 * @file llbottomtray.cpp
 * @brief LLBottomTray class implementation
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" // must be first include

#include "llbottomtray.h"

// library includes
#include "llfloaterreg.h"
#include "llflyoutbutton.h"
#include "lllayoutstack.h"
#include "llnotifications.h"
#include "llnotificationsutil.h"
#include "lltexteditor.h"

// newview includes
#include "llagentcamera.h"
#include "llchiclet.h"
#include "llfloatercamera.h"
#include "llimfloater.h" // for LLIMFloater
#include "llnearbychatbar.h"
#include "llspeakbutton.h"
#include "llsplitbutton.h"
#include "llsyswellwindow.h"
#include "lltoolmgr.h"
#include "llviewerparcelmgr.h"

static void update_build_button_enable_state()
	bool can_edit = LLToolMgr::getInstance()->canEdit();


// Build time optimization, generate extern template once in .cpp file
template class LLBottomTray* LLSingleton<class LLBottomTray>::getInstance();

	const std::string& PANEL_CHICLET_NAME	= "chiclet_list_panel";
	const std::string& PANEL_CHATBAR_NAME	= "chat_bar";
	const std::string& PANEL_MOVEMENT_NAME	= "movement_panel";
	const std::string& PANEL_CAMERA_NAME	= "cam_panel";
	const std::string& PANEL_GESTURE_NAME	= "gesture_panel";

	S32 get_panel_min_width(LLLayoutStack* stack, LLView* panel)
		S32 minimal_width = 0;
		if ( stack && panel && panel->getVisible() )
			stack->getPanelMinSize(panel->getName(), &minimal_width, NULL);
		return minimal_width;

	S32 get_panel_max_width(LLLayoutStack* stack, LLPanel* panel)
		S32 max_width = 0;
		if ( stack && panel && panel->getVisible() )
			stack->getPanelMaxSize(panel->getName(), &max_width, NULL);
		return max_width;

	S32 get_curr_width(LLUICtrl* ctrl)
		S32 cur_width = 0;
		if ( ctrl && ctrl->getVisible() )
			cur_width = ctrl->getRect().getWidth();
		return cur_width;

class LLBottomTrayLite
	: public LLPanel
		: mNearbyChatBar(NULL),
		mFactoryMap["chat_bar"] = LLCallbackMap(LLBottomTray::createNearbyChatBar, NULL);
		LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildPanel(this, "panel_bottomtray_lite.xml");
		// Necessary for focus movement among child controls

	BOOL postBuild()
		mNearbyChatBar = getChild<LLNearbyChatBar>("chat_bar");
		mGesturePanel = getChild<LLPanel>("gesture_panel");

		// Hide "show_nearby_chat" button 
		LLLineEditor* chat_box = mNearbyChatBar->getChatBox();
		LLUICtrl* show_btn = mNearbyChatBar->getChild<LLUICtrl>("show_nearby_chat");
		S32 delta_width = show_btn->getRect().getWidth();
		chat_box->reshape(chat_box->getRect().getWidth() + delta_width, chat_box->getRect().getHeight());

		return TRUE;

	void onFocusLost()
		if (gAgentCamera.cameraMouselook())

	LLNearbyChatBar*	mNearbyChatBar;
	LLPanel*			mGesturePanel;

LLBottomTray::LLBottomTray(const LLSD&)
:	mChicletPanel(NULL),
,	mMovementButton(NULL)
,	mResizeState(RS_NORESIZE)
,	mBottomTrayContextMenu(NULL)
,	mCamButton(NULL)
,	mBottomTrayLite(NULL)
,	mIsInLiteMode(false)
	// Firstly add ourself to IMSession observers, so we catch session events
	// before chiclets do that.

	mFactoryMap["chat_bar"] = LLCallbackMap(LLBottomTray::createNearbyChatBar, NULL);


	LLUICtrl::CommitCallbackRegistry::defaultRegistrar().add("CameraPresets.ChangeView", boost::bind(&LLFloaterCamera::onClickCameraItem, _2));

	//this is to fix a crash that occurs because LLBottomTray is a singleton
	//and thus is deleted at the end of the viewers lifetime, but to be cleanly
	//destroyed LLBottomTray requires some subsystems that are long gone

	// Necessary for focus movement among child controls

		mBottomTrayLite = new LLBottomTrayLite();

	if (!LLSingleton<LLIMMgr>::destroyed())

	if (mNearbyChatBar)
		// store custom width of chatbar panel.
		S32 custom_width = mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getWidth();
		gSavedSettings.setS32("ChatBarCustomWidth", custom_width);

	// emulate previous floater behavior to be hidden on startup.
	// override effect of save_visibility=true.
	// this attribute is necessary to button.initial_callback=Button.SetFloaterToggle works properly:
	//		i.g when floater changes its visibility - button changes its toggle state.

// *TODO Vadim: why void* ?
void* LLBottomTray::createNearbyChatBar(void* userdata)
	return new LLNearbyChatBar();

LLNearbyChatBar* LLBottomTray::getNearbyChatBar()
	return mIsInLiteMode ? mBottomTrayLite->mNearbyChatBar : mNearbyChatBar;

LLIMChiclet* LLBottomTray::createIMChiclet(const LLUUID& session_id)
	LLIMChiclet::EType im_chiclet_type = LLIMChiclet::getIMSessionType(session_id);

	switch (im_chiclet_type)
	case LLIMChiclet::TYPE_IM:
		return getChicletPanel()->createChiclet<LLIMP2PChiclet>(session_id);
	case LLIMChiclet::TYPE_GROUP:
		return getChicletPanel()->createChiclet<LLIMGroupChiclet>(session_id);
	case LLIMChiclet::TYPE_AD_HOC:
		return getChicletPanel()->createChiclet<LLAdHocChiclet>(session_id);
	case LLIMChiclet::TYPE_UNKNOWN:

	return NULL;

void LLBottomTray::sessionAdded(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& name, const LLUUID& other_participant_id)
	if (!getChicletPanel()) return;

	LLIMModel::LLIMSession* session = LLIMModel::getInstance()->findIMSession(session_id);
	if (!session) return;

	// no need to spawn chiclets for participants in P2P calls called through Avaline
	if (session->isP2P() && session->isOtherParticipantAvaline()) return;

	if (getChicletPanel()->findChiclet<LLChiclet>(session_id)) return;

	LLIMChiclet* chiclet = createIMChiclet(session_id);

		llerrs << "Could not create chiclet" << llendl;

void LLBottomTray::sessionRemoved(const LLUUID& session_id)
		// IM floater should be closed when session removed and associated chiclet closed
		LLIMFloater* iMfloater = LLFloaterReg::findTypedInstance<LLIMFloater>(
				"impanel", session_id);
		if (iMfloater != NULL)


void LLBottomTray::sessionIDUpdated(const LLUUID& old_session_id, const LLUUID& new_session_id)
	//this is only needed in case of outgoing ad-hoc/group chat sessions
	LLChicletPanel* chiclet_panel = getChicletPanel();
	if (chiclet_panel)
		//it should be ad-hoc im chiclet or group im chiclet
		LLChiclet* chiclet = chiclet_panel->findChiclet<LLChiclet>(old_session_id);
		if (chiclet) chiclet->setSessionId(new_session_id);

S32 LLBottomTray::getTotalUnreadIMCount()
	return getChicletPanel()->getTotalUnreadIMCount();

// virtual
void LLBottomTray::onChange(EStatusType status, const std::string &channelURI, bool proximal)
	// Time it takes to connect to voice channel might be pretty long,
	// so don't expect user login or STATUS_VOICE_ENABLED to be followed by STATUS_JOINED.
	BOOL enable = FALSE;

	switch (status)
	// Do not add STATUS_VOICE_ENABLED because voice chat is 
	// inactive until STATUS_JOINED
		enable = TRUE;
		enable = FALSE;

	// We have to enable/disable right and left parts of speak button separately (EXT-4648)
	// skipped to avoid button blinking
	if (status != STATUS_JOINING && status!= STATUS_LEFT_CHANNEL)
		mSpeakBtn->setFlyoutBtnEnabled(LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->voiceEnabled() && LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->isVoiceWorking());

void LLBottomTray::onMouselookModeOut()
	mIsInLiteMode = false;

void LLBottomTray::onMouselookModeIn()

	// Attach the lite bottom tray
	if (getParent() && mBottomTrayLite->getParent() != getParent())


	mIsInLiteMode = true;

// setVisible used instead of onVisibilityChange, since LLAgent calls it on entering/leaving mouselook mode.
// If bottom tray is already visible in mouselook mode, then onVisibilityChange will not be called from setVisible(true),
void LLBottomTray::setVisible(BOOL visible)
	if (mIsInLiteMode)

S32 LLBottomTray::notifyParent(const LLSD& info)
	if(info.has("well_empty")) // implementation of EXT-3397
		const std::string chiclet_name = info["well_name"];

		// only "im_well" or "notification_well" names are expected.
		// They are set in panel_bottomtray.xml in <chiclet_im_well> & <chiclet_notification>
		llassert("im_well" == chiclet_name || "notification_well" == chiclet_name);

		BOOL should_be_visible = !info["well_empty"];
		showWellButton("im_well" == chiclet_name ? RS_IM_WELL : RS_NOTIFICATION_WELL, should_be_visible);
		return 1;

	if (info.has("action") && info["action"] == "resize")
		const std::string& name = info["view_name"];

		// expected only resize of nearby chatbar
		if (mNearbyChatBar->getName() != name) return LLPanel::notifyParent(info);

		const S32 new_width = info["new_width"];


		return 2;
	return LLPanel::notifyParent(info);

void LLBottomTray::showBottomTrayContextMenu(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
	// We should show BottomTrayContextMenu in last  turn
	if (mBottomTrayContextMenu && !LLMenuGL::sMenuContainer->getVisibleMenu())
		    //there are no other context menu (IM chiclet etc ), so we can show BottomTrayContextMenu

		    updateContextMenu(x, y, mask);
			LLMenuGL::showPopup(this, mBottomTrayContextMenu, x, y);

void LLBottomTray::updateContextMenu(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask)
	LLUICtrl* edit_box = mNearbyChatBar->getChild<LLUICtrl>("chat_box");

	S32 local_x = x - mNearbyChatBar->getRect().mLeft - edit_box->getRect().mLeft;
	S32 local_y = y - mNearbyChatBar->getRect().mBottom - edit_box->getRect().mBottom;

	bool in_edit_box = edit_box->pointInView(local_x, local_y);

	mBottomTrayContextMenu->setItemVisible("Separator", in_edit_box);
	mBottomTrayContextMenu->setItemVisible("NearbyChatBar_Cut", in_edit_box);
	mBottomTrayContextMenu->setItemVisible("NearbyChatBar_Copy", in_edit_box);
	mBottomTrayContextMenu->setItemVisible("NearbyChatBar_Paste", in_edit_box);
	mBottomTrayContextMenu->setItemVisible("NearbyChatBar_Delete", in_edit_box);
	mBottomTrayContextMenu->setItemVisible("NearbyChatBar_Select_All", in_edit_box);

void LLBottomTray::showGestureButton(BOOL visible)
	setTrayButtonVisibleIfPossible(RS_BUTTON_GESTURES, visible);

void LLBottomTray::showMoveButton(BOOL visible)
	setTrayButtonVisibleIfPossible(RS_BUTTON_MOVEMENT, visible);

void LLBottomTray::showCameraButton(BOOL visible)
	setTrayButtonVisibleIfPossible(RS_BUTTON_CAMERA, visible);

void LLBottomTray::showSnapshotButton(BOOL visible)
	setTrayButtonVisibleIfPossible(RS_BUTTON_SNAPSHOT, visible);

void LLBottomTray::toggleMovementControls()
	if (mMovementButton)

void LLBottomTray::toggleCameraControls()
	if (mCamButton)

BOOL LLBottomTray::postBuild()

	LLUICtrl::CommitCallbackRegistry::currentRegistrar().add("NearbyChatBar.Action", boost::bind(&LLBottomTray::onContextMenuItemClicked, this, _2));
	LLUICtrl::EnableCallbackRegistry::currentRegistrar().add("NearbyChatBar.EnableMenuItem", boost::bind(&LLBottomTray::onContextMenuItemEnabled, this, _2));

	mBottomTrayContextMenu =  LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->createFromFile<LLMenuGL>("menu_bottomtray.xml", gMenuHolder, LLViewerMenuHolderGL::child_registry_t::instance());

	mNearbyChatBar = getChild<LLNearbyChatBar>("chat_bar");
	mToolbarStack = getChild<LLLayoutStack>("toolbar_stack");
	mMovementButton = getChild<LLButton>("movement_btn");
	mCamButton = getChild<LLButton>("camera_btn");
	setRightMouseDownCallback(boost::bind(&LLBottomTray::showBottomTrayContextMenu,this, _2, _3,_4));

	mSpeakPanel = getChild<LLPanel>("speak_panel");
	mSpeakBtn = getChild<LLSpeakButton>("talk");

	// Both parts of speak button should be initially disabled because
	// it takes some time between logging in to world and connecting to voice channel.

	// Localization tool doesn't understand custom buttons like <talk_button>
	mSpeakBtn->setSpeakToolTip( getString("SpeakBtnToolTip") );
	mSpeakBtn->setShowToolTip( getString("VoiceControlBtnToolTip") );

	// Registering Chat Bar to receive Voice client status change notifications.


	mChicletPanel = getChild<LLChicletPanel>("chiclet_list");




	// update wells visibility:
	showWellButton(RS_IM_WELL, !LLIMWellWindow::getInstance()->isWindowEmpty());
	showWellButton(RS_NOTIFICATION_WELL, !LLNotificationWellWindow::getInstance()->isWindowEmpty());


	return TRUE;

bool LLBottomTray::onContextMenuItemEnabled(const LLSD& userdata)
	std::string item = userdata.asString();
	LLLineEditor* edit_box = mNearbyChatBar->findChild<LLLineEditor>("chat_box");
	if (item == "can_cut")
		return edit_box->canCut();
	else if (item == "can_copy")
		return edit_box->canCopy();
	else if (item == "can_paste")
		return edit_box->canPaste();
	else if (item == "can_delete")
		return edit_box->canDoDelete();
	else if (item == "can_select_all")
		return edit_box->canSelectAll() && (edit_box->getLength()>0);
	return true;

void LLBottomTray::onContextMenuItemClicked(const LLSD& userdata)
	std::string item = userdata.asString();
	LLLineEditor* edit_box = mNearbyChatBar->findChild<LLLineEditor>("chat_box");

	if (item == "cut")
	else if (item == "copy")
	else if (item == "paste")
	else if (item == "delete")
	else if (item == "select_all")

void LLBottomTray::log(LLView* panel, const std::string& descr)
	if (NULL == panel) return;
	LLView* layout = panel->getParent();
	lldebugs << descr << ": "
		<< "panel: " << panel->getName()
		<< ", rect: " << panel->getRect()
		<< "layout: " << layout->getName()
		<< ", rect: " << layout->getRect()
		<< llendl

void LLBottomTray::reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent)
	static S32 debug_calling_number = 0;
	lldebugs << "**************************************** " << ++debug_calling_number << llendl;

	S32 current_width = getRect().getWidth();
	S32 delta_width = width - current_width;
	lldebugs << "Reshaping: " 
		<< ", width: " << width
		<< ", cur width: " << current_width
		<< ", delta_width: " << delta_width
		<< ", called_from_parent: " << called_from_parent
		<< llendl;

	if (mNearbyChatBar)			log(mNearbyChatBar, "before");
	if (mChicletPanel)			log(mChicletPanel, "before");

	// stores width size on which bottom tray is less than width required by its children. EXT-991
	static S32 extra_shrink_width = 0;
	bool should_be_reshaped = true;

	if (mChicletPanel && mToolbarStack && mNearbyChatBar)
		// Firstly, update layout stack to ensure we deal with correct panel sizes.
			BOOL saved_anim = mToolbarStack->getAnimate();
			// Set chiclet panel to be autoresized by default.
			mToolbarStack->updatePanelAutoResize(PANEL_CHICLET_NAME, TRUE);
			// Disable animation to prevent layout updating in several frames.
			// Force the updating of layout to reset panels collapse factor.
			// Restore animate state.

		// bottom tray is narrowed
		if (delta_width < 0)
			if (extra_shrink_width > 0)
				// is world rect was extra shrunk and decreasing again only update this value
				// to delta_width negative
				extra_shrink_width -= delta_width; // use "-=" because delta_width is negative
				should_be_reshaped = false;
				extra_shrink_width = processWidthDecreased(delta_width);

				// increase new width to extra_shrink_width value to not reshape less than bottom tray minimum
				width += extra_shrink_width;
		// bottom tray is widen
			if (extra_shrink_width > delta_width)
				// Less than minimum width is more than increasing (delta_width) 
				// only reduce it value and make no reshape
				extra_shrink_width -= delta_width;
				should_be_reshaped = false;
				if (extra_shrink_width > 0)
					// If we have some extra shrink width let's reduce delta_width & width
					delta_width -= extra_shrink_width;
					width -= extra_shrink_width;
					extra_shrink_width = 0;

	if (should_be_reshaped)
		lldebugs << "Reshape all children with width: " << width << llendl;
		LLPanel::reshape(width, height, called_from_parent);

	if (mNearbyChatBar)			log(mNearbyChatBar, "after");
	if (mChicletPanel)			log(mChicletPanel, "after");

	// Restore width of the chatbar on first reshape.
	// we can not to do this from postBuild because reshape is called from parent view on startup
	// creation after it and reset width according to resize logic.
	static bool needs_restore_custom_state = true;
	if (mNearbyChatBar && needs_restore_custom_state)
		// restore custom width of chatbar panel.
		S32 new_width = gSavedSettings.getS32("ChatBarCustomWidth");
		if (new_width > 0)
			mNearbyChatBar->reshape(new_width, mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getHeight());
		needs_restore_custom_state = false;


S32 LLBottomTray::processWidthDecreased(S32 delta_width)
	bool still_should_be_processed = true;

	const S32 chiclet_panel_width = mChicletPanel->getParent()->getRect().getWidth();
	const S32 chiclet_panel_min_width = mChicletPanel->getMinWidth();

	if (chiclet_panel_width > chiclet_panel_min_width)
		// we have some space to decrease chiclet panel
		S32 panel_delta_min = chiclet_panel_width - chiclet_panel_min_width;

		S32 delta_panel = llmin(-delta_width, panel_delta_min);

		lldebugs << "delta_width: " << delta_width
			<< ", panel_delta_min: " << panel_delta_min
			<< ", delta_panel: " << delta_panel
			<< llendl;

		// is chiclet panel width enough to process resizing?
		delta_width += panel_delta_min;

		still_should_be_processed = delta_width < 0;

		mChicletPanel->getParent()->reshape(mChicletPanel->getParent()->getRect().getWidth() - delta_panel, mChicletPanel->getParent()->getRect().getHeight());
		log(mChicletPanel, "after processing panel decreasing via chiclet panel");

		lldebugs << "RS_CHICLET_PANEL" 
			<< ", delta_width: " << delta_width
			<< llendl;

	const S32 chatbar_panel_width = mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getWidth();
	const S32 chatbar_panel_min_width = get_panel_min_width(mToolbarStack, mNearbyChatBar);
	if (still_should_be_processed && chatbar_panel_width > chatbar_panel_min_width)
		// we have some space to decrease chatbar panel
		S32 panel_delta_min = chatbar_panel_width - chatbar_panel_min_width;

		S32 delta_panel = llmin(-delta_width, panel_delta_min);

		// whether chatbar panel width is enough to process resizing?
		delta_width += panel_delta_min;

		still_should_be_processed = delta_width < 0;

		mNearbyChatBar->reshape(mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getWidth() - delta_panel, mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getHeight());

		log(mNearbyChatBar, "after processing panel decreasing via nearby chatbar panel");

		lldebugs << "RS_CHATBAR_INPUT"
			<< ", delta_panel: " << delta_panel
			<< ", delta_width: " << delta_width
			<< llendl;

	S32 extra_shrink_width = 0;
	S32 buttons_freed_width = 0;
	if (still_should_be_processed)
		processShrinkButtons(delta_width, buttons_freed_width);

		processHideButtons(delta_width, buttons_freed_width);

		if (delta_width < 0)
			extra_shrink_width = -delta_width;
			llwarns << "There is no enough width to reshape all children: " 
				<< extra_shrink_width << llendl;

		if (buttons_freed_width > 0)
			log(mNearbyChatBar, "before applying compensative width");
			mNearbyChatBar->reshape(mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getWidth() + buttons_freed_width, mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getHeight() );
			log(mNearbyChatBar, "after applying compensative width");
			lldebugs << buttons_freed_width << llendl;

	return extra_shrink_width;

void LLBottomTray::processWidthIncreased(S32 delta_width)
	if (delta_width <= 0) return;

	const S32 chiclet_panel_width = mChicletPanel->getParent()->getRect().getWidth();
	static const S32 chiclet_panel_min_width = mChicletPanel->getMinWidth();

	const S32 chatbar_panel_width = mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getWidth();
	static const S32 chatbar_panel_min_width = get_panel_min_width(mToolbarStack, mNearbyChatBar);
	static const S32 chatbar_panel_max_width = get_panel_max_width(mToolbarStack, mNearbyChatBar);

	const S32 chatbar_available_shrink_width = chatbar_panel_width - chatbar_panel_min_width;
	const S32 available_width_chiclet = chiclet_panel_width - chiclet_panel_min_width;

	// how many room we have to show hidden buttons
	S32 total_available_width = delta_width + chatbar_available_shrink_width + available_width_chiclet;

	lldebugs << "Processing extending, available width:"
		<< ", chatbar - " << chatbar_available_shrink_width
		<< ", chiclets - " << available_width_chiclet
		<< ", total - " << total_available_width
		<< llendl;

	S32 available_width = total_available_width;



	// if we have to show/extend some buttons but resized delta width is not enough...
	S32 processed_width = total_available_width - available_width;
	if (processed_width > delta_width)
		// ... let's shrink nearby chat & chiclet panels
		S32 required_to_process_width = processed_width;

		// 1. use delta width of resizing
		required_to_process_width -= delta_width;

		// 2. use width available via decreasing of nearby chat panel
		S32 chatbar_shrink_width = required_to_process_width;
		if (chatbar_available_shrink_width < chatbar_shrink_width)
			chatbar_shrink_width = chatbar_available_shrink_width;

		log(mNearbyChatBar, "increase width: before applying compensative width");
		mNearbyChatBar->reshape(mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getWidth() - chatbar_shrink_width, mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getHeight() );
		if (mNearbyChatBar)			log(mNearbyChatBar, "after applying compensative width");
		lldebugs << chatbar_shrink_width << llendl;

		// 3. use width available via decreasing of chiclet panel
		required_to_process_width -= chatbar_shrink_width;

		if (required_to_process_width > 0)
			mChicletPanel->getParent()->reshape(mChicletPanel->getParent()->getRect().getWidth() - required_to_process_width, mChicletPanel->getParent()->getRect().getHeight());
			log(mChicletPanel, "after applying compensative width for chiclets: ");
			lldebugs << required_to_process_width << llendl;


	// shown buttons take some space, rest should be processed by nearby chatbar & chiclet panels
	delta_width -= processed_width;

	// how many space can nearby chatbar take?
	S32 chatbar_panel_width_ = mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getWidth();
	if (delta_width > 0 && chatbar_panel_width_ < chatbar_panel_max_width)
		S32 delta_panel_max = chatbar_panel_max_width - chatbar_panel_width_;
		S32 delta_panel = llmin(delta_width, delta_panel_max);
		lldebugs << "Unprocesed delta width: " << delta_width
			<< ", can be applied to chatbar: " << delta_panel_max
			<< ", will be applied: " << delta_panel
			<< llendl;

		delta_width -= delta_panel_max;
		mNearbyChatBar->reshape(chatbar_panel_width_ + delta_panel, mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getHeight());
		log(mNearbyChatBar, "applied unprocessed delta width");

void LLBottomTray::processShowButtons(S32& available_width)
	// process buttons from left to right
	resize_state_vec_t::const_iterator it = mButtonsProcessOrder.begin();
	const resize_state_vec_t::const_iterator it_end = mButtonsProcessOrder.end();

	for (; it != it_end; ++it)
		// is there available space?
		if (available_width <= 0) break;

		// try to show next button
		processShowButton(*it, available_width);

bool LLBottomTray::processShowButton(EResizeState shown_object_type, S32& available_width)
	lldebugs << "Trying to show object type: " << shown_object_type << llendl;
	llassert(mStateProcessedObjectMap[shown_object_type] != NULL);

	LLPanel* panel = mStateProcessedObjectMap[shown_object_type];
	if (NULL == panel)
		lldebugs << "There is no object to process for state: " << shown_object_type << llendl;
		return false;
	bool can_be_shown = canButtonBeShown(shown_object_type);
	if (can_be_shown)
		//validate if we have enough room to show this button
		const S32 required_width = panel->getRect().getWidth();
		can_be_shown = available_width >= required_width;
		if (can_be_shown)
			available_width -= required_width;

			setTrayButtonVisible(shown_object_type, true);

			lldebugs << "processed object type: " << shown_object_type
				<< ", rest available width: " << available_width
				<< llendl;
			mResizeState &= ~shown_object_type;
	return can_be_shown;

void LLBottomTray::processHideButtons(S32& required_width, S32& buttons_freed_width)
	// process buttons from right to left
	resize_state_vec_t::const_reverse_iterator it = mButtonsProcessOrder.rbegin();
	const resize_state_vec_t::const_reverse_iterator it_end = mButtonsProcessOrder.rend();

	for (; it != it_end; ++it)
		// is it still necessary to hide a button?
		if (required_width >= 0) break;

		// try to hide next button
		processHideButton(*it, required_width, buttons_freed_width);

void LLBottomTray::processHideButton(EResizeState processed_object_type, S32& required_width, S32& buttons_freed_width)
	lldebugs << "Trying to hide object type: " << processed_object_type << llendl;
	llassert(mStateProcessedObjectMap[processed_object_type] != NULL);

	LLPanel* panel = mStateProcessedObjectMap[processed_object_type];
	if (NULL == panel)
		lldebugs << "There is no object to process for state: " << processed_object_type << llendl;

	if (panel->getVisible())
		required_width += panel->getRect().getWidth();

		if (required_width > 0)
			buttons_freed_width += required_width;

		setTrayButtonVisible(processed_object_type, false);

		mResizeState |= processed_object_type;

		lldebugs << "processing object type: " << processed_object_type
			<< ", buttons_freed_width: " << buttons_freed_width
			<< llendl;

void LLBottomTray::processShrinkButtons(S32& required_width, S32& buttons_freed_width)
	// process buttons from right to left
	resize_state_vec_t::const_reverse_iterator it = mButtonsProcessOrder.rbegin();
	const resize_state_vec_t::const_reverse_iterator it_end = mButtonsProcessOrder.rend();

	// iterate through buttons in the mButtonsProcessOrder first
	for (; it != it_end; ++it)
		// is it still necessary to hide a button?
		if (required_width >= 0) break;

		// try to shrink next button
		processShrinkButton(*it, required_width);

	// then shrink Speak button
	if (required_width < 0)

		S32 panel_min_width = 0;
		std::string panel_name = mSpeakPanel->getName();
		bool success = mToolbarStack->getPanelMinSize(panel_name, &panel_min_width, NULL);
		if (!success)
			lldebugs << "Panel was not found to get its min width: " << panel_name << llendl;
			S32 panel_width = mSpeakPanel->getRect().getWidth();
			S32 possible_shrink_width = panel_width - panel_min_width;

			if (possible_shrink_width > 0)
				mSpeakPanel->reshape(panel_width - possible_shrink_width, mSpeakPanel->getRect().getHeight());

				required_width += possible_shrink_width;

				if (required_width > 0)
					buttons_freed_width += required_width;

				lldebugs << "Shrunk Speak button panel: " << panel_name
					<< ", shrunk width: " << possible_shrink_width
					<< ", rest width to process: " << required_width
					<< llendl;

void LLBottomTray::processShrinkButton(EResizeState processed_object_type, S32& required_width)
	llassert(mStateProcessedObjectMap[processed_object_type] != NULL);
	LLPanel* panel = mStateProcessedObjectMap[processed_object_type];
	if (NULL == panel)
		lldebugs << "There is no object to process for type: " << processed_object_type << llendl;

	if (panel->getVisible())
		S32 panel_width = panel->getRect().getWidth();
		S32 panel_min_width = 0;
		std::string panel_name = panel->getName();
		bool success = mToolbarStack->getPanelMinSize(panel_name, &panel_min_width, NULL);
		S32 possible_shrink_width = panel_width - panel_min_width;

		if (!success)
			lldebugs << "Panel was not found to get its min width: " << panel_name << llendl;
		// we have some space to free by shrinking the button
		else if (possible_shrink_width > 0)
			// let calculate real width to shrink

			// 1. apply all possible width
			required_width += possible_shrink_width;

			// 2. it it is too much... 
			if (required_width > 0)
				// reduce applied shrunk width to the excessive value.
				possible_shrink_width -= required_width;
				required_width = 0;
			panel->reshape(panel_width - possible_shrink_width, panel->getRect().getHeight());

			lldebugs << "Shrunk panel: " << panel_name
				<< ", shrunk width: " << possible_shrink_width
				<< ", rest width to process: " << required_width
				<< llendl;

void LLBottomTray::processExtendButtons(S32& available_width)
	// do not allow extending any buttons if we have some buttons hidden via resize
	if (mResizeState & RS_BUTTONS_CAN_BE_HIDDEN) return;

	// process buttons from left to right
	resize_state_vec_t::const_iterator it = mButtonsProcessOrder.begin();
	const resize_state_vec_t::const_iterator it_end = mButtonsProcessOrder.end();

	// iterate through buttons in the mButtonsProcessOrder first
	for (; it != it_end; ++it)
		// is there available space?
		if (available_width <= 0) break;

		// try to extend next button
		processExtendButton(*it, available_width);

	// then try to extend Speak button
	if (available_width > 0)
		S32 panel_max_width = mObjectDefaultWidthMap[RS_BUTTON_SPEAK];
		S32 panel_width = mSpeakPanel->getRect().getWidth();
		S32 possible_extend_width = panel_max_width - panel_width;
		if (possible_extend_width >= 0 && possible_extend_width <= available_width)  // HACK: this button doesn't change size so possible_extend_width will be 0
			mSpeakPanel->reshape(panel_max_width, mSpeakPanel->getRect().getHeight());
			log(mSpeakBtn, "speak button is extended");

			available_width -= possible_extend_width;

			lldebugs << "Extending Speak button panel: " << mSpeakPanel->getName()
				<< ", extended width: " << possible_extend_width
				<< ", rest width to process: " << available_width
				<< llendl;

void LLBottomTray::processExtendButton(EResizeState processed_object_type, S32& available_width)
	llassert(mStateProcessedObjectMap[processed_object_type] != NULL);
	LLPanel* panel = mStateProcessedObjectMap[processed_object_type];
	if (NULL == panel)
		lldebugs << "There is no object to process for type: " << processed_object_type << llendl;

	if (!panel->getVisible()) return;

	S32 panel_max_width = mObjectDefaultWidthMap[processed_object_type];
	S32 panel_width = panel->getRect().getWidth();
	S32 possible_extend_width = panel_max_width - panel_width;

	if (possible_extend_width > 0)
		// let calculate real width to extend

		// 1. apply all possible width
		available_width -= possible_extend_width;

		// 2. it it is too much... 
		if (available_width < 0)
			// reduce applied extended width to the excessive value.
			possible_extend_width += available_width;
			available_width = 0;
		panel->reshape(panel_width + possible_extend_width, panel->getRect().getHeight());

		lldebugs << "Extending panel: " << panel->getName()
			<< ", extended width: " << possible_extend_width
			<< ", rest width to process: " << available_width
			<< llendl;

bool LLBottomTray::canButtonBeShown(EResizeState processed_object_type) const
	// 0. Check if passed button was previously hidden on resize
	bool can_be_shown = mResizeState & processed_object_type;
	if (can_be_shown)
		// Yes, it was. Lets now check that all buttons before it (that can be hidden on resize)
		// are already shown

		// process buttons in direct order (from left to right)
		resize_state_vec_t::const_iterator it = mButtonsProcessOrder.begin();
		const resize_state_vec_t::const_iterator it_end = mButtonsProcessOrder.end();

		// 1. Find and accumulate all buttons types before one passed into the method.
		MASK buttons_before_mask = RS_NORESIZE;
		for (; it != it_end; ++it)
			const EResizeState button_type = *it;
			if (button_type == processed_object_type) break;

			buttons_before_mask |= button_type;

		// 2. Check if some previous buttons are still hidden on resize
		can_be_shown = !(buttons_before_mask & mResizeState);
	return can_be_shown;

void LLBottomTray::initResizeStateContainers()
	// init map with objects should be processed for each type
	mStateProcessedObjectMap.insert(std::make_pair(RS_BUTTON_GESTURES, getChild<LLPanel>("gesture_panel")));
	mStateProcessedObjectMap.insert(std::make_pair(RS_BUTTON_MOVEMENT, getChild<LLPanel>("movement_panel")));
	mStateProcessedObjectMap.insert(std::make_pair(RS_BUTTON_CAMERA, getChild<LLPanel>("cam_panel")));
	mStateProcessedObjectMap.insert(std::make_pair(RS_BUTTON_SNAPSHOT, getChild<LLPanel>("snapshot_panel")));
	mStateProcessedObjectMap.insert(std::make_pair(RS_BUTTON_BUILD, getChild<LLPanel>("build_btn_panel")));
	mStateProcessedObjectMap.insert(std::make_pair(RS_BUTTON_SEARCH, getChild<LLPanel>("search_btn_panel")));
	mStateProcessedObjectMap.insert(std::make_pair(RS_BUTTON_WORLD_MAP, getChild<LLPanel>("world_map_btn_panel")));
	mStateProcessedObjectMap.insert(std::make_pair(RS_BUTTON_MINI_MAP, getChild<LLPanel>("mini_map_btn_panel")));

	// init an order of processed buttons

	// init default widths

	// process buttons that can be hidden on resize...
	resize_state_vec_t::const_iterator it = mButtonsProcessOrder.begin();
	const resize_state_vec_t::const_iterator it_end = mButtonsProcessOrder.end();

	for (; it != it_end; ++it)
		const EResizeState button_type = *it;
		// is there an appropriate object?
		llassert(mStateProcessedObjectMap.count(button_type) > 0);
		if (0 == mStateProcessedObjectMap.count(button_type)) continue;

		// set default width for it.
		mObjectDefaultWidthMap[button_type] = mStateProcessedObjectMap[button_type]->getRect().getWidth();

	// ... and add Speak button because it also can be shrunk.
	mObjectDefaultWidthMap[RS_BUTTON_SPEAK]	   = mSpeakPanel->getRect().getWidth();


// this method must be called before restoring of the chat entry field on startup
// because it resets chatbar's width according to resize logic.
void LLBottomTray::initButtonsVisibility()
	setVisibleAndFitWidths(RS_BUTTON_GESTURES, gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowGestureButton"));
	setVisibleAndFitWidths(RS_BUTTON_MOVEMENT, gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowMoveButton"));
	setVisibleAndFitWidths(RS_BUTTON_CAMERA, gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowCameraButton"));
	setVisibleAndFitWidths(RS_BUTTON_SNAPSHOT, gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowSnapshotButton"));
	setVisibleAndFitWidths(RS_BUTTON_BUILD, gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowBuildButton"));
	setVisibleAndFitWidths(RS_BUTTON_SEARCH, gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowSearchButton"));
	setVisibleAndFitWidths(RS_BUTTON_WORLD_MAP, gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowWorldMapButton"));
	setVisibleAndFitWidths(RS_BUTTON_MINI_MAP, gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowMiniMapButton"));

void LLBottomTray::setButtonsControlsAndListeners()
	gSavedSettings.getControl("ShowGestureButton")->getSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&LLBottomTray::toggleShowButton, RS_BUTTON_GESTURES, _2));
	gSavedSettings.getControl("ShowMoveButton")->getSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&LLBottomTray::toggleShowButton, RS_BUTTON_MOVEMENT, _2));
	gSavedSettings.getControl("ShowCameraButton")->getSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&LLBottomTray::toggleShowButton, RS_BUTTON_CAMERA, _2));
	gSavedSettings.getControl("ShowSnapshotButton")->getSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&LLBottomTray::toggleShowButton, RS_BUTTON_SNAPSHOT, _2));
	gSavedSettings.getControl("ShowBuildButton")->getSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&LLBottomTray::toggleShowButton, RS_BUTTON_BUILD, _2));
	gSavedSettings.getControl("ShowSearchButton")->getSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&LLBottomTray::toggleShowButton, RS_BUTTON_SEARCH, _2));
	gSavedSettings.getControl("ShowWorldMapButton")->getSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&LLBottomTray::toggleShowButton, RS_BUTTON_WORLD_MAP, _2));
	gSavedSettings.getControl("ShowMiniMapButton")->getSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&LLBottomTray::toggleShowButton, RS_BUTTON_MINI_MAP, _2));

	LLButton* build_btn = getChild<LLButton>("build_btn");
	// set control name for Build button. It is not enough to link it with Button.SetFloaterToggle in xml
	std::string vis_control_name = LLFloaterReg::declareVisibilityControl("build");
	// Set the button control value (toggle state) to the floater visibility control (Sets the value as well)

bool LLBottomTray::toggleShowButton(LLBottomTray::EResizeState button_type, const LLSD& new_visibility)
	if (LLBottomTray::instanceExists())
		LLBottomTray::getInstance()->setTrayButtonVisibleIfPossible(button_type, new_visibility.asBoolean());
	return true;

void LLBottomTray::setTrayButtonVisible(EResizeState shown_object_type, bool visible)
	llassert(mStateProcessedObjectMap[shown_object_type] != NULL);
	LLPanel* panel = mStateProcessedObjectMap[shown_object_type];
	if (NULL == panel)
		lldebugs << "There is no object to show for state: " << shown_object_type << llendl;


void LLBottomTray::setTrayButtonVisibleIfPossible(EResizeState shown_object_type, bool visible, bool raise_notification)
	if (!setVisibleAndFitWidths(shown_object_type, visible) && visible && raise_notification)

bool LLBottomTray::setVisibleAndFitWidths(EResizeState object_type, bool visible)
	LLPanel* cur_panel = mStateProcessedObjectMap[object_type];
	if (NULL == cur_panel)
		lldebugs << "There is no object to process for state: " << object_type << llendl;
		return false;

	bool is_set = true;

	if (visible)
		// Assume that only chiclet panel can be auto-resized
		const S32 available_width =
			mChicletPanel->getParent()->getRect().getWidth() - mChicletPanel->getMinWidth();

		S32 preferred_width = mObjectDefaultWidthMap[object_type];
		S32 current_width = cur_panel->getRect().getWidth();
		S32 result_width = 0;
		bool decrease_width = false;

		// Mark this button to be shown
		mResizeState |= object_type;

		if (preferred_width > 0 && available_width >= preferred_width)
			result_width = preferred_width;
		else if (available_width >= current_width)
			result_width = current_width;
			// Calculate the possible shrunk width as difference between current and minimal widths
			const S32 chatbar_shrunk_width =
				mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getWidth() - get_panel_min_width(mToolbarStack, mNearbyChatBar);

			S32 sum_of_min_widths = get_panel_min_width(mToolbarStack, mSpeakPanel);
			S32 sum_of_curr_widths = get_curr_width(mSpeakPanel);

			resize_state_vec_t::const_iterator it = mButtonsProcessOrder.begin();
			const resize_state_vec_t::const_iterator it_end = mButtonsProcessOrder.end();

			for (; it != it_end; ++it)
				LLPanel * cur_panel = mStateProcessedObjectMap[*it];
				sum_of_min_widths += get_panel_min_width(mToolbarStack, cur_panel);
				sum_of_curr_widths += get_curr_width(cur_panel);

			const S32 possible_shrunk_width =
				chatbar_shrunk_width + (sum_of_curr_widths - sum_of_min_widths);

			// Minimal width of current panel
			S32 minimal_width = 0;
			mToolbarStack->getPanelMinSize(cur_panel->getName(), &minimal_width, NULL);

			if ( (available_width + possible_shrunk_width) >= minimal_width)
				// There is enough space for minimal width, but set the result_width
				// to preferred_width so buttons widths decreasing will be done in predefined order
				result_width = (preferred_width > 0) ? preferred_width : current_width;
				decrease_width = true;
				// Nothing can be done, give up...
				return false;

		if (result_width != current_width)
			cur_panel->reshape(result_width, cur_panel->getRect().getHeight());
			current_width = result_width;

		is_set = processShowButton(object_type, current_width);

		// Shrink buttons if needed
		if (is_set && decrease_width)
			processWidthDecreased( -result_width);
		const S32 delta_width = get_curr_width(cur_panel);

		setTrayButtonVisible(object_type, false);

		// Mark button NOT to show while future bottom tray extending
		mResizeState &= ~object_type;

		// Extend other buttons if need
		if (delta_width)
	return is_set;

void LLBottomTray::showWellButton(EResizeState object_type, bool visible)
	llassert( ((RS_NOTIFICATION_WELL | RS_IM_WELL) & object_type) == object_type );

	const std::string panel_name = RS_IM_WELL == object_type ? "im_well_panel" : "notification_well_panel";

	LLView * panel = getChild<LLView>(panel_name);

	// if necessary visibility is set nothing to do here
	if (panel->getVisible() == (BOOL)visible) return;

	S32 panel_width = panel->getRect().getWidth();

	if (visible)
		// method assumes that input param is a negative value

void LLBottomTray::processChatbarCustomization(S32 new_width)
	if (NULL == mNearbyChatBar) return;

	const S32 delta_width = mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getWidth() - new_width;

	if (delta_width == 0) return;

	LLView * chiclet_layout_panel = mChicletPanel->getParent();
	const S32 chiclet_min_width = get_panel_min_width(mToolbarStack, chiclet_layout_panel);
	const S32 chiclet_panel_width = chiclet_layout_panel->getRect().getWidth();
	const S32 available_chiclet_shrink_width = chiclet_panel_width - chiclet_min_width;
	llassert(available_chiclet_shrink_width >= 0);

	if (delta_width > 0) // panel gets narrowly
		S32 total_possible_width = delta_width + available_chiclet_shrink_width;
	// here (delta_width < 0) // panel gets wider
	else //if (-delta_width > available_chiclet_shrink_width)
		S32 required_width = delta_width + available_chiclet_shrink_width;
		S32 buttons_freed_width = 0;
		processShrinkButtons(required_width, buttons_freed_width);
		processHideButtons(required_width, buttons_freed_width);