/** * @file lldrawpool.h * @brief LLDrawPool class definition * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_LLDRAWPOOL_H #define LL_LLDRAWPOOL_H #include "v4coloru.h" #include "v2math.h" #include "v3math.h" #include "llvertexbuffer.h" class LLFace; class LLViewerTexture; class LLViewerFetchedTexture; class LLSpatialGroup; class LLDrawInfo; class LLDrawPool { public: static S32 sNumDrawPools; enum { // Correspond to LLPipeline render type POOL_SIMPLE = 1, POOL_GROUND, POOL_FULLBRIGHT, POOL_BUMP, POOL_MATERIALS, POOL_TERRAIN, POOL_SKY, POOL_WL_SKY, POOL_TREE, POOL_ALPHA_MASK, POOL_FULLBRIGHT_ALPHA_MASK, POOL_GRASS, POOL_INVISIBLE, // see below * POOL_AVATAR, POOL_VOIDWATER, POOL_WATER, POOL_GLOW, POOL_ALPHA, NUM_POOL_TYPES, // * invisiprims work by rendering to the depth buffer but not the color buffer, occluding anything rendered after them // - and the LLDrawPool types enum controls what order things are rendered in // - so, it has absolute control over what invisprims block // ...invisiprims being rendered in pool_invisible // ...shiny/bump mapped objects in rendered in POOL_BUMP }; LLDrawPool(const U32 type); virtual ~LLDrawPool(); virtual BOOL isDead() = 0; S32 getId() const { return mId; } U32 getType() const { return mType; } BOOL getSkipRenderFlag() const { return mSkipRender;} void setSkipRenderFlag( BOOL flag ) { mSkipRender = flag; } virtual LLViewerTexture *getDebugTexture(); virtual void beginRenderPass( S32 pass ); virtual void endRenderPass( S32 pass ); virtual S32 getNumPasses(); virtual void beginDeferredPass(S32 pass); virtual void endDeferredPass(S32 pass); virtual S32 getNumDeferredPasses(); virtual void renderDeferred(S32 pass = 0); virtual void beginPostDeferredPass(S32 pass); virtual void endPostDeferredPass(S32 pass); virtual S32 getNumPostDeferredPasses(); virtual void renderPostDeferred(S32 pass = 0); virtual void beginShadowPass(S32 pass); virtual void endShadowPass(S32 pass); virtual S32 getNumShadowPasses(); virtual void renderShadow(S32 pass = 0); virtual void render(S32 pass = 0) = 0; virtual void prerender() = 0; virtual U32 getVertexDataMask() = 0; virtual BOOL verify() const { return TRUE; } // Verify that all data in the draw pool is correct! virtual S32 getShaderLevel() const { return mShaderLevel; } static LLDrawPool* createPool(const U32 type, LLViewerTexture *tex0 = NULL); virtual LLDrawPool *instancePool() = 0; // Create an empty new instance of the pool. virtual LLViewerTexture* getTexture() = 0; virtual BOOL isFacePool() { return FALSE; } virtual void resetDrawOrders() = 0; protected: S32 mShaderLevel; S32 mId; U32 mType; // Type of draw pool BOOL mSkipRender; }; class LLRenderPass : public LLDrawPool { public: enum { PASS_SIMPLE = NUM_POOL_TYPES, PASS_GRASS, PASS_FULLBRIGHT, PASS_INVISIBLE, PASS_INVISI_SHINY, PASS_FULLBRIGHT_SHINY, PASS_SHINY, PASS_BUMP, PASS_POST_BUMP, PASS_MATERIAL, PASS_MATERIAL_ALPHA, PASS_MATERIAL_ALPHA_MASK, PASS_MATERIAL_ALPHA_EMISSIVE, PASS_SPECMAP, PASS_SPECMAP_BLEND, PASS_SPECMAP_MASK, PASS_SPECMAP_EMISSIVE, PASS_NORMMAP, PASS_NORMMAP_BLEND, PASS_NORMMAP_MASK, PASS_NORMMAP_EMISSIVE, PASS_NORMSPEC, PASS_NORMSPEC_BLEND, PASS_NORMSPEC_MASK, PASS_NORMSPEC_EMISSIVE, PASS_GLOW, PASS_ALPHA, PASS_ALPHA_MASK, PASS_FULLBRIGHT_ALPHA_MASK, PASS_ALPHA_INVISIBLE, NUM_RENDER_TYPES, }; LLRenderPass(const U32 type); virtual ~LLRenderPass(); /*virtual*/ LLDrawPool* instancePool(); /*virtual*/ LLViewerTexture* getDebugTexture() { return NULL; } LLViewerTexture* getTexture() { return NULL; } BOOL isDead() { return FALSE; } void resetDrawOrders() { } static void applyModelMatrix(const LLDrawInfo& params); virtual void pushBatches(U32 type, U32 mask, BOOL texture = TRUE, BOOL batch_textures = FALSE); virtual void pushMaskBatches(U32 type, U32 mask, BOOL texture = TRUE, BOOL batch_textures = FALSE); virtual void pushBatch(LLDrawInfo& params, U32 mask, BOOL texture, BOOL batch_textures = FALSE); virtual void renderGroup(LLSpatialGroup* group, U32 type, U32 mask, BOOL texture = TRUE); virtual void renderGroups(U32 type, U32 mask, BOOL texture = TRUE); virtual void renderTexture(U32 type, U32 mask); }; class LLFacePool : public LLDrawPool { public: typedef std::vector face_array_t; enum { SHADER_LEVEL_SCATTERING = 2 }; public: LLFacePool(const U32 type); virtual ~LLFacePool(); BOOL isDead() { return mReferences.empty(); } virtual LLViewerTexture *getTexture(); virtual void dirtyTextures(const std::set& textures); virtual void enqueue(LLFace *face); virtual BOOL addFace(LLFace *face); virtual BOOL removeFace(LLFace *face); virtual BOOL verify() const; // Verify that all data in the draw pool is correct! virtual void resetDrawOrders(); void resetAll(); void destroy(); void buildEdges(); void addFaceReference(LLFace *facep); void removeFaceReference(LLFace *facep); void printDebugInfo() const; BOOL isFacePool() { return TRUE; } friend class LLFace; friend class LLPipeline; public: face_array_t mDrawFace; face_array_t mMoveFace; face_array_t mReferences; public: class LLOverrideFaceColor { public: LLOverrideFaceColor(LLDrawPool* pool) : mOverride(sOverrideFaceColor), mPool(pool) { sOverrideFaceColor = TRUE; } LLOverrideFaceColor(LLDrawPool* pool, const LLColor4& color) : mOverride(sOverrideFaceColor), mPool(pool) { sOverrideFaceColor = TRUE; setColor(color); } LLOverrideFaceColor(LLDrawPool* pool, const LLColor4U& color) : mOverride(sOverrideFaceColor), mPool(pool) { sOverrideFaceColor = TRUE; setColor(color); } LLOverrideFaceColor(LLDrawPool* pool, F32 r, F32 g, F32 b, F32 a) : mOverride(sOverrideFaceColor), mPool(pool) { sOverrideFaceColor = TRUE; setColor(r, g, b, a); } ~LLOverrideFaceColor() { sOverrideFaceColor = mOverride; } void setColor(const LLColor4& color); void setColor(const LLColor4U& color); void setColor(F32 r, F32 g, F32 b, F32 a); BOOL mOverride; LLDrawPool* mPool; static BOOL sOverrideFaceColor; }; }; #endif //LL_LLDRAWPOOL_H