/** * @file llappviewerwin32.cpp * @brief The LLAppViewerWin32 class definitions * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #ifdef INCLUDE_VLD #include "vld.h" #endif #include "llappviewerwin32.h" #include "llwindowwin32.h" // *FIX: for setting gIconResource. #include "llgl.h" #include "res/resource.h" // *FIX: for setting gIconResource. #include //_O_APPEND #include //_open_osfhandle() #include // for AddERExcludedApplicationA() #include // _spawnl() #include // For TCHAR support #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "lldxhardware.h" #include "nvapi/nvapi.h" #include "nvapi/NvApiDriverSettings.h" #include #include "llweb.h" #include "llsecondlifeurls.h" #include "llviewernetwork.h" #include "llmd5.h" #include "llfindlocale.h" #include "llcommandlineparser.h" #include "lltrans.h" #ifndef LL_RELEASE_FOR_DOWNLOAD #include "llwindebug.h" #endif // *FIX:Mani - This hack is to fix a linker issue with libndofdev.lib // The lib was compiled under VS2005 - in VS2003 we need to remap assert #ifdef LL_DEBUG #ifdef LL_MSVC7 extern "C" { void _wassert(const wchar_t * _Message, const wchar_t *_File, unsigned _Line) { llerrs << _Message << llendl; } } #endif #endif const std::string LLAppViewerWin32::sWindowClass = "Second Life"; /* This function is used to print to the command line a text message describing the nvapi error and quits */ void nvapi_error(NvAPI_Status status) { NvAPI_ShortString szDesc = {0}; NvAPI_GetErrorMessage(status, szDesc); llwarns << szDesc << llendl; //should always trigger when asserts are enabled //llassert(status == NVAPI_OK); } // Create app mutex creates a unique global windows object. // If the object can be created it returns true, otherwise // it returns false. The false result can be used to determine // if another instance of a second life app (this vers. or later) // is running. // *NOTE: Do not use this method to run a single instance of the app. // This is intended to help debug problems with the cross-platform // locked file method used for that purpose. bool create_app_mutex() { bool result = true; LPCWSTR unique_mutex_name = L"SecondLifeAppMutex"; HANDLE hMutex; hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, TRUE, unique_mutex_name); if(GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { result = false; } return result; } void ll_nvapi_init(NvDRSSessionHandle hSession) { // (2) load all the system settings into the session NvAPI_Status status = NvAPI_DRS_LoadSettings(hSession); if (status != NVAPI_OK) { nvapi_error(status); return; } NvAPI_UnicodeString profile_name; std::string app_name = LLTrans::getString("APP_NAME"); llutf16string w_app_name = utf8str_to_utf16str(app_name); wsprintf(profile_name, L"%s", w_app_name.c_str()); status = NvAPI_DRS_SetCurrentGlobalProfile(hSession, profile_name); if (status != NVAPI_OK) { nvapi_error(status); return; } // (3) Obtain the current profile. NvDRSProfileHandle hProfile = 0; status = NvAPI_DRS_GetCurrentGlobalProfile(hSession, &hProfile); if (status != NVAPI_OK) { nvapi_error(status); return; } // load settings for querying status = NvAPI_DRS_LoadSettings(hSession); if (status != NVAPI_OK) { nvapi_error(status); return; } //get the preferred power management mode for Second Life NVDRS_SETTING drsSetting = {0}; drsSetting.version = NVDRS_SETTING_VER; status = NvAPI_DRS_GetSetting(hSession, hProfile, PREFERRED_PSTATE_ID, &drsSetting); if (status == NVAPI_SETTING_NOT_FOUND) { //only override if the user hasn't specifically set this setting // (4) Specify that we want the VSYNC disabled setting // first we fill the NVDRS_SETTING struct, then we call the function drsSetting.version = NVDRS_SETTING_VER; drsSetting.settingId = PREFERRED_PSTATE_ID; drsSetting.settingType = NVDRS_DWORD_TYPE; drsSetting.u32CurrentValue = PREFERRED_PSTATE_PREFER_MAX; status = NvAPI_DRS_SetSetting(hSession, hProfile, &drsSetting); if (status != NVAPI_OK) { nvapi_error(status); return; } } else if (status != NVAPI_OK) { nvapi_error(status); return; } // (5) Now we apply (or save) our changes to the system status = NvAPI_DRS_SaveSettings(hSession); if (status != NVAPI_OK) { nvapi_error(status); } } //#define DEBUGGING_SEH_FILTER 1 #if DEBUGGING_SEH_FILTER # define WINMAIN DebuggingWinMain #else # define WINMAIN WinMain #endif int APIENTRY WINMAIN(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { #ifdef INCLUDE_VLD // only works for debug builds (hard coded into vld.h) #ifdef _DEBUG // start with Visual Leak Detector turned off VLDGlobalDisable(); #endif // _DEBUG #endif // INCLUDE_VLD const S32 MAX_HEAPS = 255; DWORD heap_enable_lfh_error[MAX_HEAPS]; S32 num_heaps = 0; #if WINDOWS_CRT_MEM_CHECKS && !INCLUDE_VLD _CrtSetDbgFlag ( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF ); // dump memory leaks on exit #elif 0 // Experimental - enable the low fragmentation heap // This results in a 2-3x improvement in opening a new Inventory window (which uses a large numebr of allocations) // Note: This won't work when running from the debugger unless the _NO_DEBUG_HEAP environment variable is set to 1 // Enable to get mem debugging within visual studio. #if LL_DEBUG _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF); #else _CrtSetDbgFlag(0); // default, just making explicit ULONG ulEnableLFH = 2; HANDLE* hHeaps = new HANDLE[MAX_HEAPS]; num_heaps = GetProcessHeaps(MAX_HEAPS, hHeaps); for(S32 i = 0; i < num_heaps; i++) { bool success = HeapSetInformation(hHeaps[i], HeapCompatibilityInformation, &ulEnableLFH, sizeof(ulEnableLFH)); if (success) heap_enable_lfh_error[i] = 0; else heap_enable_lfh_error[i] = GetLastError(); } #endif #endif // *FIX: global gIconResource = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_LL_ICON); LLAppViewerWin32* viewer_app_ptr = new LLAppViewerWin32(lpCmdLine); viewer_app_ptr->setErrorHandler(LLAppViewer::handleViewerCrash); // Set a debug info flag to indicate if multiple instances are running. bool found_other_instance = !create_app_mutex(); gDebugInfo["FoundOtherInstanceAtStartup"] = LLSD::Boolean(found_other_instance); bool ok = viewer_app_ptr->init(); if(!ok) { llwarns << "Application init failed." << llendl; return -1; } NvAPI_Status status; // Initialize NVAPI status = NvAPI_Initialize(); NvDRSSessionHandle hSession = 0; if (status == NVAPI_OK) { // Create the session handle to access driver settings status = NvAPI_DRS_CreateSession(&hSession); if (status != NVAPI_OK) { nvapi_error(status); } else { //override driver setting as needed ll_nvapi_init(hSession); } } // Have to wait until after logging is initialized to display LFH info if (num_heaps > 0) { llinfos << "Attempted to enable LFH for " << num_heaps << " heaps." << llendl; for(S32 i = 0; i < num_heaps; i++) { if (heap_enable_lfh_error[i]) { llinfos << " Failed to enable LFH for heap: " << i << " Error: " << heap_enable_lfh_error[i] << llendl; } } } // Run the application main loop if(!LLApp::isQuitting()) { viewer_app_ptr->mainLoop(); } if (!LLApp::isError()) { // // We don't want to do cleanup here if the error handler got called - // the assumption is that the error handler is responsible for doing // app cleanup if there was a problem. // #if WINDOWS_CRT_MEM_CHECKS llinfos << "CRT Checking memory:" << llendflush; if (!_CrtCheckMemory()) { llwarns << "_CrtCheckMemory() failed at prior to cleanup!" << llendflush; } else { llinfos << " No corruption detected." << llendflush; } #endif gGLActive = TRUE; viewer_app_ptr->cleanup(); #if WINDOWS_CRT_MEM_CHECKS llinfos << "CRT Checking memory:" << llendflush; if (!_CrtCheckMemory()) { llwarns << "_CrtCheckMemory() failed after cleanup!" << llendflush; } else { llinfos << " No corruption detected." << llendflush; } #endif } delete viewer_app_ptr; viewer_app_ptr = NULL; //start updater if(LLAppViewer::sUpdaterInfo) { _spawnl(_P_NOWAIT, LLAppViewer::sUpdaterInfo->mUpdateExePath.c_str(), LLAppViewer::sUpdaterInfo->mUpdateExePath.c_str(), LLAppViewer::sUpdaterInfo->mParams.str().c_str(), NULL); delete LLAppViewer::sUpdaterInfo ; LLAppViewer::sUpdaterInfo = NULL ; } // (NVAPI) (6) We clean up. This is analogous to doing a free() if (hSession) { NvAPI_DRS_DestroySession(hSession); hSession = 0; } return 0; } #if DEBUGGING_SEH_FILTER // The compiler doesn't like it when you use __try/__except blocks // in a method that uses object destructors. Go figure. // This winmain just calls the real winmain inside __try. // The __except calls our exception filter function. For debugging purposes. int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { __try { WINMAIN(hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpCmdLine, nCmdShow); } __except( viewer_windows_exception_handler( GetExceptionInformation() ) ) { _tprintf( _T("Exception handled.\n") ); } } #endif void LLAppViewerWin32::disableWinErrorReporting() { const char win_xp_string[] = "Microsoft Windows XP"; BOOL is_win_xp = ( getOSInfo().getOSString().substr(0, strlen(win_xp_string) ) == win_xp_string ); /* Flawfinder: ignore*/ if( is_win_xp ) { // Note: we need to use run-time dynamic linking, because load-time dynamic linking will fail // on systems that don't have the library installed (all non-Windows XP systems) HINSTANCE fault_rep_dll_handle = LoadLibrary(L"faultrep.dll"); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ if( fault_rep_dll_handle ) { pfn_ADDEREXCLUDEDAPPLICATIONA pAddERExcludedApplicationA = (pfn_ADDEREXCLUDEDAPPLICATIONA) GetProcAddress(fault_rep_dll_handle, "AddERExcludedApplicationA"); if( pAddERExcludedApplicationA ) { // Strip the path off the name const char* executable_name = gDirUtilp->getExecutableFilename().c_str(); if( 0 == pAddERExcludedApplicationA( executable_name ) ) { U32 error_code = GetLastError(); llinfos << "AddERExcludedApplication() failed with error code " << error_code << llendl; } else { llinfos << "AddERExcludedApplication() success for " << executable_name << llendl; } } FreeLibrary( fault_rep_dll_handle ); } } } const S32 MAX_CONSOLE_LINES = 500; void create_console() { int h_con_handle; long l_std_handle; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO coninfo; FILE *fp; // allocate a console for this app AllocConsole(); // set the screen buffer to be big enough to let us scroll text GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &coninfo); coninfo.dwSize.Y = MAX_CONSOLE_LINES; SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coninfo.dwSize); // redirect unbuffered STDOUT to the console l_std_handle = (long)GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); h_con_handle = _open_osfhandle(l_std_handle, _O_TEXT); if (h_con_handle == -1) { llwarns << "create_console() failed to open stdout handle" << llendl; } else { fp = _fdopen( h_con_handle, "w" ); *stdout = *fp; setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0 ); } // redirect unbuffered STDIN to the console l_std_handle = (long)GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); h_con_handle = _open_osfhandle(l_std_handle, _O_TEXT); if (h_con_handle == -1) { llwarns << "create_console() failed to open stdin handle" << llendl; } else { fp = _fdopen( h_con_handle, "r" ); *stdin = *fp; setvbuf( stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0 ); } // redirect unbuffered STDERR to the console l_std_handle = (long)GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); h_con_handle = _open_osfhandle(l_std_handle, _O_TEXT); if (h_con_handle == -1) { llwarns << "create_console() failed to open stderr handle" << llendl; } else { fp = _fdopen( h_con_handle, "w" ); *stderr = *fp; setvbuf( stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0 ); } } LLAppViewerWin32::LLAppViewerWin32(const char* cmd_line) : mCmdLine(cmd_line) { } LLAppViewerWin32::~LLAppViewerWin32() { } bool LLAppViewerWin32::init() { // Platform specific initialization. // Turn off Windows XP Error Reporting // (Don't send our data to Microsoft--at least until we are Logo approved and have a way // of getting the data back from them.) // // llinfos << "Turning off Windows error reporting." << llendl; disableWinErrorReporting(); #ifndef LL_RELEASE_FOR_DOWNLOAD LLWinDebug::instance().init(); #endif return LLAppViewer::init(); } bool LLAppViewerWin32::cleanup() { bool result = LLAppViewer::cleanup(); gDXHardware.cleanup(); return result; } void LLAppViewerWin32::initLogging() { LLAppViewer::initLogging(); } void LLAppViewerWin32::initConsole() { // pop up debug console create_console(); return LLAppViewer::initConsole(); } void write_debug_dx(const char* str) { std::string value = gDebugInfo["DXInfo"].asString(); value += str; gDebugInfo["DXInfo"] = value; } void write_debug_dx(const std::string& str) { write_debug_dx(str.c_str()); } bool LLAppViewerWin32::initHardwareTest() { // // Do driver verification and initialization based on DirectX // hardware polling and driver versions // if (FALSE == gSavedSettings.getBOOL("NoHardwareProbe")) { // per DEV-11631 - disable hardware probing for everything // but vram. BOOL vram_only = TRUE; LLSplashScreen::update(LLTrans::getString("StartupDetectingHardware")); LL_DEBUGS("AppInit") << "Attempting to poll DirectX for hardware info" << LL_ENDL; gDXHardware.setWriteDebugFunc(write_debug_dx); BOOL probe_ok = gDXHardware.getInfo(vram_only); if (!probe_ok && gWarningSettings.getBOOL("AboutDirectX9")) { LL_WARNS("AppInit") << "DirectX probe failed, alerting user." << LL_ENDL; // Warn them that runnin without DirectX 9 will // not allow us to tell them about driver issues std::ostringstream msg; msg << LLTrans::getString ("MBNoDirectX"); S32 button = OSMessageBox( msg.str(), LLTrans::getString("MBWarning"), OSMB_YESNO); if (OSBTN_NO== button) { LL_INFOS("AppInit") << "User quitting after failed DirectX 9 detection" << LL_ENDL; LLWeb::loadURLExternal(DIRECTX_9_URL, false); return false; } gWarningSettings.setBOOL("AboutDirectX9", FALSE); } LL_DEBUGS("AppInit") << "Done polling DirectX for hardware info" << LL_ENDL; // Only probe once after installation gSavedSettings.setBOOL("ProbeHardwareOnStartup", FALSE); // Disable so debugger can work std::string splash_msg; LLStringUtil::format_map_t args; args["[APP_NAME]"] = LLAppViewer::instance()->getSecondLifeTitle(); splash_msg = LLTrans::getString("StartupLoading", args); LLSplashScreen::update(splash_msg); } if (!restoreErrorTrap()) { LL_WARNS("AppInit") << " Someone took over my exception handler (post hardware probe)!" << LL_ENDL; } if (gGLManager.mVRAM == 0) { gGLManager.mVRAM = gDXHardware.getVRAM(); } LL_INFOS("AppInit") << "Detected VRAM: " << gGLManager.mVRAM << LL_ENDL; return true; } bool LLAppViewerWin32::initParseCommandLine(LLCommandLineParser& clp) { if (!clp.parseCommandLineString(mCmdLine)) { return false; } // Find the system language. FL_Locale *locale = NULL; FL_Success success = FL_FindLocale(&locale, FL_MESSAGES); if (success != 0) { if (success >= 2 && locale->lang) // confident! { LL_INFOS("AppInit") << "Language: " << ll_safe_string(locale->lang) << LL_ENDL; LL_INFOS("AppInit") << "Location: " << ll_safe_string(locale->country) << LL_ENDL; LL_INFOS("AppInit") << "Variant: " << ll_safe_string(locale->variant) << LL_ENDL; LLControlVariable* c = gSavedSettings.getControl("SystemLanguage"); if(c) { c->setValue(std::string(locale->lang), false); } } } FL_FreeLocale(&locale); return true; } bool LLAppViewerWin32::restoreErrorTrap() { return true; //return LLWinDebug::checkExceptionHandler(); } void LLAppViewerWin32::handleCrashReporting(bool reportFreeze) { const char* logger_name = "win_crash_logger.exe"; std::string exe_path = gDirUtilp->getExecutableDir(); exe_path += gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter(); exe_path += logger_name; const char* arg_str = logger_name; // *NOTE:Mani - win_crash_logger.exe no longer parses command line options. if(reportFreeze) { // Spawn crash logger. // NEEDS to wait until completion, otherwise log files will get smashed. _spawnl(_P_WAIT, exe_path.c_str(), arg_str, NULL); } else { _spawnl(_P_NOWAIT, exe_path.c_str(), arg_str, NULL); } } //virtual bool LLAppViewerWin32::sendURLToOtherInstance(const std::string& url) { wchar_t window_class[256]; /* Flawfinder: ignore */ // Assume max length < 255 chars. mbstowcs(window_class, sWindowClass.c_str(), 255); window_class[255] = 0; // Use the class instead of the window name. HWND other_window = FindWindow(window_class, NULL); if (other_window != NULL) { lldebugs << "Found other window with the name '" << getWindowTitle() << "'" << llendl; COPYDATASTRUCT cds; const S32 SLURL_MESSAGE_TYPE = 0; cds.dwData = SLURL_MESSAGE_TYPE; cds.cbData = url.length() + 1; cds.lpData = (void*)url.c_str(); LRESULT msg_result = SendMessage(other_window, WM_COPYDATA, NULL, (LPARAM)&cds); lldebugs << "SendMessage(WM_COPYDATA) to other window '" << getWindowTitle() << "' returned " << msg_result << llendl; return true; } return false; } std::string LLAppViewerWin32::generateSerialNumber() { char serial_md5[MD5HEX_STR_SIZE]; // Flawfinder: ignore serial_md5[0] = 0; DWORD serial = 0; DWORD flags = 0; BOOL success = GetVolumeInformation( L"C:\\", NULL, // volume name buffer 0, // volume name buffer size &serial, // volume serial NULL, // max component length &flags, // file system flags NULL, // file system name buffer 0); // file system name buffer size if (success) { LLMD5 md5; md5.update( (unsigned char*)&serial, sizeof(DWORD)); md5.finalize(); md5.hex_digest(serial_md5); } else { llwarns << "GetVolumeInformation failed" << llendl; } return serial_md5; }