/** * @file lldrawable.cpp * @brief LLDrawable class implementation * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "lldrawable.h" // library includes #include "material_codes.h" // viewer includes #include "llcriticaldamp.h" #include "llface.h" #include "lllightconstants.h" #include "llmatrix4a.h" #include "llsky.h" #include "llsurfacepatch.h" #include "llviewercamera.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "llvolume.h" #include "llvoavatar.h" #include "llvovolume.h" #include "llvosurfacepatch.h" // for debugging #include "llworld.h" #include "pipeline.h" #include "llspatialpartition.h" #include "llviewerobjectlist.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "llvocache.h" const F32 MIN_INTERPOLATE_DISTANCE_SQUARED = 0.001f * 0.001f; const F32 MAX_INTERPOLATE_DISTANCE_SQUARED = 10.f * 10.f; const F32 OBJECT_DAMPING_TIME_CONSTANT = 0.06f; static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_CULL_REBOUND("Cull Rebound"); extern bool gShiftFrame; //////////////////////// // // Inline implementations. // // ////////////////////////////// // // Drawable code // // // static U32 LLDrawable::sNumZombieDrawables = 0; F32 LLDrawable::sCurPixelAngle = 0; std::vector > LLDrawable::sDeadList; #define FORCE_INVISIBLE_AREA 16.f // static void LLDrawable::incrementVisible() { LLViewerOctreeEntryData::incrementVisible(); sCurPixelAngle = (F32) gViewerWindow->getWindowHeightRaw()/LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getView(); } LLDrawable::LLDrawable(LLViewerObject *vobj, bool new_entry) : LLViewerOctreeEntryData(LLViewerOctreeEntry::LLDRAWABLE), LLTrace::MemTrackable("LLDrawable"), mVObjp(vobj) { init(new_entry); } void LLDrawable::init(bool new_entry) { // mXform mParent = NULL; mRenderType = 0; mCurrentScale = LLVector3(1,1,1); mDistanceWRTCamera = 0.0f; mState = 0; // mFaces mRadius = 0.f; mGeneration = -1; mSpatialBridge = NULL; LLViewerOctreeEntry* entry = NULL; LLVOCacheEntry* vo_entry = NULL; if(!new_entry && mVObjp && getRegion() != NULL) { vo_entry = getRegion()->getCacheEntryForOctree(mVObjp->getLocalID()); if(vo_entry) { entry = vo_entry->getEntry(); } } setOctreeEntry(entry); if(vo_entry) { if(!entry) { vo_entry->setOctreeEntry(mEntry); } getRegion()->addActiveCacheEntry(vo_entry); if(vo_entry->getNumOfChildren() > 0) { getRegion()->addVisibleChildCacheEntry(vo_entry, NULL); //to load all children. } llassert(!vo_entry->getGroup()); //not in the object cache octree. } llassert(!vo_entry || vo_entry->getEntry() == mEntry); initVisible(sCurVisible - 2);//invisible for the current frame and the last frame. } // static void LLDrawable::initClass() { } void LLDrawable::destroy() { if (gDebugGL) { gPipeline.checkReferences(this); } if (isDead()) { sNumZombieDrawables--; } // Attempt to catch violations of this in debug, // knowing that some false alarms may result // llassert(!LLSpatialGroup::sNoDelete); /* cannot be guaranteed and causes crashes on false alarms if (LLSpatialGroup::sNoDelete) { LL_ERRS() << "Illegal deletion of LLDrawable!" << LL_ENDL; }*/ std::for_each(mFaces.begin(), mFaces.end(), DeletePointer()); mFaces.clear(); /*if (!(sNumZombieDrawables % 10)) { LL_INFOS() << "- Zombie drawables: " << sNumZombieDrawables << LL_ENDL; }*/ } void LLDrawable::markDead() { if (isDead()) { LL_WARNS() << "Warning! Marking dead multiple times!" << LL_ENDL; return; } setState(DEAD); if (mSpatialBridge) { mSpatialBridge->markDead(); mSpatialBridge = NULL; } sNumZombieDrawables++; // We're dead. Free up all of our references to other objects cleanupReferences(); // sDeadList.push_back(this); } LLVOVolume* LLDrawable::getVOVolume() const { LLViewerObject* objectp = mVObjp; if ( !isDead() && objectp && (objectp->getPCode() == LL_PCODE_VOLUME)) { return ((LLVOVolume*)objectp); } else { return NULL; } } const LLMatrix4& LLDrawable::getRenderMatrix() const { return isRoot() ? getWorldMatrix() : getParent()->getWorldMatrix(); } BOOL LLDrawable::isLight() const { LLViewerObject* objectp = mVObjp; if ( objectp && (objectp->getPCode() == LL_PCODE_VOLUME) && !isDead()) { return ((LLVOVolume*)objectp)->getIsLight(); } else { return FALSE; } } static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_CLEANUP_DRAWABLE("Cleanup Drawable"); static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_DEREF_DRAWABLE("Deref"); static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_DELETE_FACES("Faces"); void LLDrawable::cleanupReferences() { LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_CLEANUP_DRAWABLE); { LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_DELETE_FACES); std::for_each(mFaces.begin(), mFaces.end(), DeletePointer()); mFaces.clear(); } gObjectList.removeDrawable(this); gPipeline.unlinkDrawable(this); removeFromOctree(); { LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_DEREF_DRAWABLE); // Cleanup references to other objects mVObjp = NULL; mParent = NULL; } } void LLDrawable::removeFromOctree() { if(!mEntry) { return; } mEntry->removeData(this); if(mEntry->hasVOCacheEntry()) { getRegion()->removeActiveCacheEntry((LLVOCacheEntry*)mEntry->getVOCacheEntry(), this); } mEntry = NULL; } void LLDrawable::cleanupDeadDrawables() { /* S32 i; for (i = 0; i < sDeadList.size(); i++) { if (sDeadList[i]->getNumRefs() > 1) { LL_WARNS() << "Dead drawable has " << sDeadList[i]->getNumRefs() << " remaining refs" << LL_ENDL; gPipeline.findReferences(sDeadList[i]); } } */ sDeadList.clear(); } S32 LLDrawable::findReferences(LLDrawable *drawablep) { S32 count = 0; if (mParent == drawablep) { LL_INFOS() << this << ": parent reference" << LL_ENDL; count++; } return count; } static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_ALLOCATE_FACE("Allocate Face"); LLFace* LLDrawable::addFace(LLFacePool *poolp, LLViewerTexture *texturep) { LLFace *face; { LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_ALLOCATE_FACE); face = new LLFace(this, mVObjp); } if (!face) LL_ERRS() << "Allocating new Face: " << mFaces.size() << LL_ENDL; if (face) { mFaces.push_back(face); if (poolp) { face->setPool(poolp, texturep); } if (isState(UNLIT)) { face->setState(LLFace::FULLBRIGHT); } } return face; } LLFace* LLDrawable::addFace(const LLTextureEntry *te, LLViewerTexture *texturep) { LLFace *face; { LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_ALLOCATE_FACE); face = new LLFace(this, mVObjp); } face->setTEOffset(mFaces.size()); face->setTexture(texturep); face->setPoolType(gPipeline.getPoolTypeFromTE(te, texturep)); mFaces.push_back(face); if (isState(UNLIT)) { face->setState(LLFace::FULLBRIGHT); } return face; } LLFace* LLDrawable::addFace(const LLTextureEntry *te, LLViewerTexture *texturep, LLViewerTexture *normalp) { LLFace *face; face = new LLFace(this, mVObjp); face->setTEOffset(mFaces.size()); face->setTexture(texturep); face->setNormalMap(normalp); face->setPoolType(gPipeline.getPoolTypeFromTE(te, texturep)); mFaces.push_back(face); if (isState(UNLIT)) { face->setState(LLFace::FULLBRIGHT); } return face; } LLFace* LLDrawable::addFace(const LLTextureEntry *te, LLViewerTexture *texturep, LLViewerTexture *normalp, LLViewerTexture *specularp) { LLFace *face; face = new LLFace(this, mVObjp); face->setTEOffset(mFaces.size()); face->setTexture(texturep); face->setNormalMap(normalp); face->setSpecularMap(specularp); face->setPoolType(gPipeline.getPoolTypeFromTE(te, texturep)); mFaces.push_back(face); if (isState(UNLIT)) { face->setState(LLFace::FULLBRIGHT); } return face; } void LLDrawable::setNumFaces(const S32 newFaces, LLFacePool *poolp, LLViewerTexture *texturep) { if (newFaces == (S32)mFaces.size()) { return; } else if (newFaces < (S32)mFaces.size()) { std::for_each(mFaces.begin() + newFaces, mFaces.end(), DeletePointer()); mFaces.erase(mFaces.begin() + newFaces, mFaces.end()); } else // (newFaces > mFaces.size()) { mFaces.reserve(newFaces); for (int i = mFaces.size(); i= (S32)mFaces.size()/2) { return; } else if (newFaces < (S32)mFaces.size()) { std::for_each(mFaces.begin() + newFaces, mFaces.end(), DeletePointer()); mFaces.erase(mFaces.begin() + newFaces, mFaces.end()); } else // (newFaces > mFaces.size()) { mFaces.reserve(newFaces); for (int i = mFaces.size(); imFaces.size(); mFaces.reserve(face_count); for (U32 i = 0; i < src->mFaces.size(); i++) { LLFace* facep = src->mFaces[i]; facep->setDrawable(this); mFaces.push_back(facep); } src->mFaces.clear(); } void LLDrawable::deleteFaces(S32 offset, S32 count) { face_list_t::iterator face_begin = mFaces.begin() + offset; face_list_t::iterator face_end = face_begin + count; std::for_each(face_begin, face_end, DeletePointer()); mFaces.erase(face_begin, face_end); } void LLDrawable::update() { LL_ERRS() << "Shouldn't be called!" << LL_ENDL; } void LLDrawable::updateMaterial() { } void LLDrawable::makeActive() { #if !LL_RELEASE_FOR_DOWNLOAD if (mVObjp.notNull()) { U32 pcode = mVObjp->getPCode(); if (pcode == LLViewerObject::LL_VO_WATER || pcode == LLViewerObject::LL_VO_VOID_WATER || pcode == LLViewerObject::LL_VO_SURFACE_PATCH || pcode == LLViewerObject::LL_VO_PART_GROUP || pcode == LLViewerObject::LL_VO_HUD_PART_GROUP || pcode == LLViewerObject::LL_VO_GROUND || pcode == LLViewerObject::LL_VO_SKY) { LL_ERRS() << "Static viewer object has active drawable!" << LL_ENDL; } } #endif if (!isState(ACTIVE)) // && mGeneration > 0) { setState(ACTIVE); //parent must be made active first if (!isRoot() && !mParent->isActive()) { mParent->makeActive(); //NOTE: linked set will now NEVER become static mParent->setState(LLDrawable::ACTIVE_CHILD); } //all child objects must also be active llassert_always(mVObjp); LLViewerObject::const_child_list_t& child_list = mVObjp->getChildren(); for (LLViewerObject::child_list_t::const_iterator iter = child_list.begin(); iter != child_list.end(); iter++) { LLViewerObject* child = *iter; LLDrawable* drawable = child->mDrawable; if (drawable) { drawable->makeActive(); } } if (mVObjp->getPCode() == LL_PCODE_VOLUME) { gPipeline.markRebuild(this, LLDrawable::REBUILD_VOLUME, TRUE); } updatePartition(); } else if (!isRoot() && !mParent->isActive()) //this should not happen, but occasionally it does... { mParent->makeActive(); //NOTE: linked set will now NEVER become static mParent->setState(LLDrawable::ACTIVE_CHILD); } llassert(isAvatar() || isRoot() || mParent->isActive()); } void LLDrawable::makeStatic(BOOL warning_enabled) { if (isState(ACTIVE) && !isState(ACTIVE_CHILD) && !mVObjp->isAttachment() && !mVObjp->isFlexible()) { clearState(ACTIVE | ANIMATED_CHILD); //drawable became static with active parent, not acceptable llassert(mParent.isNull() || !mParent->isActive() || !warning_enabled); LLViewerObject::const_child_list_t& child_list = mVObjp->getChildren(); for (LLViewerObject::child_list_t::const_iterator iter = child_list.begin(); iter != child_list.end(); iter++) { LLViewerObject* child = *iter; LLDrawable* child_drawable = child->mDrawable; if (child_drawable) { if (child_drawable->getParent() != this) { LL_WARNS() << "Child drawable has unknown parent." << LL_ENDL; } child_drawable->makeStatic(warning_enabled); } } if (mVObjp->getPCode() == LL_PCODE_VOLUME) { gPipeline.markRebuild(this, LLDrawable::REBUILD_VOLUME, TRUE); } if (mSpatialBridge) { mSpatialBridge->markDead(); setSpatialBridge(NULL); } updatePartition(); } llassert(isAvatar() || isRoot() || mParent->isStatic()); } // Returns "distance" between target destination and resulting xfrom F32 LLDrawable::updateXform(BOOL undamped) { BOOL damped = !undamped; // Position LLVector3 old_pos(mXform.getPosition()); LLVector3 target_pos; if (mXform.isRoot()) { // get root position in your agent's region target_pos = mVObjp->getPositionAgent(); } else { // parent-relative position target_pos = mVObjp->getPosition(); } // Rotation LLQuaternion old_rot(mXform.getRotation()); LLQuaternion target_rot = mVObjp->getRotation(); //scaling LLVector3 target_scale = mVObjp->getScale(); LLVector3 old_scale = mCurrentScale; // Damping F32 dist_squared = 0.f; F32 camdist2 = (mDistanceWRTCamera * mDistanceWRTCamera); if (damped && isVisible()) { F32 lerp_amt = llclamp(LLSmoothInterpolation::getInterpolant(OBJECT_DAMPING_TIME_CONSTANT), 0.f, 1.f); LLVector3 new_pos = lerp(old_pos, target_pos, lerp_amt); dist_squared = dist_vec_squared(new_pos, target_pos); LLQuaternion new_rot = nlerp(lerp_amt, old_rot, target_rot); // FIXME: This can be negative! It is be possible for some rots to 'cancel out' pos or size changes. dist_squared += (1.f - dot(new_rot, target_rot)) * 10.f; LLVector3 new_scale = lerp(old_scale, target_scale, lerp_amt); dist_squared += dist_vec_squared(new_scale, target_scale); if ((dist_squared >= MIN_INTERPOLATE_DISTANCE_SQUARED * camdist2) && (dist_squared <= MAX_INTERPOLATE_DISTANCE_SQUARED)) { // interpolate target_pos = new_pos; target_rot = new_rot; target_scale = new_scale; } else if (mVObjp->getAngularVelocity().isExactlyZero()) { // snap to final position (only if no target omega is applied) dist_squared = 0.0f; if (getVOVolume() && !isRoot()) { //child prim snapping to some position, needs a rebuild gPipeline.markRebuild(this, LLDrawable::REBUILD_POSITION, TRUE); } } } else { // The following fixes MAINT-1742 but breaks vehicles similar to MAINT-2275 // dist_squared = dist_vec_squared(old_pos, target_pos); // The following fixes MAINT-2247 but causes MAINT-2275 //dist_squared += (1.f - dot(old_rot, target_rot)) * 10.f; //dist_squared += dist_vec_squared(old_scale, target_scale); } LLVector3 vec = mCurrentScale-target_scale; if (vec*vec > MIN_INTERPOLATE_DISTANCE_SQUARED) { //scale change requires immediate rebuild mCurrentScale = target_scale; gPipeline.markRebuild(this, LLDrawable::REBUILD_POSITION, TRUE); } else if (!isRoot() && (!mVObjp->getAngularVelocity().isExactlyZero() || dist_squared > 0.f)) { //child prim moving relative to parent, tag as needing to be rendered atomically and rebuild dist_squared = 1.f; //keep this object on the move list if (!isState(LLDrawable::ANIMATED_CHILD)) { setState(LLDrawable::ANIMATED_CHILD); gPipeline.markRebuild(this, LLDrawable::REBUILD_ALL, TRUE); mVObjp->dirtySpatialGroup(); } } else if (!isRoot() && ((dist_vec_squared(old_pos, target_pos) > 0.f) || (1.f - dot(old_rot, target_rot)) > 0.f)) { //fix for BUG-840, MAINT-2275, MAINT-1742, MAINT-2247 gPipeline.markRebuild(this, LLDrawable::REBUILD_POSITION, TRUE); } else if (!getVOVolume() && !isAvatar()) { movePartition(); } // Update mXform.setPosition(target_pos); mXform.setRotation(target_rot); mXform.setScale(LLVector3(1,1,1)); //no scale in drawable transforms (IT'S A RULE!) mXform.updateMatrix(); if (mSpatialBridge) { gPipeline.markMoved(mSpatialBridge, FALSE); } return dist_squared; } void LLDrawable::setRadius(F32 radius) { if (mRadius != radius) { mRadius = radius; } } void LLDrawable::moveUpdatePipeline(BOOL moved) { if (moved) { makeActive(); } // Update the face centers. for (S32 i = 0; i < getNumFaces(); i++) { LLFace* face = getFace(i); if (face) { face->updateCenterAgent(); } } } void LLDrawable::movePartition() { LLSpatialPartition* part = getSpatialPartition(); if (part) { part->move(this, getSpatialGroup()); } } BOOL LLDrawable::updateMove() { if (isDead()) { LL_WARNS() << "Update move on dead drawable!" << LL_ENDL; return TRUE; } if (mVObjp.isNull()) { return FALSE; } makeActive(); return isState(MOVE_UNDAMPED) ? updateMoveUndamped() : updateMoveDamped(); } BOOL LLDrawable::updateMoveUndamped() { F32 dist_squared = updateXform(TRUE); mGeneration++; if (!isState(LLDrawable::INVISIBLE)) { BOOL moved = (dist_squared > 0.001f && dist_squared < 255.99f); moveUpdatePipeline(moved); mVObjp->updateText(); } mVObjp->clearChanged(LLXform::MOVED); return TRUE; } void LLDrawable::updatePartition() { if (!getVOVolume()) { movePartition(); } else if (mSpatialBridge) { gPipeline.markMoved(mSpatialBridge, FALSE); } else { //a child prim moved and needs its verts regenerated gPipeline.markRebuild(this, LLDrawable::REBUILD_POSITION, TRUE); } } BOOL LLDrawable::updateMoveDamped() { F32 dist_squared = updateXform(FALSE); mGeneration++; if (!isState(LLDrawable::INVISIBLE)) { BOOL moved = (dist_squared > 0.001f && dist_squared < 128.0f); moveUpdatePipeline(moved); mVObjp->updateText(); } BOOL done_moving = (dist_squared == 0.0f) ? TRUE : FALSE; if (done_moving) { mVObjp->clearChanged(LLXform::MOVED); } return done_moving; } void LLDrawable::updateDistance(LLCamera& camera, bool force_update) { if (LLViewerCamera::sCurCameraID != LLViewerCamera::CAMERA_WORLD) { LL_WARNS() << "Attempted to update distance for non-world camera." << LL_ENDL; return; } if (gShiftFrame) { return; } //switch LOD with the spatial group to avoid artifacts //LLSpatialGroup* sg = getSpatialGroup(); LLVector3 pos; //if (!sg || sg->changeLOD()) { LLVOVolume* volume = getVOVolume(); if (volume) { if (getGroup()) { pos.set(getPositionGroup().getF32ptr()); } else { pos = getPositionAgent(); } if (isState(LLDrawable::HAS_ALPHA)) { for (S32 i = 0; i < getNumFaces(); i++) { LLFace* facep = getFace(i); if (facep && (force_update || facep->getPoolType() == LLDrawPool::POOL_ALPHA)) { LLVector4a box; box.setSub(facep->mExtents[1], facep->mExtents[0]); box.mul(0.25f); LLVector3 v = (facep->mCenterLocal-camera.getOrigin()); const LLVector3& at = camera.getAtAxis(); for (U32 j = 0; j < 3; j++) { v.mV[j] -= box[j] * at.mV[j]; } facep->mDistance = v * camera.getAtAxis(); } } } } else { pos = LLVector3(getPositionGroup().getF32ptr()); } pos -= camera.getOrigin(); mDistanceWRTCamera = ll_round(pos.magVec(), 0.01f); mVObjp->updateLOD(); } } void LLDrawable::updateTexture() { if (isDead()) { LL_WARNS() << "Dead drawable updating texture!" << LL_ENDL; return; } if (getNumFaces() != mVObjp->getNumTEs()) { //drawable is transitioning its face count return; } if (getVOVolume()) { gPipeline.markRebuild(this, LLDrawable::REBUILD_MATERIAL, TRUE); } } BOOL LLDrawable::updateGeometry(BOOL priority) { llassert(mVObjp.notNull()); BOOL res = mVObjp->updateGeometry(this); return res; } void LLDrawable::shiftPos(const LLVector4a &shift_vector) { if (isDead()) { LL_WARNS() << "Shifting dead drawable" << LL_ENDL; return; } if (mParent) { mXform.setPosition(mVObjp->getPosition()); } else { mXform.setPosition(mVObjp->getPositionAgent()); } mXform.updateMatrix(); if (isStatic()) { LLVOVolume* volume = getVOVolume(); bool rebuild = (!volume && getRenderType() != LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_TREE && getRenderType() != LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_TERRAIN && getRenderType() != LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_SKY && getRenderType() != LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_GROUND); if (rebuild) { gPipeline.markRebuild(this, LLDrawable::REBUILD_ALL, TRUE); } for (S32 i = 0; i < getNumFaces(); i++) { LLFace *facep = getFace(i); if (facep) { facep->mCenterAgent += LLVector3(shift_vector.getF32ptr()); facep->mExtents[0].add(shift_vector); facep->mExtents[1].add(shift_vector); if (rebuild && facep->hasGeometry()) { facep->clearVertexBuffer(); } } } shift(shift_vector); } else if (mSpatialBridge) { mSpatialBridge->shiftPos(shift_vector); } else if (isAvatar()) { shift(shift_vector); } mVObjp->onShift(shift_vector); } const LLVector3& LLDrawable::getBounds(LLVector3& min, LLVector3& max) const { mXform.getMinMax(min,max); return mXform.getPositionW(); } void LLDrawable::updateSpatialExtents() { if (mVObjp) { const LLVector4a* exts = getSpatialExtents(); LLVector4a extents[2]; extents[0] = exts[0]; extents[1] = exts[1]; mVObjp->updateSpatialExtents(extents[0], extents[1]); setSpatialExtents(extents[0], extents[1]); } updateBinRadius(); if (mSpatialBridge.notNull()) { getGroupPosition().splat(0.f); } } void LLDrawable::updateBinRadius() { if (mVObjp.notNull()) { setBinRadius(llmin(mVObjp->getBinRadius(), 256.f)); } else { setBinRadius(llmin(getRadius()*4.f, 256.f)); } } void LLDrawable::updateSpecialHoverCursor(BOOL enabled) { // TODO: maintain a list of objects that have special // hover cursors, then use that list for per-frame // hover cursor selection. JC } F32 LLDrawable::getVisibilityRadius() const { if (isDead()) { return 0.f; } else if (isLight()) { const LLVOVolume *vov = getVOVolume(); if (vov) { return llmax(getRadius(), vov->getLightRadius()); } else { // LL_WARNS() ? } } return getRadius(); } void LLDrawable::updateUVMinMax() { } //virtual bool LLDrawable::isVisible() const { if (LLViewerOctreeEntryData::isVisible()) { return true; } { LLViewerOctreeGroup* group = mEntry->getGroup(); if (group && group->isVisible()) { LLViewerOctreeEntryData::setVisible(); return true; } } return false; } //virtual bool LLDrawable::isRecentlyVisible() const { //currently visible or visible in the previous frame. bool vis = LLViewerOctreeEntryData::isRecentlyVisible(); if(!vis) { const U32 MIN_VIS_FRAME_RANGE = 2 ; //two frames:the current one and the last one. vis = (sCurVisible - getVisible() < MIN_VIS_FRAME_RANGE); } return vis ; } void LLDrawable::setGroup(LLViewerOctreeGroup *groupp) { LLSpatialGroup* cur_groupp = (LLSpatialGroup*)getGroup(); //precondition: mGroupp MUST be null or DEAD or mGroupp MUST NOT contain this //llassert(!cur_groupp || cur_groupp->isDead() || !cur_groupp->hasElement(this)); //precondition: groupp MUST be null or groupp MUST contain this llassert(!groupp || (LLSpatialGroup*)groupp->hasElement(this)); if (cur_groupp != groupp && getVOVolume()) { //NULL out vertex buffer references for volumes on spatial group change to maintain //requirement that every face vertex buffer is either NULL or points to a vertex buffer //contained by its drawable's spatial group for (S32 i = 0; i < getNumFaces(); ++i) { LLFace* facep = getFace(i); if (facep) { facep->clearVertexBuffer(); } } } //postcondition: if next group is NULL, previous group must be dead OR NULL OR binIndex must be -1 //postcondition: if next group is NOT NULL, binIndex must not be -1 //llassert(groupp == NULL ? (cur_groupp == NULL || cur_groupp->isDead()) || (!getEntry() || getEntry()->getBinIndex() == -1) : // (getEntry() && getEntry()->getBinIndex() != -1)); LLViewerOctreeEntryData::setGroup(groupp); } LLSpatialPartition* LLDrawable::getSpatialPartition() { LLSpatialPartition* retval = NULL; if (!mVObjp || !getVOVolume() || isStatic()) { retval = gPipeline.getSpatialPartition((LLViewerObject*) mVObjp); } else if (isRoot()) { //must be an active volume if (!mSpatialBridge) { if (mVObjp->isHUDAttachment()) { setSpatialBridge(new LLHUDBridge(this, getRegion())); } else { setSpatialBridge(new LLVolumeBridge(this, getRegion())); } } return mSpatialBridge->asPartition(); } else { retval = getParent()->getSpatialPartition(); } if (retval && mSpatialBridge.notNull()) { mSpatialBridge->markDead(); setSpatialBridge(NULL); } return retval; } //======================================= // Spatial Partition Bridging Drawable //======================================= LLSpatialBridge::LLSpatialBridge(LLDrawable* root, BOOL render_by_group, U32 data_mask, LLViewerRegion* regionp) : LLDrawable(root->getVObj(), true), LLSpatialPartition(data_mask, render_by_group, GL_STREAM_DRAW_ARB, regionp) { mBridge = this; mDrawable = root; root->setSpatialBridge(this); mRenderType = mDrawable->mRenderType; mDrawableType = mDrawable->mRenderType; mPartitionType = LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_VOLUME; mOctree->balance(); llassert(mDrawable); llassert(mDrawable->getRegion()); LLSpatialPartition *part = mDrawable->getRegion()->getSpatialPartition(mPartitionType); llassert(part); if (part) { part->put(this); } } LLSpatialBridge::~LLSpatialBridge() { if(mEntry) { LLSpatialGroup* group = getSpatialGroup(); if (group) { group->getSpatialPartition()->remove(this, group); } } //delete octree here so listeners will still be able to access bridge specific state destroyTree(); } void LLSpatialBridge::destroyTree() { delete mOctree; mOctree = NULL; } void LLSpatialBridge::updateSpatialExtents() { LLSpatialGroup* root = (LLSpatialGroup*) mOctree->getListener(0); { LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_CULL_REBOUND); root->rebound(); } const LLVector4a* root_bounds = root->getBounds(); LLVector4a offset; LLVector4a size = root_bounds[1]; //VECTORIZE THIS LLMatrix4a mat; mat.loadu(mDrawable->getXform()->getWorldMatrix()); LLVector4a t; t.splat(0.f); LLVector4a center; mat.affineTransform(t, center); mat.rotate(root_bounds[0], offset); center.add(offset); LLVector4a v[4]; //get 4 corners of bounding box mat.rotate(size,v[0]); LLVector4a scale; scale.set(-1.f, -1.f, 1.f); scale.mul(size); mat.rotate(scale, v[1]); scale.set(1.f, -1.f, -1.f); scale.mul(size); mat.rotate(scale, v[2]); scale.set(-1.f, 1.f, -1.f); scale.mul(size); mat.rotate(scale, v[3]); LLVector4a newMin; LLVector4a newMax; newMin = newMax = center; for (U32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) { LLVector4a delta; delta.setAbs(v[i]); LLVector4a min; min.setSub(center, delta); LLVector4a max; max.setAdd(center, delta); newMin.setMin(newMin, min); newMax.setMax(newMax, max); } setSpatialExtents(newMin, newMax); LLVector4a diagonal; diagonal.setSub(newMax, newMin); mRadius = diagonal.getLength3().getF32() * 0.5f; LLVector4a& pos = getGroupPosition(); pos.setAdd(newMin,newMax); pos.mul(0.5f); updateBinRadius(); } void LLSpatialBridge::updateBinRadius() { setBinRadius(llmin( mOctree->getSize()[0]*0.5f, 256.f)); } LLCamera LLSpatialBridge::transformCamera(LLCamera& camera) { LLCamera ret = camera; LLXformMatrix* mat = mDrawable->getXform(); LLVector3 center = LLVector3(0,0,0) * mat->getWorldMatrix(); LLVector3 delta = ret.getOrigin() - center; LLQuaternion rot = ~mat->getRotation(); delta *= rot; LLVector3 lookAt = ret.getAtAxis(); LLVector3 up_axis = ret.getUpAxis(); LLVector3 left_axis = ret.getLeftAxis(); lookAt *= rot; up_axis *= rot; left_axis *= rot; if (!delta.isFinite()) { delta.clearVec(); } ret.setOrigin(delta); ret.setAxes(lookAt, left_axis, up_axis); return ret; } void LLDrawable::setVisible(LLCamera& camera, std::vector* results, BOOL for_select) { LLViewerOctreeEntryData::setVisible(); #if 0 && !LL_RELEASE_FOR_DOWNLOAD //crazy paranoid rules checking if (getVOVolume()) { if (!isRoot()) { if (isActive() && !mParent->isActive()) { LL_ERRS() << "Active drawable has static parent!" << LL_ENDL; } if (isStatic() && !mParent->isStatic()) { LL_ERRS() << "Static drawable has active parent!" << LL_ENDL; } if (mSpatialBridge) { LL_ERRS() << "Child drawable has spatial bridge!" << LL_ENDL; } } else if (isActive() && !mSpatialBridge) { LL_ERRS() << "Active root drawable has no spatial bridge!" << LL_ENDL; } else if (isStatic() && mSpatialBridge.notNull()) { LL_ERRS() << "Static drawable has spatial bridge!" << LL_ENDL; } } #endif } class LLOctreeMarkNotCulled: public OctreeTraveler { public: LLCamera* mCamera; LLOctreeMarkNotCulled(LLCamera* camera_in) : mCamera(camera_in) { } virtual void traverse(const OctreeNode* node) { LLSpatialGroup* group = (LLSpatialGroup*) node->getListener(0); group->setVisible(); OctreeTraveler::traverse(node); } void visit(const OctreeNode* branch) { gPipeline.markNotCulled((LLSpatialGroup*) branch->getListener(0), *mCamera); } }; void LLSpatialBridge::setVisible(LLCamera& camera_in, std::vector* results, BOOL for_select) { if (!gPipeline.hasRenderType(mDrawableType)) { return; } //HACK don't draw attachments for avatars that haven't been visible in more than a frame LLViewerObject *vobj = mDrawable->getVObj(); if (vobj && vobj->isAttachment() && !vobj->isHUDAttachment()) { LLDrawable* av; LLDrawable* parent = mDrawable->getParent(); if (parent) { LLViewerObject* objparent = parent->getVObj(); av = objparent->mDrawable; LLSpatialGroup* group = av->getSpatialGroup(); BOOL impostor = FALSE; BOOL loaded = FALSE; if (objparent->isAvatar()) { LLVOAvatar* avatarp = (LLVOAvatar*) objparent; if (avatarp->isVisible()) { impostor = objparent->isAvatar() && ((LLVOAvatar*) objparent)->isImpostor(); loaded = objparent->isAvatar() && ((LLVOAvatar*) objparent)->isFullyLoaded(); } else { return; } } if (!group || LLDrawable::getCurrentFrame() - av->getVisible() > 1 || impostor || !loaded) { return; } } } LLSpatialGroup* group = (LLSpatialGroup*) mOctree->getListener(0); group->rebound(); LLVector4a center; const LLVector4a* exts = getSpatialExtents(); center.setAdd(exts[0], exts[1]); center.mul(0.5f); LLVector4a size; size.setSub(exts[1], exts[0]); size.mul(0.5f); if ((LLPipeline::sShadowRender && camera_in.AABBInFrustum(center, size)) || LLPipeline::sImpostorRender || (camera_in.AABBInFrustumNoFarClip(center, size) && AABBSphereIntersect(exts[0], exts[1], camera_in.getOrigin(), camera_in.mFrustumCornerDist))) { if (!LLPipeline::sImpostorRender && !LLPipeline::sShadowRender && LLPipeline::calcPixelArea(center, size, camera_in) < FORCE_INVISIBLE_AREA) { return; } LLDrawable::setVisible(camera_in); if (for_select) { results->push_back(mDrawable); if (mDrawable->getVObj()) { LLViewerObject::const_child_list_t& child_list = mDrawable->getVObj()->getChildren(); for (LLViewerObject::child_list_t::const_iterator iter = child_list.begin(); iter != child_list.end(); iter++) { LLViewerObject* child = *iter; LLDrawable* drawable = child->mDrawable; results->push_back(drawable); } } } else { LLCamera trans_camera = transformCamera(camera_in); LLOctreeMarkNotCulled culler(&trans_camera); culler.traverse(mOctree); } } } void LLSpatialBridge::updateDistance(LLCamera& camera_in, bool force_update) { if (mDrawable == NULL) { markDead(); return; } if (gShiftFrame) { return; } if (mDrawable->getVObj()) { if (mDrawable->getVObj()->isAttachment()) { LLDrawable* parent = mDrawable->getParent(); if (parent && parent->getVObj()) { LLVOAvatar* av = parent->getVObj()->asAvatar(); if (av && av->isImpostor()) { return; } } } LLCamera camera = transformCamera(camera_in); mDrawable->updateDistance(camera, force_update); LLViewerObject::const_child_list_t& child_list = mDrawable->getVObj()->getChildren(); for (LLViewerObject::child_list_t::const_iterator iter = child_list.begin(); iter != child_list.end(); iter++) { LLViewerObject* child = *iter; LLDrawable* drawable = child->mDrawable; if (!drawable) { continue; } if (!drawable->isAvatar()) { drawable->updateDistance(camera, force_update); } } } } void LLSpatialBridge::makeActive() { //it is an error to make a spatial bridge active (it's already active) LL_ERRS() << "makeActive called on spatial bridge" << LL_ENDL; } void LLSpatialBridge::move(LLDrawable *drawablep, LLSpatialGroup *curp, BOOL immediate) { LLSpatialPartition::move(drawablep, curp, immediate); gPipeline.markMoved(this, FALSE); } BOOL LLSpatialBridge::updateMove() { llassert_always(mDrawable); llassert_always(mDrawable->mVObjp); llassert_always(mDrawable->getRegion()); LLSpatialPartition* part = mDrawable->getRegion()->getSpatialPartition(mPartitionType); llassert_always(part); mOctree->balance(); if (part) { part->move(this, getSpatialGroup(), TRUE); } return TRUE; } void LLSpatialBridge::shiftPos(const LLVector4a& vec) { LLDrawable::shift(vec); } void LLSpatialBridge::cleanupReferences() { LLDrawable::cleanupReferences(); if (mDrawable) { mDrawable->setGroup(NULL); if (mDrawable->getVObj()) { LLViewerObject::const_child_list_t& child_list = mDrawable->getVObj()->getChildren(); for (LLViewerObject::child_list_t::const_iterator iter = child_list.begin(); iter != child_list.end(); iter++) { LLViewerObject* child = *iter; LLDrawable* drawable = child->mDrawable; if (drawable) { drawable->setGroup(NULL); } } } LLDrawable* drawablep = mDrawable; mDrawable = NULL; drawablep->setSpatialBridge(NULL); } } const LLVector3 LLDrawable::getPositionAgent() const { if (getVOVolume()) { if (isActive()) { LLVector3 pos(0,0,0); if (!isRoot()) { pos = mVObjp->getPosition(); } return pos * getRenderMatrix(); } else { return mVObjp->getPositionAgent(); } } else { return getWorldPosition(); } } BOOL LLDrawable::isAnimating() const { if (!getVObj()) { return TRUE; } if (getScale() != mVObjp->getScale()) { return TRUE; } if (mVObjp->getPCode() == LLViewerObject::LL_VO_PART_GROUP) { return TRUE; } if (mVObjp->getPCode() == LLViewerObject::LL_VO_HUD_PART_GROUP) { return TRUE; } /*if (!isRoot() && !mVObjp->getAngularVelocity().isExactlyZero()) { //target omega return TRUE; }*/ return FALSE; } void LLDrawable::updateFaceSize(S32 idx) { if (mVObjp.notNull()) { mVObjp->updateFaceSize(idx); } } LLBridgePartition::LLBridgePartition(LLViewerRegion* regionp) : LLSpatialPartition(0, FALSE, 0, regionp) { mDrawableType = LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR; mPartitionType = LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_BRIDGE; mLODPeriod = 16; mSlopRatio = 0.25f; } LLHUDBridge::LLHUDBridge(LLDrawable* drawablep, LLViewerRegion* regionp) : LLVolumeBridge(drawablep, regionp) { mDrawableType = LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_HUD; mPartitionType = LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_HUD; mSlopRatio = 0.0f; } F32 LLHUDBridge::calcPixelArea(LLSpatialGroup* group, LLCamera& camera) { return 1024.f; } void LLHUDBridge::shiftPos(const LLVector4a& vec) { //don't shift hud bridges on region crossing }