AFKTimeout Comment Time before automatically setting AFK (away from keyboard) mode (seconds) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 300.0 AdvanceSnapshot Comment Display advanced parameter settings in snaphot interface Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 AgentPause Comment Ask the simulator to stop updating the agent while enabled Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 AlertedUnsupportedHardware Comment Set if there's unsupported hardware and we've already done a notification. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 AllowIdleAFK Comment Automatically set AFK (away from keyboard) mode when idle Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 AllowMultipleViewers Comment Allow multiple viewers. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 AllowTapTapHoldRun Comment Tapping a direction key twice and holding it down makes avatar run Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 AnimateTextures Comment Enable texture animation (debug) Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 AnimationDebug Comment Show active animations in a bubble above avatars head Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 AppearanceCameraMovement Comment When entering appearance editing mode, camera zooms in on currently selected portion of avatar Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ApplyColorImmediately Comment Preview selections in color picker immediately Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ApplyTextureImmediately Comment Preview selections in texture picker immediately Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ArrowKeysMoveAvatar Comment While cursor is in chat entry box, arrow keys still control your avatar Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 AskedAboutCrashReports Comment Turns off dialog asking if you want to enable crash reporting Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 AuctionShowFence Comment When auctioning land, include parcel boundary marker in snapshot Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 AudioLevelAmbient Comment Audio level of environment sounds Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.5 AudioLevelDoppler Comment Scale of doppler effect on moving audio sources (1.0 = normal, <1.0 = diminished doppler effect, >1.0 = enhanced doppler effect) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 AudioLevelMaster Comment Master audio level, or overall volume Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 AudioLevelMedia Comment Audio level of Quicktime movies Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 AudioLevelMic Comment Audio level of microphone input Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 AudioLevelMusic Comment Audio level of streaming music Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 AudioLevelRolloff Comment Controls the distance-based dropoff of audio volume (fraction or multiple of default audio rolloff) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 AudioLevelSFX Comment Audio level of in-world sound effects Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 AudioLevelUI Comment Audio level of UI sound effects Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.5 AudioLevelVoice Comment Audio level of voice chat Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.5 AudioSteamingMedia Comment Enable streaming Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 AudioStreamingMusic Comment Enable streaming audio Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 AudioStreamingVideo Comment Enable streaming video Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 AutoAcceptNewInventory Comment Automatically accept new notecards/textures/landmarks Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 AutoLeveling Comment Keep Flycam level. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 AutoLoadWebProfiles Comment Automatically load ALL profile webpages without asking first. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 AutoLogin Comment Login automatically using last username/password combination Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 AutoMimeDiscovery Comment Enable viewer mime type discovery of media URLs Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 AutoPilotLocksCamera Comment Keep camera position locked when avatar walks to selected position Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 AutoSnapshot Comment Update snapshot when camera stops moving, or any parameter changes Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 AutomaticFly Comment Fly by holding jump key or using "Fly" command (FALSE = fly by using "Fly" command only) Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 AvatarAxisDeadZone0 Comment Avatar axis 0 dead zone. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.1 AvatarAxisDeadZone1 Comment Avatar axis 1 dead zone. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.1 AvatarAxisDeadZone2 Comment Avatar axis 2 dead zone. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.1 AvatarAxisDeadZone3 Comment Avatar axis 3 dead zone. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.1 AvatarAxisDeadZone4 Comment Avatar axis 4 dead zone. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.1 AvatarAxisDeadZone5 Comment Avatar axis 5 dead zone. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.1 AvatarAxisScale0 Comment Avatar axis 0 scaler. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 AvatarAxisScale1 Comment Avatar axis 1 scaler. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 AvatarAxisScale2 Comment Avatar axis 2 scaler. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 AvatarAxisScale3 Comment Avatar axis 3 scaler. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 AvatarAxisScale4 Comment Avatar axis 4 scaler. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 AvatarAxisScale5 Comment Avatar axis 5 scaler. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 AvatarBacklight Comment Add rim lighting to avatar rendering to approximate shininess of skin Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 AvatarFeathering Comment Avatar feathering (less is softer) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 16.0 AvatarPickerSortOrder Comment Specifies sort key for textures in avatar picker (+0 = name, +1 = date, +2 = folders always by name, +4 = system folders to top) Persist 1 Type U32 Value 2 AvatarSex Comment Persist 0 Type U32 Value 0 BackgroundYieldTime Comment Amount of time to yield every frame to other applications when SL is not the foreground window (milliseconds) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 40 BottomPanelNew Comment Enable the new bottom panel Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 BrowserHomePage Comment [NOT USED] Persist 1 Type String Value BlockAvatarAppearanceMessages Comment Ignore's appearance messages (for simulating Ruth) Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 BrowserProxyAddress Comment Address for the Web Proxy] Persist 1 Type String Value BrowserProxyEnabled Comment Use Web Proxy Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 BrowserProxyExclusions Comment [NOT USED] Persist 1 Type String Value BrowserProxyPort Comment Port for Web Proxy Persist 1 Type S32 Value 3128 BrowserProxySocks45 Comment [NOT USED] Persist 1 Type S32 Value 5 BuildAxisDeadZone0 Comment Build axis 0 dead zone. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.1 BuildAxisDeadZone1 Comment Build axis 1 dead zone. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.1 BuildAxisDeadZone2 Comment Build axis 2 dead zone. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.1 BuildAxisDeadZone3 Comment Build axis 3 dead zone. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.1 BuildAxisDeadZone4 Comment Build axis 4 dead zone. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.1 BuildAxisDeadZone5 Comment Build axis 5 dead zone. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.1 BuildAxisScale0 Comment Build axis 0 scaler. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 BuildAxisScale1 Comment Build axis 1 scaler. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 BuildAxisScale2 Comment Build axis 2 scaler. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 BuildAxisScale3 Comment Build axis 3 scaler. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 BuildAxisScale4 Comment Build axis 4 scaler. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 BuildAxisScale5 Comment Build axis 5 scaler. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 BuildBtnState Comment Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 BuildBtnEnabled Comment Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 BuildFeathering Comment Build feathering (less is softer) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 16.0 BulkChangeIncludeAnimations Comment Bulk permission changes affect animations Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 BulkChangeIncludeAnimations Comment Bulk permission changes affect animations Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 BulkChangeIncludeAnimations Comment Bulk permission changes affect animations Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 BulkChangeIncludeAnimations Comment Bulk permission changes affect animations Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 BulkChangeIncludeBodyParts Comment Bulk permission changes affect body parts Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 BulkChangeIncludeClothing Comment Bulk permission changes affect clothing Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 BulkChangeIncludeGestures Comment Bulk permission changes affect gestures Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 BulkChangeIncludeNotecards Comment Bulk permission changes affect notecards Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 BulkChangeIncludeObjects Comment Bulk permission changes affect objects Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 BulkChangeIncludeScripts Comment Bulk permission changes affect scripts Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 BulkChangeIncludeSounds Comment Bulk permission changes affect sounds Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 BulkChangeIncludeTextures Comment Bulk permission changes affect textures Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 BulkChangeEveryoneCopy Comment Bulk changed objects can be copied by everyone Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 BulkChangeNextOwnerCopy Comment Bulk changed objects can be copied by next owner Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 BulkChangeNextOwnerModify Comment Bulk changed objects can be modified by next owner Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 BulkChangeNextOwnerTransfer Comment Bulk changed objects can be resold or given away by next owner Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 BulkChangeShareWithGroup Comment Bulk changed objects are shared with the currently active group Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ButtonFlashCount Comment Number of flashes after which flashing buttons stay lit up Persist 1 Type S32 Value 8 ButtonFlashRate Comment Frequency at which buttons flash (hz) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.25 ButtonHPad Comment Default horizontal spacing between buttons (pixels) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 10 ButtonHeight Comment Default height for normal buttons (pixels) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 20 ButtonHeightSmall Comment Default height for small buttons (pixels) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 16 ButtonVPad Comment Default vertical spacing between buttons (pixels) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 1 CacheLocation Comment Controls the location of the local disk cache Persist 1 Type String Value CacheLocationTopFolder Comment Controls the top folder location of the local disk cache Persist 1 Type String Value CacheLocationTopFolder Comment Controls the location of the local disk cache Persist 1 Type String Value CacheSize Comment Controls amount of hard drive space reserved for local file caching in MB Persist 1 Type U32 Value 500 CacheValidateCounter Comment Used to distribute cache validation Persist 1 Type U32 Value 0 CameraMouseWheelZoom Comment Camera zooms in and out with mousewheel Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 CameraAngle Comment Camera field of view angle (Radians) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.047197551 CameraOffset Comment Render with camera offset from view frustum (rendering debug) Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 CameraOffsetBuild Comment Default camera position relative to focus point when entering build mode Persist 1 Type Vector3 Value -6.0 0.0 6.0 CameraOffsetRearView Comment Initial camera offset from avatar in Rear View Persist 1 Type Vector3 Value -3.0 0.0 0.75 CameraOffsetFrontView Comment Initial camera offset from avatar in Front View Persist 1 Type Vector3 Value 2.2 0.0 0.0 CameraOffsetGroupView Comment Initial camera offset from avatar in Group View Persist 1 Type Vector3 Value -1.0 0.7 0.5 CameraOffsetScale Comment Scales the default offset Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 CameraPosOnLogout Comment Camera position when last logged out (global coordinates) Persist 1 Type Vector3D Value 0.0 0.0 0.0 CameraPositionSmoothing Comment Smooths camera position over time Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 CameraPreset Comment Preset camera position - view (0 - rear, 1 - front, 2 - group) Persist 1 Type U32 Value 0 ChatBarStealsFocus Comment Whenever keyboard focus is removed from the UI, and the chat bar is visible, the chat bar takes focus Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ChatBubbleOpacity Comment Opacity of chat bubble background (0.0 = completely transparent, 1.0 = completely opaque) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.5 ChatFontSize Comment Size of chat text in chat console (0 = small, 1 = big) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 1 ChatFullWidth Comment Chat console takes up full width of SL window Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ChatHistoryTornOff Comment Show chat history window separately from Communicate window. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ChatOnlineNotification Comment Provide notifications for when friend log on and off of SL Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ChatPersistTime Comment Time for which chat stays visible in console (seconds) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 20.0 ChatShowTimestamps Comment Show timestamps in chat Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ChatVisible Comment Chat bar is visible Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 CheesyBeacon Comment Enable cheesy beacon effects Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ClientSettingsFile Comment Client settings file name (per install). Persist 0 Type String Value CloseChatOnReturn Comment Close chat after hitting return Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 CloseSnapshotOnKeep Comment Close snapshot window after saving snapshot Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 CmdLineDisableVoice Comment Disable Voice. Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 CmdLineGridChoice Comment The user's grid choice or ip address. Persist 0 Type String Value CmdLineHelperURI Comment Command line specified helper web CGI prefix to use. Persist 0 Type String Value CmdLineLoginURI Comment Command line specified login server and CGI prefix to use. Persist 0 Type LLSD Value CompressSnapshotsToDisk Comment Compress snapshots saved to disk (Using JPEG 2000) Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ConnectAsGod Comment Log in a god if you have god access. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ConnectionPort Comment Custom connection port number Persist 1 Type U32 Value 13000 ConnectionPortEnabled Comment Use the custom connection port? Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ConsoleBackgroundOpacity Comment Opacity of chat console (0.0 = completely transparent, 1.0 = completely opaque) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.700 ConsoleBufferSize Comment Size of chat console history (lines of chat) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 40 ConsoleMaxLines Comment Max number of lines of chat text visible in console. Persist 1 Type S32 Value 40 ContactsTornOff Comment Show contacts window separately from Communicate window. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 CookiesEnabled Comment Accept cookies from Web sites? Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 CreateToolCopyCenters Comment Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 1 CreateToolCopyRotates Comment Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 CreateToolCopySelection Comment Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 CreateToolKeepSelected Comment After using create tool, keep the create tool active Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 Cursor3D Comment Tread Joystick values as absolute positions (not deltas). Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 CustomServer Comment Specifies IP address or hostname of grid to which you connect Persist 1 Type String Value DebugBeaconLineWidth Comment Size of lines for Debug Beacons Persist 1 Type S32 Value 1 DebugInventoryFilters Comment Turn on debugging display for inventory filtering Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 DebugPermissions Comment Log permissions for selected inventory items Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 DebugPluginDisableTimeout Comment Disable the code which watches for plugins that are crashed or hung Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 DebugShowColor Comment Show color under cursor Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 DebugShowRenderInfo Comment Show depth buffer contents Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 DebugShowRenderMatrices Comment Display values of current view and projection matrices. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 DebugShowTime Comment Show depth buffer contents Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 DebugStatModeFPS Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeBandwidth Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModePacketLoss Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatMode Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeKTrisDrawnFr Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeKTrisDrawnSec Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeTotalObjs Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeNewObjs Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeTextureCount Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeRawCount Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeGLMem Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeFormattedMem Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeRawMem Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeBoundMem Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModePacketsIn Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModePacketsOut Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeObjects Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeTexture Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeAsset Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeLayers Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeActualIn Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeActualOut Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeVFSPendingOps Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeTimeDialation Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimFPS Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModePhysicsFPS Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModePinnedObjects Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeLowLODObjects Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeMemoryAllocated Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeAgentUpdatesSec Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeMainAgents Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeChildAgents Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimObjects Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimActiveObjects Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimActiveScripts Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimScriptEvents Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimInPPS Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimOutPPS Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimPendingDownloads Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 SimPendingUploads Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimTotalUnackedBytes Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimFrameMsec Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimNetMsec Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimSimPhysicsMsec Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimSimOtherMsec Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimAgentMsec Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimImagesMsec Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimScriptMsec Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimSpareMsec Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimSimPhysicsStepMsec Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimSimPhysicsShapeUpdateMsec Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimSimPhysicsOtherMsec Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimSleepMsec Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugStatModeSimPumpIOMsec Comment Mode of stat in Statistics floater Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 DebugViews Comment Display debugging info for views. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 DebugWindowProc Comment Log windows messages Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 DefaultObjectTexture Comment Texture used as 'Default' in texture picker. (UUID texture reference) Persist 1 Type String Value 89556747-24cb-43ed-920b-47caed15465f DisableCameraConstraints Comment Disable the normal bounds put on the camera by avatar position Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 DisableRendering Comment Disable GL rendering and GUI (load testing) Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 DisableVerticalSync Comment Update frames as fast as possible (FALSE = update frames between display scans) Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 DisplayAvatarAgentTarget Comment Show avatar positioning locators (animation debug) Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 DisplayChat Comment Display Latest Chat message on LCD Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 DisplayDebug Comment Display Network Information on LCD Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 DisplayDebugConsole Comment Display Console Debug Information on LCD Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 DisplayIM Comment Display Latest IM message on LCD Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 DisplayLinden Comment Display Account Information on LCD Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 DisplayRegion Comment Display Location information on LCD Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 DisplayTimecode Comment Display timecode on screen Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 Disregard128DefaultDrawDistance Comment Whether to use the auto default to 128 draw distance Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 Disregard96DefaultDrawDistance Comment Whether to use the auto default to 96 draw distance Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 DoubleClickAutoPilot Comment Enable double-click auto pilot Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 DragAndDropToolTipDelay Comment Seconds before displaying tooltip when performing drag and drop operation Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.10000000149 DropShadowButton Comment Drop shadow width for buttons (pixels) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 2 DropShadowFloater Comment Drop shadow width for floaters (pixels) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 5 DropShadowSlider Comment Drop shadow width for sliders (pixels) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 3 DropShadowTooltip Comment Drop shadow width for tooltips (pixels) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 4 DynamicCameraStrength Comment Amount camera lags behind avatar motion (0 = none, 30 = avatar velocity) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 2.0 EditCameraMovement Comment When entering build mode, camera moves up above avatar Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 EditLinkedParts Comment Select individual parts of linked objects Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 EnableRippleWater Comment Whether to use ripple water shader or not Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 EnableVoiceChat Comment Enable talking to other residents with a microphone Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 EnergyFromTop Comment Persist 0 Type S32 Value 20 EnergyHeight Comment Persist 0 Type S32 Value 40 EnergyWidth Comment Persist 0 Type S32 Value 175 EveryoneCopy Comment Everyone can copy the newly created objects Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 FPSLogFrequency Comment Seconds between display of FPS in log (0 for never) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 60.0 FPSLogFrequency Comment Seconds between display of FPS in log (0 for never) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 10.0 FilterItemsPerFrame Comment Maximum number of inventory items to match against search filter every frame (lower to increase framerate while searching, higher to improve search speed) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 500 FindLandArea Comment Enables filtering of land search results by area Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 FindLandPrice Comment Enables filtering of land search results by price Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 FindLandType Comment Controls which type of land you are searching for in Find Land interface ("All", "Auction", "For Sale") Persist 1 Type String Value All FindPeopleOnline Comment Limits people search to only users who are logged on Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 FindPlacesPictures Comment Display only results of find places that have pictures Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 FirstLoginThisInstall Comment Specifies that you have not successfully logged in since you installed the latest update Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 FirstName Comment Login first name Persist 1 Type String Value FirstPersonAvatarVisible Comment Display avatar and attachments below neck while in mouselook Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 FirstPersonBtnState Comment Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 FirstRunThisInstall Comment Specifies that you have not run the viewer since you installed the latest update Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 FirstSelectedDisabledPopups Comment Return false if there is not disabled popup selected in the list of floater preferences popups Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 FirstSelectedEnabledPopups Comment Return false if there is not enable popup selected in the list of floater preferences popups Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 FixedWeather Comment Weather effects do not change over time Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 FloaterActiveSpeakersSortAscending Comment Whether to sort up or down Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 FloaterActiveSpeakersSortColumn Comment Column name to sort on Persist 1 Type String Value speaking_status FloaterMapNorth Comment Floater Map North Label Persist 1 Type String Value N FloaterMapNorthEast Comment Floater Map North-East Label Persist 1 Type String Value NE FloaterMapNorthWest Comment Floater Map North-West Label Persist 1 Type String Value NW FloaterMapEast Comment Floater Map East Label Persist 1 Type String Value E FloaterMapWest Comment Floater Map West Label Persist 1 Type String Value W FloaterMapSouth Comment Floater Map South Label Persist 1 Type String Value S FloaterMapSouthEast Comment Floater Map South-East Label Persist 1 Type String Value SE FloaterMapSouthWest Comment Floater Map South-West Label Persist 1 Type String Value SW FloaterStatisticsRect Comment Rectangle for chat history Persist 1 Type Rect Value 0 400 250 0 FlyBtnEnabled Comment Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 1 FlyBtnState Comment Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 FlycamAbsolute Comment Treat Flycam values as absolute positions (not deltas). Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 FlycamAxisDeadZone0 Comment Flycam axis 0 dead zone. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.1 FlycamAxisDeadZone1 Comment Flycam axis 1 dead zone. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.1 FlycamAxisDeadZone2 Comment Flycam axis 2 dead zone. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.1 FlycamAxisDeadZone3 Comment Flycam axis 3 dead zone. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.1 FlycamAxisDeadZone4 Comment Flycam axis 4 dead zone. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.1 FlycamAxisDeadZone5 Comment Flycam axis 5 dead zone. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.1 FlycamAxisDeadZone6 Comment Flycam axis 6 dead zone. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.1 FlycamAxisScale0 Comment Flycam axis 0 scaler. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 FlycamAxisScale1 Comment Flycam axis 1 scaler. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 FlycamAxisScale2 Comment Flycam axis 2 scaler. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 FlycamAxisScale3 Comment Flycam axis 3 scaler. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 FlycamAxisScale4 Comment Flycam axis 4 scaler. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 FlycamAxisScale5 Comment Flycam axis 5 scaler. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 FlycamAxisScale6 Comment Flycam axis 6 scaler. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 FlycamFeathering Comment Flycam feathering (less is softer) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 16.0 FlycamZoomDirect Comment Map flycam zoom axis directly to camera zoom. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 FlyingAtExit Comment Was flying when last logged out, so fly when logging in Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 FocusOffsetRearView Comment Initial focus point offset relative to avatar for the camera preset Rear View (x-axis is forward) Persist 1 Type Vector3D Value 1.0 0.0 1.0 FocusOffsetFrontView Comment Initial focus point offset relative to avatar for the camera preset Front View Persist 1 Type Vector3D Value 0.0 0.0 0.0 FocusOffsetGroupView Comment Initial focus point offset relative to avatar for the camera preset Group View Persist 1 Type Vector3D Value 1.5 0.7 1.0 FocusPosOnLogout Comment Camera focus point when last logged out (global coordinates) Persist 1 Type Vector3D Value 0.0 0.0 0.0 FolderAutoOpenDelay Comment Seconds before automatically expanding the folder under the mouse when performing inventory drag and drop Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.75 FolderLoadingMessageWaitTime Comment Seconds to wait before showing the LOADING... text in folder views Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.5 FontMonospace Comment Name of monospace font that definitely exists (Truetype file name) Persist 0 Type String Value DejaVuSansMono.ttf FontSansSerif Comment Name of primary sans-serif font that definitely exists (Truetype file name) Persist 0 Type String Value MtBkLfRg.ttf FontSansSerifBundledFallback Comment Name of secondary sans-serif font that definitely exists (Truetype file name) Persist 0 Type String Value DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf FontSansSerifBold Comment Name of bold font (Truetype file name) Persist 0 Type String Value MtBdLfRg.ttf FontSansSerifFallback Comment Name of sans-serif font (Truetype file name) Persist 0 Type String Value FontSansSerifFallbackScale Comment Scale of fallback font relative to huge font (fraction of huge font size) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 FontScreenDPI Comment Font resolution, higher is bigger (pixels per inch) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 96.0 FontSizeHuge Comment Size of huge font (points, or 1/72 of an inch) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 16.0 FontSizeLarge Comment Size of large font (points, or 1/72 of an inch) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 12.0 FontSizeMedium Comment Size of medium font (points, or 1/72 of an inch) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 10.0 FontSizeMonospace Comment Size of monospaced font (points, or 1/72 of an inch) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 8.1 FontSizeSmall Comment Size of small font (points, or 1/72 of an inch) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 9.0 ForceShowGrid Comment Always show grid dropdown on login screen Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ForceMandatoryUpdate Comment For QA: On next startup, forces the auto-updater to run Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 FreezeTime Comment Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 FullScreenAspectRatio Comment Aspect ratio of fullscreen display (width / height) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.33329999447 FullScreenAutoDetectAspectRatio Comment Automatically detect proper aspect ratio for fullscreen display Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 FullScreenHeight Comment Fullscreen resolution in height Persist 1 Type S32 Value 768 FullScreenWidth Comment Fullscreen resolution in width Persist 1 Type S32 Value 1024 GridCrossSections Comment Highlight cross sections of prims with grid manipulation plane. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 GridDrawSize Comment Visible extent of 2D snap grid (meters) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 12.0 GridMode Comment Snap grid reference frame (0 = world, 1 = local, 2 = reference object) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 0 GridOpacity Comment Grid line opacity (0.0 = completely transparent, 1.0 = completely opaque) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.699999988079 GridResolution Comment Size of single grid step (meters) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.5 GridSubUnit Comment Display fractional grid steps, relative to grid size Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 GridSubdivision Comment Maximum number of times to divide single snap grid unit when GridSubUnit is true Persist 1 Type S32 Value 32 GroupNotifyBoxHeight Comment Height of group notice messages Persist 1 Type S32 Value 260 GroupNotifyBoxWidth Comment Width of group notice messages Persist 1 Type S32 Value 400 HelpHomeURL Comment URL of initial help page Persist 1 Type String Value help/index.html HelpLastVisitedURL Comment URL of last help page, will be shown next time help is accessed Persist 1 Type String Value help/index.html HighResSnapshot Comment Double resolution of snapshot from current window resolution Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 HtmlHelpLastPage Comment Last URL visited via help system Persist 1 Type String Value IMInChatConsole Comment Copy IM into chat console Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 IMInChatHistory Comment Copy IM into chat history Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 IMShowTimestamps Comment Show timestamps in IM Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 IgnoreAllNotifications Comment Ignore all notifications so we never need user input on them. Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 IgnorePixelDepth Comment Ignore pixel depth settings. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ImagePipelineUseHTTP Comment If TRUE use HTTP GET to fetch textures from the server Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 InBandwidth Comment Incoming bandwidth throttle (bps) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.0 InstallLanguage Comment Language passed from installer (for UI) Persist 1 Type String Value default InventoryAutoOpenDelay Comment Seconds before automatically opening inventory when mouse is over inventory button when performing inventory drag and drop Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 InventorySortOrder Comment Specifies sort key for inventory items (+0 = name, +1 = date, +2 = folders always by name, +4 = system folders to top) Persist 1 Type U32 Value 7 InvertMouse Comment When in mouselook, moving mouse up looks down and vice verse (FALSE = moving up looks up) Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 JoystickAvatarEnabled Comment Enables the Joystick to control Avatar movement. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 JoystickAxis0 Comment Flycam hardware axis mapping for internal axis 0 ([0, 5]). Persist 1 Type S32 Value 1 JoystickAxis1 Comment Flycam hardware axis mapping for internal axis 1 ([0, 5]). Persist 1 Type S32 Value 0 JoystickAxis2 Comment Flycam hardware axis mapping for internal axis 2 ([0, 5]). Persist 1 Type S32 Value 2 JoystickAxis3 Comment Flycam hardware axis mapping for internal axis 3 ([0, 5]). Persist 1 Type S32 Value 4 JoystickAxis4 Comment Flycam hardware axis mapping for internal axis 4 ([0, 5]). Persist 1 Type S32 Value 3 JoystickAxis5 Comment Flycam hardware axis mapping for internal axis 5 ([0, 5]). Persist 1 Type S32 Value 5 JoystickAxis6 Comment Flycam hardware axis mapping for internal axis 6 ([0, 5]). Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 JoystickBuildEnabled Comment Enables the Joystick to move edited objects. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 JoystickEnabled Comment Enables Joystick Input. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 JoystickFlycamEnabled Comment Enables the Joystick to control the flycam. Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 1 JoystickInitialized Comment Whether or not a joystick has been detected and initiailized. Persist 1 Type String Value JoystickRunThreshold Comment Input threshold to initiate running Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.25 KeepAspectForSnapshot Comment Use full window when taking snapshot, regardless of requested image size Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 LandBrushSize Comment Size of affected region when using teraform tool Persist 1 Type F32 Value 2.0 LCDDestination Comment Which LCD to use Persist 1 Type S32 Value 0 LSLFindCaseInsensitivity Comment Use case insensitivity when searching in LSL editor Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 LSLHelpURL Comment URL that points to LSL help files, with [LSL_STRING] corresponding to the referenced LSL function or keyword Persist 1 Type String Value[LSL_STRING] LagMeterShrunk Comment Last large/small state for lag meter Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 Language Comment Language specifier (for UI) Persist 1 Type String Value default LanguageIsPublic Comment Let other residents see our language information Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 LastFeatureVersion Comment [DO NOT MODIFY] Version number for tracking hardware changes Persist 1 Type S32 Value 0 LastFindPanel Comment Controls which find operation appears by default when clicking "Find" button Persist 1 Type String Value find_all_panel LastName Comment Login last name Persist 1 Type String Value LastPrefTab Comment Last selected tab in preferences window Persist 1 Type S32 Value 0 LastRunVersion Comment Version number of last instance of the viewer that you ran Persist 1 Type String Value 0.0.0 LastSnapshotToEmailHeight Comment The height of the last email snapshot, in px Persist 1 Type S32 Value 768 LastSnapshotToEmailWidth Comment The width of the last email snapshot, in px Persist 1 Type S32 Value 1024 LastSnapshotToDiskHeight Comment The height of the last disk snapshot, in px Persist 1 Type S32 Value 768 LastSnapshotToDiskWidth Comment The width of the last disk snapshot, in px Persist 1 Type S32 Value 1024 LastSnapshotToInventoryHeight Comment The height of the last texture snapshot, in px Persist 1 Type S32 Value 512 LastSnapshotToInventoryWidth Comment The width of the last texture snapshot, in px Persist 1 Type S32 Value 512 LastSnapshotType Comment Select this as next type of snapshot to take (0 = postcard, 1 = texture, 2 = local image) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 0 LeftClickShowMenu Comment Left click opens pie menu (FALSE = left click touches or grabs object) Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 LimitDragDistance Comment Limit translation of object via translate tool Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 LimitSelectDistance Comment Disallow selection of objects beyond max select distance Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 LipSyncAah Comment Aah (jaw opening) babble loop Persist 1 Type String Value 257998776531013446642343 LipSyncAahPowerTransfer Comment Transfer curve for Voice Interface power to aah lip sync amplitude Persist 1 Type String Value 0000123456789 LipSyncEnabled Comment 0 disable lip-sync, 1 enable babble loop Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 LipSyncOoh Comment Ooh (mouth width) babble loop Persist 1 Type String Value 1247898743223344444443200000 LipSyncOohAahRate Comment Rate to babble Ooh and Aah (/sec) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 24.0 LipSyncOohPowerTransfer Comment Transfer curve for Voice Interface power to ooh lip sync amplitude Persist 1 Type String Value 0012345566778899 LocalCacheVersion Comment Version number of cache Persist 1 Type S32 Value 0 LogMessages Comment Log network traffic Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 LoginAsGod Comment Attempt to login with god powers (Linden accounts only) Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 LoginLocation Comment Login at same location you last logged out Persist 1 Type String Value last LoginPage Comment Login authentication page. Persist 1 Type String Value LosslessJ2CUpload Comment Use lossless compression for small image uploads Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 MainloopTimeoutDefault Comment Timeout duration for mainloop lock detection, in seconds. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 20.0 MapOverlayIndex Comment Currently selected world map type Persist 1 Type S32 Value 0 MapScale Comment World map zoom level (pixels per region) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 128.0 MapShowEvents Comment Show events on world map Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 MapShowInfohubs Comment Show infohubs on the world map Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 MapShowLandForSale Comment Show land for sale on world map Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 MapShowPeople Comment Show other users on world map Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 MapShowTelehubs Comment Show telehubs on world map Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 Marker Comment [NOT USED] Persist 1 Type String Value MaxDragDistance Comment Maximum allowed translation distance in a single operation of translate tool (meters from start point) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 48.0 MaxSelectDistance Comment Maximum allowed selection distance (meters from avatar) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 64.0 MeanCollisionBump Comment You have experienced an abuse of being bumped by an object or avatar Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 MeanCollisionPhysical Comment You have experienced an abuse from a physical object Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 MeanCollisionPushObject Comment You have experienced an abuse of being pushed by a scripted object Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 MeanCollisionScripted Comment You have experienced an abuse from a scripted object Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 MeanCollisionSelected Comment You have experienced an abuse of being pushed via a selected object Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 MediaControlFadeTime Comment Amount of time (in seconds) that the media control fades Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.5 MediaControlTimeout Comment Amount of time (in seconds) for media controls to fade with no mouse activity Persist 1 Type F32 Value 3.0 MediaOnAPrimUI Comment Whether or not to show the "link sharing" UI Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 MemoryLogFrequency Comment Seconds between display of Memory in log (0 for never) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 600.0 MemProfiling Comment You want to use tcmalloc's memory profiling options. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 MenuAccessKeyTime Comment Time (seconds) in which the menu key must be tapped to move focus to the menu bar Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.25 MenuBarHeight Comment Persist 0 Type S32 Value 18 MenuBarWidth Comment Persist 0 Type S32 Value 410 MigrateCacheDirectory Comment Check for old version of disk cache to migrate to current location Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 MiniMapRotate Comment Rotate miniature world map to avatar direction Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 MiniMapScale Comment Miniature world map zoom levle (pixels per region) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 128.0 MouseSensitivity Comment Controls responsiveness of mouse when in mouselook mode (fraction or multiple of default mouse sensitivity) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 3.0 MouseSmooth Comment Smooths out motion of mouse when in mouselook mode. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 MouseSun Comment Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 MouselookBtnState Comment Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 MuteAmbient Comment Ambient sound effects, such as wind noise, play at 0 volume Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 MuteAudio Comment All audio plays at 0 volume (streaming audio still takes up bandwidth, for example) Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 MuteMedia Comment Media plays at 0 volume (streaming audio still takes up bandwidth) Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 MuteMusic Comment Music plays at 0 volume (streaming audio still takes up bandwidth) Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 MuteSounds Comment Sound effects play at 0 volume Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 MuteUI Comment UI sound effects play at 0 volume Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 MuteVoice Comment Voice plays at 0 volume (streaming audio still takes up bandwidth) Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 MuteWhenMinimized Comment Mute audio when SL window is minimized Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 NearMeRange Comment Search radius for nearby avatars Persist 1 Type F32 Value 130 NextOwnerCopy Comment Newly created objects can be copied by next owner Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 NextOwnerModify Comment Newly created objects can be modified by next owner Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 NextOwnerTransfer Comment Newly created objects can be resold or given away by next owner Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 NewCacheLocation Comment Change the location of the local disk cache to this Persist 1 Type String Value NewCacheLocationTopFolder Comment Change the top folder location of the local disk cache to this Persist 1 Type String Value NextLoginLocation Comment Location to log into by default. Persist 1 Type String Value NoAudio Comment Disable audio playback. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 NoHardwareProbe Comment Disable hardware probe. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 NoInventoryLibrary Comment Do not request inventory library. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 NoPreload Comment Disable sound and image preload. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 NoVerifySSLCert Comment Do not verify SSL peers. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 NotifyBoxHeight Comment Height of notification messages Persist 1 Type S32 Value 200 NotifyBoxWidth Comment Width of notification messages Persist 1 Type S32 Value 350 NotificationToastTime Comment Width of notification messages Persist 1 Type S32 Value 5 ToastOpaqueTime Comment Width of notification messages Persist 1 Type S32 Value 4 StartUpToastTime Comment Width of notification messages Persist 1 Type S32 Value 5 ToastMargin Comment Width of notification messages Persist 1 Type S32 Value 5 ChannelBottomPanelMargin Comment Width of notification messages Persist 1 Type S32 Value 35 NotificationChannelRightMargin Comment Width of notification messages Persist 1 Type S32 Value 10 NavBarMargin Comment Width of notification messages Persist 1 Type S32 Value 60 OverflowToastHeight Comment Width of notification messages Persist 1 Type S32 Value 72 NotifyMoneyChange Comment Pop up notifications for all L$ transactions Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 NotifyTipDuration Comment Length of time that notification tips stay on screen (seconds) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 4.0 NumSessions Comment Number of successful logins to Second Life Persist 1 Type S32 Value 0 NumpadControl Comment How numpad keys control your avatar. 0 = Like the normal arrow keys, 1 = Numpad moves avatar when numlock is off, 2 = Numpad moves avatar regardless of numlock (use this if you have no numlock) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 0 OpenDebugStatAdvanced Comment Expand advanced performance stats display Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 OpenDebugStatBasic Comment Expand basic performance stats display Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 OpenDebugStatNet Comment Expand network stats display Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 OpenDebugStatRender Comment Expand render stats display Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 OpenDebugStatSim Comment Expand simulator performance stats display Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 OpenDebugStatTexture Comment Expand Texture performance stats display Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 OpenDebugStatPhysicsDetails Comment Expand Physics Details performance stats display Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 OpenDebugStatSimTime Comment Expand Simulator Time performance stats display Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 OpenDebugStatSimTimeDetails Comment Expand Simulator Time Details performance stats display Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 OutBandwidth Comment Expand render stats display Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 OutBandwidth Comment Outgoing bandwidth throttle (bps) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.0 OverlayTitle Comment Controls watermark text message displayed on screen when "ShowOverlayTitle" is enabled (one word, underscores become spaces) Persist 1 Type String Value Set_via_OverlayTitle_in_settings.xml PTTCurrentlyEnabled Comment Use Push to Talk mode Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 1 PacketDropPercentage Comment Percentage of packets dropped by the client. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.0 ParcelMediaAutoPlayEnable Comment Auto play parcel media when available Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 PerAccountSettingsFile Comment Persisted client settings file name (per user). Persist 0 Type String Value PermissionsCautionEnabled Comment When enabled, changes the handling of script permission requests to help avoid accidental granting of certain permissions, such as the debit permission Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 1 PermissionsCautionNotifyBoxHeight Comment Height of caution-style notification messages Persist 0 Type S32 Value 344 PickerContextOpacity Comment Controls overall opacity of context frustrum connecting color and texture pickers with their swatches Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.34999999404 PicksPerSecondMouseMoving Comment How often to perform hover picks while the mouse is moving (picks per second) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 5.0 PicksPerSecondMouseStationary Comment How often to perform hover picks while the mouse is stationary (picks per second) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.0 PieMenuLineWidth Comment Width of lines in pie menu display (pixels) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 2.5 PingInterpolate Comment Extrapolate object position along velocity vector based on ping delay Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 PitchFromMousePosition Comment Vertical range over which avatar head tracks mouse position (degrees of head rotation from top of window to bottom) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 90.0 PlayTypingAnim Comment Your avatar plays the typing animation whenever you type in the chat bar Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 PrecachingDelay Comment Delay when logging in to load world before showing it (seconds) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 6.0 PreferredMaturity Comment Setting for the user's preferred maturity level. Persist 1 Type U32 Value 13 ProbeHardwareOnStartup Comment Query current hardware configuration on application startup Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 PurgeCacheOnNextStartup Comment Clear local file cache next time viewer is run Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 PurgeCacheOnStartup Comment Clear local file cache every time viewer is run Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 PushToTalkButton Comment Which button or keyboard key is used for push-to-talk Persist 1 Type String Value MiddleMouse PushToTalkToggle Comment Should the push-to-talk button behave as a toggle Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 QAMode Comment Enable Testing Features. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 QAModeEventHostPort Comment Enable Testing Features. Persist 0 Type S32 Value -1 QuietSnapshotsToDisk Comment Take snapshots to disk without playing animation or sound Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 QuitAfterSeconds Comment The duration allowed before quitting. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.0 RadioLandBrushAction Comment Last selected land modification operation (0 = flatten, 1 = raise, 2 = lower, 3 = smooth, 4 = roughen, 5 = revert) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 0 RadioLandBrushSize Comment Size of land modification brush (0 = small, 1 = medium, 2 = large) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 0 LandBrushForce Comment Multiplier for land modification brush force. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 RecentItemsSortOrder Comment Specifies sort key for recent inventory items (+0 = name, +1 = date, +2 = folders always by name, +4 = system folders to top) Persist 1 Type U32 Value 1 RectangleSelectInclusive Comment Select objects that have at least one vertex inside selection rectangle Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RegionTextureSize Comment Terrain texture dimensions (power of 2) Persist 1 Type U32 Value 256 RememberPassword Comment Keep password (in encrypted form) for next login Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderAnisotropic Comment Render textures using anisotropic filtering Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RenderAppleUseMultGL Comment Whether we want to use multi-threaded OpenGL on Apple hardware (requires restart of SL). Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RenderAttachedLights Comment Render lighted prims that are attached to avatars Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderAttachedParticles Comment Render particle systems that are attached to avatars Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderAvatar Comment Render Avatars Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderAvatarCloth Comment Controls if avatars use wavy cloth Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderAvatarLODFactor Comment Controls level of detail of avatars (multiplier for current screen area when calculated level of detail) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.5 RenderAvatarMaxVisible Comment Maximum number of avatars to display at any one time Persist 1 Type S32 Value 35 RenderAvatarInvisible Comment Set your avatar as Invisible Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 RenderAvatarVP Comment Use vertex programs to perform hardware skinning of avatar Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderShadowGaussian Comment Gaussian coefficients for the two shadow/SSAO blurring passes (z component unused). Persist 1 Type Vector3 Value 2.0 2.0 0.0 RenderShadowNearDist Comment Near clip plane of shadow camera (affects precision of depth shadows). Persist 1 Type Vector3 Value 256 256 256 RenderShadowClipPlanes Comment Near clip plane split distances for shadow map frusta. Persist 1 Type Vector3 Value 4.0 8.0 24.0 RenderSSAOScale Comment Scaling factor for the area to sample for occluders (pixels at 1 meter away, inversely varying with distance) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 500.0 RenderSSAOMaxScale Comment Maximum screen radius for sampling (pixels) Persist 1 Type U32 Value 60 RenderSSAOFactor Comment Occlusion sensitivity factor for ambient occlusion (larger is more) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.30 RenderSSAOEffect Comment Multiplier for (1) value and (2) saturation (HSV definition), for areas which are totally occluded. Blends with original color for partly-occluded areas. (Third component is unused.) Persist 1 Type Vector3 Value 0.40 1.00 0.00 RenderBumpmapMinDistanceSquared Comment Maximum distance at which to render bumpmapped primitives (distance in meters, squared) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 100.0 RenderNormalMapScale Comment Scaler applied to height map when generating normal maps Persist 1 Type F32 Value 128 RenderCubeMap Comment Whether we can render the cube map or not Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderDebugAlphaMask Comment Test Alpha Masking Cutoffs. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.5 RenderDebugGL Comment Enable strict GL debugging. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RenderDebugPipeline Comment Enable strict pipeline debugging. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RenderDebugTextureBind Comment Enable texture bind performance test. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RenderDelayCreation Comment Throttle creation of drawables. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RenderAnimateRes Comment Animate rezing prims. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RenderAnimateTrees Comment Use GL matrix ops to animate tree branches. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RenderDeferredAlphaSoften Comment Scalar for softening alpha surfaces (for soft particles). Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.75 RenderDeferredNoise Comment Noise scalar to hide banding in deferred render. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 4 RenderDeferred Comment Use deferred rendering pipeline. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RenderDeferredSunShadow Comment Generate shadows from the sun. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderDeferredSunWash Comment Amount local lights are washed out by sun. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.5 RenderShadowNoise Comment Magnitude of noise on shadow samples. Persist 1 Type F32 Value -0.0001 RenderShadowBlurSize Comment Scale of shadow softening kernel. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.7 RenderShadowBlurSamples Comment Number of samples to take for each pass of shadow blur (value range 1-16). Actual number of samples is value * 2 - 1. Persist 1 Type U32 Value 5 RenderDynamicLOD Comment Dynamically adjust level of detail. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderFSAASamples Comment Number of samples to use for FSAA (0 = no AA). Persist 1 Type U32 Value 0 RenderFarClip Comment Distance of far clip plane from camera (meters) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 256.0 RenderFastAlpha Comment Use lossy alpha rendering optimization (opaque/nonexistent small alpha faces). Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RenderFastUI Comment [NOT USED] Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RenderFlexTimeFactor Comment Controls level of detail of flexible objects (multiplier for amount of time spent processing flex objects) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 RenderFogRatio Comment Distance from camera where fog reaches maximum density (fraction or multiple of far clip distance) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 4.0 RenderGamma Comment Sets gamma exponent for renderer Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.0 RenderGammaFull Comment Use fully controllable gamma correction, instead of faster, hard-coded gamma correction of 2. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1.0 RenderGlow Comment Render bloom post effect. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderGlowIterations Comment Number of times to iterate the glow (higher = wider and smoother but slower) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 2 RenderGlowLumWeights Comment Weights for each color channel to be used in calculating luminance (should add up to 1.0) Persist 1 Type Vector3 Value 0.299 0.587 0.114 RenderGlowMaxExtractAlpha Comment Max glow alpha value for brightness extraction to auto-glow. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.065 RenderGlowMinLuminance Comment Min luminance intensity necessary to consider an object bright enough to automatically glow. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 2.5 RenderGlowResolutionPow Comment Glow map resolution power of two. Persist 1 Type S32 Value 9 RenderGlowStrength Comment Additive strength of glow. Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.35 RenderGlowWarmthAmount Comment Amount of warmth extraction to use (versus luminance extraction). 0 = lum, 1.0 = warmth Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.0 RenderGlowWarmthWeights Comment Weight of each color channel used before finding the max warmth Persist 1 Type Vector3 Value 1.0 0.5 0.7 RenderGlowWidth Comment Glow sample size (higher = wider and softer but eventually more pixelated) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.3 RenderGround Comment Determines whether we can render the ground pool or not Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderHUDInSnapshot Comment Display HUD attachments in snapshot Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RenderHUDParticles Comment Display particle systems in HUD attachments (experimental) Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RenderHiddenSelections Comment Show selection lines on objects that are behind other objects Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderHideGroupTitle Comment Don't show my group title in my name label Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RenderShowGroupTitleAll Comment Show group titles in name labels Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderInitError Comment Error occured while initializing GL Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RenderLightRadius Comment Render the radius of selected lights Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RenderLightingDetail Comment Amount of detail for lighting objects/avatars/terrain (0=sun/moon only, 1=enable local lights) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 1 RenderMaxPartCount Comment Maximum number of particles to display on screen Persist 1 Type S32 Value 4096 RenderMaxNodeSize Comment Maximum size of a single node's vertex data (in KB). Persist 1 Type S32 Value 4096 RenderMaxVBOSize Comment Maximum size of a vertex buffer (in KB). Persist 1 Type S32 Value 512 RenderNameFadeDuration Comment Time interval over which to fade avatar names (seconds) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 RenderNameShowSelf Comment Display own name above avatar Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderNameShowTime Comment Fade avatar names after specified time (seconds) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 10.0 RenderObjectBump Comment Show bumpmapping on primitives Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderQualityPerformance Comment Which graphics settings you've chosen Persist 1 Type U32 Value 1 RenderReflectionDetail Comment Detail of reflection render pass. Persist 1 Type S32 Value 2 RenderReflectionRes Comment Reflection map resolution. Persist 1 Type S32 Value 64 RenderResolutionDivisor Comment Divisor for rendering 3D scene at reduced resolution. Persist 1 Type U32 Value 1 RenderShaderLightingMaxLevel Comment Max lighting level to use in the shader (class 3 is default, 2 is less lights, 1 is sun/moon only. Works around shader compiler bugs on certain platforms.) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 3 RenderShaderLODThreshold Comment Fraction of draw distance defining the switch to a different shader LOD Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 RenderShaderParticleThreshold Comment Fraction of draw distance to not use shader on particles Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.25 RenderSunDynamicRange Comment Defines what percent brighter the sun is than local point lights (1.0 = 100% brighter. Value should not be less than 0. ). Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 RenderTerrainDetail Comment Detail applied to terrain texturing (0 = none, 1 or 2 = full) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 2 RenderTerrainLODFactor Comment Controls level of detail of terrain (multiplier for current screen area when calculated level of detail) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 RenderTerrainScale Comment Terrain detail texture scale Persist 1 Type F32 Value 12.0 RenderTextureMemoryMultiple Comment Multiple of texture memory value to use (should fit: 0 < value <= 1.0) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 RenderTreeLODFactor Comment Controls level of detail of vegetation (multiplier for current screen area when calculated level of detail) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.5 RenderUIInSnapshot Comment Display user interface in snapshot Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RenderUnloadedAvatar Comment Show avatars which haven't finished loading Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RenderUseFBO Comment Whether we want to use GL_EXT_framebuffer_objects. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RenderUseFarClip Comment If false, frustum culling will ignore far clip plane. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderUseImpostors Comment Whether we want to use impostors for far away avatars. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderUseShaderLOD Comment Whether we want to have different shaders for LOD Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderUseShaderNearParticles Comment Whether we want to use shaders on near particles Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RenderVBOEnable Comment Use GL Vertex Buffer Objects Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderVolumeLODFactor Comment Controls level of detail of primitives (multiplier for current screen area when calculated level of detail) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 RenderWater Comment Display water Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderWaterMipNormal Comment Use mip maps for water normal map. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderWaterRefResolution Comment Water planar reflection resolution. Persist 1 Type S32 Value 512 RenderWaterReflections Comment Reflect the environment in the water. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RotateRight Comment Make the agent rotate to its right. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 RotationStep Comment All rotations via rotation tool are constrained to multiples of this unit (degrees) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 RunBtnState Comment Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 RunMultipleThreads Comment If TRUE keep background threads active during render Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 SafeMode Comment Reset preferences, run in safe mode. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 SaveMinidump Comment Save minidump for developer debugging on crash Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ScaleShowAxes Comment Show indicator of selected scale axis when scaling Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ScaleStretchTextures Comment Stretch textures along with object when scaling Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ScaleUniform Comment Scale selected objects evenly about center of selection Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ScriptErrorsAsChat Comment Display script errors and warning in chat history Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ScriptHelpFollowsCursor Comment Scripting help window updates contents based on script editor contents under text cursor Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 SearchURLDefault Comment URL to load for empty searches Persist 1 HideFromEditor 1 Type String Value SearchURLQuery Comment URL to use for searches Persist 1 HideFromEditor 1 Type String Value[QUERY]&s=[COLLECTION]& SearchURLSuffix2 Comment Parameters added to end of search queries Persist 1 HideFromEditor 1 Type String Value lang=[LANG]&mat=[MATURITY]&t=[TEEN]&region=[REGION]&x=[X]&y=[Y]&z=[Z]&session=[SESSION] SelectMovableOnly Comment Select only objects you can move Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 SelectOwnedOnly Comment Select only objects you own Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 SelectionHighlightAlpha Comment Opacity of selection highlight (0.0 = completely transparent, 1.0 = completely opaque) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.40000000596 SelectionHighlightAlphaTest Comment Alpha value below which pixels are displayed on selection highlight line (0.0 = show all pixels, 1.0 = show now pixels) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.1 SelectionHighlightThickness Comment Thickness of selection highlight line (fraction of view distance) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.00999999977648 SelectionHighlightUAnim Comment Rate at which texture animates along U direction in selection highlight line (fraction of texture per second) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.0 SelectionHighlightUScale Comment Scale of texture display on selection highlight line (fraction of texture size) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.1 SelectionHighlightVAnim Comment Rate at which texture animates along V direction in selection highlight line (fraction of texture per second) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.5 SelectionHighlightVScale Comment Scale of texture display on selection highlight line (fraction of texture size) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 ServerChoice Comment [DO NOT MODIFY] Controls which grid you connect to Persist 1 Type S32 Value 0 ShareWithGroup Comment Newly created objects are shared with the currently active group Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowAdvancedGraphicsSettings Comment Show advanced graphics settings Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowAllObjectHoverTip Comment Show descriptive tooltip when mouse hovers over non-interactive and interactive objects. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 AvatarNameTagMode Comment Select Avatar Name Tag Mode Persist 1 Type S32 Value 1 ShowAxes Comment Render coordinate frame at your position Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowBanLines Comment Show in-world ban/access borders Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ShowConsoleWindow Comment Show log in separate OS window Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowCoordinatesOption Comment Show Coordinates in Location Input Field Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowCrosshairs Comment Display crosshairs when in mouselook mode Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ShowDebugConsole Comment Show log in SL window Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowEmptyFoldersWhenSearching Comment Shows folders that do not have any visible contents when applying a filter to inventory Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowHoverTips Comment Show descriptive tooltip when mouse hovers over items in world Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ShowLandHoverTip Comment Show descriptive tooltip when mouse hovers over land Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowPGSearchAll Comment Show/Hide Navigation Bar Favorites Panel Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ShowNavbarFavoritesPanel Comment Show/Hide Navigation Bar Navigation Panel Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ShowNavbarNavigationPanel Comment Display results of search All that are flagged as PG Persist 1 HideFromEditor 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ShowMatureSearchAll Comment Display results of search All that are flagged as mature Persist 1 HideFromEditor 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowAdultSearchAll Comment Display results of search All that are flagged as adult Persist 1 HideFromEditor 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowPGGroups Comment Display results of find groups that are flagged as PG Persist 1 HideFromEditor 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ShowMatureGroups Comment Display results of find groups that are flagged as mature Persist 1 HideFromEditor 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowAdultGroups Comment Display results of find groups that are flagged as adult Persist 1 HideFromEditor 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowPGClassifieds Comment Display results of find classifieds that are flagged as PG Persist 1 HideFromEditor 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ShowMatureClassifieds Comment Display results of find classifieds that are flagged as mature Persist 1 HideFromEditor 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowAdultClassifieds Comment Display results of find classifieds that are flagged as adult Persist 1 HideFromEditor 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowPGEvents Comment Display results of find events that are flagged as PG Persist 1 HideFromEditor 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ShowMatureEvents Comment Display results of find events that are flagged as mature Persist 1 HideFromEditor 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowAdultEvents Comment Display results of find events that are flagged as adult Persist 1 HideFromEditor 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowPGLand Comment Display results of find land sales that are flagged as PG Persist 1 HideFromEditor 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ShowMatureLand Comment Display results of find land sales that are flagged as mature Persist 1 HideFromEditor 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowAdultLand Comment Display results of find land sales that are flagged as adult Persist 1 HideFromEditor 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowPGSims Comment Display results of find places or find popular that are in PG sims Persist 1 HideFromEditor 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ShowMatureSims Comment Display results of find places or find popular that are in mature sims Persist 1 HideFromEditor 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowAdultSims Comment Display results of find places or find popular that are in adult sims Persist 1 HideFromEditor 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowNearClip Comment Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowNewInventory Comment Automatically views new notecards/textures/landmarks Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ShowInInventory Comment Automatically opens inventory to show accepted objects Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ShowObjectUpdates Comment Show when update messages are received for individual objects Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowOverlayTitle Comment Prints watermark text message on screen Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowParcelOwners Comment Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowPermissions Comment Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowPropertyLines Comment Show line overlay demarking property boundaries Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowNetStats Comment Show the Search Bar in the Status Overlay Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowSelectionBeam Comment Show selection particle beam when selecting or interacting with objects. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ShowStartLocation Comment Display starting location menu on login screen Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ShowTangentBasis Comment Render normal and binormal (debugging bump mapping) Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowToolBar Comment Show toolbar at bottom of screen Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 ShowTutorial Comment Show tutorial window on login Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowVoiceChannelPopup Comment Controls visibility of the current voice channel popup above the voice tab Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowVolumeSettingsPopup Comment Show individual volume slider for voice, sound effects, etc Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ShowXUINames Comment Display XUI Names as Tooltips Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 SitBtnState Comment Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 SkinCurrent Comment The currently selected skin. Persist 1 Type String Value default SkinningSettingsFile Comment Client skin color setting file name (per install). Persist 0 Type String Value SkyAmbientScale Comment Controls strength of ambient, or non-directional light from the sun and moon (fraction or multiple of default ambient level) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.300000011921 SkyEditPresets Comment Whether to be able to edit the sky defaults or not Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 SkyNightColorShift Comment Controls moonlight color (base color applied to moon as light source) Persist 1 Type Color3 Value 0.67 0.67 1.0 SkyOverrideSimSunPosition Comment Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 SkySunDefaultPosition Comment Default position of sun in sky (direction in world coordinates) Persist 1 Type Vector3 Value 1.0 0.0 0.1 SkyUseClassicClouds Comment Whether to use the old Second Life particle clouds or not Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 SmallAvatarNames Comment Display avatar name text in smaller font Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 SnapEnabled Comment Enable snapping to grid Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 SnapMargin Comment Controls maximum distance between windows before they auto-snap together (pixels) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 10 SnapToMouseCursor Comment When snapping to grid, center object on nearest grid point to mouse cursor Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 SnapshotFormat Comment Save snapshots in this format (0 = PNG, 1 = JPEG, 2 = BMP) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 0 SnapshotLocalLastResolution Comment Take next local snapshot at this resolution Persist 1 Type S32 Value 0 SnapshotPostcardLastResolution Comment Take next postcard snapshot at this resolution Persist 1 Type S32 Value 0 SnapshotQuality Comment Quality setting of postcard JPEGs (0 = worst, 100 = best) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 75 SnapshotTextureLastResolution Comment Take next texture snapshot at this resolution Persist 1 Type S32 Value 0 SpeedTest Comment Performance testing mode, no network Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 StatsAutoRun Comment Play back autopilot Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 StatsFile Comment Filename for stats logging output Persist 1 Type String Value fs.txt StatsNumRuns Comment Loop autopilot playback this number of times Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 StatsPilotFile Comment Filename for stats logging autopilot path Persist 1 Type String Value pilot.txt StatsQuitAfterRuns Comment Quit application after this number of autopilot playback runs Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 StatsSessionTrackFrameStats Comment Track rendering and network statistics Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 StatsSummaryFile Comment Filename for stats logging summary Persist 1 Type String Value fss.txt SystemLanguage Comment Language indicated by system settings (for UI) Persist 1 Type String Value en TabToTextFieldsOnly Comment TAB key takes you to next text entry field, instead of next widget Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 TerrainColorHeightRange Comment Altitude range over which a given terrain texture has effect (meters) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 60.0 TerrainColorStartHeight Comment Starting altitude for terrain texturing (meters) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 20.0 TextureMemory Comment Amount of memory to use for textures in MB (0 = autodetect) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 0 TexturePickerShowFolders Comment Show folders with no texures in texture picker Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 TexturePickerSortOrder Comment Specifies sort key for textures in texture picker (+0 = name, +1 = date, +2 = folders always by name, +4 = system folders to top) Persist 1 Type U32 Value 2 ThirdPersonBtnState Comment Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 1 ThrottleBandwidthKBPS Comment Maximum allowable downstream bandwidth (kilo bits per second) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 500.0 ToolTipDelay Comment Seconds before displaying tooltip when mouse stops over UI element Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.699999988079 ToolTipFadeTime Comment Seconds over which tooltip fades away Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.2 ToolboxAutoMove Comment [NOT USED] Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 TrackFocusObject Comment Camera tracks last object zoomed on Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 TutorialURL Comment URL for tutorial menu item, set automatically during login Persist 0 Type String Value TypeAheadTimeout Comment Time delay before clearing type-ahead buffer in lists (seconds) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.5 UIAutoScale Comment Keep UI scale consistent across different resolutions Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 UIAvatariconctrlSymbolHPad Comment UI Avatar Icon Control Symbol Horizontal Pad Persist 1 Type S32 Value 2 UIAvatariconctrlSymbolVPad Comment UI Avatar Icon Control Symbol Vertical Pad Persist 1 Type S32 Value 2 UIAvatariconctrlSymbolSize Comment UI Avatar Icon Control Symbol Size Persist 1 Type S32 Value 5 UIAvatariconctrlSymbolPosition Comment UI Avatar Icon Control Symbol Position (TopLeft|TopRight|BottomLeft|BottomRight) Persist 1 Type String Value BottomRight UIButtonOrigHPad Comment UI Button Original Horizontal Pad Persist 1 Type S32 Value 6 UICheckboxctrlBtnSize Comment UI Checkbox Control Button Size Persist 1 Type S32 Value 13 UICheckboxctrlHeight Comment UI Checkbox Control Height Persist 1 Type S32 Value 16 UICheckboxctrlHPad Comment UI Checkbox Control Horizontal Pad Persist 1 Type S32 Value 2 UICheckboxctrlSpacing Comment UI Checkbox Control Spacing Persist 1 Type S32 Value 5 UICheckboxctrlVPad Comment UI Checkbox Control Vertical Pad Persist 1 Type S32 Value 2 UICloseBoxFromTop Comment Size of UI floater close box from top Persist 1 Type S32 Value 1 UIExtraTriangleHeight Comment UI extra triangle height Persist 1 Type S32 Value -2 UIExtraTriangleWidth Comment UI extra triangle width Persist 1 Type S32 Value 2 UIFloaterCloseBoxSize Comment Size of UI floater close box size Persist 1 Type S32 Value 16 UIFloaterHeaderSize Comment Size of UI floater header size Persist 1 Type S32 Value 18 UIFloaterHPad Comment Size of UI floater horizontal pad Persist 1 Type S32 Value 6 UIFloaterTestBool Comment Example saved setting for the test floater Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 UIFloaterVPad Comment Size of UI floater vertical pad Persist 1 Type S32 Value 6 UIImgDefaultEyesUUID Comment Persist 0 Type String Value 6522e74d-1660-4e7f-b601-6f48c1659a77 UIImgDefaultGlovesUUID Comment Persist 0 Type String Value 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f UIImgDefaultHairUUID Comment Persist 0 Type String Value 7ca39b4c-bd19-4699-aff7-f93fd03d3e7b UIImgDefaultJacketUUID Comment Persist 0 Type String Value 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f UIImgDefaultPantsUUID Comment Persist 0 Type String Value 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f UIImgDefaultShirtUUID Comment Persist 0 Type String Value 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f UIImgDefaultShoesUUID Comment Persist 0 Type String Value 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f UIImgDefaultSkirtUUID Comment Persist 0 Type String Value 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f UIImgDefaultSocksUUID Comment Persist 0 Type String Value 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f UIImgDefaultAlphaUUID Comment Persist 0 Type String Value 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f UIImgDefaultTattooUUID Comment Persist 0 Type String Value 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f UIImgDefaultUnderwearUUID Comment Persist 0 Type String Value 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f StartUpChannelUUID Comment Persist 0 Type String Value B56AF90D-6684-48E4-B1E4-722D3DEB2CB6 NearByChatChannelUUID Comment Persist 0 Type String Value E1158BD6-661C-4981-9DAD-4DCBFF062502 NotificationChannelUUID Comment Persist 0 Type String Value AEED3193-8709-4693-8558-7452CCA97AE5 AlertChannelUUID Comment Persist 0 Type String Value F3E07BC8-A973-476D-8C7F-F3B7293975D1 UIImgWhiteUUID Comment Persist 0 Type String Value 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f UILineEditorCursorThickness Comment UI Line Editor Cursor Thickness Persist 1 Type S32 Value 2 UILineEditorHPad Comment UI Line Editor Horizontal Pad Persist 1 Type S32 Value 2 UILineEditorVPad Comment UI Line Editor Vertical Pad Persist 1 Type S32 Value 3 UIMaxComboWidth Comment Maximum width of combo box Persist 1 Type S32 Value 500 UIMinimizedWidth Comment Size of UI floater minimized width Persist 1 Type S32 Value 160 UIMultiSliderctrlSpacing Comment UI multi slider ctrl spacing Persist 1 Type S32 Value 4 UIMultiTrackHeight Comment UI multi track height Persist 1 Type S32 Value 6 UIPreeditMarkerBrightness Comment UI Preedit Marker Brightness Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.4 UIPreeditMarkerGap Comment UI Preedit Marker Gap Persist 1 Type S32 Value 1 UIPreeditMarkerPosition Comment UI Preedit Marker Position Persist 1 Type S32 Value 4 UIPreeditMarkerThickness Comment UI Preedit Marker Thickness Persist 1 Type S32 Value 1 UIPreeditStandoutBrightness Comment UI Preedit Standout Brightness Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.6 UIPreeditStandoutGap Comment UI Preedit Standout Gap Persist 1 Type S32 Value 1 UIPreeditStandoutPosition Comment UI Preedit Standout Position Persist 1 Type S32 Value 4 UIPreeditStandoutThickness Comment UI Preedit Standout Thickness Persist 1 Type S32 Value 2 UIResizeBarHeight Comment Size of UI resize bar height Persist 1 Type S32 Value 3 UIResizeBarOverlap Comment Size of UI resize bar overlap Persist 1 Type S32 Value 1 UIScaleFactor Comment Size of UI relative to default layout on 1024x768 screen Persist 1 Type F32 Value 1.0 UIScrollbarSize Comment UI scrollbar size Persist 1 Type S32 Value 15 UISliderctrlHeight Comment UI slider ctrl height Persist 1 Type S32 Value 16 UISliderctrlSpacing Comment UI slider ctrl spacing Persist 1 Type S32 Value 4 UISndAlert Comment Sound file for alerts (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value ed124764-705d-d497-167a-182cd9fa2e6c UISndBadKeystroke Comment Sound file for invalid keystroke (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value 2ca849ba-2885-4bc3-90ef-d4987a5b983a UISndClick Comment Sound file for mouse click (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value 4c8c3c77-de8d-bde2-b9b8-32635e0fd4a6 UISndClickRelease Comment Sound file for mouse button release (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value 4c8c3c77-de8d-bde2-b9b8-32635e0fd4a6 UISndDebugSpamToggle Comment Log UI sound effects as they are played Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 UISndHealthReductionF Comment Sound file for female pain (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value 219c5d93-6c09-31c5-fb3f-c5fe7495c115 UISndHealthReductionM Comment Sound file for male pain (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value e057c244-5768-1056-c37e-1537454eeb62 UISndHealthReductionThreshold Comment Amount of health reduction required to trigger "pain" sound Persist 1 Type F32 Value 10.0 UISndInvalidOp Comment Sound file for invalid operations (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value 4174f859-0d3d-c517-c424-72923dc21f65 UISndMoneyChangeDown Comment Sound file for L$ balance increase (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value 104974e3-dfda-428b-99ee-b0d4e748d3a3 UISndMoneyChangeThreshold Comment Amount of change in L$ balance required to trigger "money" sound Persist 1 Type F32 Value 50.0 UISndMoneyChangeUp Comment Sound file for L$ balance decrease(uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value 77a018af-098e-c037-51a6-178f05877c6f UISndNewIncomingIMSession Comment Sound file for new instant message session(uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value 67cc2844-00f3-2b3c-b991-6418d01e1bb7 UISndObjectCreate Comment Sound file for object creation (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value f4a0660f-5446-dea2-80b7-6482a082803c UISndObjectDelete Comment Sound file for object deletion (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value 0cb7b00a-4c10-6948-84de-a93c09af2ba9 UISndObjectRezIn Comment Sound file for rezzing objects (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value 3c8fc726-1fd6-862d-fa01-16c5b2568db6 UISndObjectRezOut Comment Sound file for derezzing objects (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 UISndPieMenuAppear Comment Sound file for opening pie menu (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value 8eaed61f-92ff-6485-de83-4dcc938a478e UISndPieMenuHide Comment Sound file for closing pie menu (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 UISndPieMenuSliceHighlight0 Comment Sound file for selecting pie menu item 0 (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value d9f73cf8-17b4-6f7a-1565-7951226c305d UISndPieMenuSliceHighlight1 Comment Sound file for selecting pie menu item 1 (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value f6ba9816-dcaf-f755-7b67-51b31b6233e5 UISndPieMenuSliceHighlight2 Comment Sound file for selecting pie menu item 2 (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value 7aff2265-d05b-8b72-63c7-dbf96dc2f21f UISndPieMenuSliceHighlight3 Comment Sound file for selecting pie menu item 3 (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value 09b2184e-8601-44e2-afbb-ce37434b8ba1 UISndPieMenuSliceHighlight4 Comment Sound file for selecting pie menu item 4 (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value bbe4c7fc-7044-b05e-7b89-36924a67593c UISndPieMenuSliceHighlight5 Comment Sound file for selecting pie menu item 5 (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value d166039b-b4f5-c2ec-4911-c85c727b016c UISndPieMenuSliceHighlight6 Comment Sound file for selecting pie menu item 6 (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value 242af82b-43c2-9a3b-e108-3b0c7e384981 UISndPieMenuSliceHighlight7 Comment Sound file for selecting pie menu item 7 (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value c1f334fb-a5be-8fe7-22b3-29631c21cf0b UISndSnapshot Comment Sound file for taking a snapshot (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value 3d09f582-3851-c0e0-f5ba-277ac5c73fb4 UISndStartIM Comment Sound file for starting a new IM session (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value c825dfbc-9827-7e02-6507-3713d18916c1 UISndTeleportOut Comment Sound file for teleporting (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value d7a9a565-a013-2a69-797d-5332baa1a947 UISndTyping Comment Sound file for starting to type a chat message (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value 5e191c7b-8996-9ced-a177-b2ac32bfea06 UISndWindowClose Comment Sound file for closing a window (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value 2c346eda-b60c-ab33-1119-b8941916a499 UISndWindowOpen Comment Sound file for opening a window (uuid for sound asset) Persist 1 Type String Value c80260ba-41fd-8a46-768a-6bf236360e3a UISpinctrlBtnHeight Comment UI spin control button height Persist 1 Type S32 Value 8 UISpinctrlBtnWidth Comment UI spin control button width Persist 1 Type S32 Value 16 UISpinctrlDefaultLabelWidth Comment UI spin control default label width Persist 1 Type S32 Value 10 UISpinctrlSpacing Comment UI spin control spacing Persist 1 Type S32 Value 2 UITabCntrArrowBtnSize Comment UI Tab Container Arrow Button Size Persist 1 Type S32 Value 16 UITabCntrvArrowBtnSize Comment UI Tab Container V Arrow Button Size Persist 1 Type S32 Value 16 UITabCntrvPad Comment UI Tab Container V Pad Persist 1 Type S32 Value 0 UITabCntrButtonPanelOverlap Comment UI Tab Container Button Panel Overlap Persist 1 Type S32 Value 1 UITabCntrCloseBtnSize Comment UI Tab Container Close Button Size Persist 1 Type S32 Value 16 UITabCntrTabHeight Comment UI Tab Container Tab Height Persist 1 Type S32 Value 16 UITabCntrTabHPad Comment UI Tab Container Tab Horizontal Pad Persist 1 Type S32 Value 4 UITabCntrTabPartialWidth Comment UI Tab Container Tab Partial Width Persist 1 Type S32 Value 12 UITabCntrVertTabMinWidth Comment UI Tab Container Vertical Tab Minimum Width Persist 1 Type S32 Value 100 UITabPadding Comment UI Tab Padding Persist 1 Type S32 Value 15 UITextEditorBorder Comment UI Text Editor Border Persist 1 Type S32 Value 1 UITextEditorHPad Comment UI Text Horizontal Pad Persist 1 Type S32 Value 4 UITextEditorVPadTop Comment UI Text Vertical Pad Top Persist 1 Type S32 Value 4 UploadBakedTexOld Comment Forces the baked texture pipeline to upload using the old method. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 UseAltKeyForMenus Comment Access menus via keyboard by tapping Alt Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 UseChatBubbles Comment Show chat above avatars head in chat bubbles Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 UseDebugLogin Comment Provides extra control over which grid to connect to Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 UseDebugMenus Comment Turns on "Debug" menu Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 UseDefaultColorPicker Comment Use color picker supplied by operating system Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 UseEnergy Comment Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 1 UseExternalBrowser Comment Use default browser when opening web pages instead of in-world browser. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 UseFreezeFrame Comment Freeze time when taking snapshots. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 UseOcclusion Comment Enable object culling based on occlusion (coverage) by other objects Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 RenderDelayVBUpdate Comment Delay vertex buffer updates until just before rendering Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 UseStartScreen Comment Whether to load a start screen image or not. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 UseWebPagesOnPrims Comment [NOT USED] Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 UserConnectionPort Comment Port that this client transmits on. Persist 1 Type U32 Value 0 UserLogFile Comment User specified log file name. Persist 1 Type String Value UserLoginInfo Comment Users loging data. Persist 1 Type LLSD Value VFSOldSize Comment [DO NOT MODIFY] Controls resizing of local file cache Persist 1 Type U32 Value 0 VFSSalt Comment [DO NOT MODIFY] Controls local file caching behavior Persist 1 Type U32 Value 1 VectorizeEnable Comment Enable general vector operations and data alignment. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 VectorizePerfTest Comment Test SSE/vectorization performance and choose fastest version. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 VectorizeProcessor Comment 0=Compiler Default, 1=SSE, 2=SSE2, autodetected Persist 0 Type U32 Value 0 VectorizeSkin Comment Enable vector operations for avatar skinning. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 VelocityInterpolate Comment Extrapolate object motion from last packet based on received velocity Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 VerboseLogs Comment Display source file and line number for each log item for debugging purposes Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 VersionChannelName Comment Versioning Channel Name. Persist 1 Type String Value Second Life Release VertexShaderEnable Comment Enable/disable all GLSL shaders (debug) Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 VivoxAutoPostCrashDumps Comment If true, SLVoice will automatically send crash dumps directly to Vivox. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 VivoxDebugLevel Comment Logging level to use when launching the vivox daemon Persist 1 Type String Value -1 VivoxDebugSIPURIHostName Comment Hostname portion of vivox SIP URIs (empty string for the default). Persist 1 Type String Value VivoxDebugVoiceAccountServerURI Comment URI to the vivox account management server (empty string for the default). Persist 1 Type String Value VoiceCallsFriendsOnly Comment Only accept voice calls from residents on your friends list Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 AutoDisengageMic Comment Automatically turn off the microphone when ending IM calls. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 VoiceEarLocation Comment Location of the virtual ear for voice Persist 1 Type S32 Value 0 VoiceHost Comment Client SLVoice host to connect to Persist 1 Type String Value VoiceImageLevel0 Comment Texture UUID for voice image level 0 Persist 1 Type String Value 041ee5a0-cb6a-9ac5-6e49-41e9320507d5 VoiceImageLevel1 Comment Texture UUID for voice image level 1 Persist 1 Type String Value 29de489d-0491-fb00-7dab-f9e686d31e83 VoiceImageLevel2 Comment Texture UUID for voice image level 2 Persist 1 Type String Value 29de489d-0491-fb00-7dab-f9e686d31e83 VoiceImageLevel3 Comment Texture UUID for voice image level 3 Persist 1 Type String Value 29de489d-0491-fb00-7dab-f9e686d31e83 VoiceImageLevel4 Comment Texture UUID for voice image level 4 Persist 1 Type String Value 29de489d-0491-fb00-7dab-f9e686d31e83 VoiceImageLevel5 Comment Texture UUID for voice image level 5 Persist 1 Type String Value 29de489d-0491-fb00-7dab-f9e686d31e83 VoiceImageLevel6 Comment Texture UUID for voice image level 6 Persist 1 Type String Value 29de489d-0491-fb00-7dab-f9e686d31e83 VoiceInputAudioDevice Comment Audio input device to use for voice Persist 1 Type String Value Default VoiceOutputAudioDevice Comment Audio output device to use for voice Persist 1 Type String Value Default VoicePort Comment Client SLVoice port to connect to Persist 1 Type U32 Value 44125 WarningsAsChat Comment Display warning messages in chat history Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 WLSkyDetail Comment Controls vertex detail on the WindLight sky. Lower numbers will give better performance and uglier skies. Persist 1 Type U32 Value 64 WatchdogEnabled Comment Controls whether the thread watchdog timer is activated. Persist 0 Type Boolean Value 0 WaterEditPresets Comment Whether to be able to edit the water defaults or not Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 WaterGLFogDensityScale Comment Maps shader water fog density to gl fog density Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.02 WaterGLFogDepthFloor Comment Controls how dark water gl fog can get Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.25 WaterGLFogDepthScale Comment Controls how quickly gl fog gets dark under water Persist 1 Type F32 Value 50.0 WindLightUseAtmosShaders Comment Whether to enable or disable WindLight atmospheric shaders. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 WindowFullScreen Comment Run SL in fullscreen mode Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 WindowHeight Comment SL viewer window height Persist 1 Type S32 Value 700 WindowMaximized Comment SL viewer window maximized on login Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 WindowWidth Comment SL viewer window width Persist 1 Type S32 Value 1000 WindowX Comment X coordinate of lower left corner of SL viewer window, relative to primary display (pixels) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 10 WindowY Comment Y coordinate of lower left corner of SL viewer window, relative to primary display (pixels) Persist 1 Type S32 Value 10 XferThrottle Comment Maximum allowable downstream bandwidth for asset transfers (bits per second) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 150000.0 XUIEditor Comment Path to program used to edit XUI files Persist 1 Type String Value 150000.0 YawFromMousePosition Comment Horizontal range over which avatar head tracks mouse position (degrees of head rotation from left of window to right) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 90.0 YieldTime Comment Yield some time to the local host. Persist 1 Type S32 Value -1 ZoomDirect Comment Map Joystick zoom axis directly to camera zoom. Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 ZoomTime Comment Time of transition between different camera modes (seconds) Persist 1 Type F32 Value 0.40000000596 particlesbeacon Comment Beacon / Highlight particle generators Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 physicalbeacon Comment Beacon / Highlight physical objects Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 renderbeacons Comment Beacon / Highlight particle generators Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 renderhighlights Comment Beacon / Highlight scripted objects with touch function Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 scriptsbeacon Comment Beacon / Highlight scripted objects Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0 scripttouchbeacon Comment Beacon / Highlight scripted objects with touch function Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 soundsbeacon Comment Beacon / Highlight sound generators Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 0