/** * @file llbottomtray.cpp * @brief LLBottomTray class implementation * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2009&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2009, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" // must be first include #include "llbottomtray.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "llchiclet.h" #include "llfloaterreg.h" #include "llflyoutbutton.h" #include "llimfloater.h" // for LLIMFloater #include "lllayoutstack.h" #include "llnearbychatbar.h" #include "llspeakbutton.h" #include "llsplitbutton.h" #include "llsyswellwindow.h" #include "llfloatercamera.h" LLBottomTray::LLBottomTray(const LLSD&) : mChicletPanel(NULL), mSysWell(NULL), mSpeakBtn(NULL), mNearbyChatBar(NULL), mToolbarStack(NULL) , mMovementButton(NULL) // Add more members { mFactoryMap["chat_bar"] = LLCallbackMap(LLBottomTray::createNearbyChatBar, NULL); LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->buildPanel(this,"panel_bottomtray.xml"); mChicletPanel = getChild("chiclet_list"); mSysWell = getChild("sys_well"); // init mSysWell // set handler for a Click operation mSysWell->setClickCallback(boost::bind(&LLSysWellWindow::onChicletClick, LLFloaterReg::getTypedInstance("syswell_window"))); mChicletPanel->setChicletClickedCallback(boost::bind(&LLBottomTray::onChicletClick,this,_1)); LLUICtrl::CommitCallbackRegistry::defaultRegistrar().add("CameraPresets.ChangeView", boost::bind(&LLFloaterCamera::onClickCameraPresets, _2)); LLIMMgr::getInstance()->addSessionObserver(this); //this is to fix a crash that occurs because LLBottomTray is a singleton //and thus is deleted at the end of the viewers lifetime, but to be cleanly //destroyed LLBottomTray requires some subsystems that are long gone //LLUI::getRootView()->addChild(this); initStateProcessedObjectMap(); // Necessary for focus movement among child controls setFocusRoot(TRUE); } LLBottomTray::~LLBottomTray() { if (!LLSingleton::destroyed()) { LLIMMgr::getInstance()->removeSessionObserver(this); } } void LLBottomTray::onChicletClick(LLUICtrl* ctrl) { LLIMChiclet* chiclet = dynamic_cast(ctrl); if (chiclet) { // Until you can type into an IM Window and have a conversation, // still show the old communicate window //LLFloaterReg::showInstance("communicate", chiclet->getSessionId()); // Show after comm window so it is frontmost (and hence will not // auto-hide) // this logic has been moved to LLIMChiclet::handleMouseDown // LLIMFloater::show(chiclet->getSessionId()); // chiclet->setCounter(0); } } // *TODO Vadim: why void* ? void* LLBottomTray::createNearbyChatBar(void* userdata) { return new LLNearbyChatBar(); } LLIMChiclet* LLBottomTray::createIMChiclet(const LLUUID& session_id) { LLIMChiclet::EType im_chiclet_type = LLIMChiclet::getIMSessionType(session_id); switch (im_chiclet_type) { case LLIMChiclet::TYPE_IM: return getChicletPanel()->createChiclet(session_id); case LLIMChiclet::TYPE_GROUP: return getChicletPanel()->createChiclet(session_id); case LLIMChiclet::TYPE_AD_HOC: return getChicletPanel()->createChiclet(session_id); case LLIMChiclet::TYPE_UNKNOWN: break; } return NULL; } //virtual void LLBottomTray::sessionAdded(const LLUUID& session_id, const std::string& name, const LLUUID& other_participant_id) { if(getChicletPanel()) { if(getChicletPanel()->findChiclet(session_id)) { } else { LLIMChiclet* chiclet = createIMChiclet(session_id); if(chiclet) { chiclet->setIMSessionName(name); chiclet->setOtherParticipantId(other_participant_id); } else { llerrs << "Could not create chiclet" << llendl; } } } } //virtual void LLBottomTray::sessionRemoved(const LLUUID& session_id) { if(getChicletPanel()) { // IM floater should be closed when session removed and associated chiclet closed LLIMFloater* iMfloater = LLFloaterReg::findTypedInstance( "impanel", session_id); if (iMfloater != NULL) { iMfloater->closeFloater(); } getChicletPanel()->removeChiclet(session_id); } } void LLBottomTray::sessionIDUpdated(const LLUUID& old_session_id, const LLUUID& new_session_id) { //this is only needed in case of outgoing ad-hoc/group chat sessions LLChicletPanel* chiclet_panel = getChicletPanel(); if (chiclet_panel) { //it should be ad-hoc im chiclet or group im chiclet LLChiclet* chiclet = chiclet_panel->findChiclet(old_session_id); if (chiclet) chiclet->setSessionId(new_session_id); } } // virtual void LLBottomTray::onChange(EStatusType status, const std::string &channelURI, bool proximal) { // Time it takes to connect to voice channel might be pretty long, // so don't expect user login or STATUS_VOICE_ENABLED to be followed by STATUS_JOINED. BOOL enable = FALSE; switch (status) { // Do not add STATUS_VOICE_ENABLED because voice chat is // inactive until STATUS_JOINED case STATUS_JOINED: enable = TRUE; break; default: enable = FALSE; break; } mSpeakBtn->setEnabled(enable); } //virtual void LLBottomTray::onFocusLost() { if (gAgent.cameraMouselook()) { setVisible(FALSE); } } //virtual // setVisible used instead of onVisibilityChange, since LLAgent calls it on entering/leaving mouselook mode. // If bottom tray is already visible in mouselook mode, then onVisibilityChange will not be called from setVisible(true), void LLBottomTray::setVisible(BOOL visible) { LLPanel::setVisible(visible); // *NOTE: we must check mToolbarStack against NULL because setVisible is called from the // LLPanel::initFromParams BEFORE postBuild is called and child controls are not exist yet if (NULL != mToolbarStack) { BOOL visibility = gAgent.cameraMouselook() ? false : true; for ( child_list_const_iter_t child_it = mToolbarStack->getChildList()->begin(); child_it != mToolbarStack->getChildList()->end(); child_it++) { LLView* viewp = *child_it; std::string name = viewp->getName(); if ("chat_bar" == name || "movement_panel" == name || "cam_panel" == name || "snapshot_panel" == name) continue; else { viewp->setVisible(visibility); } } } } void LLBottomTray::showBottomTrayContextMenu(S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask) { // We should show BottomTrayContextMenu in last turn if (mBottomTrayContextMenu && !LLMenuGL::sMenuContainer->getVisibleMenu()) { //there are no other context menu (IM chiclet etc ), so we can show BottomTrayContextMenu mBottomTrayContextMenu->buildDrawLabels(); mBottomTrayContextMenu->updateParent(LLMenuGL::sMenuContainer); LLMenuGL::showPopup(this, mBottomTrayContextMenu, x, y); } } void LLBottomTray::showGestureButton(BOOL visible) { showTrayButton(RS_BUTTON_GESTURES, visible); } void LLBottomTray::showMoveButton(BOOL visible) { showTrayButton(RS_BUTTON_MOVEMENT, visible); } void LLBottomTray::showCameraButton(BOOL visible) { showTrayButton(RS_BUTTON_CAMERA, visible); } void LLBottomTray::showSnapshotButton(BOOL visible) { showTrayButton(RS_BUTTON_SNAPSHOT, visible); } namespace { const std::string& PANEL_CHICLET_NAME = "chiclet_list_panel"; const std::string& PANEL_CHATBAR_NAME = "chat_bar"; const std::string& PANEL_MOVEMENT_NAME = "movement_panel"; const std::string& PANEL_CAMERA_NAME = "cam_panel"; const std::string& PANEL_GESTURE_NAME = "gesture_panel"; } BOOL LLBottomTray::postBuild() { mBottomTrayContextMenu = LLUICtrlFactory::getInstance()->createFromFile("menu_bottomtray.xml", gMenuHolder, LLViewerMenuHolderGL::child_registry_t::instance()); gMenuHolder->addChild(mBottomTrayContextMenu); mNearbyChatBar = getChild("chat_bar"); mToolbarStack = getChild("toolbar_stack"); mMovementPanel = getChild("movement_panel"); mMovementButton = mMovementPanel->getChild("movement_btn"); mGesturePanel = getChild("gesture_panel"); mCamPanel = getChild("cam_panel"); mCamButton = mCamPanel->getChild("camera_btn"); mSnapshotPanel = getChild("snapshot_panel"); setRightMouseDownCallback(boost::bind(&LLBottomTray::showBottomTrayContextMenu,this, _2, _3,_4)); mSpeakBtn = getChild("talk"); // Speak button should be initially disabled because // it takes some time between logging in to world and connecting to voice channel. mSpeakBtn->setEnabled(FALSE); // Localization tool doesn't understand custom buttons like mSpeakBtn->setSpeakToolTip( getString("SpeakBtnToolTip") ); mSpeakBtn->setShowToolTip( getString("VoiceControlBtnToolTip") ); // Registering Chat Bar to receive Voice client status change notifications. gVoiceClient->addObserver(this); if (mChicletPanel && mToolbarStack && mNearbyChatBar) { verifyChildControlsSizes(); } return TRUE; } void LLBottomTray::log(LLView* panel, const std::string& descr) { if (NULL == panel) return; LLView* layout = panel->getParent(); lldebugs << descr << ": " << "panel: " << panel->getName() << ", rect: " << panel->getRect() << "layout: " << layout->getName() << ", rect: " << layout->getRect() << llendl ; } void LLBottomTray::verifyChildControlsSizes() { LLRect rect = mChicletPanel->getRect(); /* if (rect.getWidth() < mChicletPanel->getMinWidth()) { llwarns << "QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ: chiclet panel less then min" << llendl; mChicletPanel->reshape(mChicletPanel->getMinWidth(), rect.getHeight()); } */ rect = mNearbyChatBar->getRect(); /* if (rect.getWidth() < mNearbyChatBar->getMinWidth()) { llwarns << "WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW: near chat panel less then min" << llendl; mNearbyChatBar->reshape(mNearbyChatBar->getMinWidth(), rect.getHeight()); } else */ if (rect.getWidth() > mNearbyChatBar->getMaxWidth()) { llerrs << "WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW: near chat panel more then max width" << llendl; rect.setLeftTopAndSize(rect.mLeft, rect.mTop, mNearbyChatBar->getMaxWidth(), rect.getHeight()); mNearbyChatBar->reshape(mNearbyChatBar->getMaxWidth(), rect.getHeight()); mNearbyChatBar->setRect(rect); } } void LLBottomTray::reshape(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent) { static S32 debug_calling_number = 0; lldebugs << "**************************************** " << ++debug_calling_number << llendl; S32 current_width = getRect().getWidth(); S32 delta_width = width - current_width; lldebugs << "Reshaping: " << ", width: " << width << ", cur width: " << current_width << ", delta_width: " << delta_width << ", called_from_parent: " << called_from_parent << llendl; if (mNearbyChatBar) log(mNearbyChatBar, "before"); if (mChicletPanel) log(mChicletPanel, "before"); // stores width size on which bottom tray is less than width required by its children. EXT-991 static S32 extra_shrink_width = 0; bool should_be_reshaped = true; if (mChicletPanel && mToolbarStack && mNearbyChatBar) { mToolbarStack->updatePanelAutoResize(PANEL_CHICLET_NAME, TRUE); verifyChildControlsSizes(); // bottom tray is narrowed if (delta_width < 0) { if (extra_shrink_width > 0) { // is world rect was extra shrunk and decreasing again only update this value // to delta_width negative extra_shrink_width -= delta_width; // use "-=" because delta_width is negative should_be_reshaped = false; } else { extra_shrink_width = processWidthDecreased(delta_width); // increase new width to extra_shrink_width value to not reshape less than bottom tray minimum width += extra_shrink_width; } } // bottom tray is widen else { if (extra_shrink_width > delta_width) { // Less than minimum width is more than increasing (delta_width) // only reduce it value and make no reshape extra_shrink_width -= delta_width; should_be_reshaped = false; } else { if (extra_shrink_width > 0) { // If we have some extra shrink width let's reduce delta_width & width delta_width -= extra_shrink_width; width -= extra_shrink_width; extra_shrink_width = 0; } processWidthIncreased(delta_width); } } } lldebugs << "There is no enough width to reshape all children: " << extra_shrink_width << llendl; if (should_be_reshaped) { lldebugs << "Reshape all children with width: " << width << llendl; LLPanel::reshape(width, height, called_from_parent); } if (mNearbyChatBar) log(mNearbyChatBar, "after"); if (mChicletPanel) log(mChicletPanel, "after"); } S32 LLBottomTray::processWidthDecreased(S32 delta_width) { bool still_should_be_processed = true; const S32 chiclet_panel_width = mChicletPanel->getParent()->getRect().getWidth(); const S32 chiclet_panel_min_width = mChicletPanel->getMinWidth(); if (chiclet_panel_width > chiclet_panel_min_width) { // we have some space to decrease chiclet panel S32 panel_delta_min = chiclet_panel_width - chiclet_panel_min_width; S32 delta_panel = llmin(-delta_width, panel_delta_min); lldebugs << "delta_width: " << delta_width << ", panel_delta_min: " << panel_delta_min << ", delta_panel: " << delta_panel << llendl; // is chiclet panel width enough to process resizing? delta_width += panel_delta_min; still_should_be_processed = delta_width < 0; mChicletPanel->getParent()->reshape(mChicletPanel->getParent()->getRect().getWidth() - delta_panel, mChicletPanel->getParent()->getRect().getHeight()); log(mChicletPanel, "after processing panel decreasing via chiclet panel"); lldebugs << "RS_CHICLET_PANEL" << ", delta_width: " << delta_width << llendl; } const S32 chatbar_panel_width = mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getWidth(); const S32 chatbar_panel_min_width = mNearbyChatBar->getMinWidth(); if (still_should_be_processed && chatbar_panel_width > chatbar_panel_min_width) { // we have some space to decrease chatbar panel S32 panel_delta_min = chatbar_panel_width - chatbar_panel_min_width; S32 delta_panel = llmin(-delta_width, panel_delta_min); // whether chatbar panel width is enough to process resizing? delta_width += panel_delta_min; still_should_be_processed = delta_width < 0; mNearbyChatBar->reshape(mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getWidth() - delta_panel, mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getHeight()); log(mChicletPanel, "after processing panel decreasing via nearby chatbar panel"); lldebugs << "RS_CHATBAR_INPUT" << ", delta_panel: " << delta_panel << ", delta_width: " << delta_width << llendl; } S32 extra_shrink_width = 0; S32 buttons_freed_width = 0; if (still_should_be_processed) { processHideButton(RS_BUTTON_SNAPSHOT, &delta_width, &buttons_freed_width); if (delta_width < 0) { processHideButton(RS_BUTTON_CAMERA, &delta_width, &buttons_freed_width); } if (delta_width < 0) { processHideButton(RS_BUTTON_MOVEMENT, &delta_width, &buttons_freed_width); } if (delta_width < 0) { processHideButton(RS_BUTTON_GESTURES, &delta_width, &buttons_freed_width); } if (delta_width < 0) { extra_shrink_width = -delta_width; lldebugs << "There is no enough room for bottom tray, resizing still should be processed: " << extra_shrink_width << llendl; } if (buttons_freed_width > 0) { log(mNearbyChatBar, "before applying compensative width"); mNearbyChatBar->reshape(mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getWidth() + buttons_freed_width, mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getHeight() ); log(mNearbyChatBar, "after applying compensative width"); lldebugs << buttons_freed_width << llendl; } } return extra_shrink_width; } void LLBottomTray::processWidthIncreased(S32 delta_width) { if (delta_width <= 0) return; const S32 chiclet_panel_width = mChicletPanel->getParent()->getRect().getWidth(); const S32 chiclet_panel_min_width = mChicletPanel->getMinWidth(); const S32 chatbar_panel_width = mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getWidth(); const S32 chatbar_panel_min_width = mNearbyChatBar->getMinWidth(); const S32 chatbar_panel_max_width = mNearbyChatBar->getMaxWidth(); const S32 chatbar_available_shrink_width = chatbar_panel_width - chatbar_panel_min_width; const S32 available_width_chiclet = chiclet_panel_width - chiclet_panel_min_width; // how many room we have to show hidden buttons S32 available_width = delta_width + chatbar_available_shrink_width + available_width_chiclet; S32 buttons_required_width = 0; //How many room will take shown buttons if (available_width > 0) { lldebugs << "Trying to process: RS_BUTTON_GESTURES" << llendl; processShowButton(RS_BUTTON_GESTURES, &available_width, &buttons_required_width); } if (available_width > 0) { lldebugs << "Trying to process: RS_BUTTON_MOVEMENT" << llendl; processShowButton(RS_BUTTON_MOVEMENT, &available_width, &buttons_required_width); } if (available_width > 0) { lldebugs << "Trying to process: RS_BUTTON_CAMERA" << llendl; processShowButton(RS_BUTTON_CAMERA, &available_width, &buttons_required_width); } if (available_width > 0) { lldebugs << "Trying to process: RS_BUTTON_SNAPSHOT" << llendl; processShowButton(RS_BUTTON_SNAPSHOT, &available_width, &buttons_required_width); } // if we have to show some buttons but whidth increasing is not enough... if (buttons_required_width > 0 && delta_width < buttons_required_width) { // ... let's shrink nearby chat & chiclet panels S32 required_to_process_width = buttons_required_width; // 1. use delta width of resizing required_to_process_width -= delta_width; // 2. use width available via decreasing of nearby chat panel S32 chatbar_shrink_width = required_to_process_width; if (chatbar_available_shrink_width < chatbar_shrink_width) { chatbar_shrink_width = chatbar_available_shrink_width; } log(mNearbyChatBar, "increase width: before applying compensative width"); mNearbyChatBar->reshape(mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getWidth() - chatbar_shrink_width, mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getHeight() ); if (mNearbyChatBar) log(mNearbyChatBar, "after applying compensative width"); lldebugs << chatbar_shrink_width << llendl; // 3. use width available via decreasing of chiclet panel required_to_process_width -= chatbar_shrink_width; if (required_to_process_width > 0) { mChicletPanel->getParent()->reshape(mChicletPanel->getParent()->getRect().getWidth() - required_to_process_width, mChicletPanel->getParent()->getRect().getHeight()); log(mChicletPanel, "after applying compensative width for chiclets: "); lldebugs << required_to_process_width << llendl; } } // shown buttons take some space, rest should be processed by nearby chatbar & chiclet panels delta_width -= buttons_required_width; // how many space can nearby chatbar take? S32 chatbar_panel_width_ = mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getWidth(); if (delta_width > 0 && chatbar_panel_width_ < chatbar_panel_max_width) { S32 delta_panel_max = chatbar_panel_max_width - chatbar_panel_width_; S32 delta_panel = llmin(delta_width, delta_panel_max); delta_width -= delta_panel_max; mNearbyChatBar->reshape(chatbar_panel_width_ + delta_panel, mNearbyChatBar->getRect().getHeight()); } } bool LLBottomTray::processShowButton(EResizeState shown_object_type, S32* available_width, S32* buttons_required_width) { LLPanel* panel = mStateProcessedObjectMap[shown_object_type]; if (NULL == panel) { lldebugs << "There is no object to process for state: " << shown_object_type << llendl; return false; } bool can_be_shown = canButtonBeShown(panel); if (can_be_shown) { //validate if we have enough room to show this button const S32 required_width = panel->getRect().getWidth(); can_be_shown = *available_width >= required_width; if (can_be_shown) { *available_width -= required_width; *buttons_required_width += required_width; showTrayButton(shown_object_type, true); lldebugs << "processing object type: " << shown_object_type << ", buttons_required_width: " << *buttons_required_width << llendl; } } return can_be_shown; } void LLBottomTray::processHideButton(EResizeState shown_object_type, S32* required_width, S32* buttons_freed_width) { LLPanel* panel = mStateProcessedObjectMap[shown_object_type]; if (NULL == panel) { lldebugs << "There is no object to process for state: " << shown_object_type << llendl; return; } if (panel->getVisible()) { *required_width += panel->getRect().getWidth(); if (*required_width > 0) { *buttons_freed_width += *required_width; } showTrayButton(shown_object_type, false); lldebugs << "processing object type: " << shown_object_type << ", buttons_freed_width: " << *buttons_freed_width << llendl; } } bool LLBottomTray::canButtonBeShown(LLPanel* panel) const { bool can_be_shown = !panel->getVisible(); if (can_be_shown) { // *TODO: mantipov: synchronize with situation when button was hidden via context menu; } return can_be_shown; } void LLBottomTray::initStateProcessedObjectMap() { mStateProcessedObjectMap.insert(std::make_pair(RS_BUTTON_GESTURES, mGesturePanel)); mStateProcessedObjectMap.insert(std::make_pair(RS_BUTTON_MOVEMENT, mMovementPanel)); mStateProcessedObjectMap.insert(std::make_pair(RS_BUTTON_CAMERA, mCamPanel)); mStateProcessedObjectMap.insert(std::make_pair(RS_BUTTON_SNAPSHOT, mSnapshotPanel)); } void LLBottomTray::showTrayButton(EResizeState shown_object_type, bool visible) { LLPanel* panel = mStateProcessedObjectMap[shown_object_type]; if (NULL == panel) { lldebugs << "There is no object to show for state: " << shown_object_type << llendl; return; } panel->setVisible(visible); } //EOF