AvatarHoverOffsetZ Comment After-everything-else fixup for avatar Z position. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.0 DoNotDisturbResponseChanged Comment Does user's do not disturb mode message differ from default? Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 DoNotDisturbModeResponse Comment Auto response to instant messages while in do not disturb mode. Persist 1 Type String Value This resident has turned on 'Do Not Disturb' and will see your message later. ConversationsExpandMessagePaneFirst Comment Expand either messages or conversations list pane from Conversations compact mode. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ConversationsListPaneCollapsed Comment Stores the expanded/collapsed state of the conversations list pane in Conversations floater. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ConversationsListPaneWidth Comment Conversations floater list pane width. Persist 1 Type S32 Value 205 ConversationsMessagePaneCollapsed Comment Stores the expanded/collapsed state of Conversations floater message pane. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ConversationsMessagePaneWidth Comment Conversations floater message pane width. Persist 1 Type S32 Value 412 ConversationsParticipantListCollapsed Comment Stores the expanded/collapsed state of Nearby chat participant list Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 NavigationBarRatio Comment The ratio between the width of Navigation layout panel and the width of whole Navigation layout stack Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.6 InstantMessageLogPath Comment Path to your log files. Persist 1 Type String Value InventoryInboxHeight Comment Inventory inbox panel height in Inventory floater. Persist 1 Type S32 Value 200 InventoryInboxToggleState Comment Stores the open/closed state of inventory Received Items panel. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 LastInventoryInboxActivity Comment The last time the received items inbox was poked by the user. Persist 1 Type U32 Value 0 LastLogoff Comment Last logoff Persist 1 Type U32 Value 0 LastPostcardRecipient Comment Last recipient of postcard Persist 1 Type String Value LogNearbyChat Comment Log Nearby Chat messages to a file. Is used instead of LogChat but with the "1" default value. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 LogTimestamp Comment Log Timestamp Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 LogShowHistory Comment Log Show History Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 LogTimestampDate Comment Include Date with Timestamp Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 FetchGroupChatHistory Comment Fetch recent messages from group chat servers when a group window opens Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 VoiceCallsFriendsOnly Comment Only accept voice calls and receive IMs from residents on your friends list Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 VoiceEffectDefault Comment Selected Voice Morph Persist 1 Type String Value 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 LogFileNamewithDate Comment Add Date Stamp to chat and IM Logs with format chat-YYYY-MM-DD and 'IM file name'-YYYY-MM. To view old logs goto ..\Second Life\[login name] Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 PreviousScreenshotForReport Comment Use Previous Screenshot for Abuse report Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 LogChat Comment Obsolete - this setting is no longer used and has no effect. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 LogChatIM Comment Obsolete - this setting is no longer used and has no effect. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 LogChatTimestamp Comment Obsolete - this setting is no longer used and has no effect. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 TranslatingEnabled Comment Translation prefs are set Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 KeepConversationLogTranscripts Comment Keep a conversation log and transcripts Persist 1 Type S32 Value 2 NearbyChatIsNotTornOff Comment saving torn-off state of the nearby chat between sessions Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 NearbyChatIsNotCollapsed Comment Saving expanded/collapsed state of the nearby chat between sessions Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowFavoritesOnLogin Comment Determines whether favorites of last logged in user will be saved on exit from viewer and shown on login screen Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ModelUploadFolder Comment All model uploads will be stored in this directory (UUID) Persist 1 Type String Value TextureUploadFolder Comment All image(texture) uploads will be stored in this directory (UUID) Persist 1 Type String Value SoundUploadFolder Comment All sound uploads will be stored in this directory (UUID) Persist 1 Type String Value AnimationUploadFolder Comment All animation uploads will be stored in this directory (UUID) Persist 1 Type String Value SnapshotBaseDir Comment Path to last snapshot save location Persist 1 Type String Value SnapshotBaseName Comment Pattern for naming snapshots Persist 1 Type String Value Snapshot ExperienceSearchMaturity Comment Setting for the user's preferred Max Content rating for Experiences search (Default rating is General) Persist 1 Type U32 Value 2