<?xml version="1.0" ?>
      <string>Time before automatically setting AFK (away from keyboard) mode (seconds, 0=never)</string>
      <string>Display advanced parameter settings in snaphot interface</string>
      <string>Ask the simulator to stop updating the agent while enabled</string>
      <string>Set if there's unsupported hardware and we've already done a notification.</string>
      <string>Allow multiple viewers.</string>
      <string>Tapping a direction key twice and holding it down makes avatar run</string>
      <string>Enable texture animation (debug)</string>
      <string>Show active animations in a bubble above avatars head</string>
      <string>When entering appearance editing mode, camera zooms in on currently selected portion of avatar</string>
      <string>Preview selections in color picker immediately</string>
      <string>Preview selections in texture picker immediately</string>
      <string>While cursor is in chat entry box, arrow keys still control your avatar</string>
      <string>Turns off dialog asking if you want to enable crash reporting</string>
      <string>When auctioning land, include parcel boundary marker in snapshot</string>
      <string>Audio level of environment sounds</string>
      <string>Scale of doppler effect on moving audio sources (1.0 = normal, &lt;1.0 = diminished doppler effect, &gt;1.0 = enhanced doppler effect)</string>
      <string>Master audio level, or overall volume</string>
      <string>Audio level of Quicktime movies</string>
      <string>Audio level of microphone input</string>
      <string>Audio level of streaming music</string>
      <string>Controls the distance-based dropoff of audio volume (fraction or multiple of default audio rolloff)</string>
      <string>Audio level of in-world sound effects</string>
      <string>Audio level of UI sound effects</string>
      <string>Audio level of voice chat</string>
      <string>Audio level of wind noise when standing still</string>
      <string>Enable streaming</string>
      <string>Enable streaming audio</string>
    <string>Enable texture auditting.</string>
      <string>Automatically accept new notecards/textures/landmarks</string>
      <string>Keep Flycam level.</string>
      <string>Automatically load ALL profile webpages without asking first.</string>
      <string>Login automatically using last username/password combination</string>
      <string>Enable viewer mime type discovery of media URLs</string>
      <string>Keep camera position locked when avatar walks to selected position</string>
      <string>Update snapshot when camera stops moving, or any parameter changes</string>
      <string>Fly by holding jump key or using "Fly" command (FALSE = fly by using "Fly" command only)</string>
      <string>Separator of phone parts to have Avaline numbers human readable in Voice Control Panel</string>
      <string>Avatar axis 0 dead zone.</string>
      <string>Avatar axis 1 dead zone.</string>
      <string>Avatar axis 2 dead zone.</string>
      <string>Avatar axis 3 dead zone.</string>
      <string>Avatar axis 4 dead zone.</string>
      <string>Avatar axis 5 dead zone.</string>
      <string>Avatar axis 0 scaler.</string>
      <string>Avatar axis 1 scaler.</string>
      <string>Avatar axis 2 scaler.</string>
      <string>Avatar axis 3 scaler.</string>
      <string>Avatar axis 4 scaler.</string>
      <string>Avatar axis 5 scaler.</string>
      <string>Add rim lighting to avatar rendering to approximate shininess of skin</string>
      <string>Avatar feathering (less is softer)</string>
      <string>Specifies sort key for textures in avatar picker (+0 = name, +1 = date, +2 = folders always by name, +4 = system folders to top)</string>
      <string />
      <string>Amount of time to yield every frame to other applications when SL is not the foreground window (milliseconds)</string>
      <string>Enable the new bottom panel</string>
      <string>[NOT USED]</string>
            <string>Ignore's appearance messages (for simulating Ruth)</string>
      <string>Address for the Web Proxy]</string>
      <string />
      <string>Use Web Proxy</string>
      <string>[NOT USED]</string>
      <string />
      <string>Port for Web Proxy</string>
      <string>[NOT USED]</string>
      <string>Build axis 0 dead zone.</string>
      <string>Build axis 1 dead zone.</string>
      <string>Build axis 2 dead zone.</string>
      <string>Build axis 3 dead zone.</string>
      <string>Build axis 4 dead zone.</string>
      <string>Build axis 5 dead zone.</string>
      <string>Build axis 0 scaler.</string>
      <string>Build axis 1 scaler.</string>
      <string>Build axis 2 scaler.</string>
      <string>Build axis 3 scaler.</string>
      <string>Build axis 4 scaler.</string>
      <string>Build axis 5 scaler.</string>
      <string>Build feathering (less is softer)</string>
      <string>Bulk permission changes affect animations</string>
      <string>Bulk permission changes affect animations</string>
      <string>Bulk permission changes affect animations</string>
      <string>Bulk permission changes affect animations</string>
      <string>Bulk permission changes affect body parts</string>
      <string>Bulk permission changes affect clothing</string>
      <string>Bulk permission changes affect gestures</string>
      <string>Bulk permission changes affect notecards</string>
      <string>Bulk permission changes affect objects</string>
      <string>Bulk permission changes affect scripts</string>
      <string>Bulk permission changes affect sounds</string>
      <string>Bulk permission changes affect textures</string>
      <string>Bulk changed objects can be copied by everyone</string>
      <string>Bulk changed objects can be copied by next owner</string>
      <string>Bulk changed objects can be modified by next owner</string>
      <string>Bulk changed objects can be resold or given away by next owner</string>
      <string>Bulk changed objects are shared with the currently active group</string>
      <string>Number of flashes after which flashing buttons stay lit up</string>
      <string>Frequency at which buttons flash (hz)</string>
      <string>Default horizontal spacing between buttons (pixels)</string>
      <string>Default height for normal buttons (pixels)</string>
      <string>Default height for small buttons (pixels)</string>
      <string>Controls the location of the local disk cache</string>
      <string />
      <string>Controls the top folder location of the local disk cache</string>
      <string />
      <string>Controls the location of the local disk cache</string>
      <string />
      <string>Controls amount of hard drive space reserved for local file caching in MB</string>
      <string>Used to distribute cache validation</string>
      <string>Camera zooms in and out with mousewheel</string>
      <string>Camera field of view angle (Radians)</string>
      <string>Render with camera offset from view frustum (rendering debug)</string>
      <string>Default camera position relative to focus point when entering build mode</string>
      <string>Initial camera offset from avatar in Rear View</string>
      <string>Initial camera offset from avatar in Front View</string>
      <string>Initial camera offset from avatar in Group View</string>
      <string>Scales the default offset</string>
      <string>Camera position when last logged out (global coordinates)</string>
      <string>Smooths camera position over time</string>
      <string>Preset camera position - view (0 - rear, 1 - front, 2 - group)</string>
      <string>Whenever keyboard focus is removed from the UI, and the chat bar is visible, the chat bar takes focus</string>
      <string>Opacity of chat bubble background (0.0 = completely transparent, 1.0 = completely opaque)</string>
      <string>Size of chat text in chat console (0 = small, 1 = big)</string>
      <string>Chat console takes up full width of SL window</string>
      <string>Show chat history window separately from Communicate window.</string>
      <string>Provide notifications for when friend log on and off of SL</string>
      <string>Time for which chat stays visible in console (seconds)</string>
      <string>Show timestamps in chat</string>
      <string>Chat bar is visible</string>
      <string>Show chat in multiple windows(by default) or in one multi-tabbed window(requires restart)</string>
      <string>Enable cheesy beacon effects</string>
      <string>Client settings file name (per install).</string>
      <string />
      <string>Close chat after hitting return</string>
      <string>Close snapshot window after saving snapshot</string>
      <string>Disable Voice.</string>
      <string>The user's grid choice or ip address.</string>
      <string />
      <string>Command line specified helper web CGI prefix to use.</string>
      <string />
      <string>Command line specified login server and CGI prefix to use.</string>
        <string />
      <string>Compress snapshots saved to disk (Using JPEG 2000)</string>
      <string>Log in a god if you have god access.</string>
      <string>Custom connection port number</string>
      <string>Use the custom connection port?</string>
      <string>Opacity of chat console (0.0 = completely transparent, 1.0 = completely opaque)</string>
      <string>Size of chat console history (lines of chat)</string>
      <string>Max number of lines of chat text visible in console.</string>
      <string>Show contacts window separately from Communicate window.</string>
      <string>Accept cookies from Web sites?</string>
      <string>Enable Javascript in the built-in Web browser?</string>
      <string>Enable Web plugins in the built-in Web browser?</string>
      <string />
      <string />
      <string />
      <string>After using create tool, keep the create tool active</string>
      <string>Treat Joystick values as absolute positions (not deltas).</string>
      <string>Specifies IP address or hostname of grid to which you connect</string>
      <string />
      <string>Size of lines for Debug Beacons</string>
      <string>Turn on debugging display for inventory filtering</string>
      <string>Log permissions for selected inventory items</string>
      <string>Disable the code which watches for plugins that are crashed or hung</string>
      <string>Show color under cursor</string>
      <string>Show depth buffer contents</string>
    <string>Display values of current view and projection matrices.</string>
      <string>Show depth buffer contents</string>
      <string>Show tooltips with XUI path to widget</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Mode of stat in Statistics floater</string>
      <string>Display debugging info for views.</string>
      <string>Log windows messages</string>
      <string>Texture used as 'Default' in texture picker. (UUID texture reference)</string>
      <string>Default sound/image/file upload cost(in case economy data is not available).</string>
      <string>Disable the normal bounds put on the camera by avatar position</string>
      <string>Disable warping of the mouse to the center of the screen during alt-zoom and mouse look. Useful with certain input devices, mouse sharing programs like Synergy, or running under Parallels.</string>
      <string>Disable GL rendering and GUI (load testing)</string>
      <string>Update frames as fast as possible (FALSE = update frames between display scans)</string>
      <string>Show avatar positioning locators (animation debug)</string>
      <string>Display Latest Chat message on LCD</string>
      <string>Display Network Information on LCD</string>
      <string>Display Console Debug Information on LCD</string>
      <string>Display Latest IM message on LCD</string>
      <string>Display Account Information on LCD</string>
      <string>Display Location information on LCD</string>
      <string>Display timecode on screen</string>
      <string>Whether to use the auto default to 128 draw distance</string>
      <string>Whether to use the auto default to 96 draw distance</string>
      <string>Enable double-click auto pilot</string>
      <string>Seconds before displaying tooltip when performing drag and drop operation</string>
      <string>Drop shadow width for buttons (pixels)</string>
      <string>Drop shadow width for floaters (pixels)</string>
      <string>Drop shadow width for sliders (pixels)</string>
      <string>Drop shadow width for tooltips (pixels)</string>
      <string>Amount camera lags behind avatar motion (0 = none, 30 = avatar velocity)</string>
      <string>When entering build mode, camera moves up above avatar</string>
      <string>Select individual parts of linked objects</string>
      <string>Whether to use ripple water shader or not</string>
      <string>Whether to use texture atlas or not</string>
      <string>Enable talking to other residents with a microphone</string>
      <string />
      <string />
      <string />
        <string>Everyone can copy the newly created objects</string>
      <string>Seconds between display of FPS in log (0 for never)</string>
            <string>Seconds between display of FPS in log (0 for never)</string>
      <string>Maximum number of inventory items to match against search filter every frame (lower to increase framerate while searching, higher to improve search speed)</string>
      <string>Enables filtering of land search results by area</string>
      <string>Enables filtering of land search results by price</string>
      <string>Controls which type of land you are searching for in Find Land interface ("All", "Auction", "For Sale")</string>
      <string>Limits people search to only users who are logged on</string>
      <string>Display only results of find places that have pictures</string>
      <string>Specifies that you have not successfully logged in since you installed the latest update</string>
      <string>Login first name</string>
      <string />
      <string>Display avatar and attachments below neck while in mouselook</string>
      <string>Specifies that you have not run the viewer since you installed the latest update</string>
      <string>Return false if there is not disabled popup selected in the list of floater preferences popups</string>
      <string>Return false if there is not enable popup selected in the list of floater preferences popups</string>
      <string>Weather effects do not change over time</string>
      <string>Whether to sort up or down</string>
      <string>Column name to sort on</string>
      <string>Floater Map North Label</string>
      <string>Floater Map North-East Label</string>
      <string>Floater Map North-West Label</string>
      <string>Floater Map East Label</string>
      <string>Floater Map West Label</string>
      <string>Floater Map South Label</string>
      <string>Floater Map South-East Label</string>
      <string>Floater Map South-West Label</string>
      <string>Rectangle for chat history</string>
      <string>Treat Flycam values as absolute positions (not deltas).</string>
      <string>Flycam axis 0 dead zone.</string>
      <string>Flycam axis 1 dead zone.</string>
      <string>Flycam axis 2 dead zone.</string>
      <string>Flycam axis 3 dead zone.</string>
      <string>Flycam axis 4 dead zone.</string>
      <string>Flycam axis 5 dead zone.</string>
      <string>Flycam axis 6 dead zone.</string>
      <string>Flycam axis 0 scaler.</string>
      <string>Flycam axis 1 scaler.</string>
      <string>Flycam axis 2 scaler.</string>
      <string>Flycam axis 3 scaler.</string>
      <string>Flycam axis 4 scaler.</string>
      <string>Flycam axis 5 scaler.</string>
      <string>Flycam axis 6 scaler.</string>
      <string>Flycam feathering (less is softer)</string>
      <string>Map flycam zoom axis directly to camera zoom.</string>
      <string>Was flying when last logged out, so fly when logging in</string>
      <string>Initial focus point offset relative to avatar for the camera preset Rear View (x-axis is forward)</string>
      <string>Initial focus point offset relative to avatar for the camera preset Front View</string>
      <string>Initial focus point offset relative to avatar for the camera preset Group View</string>
      <string>Camera focus point when last logged out (global coordinates)</string>
      <string>Seconds before automatically expanding the folder under the mouse when performing inventory drag and drop</string>
      <string>Seconds to wait before showing the LOADING... text in folder views</string>
      <string>Name of monospace font that definitely exists (Truetype file name)</string>
      <string>Name of primary sans-serif font that definitely exists (Truetype file name)</string>
      <string>Name of secondary sans-serif font that definitely exists (Truetype file name)</string>
      <string>Name of bold font (Truetype file name)</string>
      <string>Name of sans-serif font (Truetype file name)</string>
      <string />
      <string>Scale of fallback font relative to huge font (fraction of huge font size)</string>
      <string>Font resolution, higher is bigger (pixels per inch)</string>
      <string>Size of huge font (points, or 1/72 of an inch)</string>
      <string>Size of large font (points, or 1/72 of an inch)</string>
      <string>Size of medium font (points, or 1/72 of an inch)</string>
      <string>Size of monospaced font (points, or 1/72 of an inch)</string>
      <string>Size of small font (points, or 1/72 of an inch)</string>
      <string>Always show grid dropdown on login screen</string>
      <string>For QA: On next startup, forces the auto-updater to run</string>
      <string />
      <string>Aspect ratio of fullscreen display (width / height)</string>
      <string>Automatically detect proper aspect ratio for fullscreen display</string>
      <string>Fullscreen resolution in height</string>
      <string>Fullscreen resolution in width</string>
      <string>Highlight cross sections of prims with grid manipulation plane.</string>
      <string>Visible extent of 2D snap grid (meters)</string>
      <string>Snap grid reference frame (0 = world, 1 = local, 2 = reference object)</string>
      <string>Grid line opacity (0.0 = completely transparent, 1.0 = completely opaque)</string>
      <string>Size of single grid step (meters)</string>
      <string>Display fractional grid steps, relative to grid size</string>
      <string>Maximum number of times to divide single snap grid unit when GridSubUnit is true</string>
      <string>Height of group notice messages</string>
      <string>Width of group notice messages</string>
      <string>If set, always use this for help: skins/default/html/[LANGUAGE]/help-offline/index.html</string>
      <string>URL pattern for help page; arguments will be encoded; see llviewerhelp.cpp:buildHelpURL for arguments</string>
      <string>URL for the web page to display in the Home side panel</string>
      <string>URL for Search website, displayed in the Find floater</string>
      <string>Double resolution of snapshot from current window resolution</string>
      <string>Hide Selected Objects</string>
      <string>Last URL visited via help system</string>
      <string />
      <string>Show timestamps in IM</string>
      <string>Show IM Control Panel</string>
      <string>Ignore all notifications so we never need user input on them.</string>
      <string>Ignore pixel depth settings.</string>
      <string>If TRUE use HTTP GET to fetch textures from the server</string>
      <string>Incoming bandwidth throttle (bps)</string>
      <string>Fade out timing for inspectors</string>
      <string>Stay timing for inspectors</string>
      <string>Language passed from installer (for UI)</string>
      <string>Seconds before automatically opening inventory when mouse is over inventory button when performing inventory drag and drop</string>
      <string>Specifies sort key for inventory items (+0 = name, +1 = date, +2 = folders always by name, +4 = system folders to top)</string>
      <string>When in mouselook, moving mouse up looks down and vice verse (FALSE = moving up looks up)</string>
      <string>Enables the Joystick to control Avatar movement.</string>
      <string>Flycam hardware axis mapping for internal axis 0 ([0, 5]).</string>
      <string>Flycam hardware axis mapping for internal axis 1 ([0, 5]).</string>
      <string>Flycam hardware axis mapping for internal axis 2 ([0, 5]).</string>
      <string>Flycam hardware axis mapping for internal axis 3 ([0, 5]).</string>
      <string>Flycam hardware axis mapping for internal axis 4 ([0, 5]).</string>
      <string>Flycam hardware axis mapping for internal axis 5 ([0, 5]).</string>
      <string>Flycam hardware axis mapping for internal axis 6 ([0, 5]).</string>
      <string>Enables the Joystick to move edited objects.</string>
      <string>Enables Joystick Input.</string>
      <string>Enables the Joystick to control the flycam.</string>
      <string>Whether or not a joystick has been detected and initiailized.</string>
      <string />
        <string>Pass joystick yaw to scripts in Mouselook.</string>
        <string>Input threshold to initiate running</string>
      <string>Use full window when taking snapshot, regardless of requested image size</string>
        <string>Size of affected region when using teraform tool</string>
      <string>Which LCD to use</string>
            <string>Use case insensitivity when searching in LSL editor</string>
      <string>URL that points to LSL help files, with [LSL_STRING] corresponding to the referenced LSL function or keyword</string>
      <string>Last large/small state for lag meter</string>
      <string>Language specifier (for UI)</string>
            <string>Let other residents see our language information</string>
      <string>[DO NOT MODIFY] Version number for tracking hardware changes</string>
      <string>Controls which find operation appears by default when clicking "Find" button </string>
      <string>Login last name</string>
      <string />
      <string>Last selected tab in preferences window</string>
      <string>Last selected tab in media settings window</string>
      <string>Version number of last instance of the viewer that you ran</string>
      <string>The height of the last email snapshot, in px</string>
      <string>The width of the last email snapshot, in px</string>
      <string>The height of the last disk snapshot, in px</string>
      <string>The width of the last disk snapshot, in px</string>
      <string>The height of the last texture snapshot, in px</string>
      <string>The width of the last texture snapshot, in px</string>
      <string>Select this as next type of snapshot to take (0 = postcard, 1 = texture, 2 = local image)</string>
      <string>Left click opens pie menu (FALSE = left click touches or grabs object)</string>
      <string>Limit translation of object via translate tool</string>
      <string>Disallow selection of objects beyond max select distance</string>
      <string>Aah (jaw opening) babble loop</string>
      <string>Transfer curve for Voice Interface power to aah lip sync amplitude</string>
      <string>0 disable lip-sync, 1 enable babble loop</string>
      <string>Ooh (mouth width) babble loop</string>
      <string>Rate to babble Ooh and Aah (/sec)</string>
      <string>Transfer curve for Voice Interface power to ooh lip sync amplitude</string>
      <string>Version number of cache</string>
    <string>Duration in seconds of the login SRV request timeout</string>
    <string>Name of the message pump that handles SRV request</string>
      <string>Log network traffic</string>
      <string>Attempt to login with god powers (Linden accounts only)</string>
      <string>Login location ('last', 'home')</string>
      <string>Login authentication page.</string>
      <string />
      <string>Use lossless compression for small image uploads</string>
      <string>Timeout duration for mainloop lock detection, in seconds.</string>
      <string>Currently selected world map type</string>
      <string>World map zoom level (pixels per region)</string>
      <string>Show events on world map</string>
      <string>Show infohubs on the world map</string>
      <string>Show land for sale on world map</string>
      <string>Show other users on world map</string>
      <string>Show telehubs on world map</string>
      <string>[NOT USED]</string>
      <string />
      <string>Maximum allowed translation distance in a single operation of translate tool (meters from start point)</string>
      <string>Maximum allowed selection distance (meters from avatar)</string>
      <string>You have experienced an abuse of being bumped by an object or avatar</string>
      <string>You have experienced an abuse from a physical object</string>
      <string>You have experienced an abuse of being pushed by a scripted object</string>
      <string>You have experienced an abuse from a scripted object</string>
      <string>You have experienced an abuse of being pushed via a selected object</string>
    <string>Amount of time (in seconds) that the media control fades</string>
    <string>Amount of time (in seconds) for media controls to fade with no mouse activity</string>
    <string>Whether or not to show the "link sharing" UI</string>
    <string>Whether to show debug data for the media performance manager in the nearby media list.</string>
    <string>Whether or not to show media on other avatars</string>
    <string>Whether or not to show media from outside the current parcel</string>
    <string>Whether or not to show media within the current parcel</string>
    <string>This is a tentative flag that may be temporarily set off by the user, until she teleports</string>
            <string>Seconds between display of Memory in log (0 for never)</string>
      <string>You want to use tcmalloc's memory profiling options.</string>
      <string>Time (seconds) in which the menu key must be tapped to move focus to the menu bar</string>
      <string />
      <string />
      <string>Indicates that Me Panel was opened at least once after Viewer was installed</string>
      <string>Check for old version of disk cache to migrate to current location</string>
      <string>Radius of the largest prim to show on the MiniMap. Increasing beyond 256 may cause client lag.</string>
      <string>Rotate miniature world map to avatar direction</string>
      <string>Miniature world map zoom level (pixels per region)</string>
      <string>Controls responsiveness of mouse when in mouselook mode (fraction or multiple of default mouse sensitivity)</string>
      <string>Smooths out motion of mouse when in mouselook mode.</string>
      <string />
      <string>Ambient sound effects, such as wind noise, play at 0 volume</string>
      <string>All audio plays at 0 volume (streaming audio still takes up bandwidth, for example)</string>
      <string>Media plays at 0 volume (streaming audio still takes up bandwidth)</string>
      <string>Music plays at 0 volume (streaming audio still takes up bandwidth)</string>
      <string>Sound effects play at 0 volume</string>
      <string>UI sound effects play at 0 volume</string>
      <string>Voice plays at 0 volume (streaming audio still takes up bandwidth)</string>
      <string>Mute audio when SL window is minimized</string>
		<string>Always autofill My Outfits from library when empty (else happens just once).</string>
      <string>Search radius for nearby avatars</string>
      <string>Newly created objects can be copied by next owner</string>
      <string>Newly created objects can be modified by next owner</string>
      <string>Newly created objects can be resold or given away by next owner</string>
      <string>Change the location of the local disk cache to this</string>
      <string />
      <string>Change the top folder location of the local disk cache to this</string>
      <string />
      <string>Location to log into by default.</string>
      <string />
      <string>Disable audio playback.</string>
      <string>Disable hardware probe.</string>
      <string>Do not request inventory library.</string>
      <string>Disable sound and image preload.</string>
      <string>Do not verify SSL peers.</string>
      <string>Height of notification messages</string>
      <string>Width of notification messages</string>
      <string>Number of seconds while a notification toast exists</string>
      <string>Number of seconds while a notification tip toast exist</string>
      <string>Number of seconds while a toast is fading </string>
      <string>Number of seconds while a nearby chat toast is fading </string>
      <string>Number of seconds while a nearby chat toast exists</string>
      <string>Number of seconds while a StartUp toast exist</string>
      <string>Gap between toasts on a screen</string>
      <string>Default width of buttons in the toast. 
      If required width will be less then this one, a button will be reshaped to default size , otherwise to required
      Change of this parameter will affect the layout of buttons in notification toast.</string>
      <string>Space from a lower toast to the Bottom Tray</string>
      <string>Space between toasts and a right border of an area where they can appear</string>
      <string>Notification channel and World View ratio(0.0 - always show 1 notification, 1.0 - max ratio).</string>
      <string>Height of an overflow toast</string>
      <string>Pop up notifications for all L$ transactions</string>
      <string>Length of time that notification tips stay on screen (seconds)</string>
      <string>Number of successful logins to Second Life</string>
      <string>How numpad keys control your avatar. 0 = Like the normal arrow keys, 1 = Numpad moves avatar when numlock is off, 2 = Numpad moves avatar regardless of numlock (use this if you have no numlock)</string>
      <string>Expand advanced performance stats display</string>
      <string>Expand basic performance stats display</string>
      <string>Expand network stats display</string>
      <string>Expand render stats display</string>
      <string>Expand simulator performance stats display</string>
      <string>Expand Texture performance stats display</string>
      <string>Expand Physics Details performance stats display</string>
      <string>Expand Simulator Time performance stats display</string>
      <string>Expand Simulator Time Details performance stats display</string>
      <string>Expand render stats display</string>
      <string>Outgoing bandwidth throttle (bps)</string>
      <string>Controls watermark text message displayed on screen when "ShowOverlayTitle" is enabled (one word, underscores become spaces)</string>
      <string>Use Push to Talk mode</string>
      <string>Percentage of packets dropped by the client.</string>
      <string>Auto play parcel media when available</string>
      <string>Persisted client settings file name (per user).</string>
      <string />
      <string>When enabled, changes the handling of script permission requests to help avoid accidental granting of certain permissions, such as the debit permission</string>
      <string>Height of caution-style notification messages</string>
      <string>Controls overall opacity of context frustrum connecting color and texture pickers with their swatches</string>
      <string>How often to perform hover picks while the mouse is moving (picks per second)</string>
      <string>How often to perform hover picks while the mouse is stationary (picks per second)</string>
      <string>Width of lines in pie menu display (pixels)</string>
      <string>Extrapolate object position along velocity vector based on ping delay</string>
      <string>Vertical range over which avatar head tracks mouse position (degrees of head rotation from top of window to bottom)</string>
      <string>Your avatar plays the typing animation whenever you type in the chat bar</string>
      <string>If true, attach a debugger session to each plugin process as it's launched.</string>
      <string>Amount of total plugin CPU usage before inworld plugins start getting turned down to "slideshow" priority.  Set to 0 to disable this check.</string>
      <string>Enable/Disable plain text chat history style</string>
      <string>Limit on the number of inworld media plugins that will run at "low" priority</string>
      <string>Limit on the number of inworld media plugins that will run at "normal" or higher priority</string>
      <string>Hard limit on the number of plugins that will be instantiated at once for inworld media</string>
      <string>Delay when logging in to load world before showing it (seconds)</string>
      <string>Setting for the user's preferred maturity level (consts in indra_constants.h)</string>
      <string>Whether or not Media on a Prim is enabled.</string>
      <string>Whether or not hovering over prim media uses minimal "hover" controls or the authored control set.</string>
		<string>Enable drag and drop of URLs onto prim faces</string>
      <string>Maximum number of retries for media queries.</string>
      <string>Timer delay for fetching media from the queue (in seconds).</string>
      <string>Timer delay for retrying on media queries (in seconds).</string>
      <string>Maximum number of objects the viewer will load media for initially</string>
      <string>Maximum number of objects the viewer will continuously update media for</string>
      <string>Query current hardware configuration on application startup</string>
      <string>Clear local file cache next time viewer is run</string>
      <string>Clear local file cache every time viewer is run</string>
      <string>Which button or keyboard key is used for push-to-talk</string>
      <string>Should the push-to-talk button behave as a toggle</string>
      <string>Enable Testing Features.</string>
      <string>Port on which lleventhost should listen</string>
      <string>On LL_ERRS, terminate with this code instead of OS message box</string>
      <string>Take snapshots to disk without playing animation or sound</string>
      <string>The duration allowed before quitting.</string>
      <string>Last selected land modification operation (0 = flatten, 1 = raise, 2 = lower, 3 = smooth, 4 = roughen, 5 = revert)</string>
      <string>Size of land modification brush (0 = small, 1 = medium, 2 = large)</string>
            <string>Multiplier for land modification brush force.</string>
      <string>Specifies sort key for recent inventory items (+0 = name, +1 = date, +2 = folders always by name, +4 = system folders to top)</string>
      <string>Select objects that have at least one vertex inside selection rectangle</string>
      <string>Experimental: Embed registration in login screen</string>
      <string>Terrain texture dimensions (power of 2)</string>
      <string>Keep password (in encrypted form) for next login</string>
      <string>Render textures using anisotropic filtering</string>
      <string>Whether we want to use multi-threaded OpenGL on Apple hardware (requires restart of SL).</string>
            <string>Render lighted prims that are attached to avatars</string>
            <string>Render particle systems that are attached to avatars</string>
      <string>Render Avatars</string>
      <string>Controls if avatars use wavy cloth</string>
      <string>Controls level of detail of avatars (multiplier for current screen area when calculated level of detail)</string>
      <string>Maximum number of avatars to display at any one time</string>
      <string>Use vertex programs to perform hardware skinning of avatar</string>
    <string>Near clip plane of shadow camera (affects precision of depth shadows).</string>
    <string>Near clip plane split distances for shadow map frusta.</string>
    <string>Near clip plane split distances for shadow map frusta (x=perspective, y=ortho, z=transition rate).</string>
    <string>Near clip plane split distances for orthographic shadow map frusta.</string>
    <string>Amount to scale distance to virtual origin of shadow perspective projection.</string>
    <string>Cutoff slope value for points to affect perspective shadow generation</string>
    <string>Exponent applied to transition between ortho and perspective shadow projections based on viewing angle and light vector.</string>
    <string>Scaling factor for the area to sample for occluders (pixels at 1 meter away, inversely varying with distance)</string>
    <string>Maximum screen radius for sampling (pixels)</string>
    <string>Occlusion sensitivity factor for ambient occlusion (larger is more)</string>
    <string>Multiplier for (1) value and (2) saturation (HSV definition), for areas which are totally occluded.  Blends with original color for partly-occluded areas.  (Third component is unused.)</string>
      <string>Maximum distance at which to render bumpmapped primitives (distance in meters, squared)</string>
    <string>Scaler applied to height map when generating normal maps</string>
      <string>Whether we can render the cube map or not</string>
      <string>Test Alpha Masking Cutoffs.</string>
      <string>Enable strict GL debugging.</string>
      <string>Enable strict pipeline debugging.</string>
      <string>Enable texture bind performance test.</string>
    <string>Throttle creation of drawables.</string>
    <string>Animate rezing prims.</string>
    <string>Use GL matrix ops to animate tree branches.</string>

    <string>Distance to cut off GI effect.</string>

    <string>Luminance factor of global illumination contribution.</string>
    <string>Brightness factor of global illumination contribution.</string>

    <string>Noise of position sampling for GI photon mapping.</string>

    <string>Distance attenuation factor for indirect lighting.</string>

    <string>Brightness factor of global illumination blur effect.</string>

    <string>Edge weight for GI soften filter (sharpness).</string>

    <string>Increment of scale for each pass of global illumination blur effect.</string>

    <string>Luminance value scalar for darkening effect.</string>

    <string>Sun Luminance value scalar for darkening effect.</string>

    <string>Sun Luminance value offset for darkening effect.</string>

    <string>Mipmap level to use for luminance</string>

    <string>Cutoff for depth difference that amounts to an edge.</string>
    <string>Cutoff for normal difference that amounts to an edge.</string>

    <string>Scalar for softening alpha surfaces (for soft particles).</string>
    <string>Noise scalar to hide banding in deferred render.</string>
    <string>Bias value for spot shadows (prevent shadow acne).</string>
    <string>Offset value for spot shadows (prevent shadow acne).</string>

    <string>Bias value for shadows (prevent shadow acne).</string>
    <string>Offset value for shadows (prevent shadow acne).</string>

    <string>Scale of shadow map resolution vs. screen resolution</string>

    <string>Bias value for tree shadows (prevent shadow acne).</string>
    <string>Offset value for tree shadows (prevent shadow acne).</string>

    <string>Show glow effect when hovering on interactive objects.</string>

    <string>Transition time for mouseover highlights.</string>
    <string>Brightness of mouseover highlights.</string>

    <string>Thickness of mouseover highlights.</string>
    <string>Brightness of mouseover highlights.</string>

    <string>Spec map resolution.</string>

    <string>Spec map resolution.</string>

    <string>Specular exponent for generating spec map</string>

    <string>Use deferred rendering pipeline.</string>

    <string>Enable shadows in deferred renderer.</string>

    <string>Enable GI in deferred renderer.</string>

    <string>Generate shadows from the sun.</string>

    <string>Execute sunlight shader in deferred renderer.</string>

    <string>Execute atmospheric shader in deferred renderer.</string>

    <string>Execute shadow softening shader in deferred renderer.</string>

    <string>Execute local lighting shader in deferred renderer.</string>

    <string>Execute local lighting shader in deferred renderer.</string>

    <string>Amount local lights are washed out by sun.</string>
    <string>Magnitude of noise on shadow samples.</string>
    <string>Cutoff error value to use ortho instead of perspective projection.</string>
    <string>Cutoff FOV to use ortho instead of perspective projection.</string>

    <string>Gaussian coefficients for the two shadow/SSAO blurring passes (z component unused).</string>

    <string>Scale of shadow softening kernel.</string>
    <string>Number of samples to take for each pass of shadow blur (value range 1-16).  Actual number of samples is value * 2 - 1.</string>
    <string>Distance scaler for shadow blur.</string>

    <string>Ambiance factor of global illumination contribution.</string>

    <string>Minimum size of objects to put into GI source map.</string>

    <string>Color curve for GI softening kernel</string>

    <string>Scale of GI softening kernel.</string>

    <string>Scale of GI softening kernel.</string>
    <string>Number of samples to take for each pass of GI blur (value range 1-16).  Actual number of samples is value * 2 - 1.</string>
    <string>Distance scaler for GI blur.</string>

      <string>Dynamically adjust level of detail.</string>
      <string>Number of samples to use for FSAA (0 = no AA).</string>
      <string>Distance of far clip plane from camera (meters)</string>
      <string>Use lossy alpha rendering optimization (opaque/nonexistent small alpha faces).</string>
      <string>[NOT USED]</string>
      <string>Controls level of detail of flexible objects (multiplier for amount of time spent processing flex objects)</string>
      <string>Distance from camera where fog reaches maximum density (fraction or multiple of far clip distance)</string>
      <string>Sets gamma exponent for renderer</string>
      <string>Use fully controllable gamma correction, instead of faster, hard-coded gamma correction of 2.</string>
      <string>Render bloom post effect.</string>
      <string>Number of times to iterate the glow (higher = wider and smoother but slower)</string>
      <string>Weights for each color channel to be used in calculating luminance (should add up to 1.0)</string>
      <string>Max glow alpha value for brightness extraction to auto-glow.</string>
      <string>Min luminance intensity necessary to consider an object bright enough to automatically glow.</string>
      <string>Glow map resolution power of two.</string>
      <string>Additive strength of glow.</string>
      <string>Amount of warmth extraction to use (versus luminance extraction). 0 = lum, 1.0 = warmth</string>
      <string>Weight of each color channel used before finding the max warmth</string>
      <string>Glow sample size (higher = wider and softer but eventually more pixelated)</string>
	  <string>Determines whether we can render the ground pool or not</string>
      <string>Display HUD attachments in snapshot</string>
      <string>Display particle systems in HUD attachments (experimental)</string>
      <string>Show selection lines on objects that are behind other objects</string>
      <string>Don't show my group title in my name label</string>
      <string>Show group titles in name labels</string>
      <string>Error occured while initializing GL</string>
      <string>Render the radius of selected lights</string>
      <string>Amount of detail for lighting objects/avatars/terrain (0=sun/moon only, 1=enable local lights)</string>
      <string>Maximum number of particles to display on screen</string>
    <string>Maximum size of a single node's vertex data (in KB).</string>
      <string>Maximum size of a vertex buffer (in KB).</string>
      <string>Time interval over which to fade avatar names (seconds)</string>
      <string>Display own name above avatar</string>
      <string>Fade avatar names after specified time (seconds)</string>
      <string>Show bumpmapping on primitives</string>
      <string>Which graphics settings you've chosen</string>
      <string>Detail of reflection render pass.</string>
      <string>Reflection map resolution.</string>
      <string>Divisor for rendering 3D scene at reduced resolution.</string>
      <string>Max lighting level to use in the shader (class 3 is default, 2 is less lights, 1 is sun/moon only.  Works around shader compiler bugs on certain platforms.)</string>
      <string>Fraction of draw distance defining the switch to a different shader LOD</string>
      <string>Fraction of draw distance to not use shader on particles</string>
      <string>Defines what percent brighter the sun is than local point lights (1.0 = 100% brighter. Value should not be less than 0. ).</string>
      <string>Detail applied to terrain texturing (0 = none, 1 or 2 = full)</string>
      <string>Controls level of detail of terrain (multiplier for current screen area when calculated level of detail)</string>
      <string>Terrain detail texture scale</string>
      <string>Multiple of texture memory value to use (should fit: 0 &lt; value &lt;= 1.0)</string>
      <string>Controls level of detail of vegetation (multiplier for current screen area when calculated level of detail)</string>
      <string>Display user interface in snapshot</string>
      <string>Cache ui render in a screen aligned buffer.</string>
      <string>Show avatars which haven't finished loading</string>
      <string>Whether we want to use GL_EXT_framebuffer_objects.</string>
    <string>Use triangle strips for rendering prims.</string>
      <string>If false, frustum culling will ignore far clip plane.</string>
      <string>Whether we want to use impostors for far away avatars.</string>
      <string>Whether we want to have different shaders for LOD</string>
      <string>Whether we want to use shaders on near particles</string>
      <string>Use GL Vertex Buffer Objects</string>
      <string>Controls level of detail of primitives (multiplier for current screen area when calculated level of detail)</string>
      <string>Display water</string>
      <string>Use mip maps for water normal map.</string>
      <string>Water planar reflection resolution.</string>
      <string>Reflect the environment in the water.</string>
      <string>Make the agent rotate to its right.</string>
      <string>All rotations via rotation tool are constrained to multiples of this unit (degrees)</string>
      <string>If TRUE keep background threads active during render</string>
      <string>Reset preferences, run in safe mode.</string>
      <string>Save minidump for developer debugging on crash</string>
      <string>Show indicator of selected scale axis when scaling</string>
      <string>Stretch textures along with object when scaling</string>
      <string>Scale selected objects evenly about center of selection</string>
      <string>Scripting help window updates contents based on script editor contents under text cursor</string>
      <string>Select only objects you can move</string>
      <string>Select only objects you own</string>
      <string>Opacity of selection highlight (0.0 = completely transparent, 1.0 = completely opaque)</string>
      <string>Alpha value below which pixels are displayed on selection highlight line (0.0 = show all pixels, 1.0 = show now pixels)</string>
      <string>Thickness of selection highlight line (fraction of view distance)</string>
      <string>Rate at which texture animates along U direction in selection highlight line (fraction of texture per second)</string>
      <string>Scale of texture display on selection highlight line (fraction of texture size)</string>
      <string>Rate at which texture animates along V direction in selection highlight line (fraction of texture per second)</string>
      <string>Scale of texture display on selection highlight line (fraction of texture size)</string>
      <string>[DO NOT MODIFY] Controls which grid you connect to</string>
      <string>Newly created objects are shared with the currently active group</string>
      <string>Show advanced graphics settings</string>
      <string>Show descriptive tooltip when mouse hovers over non-interactive and interactive objects.</string>
      <string>Select Avatar Name Tag Mode</string>
      <string>Render coordinate frame at your position</string>
      <string>Show in-world ban/access borders</string>
      <string>Show log in separate OS window</string>
      <string>Show coordinates in navigation bar</string>
      <string>Show parcel property icons in navigation bar</string>
      <string>Display crosshairs when in mouselook mode</string>
      <string>Show log in SL window</string>
      <string>Show debugging appearance editor</string>
      <string>Shows folders that do not have any visible contents when applying a filter to inventory</string>
      <string>Show descriptive tooltip when mouse hovers over items in world</string>
      <string>Show descriptive tooltip when mouse hovers over land</string>
      <string>Show/Hide Camera button in the bottom tray</string>
      <string>Show script errors</string>
      <string>Show script error in chat or window</string>
      <string>Show/Hide Snapshot button button in the bottom tray</string>
      <string>Show/Hide Move button in the bottom tray</string>
      <string>Show/Hide Gesture button in the bottom tray</string>
      <string>Show the object rendering cost  in  build tools</string>
      <string>Show/Hide Navigation Bar Favorites Panel</string>
      <string>Show/Hide Navigation Bar Navigation Panel</string>
      <string>Show/hide group icons in the group list</string>
      <string>Show/hide online and all friends icons in the friend list</string>
      <string>Show/hide people icons in nearby list</string>
      <string>Show/hide people icons in recent list</string>
      <string>Specifies sort order for friends (0 = by name, 1 = by online status)</string>
      <string>Specifies sort order for nearby people (0 = by name, 2 = by most recent)</string>
      <string>Specifies sort order for recent people (0 = by name, 2 = by most recent)</string>
      <string>Display results of search All that are flagged as general</string>
      <string>Display results of search All that are flagged as moderate</string>
      <string>Display results of search All that are flagged as adult</string>
      <string>Display results of find groups that are flagged as general</string>
      <string>Display results of find groups that are flagged as moderate</string>
      <string>Display results of find groups that are flagged as adult</string>
      <string>Display results of find classifieds that are flagged as general</string>
      <string>Display results of find classifieds that are flagged as moderate</string>
      <string>Display results of find classifieds that are flagged as adult</string>
      <string>Display results of find events that are flagged as general</string>
      <string>Display results of find events that are flagged as moderate</string>
      <string>Display results of find events that are flagged as adult</string>
      <string>Display results of find land sales that are flagged as general</string>
      <string>Display results of find land sales that are flagged as moderate</string>
      <string>Display results of find land sales that are flagged as adult</string>
      <string>Display results of find places or find popular that are in general sims</string>
      <string>Display results of find places or find popular that are in moderate sims</string>
      <string>Display results of find places or find popular that are in adult sims</string>
      <string />
      <string>Automatically views new notecards/textures/landmarks</string>
            <string>Automatically opens inventory to show accepted objects</string>
      <string>Show when update messages are received for individual objects</string>
      <string>Prints watermark text message on screen</string>
      <string />
      <string />
      <string>Show line overlay demarking property boundaries</string>
      <string>Show the Search Bar in the Status Overlay</string>
      <string>Show selection particle beam when selecting or interacting with objects.</string>
      <string>Display starting location menu on login screen</string>
      <string>Render normal and binormal (debugging bump mapping)</string>
      <string>Show toolbar at bottom of screen</string>
		<string>Show tutorial window on login</string>
      <string>Controls visibility of the current voice channel popup above the voice tab</string>
      <string>Enables in-world voice visualizers, voice gestures and lip-sync while in group or P2P calls.</string>
      <string>Show individual volume slider for voice, sound effects, etc</string>
      <string>The currently selected skin.</string>
      <string>Client skin color setting file name (per install).</string>
      <string />
      <string>Controls strength of ambient, or non-directional light from the sun and moon (fraction or multiple of default ambient level)</string>
      <string>Whether to be able to edit the sky defaults or not</string>
      <string>Controls moonlight color (base color applied to moon as light source)</string>
      <string />
      <string>Default position of sun in sky (direction in world coordinates)</string>
      <string>Whether to use the old Second Life particle clouds or not</string>
      <string>Display avatar name text in smaller font</string>
      <string>Enable snapping to grid</string>
      <string>Controls maximum distance between windows before they auto-snap together (pixels)</string>
      <string>When snapping to grid, center object on nearest grid point to mouse cursor</string>
      <string>Save snapshots in this format (0 = PNG, 1 = JPEG, 2 = BMP)</string>
      <string>Take next local snapshot at this resolution</string>
      <string>Take next postcard snapshot at this resolution</string>
      <string>Quality setting of postcard JPEGs (0 = worst, 100 = best)</string>
      <string>Take next texture snapshot at this resolution</string>
      <string>Performance testing mode, no network</string>
      <string>Play back autopilot</string>
      <string>Filename for stats logging output</string>
      <string>Loop autopilot playback this number of times</string>
      <string>Filename for stats logging autopilot path</string>
      <string>Quit application after this number of autopilot playback runs</string>
      <string>Track rendering and network statistics</string>
      <string>Filename for stats logging summary</string>
      <string>Language indicated by system settings (for UI)</string>
      <string>TAB key takes you to next text entry field, instead of next widget</string>
      <string>Altitude range over which a given terrain texture has effect (meters)</string>
      <string>Starting altitude for terrain texturing (meters)</string>
      <string>If TRUE, do not fetch and decode any textures</string>
      <string>If TRUE, do not load textures for in-world content</string>
      <string>If TRUE, always load textures at full resolution (discard = 0)</string>
      <string>Amount of memory to use for textures in MB (0 = autodetect)</string>
      <string>Show folders with no texures in texture picker</string>
      <string>Specifies sort key for textures in texture picker (+0 = name, +1 = date, +2 = folders always by name, +4 = system folders to top)</string>
      <string>Maximum allowable downstream bandwidth (kilo bits per second)</string>
      <string>Seconds before displaying tooltip when mouse stops over UI element</string>
      <string>Seconds over which tooltip fades away</string>
      <string>Fade tooltip after after time passes (seconds) while mouse not near tooltip</string>
      <string>Fade tooltip after after time passes (seconds) while mouse near tooltip or original position</string>
      <string>Fade tooltip after after time passes (seconds) while mouse over tooltip</string>
      <string>[NOT USED]</string>
      <string>Camera tracks last object zoomed on</string>
      <string>URL for tutorial menu item, set automatically during login</string>
      <string />
      <string>Time delay before clearing type-ahead buffer in lists (seconds)</string>
      <string>Keep UI scale consistent across different resolutions</string>
      <string>UI Avatar Icon Control Symbol Horizontal Pad</string>
      <string>UI Avatar Icon Control Symbol Vertical Pad</string>
      <string>UI Avatar Icon Control Symbol Size</string>
      <string>UI Avatar Icon Control Symbol Position (TopLeft|TopRight|BottomLeft|BottomRight)</string>
      <string>UI Button Original Horizontal Pad</string>
      <string>UI Checkbox Control Button Size</string>
      <string>UI Checkbox Control Height</string>
      <string>UI Checkbox Control Horizontal Pad</string>
      <string>UI Checkbox Control Spacing</string>
      <string>UI Checkbox Control Vertical Pad</string>
      <string>Distance from top of floater to top of close box icon, pixels</string>
      <string>UI extra triangle height</string>
      <string>UI extra triangle width</string>
      <string>Size of UI floater close box size</string>
      <string>Size of UI floater horizontal pad</string>
      <string>Example saved setting for the test floater</string>
      <string>Distance from top of floater to top of title string, pixels</string>
      <string />
      <string />
      <string />
      <string />
      <string />
      <string />
      <string />
      <string />
      <string />
      <string />
      <string />
      <string />
      <string />
      <string />
      <string />
      <string />
      <string>UI Line Editor Cursor Thickness</string>
      <string>Maximum width of combo box</string>
      <string>Size of UI floater minimized width</string>
      <string>UI multi slider ctrl spacing</string>
      <string>UI multi track height</string>
      <string>UI Preedit Marker Brightness</string>
      <string>UI Preedit Marker Gap</string>
      <string>UI Preedit Marker Position</string>
      <string>UI Preedit Marker Thickness</string>
      <string>UI Preedit Standout Brightness</string>
      <string>UI Preedit Standout Gap</string>
      <string>UI Preedit Standout Position</string>
      <string>UI Preedit Standout Thickness</string>
      <string>Size of UI resize bar height</string>
      <string>Size of UI resize bar overlap</string>
      <string>Size of UI relative to default layout on 1024x768 screen</string>
      <string>UI scrollbar size</string>
      <string>UI slider ctrl height</string>
      <string>UI slider ctrl spacing</string>
      <string>Sound file for alerts (uuid for sound asset)</string>
      <string>Sound file for invalid keystroke (uuid for sound asset)</string>
      <string>Sound file for mouse click (uuid for sound asset)</string>
      <string>Sound file for mouse button release (uuid for sound asset)</string>
      <string>Log UI sound effects as they are played</string>
      <string>Sound file for female pain (uuid for sound asset)</string>
      <string>Sound file for male pain (uuid for sound asset)</string>
      <string>Amount of health reduction required to trigger "pain" sound</string>
      <string>Sound file for invalid operations (uuid for sound asset)</string>
      <string>Sound file for L$ balance increase (uuid for sound asset)</string>
      <string>Amount of change in L$ balance required to trigger "money" sound</string>
      <string>Sound file for L$ balance decrease(uuid for sound asset)</string>
      <string>Sound file for new instant message session(uuid for sound asset)</string>
      <string>Sound file for object creation (uuid for sound asset)</string>
      <string>Sound file for object deletion (uuid for sound asset)</string>
      <string>Sound file for rezzing objects (uuid for sound asset)</string>
      <string>Sound file for derezzing objects (uuid for sound asset)</string>
      <string>Sound file for taking a snapshot (uuid for sound asset)</string>
      <string>Sound file for starting a new IM session (uuid for sound asset)</string>
      <string>Sound file for teleporting (uuid for sound asset)</string>
      <string>Sound file for starting to type a chat message (uuid for sound asset)</string>
      <string>Sound file for closing a window (uuid for sound asset)</string>
      <string>Sound file for opening a window (uuid for sound asset)</string>
      <string>UI spin control button height</string>
      <string>UI spin control button width</string>
      <string>UI spin control default label width</string>
      <string>UI spin control spacing</string>
      <string>UI Tab Container Arrow Button Size</string>
      <string>UI Tab Container V Arrow Button Size</string>
      <string>UI Tab Container V Pad</string>
      <string>UI Tab Container Button Panel Overlap</string>
      <string>UI Tab Container Close Button Size</string>
      <string>UI Tab Container Tab Horizontal Pad</string>
      <string>UI Tab Container Tab Partial Width</string>
      <string>UI Tab Container Vertical Tab Minimum Width</string>
      <string>UI Tab Padding</string>
      <string>Forces the baked texture pipeline to upload using the old method.</string>
      <string>Access menus via keyboard by tapping Alt</string>
      <string>Show chat above avatars head in chat bubbles</string>
      <string>Max timeout count for the initial UseCircuitCode message</string>
      <string>Timeout duration in seconds for the initial UseCircuitCode message</string>
      <string>Provides extra control over which grid to connect to</string>
      <string>Turns on "Debug" menu</string>
      <string>Use color picker supplied by operating system</string>
      <string />
      <string>Use default browser when opening web pages instead of in-world browser.</string>
      <string>Freeze time when taking snapshots.</string>
      <string>Enable object culling based on occlusion (coverage) by other objects</string>
      <string>Delay vertex buffer updates until just before rendering</string>
      <string>Timeout to remove participants who is not in channel before removed from list of active speakers (text/voice chat)</string>

      <string>Whether to load a start screen image or not.</string>
      <string>[NOT USED]</string>
      <string>Port that this client transmits on.</string>
      <string>User specified log file name.</string>
      <string />
      <string>Users loging data.</string>
      <string>[DO NOT MODIFY] Controls resizing of local file cache</string>
      <string>[DO NOT MODIFY] Controls local file caching behavior</string>
      <string>Enable general vector operations and data alignment.</string>
      <string>Test SSE/vectorization performance and choose fastest version.</string>
      <string>0=Compiler Default, 1=SSE, 2=SSE2, autodetected</string>
      <string>Enable vector operations for avatar skinning.</string>
      <string>Extrapolate object motion from last packet based on received velocity</string>
      <string>Display source file and line number for each log item for debugging purposes</string>
      <string>Versioning Channel Name.</string>
      <string>Second Life Release</string>
      <string>Enable/disable all GLSL shaders (debug)</string>
      <string>If true, SLVoice will automatically send crash dumps directly to Vivox.</string>
      <string>Logging level to use when launching the vivox daemon</string>
      <string>Hostname portion of vivox SIP URIs (empty string for the default).</string>
      <string>URI to the vivox account management server (empty string for the default).</string>
      <string>Only accept voice calls from residents on your friends list</string>
      <string>Automatically turn off the microphone when ending IM calls.</string>
      <string>Location of the virtual ear for voice</string>
      <string>Client SLVoice host to connect to</string>
      <string>Texture UUID for voice image level 0</string>
      <string>Texture UUID for voice image level 1</string>
      <string>Texture UUID for voice image level 2</string>
      <string>Texture UUID for voice image level 3</string>
      <string>Texture UUID for voice image level 4</string>
      <string>Texture UUID for voice image level 5</string>
      <string>Texture UUID for voice image level 6</string>
      <string>Audio input device to use for voice</string>
      <string>Audio output device to use for voice</string>
      <string>Timeout to remove participants who has left Voice chat from the list in Voice Controls Panel</string>
      <string>Client SLVoice port to connect to</string>
      <string>Display warning messages in chat history</string>
      <string>Controls vertex detail on the WindLight sky.  Lower numbers will give better performance and uglier skies.</string>
      <string>Controls whether the thread watchdog timer is activated.</string>
      <string>Whether to be able to edit the water defaults or not</string>
      <string>Maps shader water fog density to gl fog density</string>
      <string>Controls how dark water gl fog can get</string>
      <string>Controls how quickly gl fog gets dark under water</string>
      <string>Whether to enable or disable WindLight atmospheric shaders.</string>
      <string>Run SL in fullscreen mode</string>
      <string>SL viewer window height</string>
      <string>SL viewer window maximized on login</string>
      <string>SL viewer window width</string>
      <string>X coordinate of lower left corner of SL viewer window, relative to primary display (pixels)</string>
      <string>Y coordinate of lower left corner of SL viewer window, relative to primary display (pixels)</string>
      <string>Maximum allowable downstream bandwidth for asset transfers (bits per second)</string>
      <string>Path to program used to edit XUI files</string>
      <string />
      <string>Horizontal range over which avatar head tracks mouse position (degrees of head rotation from left of window to right)</string>
      <string>Radius of distance for banner that indicates if the resident is "on" the Place.(meters from avatar to requested place)</string>
      <string>Yield some time to the local host.</string>
      <string>Map Joystick zoom axis directly to camera zoom.</string>
      <string>Time of transition between different camera modes (seconds)</string>
      <string>Beacon / Highlight particle generators</string>
      <string>Beacon / Highlight physical objects</string>
      <string>Beacon / Highlight particle generators</string>
      <string>Beacon / Highlight scripted objects with touch function</string>
      <string>Beacon / Highlight scripted objects</string>
      <string>Beacon / Highlight scripted objects with touch function</string>
      <string>Show device settings</string>
		<string>Enable drag and drop of SLURLs onto the viewer</string>
      <string>Beacon / Highlight sound generators</string>
      <string>Send texture download details to the viewer log</string>
      <string>Send a digest of texture info to the sim</string>
      <string>Specifies the byte threshold at which texture download data should be sent to the sim.</string>