/** * @file llagent.cpp * @brief LLAgent class implementation * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "llagent.h" #include "pipeline.h" #include "llagentaccess.h" #include "llagentbenefits.h" #include "llagentcamera.h" #include "llagentlistener.h" #include "llagentwearables.h" #include "llagentui.h" #include "llappearancemgr.h" #include "llanimationstates.h" #include "llcallingcard.h" #include "llchannelmanager.h" #include "llchicletbar.h" #include "llconsole.h" #include "lldonotdisturbnotificationstorage.h" #include "llfirstuse.h" #include "llfloatercamera.h" #include "llfloaterimcontainer.h" #include "llfloaterperms.h" #include "llfloaterpreference.h" #include "llfloaterreg.h" #include "llfloatersnapshot.h" #include "llfloatertools.h" #include "llgroupactions.h" #include "llgroupmgr.h" #include "llhudmanager.h" #include "lljoystickbutton.h" #include "llmorphview.h" #include "llmoveview.h" #include "llnavigationbar.h" // to show/hide navigation bar when changing mouse look state #include "llfloaterimnearbychat.h" #include "llnotificationsutil.h" #include "llpaneltopinfobar.h" #include "llparcel.h" #include "llperfstats.h" #include "llrendersphere.h" #include "llscriptruntimeperms.h" #include "llsdutil.h" #include "llsky.h" #include "llslurl.h" #include "llsmoothstep.h" #include "llstartup.h" #include "llstatusbar.h" #include "llteleportflags.h" #include "lltool.h" #include "lltoolbarview.h" #include "lltoolpie.h" #include "lltoolmgr.h" #include "lltrans.h" #include "lluictrl.h" #include "llurlentry.h" #include "llviewercontrol.h" #include "llviewerdisplay.h" #include "llviewerjoystick.h" #include "llviewermediafocus.h" #include "llviewermenu.h" #include "llviewerobjectlist.h" #include "llviewerparcelmgr.h" #include "llviewerregion.h" #include "llviewerstats.h" #include "llviewerwindow.h" #include "llvoavatarself.h" #include "llwindow.h" #include "llworld.h" #include "llworldmap.h" #include "stringize.h" #include "boost/foreach.hpp" #include "llcorehttputil.h" #include "lluiusage.h" using namespace LLAvatarAppearanceDefines; extern LLMenuBarGL* gMenuBarView; const BOOL ANIMATE = TRUE; const U8 AGENT_STATE_TYPING = 0x04; const U8 AGENT_STATE_EDITING = 0x10; // Autopilot constants const F32 AUTOPILOT_HEIGHT_ADJUST_DISTANCE = 8.f; // meters const F32 AUTOPILOT_MIN_TARGET_HEIGHT_OFF_GROUND = 1.f; // meters const F32 AUTOPILOT_MAX_TIME_NO_PROGRESS_WALK = 1.5f; // seconds const F32 AUTOPILOT_MAX_TIME_NO_PROGRESS_FLY = 2.5f; // seconds. Flying is less presize, needs a bit more time const F32 MAX_VELOCITY_AUTO_LAND_SQUARED = 4.f * 4.f; const F64 CHAT_AGE_FAST_RATE = 3.0; // fidget constants const F32 MIN_FIDGET_TIME = 8.f; // seconds const F32 MAX_FIDGET_TIME = 20.f; // seconds const S32 UI_FEATURE_VERSION = 1; // For version 1: 1 - inventory, 2 - gltf const S32 UI_FEATURE_FLAGS = 3; // The agent instance. LLAgent gAgent; class LLTeleportRequest { public: enum EStatus { kPending, kStarted, kFailed, kRestartPending }; LLTeleportRequest(); virtual ~LLTeleportRequest(); EStatus getStatus() const {return mStatus;}; void setStatus(EStatus pStatus) {mStatus = pStatus;}; static std::map sTeleportStatusName; static const std::string& statusName(EStatus status); virtual void toOstream(std::ostream& os) const; virtual bool canRestartTeleport(); virtual void startTeleport() = 0; virtual void restartTeleport(); protected: private: EStatus mStatus; }; std::map LLTeleportRequest::sTeleportStatusName = { { kPending, "kPending" }, { kStarted, "kStarted" }, { kFailed, "kFailed" }, { kRestartPending, "kRestartPending"} }; class LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark : public LLTeleportRequest { public: LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark(const LLUUID &pLandmarkId); virtual ~LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark(); virtual void toOstream(std::ostream& os) const; virtual bool canRestartTeleport(); virtual void startTeleport(); virtual void restartTeleport(); protected: inline const LLUUID &getLandmarkId() const {return mLandmarkId;}; private: LLUUID mLandmarkId; }; class LLTeleportRequestViaLure : public LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark { public: LLTeleportRequestViaLure(const LLUUID &pLureId, BOOL pIsLureGodLike); virtual ~LLTeleportRequestViaLure(); virtual void toOstream(std::ostream& os) const; virtual bool canRestartTeleport(); virtual void startTeleport(); protected: inline BOOL isLureGodLike() const {return mIsLureGodLike;}; private: BOOL mIsLureGodLike; }; class LLTeleportRequestViaLocation : public LLTeleportRequest { public: LLTeleportRequestViaLocation(const LLVector3d &pPosGlobal); virtual ~LLTeleportRequestViaLocation(); virtual void toOstream(std::ostream& os) const; virtual bool canRestartTeleport(); virtual void startTeleport(); virtual void restartTeleport(); protected: inline const LLVector3d &getPosGlobal() const {return mPosGlobal;}; private: LLVector3d mPosGlobal; }; class LLTeleportRequestViaLocationLookAt : public LLTeleportRequestViaLocation { public: LLTeleportRequestViaLocationLookAt(const LLVector3d &pPosGlobal); virtual ~LLTeleportRequestViaLocationLookAt(); virtual void toOstream(std::ostream& os) const; virtual bool canRestartTeleport(); virtual void startTeleport(); virtual void restartTeleport(); protected: private: }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Statics // /// minimum time after setting away state before coming back based on movement const F32 LLAgent::MIN_AFK_TIME = 10.0f; const F32 LLAgent::TYPING_TIMEOUT_SECS = 5.f; std::map LLAgent::sTeleportErrorMessages; std::map LLAgent::sTeleportProgressMessages; class LLAgentFriendObserver : public LLFriendObserver { public: LLAgentFriendObserver() {} virtual ~LLAgentFriendObserver() {} virtual void changed(U32 mask); }; void LLAgentFriendObserver::changed(U32 mask) { // if there's a change we're interested in. if((mask & (LLFriendObserver::POWERS)) != 0) { gAgent.friendsChanged(); } } bool handleSlowMotionAnimation(const LLSD& newvalue) { if (newvalue.asBoolean()) { gAgentAvatarp->setAnimTimeFactor(0.2f); } else { gAgentAvatarp->setAnimTimeFactor(1.0f); } return true; } void LLAgent::setCanEditParcel() // called via mParcelChangedSignal { bool can_edit = LLToolMgr::getInstance()->canEdit(); gAgent.mCanEditParcel = can_edit; } // static bool LLAgent::isActionAllowed(const LLSD& sdname) { bool retval = false; const std::string& param = sdname.asString(); if (param == "speak") { bool allow_agent_voice = false; LLVoiceChannel* channel = LLVoiceChannel::getCurrentVoiceChannel(); if (channel != NULL) { if (channel->getSessionName().empty() && channel->getSessionID().isNull()) { // default channel allow_agent_voice = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->allowAgentVoice(); } else { allow_agent_voice = channel->isActive() && channel->callStarted(); } } if (gAgent.isVoiceConnected() && allow_agent_voice && !LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->inTuningMode()) { retval = true; } else { retval = false; } } return retval; } // static void LLAgent::pressMicrophone(const LLSD& name) { LLFirstUse::speak(false); LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->inputUserControlState(true); } // static void LLAgent::releaseMicrophone(const LLSD& name) { LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->inputUserControlState(false); } // static void LLAgent::toggleMicrophone(const LLSD& name) { LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->toggleUserPTTState(); } // static bool LLAgent::isMicrophoneOn(const LLSD& sdname) { return LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->getUserPTTState(); } // ************************************************************ // Enabled this definition to compile a 'hacked' viewer that // locally believes the end user has godlike powers. // #define HACKED_GODLIKE_VIEWER // For a toggled version, see viewer.h for the // TOGGLE_HACKED_GODLIKE_VIEWER define, instead. // ************************************************************ // Constructors and Destructors // JC - Please try to make this order match the order in the header // file. Otherwise it's hard to find variables that aren't initialized. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLAgent() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLAgent::LLAgent() : mGroupPowers(0), mHideGroupTitle(FALSE), mGroupID(), mInitialized(false), mListener(), mDoubleTapRunTimer(), mDoubleTapRunMode(DOUBLETAP_NONE), mbAlwaysRun(false), mbRunning(false), mbTeleportKeepsLookAt(false), mAgentAccess(new LLAgentAccess(gSavedSettings)), mGodLevelChangeSignal(), mCanEditParcel(false), mTeleportSourceSLURL(new LLSLURL), mTeleportRequest(), mTeleportFinishedSlot(), mTeleportFailedSlot(), mIsMaturityRatingChangingDuringTeleport(false), mTPNeedsNeabyChatSeparator(false), mMaturityRatingChange(0U), mIsDoSendMaturityPreferenceToServer(false), mMaturityPreferenceRequestId(0U), mMaturityPreferenceResponseId(0U), mMaturityPreferenceNumRetries(0U), mLastKnownRequestMaturity(SIM_ACCESS_MIN), mLastKnownResponseMaturity(SIM_ACCESS_MIN), mHttpPolicy(LLCore::HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID), mTeleportState(TELEPORT_NONE), mRegionp(NULL), mInterestListMode(LLViewerRegion::IL_MODE_DEFAULT), mAgentOriginGlobal(), mPositionGlobal(), mLastTestGlobal(), mDistanceTraveled(0.F), mLastPositionGlobal(LLVector3d::zero), mRenderState(0), mTypingTimer(), mViewsPushed(FALSE), mCustomAnim(FALSE), mShowAvatar(TRUE), mFrameAgent(), mIsDoNotDisturb(false), mControlFlags(0x00000000), mbFlagsDirty(FALSE), mbFlagsNeedReset(FALSE), mAutoPilot(FALSE), mAutoPilotFlyOnStop(FALSE), mAutoPilotAllowFlying(TRUE), mAutoPilotTargetGlobal(), mAutoPilotStopDistance(1.f), mAutoPilotUseRotation(FALSE), mAutoPilotTargetFacing(LLVector3::zero), mAutoPilotTargetDist(0.f), mAutoPilotNoProgressFrameCount(0), mAutoPilotRotationThreshold(0.f), mAutoPilotFinishedCallback(NULL), mAutoPilotCallbackData(NULL), mMovementKeysLocked(FALSE), mEffectColor(new LLUIColor(LLColor4(0.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f))), mHaveHomePosition(FALSE), mHomeRegionHandle( 0 ), mNearChatRadius(CHAT_NORMAL_RADIUS / 2.f), mNextFidgetTime(0.f), mCurrentFidget(0), mFirstLogin(false), mOutfitChosen(FALSE), mVoiceConnected(false), mMouselookModeInSignal(NULL), mMouselookModeOutSignal(NULL) { for (U32 i = 0; i < TOTAL_CONTROLS; i++) { mControlsTakenCount[i] = 0; mControlsTakenPassedOnCount[i] = 0; } mListener.reset(new LLAgentListener(*this)); addParcelChangedCallback(&setCanEditParcel); mMoveTimer.stop(); } // Requires gSavedSettings to be initialized. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // init() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::init() { mMoveTimer.start(); gSavedSettings.declareBOOL("SlowMotionAnimation", FALSE, "Declared in code", LLControlVariable::PERSIST_NO); gSavedSettings.getControl("SlowMotionAnimation")->getSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&handleSlowMotionAnimation, _2)); // *Note: this is where LLViewerCamera::getInstance() used to be constructed. bool is_flying = gSavedSettings.getBOOL("FlyingAtExit"); if(is_flying) { setFlying(is_flying); } *mEffectColor = LLUIColorTable::instance().getColor("EffectColor"); gSavedSettings.getControl("PreferredMaturity")->getValidateSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&LLAgent::validateMaturity, this, _2)); gSavedSettings.getControl("PreferredMaturity")->getSignal()->connect(boost::bind(&LLAgent::handleMaturity, this, _2)); mLastKnownResponseMaturity = static_cast(gSavedSettings.getU32("PreferredMaturity")); mLastKnownRequestMaturity = mLastKnownResponseMaturity; mIsDoSendMaturityPreferenceToServer = true; if (!mTeleportFinishedSlot.connected()) { mTeleportFinishedSlot = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->setTeleportFinishedCallback(boost::bind(&LLAgent::handleTeleportFinished, this)); } if (!mTeleportFailedSlot.connected()) { mTeleportFailedSlot = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->setTeleportFailedCallback(boost::bind(&LLAgent::handleTeleportFailed, this)); } LLAppCoreHttp & app_core_http(LLAppViewer::instance()->getAppCoreHttp()); mHttpPolicy = app_core_http.getPolicy(LLAppCoreHttp::AP_AGENT); mInitialized = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // cleanup() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::cleanup() { mRegionp = NULL; mTeleportRequest = NULL; mTeleportCanceled = NULL; if (mTeleportFinishedSlot.connected()) { mTeleportFinishedSlot.disconnect(); } if (mTeleportFailedSlot.connected()) { mTeleportFailedSlot.disconnect(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLAgent() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLAgent::~LLAgent() { cleanup(); delete mMouselookModeInSignal; mMouselookModeInSignal = NULL; delete mMouselookModeOutSignal; mMouselookModeOutSignal = NULL; delete mAgentAccess; mAgentAccess = NULL; delete mEffectColor; mEffectColor = NULL; delete mTeleportSourceSLURL; mTeleportSourceSLURL = NULL; } // Handle any actions that need to be performed when the main app gains focus // (such as through alt-tab). //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // onAppFocusGained() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::onAppFocusGained() { if (CAMERA_MODE_MOUSELOOK == gAgentCamera.getCameraMode()) { gAgentCamera.changeCameraToDefault(); LLToolMgr::getInstance()->clearSavedTool(); } } void LLAgent::setFirstLogin(bool b) { mFirstLogin = b; if (mFirstLogin) { // Don't notify new users about new features if (getFeatureVersion() <= UI_FEATURE_VERSION) { setFeatureVersion(UI_FEATURE_VERSION, UI_FEATURE_FLAGS); } } } void LLAgent::setFeatureVersion(S32 version, S32 flags) { LLSD updated_version; updated_version["version"] = version; updated_version["flags"] = flags; gSavedSettings.setLLSD("LastUIFeatureVersion", updated_version); } S32 LLAgent::getFeatureVersion() { S32 version; S32 flags; getFeatureVersionAndFlags(version, flags); return version; } void LLAgent::getFeatureVersionAndFlags(S32& version, S32& flags) { version = 0; flags = 0; LLSD feature_version = gSavedSettings.getLLSD("LastUIFeatureVersion"); if (feature_version.isInteger()) { version = feature_version.asInteger(); flags = 1; // inventory flag } else if (feature_version.isMap()) { version = feature_version["version"]; flags = feature_version["flags"]; } else if (!feature_version.isString() && !feature_version.isUndefined()) { // is something newer inside? version = UI_FEATURE_VERSION; flags = UI_FEATURE_FLAGS; } } void LLAgent::showLatestFeatureNotification(const std::string key) { S32 version; S32 flags; // a single release can have multiple new features getFeatureVersionAndFlags(version, flags); if (version <= UI_FEATURE_VERSION && (flags & UI_FEATURE_FLAGS) != UI_FEATURE_FLAGS) { S32 flag = 0; if (key == "inventory") { // Notify user about new thumbnail support flag = 1; } if (key == "gltf") { flag = 2; } if ((flags & flag) == 0) { // Need to open on top even if called from onOpen, // do on idle to make sure it's on top LLSD floater_key(key); doOnIdleOneTime([floater_key]() { LLFloaterReg::showInstance("new_feature_notification", floater_key); }); setFeatureVersion(UI_FEATURE_VERSION, flags | flag); } } } void LLAgent::ageChat() { if (isAgentAvatarValid()) { // get amount of time since I last chatted F64 elapsed_time = (F64)gAgentAvatarp->mChatTimer.getElapsedTimeF32(); // add in frame time * 3 (so it ages 4x) gAgentAvatarp->mChatTimer.setAge(elapsed_time + (F64)gFrameDTClamped * (CHAT_AGE_FAST_RATE - 1.0)); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // moveAt() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::moveAt(S32 direction, bool reset) { LLUIUsage::instance().logCommand("Agent.MoveAt"); mMoveTimer.reset(); LLFirstUse::notMoving(false); // age chat timer so it fades more quickly when you are intentionally moving ageChat(); gAgentCamera.setAtKey(LLAgentCamera::directionToKey(direction)); if (direction > 0) { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_AT_POS | AGENT_CONTROL_FAST_AT); } else if (direction < 0) { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_AT_NEG | AGENT_CONTROL_FAST_AT); } if (reset) { gAgentCamera.resetView(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // moveAtNudge() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::moveAtNudge(S32 direction) { mMoveTimer.reset(); LLFirstUse::notMoving(false); // age chat timer so it fades more quickly when you are intentionally moving ageChat(); gAgentCamera.setWalkKey(LLAgentCamera::directionToKey(direction)); if (direction > 0) { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_NUDGE_AT_POS); } else if (direction < 0) { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_NUDGE_AT_NEG); } gAgentCamera.resetView(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // moveLeft() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::moveLeft(S32 direction) { mMoveTimer.reset(); LLFirstUse::notMoving(false); // age chat timer so it fades more quickly when you are intentionally moving ageChat(); gAgentCamera.setLeftKey(LLAgentCamera::directionToKey(direction)); if (direction > 0) { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_LEFT_POS | AGENT_CONTROL_FAST_LEFT); } else if (direction < 0) { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_LEFT_NEG | AGENT_CONTROL_FAST_LEFT); } gAgentCamera.resetView(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // moveLeftNudge() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::moveLeftNudge(S32 direction) { mMoveTimer.reset(); LLFirstUse::notMoving(false); // age chat timer so it fades more quickly when you are intentionally moving ageChat(); gAgentCamera.setLeftKey(LLAgentCamera::directionToKey(direction)); if (direction > 0) { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_NUDGE_LEFT_POS); } else if (direction < 0) { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_NUDGE_LEFT_NEG); } gAgentCamera.resetView(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // moveUp() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::moveUp(S32 direction) { mMoveTimer.reset(); LLFirstUse::notMoving(false); // age chat timer so it fades more quickly when you are intentionally moving ageChat(); gAgentCamera.setUpKey(LLAgentCamera::directionToKey(direction)); if (direction > 0) { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_UP_POS | AGENT_CONTROL_FAST_UP); } else if (direction < 0) { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_UP_NEG | AGENT_CONTROL_FAST_UP); } gAgentCamera.resetView(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // moveYaw() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::moveYaw(F32 mag, bool reset_view) { gAgentCamera.setYawKey(mag); if (mag > 0) { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_YAW_POS); } else if (mag < 0) { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_YAW_NEG); } U32 mask = AGENT_CONTROL_YAW_POS | AGENT_CONTROL_YAW_NEG; if ((getControlFlags() & mask) == mask) { // Rotation into both directions should cancel out // But keep sending controls to simulator, // it's needed for script based controls gAgentCamera.setYawKey(0); } if (reset_view) { gAgentCamera.resetView(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // movePitch() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::movePitch(F32 mag) { gAgentCamera.setPitchKey(mag); if (mag > 0) { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_PITCH_POS); } else if (mag < 0) { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_PITCH_NEG); } } // Does this parcel allow you to fly? BOOL LLAgent::canFly() { if (isGodlike()) return TRUE; LLViewerRegion* regionp = getRegion(); if (regionp && regionp->getBlockFly()) return FALSE; LLParcel* parcel = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getAgentParcel(); if (!parcel) return FALSE; // Allow owners to fly on their own land. if (LLViewerParcelMgr::isParcelOwnedByAgent(parcel, GP_LAND_ALLOW_FLY)) { return TRUE; } return parcel->getAllowFly(); } BOOL LLAgent::getFlying() const { return mControlFlags & AGENT_CONTROL_FLY; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // setFlying() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::setFlying(BOOL fly, BOOL fail_sound) { if (isAgentAvatarValid()) { // *HACK: Don't allow to start the flying mode if we got ANIM_AGENT_STANDUP signal // because in this case we won't get a signal to start avatar flying animation and // it will be walking with flying mode "ON" indication. However we allow to switch // the flying mode off if we get ANIM_AGENT_STANDUP signal. See process_avatar_animation(). // See EXT-2781. if(fly && gAgentAvatarp->mSignaledAnimations.find(ANIM_AGENT_STANDUP) != gAgentAvatarp->mSignaledAnimations.end()) { return; } // don't allow taking off while sitting if (fly && gAgentAvatarp->isSitting()) { return; } } if (fly) { BOOL was_flying = getFlying(); if (!canFly() && !was_flying) { // parcel doesn't let you start fly // gods can always fly // and it's OK if you're already flying if (fail_sound) { make_ui_sound("UISndBadKeystroke"); } return; } if( !was_flying ) { add(LLStatViewer::FLY, 1); } setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_FLY); } else { clearControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_FLY); } // Update Movement Controls according to Fly mode LLFloaterMove::setFlyingMode(fly); mbFlagsDirty = TRUE; } // UI based mechanism of setting fly state //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // toggleFlying() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static void LLAgent::toggleFlying() { if ( gAgent.mAutoPilot ) { LLToolPie::instance().stopClickToWalk(); } BOOL fly = !gAgent.getFlying(); gAgent.mMoveTimer.reset(); LLFirstUse::notMoving(false); gAgent.setFlying( fly ); gAgentCamera.resetView(); } // static bool LLAgent::enableFlying() { BOOL sitting = FALSE; if (isAgentAvatarValid()) { sitting = gAgentAvatarp->isSitting(); } return !sitting; } // static bool LLAgent::isSitting() { BOOL sitting = FALSE; if (isAgentAvatarValid()) { sitting = gAgentAvatarp->isSitting(); } return sitting; } void LLAgent::standUp() { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_STAND_UP); } void LLAgent::changeParcels() { LL_DEBUGS("AgentLocation") << "Calling ParcelChanged callbacks" << LL_ENDL; // Notify anything that wants to know about parcel changes mParcelChangedSignal(); } boost::signals2::connection LLAgent::addParcelChangedCallback(parcel_changed_callback_t cb) { return mParcelChangedSignal.connect(cb); } // static void LLAgent::capabilityReceivedCallback(const LLUUID ®ion_id, LLViewerRegion *regionp) { // Changed regions and now have the region capabilities if (regionp) { if (regionp->getRegionID() == region_id) { regionp->requestSimulatorFeatures(); LLAppViewer::instance()->updateNameLookupUrl(regionp); } if (gAgent.getInterestListMode() == LLViewerRegion::IL_MODE_360) { gAgent.changeInterestListMode(LLViewerRegion::IL_MODE_360); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // setRegion() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::setRegion(LLViewerRegion *regionp) { llassert(regionp); if (mRegionp != regionp) { LL_INFOS("AgentLocation","Teleport") << "Moving agent into region: handle " << regionp->getHandle() << " id " << regionp->getRegionID() << " name " << regionp->getName() << " previous region " << (mRegionp ? mRegionp->getRegionID() : LLUUID::null) << LL_ENDL; if (mRegionp) { // We've changed regions, we're now going to change our agent coordinate frame. mAgentOriginGlobal = regionp->getOriginGlobal(); LLVector3d agent_offset_global = mRegionp->getOriginGlobal(); LLVector3 delta; delta.setVec(regionp->getOriginGlobal() - mRegionp->getOriginGlobal()); setPositionAgent(getPositionAgent() - delta); LLVector3 camera_position_agent = LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getOrigin(); LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->setOrigin(camera_position_agent - delta); // Update all of the regions. LLWorld::getInstance()->updateAgentOffset(agent_offset_global); // Hack to keep sky in the agent's region, otherwise it may get deleted - DJS 08/02/02 // *TODO: possibly refactor into gSky->setAgentRegion(regionp)? -Brad if (gSky.mVOSkyp) { gSky.mVOSkyp->setRegion(regionp); } if (regionp->capabilitiesReceived()) { regionp->requestSimulatorFeatures(); LLAppViewer::instance()->updateNameLookupUrl(regionp); } else { regionp->setCapabilitiesReceivedCallback(LLAgent::capabilityReceivedCallback); } } else { // First time initialization. // We've changed regions, we're now going to change our agent coordinate frame. mAgentOriginGlobal = regionp->getOriginGlobal(); LLVector3 delta; delta.setVec(regionp->getOriginGlobal()); setPositionAgent(getPositionAgent() - delta); LLVector3 camera_position_agent = LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getOrigin(); LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->setOrigin(camera_position_agent - delta); // Update all of the regions. LLWorld::getInstance()->updateAgentOffset(mAgentOriginGlobal); if (regionp->capabilitiesReceived()) { LLAppViewer::instance()->updateNameLookupUrl(regionp); } else { regionp->setCapabilitiesReceivedCallback([](const LLUUID ®ion_id, LLViewerRegion* regionp) {LLAppViewer::instance()->updateNameLookupUrl(regionp); }); } } // Pass new region along to metrics components that care about this level of detail. LLAppViewer::metricsUpdateRegion(regionp->getHandle()); } mRegionp = regionp; // TODO - most of what follows probably should be moved into callbacks // Pass the region host to LLUrlEntryParcel to resolve parcel name // with a server request. LLUrlEntryParcel::setRegionHost(getRegionHost()); // Must shift hole-covering water object locations because local // coordinate frame changed. LLWorld::getInstance()->updateWaterObjects(); // keep a list of regions we've been too // this is just an interesting stat, logged at the dataserver // we could trake this at the dataserver side, but that's harder U64 handle = regionp->getHandle(); mRegionsVisited.insert(handle); LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->updateSelectionCenter(); LLFloaterMove::sUpdateFlyingStatus(); LL_DEBUGS("AgentLocation") << "Calling RegionChanged callbacks" << LL_ENDL; mRegionChangedSignal(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getRegion() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLViewerRegion *LLAgent::getRegion() const { return mRegionp; } LLHost LLAgent::getRegionHost() const { if (mRegionp) { return mRegionp->getHost(); } else { return LLHost(); } } boost::signals2::connection LLAgent::addRegionChangedCallback(const region_changed_signal_t::slot_type& cb) { return mRegionChangedSignal.connect(cb); } void LLAgent::removeRegionChangedCallback(boost::signals2::connection callback) { mRegionChangedSignal.disconnect(callback); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // inPrelude() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLAgent::inPrelude() { return mRegionp && mRegionp->isPrelude(); } std::string LLAgent::getRegionCapability(const std::string &name) { if (!mRegionp) return std::string(); return mRegionp->getCapability(name); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // canManageEstate() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLAgent::canManageEstate() const { return mRegionp && mRegionp->canManageEstate(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // sendMessage() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::sendMessage() { if (gDisconnected) { LL_WARNS() << "Trying to send message when disconnected!" << LL_ENDL; return; } if (!mRegionp) { LL_ERRS() << "No region for agent yet!" << LL_ENDL; return; } gMessageSystem->sendMessage(mRegionp->getHost()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // sendReliableMessage() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::sendReliableMessage() { if (gDisconnected) { LL_DEBUGS() << "Trying to send message when disconnected!" << LL_ENDL; return; } if (!mRegionp) { LL_DEBUGS() << "LLAgent::sendReliableMessage No region for agent yet, not sending message!" << LL_ENDL; return; } gMessageSystem->sendReliable(mRegionp->getHost()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getVelocity() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLVector3 LLAgent::getVelocity() const { if (isAgentAvatarValid()) { return gAgentAvatarp->getVelocity(); } else { return LLVector3::zero; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // setPositionAgent() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::setPositionAgent(const LLVector3 &pos_agent) { if (!pos_agent.isFinite()) { LL_ERRS() << "setPositionAgent is not a number" << LL_ENDL; } if (isAgentAvatarValid() && gAgentAvatarp->getParent()) { LLVector3 pos_agent_sitting; LLVector3d pos_agent_d; LLViewerObject *parent = (LLViewerObject*)gAgentAvatarp->getParent(); pos_agent_sitting = gAgentAvatarp->getPosition() * parent->getRotation() + parent->getPositionAgent(); pos_agent_d.setVec(pos_agent_sitting); mFrameAgent.setOrigin(pos_agent_sitting); mPositionGlobal = pos_agent_d + mAgentOriginGlobal; } else { mFrameAgent.setOrigin(pos_agent); LLVector3d pos_agent_d; pos_agent_d.setVec(pos_agent); mPositionGlobal = pos_agent_d + mAgentOriginGlobal; } if (((mLastTestGlobal - mPositionGlobal).lengthSquared() > 1.0) && !mOnPositionChanged.empty()) { // If the position has changed my more than 1 meter since the last time we triggered. // filters out some noise. mLastTestGlobal = mPositionGlobal; mOnPositionChanged(mFrameAgent.getOrigin(), mPositionGlobal); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getPositionGlobal() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const LLVector3d &LLAgent::getPositionGlobal() const { if (isAgentAvatarValid() && !gAgentAvatarp->mDrawable.isNull()) { mPositionGlobal = getPosGlobalFromAgent(gAgentAvatarp->getRenderPosition()); } else { mPositionGlobal = getPosGlobalFromAgent(mFrameAgent.getOrigin()); } return mPositionGlobal; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getPositionAgent() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const LLVector3 &LLAgent::getPositionAgent() { if (isAgentAvatarValid()) { if(gAgentAvatarp->mDrawable.isNull()) { mFrameAgent.setOrigin(gAgentAvatarp->getPositionAgent()); } else { mFrameAgent.setOrigin(gAgentAvatarp->getRenderPosition()); } } return mFrameAgent.getOrigin(); } boost::signals2::connection LLAgent::whenPositionChanged(position_signal_t::slot_type fn) { return mOnPositionChanged.connect(fn); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getRegionsVisited() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- S32 LLAgent::getRegionsVisited() const { return mRegionsVisited.size(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getDistanceTraveled() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- F64 LLAgent::getDistanceTraveled() const { return mDistanceTraveled; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getPosAgentFromGlobal() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLVector3 LLAgent::getPosAgentFromGlobal(const LLVector3d &pos_global) const { LLVector3 pos_agent; pos_agent.setVec(pos_global - mAgentOriginGlobal); return pos_agent; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getPosGlobalFromAgent() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLVector3d LLAgent::getPosGlobalFromAgent(const LLVector3 &pos_agent) const { LLVector3d pos_agent_d; pos_agent_d.setVec(pos_agent); return pos_agent_d + mAgentOriginGlobal; } void LLAgent::sitDown() { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_SIT_ON_GROUND); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // resetAxes() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::resetAxes() { mFrameAgent.resetAxes(); } // Copied from LLCamera::setOriginAndLookAt // Look_at must be unit vector //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // resetAxes() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::resetAxes(const LLVector3 &look_at) { LLVector3 skyward = getReferenceUpVector(); // if look_at has zero length, fail // if look_at and skyward are parallel, fail // // Test both of these conditions with a cross product. LLVector3 cross(look_at % skyward); if (cross.isNull()) { LL_INFOS() << "LLAgent::resetAxes cross-product is zero" << LL_ENDL; return; } // Make sure look_at and skyward are not parallel // and neither are zero length LLVector3 left(skyward % look_at); LLVector3 up(look_at % left); mFrameAgent.setAxes(look_at, left, up); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // rotate() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::rotate(F32 angle, const LLVector3 &axis) { mFrameAgent.rotate(angle, axis); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // rotate() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::rotate(F32 angle, F32 x, F32 y, F32 z) { mFrameAgent.rotate(angle, x, y, z); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // rotate() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::rotate(const LLMatrix3 &matrix) { mFrameAgent.rotate(matrix); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // rotate() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::rotate(const LLQuaternion &quaternion) { mFrameAgent.rotate(quaternion); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getReferenceUpVector() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLVector3 LLAgent::getReferenceUpVector() { // this vector is in the coordinate frame of the avatar's parent object, or the world if none LLVector3 up_vector = LLVector3::z_axis; if (isAgentAvatarValid() && gAgentAvatarp->getParent() && gAgentAvatarp->mDrawable.notNull()) { U32 camera_mode = gAgentCamera.getCameraAnimating() ? gAgentCamera.getLastCameraMode() : gAgentCamera.getCameraMode(); // and in third person... if (camera_mode == CAMERA_MODE_THIRD_PERSON) { // make the up vector point to the absolute +z axis up_vector = up_vector * ~((LLViewerObject*)gAgentAvatarp->getParent())->getRenderRotation(); } else if (camera_mode == CAMERA_MODE_MOUSELOOK) { // make the up vector point to the avatar's +z axis up_vector = up_vector * gAgentAvatarp->mDrawable->getRotation(); } } return up_vector; } // Radians, positive is forward into ground //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // pitch() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::pitch(F32 angle) { // don't let user pitch if pointed almost all the way down or up // A dot B = mag(A) * mag(B) * cos(angle between A and B) // so... cos(angle between A and B) = A dot B / mag(A) / mag(B) // = A dot B for unit vectors LLVector3 skyward = getReferenceUpVector(); // SL-19286 Avatar is upside down when viewed from below // after left-clicking the mouse on the avatar and dragging down // // The issue is observed on angle below 10 degrees bool isMouseLookOn = mControlFlags & AGENT_CONTROL_MOUSELOOK; const F32 look_down_limit = 179.f * DEG_TO_RAD; const F32 look_up_limit = (isMouseLookOn ? 1.f : 10.f) * DEG_TO_RAD; F32 angle_from_skyward = acos(mFrameAgent.getAtAxis() * skyward); // clamp pitch to limits if ((angle >= 0.f) && (angle_from_skyward + angle > look_down_limit)) { angle = look_down_limit - angle_from_skyward; } else if ((angle < 0.f) && (angle_from_skyward + angle < look_up_limit)) { angle = look_up_limit - angle_from_skyward; } if (fabs(angle) > 1e-4) { mFrameAgent.pitch(angle); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // roll() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::roll(F32 angle) { mFrameAgent.roll(angle); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // yaw() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::yaw(F32 angle) { if (!rotateGrabbed()) { mFrameAgent.rotate(angle, getReferenceUpVector()); } } // Returns a quat that represents the rotation of the agent in the absolute frame //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getQuat() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLQuaternion LLAgent::getQuat() const { return mFrameAgent.getQuaternion(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getControlFlags() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- U32 LLAgent::getControlFlags() { return mControlFlags; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // setControlFlags() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::setControlFlags(U32 mask) { mControlFlags |= mask; mbFlagsDirty = TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // clearControlFlags() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::clearControlFlags(U32 mask) { U32 old_flags = mControlFlags; mControlFlags &= ~mask; if (old_flags != mControlFlags) { mbFlagsDirty = TRUE; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // controlFlagsDirty() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLAgent::controlFlagsDirty() const { return mbFlagsDirty; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // enableControlFlagReset() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::enableControlFlagReset() { mbFlagsNeedReset = TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // resetControlFlags() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::resetControlFlags() { if (mbFlagsNeedReset) { mbFlagsNeedReset = FALSE; mbFlagsDirty = FALSE; // reset all of the ephemeral flags // some flags are managed elsewhere mControlFlags &= AGENT_CONTROL_AWAY | AGENT_CONTROL_FLY | AGENT_CONTROL_MOUSELOOK; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // setAFK() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::setAFK() { if (gNonInteractive || !gAgent.getRegion()) { // Don't set AFK if we're not talking to a region yet. return; } if (!(mControlFlags & AGENT_CONTROL_AWAY)) { sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_AWAY, ANIM_REQUEST_START); setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_AWAY | AGENT_CONTROL_STOP); gAwayTimer.start(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // clearAFK() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::clearAFK() { gAwayTriggerTimer.reset(); // Gods can sometimes get into away state (via gestures) // without setting the appropriate control flag. JC if (mControlFlags & AGENT_CONTROL_AWAY || (isAgentAvatarValid() && (gAgentAvatarp->mSignaledAnimations.find(ANIM_AGENT_AWAY) != gAgentAvatarp->mSignaledAnimations.end()))) { sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_AWAY, ANIM_REQUEST_STOP); clearControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_AWAY); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getAFK() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLAgent::getAFK() const { return (mControlFlags & AGENT_CONTROL_AWAY) != 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // setDoNotDisturb() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::setDoNotDisturb(bool pIsDoNotDisturb) { bool isDoNotDisturbSwitchedOff = (mIsDoNotDisturb && !pIsDoNotDisturb); mIsDoNotDisturb = pIsDoNotDisturb; sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_DO_NOT_DISTURB, (pIsDoNotDisturb ? ANIM_REQUEST_START : ANIM_REQUEST_STOP)); LLNotificationsUI::LLChannelManager::getInstance()->muteAllChannels(pIsDoNotDisturb); if (isDoNotDisturbSwitchedOff) { LLDoNotDisturbNotificationStorage::getInstance()->updateNotifications(); } gIMMgr->updateDNDMessageStatus(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // isDoNotDisturb() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool LLAgent::isDoNotDisturb() const { return mIsDoNotDisturb; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // startAutoPilotGlobal() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::startAutoPilotGlobal( const LLVector3d &target_global, const std::string& behavior_name, const LLQuaternion *target_rotation, void (*finish_callback)(BOOL, void *), void *callback_data, F32 stop_distance, F32 rot_threshold, BOOL allow_flying) { if (!isAgentAvatarValid()) { return; } if (target_global.isExactlyZero()) { LL_WARNS() << "Canceling attempt to start autopilot towards invalid position" << LL_ENDL; return; } // Are there any pending callbacks from previous auto pilot requests? if (mAutoPilotFinishedCallback) { mAutoPilotFinishedCallback(dist_vec(gAgent.getPositionGlobal(), mAutoPilotTargetGlobal) < mAutoPilotStopDistance, mAutoPilotCallbackData); } mAutoPilotFinishedCallback = finish_callback; mAutoPilotCallbackData = callback_data; mAutoPilotRotationThreshold = rot_threshold; mAutoPilotBehaviorName = behavior_name; mAutoPilotAllowFlying = allow_flying; LLVector3d delta_pos( target_global ); delta_pos -= getPositionGlobal(); F64 distance = delta_pos.magVec(); LLVector3d trace_target = target_global; trace_target.mdV[VZ] -= 10.f; LLVector3d intersection; LLVector3 normal; LLViewerObject *hit_obj; F32 heightDelta = LLWorld::getInstance()->resolveStepHeightGlobal(NULL, target_global, trace_target, intersection, normal, &hit_obj); if (stop_distance > 0.f) { mAutoPilotStopDistance = stop_distance; } else { // Guess at a reasonable stop distance. mAutoPilotStopDistance = (F32) sqrt( distance ); if (mAutoPilotStopDistance < 0.5f) { mAutoPilotStopDistance = 0.5f; } } if (mAutoPilotAllowFlying) { mAutoPilotFlyOnStop = getFlying(); } else { mAutoPilotFlyOnStop = FALSE; } if (distance > 30.0 && mAutoPilotAllowFlying) { setFlying(TRUE); } if ( distance > 1.f && mAutoPilotAllowFlying && heightDelta > (sqrtf(mAutoPilotStopDistance) + 1.f)) { setFlying(TRUE); // Do not force flying for "Sit" behavior to prevent flying after pressing "Stand" // from an object. See EXT-1655. if ("Sit" != mAutoPilotBehaviorName) mAutoPilotFlyOnStop = TRUE; } mAutoPilot = TRUE; setAutoPilotTargetGlobal(target_global); if (target_rotation) { mAutoPilotUseRotation = TRUE; mAutoPilotTargetFacing = LLVector3::x_axis * *target_rotation; mAutoPilotTargetFacing.mV[VZ] = 0.f; mAutoPilotTargetFacing.normalize(); } else { mAutoPilotUseRotation = FALSE; } mAutoPilotNoProgressFrameCount = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // setAutoPilotTargetGlobal //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::setAutoPilotTargetGlobal(const LLVector3d &target_global) { if (mAutoPilot) { mAutoPilotTargetGlobal = target_global; // trace ray down to find height of destination from ground LLVector3d traceEndPt = target_global; traceEndPt.mdV[VZ] -= 20.f; LLVector3d targetOnGround; LLVector3 groundNorm; LLViewerObject *obj; LLWorld::getInstance()->resolveStepHeightGlobal(NULL, target_global, traceEndPt, targetOnGround, groundNorm, &obj); // Note: this might malfunction for sitting agent, since pelvis stays same, but agent's position becomes lower // But for autopilot to work we assume that agent is standing and ready to go. F64 target_height = llmax((F64)gAgentAvatarp->getPelvisToFoot(), target_global.mdV[VZ] - targetOnGround.mdV[VZ]); // clamp z value of target to minimum height above ground mAutoPilotTargetGlobal.mdV[VZ] = targetOnGround.mdV[VZ] + target_height; mAutoPilotTargetDist = (F32)dist_vec(gAgent.getPositionGlobal(), mAutoPilotTargetGlobal); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // startFollowPilot() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::startFollowPilot(const LLUUID &leader_id, BOOL allow_flying, F32 stop_distance) { mLeaderID = leader_id; if ( mLeaderID.isNull() ) return; LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(mLeaderID); if (!object) { mLeaderID = LLUUID::null; return; } startAutoPilotGlobal(object->getPositionGlobal(), std::string(), // behavior_name NULL, // target_rotation NULL, // finish_callback NULL, // callback_data stop_distance, 0.03f, // rotation_threshold allow_flying); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // stopAutoPilot() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::stopAutoPilot(BOOL user_cancel) { if (mAutoPilot) { mAutoPilot = FALSE; if (mAutoPilotUseRotation && !user_cancel) { resetAxes(mAutoPilotTargetFacing); } // Restore previous flying state before invoking mAutoPilotFinishedCallback to allow // callback function to change the flying state (like in near_sit_down_point()). // If the user cancelled, don't change the fly state if (!user_cancel) { setFlying(mAutoPilotFlyOnStop); } //NB: auto pilot can terminate for a reason other than reaching the destination if (mAutoPilotFinishedCallback) { mAutoPilotFinishedCallback(!user_cancel && dist_vec(gAgent.getPositionGlobal(), mAutoPilotTargetGlobal) < mAutoPilotStopDistance, mAutoPilotCallbackData); mAutoPilotFinishedCallback = NULL; } mLeaderID = LLUUID::null; setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_STOP); if (user_cancel && !mAutoPilotBehaviorName.empty()) { if (mAutoPilotBehaviorName == "Sit") LL_INFOS("Agent") << "Autopilot-Sit was canceled by user action" << LL_ENDL; else if (mAutoPilotBehaviorName == "Attach") LLNotificationsUtil::add("CancelledAttach"); else LLNotificationsUtil::add("Cancelled"); } } } // Returns necessary agent pitch and yaw changes, radians. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // autoPilot() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::autoPilot(F32 *delta_yaw) { if (mAutoPilot) { if (!mLeaderID.isNull()) { LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(mLeaderID); if (!object) { stopAutoPilot(); return; } mAutoPilotTargetGlobal = object->getPositionGlobal(); } if (!isAgentAvatarValid()) return; if (gAgentAvatarp->mInAir && mAutoPilotAllowFlying) { setFlying(TRUE); } LLVector3 at; at.setVec(mFrameAgent.getAtAxis()); LLVector3 target_agent = getPosAgentFromGlobal(mAutoPilotTargetGlobal); LLVector3 direction = target_agent - getPositionAgent(); F32 target_dist = direction.magVec(); if (target_dist >= mAutoPilotTargetDist) { mAutoPilotNoProgressFrameCount++; bool out_of_time = false; if (getFlying()) { out_of_time = mAutoPilotNoProgressFrameCount > AUTOPILOT_MAX_TIME_NO_PROGRESS_FLY * gFPSClamped; } else { out_of_time = mAutoPilotNoProgressFrameCount > AUTOPILOT_MAX_TIME_NO_PROGRESS_WALK * gFPSClamped; } if (out_of_time) { stopAutoPilot(); return; } } mAutoPilotTargetDist = target_dist; // Make this a two-dimensional solution at.mV[VZ] = 0.f; direction.mV[VZ] = 0.f; at.normalize(); F32 xy_distance = direction.normalize(); F32 yaw = 0.f; if (mAutoPilotTargetDist > mAutoPilotStopDistance) { yaw = angle_between(mFrameAgent.getAtAxis(), direction); } else if (mAutoPilotUseRotation) { // we're close now just aim at target facing yaw = angle_between(at, mAutoPilotTargetFacing); direction = mAutoPilotTargetFacing; } yaw = 4.f * yaw / gFPSClamped; // figure out which direction to turn LLVector3 scratch(at % direction); if (scratch.mV[VZ] > 0.f) { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_YAW_POS); } else { yaw = -yaw; setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_YAW_NEG); } *delta_yaw = yaw; // Compute when to start slowing down F32 slow_distance; if (getFlying()) { slow_distance = llmax(8.f, mAutoPilotStopDistance + 5.f); } else { slow_distance = llmax(3.f, mAutoPilotStopDistance + 2.f); } // If we're flying, handle autopilot points above or below you. if (getFlying() && xy_distance < AUTOPILOT_HEIGHT_ADJUST_DISTANCE) { if (isAgentAvatarValid()) { F64 current_height = gAgentAvatarp->getPositionGlobal().mdV[VZ]; F32 delta_z = (F32)(mAutoPilotTargetGlobal.mdV[VZ] - current_height); F32 slope = delta_z / xy_distance; if (slope > 0.45f && delta_z > 6.f) { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_FAST_UP | AGENT_CONTROL_UP_POS); } else if (slope > 0.002f && delta_z > 0.5f) { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_UP_POS); } else if (slope < -0.45f && delta_z < -6.f && current_height > AUTOPILOT_MIN_TARGET_HEIGHT_OFF_GROUND) { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_FAST_UP | AGENT_CONTROL_UP_NEG); } else if (slope < -0.002f && delta_z < -0.5f && current_height > AUTOPILOT_MIN_TARGET_HEIGHT_OFF_GROUND) { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_UP_NEG); } } } // calculate delta rotation to target heading F32 delta_target_heading = angle_between(mFrameAgent.getAtAxis(), mAutoPilotTargetFacing); if (xy_distance > slow_distance && yaw < (F_PI / 10.f)) { // walking/flying fast setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_FAST_AT | AGENT_CONTROL_AT_POS); } else if (mAutoPilotTargetDist > mAutoPilotStopDistance) { // walking/flying slow U32 movement_flag = 0; if (at * direction > 0.9f) { movement_flag = AGENT_CONTROL_AT_POS; } else if (at * direction < -0.9f) { movement_flag = AGENT_CONTROL_AT_NEG; } if (getFlying()) { // flying is too fast and has high inertia, artificially slow it down // Don't update flags too often, server might not react static U64 last_time_microsec = 0; U64 time_microsec = LLTimer::getTotalTime(); U64 delta = time_microsec - last_time_microsec; // fly during ~0-40 ms, stop during ~40-250 ms if (delta > 250000) // 250ms { // reset even if !movement_flag last_time_microsec = time_microsec; } else if (delta > 40000) // 40 ms { clearControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_AT_POS | AGENT_CONTROL_AT_POS); movement_flag = 0; } } if (movement_flag) { setControlFlags(movement_flag); } } // check to see if we need to keep rotating to target orientation if (mAutoPilotTargetDist < mAutoPilotStopDistance) { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_STOP); if(!mAutoPilotUseRotation || (delta_target_heading < mAutoPilotRotationThreshold)) { stopAutoPilot(); } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // propagate() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::propagate(const F32 dt) { // Update UI based on agent motion LLFloaterMove *floater_move = LLFloaterReg::findTypedInstance("moveview"); if (floater_move) { floater_move->mForwardButton ->setToggleState( gAgentCamera.getAtKey() > 0 || gAgentCamera.getWalkKey() > 0 ); floater_move->mBackwardButton ->setToggleState( gAgentCamera.getAtKey() < 0 || gAgentCamera.getWalkKey() < 0 ); floater_move->mTurnLeftButton ->setToggleState( gAgentCamera.getYawKey() > 0.f ); floater_move->mTurnRightButton ->setToggleState( gAgentCamera.getYawKey() < 0.f ); floater_move->mSlideLeftButton ->setToggleState( gAgentCamera.getLeftKey() > 0.f ); floater_move->mSlideRightButton ->setToggleState( gAgentCamera.getLeftKey() < 0.f ); floater_move->mMoveUpButton ->setToggleState( gAgentCamera.getUpKey() > 0 ); floater_move->mMoveDownButton ->setToggleState( gAgentCamera.getUpKey() < 0 ); } // handle rotation based on keyboard levels const F32 YAW_RATE = 90.f * DEG_TO_RAD; // radians per second yaw(YAW_RATE * gAgentCamera.getYawKey() * dt); const F32 PITCH_RATE = 90.f * DEG_TO_RAD; // radians per second pitch(PITCH_RATE * gAgentCamera.getPitchKey() * dt); // handle auto-land behavior if (isAgentAvatarValid()) { BOOL in_air = gAgentAvatarp->mInAir; LLVector3 land_vel = getVelocity(); land_vel.mV[VZ] = 0.f; if (!in_air && gAgentCamera.getUpKey() < 0 && land_vel.magVecSquared() < MAX_VELOCITY_AUTO_LAND_SQUARED && gSavedSettings.getBOOL("AutomaticFly")) { // land automatically setFlying(FALSE); } } gAgentCamera.clearGeneralKeys(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // updateAgentPosition() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::updateAgentPosition(const F32 dt, const F32 yaw_radians, const S32 mouse_x, const S32 mouse_y) { static LLCachedControl hint_timeout(gSavedSettings, "NotMovingHintTimeout"); if (mMoveTimer.getStarted() && mMoveTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() > hint_timeout) { LLFirstUse::notMoving(); } propagate(dt); // static S32 cameraUpdateCount = 0; rotate(yaw_radians, 0, 0, 1); // // Check for water and land collision, set underwater flag // gAgentCamera.updateLookAt(mouse_x, mouse_y); // When agent has no parents, position updates come from setPositionAgent() // But when agent has a parent (ex: is seated), position remains unchanged // relative to parent and no parent's position update trigger // setPositionAgent(). // But EEP's sky track selection still needs an update if agent has a parent // and parent moves (ex: vehicles). if (isAgentAvatarValid() && gAgentAvatarp->getParent() && !mOnPositionChanged.empty() ) { LLVector3d new_position = getPositionGlobal(); if ((mLastTestGlobal - new_position).lengthSquared() > 1.0) { // If the position has changed by more than 1 meter since the last time we triggered. // filters out some noise. mLastTestGlobal = new_position; mOnPositionChanged(mFrameAgent.getOrigin(), new_position); } } } // friends and operators std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLAgent &agent) { // This is unfinished, but might never be used. // We'll just leave it for now; we can always delete it. s << " { " << " Frame = " << agent.mFrameAgent << "\n" << " }"; return s; } // TRUE if your own avatar needs to be rendered. Usually only // in third person and build. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // needsRenderAvatar() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL LLAgent::needsRenderAvatar() { if (gAgentCamera.cameraMouselook() && !LLVOAvatar::sVisibleInFirstPerson) { return FALSE; } return mShowAvatar && mOutfitChosen; } // TRUE if we need to render your own avatar's head. BOOL LLAgent::needsRenderHead() { return (LLVOAvatar::sVisibleInFirstPerson && LLPipeline::sReflectionRender) || (mShowAvatar && !gAgentCamera.cameraMouselook()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // startTyping() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::startTyping() { mTypingTimer.reset(); if (getRenderState() & AGENT_STATE_TYPING) { // already typing, don't trigger a different animation return; } setRenderState(AGENT_STATE_TYPING); if (mChatTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() < 2.f) { LLViewerObject* chatter = gObjectList.findObject(mLastChatterID); if (chatter && chatter->isAvatar()) { gAgentCamera.setLookAt(LOOKAT_TARGET_RESPOND, chatter, LLVector3::zero); } } if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("PlayTypingAnim")) { sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_TYPE, ANIM_REQUEST_START); } (LLFloaterReg::getTypedInstance("nearby_chat"))-> sendChatFromViewer("", CHAT_TYPE_START, FALSE); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // stopTyping() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::stopTyping() { if (mRenderState & AGENT_STATE_TYPING) { clearRenderState(AGENT_STATE_TYPING); sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_TYPE, ANIM_REQUEST_STOP); (LLFloaterReg::getTypedInstance("nearby_chat"))-> sendChatFromViewer("", CHAT_TYPE_STOP, FALSE); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // setRenderState() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::setRenderState(U8 newstate) { mRenderState |= newstate; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // clearRenderState() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::clearRenderState(U8 clearstate) { mRenderState &= ~clearstate; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getRenderState() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- U8 LLAgent::getRenderState() { // *FIX: don't do stuff in a getter! This is infinite loop city! if ((mTypingTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() > TYPING_TIMEOUT_SECS) && (mRenderState & AGENT_STATE_TYPING)) { stopTyping(); } if ((!LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->isEmpty() && LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->shouldShowSelection()) || LLToolMgr::getInstance()->getCurrentTool()->isEditing() ) { setRenderState(AGENT_STATE_EDITING); } else { clearRenderState(AGENT_STATE_EDITING); } return mRenderState; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // endAnimationUpdateUI() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::endAnimationUpdateUI() { if (LLApp::isExiting() || !gViewerWindow || !gMenuBarView || !gToolBarView || !gStatusBar) { return; } if (gAgentCamera.getCameraMode() == gAgentCamera.getLastCameraMode()) { // We're already done endAnimationUpdateUI for this transition. return; } // clean up UI from mode we're leaving if (gAgentCamera.getLastCameraMode() == CAMERA_MODE_MOUSELOOK ) { gToolBarView->setToolBarsVisible(true); // show mouse cursor gViewerWindow->showCursor(); // show menus gMenuBarView->setVisible(TRUE); LLNavigationBar::getInstance()->setVisible(TRUE && gSavedSettings.getBOOL("ShowNavbarNavigationPanel")); gStatusBar->setVisibleForMouselook(true); static LLCachedControl show_mini_location_panel(gSavedSettings, "ShowMiniLocationPanel"); if (show_mini_location_panel) { LLPanelTopInfoBar::getInstance()->setVisible(TRUE); } LLChicletBar::getInstance()->setVisible(TRUE); LLPanelStandStopFlying::getInstance()->setVisible(TRUE); LLToolMgr::getInstance()->setCurrentToolset(gBasicToolset); LLFloaterCamera::onLeavingMouseLook(); if (mMouselookModeOutSignal) { (*mMouselookModeOutSignal)(); } // Only pop if we have pushed... if (TRUE == mViewsPushed) { #if 0 // Use this once all floaters are registered LLFloaterReg::restoreVisibleInstances(); #else // Use this for now LLFloaterView::skip_list_t skip_list; if (LLFloaterReg::findInstance("mini_map")) { skip_list.insert(LLFloaterReg::findInstance("mini_map")); } if (LLFloaterReg::findInstance("beacons")) { skip_list.insert(LLFloaterReg::findInstance("beacons")); } LLFloaterIMContainer* im_box = LLFloaterReg::getTypedInstance("im_container"); LLFloaterIMContainer::floater_list_t conversations; im_box->getDetachedConversationFloaters(conversations); BOOST_FOREACH(LLFloater* conversation, conversations) { LL_INFOS() << "skip_list.insert(session_floater): " << conversation->getTitle() << LL_ENDL; skip_list.insert(conversation); } gFloaterView->popVisibleAll(skip_list); #endif mViewsPushed = FALSE; } gAgentCamera.setLookAt(LOOKAT_TARGET_CLEAR); if( gMorphView ) { gMorphView->setVisible( FALSE ); } // Disable mouselook-specific animations if (isAgentAvatarValid()) { if( gAgentAvatarp->isAnyAnimationSignaled(AGENT_GUN_AIM_ANIMS, NUM_AGENT_GUN_AIM_ANIMS) ) { if (gAgentAvatarp->mSignaledAnimations.find(ANIM_AGENT_AIM_RIFLE_R) != gAgentAvatarp->mSignaledAnimations.end()) { sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_AIM_RIFLE_R, ANIM_REQUEST_STOP); sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_HOLD_RIFLE_R, ANIM_REQUEST_START); } if (gAgentAvatarp->mSignaledAnimations.find(ANIM_AGENT_AIM_HANDGUN_R) != gAgentAvatarp->mSignaledAnimations.end()) { sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_AIM_HANDGUN_R, ANIM_REQUEST_STOP); sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_HOLD_HANDGUN_R, ANIM_REQUEST_START); } if (gAgentAvatarp->mSignaledAnimations.find(ANIM_AGENT_AIM_BAZOOKA_R) != gAgentAvatarp->mSignaledAnimations.end()) { sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_AIM_BAZOOKA_R, ANIM_REQUEST_STOP); sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_HOLD_BAZOOKA_R, ANIM_REQUEST_START); } if (gAgentAvatarp->mSignaledAnimations.find(ANIM_AGENT_AIM_BOW_L) != gAgentAvatarp->mSignaledAnimations.end()) { sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_AIM_BOW_L, ANIM_REQUEST_STOP); sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_HOLD_BOW_L, ANIM_REQUEST_START); } } } } else if (gAgentCamera.getLastCameraMode() == CAMERA_MODE_CUSTOMIZE_AVATAR) { // make sure we ask to save changes LLToolMgr::getInstance()->setCurrentToolset(gBasicToolset); if( gMorphView ) { gMorphView->setVisible( FALSE ); } if (isAgentAvatarValid()) { if(mCustomAnim) { sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_CUSTOMIZE, ANIM_REQUEST_STOP); sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_CUSTOMIZE_DONE, ANIM_REQUEST_START); mCustomAnim = FALSE ; } } gAgentCamera.setLookAt(LOOKAT_TARGET_CLEAR); LLFloaterCamera::onAvatarEditingAppearance(false); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set up UI for mode we're entering //--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (gAgentCamera.getCameraMode() == CAMERA_MODE_MOUSELOOK) { // clean up UI // first show anything hidden by UI toggle gViewerWindow->setUIVisibility(TRUE); // then hide stuff we want hidden for mouselook gToolBarView->setToolBarsVisible(false); gMenuBarView->setVisible(FALSE); LLNavigationBar::getInstance()->setVisible(FALSE); gStatusBar->setVisibleForMouselook(false); LLPanelTopInfoBar::getInstance()->setVisible(FALSE); LLChicletBar::getInstance()->setVisible(FALSE); LLPanelStandStopFlying::getInstance()->setVisible(FALSE); // clear out camera lag effect gAgentCamera.clearCameraLag(); // JC - Added for always chat in third person option gFocusMgr.setKeyboardFocus(NULL); LLToolMgr::getInstance()->setCurrentToolset(gMouselookToolset); mViewsPushed = TRUE; if (mMouselookModeInSignal) { (*mMouselookModeInSignal)(); } // hide all floaters except the mini map #if 0 // Use this once all floaters are registered std::set exceptions; exceptions.insert("mini_map"); LLFloaterReg::hideVisibleInstances(exceptions); #else // Use this for now LLFloaterView::skip_list_t skip_list; skip_list.insert(LLFloaterReg::findInstance("mini_map")); skip_list.insert(LLFloaterReg::findInstance("beacons")); gFloaterView->pushVisibleAll(FALSE, skip_list); #endif if( gMorphView ) { gMorphView->setVisible(FALSE); } gConsole->setVisible( TRUE ); if (isAgentAvatarValid()) { // Trigger mouselook-specific animations if( gAgentAvatarp->isAnyAnimationSignaled(AGENT_GUN_HOLD_ANIMS, NUM_AGENT_GUN_HOLD_ANIMS) ) { if (gAgentAvatarp->mSignaledAnimations.find(ANIM_AGENT_HOLD_RIFLE_R) != gAgentAvatarp->mSignaledAnimations.end()) { sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_HOLD_RIFLE_R, ANIM_REQUEST_STOP); sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_AIM_RIFLE_R, ANIM_REQUEST_START); } if (gAgentAvatarp->mSignaledAnimations.find(ANIM_AGENT_HOLD_HANDGUN_R) != gAgentAvatarp->mSignaledAnimations.end()) { sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_HOLD_HANDGUN_R, ANIM_REQUEST_STOP); sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_AIM_HANDGUN_R, ANIM_REQUEST_START); } if (gAgentAvatarp->mSignaledAnimations.find(ANIM_AGENT_HOLD_BAZOOKA_R) != gAgentAvatarp->mSignaledAnimations.end()) { sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_HOLD_BAZOOKA_R, ANIM_REQUEST_STOP); sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_AIM_BAZOOKA_R, ANIM_REQUEST_START); } if (gAgentAvatarp->mSignaledAnimations.find(ANIM_AGENT_HOLD_BOW_L) != gAgentAvatarp->mSignaledAnimations.end()) { sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_HOLD_BOW_L, ANIM_REQUEST_STOP); sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_AIM_BOW_L, ANIM_REQUEST_START); } } if (gAgentAvatarp->getParent()) { LLVector3 at_axis = LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getAtAxis(); LLViewerObject* root_object = (LLViewerObject*)gAgentAvatarp->getRoot(); if (root_object->flagCameraDecoupled()) { resetAxes(at_axis); } else { resetAxes(at_axis * ~((LLViewerObject*)gAgentAvatarp->getParent())->getRenderRotation()); } } } } else if (gAgentCamera.getCameraMode() == CAMERA_MODE_CUSTOMIZE_AVATAR) { LLToolMgr::getInstance()->setCurrentToolset(gFaceEditToolset); if( gMorphView ) { gMorphView->setVisible( TRUE ); } // freeze avatar if (isAgentAvatarValid()) { mPauseRequest = gAgentAvatarp->requestPause(); } LLFloaterCamera::onAvatarEditingAppearance(true); } if (isAgentAvatarValid()) { gAgentAvatarp->updateAttachmentVisibility(gAgentCamera.getCameraMode()); } gFloaterTools->dirty(); // Don't let this be called more than once if the camera // mode hasn't changed. --JC gAgentCamera.updateLastCamera(); } boost::signals2::connection LLAgent::setMouselookModeInCallback( const camera_signal_t::slot_type& cb ) { if (!mMouselookModeInSignal) mMouselookModeInSignal = new camera_signal_t(); return mMouselookModeInSignal->connect(cb); } boost::signals2::connection LLAgent::setMouselookModeOutCallback( const camera_signal_t::slot_type& cb ) { if (!mMouselookModeOutSignal) mMouselookModeOutSignal = new camera_signal_t(); return mMouselookModeOutSignal->connect(cb); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // heardChat() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLAgent::heardChat(const LLUUID& id) { // log text and voice chat to speaker mgr // for keeping track of active speakers, etc. LLLocalSpeakerMgr::getInstance()->speakerChatted(id); // don't respond to your own voice if (id == getID()) return; if (ll_rand(2) == 0) { LLViewerObject *chatter = gObjectList.findObject(mLastChatterID); gAgentCamera.setLookAt(LOOKAT_TARGET_AUTO_LISTEN, chatter, LLVector3::zero); } mLastChatterID = id; mChatTimer.reset(); } LLSD ll_sdmap_from_vector3(const LLVector3& vec) { LLSD ret; ret["X"] = vec.mV[VX]; ret["Y"] = vec.mV[VY]; ret["Z"] = vec.mV[VZ]; return ret; } LLVector3 ll_vector3_from_sdmap(const LLSD& sd) { LLVector3 ret; ret.mV[VX] = F32(sd["X"].asReal()); ret.mV[VY] = F32(sd["Y"].asReal()); ret.mV[VZ] = F32(sd["Z"].asReal()); return ret; } void LLAgent::setStartPosition( U32 location_id ) { LLViewerObject *object; if (gAgentID == LLUUID::null) { return; } // we've got an ID for an agent viewerobject object = gObjectList.findObject(gAgentID); if (! object) { LL_INFOS() << "setStartPosition - Can't find agent viewerobject id " << gAgentID << LL_ENDL; return; } // we've got the viewer object // Sometimes the agent can be velocity interpolated off of // this simulator. Clamp it to the region the agent is // in, a little bit in on each side. const F32 INSET = 0.5f; //meters const F32 REGION_WIDTH = LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegionWidthInMeters(); LLVector3 agent_pos = getPositionAgent(); if (isAgentAvatarValid()) { // the z height is at the agent's feet agent_pos.mV[VZ] -= 0.5f * (gAgentAvatarp->mBodySize.mV[VZ] + gAgentAvatarp->mAvatarOffset.mV[VZ]); } agent_pos.mV[VX] = llclamp( agent_pos.mV[VX], INSET, REGION_WIDTH - INSET ); agent_pos.mV[VY] = llclamp( agent_pos.mV[VY], INSET, REGION_WIDTH - INSET ); // Don't let them go below ground, or too high. agent_pos.mV[VZ] = llclamp( agent_pos.mV[VZ], mRegionp->getLandHeightRegion( agent_pos ), LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegionMaxHeight() ); // Send the CapReq LLSD request; LLSD body; LLSD homeLocation; homeLocation["LocationId"] = LLSD::Integer(location_id); homeLocation["LocationPos"] = ll_sdmap_from_vector3(agent_pos); homeLocation["LocationLookAt"] = ll_sdmap_from_vector3(mFrameAgent.getAtAxis()); body["HomeLocation"] = homeLocation; if (!requestPostCapability("HomeLocation", body, boost::bind(&LLAgent::setStartPositionSuccess, this, _1))) LL_WARNS() << "Unable to post to HomeLocation capability." << LL_ENDL; } void LLAgent::setStartPositionSuccess(const LLSD &result) { LLVector3 agent_pos; bool error = true; do { // was the call to /agent//home-location successful? // If not, we keep error set to true if (!result.has("success")) break; if (0 != strncmp("true", result["success"].asString().c_str(), 4)) break; // did the simulator return a "justified" home location? // If no, we keep error set to true if (!result.has("HomeLocation")) break; if ((!result["HomeLocation"].has("LocationPos")) || (!result["HomeLocation"]["LocationPos"].has("X")) || (!result["HomeLocation"]["LocationPos"].has("Y")) || (!result["HomeLocation"]["LocationPos"].has("Z"))) break; agent_pos.mV[VX] = result["HomeLocation"]["LocationPos"]["X"].asInteger(); agent_pos.mV[VY] = result["HomeLocation"]["LocationPos"]["Y"].asInteger(); agent_pos.mV[VZ] = result["HomeLocation"]["LocationPos"]["Z"].asInteger(); error = false; } while (0); if (error) { LL_WARNS() << "Error in response to home position set." << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_INFOS() << "setting home position" << LL_ENDL; LLViewerRegion *viewer_region = gAgent.getRegion(); setHomePosRegion(viewer_region->getHandle(), agent_pos); } } void LLAgent::requestStopMotion( LLMotion* motion ) { // Notify all avatars that a motion has stopped. // This is needed to clear the animation state bits LLUUID anim_state = motion->getID(); onAnimStop(motion->getID()); // if motion is not looping, it could have stopped by running out of time // so we need to tell the server this // LL_INFOS() << "Sending stop for motion " << motion->getName() << LL_ENDL; sendAnimationRequest( anim_state, ANIM_REQUEST_STOP ); } void LLAgent::onAnimStop(const LLUUID& id) { // handle automatic state transitions (based on completion of animation playback) if (id == ANIM_AGENT_STAND) { stopFidget(); } else if (id == ANIM_AGENT_AWAY) { clearAFK(); } else if (id == ANIM_AGENT_STANDUP) { // send stand up command setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_FINISH_ANIM); // now trigger dusting self off animation if (isAgentAvatarValid() && !gAgentAvatarp->mBelowWater && rand() % 3 == 0) sendAnimationRequest( ANIM_AGENT_BRUSH, ANIM_REQUEST_START ); } else if (id == ANIM_AGENT_PRE_JUMP || id == ANIM_AGENT_LAND || id == ANIM_AGENT_MEDIUM_LAND) { setControlFlags(AGENT_CONTROL_FINISH_ANIM); } } bool LLAgent::isGodlike() const { return mAgentAccess->isGodlike(); } bool LLAgent::isGodlikeWithoutAdminMenuFakery() const { return mAgentAccess->isGodlikeWithoutAdminMenuFakery(); } U8 LLAgent::getGodLevel() const { return mAgentAccess->getGodLevel(); } bool LLAgent::wantsPGOnly() const { return mAgentAccess->wantsPGOnly(); } bool LLAgent::canAccessMature() const { return mAgentAccess->canAccessMature(); } bool LLAgent::canAccessAdult() const { return mAgentAccess->canAccessAdult(); } bool LLAgent::canAccessMaturityInRegion( U64 region_handle ) const { LLViewerRegion *regionp = LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegionFromHandle( region_handle ); if( regionp ) { switch( regionp->getSimAccess() ) { case SIM_ACCESS_MATURE: if( !canAccessMature() ) return false; break; case SIM_ACCESS_ADULT: if( !canAccessAdult() ) return false; break; default: // Oh, go on and hear the silly noises. break; } } return true; } bool LLAgent::canAccessMaturityAtGlobal( LLVector3d pos_global ) const { U64 region_handle = to_region_handle_global( pos_global.mdV[0], pos_global.mdV[1] ); return canAccessMaturityInRegion( region_handle ); } bool LLAgent::prefersPG() const { return mAgentAccess->prefersPG(); } bool LLAgent::prefersMature() const { return mAgentAccess->prefersMature(); } bool LLAgent::prefersAdult() const { return mAgentAccess->prefersAdult(); } bool LLAgent::isTeen() const { return mAgentAccess->isTeen(); } bool LLAgent::isMature() const { return mAgentAccess->isMature(); } bool LLAgent::isAdult() const { return mAgentAccess->isAdult(); } //static int LLAgent::convertTextToMaturity(char text) { return LLAgentAccess::convertTextToMaturity(text); } void LLAgent::handlePreferredMaturityResult(U8 pServerMaturity) { // Update the number of responses received ++mMaturityPreferenceResponseId; llassert(mMaturityPreferenceResponseId <= mMaturityPreferenceRequestId); // Update the last known server maturity response mLastKnownResponseMaturity = pServerMaturity; // Ignore all responses if we know there are more unanswered requests that are expected if (mMaturityPreferenceResponseId == mMaturityPreferenceRequestId) { // If we received a response that matches the last known request, then we are good if (mLastKnownRequestMaturity == mLastKnownResponseMaturity) { mMaturityPreferenceNumRetries = 0; reportPreferredMaturitySuccess(); llassert(static_cast(gSavedSettings.getU32("PreferredMaturity")) == mLastKnownResponseMaturity); } // Else, the viewer is out of sync with the server, so let's try to re-sync with the // server by re-sending our last known request. Cap the re-tries at 3 just to be safe. else if (++mMaturityPreferenceNumRetries <= 3) { LL_INFOS() << "Retrying attempt #" << mMaturityPreferenceNumRetries << " to set viewer preferred maturity to '" << LLViewerRegion::accessToString(mLastKnownRequestMaturity) << "'" << LL_ENDL; sendMaturityPreferenceToServer(mLastKnownRequestMaturity); } // Else, the viewer is style out of sync with the server after 3 retries, so inform the user else { mMaturityPreferenceNumRetries = 0; LL_WARNS() << "Too many retries for maturity preference" << LL_ENDL; reportPreferredMaturityError(); } } } void LLAgent::handlePreferredMaturityError() { // Update the number of responses received ++mMaturityPreferenceResponseId; llassert(mMaturityPreferenceResponseId <= mMaturityPreferenceRequestId); // Ignore all responses if we know there are more unanswered requests that are expected if (mMaturityPreferenceResponseId == mMaturityPreferenceRequestId) { mMaturityPreferenceNumRetries = 0; // If we received a response that matches the last known request, then we are synced with // the server, but not quite sure why we are if (mLastKnownRequestMaturity == mLastKnownResponseMaturity) { LL_WARNS() << "Got an error but maturity preference '" << LLViewerRegion::accessToString(mLastKnownRequestMaturity) << "' seems to be in sync with the server" << LL_ENDL; reportPreferredMaturitySuccess(); } // Else, the more likely case is that the last request does not match the last response, // so inform the user else { reportPreferredMaturityError(); } } } void LLAgent::reportPreferredMaturitySuccess() { // If there is a pending teleport request waiting for the maturity preference to be synced with // the server, let's start the pending request if (hasPendingTeleportRequest()) { startTeleportRequest(); } } void LLAgent::reportPreferredMaturityError() { // If there is a pending teleport request waiting for the maturity preference to be synced with // the server, we were unable to successfully sync with the server on maturity preference, so let's // just raise the screen. mIsMaturityRatingChangingDuringTeleport = false; if (hasPendingTeleportRequest()) { LL_WARNS("Teleport") << "Teleport failing due to preferred maturity error" << LL_ENDL; setTeleportState(LLAgent::TELEPORT_NONE); } // Get the last known maturity request from the user activity std::string preferredMaturity = LLViewerRegion::accessToString(mLastKnownRequestMaturity); LLStringUtil::toLower(preferredMaturity); // Get the last known maturity response from the server std::string actualMaturity = LLViewerRegion::accessToString(mLastKnownResponseMaturity); LLStringUtil::toLower(actualMaturity); // Notify the user LLSD args = LLSD::emptyMap(); args["PREFERRED_MATURITY"] = preferredMaturity; args["ACTUAL_MATURITY"] = actualMaturity; LLNotificationsUtil::add("MaturityChangeError", args); // Check the saved settings to ensure that we are consistent. If we are not consistent, update // the viewer, but do not send anything to server U8 localMaturity = static_cast(gSavedSettings.getU32("PreferredMaturity")); if (localMaturity != mLastKnownResponseMaturity) { bool tmpIsDoSendMaturityPreferenceToServer = mIsDoSendMaturityPreferenceToServer; mIsDoSendMaturityPreferenceToServer = false; LL_INFOS() << "Setting viewer preferred maturity to '" << LLViewerRegion::accessToString(mLastKnownResponseMaturity) << "'" << LL_ENDL; gSavedSettings.setU32("PreferredMaturity", static_cast(mLastKnownResponseMaturity)); mIsDoSendMaturityPreferenceToServer = tmpIsDoSendMaturityPreferenceToServer; } } bool LLAgent::isMaturityPreferenceSyncedWithServer() const { return (mMaturityPreferenceRequestId == mMaturityPreferenceResponseId); } void LLAgent::sendMaturityPreferenceToServer(U8 pPreferredMaturity) { // Only send maturity preference to the server if enabled if (mIsDoSendMaturityPreferenceToServer) { // Increment the number of requests. The handlers manage a separate count of responses. ++mMaturityPreferenceRequestId; // Update the last know maturity request mLastKnownRequestMaturity = pPreferredMaturity; // If we don't have a region, report it as an error if (getRegion() == NULL) { LL_WARNS("Agent") << "Region is not defined, can not change Maturity setting." << LL_ENDL; return; } LLSD access_prefs = LLSD::emptyMap(); access_prefs["max"] = LLViewerRegion::accessToShortString(pPreferredMaturity); LLSD postData = LLSD::emptyMap(); postData["access_prefs"] = access_prefs; LL_INFOS() << "Sending viewer preferred maturity to '" << LLViewerRegion::accessToString(pPreferredMaturity) << LL_ENDL; if (!requestPostCapability("UpdateAgentInformation", postData, static_cast(boost::bind(&LLAgent::processMaturityPreferenceFromServer, this, _1, pPreferredMaturity)), static_cast(boost::bind(&LLAgent::handlePreferredMaturityError, this)) )) { LL_WARNS("Agent") << "Maturity request post failed." << LL_ENDL; } } } void LLAgent::processMaturityPreferenceFromServer(const LLSD &result, U8 perferredMaturity) { U8 maturity = SIM_ACCESS_MIN; llassert(result.isDefined()); llassert(result.isMap()); llassert(result.has("access_prefs")); llassert(result.get("access_prefs").isMap()); llassert(result.get("access_prefs").has("max")); llassert(result.get("access_prefs").get("max").isString()); if (result.isDefined() && result.isMap() && result.has("access_prefs") && result.get("access_prefs").isMap() && result.get("access_prefs").has("max") && result.get("access_prefs").get("max").isString()) { LLSD::String actualPreference = result.get("access_prefs").get("max").asString(); LLStringUtil::trim(actualPreference); maturity = LLViewerRegion::shortStringToAccess(actualPreference); } if (maturity != perferredMaturity) { LL_WARNS() << "while attempting to change maturity preference from '" << LLViewerRegion::accessToString(mLastKnownResponseMaturity) << "' to '" << LLViewerRegion::accessToString(perferredMaturity) << "', the server responded with '" << LLViewerRegion::accessToString(maturity) << "' [value:" << static_cast(maturity) << "], " << LL_ENDL; } handlePreferredMaturityResult(maturity); } // Using a new capability, tell the simulator that we want it to send everything // it knows about and not just what is in front of the camera, in its view // frustum. We need this feature so that the contents of the region that appears // in the 6 snapshots which we cannot see and is normally not "considered", is // also rendered. Typically, this is turned on when the 360 capture floater is // opened and turned off when it is closed. // Note: for this version, we do not have a way to determine when "everything" // has arrived and has been rendered so for now, the proposal is that users // will need to experiment with the low resolution version and wait for some // (hopefully) small period of time while the full contents resolves. // Pass in a flag to ask the simulator/interest list to "send everything" or // not (the default mode) void LLAgent::changeInterestListMode(const std::string &new_mode) { if (new_mode != mInterestListMode) { mInterestListMode = new_mode; // Change interest list mode for all regions. If they are already set for the current mode, // the setting will have no effect. for (LLWorld::region_list_t::const_iterator iter = LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegionList().begin(); iter != LLWorld::getInstance()->getRegionList().end(); ++iter) { LLViewerRegion *regionp = *iter; if (regionp && regionp->isAlive() && regionp->capabilitiesReceived()) { regionp->setInterestListMode(mInterestListMode); } } } else { LL_DEBUGS("360Capture") << "Agent interest list mode is already set to " << mInterestListMode << LL_ENDL; } } bool LLAgent::requestPostCapability(const std::string &capName, LLSD &postData, httpCallback_t cbSuccess, httpCallback_t cbFailure) { if (getRegion()) { return getRegion()->requestPostCapability(capName, postData, cbSuccess, cbFailure); } return false; } bool LLAgent::requestGetCapability(const std::string &capName, httpCallback_t cbSuccess, httpCallback_t cbFailure) { if (getRegion()) { return getRegion()->requestGetCapability(capName, cbSuccess, cbFailure); } return false; } BOOL LLAgent::getAdminOverride() const { return mAgentAccess->getAdminOverride(); } void LLAgent::setMaturity(char text) { mAgentAccess->setMaturity(text); } void LLAgent::setAdminOverride(BOOL b) { mAgentAccess->setAdminOverride(b); } void LLAgent::setGodLevel(U8 god_level) { mAgentAccess->setGodLevel(god_level); mGodLevelChangeSignal(god_level); } LLAgent::god_level_change_slot_t LLAgent::registerGodLevelChanageListener(god_level_change_callback_t pGodLevelChangeCallback) { return mGodLevelChangeSignal.connect(pGodLevelChangeCallback); } const LLAgentAccess& LLAgent::getAgentAccess() { return *mAgentAccess; } bool LLAgent::validateMaturity(const LLSD& newvalue) { return mAgentAccess->canSetMaturity(newvalue.asInteger()); } void LLAgent::handleMaturity(const LLSD &pNewValue) { sendMaturityPreferenceToServer(static_cast(pNewValue.asInteger())); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //*TODO remove, is not used anywhere as of August 20, 2009 void LLAgent::buildFullnameAndTitle(std::string& name) const { if (isGroupMember()) { name = mGroupTitle; name += ' '; } else { name.erase(0, name.length()); } if (isAgentAvatarValid()) { name += gAgentAvatarp->getFullname(); } } BOOL LLAgent::isInGroup(const LLUUID& group_id, BOOL ignore_god_mode /* FALSE */) const { if (!ignore_god_mode && isGodlike()) return true; U32 count = mGroups.size(); for(U32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if(mGroups[i].mID == group_id) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } // This implementation should mirror LLAgentInfo::hasPowerInGroup BOOL LLAgent::hasPowerInGroup(const LLUUID& group_id, U64 power) const { if (isGodlikeWithoutAdminMenuFakery()) return true; // GP_NO_POWERS can also mean no power is enough to grant an ability. if (GP_NO_POWERS == power) return FALSE; U32 count = mGroups.size(); for(U32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if(mGroups[i].mID == group_id) { return (BOOL)((mGroups[i].mPowers & power) > 0); } } return FALSE; } BOOL LLAgent::hasPowerInActiveGroup(U64 power) const { return (mGroupID.notNull() && (hasPowerInGroup(mGroupID, power))); } U64 LLAgent::getPowerInGroup(const LLUUID& group_id) const { if (isGodlike()) return GP_ALL_POWERS; U32 count = mGroups.size(); for(U32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if(mGroups[i].mID == group_id) { return (mGroups[i].mPowers); } } return GP_NO_POWERS; } BOOL LLAgent::getGroupData(const LLUUID& group_id, LLGroupData& data) const { S32 count = mGroups.size(); for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if(mGroups[i].mID == group_id) { data = mGroups[i]; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } S32 LLAgent::getGroupContribution(const LLUUID& group_id) const { S32 count = mGroups.size(); for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if(mGroups[i].mID == group_id) { S32 contribution = mGroups[i].mContribution; return contribution; } } return 0; } BOOL LLAgent::setGroupContribution(const LLUUID& group_id, S32 contribution) { S32 count = mGroups.size(); for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if(mGroups[i].mID == group_id) { mGroups[i].mContribution = contribution; LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; msg->newMessage("SetGroupContribution"); msg->nextBlock("AgentData"); msg->addUUID("AgentID", gAgentID); msg->addUUID("SessionID", gAgentSessionID); msg->nextBlock("Data"); msg->addUUID("GroupID", group_id); msg->addS32("Contribution", contribution); sendReliableMessage(); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } BOOL LLAgent::setUserGroupFlags(const LLUUID& group_id, BOOL accept_notices, BOOL list_in_profile) { S32 count = mGroups.size(); for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if(mGroups[i].mID == group_id) { mGroups[i].mAcceptNotices = accept_notices; mGroups[i].mListInProfile = list_in_profile; LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; msg->newMessage("SetGroupAcceptNotices"); msg->nextBlock("AgentData"); msg->addUUID("AgentID", gAgentID); msg->addUUID("SessionID", gAgentSessionID); msg->nextBlock("Data"); msg->addUUID("GroupID", group_id); msg->addBOOL("AcceptNotices", accept_notices); msg->nextBlock("NewData"); msg->addBOOL("ListInProfile", list_in_profile); sendReliableMessage(); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } BOOL LLAgent::canJoinGroups() const { return (S32)mGroups.size() < LLAgentBenefitsMgr::current().getGroupMembershipLimit(); } LLQuaternion LLAgent::getHeadRotation() { if (!isAgentAvatarValid() || !gAgentAvatarp->mPelvisp || !gAgentAvatarp->mHeadp) { return LLQuaternion::DEFAULT; } if (!gAgentCamera.cameraMouselook()) { return gAgentAvatarp->getRotation(); } // We must be in mouselook LLVector3 look_dir( LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getAtAxis() ); LLVector3 up = look_dir % mFrameAgent.getLeftAxis(); LLVector3 left = up % look_dir; LLQuaternion rot(look_dir, left, up); if (gAgentAvatarp->getParent()) { rot = rot * ~gAgentAvatarp->getParent()->getRotation(); } return rot; } void LLAgent::sendAnimationRequests(const std::vector &anim_ids, EAnimRequest request) { if (gAgentID.isNull()) { return; } S32 num_valid_anims = 0; LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_AgentAnimation); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, getID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, getSessionID()); for (S32 i = 0; i < anim_ids.size(); i++) { if (anim_ids[i].isNull()) { continue; } msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AnimationList); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AnimID, (anim_ids[i]) ); msg->addBOOLFast(_PREHASH_StartAnim, (request == ANIM_REQUEST_START) ? TRUE : FALSE); num_valid_anims++; } msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_PhysicalAvatarEventList); msg->addBinaryDataFast(_PREHASH_TypeData, NULL, 0); if (num_valid_anims) { sendReliableMessage(); } } void LLAgent::sendAnimationRequest(const LLUUID &anim_id, EAnimRequest request) { if (gAgentID.isNull() || anim_id.isNull() || !mRegionp) { return; } LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_AgentAnimation); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, getID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, getSessionID()); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AnimationList); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AnimID, (anim_id) ); msg->addBOOLFast(_PREHASH_StartAnim, (request == ANIM_REQUEST_START) ? TRUE : FALSE); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_PhysicalAvatarEventList); msg->addBinaryDataFast(_PREHASH_TypeData, NULL, 0); sendReliableMessage(); } // Send a message to the region to stop the NULL animation state // This will reset animation state overrides for the agent. void LLAgent::sendAnimationStateReset() { if (gAgentID.isNull() || !mRegionp) { return; } LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_AgentAnimation); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, getID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, getSessionID()); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AnimationList); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AnimID, LLUUID::null ); msg->addBOOLFast(_PREHASH_StartAnim, FALSE); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_PhysicalAvatarEventList); msg->addBinaryDataFast(_PREHASH_TypeData, NULL, 0); sendReliableMessage(); } // Send a message to the region to revoke sepecified permissions on ALL scripts in the region // If the target is an object in the region, permissions in scripts on that object are cleared. // If it is the region ID, all scripts clear the permissions for this agent void LLAgent::sendRevokePermissions(const LLUUID & target, U32 permissions) { // Currently only the bits for SCRIPT_PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION and SCRIPT_PERMISSION_OVERRIDE_ANIMATIONS // are supported by the server. Sending any other bits will cause the message to be dropped without changing permissions if (gAgentID.notNull() && gMessageSystem) { LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_RevokePermissions); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, getID()); // Must be our ID msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, getSessionID()); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_Data); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_ObjectID, target); // Must be in the region msg->addS32Fast(_PREHASH_ObjectPermissions, (S32) permissions); sendReliableMessage(); } } void LLAgent::sendWalkRun(bool running) { LLMessageSystem* msgsys = gMessageSystem; if (msgsys) { msgsys->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_SetAlwaysRun); msgsys->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); msgsys->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, getID()); msgsys->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, getSessionID()); msgsys->addBOOLFast(_PREHASH_AlwaysRun, BOOL(running) ); sendReliableMessage(); } } void LLAgent::friendsChanged() { LLCollectProxyBuddies collector; LLAvatarTracker::instance().applyFunctor(collector); mProxyForAgents = collector.mProxy; } BOOL LLAgent::isGrantedProxy(const LLPermissions& perm) { return (mProxyForAgents.count(perm.getOwner()) > 0); } BOOL LLAgent::allowOperation(PermissionBit op, const LLPermissions& perm, U64 group_proxy_power, U8 god_minimum) { // Check god level. if (getGodLevel() >= god_minimum) return TRUE; if (!perm.isOwned()) return FALSE; // A group member with group_proxy_power can act as owner. BOOL is_group_owned; LLUUID owner_id; perm.getOwnership(owner_id, is_group_owned); LLUUID group_id(perm.getGroup()); LLUUID agent_proxy(getID()); if (is_group_owned) { if (hasPowerInGroup(group_id, group_proxy_power)) { // Let the member assume the group's id for permission requests. agent_proxy = owner_id; } } else { // Check for granted mod permissions. if ((PERM_OWNER != op) && isGrantedProxy(perm)) { agent_proxy = owner_id; } } // This is the group id to use for permission requests. // Only group members may use this field. LLUUID group_proxy = LLUUID::null; if (group_id.notNull() && isInGroup(group_id)) { group_proxy = group_id; } // We now have max ownership information. if (PERM_OWNER == op) { // This this was just a check for ownership, we can now return the answer. return (agent_proxy == owner_id); } return perm.allowOperationBy(op, agent_proxy, group_proxy); } const LLColor4 &LLAgent::getEffectColor() { return *mEffectColor; } void LLAgent::setEffectColor(const LLColor4 &color) { *mEffectColor = color; } void LLAgent::initOriginGlobal(const LLVector3d &origin_global) { mAgentOriginGlobal = origin_global; } BOOL LLAgent::leftButtonGrabbed() const { const BOOL camera_mouse_look = gAgentCamera.cameraMouselook(); return (!camera_mouse_look && mControlsTakenCount[CONTROL_LBUTTON_DOWN_INDEX] > 0) || (camera_mouse_look && mControlsTakenCount[CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON_DOWN_INDEX] > 0) || (!camera_mouse_look && mControlsTakenPassedOnCount[CONTROL_LBUTTON_DOWN_INDEX] > 0) || (camera_mouse_look && mControlsTakenPassedOnCount[CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON_DOWN_INDEX] > 0); } BOOL LLAgent::rotateGrabbed() const { return (mControlsTakenCount[CONTROL_YAW_POS_INDEX] > 0) || (mControlsTakenCount[CONTROL_YAW_NEG_INDEX] > 0); } BOOL LLAgent::forwardGrabbed() const { return (mControlsTakenCount[CONTROL_AT_POS_INDEX] > 0); } BOOL LLAgent::backwardGrabbed() const { return (mControlsTakenCount[CONTROL_AT_NEG_INDEX] > 0); } BOOL LLAgent::upGrabbed() const { return (mControlsTakenCount[CONTROL_UP_POS_INDEX] > 0); } BOOL LLAgent::downGrabbed() const { return (mControlsTakenCount[CONTROL_UP_NEG_INDEX] > 0); } void update_group_floaters(const LLUUID& group_id) { LLGroupActions::refresh(group_id); //*TODO Implement group update for Profile View // still actual as of July 31, 2009 (DZ) gAgent.fireEvent(new LLOldEvents::LLEvent(&gAgent, "new group"), ""); } // static void LLAgent::processAgentDropGroup(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **) { LLUUID agent_id; msg->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentData, _PREHASH_AgentID, agent_id ); if (agent_id != gAgentID) { LL_WARNS() << "processAgentDropGroup for agent other than me" << LL_ENDL; return; } LLUUID group_id; msg->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentData, _PREHASH_GroupID, group_id ); // Remove the group if it already exists remove it and add the new data to pick up changes. LLGroupData gd; gd.mID = group_id; std::vector::iterator found_it = std::find(gAgent.mGroups.begin(), gAgent.mGroups.end(), gd); if (found_it != gAgent.mGroups.end()) { gAgent.mGroups.erase(found_it); if (gAgent.getGroupID() == group_id) { gAgent.mGroupID.setNull(); gAgent.mGroupPowers = 0; gAgent.mGroupName.clear(); gAgent.mGroupTitle.clear(); } // refresh all group information gAgent.sendAgentDataUpdateRequest(); LLGroupMgr::getInstance()->clearGroupData(group_id); // close the floater for this group, if any. LLGroupActions::closeGroup(group_id); } else { LL_WARNS() << "processAgentDropGroup, agent is not part of group " << group_id << LL_ENDL; } } class LLAgentDropGroupViewerNode : public LLHTTPNode { virtual void post( LLHTTPNode::ResponsePtr response, const LLSD& context, const LLSD& input) const { if ( !input.isMap() || !input.has("body") ) { //what to do with badly formed message? response->extendedResult(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, LLSD("Invalid message parameters")); } LLSD body = input["body"]; if ( body.has("body") ) { //stupid message system doubles up the "body"s body = body["body"]; } if ( body.has("AgentData") && body["AgentData"].isArray() && body["AgentData"][0].isMap() ) { LL_INFOS() << "VALID DROP GROUP" << LL_ENDL; //there is only one set of data in the AgentData block LLSD agent_data = body["AgentData"][0]; LLUUID agent_id; LLUUID group_id; agent_id = agent_data["AgentID"].asUUID(); group_id = agent_data["GroupID"].asUUID(); if (agent_id != gAgentID) { LL_WARNS() << "AgentDropGroup for agent other than me" << LL_ENDL; response->notFound(); return; } // Remove the group if it already exists remove it // and add the new data to pick up changes. LLGroupData gd; gd.mID = group_id; std::vector::iterator found_it = std::find(gAgent.mGroups.begin(), gAgent.mGroups.end(), gd); if (found_it != gAgent.mGroups.end()) { gAgent.mGroups.erase(found_it); if (gAgent.getGroupID() == group_id) { gAgent.mGroupID.setNull(); gAgent.mGroupPowers = 0; gAgent.mGroupName.clear(); gAgent.mGroupTitle.clear(); } // refresh all group information gAgent.sendAgentDataUpdateRequest(); LLGroupMgr::getInstance()->clearGroupData(group_id); // close the floater for this group, if any. LLGroupActions::closeGroup(group_id); } else { LL_WARNS() << "AgentDropGroup, agent is not part of group " << group_id << LL_ENDL; } response->result(LLSD()); } else { //what to do with badly formed message? response->extendedResult(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, LLSD("Invalid message parameters")); } } }; LLHTTPRegistration gHTTPRegistrationAgentDropGroupViewerNode( "/message/AgentDropGroup"); // static void LLAgent::processAgentGroupDataUpdate(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **) { LLUUID agent_id; msg->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentData, _PREHASH_AgentID, agent_id ); if (agent_id != gAgentID) { LL_WARNS() << "processAgentGroupDataUpdate for agent other than me" << LL_ENDL; return; } S32 count = msg->getNumberOfBlocksFast(_PREHASH_GroupData); LLGroupData group; bool need_floater_update = false; for(S32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { msg->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_GroupData, _PREHASH_GroupID, group.mID, i); msg->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_GroupData, _PREHASH_GroupInsigniaID, group.mInsigniaID, i); msg->getU64(_PREHASH_GroupData, "GroupPowers", group.mPowers, i); msg->getBOOL(_PREHASH_GroupData, "AcceptNotices", group.mAcceptNotices, i); msg->getS32(_PREHASH_GroupData, "Contribution", group.mContribution, i); msg->getStringFast(_PREHASH_GroupData, _PREHASH_GroupName, group.mName, i); if(group.mID.notNull()) { need_floater_update = true; // Remove the group if it already exists remove it and add the new data to pick up changes. std::vector::iterator found_it = std::find(gAgent.mGroups.begin(), gAgent.mGroups.end(), group); if (found_it != gAgent.mGroups.end()) { gAgent.mGroups.erase(found_it); } gAgent.mGroups.push_back(group); } if (need_floater_update) { update_group_floaters(group.mID); } } } class LLAgentGroupDataUpdateViewerNode : public LLHTTPNode { virtual void post( LLHTTPNode::ResponsePtr response, const LLSD& context, const LLSD& input) const { LLSD body = input["body"]; if(body.has("body")) body = body["body"]; LLUUID agent_id = body["AgentData"][0]["AgentID"].asUUID(); if (agent_id != gAgentID) { LL_WARNS() << "processAgentGroupDataUpdate for agent other than me" << LL_ENDL; return; } LLSD group_data = body["GroupData"]; LLSD::array_iterator iter_group = group_data.beginArray(); LLSD::array_iterator end_group = group_data.endArray(); int group_index = 0; for(; iter_group != end_group; ++iter_group) { LLGroupData group; bool need_floater_update = false; group.mID = (*iter_group)["GroupID"].asUUID(); group.mPowers = ll_U64_from_sd((*iter_group)["GroupPowers"]); group.mAcceptNotices = (*iter_group)["AcceptNotices"].asBoolean(); group.mListInProfile = body["NewGroupData"][group_index]["ListInProfile"].asBoolean(); group.mInsigniaID = (*iter_group)["GroupInsigniaID"].asUUID(); group.mName = (*iter_group)["GroupName"].asString(); group.mContribution = (*iter_group)["Contribution"].asInteger(); group_index++; if(group.mID.notNull()) { need_floater_update = true; // Remove the group if it already exists remove it and add the new data to pick up changes. std::vector::iterator found_it = std::find(gAgent.mGroups.begin(), gAgent.mGroups.end(), group); if (found_it != gAgent.mGroups.end()) { gAgent.mGroups.erase(found_it); } gAgent.mGroups.push_back(group); } if (need_floater_update) { update_group_floaters(group.mID); } } } }; LLHTTPRegistration gHTTPRegistrationAgentGroupDataUpdateViewerNode ("/message/AgentGroupDataUpdate"); // static void LLAgent::processAgentDataUpdate(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **) { LLUUID agent_id; msg->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentData, _PREHASH_AgentID, agent_id ); if (agent_id != gAgentID) { LL_WARNS() << "processAgentDataUpdate for agent other than me" << LL_ENDL; return; } msg->getStringFast(_PREHASH_AgentData, _PREHASH_GroupTitle, gAgent.mGroupTitle); LLUUID active_id; msg->getUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentData, _PREHASH_ActiveGroupID, active_id); if(active_id.notNull()) { gAgent.mGroupID = active_id; msg->getU64(_PREHASH_AgentData, "GroupPowers", gAgent.mGroupPowers); msg->getString(_PREHASH_AgentData, _PREHASH_GroupName, gAgent.mGroupName); } else { gAgent.mGroupID.setNull(); gAgent.mGroupPowers = 0; gAgent.mGroupName.clear(); } update_group_floaters(active_id); } // static void LLAgent::processScriptControlChange(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **) { S32 block_count = msg->getNumberOfBlocks("Data"); for (S32 block_index = 0; block_index < block_count; block_index++) { BOOL take_controls; U32 controls; BOOL passon; U32 i; msg->getBOOL("Data", "TakeControls", take_controls, block_index); if (take_controls) { // take controls msg->getU32("Data", "Controls", controls, block_index ); msg->getBOOL("Data", "PassToAgent", passon, block_index ); for (i = 0; i < TOTAL_CONTROLS; i++) { if (controls & ( 1 << i)) { if (passon) { gAgent.mControlsTakenPassedOnCount[i]++; } else { gAgent.mControlsTakenCount[i]++; } } } } else { // release controls msg->getU32("Data", "Controls", controls, block_index ); msg->getBOOL("Data", "PassToAgent", passon, block_index ); for (i = 0; i < TOTAL_CONTROLS; i++) { if (controls & ( 1 << i)) { if (passon) { gAgent.mControlsTakenPassedOnCount[i]--; if (gAgent.mControlsTakenPassedOnCount[i] < 0) { gAgent.mControlsTakenPassedOnCount[i] = 0; } } else { gAgent.mControlsTakenCount[i]--; if (gAgent.mControlsTakenCount[i] < 0) { gAgent.mControlsTakenCount[i] = 0; } } } } } } } /* // static void LLAgent::processControlTake(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **) { U32 controls; msg->getU32("Data", "Controls", controls ); U32 passon; msg->getBOOL("Data", "PassToAgent", passon ); S32 i; S32 total_count = 0; for (i = 0; i < TOTAL_CONTROLS; i++) { if (controls & ( 1 << i)) { if (passon) { gAgent.mControlsTakenPassedOnCount[i]++; } else { gAgent.mControlsTakenCount[i]++; } total_count++; } } // Any control taken? If so, might be first time. if (total_count > 0) { LLFirstUse::useOverrideKeys(); } } // static void LLAgent::processControlRelease(LLMessageSystem *msg, void **) { U32 controls; msg->getU32("Data", "Controls", controls ); U32 passon; msg->getBOOL("Data", "PassToAgent", passon ); S32 i; for (i = 0; i < TOTAL_CONTROLS; i++) { if (controls & ( 1 << i)) { if (passon) { gAgent.mControlsTakenPassedOnCount[i]--; if (gAgent.mControlsTakenPassedOnCount[i] < 0) { gAgent.mControlsTakenPassedOnCount[i] = 0; } } else { gAgent.mControlsTakenCount[i]--; if (gAgent.mControlsTakenCount[i] < 0) { gAgent.mControlsTakenCount[i] = 0; } } } } } */ BOOL LLAgent::anyControlGrabbed() const { for (U32 i = 0; i < TOTAL_CONTROLS; i++) { if (gAgent.mControlsTakenCount[i] > 0) return TRUE; if (gAgent.mControlsTakenPassedOnCount[i] > 0) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL LLAgent::isControlGrabbed(S32 control_index) const { return mControlsTakenCount[control_index] > 0; } void LLAgent::forceReleaseControls() { gMessageSystem->newMessage("ForceScriptControlRelease"); gMessageSystem->nextBlock("AgentData"); gMessageSystem->addUUID("AgentID", getID()); gMessageSystem->addUUID("SessionID", getSessionID()); sendReliableMessage(); } void LLAgent::setHomePosRegion( const U64& region_handle, const LLVector3& pos_region) { mHaveHomePosition = TRUE; mHomeRegionHandle = region_handle; mHomePosRegion = pos_region; } BOOL LLAgent::getHomePosGlobal( LLVector3d* pos_global ) { if(!mHaveHomePosition) { return FALSE; } F32 x = 0; F32 y = 0; from_region_handle( mHomeRegionHandle, &x, &y); pos_global->setVec( x + mHomePosRegion.mV[VX], y + mHomePosRegion.mV[VY], mHomePosRegion.mV[VZ] ); return TRUE; } bool LLAgent::isInHomeRegion() { if(!mHaveHomePosition) { return false; } if (!getRegion()) { return false; } if (getRegion()->getHandle() != mHomeRegionHandle) { return false; } return true; } void LLAgent::clearVisualParams(void *data) { if (isAgentAvatarValid()) { gAgentAvatarp->clearVisualParamWeights(); gAgentAvatarp->updateVisualParams(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Teleport //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // teleportCore() - stuff to do on any teleport // protected bool LLAgent::teleportCore(bool is_local) { LL_DEBUGS("Teleport") << "In teleport core" << LL_ENDL; if ((TELEPORT_NONE != mTeleportState) && (mTeleportState != TELEPORT_PENDING)) { LL_WARNS() << "Attempt to teleport when already teleporting." << LL_ENDL; return false; } // force stand up and stop a sitting animation (if any), see MAINT-3969 if (isAgentAvatarValid() && gAgentAvatarp->getParent() && gAgentAvatarp->isSitting()) { gAgentAvatarp->getOffObject(); } #if 0 // This should not exist. It has been added, removed, added, and now removed again. // This change needs to come from the simulator. Otherwise, the agent ends up out of // sync with other viewers. Discuss in DEV-14145/VWR-6744 before reenabling. // Stop all animation before actual teleporting if (isAgentAvatarValid()) { for ( LLVOAvatar::AnimIterator anim_it= gAgentAvatarp->mPlayingAnimations.begin(); anim_it != gAgentAvatarp->mPlayingAnimations.end(); ++anim_it) { gAgentAvatarp->stopMotion(anim_it->first); } gAgentAvatarp->processAnimationStateChanges(); } #endif // Don't call LLFirstUse::useTeleport because we don't know // yet if the teleport will succeed. Look in // process_teleport_location_reply // hide land floater too - it'll be out of date LLFloaterReg::hideInstance("about_land"); // hide the Region/Estate floater LLFloaterReg::hideInstance("region_info"); LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->deselectLand(); LLViewerMediaFocus::getInstance()->clearFocus(); // Close all pie menus, deselect land, etc. // Don't change the camera until we know teleport succeeded. JC gAgentCamera.resetView(FALSE); // local logic add(LLStatViewer::TELEPORT, 1); if (is_local) { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "Setting teleport state to TELEPORT_LOCAL" << LL_ENDL; gAgent.setTeleportState( LLAgent::TELEPORT_LOCAL ); } else { gTeleportDisplay = TRUE; LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "Non-local, setting teleport state to TELEPORT_START" << LL_ENDL; gAgent.setTeleportState( LLAgent::TELEPORT_START ); } make_ui_sound("UISndTeleportOut"); // MBW -- Let the voice client know a teleport has begun so it can leave the existing channel. // This was breaking the case of teleporting within a single sim. Backing it out for now. // LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->leaveChannel(); return true; } bool LLAgent::hasRestartableFailedTeleportRequest() { return ((mTeleportRequest != NULL) && (mTeleportRequest->getStatus() == LLTeleportRequest::kFailed) && mTeleportRequest->canRestartTeleport()); } void LLAgent::restartFailedTeleportRequest() { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "Agent wishes to restart failed teleport." << LL_ENDL; if (hasRestartableFailedTeleportRequest()) { mTeleportRequest->setStatus(LLTeleportRequest::kRestartPending); startTeleportRequest(); } } void LLAgent::clearTeleportRequest() { if(LLVoiceClient::instanceExists()) { LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->setHidden(FALSE); } mTeleportRequest.reset(); mTPNeedsNeabyChatSeparator = false; } void LLAgent::setMaturityRatingChangeDuringTeleport(U8 pMaturityRatingChange) { mIsMaturityRatingChangingDuringTeleport = true; mMaturityRatingChange = pMaturityRatingChange; } void LLAgent::sheduleTeleportIM() { // is supposed to be called during teleport so we are still waiting for parcel mTPNeedsNeabyChatSeparator = true; } bool LLAgent::hasPendingTeleportRequest() { return ((mTeleportRequest != NULL) && ((mTeleportRequest->getStatus() == LLTeleportRequest::kPending) || (mTeleportRequest->getStatus() == LLTeleportRequest::kRestartPending))); } void LLAgent::startTeleportRequest() { LL_INFOS("Telport") << "Agent handling start teleport request." << LL_ENDL; if(LLVoiceClient::instanceExists()) { LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->setHidden(TRUE); } if (hasPendingTeleportRequest()) { LLUIUsage::instance().logCommand("Agent.StartTeleportRequest"); mTeleportCanceled.reset(); if (!isMaturityPreferenceSyncedWithServer()) { gTeleportDisplay = TRUE; LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "Maturity preference not synced yet, setting teleport state to TELEPORT_PENDING" << LL_ENDL; setTeleportState(TELEPORT_PENDING); } else { switch (mTeleportRequest->getStatus()) { case LLTeleportRequest::kPending : mTeleportRequest->setStatus(LLTeleportRequest::kStarted); mTeleportRequest->startTeleport(); break; case LLTeleportRequest::kRestartPending : llassert(mTeleportRequest->canRestartTeleport()); mTeleportRequest->setStatus(LLTeleportRequest::kStarted); mTeleportRequest->restartTeleport(); break; default : llassert(0); break; } } } } void LLAgent::handleTeleportFinished() { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "Agent handling teleport finished." << LL_ENDL; if (mTPNeedsNeabyChatSeparator) { // parcel is ready at this point addTPNearbyChatSeparator(); mTPNeedsNeabyChatSeparator = false; } clearTeleportRequest(); mTeleportCanceled.reset(); if (mIsMaturityRatingChangingDuringTeleport) { // notify user that the maturity preference has been changed std::string maturityRating = LLViewerRegion::accessToString(mMaturityRatingChange); LLStringUtil::toLower(maturityRating); LLSD args; args["RATING"] = maturityRating; LLNotificationsUtil::add("PreferredMaturityChanged", args); mIsMaturityRatingChangingDuringTeleport = false; } if (mRegionp) { if (mRegionp->capabilitiesReceived()) { LL_DEBUGS("Teleport") << "capabilities have been received for region handle " << mRegionp->getHandle() << " id " << mRegionp->getRegionID() << ", calling onCapabilitiesReceivedAfterTeleport()" << LL_ENDL; onCapabilitiesReceivedAfterTeleport(); } else { LL_DEBUGS("Teleport") << "Capabilities not yet received for region handle " << mRegionp->getHandle() << " id " << mRegionp->getRegionID() << LL_ENDL; mRegionp->setCapabilitiesReceivedCallback(boost::bind(&LLAgent::onCapabilitiesReceivedAfterTeleport)); } } LLPerfStats::tunables.autoTuneTimeout = true; } void LLAgent::handleTeleportFailed() { LL_WARNS("Teleport") << "Agent handling teleport failure!" << LL_ENDL; if(LLVoiceClient::instanceExists()) { LLVoiceClient::getInstance()->setHidden(FALSE); } setTeleportState(LLAgent::TELEPORT_NONE); // Unlock the UI if the progress bar has been shown. // gViewerWindow->setShowProgress(FALSE); // gTeleportDisplay = FALSE; if (mTeleportRequest) { mTeleportRequest->setStatus(LLTeleportRequest::kFailed); } if (mIsMaturityRatingChangingDuringTeleport) { // notify user that the maturity preference has been changed std::string maturityRating = LLViewerRegion::accessToString(mMaturityRatingChange); LLStringUtil::toLower(maturityRating); LLSD args; args["RATING"] = maturityRating; LLNotificationsUtil::add("PreferredMaturityChanged", args); mIsMaturityRatingChangingDuringTeleport = false; } mTPNeedsNeabyChatSeparator = false; LLPerfStats::tunables.autoTuneTimeout = true; } /*static*/ void LLAgent::addTPNearbyChatSeparator() { LLViewerRegion* agent_region = gAgent.getRegion(); LLParcel* agent_parcel = LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->getAgentParcel(); if (!agent_region || !agent_parcel) { return; } LLFloaterIMNearbyChat* nearby_chat = LLFloaterReg::getTypedInstance("nearby_chat"); if (nearby_chat) { std::string location_name; LLAgentUI::ELocationFormat format = LLAgentUI::LOCATION_FORMAT_NO_MATURITY; // Might be better to provide slurl to chat if (!LLAgentUI::buildLocationString(location_name, format)) { location_name = "Teleport to new region"; // Shouldn't happen } LLChat chat; chat.mFromName = location_name; chat.mMuted = FALSE; chat.mFromID = LLUUID::null; chat.mSourceType = CHAT_SOURCE_TELEPORT; chat.mChatStyle = CHAT_STYLE_TELEPORT_SEP; chat.mText = ""; LLSD args; args["do_not_log"] = TRUE; nearby_chat->addMessage(chat, true, args); } } /*static*/ void LLAgent::onCapabilitiesReceivedAfterTeleport() { if (gAgent.getRegion()) { LL_DEBUGS("Teleport") << "running after capabilities received callback has been triggered, agent region " << gAgent.getRegion()->getHandle() << " id " << gAgent.getRegion()->getRegionID() << " name " << gAgent.getRegion()->getName() << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_WARNS("Teleport") << "called when agent region is null!" << LL_ENDL; } check_merchant_status(); } void LLAgent::teleportRequest( const U64& region_handle, const LLVector3& pos_local, bool look_at_from_camera) { LLViewerRegion* regionp = getRegion(); if (regionp && teleportCore(region_handle == regionp->getHandle())) { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "Sending TeleportLocationRequest: '" << region_handle << "':" << pos_local << LL_ENDL; LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; msg->newMessage("TeleportLocationRequest"); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, getID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, getSessionID()); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_Info); msg->addU64("RegionHandle", region_handle); msg->addVector3("Position", pos_local); LLVector3 look_at(0,1,0); if (look_at_from_camera) { look_at = LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getAtAxis(); } msg->addVector3("LookAt", look_at); sendReliableMessage(); } } // Landmark ID = LLUUID::null means teleport home void LLAgent::teleportViaLandmark(const LLUUID& landmark_asset_id) { mTeleportRequest = LLTeleportRequestPtr(new LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark(landmark_asset_id)); startTeleportRequest(); } void LLAgent::doTeleportViaLandmark(const LLUUID& landmark_asset_id) { LLViewerRegion *regionp = getRegion(); if(regionp && teleportCore()) { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "Sending TeleportLandmarkRequest. Current region handle " << regionp->getHandle() << " region id " << regionp->getRegionID() << " requested landmark id " << landmark_asset_id << LL_ENDL; LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_TeleportLandmarkRequest); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_Info); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, getID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, getSessionID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_LandmarkID, landmark_asset_id); sendReliableMessage(); } } void LLAgent::teleportViaLure(const LLUUID& lure_id, BOOL godlike) { mTeleportRequest = LLTeleportRequestPtr(new LLTeleportRequestViaLure(lure_id, godlike)); startTeleportRequest(); } void LLAgent::doTeleportViaLure(const LLUUID& lure_id, BOOL godlike) { LLViewerRegion* regionp = getRegion(); if(regionp && teleportCore()) { U32 teleport_flags = 0x0; if (godlike) { teleport_flags |= TELEPORT_FLAGS_VIA_GODLIKE_LURE; teleport_flags |= TELEPORT_FLAGS_DISABLE_CANCEL; } else { teleport_flags |= TELEPORT_FLAGS_VIA_LURE; } LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "Sending TeleportLureRequest." << " Current region handle " << regionp->getHandle() << " region id " << regionp->getRegionID() << " lure id " << lure_id << LL_ENDL; // send the message LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_TeleportLureRequest); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_Info); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, getID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, getSessionID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_LureID, lure_id); // teleport_flags is a legacy field, now derived sim-side: msg->addU32("TeleportFlags", teleport_flags); sendReliableMessage(); } } // James Cook, July 28, 2005 void LLAgent::teleportCancel() { if (!hasPendingTeleportRequest()) { LLViewerRegion* regionp = getRegion(); if(regionp) { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "Sending TeleportCancel" << LL_ENDL; // send the message LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; msg->newMessage("TeleportCancel"); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_Info); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, getID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, getSessionID()); sendReliableMessage(); } mTeleportCanceled = mTeleportRequest; } clearTeleportRequest(); gAgent.setTeleportState( LLAgent::TELEPORT_NONE ); } void LLAgent::restoreCanceledTeleportRequest() { if (mTeleportCanceled != NULL) { LL_INFOS() << "Restoring canceled teleport request, setting state to TELEPORT_REQUESTED" << LL_ENDL; gAgent.setTeleportState( LLAgent::TELEPORT_REQUESTED ); mTeleportRequest = mTeleportCanceled; mTeleportCanceled.reset(); gTeleportDisplay = TRUE; gTeleportDisplayTimer.reset(); } } void LLAgent::teleportViaLocation(const LLVector3d& pos_global) { mTeleportRequest = LLTeleportRequestPtr(new LLTeleportRequestViaLocation(pos_global)); startTeleportRequest(); } void LLAgent::doTeleportViaLocation(const LLVector3d& pos_global) { LLViewerRegion* regionp = getRegion(); if (!regionp) { return; } U64 handle = to_region_handle(pos_global); LLSimInfo* info = LLWorldMap::getInstance()->simInfoFromHandle(handle); if(regionp && info) { LLVector3d region_origin = info->getGlobalOrigin(); LLVector3 pos_local( (F32)(pos_global.mdV[VX] - region_origin.mdV[VX]), (F32)(pos_global.mdV[VY] - region_origin.mdV[VY]), (F32)(pos_global.mdV[VZ])); teleportRequest(handle, pos_local); } else if(regionp && teleportCore(regionp->getHandle() == to_region_handle_global((F32)pos_global.mdV[VX], (F32)pos_global.mdV[VY]))) { // send the message LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_TeleportLocationRequest); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, getID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, getSessionID()); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_Info); F32 width = regionp->getWidth(); LLVector3 pos(fmod((F32)pos_global.mdV[VX], width), fmod((F32)pos_global.mdV[VY], width), (F32)pos_global.mdV[VZ]); F32 region_x = (F32)(pos_global.mdV[VX]); F32 region_y = (F32)(pos_global.mdV[VY]); U64 region_handle = to_region_handle_global(region_x, region_y); msg->addU64Fast(_PREHASH_RegionHandle, region_handle); msg->addVector3Fast(_PREHASH_Position, pos); pos.mV[VX] += 1; msg->addVector3Fast(_PREHASH_LookAt, pos); LL_WARNS("Teleport") << "Sending deprecated(?) TeleportLocationRequest." << " pos_global " << pos_global << " region_x " << region_x << " region_y " << region_y << " region_handle " << region_handle << LL_ENDL; sendReliableMessage(); } } // Teleport to global position, but keep facing in the same direction void LLAgent::teleportViaLocationLookAt(const LLVector3d& pos_global) { mTeleportRequest = LLTeleportRequestPtr(new LLTeleportRequestViaLocationLookAt(pos_global)); startTeleportRequest(); } void LLAgent::doTeleportViaLocationLookAt(const LLVector3d& pos_global) { mbTeleportKeepsLookAt = true; if(!gAgentCamera.isfollowCamLocked()) { gAgentCamera.setFocusOnAvatar(FALSE, ANIMATE); // detach camera form avatar, so it keeps direction } U64 region_handle = to_region_handle(pos_global); LLVector3 pos_local = (LLVector3)(pos_global - from_region_handle(region_handle)); teleportRequest(region_handle, pos_local, getTeleportKeepsLookAt()); } LLAgent::ETeleportState LLAgent::getTeleportState() const { return (mTeleportRequest && (mTeleportRequest->getStatus() == LLTeleportRequest::kFailed)) ? TELEPORT_NONE : mTeleportState; } void LLAgent::setTeleportState(ETeleportState state) { if (mTeleportRequest && (state != TELEPORT_NONE) && (mTeleportRequest->getStatus() == LLTeleportRequest::kFailed)) { // A late message has come in regarding a failed teleport. // We have already decided that it failed so should not reinitiate the teleport sequence in the viewer. LL_WARNS("Teleport") << "Attempt to set teleport state to " << state << " for previously failed teleport. Ignore!" << LL_ENDL; return; } LL_DEBUGS("Teleport") << "Setting teleport state to " << LLAgent::teleportStateName(state) << "(" << state << ")" << " Previous state: " << teleportStateName(mTeleportState) << "(" << mTeleportState << ")" << LL_ENDL; mTeleportState = state; if (mTeleportState > TELEPORT_NONE && gSavedSettings.getBOOL("FreezeTime")) { LLFloaterReg::hideInstance("snapshot"); } switch (mTeleportState) { case TELEPORT_NONE: mbTeleportKeepsLookAt = false; break; case TELEPORT_MOVING: // We're outa here. Save "back" slurl. LLAgentUI::buildSLURL(*mTeleportSourceSLURL); break; case TELEPORT_ARRIVING: // First two position updates after a teleport tend to be weird //LLViewerStats::getInstance()->mAgentPositionSnaps.mCountOfNextUpdatesToIgnore = 2; // Let the interested parties know we've teleported. LLViewerParcelMgr::getInstance()->onTeleportFinished(false, getPositionGlobal()); break; default: break; } } void LLAgent::stopCurrentAnimations() { LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "Stopping current animations" << LL_ENDL; // This function stops all current overriding animations on this // avatar, propagating this change back to the server. if (isAgentAvatarValid()) { std::vector anim_ids; for ( LLVOAvatar::AnimIterator anim_it = gAgentAvatarp->mPlayingAnimations.begin(); anim_it != gAgentAvatarp->mPlayingAnimations.end(); anim_it++) { if ((anim_it->first == ANIM_AGENT_DO_NOT_DISTURB)|| (anim_it->first == ANIM_AGENT_SIT_GROUND_CONSTRAINED)) { // don't cancel a ground-sit anim, as viewers // use this animation's status in // determining whether we're sitting. ick. LL_DEBUGS("Avatar") << "sit or do-not-disturb animation will not be stopped" << LL_ENDL; } else { // stop this animation locally gAgentAvatarp->stopMotion(anim_it->first, TRUE); // ...and tell the server to tell everyone. anim_ids.push_back(anim_it->first); } } sendAnimationRequests(anim_ids, ANIM_REQUEST_STOP); // Tell the region to clear any animation state overrides sendAnimationStateReset(); // Revoke all animation permissions if (mRegionp && gSavedSettings.getBOOL("RevokePermsOnStopAnimation")) { U32 permissions = SCRIPT_PERMISSIONS[SCRIPT_PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION].permbit | SCRIPT_PERMISSIONS[SCRIPT_PERMISSION_OVERRIDE_ANIMATIONS].permbit; sendRevokePermissions(mRegionp->getRegionID(), permissions); if (gAgentAvatarp->isSitting()) { // Also stand up, since auto-granted sit animation permission has been revoked gAgent.standUp(); } } // re-assert at least the default standing animation, because // viewers get confused by avs with no associated anims. sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_STAND, ANIM_REQUEST_START); } } void LLAgent::fidget() { if (!getAFK()) { F32 curTime = mFidgetTimer.getElapsedTimeF32(); if (curTime > mNextFidgetTime) { // pick a random fidget anim here S32 oldFidget = mCurrentFidget; mCurrentFidget = ll_rand(NUM_AGENT_STAND_ANIMS); if (mCurrentFidget != oldFidget) { LLAgent::stopFidget(); switch(mCurrentFidget) { case 0: mCurrentFidget = 0; break; case 1: sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_STAND_1, ANIM_REQUEST_START); mCurrentFidget = 1; break; case 2: sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_STAND_2, ANIM_REQUEST_START); mCurrentFidget = 2; break; case 3: sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_STAND_3, ANIM_REQUEST_START); mCurrentFidget = 3; break; case 4: sendAnimationRequest(ANIM_AGENT_STAND_4, ANIM_REQUEST_START); mCurrentFidget = 4; break; } } // calculate next fidget time mNextFidgetTime = curTime + ll_frand(MAX_FIDGET_TIME - MIN_FIDGET_TIME) + MIN_FIDGET_TIME; } } } void LLAgent::stopFidget() { std::vector anims; anims.reserve(4); anims.push_back(ANIM_AGENT_STAND_1); anims.push_back(ANIM_AGENT_STAND_2); anims.push_back(ANIM_AGENT_STAND_3); anims.push_back(ANIM_AGENT_STAND_4); gAgent.sendAnimationRequests(anims, ANIM_REQUEST_STOP); } void LLAgent::requestEnterGodMode() { LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_RequestGodlikePowers); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID()); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_RequestBlock); msg->addBOOLFast(_PREHASH_Godlike, TRUE); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_Token, LLUUID::null); // simulators need to know about your request sendReliableMessage(); } void LLAgent::requestLeaveGodMode() { LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem; msg->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_RequestGodlikePowers); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID()); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID()); msg->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_RequestBlock); msg->addBOOLFast(_PREHASH_Godlike, FALSE); msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_Token, LLUUID::null); // simulator needs to know about your request sendReliableMessage(); } void LLAgent::sendAgentDataUpdateRequest() { gMessageSystem->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_AgentDataUpdateRequest); gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID() ); gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID()); sendReliableMessage(); } void LLAgent::sendAgentUserInfoRequest() { std::string cap; if (getID().isNull()) return; // not logged in if (mRegionp) cap = mRegionp->getCapability("UserInfo"); if (!cap.empty()) { LLCoros::instance().launch("requestAgentUserInfoCoro", boost::bind(&LLAgent::requestAgentUserInfoCoro, this, cap)); } else { sendAgentUserInfoRequestMessage(); } } void LLAgent::requestAgentUserInfoCoro(std::string capurl) { LLCore::HttpRequest::policy_t httpPolicy(LLCore::HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID); LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t httpAdapter(new LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter("requestAgentUserInfoCoro", httpPolicy)); LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t httpRequest(new LLCore::HttpRequest); LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t httpOpts(new LLCore::HttpOptions); LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t httpHeaders; httpOpts->setFollowRedirects(true); LLSD result = httpAdapter->getAndSuspend(httpRequest, capurl, httpOpts, httpHeaders); LLSD httpResults = result[LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS]; LLCore::HttpStatus status = LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::getStatusFromLLSD(httpResults); if (!status) { LL_WARNS("UserInfo") << "Failed to get user information." << LL_ENDL; return; } else if (!result["success"].asBoolean()) { LL_WARNS("UserInfo") << "Failed to get user information: " << result["message"] << LL_ENDL; return; } std::string email; std::string dir_visibility; email = result["email"].asString(); dir_visibility = result["directory_visibility"].asString(); // TODO: This should probably be changed. I'm not entirely comfortable // having LLAgent interact directly with the UI in this way. LLFloaterPreference::updateUserInfo(dir_visibility); LLFloaterSnapshot::setAgentEmail(email); } void LLAgent::sendAgentUpdateUserInfo(const std::string& directory_visibility) { std::string cap; if (getID().isNull()) return; // not logged in if (mRegionp) cap = mRegionp->getCapability("UserInfo"); if (!cap.empty()) { LLCoros::instance().launch("updateAgentUserInfoCoro", boost::bind(&LLAgent::updateAgentUserInfoCoro, this, cap, directory_visibility)); } else { sendAgentUpdateUserInfoMessage(directory_visibility); } } void LLAgent::updateAgentUserInfoCoro(std::string capurl, std::string directory_visibility) { LLCore::HttpRequest::policy_t httpPolicy(LLCore::HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID); LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::ptr_t httpAdapter(new LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter("requestAgentUserInfoCoro", httpPolicy)); LLCore::HttpRequest::ptr_t httpRequest(new LLCore::HttpRequest); LLCore::HttpOptions::ptr_t httpOpts(new LLCore::HttpOptions); LLCore::HttpHeaders::ptr_t httpHeaders; httpOpts->setFollowRedirects(true); LLSD body(LLSDMap ("dir_visibility", LLSD::String(directory_visibility))); LLSD result = httpAdapter->postAndSuspend(httpRequest, capurl, body, httpOpts, httpHeaders); LLSD httpResults = result[LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::HTTP_RESULTS]; LLCore::HttpStatus status = LLCoreHttpUtil::HttpCoroutineAdapter::getStatusFromLLSD(httpResults); if (!status) { LL_WARNS("UserInfo") << "Failed to set user information." << LL_ENDL; } else if (!result["success"].asBoolean()) { LL_WARNS("UserInfo") << "Failed to set user information: " << result["message"] << LL_ENDL; } } // deprecated: // May be removed when UserInfo cap propagates to all simhosts in grid void LLAgent::sendAgentUserInfoRequestMessage() { gMessageSystem->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_UserInfoRequest); gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, getID()); gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, getSessionID()); sendReliableMessage(); } void LLAgent::sendAgentUpdateUserInfoMessage(const std::string& directory_visibility) { gMessageSystem->newMessageFast(_PREHASH_UpdateUserInfo); gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_AgentData); gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, getID()); gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, getSessionID()); gMessageSystem->nextBlockFast(_PREHASH_UserData); gMessageSystem->addString("DirectoryVisibility", directory_visibility); gAgent.sendReliableMessage(); } // end deprecated //------ void LLAgent::observeFriends() { if(!mFriendObserver) { mFriendObserver = new LLAgentFriendObserver; LLAvatarTracker::instance().addObserver(mFriendObserver); friendsChanged(); } } std::map LLAgent::sTeleportStateName = { { TELEPORT_NONE, "TELEPORT_NONE" }, { TELEPORT_START, "TELEPORT_START" }, { TELEPORT_REQUESTED, "TELEPORT_REQUESTED" }, { TELEPORT_MOVING, "TELEPORT_MOVING" }, { TELEPORT_START_ARRIVAL, "TELEPORT_START_ARRIVAL" }, { TELEPORT_ARRIVING, "TELEPORT_ARRIVING" }, { TELEPORT_LOCAL, "TELEPORT_LOCAL" }, { TELEPORT_PENDING, "TELEPORT_PENDING" } }; const std::string& LLAgent::teleportStateName(S32 state) { static std::string invalid_state_str("INVALID"); auto iter = LLAgent::sTeleportStateName.find(state); if (iter != LLAgent::sTeleportStateName.end()) { return iter->second; } else { return invalid_state_str; } } const std::string& LLAgent::getTeleportStateName() const { return teleportStateName(getTeleportState()); } void LLAgent::parseTeleportMessages(const std::string& xml_filename) { LLXMLNodePtr root; BOOL success = LLUICtrlFactory::getLayeredXMLNode(xml_filename, root); if (!success || !root || !root->hasName( "teleport_messages" )) { LL_ERRS() << "Problem reading teleport string XML file: " << xml_filename << LL_ENDL; return; } for (LLXMLNode* message_set = root->getFirstChild(); message_set != NULL; message_set = message_set->getNextSibling()) { if ( !message_set->hasName("message_set") ) continue; std::map *teleport_msg_map = NULL; std::string message_set_name; if ( message_set->getAttributeString("name", message_set_name) ) { //now we loop over all the string in the set and add them //to the appropriate set if ( message_set_name == "errors" ) { teleport_msg_map = &sTeleportErrorMessages; } else if ( message_set_name == "progress" ) { teleport_msg_map = &sTeleportProgressMessages; } } if ( !teleport_msg_map ) continue; std::string message_name; for (LLXMLNode* message_node = message_set->getFirstChild(); message_node != NULL; message_node = message_node->getNextSibling()) { if ( message_node->hasName("message") && message_node->getAttributeString("name", message_name) ) { (*teleport_msg_map)[message_name] = message_node->getTextContents(); } //end if ( message exists and has a name) } //end for (all message in set) }//end for (all message sets in xml file) } const void LLAgent::getTeleportSourceSLURL(LLSLURL& slurl) const { slurl = *mTeleportSourceSLURL; } // static void LLAgent::dumpGroupInfo() { LL_INFOS() << "group " << gAgent.mGroupName << LL_ENDL; LL_INFOS() << "ID " << gAgent.mGroupID << LL_ENDL; LL_INFOS() << "powers " << gAgent.mGroupPowers << LL_ENDL; LL_INFOS() << "title " << gAgent.mGroupTitle << LL_ENDL; //LL_INFOS() << "insig " << gAgent.mGroupInsigniaID << LL_ENDL; } // Draw a representation of current autopilot target void LLAgent::renderAutoPilotTarget() { if (mAutoPilot) { F32 height_meters; LLVector3d target_global; gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW); gGL.pushMatrix(); // not textured gGL.getTexUnit(0)->unbind(LLTexUnit::TT_TEXTURE); // lovely green gGL.color4f(0.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); target_global = mAutoPilotTargetGlobal; gGL.translatef((F32)(target_global.mdV[VX]), (F32)(target_global.mdV[VY]), (F32)(target_global.mdV[VZ])); height_meters = 1.f; gGL.scalef(height_meters, height_meters, height_meters); gSphere.render(); gGL.popMatrix(); } } /********************************************************************************/ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLTeleportRequest //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLTeleportRequest::LLTeleportRequest() : mStatus(kPending) { } LLTeleportRequest::~LLTeleportRequest() { } bool LLTeleportRequest::canRestartTeleport() { return false; } void LLTeleportRequest::restartTeleport() { llassert(0); } // TODO this enum -> name idiom should be in a common class rather than repeated various places. const std::string& LLTeleportRequest::statusName(EStatus status) { static std::string invalid_status_str("INVALID"); auto iter = LLTeleportRequest::sTeleportStatusName.find(status); if (iter != LLTeleportRequest::sTeleportStatusName.end()) { return iter->second; } else { return invalid_status_str; } } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const LLTeleportRequest& req) { req.toOstream(os); return os; } void LLTeleportRequest::toOstream(std::ostream& os) const { os << "status " << statusName(mStatus) << "(" << mStatus << ")"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark::LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark(const LLUUID &pLandmarkId) : LLTeleportRequest(), mLandmarkId(pLandmarkId) { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark created, " << *this << LL_ENDL; } LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark::~LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark() { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "~LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark, " << *this << LL_ENDL; } void LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark::toOstream(std::ostream& os) const { os << "landmark " << mLandmarkId << " "; LLTeleportRequest::toOstream(os); } bool LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark::canRestartTeleport() { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark::canRestartTeleport? -> true, " << *this << LL_ENDL; return true; } void LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark::startTeleport() { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark::startTeleport, " << *this << LL_ENDL; gAgent.doTeleportViaLandmark(getLandmarkId()); } void LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark::restartTeleport() { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark::restartTeleport, " << *this << LL_ENDL; gAgent.doTeleportViaLandmark(getLandmarkId()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLTeleportRequestViaLure //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLTeleportRequestViaLure::LLTeleportRequestViaLure(const LLUUID &pLureId, BOOL pIsLureGodLike) : LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark(pLureId), mIsLureGodLike(pIsLureGodLike) { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "LLTeleportRequestViaLure created" << LL_ENDL; } LLTeleportRequestViaLure::~LLTeleportRequestViaLure() { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "~LLTeleportRequestViaLure" << LL_ENDL; } void LLTeleportRequestViaLure::toOstream(std::ostream& os) const { os << "mIsLureGodLike " << (S32) mIsLureGodLike << " "; LLTeleportRequestViaLandmark::toOstream(os); } bool LLTeleportRequestViaLure::canRestartTeleport() { // stinson 05/17/2012 : cannot restart a teleport via lure because of server-side restrictions // The current scenario is as follows: // 1. User A initializes a request for User B to teleport via lure // 2. User B accepts the teleport via lure request // 3. The server sees the init request from User A and the accept request from User B and matches them up // 4. The server then removes the paired requests up from the "queue" // 5. The server then fails User B's teleport for reason of maturity level (for example) // 6. User B's viewer prompts user to increase their maturity level profile value. // 7. User B confirms and accepts increase in maturity level // 8. User B's viewer then attempts to teleport via lure again // 9. This request will time-out on the viewer-side because User A's initial request has been removed from the "queue" in step 4 LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "LLTeleportRequestViaLure::canRestartTeleport? -> false" << LL_ENDL; return false; } void LLTeleportRequestViaLure::startTeleport() { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "LLTeleportRequestViaLure::startTeleport" << LL_ENDL; gAgent.doTeleportViaLure(getLandmarkId(), isLureGodLike()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLTeleportRequestViaLocation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLTeleportRequestViaLocation::LLTeleportRequestViaLocation(const LLVector3d &pPosGlobal) : LLTeleportRequest(), mPosGlobal(pPosGlobal) { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "LLTeleportRequestViaLocation created" << LL_ENDL; } LLTeleportRequestViaLocation::~LLTeleportRequestViaLocation() { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "~LLTeleportRequestViaLocation" << LL_ENDL; } void LLTeleportRequestViaLocation::toOstream(std::ostream& os) const { os << "mPosGlobal " << mPosGlobal << " "; LLTeleportRequest::toOstream(os); } bool LLTeleportRequestViaLocation::canRestartTeleport() { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "LLTeleportRequestViaLocation::canRestartTeleport -> true" << LL_ENDL; return true; } void LLTeleportRequestViaLocation::startTeleport() { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "LLTeleportRequestViaLocation::startTeleport" << LL_ENDL; gAgent.doTeleportViaLocation(getPosGlobal()); } void LLTeleportRequestViaLocation::restartTeleport() { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "LLTeleportRequestViaLocation::restartTeleport" << LL_ENDL; gAgent.doTeleportViaLocation(getPosGlobal()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLTeleportRequestViaLocationLookAt //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLTeleportRequestViaLocationLookAt::LLTeleportRequestViaLocationLookAt(const LLVector3d &pPosGlobal) : LLTeleportRequestViaLocation(pPosGlobal) { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "LLTeleportRequestViaLocationLookAt created" << LL_ENDL; } LLTeleportRequestViaLocationLookAt::~LLTeleportRequestViaLocationLookAt() { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "~LLTeleportRequestViaLocationLookAt" << LL_ENDL; } void LLTeleportRequestViaLocationLookAt::toOstream(std::ostream& os) const { LLTeleportRequestViaLocation::toOstream(os); } bool LLTeleportRequestViaLocationLookAt::canRestartTeleport() { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "LLTeleportRequestViaLocationLookAt::canRestartTeleport -> true" << LL_ENDL; return true; } void LLTeleportRequestViaLocationLookAt::startTeleport() { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "LLTeleportRequestViaLocationLookAt::startTeleport" << LL_ENDL; gAgent.doTeleportViaLocationLookAt(getPosGlobal()); } void LLTeleportRequestViaLocationLookAt::restartTeleport() { LL_INFOS("Teleport") << "LLTeleportRequestViaLocationLookAt::restartTeleport" << LL_ENDL; gAgent.doTeleportViaLocationLookAt(getPosGlobal()); } // EOF