Second Life - Linux Voice Support README -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= WHAT IS IT? -=-=-=-=-=- Linux Voice Support is a feature in testing which allows users of the Linux Second Life client to participate in voice-chat with other residents and groups inside Second Life, with an appropriate headset/microphone. REQUIREMENTS -=-=-=-=-=-= * A headset/microphone supported by your chosen version of Linux * At this time, the PulseAudio audio system is recommended; this software is already part of most modern (2009+) Linux desktop systems. Alternatively, the ALSA audio system may be used on systems installed from around 2007 onwards (again this is likely already installed on your system). TESTING YOUR SETTINGS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- * The Second Life region 'Voice Echo Canyon' is a great place for testing your hardware settings and quality - it will 'echo' your voice back to you when you speak. KNOWN PROBLEMS -=-=-=-=-=-=-= * Compatibility with old ALSA-based audio systems (such as Ubuntu Dapper from 2006) is poor. TROUBLESHOOTING -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PROBLEM 1: I don't see a white dot over the head of my avatar or other Voice-using avatars. SOLUTION: a. Ensure that 'Enable voice' is enabled in the 'Sound' section of the Preferences window, and that you are in a voice-enabled area. b. If the above does not help, exit Second Life and ensure that any remaining 'SLVoice' processes (as reported by 'ps', 'top' or similar) are killed before restarting. PROBLEM 2: I have a white dot over my head but I never see (or hear!) anyone except myself listed in the Active Speakers dialog when I'm sure that other residents nearby are active Voice users. SOLUTION: This is an incompatibility between the Voice support and your system's audio (ALSA) driver version/configuration. a. Back-up and remove your ~/.asoundrc file, re-test. b. Check for updates to your kernel, kernel modules and ALSA-related packages using your Linux distribution's package-manager - install these, reboot and re-test. c. Update to the latest version of ALSA manually. For a guide, see the 'Update to the Latest Version of ALSA' section of this page: <> or the official documentation on the ALSA site: <> - reboot and re-test. PROBLEM 3: I can hear other people, but they cannot hear me. SOLUTION: a. Ensure that you have the 'Speak' button (at the bottom of the Second Life window) activated while you are trying to speak. b. Ensure that your microphone jack is inserted into the correct socket of your sound card, where appropriate. c. Use your system mixer-setting program (such as the PulseAudio 'volume control' applet or the ALSA 'alsamixer' program) to ensure that microphone input is set as the active input source and is not muted. d. Verify that audio input works in other applications, i.e. Audacity PROBLEM 4: Other people just hear bursts of loud noise when I speak. SOLUTION: a. Use your system mixer-setting program or the 'alsamixer' program to ensure that microphone Gain/Boost is not set too high. FURTHER PROBLEMS? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please report further issues to the public Second Life issue-tracker at <> (please note, however, that this is not a support forum).