/** * @file llappearancemgr.cpp * @brief Manager for initiating appearance changes on the viewer * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2004&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include #include "llaccordionctrltab.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "llagentcamera.h" #include "llagentwearables.h" #include "llappearancemgr.h" #include "llattachmentsmgr.h" #include "llcommandhandler.h" #include "lleventtimer.h" #include "llfloatersidepanelcontainer.h" #include "llgesturemgr.h" #include "llinventorybridge.h" #include "llinventoryfunctions.h" #include "llinventoryobserver.h" #include "llnotificationsutil.h" #include "lloutfitobserver.h" #include "lloutfitslist.h" #include "llselectmgr.h" #include "llsidepanelappearance.h" #include "llviewerobjectlist.h" #include "llvoavatar.h" #include "llvoavatarself.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "llwearablelist.h" #include "llsdutil.h" #include "llsdserialize.h" #if LL_MSVC // disable boost::lexical_cast warning #pragma warning (disable:4702) #endif std::string self_av_string() { // On logout gAgentAvatarp can already be invalid return isAgentAvatarValid() ? gAgentAvatarp->avString() : ""; } // RAII thingy to guarantee that a variable gets reset when the Setter // goes out of scope. More general utility would be handy - TODO: // check boost. class BoolSetter { public: BoolSetter(bool& var): mVar(var) { mVar = true; } ~BoolSetter() { mVar = false; } private: bool& mVar; }; char ORDER_NUMBER_SEPARATOR('@'); class LLOutfitUnLockTimer: public LLEventTimer { public: LLOutfitUnLockTimer(F32 period) : LLEventTimer(period) { // restart timer on BOF changed event LLOutfitObserver::instance().addBOFChangedCallback(boost::bind( &LLOutfitUnLockTimer::reset, this)); stop(); } /*virtual*/ BOOL tick() { if(mEventTimer.hasExpired()) { LLAppearanceMgr::instance().setOutfitLocked(false); } return FALSE; } void stop() { mEventTimer.stop(); } void start() { mEventTimer.start(); } void reset() { mEventTimer.reset(); } BOOL getStarted() { return mEventTimer.getStarted(); } LLTimer& getEventTimer() { return mEventTimer;} }; // support for secondlife:///app/appearance SLapps class LLAppearanceHandler : public LLCommandHandler { public: // requests will be throttled from a non-trusted browser LLAppearanceHandler() : LLCommandHandler("appearance", UNTRUSTED_THROTTLE) {} bool handle(const LLSD& params, const LLSD& query_map, LLMediaCtrl* web) { // support secondlife:///app/appearance/show, but for now we just // make all secondlife:///app/appearance SLapps behave this way if (!LLUI::sSettingGroups["config"]->getBOOL("EnableAppearance")) { LLNotificationsUtil::add("NoAppearance", LLSD(), LLSD(), std::string("SwitchToStandardSkinAndQuit")); return true; } LLFloaterSidePanelContainer::showPanel("appearance", LLSD()); return true; } }; LLAppearanceHandler gAppearanceHandler; LLUUID findDescendentCategoryIDByName(const LLUUID& parent_id, const std::string& name) { LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cat_array; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t item_array; LLNameCategoryCollector has_name(name); gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(parent_id, cat_array, item_array, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH, has_name); if (0 == cat_array.size()) return LLUUID(); else { LLViewerInventoryCategory *cat = cat_array.at(0); if (cat) return cat->getUUID(); else { LL_WARNS() << "null cat" << LL_ENDL; return LLUUID(); } } } // We want this to be much lower (e.g. 15.0 is usually fine), bumping // up for now until we can diagnose some cases of very slow response // to requests. const F32 DEFAULT_RETRY_AFTER_INTERVAL = 300.0; // Given the current back-end problems, retrying is causing too many // duplicate items. Bump this back to 2 once they are resolved (or can // leave at 0 if the operations become actually reliable). const S32 DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES = 0; class LLCallAfterInventoryBatchMgr: public LLEventTimer { public: LLCallAfterInventoryBatchMgr(const LLUUID& dst_cat_id, const std::string& phase_name, nullary_func_t on_completion_func, nullary_func_t on_failure_func = no_op, F32 retry_after = DEFAULT_RETRY_AFTER_INTERVAL, S32 max_retries = DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES ): mDstCatID(dst_cat_id), mTrackingPhase(phase_name), mOnCompletionFunc(on_completion_func), mOnFailureFunc(on_failure_func), mRetryAfter(retry_after), mMaxRetries(max_retries), mPendingRequests(0), mFailCount(0), mCompletionOrFailureCalled(false), mRetryCount(0), LLEventTimer(5.0) { if (!mTrackingPhase.empty()) { selfStartPhase(mTrackingPhase); } } void addItems(LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& src_items) { for (LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::const_iterator it = src_items.begin(); it != src_items.end(); ++it) { LLViewerInventoryItem* item = *it; llassert(item); addItem(item->getUUID()); } } // Request or re-request operation for specified item. void addItem(const LLUUID& item_id) { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "item_id " << item_id << LL_ENDL; if (!requestOperation(item_id)) { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "item_id " << item_id << " requestOperation false, skipping" << LL_ENDL; return; } mPendingRequests++; // On a re-request, this will reset the timer. mWaitTimes[item_id] = LLTimer(); if (mRetryCounts.find(item_id) == mRetryCounts.end()) { mRetryCounts[item_id] = 0; } else { mRetryCounts[item_id]++; } } virtual bool requestOperation(const LLUUID& item_id) = 0; void onOp(const LLUUID& src_id, const LLUUID& dst_id, LLTimer timestamp) { if (ll_frand() < gSavedSettings.getF32("InventoryDebugSimulateLateOpRate")) { LL_WARNS() << "Simulating late operation by punting handling to later" << LL_ENDL; doAfterInterval(boost::bind(&LLCallAfterInventoryBatchMgr::onOp,this,src_id,dst_id,timestamp), mRetryAfter); return; } mPendingRequests--; F32 elapsed = timestamp.getElapsedTimeF32(); LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "op done, src_id " << src_id << " dst_id " << dst_id << " after " << elapsed << " seconds" << LL_ENDL; if (mWaitTimes.find(src_id) == mWaitTimes.end()) { // No longer waiting for this item - either serviced // already or gave up after too many retries. LL_WARNS() << "duplicate or late operation, src_id " << src_id << "dst_id " << dst_id << " elapsed " << elapsed << " after end " << (S32) mCompletionOrFailureCalled << LL_ENDL; } mTimeStats.push(elapsed); mWaitTimes.erase(src_id); if (mWaitTimes.empty() && !mCompletionOrFailureCalled) { onCompletionOrFailure(); } } void onCompletionOrFailure() { assert (!mCompletionOrFailureCalled); mCompletionOrFailureCalled = true; // Will never call onCompletion() if any item has been flagged as // a failure - otherwise could wind up with corrupted // outfit, involuntary nudity, etc. reportStats(); if (!mTrackingPhase.empty()) { selfStopPhase(mTrackingPhase); } if (!mFailCount) { onCompletion(); } else { onFailure(); } } void onFailure() { LL_INFOS() << "failed" << LL_ENDL; mOnFailureFunc(); } void onCompletion() { LL_INFOS() << "done" << LL_ENDL; mOnCompletionFunc(); } // virtual // Will be deleted after returning true - only safe to do this if all callbacks have fired. BOOL tick() { // mPendingRequests will be zero if all requests have been // responded to. mWaitTimes.empty() will be true if we have // received at least one reply for each UUID. If requests // have been dropped and retried, these will not necessarily // be the same. Only safe to return true if all requests have // been serviced, since it will result in this object being // deleted. bool all_done = (mPendingRequests==0); if (!mWaitTimes.empty()) { LL_WARNS() << "still waiting on " << mWaitTimes.size() << " items" << LL_ENDL; for (std::map::iterator it = mWaitTimes.begin(); it != mWaitTimes.end();) { // Use a copy of iterator because it may be erased/invalidated. std::map::iterator curr_it = it; ++it; F32 time_waited = curr_it->second.getElapsedTimeF32(); S32 retries = mRetryCounts[curr_it->first]; if (time_waited > mRetryAfter) { if (retries < mMaxRetries) { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "Waited " << time_waited << " for " << curr_it->first << ", retrying" << LL_ENDL; mRetryCount++; addItem(curr_it->first); } else { LL_WARNS() << "Giving up on " << curr_it->first << " after too many retries" << LL_ENDL; mWaitTimes.erase(curr_it); mFailCount++; } } if (mWaitTimes.empty()) { onCompletionOrFailure(); } } } return all_done; } void reportStats() { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "Phase: " << mTrackingPhase << LL_ENDL; LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "mFailCount: " << mFailCount << LL_ENDL; LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "mRetryCount: " << mRetryCount << LL_ENDL; LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "Times: n " << mTimeStats.getCount() << " min " << mTimeStats.getMinValue() << " max " << mTimeStats.getMaxValue() << LL_ENDL; LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "Mean " << mTimeStats.getMean() << " stddev " << mTimeStats.getStdDev() << LL_ENDL; } virtual ~LLCallAfterInventoryBatchMgr() { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "deleting" << LL_ENDL; } protected: std::string mTrackingPhase; std::map mWaitTimes; std::map mRetryCounts; LLUUID mDstCatID; nullary_func_t mOnCompletionFunc; nullary_func_t mOnFailureFunc; F32 mRetryAfter; S32 mMaxRetries; S32 mPendingRequests; S32 mFailCount; S32 mRetryCount; bool mCompletionOrFailureCalled; LLViewerStats::StatsAccumulator mTimeStats; }; class LLCallAfterInventoryCopyMgr: public LLCallAfterInventoryBatchMgr { public: LLCallAfterInventoryCopyMgr(LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& src_items, const LLUUID& dst_cat_id, const std::string& phase_name, nullary_func_t on_completion_func, nullary_func_t on_failure_func = no_op, F32 retry_after = DEFAULT_RETRY_AFTER_INTERVAL, S32 max_retries = DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES ): LLCallAfterInventoryBatchMgr(dst_cat_id, phase_name, on_completion_func, on_failure_func, retry_after, max_retries) { addItems(src_items); } virtual bool requestOperation(const LLUUID& item_id) { LLViewerInventoryItem *item = gInventory.getItem(item_id); llassert(item); LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "copying item " << item_id << LL_ENDL; if (ll_frand() < gSavedSettings.getF32("InventoryDebugSimulateOpFailureRate")) { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "simulating failure by not sending request for item " << item_id << LL_ENDL; return true; } copy_inventory_item( gAgent.getID(), item->getPermissions().getOwner(), item->getUUID(), mDstCatID, std::string(), new LLBoostFuncInventoryCallback(boost::bind(&LLCallAfterInventoryBatchMgr::onOp,this,item_id,_1,LLTimer())) ); return true; } }; class LLCallAfterInventoryLinkMgr: public LLCallAfterInventoryBatchMgr { public: LLCallAfterInventoryLinkMgr(LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& src_items, const LLUUID& dst_cat_id, const std::string& phase_name, nullary_func_t on_completion_func, nullary_func_t on_failure_func = no_op, F32 retry_after = DEFAULT_RETRY_AFTER_INTERVAL, S32 max_retries = DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES ): LLCallAfterInventoryBatchMgr(dst_cat_id, phase_name, on_completion_func, on_failure_func, retry_after, max_retries) { addItems(src_items); } virtual bool requestOperation(const LLUUID& item_id) { bool request_sent = false; LLViewerInventoryItem *item = gInventory.getItem(item_id); if (item) { if (item->getParentUUID() == mDstCatID) { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "item " << item_id << " name " << item->getName() << " is already a child of " << mDstCatID << LL_ENDL; return false; } LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "linking item " << item_id << " name " << item->getName() << " to " << mDstCatID << LL_ENDL; // create an inventory item link. if (ll_frand() < gSavedSettings.getF32("InventoryDebugSimulateOpFailureRate")) { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "simulating failure by not sending request for item " << item_id << LL_ENDL; return true; } link_inventory_item(gAgent.getID(), item->getLinkedUUID(), mDstCatID, item->getName(), item->getActualDescription(), LLAssetType::AT_LINK, new LLBoostFuncInventoryCallback( boost::bind(&LLCallAfterInventoryBatchMgr::onOp,this,item_id,_1,LLTimer()))); return true; } else { // create a base outfit link if appropriate. LLViewerInventoryCategory *catp = gInventory.getCategory(item_id); if (!catp) { LL_WARNS() << "link request failed, id not found as inventory item or category " << item_id << LL_ENDL; return false; } const LLUUID cof = LLAppearanceMgr::instance().getCOF(); std::string new_outfit_name = ""; LLAppearanceMgr::instance().purgeBaseOutfitLink(cof); if (catp && catp->getPreferredType() == LLFolderType::FT_OUTFIT) { if (ll_frand() < gSavedSettings.getF32("InventoryDebugSimulateOpFailureRate")) { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "simulating failure by not sending request for item " << item_id << LL_ENDL; return true; } LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "linking folder " << item_id << " name " << catp->getName() << " to cof " << cof << LL_ENDL; link_inventory_item(gAgent.getID(), item_id, cof, catp->getName(), "", LLAssetType::AT_LINK_FOLDER, new LLBoostFuncInventoryCallback( boost::bind(&LLCallAfterInventoryBatchMgr::onOp,this,item_id,_1,LLTimer()))); new_outfit_name = catp->getName(); request_sent = true; } LLAppearanceMgr::instance().updatePanelOutfitName(new_outfit_name); } return request_sent; } }; LLUpdateAppearanceOnDestroy::LLUpdateAppearanceOnDestroy(bool update_base_outfit_ordering): mFireCount(0), mUpdateBaseOrder(update_base_outfit_ordering) { selfStartPhase("update_appearance_on_destroy"); } LLUpdateAppearanceOnDestroy::~LLUpdateAppearanceOnDestroy() { if (!LLApp::isExiting()) { // speculative fix for MAINT-1150 LL_INFOS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "done update appearance on destroy" << LL_ENDL; selfStopPhase("update_appearance_on_destroy"); LLAppearanceMgr::instance().updateAppearanceFromCOF(mUpdateBaseOrder); } } void LLUpdateAppearanceOnDestroy::fire(const LLUUID& inv_item) { LLViewerInventoryItem* item = (LLViewerInventoryItem*)gInventory.getItem(inv_item); const std::string item_name = item ? item->getName() : "ITEM NOT FOUND"; #ifndef LL_RELEASE_FOR_DOWNLOAD LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "callback fired [ name:" << item_name << " UUID:" << inv_item << " count:" << mFireCount << " ] " << LL_ENDL; #endif mFireCount++; } struct LLFoundData { LLFoundData() : mAssetType(LLAssetType::AT_NONE), mWearableType(LLWearableType::WT_INVALID), mWearable(NULL) {} LLFoundData(const LLUUID& item_id, const LLUUID& asset_id, const std::string& name, const LLAssetType::EType& asset_type, const LLWearableType::EType& wearable_type, const bool is_replacement = false ) : mItemID(item_id), mAssetID(asset_id), mName(name), mAssetType(asset_type), mWearableType(wearable_type), mIsReplacement(is_replacement), mWearable( NULL ) {} LLUUID mItemID; LLUUID mAssetID; std::string mName; LLAssetType::EType mAssetType; LLWearableType::EType mWearableType; LLViewerWearable* mWearable; bool mIsReplacement; }; class LLWearableHoldingPattern { LOG_CLASS(LLWearableHoldingPattern); public: LLWearableHoldingPattern(); ~LLWearableHoldingPattern(); bool pollFetchCompletion(); void onFetchCompletion(); bool isFetchCompleted(); bool isTimedOut(); void checkMissingWearables(); bool pollMissingWearables(); bool isMissingCompleted(); void recoverMissingWearable(LLWearableType::EType type); void clearCOFLinksForMissingWearables(); void onWearableAssetFetch(LLViewerWearable *wearable); void onAllComplete(); typedef std::list found_list_t; found_list_t& getFoundList(); void eraseTypeToLink(LLWearableType::EType type); void eraseTypeToRecover(LLWearableType::EType type); void setObjItems(const LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items); void setGestItems(const LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items); bool isMostRecent(); void handleLateArrivals(); void resetTime(F32 timeout); private: found_list_t mFoundList; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t mObjItems; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t mGestItems; typedef std::set type_set_t; type_set_t mTypesToRecover; type_set_t mTypesToLink; S32 mResolved; LLTimer mWaitTime; bool mFired; typedef std::set type_set_hp; static type_set_hp sActiveHoldingPatterns; bool mIsMostRecent; std::set mLateArrivals; bool mIsAllComplete; }; LLWearableHoldingPattern::type_set_hp LLWearableHoldingPattern::sActiveHoldingPatterns; LLWearableHoldingPattern::LLWearableHoldingPattern(): mResolved(0), mFired(false), mIsMostRecent(true), mIsAllComplete(false) { if (sActiveHoldingPatterns.size()>0) { LL_INFOS() << "Creating LLWearableHoldingPattern when " << sActiveHoldingPatterns.size() << " other attempts are active." << " Flagging others as invalid." << LL_ENDL; for (type_set_hp::iterator it = sActiveHoldingPatterns.begin(); it != sActiveHoldingPatterns.end(); ++it) { (*it)->mIsMostRecent = false; } } sActiveHoldingPatterns.insert(this); selfStartPhase("holding_pattern"); } LLWearableHoldingPattern::~LLWearableHoldingPattern() { sActiveHoldingPatterns.erase(this); if (isMostRecent()) { selfStopPhase("holding_pattern"); } } bool LLWearableHoldingPattern::isMostRecent() { return mIsMostRecent; } LLWearableHoldingPattern::found_list_t& LLWearableHoldingPattern::getFoundList() { return mFoundList; } void LLWearableHoldingPattern::eraseTypeToLink(LLWearableType::EType type) { mTypesToLink.erase(type); } void LLWearableHoldingPattern::eraseTypeToRecover(LLWearableType::EType type) { mTypesToRecover.erase(type); } void LLWearableHoldingPattern::setObjItems(const LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items) { mObjItems = items; } void LLWearableHoldingPattern::setGestItems(const LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items) { mGestItems = items; } bool LLWearableHoldingPattern::isFetchCompleted() { return (mResolved >= (S32)getFoundList().size()); // have everything we were waiting for? } bool LLWearableHoldingPattern::isTimedOut() { return mWaitTime.hasExpired(); } void LLWearableHoldingPattern::checkMissingWearables() { if (!isMostRecent()) { // runway why don't we actually skip here? LL_WARNS() << self_av_string() << "skipping because LLWearableHolding pattern is invalid (superceded by later outfit request)" << LL_ENDL; } std::vector found_by_type(LLWearableType::WT_COUNT,0); std::vector requested_by_type(LLWearableType::WT_COUNT,0); for (found_list_t::iterator it = getFoundList().begin(); it != getFoundList().end(); ++it) { LLFoundData &data = *it; if (data.mWearableType < LLWearableType::WT_COUNT) requested_by_type[data.mWearableType]++; if (data.mWearable) found_by_type[data.mWearableType]++; } for (S32 type = 0; type < LLWearableType::WT_COUNT; ++type) { if (requested_by_type[type] > found_by_type[type]) { LL_WARNS() << self_av_string() << "got fewer wearables than requested, type " << type << ": requested " << requested_by_type[type] << ", found " << found_by_type[type] << LL_ENDL; } if (found_by_type[type] > 0) continue; if ( // If at least one wearable of certain types (pants/shirt/skirt) // was requested but none was found, create a default asset as a replacement. // In all other cases, don't do anything. // For critical types (shape/hair/skin/eyes), this will keep the avatar as a cloud // due to logic in LLVOAvatarSelf::getIsCloud(). // For non-critical types (tatoo, socks, etc.) the wearable will just be missing. (requested_by_type[type] > 0) && ((type == LLWearableType::WT_PANTS) || (type == LLWearableType::WT_SHIRT) || (type == LLWearableType::WT_SKIRT))) { mTypesToRecover.insert(type); mTypesToLink.insert(type); recoverMissingWearable((LLWearableType::EType)type); LL_WARNS() << self_av_string() << "need to replace " << type << LL_ENDL; } } resetTime(60.0F); selfStartPhase("get_missing_wearables"); if (!pollMissingWearables()) { doOnIdleRepeating(boost::bind(&LLWearableHoldingPattern::pollMissingWearables,this)); } } void LLWearableHoldingPattern::onAllComplete() { if (isAgentAvatarValid()) { gAgentAvatarp->outputRezTiming("Agent wearables fetch complete"); } if (!isMostRecent()) { // runway need to skip here? LL_WARNS() << self_av_string() << "skipping because LLWearableHolding pattern is invalid (superceded by later outfit request)" << LL_ENDL; } // Activate all gestures in this folder if (mGestItems.size() > 0) { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "Activating " << mGestItems.size() << " gestures" << LL_ENDL; LLGestureMgr::instance().activateGestures(mGestItems); // Update the inventory item labels to reflect the fact // they are active. LLViewerInventoryCategory* catp = gInventory.getCategory(LLAppearanceMgr::instance().getCOF()); if (catp) { gInventory.updateCategory(catp); gInventory.notifyObservers(); } } // Update wearables. LL_INFOS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "Updating agent wearables with " << mResolved << " wearable items " << LL_ENDL; LLAppearanceMgr::instance().updateAgentWearables(this, false); // Update attachments to match those requested. if (isAgentAvatarValid()) { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "Updating " << mObjItems.size() << " attachments" << LL_ENDL; LLAgentWearables::userUpdateAttachments(mObjItems); } if (isFetchCompleted() && isMissingCompleted()) { // Only safe to delete if all wearable callbacks and all missing wearables completed. delete this; } else { mIsAllComplete = true; handleLateArrivals(); } } void LLWearableHoldingPattern::onFetchCompletion() { selfStopPhase("get_wearables"); if (!isMostRecent()) { // runway skip here? LL_WARNS() << self_av_string() << "skipping because LLWearableHolding pattern is invalid (superceded by later outfit request)" << LL_ENDL; } checkMissingWearables(); } // Runs as an idle callback until all wearables are fetched (or we time out). bool LLWearableHoldingPattern::pollFetchCompletion() { if (!isMostRecent()) { // runway skip here? LL_WARNS() << self_av_string() << "skipping because LLWearableHolding pattern is invalid (superceded by later outfit request)" << LL_ENDL; } bool completed = isFetchCompleted(); bool timed_out = isTimedOut(); bool done = completed || timed_out; if (done) { LL_INFOS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "polling, done status: " << completed << " timed out " << timed_out << " elapsed " << mWaitTime.getElapsedTimeF32() << LL_ENDL; mFired = true; if (timed_out) { LL_WARNS() << self_av_string() << "Exceeded max wait time for wearables, updating appearance based on what has arrived" << LL_ENDL; } onFetchCompletion(); } return done; } void recovered_item_link_cb(const LLUUID& item_id, LLWearableType::EType type, LLViewerWearable *wearable, LLWearableHoldingPattern* holder) { if (!holder->isMostRecent()) { LL_WARNS() << "skipping because LLWearableHolding pattern is invalid (superceded by later outfit request)" << LL_ENDL; // runway skip here? } LL_INFOS() << "Recovered item link for type " << type << LL_ENDL; holder->eraseTypeToLink(type); // Add wearable to FoundData for actual wearing LLViewerInventoryItem *item = gInventory.getItem(item_id); LLViewerInventoryItem *linked_item = item ? item->getLinkedItem() : NULL; if (linked_item) { gInventory.addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::LABEL, linked_item->getUUID()); if (item) { LLFoundData found(linked_item->getUUID(), linked_item->getAssetUUID(), linked_item->getName(), linked_item->getType(), linked_item->isWearableType() ? linked_item->getWearableType() : LLWearableType::WT_INVALID, true // is replacement ); found.mWearable = wearable; holder->getFoundList().push_front(found); } else { LL_WARNS() << self_av_string() << "inventory item not found for recovered wearable" << LL_ENDL; } } else { LL_WARNS() << self_av_string() << "inventory link not found for recovered wearable" << LL_ENDL; } } void recovered_item_cb(const LLUUID& item_id, LLWearableType::EType type, LLViewerWearable *wearable, LLWearableHoldingPattern* holder) { if (!holder->isMostRecent()) { // runway skip here? LL_WARNS() << self_av_string() << "skipping because LLWearableHolding pattern is invalid (superceded by later outfit request)" << LL_ENDL; } LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "Recovered item for type " << type << LL_ENDL; LLViewerInventoryItem *itemp = gInventory.getItem(item_id); wearable->setItemID(item_id); LLPointer cb = new LLBoostFuncInventoryCallback(boost::bind(recovered_item_link_cb,_1,type,wearable,holder)); holder->eraseTypeToRecover(type); llassert(itemp); if (itemp) { link_inventory_item( gAgent.getID(), item_id, LLAppearanceMgr::instance().getCOF(), itemp->getName(), itemp->getDescription(), LLAssetType::AT_LINK, cb); } } void LLWearableHoldingPattern::recoverMissingWearable(LLWearableType::EType type) { if (!isMostRecent()) { // runway skip here? LL_WARNS() << self_av_string() << "skipping because LLWearableHolding pattern is invalid (superceded by later outfit request)" << LL_ENDL; } // Try to recover by replacing missing wearable with a new one. LLNotificationsUtil::add("ReplacedMissingWearable"); LL_DEBUGS() << "Wearable " << LLWearableType::getTypeLabel(type) << " could not be downloaded. Replaced inventory item with default wearable." << LL_ENDL; LLViewerWearable* wearable = LLWearableList::instance().createNewWearable(type, gAgentAvatarp); // Add a new one in the lost and found folder. const LLUUID lost_and_found_id = gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(LLFolderType::FT_LOST_AND_FOUND); LLPointer cb = new LLBoostFuncInventoryCallback(boost::bind(recovered_item_cb,_1,type,wearable,this)); create_inventory_item(gAgent.getID(), gAgent.getSessionID(), lost_and_found_id, wearable->getTransactionID(), wearable->getName(), wearable->getDescription(), wearable->getAssetType(), LLInventoryType::IT_WEARABLE, wearable->getType(), wearable->getPermissions().getMaskNextOwner(), cb); } bool LLWearableHoldingPattern::isMissingCompleted() { return mTypesToLink.size()==0 && mTypesToRecover.size()==0; } void LLWearableHoldingPattern::clearCOFLinksForMissingWearables() { for (found_list_t::iterator it = getFoundList().begin(); it != getFoundList().end(); ++it) { LLFoundData &data = *it; if ((data.mWearableType < LLWearableType::WT_COUNT) && (!data.mWearable)) { // Wearable link that was never resolved; remove links to it from COF LL_INFOS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "removing link for unresolved item " << data.mItemID.asString() << LL_ENDL; LLAppearanceMgr::instance().removeCOFItemLinks(data.mItemID); } } } bool LLWearableHoldingPattern::pollMissingWearables() { if (!isMostRecent()) { // runway skip here? LL_WARNS() << self_av_string() << "skipping because LLWearableHolding pattern is invalid (superceded by later outfit request)" << LL_ENDL; } bool timed_out = isTimedOut(); bool missing_completed = isMissingCompleted(); bool done = timed_out || missing_completed; if (!done) { LL_INFOS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "polling missing wearables, waiting for items " << mTypesToRecover.size() << " links " << mTypesToLink.size() << " wearables, timed out " << timed_out << " elapsed " << mWaitTime.getElapsedTimeF32() << " done " << done << LL_ENDL; } if (done) { selfStopPhase("get_missing_wearables"); gAgentAvatarp->debugWearablesLoaded(); // BAP - if we don't call clearCOFLinksForMissingWearables() // here, we won't have to add the link back in later if the // wearable arrives late. This is to avoid corruption of // wearable ordering info. Also has the effect of making // unworn item links visible in the COF under some // circumstances. //clearCOFLinksForMissingWearables(); onAllComplete(); } return done; } // Handle wearables that arrived after the timeout period expired. void LLWearableHoldingPattern::handleLateArrivals() { // Only safe to run if we have previously finished the missing // wearables and other processing - otherwise we could be in some // intermediate state - but have not been superceded by a later // outfit change request. if (mLateArrivals.size() == 0) { // Nothing to process. return; } if (!isMostRecent()) { LL_WARNS() << self_av_string() << "Late arrivals not handled - outfit change no longer valid" << LL_ENDL; } if (!mIsAllComplete) { LL_WARNS() << self_av_string() << "Late arrivals not handled - in middle of missing wearables processing" << LL_ENDL; } LL_INFOS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "Need to handle " << mLateArrivals.size() << " late arriving wearables" << LL_ENDL; // Update mFoundList using late-arriving wearables. std::set replaced_types; for (LLWearableHoldingPattern::found_list_t::iterator iter = getFoundList().begin(); iter != getFoundList().end(); ++iter) { LLFoundData& data = *iter; for (std::set::iterator wear_it = mLateArrivals.begin(); wear_it != mLateArrivals.end(); ++wear_it) { LLViewerWearable *wearable = *wear_it; if(wearable->getAssetID() == data.mAssetID) { data.mWearable = wearable; replaced_types.insert(data.mWearableType); // BAP - if we didn't call // clearCOFLinksForMissingWearables() earlier, we // don't need to restore the link here. Fixes // wearable ordering problems. // LLAppearanceMgr::instance().addCOFItemLink(data.mItemID,false); // BAP failing this means inventory or asset server // are corrupted in a way we don't handle. llassert((data.mWearableType < LLWearableType::WT_COUNT) && (wearable->getType() == data.mWearableType)); break; } } } // Remove COF links for any default wearables previously used to replace the late arrivals. // All this pussyfooting around with a while loop and explicit // iterator incrementing is to allow removing items from the list // without clobbering the iterator we're using to navigate. LLWearableHoldingPattern::found_list_t::iterator iter = getFoundList().begin(); while (iter != getFoundList().end()) { LLFoundData& data = *iter; // If an item of this type has recently shown up, removed the corresponding replacement wearable from COF. if (data.mWearable && data.mIsReplacement && replaced_types.find(data.mWearableType) != replaced_types.end()) { LLAppearanceMgr::instance().removeCOFItemLinks(data.mItemID); std::list::iterator clobber_ator = iter; ++iter; getFoundList().erase(clobber_ator); } else { ++iter; } } // Clear contents of late arrivals. mLateArrivals.clear(); // Update appearance based on mFoundList LLAppearanceMgr::instance().updateAgentWearables(this, false); } void LLWearableHoldingPattern::resetTime(F32 timeout) { mWaitTime.reset(); mWaitTime.setTimerExpirySec(timeout); } void LLWearableHoldingPattern::onWearableAssetFetch(LLViewerWearable *wearable) { if (!isMostRecent()) { LL_WARNS() << self_av_string() << "skipping because LLWearableHolding pattern is invalid (superceded by later outfit request)" << LL_ENDL; } mResolved += 1; // just counting callbacks, not successes. LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "resolved " << mResolved << "/" << getFoundList().size() << LL_ENDL; if (!wearable) { LL_WARNS() << self_av_string() << "no wearable found" << LL_ENDL; } if (mFired) { LL_WARNS() << self_av_string() << "called after holder fired" << LL_ENDL; if (wearable) { mLateArrivals.insert(wearable); if (mIsAllComplete) { handleLateArrivals(); } } return; } if (!wearable) { return; } for (LLWearableHoldingPattern::found_list_t::iterator iter = getFoundList().begin(); iter != getFoundList().end(); ++iter) { LLFoundData& data = *iter; if(wearable->getAssetID() == data.mAssetID) { // Failing this means inventory or asset server are corrupted in a way we don't handle. if ((data.mWearableType >= LLWearableType::WT_COUNT) || (wearable->getType() != data.mWearableType)) { LL_WARNS() << self_av_string() << "recovered wearable but type invalid. inventory wearable type: " << data.mWearableType << " asset wearable type: " << wearable->getType() << LL_ENDL; break; } data.mWearable = wearable; } } } static void onWearableAssetFetch(LLViewerWearable* wearable, void* data) { LLWearableHoldingPattern* holder = (LLWearableHoldingPattern*)data; holder->onWearableAssetFetch(wearable); } static void removeDuplicateItems(LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items) { LLInventoryModel::item_array_t new_items; std::set items_seen; std::deque tmp_list; // Traverse from the front and keep the first of each item // encountered, so we actually keep the *last* of each duplicate // item. This is needed to give the right priority when adding // duplicate items to an existing outfit. for (S32 i=items.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { LLViewerInventoryItem *item = items.at(i); LLUUID item_id = item->getLinkedUUID(); if (items_seen.find(item_id)!=items_seen.end()) continue; items_seen.insert(item_id); tmp_list.push_front(item); } for (std::deque::iterator it = tmp_list.begin(); it != tmp_list.end(); ++it) { new_items.push_back(*it); } items = new_items; } const LLUUID LLAppearanceMgr::getCOF() const { return gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(LLFolderType::FT_CURRENT_OUTFIT); } S32 LLAppearanceMgr::getCOFVersion() const { LLViewerInventoryCategory *cof = gInventory.getCategory(getCOF()); if (cof) { return cof->getVersion(); } else { return LLViewerInventoryCategory::VERSION_UNKNOWN; } } const LLViewerInventoryItem* LLAppearanceMgr::getBaseOutfitLink() { const LLUUID& current_outfit_cat = getCOF(); LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cat_array; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t item_array; // Can't search on FT_OUTFIT since links to categories return FT_CATEGORY for type since they don't // return preferred type. LLIsType is_category( LLAssetType::AT_CATEGORY ); gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(current_outfit_cat, cat_array, item_array, false, is_category, false); for (LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::const_iterator iter = item_array.begin(); iter != item_array.end(); iter++) { const LLViewerInventoryItem *item = (*iter); const LLViewerInventoryCategory *cat = item->getLinkedCategory(); if (cat && cat->getPreferredType() == LLFolderType::FT_OUTFIT) { const LLUUID parent_id = cat->getParentUUID(); LLViewerInventoryCategory* parent_cat = gInventory.getCategory(parent_id); // if base outfit moved to trash it means that we don't have base outfit if (parent_cat != NULL && parent_cat->getPreferredType() == LLFolderType::FT_TRASH) { return NULL; } return item; } } return NULL; } bool LLAppearanceMgr::getBaseOutfitName(std::string& name) { const LLViewerInventoryItem* outfit_link = getBaseOutfitLink(); if(outfit_link) { const LLViewerInventoryCategory *cat = outfit_link->getLinkedCategory(); if (cat) { name = cat->getName(); return true; } } return false; } const LLUUID LLAppearanceMgr::getBaseOutfitUUID() { const LLViewerInventoryItem* outfit_link = getBaseOutfitLink(); if (!outfit_link || !outfit_link->getIsLinkType()) return LLUUID::null; const LLViewerInventoryCategory* outfit_cat = outfit_link->getLinkedCategory(); if (!outfit_cat) return LLUUID::null; if (outfit_cat->getPreferredType() != LLFolderType::FT_OUTFIT) { LL_WARNS() << "Expected outfit type:" << LLFolderType::FT_OUTFIT << " but got type:" << outfit_cat->getType() << " for folder name:" << outfit_cat->getName() << LL_ENDL; return LLUUID::null; } return outfit_cat->getUUID(); } void wear_on_avatar_cb(const LLUUID& inv_item, bool do_replace = false) { if (inv_item.isNull()) return; LLViewerInventoryItem *item = gInventory.getItem(inv_item); if (item) { LLAppearanceMgr::instance().wearItemOnAvatar(inv_item, true, do_replace); } } bool LLAppearanceMgr::wearItemOnAvatar(const LLUUID& item_id_to_wear, bool do_update, bool replace, LLPointer cb) { if (item_id_to_wear.isNull()) return false; // *TODO: issue with multi-wearable should be fixed: // in this case this method will be called N times - loading started for each item // and than N times will be called - loading completed for each item. // That means subscribers will be notified that loading is done after first item in a batch is worn. // (loading indicator disappears for example before all selected items are worn) // Have not fix this issue for 2.1 because of stability reason. EXT-7777. // Disabled for now because it is *not* acceptable to call updateAppearanceFromCOF() multiple times // gAgentWearables.notifyLoadingStarted(); LLViewerInventoryItem* item_to_wear = gInventory.getItem(item_id_to_wear); if (!item_to_wear) return false; if (gInventory.isObjectDescendentOf(item_to_wear->getUUID(), gInventory.getLibraryRootFolderID())) { LLPointer cb = new LLBoostFuncInventoryCallback(boost::bind(wear_on_avatar_cb,_1,replace)); copy_inventory_item(gAgent.getID(), item_to_wear->getPermissions().getOwner(), item_to_wear->getUUID(), LLUUID::null, std::string(),cb); return false; } else if (!gInventory.isObjectDescendentOf(item_to_wear->getUUID(), gInventory.getRootFolderID())) { return false; // not in library and not in agent's inventory } else if (gInventory.isObjectDescendentOf(item_to_wear->getUUID(), gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(LLFolderType::FT_TRASH))) { LLNotificationsUtil::add("CannotWearTrash"); return false; } else if (gInventory.isObjectDescendentOf(item_to_wear->getUUID(), LLAppearanceMgr::instance().getCOF())) // EXT-84911 { return false; } switch (item_to_wear->getType()) { case LLAssetType::AT_CLOTHING: if (gAgentWearables.areWearablesLoaded()) { S32 wearable_count = gAgentWearables.getWearableCount(item_to_wear->getWearableType()); if ((replace && wearable_count != 0) || (wearable_count >= LLAgentWearables::MAX_CLOTHING_PER_TYPE) ) { removeCOFItemLinks(gAgentWearables.getWearableItemID(item_to_wear->getWearableType(), wearable_count-1)); } addCOFItemLink(item_to_wear, do_update, cb); } break; case LLAssetType::AT_BODYPART: // TODO: investigate wearables may not be loaded at this point EXT-8231 // Remove the existing wearables of the same type. // Remove existing body parts anyway because we must not be able to wear e.g. two skins. removeCOFLinksOfType(item_to_wear->getWearableType()); addCOFItemLink(item_to_wear, do_update, cb); break; case LLAssetType::AT_OBJECT: rez_attachment(item_to_wear, NULL, replace); break; default: return false;; } return true; } // Update appearance from outfit folder. void LLAppearanceMgr::changeOutfit(bool proceed, const LLUUID& category, bool append) { if (!proceed) return; LLAppearanceMgr::instance().updateCOF(category,append); } void LLAppearanceMgr::replaceCurrentOutfit(const LLUUID& new_outfit) { LLViewerInventoryCategory* cat = gInventory.getCategory(new_outfit); wearInventoryCategory(cat, false, false); } // Open outfit renaming dialog. void LLAppearanceMgr::renameOutfit(const LLUUID& outfit_id) { LLViewerInventoryCategory* cat = gInventory.getCategory(outfit_id); if (!cat) { return; } LLSD args; args["NAME"] = cat->getName(); LLSD payload; payload["cat_id"] = outfit_id; LLNotificationsUtil::add("RenameOutfit", args, payload, boost::bind(onOutfitRename, _1, _2)); } // User typed new outfit name. // static void LLAppearanceMgr::onOutfitRename(const LLSD& notification, const LLSD& response) { S32 option = LLNotificationsUtil::getSelectedOption(notification, response); if (option != 0) return; // canceled std::string outfit_name = response["new_name"].asString(); LLStringUtil::trim(outfit_name); if (!outfit_name.empty()) { LLUUID cat_id = notification["payload"]["cat_id"].asUUID(); rename_category(&gInventory, cat_id, outfit_name); } } void LLAppearanceMgr::setOutfitLocked(bool locked) { if (mOutfitLocked == locked) { return; } mOutfitLocked = locked; if (locked) { mUnlockOutfitTimer->reset(); mUnlockOutfitTimer->start(); } else { mUnlockOutfitTimer->stop(); } LLOutfitObserver::instance().notifyOutfitLockChanged(); } void LLAppearanceMgr::addCategoryToCurrentOutfit(const LLUUID& cat_id) { LLViewerInventoryCategory* cat = gInventory.getCategory(cat_id); wearInventoryCategory(cat, false, true); } void LLAppearanceMgr::takeOffOutfit(const LLUUID& cat_id) { LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items; LLFindWearablesEx collector(/*is_worn=*/ true, /*include_body_parts=*/ false); gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(cat_id, cats, items, FALSE, collector); LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::const_iterator it = items.begin(); const LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::const_iterator it_end = items.end(); uuid_vec_t uuids_to_remove; for( ; it_end != it; ++it) { LLViewerInventoryItem* item = *it; uuids_to_remove.push_back(item->getUUID()); } removeItemsFromAvatar(uuids_to_remove); } // Create a copy of src_id + contents as a subfolder of dst_id. void LLAppearanceMgr::shallowCopyCategory(const LLUUID& src_id, const LLUUID& dst_id, LLPointer cb) { LLInventoryCategory *src_cat = gInventory.getCategory(src_id); if (!src_cat) { LL_WARNS() << "folder not found for src " << src_id.asString() << LL_ENDL; return; } LL_INFOS() << "starting, src_id " << src_id << " name " << src_cat->getName() << " dst_id " << dst_id << LL_ENDL; LLUUID parent_id = dst_id; if(parent_id.isNull()) { parent_id = gInventory.getRootFolderID(); } LLUUID subfolder_id = gInventory.createNewCategory( parent_id, LLFolderType::FT_NONE, src_cat->getName()); shallowCopyCategoryContents(src_id, subfolder_id, cb); gInventory.notifyObservers(); } // Copy contents of src_id to dst_id. void LLAppearanceMgr::shallowCopyCategoryContents(const LLUUID& src_id, const LLUUID& dst_id, LLPointer cb) { LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t* cats; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t* items; gInventory.getDirectDescendentsOf(src_id, cats, items); LL_INFOS() << "copying " << items->size() << " items" << LL_ENDL; for (LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::const_iterator iter = items->begin(); iter != items->end(); ++iter) { const LLViewerInventoryItem* item = (*iter); switch (item->getActualType()) { case LLAssetType::AT_LINK: { //getActualDescription() is used for a new description //to propagate ordering information saved in descriptions of links link_inventory_item(gAgent.getID(), item->getLinkedUUID(), dst_id, item->getName(), item->getActualDescription(), LLAssetType::AT_LINK, cb); break; } case LLAssetType::AT_LINK_FOLDER: { LLViewerInventoryCategory *catp = item->getLinkedCategory(); // Skip copying outfit links. if (catp && catp->getPreferredType() != LLFolderType::FT_OUTFIT) { link_inventory_item(gAgent.getID(), item->getLinkedUUID(), dst_id, item->getName(), item->getDescription(), LLAssetType::AT_LINK_FOLDER, cb); } break; } case LLAssetType::AT_CLOTHING: case LLAssetType::AT_OBJECT: case LLAssetType::AT_BODYPART: case LLAssetType::AT_GESTURE: { LL_INFOS() << "copying inventory item " << item->getName() << LL_ENDL; copy_inventory_item(gAgent.getID(), item->getPermissions().getOwner(), item->getUUID(), dst_id, item->getName(), cb); break; } default: // Ignore non-outfit asset types break; } } } BOOL LLAppearanceMgr::getCanMakeFolderIntoOutfit(const LLUUID& folder_id) { // These are the wearable items that are required for considering this // folder as containing a complete outfit. U32 required_wearables = 0; required_wearables |= 1LL << LLWearableType::WT_SHAPE; required_wearables |= 1LL << LLWearableType::WT_SKIN; required_wearables |= 1LL << LLWearableType::WT_HAIR; required_wearables |= 1LL << LLWearableType::WT_EYES; // These are the wearables that the folder actually contains. U32 folder_wearables = 0; LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t* cats; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t* items; gInventory.getDirectDescendentsOf(folder_id, cats, items); for (LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::const_iterator iter = items->begin(); iter != items->end(); ++iter) { const LLViewerInventoryItem* item = (*iter); if (item->isWearableType()) { const LLWearableType::EType wearable_type = item->getWearableType(); folder_wearables |= 1LL << wearable_type; } } // If the folder contains the required wearables, return TRUE. return ((required_wearables & folder_wearables) == required_wearables); } bool LLAppearanceMgr::getCanRemoveOutfit(const LLUUID& outfit_cat_id) { // Disallow removing the base outfit. if (outfit_cat_id == getBaseOutfitUUID()) { return false; } // Check if the outfit folder itself is removable. if (!get_is_category_removable(&gInventory, outfit_cat_id)) { return false; } // Check for the folder's non-removable descendants. LLFindNonRemovableObjects filter_non_removable; LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::const_iterator it; gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(outfit_cat_id, cats, items, false, filter_non_removable); if (!cats.empty() || !items.empty()) { return false; } return true; } // static bool LLAppearanceMgr::getCanRemoveFromCOF(const LLUUID& outfit_cat_id) { LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items; LLFindWearablesEx is_worn(/*is_worn=*/ true, /*include_body_parts=*/ false); gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(outfit_cat_id, cats, items, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH, is_worn); return items.size() > 0; } // static bool LLAppearanceMgr::getCanAddToCOF(const LLUUID& outfit_cat_id) { if (gAgentWearables.isCOFChangeInProgress()) { return false; } LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items; LLFindWearablesEx not_worn(/*is_worn=*/ false, /*include_body_parts=*/ false); gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(outfit_cat_id, cats, items, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH, not_worn); return items.size() > 0; } bool LLAppearanceMgr::getCanReplaceCOF(const LLUUID& outfit_cat_id) { // Don't allow wearing anything while we're changing appearance. if (gAgentWearables.isCOFChangeInProgress()) { return false; } // Check whether it's the base outfit. if (outfit_cat_id.isNull() || outfit_cat_id == getBaseOutfitUUID()) { return false; } // Check whether the outfit contains any wearables we aren't wearing already (STORM-702). LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items; LLFindWearablesEx is_worn(/*is_worn=*/ false, /*include_body_parts=*/ true); gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(outfit_cat_id, cats, items, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH, is_worn); return items.size() > 0; } void LLAppearanceMgr::purgeBaseOutfitLink(const LLUUID& category) { LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items; gInventory.collectDescendents(category, cats, items, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH); for (S32 i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) { LLViewerInventoryItem *item = items.at(i); if (item->getActualType() != LLAssetType::AT_LINK_FOLDER) continue; if (item->getIsLinkType()) { LLViewerInventoryCategory* catp = item->getLinkedCategory(); if(catp && catp->getPreferredType() == LLFolderType::FT_OUTFIT) { gInventory.purgeObject(item->getUUID()); } } } } void LLAppearanceMgr::purgeCategory(const LLUUID& category, bool keep_outfit_links, LLInventoryModel::item_array_t* keep_items) { LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items; gInventory.collectDescendents(category, cats, items, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH); for (S32 i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) { LLViewerInventoryItem *item = items.at(i); if (keep_outfit_links && (item->getActualType() == LLAssetType::AT_LINK_FOLDER)) continue; if (item->getIsLinkType()) { #if 0 if (keep_items && keep_items->find(item) != LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::FAIL) { LL_INFOS() << "preserved item" << LL_ENDL; } else { gInventory.purgeObject(item->getUUID()); } #else gInventory.purgeObject(item->getUUID()); } #endif } } // Keep the last N wearables of each type. For viewer 2.0, N is 1 for // both body parts and clothing items. void LLAppearanceMgr::filterWearableItems( LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items, S32 max_per_type) { // Divvy items into arrays by wearable type. std::vector items_by_type(LLWearableType::WT_COUNT); divvyWearablesByType(items, items_by_type); // rebuild items list, retaining the last max_per_type of each array items.clear(); for (S32 i=0; i cb) { for (S32 i=0; igetLinkedUUID(), cat_uuid, item->getName(), item->getActualDescription(), LLAssetType::AT_LINK, cb); const LLViewerInventoryCategory *cat = gInventory.getCategory(cat_uuid); const std::string cat_name = cat ? cat->getName() : "CAT NOT FOUND"; #ifndef LL_RELEASE_FOR_DOWNLOAD LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "Linking Item [ name:" << item->getName() << " UUID:" << item->getUUID() << " ] to Category [ name:" << cat_name << " UUID:" << cat_uuid << " ] " << LL_ENDL; #endif } } void LLAppearanceMgr::updateCOF(const LLUUID& category, bool append) { LLViewerInventoryCategory *pcat = gInventory.getCategory(category); LL_INFOS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "starting, cat '" << (pcat ? pcat->getName() : "[UNKNOWN]") << "'" << LL_ENDL; const LLUUID cof = getCOF(); // Deactivate currently active gestures in the COF, if replacing outfit if (!append) { LLInventoryModel::item_array_t gest_items; getDescendentsOfAssetType(cof, gest_items, LLAssetType::AT_GESTURE, false); for(S32 i = 0; i < gest_items.size(); ++i) { LLViewerInventoryItem *gest_item = gest_items.at(i); if ( LLGestureMgr::instance().isGestureActive( gest_item->getLinkedUUID()) ) { LLGestureMgr::instance().deactivateGesture( gest_item->getLinkedUUID() ); } } } // Collect and filter descendents to determine new COF contents. // - Body parts: always include COF contents as a fallback in case any // required parts are missing. // Preserve body parts from COF if appending. LLInventoryModel::item_array_t body_items; getDescendentsOfAssetType(cof, body_items, LLAssetType::AT_BODYPART, false); getDescendentsOfAssetType(category, body_items, LLAssetType::AT_BODYPART, false); if (append) reverse(body_items.begin(), body_items.end()); // Reduce body items to max of one per type. removeDuplicateItems(body_items); filterWearableItems(body_items, 1); // - Wearables: include COF contents only if appending. LLInventoryModel::item_array_t wear_items; if (append) getDescendentsOfAssetType(cof, wear_items, LLAssetType::AT_CLOTHING, false); getDescendentsOfAssetType(category, wear_items, LLAssetType::AT_CLOTHING, false); // Reduce wearables to max of one per type. removeDuplicateItems(wear_items); filterWearableItems(wear_items, LLAgentWearables::MAX_CLOTHING_PER_TYPE); // - Attachments: include COF contents only if appending. LLInventoryModel::item_array_t obj_items; if (append) getDescendentsOfAssetType(cof, obj_items, LLAssetType::AT_OBJECT, false); getDescendentsOfAssetType(category, obj_items, LLAssetType::AT_OBJECT, false); removeDuplicateItems(obj_items); // - Gestures: include COF contents only if appending. LLInventoryModel::item_array_t gest_items; if (append) getDescendentsOfAssetType(cof, gest_items, LLAssetType::AT_GESTURE, false); getDescendentsOfAssetType(category, gest_items, LLAssetType::AT_GESTURE, false); removeDuplicateItems(gest_items); // Create links to new COF contents. LLInventoryModel::item_array_t all_items; std::copy(body_items.begin(), body_items.end(), std::back_inserter(all_items)); std::copy(wear_items.begin(), wear_items.end(), std::back_inserter(all_items)); std::copy(obj_items.begin(), obj_items.end(), std::back_inserter(all_items)); std::copy(gest_items.begin(), gest_items.end(), std::back_inserter(all_items)); // Will link all the above items. LLPointer link_waiter = new LLUpdateAppearanceOnDestroy; linkAll(cof,all_items,link_waiter); // Add link to outfit if category is an outfit. if (!append) { createBaseOutfitLink(category, link_waiter); } // Remove current COF contents. Have to do this after creating // the link_waiter so links can be followed for any items that get // carried over (e.g. keeping old shape if the new outfit does not // contain one) bool keep_outfit_links = append; purgeCategory(cof, keep_outfit_links, &all_items); gInventory.notifyObservers(); LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "waiting for LLUpdateAppearanceOnDestroy" << LL_ENDL; } void LLAppearanceMgr::updatePanelOutfitName(const std::string& name) { LLSidepanelAppearance* panel_appearance = dynamic_cast(LLFloaterSidePanelContainer::getPanel("appearance")); if (panel_appearance) { panel_appearance->refreshCurrentOutfitName(name); } } void LLAppearanceMgr::createBaseOutfitLink(const LLUUID& category, LLPointer link_waiter) { const LLUUID cof = getCOF(); LLViewerInventoryCategory* catp = gInventory.getCategory(category); std::string new_outfit_name = ""; purgeBaseOutfitLink(cof); if (catp && catp->getPreferredType() == LLFolderType::FT_OUTFIT) { link_inventory_item(gAgent.getID(), category, cof, catp->getName(), "", LLAssetType::AT_LINK_FOLDER, link_waiter); new_outfit_name = catp->getName(); } updatePanelOutfitName(new_outfit_name); } void LLAppearanceMgr::updateAgentWearables(LLWearableHoldingPattern* holder, bool append) { LL_DEBUGS() << "updateAgentWearables()" << LL_ENDL; LLInventoryItem::item_array_t items; std::vector< LLViewerWearable* > wearables; wearables.reserve(32); // For each wearable type, find the wearables of that type. for( S32 i = 0; i < LLWearableType::WT_COUNT; i++ ) { for (LLWearableHoldingPattern::found_list_t::iterator iter = holder->getFoundList().begin(); iter != holder->getFoundList().end(); ++iter) { LLFoundData& data = *iter; LLViewerWearable* wearable = data.mWearable; if( wearable && ((S32)wearable->getType() == i) ) { LLViewerInventoryItem* item = (LLViewerInventoryItem*)gInventory.getItem(data.mItemID); if( item && (item->getAssetUUID() == wearable->getAssetID()) ) { items.push_back(item); wearables.push_back(wearable); } } } } if(wearables.size() > 0) { gAgentWearables.setWearableOutfit(items, wearables, !append); } } static void remove_non_link_items(LLInventoryModel::item_array_t &items) { LLInventoryModel::item_array_t pruned_items; for (LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::const_iterator iter = items.begin(); iter != items.end(); ++iter) { const LLViewerInventoryItem *item = (*iter); if (item && item->getIsLinkType()) { pruned_items.push_back((*iter)); } } items = pruned_items; } //a predicate for sorting inventory items by actual descriptions bool sort_by_actual_description(const LLInventoryItem* item1, const LLInventoryItem* item2) { if (!item1 || !item2) { LL_WARNS() << "either item1 or item2 is NULL" << LL_ENDL; return true; } return item1->getActualDescription() < item2->getActualDescription(); } void item_array_diff(LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& full_list, LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& keep_list, LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& kill_list) { for (LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::iterator it = full_list.begin(); it != full_list.end(); ++it) { LLViewerInventoryItem *item = *it; if (std::find(keep_list.begin(), keep_list.end(), item) == keep_list.end()) { kill_list.push_back(item); } } } S32 LLAppearanceMgr::findExcessOrDuplicateItems(const LLUUID& cat_id, LLAssetType::EType type, S32 max_items, LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items_to_kill) { S32 to_kill_count = 0; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items; getDescendentsOfAssetType(cat_id, items, type, false); LLInventoryModel::item_array_t curr_items = items; removeDuplicateItems(items); if (max_items > 0) { filterWearableItems(items, max_items); } LLInventoryModel::item_array_t kill_items; item_array_diff(curr_items,items,kill_items); for (LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::iterator it = kill_items.begin(); it != kill_items.end(); ++it) { items_to_kill.push_back(*it); to_kill_count++; } return to_kill_count; } void LLAppearanceMgr::enforceItemRestrictions() { S32 purge_count = 0; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items_to_kill; purge_count += findExcessOrDuplicateItems(getCOF(),LLAssetType::AT_BODYPART, 1, items_to_kill); purge_count += findExcessOrDuplicateItems(getCOF(),LLAssetType::AT_CLOTHING, LLAgentWearables::MAX_CLOTHING_PER_TYPE, items_to_kill); purge_count += findExcessOrDuplicateItems(getCOF(),LLAssetType::AT_OBJECT, -1, items_to_kill); if (items_to_kill.size()>0) { for (LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::iterator it = items_to_kill.begin(); it != items_to_kill.end(); ++it) { LLViewerInventoryItem *item = *it; LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "purging duplicate or excess item " << item->getName() << LL_ENDL; gInventory.purgeObject(item->getUUID()); } gInventory.notifyObservers(); } } void LLAppearanceMgr::updateAppearanceFromCOF(bool update_base_outfit_ordering) { if (mIsInUpdateAppearanceFromCOF) { LL_WARNS() << "Called updateAppearanceFromCOF inside updateAppearanceFromCOF, skipping" << LL_ENDL; return; } BoolSetter setIsInUpdateAppearanceFromCOF(mIsInUpdateAppearanceFromCOF); selfStartPhase("update_appearance_from_cof"); LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "starting" << LL_ENDL; //checking integrity of the COF in terms of ordering of wearables, //checking and updating links' descriptions of wearables in the COF (before analyzed for "dirty" state) updateClothingOrderingInfo(LLUUID::null, update_base_outfit_ordering); // Remove duplicate or excess wearables. Should normally be enforced at the UI level, but // this should catch anything that gets through. enforceItemRestrictions(); // update dirty flag to see if the state of the COF matches // the saved outfit stored as a folder link updateIsDirty(); // Send server request for appearance update if (gAgent.getRegion() && gAgent.getRegion()->getCentralBakeVersion()) { requestServerAppearanceUpdate(); } // DRANO really should wait for the appearance message to set this. // verify that deleting this line doesn't break anything. //gAgentAvatarp->setIsUsingServerBakes(gAgent.getRegion() && gAgent.getRegion()->getCentralBakeVersion()); //dumpCat(getCOF(),"COF, start"); bool follow_folder_links = false; LLUUID current_outfit_id = getCOF(); // Find all the wearables that are in the COF's subtree. LL_DEBUGS() << "LLAppearanceMgr::updateFromCOF()" << LL_ENDL; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t wear_items; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t obj_items; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t gest_items; getUserDescendents(current_outfit_id, wear_items, obj_items, gest_items, follow_folder_links); // Get rid of non-links in case somehow the COF was corrupted. remove_non_link_items(wear_items); remove_non_link_items(obj_items); remove_non_link_items(gest_items); dumpItemArray(wear_items,"asset_dump: wear_item"); dumpItemArray(obj_items,"asset_dump: obj_item"); if(!wear_items.size()) { LLNotificationsUtil::add("CouldNotPutOnOutfit"); return; } //preparing the list of wearables in the correct order for LLAgentWearables sortItemsByActualDescription(wear_items); LLWearableHoldingPattern* holder = new LLWearableHoldingPattern; holder->setObjItems(obj_items); holder->setGestItems(gest_items); // Note: can't do normal iteration, because if all the // wearables can be resolved immediately, then the // callback will be called (and this object deleted) // before the final getNextData(). for(S32 i = 0; i < wear_items.size(); ++i) { LLViewerInventoryItem *item = wear_items.at(i); LLViewerInventoryItem *linked_item = item ? item->getLinkedItem() : NULL; // Fault injection: use debug setting to test asset // fetch failures (should be replaced by new defaults in // lost&found). U32 skip_type = gSavedSettings.getU32("ForceAssetFail"); if (item && item->getIsLinkType() && linked_item) { LLFoundData found(linked_item->getUUID(), linked_item->getAssetUUID(), linked_item->getName(), linked_item->getType(), linked_item->isWearableType() ? linked_item->getWearableType() : LLWearableType::WT_INVALID ); if (skip_type != LLWearableType::WT_INVALID && skip_type == found.mWearableType) { found.mAssetID.generate(); // Replace with new UUID, guaranteed not to exist in DB } //pushing back, not front, to preserve order of wearables for LLAgentWearables holder->getFoundList().push_back(found); } else { if (!item) { LL_WARNS() << "Attempt to wear a null item " << LL_ENDL; } else if (!linked_item) { LL_WARNS() << "Attempt to wear a broken link [ name:" << item->getName() << " ] " << LL_ENDL; } } } selfStartPhase("get_wearables"); for (LLWearableHoldingPattern::found_list_t::iterator it = holder->getFoundList().begin(); it != holder->getFoundList().end(); ++it) { LLFoundData& found = *it; LL_DEBUGS() << self_av_string() << "waiting for onWearableAssetFetch callback, asset " << found.mAssetID.asString() << LL_ENDL; // Fetch the wearables about to be worn. LLWearableList::instance().getAsset(found.mAssetID, found.mName, gAgentAvatarp, found.mAssetType, onWearableAssetFetch, (void*)holder); } holder->resetTime(gSavedSettings.getF32("MaxWearableWaitTime")); if (!holder->pollFetchCompletion()) { doOnIdleRepeating(boost::bind(&LLWearableHoldingPattern::pollFetchCompletion,holder)); } } void LLAppearanceMgr::getDescendentsOfAssetType(const LLUUID& category, LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items, LLAssetType::EType type, bool follow_folder_links) { LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats; LLIsType is_of_type(type); gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(category, cats, items, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH, is_of_type, follow_folder_links); } void LLAppearanceMgr::getUserDescendents(const LLUUID& category, LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& wear_items, LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& obj_items, LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& gest_items, bool follow_folder_links) { LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t wear_cats; LLFindWearables is_wearable; gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(category, wear_cats, wear_items, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH, is_wearable, follow_folder_links); LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t obj_cats; LLIsType is_object( LLAssetType::AT_OBJECT ); gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(category, obj_cats, obj_items, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH, is_object, follow_folder_links); // Find all gestures in this folder LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t gest_cats; LLIsType is_gesture( LLAssetType::AT_GESTURE ); gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(category, gest_cats, gest_items, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH, is_gesture, follow_folder_links); } void LLAppearanceMgr::wearInventoryCategory(LLInventoryCategory* category, bool copy, bool append) { if(!category) return; selfClearPhases(); selfStartPhase("wear_inventory_category"); gAgentWearables.notifyLoadingStarted(); LL_INFOS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "wearInventoryCategory( " << category->getName() << " )" << LL_ENDL; selfStartPhase("wear_inventory_category_fetch"); callAfterCategoryFetch(category->getUUID(),boost::bind(&LLAppearanceMgr::wearCategoryFinal, &LLAppearanceMgr::instance(), category->getUUID(), copy, append)); } void LLAppearanceMgr::wearCategoryFinal(LLUUID& cat_id, bool copy_items, bool append) { LL_INFOS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "starting" << LL_ENDL; selfStopPhase("wear_inventory_category_fetch"); // We now have an outfit ready to be copied to agent inventory. Do // it, and wear that outfit normally. LLInventoryCategory* cat = gInventory.getCategory(cat_id); if(copy_items) { LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t* cats; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t* items; gInventory.getDirectDescendentsOf(cat_id, cats, items); std::string name; if(!cat) { // should never happen. name = "New Outfit"; } else { name = cat->getName(); } LLViewerInventoryItem* item = NULL; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::const_iterator it = items->begin(); LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::const_iterator end = items->end(); LLUUID pid; for(; it < end; ++it) { item = *it; if(item) { if(LLInventoryType::IT_GESTURE == item->getInventoryType()) { pid = gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(LLFolderType::FT_GESTURE); } else { pid = gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(LLFolderType::FT_CLOTHING); } break; } } if(pid.isNull()) { pid = gInventory.getRootFolderID(); } LLUUID new_cat_id = gInventory.createNewCategory( pid, LLFolderType::FT_NONE, name); // Create a CopyMgr that will copy items, manage its own destruction new LLCallAfterInventoryCopyMgr( *items, new_cat_id, std::string("wear_inventory_category_callback"), boost::bind(&LLAppearanceMgr::wearInventoryCategoryOnAvatar, LLAppearanceMgr::getInstance(), gInventory.getCategory(new_cat_id), append)); // BAP fixes a lag in display of created dir. gInventory.notifyObservers(); } else { // Wear the inventory category. LLAppearanceMgr::instance().wearInventoryCategoryOnAvatar(cat, append); } } // *NOTE: hack to get from avatar inventory to avatar void LLAppearanceMgr::wearInventoryCategoryOnAvatar( LLInventoryCategory* category, bool append ) { // Avoid unintentionally overwriting old wearables. We have to do // this up front to avoid having to deal with the case of multiple // wearables being dirty. if(!category) return; if ( !LLInventoryCallbackManager::is_instantiated() ) { // shutting down, ignore. return; } LL_INFOS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "wearInventoryCategoryOnAvatar '" << category->getName() << "'" << LL_ENDL; if (gAgentCamera.cameraCustomizeAvatar()) { // switching to outfit editor should automagically save any currently edited wearable LLFloaterSidePanelContainer::showPanel("appearance", LLSD().with("type", "edit_outfit")); } LLAppearanceMgr::changeOutfit(TRUE, category->getUUID(), append); } void LLAppearanceMgr::wearOutfitByName(const std::string& name) { LL_INFOS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "Wearing category " << name << LL_ENDL; LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cat_array; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t item_array; LLNameCategoryCollector has_name(name); gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(gInventory.getRootFolderID(), cat_array, item_array, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH, has_name); bool copy_items = false; LLInventoryCategory* cat = NULL; if (cat_array.size() > 0) { // Just wear the first one that matches cat = cat_array.at(0); } else { gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(LLUUID::null, cat_array, item_array, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH, has_name); if(cat_array.size() > 0) { cat = cat_array.at(0); copy_items = true; } } if(cat) { LLAppearanceMgr::wearInventoryCategory(cat, copy_items, false); } else { LL_WARNS() << "Couldn't find outfit " <isWearableType() && b->isWearableType() && (a->getWearableType() == b->getWearableType())); } class LLDeferredCOFLinkObserver: public LLInventoryObserver { public: LLDeferredCOFLinkObserver(const LLUUID& item_id, bool do_update, LLPointer cb = NULL, std::string description = ""): mItemID(item_id), mDoUpdate(do_update), mCallback(cb), mDescription(description) { } ~LLDeferredCOFLinkObserver() { } /* virtual */ void changed(U32 mask) { const LLInventoryItem *item = gInventory.getItem(mItemID); if (item) { gInventory.removeObserver(this); LLAppearanceMgr::instance().addCOFItemLink(item,mDoUpdate,mCallback); delete this; } } private: const LLUUID mItemID; bool mDoUpdate; std::string mDescription; LLPointer mCallback; }; // BAP - note that this runs asynchronously if the item is not already loaded from inventory. // Dangerous if caller assumes link will exist after calling the function. void LLAppearanceMgr::addCOFItemLink(const LLUUID &item_id, bool do_update, LLPointer cb, const std::string description) { const LLInventoryItem *item = gInventory.getItem(item_id); if (!item) { LLDeferredCOFLinkObserver *observer = new LLDeferredCOFLinkObserver(item_id, do_update, cb, description); gInventory.addObserver(observer); } else { addCOFItemLink(item, do_update, cb, description); } } void modified_cof_cb(const LLUUID& inv_item) { LLAppearanceMgr::instance().updateAppearanceFromCOF(); // Start editing the item if previously requested. gAgentWearables.editWearableIfRequested(inv_item); // TODO: camera mode may not be changed if a debug setting is tweaked if( gAgentCamera.cameraCustomizeAvatar() ) { // If we're in appearance editing mode, the current tab may need to be refreshed LLSidepanelAppearance *panel = dynamic_cast(LLFloaterSidePanelContainer::getPanel("appearance")); if (panel) { panel->showDefaultSubpart(); } } } void LLAppearanceMgr::addCOFItemLink(const LLInventoryItem *item, bool do_update, LLPointer cb, const std::string description) { std::string link_description = description; const LLViewerInventoryItem *vitem = dynamic_cast(item); if (!vitem) { LL_WARNS() << "not an llviewerinventoryitem, failed" << LL_ENDL; return; } gInventory.addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::LABEL, vitem->getLinkedUUID()); LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cat_array; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t item_array; gInventory.collectDescendents(LLAppearanceMgr::getCOF(), cat_array, item_array, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH); bool linked_already = false; U32 count = 0; for (S32 i=0; igetWearableType(); const bool is_body_part = (wearable_type == LLWearableType::WT_SHAPE) || (wearable_type == LLWearableType::WT_HAIR) || (wearable_type == LLWearableType::WT_EYES) || (wearable_type == LLWearableType::WT_SKIN); if (inv_item->getLinkedUUID() == vitem->getLinkedUUID()) { linked_already = true; } // Are these links to different items of the same body part // type? If so, new item will replace old. else if ((vitem->isWearableType()) && (vitem->getWearableType() == wearable_type)) { ++count; if (is_body_part && inv_item->getIsLinkType() && (vitem->getWearableType() == wearable_type)) { gInventory.purgeObject(inv_item->getUUID()); } else if (count >= LLAgentWearables::MAX_CLOTHING_PER_TYPE) { // MULTI-WEARABLES: make sure we don't go over MAX_CLOTHING_PER_TYPE gInventory.purgeObject(inv_item->getUUID()); } } } if (linked_already) { if (do_update) { LLAppearanceMgr::updateAppearanceFromCOF(); } return; } else { if(do_update && cb.isNull()) { cb = new LLBoostFuncInventoryCallback(modified_cof_cb); } if (vitem->getIsLinkType()) { link_description = vitem->getActualDescription(); } link_inventory_item( gAgent.getID(), vitem->getLinkedUUID(), getCOF(), vitem->getName(), link_description, LLAssetType::AT_LINK, cb); } return; } LLInventoryModel::item_array_t LLAppearanceMgr::findCOFItemLinks(const LLUUID& item_id) { LLInventoryModel::item_array_t result; const LLViewerInventoryItem *vitem = dynamic_cast(gInventory.getItem(item_id)); if (vitem) { LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cat_array; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t item_array; gInventory.collectDescendents(LLAppearanceMgr::getCOF(), cat_array, item_array, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH); for (S32 i=0; igetLinkedUUID() == vitem->getLinkedUUID()) { result.push_back(item_array.at(i)); } } } return result; } void LLAppearanceMgr::removeAllClothesFromAvatar() { // Fetch worn clothes (i.e. the ones in COF). LLInventoryModel::item_array_t clothing_items; LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t dummy; LLIsType is_clothing(LLAssetType::AT_CLOTHING); gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(getCOF(), dummy, clothing_items, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH, is_clothing, false); uuid_vec_t item_ids; for (LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::iterator it = clothing_items.begin(); it != clothing_items.end(); ++it) { item_ids.push_back((*it).get()->getLinkedUUID()); } // Take them off by removing from COF. removeItemsFromAvatar(item_ids); } void LLAppearanceMgr::removeAllAttachmentsFromAvatar() { if (!isAgentAvatarValid()) return; LLAgentWearables::llvo_vec_t objects_to_remove; for (LLVOAvatar::attachment_map_t::iterator iter = gAgentAvatarp->mAttachmentPoints.begin(); iter != gAgentAvatarp->mAttachmentPoints.end();) { LLVOAvatar::attachment_map_t::iterator curiter = iter++; LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = curiter->second; for (LLViewerJointAttachment::attachedobjs_vec_t::iterator attachment_iter = attachment->mAttachedObjects.begin(); attachment_iter != attachment->mAttachedObjects.end(); ++attachment_iter) { LLViewerObject *attached_object = (*attachment_iter); if (attached_object) { objects_to_remove.push_back(attached_object); } } } uuid_vec_t ids_to_remove; for (LLAgentWearables::llvo_vec_t::iterator it = objects_to_remove.begin(); it != objects_to_remove.end(); ++it) { ids_to_remove.push_back((*it)->getAttachmentItemID()); } removeItemsFromAvatar(ids_to_remove); } void LLAppearanceMgr::removeCOFItemLinks(const LLUUID& item_id) { gInventory.addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::LABEL, item_id); LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cat_array; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t item_array; gInventory.collectDescendents(LLAppearanceMgr::getCOF(), cat_array, item_array, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH); for (S32 i=0; igetIsLinkType() && item->getLinkedUUID() == item_id) { gInventory.purgeObject(item->getUUID()); } } } void LLAppearanceMgr::removeCOFLinksOfType(LLWearableType::EType type) { LLFindWearablesOfType filter_wearables_of_type(type); LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::const_iterator it; gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(getCOF(), cats, items, true, filter_wearables_of_type); for (it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it) { const LLViewerInventoryItem* item = *it; if (item->getIsLinkType()) // we must operate on links only { gInventory.purgeObject(item->getUUID()); } } } bool sort_by_linked_uuid(const LLViewerInventoryItem* item1, const LLViewerInventoryItem* item2) { if (!item1 || !item2) { LL_WARNS() << "item1, item2 cannot be null, something is very wrong" << LL_ENDL; return true; } return item1->getLinkedUUID() < item2->getLinkedUUID(); } void LLAppearanceMgr::updateIsDirty() { LLUUID cof = getCOF(); LLUUID base_outfit; // find base outfit link const LLViewerInventoryItem* base_outfit_item = getBaseOutfitLink(); LLViewerInventoryCategory* catp = NULL; if (base_outfit_item && base_outfit_item->getIsLinkType()) { catp = base_outfit_item->getLinkedCategory(); } if(catp && catp->getPreferredType() == LLFolderType::FT_OUTFIT) { base_outfit = catp->getUUID(); } // Set dirty to "false" if no base outfit found to disable "Save" // and leave only "Save As" enabled in My Outfits. mOutfitIsDirty = false; if (base_outfit.notNull()) { LLIsOfAssetType collector = LLIsOfAssetType(LLAssetType::AT_LINK); LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cof_cats; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t cof_items; gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(cof, cof_cats, cof_items, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH, collector); LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t outfit_cats; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t outfit_items; gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(base_outfit, outfit_cats, outfit_items, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH, collector); if(outfit_items.size() != cof_items.size()) { // Current outfit folder should have one more item than the outfit folder. // this one item is the link back to the outfit folder itself. mOutfitIsDirty = true; return; } //"dirty" - also means a difference in linked UUIDs and/or a difference in wearables order (links' descriptions) std::sort(cof_items.begin(), cof_items.end(), sort_by_linked_uuid); std::sort(outfit_items.begin(), outfit_items.end(), sort_by_linked_uuid); for (U32 i = 0; i < cof_items.size(); ++i) { LLViewerInventoryItem *item1 = cof_items.at(i); LLViewerInventoryItem *item2 = outfit_items.at(i); if (item1->getLinkedUUID() != item2->getLinkedUUID() || item1->getName() != item2->getName() || item1->getActualDescription() != item2->getActualDescription()) { mOutfitIsDirty = true; return; } } } } // *HACK: Must match name in Library or agent inventory const std::string ROOT_GESTURES_FOLDER = "Gestures"; const std::string COMMON_GESTURES_FOLDER = "Common Gestures"; const std::string MALE_GESTURES_FOLDER = "Male Gestures"; const std::string FEMALE_GESTURES_FOLDER = "Female Gestures"; const std::string SPEECH_GESTURES_FOLDER = "Speech Gestures"; const std::string OTHER_GESTURES_FOLDER = "Other Gestures"; void LLAppearanceMgr::copyLibraryGestures() { LL_INFOS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "Copying library gestures" << LL_ENDL; // Copy gestures LLUUID lib_gesture_cat_id = gInventory.findLibraryCategoryUUIDForType(LLFolderType::FT_GESTURE,false); if (lib_gesture_cat_id.isNull()) { LL_WARNS() << "Unable to copy gestures, source category not found" << LL_ENDL; } LLUUID dst_id = gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(LLFolderType::FT_GESTURE); std::vector gesture_folders_to_copy; gesture_folders_to_copy.push_back(MALE_GESTURES_FOLDER); gesture_folders_to_copy.push_back(FEMALE_GESTURES_FOLDER); gesture_folders_to_copy.push_back(COMMON_GESTURES_FOLDER); gesture_folders_to_copy.push_back(SPEECH_GESTURES_FOLDER); gesture_folders_to_copy.push_back(OTHER_GESTURES_FOLDER); for(std::vector::iterator it = gesture_folders_to_copy.begin(); it != gesture_folders_to_copy.end(); ++it) { std::string& folder_name = *it; LLPointer cb(NULL); // After copying gestures, activate Common, Other, plus // Male and/or Female, depending upon the initial outfit gender. ESex gender = gAgentAvatarp->getSex(); std::string activate_male_gestures; std::string activate_female_gestures; switch (gender) { case SEX_MALE: activate_male_gestures = MALE_GESTURES_FOLDER; break; case SEX_FEMALE: activate_female_gestures = FEMALE_GESTURES_FOLDER; break; case SEX_BOTH: activate_male_gestures = MALE_GESTURES_FOLDER; activate_female_gestures = FEMALE_GESTURES_FOLDER; break; } if (folder_name == activate_male_gestures || folder_name == activate_female_gestures || folder_name == COMMON_GESTURES_FOLDER || folder_name == OTHER_GESTURES_FOLDER) { cb = new LLBoostFuncInventoryCallback(activate_gesture_cb); } LLUUID cat_id = findDescendentCategoryIDByName(lib_gesture_cat_id,folder_name); if (cat_id.isNull()) { LL_WARNS() << self_av_string() << "failed to find gesture folder for " << folder_name << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "initiating fetch and copy for " << folder_name << " cat_id " << cat_id << LL_ENDL; callAfterCategoryFetch(cat_id, boost::bind(&LLAppearanceMgr::shallowCopyCategory, &LLAppearanceMgr::instance(), cat_id, dst_id, cb)); } } } void LLAppearanceMgr::autopopulateOutfits() { // If this is the very first time the user has logged into viewer2+ (from a legacy viewer, or new account) // then auto-populate outfits from the library into the My Outfits folder. LL_INFOS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << "avatar fully visible" << LL_ENDL; static bool check_populate_my_outfits = true; if (check_populate_my_outfits && (LLInventoryModel::getIsFirstTimeInViewer2() || gSavedSettings.getBOOL("MyOutfitsAutofill"))) { gAgentWearables.populateMyOutfitsFolder(); } check_populate_my_outfits = false; } // Handler for anything that's deferred until avatar de-clouds. void LLAppearanceMgr::onFirstFullyVisible() { gAgentAvatarp->outputRezTiming("Avatar fully loaded"); gAgentAvatarp->reportAvatarRezTime(); gAgentAvatarp->debugAvatarVisible(); // The auto-populate is failing at the point of generating outfits // folders, so don't do the library copy until that is resolved. // autopopulateOutfits(); // If this is the first time we've ever logged in, // then copy default gestures from the library. if (gAgent.isFirstLogin()) { copyLibraryGestures(); } } // update "dirty" state - defined outside class to allow for calling // after appearance mgr instance has been destroyed. void appearance_mgr_update_dirty_state() { if (LLAppearanceMgr::instanceExists()) { LLAppearanceMgr::getInstance()->updateIsDirty(); } } bool LLAppearanceMgr::updateBaseOutfit() { if (isOutfitLocked()) { // don't allow modify locked outfit llassert(!isOutfitLocked()); return false; } setOutfitLocked(true); gAgentWearables.notifyLoadingStarted(); const LLUUID base_outfit_id = getBaseOutfitUUID(); if (base_outfit_id.isNull()) return false; updateClothingOrderingInfo(); // in a Base Outfit we do not remove items, only links purgeCategory(base_outfit_id, false); LLPointer dirty_state_updater = new LLBoostFuncInventoryCallback(no_op_inventory_func, appearance_mgr_update_dirty_state); //COF contains only links so we copy to the Base Outfit only links shallowCopyCategoryContents(getCOF(), base_outfit_id, dirty_state_updater); return true; } void LLAppearanceMgr::divvyWearablesByType(const LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items, wearables_by_type_t& items_by_type) { items_by_type.resize(LLWearableType::WT_COUNT); if (items.empty()) return; for (S32 i=0; iisWearableType()) continue; LLWearableType::EType type = item->getWearableType(); if(type < 0 || type >= LLWearableType::WT_COUNT) { LL_WARNS("Appearance") << "Invalid wearable type. Inventory type does not match wearable flag bitfield." << LL_ENDL; continue; } items_by_type[type].push_back(item); } } std::string build_order_string(LLWearableType::EType type, U32 i) { std::ostringstream order_num; order_num << ORDER_NUMBER_SEPARATOR << type * 100 + i; return order_num.str(); } struct WearablesOrderComparator { LOG_CLASS(WearablesOrderComparator); WearablesOrderComparator(const LLWearableType::EType type) { mControlSize = build_order_string(type, 0).size(); }; bool operator()(const LLInventoryItem* item1, const LLInventoryItem* item2) { if (!item1 || !item2) { LL_WARNS() << "either item1 or item2 is NULL" << LL_ENDL; return true; } const std::string& desc1 = item1->getActualDescription(); const std::string& desc2 = item2->getActualDescription(); bool item1_valid = (desc1.size() == mControlSize) && (ORDER_NUMBER_SEPARATOR == desc1[0]); bool item2_valid = (desc2.size() == mControlSize) && (ORDER_NUMBER_SEPARATOR == desc2[0]); if (item1_valid && item2_valid) return desc1 < desc2; //we need to sink down invalid items: items with empty descriptions, items with "Broken link" descriptions, //items with ordering information but not for the associated wearables type if (!item1_valid && item2_valid) return false; return true; } U32 mControlSize; }; void LLAppearanceMgr::updateClothingOrderingInfo(LLUUID cat_id, bool update_base_outfit_ordering) { if (cat_id.isNull()) { cat_id = getCOF(); if (update_base_outfit_ordering) { const LLUUID base_outfit_id = getBaseOutfitUUID(); if (base_outfit_id.notNull()) { updateClothingOrderingInfo(base_outfit_id,false); } } } // COF is processed if cat_id is not specified LLInventoryModel::item_array_t wear_items; getDescendentsOfAssetType(cat_id, wear_items, LLAssetType::AT_CLOTHING, false); wearables_by_type_t items_by_type(LLWearableType::WT_COUNT); divvyWearablesByType(wear_items, items_by_type); bool inventory_changed = false; for (U32 type = LLWearableType::WT_SHIRT; type < LLWearableType::WT_COUNT; type++) { U32 size = items_by_type[type].size(); if (!size) continue; //sinking down invalid items which need reordering std::sort(items_by_type[type].begin(), items_by_type[type].end(), WearablesOrderComparator((LLWearableType::EType) type)); //requesting updates only for those links which don't have "valid" descriptions for (U32 i = 0; i < size; i++) { LLViewerInventoryItem* item = items_by_type[type][i]; if (!item) continue; std::string new_order_str = build_order_string((LLWearableType::EType)type, i); if (new_order_str == item->getActualDescription()) continue; item->setDescription(new_order_str); item->setComplete(TRUE); item->updateServer(FALSE); gInventory.updateItem(item); inventory_changed = true; } } //*TODO do we really need to notify observers? if (inventory_changed) gInventory.notifyObservers(); } // This is intended for use with HTTP Clients/Responders, but is not // specifically coupled with those classes. class LLHTTPRetryPolicy: public LLThreadSafeRefCount { public: LLHTTPRetryPolicy() {} virtual ~LLHTTPRetryPolicy() {} virtual bool shouldRetry(U32 status, F32& seconds_to_wait) = 0; }; // Example of simplest possible policy, not necessarily recommended. class LLAlwaysRetryImmediatelyPolicy: public LLHTTPRetryPolicy { public: LLAlwaysRetryImmediatelyPolicy() {} bool shouldRetry(U32 status, F32& seconds_to_wait) { seconds_to_wait = 0.0; return true; } }; // Very general policy with geometric back-off after failures, // up to a maximum delay, and maximum number of retries. class LLAdaptiveRetryPolicy: public LLHTTPRetryPolicy { public: LLAdaptiveRetryPolicy(F32 min_delay, F32 max_delay, F32 backoff_factor, U32 max_retries): mMinDelay(min_delay), mMaxDelay(max_delay), mBackoffFactor(backoff_factor), mMaxRetries(max_retries), mDelay(min_delay), mRetryCount(0) { } bool shouldRetry(U32 status, F32& seconds_to_wait) { seconds_to_wait = mDelay; mDelay = llclamp(mDelay*mBackoffFactor,mMinDelay,mMaxDelay); mRetryCount++; return (mRetryCount<=mMaxRetries); } private: F32 mMinDelay; // delay never less than this value F32 mMaxDelay; // delay never exceeds this value F32 mBackoffFactor; // delay increases by this factor after each retry, up to mMaxDelay. U32 mMaxRetries; // maximum number of times shouldRetry will return true. F32 mDelay; // current delay. U32 mRetryCount; // number of times shouldRetry has been called. }; class RequestAgentUpdateAppearanceResponder: public LLHTTPClient::Responder { public: RequestAgentUpdateAppearanceResponder() { mRetryPolicy = new LLAdaptiveRetryPolicy(1.0, 32.0, 2.0, 10); } virtual ~RequestAgentUpdateAppearanceResponder() { } // Successful completion. /* virtual */ void result(const LLSD& content) { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "content: " << ll_pretty_print_sd(content) << LL_ENDL; if (content["success"].asBoolean()) { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "OK" << LL_ENDL; if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("DebugAvatarAppearanceMessage")) { dumpContents(gAgentAvatarp->getFullname() + "_appearance_request_ok", content); } } else { onFailure(200); } } // Error /*virtual*/ void errorWithContent(U32 status, const std::string& reason, const LLSD& content) { LL_WARNS() << "appearance update request failed, status: " << status << " reason: " << reason << " code: " << content["code"].asInteger() << " error: \"" << content["error"].asString() << "\"" << LL_ENDL; if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("DebugAvatarAppearanceMessage")) { dumpContents(gAgentAvatarp->getFullname() + "_appearance_request_error", content); debugCOF(content); } onFailure(status); } void onFailure(U32 status) { F32 seconds_to_wait; if (mRetryPolicy->shouldRetry(status,seconds_to_wait)) { LL_INFOS() << "retrying" << LL_ENDL; doAfterInterval(boost::bind(&LLAppearanceMgr::requestServerAppearanceUpdate, LLAppearanceMgr::getInstance(), LLCurl::ResponderPtr(this)), seconds_to_wait); } else { LL_WARNS() << "giving up after too many retries" << LL_ENDL; } } void dumpContents(const std::string outprefix, const LLSD& content) { std::string outfilename = get_sequential_numbered_file_name(outprefix,".xml"); std::string fullpath = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_LOGS,outfilename); std::ofstream ofs(fullpath.c_str(), std::ios_base::out); ofs << LLSDOStreamer(content, LLSDFormatter::OPTIONS_PRETTY); LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "results saved to: " << fullpath << LL_ENDL; } void debugCOF(const LLSD& content) { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "AIS COF, version found: " << content["expected"].asInteger() << LL_ENDL; std::set ais_items, local_items; const LLSD& cof_raw = content["cof_raw"]; for (LLSD::array_const_iterator it = cof_raw.beginArray(); it != cof_raw.endArray(); ++it) { const LLSD& item = *it; if (item["parent_id"].asUUID() == LLAppearanceMgr::instance().getCOF()) { ais_items.insert(item["item_id"].asUUID()); if (item["type"].asInteger() == 24) // link { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "Link: item_id: " << item["item_id"].asUUID() << " linked_item_id: " << item["asset_id"].asUUID() << " name: " << item["name"].asString() << LL_ENDL; } else if (item["type"].asInteger() == 25) // folder link { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "Folder link: item_id: " << item["item_id"].asUUID() << " linked_item_id: " << item["asset_id"].asUUID() << " name: " << item["name"].asString() << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "Other: item_id: " << item["item_id"].asUUID() << " linked_item_id: " << item["asset_id"].asUUID() << " name: " << item["name"].asString() << LL_ENDL; } } } LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << LL_ENDL; LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "Local COF, version requested: " << content["observed"].asInteger() << LL_ENDL; LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cat_array; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t item_array; gInventory.collectDescendents(LLAppearanceMgr::instance().getCOF(), cat_array,item_array,LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH); for (S32 i=0; igetUUID()); LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "item_id: " << inv_item->getUUID() << " linked_item_id: " << inv_item->getLinkedUUID() << " name: " << inv_item->getName() << LL_ENDL; } LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << LL_ENDL; for (std::set::iterator it = local_items.begin(); it != local_items.end(); ++it) { if (ais_items.find(*it) == ais_items.end()) { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "LOCAL ONLY: " << *it << LL_ENDL; } } for (std::set::iterator it = ais_items.begin(); it != ais_items.end(); ++it) { if (local_items.find(*it) == local_items.end()) { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "AIS ONLY: " << *it << LL_ENDL; } } } LLPointer mRetryPolicy; }; LLSD LLAppearanceMgr::dumpCOF() const { LLSD links = LLSD::emptyArray(); LLMD5 md5; LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cat_array; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t item_array; gInventory.collectDescendents(getCOF(),cat_array,item_array,LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH); for (S32 i=0; igetUUID()); md5.update((unsigned char*)item_id.mData, 16); item["description"] = inv_item->getActualDescription(); md5.update(inv_item->getActualDescription()); item["asset_type"] = inv_item->getActualType(); LLUUID linked_id(inv_item->getLinkedUUID()); item["linked_id"] = linked_id; md5.update((unsigned char*)linked_id.mData, 16); if (LLAssetType::AT_LINK == inv_item->getActualType()) { const LLViewerInventoryItem* linked_item = inv_item->getLinkedItem(); if (NULL == linked_item) { LL_WARNS() << "Broken link for item '" << inv_item->getName() << "' (" << inv_item->getUUID() << ") during requestServerAppearanceUpdate" << LL_ENDL; continue; } // Some assets may be 'hidden' and show up as null in the viewer. //if (linked_item->getAssetUUID().isNull()) //{ // LL_WARNS() << "Broken link (null asset) for item '" << inv_item->getName() // << "' (" << inv_item->getUUID() // << ") during requestServerAppearanceUpdate" << LL_ENDL; // continue; //} LLUUID linked_asset_id(linked_item->getAssetUUID()); md5.update((unsigned char*)linked_asset_id.mData, 16); U32 flags = linked_item->getFlags(); md5.update(boost::lexical_cast(flags)); } else if (LLAssetType::AT_LINK_FOLDER != inv_item->getActualType()) { LL_WARNS() << "Non-link item '" << inv_item->getName() << "' (" << inv_item->getUUID() << ") type " << (S32) inv_item->getActualType() << " during requestServerAppearanceUpdate" << LL_ENDL; continue; } links.append(item); } LLSD result = LLSD::emptyMap(); result["cof_contents"] = links; char cof_md5sum[MD5HEX_STR_SIZE]; md5.finalize(); md5.hex_digest(cof_md5sum); result["cof_md5sum"] = std::string(cof_md5sum); return result; } void LLAppearanceMgr::requestServerAppearanceUpdate(LLCurl::ResponderPtr responder_ptr) { if (gAgentAvatarp->isEditingAppearance()) { // don't send out appearance updates if in appearance editing mode return; } if (!gAgent.getRegion()) { LL_WARNS() << "Region not set, cannot request server appearance update" << LL_ENDL; return; } if (gAgent.getRegion()->getCentralBakeVersion()==0) { LL_WARNS() << "Region does not support baking" << LL_ENDL; } std::string url = gAgent.getRegion()->getCapability("UpdateAvatarAppearance"); if (url.empty()) { LL_WARNS() << "No cap for UpdateAvatarAppearance." << LL_ENDL; return; } LLSD body; S32 cof_version = getCOFVersion(); if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("DebugAvatarExperimentalServerAppearanceUpdate")) { body = dumpCOF(); } else { body["cof_version"] = cof_version; if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("DebugForceAppearanceRequestFailure")) { body["cof_version"] = cof_version+999; } } LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "request url " << url << " my_cof_version " << cof_version << LL_ENDL; //LLCurl::ResponderPtr responder_ptr; if (!responder_ptr.get()) { responder_ptr = new RequestAgentUpdateAppearanceResponder; } LLHTTPClient::post(url, body, responder_ptr); llassert(cof_version >= gAgentAvatarp->mLastUpdateRequestCOFVersion); gAgentAvatarp->mLastUpdateRequestCOFVersion = cof_version; } class LLIncrementCofVersionResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder { public: LLIncrementCofVersionResponder() : LLHTTPClient::Responder() { mRetryPolicy = new LLAdaptiveRetryPolicy(1.0, 16.0, 2.0, 5); } virtual ~LLIncrementCofVersionResponder() { } virtual void result(const LLSD &pContent) { LL_INFOS() << "Successfully incremented agent's COF." << LL_ENDL; S32 new_version = pContent["category"]["version"].asInteger(); // cof_version should have increased llassert(new_version > gAgentAvatarp->mLastUpdateRequestCOFVersion); gAgentAvatarp->mLastUpdateRequestCOFVersion = new_version; } virtual void errorWithContent(U32 pStatus, const std::string& pReason, const LLSD& content) { LL_WARNS() << "While attempting to increment the agent's cof we got an error with [status:" << pStatus << "]: " << content << LL_ENDL; F32 seconds_to_wait; if (mRetryPolicy->shouldRetry(pStatus,seconds_to_wait)) { LL_INFOS() << "retrying" << LL_ENDL; doAfterInterval(boost::bind(&LLAppearanceMgr::incrementCofVersion, LLAppearanceMgr::getInstance(), LLHTTPClient::ResponderPtr(this)), seconds_to_wait); } else { LL_WARNS() << "giving up after too many retries" << LL_ENDL; } } LLPointer mRetryPolicy; }; void LLAppearanceMgr::incrementCofVersion(LLHTTPClient::ResponderPtr responder_ptr) { // If we don't have a region, report it as an error if (gAgent.getRegion() == NULL) { LL_WARNS() << "Region not set, cannot request cof_version increment" << LL_ENDL; return; } std::string url = gAgent.getRegion()->getCapability("IncrementCofVersion"); if (url.empty()) { LL_WARNS() << "No cap for IncrementCofVersion." << LL_ENDL; return; } LL_INFOS() << "Requesting cof_version be incremented via capability to: " << url << LL_ENDL; LLSD headers; LLSD body = LLSD::emptyMap(); if (!responder_ptr.get()) { responder_ptr = LLHTTPClient::ResponderPtr(new LLIncrementCofVersionResponder()); } LLHTTPClient::get(url, body, responder_ptr, headers, 30.0f); } std::string LLAppearanceMgr::getAppearanceServiceURL() const { if (gSavedSettings.getString("DebugAvatarAppearanceServiceURLOverride").empty()) { return mAppearanceServiceURL; } return gSavedSettings.getString("DebugAvatarAppearanceServiceURLOverride"); } void show_created_outfit(LLUUID& folder_id, bool show_panel = true) { if (!LLApp::isRunning()) { LL_WARNS() << "called during shutdown, skipping" << LL_ENDL; return; } LLSD key; //EXT-7727. For new accounts inventory callback is created during login process // and may be processed after login process is finished if (show_panel) { LLFloaterSidePanelContainer::showPanel("appearance", "panel_outfits_inventory", key); } LLOutfitsList *outfits_list = dynamic_cast(LLFloaterSidePanelContainer::getPanel("appearance", "outfitslist_tab")); if (outfits_list) { outfits_list->setSelectedOutfitByUUID(folder_id); } LLAppearanceMgr::getInstance()->updateIsDirty(); gAgentWearables.notifyLoadingFinished(); // New outfit is saved. LLAppearanceMgr::getInstance()->updatePanelOutfitName(""); } LLUUID LLAppearanceMgr::makeNewOutfitLinks(const std::string& new_folder_name, bool show_panel) { if (!isAgentAvatarValid()) return LLUUID::null; gAgentWearables.notifyLoadingStarted(); // First, make a folder in the My Outfits directory. const LLUUID parent_id = gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(LLFolderType::FT_MY_OUTFITS); LLUUID folder_id = gInventory.createNewCategory( parent_id, LLFolderType::FT_OUTFIT, new_folder_name); updateClothingOrderingInfo(); LLPointer cb = new LLBoostFuncInventoryCallback(no_op_inventory_func, boost::bind(show_created_outfit,folder_id,show_panel)); shallowCopyCategoryContents(getCOF(),folder_id, cb); createBaseOutfitLink(folder_id, cb); dumpCat(folder_id,"COF, new outfit"); return folder_id; } void LLAppearanceMgr::wearBaseOutfit() { const LLUUID& base_outfit_id = getBaseOutfitUUID(); if (base_outfit_id.isNull()) return; updateCOF(base_outfit_id); } void LLAppearanceMgr::removeItemsFromAvatar(const uuid_vec_t& ids_to_remove) { if (ids_to_remove.empty()) { LL_WARNS() << "called with empty list, nothing to do" << LL_ENDL; } for (uuid_vec_t::const_iterator it = ids_to_remove.begin(); it != ids_to_remove.end(); ++it) { const LLUUID& id_to_remove = *it; const LLUUID& linked_item_id = gInventory.getLinkedItemID(id_to_remove); removeCOFItemLinks(linked_item_id); addDoomedTempAttachment(linked_item_id); } updateAppearanceFromCOF(); } void LLAppearanceMgr::removeItemFromAvatar(const LLUUID& id_to_remove) { LLUUID linked_item_id = gInventory.getLinkedItemID(id_to_remove); removeCOFItemLinks(linked_item_id); addDoomedTempAttachment(linked_item_id); updateAppearanceFromCOF(); } // Adds the given item ID to mDoomedTempAttachmentIDs iff it's a temp attachment void LLAppearanceMgr::addDoomedTempAttachment(const LLUUID& id_to_remove) { LLViewerObject * attachmentp = gAgentAvatarp->findAttachmentByID(id_to_remove); if (attachmentp && attachmentp->isTempAttachment()) { // If this is a temp attachment and we want to remove it, record the ID // so it will be deleted when attachments are synced up with COF mDoomedTempAttachmentIDs.insert(id_to_remove); //llinfos << "Will remove temp attachment id " << id_to_remove << llendl; } } // Find AND REMOVES the given UUID from mDoomedTempAttachmentIDs bool LLAppearanceMgr::shouldRemoveTempAttachment(const LLUUID& item_id) { doomed_temp_attachments_t::iterator iter = mDoomedTempAttachmentIDs.find(item_id); if (iter != mDoomedTempAttachmentIDs.end()) { mDoomedTempAttachmentIDs.erase(iter); return true; } return false; } bool LLAppearanceMgr::moveWearable(LLViewerInventoryItem* item, bool closer_to_body) { if (!item || !item->isWearableType()) return false; if (item->getType() != LLAssetType::AT_CLOTHING) return false; if (!gInventory.isObjectDescendentOf(item->getUUID(), getCOF())) return false; LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items; LLFindWearablesOfType filter_wearables_of_type(item->getWearableType()); gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(getCOF(), cats, items, true, filter_wearables_of_type); if (items.empty()) return false; // We assume that the items have valid descriptions. std::sort(items.begin(), items.end(), WearablesOrderComparator(item->getWearableType())); if (closer_to_body && items.front() == item) return false; if (!closer_to_body && items.back() == item) return false; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t::iterator it = std::find(items.begin(), items.end(), item); if (items.end() == it) return false; //swapping descriptions closer_to_body ? --it : ++it; LLViewerInventoryItem* swap_item = *it; if (!swap_item) return false; std::string tmp = swap_item->getActualDescription(); swap_item->setDescription(item->getActualDescription()); item->setDescription(tmp); //items need to be updated on a dataserver item->setComplete(TRUE); item->updateServer(FALSE); gInventory.updateItem(item); swap_item->setComplete(TRUE); swap_item->updateServer(FALSE); gInventory.updateItem(swap_item); //to cause appearance of the agent to be updated bool result = false; if (result = gAgentWearables.moveWearable(item, closer_to_body)) { gAgentAvatarp->wearableUpdated(item->getWearableType(), FALSE); } setOutfitDirty(true); //*TODO do we need to notify observers here in such a way? gInventory.notifyObservers(); return result; } //static void LLAppearanceMgr::sortItemsByActualDescription(LLInventoryModel::item_array_t& items) { if (items.size() < 2) return; std::sort(items.begin(), items.end(), sort_by_actual_description); } //#define DUMP_CAT_VERBOSE void LLAppearanceMgr::dumpCat(const LLUUID& cat_id, const std::string& msg) { LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items; gInventory.collectDescendents(cat_id, cats, items, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH); #ifdef DUMP_CAT_VERBOSE LL_INFOS() << LL_ENDL; LL_INFOS() << str << LL_ENDL; S32 hitcount = 0; for(S32 i=0; igetName() <getLinkedItem() : NULL; LLUUID asset_id; if (linked_item) { asset_id = linked_item->getAssetUUID(); } LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << self_av_string() << msg << " " << i <<" " << (item ? item->getName() : "(nullitem)") << " " << asset_id.asString() << LL_ENDL; } } LLAppearanceMgr::LLAppearanceMgr(): mAttachmentInvLinkEnabled(false), mOutfitIsDirty(false), mOutfitLocked(false), mIsInUpdateAppearanceFromCOF(false) { LLOutfitObserver& outfit_observer = LLOutfitObserver::instance(); // unlock outfit on save operation completed outfit_observer.addCOFSavedCallback(boost::bind( &LLAppearanceMgr::setOutfitLocked, this, false)); mUnlockOutfitTimer.reset(new LLOutfitUnLockTimer(gSavedSettings.getS32( "OutfitOperationsTimeout"))); gIdleCallbacks.addFunction(&LLAttachmentsMgr::onIdle,NULL); } LLAppearanceMgr::~LLAppearanceMgr() { } void LLAppearanceMgr::setAttachmentInvLinkEnable(bool val) { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "setAttachmentInvLinkEnable => " << (int) val << LL_ENDL; mAttachmentInvLinkEnabled = val; } void dumpAttachmentSet(const std::set& atts, const std::string& msg) { LL_INFOS() << msg << LL_ENDL; for (std::set::const_iterator it = atts.begin(); it != atts.end(); ++it) { LLUUID item_id = *it; LLViewerInventoryItem *item = gInventory.getItem(item_id); if (item) LL_INFOS() << "atts " << item->getName() << LL_ENDL; else LL_INFOS() << "atts " << "UNKNOWN[" << item_id.asString() << "]" << LL_ENDL; } LL_INFOS() << LL_ENDL; } void LLAppearanceMgr::registerAttachment(const LLUUID& item_id) { gInventory.addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::LABEL, item_id); if (mAttachmentInvLinkEnabled) { // we have to pass do_update = true to call LLAppearanceMgr::updateAppearanceFromCOF. // it will trigger gAgentWariables.notifyLoadingFinished() // But it is not acceptable solution. See EXT-7777 LLAppearanceMgr::addCOFItemLink(item_id, false); // Add COF link for item. } else { //LL_INFOS() << "no link changes, inv link not enabled" << LL_ENDL; } } void LLAppearanceMgr::unregisterAttachment(const LLUUID& item_id) { gInventory.addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::LABEL, item_id); if (mAttachmentInvLinkEnabled) { LLAppearanceMgr::removeCOFItemLinks(item_id); } else { //LL_INFOS() << "no link changes, inv link not enabled" << LL_ENDL; } } BOOL LLAppearanceMgr::getIsInCOF(const LLUUID& obj_id) const { return gInventory.isObjectDescendentOf(obj_id, getCOF()); } // static bool LLAppearanceMgr::isLinkInCOF(const LLUUID& obj_id) { LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cats; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t items; LLLinkedItemIDMatches find_links(gInventory.getLinkedItemID(obj_id)); gInventory.collectDescendentsIf(LLAppearanceMgr::instance().getCOF(), cats, items, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH, find_links); return !items.empty(); } BOOL LLAppearanceMgr::getIsProtectedCOFItem(const LLUUID& obj_id) const { if (!getIsInCOF(obj_id)) return FALSE; // If a non-link somehow ended up in COF, allow deletion. const LLInventoryObject *obj = gInventory.getObject(obj_id); if (obj && !obj->getIsLinkType()) { return FALSE; } // For now, don't allow direct deletion from the COF. Instead, force users // to choose "Detach" or "Take Off". return TRUE; /* const LLInventoryObject *obj = gInventory.getObject(obj_id); if (!obj) return FALSE; // Can't delete bodyparts, since this would be equivalent to removing the item. if (obj->getType() == LLAssetType::AT_BODYPART) return TRUE; // Can't delete the folder link, since this is saved for bookkeeping. if (obj->getActualType() == LLAssetType::AT_LINK_FOLDER) return TRUE; return FALSE; */ } class CallAfterCategoryFetchStage2: public LLInventoryFetchItemsObserver { public: CallAfterCategoryFetchStage2(const uuid_vec_t& ids, nullary_func_t callable) : LLInventoryFetchItemsObserver(ids), mCallable(callable) { } ~CallAfterCategoryFetchStage2() { } virtual void done() { LL_INFOS() << this << " done with incomplete " << mIncomplete.size() << " complete " << mComplete.size() << " calling callable" << LL_ENDL; gInventory.removeObserver(this); doOnIdleOneTime(mCallable); delete this; } protected: nullary_func_t mCallable; }; class CallAfterCategoryFetchStage1: public LLInventoryFetchDescendentsObserver { public: CallAfterCategoryFetchStage1(const LLUUID& cat_id, nullary_func_t callable) : LLInventoryFetchDescendentsObserver(cat_id), mCallable(callable) { } ~CallAfterCategoryFetchStage1() { } virtual void done() { // What we do here is get the complete information on the // items in the requested category, and set up an observer // that will wait for that to happen. LLInventoryModel::cat_array_t cat_array; LLInventoryModel::item_array_t item_array; gInventory.collectDescendents(mComplete.front(), cat_array, item_array, LLInventoryModel::EXCLUDE_TRASH); S32 count = item_array.size(); if(!count) { LL_WARNS() << "Nothing fetched in category " << mComplete.front() << LL_ENDL; gInventory.removeObserver(this); doOnIdleOneTime(mCallable); delete this; return; } LL_INFOS() << "stage1 got " << item_array.size() << " items, passing to stage2 " << LL_ENDL; uuid_vec_t ids; for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ids.push_back(item_array.at(i)->getUUID()); } gInventory.removeObserver(this); // do the fetch CallAfterCategoryFetchStage2 *stage2 = new CallAfterCategoryFetchStage2(ids, mCallable); stage2->startFetch(); if(stage2->isFinished()) { // everything is already here - call done. stage2->done(); } else { // it's all on it's way - add an observer, and the inventory // will call done for us when everything is here. gInventory.addObserver(stage2); } delete this; } protected: nullary_func_t mCallable; }; void callAfterCategoryFetch(const LLUUID& cat_id, nullary_func_t cb) { CallAfterCategoryFetchStage1 *stage1 = new CallAfterCategoryFetchStage1(cat_id, cb); stage1->startFetch(); if (stage1->isFinished()) { stage1->done(); } else { gInventory.addObserver(stage1); } } void wear_multiple(const uuid_vec_t& ids, bool replace) { LLPointer cb = new LLUpdateAppearanceOnDestroy; bool first = true; uuid_vec_t::const_iterator it; for (it = ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); ++it) { // if replace is requested, the first item worn will replace the current top // item, and others will be added. LLAppearanceMgr::instance().wearItemOnAvatar(*it,false,first && replace,cb); first = false; } } // SLapp for easy-wearing of a stock (library) avatar // class LLWearFolderHandler : public LLCommandHandler { public: // not allowed from outside the app LLWearFolderHandler() : LLCommandHandler("wear_folder", UNTRUSTED_BLOCK) { } bool handle(const LLSD& tokens, const LLSD& query_map, LLMediaCtrl* web) { LLPointer category = new LLInventoryCategory(query_map["folder_id"], LLUUID::null, LLFolderType::FT_CLOTHING, "Quick Appearance"); LLSD::UUID folder_uuid = query_map["folder_id"].asUUID(); if ( gInventory.getCategory( folder_uuid ) != NULL ) { LLAppearanceMgr::getInstance()->wearInventoryCategory(category, true, false); // *TODOw: This may not be necessary if initial outfit is chosen already -- josh gAgent.setGenderChosen(TRUE); } // release avatar picker keyboard focus gFocusMgr.setKeyboardFocus( NULL ); return true; } }; LLWearFolderHandler gWearFolderHandler;