 * @file llcloud.h
 * @brief Description of viewer LLCloudLayer class
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#ifndef LL_LLCLOUD_H
#define LL_LLCLOUD_H

// Some ideas on how clouds should work
// Each region has a cloud layer
// Each cloud layer has pre-allocated space for N clouds
// The LLSky class knows the max number of clouds to render M.
// All clouds use the same texture, but the tex-coords can take on 8 configurations 
// (four rotations, front and back)
// The sky's part
// --------------
// The sky knows that A clouds have been assigned to regions and there are B left over. 
// Divide B by number of active regions to get C.
// Ask each region to add C more clouds and return total number D.
// Add up all the D's to get a new A.
// The cloud layer's part
// ----------------------
// The cloud layer is a grid of possibility.  Each grid's value represents the probablility
// (0.0 to 1.0) that a cloud placement query will succeed.  
// The sky asks the region to add C more clouds.
// The cloud layer tries a total of E times to place clouds and returns total cloud count.
// Clouds move according to local wind velocity.
// If a cloud moves out of region then it's location is sent to neighbor region
// or it is allowed to drift and decay.
// The clouds in non-visible regions do not propagate every frame.
// Each frame one non-visible region is allowed to propagate it's clouds 
// (might have to check to see if incoming cloud was already visible or not).

#include "llmath.h"
//#include "vmath.h"
#include "v3math.h"
#include "v3dmath.h"
#include "v4math.h"
#include "v4color.h"
#include "llpointer.h"
#include "lldarray.h"

#include "llframetimer.h"

const U32 CLOUD_GRIDS_PER_EDGE 			= 16;

const F32 CLOUD_PUFF_WIDTH	= 64.f;
const F32 CLOUD_PUFF_HEIGHT	= 48.f;

class LLWind;
class LLVOClouds;
class LLViewerRegion;
class LLCloudLayer;
class LLBitPack;
class LLGroupHeader;


class LLCloudPuff

	const LLVector3d &getPositionGlobal() const		{ return mPositionGlobal; }
	friend class LLCloudGroup;

	void updatePuffs(const F32 dt);
	void updatePuffOwnership();

	F32 getAlpha() const							{ return mAlpha; }
	U32 getLifeState() const						{ return mLifeState; }
	void setLifeState(const U32 state)				{ mLifeState = state; }
	BOOL isDead() const								{ return mAlpha <= 0.f; }	

	static S32	sPuffCount;
	F32			mAlpha;
	F32			mRate;
	LLVector3d	mPositionGlobal;

	BOOL		mLifeState;

class LLCloudGroup

	void cleanup();

	void setCloudLayerp(LLCloudLayer *clp)			{ mCloudLayerp = clp; }
	void setCenterRegion(const LLVector3 &center);

	void updatePuffs(const F32 dt);
	void updatePuffOwnership();
	void updatePuffCount();

	BOOL inGroup(const LLCloudPuff &puff) const;

	F32 getDensity() const							{ return mDensity; }
	S32 getNumPuffs() const							{ return (S32) mCloudPuffs.size(); }
	const LLCloudPuff &getPuff(const S32 i)			{ return mCloudPuffs[i]; }
	LLCloudLayer *mCloudLayerp;
	LLVector3 mCenterRegion;
	F32 mDensity;
	S32 mTargetPuffCount;

	std::vector<LLCloudPuff> mCloudPuffs;
	LLPointer<LLVOClouds> mVOCloudsp;

class LLCloudLayer

	void create(LLViewerRegion *regionp);
	void destroy();

	void reset();						// Clears all active cloud puffs

	void updatePuffs(const F32 dt);
	void updatePuffOwnership();
	void updatePuffCount();

	LLCloudGroup *findCloudGroup(const LLCloudPuff &puff);

	void setRegion(LLViewerRegion *regionp);
	LLViewerRegion* getRegion() const						{ return mRegionp; }
	void setWindPointer(LLWind *windp);
	void setOriginGlobal(const LLVector3d &origin_global)	{ mOriginGlobal = origin_global; }
	void setWidth(F32 width);

	void setBrightness(F32 brightness);
	void setSunColor(const LLColor4 &color);

	F32 getDensityRegion(const LLVector3 &pos_region);		// "position" is in local coordinates

	void decompress(LLBitPack &bitpack, LLGroupHeader *group_header);

	LLCloudLayer* getNeighbor(const S32 n) const					{ return mNeighbors[n]; }

	void connectNeighbor(LLCloudLayer *cloudp, U32 direction);
	void disconnectNeighbor(U32 direction);
	void disconnectAllNeighbors();

	LLVector3d 	mOriginGlobal;
	F32			mMetersPerEdge;
	F32			mMetersPerGrid;

	F32 mMaxAlpha;						// The max cloud puff _render_ alpha

	LLCloudLayer		*mNeighbors[4];
	LLWind				*mWindp;
	LLViewerRegion		*mRegionp;
	F32 				*mDensityp;			// the probability density grid
