/** * @file llcallfloater.cpp * @author Mike Antipov * @brief Voice Control Panel in a Voice Chats (P2P, Group, Nearby...). * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2009, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llcallfloater.h" #include "llagentdata.h" // for gAgentID #include "llavatarlist.h" #include "llbottomtray.h" #include "llparticipantlist.h" #include "llspeakers.h" class LLNonAvatarCaller : public LLAvatarListItem { public: LLNonAvatarCaller() : LLAvatarListItem(false) { } BOOL postBuild() { BOOL rv = LLAvatarListItem::postBuild(); if (rv) { setOnline(true); showLastInteractionTime(false); setShowProfileBtn(false); setShowInfoBtn(false); } return rv; } void setSpeakerId(const LLUUID& id) { mSpeakingIndicator->setSpeakerId(id); } }; static void* create_non_avatar_caller(void*) { return new LLNonAvatarCaller; } LLCallFloater::LLCallFloater(const LLSD& key) : LLDockableFloater(NULL, key) , mSpeakerManager(NULL) , mPaticipants(NULL) , mAvatarList(NULL) , mNonAvatarCaller(NULL) , mVoiceType(VC_LOCAL_CHAT) { mFactoryMap["non_avatar_caller"] = LLCallbackMap(create_non_avatar_caller, NULL); } LLCallFloater::~LLCallFloater() { mChannelChangedConnection.disconnect(); delete mPaticipants; mPaticipants = NULL; } // virtual BOOL LLCallFloater::postBuild() { LLDockableFloater::postBuild(); mAvatarList = getChild<LLAvatarList>("speakers_list"); childSetAction("leave_call_btn", boost::bind(&LLCallFloater::leaveCall, this)); mNonAvatarCaller = getChild<LLNonAvatarCaller>("non_avatar_caller"); LLView *anchor_panel = LLBottomTray::getInstance()->getChild<LLView>("speak_panel"); setDockControl(new LLDockControl( anchor_panel, this, getDockTongue(), LLDockControl::TOP)); initAgentData(); // update list for current session updateSession(); // subscribe to to be notified Voice Channel is changed mChannelChangedConnection = LLVoiceChannel::setCurrentVoiceChannelChangedCallback(boost::bind(&LLCallFloater::onCurrentChannelChanged, this, _1)); return TRUE; } // virtual void LLCallFloater::onOpen(const LLSD& /*key*/) { } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// PRIVATE SECTION ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LLCallFloater::leaveCall() { LLVoiceChannel* voice_channel = LLVoiceChannel::getCurrentVoiceChannel(); if (voice_channel) { voice_channel->deactivate(); } } void LLCallFloater::updateSession() { LLVoiceChannel* voice_channel = LLVoiceChannel::getCurrentVoiceChannel(); if (voice_channel) { lldebugs << "Current voice channel: " << voice_channel->getSessionID() << llendl; if (mSpeakerManager && voice_channel->getSessionID() == mSpeakerManager->getSessionID()) { lldebugs << "Speaker manager is already set for session: " << voice_channel->getSessionID() << llendl; return; } else { mSpeakerManager = NULL; } } const LLUUID& session_id = voice_channel->getSessionID(); lldebugs << "Set speaker manager for session: " << session_id << llendl; LLIMModel::LLIMSession* im_session = LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(session_id); if (im_session) { mSpeakerManager = LLIMModel::getInstance()->getSpeakerManager(session_id); switch (im_session->mType) { case IM_NOTHING_SPECIAL: case IM_SESSION_P2P_INVITE: mVoiceType = VC_PEER_TO_PEER; break; case IM_SESSION_CONFERENCE_START: mVoiceType = VC_AD_HOC_CHAT; break; default: mVoiceType = VC_GROUP_CHAT; break; } } if (NULL == mSpeakerManager) { // by default let show nearby chat participants mSpeakerManager = LLLocalSpeakerMgr::getInstance(); lldebugs << "Set DEFAULT speaker manager" << llendl; mVoiceType = VC_LOCAL_CHAT; } updateTitle(); //hide "Leave Call" button for nearby chat bool is_local_chat = mVoiceType == VC_LOCAL_CHAT; childSetVisible("leave_btn_panel", !is_local_chat); refreshPartisipantList(); } void LLCallFloater::refreshPartisipantList() { delete mPaticipants; mPaticipants = NULL; mAvatarList->clear(); bool non_avatar_caller = false; if (VC_PEER_TO_PEER == mVoiceType) { LLIMModel::LLIMSession* session = LLIMModel::instance().findIMSession(mSpeakerManager->getSessionID()); non_avatar_caller = !session->mOtherParticipantIsAvatar; if (non_avatar_caller) { mNonAvatarCaller->setSpeakerId(session->mOtherParticipantID); mNonAvatarCaller->setName(session->mName); } } mNonAvatarCaller->setVisible(non_avatar_caller); mAvatarList->setVisible(!non_avatar_caller); if (!non_avatar_caller) { bool do_not_use_context_menu_in_local_chat = LLLocalSpeakerMgr::getInstance() != mSpeakerManager; mPaticipants = new LLParticipantList(mSpeakerManager, mAvatarList, do_not_use_context_menu_in_local_chat); if (!do_not_use_context_menu_in_local_chat) { mAvatarList->setNoItemsCommentText(getString("no_one_near")); } } } void LLCallFloater::onCurrentChannelChanged(const LLUUID& /*session_id*/) { // Forget speaker manager from the previous session to avoid using it after session was destroyed. mSpeakerManager = NULL; updateSession(); } void LLCallFloater::updateTitle() { LLVoiceChannel* voice_channel = LLVoiceChannel::getCurrentVoiceChannel(); std::string title; switch (mVoiceType) { case VC_LOCAL_CHAT: title = getString("title_nearby"); break; case VC_PEER_TO_PEER: { LLStringUtil::format_map_t args; args["[NAME]"] = voice_channel->getSessionName(); title = getString("title_peer_2_peer", args); } break; case VC_AD_HOC_CHAT: title = getString("title_adhoc"); break; case VC_GROUP_CHAT: { LLStringUtil::format_map_t args; args["[GROUP]"] = voice_channel->getSessionName(); title = getString("title_group", args); } break; } setTitle(title); } void LLCallFloater::initAgentData() { childSetValue("user_icon", gAgentID); std::string name; gCacheName->getFullName(gAgentID, name); childSetValue("user_text", name); LLOutputMonitorCtrl* speaking_indicator = getChild<LLOutputMonitorCtrl>("speaking_indicator"); speaking_indicator->setSpeakerId(gAgentID); } //EOF