/** * @file llchatbar.cpp * @brief LLChatBar class implementation * * Copyright (c) 2002-$CurrentYear$, Linden Research, Inc. * $License$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llchatbar.h" #include "imageids.h" #include "llfontgl.h" #include "llrect.h" #include "llerror.h" #include "llparcel.h" #include "llstring.h" #include "message.h" #include "llfocusmgr.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "llbutton.h" #include "llcombobox.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llfloaterchat.h" #include "llgesturemgr.h" #include "llkeyboard.h" #include "lllineeditor.h" #include "lltextbox.h" #include "lluiconstants.h" #include "llviewergesture.h" // for triggering gestures #include "llviewermenu.h" // for deleting object with DEL key #include "llviewerstats.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "llframetimer.h" #include "llresmgr.h" #include "llworld.h" #include "llinventorymodel.h" #include "llmultigesture.h" #include "llui.h" #include "llviewermenu.h" #include "llvieweruictrlfactory.h" // // Globals // const F32 AGENT_TYPING_TIMEOUT = 5.f; // seconds LLChatBar *gChatBar = NULL; LLChatBarGestureObserver* LLChatBar::sObserver = NULL; class LLChatBarGestureObserver : public LLGestureManagerObserver { public: LLChatBarGestureObserver() {} virtual ~LLChatBarGestureObserver() {} virtual void changed() { gChatBar->refreshGestures(); } }; // // Functions // LLChatBar::LLChatBar(const std::string& name, const LLRect& rect) : LLPanel(name, rect, BORDER_NO), mInputEditor(NULL), mGestureLabelTimer(), mLastSpecialChatChannel(0), mIsBuilt(FALSE) { setIsChrome(TRUE); gUICtrlFactory->buildPanel(this,"panel_chat_bar.xml"); mIsFocusRoot = TRUE; setRect(rect); // override xml rect setBackgroundOpaque(TRUE); setBackgroundVisible(TRUE); // Start visible if we left the app while chatting. setVisible( gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ChatVisible") ); mInputEditor = LLUICtrlFactory::getLineEditorByName(this, "Chat Editor"); if (mInputEditor) { mInputEditor->setCallbackUserData(this); mInputEditor->setKeystrokeCallback(&onInputEditorKeystroke); mInputEditor->setFocusLostCallback(&onInputEditorFocusLost); mInputEditor->setFocusReceivedCallback( &onInputEditorGainFocus ); mInputEditor->setCommitOnFocusLost( FALSE ); mInputEditor->setRevertOnEsc( FALSE ); mInputEditor->setIgnoreTab(TRUE); mInputEditor->setPassDelete(TRUE); mInputEditor->setMaxTextLength(1023); mInputEditor->setEnableLineHistory(TRUE); } // Build the list of gestures refreshGestures(); sObserver = new LLChatBarGestureObserver; gGestureManager.addObserver(sObserver); mIsBuilt = TRUE; // Apply custom layout. layout(); #if !LL_RELEASE_FOR_DOWNLOAD childDisplayNotFound(); #endif } LLChatBar::~LLChatBar() { delete sObserver; sObserver = NULL; // LLView destructor cleans up children } BOOL LLChatBar::postBuild() { childSetAction("History", LLFloaterChat::toggle, this); childSetAction("Say", onClickSay, this); childSetAction("Shout", onClickShout, this); childSetCommitCallback("Gesture", onCommitGesture, this); LLButton * sayp = static_cast(getChildByName("Say")); if(sayp) { setDefaultBtn(sayp); } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Overrides //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // virtual void LLChatBar::reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent) { LLPanel::reshape(width, height, called_from_parent); if (mIsBuilt) { layout(); } } // virtual BOOL LLChatBar::handleKeyHere( KEY key, MASK mask, BOOL called_from_parent ) { BOOL handled = FALSE; if( getVisible() && getEnabled() && !called_from_parent) { // ALT-RETURN is reserved for windowed/fullscreen toggle if( KEY_RETURN == key ) { //if (childGetValue("Chat Editor").asString().empty()) //{ // // no text, just close chat bar // stopChat(); // return TRUE; //} if (mask == MASK_CONTROL) { // shout sendChat(CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT); handled = TRUE; } else if (mask == MASK_NONE) { // say sendChat( CHAT_TYPE_NORMAL ); handled = TRUE; } } else if ( KEY_ESCAPE == key ) { stopChat(); handled = TRUE; } } return handled; } void LLChatBar::layout() { S32 rect_width = mRect.getWidth(); S32 count = 9; // number of elements in LLToolBar S32 pad = 4; LLRect gesture_rect; S32 gesture_width = 0; if (childGetRect("Gesture", gesture_rect)) { gesture_width = gesture_rect.getWidth(); } F32 segment_width = (F32)(rect_width - (pad + gesture_width)) / (F32)count; S32 btn_width = lltrunc(segment_width-pad); S32 x = 0; S32 y = 1; LLRect r; x = llround(0 * segment_width); r.setOriginAndSize(x, y, btn_width, BTN_HEIGHT); childSetRect("History", r); x = llround(1 * segment_width); // Hack this one up so it looks nice. if (mInputEditor) { r.setOriginAndSize(x, y+2, llfloor(6*segment_width-pad), 18); mInputEditor->reshape(r.getWidth(), r.getHeight(), TRUE); mInputEditor->setRect(r); } x = llround(7 * segment_width); r.setOriginAndSize(x, y, btn_width, BTN_HEIGHT); childSetRect("Say", r); x = llround(8 * segment_width); r.setOriginAndSize(x, y, btn_width, BTN_HEIGHT); childSetRect("Shout", r); x = rect_width - (pad + gesture_width); r.setOriginAndSize(x, y, gesture_width, BTN_HEIGHT); childSetRect("Gesture", r); } void LLChatBar::refresh() { //BOOL chat_mode = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ChatVisible"); //// Grab focus when no one else has it, and we're in chat mode. //if (!gFocusMgr.getKeyboardFocus() // && chat_mode) //{ // childSetFocus("Chat Editor", TRUE); //} // Only show this view when user wants to be chatting //setVisible(chat_mode); // hide in mouselook, but keep previous visibility state //BOOL mouselook = gAgent.cameraMouselook(); // call superclass setVisible so that we don't overwrite the saved setting LLPanel::setVisible(gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ChatVisible")); // HACK: Leave the name of the gesture in place for a few seconds. const F32 SHOW_GESTURE_NAME_TIME = 2.f; if (mGestureLabelTimer.getStarted() && mGestureLabelTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() > SHOW_GESTURE_NAME_TIME) { LLCtrlListInterface* gestures = childGetListInterface("Gesture"); if (gestures) gestures->selectFirstItem(); mGestureLabelTimer.stop(); } if ((gAgent.getTypingTime() > AGENT_TYPING_TIMEOUT) && (gAgent.getRenderState() & AGENT_STATE_TYPING)) { gAgent.stopTyping(); } childSetEnabled("Say", mInputEditor->getText().size() > 0); childSetEnabled("Shout", mInputEditor->getText().size() > 0); } void LLChatBar::refreshGestures() { LLCtrlListInterface* gestures = childGetListInterface("Gesture"); if (gestures) { //store current selection so we can maintain it LLString cur_gesture = childGetValue("Gesture").asString(); gestures->selectFirstItem(); LLString label = childGetValue("Gesture").asString(); // clear gestures->clearRows(); // add gestures LLGestureManager::item_map_t::iterator it; for (it = gGestureManager.mActive.begin(); it != gGestureManager.mActive.end(); ++it) { LLMultiGesture* gesture = (*it).second; if (gesture) { if (!gesture->mTrigger.empty()) { gestures->addSimpleElement(gesture->mTrigger); } } } gestures->sortByColumn(0, TRUE); // Insert label after sorting gestures->addSimpleElement(label, ADD_TOP); if (!cur_gesture.empty()) { gestures->selectByValue(LLSD(cur_gesture)); } else { gestures->selectFirstItem(); } } } // Move the cursor to the correct input field. void LLChatBar::setKeyboardFocus(BOOL focus) { if (focus) { if (mInputEditor) { mInputEditor->setFocus(TRUE); mInputEditor->selectAll(); } } else if (gFocusMgr.childHasKeyboardFocus(this)) { if (mInputEditor) { mInputEditor->deselect(); } setFocus(FALSE); } } // Ignore arrow keys in chat bar void LLChatBar::setIgnoreArrowKeys(BOOL b) { if (mInputEditor) { mInputEditor->setIgnoreArrowKeys(b); } } BOOL LLChatBar::inputEditorHasFocus() { return mInputEditor && mInputEditor->hasFocus(); } LLString LLChatBar::getCurrentChat() { return mInputEditor ? mInputEditor->getText() : LLString::null; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Internal functions //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // If input of the form "/20foo" or "/20 foo", returns "foo" and channel 20. // Otherwise returns input and channel 0. LLWString LLChatBar::stripChannelNumber(const LLWString &mesg, S32* channel) { if (mesg[0] == '/' && mesg[1] == '/') { // This is a "repeat channel send" *channel = mLastSpecialChatChannel; return mesg.substr(2, mesg.length() - 2); } else if (mesg[0] == '/' && mesg[1] && isdigit(mesg[1])) { // This a special "/20" speak on a channel S32 pos = 0; // Copy the channel number into a string llwchar channel_string[64]; llwchar c; do { c = mesg[pos+1]; channel_string[pos] = c; pos++; } while(c && pos < 64 && isdigit(c)); // Move the pointer forward to the first non-whitespace char // Check isspace before looping, so we can handle "/33foo" // as well as "/33 foo" while(c && iswspace(c)) { c = mesg[pos+1]; pos++; } mLastSpecialChatChannel = strtol(wstring_to_utf8str(channel_string).c_str(), NULL, 10); *channel = mLastSpecialChatChannel; return mesg.substr(pos, mesg.length() - pos); } else { // This is normal chat. *channel = 0; return mesg; } } void LLChatBar::sendChat( EChatType type ) { LLWString text; if (mInputEditor) text = mInputEditor->getWText(); LLWString::trim(text); if (!text.empty()) { // store sent line in history, duplicates will get filtered mInputEditor->updateHistory(); // Check if this is destined for another channel S32 channel = 0; stripChannelNumber(text, &channel); std::string utf8text = wstring_to_utf8str(text); // Try to trigger a gesture, if not chat to a script. std::string utf8_revised_text; if (0 == channel) { // discard returned "found" boolean gGestureManager.triggerAndReviseString(utf8text, &utf8_revised_text); } else { utf8_revised_text = utf8text; } utf8_revised_text = utf8str_trim(utf8_revised_text); if (!utf8_revised_text.empty()) { // Chat with animation sendChatFromViewer(utf8_revised_text, type, TRUE); } } childSetValue("Chat Editor", LLSD(LLString::null)); gAgent.stopTyping(); // If the user wants to stop chatting on hitting return, lose focus // and go out of chat mode. if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("CloseChatOnReturn")) { stopChat(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Static functions //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // static void LLChatBar::startChat(void* userdata) { const char* line = (const char*)userdata; gChatBar->setVisible(TRUE); gChatBar->setKeyboardFocus(TRUE); gSavedSettings.setBOOL("ChatVisible", TRUE); if (line && gChatBar->mInputEditor) { std::string line_string(line); gChatBar->mInputEditor->setText(line_string); } // always move cursor to end so users don't obliterate chat when accidentally hitting WASD gChatBar->mInputEditor->setCursorToEnd(); } // Exit "chat mode" and do the appropriate focus changes // static void LLChatBar::stopChat() { // In simple UI mode, we never release focus from the chat bar gChatBar->setKeyboardFocus(FALSE); // If we typed a movement key and pressed return during the // same frame, the keyboard handlers will see the key as having // gone down this frame and try to move the avatar. gKeyboard->resetKeys(); gKeyboard->resetMaskKeys(); // stop typing animation gAgent.stopTyping(); // hide chat bar so it doesn't grab focus back gChatBar->setVisible(FALSE); } void LLChatBar::setVisible(BOOL visible) { gSavedSettings.setBOOL("ChatVisible", visible); LLPanel::setVisible(visible); } // static void LLChatBar::onInputEditorKeystroke( LLLineEditor* caller, void* userdata ) { LLChatBar* self = (LLChatBar *)userdata; LLWString raw_text; if (self->mInputEditor) raw_text = self->mInputEditor->getWText(); // Can't trim the end, because that will cause autocompletion // to eat trailing spaces that might be part of a gesture. LLWString::trimHead(raw_text); S32 length = raw_text.length(); if( (length > 0) && (raw_text[0] != '/') ) // forward slash is used for escape (eg. emote) sequences { gAgent.startTyping(); } else { gAgent.stopTyping(); } /* Doesn't work -- can't tell the difference between a backspace that killed the selection vs. backspace at the end of line. if (length > 1 && text[0] == '/' && key == KEY_BACKSPACE) { // the selection will already be deleted, but we need to trim // off the character before LLString new_text = raw_text.substr(0, length-1); self->mInputEditor->setText( new_text ); self->mInputEditor->setCursorToEnd(); length = length - 1; } */ KEY key = gKeyboard->currentKey(); // Ignore "special" keys, like backspace, arrows, etc. if (length > 1 && raw_text[0] == '/' && key < KEY_SPECIAL) { // we're starting a gesture, attempt to autocomplete std::string utf8_trigger = wstring_to_utf8str(raw_text); std::string utf8_out_str(utf8_trigger); if (gGestureManager.matchPrefix(utf8_trigger, &utf8_out_str)) { if (self->mInputEditor) { self->mInputEditor->setText(utf8_out_str); S32 outlength = self->mInputEditor->getLength(); // in characters // Select to end of line, starting from the character // after the last one the user typed. self->mInputEditor->setSelection(length, outlength); } } //llinfos << "GESTUREDEBUG " << trigger // << " len " << length // << " outlen " << out_str.getLength() // << llendl; } } // static void LLChatBar::onInputEditorFocusLost( LLUICtrl* caller, void* userdata) { // stop typing animation gAgent.stopTyping(); } // static void LLChatBar::onInputEditorGainFocus( LLUICtrl* caller, void* userdata ) { LLFloaterChat::setHistoryCursorAndScrollToEnd(); } // static void LLChatBar::onClickSay( void* userdata ) { LLChatBar* self = (LLChatBar*) userdata; self->sendChat( CHAT_TYPE_NORMAL ); } // static void LLChatBar::onClickShout( void* userdata ) { LLChatBar *self = (LLChatBar *)userdata; self->sendChat( CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT ); } void LLChatBar::sendChatFromViewer(const std::string &utf8text, EChatType type, BOOL animate) { sendChatFromViewer(utf8str_to_wstring(utf8text), type, animate); } void LLChatBar::sendChatFromViewer(const LLWString &wtext, EChatType type, BOOL animate) { LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; // Look for "/20 foo" channel chats. S32 channel = 0; LLWString out_text = stripChannelNumber(wtext, &channel); std::string utf8_out_text = wstring_to_utf8str(out_text); std::string utf8_text = wstring_to_utf8str(wtext); utf8_text = utf8str_trim(utf8_text); if (!utf8_text.empty()) { utf8_text = utf8str_truncate(utf8_text, MAX_STRING - 1); } // Don't animate for chats people can't hear (chat to scripts) if (animate && (channel == 0)) { if (type == CHAT_TYPE_WHISPER) { lldebugs << "You whisper " << utf8_text << llendl; gAgent.sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_WHISPER, ANIM_REQUEST_START); } else if (type == CHAT_TYPE_NORMAL) { lldebugs << "You say " << utf8_text << llendl; gAgent.sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_TALK, ANIM_REQUEST_START); } else if (type == CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT) { lldebugs << "You shout " << utf8_text << llendl; gAgent.sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_SHOUT, ANIM_REQUEST_START); } else { llinfos << "send_chat_from_viewer() - invalid volume" << llendl; return; } } else { if (type != CHAT_TYPE_START && type != CHAT_TYPE_STOP) { lldebugs << "Channel chat: " << utf8_text << llendl; } } msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_ChatFromViewer); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID()); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_ChatData); msg->addStringFast(_PREHASH_Message, utf8_out_text); msg->addU8Fast(_PREHASH_Type, type); msg->addS32("Channel", channel); gAgent.sendReliableMessage(); gViewerStats->incStat(LLViewerStats::ST_CHAT_COUNT); } // static void LLChatBar::onCommitGesture(LLUICtrl* ctrl, void* data) { LLChatBar* self = (LLChatBar*)data; LLCtrlListInterface* gestures = self->childGetListInterface("Gesture"); if (gestures) { S32 index = gestures->getFirstSelectedIndex(); if (index == 0) { return; } const std::string& trigger = gestures->getSimpleSelectedValue().asString(); // pretend the user chatted the trigger string, to invoke // substitution and logging. std::string text(trigger); std::string revised_text; gGestureManager.triggerAndReviseString(text, &revised_text); revised_text = utf8str_trim(revised_text); if (!revised_text.empty()) { // Don't play nodding animation self->sendChatFromViewer(revised_text, CHAT_TYPE_NORMAL, FALSE); } } self->mGestureLabelTimer.start(); // free focus back to chat bar self->childSetFocus("Gesture", FALSE); }