CacheValidateCounter Comment Used to distribute cache validation Type U32 Value 1 ChannelBottomPanelMargin Comment Space from a lower toast to the Bottom Tray Type S32 Value 2 ClickActionBuyEnabled Comment Enable click to buy actions in tool pie menu Type Boolean Value 0 ClickActionPayEnabled Comment Enable click to pay actions in tool pie menu Type Boolean Value 0 CurrentGrid Comment Currently Selected Grid Type String Value DestinationGuideURL Comment Destination guide contents Type String Value DisableExternalBrowser Comment Disable opening an external browser. Type Boolean Value 1 DisableTextHyperlinkActions Comment Disable highlighting and linking of URLs in XUI text boxes Type Boolean Value 1 EnableGrab Comment Use Ctrl+mouse to grab and manipulate objects Type Boolean Value 0 EnableMouselook Comment Allow first person perspective and mouse control of camera Type Boolean Value 0 EnableVoiceChat Comment Enable talking to other residents with a microphone Type Boolean Value 0 HelpURLFormat Comment URL pattern for help page; arguments will be encoded; see llviewerhelp.cpp:buildHelpURL for arguments Type String Value LocalCacheVersion Comment Version number of cache Type S32 Value 7 LocalFileSystemBrowsingEnabled Comment Enable/disable access to the local file system via the file picker Type Boolean Value 0 MigrateCacheDirectory Comment Check for old version of disk cache to migrate to current location Type Boolean Value 0 NumSessions Comment Number of successful logins to Second Life Type S32 Value 2 PreferredMaturity Comment Setting for the user's preferred maturity level (consts in indra_constants.h) Type U32 Value 21 ProbeHardwareOnStartup Comment Query current hardware configuration on application startup Type Boolean Value 0 QAMode Comment Enable Testing Features. Type Boolean Value 1 QuitAfterSecondsOfAFK Comment The duration allowed after being AFK before quitting. Type F32 Value 600 QuitOnLoginActivated Comment Quit if login page is activated (used when auto login is on and users must not be able to login manually) Type Boolean Value 1 RenderAnisotropic Comment Render textures using anisotropic filtering Type Boolean Value 1 RenderAvatarCloth Comment Controls if avatars use wavy cloth Type Boolean Value 0 RenderAvatarLODFactor Comment Controls level of detail of avatars (multiplier for current screen area when calculated level of detail) Type F32 Value 1 RenderDeferredSSAO Comment Execute screen space ambient occlusion shader in deferred renderer. Type Boolean Value 0 RenderDelayVBUpdate Comment Delay vertex buffer updates until just before rendering Type Boolean Value 0 RenderFarClip Comment Distance of far clip plane from camera (meters) Type F32 Value 128 RenderParcelSelection Comment Display selected parcel outline Type Boolean Value 0 RenderQualityPerformance Comment Which graphics settings you've chosen Type U32 Value 2 RenderShadowDetail Comment Detail of shadows. Type S32 Value 0 RenderTerrainDetail Comment Detail applied to terrain texturing (0 = none, 1 or 2 = full) Type S32 Value 1 RenderTerrainLODFactor Comment Controls level of detail of terrain (multiplier for current screen area when calculated level of detail) Type F32 Value 2 RenderTrackerBeacon Comment Display tracking arrow and beacon to target avatar, teleport destination Type Boolean Value 0 RenderVolumeLODFactor Comment Controls level of detail of primitives (multiplier for current screen area when calculated level of detail) Type F32 Value 1.125 ShowScriptErrors Comment Show script errors Type Boolean Value 0 ShowScriptErrorsLocation Comment Show script error in chat or window Type S32 Value 0 SkinCurrent Comment The currently selected skin. Type String Value minimal TextureMemory Comment Amount of memory to use for textures in MB (0 = autodetect) Type S32 Value 256 UseExternalBrowser Comment Use default browser when opening web pages instead of in-world browser. Type Boolean Value 0 VFSOldSize Comment [DO NOT MODIFY] Controls resizing of local file cache Type U32 Value 102 VectorizePerfTest Comment Test SSE/vectorization performance and choose fastest version. Type Boolean Value 0 VectorizeSkin Comment Enable vector operations for avatar skinning. Type Boolean Value 0 VertexShaderEnable Comment Enable/disable all GLSL shaders (debug) Type Boolean Value 1 VoiceCallsRejectAll Comment Silently reject all incoming voice calls. Type Boolean Value 1 VoiceDisableMic Comment Completely disable the ability to open the mic. Type Boolean Value 1 WLSkyDetail Comment Controls vertex detail on the WindLight sky. Lower numbers will give better performance and uglier skies. Type U32 Value 48 WindowFullScreen Comment SL viewer window full screen Type Boolean Value 1 WindowHeight Comment SL viewer window height Type S32 Value 642 TextureMemory Comment Amount of memory to use for textures in MB (0 = autodetect) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 512 NoHardwareProbe Comment Disable hardware probe. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ScriptsCanShowUI Comment Allow LSL calls (such as LLMapDestination) to spawn viewer UI Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ThrottleBandwidthKBPS Comment Maximum allowable downstream bandwidth (kilo bits per second) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1500.0 XferThrottle Comment Maximum allowable downstream bandwidth for asset transfers (bits per second) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 450000.0 ChatFontSize Comment Size of chat text in chat console (0 = small, 1 = big, 2 = extra large) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 1 CacheSize Comment Controls amount of hard drive space reserved for local file caching in MB Persist 1 Type U32 Value 1024 MediaControlFadeTime Comment Amount of time (in seconds) that the media control fades Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0 MediaControlTimeout Comment Amount of time (in seconds) for media controls to fade with no mouse activity Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0 MediaShowOutsideParcel Comment Whether or not to show media from outside the current parcel Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 MediaShowWithinParcel Comment Whether or not to show media within the current parcel Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 AudioStreamingMedia Comment Enable streaming Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 AvatarPickerHintTimeout Comment Number of seconds to wait before telling resident about avatar picker. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.0 RenderShowGroupTitleAll Comment Show group titles in name labels Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 AvatarPickerURL Comment Avatar picker contents Persist 1 Type String Value