 * @file llagent.h
 * @brief LLAgent class header file
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2000&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#ifndef LL_LLAGENT_H
#define LL_LLAGENT_H

#include "indra_constants.h"
#include "llevent.h"                // LLObservable base class
#include "llagentdata.h"            // gAgentID, gAgentSessionID
#include "llcharacter.h"
#include "llcoordframe.h"           // for mFrameAgent
#include "llavatarappearancedefines.h"
#include "llpermissionsflags.h"
#include "llevents.h"
#include "v3dmath.h"
#include "httprequest.h"
#include "llcorehttputil.h"

#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>

extern const bool   ANIMATE;
extern const U8     AGENT_STATE_TYPING;  // Typing indication
extern const U8     AGENT_STATE_EDITING; // Set when agent has objects selected

class LLViewerRegion;
class LLMotion;
class LLMessageSystem;
class LLPermissions;
class LLHost;
class LLFriendObserver;
class LLAgentDropGroupViewerNode;
class LLAgentAccess;
class LLSLURL;
class LLUIColor;
class LLTeleportRequest;

typedef std::shared_ptr<LLTeleportRequest> LLTeleportRequestPtr;

// Types

enum EAnimRequest

struct LLGroupData
    LLUUID mInsigniaID;
    U64 mPowers;
    bool mAcceptNotices;
    bool mListInProfile;
    S32 mContribution;
    std::string mName;

class LLAgentListener;

// LLAgent
class LLAgent : public LLOldEvents::LLObservable

    friend class LLAgentDropGroupViewerNode;

 **                                                                            **
 **                    INITIALIZATION

    // Constructors / Destructors
    virtual         ~LLAgent();
    void            init();
    void            cleanup();


    // Login
    void            onAppFocusGained();
    void            setFirstLogin(bool b);
    // Return true if the database reported this login as the first for this particular user.
    bool            isFirstLogin() const    { return mFirstLogin; }
    bool            isInitialized() const   { return mInitialized; }

    void            setFeatureVersion(S32 version, S32 flags);
    S32             getFeatureVersion();
    void            getFeatureVersionAndFlags(S32 &version, S32 &flags);
    void            showLatestFeatureNotification(const std::string key);
    std::string     mMOTD;                  // Message of the day
    bool            mInitialized;
    bool            mFirstLogin;
    std::shared_ptr<LLAgentListener> mListener;

    // Session
    const LLUUID&   getID() const               { return gAgentID; }
    const LLUUID&   getSessionID() const        { return gAgentSessionID; }
    // Note: NEVER send this value in the clear or over any weakly
    // encrypted channel (such as simple XOR masking).  If you are unsure
    // ask Aaron or MarkL.
    const LLUUID&   getSecureSessionID() const  { return mSecureSessionID; }
    LLUUID          mSecureSessionID;           // Secure token for this login session

/**                    Initialization
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    IDENTITY

    // Name
    //*TODO remove, is not used as of August 20, 2009
    void            buildFullnameAndTitle(std::string &name) const;

    // Gender
    // On the very first login, outfit needs to be chosen by some
    // mechanism, usually by loading the requested initial outfit.  We
    // don't render the avatar until the choice is made.
    bool            isOutfitChosen() const  { return mOutfitChosen; }
    void            setOutfitChosen(bool b) { mOutfitChosen = b; }
    bool            mOutfitChosen;

/**                    Identity
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    POSITION

    // Position
    typedef boost::signals2::signal<void(const LLVector3 &position_local, const LLVector3d &position_global)> position_signal_t;

    LLVector3       getPosAgentFromGlobal(const LLVector3d &pos_global) const;
    LLVector3d      getPosGlobalFromAgent(const LLVector3 &pos_agent) const;
    const LLVector3d &getPositionGlobal() const;
    const LLVector3 &getPositionAgent();
    // Call once per frame to update position, angles (radians).
    void            updateAgentPosition(const F32 dt, const F32 yaw, const S32 mouse_x, const S32 mouse_y);
    void            setPositionAgent(const LLVector3 &center);

    boost::signals2::connection whenPositionChanged(position_signal_t::slot_type fn);

    void            propagate(const F32 dt); // ! BUG ! Should roll into updateAgentPosition
    mutable LLVector3d mPositionGlobal;

    position_signal_t   mOnPositionChanged;
    LLVector3d          mLastTestGlobal;

    // Velocity
    LLVector3       getVelocity() const;
    F32             getVelocityZ() const    { return getVelocity().mV[VZ]; } // ! HACK !

    // Coordinate System
    const LLCoordFrame& getFrameAgent() const   { return mFrameAgent; }
    void            initOriginGlobal(const LLVector3d &origin_global); // Only to be used in ONE place
    void            resetAxes();
    void            resetAxes(const LLVector3 &look_at); // Makes reasonable left and up
    // The following three get*Axis functions return direction avatar is looking, not camera.
    const LLVector3& getAtAxis() const      { return mFrameAgent.getAtAxis(); }
    const LLVector3& getUpAxis() const      { return mFrameAgent.getUpAxis(); }
    const LLVector3& getLeftAxis() const    { return mFrameAgent.getLeftAxis(); }
    LLQuaternion    getQuat() const;        // Returns the quat that represents the rotation of the agent in the absolute frame
    LLVector3d      mAgentOriginGlobal;     // Origin of agent coords from global coords
    LLCoordFrame    mFrameAgent;            // Agent position and view, agent-region coordinates

    // Home
    void            setStartPosition(U32 location_id); // Marks current location as start, sends information to servers
    void            setHomePosRegion(const U64& region_handle, const LLVector3& pos_region);
    bool            getHomePosGlobal(LLVector3d* pos_global);
    bool            isInHomeRegion();

    void            setStartPositionSuccess(const LLSD &result);

    bool            mHaveHomePosition;
    U64             mHomeRegionHandle;
    LLVector3       mHomePosRegion;

    // Parcel
    void changeParcels(); // called by LLViewerParcelMgr when we cross a parcel boundary

    // Register a boost callback to be called when the agent changes parcels
    typedef boost::function<void()> parcel_changed_callback_t;
    boost::signals2::connection     addParcelChangedCallback(parcel_changed_callback_t);

    static void capabilityReceivedCallback(const LLUUID &region_id, LLViewerRegion *regionp);

    typedef boost::signals2::signal<void()> parcel_changed_signal_t;
    parcel_changed_signal_t     mParcelChangedSignal;

    // Region
    void            setRegion(LLViewerRegion *regionp);
    LLViewerRegion  *getRegion() const;
    LLHost          getRegionHost() const;
    bool            inPrelude();

    // Capability
    std::string     getRegionCapability(const std::string &name); // short hand for if (getRegion()) { getRegion()->getCapability(name) }

     * Register a boost callback to be called when the agent changes regions
     * Note that if you need to access a capability for the region, you may need to wait
     * for the capabilities to be received, since in some cases your region changed
     * callback will be called before the capabilities have been received.  Your callback
     * may need to look something like:
     *   LLViewerRegion* region = gAgent.getRegion();
     *   if (region->capabilitiesReceived())
     *   {
     *       useCapability(region);
     *   }
     *   else // Need to handle via callback after caps arrive.
     *   {
     *       region->setCapabilitiesReceivedCallback(boost::bind(&useCapability,region,_1));
     *       // you may or may not want to remove that callback
     *   }
    typedef boost::signals2::signal<void()> region_changed_signal_t;

    boost::signals2::connection     addRegionChangedCallback(const region_changed_signal_t::slot_type& cb);
    void                            removeRegionChangedCallback(boost::signals2::connection callback);

    void changeInterestListMode(const std::string & new_mode);
    const std::string & getInterestListMode() const { return mInterestListMode; }

    LLViewerRegion  *mRegionp;
    region_changed_signal_t                 mRegionChangedSignal;

    std::string                             mInterestListMode;  // How agent wants regions to send updates

    // History
    S32             getRegionsVisited() const;
    F64             getDistanceTraveled() const;
    void            setDistanceTraveled(F64 dist) { mDistanceTraveled = dist; }

    const LLVector3d &getLastPositionGlobal() const { return mLastPositionGlobal; }
    void            setLastPositionGlobal(const LLVector3d &pos) { mLastPositionGlobal = pos; }

    std::set<U64>   mRegionsVisited;        // Stat - what distinct regions has the avatar been to?
    F64             mDistanceTraveled;      // Stat - how far has the avatar moved?
    LLVector3d      mLastPositionGlobal;    // Used to calculate travel distance

/**                    Position
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    ACTIONS

    // Fidget
    // Trigger random fidget animations
    void            fidget();
    static void     stopFidget();
    LLFrameTimer    mFidgetTimer;
    LLFrameTimer    mFocusObjectFadeTimer;
    LLFrameTimer    mMoveTimer;
    F32             mNextFidgetTime;
    S32             mCurrentFidget;

    // Fly
    bool            getFlying() const;
    void            setFlying(bool fly, bool fail_sound = false);
    static void     toggleFlying();
    static bool     enableFlying();
    bool            canFly();           // Does this parcel allow you to fly?
    static bool     isSitting();

    // Voice
    bool            isVoiceConnected() const { return mVoiceConnected; }
    void            setVoiceConnected(const bool b) { mVoiceConnected = b; }

    static void     pressMicrophone(const LLSD& name);
    static void     releaseMicrophone(const LLSD& name);
    static void     toggleMicrophone(const LLSD& name);
    static bool     isMicrophoneOn(const LLSD& sdname);
    static bool     isActionAllowed(const LLSD& sdname);

    bool            mVoiceConnected;

    // Sound
    static void     toggleHearMediaSoundFromAvatar();
    static void     toggleHearVoiceFromAvatar();

    // Chat
    void            heardChat(const LLUUID& id);
    F32             getTypingTime()         { return mTypingTimer.getElapsedTimeF32(); }
    LLUUID          getLastChatter() const  { return mLastChatterID; }
    F32             getNearChatRadius()     { return mNearChatRadius; }
    void            ageChat();              // Helper function to prematurely age chat when agent is moving
    LLFrameTimer    mChatTimer;
    LLUUID          mLastChatterID;
    F32             mNearChatRadius;

    // Typing
    void            startTyping();
    void            stopTyping();
    // When the agent hasn't typed anything for this duration, it leaves the
    // typing state (for both chat and IM).
    static const F32 TYPING_TIMEOUT_SECS;
    LLFrameTimer    mTypingTimer;

    // AFK
    void            setAFK();
    void            clearAFK();
    bool            getAFK() const;
    static const F32 MIN_AFK_TIME;

    // Run
    enum EDoubleTapRunMode

    void            setAlwaysRun()          { mbAlwaysRun = true; }
    void            clearAlwaysRun()        { mbAlwaysRun = false; }
    void            setRunning()            { mbRunning = true; }
    void            clearRunning()          { mbRunning = false; }
    void            sendWalkRun(bool running);
    bool            getAlwaysRun() const    { return mbAlwaysRun; }
    bool            getRunning() const      { return mbRunning; }
    LLFrameTimer    mDoubleTapRunTimer;
    EDoubleTapRunMode mDoubleTapRunMode;
    bool            mbAlwaysRun;            // Should the avatar run by default rather than walk?
    bool            mbRunning;              // Is the avatar trying to run right now?
    bool            mbTeleportKeepsLookAt;  // Try to keep look-at after teleport is complete

    // Sit and stand
    void            standUp();
    /// @brief ground-sit at agent's current position
    void            sitDown();

    // Do Not Disturb
    void            setDoNotDisturb(bool pIsDoNotDisturb);
    bool            isDoNotDisturb() const;
    bool            mIsDoNotDisturb;

    // Grab
    bool            leftButtonGrabbed() const;
    bool            rotateGrabbed() const;
    bool            forwardGrabbed() const;
    bool            backwardGrabbed() const;
    bool            upGrabbed() const;
    bool            downGrabbed() const;

    // Controls
    U32             getControlFlags();
    void            setControlFlags(U32 mask);      // Performs bitwise mControlFlags |= mask
    void            clearControlFlags(U32 mask);    // Performs bitwise mControlFlags &= ~mask
    bool            controlFlagsDirty() const;
    void            resetControlFlags();
    bool            anyControlGrabbed() const;      // True iff a script has taken over a control
    bool            isControlGrabbed(S32 control_index) const;
    // Send message to simulator to force grabbed controls to be
    // released, in case of a poorly written script.
    void            forceReleaseControls();

    S32             mControlsTakenCount[TOTAL_CONTROLS];
    S32             mControlsTakenPassedOnCount[TOTAL_CONTROLS];
    U32             mControlFlags;                  // Replacement for the mFooKey's

    // Animations
    void            stopCurrentAnimations();
    void            requestStopMotion(LLMotion* motion);
    void            onAnimStop(const LLUUID& id);
    void            sendAnimationRequests(const std::vector<LLUUID> &anim_ids, EAnimRequest request);
    void            sendAnimationRequest(const LLUUID &anim_id, EAnimRequest request);
    void            sendAnimationStateReset();
    void            sendRevokePermissions(const LLUUID & target, U32 permissions);

    void            endAnimationUpdateUI();
    void            unpauseAnimation() { mPauseRequest = NULL; }
    bool            getCustomAnim() const { return mCustomAnim; }
    void            setCustomAnim(bool anim) { mCustomAnim = anim; }

    typedef boost::signals2::signal<void ()> camera_signal_t;
    boost::signals2::connection setMouselookModeInCallback( const camera_signal_t::slot_type& cb );
    boost::signals2::connection setMouselookModeOutCallback( const camera_signal_t::slot_type& cb );

    camera_signal_t* mMouselookModeInSignal;
    camera_signal_t* mMouselookModeOutSignal;
    bool            mCustomAnim;        // Current animation is ANIM_AGENT_CUSTOMIZE ?
    LLPointer<LLPauseRequestHandle> mPauseRequest;
    bool            mViewsPushed;       // Keep track of whether or not we have pushed views

/**                    Animation
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    MOVEMENT

    // Movement from user input
    // All set the appropriate animation flags.
    // All turn off autopilot and make sure the camera is behind the avatar.
    // Direction is either positive, zero, or negative
    void            moveAt(S32 direction, bool reset_view = true);
    void            moveAtNudge(S32 direction);
    void            moveLeft(S32 direction);
    void            moveLeftNudge(S32 direction);
    void            moveUp(S32 direction);
    void            moveYaw(F32 mag, bool reset_view = true);
    void            movePitch(F32 mag);

    bool            isMovementLocked() const                { return mMovementKeysLocked; }
    void            setMovementLocked(bool set_locked)  { mMovementKeysLocked = set_locked; }

    // Move the avatar's frame
    void            rotate(F32 angle, const LLVector3 &axis);
    void            rotate(F32 angle, F32 x, F32 y, F32 z);
    void            rotate(const LLMatrix3 &matrix);
    void            rotate(const LLQuaternion &quaternion);
    void            pitch(F32 angle);
    void            roll(F32 angle);
    void            yaw(F32 angle);
    LLVector3       getReferenceUpVector();

    // Autopilot
    bool            getAutoPilot() const                { return mAutoPilot; }
    LLVector3d      getAutoPilotTargetGlobal() const    { return mAutoPilotTargetGlobal; }
    LLUUID          getAutoPilotLeaderID() const        { return mLeaderID; }
    F32             getAutoPilotStopDistance() const    { return mAutoPilotStopDistance; }
    F32             getAutoPilotTargetDist() const      { return mAutoPilotTargetDist; }
    bool            getAutoPilotUseRotation() const     { return mAutoPilotUseRotation; }
    LLVector3       getAutoPilotTargetFacing() const    { return mAutoPilotTargetFacing; }
    F32             getAutoPilotRotationThreshold() const   { return mAutoPilotRotationThreshold; }
    std::string     getAutoPilotBehaviorName() const    { return mAutoPilotBehaviorName; }

    void            startAutoPilotGlobal(const LLVector3d &pos_global,
                                         const std::string& behavior_name = std::string(),
                                         const LLQuaternion *target_rotation = NULL,
                                         void (*finish_callback)(bool, void *) = NULL, void *callback_data = NULL,
                                         F32 stop_distance = 0.f, F32 rotation_threshold = 0.03f,
                                         bool allow_flying = true);
    void            startFollowPilot(const LLUUID &leader_id, bool allow_flying = true, F32 stop_distance = 0.5f);
    void            stopAutoPilot(bool user_cancel = false);
    void            setAutoPilotTargetGlobal(const LLVector3d &target_global);
    void            autoPilot(F32 *delta_yaw);          // Autopilot walking action, angles in radians
    void            renderAutoPilotTarget();
    bool            mAutoPilot;
    bool            mAutoPilotFlyOnStop;
    bool            mAutoPilotAllowFlying;
    LLVector3d      mAutoPilotTargetGlobal;
    F32             mAutoPilotStopDistance;
    bool            mAutoPilotUseRotation;
    LLVector3       mAutoPilotTargetFacing;
    F32             mAutoPilotTargetDist;
    S32             mAutoPilotNoProgressFrameCount;
    F32             mAutoPilotRotationThreshold;
    std::string     mAutoPilotBehaviorName;
    void            (*mAutoPilotFinishedCallback)(bool, void *);
    void*           mAutoPilotCallbackData;
    LLUUID          mLeaderID;
    bool            mMovementKeysLocked;

/**                    Movement
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    TELEPORT

    enum ETeleportState
        TELEPORT_NONE = 0,          // No teleport in progress
        TELEPORT_START = 1,         // Transition to REQUESTED.  Viewer has sent a TeleportRequest to the source simulator
        TELEPORT_REQUESTED = 2,     // Waiting for source simulator to respond
        TELEPORT_MOVING = 3,        // Viewer has received destination location from source simulator
        TELEPORT_START_ARRIVAL = 4, // Transition to ARRIVING.  Viewer has received avatar update, etc., from destination simulator
        TELEPORT_ARRIVING = 5,      // Make the user wait while content "pre-caches"
        TELEPORT_LOCAL = 6,         // Teleporting in-sim without showing the progress screen

    static std::map<S32, std::string> sTeleportStateName;
    static const std::string& teleportStateName(S32);
    const std::string& getTeleportStateName() const;

    static void     parseTeleportMessages(const std::string& xml_filename);
    const void getTeleportSourceSLURL(LLSLURL& slurl) const;
    // ! TODO ! Define ERROR and PROGRESS enums here instead of exposing the mappings.
    static std::map<std::string, std::string> sTeleportErrorMessages;
    static std::map<std::string, std::string> sTeleportProgressMessages;
    LLSLURL * mTeleportSourceSLURL;             // SLURL where last TP began

    // Teleport Actions
    void            teleportViaLandmark(const LLUUID& landmark_id);         // Teleport to a landmark
    void            teleportHome()  { teleportViaLandmark(LLUUID::null); }  // Go home
    void            teleportViaLure(const LLUUID& lure_id, bool godlike);   // To an invited location
    void            teleportViaLocation(const LLVector3d& pos_global);      // To a global location - this will probably need to be deprecated
    void            teleportViaLocationLookAt(const LLVector3d& pos_global);// To a global location, preserving camera rotation
    void            teleportCancel();                                       // May or may not be allowed by server
    void            restoreCanceledTeleportRequest();
    bool            canRestoreCanceledTeleport() { return mTeleportCanceled != NULL; }
    bool            getTeleportKeepsLookAt() { return mbTeleportKeepsLookAt; } // Whether look-at reset after teleport
    bool            teleportCore(bool is_local = false);                    // Stuff for all teleports; returns true if the teleport can proceed

    // Teleport State

    bool            hasRestartableFailedTeleportRequest();
    void            restartFailedTeleportRequest();
    void            clearTeleportRequest();
    void            setMaturityRatingChangeDuringTeleport(U8 pMaturityRatingChange);
    void            sheduleTeleportIM();


    friend class LLTeleportRequest;
    friend class LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark;
    friend class LLTeleportRequestViaLure;
    friend class LLTeleportRequestViaLocation;
    friend class LLTeleportRequestViaLocationLookAt;

    LLTeleportRequestPtr        mTeleportRequest;
    LLTeleportRequestPtr        mTeleportCanceled;
    boost::signals2::connection mTeleportFinishedSlot;
    boost::signals2::connection mTeleportFailedSlot;

    bool            mIsMaturityRatingChangingDuringTeleport;
    bool            mTPNeedsNeabyChatSeparator;
    U8              mMaturityRatingChange;

    bool            hasPendingTeleportRequest();
    void            startTeleportRequest();

    void            teleportRequest(const U64& region_handle,
                                    const LLVector3& pos_local,             // Go to a named location home
                                    bool look_at_from_camera = false);
    void            doTeleportViaLandmark(const LLUUID& landmark_id);           // Teleport to a landmark
    void            doTeleportViaLure(const LLUUID& lure_id, bool godlike); // To an invited location
    void            doTeleportViaLocation(const LLVector3d& pos_global);        // To a global location - this will probably need to be deprecated
    void            doTeleportViaLocationLookAt(const LLVector3d& pos_global);// To a global location, preserving camera rotation

    void            handleTeleportFinished();
    void            handleTeleportFailed();

    static void     addTPNearbyChatSeparator();
    static void     onCapabilitiesReceivedAfterTeleport();

    // Teleport State
    ETeleportState  getTeleportState() const;
    void            setTeleportState(ETeleportState state);
    ETeleportState  mTeleportState;

    // Teleport Message
    const std::string& getTeleportMessage() const                   { return mTeleportMessage; }
    void            setTeleportMessage(const std::string& message)  { mTeleportMessage = message; }
    std::string     mTeleportMessage;

/**                    Teleport
 **                                                                            **

    // Build
    bool            canEditParcel() const { return mCanEditParcel; }
    static void     setCanEditParcel();
    bool            mCanEditParcel;

 **                                                                            **
 **                    ACCESS

    // Checks if agent can modify an object based on the permissions and the agent's proxy status.
    bool            isGrantedProxy(const LLPermissions& perm);
    bool            allowOperation(PermissionBit op,
                                   const LLPermissions& perm,
                                   U64 group_proxy_power = 0,
                                   U8 god_minimum = GOD_MAINTENANCE);
    const LLAgentAccess& getAgentAccess();
    bool            canManageEstate() const;
    bool            getAdminOverride() const;
    LLAgentAccess * mAgentAccess;

    // God
    bool            isGodlike() const;
    bool            isGodlikeWithoutAdminMenuFakery() const;
    U8              getGodLevel() const;
    void            setAdminOverride(bool b);
    void            setGodLevel(U8 god_level);
    void            requestEnterGodMode();
    void            requestLeaveGodMode();

    typedef boost::function<void (U8)>         god_level_change_callback_t;
    typedef boost::signals2::signal<void (U8)> god_level_change_signal_t;
    typedef boost::signals2::connection        god_level_change_slot_t;

    god_level_change_slot_t registerGodLevelChanageListener(god_level_change_callback_t pGodLevelChangeCallback);

    god_level_change_signal_t mGodLevelChangeSignal;

    // Maturity
    // Note: this is a prime candidate for pulling out into a Maturity class.
    // Rather than just expose the preference setting, we're going to actually
    // expose what the client code cares about -- what the user should see
    // based on a combination of the is* and prefers* flags, combined with god bit.
    bool            wantsPGOnly() const;
    bool            canAccessMature() const;
    bool            canAccessAdult() const;
    bool            canAccessMaturityInRegion( U64 region_handle ) const;
    bool            canAccessMaturityAtGlobal( LLVector3d pos_global ) const;
    bool            prefersPG() const;
    bool            prefersMature() const;
    bool            prefersAdult() const;
    bool            isTeen() const;
    bool            isMature() const;
    bool            isAdult() const;
    void            setMaturity(char text);
    static int      convertTextToMaturity(char text);

    bool                            mIsDoSendMaturityPreferenceToServer;
    unsigned int                    mMaturityPreferenceRequestId;
    unsigned int                    mMaturityPreferenceResponseId;
    unsigned int                    mMaturityPreferenceNumRetries;
    U8                              mLastKnownRequestMaturity;
    U8                              mLastKnownResponseMaturity;
    LLCore::HttpRequest::policy_t   mHttpPolicy;

    bool            isMaturityPreferenceSyncedWithServer() const;
    void            sendMaturityPreferenceToServer(U8 pPreferredMaturity);
    void            processMaturityPreferenceFromServer(const LLSD &result, U8 perferredMaturity);

    void            handlePreferredMaturityResult(U8 pServerMaturity);
    void            handlePreferredMaturityError();
    void            reportPreferredMaturitySuccess();
    void            reportPreferredMaturityError();

    // Maturity callbacks for PreferredMaturity control variable
    void            handleMaturity(const LLSD &pNewValue);
    bool            validateMaturity(const LLSD& newvalue);

/**                    Access
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    RENDERING

    LLQuaternion    getHeadRotation();
    bool            needsRenderAvatar(); // true when camera mode is such that your own avatar should draw
    bool            needsRenderHead();
    void            setShowAvatar(bool show) { mShowAvatar = show; }
    bool            getShowAvatar() const { return mShowAvatar; }

    bool            mShowAvatar;        // Should we render the avatar?

    // Rendering state bitmap helpers
    void            setRenderState(U8 newstate);
    void            clearRenderState(U8 clearstate);
    U8              getRenderState();
    U8              mRenderState; // Current behavior state of agent

    // HUD
    const LLColor4  &getEffectColor();
    void            setEffectColor(const LLColor4 &color);
    LLUIColor * mEffectColor;

/**                    Rendering
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    GROUPS

    const LLUUID    &getGroupID() const         { return mGroupID; }
    // Get group information by group_id, or false if not in group.
    bool            getGroupData(const LLUUID& group_id, LLGroupData& data) const;
    // Get just the agent's contribution to the given group.
    S32             getGroupContribution(const LLUUID& group_id) const;
    // Update internal datastructures and update the server.
    bool            setGroupContribution(const LLUUID& group_id, S32 contribution);
    bool            setUserGroupFlags(const LLUUID& group_id, bool accept_notices, bool list_in_profile);
    const std::string &getGroupName() const     { return mGroupName; }
    bool            canJoinGroups() const;
    std::string     mGroupName;
    LLUUID          mGroupID;

    // Group Membership
    // Checks against all groups in the entire agent group list.
    bool            isInGroup(const LLUUID& group_id, bool ingnore_God_mod = false) const;
    // Only used for building titles.
    bool            isGroupMember() const       { return !mGroupID.isNull(); }
    std::vector<LLGroupData> mGroups;

    // Group Title
    void            setHideGroupTitle(bool hide)    { mHideGroupTitle = hide; }
    bool            isGroupTitleHidden() const      { return mHideGroupTitle; }
    std::string     mGroupTitle;                    // Honorific, like "Sir"
    bool            mHideGroupTitle;

    // Group Powers
    bool            hasPowerInGroup(const LLUUID& group_id, U64 power) const;
    bool            hasPowerInActiveGroup(const U64 power) const;
    U64             getPowerInGroup(const LLUUID& group_id) const;
    U64             mGroupPowers;

    // Friends
    void            observeFriends();
    void            friendsChanged();
    LLFriendObserver* mFriendObserver;
    std::set<LLUUID> mProxyForAgents;

/**                    Groups
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    MESSAGING

    // Send
    void            sendMessage(); // Send message to this agent's region
    void            sendReliableMessage();
    void            sendAgentDataUpdateRequest();
    void            sendAgentUserInfoRequest();

// IM to Email and Online visibility
    void            sendAgentUpdateUserInfo(const std::string& directory_visibility);

    void            requestAgentUserInfoCoro(std::string capurl);
    void            updateAgentUserInfoCoro(std::string capurl, std::string directory_visibility);
    // DEPRECATED: may be removed when User Info cap propagates
    void            sendAgentUserInfoRequestMessage();
    void            sendAgentUpdateUserInfoMessage(const std::string& directory_visibility);

    // Receive
    static void     processAgentDataUpdate(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **);
    static void     processAgentGroupDataUpdate(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **);
    static void     processAgentDropGroup(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **);
    static void     processScriptControlChange(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **);

/**                    Messaging
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    UTILITY
    typedef LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::completionCallback_t httpCallback_t;

    /// Utilities for allowing the the agent sub managers to post and get via
    /// HTTP using the agent's policy settings and headers.
    bool requestPostCapability(const std::string &capName, LLSD &postData, httpCallback_t cbSuccess = NULL, httpCallback_t cbFailure = NULL);
    bool requestGetCapability(const std::string &capName, httpCallback_t cbSuccess = NULL, httpCallback_t cbFailure = NULL);

    LLCore::HttpRequest::policy_t getAgentPolicy() const { return mHttpPolicy; }

/**                    Utility
 **                                                                            **

 **                                                                            **
 **                    DEBUGGING

    static void     dumpGroupInfo();
    static void     clearVisualParams(void *);
    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLAgent &sphere);

/**                    Debugging
 **                                                                            **


extern LLAgent gAgent;

inline bool operator==(const LLGroupData &a, const LLGroupData &b)
    return (a.mID == b.mID);
