/** * @file llcontrolavatar.cpp * @brief Implementation for special dummy avatar used to drive rigged meshes. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2017&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2017, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llcontrolavatar.h" #include "llagent.h" // Get state values from here #include "llviewerobjectlist.h" #include "pipeline.h" #include "llanimationstates.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llmeshrepository.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" LLControlAvatar::LLControlAvatar(const LLUUID& id, const LLPCode pcode, LLViewerRegion* regionp) : LLVOAvatar(id, pcode, regionp), mPlaying(false), mGlobalScale(1.0f), mMarkedForDeath(false) { mIsDummy = TRUE; mIsControlAvatar = true; mEnableDefaultMotions = false; } // virtual LLControlAvatar::~LLControlAvatar() { } // virtual void LLControlAvatar::initInstance() { // Potential optimizations here: avoid creating system // avatar mesh content since it's not used. For now we just clean some // things up after the fact in releaseMeshData(). LLVOAvatar::initInstance(); createDrawable(&gPipeline); updateJointLODs(); updateGeometry(mDrawable); hideSkirt(); } void LLControlAvatar::matchVolumeTransform() { if (mRootVolp) { if (mRootVolp->isAttachment()) { LLVOAvatar *attached_av = mRootVolp->getAvatarAncestor(); if (attached_av) { LLViewerJointAttachment *attach = attached_av->getTargetAttachmentPoint(mRootVolp); setPositionAgent(mRootVolp->getRenderPosition()); attach->updateWorldPRSParent(); LLVector3 joint_pos = attach->getWorldPosition(); LLQuaternion joint_rot = attach->getWorldRotation(); LLVector3 obj_pos = mRootVolp->mDrawable->getPosition(); LLQuaternion obj_rot = mRootVolp->mDrawable->getRotation(); obj_pos.rotVec(joint_rot); mRoot->setWorldPosition(obj_pos + joint_pos); mRoot->setWorldRotation(obj_rot * joint_rot); setRotation(mRoot->getRotation()); } else { LL_WARNS_ONCE() << "can't find attached av!" << LL_ENDL; } } else { setPositionAgent(mRootVolp->getRenderPosition()); LLQuaternion obj_rot = mRootVolp->getRotation(); LLQuaternion result_rot = obj_rot; setRotation(result_rot); mRoot->setWorldRotation(result_rot); mRoot->setPosition(mRootVolp->getRenderPosition()); } } } void LLControlAvatar::setGlobalScale(F32 scale) { if (scale <= 0.0) { LL_WARNS() << "invalid global scale " << scale << LL_ENDL; return; } if (scale != mGlobalScale) { F32 adjust_scale = scale/mGlobalScale; LL_INFOS() << "scale " << scale << " adjustment " << adjust_scale << LL_ENDL; // should we be scaling from the pelvis or the root? recursiveScaleJoint(mPelvisp,adjust_scale); mGlobalScale = scale; } } void LLControlAvatar::recursiveScaleJoint(LLJoint* joint, F32 factor) { joint->setScale(factor * joint->getScale()); for (LLJoint::child_list_t::iterator iter = joint->mChildren.begin(); iter != joint->mChildren.end(); ++iter) { LLJoint* child = *iter; recursiveScaleJoint(child, factor); } } // Based on LLViewerJointAttachment::setupDrawable(), without the attaching part. void LLControlAvatar::updateVolumeGeom() { if (!mRootVolp->mDrawable) return; if (mRootVolp->mDrawable->isActive()) { mRootVolp->mDrawable->makeStatic(FALSE); } mRootVolp->mDrawable->makeActive(); gPipeline.markMoved(mRootVolp->mDrawable); gPipeline.markTextured(mRootVolp->mDrawable); // face may need to change draw pool to/from POOL_HUD mRootVolp->mDrawable->setState(LLDrawable::USE_BACKLIGHT); LLViewerObject::const_child_list_t& child_list = mRootVolp->getChildren(); for (LLViewerObject::child_list_t::const_iterator iter = child_list.begin(); iter != child_list.end(); ++iter) { LLViewerObject* childp = *iter; if (childp && childp->mDrawable.notNull()) { childp->mDrawable->setState(LLDrawable::USE_BACKLIGHT); gPipeline.markTextured(childp->mDrawable); // face may need to change draw pool to/from POOL_HUD gPipeline.markMoved(childp->mDrawable); } } gPipeline.markRebuild(mRootVolp->mDrawable, LLDrawable::REBUILD_ALL, TRUE); mRootVolp->markForUpdate(TRUE); // Note that attachment overrides aren't needed here, have already // been applied at the time the mControlAvatar was created, in // llvovolume.cpp. matchVolumeTransform(); // Initial exploration of allowing scaling skeleton to match root // prim bounding box. If enabled, would probably be controlled by // an additional checkbox and default to off. Not enabled for // initial release. // What should the scale be? What we really want is the ratio // between the scale at which the object was originally designed // and rigged, and the scale to which it has been subsequently // modified - for example, if the object has been scaled down by a // factor of 2 then we should use 0.5 as the global scale. But we // don't have the original scale stored anywhere, just the current // scale. Possibilities - 1) remember the original scale // somewhere, 2) add another field to let the user specify the // global scale, 3) approximate the original scale by looking at // the proportions of the skeleton after joint positions have // been applied //LLVector3 obj_scale = obj->getScale(); //F32 obj_scale_z = llmax(obj_scale[2],0.1f); //setGlobalScale(obj_scale_z/2.0f); // roughly fit avatar height range (2m) into object height } LLControlAvatar *LLControlAvatar::createControlAvatar(LLVOVolume *obj) { LLControlAvatar *cav = (LLControlAvatar*)gObjectList.createObjectViewer(LL_PCODE_LEGACY_AVATAR, gAgent.getRegion(), CO_FLAG_CONTROL_AVATAR); cav->mRootVolp = obj; // Sync up position/rotation with object cav->matchVolumeTransform(); return cav; } void LLControlAvatar::markForDeath() { mMarkedForDeath = true; } void LLControlAvatar::idleUpdate(LLAgent &agent, const F64 &time) { if (mMarkedForDeath) { markDead(); mMarkedForDeath = false; } else { LLVOAvatar::idleUpdate(agent,time); } } BOOL LLControlAvatar::updateCharacter(LLAgent &agent) { return LLVOAvatar::updateCharacter(agent); } //virtual void LLControlAvatar::updateDebugText() { if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("DebugAnimatedObjects")) { S32 total_linkset_count = 0; if (mRootVolp) { total_linkset_count = 1 + mRootVolp->getChildren().size(); } std::vector volumes; getAnimatedVolumes(volumes); S32 animated_volume_count = volumes.size(); std::string active_string; std::string type_string; std::string lod_string; S32 total_tris = 0; S32 total_verts = 0; F32 est_tris = 0.f; F32 est_streaming_tris = 0.f; for (std::vector::iterator it = volumes.begin(); it != volumes.end(); ++it) { LLVOVolume *volp = *it; S32 verts = 0; total_tris += volp->getTriangleCount(&verts); total_verts += verts; est_tris += volp->getEstTrianglesMax(); est_streaming_tris += volp->getEstTrianglesStreamingCost(); lod_string += llformat("%d",volp->getLOD()); if (volp && volp->mDrawable) { if (volp->mDrawable->isActive()) { active_string += "A"; } else { active_string += "S"; } if (volp->isRiggedMesh()) { // Rigged/animateable mesh type_string += "R"; } else if (volp->isMesh()) { // Static mesh type_string += "M"; } else { // Any other prim type_string += "P"; } } else { active_string += "-"; type_string += "-"; } } addDebugText(llformat("CAV obj %d anim %d active %s impost %d", total_linkset_count, animated_volume_count, active_string.c_str(), (S32) isImpostor())); addDebugText(llformat("types %s lods %s", type_string.c_str(), lod_string.c_str())); addDebugText(llformat("tris %d (est %.1f, streaming %.1f), verts %d", total_tris, est_tris, est_streaming_tris, total_verts)); addDebugText(llformat("pxarea %s", LLStringOps::getReadableNumber(getPixelArea()).c_str())); #if 0 std::string region_name = "no region"; if (mRootVolp->getRegion()) { region_name = mRootVolp->getRegion()->getName(); } std::string skel_region_name = "skel no region"; if (getRegion()) { skel_region_name = getRegion()->getName(); } addDebugText(llformat("region %x %s skel %x %s", mRootVolp->getRegion(), region_name.c_str(), getRegion(), skel_region_name.c_str())); #endif } LLVOAvatar::updateDebugText(); } void LLControlAvatar::getAnimatedVolumes(std::vector& volumes) { if (!mRootVolp) { return; } volumes.push_back(mRootVolp); LLViewerObject::const_child_list_t& child_list = mRootVolp->getChildren(); for (LLViewerObject::const_child_list_t::const_iterator iter = child_list.begin(); iter != child_list.end(); ++iter) { LLViewerObject* childp = *iter; LLVOVolume *child_volp = dynamic_cast(childp); if (child_volp && child_volp->isAnimatedObject()) { volumes.push_back(child_volp); } } } // This is called after an associated object receives an animation // message. Combine the signaled animations for all associated objects // and process any resulting state changes. void LLControlAvatar::updateAnimations() { if (!mRootVolp) { LL_WARNS_ONCE("AnimatedObjects") << "No root vol" << LL_ENDL; return; } std::vector volumes; getAnimatedVolumes(volumes); // Rebuild mSignaledAnimations from the associated volumes. std::map anims; for (std::vector::iterator vol_it = volumes.begin(); vol_it != volumes.end(); ++vol_it) { LLVOVolume *volp = *vol_it; for (std::map::iterator anim_it = volp->mObjectSignaledAnimations.begin(); anim_it != volp->mObjectSignaledAnimations.end(); ++anim_it) { std::map::iterator found_anim_it = anims.find(anim_it->first); if (found_anim_it != anims.end()) { // Animation already present, use the larger sequence id anims[anim_it->first] = llmax(found_anim_it->second, anim_it->second); } else { // Animation not already present, use this sequence id. anims[anim_it->first] = anim_it->second; } } } if (!mPlaying && anims.size()>0) { mPlaying = true; if (!mRootVolp->isAnySelected()) { updateVolumeGeom(); mRootVolp->recursiveMarkForUpdate(TRUE); } } mSignaledAnimations = anims; processAnimationStateChanges(); } // virtual LLViewerObject* LLControlAvatar::lineSegmentIntersectRiggedAttachments(const LLVector4a& start, const LLVector4a& end, S32 face, BOOL pick_transparent, BOOL pick_rigged, S32* face_hit, LLVector4a* intersection, LLVector2* tex_coord, LLVector4a* normal, LLVector4a* tangent) { LLViewerObject* hit = NULL; if (lineSegmentBoundingBox(start, end)) { LLVector4a local_end = end; LLVector4a local_intersection; if (mRootVolp && mRootVolp->lineSegmentIntersect(start, local_end, face, pick_transparent, pick_rigged, face_hit, &local_intersection, tex_coord, normal, tangent)) { local_end = local_intersection; if (intersection) { *intersection = local_intersection; } hit = mRootVolp; } } return hit; } // virtual std::string LLControlAvatar::getFullname() const { if (mRootVolp) { return "AO_" + mRootVolp->getID().getString(); } else { return "AO_no_root_vol"; } }