editing region environment static const std::string getScopeString(LLEnvKey::EScope scope); // Public callbacks. void onRegionSettingsResponse(const LLSD& content); void onRegionSettingsApplyResponse(bool ok); private: friend class LLSingleton<LLEnvManagerNew>; /*virtual*/ void initSingleton(); void loadUserPrefs(); void saveUserPrefs(); void updateSkyFromPrefs(); void updateWaterFromPrefs(bool interpolate); void updateManagersFromPrefs(bool interpolate); bool useRegionSky(); bool useRegionWater(); bool useDefaultSky(); bool useDefaultWater(); void onRegionChange(); /// Emitted when user environment preferences change. prefs_change_signal_t mUsePrefsChangeSignal; /// Emitted when region environment settings update comes. region_settings_change_signal_t mRegionSettingsChangeSignal; /// Emitted when agent region changes. Move to LLAgent? region_settings_applied_signal_t mRegionSettingsAppliedSignal; LLEnvPrefs mUserPrefs; /// User environment preferences. LLEnvironmentSettings mCachedRegionPrefs; /// Cached region environment settings. LLEnvironmentSettings mNewRegionPrefs; /// Not-yet-uploaded modified region env. settings. bool mInterpNextChangeMessage; /// Interpolate env. settings on next region change. LLUUID mCurRegionUUID; /// To avoid duplicated region env. settings requests. LLUUID mLastReceivedID; /// Id of last received region env. settings. }; #endif // LL_LLENVMANAGER_H