 * @file llcallfloater.h
 * @author Mike Antipov
 * @brief Voice Control Panel in a Voice Chats (P2P, Group, Nearby...).
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewergpl$
 * Copyright (c) 2009, Linden Research, Inc.
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
 * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
 * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab.  Terms of
 * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
 * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2
 * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
 * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
 * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
 * online at
 * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception
 * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
 * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
 * and agree to abide by those obligations.
 * $/LicenseInfo$


#include "lltransientdockablefloater.h"
#include "llvoicechannel.h"
#include "llvoiceclient.h"

class LLAvatarList;
class LLAvatarListItem;
class LLNonAvatarCaller;
class LLOutputMonitorCtrl;
class LLParticipantList;
class LLSpeakerMgr;
 * The Voice Control Panel is an ambient window summoned by clicking the flyout chevron on the Speak button.
 * It can be torn-off and freely positioned onscreen.
 * When the Resident is engaged in Nearby Voice Chat, the Voice Control Panel provides control over 
 * the Resident's own microphone input volume, the audible volume of each of the other participants,
 * the Resident's own Voice Morphing settings (if she has subscribed to enable the feature), and Voice Recording.
 * When the Resident is engaged in any chat except Nearby Chat, the Voice Control Panel also provides an 
 * 'Leave Call' button to allow the Resident to leave that voice channel.
class LLCallFloater : public LLTransientDockableFloater, LLVoiceClientParticipantObserver


	LLCallFloater(const LLSD& key);

	/*virtual*/ BOOL postBuild();
	/*virtual*/ void onOpen(const LLSD& key);
	/*virtual*/ void draw();

	 * Is called by LLVoiceClient::notifyParticipantObservers when voice participant list is changed.
	 * Refreshes list to display participants not in voice as disabled.
	/*virtual*/ void onChange();

	* Will reshape floater when participant list size changes
	/*virtual*/ S32 notifyParent(const LLSD& info);

	static void sOnCurrentChannelChanged(const LLUUID& session_id);

	typedef enum e_voice_controls_type

	typedef enum e_speaker_state
	} ESpeakerState;

	typedef std::map<LLUUID, ESpeakerState> speaker_state_map_t;

	void leaveCall();

	 * Updates mSpeakerManager and list according to current Voice Channel
	 * It compares mSpeakerManager & current Voice Channel session IDs.
	 * If they are different gets Speaker manager related to current channel and updates channel participant list.
	void updateSession();

	 * Refreshes participant list according to current Voice Channel
	void refreshParticipantList();

	 * Handles event on avatar list is refreshed after it was marked dirty.
	 * It sets initial participants voice states (once after the first refreshing)
	 * and updates voice states each time anybody is joined/left voice chat in session.
	void onAvatarListRefreshed();

	void updateTitle();
	void initAgentData();
	void setModeratorMutedVoice(bool moderator_muted);
	void updateAgentModeratorState();

	 * Sets initial participants voice states in avatar list (Invited, Joined, Has Left).
	 * @see refreshParticipantList()
	 * @see onAvatarListRefreshed()
	 * @see mInitParticipantsVoiceState
	void initParticipantsVoiceState();

	 * Updates participants voice states in avatar list (Invited, Joined, Has Left).
	 * @see onAvatarListRefreshed()
	 * @see onChanged()
	void updateParticipantsVoiceState();

	void setState(LLAvatarListItem* item, ESpeakerState state);
	void setState(const LLUUID& speaker_id, ESpeakerState state)
		lldebugs << "Storing state: " << speaker_id << ", " << state << llendl;
		mSpeakerStateMap[speaker_id] = state;

	ESpeakerState getState(const LLUUID& speaker_id)
		lldebugs << "Getting state: " << speaker_id << ", " << mSpeakerStateMap[speaker_id] << llendl;

		return mSpeakerStateMap[speaker_id];

	 * Instantiates new LLAvatarListItemRemoveTimer and adds it into the map if it is not already created.
	 * @param voice_speaker_id LLUUID of Avatar List item to be removed from the list when timer expires.
	void setVoiceRemoveTimer(const LLUUID& voice_speaker_id);

	 * Removes specified by UUID Avatar List item.
	 * @param voice_speaker_id LLUUID of Avatar List item to be removed from the list.
	void removeVoiceLeftParticipant(const LLUUID& voice_speaker_id);

	 * Deletes all timers from the list to prevent started timers from ticking after destruction
	 * and after switching on another voice channel.
	void resetVoiceRemoveTimers();

	 * Removes specified by UUID timer from the map.
	 * @param voice_speaker_id LLUUID of Avatar List item whose timer should be removed from the map.
	void removeVoiceRemoveTimer(const LLUUID& voice_speaker_id);

	 * Called by LLParticipantList before adding a speaker to the participant list.
	 * If false is returned, the speaker will not be added to the list.
	 * @param speaker_id Speaker to validate.
	 * @return true if this is a valid speaker, false otherwise.
	bool validateSpeaker(const LLUUID& speaker_id);

	 * Connects to passed channel to be updated according to channel's voice states.
	void connectToChannel(LLVoiceChannel* channel);

	 * Callback to process changing of voice channel's states.
	void onVoiceChannelStateChanged(const LLVoiceChannel::EState& old_state, const LLVoiceChannel::EState& new_state);

	 * Updates floater according to passed channel's voice state.
	void updateState(const LLVoiceChannel::EState& new_state);

	 * Resets floater to be ready to show voice participants.
	 * Clears all data from the latest voice session.
	void reset();

	* Reshapes floater to fit participant list height
	void reshapeToFitContent();

	* Returns height of participant list item
	S32 getParticipantItemHeight();

	* Returns predefined max visible participants.
	S32 getMaxVisibleItems();

	speaker_state_map_t mSpeakerStateMap;
	LLSpeakerMgr* mSpeakerManager;
	LLParticipantList* mParticipants;
	LLAvatarList* mAvatarList;
	LLNonAvatarCaller* mNonAvatarCaller;
	EVoiceControls mVoiceType;
	LLPanel* mAgentPanel;
	LLOutputMonitorCtrl* mSpeakingIndicator;
	bool mIsModeratorMutedVoice;

	 * Flag indicated that participants voice states should be initialized.
	 * It is used due to Avatar List has delayed refreshing after it content is changed.
	 * Real initializing is performed when Avatar List is first time refreshed.
	 * @see onAvatarListRefreshed()
	 * @see initParticipantsVoiceState()
	bool mInitParticipantsVoiceState;

	boost::signals2::connection mAvatarListRefreshConnection;

	 * class LLAvatarListItemRemoveTimer
	 * Implements a timer that removes avatar list item of a participant
	 * who has left the call.
	class LLAvatarListItemRemoveTimer : public LLEventTimer
		typedef boost::function<void(const LLUUID&)> callback_t;

		LLAvatarListItemRemoveTimer(callback_t remove_cb, F32 period, const LLUUID& speaker_id);
		virtual ~LLAvatarListItemRemoveTimer() {};

		virtual BOOL tick();

		callback_t		mRemoveCallback;
		LLUUID			mSpeakerId;

	typedef std::pair<LLUUID, LLAvatarListItemRemoveTimer*> timer_pair;
	typedef std::map<LLUUID, LLAvatarListItemRemoveTimer*> timers_map;

	timers_map		mVoiceLeftTimersMap;
	S32				mVoiceLeftRemoveDelay;

	 * Stores reference to current voice channel.
	 * Is used to ignore voice channel changed callback for the same channel.
	 * @see sOnCurrentChannelChanged()
	static LLVoiceChannel* sCurrentVoiceCanel;
	boost::signals2::connection mVoiceChannelStateChangeConnection;