/** * @file fsfloatersearch.h * @brief Firestorm search definitions * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2012&license=fsviewerlgpl$ * Phoenix Firestorm Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2012, Cinder Roxley <cinder.roxley@phoenixviewer.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * The Phoenix Firestorm Project, Inc., 1831 Oakwood Drive, Fairmont, Minnesota 56031-3225 USA * http://www.firestormviewer.org * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef FS_FLOATERSEARCH_H #define FS_FLOATERSEARCH_H #include "llfloater.h" #include "lliconctrl.h" #include "lltexteditor.h" #include "lltexturectrl.h" #include "llremoteparcelrequest.h" #include "llavatarpropertiesprocessor.h" #include "llgroupmgr.h" #include "llavatarnamecache.h" #include "llmediactrl.h" #include "llradiogroup.h" #include "llsearchcombobox.h" #include "llscrolllistctrl.h" #include "lltabcontainer.h" #include "lleventnotifier.h" class FSSearchRemoteParcelInfoObserver; class LLAvatarPropertiesObserver; class LLGroupMgrObserver; class LLSearchEditor; class LLSearchComboBox; class FSFloaterSearch; class LLPanelProfile; class FSScrollListCtrl; struct SearchQuery : public LLInitParam::Block<SearchQuery> { Optional<std::string> category; Optional<std::string> query; SearchQuery(); }; /////////////////////////////// // Search Panels // /////////////////////////////// class FSSearchPanelBase : public LLPanel { public: FSSearchPanelBase() : LLPanel() { } virtual ~FSSearchPanelBase() = default; virtual void focusDefaultElement() { } }; class FSPanelSearchPeople : public FSSearchPanelBase { LOG_CLASS(FSFloaterSearch); public: FSPanelSearchPeople(); static void processSearchReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void**); /*virtual*/ void focusDefaultElement(); protected: const S32& getNumResultsReturned() const { return mNumResultsReturned; }; const S32& getNumResultsReceived() const { return mResultsReceived; }; private: /*virtual*/ bool postBuild(); virtual ~FSPanelSearchPeople(); void onBtnFind(); void onSelectItem(); void onBtnNext(); void onBtnBack(); void find(); void resetSearch(); S32 showNextButton(S32); const LLUUID& getQueryID() const { return mQueryID; } void onAvatarNameCallback(const LLUUID& id, const LLAvatarName& av_name); typedef boost::signals2::connection avatar_name_callback_connection_t; avatar_name_callback_connection_t mAvatarNameCallbackConnection; S32 mNumResultsReturned; S32 mStartSearch; S32 mResultsReceived; LLSD mResultsContent; LLUUID mQueryID; LLSearchComboBox* mSearchComboBox; LLScrollListCtrl* mSearchResults; }; class FSPanelSearchGroups : public FSSearchPanelBase { LOG_CLASS(FSFloaterSearch); public: FSPanelSearchGroups(); static void processSearchReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void**); /*virtual*/ void focusDefaultElement(); private: /*virtual*/ bool postBuild(); virtual ~FSPanelSearchGroups(); void onBtnFind(); void onSelectItem(); void onBtnNext(); void onBtnBack(); void find(); void resetSearch(); S32 showNextButton(S32); const LLUUID& getQueryID() const { return mQueryID; } S32 mNumResultsReturned; S32 mStartSearch; S32 mResultsReceived; LLSD mResultsContent; LLUUID mQueryID; LLSearchComboBox* mSearchComboBox; LLScrollListCtrl* mSearchResults; }; class FSPanelSearchPlaces : public FSSearchPanelBase { LOG_CLASS(FSFloaterSearch); public: FSPanelSearchPlaces(); static void processSearchReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void**); /*virtual*/ void focusDefaultElement(); private: /*virtual*/ bool postBuild(); virtual ~FSPanelSearchPlaces(); void onBtnFind(); void onSelectItem(); void onBtnNext(); void onBtnBack(); void find(); void resetSearch(); S32 showNextButton(S32); const LLUUID& getQueryID() const { return mQueryID; } S32 mNumResultsReturned; S32 mStartSearch; S32 mResultsReceived; LLSD mResultsContent; LLUUID mQueryID; LLSearchComboBox* mSearchComboBox; LLScrollListCtrl* mSearchResults; LLComboBox* mPlacesCategory; }; class FSPanelSearchLand : public FSSearchPanelBase { LOG_CLASS(FSFloaterSearch); public: FSPanelSearchLand(); static void processSearchReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void**); private: /*virtual*/ bool postBuild(); virtual ~FSPanelSearchLand(); void onBtnFind(); void onSelectItem(); void onBtnNext(); void onBtnBack(); void find(); void resetSearch(); S32 showNextButton(S32); const LLUUID& getQueryID() const { return mQueryID; } S32 mNumResultsReturned; S32 mStartSearch; S32 mResultsReceived; LLSD mResultsContent; LLUUID mQueryID; LLLineEditor* mPriceEditor; LLLineEditor* mAreaEditor; LLScrollListCtrl* mSearchResults; }; class FSPanelSearchClassifieds : public FSSearchPanelBase { LOG_CLASS(FSFloaterSearch); public: FSPanelSearchClassifieds(); static void processSearchReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void**); /*virtual*/ void focusDefaultElement(); private: /*virtual*/ bool postBuild(); virtual ~FSPanelSearchClassifieds(); void onBtnFind(); void onSelectItem(); void onBtnNext(); void onBtnBack(); void find(); void resetSearch(); S32 showNextButton(S32); const LLUUID& getQueryID() const { return mQueryID; } S32 mNumResultsReturned; S32 mStartSearch; S32 mResultsReceived; LLSD mResultsContent; LLUUID mQueryID; LLSearchComboBox* mSearchComboBox; LLScrollListCtrl* mSearchResults; LLComboBox* mClassifiedsCategory; }; class FSPanelSearchEvents : public FSSearchPanelBase { LOG_CLASS(FSFloaterSearch); public: FSPanelSearchEvents(); static void processSearchReply(LLMessageSystem* msg, void**); /*virtual*/ void focusDefaultElement(); private: /*virtual*/ bool postBuild(); virtual ~FSPanelSearchEvents(); void onBtnFind(); void onSelectItem(); void onBtnNext(); void onBtnBack(); void onBtnTomorrow(); void onBtnYesterday(); void onBtnToday(); void find(); void setDay(S32 day); void onSearchModeChanged(); void resetSearch(); S32 showNextButton(S32); const LLUUID& getQueryID() const { return mQueryID; } S32 mNumResultsReturned; S32 mResultsReceived; S32 mStartSearch; S32 mDay; LLSD mResultsContent; LLUUID mQueryID; LLSearchComboBox* mSearchComboBox; LLScrollListCtrl* mSearchResults; LLRadioGroup* mEventsMode; }; class FSPanelSearchWeb : public FSSearchPanelBase { LOG_CLASS(FSFloaterSearch); public: FSPanelSearchWeb(); /*virtual*/ bool postBuild(); void loadURL(const SearchQuery &query); /*virtual*/ void focusDefaultElement(); /*virtual*/ void draw(); void resetFocusOnLoad() { mResetFocusOnLoad = true; } private: virtual ~FSPanelSearchWeb() {}; LLMediaCtrl* mWebBrowser; LLSD mCategoryPaths; bool mResetFocusOnLoad; }; class FSFloaterSearch : public LLFloater { LOG_CLASS(FSFloaterSearch); public: typedef enum e_search_category { SC_AVATAR, SC_GROUP, SC_PLACE, SC_CLASSIFIED } ESearchCategory; struct _Params : public LLInitParam::Block<_Params, LLFloater::Params> { Optional<SearchQuery> search; }; typedef LLSDParamAdapter<_Params> Params; FSFloaterSearch(const Params& key); ~FSFloaterSearch(); void onOpen(const LLSD& key); bool postBuild(); void avatarNameUpdatedCallback(const LLUUID& id, const LLAvatarName& av_name); void groupNameUpdatedCallback(const LLUUID& id, const std::string& name, bool is_group); void onSelectedItem(const LLUUID& selected_item, ESearchCategory type); void onSelectedEvent(const S32 selected_event); void displayParcelDetails(const LLParcelData& parcel_data); void displayClassifiedDetails(LLAvatarClassifiedInfo*& c_info); void displayAvatarDetails(LLAvatarData* avatar_data); void displayGroupDetails(LLGroupMgrGroupData*& group_data); bool displayEventDetails(LLEventStruct event); void displayEventParcelImage(const LLParcelData& parcel_data); void setLoadingProgress(bool started); template <class T> static T* getSearchPanel(const std::string& panel_name); private: virtual void onClose(bool app_quitting); const LLUUID& getSelectedID() { return mSelectedID; } LLVector3d mParcelGlobal; LLUUID mSelectedID; U32 mEventID; bool mHasSelection; void resetVerbs(); void flushDetails(); void onTabChange(); void onBtnPeopleProfile(); void onBtnPeopleIM(); void onBtnPeopleFriend(); void onBtnGroupProfile(); void onBtnGroupChat(); void onBtnGroupJoin(); void onBtnEventReminder(); void onBtnTeleport(); void onBtnMap(); void regionHandleCallback(U64 region_handle, LLVector3d pos_global); FSSearchRemoteParcelInfoObserver* mRemoteParcelObserver; FSSearchRemoteParcelInfoObserver* mRemoteParcelEventLocationObserver; LLAvatarPropertiesObserver* mAvatarPropertiesObserver; LLGroupMgrObserver* mGroupPropertiesRequest; boost::signals2::connection mEventNotifierConnection; FSPanelSearchPeople* mPanelPeople; FSPanelSearchGroups* mPanelGroups; FSPanelSearchPlaces* mPanelPlaces; FSPanelSearchEvents* mPanelEvents; FSPanelSearchLand* mPanelLand; FSPanelSearchClassifieds* mPanelClassifieds; FSPanelSearchWeb* mPanelWeb; LLPanel* mDetailsPanel; LLTextEditor* mDetailTitle; LLTextEditor* mDetailDesc; LLTextEditor* mDetailAux1; LLTextEditor* mDetailAux2; LLTextEditor* mDetailLocation; LLTextureCtrl* mDetailSnapshot; LLTextureCtrl* mDetailSnapshotParcel; LLIconCtrl* mDetailMaturity; LLTabContainer* mTabContainer; }; #endif // FS_FLOATERSEARCH_H