#pragma once /** * @file asset.h * @brief LL GLTF Implementation * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2024&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2024, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "llvertexbuffer.h" #include "llvolumeoctree.h" #include "accessor.h" #include "primitive.h" #include "animation.h" #include "boost/json.hpp" #include "common.h" #include "../llviewertexture.h" extern F32SecondsImplicit gFrameTimeSeconds; // wingdi defines OPAQUE, which conflicts with our enum #if defined(OPAQUE) #undef OPAQUE #endif // LL GLTF Implementation namespace LL { namespace GLTF { class Asset; class Material { public: enum class AlphaMode { OPAQUE, MASK, BLEND }; class TextureInfo { public: S32 mIndex = INVALID_INDEX; S32 mTexCoord = 0; bool operator==(const TextureInfo& rhs) const; bool operator!=(const TextureInfo& rhs) const; const TextureInfo& operator=(const Value& src); void serialize(boost::json::object& dst) const; }; class NormalTextureInfo : public TextureInfo { public: F32 mScale = 1.0f; const NormalTextureInfo& operator=(const Value& src); void serialize(boost::json::object& dst) const; }; class OcclusionTextureInfo : public TextureInfo { public: F32 mStrength = 1.0f; const OcclusionTextureInfo& operator=(const Value& src); void serialize(boost::json::object& dst) const; }; class PbrMetallicRoughness { public: vec4 mBaseColorFactor = vec4(1.f,1.f,1.f,1.f); TextureInfo mBaseColorTexture; F32 mMetallicFactor = 1.0f; F32 mRoughnessFactor = 1.0f; TextureInfo mMetallicRoughnessTexture; bool operator==(const PbrMetallicRoughness& rhs) const; bool operator!=(const PbrMetallicRoughness& rhs) const; const PbrMetallicRoughness& operator=(const Value& src); void serialize(boost::json::object& dst) const; }; PbrMetallicRoughness mPbrMetallicRoughness; NormalTextureInfo mNormalTexture; OcclusionTextureInfo mOcclusionTexture; TextureInfo mEmissiveTexture; std::string mName; vec3 mEmissiveFactor = vec3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f); AlphaMode mAlphaMode = AlphaMode::OPAQUE; F32 mAlphaCutoff = 0.5f; bool mDoubleSided = false; const Material& operator=(const Value& src); void serialize(boost::json::object& dst) const; }; class Mesh { public: std::vector mPrimitives; std::vector mWeights; std::string mName; const Mesh& operator=(const Value& src); void serialize(boost::json::object& dst) const; bool prep(Asset& asset); }; class Node { public: mat4 mMatrix = glm::identity(); //local transform mat4 mRenderMatrix; //transform for rendering mat4 mAssetMatrix; //transform from local to asset space mat4 mAssetMatrixInv; //transform from asset to local space vec3 mTranslation = vec3(0,0,0); quat mRotation = glm::identity(); vec3 mScale = vec3(1.f,1.f,1.f); // if true, mMatrix is valid and up to date bool mMatrixValid = false; // if true, translation/rotation/scale are valid and up to date bool mTRSValid = false; bool mNeedsApplyMatrix = false; std::vector mChildren; S32 mParent = INVALID_INDEX; S32 mMesh = INVALID_INDEX; S32 mSkin = INVALID_INDEX; std::string mName; const Node& operator=(const Value& src); void serialize(boost::json::object& dst) const; // Set mRenderMatrix to a transform that can be used for the current render pass // modelview -- parent's render matrix void updateRenderTransforms(Asset& asset, const mat4& modelview); // update mAssetMatrix and mAssetMatrixInv void updateTransforms(Asset& asset, const mat4& parentMatrix); // ensure mMatrix is valid -- if mMatrixValid is false and mTRSValid is true, will update mMatrix to match Translation/Rotation/Scale void makeMatrixValid(); // ensure Translation/Rotation/Scale are valid -- if mTRSValid is false and mMatrixValid is true, will update Translation/Rotation/Scale to match mMatrix void makeTRSValid(); // Set rotation of this node // SIDE EFFECT: invalidates mMatrix void setRotation(const quat& rotation); // Set translation of this node // SIDE EFFECT: invalidates mMatrix void setTranslation(const vec3& translation); // Set scale of this node // SIDE EFFECT: invalidates mMatrix void setScale(const vec3& scale); }; class Skin { public: ~Skin(); S32 mInverseBindMatrices = INVALID_INDEX; S32 mSkeleton = INVALID_INDEX; U32 mUBO = 0; std::vector mJoints; std::string mName; std::vector mInverseBindMatricesData; bool prep(Asset& asset); void uploadMatrixPalette(Asset& asset); const Skin& operator=(const Value& src); void serialize(boost::json::object& dst) const; }; class Scene { public: std::vector mNodes; std::string mName; const Scene& operator=(const Value& src); void serialize(boost::json::object& dst) const; void updateTransforms(Asset& asset); void updateRenderTransforms(Asset& asset, const mat4& modelview); }; class Texture { public: S32 mSampler = INVALID_INDEX; S32 mSource = INVALID_INDEX; std::string mName; const Texture& operator=(const Value& src); void serialize(boost::json::object& dst) const; }; class Sampler { public: S32 mMagFilter = LINEAR; S32 mMinFilter = LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR; S32 mWrapS = REPEAT; S32 mWrapT = REPEAT; std::string mName; const Sampler& operator=(const Value& src); void serialize(boost::json::object& dst) const; }; class Image { public: std::string mName; std::string mUri; std::string mMimeType; S32 mBufferView = INVALID_INDEX; S32 mWidth = -1; S32 mHeight = -1; S32 mComponent = -1; S32 mBits = -1; S32 mPixelType = -1; LLPointer mTexture; const Image& operator=(const Value& src); void serialize(boost::json::object& dst) const; // save image to disk // may remove image data from bufferviews and convert to // file uri if necessary bool save(Asset& asset, const std::string& filename); // erase the buffer view associated with this image // free any associated GLTF resources // preserve only uri and name void clearData(Asset& asset); bool prep(Asset& asset); }; // C++ representation of a GLTF Asset class Asset { public: static const std::string minVersion_default; std::vector mScenes; std::vector mNodes; std::vector mMeshes; std::vector mMaterials; std::vector mBuffers; std::vector mBufferViews; std::vector mTextures; std::vector mSamplers; std::vector mImages; std::vector mAccessors; std::vector mAnimations; std::vector mSkins; std::string mVersion; std::string mGenerator; std::string mMinVersion; std::string mCopyright; S32 mScene = INVALID_INDEX; Value mExtras; U32 mPendingBuffers = 0; // local file this asset was loaded from (if any) std::string mFilename; // the last time update() was called according to gFrameTimeSeconds F32 mLastUpdateTime = gFrameTimeSeconds; // prepare for first time use bool prep(); // Called periodically (typically once per frame) // Any ongoing work (such as animations) should be handled here // NOT guaranteed to be called every frame // MAY be called more than once per frame // Upon return, all Node Matrix transforms should be up to date void update(); // update asset-to-node and node-to-asset transforms void updateTransforms(); // update node render transforms void updateRenderTransforms(const mat4& modelview); // return the index of the node that the line segment intersects with, or -1 if no hit // input and output values must be in this asset's local coordinate frame S32 lineSegmentIntersect(const LLVector4a& start, const LLVector4a& end, LLVector4a* intersection = nullptr, // return the intersection point LLVector2* tex_coord = nullptr, // return the texture coordinates of the intersection point LLVector4a* normal = nullptr, // return the surface normal at the intersection point LLVector4a* tangent = nullptr, // return the surface tangent at the intersection point S32* primitive_hitp = nullptr // return the index of the primitive that was hit ); Asset() = default; Asset(const Value& src); // load from given file // accepts .gltf and .glb files // Any existing data will be lost // returns result of prep() on success bool load(std::string_view filename); // load .glb contents from memory // data - binary contents of .glb file // returns result of prep() on success bool loadBinary(const std::string& data); const Asset& operator=(const Value& src); void serialize(boost::json::object& dst) const; // save the asset to the given .gltf file // saves images and bins alongside the gltf file bool save(const std::string& filename); // remove the bufferview at the given index // updates all bufferview indices in this Asset as needed void eraseBufferView(S32 bufferView); }; Material::AlphaMode gltf_alpha_mode_to_enum(const std::string& alpha_mode); std::string enum_to_gltf_alpha_mode(Material::AlphaMode alpha_mode); } }