 * @mainpage
 * @mainpage
 * This is the sources for the Second Life Viewer;
 * information on the open source project is at 
 * https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Open_Source_Portal
 * The Mercurial repository for the trunk version is at
 * https://bitbucket.org/lindenlab/viewer-release
 * @section source-license Source License
 * @verbinclude LICENSE-source.txt
 * @section artwork-license Artwork License
 * @verbinclude LICENSE-logos.txt
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2007&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$
 * @file llappviewer.h
 * @brief The LLAppViewer class declaration


#include "llallocator.h"
#include "llapr.h"
#include "llcontrol.h"
#include "llsys.h"			// for LLOSInfo
#include "lltimer.h"
#include "llappcorehttp.h"

#include <boost/signals2.hpp>

class LLCommandLineParser;
class LLFrameTimer;
class LLPumpIO;
class LLTextureCache;
class LLImageDecodeThread;
class LLTextureFetch;
class LLWatchdogTimeout;
class LLViewerJoystick;
class LLPurgeDiskCacheThread;
class LLViewerRegion;

namespace LL
    class ThreadPool;

extern LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_FRAME;

class LLAppViewer : public LLApp
	virtual ~LLAppViewer();

	 * @brief Access to the LLAppViewer singleton.
	 * The LLAppViewer singleton is created in main()/WinMain().
	 * So don't use it in pre-entry (static initialization) code.
	static LLAppViewer* instance() {return sInstance; } 

	// Main application logic
	virtual bool init();			// Override to do application initialization
	virtual bool cleanup();			// Override to do application cleanup
	virtual bool frame(); // Override for application body logic

	// Application control
	void flushLFSIO(); // waits for lfs transfers to complete
	void forceQuit(); // Puts the viewer into 'shutting down without error' mode.
	void fastQuit(S32 error_code = 0); // Shuts down the viewer immediately after sending a logout message
	void requestQuit(); // Request a quit. A kinder, gentler quit.
	void userQuit(); // The users asks to quit. Confirm, then requestQuit()
    void earlyExit(const std::string& name, 
				   const LLSD& substitutions = LLSD()); // Display an error dialog and forcibly quit.
	void earlyExitNoNotify(); // Do not display error dialog then forcibly quit.
	void abortQuit();  // Called to abort a quit request.

	bool quitRequested() { return mQuitRequested; }
	bool logoutRequestSent() { return mLogoutRequestSent; }
	bool isSecondInstance() { return mSecondInstance; }
    bool isUpdaterMissing(); // In use by tests
    bool waitForUpdater();

	void writeDebugInfo(bool isStatic=true);

	void setServerReleaseNotesURL(const std::string& url) { mServerReleaseNotesURL = url; }
	LLSD getViewerInfo() const;
	std::string getViewerInfoString(bool default_string = false) const;

	// Report true if under the control of a debugger. A null-op default.
	virtual bool beingDebugged() { return false; } 

	virtual bool restoreErrorTrap() = 0; // Require platform specific override to reset error handling mechanism.
	                                     // return false if the error trap needed restoration.
	static void handleViewerCrash(); // Hey! The viewer crashed. Do this, soon.
	void checkForCrash();
	// Thread accessors
	static LLTextureCache* getTextureCache() { return sTextureCache; }
	static LLImageDecodeThread* getImageDecodeThread() { return sImageDecodeThread; }
	static LLTextureFetch* getTextureFetch() { return sTextureFetch; }
	static LLPurgeDiskCacheThread* getPurgeDiskCacheThread() { return sPurgeDiskCacheThread; }

	static U32 getTextureCacheVersion() ;
	static U32 getObjectCacheVersion() ;
    static U32 getDiskCacheVersion() ;

	const std::string& getSerialNumber() { return mSerialNumber; }

	bool getPurgeCache() const { return mPurgeCache; }

	std::string getSecondLifeTitle() const; // The Second Life title.
	std::string getWindowTitle() const; // The window display name.

	void forceDisconnect(const std::string& msg); // Force disconnection, with a message to the user.
	void badNetworkHandler(); // Cause a crash state due to bad network packet.

	bool hasSavedFinalSnapshot() { return mSavedFinalSnapshot; }
	void saveFinalSnapshot(); 

	void loadNameCache();
	void saveNameCache();

	void loadExperienceCache();
	void saveExperienceCache();

	void removeMarkerFiles();

	void removeDumpDir();
    // LLAppViewer testing helpers.
    // *NOTE: These will potentially crash the viewer. Only for debugging.
    virtual void forceErrorLLError();
    virtual void forceErrorBreakpoint();
    virtual void forceErrorBadMemoryAccess();
    virtual void forceErrorInfiniteLoop();
    virtual void forceErrorSoftwareException();
    virtual void forceErrorDriverCrash();
    virtual void forceErrorCoroutineCrash();
    virtual void forceErrorThreadCrash();

	// The list is found in app_settings/settings_files.xml
	// but since they are used explicitly in code,
	// the follow consts should also do the trick.
	static const std::string sGlobalSettingsName; 

	LLCachedControl<bool> mRandomizeFramerate; 
	LLCachedControl<bool> mPeriodicSlowFrame; 

	// Load settings from the location specified by loction_key.
	// Key availale and rules for loading, are specified in 
	// 'app_settings/settings_files.xml'
	bool loadSettingsFromDirectory(const std::string& location_key, 
				       bool set_defaults = false);

	std::string getSettingsFilename(const std::string& location_key,
					const std::string& file);
	void loadColorSettings();

	// For thread debugging. 
	// llstartup needs to control init.
	// llworld, send_agent_pause() also controls pause/resume.
	void initMainloopTimeout(const std::string& state, F32 secs = -1.0f);
	void destroyMainloopTimeout();
	void pauseMainloopTimeout();
	void resumeMainloopTimeout(const std::string& state = "", F32 secs = -1.0f);
	void pingMainloopTimeout(const std::string& state, F32 secs = -1.0f);

	// Handle the 'login completed' event.
	// *NOTE:Mani Fix this for login abstraction!!
	void handleLoginComplete();

	LLAllocator & getAllocator() { return mAlloc; }

	// On LoginCompleted callback
	typedef boost::signals2::signal<void (void)> login_completed_signal_t;
	login_completed_signal_t mOnLoginCompleted;
	boost::signals2::connection setOnLoginCompletedCallback( const login_completed_signal_t::slot_type& cb )
		return mOnLoginCompleted.connect(cb);

	void addOnIdleCallback(const boost::function<void()>& cb); // add a callback to fire (once) when idle

    void initGeneralThread();
	void purgeUserDataOnExit() { mPurgeUserDataOnExit = true; }
	void purgeCache(); // Clear the local cache. 
	void purgeCacheImmediate(); //clear local cache immediately.
	S32  updateTextureThreads(F32 max_time);

	void loadKeyBindings();

	// mute/unmute the system's master audio
	virtual void setMasterSystemAudioMute(bool mute);
	virtual bool getMasterSystemAudioMute();	

	// Metrics policy helper statics.
	static void metricsUpdateRegion(U64 region_handle);
	static void metricsSend(bool enable_reporting);

	// llcorehttp init/shutdown/config information.
	LLAppCoreHttp & getAppCoreHttp()			{ return mAppCoreHttp; }

	void updateNameLookupUrl(const LLViewerRegion* regionp);

	virtual bool initWindow(); // Initialize the viewer's window.
	virtual void initLoggingAndGetLastDuration(); // Initialize log files, logging system
	virtual void initConsole() {}; // Initialize OS level debugging console.
	virtual bool initHardwareTest() { return true; } // A false result indicates the app should quit.
	virtual bool initSLURLHandler();
	virtual bool sendURLToOtherInstance(const std::string& url);

	virtual bool initParseCommandLine(LLCommandLineParser& clp) 
		{ return true; } // Allow platforms to specify the command line args.

	virtual std::string generateSerialNumber() = 0; // Platforms specific classes generate this.

	virtual bool meetsRequirementsForMaximizedStart(); // Used on first login to decide to launch maximized


	bool doFrame();

	void initMaxHeapSize();
	bool initThreads(); // Initialize viewer threads, return false on failure.
	bool initConfiguration(); // Initialize settings from the command line/config file.
	void initStrings();       // Initialize LLTrans machinery
	bool initCache(); // Initialize local client cache.

	// We have switched locations of both Mac and Windows cache, make sure
	// files migrate and old cache is cleared out.
	void migrateCacheDirectory();

	void cleanupSavedSettings(); // Sets some config data to current or default values during cleanup.
	void removeCacheFiles(const std::string& filemask); // Deletes cached files the match the given wildcard.

	void writeSystemInfo(); // Write system info to "debug_info.log"

	void processMarkerFiles(); 
	static void recordMarkerVersion(LLAPRFile& marker_file);
	bool markerIsSameVersion(const std::string& marker_name) const;

	void idle(); 
	void idleShutdown();
	// update avatar SLID and display name caches
	void idleNameCache();
	void idleNetwork();

	void sendLogoutRequest();
	void disconnectViewer();

	// *FIX: the app viewer class should be some sort of singleton, no?
	// Perhaps its child class is the singleton and this should be an abstract base.
	static LLAppViewer* sInstance; 

	bool mSecondInstance; // Is this a second instance of the app?
	bool mUpdaterNotFound; // True when attempt to start updater failed

	std::string mMarkerFileName;
	LLAPRFile mMarkerFile; // A file created to indicate the app is running.

	std::string mLogoutMarkerFileName;
	LLAPRFile mLogoutMarkerFile; // A file created to indicate the app is running.

	bool mReportedCrash;

	std::string mServerReleaseNotesURL;

	// Thread objects.
	static LLTextureCache* sTextureCache; 
	static LLImageDecodeThread* sImageDecodeThread; 
	static LLTextureFetch* sTextureFetch;
	static LLPurgeDiskCacheThread* sPurgeDiskCacheThread;
    LL::ThreadPool* mGeneralThreadPool;

	S32 mNumSessions;

	std::string mSerialNumber;
	bool mPurgeCache;
	bool mPurgeCacheOnExit;
	bool mPurgeUserDataOnExit;
	LLViewerJoystick* joystick;

	bool mSavedFinalSnapshot;
	bool mSavePerAccountSettings;		// only save per account settings if login succeeded

	boost::optional<U32> mForceGraphicsLevel;

	bool mQuitRequested;				// User wants to quit, may have modified documents open.
	bool mLogoutRequestSent;			// Disconnect message sent to simulator, no longer safe to send messages to the sim.
	U32 mLastAgentControlFlags;
	F32 mLastAgentForceUpdate;
	struct SettingsFiles* mSettingsLocationList;

	LLWatchdogTimeout* mMainloopTimeout;

	// For performance and metric gathering
	class LLThread*	mFastTimerLogThread;

	// for tracking viewer<->region circuit death
	bool mAgentRegionLastAlive;
	LLUUID mAgentRegionLastID;

	LLAllocator mAlloc;

	// llcorehttp library init/shutdown helper
	LLAppCoreHttp mAppCoreHttp;

	bool mIsFirstRun;

// consts from viewer.h

// Globals with external linkage. From viewer.h
// *NOTE:Mani - These will be removed as the Viewer App Cleanup project continues.
// "// llstartup" indicates that llstartup is the only client for this global.

extern LLSD gDebugInfo;
extern BOOL	gShowObjectUpdates;

typedef enum 
} eLastExecEvent;

extern eLastExecEvent gLastExecEvent; // llstartup
extern S32 gLastExecDuration; ///< the duration of the previous run in seconds (<0 indicates unknown)

extern const char* gPlatform;

extern U32 gFrameCount;
extern U32 gForegroundFrameCount;

extern LLPumpIO* gServicePump;

extern U64MicrosecondsImplicit	gStartTime;
extern U64MicrosecondsImplicit   gFrameTime;					// The timestamp of the most-recently-processed frame
extern F32SecondsImplicit		gFrameTimeSeconds;			// Loses msec precision after ~4.5 hours...
extern F32SecondsImplicit		gFrameIntervalSeconds;		// Elapsed time between current and previous gFrameTimeSeconds
extern F32		gFPSClamped;				// Frames per second, smoothed, weighted toward last frame
extern F32		gFrameDTClamped;

extern LLTimer gRenderStartTime;
extern LLFrameTimer gForegroundTime;
extern LLFrameTimer gLoggedInTime;

extern F32 gLogoutMaxTime;
extern LLTimer gLogoutTimer;

extern S32 gPendingMetricsUploads;

extern F32 gSimLastTime; 
extern F32 gSimFrames;

extern BOOL		gDisconnected;

extern LLFrameTimer	gRestoreGLTimer;
extern BOOL			gRestoreGL;
extern bool		gUseWireframe;

extern LLMemoryInfo gSysMemory;
extern U64Bytes gMemoryAllocated;

extern std::string gLastVersionChannel;

extern LLVector3 gWindVec;
extern LLVector3 gRelativeWindVec;
extern U32	gPacketsIn;
extern BOOL gPrintMessagesThisFrame;

extern LLUUID gBlackSquareID;

extern BOOL gRandomizeFramerate;
extern BOOL gPeriodicSlowFrame;

extern BOOL gSimulateMemLeak;