/** * @file llaisapi.cpp * @brief classes and functions for interfacing with the v3+ ais inventory service. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2013&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2013, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ * */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llaisapi.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "llcallbacklist.h" #include "llinventorymodel.h" #include "llsdutil.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" ///---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Classes for AISv3 support. ///---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AISCommand - base class for retry-able HTTP requests using the AISv3 cap. AISCommand::AISCommand(LLPointer callback): mCallback(callback) { mRetryPolicy = new LLAdaptiveRetryPolicy(1.0, 32.0, 2.0, 10); } void AISCommand::run_command() { mCommandFunc(); } void AISCommand::setCommandFunc(command_func_type command_func) { mCommandFunc = command_func; } // virtual bool AISCommand::getResponseUUID(const LLSD& content, LLUUID& id) { return false; } /* virtual */ void AISCommand::httpSuccess() { // Command func holds a reference to self, need to release it // after a success or final failure. setCommandFunc(no_op); const LLSD& content = getContent(); if (!content.isMap()) { failureResult(HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Malformed response contents", content); return; } mRetryPolicy->onSuccess(); gInventory.onAISUpdateReceived("AISCommand", content); if (mCallback) { LLUUID item_id; // will default to null if parse fails. getResponseUUID(content,item_id); mCallback->fire(item_id); } } /*virtual*/ void AISCommand::httpFailure() { const LLSD& content = getContent(); S32 status = getStatus(); const std::string& reason = getReason(); const LLSD& headers = getResponseHeaders(); if (!content.isMap()) { LL_DEBUGS("Inventory") << "Malformed response contents " << content << " status " << status << " reason " << reason << llendl; } else { LL_DEBUGS("Inventory") << "failed with content: " << ll_pretty_print_sd(content) << " status " << status << " reason " << reason << llendl; } mRetryPolicy->onFailure(status, headers); F32 seconds_to_wait; if (mRetryPolicy->shouldRetry(seconds_to_wait)) { doAfterInterval(boost::bind(&AISCommand::run_command,this),seconds_to_wait); } else { // Command func holds a reference to self, need to release it // after a success or final failure. setCommandFunc(no_op); } } //static bool AISCommand::getCap(std::string& cap) { if (gAgent.getRegion()) { cap = gAgent.getRegion()->getCapability("InventoryAPIv3"); } if (!cap.empty()) { return true; } return false; } RemoveItemCommand::RemoveItemCommand(const LLUUID& item_id, LLPointer callback): AISCommand(callback) { std::string cap; if (!getCap(cap)) { llwarns << "No cap found" << llendl; return; } std::string url = cap + std::string("/item/") + item_id.asString(); LL_DEBUGS("Inventory") << "url: " << url << llendl; LLHTTPClient::ResponderPtr responder = this; LLSD headers; F32 timeout = HTTP_REQUEST_EXPIRY_SECS; command_func_type cmd = boost::bind(&LLHTTPClient::del, url, responder, headers, timeout); setCommandFunc(cmd); } RemoveCategoryCommand::RemoveCategoryCommand(const LLUUID& item_id, LLPointer callback): AISCommand(callback) { std::string cap; if (!getCap(cap)) { llwarns << "No cap found" << llendl; return; } std::string url = cap + std::string("/category/") + item_id.asString(); LL_DEBUGS("Inventory") << "url: " << url << llendl; LLHTTPClient::ResponderPtr responder = this; LLSD headers; F32 timeout = HTTP_REQUEST_EXPIRY_SECS; command_func_type cmd = boost::bind(&LLHTTPClient::del, url, responder, headers, timeout); setCommandFunc(cmd); } PurgeDescendentsCommand::PurgeDescendentsCommand(const LLUUID& item_id, LLPointer callback): AISCommand(callback) { std::string cap; if (!getCap(cap)) { llwarns << "No cap found" << llendl; return; } std::string url = cap + std::string("/category/") + item_id.asString() + "/children"; LL_DEBUGS("Inventory") << "url: " << url << llendl; LLCurl::ResponderPtr responder = this; LLSD headers; F32 timeout = HTTP_REQUEST_EXPIRY_SECS; command_func_type cmd = boost::bind(&LLHTTPClient::del, url, responder, headers, timeout); setCommandFunc(cmd); } UpdateItemCommand::UpdateItemCommand(const LLUUID& item_id, const LLSD& updates, LLPointer callback): mUpdates(updates), AISCommand(callback) { std::string cap; if (!getCap(cap)) { llwarns << "No cap found" << llendl; return; } std::string url = cap + std::string("/item/") + item_id.asString(); LL_DEBUGS("Inventory") << "url: " << url << llendl; LL_DEBUGS("Inventory") << "request: " << ll_pretty_print_sd(mUpdates) << llendl; LLCurl::ResponderPtr responder = this; LLSD headers; headers["Content-Type"] = "application/llsd+xml"; F32 timeout = HTTP_REQUEST_EXPIRY_SECS; command_func_type cmd = boost::bind(&LLHTTPClient::patch, url, mUpdates, responder, headers, timeout); setCommandFunc(cmd); } UpdateCategoryCommand::UpdateCategoryCommand(const LLUUID& item_id, const LLSD& updates, LLPointer callback): mUpdates(updates), AISCommand(callback) { std::string cap; if (!getCap(cap)) { llwarns << "No cap found" << llendl; return; } std::string url = cap + std::string("/category/") + item_id.asString(); LL_DEBUGS("Inventory") << "url: " << url << llendl; LLCurl::ResponderPtr responder = this; LLSD headers; headers["Content-Type"] = "application/llsd+xml"; F32 timeout = HTTP_REQUEST_EXPIRY_SECS; command_func_type cmd = boost::bind(&LLHTTPClient::patch, url, mUpdates, responder, headers, timeout); setCommandFunc(cmd); } SlamFolderCommand::SlamFolderCommand(const LLUUID& folder_id, const LLSD& contents, LLPointer callback): mContents(contents), AISCommand(callback) { std::string cap; if (!getCap(cap)) { llwarns << "No cap found" << llendl; return; } LLUUID tid; tid.generate(); std::string url = cap + std::string("/category/") + folder_id.asString() + "/links?tid=" + tid.asString(); llinfos << url << llendl; LLCurl::ResponderPtr responder = this; LLSD headers; headers["Content-Type"] = "application/llsd+xml"; F32 timeout = HTTP_REQUEST_EXPIRY_SECS; command_func_type cmd = boost::bind(&LLHTTPClient::put, url, mContents, responder, headers, timeout); setCommandFunc(cmd); } AISUpdate::AISUpdate(const LLSD& update) { parseUpdate(update); } void AISUpdate::parseUpdate(const LLSD& update) { // parse _categories_removed -> mObjectsDeleted uuid_vec_t cat_ids; parseUUIDArray(update,"_categories_removed",cat_ids); for (uuid_vec_t::const_iterator it = cat_ids.begin(); it != cat_ids.end(); ++it) { LLViewerInventoryCategory *cat = gInventory.getCategory(*it); mCatDeltas[cat->getParentUUID()]--; mObjectsDeleted.insert(*it); } // parse _categories_items_removed -> mObjectsDeleted uuid_vec_t item_ids; parseUUIDArray(update,"_category_items_removed",item_ids); for (uuid_vec_t::const_iterator it = item_ids.begin(); it != item_ids.end(); ++it) { LLViewerInventoryItem *item = gInventory.getItem(*it); mCatDeltas[item->getParentUUID()]--; mObjectsDeleted.insert(*it); } // parse _broken_links_removed -> mObjectsDeleted uuid_vec_t broken_link_ids; parseUUIDArray(update,"_broken_links_removed",broken_link_ids); for (uuid_vec_t::const_iterator it = broken_link_ids.begin(); it != broken_link_ids.end(); ++it) { LLViewerInventoryItem *item = gInventory.getItem(*it); mCatDeltas[item->getParentUUID()]--; mObjectsDeleted.insert(*it); } // parse _created_items parseUUIDArray(update,"_created_items",mItemsCreatedIds); if (update.has("_embedded")) { const LLSD& embedded = update["_embedded"]; for(LLSD::map_const_iterator it = embedded.beginMap(), end = embedded.endMap(); it != end; ++it) { const std::string& field = (*it).first; // parse created links if (field == "link") { const LLSD& links = embedded["link"]; parseCreatedLinks(links); } } } // Parse item update at the top level. if (update.has("item_id")) { LLUUID item_id = update["item_id"].asUUID(); LLPointer new_item(new LLViewerInventoryItem); LLViewerInventoryItem *curr_item = gInventory.getItem(item_id); if (curr_item) { // Default to current values where not provided. new_item->copyViewerItem(curr_item); } BOOL rv = new_item->unpackMessage(update); if (rv) { mItemsUpdated[item_id] = new_item; // This statement is here to cause a new entry with 0 // delta to be created if it does not already exist; // otherwise has no effect. mCatDeltas[new_item->getParentUUID()]; } else { llerrs << "unpack failed" << llendl; } } // Parse updated category versions. const std::string& ucv = "_updated_category_versions"; if (update.has(ucv)) { for(LLSD::map_const_iterator it = update[ucv].beginMap(), end = update[ucv].endMap(); it != end; ++it) { const LLUUID id((*it).first); S32 version = (*it).second.asInteger(); mCatVersions[id] = version; } } } void AISUpdate::parseUUIDArray(const LLSD& content, const std::string& name, uuid_vec_t& ids) { ids.clear(); if (content.has(name)) { for(LLSD::array_const_iterator it = content[name].beginArray(), end = content[name].endArray(); it != end; ++it) { ids.push_back((*it).asUUID()); } } } void AISUpdate::parseLink(const LLUUID& link_id, const LLSD& link_map) { LLPointer new_link(new LLViewerInventoryItem); BOOL rv = new_link->unpackMessage(link_map); if (rv) { LLPermissions default_perms; default_perms.init(gAgent.getID(),gAgent.getID(),LLUUID::null,LLUUID::null); default_perms.initMasks(PERM_NONE,PERM_NONE,PERM_NONE,PERM_NONE,PERM_NONE); new_link->setPermissions(default_perms); LLSaleInfo default_sale_info; new_link->setSaleInfo(default_sale_info); //LL_DEBUGS("Inventory") << "creating link from llsd: " << ll_pretty_print_sd(link_map) << llendl; mItemsCreated[link_id] = new_link; const LLUUID& parent_id = new_link->getParentUUID(); mCatDeltas[parent_id]++; } else { llwarns << "failed to parse" << llendl; } } void AISUpdate::parseCreatedLinks(const LLSD& links) { for(LLSD::map_const_iterator linkit = links.beginMap(), linkend = links.endMap(); linkit != linkend; ++linkit) { const LLUUID link_id((*linkit).first); const LLSD& link_map = (*linkit).second; uuid_vec_t::const_iterator pos = std::find(mItemsCreatedIds.begin(), mItemsCreatedIds.end(),link_id); if (pos != mItemsCreatedIds.end()) { parseLink(link_id,link_map); } else { LL_DEBUGS("Inventory") << "Ignoring link not in created items list " << link_id << llendl; } } } void AISUpdate::doUpdate() { // Do descendent/version accounting. // Can remove this if/when we use the version info directly. for (std::map::const_iterator catit = mCatDeltas.begin(); catit != mCatDeltas.end(); ++catit) { const LLUUID cat_id(catit->first); S32 delta = catit->second; LLInventoryModel::LLCategoryUpdate up(cat_id, delta); gInventory.accountForUpdate(up); } // TODO - how can we use this version info? Need to be sure all // changes are going through AIS first, or at least through // something with a reliable responder. for (uuid_int_map_t::iterator ucv_it = mCatVersions.begin(); ucv_it != mCatVersions.end(); ++ucv_it) { const LLUUID id = ucv_it->first; S32 version = ucv_it->second; LLViewerInventoryCategory *cat = gInventory.getCategory(id); if (cat->getVersion() != version) { llwarns << "Possible version mismatch, viewer " << cat->getVersion() << " server " << version << llendl; } } // CREATE ITEMS for (deferred_item_map_t::const_iterator create_it = mItemsCreated.begin(); create_it != mItemsCreated.end(); ++create_it) { LLUUID item_id(create_it->first); LLPointer new_item = create_it->second; // FIXME risky function since it calls updateServer() in some // cases. Maybe break out the update/create cases, in which // case this is create. LL_DEBUGS("Inventory") << "created item " << item_id << llendl; gInventory.updateItem(new_item); } // UPDATE ITEMS for (deferred_item_map_t::const_iterator update_it = mItemsUpdated.begin(); update_it != mItemsUpdated.end(); ++update_it) { LLUUID item_id(update_it->first); LLPointer new_item = update_it->second; // FIXME risky function since it calls updateServer() in some // cases. Maybe break out the update/create cases, in which // case this is update. LL_DEBUGS("Inventory") << "updated item " << item_id << llendl; //LL_DEBUGS("Inventory") << ll_pretty_print_sd(new_item->asLLSD()) << llendl; gInventory.updateItem(new_item); } // DELETE OBJECTS for (std::set::const_iterator del_it = mObjectsDeleted.begin(); del_it != mObjectsDeleted.end(); ++del_it) { LL_DEBUGS("Inventory") << "deleted item " << *del_it << llendl; gInventory.onObjectDeletedFromServer(*del_it, false, false, false); } gInventory.notifyObservers(); }