/** * @file primitive.cpp * @brief LL GLTF Implementation * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2024&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2024, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "../llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "asset.h" #include "buffer_util.h" #include "../llviewershadermgr.h" #include "mikktspace/mikktspace.hh" #include "meshoptimizer/meshoptimizer.h" using namespace LL::GLTF; using namespace boost::json; // Mesh data useful for Mikktspace tangent generation (and flat normal generation) struct MikktMesh { std::vector p; std::vector n; std::vector tc; std::vector w; std::vector t; std::vector c; std::vector j; // initialize from src primitive and make an unrolled triangle list // returns false if the Primitive cannot be converted to a triangle list bool copy(const Primitive* prim) { bool indexed = !prim->mIndexArray.empty(); auto vert_count = indexed ? prim->mIndexArray.size() : prim->mPositions.size(); if (prim->mMode != Primitive::Mode::TRIANGLES) { LL_WARNS("GLTF") << "Unsupported primitive mode for conversion to triangles: " << (S32) prim->mMode << LL_ENDL; return false; } p.resize(vert_count); n.resize(vert_count); tc.resize(vert_count); c.resize(vert_count); bool has_normals = !prim->mNormals.empty(); if (has_normals) { n.resize(vert_count); } bool has_tangents = !prim->mTangents.empty(); if (has_tangents) { t.resize(vert_count); } bool rigged = !prim->mWeights.empty(); if (rigged) { w.resize(vert_count); j.resize(vert_count); } for (U32 i = 0; i < vert_count; ++i) { U32 idx = indexed ? prim->mIndexArray[i] : i; p[i].set(prim->mPositions[idx].getF32ptr()); tc[i].set(prim->mTexCoords[idx]); c[i] = prim->mColors[idx]; if (has_normals) { n[i].set(prim->mNormals[idx].getF32ptr()); } if (rigged) { w[i].set(prim->mWeights[idx].getF32ptr()); j[i] = prim->mJoints[idx]; } } return true; } void genNormals() { size_t tri_count = p.size() / 3; for (size_t i = 0; i < tri_count; ++i) { LLVector3 v0 = p[i * 3]; LLVector3 v1 = p[i * 3 + 1]; LLVector3 v2 = p[i * 3 + 2]; LLVector3 normal = (v1 - v0) % (v2 - v0); normal.normalize(); n[i * 3] = normal; n[i * 3 + 1] = normal; n[i * 3 + 2] = normal; } } void genTangents() { t.resize(p.size()); mikk::Mikktspace ctx(*this); ctx.genTangSpace(); } // write to target primitive as an indexed triangle list // Only modifies runtime data, does not modify the original GLTF data void write(Primitive* prim) const { //re-weld meshopt_Stream mos[] = { { &p[0], sizeof(LLVector3), sizeof(LLVector3) }, { &n[0], sizeof(LLVector3), sizeof(LLVector3) }, { &t[0], sizeof(LLVector4), sizeof(LLVector4) }, { &tc[0], sizeof(LLVector2), sizeof(LLVector2) }, { &c[0], sizeof(LLColor4U), sizeof(LLColor4U) }, { w.empty() ? nullptr : &w[0], sizeof(LLVector4), sizeof(LLVector4) }, { j.empty() ? nullptr : &j[0], sizeof(U64), sizeof(U64) } }; std::vector remap; remap.resize(p.size()); U32 stream_count = w.empty() ? 5 : 7; size_t vert_count = meshopt_generateVertexRemapMulti(&remap[0], nullptr, p.size(), p.size(), mos, stream_count); prim->mTexCoords.resize(vert_count); prim->mNormals.resize(vert_count); prim->mTangents.resize(vert_count); prim->mPositions.resize(vert_count); prim->mColors.resize(vert_count); if (!w.empty()) { prim->mWeights.resize(vert_count); prim->mJoints.resize(vert_count); } prim->mIndexArray.resize(remap.size()); for (int i = 0; i < remap.size(); ++i) { U32 src_idx = i; U32 dst_idx = remap[i]; prim->mIndexArray[i] = dst_idx; prim->mPositions[dst_idx].load3(p[src_idx].mV); prim->mNormals[dst_idx].load3(n[src_idx].mV); prim->mTexCoords[dst_idx] = tc[src_idx]; prim->mTangents[dst_idx].loadua(t[src_idx].mV); prim->mColors[dst_idx] = c[src_idx]; if (!w.empty()) { prim->mWeights[dst_idx].loadua(w[src_idx].mV); prim->mJoints[dst_idx] = j[src_idx]; } } prim->mGLMode = LLRender::TRIANGLES; } uint32_t GetNumFaces() { return uint32_t(p.size()/3); } uint32_t GetNumVerticesOfFace(const uint32_t face_num) { return 3; } mikk::float3 GetPosition(const uint32_t face_num, const uint32_t vert_num) { F32* v = p[face_num * 3 + vert_num].mV; return mikk::float3(v); } mikk::float3 GetTexCoord(const uint32_t face_num, const uint32_t vert_num) { F32* uv = tc[face_num * 3 + vert_num].mV; return mikk::float3(uv[0], uv[1], 1.0f); } mikk::float3 GetNormal(const uint32_t face_num, const uint32_t vert_num) { F32* normal = n[face_num * 3 + vert_num].mV; return mikk::float3(normal); } void SetTangentSpace(const uint32_t face_num, const uint32_t vert_num, mikk::float3 T, bool orientation) { S32 i = face_num * 3 + vert_num; t[i].set(T.x, T.y, T.z, orientation ? 1.0f : -1.0f); } }; bool Primitive::prep(Asset& asset) { // allocate vertex buffer // We diverge from the intent of the GLTF format here to work with our existing render pipeline // GLTF wants us to copy the buffer views into GPU storage as is and build render commands that source that data. // For our engine, though, it's better to rearrange the buffers at load time into a layout that's more consistent. // The GLTF native approach undoubtedly works well if you can count on VAOs, but VAOs perform much worse with our scenes. // load vertex data for (auto& it : mAttributes) { const std::string& attribName = it.first; Accessor& accessor = asset.mAccessors[it.second]; // load vertex data if (attribName == "POSITION") { copy(asset, accessor, mPositions); } else if (attribName == "NORMAL") { copy(asset, accessor, mNormals); } else if (attribName == "TANGENT") { copy(asset, accessor, mTangents); } else if (attribName == "COLOR_0") { copy(asset, accessor, mColors); } else if (attribName == "TEXCOORD_0") { copy(asset, accessor, mTexCoords); } else if (attribName == "JOINTS_0") { copy(asset, accessor, mJoints); } else if (attribName == "WEIGHTS_0") { copy(asset, accessor, mWeights); } } // copy index buffer if (mIndices != INVALID_INDEX) { Accessor& accessor = asset.mAccessors[mIndices]; copy(asset, accessor, mIndexArray); for (auto& idx : mIndexArray) { if (idx >= mPositions.size()) { LL_WARNS("GLTF") << "Invalid index array" << LL_ENDL; return false; } } } U32 mask = LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX; if (!mWeights.empty()) { mask |= LLVertexBuffer::MAP_WEIGHT4; mask |= LLVertexBuffer::MAP_JOINT; } if (mTexCoords.empty()) { mTexCoords.resize(mPositions.size()); } // TODO: support more than one texcoord set (or no texcoords) mask |= LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD0; if (mColors.empty()) { mColors.resize(mPositions.size(), LLColor4U::white); } // TODO: support colorless vertex buffers mask |= LLVertexBuffer::MAP_COLOR; mShaderVariant = 0; bool unlit = false; // bake material basecolor into color array if (mMaterial != INVALID_INDEX) { const Material& material = asset.mMaterials[mMaterial]; LLColor4 baseColor(glm::value_ptr(material.mPbrMetallicRoughness.mBaseColorFactor)); for (auto& dst : mColors) { dst = LLColor4U(baseColor * LLColor4(dst)); } if (material.mUnlit.mPresent) { // material uses KHR_materials_unlit mShaderVariant |= LLGLSLShader::GLTFVariant::UNLIT; unlit = true; } } if (mNormals.empty() && !unlit) { mTangents.clear(); if (mMode == Mode::POINTS || mMode == Mode::LINES || mMode == Mode::LINE_LOOP || mMode == Mode::LINE_STRIP) { //no normals and no surfaces, this primitive is unlit mTangents.clear(); mShaderVariant |= LLGLSLShader::GLTFVariant::UNLIT; unlit = true; } else { // unroll into non-indexed array of flat shaded triangles MikktMesh data; if (!data.copy(this)) { return false; } data.genNormals(); data.genTangents(); data.write(this); } } if (mTangents.empty() && !unlit) { // NOTE: must be done last because tangent generation rewrites the other arrays // adapted from usage of Mikktspace in llvolume.cpp if (mMode == Mode::POINTS || mMode == Mode::LINES || mMode == Mode::LINE_LOOP || mMode == Mode::LINE_STRIP) { // for points and lines, just make sure tangent is perpendicular to normal mTangents.resize(mNormals.size()); LLVector4a up(0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f); LLVector4a left(1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f); for (U32 i = 0; i < mNormals.size(); ++i) { if (fabsf(mNormals[i].getF32ptr()[2]) < 0.999f) { mTangents[i] = up.cross3(mNormals[i]); } else { mTangents[i] = left.cross3(mNormals[i]); } mTangents[i].getF32ptr()[3] = 1.f; } } else { MikktMesh data; if (!data.copy(this)) { return false; } data.genTangents(); data.write(this); } } if (!mNormals.empty()) { mask |= LLVertexBuffer::MAP_NORMAL; } if (!mTangents.empty()) { mask |= LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TANGENT; } if (LLGLSLShader::sCurBoundShaderPtr == nullptr) { // make sure a shader is bound to satisfy mVertexBuffer->setBuffer gDebugProgram.bind(); } mVertexBuffer = new LLVertexBuffer(mask); // we store these buffer sizes as S32 elsewhere llassert(mPositions.size() <= size_t(S32_MAX)); llassert(mIndexArray.size() <= size_t(S32_MAX / 2)); mVertexBuffer->allocateBuffer(U32(mPositions.size()), U32(mIndexArray.size() * 2)); // double the size of the index buffer for 32-bit indices mVertexBuffer->setBuffer(); mVertexBuffer->setPositionData(mPositions.data()); mVertexBuffer->setColorData(mColors.data()); if (!mNormals.empty()) { mVertexBuffer->setNormalData(mNormals.data()); } if (!mTangents.empty()) { mVertexBuffer->setTangentData(mTangents.data()); } if (!mWeights.empty()) { mShaderVariant |= LLGLSLShader::GLTFVariant::RIGGED; mVertexBuffer->setWeight4Data(mWeights.data()); mVertexBuffer->setJointData(mJoints.data()); } // flip texcoord y, upload, then flip back (keep the off-spec data in vram only) for (auto& tc : mTexCoords) { tc[1] = 1.f - tc[1]; } mVertexBuffer->setTexCoordData(mTexCoords.data()); for (auto& tc : mTexCoords) { tc[1] = 1.f - tc[1]; } if (!mIndexArray.empty()) { mVertexBuffer->setIndexData(mIndexArray.data()); } createOctree(); mVertexBuffer->unbind(); Material& material = asset.mMaterials[mMaterial]; if (material.mAlphaMode == Material::AlphaMode::BLEND) { mShaderVariant |= LLGLSLShader::GLTFVariant::ALPHA_BLEND; } return true; } void initOctreeTriangle(LLVolumeTriangle* tri, F32 scaler, S32 i0, S32 i1, S32 i2, const LLVector4a& v0, const LLVector4a& v1, const LLVector4a& v2) { //store pointers to vertex data tri->mV[0] = &v0; tri->mV[1] = &v1; tri->mV[2] = &v2; //store indices tri->mIndex[0] = i0; tri->mIndex[1] = i1; tri->mIndex[2] = i2; //get minimum point LLVector4a min = v0; min.setMin(min, v1); min.setMin(min, v2); //get maximum point LLVector4a max = v0; max.setMax(max, v1); max.setMax(max, v2); //compute center LLVector4a center; center.setAdd(min, max); center.mul(0.5f); tri->mPositionGroup = center; //compute "radius" LLVector4a size; size.setSub(max, min); tri->mRadius = size.getLength3().getF32() * scaler; } void Primitive::createOctree() { // create octree mOctree = new LLVolumeOctree(); F32 scaler = 0.25f; if (mMode == Mode::TRIANGLES) { const U32 num_triangles = mVertexBuffer->getNumIndices() / 3; // Initialize all the triangles we need mOctreeTriangles.resize(num_triangles); for (U32 triangle_index = 0; triangle_index < num_triangles; ++triangle_index) { //for each triangle const U32 index = triangle_index * 3; LLVolumeTriangle* tri = &mOctreeTriangles[triangle_index]; S32 i0 = mIndexArray[index]; S32 i1 = mIndexArray[index + 1]; S32 i2 = mIndexArray[index + 2]; const LLVector4a& v0 = mPositions[i0]; const LLVector4a& v1 = mPositions[i1]; const LLVector4a& v2 = mPositions[i2]; initOctreeTriangle(tri, scaler, i0, i1, i2, v0, v1, v2); //insert mOctree->insert(tri); } } else if (mMode == Mode::TRIANGLE_STRIP) { const U32 num_triangles = mVertexBuffer->getNumIndices() - 2; // Initialize all the triangles we need mOctreeTriangles.resize(num_triangles); for (U32 triangle_index = 0; triangle_index < num_triangles; ++triangle_index) { //for each triangle const U32 index = triangle_index + 2; LLVolumeTriangle* tri = &mOctreeTriangles[triangle_index]; S32 i0 = mIndexArray[index]; S32 i1 = mIndexArray[index - 1]; S32 i2 = mIndexArray[index - 2]; const LLVector4a& v0 = mPositions[i0]; const LLVector4a& v1 = mPositions[i1]; const LLVector4a& v2 = mPositions[i2]; initOctreeTriangle(tri, scaler, i0, i1, i2, v0, v1, v2); //insert mOctree->insert(tri); } } else if (mMode == Mode::TRIANGLE_FAN) { const U32 num_triangles = mVertexBuffer->getNumIndices() - 2; // Initialize all the triangles we need mOctreeTriangles.resize(num_triangles); for (U32 triangle_index = 0; triangle_index < num_triangles; ++triangle_index) { //for each triangle const U32 index = triangle_index + 2; LLVolumeTriangle* tri = &mOctreeTriangles[triangle_index]; S32 i0 = mIndexArray[0]; S32 i1 = mIndexArray[index - 1]; S32 i2 = mIndexArray[index - 2]; const LLVector4a& v0 = mPositions[i0]; const LLVector4a& v1 = mPositions[i1]; const LLVector4a& v2 = mPositions[i2]; initOctreeTriangle(tri, scaler, i0, i1, i2, v0, v1, v2); //insert mOctree->insert(tri); } } else if (mMode == Mode::POINTS || mMode == Mode::LINES || mMode == Mode::LINE_LOOP || mMode == Mode::LINE_STRIP) { // nothing to do, no volume... maybe add some collision geometry around these primitive types? } else { LL_ERRS() << "Unsupported Primitive mode" << LL_ENDL; } //remove unneeded octree layers while (!mOctree->balance()) {} //calculate AABB for each node LLVolumeOctreeRebound rebound; rebound.traverse(mOctree); } const LLVolumeTriangle* Primitive::lineSegmentIntersect(const LLVector4a& start, const LLVector4a& end, LLVector4a* intersection, LLVector2* tex_coord, LLVector4a* normal, LLVector4a* tangent_out) { if (mOctree.isNull()) { return nullptr; } LLVector4a dir; dir.setSub(end, start); F32 closest_t = 2.f; // must be larger than 1 //create a proxy LLVolumeFace for the raycast LLVolumeFace face; face.mPositions = mPositions.data(); face.mTexCoords = mTexCoords.data(); face.mNormals = mNormals.data(); face.mTangents = mTangents.data(); face.mIndices = nullptr; // unreferenced face.mNumIndices = S32(mIndexArray.size()); face.mNumVertices = S32(mPositions.size()); LLOctreeTriangleRayIntersect intersect(start, dir, &face, &closest_t, intersection, tex_coord, normal, tangent_out); intersect.traverse(mOctree); // null out proxy data so it doesn't get freed face.mPositions = face.mNormals = face.mTangents = nullptr; face.mIndices = nullptr; face.mTexCoords = nullptr; return intersect.mHitTriangle; } Primitive::~Primitive() { mOctree = nullptr; } LLRender::eGeomModes gltf_mode_to_gl_mode(Primitive::Mode mode) { switch (mode) { case Primitive::Mode::POINTS: return LLRender::POINTS; case Primitive::Mode::LINES: return LLRender::LINES; case Primitive::Mode::LINE_LOOP: return LLRender::LINE_LOOP; case Primitive::Mode::LINE_STRIP: return LLRender::LINE_STRIP; case Primitive::Mode::TRIANGLES: return LLRender::TRIANGLES; case Primitive::Mode::TRIANGLE_STRIP: return LLRender::TRIANGLE_STRIP; case Primitive::Mode::TRIANGLE_FAN: return LLRender::TRIANGLE_FAN; default: return LLRender::TRIANGLES; } } void Primitive::serialize(boost::json::object& dst) const { write(mMaterial, "material", dst, -1); write(mMode, "mode", dst, Primitive::Mode::TRIANGLES); write(mIndices, "indices", dst, INVALID_INDEX); write(mAttributes, "attributes", dst); } const Primitive& Primitive::operator=(const Value& src) { if (src.is_object()) { copy(src, "material", mMaterial); copy(src, "mode", mMode); copy(src, "indices", mIndices); copy(src, "attributes", mAttributes); mGLMode = gltf_mode_to_gl_mode(mMode); } return *this; }