/** * @file asset.cpp * @brief LL GLTF Implementation * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2024&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2024, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "../llviewerprecompiledheaders.h" #include "asset.h" #include "llvolumeoctree.h" #include "../llviewershadermgr.h" #include "../llviewercontrol.h" #include "../llviewertexturelist.h" #include "../pipeline.h" #include "buffer_util.h" #include #include "llimagejpeg.h" #include "../llskinningutil.h" using namespace LL::GLTF; using namespace boost::json; namespace LL { namespace GLTF { static std::unordered_set ExtensionsSupported = { "KHR_materials_unlit", "KHR_texture_transform" }; Material::AlphaMode gltf_alpha_mode_to_enum(const std::string& alpha_mode) { if (alpha_mode == "OPAQUE") { return Material::AlphaMode::OPAQUE; } else if (alpha_mode == "MASK") { return Material::AlphaMode::MASK; } else if (alpha_mode == "BLEND") { return Material::AlphaMode::BLEND; } else { return Material::AlphaMode::OPAQUE; } } std::string enum_to_gltf_alpha_mode(Material::AlphaMode alpha_mode) { switch (alpha_mode) { case Material::AlphaMode::OPAQUE: return "OPAQUE"; case Material::AlphaMode::MASK: return "MASK"; case Material::AlphaMode::BLEND: return "BLEND"; default: return "OPAQUE"; } } } } void Scene::updateTransforms(Asset& asset) { mat4 identity = glm::identity(); for (auto& nodeIndex : mNodes) { Node& node = asset.mNodes[nodeIndex]; node.updateTransforms(asset, identity); } } void Node::updateTransforms(Asset& asset, const mat4& parentMatrix) { makeMatrixValid(); mAssetMatrix = parentMatrix * mMatrix; mAssetMatrixInv = glm::inverse(mAssetMatrix); S32 my_index = (S32)(this - &asset.mNodes[0]); for (auto& childIndex : mChildren) { Node& child = asset.mNodes[childIndex]; child.mParent = my_index; child.updateTransforms(asset, mAssetMatrix); } } void Asset::updateTransforms() { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED_CATEGORY_GLTF; for (auto& scene : mScenes) { scene.updateTransforms(*this); } uploadTransforms(); } void Asset::uploadTransforms() { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED_CATEGORY_GLTF; // prepare matrix palette U32 max_nodes = LLSkinningUtil::getMaxGLTFJointCount(); size_t node_count = llmin(max_nodes, mNodes.size()); std::vector t_mp; t_mp.resize(node_count); for (U32 i = 0; i < node_count; ++i) { Node& node = mNodes[i]; // build matrix palette in asset space t_mp[i] = node.mAssetMatrix; } std::vector glmp; glmp.resize(node_count * 12); F32* mp = glmp.data(); for (U32 i = 0; i < node_count; ++i) { F32* m = glm::value_ptr(t_mp[i]); U32 idx = i * 12; mp[idx + 0] = m[0]; mp[idx + 1] = m[1]; mp[idx + 2] = m[2]; mp[idx + 3] = m[12]; mp[idx + 4] = m[4]; mp[idx + 5] = m[5]; mp[idx + 6] = m[6]; mp[idx + 7] = m[13]; mp[idx + 8] = m[8]; mp[idx + 9] = m[9]; mp[idx + 10] = m[10]; mp[idx + 11] = m[14]; } if (mNodesUBO == 0) { glGenBuffers(1, &mNodesUBO); } glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, mNodesUBO); glBufferData(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, glmp.size() * sizeof(F32), glmp.data(), GL_STREAM_DRAW); glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0); } void Asset::uploadMaterials() { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED_CATEGORY_GLTF; // see pbrmetallicroughnessV.glsl for the layout of the material UBO std::vector md; U32 material_size = sizeof(vec4) * 12; U32 max_materials = gGLManager.mMaxUniformBlockSize / material_size; U32 mat_count = (U32)mMaterials.size(); mat_count = llmin(mat_count, max_materials); md.resize(mat_count * 12); for (U32 i = 0; i < mat_count*12; i += 12) { Material& material = mMaterials[i/12]; // add texture transforms and UV indices material.mPbrMetallicRoughness.mBaseColorTexture.mTextureTransform.getPacked(&md[i+0]); md[i + 1].g = (F32)material.mPbrMetallicRoughness.mBaseColorTexture.getTexCoord(); material.mNormalTexture.mTextureTransform.getPacked(&md[i + 2]); md[i + 3].g = (F32)material.mNormalTexture.getTexCoord(); material.mPbrMetallicRoughness.mMetallicRoughnessTexture.mTextureTransform.getPacked(&md[i+4]); md[i + 5].g = (F32)material.mPbrMetallicRoughness.mMetallicRoughnessTexture.getTexCoord(); material.mEmissiveTexture.mTextureTransform.getPacked(&md[i + 6]); md[i + 7].g = (F32)material.mEmissiveTexture.getTexCoord(); material.mOcclusionTexture.mTextureTransform.getPacked(&md[i + 8]); md[i + 9].g = (F32)material.mOcclusionTexture.getTexCoord(); // add material properties F32 min_alpha = material.mAlphaMode == Material::AlphaMode::MASK ? material.mAlphaCutoff : -1.0f; md[i + 10] = vec4(material.mEmissiveFactor, 1.f); md[i + 11] = vec4(0.f, material.mPbrMetallicRoughness.mRoughnessFactor, material.mPbrMetallicRoughness.mMetallicFactor, min_alpha); } if (mMaterialsUBO == 0) { glGenBuffers(1, &mMaterialsUBO); } glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, mMaterialsUBO); glBufferData(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, md.size() * sizeof(vec4), md.data(), GL_STREAM_DRAW); glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0); } S32 Asset::lineSegmentIntersect(const LLVector4a& start, const LLVector4a& end, LLVector4a* intersection, // return the intersection point LLVector2* tex_coord, // return the texture coordinates of the intersection point LLVector4a* normal, // return the surface normal at the intersection point LLVector4a* tangent, // return the surface tangent at the intersection point S32* primitive_hitp ) { S32 node_hit = -1; S32 primitive_hit = -1; LLVector4a local_start; LLVector4a asset_end = end; LLVector4a local_end; LLVector4a p; for (auto& node : mNodes) { if (node.mMesh != INVALID_INDEX) { bool newHit = false; LLMatrix4a ami; ami.loadu(glm::value_ptr(node.mAssetMatrixInv)); // transform start and end to this node's local space ami.affineTransform(start, local_start); ami.affineTransform(asset_end, local_end); Mesh& mesh = mMeshes[node.mMesh]; for (auto& primitive : mesh.mPrimitives) { const LLVolumeTriangle* tri = primitive.lineSegmentIntersect(local_start, local_end, &p, tex_coord, normal, tangent); if (tri) { newHit = true; local_end = p; // pointer math to get the node index node_hit = (S32)(&node - &mNodes[0]); llassert(&mNodes[node_hit] == &node); //pointer math to get the primitive index primitive_hit = (S32)(&primitive - &mesh.mPrimitives[0]); llassert(&mesh.mPrimitives[primitive_hit] == &primitive); } } if (newHit) { LLMatrix4a am; am.loadu(glm::value_ptr(node.mAssetMatrix)); // shorten line segment on hit am.affineTransform(p, asset_end); // transform results back to asset space if (intersection) { *intersection = asset_end; } if (normal || tangent) { mat4 normalMatrix = glm::transpose(node.mAssetMatrixInv); LLMatrix4a norm_mat; norm_mat.loadu(glm::value_ptr(normalMatrix)); if (normal) { LLVector4a n = *normal; F32 w = n.getF32ptr()[3]; n.getF32ptr()[3] = 0.0f; norm_mat.affineTransform(n, *normal); normal->getF32ptr()[3] = w; } if (tangent) { LLVector4a t = *tangent; F32 w = t.getF32ptr()[3]; t.getF32ptr()[3] = 0.0f; norm_mat.affineTransform(t, *tangent); tangent->getF32ptr()[3] = w; } } } } } if (node_hit != -1) { if (primitive_hitp) { *primitive_hitp = primitive_hit; } } return node_hit; } void Node::makeMatrixValid() { if (!mMatrixValid && mTRSValid) { mMatrix = glm::recompose(mScale, mRotation, mTranslation, vec3(0,0,0), vec4(0,0,0,1)); mMatrixValid = true; } llassert(mMatrixValid); } void Node::makeTRSValid() { if (!mTRSValid && mMatrixValid) { vec3 skew; vec4 perspective; glm::decompose(mMatrix, mScale, mRotation, mTranslation, skew, perspective); mTRSValid = true; } llassert(mTRSValid); } void Node::setRotation(const quat& q) { makeTRSValid(); mRotation = q; mMatrixValid = false; } void Node::setTranslation(const vec3& t) { makeTRSValid(); mTranslation = t; mMatrixValid = false; } void Node::setScale(const vec3& s) { makeTRSValid(); mScale = s; mMatrixValid = false; } void Node::serialize(object& dst) const { write(mName, "name", dst); write(mMatrix, "matrix", dst, glm::identity()); write(mRotation, "rotation", dst, glm::identity()); write(mTranslation, "translation", dst, glm::vec3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f)); write(mScale, "scale", dst, vec3(1.f,1.f,1.f)); write(mChildren, "children", dst); write(mMesh, "mesh", dst, INVALID_INDEX); write(mSkin, "skin", dst, INVALID_INDEX); } const Node& Node::operator=(const Value& src) { copy(src, "name", mName); mMatrixValid = copy(src, "matrix", mMatrix); copy(src, "rotation", mRotation); copy(src, "translation", mTranslation); copy(src, "scale", mScale); copy(src, "children", mChildren); copy(src, "mesh", mMesh); copy(src, "skin", mSkin); if (!mMatrixValid) { mTRSValid = true; } return *this; } void Image::serialize(object& dst) const { write(mUri, "uri", dst); write(mMimeType, "mimeType", dst); write(mBufferView, "bufferView", dst, INVALID_INDEX); write(mName, "name", dst); write(mWidth, "width", dst, -1); write(mHeight, "height", dst, -1); write(mComponent, "component", dst, -1); write(mBits, "bits", dst, -1); write(mPixelType, "pixelType", dst, -1); } const Image& Image::operator=(const Value& src) { copy(src, "uri", mUri); copy(src, "mimeType", mMimeType); copy(src, "bufferView", mBufferView); copy(src, "name", mName); copy(src, "width", mWidth); copy(src, "height", mHeight); copy(src, "component", mComponent); copy(src, "bits", mBits); copy(src, "pixelType", mPixelType); return *this; } void Asset::update() { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED_CATEGORY_GLTF; F32 dt = gFrameTimeSeconds - mLastUpdateTime; if (dt > 0.f) { mLastUpdateTime = gFrameTimeSeconds; if (mAnimations.size() > 0) { static LLCachedControl anim_idx(gSavedSettings, "GLTFAnimationIndex", 0); static LLCachedControl anim_speed(gSavedSettings, "GLTFAnimationSpeed", 1.f); U32 idx = llclamp(anim_idx(), 0U, mAnimations.size() - 1); mAnimations[idx].update(*this, dt*anim_speed); } updateTransforms(); for (auto& skin : mSkins) { skin.uploadMatrixPalette(*this); } uploadMaterials(); { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_GLTF("gltf - addTextureStats"); for (auto& image : mImages) { if (image.mTexture.notNull()) { // HACK - force texture to be loaded full rez // TODO: calculate actual vsize image.mTexture->addTextureStats(2048.f * 2048.f); image.mTexture->setBoostLevel(LLViewerTexture::BOOST_HIGH); } } } } } bool Asset::prep() { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED_CATEGORY_GLTF; // check required extensions and fail if not supported bool unsupported = false; for (auto& extension : mExtensionsRequired) { if (ExtensionsSupported.find(extension) == ExtensionsSupported.end()) { LL_WARNS() << "Unsupported extension: " << extension << LL_ENDL; unsupported = true; } } if (unsupported) { return false; } // do buffers first as other resources depend on them for (auto& buffer : mBuffers) { if (!buffer.prep(*this)) { return false; } } for (auto& image : mImages) { if (!image.prep(*this)) { return false; } } for (auto& mesh : mMeshes) { if (!mesh.prep(*this)) { return false; } } for (auto& animation : mAnimations) { if (!animation.prep(*this)) { return false; } } for (auto& skin : mSkins) { if (!skin.prep(*this)) { return false; } } // prepare vertex buffers // material count is number of materials + 1 for default material U32 mat_count = (U32) mMaterials.size() + 1; if (LLGLSLShader::sCurBoundShaderPtr == nullptr) { // make sure a shader is bound to satisfy mVertexBuffer->setBuffer gDebugProgram.bind(); } for (S32 double_sided = 0; double_sided < 2; ++double_sided) { RenderData& rd = mRenderData[double_sided]; for (U32 i = 0; i < LLGLSLShader::NUM_GLTF_VARIANTS; ++i) { rd.mBatches[i].resize(mat_count); } // for each material for (S32 mat_id = -1; mat_id < (S32)mMaterials.size(); ++mat_id) { // for each shader variant U32 vertex_count[LLGLSLShader::NUM_GLTF_VARIANTS] = { 0 }; U32 index_count[LLGLSLShader::NUM_GLTF_VARIANTS] = { 0 }; S32 ds_mat = mat_id == -1 ? 0 : mMaterials[mat_id].mDoubleSided; if (ds_mat != double_sided) { continue; } for (U32 variant = 0; variant < LLGLSLShader::NUM_GLTF_VARIANTS; ++variant) { U32 attribute_mask = 0; // for each mesh for (auto& mesh : mMeshes) { // for each primitive for (auto& primitive : mesh.mPrimitives) { if (primitive.mMaterial == mat_id && primitive.mShaderVariant == variant) { // accumulate vertex and index counts primitive.mVertexOffset = vertex_count[variant]; primitive.mIndexOffset = index_count[variant]; vertex_count[variant] += primitive.getVertexCount(); index_count[variant] += primitive.getIndexCount(); // all primitives of a given variant and material should all have the same attribute mask llassert(attribute_mask == 0 || primitive.mAttributeMask == attribute_mask); attribute_mask |= primitive.mAttributeMask; } } } // allocate vertex buffer and pack it if (vertex_count[variant] > 0) { U32 mat_idx = mat_id + 1; LLVertexBuffer* vb = new LLVertexBuffer(attribute_mask); rd.mBatches[variant][mat_idx].mVertexBuffer = vb; vb->allocateBuffer(vertex_count[variant], index_count[variant] * 2); // hack double index count... TODO: find a better way to indicate 32-bit indices will be used vb->setBuffer(); for (auto& mesh : mMeshes) { for (auto& primitive : mesh.mPrimitives) { if (primitive.mMaterial == mat_id && primitive.mShaderVariant == variant) { primitive.upload(vb); } } } vb->unmapBuffer(); vb->unbind(); } } } } // sanity check that all primitives have a vertex buffer for (auto& mesh : mMeshes) { for (auto& primitive : mesh.mPrimitives) { llassert(primitive.mVertexBuffer.notNull()); } } // build render batches for (S32 node_id = 0; node_id < mNodes.size(); ++node_id) { Node& node = mNodes[node_id]; if (node.mMesh != INVALID_INDEX) { auto& mesh = mMeshes[node.mMesh]; S32 mat_idx = mesh.mPrimitives[0].mMaterial + 1; S32 double_sided = mat_idx == 0 ? 0 : mMaterials[mat_idx - 1].mDoubleSided; for (S32 j = 0; j < mesh.mPrimitives.size(); ++j) { auto& primitive = mesh.mPrimitives[j]; S32 variant = primitive.mShaderVariant; RenderData& rd = mRenderData[double_sided]; RenderBatch& rb = rd.mBatches[variant][mat_idx]; rb.mPrimitives.push_back({ j, node_id }); } } } return true; } Asset::Asset(const Value& src) { *this = src; } bool Asset::load(std::string_view filename) { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED_CATEGORY_GLTF; mFilename = filename; std::string ext = gDirUtilp->getExtension(mFilename); std::ifstream file(filename.data(), std::ios::binary); if (file.is_open()) { std::string str((std::istreambuf_iterator(file)), std::istreambuf_iterator()); file.close(); if (ext == "gltf") { Value val = parse(str); *this = val; return prep(); } else if (ext == "glb") { return loadBinary(str); } else { LL_WARNS() << "Unsupported file type: " << ext << LL_ENDL; return false; } } else { LL_WARNS() << "Failed to open file: " << filename << LL_ENDL; return false; } return false; } bool Asset::loadBinary(const std::string& data) { // load from binary gltf const U8* ptr = (const U8*)data.data(); const U8* end = ptr + data.size(); if (end - ptr < 12) { LL_WARNS("GLTF") << "GLB file too short" << LL_ENDL; return false; } U32 magic = *(U32*)ptr; ptr += 4; if (magic != 0x46546C67) { LL_WARNS("GLTF") << "Invalid GLB magic" << LL_ENDL; return false; } U32 version = *(U32*)ptr; ptr += 4; if (version != 2) { LL_WARNS("GLTF") << "Unsupported GLB version" << LL_ENDL; return false; } U32 length = *(U32*)ptr; ptr += 4; if (length != data.size()) { LL_WARNS("GLTF") << "GLB length mismatch" << LL_ENDL; return false; } U32 chunkLength = *(U32*)ptr; ptr += 4; if (end - ptr < chunkLength + 8) { LL_WARNS("GLTF") << "GLB chunk too short" << LL_ENDL; return false; } U32 chunkType = *(U32*)ptr; ptr += 4; if (chunkType != 0x4E4F534A) { LL_WARNS("GLTF") << "Invalid GLB chunk type" << LL_ENDL; return false; } Value val = parse(std::string_view((const char*)ptr, chunkLength)); *this = val; if (mBuffers.size() > 0 && mBuffers[0].mUri.empty()) { // load binary chunk ptr += chunkLength; if (end - ptr < 8) { LL_WARNS("GLTF") << "GLB chunk too short" << LL_ENDL; return false; } chunkLength = *(U32*)ptr; ptr += 4; chunkType = *(U32*)ptr; ptr += 4; if (chunkType != 0x004E4942) { LL_WARNS("GLTF") << "Invalid GLB chunk type" << LL_ENDL; return false; } auto& buffer = mBuffers[0]; if (ptr + buffer.mByteLength <= end) { buffer.mData.resize(buffer.mByteLength); memcpy(buffer.mData.data(), ptr, buffer.mByteLength); ptr += buffer.mByteLength; } else { LL_WARNS("GLTF") << "Buffer too short" << LL_ENDL; return false; } } return prep(); } const Asset& Asset::operator=(const Value& src) { if (src.is_object()) { const object& obj = src.as_object(); const auto it = obj.find("asset"); if (it != obj.end()) { const Value& asset = it->value(); copy(asset, "version", mVersion); copy(asset, "minVersion", mMinVersion); copy(asset, "generator", mGenerator); copy(asset, "copyright", mCopyright); copy(asset, "extras", mExtras); } copy(obj, "scene", mScene); copy(obj, "scenes", mScenes); copy(obj, "nodes", mNodes); copy(obj, "meshes", mMeshes); copy(obj, "materials", mMaterials); copy(obj, "buffers", mBuffers); copy(obj, "bufferViews", mBufferViews); copy(obj, "textures", mTextures); copy(obj, "samplers", mSamplers); copy(obj, "images", mImages); copy(obj, "accessors", mAccessors); copy(obj, "animations", mAnimations); copy(obj, "skins", mSkins); copy(obj, "extensionsUsed", mExtensionsUsed); copy(obj, "extensionsRequired", mExtensionsRequired); } return *this; } void Asset::serialize(object& dst) const { static const std::string sGenerator = "Linden Lab GLTF Prototype v0.1"; dst["asset"] = object{}; object& asset = dst["asset"].get_object(); write(mVersion, "version", asset); write(mMinVersion, "minVersion", asset, std::string()); write(sGenerator, "generator", asset); write(mScene, "scene", dst, INVALID_INDEX); write(mScenes, "scenes", dst); write(mNodes, "nodes", dst); write(mMeshes, "meshes", dst); write(mMaterials, "materials", dst); write(mBuffers, "buffers", dst); write(mBufferViews, "bufferViews", dst); write(mTextures, "textures", dst); write(mSamplers, "samplers", dst); write(mImages, "images", dst); write(mAccessors, "accessors", dst); write(mAnimations, "animations", dst); write(mSkins, "skins", dst); write(mExtensionsUsed, "extensionsUsed", dst); write(mExtensionsRequired, "extensionsRequired", dst); } bool Asset::save(const std::string& filename) { // get folder path std::string folder = gDirUtilp->getDirName(filename); // save images for (auto& image : mImages) { if (!image.save(*this, folder)) { return false; } } // save buffers // NOTE: save buffers after saving images as saving images // may remove image data from buffers for (auto& buffer : mBuffers) { if (!buffer.save(*this, folder)) { return false; } } // save .gltf object obj; serialize(obj); std::string buffer = boost::json::serialize(obj); std::ofstream file(filename, std::ios::binary); file.write(buffer.c_str(), buffer.size()); return true; } void Asset::eraseBufferView(S32 bufferView) { mBufferViews.erase(mBufferViews.begin() + bufferView); for (auto& accessor : mAccessors) { if (accessor.mBufferView > bufferView) { accessor.mBufferView--; } } for (auto& image : mImages) { if (image.mBufferView > bufferView) { image.mBufferView--; } } } LLViewerFetchedTexture* fetch_texture(const LLUUID& id); bool Image::prep(Asset& asset) { LLUUID id; if (mUri.size() == UUID_STR_SIZE && LLUUID::parseUUID(mUri, &id) && id.notNull()) { // loaded from an asset, fetch the texture from the asset system mTexture = fetch_texture(id); } else if (mUri.find("data:") == 0) { // embedded in a data URI, load the texture from the URI LL_WARNS() << "Data URIs not yet supported" << LL_ENDL; return false; } else if (mBufferView != INVALID_INDEX) { // embedded in a buffer, load the texture from the buffer BufferView& bufferView = asset.mBufferViews[mBufferView]; Buffer& buffer = asset.mBuffers[bufferView.mBuffer]; U8* data = buffer.mData.data() + bufferView.mByteOffset; mTexture = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTextureFromMemory(data, bufferView.mByteLength, mMimeType); if (mTexture.isNull()) { LL_WARNS("GLTF") << "Failed to load image from buffer:" << LL_ENDL; LL_WARNS("GLTF") << " image: " << mName << LL_ENDL; LL_WARNS("GLTF") << " mimeType: " << mMimeType << LL_ENDL; return false; } } else if (!asset.mFilename.empty() && !mUri.empty()) { // loaded locally and not embedded, load the texture as a local preview std::string dir = gDirUtilp->getDirName(asset.mFilename); std::string img_file = dir + gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter() + mUri; LLUUID tracking_id = LLLocalBitmapMgr::getInstance()->addUnit(img_file); if (tracking_id.notNull()) { LLUUID world_id = LLLocalBitmapMgr::getInstance()->getWorldID(tracking_id); mTexture = LLViewerTextureManager::getFetchedTexture(world_id); } else { LL_WARNS("GLTF") << "Failed to load image from file:" << LL_ENDL; LL_WARNS("GLTF") << " image: " << mName << LL_ENDL; LL_WARNS("GLTF") << " file: " << img_file << LL_ENDL; return false; } } else { LL_WARNS("GLTF") << "Failed to load image: " << mName << LL_ENDL; return false; } if (!asset.mFilename.empty()) { // local preview, boost image so it doesn't discard and force to save raw image in case we save out or upload mTexture->setBoostLevel(LLViewerTexture::BOOST_PREVIEW); mTexture->forceToSaveRawImage(0, F32_MAX); } return true; } void Image::clearData(Asset& asset) { if (mBufferView != INVALID_INDEX) { // remove data from buffer BufferView& bufferView = asset.mBufferViews[mBufferView]; Buffer& buffer = asset.mBuffers[bufferView.mBuffer]; buffer.erase(asset, bufferView.mByteOffset, bufferView.mByteLength); asset.eraseBufferView(mBufferView); } mBufferView = INVALID_INDEX; mWidth = -1; mHeight = -1; mComponent = -1; mBits = -1; mPixelType = -1; mMimeType = ""; } bool Image::save(Asset& asset, const std::string& folder) { // NOTE: this *MUST* be a lossless save // Artists use this to save their work repeatedly, so // adding any compression artifacts here will degrade // images over time. std::string name = mName; std::string error; const std::string& delim = gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter(); if (name.empty()) { S32 idx = (S32)(this - asset.mImages.data()); name = llformat("image_%d", idx); } if (mBufferView != INVALID_INDEX) { // we have the bytes of the original image, save that out in its // original format BufferView& bufferView = asset.mBufferViews[mBufferView]; Buffer& buffer = asset.mBuffers[bufferView.mBuffer]; std::string extension; if (mMimeType == "image/jpeg") { extension = ".jpg"; } else if (mMimeType == "image/png") { extension = ".png"; } else { error = "Unknown mime type, saved as .bin"; extension = ".bin"; } std::string filename = folder + delim + name + extension; // set URI to non-j2c file for now, but later we'll want to reference the j2c hash mUri = name + extension; std::ofstream file(filename, std::ios::binary); file.write((const char*)buffer.mData.data() + bufferView.mByteOffset, bufferView.mByteLength); } else if (mTexture.notNull()) { auto bitmapmgr = LLLocalBitmapMgr::getInstance(); if (bitmapmgr->isLocal(mTexture->getID())) { LLUUID tracking_id = bitmapmgr->getTrackingID(mTexture->getID()); if (tracking_id.notNull()) { // copy original file to destination folder std::string source = bitmapmgr->getFilename(tracking_id); if (gDirUtilp->fileExists(source)) { std::string filename = gDirUtilp->getBaseFileName(source); std::string dest = folder + delim + filename; LLFile::copy(source, dest); mUri = filename; } else { error = "File not found: " + source; } } else { error = "Local image missing."; } } else if (!mUri.empty()) { std::string from_dir = gDirUtilp->getDirName(asset.mFilename); std::string base_filename = gDirUtilp->getBaseFileName(mUri); std::string filename = from_dir + delim + base_filename; if (gDirUtilp->fileExists(filename)) { std::string dest = folder + delim + base_filename; LLFile::copy(filename, dest); mUri = base_filename; } else { error = "Original image file not found: " + filename; } } else { error = "Image is not a local image and has no uri, cannot save."; } } if (!error.empty()) { LL_WARNS("GLTF") << "Failed to save " << name << ": " << error << LL_ENDL; return false; } clearData(asset); return true; } void TextureInfo::serialize(object& dst) const { write(mIndex, "index", dst, INVALID_INDEX); write(mTexCoord, "texCoord", dst, 0); write_extensions(dst, &mTextureTransform, "KHR_texture_transform"); } S32 TextureInfo::getTexCoord() const { if (mTextureTransform.mPresent && mTextureTransform.mTexCoord != INVALID_INDEX) { return mTextureTransform.mTexCoord; } return mTexCoord; } bool Material::isMultiUV() const { return mPbrMetallicRoughness.mBaseColorTexture.getTexCoord() != 0 || mPbrMetallicRoughness.mMetallicRoughnessTexture.getTexCoord() != 0 || mNormalTexture.getTexCoord() != 0 || mOcclusionTexture.getTexCoord() != 0 || mEmissiveTexture.getTexCoord() != 0; } const TextureInfo& TextureInfo::operator=(const Value& src) { if (src.is_object()) { copy(src, "index", mIndex); copy(src, "texCoord", mTexCoord); copy_extensions(src, "KHR_texture_transform", &mTextureTransform); } return *this; } bool TextureInfo::operator==(const TextureInfo& rhs) const { return mIndex == rhs.mIndex && mTexCoord == rhs.mTexCoord; } bool TextureInfo::operator!=(const TextureInfo& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } void OcclusionTextureInfo::serialize(object& dst) const { TextureInfo::serialize(dst); write(mStrength, "strength", dst, 1.f); } const OcclusionTextureInfo& OcclusionTextureInfo::operator=(const Value& src) { TextureInfo::operator=(src); if (src.is_object()) { copy(src, "strength", mStrength); } return *this; } void NormalTextureInfo::serialize(object& dst) const { TextureInfo::serialize(dst); write(mScale, "scale", dst, 1.f); } const NormalTextureInfo& NormalTextureInfo::operator=(const Value& src) { TextureInfo::operator=(src); if (src.is_object()) { copy(src, "index", mIndex); copy(src, "texCoord", mTexCoord); copy(src, "scale", mScale); } return *this; } const Material::PbrMetallicRoughness& Material::PbrMetallicRoughness::operator=(const Value& src) { if (src.is_object()) { copy(src, "baseColorFactor", mBaseColorFactor); copy(src, "baseColorTexture", mBaseColorTexture); copy(src, "metallicFactor", mMetallicFactor); copy(src, "roughnessFactor", mRoughnessFactor); copy(src, "metallicRoughnessTexture", mMetallicRoughnessTexture); } return *this; } void Material::PbrMetallicRoughness::serialize(object& dst) const { write(mBaseColorFactor, "baseColorFactor", dst, vec4(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f)); write(mBaseColorTexture, "baseColorTexture", dst); write(mMetallicFactor, "metallicFactor", dst, 1.f); write(mRoughnessFactor, "roughnessFactor", dst, 1.f); write(mMetallicRoughnessTexture, "metallicRoughnessTexture", dst); } bool Material::PbrMetallicRoughness::operator==(const Material::PbrMetallicRoughness& rhs) const { return mBaseColorFactor == rhs.mBaseColorFactor && mBaseColorTexture == rhs.mBaseColorTexture && mMetallicFactor == rhs.mMetallicFactor && mRoughnessFactor == rhs.mRoughnessFactor && mMetallicRoughnessTexture == rhs.mMetallicRoughnessTexture; } bool Material::PbrMetallicRoughness::operator!=(const Material::PbrMetallicRoughness& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } const Material::Unlit& Material::Unlit::operator=(const Value& src) { mPresent = true; return *this; } void Material::Unlit::serialize(object& dst) const { // no members and object has already been created, nothing to do } void TextureTransform::getPacked(vec4* packed) const { packed[0] = vec4(mScale.x, mScale.y, mRotation, mOffset.x); packed[1] = vec4(mOffset.y, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f); } const TextureTransform& TextureTransform::operator=(const Value& src) { mPresent = true; if (src.is_object()) { copy(src, "offset", mOffset); copy(src, "rotation", mRotation); copy(src, "scale", mScale); copy(src, "texCoord", mTexCoord); } return *this; } void TextureTransform::serialize(object& dst) const { write(mOffset, "offset", dst, vec2(0.f, 0.f)); write(mRotation, "rotation", dst, 0.f); write(mScale, "scale", dst, vec2(1.f, 1.f)); write(mTexCoord, "texCoord", dst, -1); } void Material::serialize(object& dst) const { write(mName, "name", dst); write(mEmissiveFactor, "emissiveFactor", dst, vec3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f)); write(mPbrMetallicRoughness, "pbrMetallicRoughness", dst); write(mNormalTexture, "normalTexture", dst); write(mOcclusionTexture, "occlusionTexture", dst); write(mEmissiveTexture, "emissiveTexture", dst); write(mAlphaMode, "alphaMode", dst, Material::AlphaMode::OPAQUE); write(mAlphaCutoff, "alphaCutoff", dst, 0.5f); write(mDoubleSided, "doubleSided", dst, false); write_extensions(dst, &mUnlit, "KHR_materials_unlit"); } const Material& Material::operator=(const Value& src) { if (src.is_object()) { copy(src, "name", mName); copy(src, "emissiveFactor", mEmissiveFactor); copy(src, "pbrMetallicRoughness", mPbrMetallicRoughness); copy(src, "normalTexture", mNormalTexture); copy(src, "occlusionTexture", mOcclusionTexture); copy(src, "emissiveTexture", mEmissiveTexture); copy(src, "alphaMode", mAlphaMode); copy(src, "alphaCutoff", mAlphaCutoff); copy(src, "doubleSided", mDoubleSided); copy_extensions(src, "KHR_materials_unlit", &mUnlit ); } return *this; } void Mesh::serialize(object& dst) const { write(mPrimitives, "primitives", dst); write(mWeights, "weights", dst); write(mName, "name", dst); } const Mesh& Mesh::operator=(const Value& src) { if (src.is_object()) { copy(src, "primitives", mPrimitives); copy(src, "weights", mWeights); copy(src, "name", mName); } return *this; } bool Mesh::prep(Asset& asset) { for (auto& primitive : mPrimitives) { if (!primitive.prep(asset)) { return false; } } return true; } void Scene::serialize(object& dst) const { write(mNodes, "nodes", dst); write(mName, "name", dst); } const Scene& Scene::operator=(const Value& src) { copy(src, "nodes", mNodes); copy(src, "name", mName); return *this; } void Texture::serialize(object& dst) const { write(mSampler, "sampler", dst, INVALID_INDEX); write(mSource, "source", dst, INVALID_INDEX); write(mName, "name", dst); } const Texture& Texture::operator=(const Value& src) { if (src.is_object()) { copy(src, "sampler", mSampler); copy(src, "source", mSource); copy(src, "name", mName); } return *this; } void Sampler::serialize(object& dst) const { write(mMagFilter, "magFilter", dst, LINEAR); write(mMinFilter, "minFilter", dst, LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR); write(mWrapS, "wrapS", dst, REPEAT); write(mWrapT, "wrapT", dst, REPEAT); write(mName, "name", dst); } const Sampler& Sampler::operator=(const Value& src) { copy(src, "magFilter", mMagFilter); copy(src, "minFilter", mMinFilter); copy(src, "wrapS", mWrapS); copy(src, "wrapT", mWrapT); copy(src, "name", mName); return *this; }