#!/bin/sh if [[ $SKIP_NOTARIZATION == "true" ]]; then echo "Skipping notarization" exit 0 fi CONFIG_FILE="$build_secrets_checkout/code-signing-osx/notarize_creds.sh" if [ -f "$CONFIG_FILE" ]; then source $CONFIG_FILE app_file="$1" zip_file=${app_file/app/zip} ditto -c -k --keepParent "$app_file" "$zip_file" if [ -f "$zip_file" ]; then res=$(xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id "com.secondlife.viewer" \ --username $USERNAME \ --password $PASSWORD \ --asc-provider $ASC_PROVIDER \ --file "$zip_file" 2>&1) requestUUID=$(echo $res | awk '/RequestUUID/ { print $NF; }') echo "Apple Notarization RequestUUID: $requestUUID" if [[ -n $requestUUID ]]; then status="in progress" while [[ "$status" == "in progress" ]]; do sleep 30 status=$(xcrun altool --notarization-info "$requestUUID" \ --username $USERNAME \ --password $PASSWORD 2>&1 \ | awk -F ': ' '/Status:/ { print $2; }' ) echo "$status" done # log results xcrun altool --notarization-info "$requestUUID" \ --username $USERNAME \ --password $PASSWORD #remove temporary file rm "$zip_file" if [["$status" == "success"]]; then xcrun stapler staple "$app_file" elif [["$status" == "invalid"]]; then echo "Notarization error: failed to process the app file" exit 1 fi else echo "Notarization error: couldn't get request UUID" echo $res exit 1 fi fi fi