/** * @file llcapabilitylistener.cpp * @author Nat Goodspeed * @date 2009-01-07 * @brief Implementation for llcapabilitylistener. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewergpl$ * Copyright (c) 2009, Linden Research, Inc. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ // Precompiled header #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" // associated header #include "llcapabilitylistener.h" // STL headers #include // std headers // external library headers #include // other Linden headers #include "stringize.h" #include "llcapabilityprovider.h" #include "message.h" class LLCapabilityListener::CapabilityMappers: public LLSingleton { public: void registerMapper(const LLCapabilityListener::CapabilityMapper*); void unregisterMapper(const LLCapabilityListener::CapabilityMapper*); const LLCapabilityListener::CapabilityMapper* find(const std::string& cap) const; struct DupCapMapper: public std::runtime_error { DupCapMapper(const std::string& what): std::runtime_error(std::string("DupCapMapper: ") + what) {} }; private: friend class LLSingleton; CapabilityMappers(); typedef std::map CapabilityMap; CapabilityMap mMap; }; LLCapabilityListener::LLCapabilityListener(const std::string& name, LLMessageSystem* messageSystem, const LLCapabilityProvider& provider, const LLUUID& agentID, const LLUUID& sessionID): mEventPump(name), mMessageSystem(messageSystem), mProvider(provider), mAgentID(agentID), mSessionID(sessionID) { mEventPump.listen("self", boost::bind(&LLCapabilityListener::capListener, this, _1)); } bool LLCapabilityListener::capListener(const LLSD& request) { // Extract what we want from the request object. We do it all up front // partly to document what we expect. LLSD::String cap(request["message"]); LLSD payload(request["payload"]); LLSD::String reply(request["reply"]); LLSD::String error(request["error"]); LLSD::Real timeout(request["timeout"]); // If the LLSD doesn't even have a "message" key, we doubt it was intended // for this listener. if (cap.empty()) { LL_ERRS("capListener") << "capability request event without 'message' key to '" << getCapAPI().getName() << "' on region\n" << mProvider.getDescription() << LL_ENDL; return false; // in case fatal-error function isn't } // Establish default timeout. This test relies on LLSD::asReal() returning // exactly 0.0 for an undef value. if (! timeout) { timeout = HTTP_REQUEST_EXPIRY_SECS; } // Look up the url for the requested capability name. std::string url = mProvider.getCapability(cap); if (! url.empty()) { // This capability is supported by the region to which we're talking. LLHTTPClient::post(url, payload, new LLSDMessage::EventResponder(LLEventPumps::instance(), request, mProvider.getDescription(), cap, reply, error), LLSD(), // headers timeout); } else { // Capability not supported -- do we have a registered mapper? const CapabilityMapper* mapper = CapabilityMappers::instance().find(cap); if (! mapper) // capability neither supported nor mapped { LL_ERRS("capListener") << "unsupported capability '" << cap << "' request to '" << getCapAPI().getName() << "' on region\n" << mProvider.getDescription() << LL_ENDL; } else if (! mapper->getReplyName().empty()) // mapper expects reply support { LL_ERRS("capListener") << "Mapper for capability '" << cap << "' requires unimplemented support for reply message '" << mapper->getReplyName() << "' on '" << getCapAPI().getName() << "' on region\n" << mProvider.getDescription() << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_INFOS("capListener") << "fallback invoked for capability '" << cap << "' request to '" << getCapAPI().getName() << "' on region\n" << mProvider.getDescription() << LL_ENDL; mapper->buildMessage(mMessageSystem, mAgentID, mSessionID, cap, payload); mMessageSystem->sendReliable(mProvider.getHost()); } } return false; } LLCapabilityListener::CapabilityMapper::CapabilityMapper(const std::string& cap, const std::string& reply): mCapName(cap), mReplyName(reply) { LLCapabilityListener::CapabilityMappers::instance().registerMapper(this); } LLCapabilityListener::CapabilityMapper::~CapabilityMapper() { LLCapabilityListener::CapabilityMappers::instance().unregisterMapper(this); } LLSD LLCapabilityListener::CapabilityMapper::readResponse(LLMessageSystem* messageSystem) const { return LLSD(); } LLCapabilityListener::CapabilityMappers::CapabilityMappers() {} void LLCapabilityListener::CapabilityMappers::registerMapper(const LLCapabilityListener::CapabilityMapper* mapper) { // Try to insert a new map entry by which we can look up the passed mapper // instance. std::pair inserted = mMap.insert(CapabilityMap::value_type(mapper->getCapName(), mapper)); // If we already have a mapper for that name, insert() merely located the // existing iterator and returned false. It is a coding error to try to // register more than one mapper for the same capability name. if (! inserted.second) { throw DupCapMapper(std::string("Duplicate capability name ") + mapper->getCapName()); } } void LLCapabilityListener::CapabilityMappers::unregisterMapper(const LLCapabilityListener::CapabilityMapper* mapper) { CapabilityMap::iterator found = mMap.find(mapper->getCapName()); if (found != mMap.end()) { mMap.erase(found); } } const LLCapabilityListener::CapabilityMapper* LLCapabilityListener::CapabilityMappers::find(const std::string& cap) const { CapabilityMap::const_iterator found = mMap.find(cap); if (found != mMap.end()) { return found->second; } return NULL; }