controls default tooltip All scripts must have a default state, which is the first state entered when the script starts.\nIf another state is defined before the default state, the compiler will report a syntax error. do tooltip do / while loop\ndo {\n...\n} while (<condition>); else tooltip if / else block\nif (<condition>) {\n...\n[} else [if (<condition>) {\n...]]\n} for tooltip for loop\nfor (<initialiser>; <condition>; <post-iteration-statement>)\n{ ...\n} if tooltip if / else block\nif (<condition>) {\n...\n[} else [if (<condition>) {\n...]]\n} jump tooltip jump statement\njump <label> return tooltip Leave current event or function.\nreturn [<variable>];\nOptionally pass back a variable's value, from a function. state tooltip state <target>\nIf the target state is not the same as the current one, change to the target state. while tooltip while loop\nwhile (<condition>) {\n,,,\n} types float tooltip 32 bit floating point value.\nThe range is 1.175494351E-38 to 3.402823466E+38. integer tooltip 32 bit integer value.\n−2,147,483,648 and +2,147,483,647 (that is 0x80000000 to 0x7FFFFFFF in hex). key tooltip A 128 bit unique identifier (UUID).\nThe key is represented as hexidecimal characters (A-F and 0-9), grouped into sections (8,4,4,4,12 characters) and separated by hyphens (for a total of 36 characters). e.g. "A822FF2B-FF02-461D-B45D-DCD10A2DE0C2". list tooltip A collection of other data types.\nLists are signified by square brackets surrounding their elements; the elements inside are separated by commas. e.g. [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] or ["Yes", "No", "Perhaps"]. quaternion tooltip The quaternion type is a left over from way back when LSL was created. It was later renamed to <rotation> to make it more user friendly, but it appears someone forgot to remove it ;-) rotation tooltip The rotation type is one of several ways to represent an orientation in 3D.\nIt is a mathematical object called a quaternion. You can think of a quaternion as four numbers (x, y, z, w), three of which represent the direction an object is facing and a fourth that represents the object's banking left or right around that direction. string tooltip Text data.\nThe editor accepts UTF-8 encoded text. vector tooltip A vector is a data type that contains a set of three float values.\nVectors are used to represent colours (RGB), positions, and directions/velocities. constants ACTIVE type integer value 0x2 tooltip Objects in world that are running a script or currently physically moving. AGENT type integer value 0x1 tooltip Objects in world that are agents. AGENT_ALWAYS_RUN type integer value 0x1000 tooltip AGENT_ATTACHMENTS type integer value 0x2 tooltip The agent has attachments. AGENT_AUTOPILOT type integer value 0x2000 tooltip AGENT_AWAY type integer value 0x40 tooltip AGENT_BUSY type integer value 0x800 tooltip AGENT_BY_LEGACY_NAME type integer value 0x1 tooltip AGENT_BY_USERNAME type integer value 0x10 tooltip AGENT_CROUCHING type integer value 0x400 tooltip AGENT_FLYING type integer value 0x1 tooltip The agent is flying. AGENT_IN_AIR type integer value 0x100 tooltip AGENT_LIST_PARCEL type integer value 1 tooltip Agents on the same parcel where the script is running. AGENT_LIST_PARCEL_OWNER type integer value 2 tooltip Agents on any parcel in the region where the parcel owner is the same as the owner of the parcel under the scripted object. AGENT_LIST_REGION type integer value 4 tooltip All agents in the region. AGENT_MOUSELOOK type integer value 0x8 tooltip AGENT_ON_OBJECT type integer value 0x20 tooltip AGENT_SCRIPTED type integer value 0x4 tooltip The agent has scripted attachments. AGENT_SITTING type integer value 0x10 tooltip AGENT_TYPING type integer value 0x200 tooltip AGENT_WALKING type integer value 0x80 tooltip ALL_SIDES type integer value -1 tooltip ANIM_ON type integer value 0x1 tooltip Texture animation is on. ATTACH_AVATAR_CENTER type integer value 40 tooltip Attach to the avatar's geometric centre. ATTACH_BACK type integer value 9 tooltip Attach to the avatar's back. ATTACH_BELLY type integer value 28 tooltip Attach to the avatar's belly. ATTACH_CHEST type integer value 1 tooltip Attach to the avatar's chest. ATTACH_CHIN type integer value 12 tooltip Attach to the avatar's chin. ATTACH_HEAD type integer value 2 tooltip Attach to the avatar's head. ATTACH_HUD_BOTTOM type integer value 37 tooltip ATTACH_HUD_BOTTOM_LEFT type integer value 36 tooltip ATTACH_HUD_BOTTOM_RIGHT type integer value 38 tooltip ATTACH_HUD_CENTER_1 type integer value 35 tooltip ATTACH_HUD_CENTER_2 type integer value 31 tooltip ATTACH_HUD_TOP_CENTER type integer value 33 tooltip ATTACH_HUD_TOP_LEFT type integer value 34 tooltip ATTACH_HUD_TOP_RIGHT type integer value 32 tooltip ATTACH_LEAR type integer value 13 tooltip Attach to the avatar's left ear. ATTACH_LEFT_PEC type integer value 29 tooltip Attach to the avatar's left pectoral. ATTACH_LEYE type integer value 15 tooltip Attach to the avatar's left eye. ATTACH_LFOOT type integer value 7 tooltip Attach to the avatar's left foot. ATTACH_LHAND type integer value 5 tooltip Attach to the avatar's left hand. ATTACH_LHIP type integer value 25 tooltip Attach to the avatar's left hip. ATTACH_LLARM type integer value 21 tooltip Attach to the avatar's left lower arm. ATTACH_LLLEG type integer value 27 tooltip Attach to the avatar's lower left leg. ATTACH_LPEC deprecated true type integer value 30 tooltip Attach to the avatar's right pectoral. (Deprecated, use ATTACH_RIGHT_PEC) ATTACH_LSHOULDER type integer value 3 tooltip Attach to the avatar's left shoulder. ATTACH_LUARM type integer value 20 tooltip Attach to the avatar's left upper arm. ATTACH_LULEG type integer value 27 tooltip Attach to the avatar's lower upper leg. ATTACH_MOUTH type integer value 11 tooltip Attach to the avatar's mouth. ATTACH_NECK type integer value 39 tooltip Attach to the avatar's neck. ATTACH_NOSE type integer value 17 tooltip Attach to the avatar's nose. ATTACH_PELVIS type integer value 10 tooltip Attach to the avatar's pelvis. ATTACH_REAR type integer value 14 tooltip Attach to the avatar's right ear. ATTACH_REYE type integer value 16 tooltip Attach to the avatar's right eye. ATTACH_RFOOT type integer value 8 tooltip Attach to the avatar's right foot. ATTACH_RHAND type integer value 6 tooltip Attach to the avatar's right hand. ATTACH_RHIP type integer value 22 tooltip Attach to the avatar's right hip. ATTACH_RIGHT_PEC type integer value 30 tooltip Attach to the avatar's right pectoral. ATTACH_RLARM type integer value 19 tooltip Attach to the avatar's right lower arm. ATTACH_RLLEG type integer value 24 tooltip Attach to the avatar's right lower leg. ATTACH_RPEC deprecated true type integer value 29 tooltip Attach to the avatar's left pectoral. (deprecated, use ATTACH_LEFT_PEC) ATTACH_RSHOULDER type integer value 4 tooltip Attach to the avatar's right shoulder. ATTACH_RUARM type integer value 18 tooltip Attach to the avatar's right upper arm. ATTACH_RULEG type integer value 23 tooltip Attach to the avatar's right upper leg. AVOID_CHARACTERS type integer value 1 tooltip AVOID_DYNAMIC_OBSTACLES type integer value 2 tooltip CAMERA_ACTIVE type integer value 12 tooltip CAMERA_BEHINDNESS_ANGLE type integer value 8 tooltip CAMERA_BEHINDNESS_LAG type integer value 9 tooltip CAMERA_DISTANCE type integer value 7 tooltip CAMERA_FOCUS type integer value 17 tooltip CAMERA_FOCUS_LAG type integer value 6 tooltip CAMERA_FOCUS_LOCKED type integer value 22 tooltip CAMERA_FOCUS_OFFSET type integer value 1 tooltip CAMERA_FOCUS_THRESHOLD type integer value 11 tooltip CAMERA_PITCH type integer value 0 tooltip CAMERA_POSITION type integer value 13 tooltip CAMERA_POSITION_LAG type integer value 6 tooltip CAMERA_POSITION_LOCKED type integer value 22 tooltip CAMERA_POSITION_THRESHOLD type integer value 10 tooltip CHANGED_ALLOWED_DROP type integer value 0x40 tooltip The object inventory has changed because an item was added through the llAllowInventoryDrop interface. CHANGED_COLOR type integer value 0x2 tooltip The object colour has changed. CHANGED_INVENTORY type integer value 0x1 tooltip The object inventory has changed. CHANGED_LINK type integer value 0x20 tooltip The object has linked or its links were broken. CHANGED_MEDIA type integer value 2048 tooltip CHANGED_OWNER type integer value 0x80 tooltip CHANGED_REGION type integer value 0x100 tooltip CHANGED_REGION_START type integer value 0x400 tooltip CHANGED_SCALE type integer value 0x8 tooltip The object scale (size) has changed. CHANGED_SHAPE type integer value 0x4 tooltip The object base shape has changed, e.g., a box to a cylinder. CHANGED_TELEPORT type integer value 0x200 tooltip CHANGED_TEXTURE type integer value 0x10 tooltip The texture offset, scale rotation, or simply the object texture has changed. CHARACTER_ACCOUNT_FOR_SKIPPED_FRAMES type integer value 14 tooltip If set to false, character will not attempt to catch up on lost time when pathfinding performance is low, potentially providing more reliable movement (albeit while potentially appearing to be more stuttery). Default is true to match pre-existing behavior. CHARACTER_AVOIDANCE_MODE type integer value 5 tooltip Allows you to specify that a character should not try to avoid other characters, should not try to avoid dynamic obstacles (relatively fast moving objects and avatars), or both. CHARACTER_CMD_JUMP type integer value 0x01 tooltip Makes the character jump. Requires an additional parameter, the height to jump, between 0.1m and 2.0m. This must be provided as the first element of the llExecCharacterCmd option list. CHARACTER_CMD_SMOOTH_STOP type integer value 2 tooltip CHARACTER_CMD_STOP type integer value 0x00 tooltip Stops any current pathfinding operation. CHARACTER_DESIRED_SPEED type integer value 1 tooltip Speed of pursuit in meters per second. CHARACTER_DESIRED_TURN_SPEED type integer value 12 tooltip The character's maximum speed while turning about the Z axis. - Note that this is only loosely enforced. CHARACTER_LENGTH type integer value 3 tooltip Set collision capsule length - cannot be less than two times the radius. CHARACTER_MAX_ACCEL type integer value 8 tooltip The character's maximum acceleration rate. CHARACTER_MAX_DECEL type integer value 9 tooltip The character's maximum deceleration rate. CHARACTER_MAX_SPEED type integer value 13 tooltip The character's maximum speed. CHARACTER_MAX_TURN_RADIUS type integer value 10 tooltip The character's turn radius when travelling at CHARACTER_MAX_TURN_SPEED. CHARACTER_ORIENTATION type integer value 4 tooltip Valid options are: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL. CHARACTER_RADIUS type integer value 2 tooltip Set collision capsule radius. CHARACTER_TYPE type integer value 6 tooltip Specifies which walk-ability coefficient will be used by this character. CHARACTER_TYPE_A type integer value 0 tooltip CHARACTER_TYPE_B type integer value 1 tooltip CHARACTER_TYPE_C type integer value 2 tooltip CHARACTER_TYPE_D type integer value 3 tooltip CHARACTER_TYPE_NONE type integer value 4 tooltip CLICK_ACTION_BUY type integer value 2 tooltip When the prim is clicked, the buy dialog is opened. CLICK_ACTION_NONE type integer value 0 tooltip Performs the default action: when the prim is clicked, touch events are triggered". CLICK_ACTION_OPEN type integer value 4 tooltip When the prim is clicked, the object inventory dialog is opened. CLICK_ACTION_OPEN_MEDIA type integer value 6 tooltip When the prim is touched, the web media dialog is opened". CLICK_ACTION_PAY type integer value 3 tooltip When the prim is clicked, the pay dialog is opened. CLICK_ACTION_PLAY type integer value 5 tooltip When the prim is clicked, html-on-a-prim is enabled? CLICK_ACTION_SIT type integer value 1 tooltip When the prim is clicked, the avatar sits upon it. CLICK_ACTION_TOUCH type integer value 0 tooltip When the prim is clicked, touch events are triggered". CONTENT_TYPE_HTML type integer value 1 tooltip "text/html", only valid for embedded browsers on content owned by the person viewing. Falls back to "text/plain" otherwise. CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT type integer value 0 tooltip "text/plain" CONTROL_BACK type integer value 0x2 tooltip Test for the avatar move back control. CONTROL_DOWN type integer value 0x20 tooltip Test for the avatar move down control. CONTROL_FWD type integer value 0x1 tooltip Test for the avatar move forward control. CONTROL_LBUTTON type integer value 0x10000000 tooltip Test for the avatar left button control. CONTROL_LEFT type integer value 0x4 tooltip Test for the avatar move left control. CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON type integer value 0x40000000 tooltip Test for the avatar left button control while in mouse look. CONTROL_RIGHT type integer value 0x8 tooltip Test for the avatar move right control. CONTROL_ROT_LEFT type integer value 0x100 tooltip Test for the avatar rotate left control. CONTROL_ROT_RIGHT type integer value 0x200 tooltip Test for the avatar rotate right control. CONTROL_UP type integer value 0x10 tooltip Test for the avatar move up control. DATA_BORN type integer value 3 tooltip The date the agent was born, returned in ISO 8601 format of YYYY-MM-DD. DATA_NAME type integer value 2 tooltip The name of the agent. DATA_ONLINE type integer value 1 tooltip TRUE for online, FALSE for offline. DATA_PAYINFO type integer value 8 tooltip DATA_RATING type integer value 4 tooltip Returns the agent ratings as a comma separated string of six integers. They are: 1) Positive rated behaviour 2) Negative rated behaviour 3) Positive rated appearance 4) Negative rated appearance 5) Positive rated building 6) Negative rated building DATA_SIM_POS type integer value 5 tooltip DATA_SIM_RATING type integer value 7 tooltip DATA_SIM_STATUS type integer value 6 tooltip DEBUG_CHANNEL type integer value 2147483647 tooltip DEBUG_CHANNEL is an integer constant that, when passed to llSay, llWhisper, or llShout as a channel parameter, will print text to the Script Warning/Error Window. DEG_TO_RAD type float value 0.01745329 tooltip 0.01745329 - Number of radians per degree. You can use this to convert degrees to radians by multiplying the degrees by this number. DENSITY type integer value 1 tooltip Used with llSetPhysicsMaterial to enable the density value. Must be between 1.0 and 22587.0 (in Kg/m^3 -- see if you can figure out what 22587 represents) EOF type string value \n\n\n tooltip ESTATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_AGENT_ADD type integer value 4 tooltip Add the agent to this estate's Allowed Residents list. ESTATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_AGENT_REMOVE type integer value 8 tooltip Remove the agent from this estate's Allowed Residents list. ESTATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_GROUP_ADD type integer value 16 tooltip Add the group to this estate's Allowed groups list. ESTATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_GROUP_REMOVE type integer value 32 tooltip Remove the group from this estate's Allowed groups list. ESTATE_ACCESS_BANNED_AGENT_ADD type integer value 64 tooltip Add the agent to this estate's Banned residents list. ESTATE_ACCESS_BANNED_AGENT_REMOVE type integer value 128 tooltip Remove the agent from this estate's Banned residents list. FALSE type integer value 0 tooltip An integer constant for boolean comparisons. Has the value '0'. FORCE_DIRECT_PATH type integer value 1 tooltip Makes character navigate in a straight line toward position. May be set to TRUE or FALSE. FRICTION type integer value 2 tooltip Used with llSetPhysicsMaterial to enable the friction value. Must be between 0.0 and 255.0 GRAVITY_MULTIPLIER type integer value 8 tooltip Used with llSetPhysicsMaterial to enable the gravity multiplier value. Must be between -1.0 and +28.0 HORIZONTAL type integer value 1 tooltip HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH type integer value 2 tooltip HTTP_BODY_TRUNCATED type integer value 0 tooltip HTTP_CUSTOM_HEADER type integer value 5 tooltip Add an extra custom HTTP header to the request. The first string is the name of the parameter to change, e.g. "Pragma", and the second string is the value, e.g. "no-cache". Up to 8 custom headers may be configured per request. Note that certain headers, such as the default headers, are blocked for security reasons. HTTP_METHOD type integer value 0 tooltip HTTP_MIMETYPE type integer value 1 tooltip HTTP_PRAGMA_NO_CACHE type integer value 6 tooltip Allows enabling/disbling of the "Pragma: no-cache" header.\nUsage: [HTTP_PRAGMA_NO_CACHE, integer SendHeader]. When SendHeader is TRUE, the "Pragma: no-cache" header is sent by the script. This matches the default behavior. When SendHeader is FALSE, no "Pragma" header is sent by the script. HTTP_VERBOSE_THROTTLE type integer value 4 tooltip HTTP_VERIFY_CERT type integer value 3 tooltip INVENTORY_ALL type integer value -1 tooltip INVENTORY_ANIMATION type integer value 20 tooltip INVENTORY_BODYPART type integer value 13 tooltip INVENTORY_CLOTHING type integer value 5 tooltip INVENTORY_GESTURE type integer value 21 tooltip INVENTORY_LANDMARK type integer value 3 tooltip INVENTORY_NONE type integer value -1 tooltip INVENTORY_NOTECARD type integer value 7 tooltip INVENTORY_OBJECT type integer value 6 tooltip INVENTORY_SCRIPT type integer value 10 tooltip INVENTORY_SOUND type integer value 1 tooltip INVENTORY_TEXTURE type integer value 0 tooltip KFM_CMD_PAUSE type integer value 2 tooltip For use with KFM_COMMAND. KFM_CMD_PLAY type integer value 0 tooltip For use with KFM_COMMAND. KFM_CMD_STOP type integer value 1 tooltip For use with KFM_COMMAND. KFM_COMMAND type integer value 0 tooltip KFM_DATA type integer value 2 tooltip KFM_FORWARD type integer value 0 tooltip For use with KFM_MODE. KFM_LOOP type integer value 1 tooltip For use with KFM_MODE. KFM_MODE type integer value 1 tooltip KFM_PING_PONG type integer value 2 tooltip For use with KFM_MODE. KFM_REVERSE type integer value 2 tooltip For use with KFM_MODE. KFM_ROTATION type integer value 1 tooltip For use with KFM_DATA. KFM_TRANSLATION type integer value 2 tooltip For use with KFM_DATA. LAND_LARGE_BRUSH type integer value 3 tooltip Use a large brush size. LAND_LEVEL type integer value 0 tooltip Action to level the land. LAND_LOWER type integer value 2 tooltip Action to lower the land. LAND_MEDIUM_BRUSH type integer value 2 tooltip Use a medium brush size. LAND_NOISE type integer value 4 tooltip LAND_RAISE type integer value 1 tooltip Action to raise the land. LAND_REVERT type integer value 5 tooltip LAND_SMALL_BRUSH type integer value 1 tooltip Use a small brush size. LAND_SMOOTH type integer value 3 tooltip LINK_ALL_CHILDREN type integer value -3 tooltip This targets every object except the root in the linked set. LINK_ALL_OTHERS type integer value -2 tooltip This targets every object in the linked set except the object with the script. LINK_ROOT type integer value 0 tooltip This targets the root of the linked set. LINK_SET type integer value -1 tooltip This targets every object in the linked set. LINK_THIS type integer value -4 tooltip The link number of the prim containing the script. LIST_STAT_GEOMETRIC_MEAN type integer value 9 tooltip LIST_STAT_MAX type integer value 2 tooltip LIST_STAT_MEAN type integer value 3 tooltip LIST_STAT_MEDIAN type integer value 4 tooltip LIST_STAT_MIN type integer value 1 tooltip LIST_STAT_NUM_COUNT type integer value 8 tooltip LIST_STAT_RANGE type integer value 0 tooltip LIST_STAT_STD_DEV type integer value 5 tooltip LIST_STAT_SUM type integer value 6 tooltip LIST_STAT_SUM_SQUARES type integer value 7 tooltip LOOP type integer value 0x2 tooltip Loop the texture animation. MASK_BASE type integer value 0 tooltip MASK_EVERYONE type integer value 3 tooltip MASK_GROUP type integer value 2 tooltip MASK_NEXT type integer value 4 tooltip MASK_OWNER type integer value 1 tooltip NULL_KEY type key value 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 tooltip OBJECT_ATTACHED_POINT type integer value 19 tooltip Gets the attachment point to which the object is attached.\nReturns 0 if the object is not an attachment (or is an avatar, etc). OBJECT_CHARACTER_TIME type integer value 17 tooltip Units in seconds OBJECT_CREATOR type integer value 8 tooltip Gets the object's creator key. If id is an avatar, a NULL_KEY is returned. OBJECT_DESC type integer value 2 tooltip Gets the object's description. If id is an avatar, an empty string is returned. OBJECT_GROUP type integer value 7 tooltip Gets the prims's group key. If id is an avatar, a NULL_KEY is returned. OBJECT_NAME type integer value 1 tooltip Gets the object's name. OBJECT_OWNER type integer value 6 tooltip Gets an object's owner's key. If id is group owned, a NULL_KEY is returned. OBJECT_PATHFINDING_TYPE type integer value 20 tooltip Returns the pathfinding setting of any object in the region. It returns an integer matching one of the OPT_* constants. OBJECT_PHANTOM type integer value 22 tooltip Returns boolean, detailing if phantom is enabled or disabled on the object.\nIf id is an avatar or attachment, 0 is returned. OBJECT_PHYSICS type integer value 21 tooltip Returns boolean, detailing if physics is enabled or disabled on the object.\nIf id is an avatar or attachment, 0 is returned. OBJECT_PHYSICS_COST type integer value 16 tooltip OBJECT_POS type integer value 3 tooltip Gets the object's position in region coordinates. OBJECT_PRIM_EQUIVALENCE type integer value 13 tooltip OBJECT_ROOT type integer value 18 tooltip Gets the id of the root prim of the object requested.\nIf id is an avatar, return the id of the root prim of the linkset the avatar is sitting on (or the avatar's own id if the avatar is not sitting on an object within the region). OBJECT_ROT type integer value 4 tooltip Gets the object's rotation. OBJECT_RUNNING_SCRIPT_COUNT type integer value 9 tooltip OBJECT_SCRIPT_MEMORY type integer value 11 tooltip OBJECT_SCRIPT_TIME type integer value 12 tooltip OBJECT_SERVER_COST type integer value 14 tooltip OBJECT_STREAMING_COST type integer value 15 tooltip OBJECT_TEMP_ON_REZ type integer value 23 tooltip Returns boolean, detailing if temporary is enabled or disabled on the object. OBJECT_TOTAL_SCRIPT_COUNT type integer value 10 tooltip OBJECT_UNKNOWN_DETAIL type integer value -1 tooltip OBJECT_VELOCITY type integer value 5 tooltip Gets the object's velocity. OPT_AVATAR type integer value 1 tooltip Returned for avatars. OPT_CHARACTER type integer value 2 tooltip Returned for pathfinding characters. OPT_EXCLUSION_VOLUME type integer value 6 tooltip Returned for exclusion volumes. OPT_LEGACY_LINKSET type integer value 0 tooltip Returned for movable obstacles, movable phantoms, physical, and volumedetect objects. OPT_MATERIAL_VOLUME type integer value 5 tooltip Returned for material volumes. OPT_OTHER type integer value -1 tooltip Returned for attachments, Linden trees, and grass. OPT_STATIC_OBSTACLE type integer value 4 tooltip Returned for static obstacles. OPT_WALKABLE type integer value 3 tooltip Returned for walkable objects. PARCEL_COUNT_GROUP type integer value 2 tooltip PARCEL_COUNT_OTHER type integer value 3 tooltip PARCEL_COUNT_OWNER type integer value 1 tooltip PARCEL_COUNT_SELECTED type integer value 4 tooltip PARCEL_COUNT_TEMP type integer value 5 tooltip PARCEL_COUNT_TOTAL type integer value 0 tooltip PARCEL_DETAILS_AREA type integer value 4 tooltip The parcel's area, in square meters. (5 chars.). PARCEL_DETAILS_DESC type integer value 1 tooltip The description of the parcel. (127 chars). PARCEL_DETAILS_GROUP type integer value 3 tooltip The parcel group's key. (36 chars.). PARCEL_DETAILS_ID type integer value 5 tooltip The parcel's key. (36 chars.). PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME type integer value 0 tooltip The name of the parcel. (63 chars.). PARCEL_DETAILS_OWNER type integer value 2 tooltip The parcel owner's key. (36 chars.). PARCEL_DETAILS_SEE_AVATARS type integer value 6 tooltip The parcel's avatar visibility setting. (1 char.). PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_ALL_OBJECT_ENTRY type integer value 0x08000000 tooltip PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_CREATE_GROUP_OBJECTS type integer value 0x4000000 tooltip PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_CREATE_OBJECTS type integer value 0x40 tooltip PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_DAMAGE type integer value 0x20 tooltip PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_FLY type integer value 0x1 tooltip PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_GROUP_OBJECT_ENTRY type integer value 0x10000000 tooltip PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_GROUP_SCRIPTS type integer value 0x2000000 tooltip PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_LANDMARK type integer value 0x8 tooltip PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_SCRIPTS type integer value 0x2 tooltip PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_TERRAFORM type integer value 0x10 tooltip PARCEL_FLAG_LOCAL_SOUND_ONLY type integer value 0x8000 tooltip PARCEL_FLAG_RESTRICT_PUSHOBJECT type integer value 0x200000 tooltip PARCEL_FLAG_USE_ACCESS_GROUP type integer value 0x100 tooltip PARCEL_FLAG_USE_ACCESS_LIST type integer value 0x200 tooltip PARCEL_FLAG_USE_BAN_LIST type integer value 0x400 tooltip PARCEL_FLAG_USE_LAND_PASS_LIST type integer value 0x800 tooltip PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_AGENT type integer value 7 tooltip PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_AUTO_ALIGN type integer value 9 tooltip PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_DESC type integer value 12 tooltip Use this to get or set the parcel media description. PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_LOOP type integer value 3 tooltip PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_LOOP_SET type integer value 13 tooltip Used to get or set the parcel's media looping variable. PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_PAUSE type integer value 1 tooltip PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_PLAY type integer value 2 tooltip PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_SIZE type integer value 11 tooltip Use this to get or set the parcel media pixel resolution. PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_STOP type integer value 0 tooltip PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_TEXTURE type integer value 4 tooltip PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_TIME type integer value 6 tooltip PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_TYPE type integer value 10 tooltip Use this to get or set the parcel media MIME type (e.g. "text/html"). PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_UNLOAD type integer value 8 tooltip PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_URL type integer value 5 tooltip PASSIVE type integer value 0x4 tooltip Static in-world objects. PATROL_PAUSE_AT_WAYPOINTS type integer value 0 tooltip PAY_DEFAULT type integer value -2 tooltip PAY_HIDE type integer value -1 tooltip PAYMENT_INFO_ON_FILE type integer value 1 tooltip PAYMENT_INFO_USED type integer value 2 tooltip PERM_ALL type integer value 0x7FFFFFFF tooltip PERM_COPY type integer value 0x8000 tooltip PERM_MODIFY type integer value 0x4000 tooltip PERM_MOVE type integer value 0x80000 tooltip PERM_TRANSFER type integer value 0x2000 tooltip PERMISSION_ATTACH type integer value 0x20 tooltip If this permission is enabled, the object can successfully call llAttachToAvatar to attach to the given avatar. PERMISSION_CHANGE_JOINTS type integer value 0x100 tooltip (not yet implemented) PERMISSION_CHANGE_LINKS type integer value 0x80 tooltip If this permission is enabled, the object can successfully call llCreateLink, llBreakLink, and llBreakAllLinks to change links to other objects. PERMISSION_CHANGE_PERMISSIONS type integer value 0x200 tooltip (not yet implemented) PERMISSION_CONTROL_CAMERA type integer value 0x800 tooltip PERMISSION_DEBIT type integer value 0x2 tooltip If this permission is enabled, the object can successfully call llGiveMoney or llTransferLindenDollars to debit the owners account. PERMISSION_RELEASE_OWNERSHIP type integer value 0x40 tooltip (not yet implemented) PERMISSION_REMAP_CONTROLS type integer value 0x8 tooltip (not yet implemented) PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS type integer value 0x4 tooltip If this permission enabled, the object can successfully call the llTakeControls libray call. PERMISSION_TELEPORT type integer value 0x1000 tooltip PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA type integer value 0x400 tooltip PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION type integer value 0x10 tooltip If this permission is enabled, the object can successfully call llStartAnimation for the avatar that owns this. PI type float value 3.14159265 tooltip 3.14159265 - The number of radians in a semi-circle. PI_BY_TWO type float value 1.57079633 tooltip 1.57079633 - The number of radians in a quarter circle. PING_PONG type integer value 0x8 tooltip Play animation going forwards, then backwards. PRIM_BUMP_BARK type integer value 4 tooltip PRIM_BUMP_BLOBS type integer value 12 tooltip PRIM_BUMP_BRICKS type integer value 5 tooltip PRIM_BUMP_BRIGHT type integer value 1 tooltip PRIM_BUMP_CHECKER type integer value 6 tooltip PRIM_BUMP_CONCRETE type integer value 7 tooltip PRIM_BUMP_DARK type integer value 2 tooltip PRIM_BUMP_DISKS type integer value 10 tooltip PRIM_BUMP_GRAVEL type integer value 11 tooltip PRIM_BUMP_LARGETILE type integer value 14 tooltip PRIM_BUMP_NONE type integer value 0 tooltip PRIM_BUMP_SHINY type integer value 19 tooltip PRIM_BUMP_SIDING type integer value 13 tooltip PRIM_BUMP_STONE type integer value 9 tooltip PRIM_BUMP_STUCCO type integer value 15 tooltip PRIM_BUMP_SUCTION type integer value 16 tooltip PRIM_BUMP_TILE type integer value 8 tooltip PRIM_BUMP_WEAVE type integer value 17 tooltip PRIM_BUMP_WOOD type integer value 3 tooltip PRIM_CAST_SHADOWS deprecated true type integer value 24 tooltip PRIM_COLOR type integer value 18 tooltip PRIM_DESC type integer value 28 tooltip PRIM_FLEXIBLE type integer value 21 tooltip PRIM_FULLBRIGHT type integer value 20 tooltip PRIM_GLOW type integer value 25 tooltip PRIM_GLOW is used to get or set the glow status of the face. PRIM_HOLE_CIRCLE type integer value 0x10 tooltip PRIM_HOLE_DEFAULT type integer value 0x00 tooltip PRIM_HOLE_SQUARE type integer value 0x20 tooltip PRIM_HOLE_TRIANGLE type integer value 0x30 tooltip PRIM_LINK_TARGET type integer value 34 tooltip PRIM_MATERIAL type integer value 2 tooltip PRIM_MATERIAL_FLESH type integer value 4 tooltip PRIM_MATERIAL_GLASS type integer value 2 tooltip PRIM_MATERIAL_LIGHT type integer value 7 tooltip PRIM_MATERIAL_METAL type integer value 1 tooltip PRIM_MATERIAL_PLASTIC type integer value 5 tooltip PRIM_MATERIAL_RUBBER type integer value 6 tooltip PRIM_MATERIAL_STONE type integer value 0 tooltip PRIM_MATERIAL_WOOD type integer value 3 tooltip PRIM_MEDIA_ALT_IMAGE_ENABLE type integer value 0 tooltip Boolean. Gets/Sets the default image state (the image that the user sees before a piece of media is active) for the chosen face. The default image is specified by Second Life's server for that media type. PRIM_MEDIA_AUTO_LOOP type integer value 4 tooltip Boolean. Gets/Sets whether auto-looping is enabled. PRIM_MEDIA_AUTO_PLAY type integer value 5 tooltip Boolean. Gets/Sets whether the media auto-plays when a Resident can view it. PRIM_MEDIA_AUTO_SCALE type integer value 6 tooltip Boolean. Gets/Sets whether auto-scaling is enabled. Auto-scaling forces the media to the full size of the texture. PRIM_MEDIA_AUTO_ZOOM type integer value 7 tooltip Boolean. Gets/Sets whether clicking the media triggers auto-zoom and auto-focus on the media. PRIM_MEDIA_CONTROLS type integer value 1 tooltip Integer. Gets/Sets the style of controls. Can be either PRIM_MEDIA_CONTROLS_STANDARD or PRIM_MEDIA_CONTROLS_MINI. PRIM_MEDIA_CONTROLS_MINI type integer value 1 tooltip Mini web navigation controls; does not include an address bar. PRIM_MEDIA_CONTROLS_STANDARD type integer value 0 tooltip Standard web navigation controls. PRIM_MEDIA_CURRENT_URL type integer value 2 tooltip String. Gets/Sets the current url displayed on the chosen face. Changing this URL causes navigation. 1024 characters Maximum. PRIM_MEDIA_FIRST_CLICK_INTERACT type integer value 8 tooltip Boolean. Gets/Sets whether the first click interaction is enabled. PRIM_MEDIA_HEIGHT_PIXELS type integer value 10 tooltip Integer. Gets/Sets the height of the media in pixels. PRIM_MEDIA_HOME_URL type integer value 3 tooltip String. Gets/Sets the home URL for the chosen face. 1024 characters maximum. PRIM_MEDIA_PERM_ANYONE type integer value 4 tooltip PRIM_MEDIA_PERM_GROUP type integer value 2 tooltip PRIM_MEDIA_PERM_NONE type integer value 0 tooltip PRIM_MEDIA_PERM_OWNER type integer value 1 tooltip PRIM_MEDIA_PERMS_CONTROL type integer value 14 tooltip Integer. Gets/Sets the permissions mask that control who can see the media control bar above the object:: PRIM_MEDIA_PERM_ANYONE, PRIM_MEDIA_PERM_GROUP, PRIM_MEDIA_PERM_NONE, PRIM_MEDIA_PERM_OWNER PRIM_MEDIA_PERMS_INTERACT type integer value 13 tooltip Integer. Gets/Sets the permissions mask that control who can interact with the object: PRIM_MEDIA_PERM_ANYONE, PRIM_MEDIA_PERM_GROUP, PRIM_MEDIA_PERM_NONE, PRIM_MEDIA_PERM_OWNER PRIM_MEDIA_WHITELIST type integer value 12 tooltip String. Gets/Sets the white-list as a string of escaped, comma-separated URLs. This string can hold up to 64 URLs or 1024 characters, whichever comes first. PRIM_MEDIA_WHITELIST_ENABLE type integer value 11 tooltip Boolean. Gets/Sets whether navigation is restricted to URLs in PRIM_MEDIA_WHITELIST. PRIM_MEDIA_WIDTH_PIXELS type integer value 9 tooltip Integer. Gets/Sets the width of the media in pixels. PRIM_NAME type integer value 27 tooltip PRIM_OMEGA type integer value 32 tooltip PRIM_PHANTOM type integer value 5 tooltip PRIM_PHYSICS type integer value 3 tooltip PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_CONVEX type integer value 2 tooltip Use the convex hull of the prim shape for physics (this is the default for mesh objects). PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_NONE type integer value 1 tooltip Ignore this prim in the physics shape. NB: This cannot be applied to the root prim. PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_PRIM type integer value 0 tooltip Use the normal prim shape for physics (this is the default for all non-mesh objects). PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_TYPE type integer value 30 tooltip Allows you to set the physics shape type of a prim via lsl. Permitted values are: PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_NONE, PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_PRIM, PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_CONVEX PRIM_POINT_LIGHT type integer value 23 tooltip PRIM_POS_LOCAL type integer value 33 tooltip PRIM_POSITION type integer value 6 tooltip PRIM_ROT_LOCAL type integer value 29 tooltip PRIM_ROTATION type integer value 8 tooltip PRIM_SCULPT_FLAG_INVERT type integer value 64 tooltip Render inside out (inverts the normals). PRIM_SCULPT_FLAG_MIRROR type integer value 128 tooltip Render an X axis mirror of the sculpty. PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_CYLINDER type integer value 4 tooltip PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_MASK type integer value 7 tooltip PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_PLANE type integer value 3 tooltip PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_SPHERE type integer value 1 tooltip PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_TORUS type integer value 2 tooltip PRIM_SHINY_HIGH type integer value 3 tooltip PRIM_SHINY_LOW type integer value 1 tooltip PRIM_SHINY_MEDIUM type integer value 2 tooltip PRIM_SHINY_NONE type integer value 0 tooltip PRIM_SIZE type integer value 7 tooltip PRIM_SLICE type integer value 35 tooltip PRIM_TEMP_ON_REZ type integer value 4 tooltip PRIM_TEXGEN type integer value 22 tooltip PRIM_TEXGEN_DEFAULT type integer value 0 tooltip PRIM_TEXGEN_PLANAR type integer value 1 tooltip PRIM_TEXT type integer value 26 tooltip PRIM_TEXTURE type integer value 17 tooltip PRIM_TYPE type integer value 9 tooltip PRIM_TYPE_BOX type integer value 0 tooltip PRIM_TYPE_CYLINDER type integer value 1 tooltip PRIM_TYPE_PRISM type integer value 2 tooltip PRIM_TYPE_RING type integer value 6 tooltip PRIM_TYPE_SCULPT type integer value 7 tooltip PRIM_TYPE_SPHERE type integer value 3 tooltip PRIM_TYPE_TORUS type integer value 4 tooltip PRIM_TYPE_TUBE type integer value 5 tooltip PROFILE_NONE type integer value 0 tooltip Disables profiling PROFILE_SCRIPT_MEMORY type integer value 1 tooltip Enables memory profiling PSYS_PART_BOUNCE_MASK type integer value 0x4 tooltip Particles bounce off of a plane at the objects Z height. PSYS_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK type integer value 0x100 tooltip The particle glows. PSYS_PART_END_ALPHA type integer value 4 tooltip A float which determines the ending alpha of the object. PSYS_PART_END_COLOR type integer value 3 tooltip A vector <r, g, b> which determines the ending colour of the object. PSYS_PART_END_SCALE type integer value 6 tooltip A vector <sx, sy, z>, which is the ending size of the particle billboard in meters (z is ignored). PSYS_PART_FLAGS type integer value 0 tooltip Each particle that is emitted by the particle system is simulated based on the following flags. To use multiple flags, bitwise or (|) them together. PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_SRC_MASK type integer value 0x10 tooltip The particle position is relative to the source objects position. PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_VELOCITY_MASK type integer value 0x20 tooltip The particle orientation is rotated so the vertical axis faces towards the particle velocity. PSYS_PART_INTERP_COLOR_MASK type integer value 0x1 tooltip Interpolate both the colour and alpha from the start value to the end value. PSYS_PART_INTERP_SCALE_MASK type integer value 0x2 tooltip Interpolate the particle scale from the start value to the end value. PSYS_PART_MAX_AGE type integer value 19 tooltip Age in seconds of a particle at which it dies. PSYS_PART_START_ALPHA type integer value 2 tooltip A float which determines the starting alpha of the object. PSYS_PART_START_COLOR type integer value 1 tooltip A vector <r.r, g.g, b.b> which determines the starting colour of the object. PSYS_PART_START_SCALE type integer value 5 tooltip A vector <sx, sy, z>, which is the starting size of the particle billboard in meters (z is ignored). PSYS_PART_TARGET_LINEAR_MASK type integer value 0x80 tooltip PSYS_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK type integer value 0x40 tooltip The particle heads towards the location of the target object as defined by PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY. PSYS_PART_WIND_MASK type integer value 0x8 tooltip Particles have their velocity damped towards the wind velocity. PSYS_SRC_ACCEL type integer value 8 tooltip A vector <x, y, z> which is the acceleration to apply on particles. PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_BEGIN type integer value 22 tooltip Area in radians specifying where particles will NOT be created (for ANGLE patterns) PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_END type integer value 23 tooltip Area in radians filled with particles (for ANGLE patterns) (if lower than PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_BEGIN, acts as PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_BEGIN itself, and PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_BEGIN acts as PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_END). PSYS_SRC_BURST_PART_COUNT type integer value 15 tooltip How many particles to release in a burst. PSYS_SRC_BURST_RADIUS type integer value 16 tooltip What distance from the center of the object to create the particles. PSYS_SRC_BURST_RATE type integer value 13 tooltip How often to release a particle burst (float seconds). PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MAX type integer value 18 tooltip Maximum speed that a particle should be moving. PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MIN type integer value 17 tooltip Minimum speed that a particle should be moving. PSYS_SRC_INNERANGLE type integer value 10 tooltip Specifies the inner angle of the arc created by the PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE or PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE source pattern. The area specified will NOT have particles in it. PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE type integer value 19 tooltip How long this particle system should last, 0.0 means forever. PSYS_SRC_OMEGA type integer value 21 tooltip Sets the angular velocity to rotate the axis that SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE and SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE use. PSYS_SRC_OUTERANGLE type integer value 11 tooltip Specifies the outer angle of the arc created by the PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE or PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE source pattern. The area between the outer and inner angle will be filled with particles. PSYS_SRC_PATTERN type integer value 9 tooltip The pattern which is used to generate particles. Use one of the following values: PSYS_SRC_PATTERN Values. PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE type integer value 0x04 tooltip Shoot particles across a 2 dimensional area defined by the arc created from PSYS_SRC_OUTERANGLE. There will be an open area defined by PSYS_SRC_INNERANGLE within the larger arc. PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE type integer value 0x08 tooltip Shoot particles out in a 3 dimensional cone with an outer arc of PSYS_SRC_OUTERANGLE and an inner open area defined by PSYS_SRC_INNERANGLE. PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE_EMPTY type integer value 0x10 tooltip PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_DROP type integer value 0x01 tooltip Drop particles at the source position. PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_EXPLODE type integer value 0x02 tooltip Shoot particles out in all directions, using the burst parameters. PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY type integer value 20 tooltip The key of a target object to move towards if PSYS_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK is enabled. PSYS_SRC_TEXTURE type integer value 12 tooltip An asset name for the texture to use for the particles. PU_EVADE_HIDDEN type integer value 0x07 tooltip Triggered when an llEvade character thinks it has hidden from its pursuer. PU_EVADE_SPOTTED type integer value 0x08 tooltip Triggered when an llEvade character switches from hiding to running PU_FAILURE_INVALID_GOAL type integer value 0x03 tooltip Goal is not on the navigation-mesh and cannot be reached. PU_FAILURE_INVALID_START type integer value 0x02 tooltip Character cannot navigate from the current location - e.g., the character is off the navmesh or too high above it. PU_FAILURE_NO_NAVMESH type integer value 0x09 tooltip This is a fatal error reported to a character when there is no navmesh for the region. This usually indicates a server failure and users should file a bug report and include the time and region in which they received this message. PU_FAILURE_NO_VALID_DESTINATION type integer value 0x06 tooltip There is no good place for the character to go - e.g., it is patrolling and all the patrol points are now unreachable. PU_FAILURE_OTHER type integer value 1000000 tooltip PU_FAILURE_TARGET_GONE type integer value 0x05 tooltip Target (for llPursue or llEvade) can no longer be tracked - e.g., it left the region or is an avatar that is now more than about 30m outside the region. PU_FAILURE_UNREACHABLE type integer value 0x04 tooltip Goal is no longer reachable for some reason - e.g., an obstacle blocks the path. PU_GOAL_REACHED type integer value 0x01 tooltip Character has reached the goal and will stop or choose a new goal (if wandering). PU_SLOWDOWN_DISTANCE_REACHED type integer value 0x00 tooltip Character is near current goal. PUBLIC_CHANNEL type integer value 0 tooltip PUBLIC_CHANNEL is an integer constant that, when passed to llSay, llWhisper, or llShout as a channel parameter, will print text to the publicly heard chat channel. PURSUIT_FUZZ_FACTOR type integer value 3 tooltip Selects a random destination near the offset. PURSUIT_GOAL_TOLERANCE type integer value 5 tooltip PURSUIT_INTERCEPT type integer value 4 tooltip Define whether the character attempts to predict the target's location. PURSUIT_OFFSET type integer value 1 tooltip Go to a position offset from the target. RAD_TO_DEG type float value 57.2957795 tooltip 57.2957795 - Number of degrees per radian. You can use this number to convert radians to degrees by multiplying the radians by this number. RC_DATA_FLAGS type integer value 2 tooltip RC_DETECT_PHANTOM type integer value 1 tooltip RC_GET_LINK_NUM type integer value 4 tooltip RC_GET_NORMAL type integer value 1 tooltip RC_GET_ROOT_KEY type integer value 2 tooltip RC_MAX_HITS type integer value 3 tooltip RC_REJECT_AGENTS type integer value 1 tooltip RC_REJECT_LAND type integer value 8 tooltip RC_REJECT_NONPHYSICAL type integer value 4 tooltip RC_REJECT_PHYSICAL type integer value 2 tooltip RC_REJECT_TYPES type integer value 2 tooltip RCERR_CAST_TIME_EXCEEDED type integer value -3 tooltip RCERR_SIM_PERF_LOW type integer value -2 tooltip RCERR_UNKNOWN type integer value -1 tooltip REGION_FLAG_ALLOW_DAMAGE type integer value 0x1 tooltip REGION_FLAG_ALLOW_DIRECT_TELEPORT type integer value 0x100000 tooltip REGION_FLAG_BLOCK_FLY type integer value 0x80000 tooltip REGION_FLAG_BLOCK_TERRAFORM type integer value 0x40 tooltip REGION_FLAG_DISABLE_COLLISIONS type integer value 0x1000 tooltip REGION_FLAG_DISABLE_PHYSICS type integer value 0x4000 tooltip REGION_FLAG_FIXED_SUN type integer value 0x10 tooltip REGION_FLAG_RESTRICT_PUSHOBJECT type integer value 0x400000 tooltip REGION_FLAG_SANDBOX type integer value 0x100 tooltip REMOTE_DATA_CHANNEL type integer value 1 tooltip REMOTE_DATA_REPLY type integer value 3 tooltip REMOTE_DATA_REQUEST type integer value 2 tooltip REQUIRE_LINE_OF_SIGHT type integer value 2 tooltip Define whether the character needs a line-of-sight to give chase. RESTITUTION type integer value 4 tooltip Used with llSetPhysicsMaterial to enable the density value. Must be between 0.0 and 1.0 REVERSE type integer value 0x4 tooltip Play animation in reverse direction. ROTATE type integer value 0x20 tooltip Animate texture rotation. SCALE type integer value 0x40 tooltip Animate the texture scale. SCRIPTED type integer value 0x8 tooltip Scripted in-world objects. SIM_STAT_PCT_CHARS_STEPPED type integer value 0 tooltip Returns the % of pathfinding characters skipped each frame, averaged over the last minute.\nThe returned value corresponds to the "Characters Updated" stat in the viewer's Statistics Bar. SMOOTH type integer value 0x10 tooltip Slide in the X direction, instead of playing separate frames. SQRT2 type float value 1.41421356 tooltip 1.41421356 - The square root of 2. STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB type integer value 64 tooltip Controls whether the object can be grabbed.\nA grab is the default action when in third person, and is available as the hand tool in build mode. This is useful for physical objects that you don't want other people to be able to trivially disturb. The default is FALSE STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB_OBJECT type integer value 1024 tooltip Prevent click-and-drag movement on all prims in the object. STATUS_BOUNDS_ERROR type integer value 1002 tooltip Argument(s) passed to function had a bounds error. STATUS_CAST_SHADOWS type integer value 0x200 tooltip STATUS_DIE_AT_EDGE type integer value 0x80 tooltip Controls whether the object is returned to the owners inventory if it wanders off the edge of the world.\nIt is useful to set this status TRUE for things like bullets or rockets. The default is TRUE STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR type integer value 1999 tooltip An internal error occurred. STATUS_MALFORMED_PARAMS type integer value 1000 tooltip Function was called with malformed parameters. STATUS_NOT_FOUND type integer value 1003 tooltip Object or other item was not found. STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED type integer value 1004 tooltip Feature not supported. STATUS_OK type integer value 0 tooltip Result of function call was a success. STATUS_PHANTOM type integer value 0x10 tooltip Controls/indicates whether the object collides or not.\nSetting the value to TRUE makes the object non-colliding with all objects. It is a good idea to use this for most objects that move or rotate, but are non-physical. It is also useful for simulating volumetric lighting. The default is FALSE. STATUS_PHYSICS type integer value 0x1 tooltip Controls/indicates whether the object moves physically.\nThis controls the same flag that the UI check-box for Physical controls. The default is FALSE. STATUS_RETURN_AT_EDGE type integer value 0x100 tooltip STATUS_ROTATE_X type integer value 0x2 tooltip STATUS_ROTATE_Y type integer value 0x4 tooltip STATUS_ROTATE_Z type integer value 0x8 tooltip Controls/indicates whether the object can physically rotate around the specific axis or not. This flag has no meaning for non-physical objects. Set the value to FALSE if you want to disable rotation around that axis. The default is TRUE for a physical object. A useful example to think about when visualizing the effect is a sit-and-spin device. They spin around the Z axis (up) but not around the X or Y axis. STATUS_SANDBOX type integer value 0x20 tooltip Controls/indicates whether the object can cross region boundaries and move more than 20 meters from its creation point. The default if FALSE. STATUS_TYPE_MISMATCH type integer value 1001 tooltip Argument(s) passed to function had a type mismatch. STATUS_WHITELIST_FAILED type integer value 2001 tooltip Whitelist Failed. STRING_TRIM type integer value 0x03 tooltip STRING_TRIM_HEAD type integer value 0x01 tooltip STRING_TRIM_TAIL type integer value 0x02 tooltip TEXTURE_BLANK type key value 5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f tooltip TEXTURE_DEFAULT type key value 89556747-24cb-43ed-920b-47caed15465f tooltip TEXTURE_MEDIA type key value 8b5fec65-8d8d-9dc5-cda8-8fdf2716e361 tooltip TEXTURE_PLYWOOD type key value 89556747-24cb-43ed-920b-47caed15465f tooltip TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT type key value 8dcd4a48-2d37-4909-9f78-f7a9eb4ef903 tooltip TOUCH_INVALID_FACE type integer value 0xFFFFFFFF tooltip TOUCH_INVALID_TEXCOORD type vector value x -1.0 y -1.0 z 0.0 tooltip TOUCH_INVALID_VECTOR type vector value x 0.0 y 0.0 z 0.0 tooltip TRAVERSAL_TYPE type integer value 7 tooltip One of TRAVERSAL_TYPE_FAST, TRAVERSAL_TYPE_SLOW, and TRAVERSAL_TYPE_NONE. TRAVERSAL_TYPE_FAST type integer value 1 tooltip TRAVERSAL_TYPE_NONE type integer value 2 tooltip TRAVERSAL_TYPE_SLOW type integer value 0 tooltip TRUE type integer value 1 tooltip An integer constant for boolean comparisons. Has the value '1'. TWO_PI type float value 6.28318530 tooltip 6.28318530 - The radians of a circle. TYPE_FLOAT type integer value 2 tooltip The list entry is a float. TYPE_INTEGER type integer value 1 tooltip The list entry is an integer. TYPE_INVALID type integer value 0 tooltip The list entry is invalid. TYPE_KEY type integer value 4 tooltip The list entry is a key. TYPE_ROTATION type integer value 6 tooltip The list entry is a rotation. TYPE_STRING type integer value 3 tooltip The list entry is a string. TYPE_VECTOR type integer value 5 tooltip The list entry is a vector. URL_REQUEST_DENIED type string value URL_REQUEST_DENIED tooltip URL_REQUEST_GRANTED type string value URL_REQUEST_GRANTED tooltip VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY type integer value 32 tooltip A slider between minimum (0.0) and maximum (1.0) deflection of angular orientation. That is, its a simple scalar for modulating the strength of angular deflection such that the vehicles preferred axis of motion points toward its real velocity. VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE type integer value 33 tooltip The time-scale for exponential success of linear deflection deflection. Its another way to specify the strength of the vehicles tendency to reorient itself so that its preferred axis of motion agrees with its true velocity. VEHICLE_ANGULAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE type integer value 17 tooltip A vector of timescales for exponential decay of the vehicles angular velocity about its preferred axes of motion (at, left, up). Range = [0.07, inf) seconds for each element of the vector. VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE type integer value 35 tooltip The timescale for exponential decay of the angular motors magnitude. VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION type integer value 19 tooltip The direction and magnitude (in preferred frame) of the vehicles angular motor.The vehicle will accelerate (or decelerate if necessary) to match its velocity to its motor. VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE type integer value 34 tooltip The timescale for exponential approach to full angular motor velocity. VEHICLE_BANKING_EFFICIENCY type integer value 38 tooltip A slider between anti (-1.0), none (0.0), and maxmum (1.0) banking strength. VEHICLE_BANKING_MIX type integer value 39 tooltip A slider between static (0.0) and dynamic (1.0) banking. "Static" means the banking scales only with the angle of roll, whereas "dynamic" is a term that also scales with the vehicles linear speed. VEHICLE_BANKING_TIMESCALE type integer value 40 tooltip The timescale for banking to exponentially approach its maximum effect. This is another way to scale the strength of the banking effect, however it affects the term that is proportional to the difference between what the banking behavior is trying to do, and what the vehicle is actually doing. VEHICLE_BUOYANCY type integer value 27 tooltip A slider between minimum (0.0) and maximum anti-gravity (1.0). VEHICLE_FLAG_CAMERA_DECOUPLED type integer value 0x200 tooltip VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT type integer value 0x10 tooltip Hover at global height. VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY type integer value 0x8 tooltip Ignore water height when hovering. VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_UP_ONLY type integer value 0x20 tooltip Hover does not push down. Use this flag for hovering vehicles that should be able to jump above their hover height. VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_WATER_ONLY type integer value 0x4 tooltip Ignore terrain height when hovering. VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_MOTOR_UP type integer value 0x40 tooltip Prevents ground vehicles from motoring into the sky. VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_ROLL_ONLY type integer value 0x2 tooltip For vehicles with vertical attractor that want to be able to climb/dive, for instance, aeroplanes that want to use the banking feature. VEHICLE_FLAG_MOUSELOOK_BANK type integer value 0x100 tooltip VEHICLE_FLAG_MOUSELOOK_STEER type integer value 0x80 tooltip VEHICLE_FLAG_NO_DEFLECTION_UP type integer value 0x1 tooltip This flag prevents linear deflection parallel to world z-axis. This is useful for preventing ground vehicles with large linear deflection, like bumper cars, from climbing their linear deflection into the sky. VEHICLE_FLAG_NO_FLY_UP deprecated true type integer value 0x1 tooltip Old, changed to VEHICLE_FLAG_NO_DEFLECTION_UP VEHICLE_HOVER_EFFICIENCY type integer value 25 tooltip A slider between minimum (0.0 = bouncy) and maximum (1.0 = fast as possible) damped motion of the hover behavior. VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT type integer value 24 tooltip The height (above the terrain or water, or global) at which the vehicle will try to hover. VEHICLE_HOVER_TIMESCALE type integer value 26 tooltip Period of time (in seconds) for the vehicle to achieve its hover height. VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY type integer value 28 tooltip A slider between minimum (0.0) and maximum (1.0) deflection of linear velocity. That is, its a simple scalar for modulating the strength of linear deflection. VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE type integer value 29 tooltip The timescale for exponential success of linear deflection deflection. It is another way to specify how much time it takes for the vehicles linear velocity to be redirected to its preferred axis of motion. VEHICLE_LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE type integer value 16 tooltip A vector of timescales for exponential decay of the vehicles linear velocity along its preferred axes of motion (at, left, up). Range = [0.07, inf) seconds for each element of the vector. VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE type integer value 35 tooltip The timescale for exponential decay of the linear motors magnitude. VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION type integer value 18 tooltip The direction and magnitude (in preferred frame) of the vehicles linear motor. The vehicle will accelerate (or decelerate if necessary) to match its velocity to its motor. Range of magnitude = [0, 30] meters/second. VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_OFFSET type integer value 20 tooltip VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE type integer value 30 tooltip The timescale for exponential approach to full linear motor velocity. VEHICLE_REFERENCE_FRAME type integer value 44 tooltip A rotation of the vehicles preferred axes of motion and orientation (at, left, up) with respect to the vehicles local frame (x, y, z). VEHICLE_TYPE_AIRPLANE type integer value 4 tooltip Uses linear deflection for lift, no hover, and banking to turn. // very little friction along forward-back axis llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <200, 10, 5> ); // uniform angular friction llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, 20 ); // linear motor llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0, 0, 0> ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 2 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 60 ); // angular motor llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0, 0, 0> ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 4 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 8 ); // no hover llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT, 0 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_EFFICIENCY, 0.5 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_TIMESCALE, 1000 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BUOYANCY, 0 ); // linear deflection llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY, 0.5 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 0.5 ); // angular deflection llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY, 1.0 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 2.0 ); // vertical attractor llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_EFFICIENCY, 0.9 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_TIMESCALE, 2 ); // banking llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_EFFICIENCY, 1 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_MIX, 0.7 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_TIMESCALE, 2 ); // default rotation of local frame llSetVehicleRotationParam( VEHICLE_REFERENCE_FRAME, <0, 0, 0, 1> ); // remove these flags llRemoveVehicleFlags( VEHICLE_FLAG_NO_DEFLECTION_UP | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_WATER_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_UP_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_MOTOR_UP ); // set these flags llSetVehicleFlags( VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_ROLL_ONLY ); VEHICLE_TYPE_BALLOON type integer value 5 tooltip Hover, and friction, but no deflection. // uniform linear friction llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, 5 ); // uniform angular friction llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, 10 ); // linear motor llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0, 0, 0> ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 5 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 60 ); // angular motor llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0, 0, 0> ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 6 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 10 ); // hover llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT, 5 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_EFFICIENCY, 0.8 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_TIMESCALE, 10 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BUOYANCY, 1 ); // no linear deflection llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY, 0 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 5 ); // no angular deflection llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY, 0 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 5 ); // no vertical attractor llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_EFFICIENCY, 1 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_TIMESCALE, 1000 ); // no banking llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_EFFICIENCY, 0 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_MIX, 0.7 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_TIMESCALE, 5 ); // default rotation of local frame llSetVehicleRotationParam( VEHICLE_REFERENCE_FRAME, <0, 0, 0, 1> ); // remove all flags llRemoveVehicleFlags( VEHICLE_FLAG_NO_DEFLECTION_UP | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_WATER_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_ROLL_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_UP_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_MOTOR_UP ); VEHICLE_TYPE_BOAT type integer value 3 tooltip Hovers over water with lots of friction and some anglar deflection. // least for forward-back, most friction for up-down llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <10, 3, 2> ); // uniform angular friction (setting it as a scalar rather than a vector) llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, 10 ); // linear motor wins after about five seconds, decays after about a minute llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0, 0, 0> ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 5 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 60 ); // angular motor wins after four seconds, decays in same amount of time llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0, 0, 0> ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 4 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 4 ); // hover llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT, 0 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_EFFICIENCY, 0.5 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_TIMESCALE, 2.0 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BUOYANCY, 1 ); // halfway linear deflection with timescale of 3 seconds llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY, 0.5 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 3 ); // angular deflection llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY, 0.5 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 5 ); // somewhat bounscy vertical attractor llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_EFFICIENCY, 0.5 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_TIMESCALE, 5 ); // weak negative damped banking llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_EFFICIENCY, -0.3 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_MIX, 0.8 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_TIMESCALE, 1 ); // default rotation of local frame llSetVehicleRotationParam( VEHICLE_REFERENCE_FRAME, <0, 0, 0, 1> ); // remove these flags llRemoveVehicleFlags( VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_ROLL_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT); // set these flags llSetVehicleFlags( VEHICLE_FLAG_NO_DEFLECTION_UP | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_WATER_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_UP_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_MOTOR_UP ); VEHICLE_TYPE_CAR type integer value 2 tooltip Another vehicle that bounces along the ground but needs the motors to be driven from external controls or timer events. // most friction for left-right, least for up-down llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <100, 2, 1000> ); // no angular friction llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <1000, 1000, 1000> ); // linear motor wins after about a second, decays after about a minute llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0, 0, 0> ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 1 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 60 ); // angular motor wins after a second, decays in less time than that llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0, 0, 0> ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 1 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 0.8 ); // no hover llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT, 0 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_EFFICIENCY, 0 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_TIMESCALE, 1000 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BUOYANCY, 0 ); // maximum linear deflection with timescale of 2 seconds llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY, 1 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 2 ); // no angular deflection llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY, 0 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 10 ); // critically damped vertical attractor llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_EFFICIENCY, 1 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_TIMESCALE, 10 ); // weak negative critically damped banking llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_EFFICIENCY, -0.2 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_MIX, 1 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_TIMESCALE, 1 ); // default rotation of local frame llSetVehicleRotationParam( VEHICLE_REFERENCE_FRAME, <0, 0, 0, 1> ); // remove these flags llRemoveVehicleFlags( VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_WATER_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT); // set these flags llSetVehicleFlags( VEHICLE_FLAG_NO_DEFLECTION_UP | VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_ROLL_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_UP_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_MOTOR_UP ); VEHICLE_TYPE_NONE type integer value 0 tooltip VEHICLE_TYPE_SLED type integer value 1 tooltip Simple vehicle that bumps along the ground, and likes to move along its local x-axis. // most friction for left-right, least for up-down llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <30, 1, 1000> ); // no angular friction llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <1000, 1000, 1000> ); // no linear motor llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0, 0, 0> ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 1000 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 120 ); // no angular motor llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0, 0, 0> ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 1000 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 120 ); // no hover (but with timescale of 10 sec if enabled) llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT, 0 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_EFFICIENCY, 10 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_TIMESCALE, 10 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BUOYANCY, 0 ); // maximum linear deflection with timescale of 1 second llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY, 1 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 1 ); // no angular deflection llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY, 0 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 10 ); // no vertical attractor (doesnt mind flipping over) llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_EFFICIENCY, 1 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_TIMESCALE, 1000 ); // no banking llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_EFFICIENCY, 0 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_MIX, 1 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_TIMESCALE, 10 ); // default rotation of local frame llSetVehicleRotationParam( VEHICLE_REFERENCE_FRAME, <0, 0, 0, 1> ); // remove these flags llRemoveVehicleFlags( VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_WATER_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_UP_ONLY ); // set these flags (the limit_roll flag will have no effect // until banking is enabled, if ever) llSetVehicleFlags( VEHICLE_FLAG_NO_DEFLECTION_UP | VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_ROLL_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_MOTOR_UP ); VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_EFFICIENCY type integer value 36 tooltip A slider between minimum (0.0 = wobbly) and maximum (1.0 = firm as possible) stability of the vehicle to keep itself upright. VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_TIMESCALE type integer value 37 tooltip The period of wobble, or timescale for exponential approach, of the vehicle to rotate such that its preferred "up" axis is oriented along the worlds "up" axis. VERTICAL type integer value 0 tooltip WANDER_PAUSE_AT_WAYPOINTS type integer value 0 tooltip ZERO_ROTATION type rotation value x 0.0 y 0.0 z 0.0 w 1.0 tooltip ZERO_VECTOR type vector value x 0.0 y 0.0 z 0.0 tooltip events at_rot_target arguments TargetNumber type integer tooltip TargetRotation type rotation tooltip CurrentRotation type rotation tooltip tooltip This event is triggered when a script comes within a defined angle of a target rotation. The range and rotation, are set by a call to llRotTarget. at_target arguments TargetNumber type integer tooltip TargetPosition type vector tooltip CurrentPosition type vector tooltip tooltip This event is triggered when the scripted object comes within a defined range of the target position, defined by the llTarget function call. attach arguments AvatarID type key tooltip tooltip This event is triggered whenever an object is attached or detached from an avatar. If it is attached, the key of the avatar it is attached to is passed in, otherwise NULL_KEY is. changed arguments Changed type integer tooltip tooltip Triggered when various events change the object. The change argument will be a bit-field of CHANGED_* constants. collision arguments NumberOfCollisions type integer tooltip tooltip This event is raised while another object, or avatar, is colliding with the object the script is attached to. The number of detected objects is passed to the script. Information on those objects may be gathered via the llDetected* functions. collision_end arguments NumberOfCollisions type integer tooltip tooltip This event is raised when another object, or avatar, stops colliding with the object the script is attached to. The number of detected objects is passed to the script. Information on those objects may be gathered via the llDetected* library functions. collision_start arguments NumberOfCollisions type integer tooltip tooltip This event is raised when another object, or avatar, starts colliding with the object the script is attached to. The number of detected objects is passed to the script. Information on those objects may be gathered via the llDetected* library functions. control arguments AvatarID type key tooltip Levels type integer tooltip Edges type integer tooltip tooltip Once a script has the ability to grab control inputs from the avatar, this event will be used to pass the commands into the script. The levels and edges are bit-fields of control constants. dataserver arguments RequestID type key tooltip Data type string tooltip tooltip This event is triggered when the requested data is returned to the script. Data may be requested by the llRequestAgentData, llRequestInventoryData, and llGetNotecardLine function calls, for example. email arguments Time type string tooltip Address type string tooltip Subject type string tooltip Body type string tooltip NumberRemaining type integer tooltip tooltip This event is triggered when an email sent to this script arrives. The number remaining tells how many more emails are known to be still pending. http_request arguments HTTPRequestID type key tooltip HTTPMethod type string tooltip Body type string tooltip tooltip Triggered when task receives an HTTP request. http_response arguments HTTPRequestID type key tooltip Status type integer tooltip Metadata type list tooltip Body type string tooltip tooltip This event handler is invoked when an HTTP response is received for a pending llHTTPRequest request or if a pending request fails or times out. land_collision arguments Position type vector tooltip tooltip This event is raised when the object the script is attached to is colliding with the ground. land_collision_end arguments Position type vector tooltip tooltip This event is raised when the object the script is attached to stops colliding with the ground. land_collision_start arguments Position type vector tooltip tooltip This event is raised when the object the script is attached to begins to collide with the ground. link_message arguments SendersLink type integer tooltip Value type integer tooltip Text type string tooltip ID type key tooltip tooltip Triggered when object receives a link message via llMessageLinked function call. listen arguments Channel type integer tooltip Name type string tooltip ID type key tooltip Text type string tooltip tooltip This event is raised whenever a chat message matching the constraints set in the llListen command is received. The name and ID of the speaker, as well as the message, are passed in as parameters. Channel 0 is the public chat channel that all avatars see as chat text. Channels 1 through 2,147,483,648 are private channels that are not sent to avatars but other scripts can listen on those channels. money arguments Payer type key tooltip Amount type integer tooltip tooltip This event is triggered when a resident has given an amount of Linden dollars to the object. moving_end arguments tooltip Triggered whenever an object with this script stops moving. moving_start arguments tooltip Triggered whenever an object with this script starts moving. no_sensor arguments tooltip This event is raised when sensors are active, via the llSensor function call, but are not sensing anything. not_at_rot_target arguments tooltip When a target is set via the llRotTarget function call, but the script is outside the specified angle this event is raised. not_at_target arguments tooltip When a target is set via the llTarget library call, but the script is outside the specified range this event is raised. object_rez arguments RezzedObjectsID type key tooltip tooltip Triggered when an object rezzes another object from its inventory via the llRezObject, or similar, functions. The id is the globally unique key for the object rezzed. on_rez arguments StartParameter type integer tooltip tooltip Triggered whenever an object is rezzed from inventory or by another object. The start parameter is passed in from the llRezObject call, or zero if from inventory. path_update arguments Type type integer tooltip Reserved type list tooltip tooltip This event is called to inform the script of changes within the object's path-finding status. remote_data arguments EventType type integer tooltip ChannelID type key tooltip MessageID type key tooltip Sender type string tooltip Data type integer tooltip Data type string tooltip tooltip Triggered by various XML-RPC calls with event_type specifying the type of data. run_time_permissions arguments PermissionFlags type integer tooltip tooltip Scripts need permission from either the owner or the avatar they wish to act on before they may perform certain functions, such as debiting money from their owners account, triggering an animation on an avatar, or capturing control inputs. The llRequestPermissions library function is used to request these permissions and the various permissions integer constants can be supplied. The integer returned to this event handler contains the current set of permissions flags, so if permissions equal 0 then no permissions are set. sensor arguments NumberDetected type integer tooltip tooltip This event is raised whenever objects matching the constraints of the llSensor command are detected. The number of detected objects is passed to the script in the parameter. Information on those objects may be gathered via the llDetected* functions. state_entry arguments tooltip The state_entry event occurs whenever a new state is entered, including at program start, and is always the first event handled. state_exit arguments tooltip The state_exit event occurs whenever the state command is used to transition to another state. It is handled before the new states state_entry event. timer arguments tooltip This event is raised at regular intervals set by the llSetTimerEvent library function. touch arguments NumberOfTouches type integer tooltip tooltip This event is raised while a user is touching the object the script is attached to. The number of touching objects is passed to the script in the parameter. Information on those objects may be gathered via the llDetected* library functions. touch_end arguments NumberOfTouches type integer tooltip tooltip This event is raised when a user stops touching the object the script is attached to. The number of touches is passed to the script in the parameter. Information on those objects may be gathered via the llDetected* library functions. touch_start arguments NumberOfTouches type integer tooltip tooltip This event is raised when a user first touches the object the script is attached to. The number of touches is passed to the script in the parameter. Information on those objects may be gathered via the llDetected() library functions. transaction_result arguments RequestID type key tooltip Success type integer tooltip Message type string tooltip tooltip Triggered by llTransferMoney() function. functions llAbs energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Value type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the absolute (positive) version of Value. llAcos energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments Value type float tooltip tooltip Returns the arc-cosine of Value, in radians. llAddToLandBanList energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments ID type key tooltip Hours type float tooltip tooltip Add avatar ID to the parcel ban list for the specified number of Hours.\nA value of 0 for Hours will add the agent indefinitely.\nThe smallest value that Hours will accept is 0.01; anything smaller will be seen as 0.\nWhen values that small are used, it seems the function bans in approximately 30 second increments (Probably 36 second increments, as 0.01 of an hour is 36 seconds).\nResidents teleporting to a parcel where they are banned will be redirected to a neighbouring parcel. llAddToLandPassList energy 10.0 sleep 0.1 return void arguments ID type key tooltip Hours type float tooltip tooltip Add avatar ID to the land pass list, for a duration of Hours. llAdjustSoundVolume energy 10.0 sleep 0.1 return void arguments Volume type float tooltip tooltip Adjusts the volume (0.0 - 1.0) of the currently playing attached sound started with llPlaySound or llLoopSound.\nAdjusts the volume of the currently playing attached sound started with llPlaySound or llLoopSound.\nThis function has no effect on sounds started with llTriggerSound. llAllowInventoryDrop energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Flag type integer tooltip tooltip If Flag == TRUE, users without object modify permissions can still drop inventory items into the object. llAngleBetween energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments Rot1 type rotation tooltip Rot2 type rotation tooltip tooltip Returns the angle, in radians, between rotations Rot1 and Rot2. llApplyImpulse energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Force type vector tooltip Local type integer tooltip tooltip Applies impulse to the object.\nApplies the Force in local coordinates if Local == TRUE. Otherwise the Force is applied in global coordinates.\nThis function only works on physical objects. llApplyRotationalImpulse energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Force type vector tooltip Local type integer tooltip tooltip Applies rotational impulse to the object,\nThe force is in local coordinates, if Local == TRUE, otherwise the impulse is applied in global coordinates.\nThis function only works on physical objects. llAsin energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments Value type float tooltip tooltip Returns the arc-sine, in radians, of Value. llAtan2 energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments y type float tooltip x type float tooltip tooltip Returns the arc-tangent2 of y, x. llAttachToAvatar energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments AttachmentPoint type integer tooltip tooltip Attach to avatar at point AttachmentPoint, if task has permissions to do so.\nAttach to avatar at point iAttachmentPoint.\nRequires the PERMISSION_ATTACH runtime permission. llAttachToAvatarTemp energy 0 sleep 0 return void arguments AttachPoint type integer tooltip tooltip Follows the same convention as llAttachToAvatar, with the exception that the object will not create new inventory for the user, and will disappear on detach or disconnect. llAvatarOnLinkSitTarget energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return key arguments LinkNumber type integer tooltip tooltip If an avatar is sitting on the link's sit target, return the avatar's key, NULL_KEY otherwise.\nReturns a key that is the UUID of the user seated on the specified link's prim. llAvatarOnSitTarget energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return key arguments tooltip If an avatar is seated on the sit target, returns the avatar's key, otherwise NULL_KEY.\nThis only will detect avatars sitting on sit targets defined with llSitTarget. llAxes2Rot energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return rotation arguments Forward type vector tooltip Left type vector tooltip Up type vector tooltip tooltip Returns the rotation represented by coordinate axes Forward, Left, and Up. llAxisAngle2Rot energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return rotation arguments Axis type vector tooltip Angle type float tooltip tooltip Returns the rotation that is a generated Angle about Axis. llBase64ToInteger energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Text type string tooltip tooltip Returns an integer that is the Text, Base64 decoded as a big endian integer.\nReturns zero if Text is longer then 8 characters. If Text contains fewer then 6 characters, the return value is unpredictable. llBase64ToString energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments Text type string tooltip tooltip Converts a Base64 string to a conventional string.\nIf the conversion creates any unprintable characters, they are converted to question marks. llBreakAllLinks energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments tooltip De-links all prims in the link set (requires permission PERMISSION_CHANGE_LINKS be set). llBreakLink energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments LinkNumber type integer tooltip tooltip De-links the prim with the given link number (requires permission PERMISSION_CHANGE_LINKS be set). llCastRay energy sleep return list arguments Start type vector tooltip End type vector tooltip Options type list tooltip tooltip Casts a ray into the physics world from 'start' to 'end' and returns data according to details in Options.\nReports collision data for intersections with objects.\nReturn value: [UUID_1, {link_number_1}, hit_position_1, {hit_normal_1}, UUID_2, {link_number_2}, hit_position_2, {hit_normal_2}, ... , status_code] where {} indicates optional data. llCeil energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Value type float tooltip tooltip Returns smallest integer value >= Value. llClearCameraParams energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments tooltip Resets all camera parameters to default values and turns off scripted camera control. llClearLinkMedia energy 0.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Link type integer tooltip Face type integer tooltip tooltip Clears (deletes) the media and all parameters from the given Face on the linked prim.\nReturns an integer that is a STATUS_* flag, which details the success/failure of the operation. llClearPrimMedia energy 10.0 sleep 0.1 return integer arguments Face type integer tooltip tooltip Clears (deletes) the media and all parameters from the given Face.\nReturns an integer that is a STATUS_* flag which details the success/failure of the operation. llCloseRemoteDataChannel energy 10.0 sleep 1.0 return void arguments ChannelID type key tooltip tooltip Closes the specified XML-RPC channel. llCloud energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments Offset type vector tooltip tooltip Returns the cloud density at the object's position + Offset. llCollisionFilter energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments ObjectName type string tooltip ObjectID type key tooltip Accept type integer tooltip tooltip If Accept == TRUE, only accept collisions with objects Name and ID, otherwise with objects not Name or ID.\nSpecify an empty string or NULL_KEY to not filter on the corresponding parameter. llCollisionSound energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments ImpactSound type string tooltip ImpactVolume type float tooltip tooltip Suppress default collision sounds, replace default impact sounds with ImpactSound.\nThe ImpactSound must be in the object inventory.\nSupply an empty string to suppress collision sounds. llCollisionSprite energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments ImpactSprite type string tooltip tooltip Suppress default collision sprites, replace default impact sprite with ImpactSprite; found in the object inventory (empty string to just suppress). llCos energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments Theta type float tooltip tooltip Returns the cosine of Theta (Theta in radians). llCreateCharacter energy sleep return void arguments Options type list tooltip tooltip Convert link-set to AI/Physics character.\nCreates a path-finding entity, known as a "character", from the object containing the script. Required to activate use of path-finding functions.\nOptions is a list of key/value pairs. llCreateLink energy 10.0 sleep 1.0 return void arguments TargetPrim type key tooltip Parent type integer tooltip tooltip Attempt to link the object the script is in, to target (requires permission PERMISSION_CHANGE_LINKS be set).\nIf parent == TRUE, the object the script is attached to is the root.\nRequires permission PERMISSION_CHANGE_LINKS be set. llCSV2List energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return list arguments Text type string tooltip tooltip Create a list from a string of comma separated values specified in Text. llDeleteCharacter energy sleep return void arguments tooltip Convert link-set from AI/Physics character to Physics object.\nConvert the current link-set back to a standard object, removing all path-finding properties. llDeleteSubList energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return list arguments Source type list tooltip Start type integer tooltip End type integer tooltip tooltip Removes the slice from start to end and returns the remainder of the list.\nRemove a slice from the list and return the remainder, start and end are inclusive.\nUsing negative numbers for start and/or end causes the index to count backwards from the length of the list, so 0, -1 would delete the entire list.\nIf Start is larger than End the list deleted is the exclusion of the entries; so 6, 4 would delete the entire list except for the 5th. list entry. llDeleteSubString energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments Source type string tooltip Start type integer tooltip End type integer tooltip tooltip Removes the indicated sub-string and returns the result.\nStart and End are inclusive.\nUsing negative numbers for Start and/or End causes the index to count backwards from the length of the string, so 0, -1 would delete the entire string.\nIf Start is larger than End, the sub-string is the exclusion of the entries; so 6, 4 would delete the entire string except for the 5th. character. llDetachFromAvatar energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments tooltip Remove the object containing the script from the avatar. llDetectedGrab energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments Number type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the grab offset of a user touching the object.\nReturns <0.0, 0.0, 0.0> if Number is not a valid object. llDetectedGroup energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Number type integer tooltip tooltip Returns TRUE if detected object or agent Number has the same user group active as this object.\nIt will return FALSE if the object or agent is in the group, but the group is not active. llDetectedKey energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return key arguments Number type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the key of detected object or avatar number.\nReturns NULL_KEY if Number is not a valid index. llDetectedLinkNumber energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Number type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the link position of the triggered event for touches and collisions only.\n0 for a non-linked object, 1 for the root of a linked object, 2 for the first child, etc. llDetectedName energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments Number type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the name of detected object or avatar number.\nReturns the name of detected object number.\nReturns empty string if Number is not a valid index. llDetectedOwner energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return key arguments Number type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the key of detected object's owner.\nReturns invalid key if Number is not a valid index. llDetectedPos energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments Number type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the position of detected object or avatar number.\nReturns <0.0, 0.0, 0.0> if Number is not a valid index. llDetectedRot energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return rotation arguments Number type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the rotation of detected object or avatar number.\nReturns <0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0> if Number is not a valid offset. llDetectedTouchBinormal energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments Index type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the surface bi-normal for a triggered touch event.\nReturns a vector that is the surface bi-normal (tangent to the surface) where the touch event was triggered. llDetectedTouchFace energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Index type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the index of the face where the avatar clicked in a triggered touch event. llDetectedTouchNormal energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments Index type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the surface normal for a triggered touch event.\nReturns a vector that is the surface normal (perpendicular to the surface) where the touch event was triggered. llDetectedTouchPos energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments Index type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the position, in region coordinates, where the object was touched in a triggered touch event.\nUnless it is a HUD, in which case it returns the position relative to the attach point. llDetectedTouchST energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments Index type integer tooltip tooltip Returns a vector that is the surface coordinates where the prim was touched.\nThe X and Y vector positions contain the horizontal (S) and vertical (T) face coordinates respectively.\nEach component is in the interval [0.0, 1.0].\nTOUCH_INVALID_TEXCOORD is returned if the surface coordinates cannot be determined (e.g. when the viewer does not support this function). llDetectedTouchUV energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments Index type integer tooltip tooltip Returns a vector that is the texture coordinates for where the prim was touched.\nThe X and Y vector positions contain the U and V face coordinates respectively.\nTOUCH_INVALID_TEXCOORD is returned if the touch UV coordinates cannot be determined (e.g. when the viewer does not support this function). llDetectedType energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Number type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the type (AGENT, ACTIVE, PASSIVE, SCRIPTED) of detected object.\nReturns 0 if number is not a valid index.\nNote that number is a bit-field, so comparisons need to be a bitwise checked. e.g.:\ninteger iType = llDetectedType(0);\n{\n // stuff with the agent\n} llDetectedVel energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments Number type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the velocity of the detected object Number.\nReturns<0.0, 0.0, 0.0> if Number is not a valid offset. llDialog energy 10.0 sleep 0.1 return void arguments AvatarID type key tooltip Text type string tooltip Buttons type list tooltip Channel type integer tooltip tooltip Shows a dialog box on the avatar's screen with the message.\n Up to 12 strings in the list form buttons.\n If a button is clicked, the name is chatted on Channel.\nOpens a "notify box" in the given avatars screen displaying the message.\n Up to twelve buttons can be specified in a list of strings. When the user clicks a button, the name of the button is said on the specified channel.\n Channels work just like llSay(), so channel 0 can be heard by everyone.\n The chat originates at the object's position, not the avatar's position, even though it is said as the avatar (uses avatar's UUID and Name etc.).\n Examples:\n llDialog(who, "Are you a boy or a girl?", [ "Boy", "Girl" ], -4913);\n llDialog(who, "This shows only an OK button.", [], -192);\n llDialog(who, "This chats so you can 'hear' it.", ["Hooray"], 0); llDie energy 0.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments tooltip Deletes the object.\nDelete the object which holds the script. llDumpList2String energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments Source type list tooltip Separator type string tooltip tooltip Returns the list as a single string, using Separator between the entries.\nWrite the list out as a single string, using Separator between values. llEdgeOfWorld energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Position type vector tooltip Direction type vector tooltip tooltip Checks to see whether the border hit by Direction from Position is the edge of the world (has no neighboring region).\nReturns TRUE if the line along Direction from Position hits the edge of the world in the current simulator, returns FALSE if that edge crosses into another simulator. llEjectFromLand energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments AvatarID type key tooltip tooltip Ejects AvatarID from land that you own.\nEjects AvatarID from land that the object owner (group or resident) owns. llEmail energy 10.0 sleep 20.0 return void arguments Address type string tooltip Subject type string tooltip Text type string tooltip tooltip Sends email to Address with Subject and Message.\nSends an email to Address with Subject and Message. llEscapeURL energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments URL type string tooltip tooltip Returns an escaped/encoded version of url, replacing spaces with %20 etc.\nReturns the string that is the URL-escaped version of URL (replacing spaces with %20, etc.).\n This function returns the UTF-8 encoded escape codes for selected characters. llEuler2Rot energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return rotation arguments Vector type vector tooltip tooltip Returns the rotation representation of the Euler angles.\nReturns the rotation represented by the Euler Angle. llEvade energy sleep return void arguments TargetID type key tooltip Options type list tooltip tooltip Evade a specified target.\nCharacters will (roughly) try to hide from their pursuers if there is a good hiding spot along their fleeing path. Hiding means no direct line of sight from the head of the character (centre of the top of its physics bounding box) to the head of its pursuer and no direct path between the two on the navigation-mesh. llExecCharacterCmd energy sleep return void arguments Command type integer tooltip Options type list tooltip tooltip Execute a character command.\nSend a command to the path system.\n Currently only supports stopping the current path-finding operation or causing the character to jump. llFabs energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments Value type float tooltip tooltip Returns the positive version of Value.\nReturns the absolute value of Value. llFleeFrom energy sleep return void arguments Source type vector tooltip Distance type float tooltip Options type list tooltip tooltip Flee from a point.\nDirects a character (llCreateCharacter) to keep away from a defined position in the region or adjacent regions. llFloor energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Value type float tooltip tooltip Returns largest integer value <= Value. llForceMouselook energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Enable type integer tooltip tooltip If Enable is TRUE any avatar that sits on this object is forced into mouse-look mode.\nAfter calling this function with Enable set to TRUE, any agent sitting down on the prim will be forced into mouse-look.\n Just like llSitTarget, this changes a permanent property of the prim (not the object) and needs to be reset by calling this function with Enable set to FALSE in order to disable it. llFrand energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments Magnitude type float tooltip tooltip Returns a pseudo random number in the range [0, Magnitude] or [Magnitude, 0].\nReturns a pseudo-random number between [0, Magnitude]. llGenerateKey energy 0 sleep 0 return key arguments tooltip Generates a key (SHA-1 hash) using UUID generation to create a unique key.\nAs the UUID produced is versioned, it should never return a value of NULL_KEY.\nThe specific UUID version is an implementation detail that has changed in the past and may change again in the future. Do not depend upon the UUID that is returned to be version 5 SHA-1 hash. llGetAccel energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments tooltip Returns the acceleration of the object relative to the region's axes.\nGets the acceleration of the object. llGetAgentInfo energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments AvatarID type key tooltip tooltip Returns an integer bit-field containing the agent information about id.\n Returns AGENT_FLYING, AGENT_ATTACHMENTS, AGENT_SCRIPTED, AGENT_SITTING, AGENT_ON_OBJECT, AGENT_MOUSELOOK, AGENT_AWAY, AGENT_BUSY, AGENT_TYPING, AGENT_CROUCHING, AGENT_ALWAYS_RUN, AGENT_WALKING and/or AGENT_IN_AIR.\nReturns information about the given agent ID as a bit-field of agent info constants. llGetAgentLanguage energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments AvatarID type key tooltip tooltip Returns the language code of the preferred interface language of the avatar.\nReturns a string that is the language code of the preferred interface language of the resident. llGetAgentList energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return list arguments Scope type integer tooltip Options type list tooltip tooltip Requests a list of agents currently in the region, limited by the scope parameter.\nReturns a list [key UUID-0, key UUID-1, ..., key UUID-n] or [string error_msg] - returns avatar keys for all agents in the region limited to the area(s) specified by scope llGetAgentSize energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments AvatarID type key tooltip tooltip If the avatar is in the same region, returns the size of the bounding box of the requested avatar by id, otherwise returns ZERO_VECTOR.\nIf the agent is in the same region as the object, returns the size of the avatar. llGetAlpha energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments Face type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the alpha value of Face.\nReturns the 'alpha' of the given face. If face is ALL_SIDES the value returned is the mean average of all faces. llGetAndResetTime energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments tooltip Returns the script time in seconds and then resets the script timer to zero.\nGets the time in seconds since starting and resets the time to zero. llGetAnimation energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments AvatarID type key tooltip tooltip Returns the name of the currently playing locomotion animation for the avatar id.\nReturns the currently playing animation for the specified avatar ID. llGetAnimationList energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return list arguments AvatarID type key tooltip tooltip Returns a list of keys of playing animations for an avatar.\nReturns a list of keys of all playing animations for the specified avatar ID. llGetAttached energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments tooltip Returns the object's attachment point, or 0 if not attached.\nReturns the object attachment point, or 0 if not attached. llGetBoundingBox energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return list arguments ID type key tooltip tooltip Returns the bounding box around the object (including any linked prims) relative to its root prim, as a list in the format [ (vector) min_corner, (vector) max_corner ].\nReturns the bounding box around the object or avatar with the specified key (including any linked prims) relative to the\n root prim, as a list: [ (vector) min_corner, (vector) max_corner ] llGetCameraPos energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments tooltip Returns the current camera position for the agent the task has permissions for.\nReturns the position of the camera, of the user that granted the script PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA. If no user has granted the permission, it returns ZERO_VECTOR. llGetCameraRot energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return rotation arguments tooltip Returns the current camera orientation for the agent the task has permissions for.\nReturns the rotation of the camera, of the user who has granted this script PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA. If no user has granted the permission, it returns ZERO_ROTATION.\n The key of the user whose camera is being tracked, can be obtained using llGetPermissionsKey. llGetCenterOfMass energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments tooltip Returns the prim's centre of mass (unless called from the root prim, where it returns the object's centre of mass). llGetClosestNavPoint energy sleep return list arguments Point type vector tooltip Options type list tooltip tooltip Get the closest navigable point to the point provided.\nThe function accepts a point in region-local space (like all the other path-finding methods) and returns either an empty list or a list containing a single vector which is the closest point on the navigation-mesh to the point provided. llGetColor energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments Face type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the color on Face.\nReturns the colour of Face as a vector of red, green, and blue values between 0 and 1. If face is ALL_SIDES the colour returned is the mean average of each channel. llGetCreator energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return key arguments tooltip Returns a key for the creator of the prim.\nReturns the key of the object's original creator. Similar to llGetOwner. llGetDate energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments tooltip Returns the current date in the UTC time zone in the format YYYY-MM-DD.\nReturns the current UTC date as YYYY-MM-DD. llGetDisplayName energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments AvatarID type key tooltip tooltip Returns the name of an avatar, if the avatar is in the current region, and the name has been cached, otherwise the same as llGetUsername. Use llRequestDisplayName if you absolutely must have the display name.\nReturns a string that is the non-unique display name of the avatar specified by AvatarID.\n AvatarID must specify a valid avatar key, present in or otherwise known to the region in which the script is running, otherwise an empty string is returned.\n This function will still return a valid display name if the avatar is a child agent of the region (i.e., in an adjacent region, but presently able to see into the one the script is in), or for a short period after the avatar leaves the region (specifically, when the client completely disconnects from the region, either as a main or child agent). llGetEnergy energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments tooltip Returns how much energy is in the object as a percentage of maximum. llGetEnv energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments DataRequest type string tooltip tooltip Returns a string with the requested data about the region. llGetForce energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments tooltip Returns the force (if the script is physical).\nReturns the current force if the script is physical. llGetFreeMemory energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments tooltip Returns the number of free bytes of memory the script can use.\nReturns the available free space for the current script. This is inaccurate with LSO. llGetFreeURLs energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments tooltip Returns the number of available URLs for the current script.\nReturns an integer that is the number of available URLs. llGetGeometricCenter energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments tooltip Returns the geometric center of the linked set the script is attached to.\nReturns the geometric centre of the linked set the script is in relative to the object's position (the position of the root prim of a linked set).\n To get the object's position, use llGetPos. llGetGMTclock energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments tooltip Returns the time in seconds since midnight GMT.\nGets the time in seconds since midnight in GMT/UTC. llGetHTTPHeader energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments HTTPRequestID type key tooltip Header type string tooltip tooltip Returns the value for header for request_id.\nReturns a string that is the value of the Header for HTTPRequestID. llGetInventoryCreator energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return key arguments InventoryItem type string tooltip tooltip Returns a key for the creator of the inventory item.\nThis function returns the UUID of the creator of item. If item is not found in inventory, the object says "No item named 'name' ". llGetInventoryKey energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return key arguments InventoryItem type string tooltip tooltip Returns the key that is the UUID of the inventory named.\nReturns the key of the inventory named. llGetInventoryName energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments InventoryType type integer tooltip Index type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the name of the inventory item number of a given type.\nGet the name of the inventory Index number of InventoryType.\n Use the inventory constants INVENTORY_* to specify the type. llGetInventoryNumber energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments InventoryType type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the number of items of a given type (INVENTORY_* flag) in the prim's inventory.\nGet the number of items of InventoryType in the object inventory.\n Use the inventory constants INVENTORY_* to specify the type. llGetInventoryPermMask energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments InventoryItem type string tooltip BitMask type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the requested permission mask for the inventory item.\nReturns the requested permission mask for the inventory item defined by InventoryItem. If item is not in the object's inventory, llGetInventoryPermMask returns FALSE and causes the object to say "No item named '<item>'", where "<item>" is item.\n If this is used to determine whether or not an inventory item exists within the object, it will have the side effect of spamming chat. So please don't ;-) llGetInventoryType energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments InventoryItem type string tooltip tooltip Returns the type of the inventory item named.\nReturns the type of the inventory item named.\n Remember, like all inventory functions, llGetInventoryType is case-sensitive. llGetKey energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return key arguments tooltip Returns the key of the prim the script is attached to.\nGet the key for the object which has this script. llGetLandOwnerAt energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return key arguments Position type vector tooltip tooltip Returns the key of the land owner, returns NULL_KEY if public.\nReturns the key of the land owner at Position, or NULL_KEY if public. llGetLinkKey energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return key arguments LinkNumber type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the key of the linked prim LinkNumber.\nReturns the key of LinkNumber in the link set. llGetLinkMedia energy 0.0 sleep 0.0 return list arguments LinkNumber type integer tooltip Face type integer tooltip Parameters type integer tooltip tooltip Get the media parameters for a particular face on linked prim, given the desired list of parameter names. Returns a list of values in the order requested. Returns an empty list if no media exists on the face.\nGet the desired list of named media parameters, for a particular face, of a linked prim.\n Returns a list of values in the order requested. llGetLinkName energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments LinkNumber type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the name of LinkNumber in a link set.\nReturns the name of LinkNumber the link set. llGetLinkNumber energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments tooltip Returns the link number of the prim containing the script (0 means not linked, 1 the prim is the root, 2 the prim is the first child, etc.).\nReturns the link number of the prim containing the script. 0 means no link, 1 the root, 2 for first child, etc. llGetLinkNumberOfSides energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments LinkNumber type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the number of sides of the specified linked prim.\nReturns an integer that is the number of faces (or sides) of the prim link. llGetLinkPrimitiveParams energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return list arguments LinkNumber type integer tooltip Parameters type integer tooltip tooltip Get primitive parameters for LinkNumber based on rules.\nIdentical to llGetPrimitiveParams except that it acts on the prim specified by the link number given.\n Returns the list of primitive attributes requested in the Parameters list for link.\n PRIM_* flags can be broken into three categories, face flags, prim flags, and object flags.\n * Supplying a prim or object flag will return that flags attributes.\n * Face flags require the user to also supply a side parameter. llGetListEntryType energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments ListVariable type list tooltip Index type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the type of the index entry in the list (TYPE_INTEGER, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_STRING, TYPE_KEY, TYPE_VECTOR, TYPE_ROTATION, or TYPE_INVALID if index is off list).\nReturns the type of the variable at Index in ListVariable. llGetListLength energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments ListVariable type list tooltip tooltip Returns the number of elements in the list.\nReturns the number of elements in ListVariable. llGetLocalPos energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments tooltip Returns the position relative to the root.\nReturns the local position of a child object relative to the root. llGetLocalRot energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return rotation arguments tooltip Returns the rotation local to the root.\nReturns the local rotation of a child object relative to the root. llGetMass energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments tooltip Returns the mass of object that the script is attached to.\nReturns the scripted object's mass. When called from a script in a link-set, the parent will return the sum of the link-set weights, while a child will return just its own mass. When called from a script inside an attachment, this function will return the mass of the avatar it's attached to, not its own. llGetMassMKS energy sleep 0.0 return float arguments tooltip Acts as llGetMass(), except that the units of the value returned are Kg. llGetMemoryLimit energy sleep 0.0 return integer arguments tooltip Get the maximum memory a script can use, in bytes.\nGet the maximum memory a script can use.\n Returns the integer amount of memory the script can use in bytes. llGetNextEmail energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Address type string tooltip Subject type string tooltip tooltip Get the next waiting email with appropriate address and/or subject (if blank they are ignored).\nGet the next waiting email with appropriate address and/or subject.\n If the parameters are blank, they are not used for filtering. llGetNotecardLine energy 10.0 sleep 0.1 return key arguments NotecardName type string tooltip LineNumber type integer tooltip tooltip Returns line from NotecardName via the dataserver event.\nThis function fetches LineNumber from NotecardName and returns the data through the dataserver event. The line count starts at zero.\n If the requested line is passed the end of the note-card the dataserver event will return the constant EOF string.\n The key returned by this function is a unique identifier which will be supplied to the dataserver event in the requested parameter. llGetNumberOfNotecardLines energy 10.0 sleep 0.1 return key arguments NotecardName type string tooltip tooltip Returns number of lines in NotecardName via the dataserver event (cast return value to integer).\nReturns the number of lines in the note-card sNotecardName via the dataserver event. (Cast the value returned by the dataserver to an integer.)\n The key returned is a query ID for identifying the dataserver reply. llGetNumberOfPrims energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments tooltip Returns the number of prims in a link set the script is attached to.\nReturns the number of prims in (and avatars seated on) the object the script is in. llGetNumberOfSides energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments tooltip Returns the number of faces (or sides) of the prim.\nReturns the number of sides of the prim which has the script. llGetObjectDesc energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments tooltip Returns the description of the prim the script is attached to.\nReturns the description of the scripted object/prim. You can set the description using llSetObjectDesc. llGetObjectDetails energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return list arguments ID type key tooltip Parameters type list tooltip tooltip Returns the object details specified in Parameters for the object with key ID.\n Parameters are OBJECT_NAME, _DESC, _POS, _ROT, _VELOCITY, _OWNER, _GROUP, _CREATOR.\nReturns a list of the details specified in Parameters for the object with key ID. llGetObjectMass energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments ID type key tooltip tooltip Returns the mass of the avatar or object in the region.\nGets the mass of the object or avatar corresponding to ID. llGetObjectName energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments tooltip Returns the name of the prim which the script is attached to.\nReturns the name of the prim (not object) which contains the script. llGetObjectPermMask energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments PermissionMask type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the requested permission mask for the root object the task is attached to. llGetObjectPrimCount energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments ObjectID type key tooltip tooltip Returns the total number of prims for an object in the region.\nReturns the prim count for any object id in the same region. llGetOmega energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments tooltip Returns the rotation velocity in radians per second.\nReturns a vector that is the rotation velocity of the object in radians per second. llGetOwner energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return key arguments tooltip Returns the object owner's UUID.\nReturns the key for the owner of the object. llGetOwnerKey energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return key arguments ObjectID type key tooltip tooltip Returns the owner of ObjectID.\nReturns the key for the owner of object ObjectID. llGetParcelDetails energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return list arguments Position type vector tooltip ParcelDetails type list tooltip tooltip Returns the parcel details specified in ParcelDetails for the parcel at Position.\n Parameters is one or more of: PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME, _DESC, _OWNER, _GROUP, _AREA, _ID, _SEE_AVATARS.\nReturns a list that is the parcel details specified in ParcelDetails (in the same order) for the parcel at Position. llGetParcelFlags energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Position type vector tooltip tooltip Returns a mask of the parcel flags (PARCEL_FLAG_*) for the parcel that includes the point Position.\nReturns a bit-field specifying the parcel flags (PARCEL_FLAG_*) for the parcel at Position. llGetParcelMaxPrims energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Position type vector tooltip SimWide type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the maximum number of prims allowed on the parcel at Position.\nReturns an integer that is the maximum number of prims allowed on the parcel at Position. llGetParcelMusicURL energy sleep return string arguments tooltip Gets the streaming audio URL for the parcel object is on.\nReturns a string containing the parcel streaming audio URL.\n The object owner, avatar or group, must also be the land owner. llGetParcelPrimCount energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Position type vector tooltip Category type integer tooltip SimWide type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the number of prims on the parcel at Position of the given category. Categories: PARCEL_COUNT_TOTAL, _OWNER, _GROUP, _OTHER, _SELECTED, _TEMP.\nReturns the number of prims used on the parcel at Position which are in Category.\n If SimWide is TRUE, it returns the number of objects for the entire region in the category specified.\n If SimWide is FALSE, it returns the number of objects on this specific parcel in the category specified llGetParcelPrimOwners energy 10.0 sleep 2.0 return list arguments Position type vector tooltip tooltip Returns a list of all residents who own objects on the parcel at Position, with individual prim counts. Requires owner-like permissions for the parcel.\nReturns a strided list of keys and integers of up to 100 agents who own objects in the parcel at Position.\n The list is formatted as [ key agentKey1, integer agentCount1, key agentKey2, integer agentCount2, ... ], sorted by agent key.\n The integers are counts of the number of prims (not objects) owned by the corresponding agents.\n Only works when the object owner is in the region (likely the reason it doesn't work when deeded to group). llGetPermissions energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments tooltip Returns an integer bit-field with the permissions that have been granted.\nReturns an integer bit-field with the script permissions granted. e.g.:\n integer iPerms = llGetPermissions();\n if (iPerms & PERMISSION_DEBIT) {\n llOwnerSay("Yay, I can steal your money!!");\n } else {\n llOwnerSay("Damn, your money is safe from me!");\n } llGetPermissionsKey energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return key arguments tooltip Returns the key of the avatar that last granted permissions to the script.\nReturns the key of the avatar that last granted or declined permissions to the script.\n Returns NULL_KEY if permissions were never granted or declined. llGetPhysicsMaterial energy sleep return list arguments tooltip Returns a list of the form [float gravity_multiplier, float restitution, float friction, float density]. llGetPos energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments tooltip Returns the position of the task in region coordinates.\nReturns the vector position of the task in region coordinates. llGetPrimitiveParams energy 10.0 sleep 0.2 return list arguments Parameters type list tooltip tooltip Returns the primitive parameters specified in the parameters list.\nReturns primitive parameters specified in the Parameters list. llGetPrimMediaParams energy 10.0 sleep 0.1 return list arguments Face type integer tooltip Parameters type list tooltip tooltip Returns the media parameters for a particular face on an object, given the desired list of parameter names, in the order requested. Returns an empty list if no media exists on the face.\nGet the media parameters for a particular face on an object, given the desired list of Parameters.\n Returns a list of values in the order requested.\n Returns an empty list if no media exists on the face. llGetRegionAgentCount energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments tooltip Returns the number of avatars in the region.\nReturns an integer that is the number of avatars in the region. llGetRegionCorner energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments tooltip Returns a vector, in meters, that is the global location of the south-west corner of the region which the object is in.\nReturns the Region-Corner of the simulator containing the task. The region-corner is a vector (values in meters) representing distance from the first region. llGetRegionFlags energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments tooltip Returns the region flags (REGION_FLAG_*) for the region the object is in.\nReturns a bit-field specifying the region flags (REGION_FLAG_*) for the region the object is in. llGetRegionFPS energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments tooltip Returns the mean region frames per second. llGetRegionName energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments tooltip Returns the current region name. llGetRegionTimeDilation energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments tooltip Returns the current time dilation as a float between 0.0 (full dilation) and 1.0 (no dilation).\nReturns the current time dilation as a float between 0.0 and 1.0. llGetRootPosition energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments tooltip Returns the position (in region coordinates) of the root prim of the object which the script is attached to.\nGets the position (in region coordinates) of the root/parent prim of the object containing the script.\n This is used to allow a child prim to determine where the root is. llGetRootRotation energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return rotation arguments tooltip Returns the rotation (relative to the region) of the root prim of the object which the script is attached to.\nGets the global rotation of the root object of the object script is attached to. llGetRot energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return rotation arguments tooltip Returns the rotation relative to the region's axes.\nReturns the rotation. llGetScale energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments tooltip Returns the scale of the prim.\nReturns a vector that is the scale (dimensions) of the prim. llGetScriptName energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments tooltip Returns the name of the script that this function is used in.\nReturns the name of this script. llGetScriptState energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments ScriptName type string tooltip tooltip Returns TRUE if the script named is running.\nReturns TRUE if ScriptName is running. llGetSimStats energy 0 sleep 0 return float arguments StatType type integer tooltip tooltip Returns a float that is the requested statistic. llGetSimulatorHostname energy 10.0 sleep 10.0 return string arguments tooltip Returns the host-name of the machine which the script is running on (same as string in viewer Help dialog).\nReturns the host name (server) of the region in which the scripted object is located.\n For example, "". llGetSPMaxMemory energy sleep 0.0 return integer arguments tooltip Returns the maximum used memory for the current script. Only valid after using PROFILE_SCRIPT_MEMORY. Non-mono scripts always use 16k.\nReturns the integer of the most bytes used while llScriptProfiler was last active. llGetStartParameter energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments tooltip Returns an integer that is the script start parameter.\nReturns the start parameter passed to llRezObject.\n If the object was created from agent inventory, this function returns 0. llGetStatus energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments StatusFlag type integer tooltip tooltip Returns value of status (STATUS_PHYSICS, STATUS_PHANTOM, STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB, STATUS_ROTATE_X, STATUS_ROTATE_Y, and/or STATUS_ROTATE_Z).\nReturns the value of specified status. llGetSubString energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments String type string tooltip Start type integer tooltip End type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the indicated substring.\nReturns the indicated sub-string from String. The start and end are inclusive.\n Using negative numbers for start and/or end causes the index to count backwards from the length of the string, so 0, -1 would capture the entire string.\n If start is larger than end, the sub string is the exclusion of the entries, so 6, 4 would give the entire string except for the 5th. character. llGetSunDirection energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments tooltip Returns a normalized vector of the direction of the sun in the region.\nReturns the sun's direction on the simulator. llGetTexture energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments Face type integer tooltip tooltip Returns a string that is the texture on face (the inventory name if it is a texture in the prim's inventory, otherwise the key).\nReturns the texture of a face, if it is found in object inventory, its key otherwise. llGetTextureOffset energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments Face type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the texture offset of face in the x and y components of a vector. llGetTextureRot energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments Face type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the texture rotation of side. llGetTextureScale energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments Face type integer tooltip tooltip Returns the texture scale of side in the x and y components of a vector.\nReturns the texture scale of a side in the x and y components of a vector. llGetTime energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments tooltip Returns the time in seconds since the last region reset, script reset, or call to either llResetTime or llGetAndResetTime. llGetTimeOfDay energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments tooltip Returns the time in seconds since [SECOND_LIFE] server midnight or since region up-time, whichever is smaller.\nGets the time in seconds since midnight in Second Life. llGetTimestamp energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments tooltip Returns a time-stamp (UTC time zone) in the format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ff..fZ.\nReturns the current time-and-date (a time-stamp) in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ff..fZ, for example: 2004-08-27T00:56:21.785886Z\n The letter Z is the zone designator for the zero UTC offset, and is why UTC is sometimes referred to as Zulu time (Zulu being the name of Z in the phonetic alphabet. T is just a separator between date and time. llGetTorque energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments tooltip Returns the torque (if the script is physical).\nReturns a vector that is the torque (if the script is physical). llGetUnixTime energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments tooltip Returns the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00 hours, Jan 1, 1970 UTC from the system clock.\nReturns the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00 hours, Jan 1, 1970 UTC from the system clock.\n In UNIX terms, time_t. This is great for a monotonic source of time that ticks once a second. llGetUsedMemory energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments tooltip Returns the current used memory for the current script. Non-mono scripts always use 16K.\nReturns the integer of the number of bytes of memory currently in use by the script. Non-mono scripts always use 16K. llGetUsername energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments AvatarID type key tooltip tooltip Returns the single-word user-name of an avatar, if the avatar is in the current region, otherwise the empty string.\nReturns a string that is the unique user-name of the avatar specified.\n AvatarID must specify a valid avatar key present in, or otherwise known to, the region in which the script is running, otherwise an empty string is returned. This function will still return a valid user-name if the avatar is a child agent of the region (i.e., in an adjacent region, but presently able to see into the one the script is in), or for a short period after the avatar leaves the region (specifically, when the client completely disconnects from the region, either as a main or child agent). llGetVel energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments tooltip Returns the velocity of the object.\nReturns a vector that is the velocity of the object. llGetWallclock energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments tooltip Returns the time in seconds since midnight California Pacific time (PST/PDT).\nReturns the time in seconds since simulator's time-zone midnight (Pacific Time). llGiveInventory energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments TargetID type key tooltip InventoryItem type string tooltip tooltip Give InventoryItem to destination represented by TargetID.\nGive the named inventory item to the avatar or object in the same simulator as the giver.\n If the recipient is an avatar, the avatar then follows the normal procedure of accepting or denying the offer. If the recipient is an object, the same permissions apply as if you were dragging inventory onto the object by hand, i.e. if llAllowInventoryDrop has been called with TRUE, any other object can pass objects to its inventory. llGiveInventoryList energy 10.0 sleep 3.0 return void arguments TargetID type key tooltip FolderName type string tooltip InventoryItems type list tooltip tooltip Give InventoryItems to destination (represented by TargetID) as a new folder of items.\nGive the list of named inventory items to the keyed avatar or object in the same simulator as the giver.\n If the recipient is an avatar, the avatar then follows the normal procedure of accepting or denying the offer. The offered inventory is then placed in a folder named category in the recipients inventory.\n If the recipient is an object, the same permissions apply as if you were dragging inventory onto the object by hand, i.e. if llAllowInventoryDrop has been called with TRUE, any other object can pass objects to its inventory. If the recipient is an object, the sFolderName parameter is ignored. llGiveMoney energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments AvatarID type key tooltip Amount type integer tooltip tooltip Transfers Amount of L from script owner to AvatarID.\nTransfer Amount from the script owner to AvatarID.\n This call will (silently) fail if PERMISSION_DEBIT has not been set. llGodLikeRezObject god-mode true energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments InventoryItemID type key tooltip Position type vector tooltip tooltip Rez directly off of a UUID if owner has dog-bit set. llGround energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments Offset type vector tooltip tooltip Returns the ground height at the object position + offset.\nReturns the ground height at the object's position + Offset. llGroundContour energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments Offset type vector tooltip tooltip Returns the ground contour direction below the object position + Offset.\nReturns the ground contour at the object's position + Offset. llGroundNormal energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments Offset type vector tooltip tooltip Returns the ground normal below the object position + offset.\nReturns the ground contour at the object's position + Offset. llGroundRepel energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Height type float tooltip Water type integer tooltip Tau type float tooltip tooltip Critically damps to height if within height * 0.5 of level (either above ground level or above the higher of land and water if water == TRUE).\nCritically damps to fHeight if within fHeight * 0.5 of ground or water level.\n The height is above ground level if iWater is FALSE or above the higher of land and water if iWater is TRUE.\n Do not use with vehicles. Only works in physics-enabled objects. llGroundSlope energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments Offset type vector tooltip tooltip Returns the ground slope below the object position + Offset.\nReturns the ground slope at the object position + Offset. llHTTPRequest energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return key arguments URL type string tooltip Parameters type list tooltip Body type string tooltip tooltip Sends an HTTP request to the specified URL with the Body of the request and Parameters.\nSends an HTTP request to URL with the specified body and parameters.\n Returns a key that is a handle identifying the HTTP request made. llHTTPResponse energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments HTTPRequestID type key tooltip Status type integer tooltip Body type string tooltip tooltip Responds to HTTPRequestID with Status and Body.\nResponds to HTTPRequestID with Status code and Body. llInsertString energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments TargetVariable type string tooltip Position type integer tooltip SourceVariable type string tooltip tooltip Inserts SourceVariable into TargetVariable at Position, and returns the result.\nInserts SourceVariable into TargetVariable at Position and returns the result. Note this does not alter TargetVariable. llInstantMessage energy 10.0 sleep 2.0 return void arguments AvatarID type key tooltip Text type string tooltip tooltip IMs Text to the user identified.\nSend Text to the user as an instant message. llIntegerToBase64 energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments Value type integer tooltip tooltip Returns a string that is a Base64 big endian encode of Value.\nEncodes the Value as an 8-character Base64 string. llKey2Name energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments ID type key tooltip tooltip Returns the name of the prim or avatar specified by ID. The ID must be a valid rezzed prim or avatar key in the current simulator, otherwise an empty string is returned.\nReturns the name of a rezzed prim or avatar, present in or otherwise known, to the region in which the script is running. If the key is invalid (not in region, or not a prim or avatar's key), returns an empty string. llLinkParticleSystem energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments LinkNumber type integer tooltip Rules type integer tooltip tooltip Creates a particle system based on Rules. An empty list removes a particle system from object.\n List format is [ rule-1, data-1, rule-2, data-2 ... rule-n, data-n ].\nA particle system defined by a list of rules is set for the prim(s) link. This is identical to llParticleSystem except that it applies to a specified linked prim and not just the prim the script is in. llLinkSitTarget energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments LinkNumber type integer tooltip Offset type vector tooltip Rotation type rotation tooltip tooltip Set the sit location for the linked prim(s). If Offset == <0,0,0> clear it.\nSet the sit location for the linked prim(s). The sit location is relative to the prim's position and rotation. llList2CSV energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments ListVariable type list tooltip tooltip Creates a string of comma separated values from the list.\nCreate a string of comma separated values from the specified list. llList2Float energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments ListVariable type list tooltip Index type integer tooltip tooltip Copies the float at Index in the list.\nReturns the value at Index in the specified list. If Index describes a location not in the list, or the value cannot be type-cast to a float, then zero is returned. llList2Integer energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments ListVariable type list tooltip Index type integer tooltip tooltip Copies the integer at Index in the list.\nReturns the value at Index in the specified list. If Index describes a location not in the list, or the value cannot be type-cast to an integer, then zero is returned. llList2Key energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return key arguments ListVariable type list tooltip Index type integer tooltip tooltip Copies the key at Index in the list.\nReturns the value at Index in the specified list. If Index describes a location not in the list, or the value cannot be type-cast to a key, then null string is returned. llList2List energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return list arguments ListVariable type list tooltip Start type integer tooltip End type integer tooltip tooltip Copies the slice of the list from Start to End.\nReturns the slice of the list from start to end from the list as a new list. The start and end parameters are inclusive.\n Using negative numbers for start and/or end causes the index to count backwards from the length of the list, so 0, -1 would capture the entire list.\n If start is larger than end the list returned is the exclusion of the entries, so 6, 4 would give the entire list except for the 5th. entry. llList2ListStrided energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return list arguments ListVariable type list tooltip Start type integer tooltip End type integer tooltip Stride type integer tooltip tooltip Copies the strided slice of the list from Start to End.\nReturns a copy of the strided slice of the specified list from Start to End. llList2Rot energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return rotation arguments ListVariable type list tooltip Index type integer tooltip tooltip Copies the rotation at Index in the list.\nReturns the value at Index in the specified list. If Index describes a location not in the list, or the value cannot be type-cast to rotation, thenZERO_ROTATION is returned. llList2String energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments ListVariable type list tooltip Index type integer tooltip tooltip Copies the string at Index in the list.\nReturns the value at Index in the specified list as a string. If Index describes a location not in the list then null string is returned. llList2Vector energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments ListVariable type list tooltip Index type integer tooltip tooltip Copies the vector at Index in the list.\nReturns the value at Index in the specified list. If Index describes a location not in the list, or the value cannot be type-cast to a vector, then ZERO_VECTOR is returned. llListen energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Channel type integer tooltip SpeakersName type string tooltip SpeakersID type key tooltip Text type string tooltip tooltip Sets a callback for Text on Channel from SpeakersName and SpeakersID (SpeakersName, SpeakersID, and/or Text can be empty) and returns an identifier that can be used to deactivate or remove the listen.\nSets a listen event callback on the specified channel. Specifying values for speakername, speakerID, and message will filter the results accordingly, which is advisable or your listen event will respond to every thing said on the channel potentially causing a great deal of lag.\n Returns an identifier that can be used to deactivate or remove the listen. The name, id and/or msg parameters\n Channel 0 is the public chat channel that all avatars see as chat text. Channels 1 to 2,147,483,648 are hidden channels that are not sent to avatars. llListenControl energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments ChannelHandle type integer tooltip Active type integer tooltip tooltip Makes a listen event callback active or inactive.\nMake a listen event callback active or inactive. Pass in the value returned from llListen to the iChannelHandle parameter to specify which event you are controlling.\n Use boolean values to specify Active llListenRemove energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments ChannelHandle type integer tooltip tooltip Removes listen event callback number.\nRemoves a listen event callback. Pass in the value returned from llListen to the iChannelHandle parameter to specify which event to remove. llListFindList energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments ListVariable type list tooltip Find type list tooltip tooltip Returns the index of the first instance of Find in ListVariable. Returns -1 if not found.\nReturns the position of the first instance of the Find list in the ListVariable. Returns -1 if not found. llListInsertList energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return list arguments Target type list tooltip ListVariable type list tooltip Position type integer tooltip tooltip Returns a list that contains all the elements from Target but with the elements from ListVariable inserted at Position start.\nReturns a new list, created by inserting ListVariable into the Target list at Position. Note this does not alter the Target. llListRandomize energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return list arguments ListVariable type list tooltip Stride type integer tooltip tooltip Returns a randomized list of blocks of size Stride.\nReturns the specified list randomized into blocks of size stride.\n If the remainder from the length of the list, divided by the stride is non-zero, this function does not randomize the list. llListReplaceList energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return list arguments Target type list tooltip ListVariable type list tooltip Start type integer tooltip End type integer tooltip tooltip Returns a list that is Target with Start through End removed and ListVariable inserted at Start.\nReturns a list replacing the slice of the Target list from Start to End with the specified ListVariable. Start and End are inclusive, so 0, 1 would replace the first two entries and 0, 0 would replace only the first list entry. llListSort energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return list arguments ListVariable type list tooltip Stride type integer tooltip Ascending type integer tooltip tooltip Sorts the list into blocks of stride, in Ascending order if Ascending == TRUE. The sort order is affected by type.\nReturns the specified list, sorted into blocks of stride in ascending order (if Ascending is TRUE, otherwise descending). Note that sort only works if the first entry of each block is the same type. llListStatistics energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments Operation type integer tooltip ListVariable type list tooltip tooltip Performs statistical aggregate functions on ListVariable using LIST_STAT_* Operations.\nThis function allows a script to perform a statistical operation as defined by operation on a list composed of integers and floats. llLoadURL energy 10.0 sleep 10.0 return void arguments AvatarID type key tooltip Text type string tooltip URL type string tooltip tooltip Shows dialog to avatar AvatarID offering to load web page at URL. If user clicks yes, launches their web browser.\nllLoadURL displays a dialogue box to the user, offering to load the specified web page using the default web browser. llLog energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments Value type float tooltip tooltip Returns the natural logarithm of Value. Returns zero if Value <= 0.\nReturns the base e (natural) logarithm of the specified Value. llLog10 energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments Value type float tooltip tooltip Returns the base 10 logarithm of Value. Returns zero if Value <= 0.\nReturns the base 10 (common) logarithm of the specified Value. llLookAt energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Target type vector tooltip Strength type float tooltip Damping type float tooltip tooltip Cause object name to point it's forward axis towards Target.\nCause object to point the forward axis toward Target.\n Good Strength values are around half the mass of the object and good Damping values are less than 1/10th of the Strength.\n Asymmetrical shapes require smaller Damping. A Strength of 0.0 cancels the look at. llLoopSound energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Sound type string tooltip Volume type float tooltip tooltip Plays attached Sound, looping indefinitely, at Volume (0.0 - 1.0).\nSimilar to llPlaySound, this function plays a sound attached to an object, but will continuously repeat that sound until llStopSound or llPlaySound is called.\n Only one sound may be attached to an object at a time. A second call to llLoopSound with the same key will not restart the sound, but the new volume will be used. This allows control over the volume of already playing sounds.\n Setting the volume to 0 is not the same as calling llStopSound; a sound with 0 volume will continue to loop.\n To restart the sound from the beginning, call llStopSound before calling llLoopSound again. llLoopSoundMaster energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Sound type string tooltip Volume type float tooltip tooltip Plays attached Sound, looping at volume (0.0 - 1.0), and declares it a sync master.\nBehaviour is identical to llLoopSound, with the addition of marking the source as a "Sync Master", causing "Slave" sounds to sync to it. If there are multiple masters within a viewers interest area, the most audible one (a function of both distance and volume) will win out as the master.\n The use of multiple masters within a small area is unlikely to produce the desired effect. llLoopSoundSlave energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Sound type string tooltip Volume type float tooltip tooltip Plays attached sound looping at volume (0.0 - 1.0), synced to most audible sync master.\nBehaviour is identical to llLoopSound, unless there is a "Sync Master" present.\n If a Sync Master is already playing the Slave sound will begin playing from the same point the master is in its loop synchronizing the loop points of both sounds.\n If a Sync Master is started when the Slave is already playing, the Slave will skip to the correct position to sync with the Master. llMakeExplosion deprecated true energy 10.0 sleep 0.1 return void arguments Particles type integer tooltip Scale type float tooltip Velocity type float tooltip Lifetime type float tooltip Arc type float tooltip Texture type string tooltip Offset type vector tooltip tooltip Make a round explosion of particles. Deprecated: Use llParticleSystem instead.\nMake a round explosion of particles using texture from the objects inventory. Deprecated: Use llParticleSystem instead. llMakeFire deprecated true energy 10.0 sleep 0.1 return void arguments Particles type integer tooltip Scale type float tooltip Velocity type float tooltip Lifetime type float tooltip Arc type float tooltip Texture type string tooltip Offset type vector tooltip tooltip Make fire like particles. Deprecated: Use llParticleSystem instead.\nMake fire particles using texture from the objects inventory. Deprecated: Use llParticleSystem instead. llMakeFountain deprecated true energy 10.0 sleep 0.1 return void arguments Particles type integer tooltip Scale type float tooltip Velocity type float tooltip Lifetime type float tooltip Arc type float tooltip Texture type string tooltip Offset type vector tooltip tooltip Make a fountain of particles. Deprecated: Use llParticleSystem instead.\nMake a fountain of particles using texture from the objects inventory. Deprecated: Use llParticleSystem instead. llMakeSmoke deprecated true energy 10.0 sleep 0.1 return void arguments Particles type integer tooltip Scale type float tooltip Velocity type float tooltip Lifetime type float tooltip Arc type float tooltip Texture type string tooltip Offset type vector tooltip tooltip Make smoke like particles. Deprecated: Use llParticleSystem instead.\nMake smoky particles using texture from the objects inventory. Deprecated: Use llParticleSystem instead. llManageEstateAccess energy sleep return integer arguments Action type integer tooltip AvatarID type key tooltip tooltip Use to add or remove agents from the estate's agent access or ban lists or groups from the estate's group access list.\nUse to add or remove agents from the estate's agent access or ban lists or groups from the estate's group access list.\n Returns an integer representing a boolean, TRUE if the call was successful; FALSE if throttled, invalid action, invalid or null id or object owner is not allowed to manage the estate. llMapDestination energy 10.0 sleep 1.0 return void arguments RegionName type string tooltip Position type vector tooltip Direction type vector tooltip tooltip Opens world map centred on region with Position highlighted. Only works for scripts attached to avatar, or during touch events. NOTE: Direction currently does nothing.\nShows a given location on the map, opening the map window whenever it is called.\n There is no way to simply set the map position without opening the window.\n Only works in attachments, or during touch events. llMD5String energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments Text type string tooltip Nonce type integer tooltip tooltip Returns a string of 32 hex characters that is an RSA Data Security Inc., MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm of Text with Nonce.\nPerforms an RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm on the specified string using the nonce (also known as salt).\n Returns a 32-character hex string. (128-bit in binary.) llMessageLinked energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments LinkNumber type integer tooltip Number type integer tooltip Text type string tooltip ID type key tooltip tooltip Sends Number, Text, and ID to members of the link set identified by LinkNumber (LINK_ROOT sends to root task in a linked set, LINK_SET sends to all tasks, LINK_ALL_OTHERS to all other tasks, LINK_ALL_CHILDREN to all children, LINK_THIS to the task the script it is in).\nSends the specified number, string, and key to members of the link set.\n The LinkNumber parameter is either a linked number available through llGetLinkNumber or a LINK_* constant. llMinEventDelay energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Delay type float tooltip tooltip Set the minimum time between events being handled. llModifyLand energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Action type integer tooltip Area type integer tooltip tooltip Modify land with action (LAND_LEVEL, LAND_RAISE, LAND_LOWER, LAND_SMOOTH, LAND_NOISE, LAND_REVERT) on size (LAND_SMALL_BRUSH, LAND_MEDIUM_BRUSH, LAND_LARGE_BRUSH).\nModify land with action on size area. The parameters can be chosen from the land constants. llModPow energy 10.0 sleep 1.0 return integer arguments Value type integer tooltip Power type integer tooltip Modulus type integer tooltip tooltip Returns a Value raised to the Power, mod Modulus. ((a**b)%c) b is capped at 0xFFFF (16 bits).\nReturns (Value ^ Power) % Modulus. (Value raised to the Power, Modulus). Value is capped at 0xFFFF (16 bits). llMoveToTarget energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Target type vector tooltip Tau type float tooltip tooltip Critically damp to Target in Tau seconds (if the script is physical).\nCritically damp to position target in tau-seconds if the script is physical. Good tau-values are greater than 0.2. A tau of 0.0 stops the critical damping. llNavigateTo energy sleep return void arguments Location type vector tooltip Options type list tooltip tooltip Navigate to destination.\nDirects an object to travel to a defined position in the region or adjacent regions. llOffsetTexture energy 10.0 sleep 0.2 return void arguments OffsetS type float tooltip OffsetT type float tooltip Face type integer tooltip tooltip Sets the texture S and T offsets for the chosen Face.\nSets the texture s and t offsets of face.\n If Face is ALL_SIDES this function sets the texture offsets for all faces. llOpenRemoteDataChannel deprecated true energy 10.0 sleep 1.0 return void arguments tooltip Requests a channel to listen for XML-RPC calls. Will trigger a remote_data event with channel ID once it is available.\nRequests a channel to listen for XML-RPC calls. (Deprecated: XML-RPC should not be used. Use http-in instead.)\n Will trigger a remote_data event with type = REMOTE_DATA_CHANNEL and a channel ID (key) once it is available.\n This channel ID must be referenced in the XML-RPC call to the script (from the internet) -- so the key must somehow get to the scripter's XML-RPC client, most often via llEmail, llHttpRequest or llLoadUrl. llOverMyLand energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments ID type key tooltip tooltip Returns TRUE if id ID over land owned by the script owner, otherwise FALSE.\nReturns TRUE if key ID is over land owned by the object owner, FALSE otherwise. llOwnerSay energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Text type string tooltip tooltip says Text to owner only (if owner is in region).\nSays Text to the owner of the object running the script, if the owner has been within the object's simulator since logging into Second Life, regardless of where they may be in-world. llParcelMediaCommandList energy 10.0 sleep 2.0 return void arguments CommandList type list tooltip tooltip Sends a list of commands, some with arguments, to a parcel.\nControls the playback of multimedia resources on a parcel or for an agent. llParcelMediaQuery energy 10.0 sleep 2.0 return list arguments QueryList type list tooltip tooltip Returns a list containing results of the sent query.\nQueries the texture and/or URL for QuickTime-playable video on the land parcel.\n This function will only work if the script is contained within an object owned by the land-owner (or if the land is owned by a group, only if the object has been deeded to the group). It will not work for group land if the object owner is a member of the group. The object actually has to be owned by the group. llParseString2List energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return list arguments Text type string tooltip Separators type list tooltip Spacers type list tooltip tooltip Breaks Text into a list, discarding Separators, keeping Spacers (Separators and Spacers must be lists of strings, maximum of 8 each).\nBreaks the Text into a list using Separators and Spacers to delimit entries. Separators are discarded, while Spacers are kept. Any empty entries are ignored.\n The separators and spacers must be lists of strings with a maximum of 8 entries each. So, if you had made the call:\n llParseString2List("Parsethisnow! I dare:you to.", ["this", "!", " "], [":"]);\n You would get the list: ["Parse", "now", "I", "dare", ":", "you", "to"]. llParseStringKeepNulls energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return list arguments Text type string tooltip Separators type list tooltip Spacers type list tooltip tooltip Breaks Text into a list, discarding separators, keeping spacers, keeping any null values generated. (separators and spacers must be lists of strings, maximum of 8 each).\nllParseStringKeepNulls works almost exactly like llParseString2List, except that if a null is found it will add a null-string instead of discarding it like llParseString2List does. llParticleSystem energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Parameters type list tooltip tooltip Creates a particle system based on Parameters. An empty list removes particle system from object. List format is [ rule-1, data-1, rule-2, data-2 . . . rule-n, data-n ].\nMakes a particle system based on the parameter list.\n The parameters are specified as an ordered list of parameter and value. Valid parameters and their expected values can be found in the particle system constants.\n Here is a simple example:\n llParticleSystem([PSYS_PART_FLAGS, PSYS_PART_WIND_MASK, PSYS_PART_START_COLOR, <1, 0, 0>, PSYS_SRC_PATTERN, PSYS_SRC_PATTERN_EXPLODE]); llPassCollisions energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Pass type integer tooltip tooltip If Pass == TRUE, collisions are passed from children on to parents (default is FALSE).\nIf pass is TRUE, land and object collisions are passed from children on to parents.\n The default is FALSE if there is no script to handle the collision events. llPassTouches energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Pass type integer tooltip tooltip If pass == TRUE, touches are passed from children on to parents (default is FALSE).\nIf pass is TRUE, touches are passed from children on to parents.\n The default is TRUE if there is no script to handle the touch events. llPatrolPoints energy sleep return void arguments Points type list tooltip Options type list tooltip tooltip Patrol a list of points.\nSets the points for a character (llCreateCharacter) to patrol along. llPlaySound energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Sound type string tooltip Volume type float tooltip tooltip Plays attached Sound once, at Volume (0.0 - 1.0).\nPlays a sound once. The sound will be attached to the object and follow object's movement. Only one sound may be attached to an object at a time, and attaching a new sound or calling llStopSound will stop the previously attached sound.\n A second call to llPlaySound with the same sound will not restart the sound, but the new volume will be used, which allows control over the volume of already playing sounds.\n To restart the sound from the beginning, call llStopSound before calling llPlaySound again. llPlaySoundSlave energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Sound type string tooltip Volume type float tooltip tooltip Plays attached Sound once, at Volume (0.0 - 1.0), synced to next loop of most audible sync master.\nBehaviour is identical to llPlaySound, unless there is a "Sync Master" present. If a Sync Master is already playing, the Slave sound will not be played until the Master hits its loop point and returns to the beginning.\n llPlaySoundSlave will play the sound exactly once; if it is desired to have the sound play every time the Master loops, either use llLoopSoundSlave with extra silence padded on the end of the sound or ensure that llPlaySoundSlave is called at least once per loop of the Master. llPow energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Value type float tooltip Exponent type float tooltip tooltip Returns the Value raised to the power Exponent, or returns 0 and triggers Math Error for imaginary results.\nReturns the Value raised to the Exponent. llPreloadSound energy 10.0 sleep 1.0 return void arguments Sound type string tooltip tooltip Preloads a sound on viewers within range.\nCauses nearby viewers to preload the Sound from the object's inventory. This is intended to prevent delays in starting new sounds when called upon. llPursue energy sleep return void arguments TargetID type key tooltip Options type list tooltip tooltip Chase after a target.\nCauses the character (llCharacter) to pursue the target defined by TargetID. llPushObject energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments ObjectID type key tooltip Impulse type vector tooltip AngularImpulse type vector tooltip Local type integer tooltip tooltip Applies Impulse and AngularImpulse to ObjectID.\nApplies the supplied impulse and angular impulse to the object specified. llRefreshPrimURL energy 10.0 sleep 20.0 return void arguments tooltip Reloads the web page shown on the sides of the object. llRegionSay energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Channel type integer tooltip Text type integer tooltip tooltip Broadcasts Text to entire region on Channel (not 0.).\nSays the Text on the specified non-zero Channel, so that it can be heard anywhere in the region by a script listening on that channel. llRegionSayTo energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments TargetID type key tooltip Channel type integer tooltip Text type string tooltip tooltip Says Text, on Channel, to avatar or object indicated by TargetID (if within region).\nSays the Text on the supplied channel number, to the object or avatar specified. llReleaseCamera deprecated true energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments AvatarID type key tooltip tooltip Return camera to agent.\nDeprecated: Use llClearCameraParams instead. llReleaseControls energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments tooltip Stop taking inputs.\nStop taking inputs from the avatar. llReleaseURL energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments URL type string tooltip tooltip Releases the specified URL, it will no longer be usable. llRemoteDataReply deprecated true energy 10.0 sleep 3.0 return void arguments ChannelID type key tooltip MessageID type key tooltip Data type string tooltip Data type integer tooltip tooltip Send an XML-RPC reply to MessageID on ChannelID with payload of string sData and integer iData. Deprecated: Use HTTP functions/events instead.\nDeprecated: Use HTTP functions/events instead.\n Send an XML-RPC reply to the request with kMessageID on kChannelID with payload of string sData and integer iData.\n The size of sData is limited to 254 characters. llRemoteDataSetRegion deprecated true energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments tooltip Deprecated: Use HTTP functions/events instead.\n If an object using remote data channels changes regions, you must call this function to re-register the remote data channels. You do not need to make this call if you don't change regions.\nDeprecated: Use HTTP functions/events instead.\n Does not work! Use llOpenRemoteDataChannel instead. llRemoteLoadScript deprecated true energy 10.0 sleep 3.0 return void arguments TargetID type key tooltip Name type string tooltip Running type integer tooltip StartParameter type integer tooltip tooltip Deprecated. Please use llRemoteLoadScriptPin instead.\nDeprecated: Use llRemoteLoadScriptPin instead. llRemoteLoadScriptPin energy 10.0 sleep 3.0 return void arguments ObjectID type key tooltip ScriptName type string tooltip PIN type integer tooltip Running type integer tooltip StartParameter type integer tooltip tooltip If the owner of the object this script is attached to can modify ObjectID, they are in the same region, and the matching PIN is used, copy ScriptName into target, if Running == TRUE, start the script with StartParameter.\nIf the owner of the object containing this script can modify the object identified by the specified object key, and if the PIN matches the PIN previously set using llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin (on the target prim), then the script will be copied into target. llRemoveFromLandBanList energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments AvatarID type key tooltip tooltip Remove avatar from the land ban list.\nRemove specified avatar from the land parcel ban list. llRemoveFromLandPassList energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments AvatarID type key tooltip tooltip Remove avatar from the land pass list.\nRemove specified avatar from the land parcel pass list. llRemoveInventory energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments InventoryItem type string tooltip tooltip Remove the named inventory item.\nRemove the named inventory item from the object inventory. llRemoveVehicleFlags energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Vehiclelags type integer tooltip tooltip Removes the enabled bits in 'flags'.\nSets the vehicle flags to FALSE. Valid parameters can be found in the vehicle flags constants section. llRequestAgentData energy 10.0 sleep 0.1 return key arguments AvatarID type key tooltip Data type integer tooltip tooltip Requests data about AvatarID. When data is available the dataserver event will be raised.\nThis function requests data about an avatar. If and when the information is collected, the dataserver event is triggered with the key returned from this function passed in the requested parameter. See the agent data constants (DATA_*) for details about valid values of data and what each will return in the dataserver event. llRequestDisplayName energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return key arguments AvatarID type key tooltip tooltip Requests name of an avatar. When data is available, the dataserver event will be raised.\nRequests the Display Name of the agent. When the Display Name is available the dataserver event will be raised.\n The avatar identified does not need to be in the same region or online at the time of the request.\n Returns a key that is used to identify the dataserver event when it is raised. llRequestInventoryData energy 10.0 sleep 1.0 return key arguments InventoryItem type string tooltip tooltip Requests data from object's inventory object. When data is available the dataserver event will be raised.\nRequests data for the object inventory item named.\n When data is available the dataserver event will be raised with the key returned from this function in the requested parameter.\n The only request currently implemented is to request data from landmarks, where the data returned is in the form "<float, float, float>" which can be cast to a vector. This position is in region local coordinates. llRequestPermissions energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments AvatarID type key tooltip PermmissionMask type integer tooltip tooltip Ask AvatarID to allow the script to do PermmissionMask (NB: Debit, ownership, link, joint, and permission requests can only go to the task's owner).\nAsk avatar to allow the script to perform certain actions. The permission flag should be one or more PERMISSION_* constants.\n Multiple permissions can be requested simultaneously by ORing the constants together. Many of the permissions requests can only go to object owner.\n This call will not stop script execution. If the avatar grants the requested permissions, the run_time_permissions event will be called.\n Permissions for a single avatar are granted to a script, not to an object. So multiple scripts can hold permissions for multiple avatars. llRequestSecureURL energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return key arguments tooltip Requests one HTTPS:// (SSL) URL for use by this object. An http_request event is triggered with the results.\nRequests one HTTPS:// (SSL) URL for use by this object. The http_request event is triggered with results.\n Returns a key that is the handle used for identifying the request in the http_request event. llRequestSimulatorData energy 10.0 sleep 1.0 return key arguments RegionName type string tooltip Data type integer tooltip tooltip Requests data about a simulator. When data is available the dataserver event will be raised.\nRequests data about the region named. Data should use one of the DATA_SIM_* constants.\n Returns a dataserver query ID and triggers the dataserver event when data is found. The region name is usually not case-sensitive, but sometimes will return data for a similarly-named region if the supplied case doesn't match the intended region's actual name. llRequestURL energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return key arguments tooltip Requests one HTTP:// URL for use by this object. An http_request event is triggered with the results.\nRequests one HTTP:// URL for use by this script. The http_request event is triggered with the result of the request.\n Returns a key that is the handle used for identifying the result in the http_request event. llRequestUsername energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return key arguments AvatarID type key tooltip tooltip Requests single-word user-name of an avatar. When data is available the dataserver event will be raised.\nRequests the user-name of the identified agent. When the user-name is available the dataserver event is raised.\nThe agent identified does not need to be in the same region or online at the time of the request.\nReturns a key that is used to identify the dataserver event when it is raised. llResetLandBanList energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments tooltip Removes all residents from the land ban list. llResetLandPassList energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments tooltip Removes all residents from the land access/pass list. llResetOtherScript energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments ScriptName type string tooltip tooltip Resets the named script. llResetScript energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments tooltip Resets the script. llResetTime energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments tooltip Sets the time to zero.\nSets the internal timer to zero. llRezAtRoot energy 200.0 sleep 0.1 return void arguments InventoryItem type string tooltip Position type vector tooltip Velocity type vector tooltip Rotation type rotation tooltip StartParameter type integer tooltip tooltip Instantiate owner's InventoryItem at Position with Velocity, Rotation and with StartParameter. The last selected root object's location will be set to Position.\nCreates object's inventory item at the given Position, with Velocity, Rotation, and StartParameter. llRezObject energy 200 sleep 0.1 return void arguments InventoryItem type string tooltip Position type vector tooltip Velocity type vector tooltip Rotation type rotation tooltip StartParameter type integer tooltip tooltip Instantiate owners InventoryItem at Position with Velocity, Rotation and with start StartParameter.\nCreates object's inventory item at Position with Velocity and Rotation supplied. The StartParameter value will be available to the newly created object in the on_rez event or through the llGetStartParameter function.\nThe Velocity parameter is ignored if the rezzed object is not physical. llRot2Angle energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments Rotation type rotation tooltip tooltip Returns the rotation angle represented by Rotation.\nReturns the angle represented by the Rotation. llRot2Axis energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments Rotation type rotation tooltip tooltip Returns the rotation axis represented by Rotation.\nReturns the axis represented by the Rotation. llRot2Euler energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments Rotation type rotation tooltip tooltip Returns the Euler representation (roll, pitch, yaw) of Rotation.\nReturns the Euler Angle representation of the Rotation. llRot2Fwd energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments Rotation type rotation tooltip tooltip Returns the forward vector defined by Rotation.\nReturns the forward axis represented by the Rotation. llRot2Left energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments Rotation type rotation tooltip tooltip Returns the left vector defined by Rotation.\nReturns the left axis represented by the Rotation. llRot2Up energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments Rotation type rotation tooltip tooltip Returns the up vector defined by Rotation.\nReturns the up axis represented by the Rotation. llRotateTexture energy 10.0 sleep 0.2 return void arguments Radians type float tooltip Face type integer tooltip tooltip Sets the texture rotation for the chosen face.\nSets the rotation of the texture on the given side.\n If face is ALL_SIDES, rotates the texture of all sides. llRotBetween energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return rotation arguments Vector1 type vector tooltip Vector2 type vector tooltip tooltip Returns the rotation to rotate Vector1 to Vector2.\nReturns the rotation needed to rotate Vector1 to Vector2. llRotLookAt energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Rotation type rotation tooltip Strength type float tooltip Damping type float tooltip tooltip Cause object to point it's forward axis towards Rotation.\nCause object to rotate to Rotation. Good strength values are around half the mass of the object and good damping values are less than 1/10th of the strength.\n Asymmetrical shapes require smaller damping.\n A strength of 0.0 cancels the look at. llRotTarget energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Rotation type rotation tooltip LeeWay type float tooltip tooltip Set rotations with error of LeeWay as a rotational target and return an ID for the rotational target.\nSet object rotation within the given lee way of rotation as a rotational target and return an integer number for the target.\n The returned number is a handle that can be used in llRotTargetRemove. llRotTargetRemove energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Handle type integer tooltip tooltip Removes rotational target number.\nRemove rotational target indicated by the handle. llRound energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Value type float tooltip tooltip Returns Value rounded to the nearest integer.\nReturns the Value rounded to the nearest integer. llSameGroup energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments ID type key tooltip tooltip Returns TRUE if avatar ID is in the same region and has the same active group, otherwise FALSE.\nReturns TRUE if the object or agent identified is in the same simulator and has the same active group as this object. Otherwise, returns FALSE. llSay energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Channel type integer tooltip Text type string tooltip tooltip Says Text on Channel.\nSay Text on channel.\n Channel 0 is the public chat channel that all avatars see as chat text. Channels 1 to 2,147,483,648 are private channels that are not sent to avatars but other scripts can listen for through the llListen/listen event system. llScaleTexture energy 10.0 sleep 0.2 return void arguments Horizontal type float tooltip Vertical type float tooltip Face type integer tooltip tooltip Sets the texture's S and T scales for the chosen Face.\nSets the Horizontal and Vertical repeats per Face on Face.\n If Face == ALL_SIDES, all sides are set in one call.\n Negative values for horizontal and vertical will flip the texture. llScriptDanger energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Position type vector tooltip tooltip Returns TRUE if Position is over public land, sandbox land, land that doesn't allow everyone to edit and build, or land that doesn't allow outside scripts.\nReturns true if the position is over public land, land that doesn't allow everyone to edit and build, or land that doesn't allow outside scripts. llScriptProfiler energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments State type integer tooltip tooltip Enables or disables script profiling options. Currently only supports PROFILE_SCRIPT_MEMORY (Mono only) and PROFILE_NONE.\n MAY SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCE SCRIPT PERFORMANCE!.\nEnables or disables the scripts profiling state.. Currently only supports PROFILE_SCRIPT_MEMORY (Mono only) and PROFILE_NONE.\n MAY SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCE SCRIPT PERFORMANCE!. llSendRemoteData deprecated true energy 10.0 sleep 3.0 return key arguments ChannelID type key tooltip Destination type string tooltip Value type integer tooltip Text type string tooltip tooltip Deprecated: use HTTP instead.\n Sends an XML-RPC request to Destination through ChannelID with payload of ChannelID (in a string), integer Value and string Text. Returns a key that is the message_id for the resulting remote_data events.\nSend an XML-RPC request to the Destination (probably an URL) through the ChannelID, with a payload of ChannelID (in a string), integer Value and string Text. llSensor energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Name type string tooltip ID type key tooltip Type type integer tooltip Range type float tooltip Arc type float tooltip tooltip Performs a single scan for Name and ID with Type (AGENT, ACTIVE, PASSIVE, and/or SCRIPTED) within Range meters and Arc radians of forward vector (Name, ID, and/or Type can be empty or 0).\nPerforms a single scan for Name and ID with Type within Range meters and Arc radians of the forward vector.\n Specifying a blank Name or NULL_KEY ID will prevent filtering results for a particular Name or ID. A range of 0.0 does not perform a scan. The Type parameter should be an object type constant value. llSensorRemove energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments tooltip removes sensor.\nRemoves the sensor set by llSensorRepeat. llSensorRepeat energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Name type string tooltip ID type key tooltip Type type integer tooltip Range type float tooltip Arc type float tooltip Rate type float tooltip tooltip Sets a callback for Name and ID with Type (AGENT, ACTIVE, PASSIVE, and/or SCRIPTED) within Range meters and Arc radians of forward vector (Name, ID, and/or Type can be empty or 0) and repeats every Rate seconds.\nPerforms a repeating sensor scan for Name and ID with Type within Range meters and Arc radians of the forward vector (Name and/or ID can be empty or NULL_KEY).\n A range of 0.0m does not perform a scan. The parameters have the same function as llSensor, except Rate, which defines the number of seconds between repeated scans and subsequent sensor or no_sensor events. llSetAlpha energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Opacity type float tooltip Face type integer tooltip tooltip Sets the alpha (opacity) of Face.\nSets the alpha (opacity) value for Face. If Face is ALL_SIDES, sets the alpha for all faces. The alpha value is interpreted as an opacity percentage (1.0 is fully opaque, and 0.2 is mostly transparent). This function will clamp alpha values less than 0.1 to 0.1 and greater than 1.0 to 1. llSetAngularVelocity energy sleep 0.0 return void arguments Force type vector tooltip Local type integer tooltip tooltip Sets an object's angular velocity, in local coordinates if local == TRUE (if the script is physical).\nApplies angular (rotational) velocity to a physical object. Has no effect on non-physical objects. llSetBuoyancy energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Buoyancy type float tooltip tooltip Set the tasks buoyancy (0 is none, < 1.0 sinks, 1.0 floats, > 1.0 rises).\nSet the object buoyancy. A value of 0 is none, less than 1.0 sinks, 1.0 floats, and greater than 1.0 rises. llSetCameraAtOffset energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Offset type vector tooltip tooltip Sets the camera used in this object, at offset, if an avatar sits on it.\nSets the offset that an avatar's camera will be moved to if the avatar sits on the object. llSetCameraEyeOffset energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Offset type vector tooltip tooltip Sets the camera eye offset used in this object if an avatar sits on it. llSetCameraParams energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Parameters type list tooltip tooltip Sets multiple camera parameters at once. List format is [ rule-1, data-1, rule-2, data-2 . . . rule-n, data-n ].\nSets multiple camera parameters at once.\n List format is [rule-1, value-1, rule-2, value-2 ... rule-N, value-N] llSetClickAction energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Action type integer tooltip tooltip Sets the action performed when a prim is clicked upon. llSetColor energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Colour type vector tooltip Face type integer tooltip tooltip Sets the color, for the face.\nSets the colour of the side specified. If Face is ALL_SIDES, sets the colour on all faces. llSetContentType energy sleep return void arguments HTTPRequestID type key tooltip ContentType type integer tooltip tooltip Set the media type of an LSL HTTP server response. llSetDamage energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Damage type float tooltip tooltip Sets the amount of damage that will be done to an avatar that this task hits. Task will be killed.\nSets the amount of damage that will be done to an avatar that this object hits. This object will be destroyed on damaging an avatar, and no collision event is triggered. llSetForce energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Force type vector tooltip Local type integer tooltip tooltip Sets Force on object, in local coordinates if Local == TRUE (if the script is physical).\nIf the object is physical, this function sets the force.\n The vector is in local coordinates if local is TRUE, global if FALSE. llSetForceAndTorque energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Force type vector tooltip Torque type vector tooltip Local type integer tooltip tooltip Sets the Force and Torque of object, in local coordinates if Local == TRUE (if the script is physical).\nIf the object is physical, this function sets the Force and Torque. The vectors are in local coordinates if Local is TRUE, global if FALSE. llSetHoverHeight energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Height type float tooltip Water type integer tooltip Tau type float tooltip tooltip Critically damps to a Height (either above ground level or above the higher of land and water if water == TRUE).\nCritically damps to a Height. The height is above ground and water (which ever is greater) if water is TRUE. Only works with physics-enabled objects.\n Do not use with vehicles. Use llStopHover to stop hovering. llSetInventoryPermMask energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments InventoryItem type string tooltip PermissionFlag type integer tooltip PermissionMask type integer tooltip tooltip Sets the given permission mask to the new value on the inventory item. llSetKeyframedMotion energy sleep return void arguments Keyframes type list tooltip Options type list tooltip tooltip Requests that a non-physical object be key-framed according to key-frame list.\nSpecify a list of times, positions, and orientations to be followed by an object. The object will be smoothly moved between key-frames by the simulator. Collisions with other non-physical or key-framed objects will be ignored (no script events will fire and collision processing will not occur). Collisions with physical objects will be computed and reported, but the key-framed object will be unaffected by those collisions. llSetLinkAlpha energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments LinkNumber type integer tooltip Opacity type float tooltip Face type integer tooltip tooltip If a prim exists in the link chain at LinkNumber, set Face to Opacity.\nSets the Face, on the linked prim specified, to the Opacity. llSetLinkCamera energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments LinkNumber type integer tooltip EyeOffset type vector tooltip LookOffset type vector tooltip tooltip Sets the camera eye offset, and the offset that camera is looking at, for avatars that sit on the linked prim. llSetLinkColor energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments LinkNumber type integer tooltip Colour type vector tooltip Face type integer tooltip tooltip If a task exists in the link chain at LinkNumber, set the Face to color.\nSets the colour of the linked child's side, specified by LinkNumber. llSetLinkMedia energy 0.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Link type integer tooltip Face type integer tooltip Parameters type list tooltip tooltip Set the media parameters for a particular face on linked prim. Parameters is a list of name/value pairs (in no particular order). If media is not already on this object, add it. Parameters not specified are unchanged, or if new media is added set to the default specified.\nSet the media parameters for a particular face on the linked prim(s) without a delay.\n Returns an integer that is a STATUS_* flag which details the success/failure of the operation(s). llSetLinkPrimitiveParams energy 10.0 sleep 0.2 return void arguments LinkNumber type integer tooltip Parameters type list tooltip tooltip Set primitive parameters for LinkNumber based on Parameters.\nSets the parameters (or properties) of any linked prim in one step. llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments LinkNumber type integer tooltip Parameters type list tooltip tooltip Set primitive parameters for LinkNumber based on Parameters, without a delay.\nSet parameters for link number, from the list of Parameters, with no built-in script sleep. This function is identical to llSetLinkPrimitiveParams, except without the delay. llSetLinkTexture energy 10.0 sleep 0.2 return void arguments LinkNumber type integer tooltip Texture type string tooltip Face type integer tooltip tooltip Sets the Texture of Face for LinkNumber.\nSets the Texture of linked prims. llSetLinkTextureAnim energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments LinkNumber type integer tooltip Mode type integer tooltip Face type integer tooltip SizeX type integer tooltip SizeY type integer tooltip Start type float tooltip Length type float tooltip Rate type float tooltip tooltip Animate the texture on the specified prim's face/faces.\nAnimate the texture on the specified face/faces of the specified prim/prims by setting the texture scale and offset.\n Identical to llSetTextureAnim except able to modify any prim in the link set. llSetLocalRot energy 10.0 sleep 0.2 return void arguments Rotation type rotation tooltip tooltip Sets the rotation of a child prim relative to the root prim. llSetMemoryLimit energy sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Limit type integer tooltip tooltip Request Limit bytes to be reserved for this script. This function has no effect if the script is running in the LSO VM.\nRequest Limit bytes to be reserved for this script. This function has no effect if the script is running in the LSO VM.\n Return TRUE or FALSE indicating whether the limit was set successfully. llSetObjectDesc energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Description type string tooltip tooltip Sets the object's description.\nSets the description of the scripted prim. You can get the description using llGetObjectDesc.\n The description is limited to 127 characters. llSetObjectName energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Name type string tooltip tooltip Sets the object's name. llSetObjectPermMask energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments PermissionFlag type integer tooltip PermissionMask type integer tooltip tooltip Sets the given permission mask to the new value on the root object the task is attached to. llSetParcelMusicURL energy 10.0 sleep 2.0 return void arguments URL type string tooltip tooltip Sets the streaming audio URL for the parcel object is on.\nSets the streaming audio URL for the parcel the scripted object is on (the object must be owned by the owner of the parcel, if the parcel is group owned the object must be owned by that group). llSetPayPrice energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Price type integer tooltip QuickButtons type list tooltip tooltip Sets the default amount when someone chooses to pay this object.\nSets the values of the buttons and the text box default for the Pay dialogue, when a user right-clicks on the object and selects "Pay".\n llSetPayPrice will affect what buttons exist, what their values are, and whether or not there is a manual payment text entry box. llSetPhysicsMaterial energy sleep return void arguments MaterialBits type integer tooltip GravityMultiplier type float tooltip Restitution type float tooltip Friction type float tooltip Density type float tooltip tooltip Sets the requested attributes of the root object's physics material. llSetPos energy 10.0 sleep 0.2 return void arguments Position type vector tooltip tooltip Sets the position (if the script isn't physical).\nIf the object is not physical, this function sets the position in region coordinates. If the object is a child prim, the position is treated as root relative and the link-set is adjusted. llSetPrimitiveParams energy 10.0 sleep 0.2 return void arguments Parameters type list tooltip tooltip Set primitive parameters.\nThis function changes the many properties (or "parameters") of a prim in one operation. The Parameters are a list of changes. llSetPrimMediaParams energy 10.0 sleep 0.1 return integer arguments Face type integer tooltip MediaParameters type list tooltip tooltip Sets the MediaParameters for a particular Face on an object. If media is not already on this object, add it. MediaParameters is a set of name/value pairs in no particular order. Parameters not specified are unchanged, or if new media is added then set to the default specified.\nSet the MediaParameters for a particular face.\n Returns an integer that is a STATUS_* flag which details the success/failure of the operation(s). llSetPrimURL deprecated true energy 10.0 sleep 20.0 return void arguments URL type string tooltip tooltip Deprecated: Use llSetPrimMediaParams instead.\nDeprecated: Use llSetPrimMediaParams instead. Updates the URL for the web page shown on the sides of the object. llSetRegionPos energy 0.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Position type vector tooltip tooltip Sets the Position anywhere within the region (if the object isn't physical).\nTries to moves the entire object so that the root prim is within 0.1m of Position.\n Returns an integer boolean, TRUE if the object is successfully placed within 0.1 m of Position, FALSE otherwise.\n The object with the script will move the root prim position to the given location. The position is any position within the region. If the position is below ground, it will be set to the ground level at that x,y location. The function has no delay or throttle. llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin energy 10.0 sleep 0.2 return void arguments PIN type integer tooltip tooltip If PIN is set to a non-zero number, the task will accept remote script loads via llRemoteLoadScriptPin if it passes in the correct PIN. Othersise, llRemoteLoadScriptPin is ignored.\nIf PIN is set to a non-zero number, the task will accept remote script loads via llRemoteLoadScriptPin if passed the matching PIN. Otherwise llRemoteLoadScriptPin is ignored llSetRot energy 10.0 sleep 0.2 return void arguments Rotation type rotation tooltip tooltip Sets the rotation (if the script isn't physical).\nIf the object is not physical, this function sets the rotation.\n If the script is in a child prim, the position is treated as root relative and the linked set is adjusted. llSetScale energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Scale type vector tooltip tooltip Sets the scale.\nSets the prim's scale (size). llSetScriptState energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments ScriptName type string tooltip Running type integer tooltip tooltip Control the state of a named script.\nControl the state of a script in the prim. llSetSitText energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Text type string tooltip tooltip Displays Text rather than "Sit" in context menu.\nDisplays Text rather than 'Sit' in the viewer's menu. llSetSoundQueueing energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments QueueEnable type integer tooltip tooltip Determines whether attached sound calls wait for the current sound to finish (0 = no [default], non-zero = yes).\nSets whether successive calls to llPlaySound, llLoopSound, etc., (attached sounds) interrupt the playing sound.\n The default for objects is FALSE. Setting this value to TRUE will make the sound wait until the current playing sound reaches its end. The queue is one level deep. llSetSoundRadius energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Radius type float tooltip tooltip Establishes a hard cut-off radius for audibility of scripted sounds (both attached and triggered). llSetStatus energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Status type integer tooltip Value type integer tooltip tooltip Sets status (STATUS_PHYSICS, STATUS_PHANTOM, STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB, STATUS_ROTATE_X, STATUS_ROTATE_Y, and/or STATUS_ROTATE_Z) to value.\nSets the Status to Value. Use STATUS_* constants for the values of status. llSetText energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Text type string tooltip Colour type vector tooltip Opacity type float tooltip tooltip Set text floating over object.\nSets the text that floats above the object, using the specified colour and opacity level. llSetTexture energy 10.0 sleep 0.2 return void arguments Texture type string tooltip Face type integer tooltip tooltip Sets the Texture of Face.\nSets the Texture of Face. If Face is ALL_SIDES, set the texture on all faces. llSetTextureAnim energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Mode type integer tooltip Face type integer tooltip SizeX type integer tooltip SizeY type integer tooltip Start type float tooltip Length type float tooltip Rate type float tooltip tooltip Animate the texture on the specified face/faces.\nAnimates a texture by setting the texture scale and offset. llSetTimerEvent energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Rate type float tooltip tooltip Cause the timer event to be triggered every Rate seconds.\nSets the timer event to be triggered at the specified Rate, in seconds.\n Passing in 0.0 stops further timer events. llSetTorque energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Torque type vector tooltip Local type integer tooltip tooltip Sets the Torque of object, in local coordinates if Local == TRUE (if the script is physical).\nIf the object is physical, this function sets the torque.\n The vector is in local coordinates if Local is TRUE, global if FALSE. llSetTouchText energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Text type string tooltip tooltip Displays Text in the menu that acts on a touch.\nDisplays Text in the viewer context menu that acts on a touch. llSetVehicleFlags energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Flags type integer tooltip tooltip Sets the enabled bits in 'flags'.\nSets the vehicle flags to TRUE.\nValid parameters can be found in the vehicle flags constants section. llSetVehicleFloatParam energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments ParameterName type integer tooltip ParameterValue type float tooltip tooltip Sets the specified vehicle float parameter.\nSets the vehicle floating point parameter.\n Valid parameters and their expected values can be found in the vehicle parameter constants section. llSetVehicleRotationParam energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments ParameterName type integer tooltip ParameterValue type float tooltip tooltip Sets the specified vehicle rotation parameter.\nSets the vehicle rotation parameter.\n Valid parameters can be found in the vehicle parameter constants section. llSetVehicleType energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Type type integer tooltip tooltip Sets vehicle to one of the default types.\nActivates the vehicle action and choose vehicle Type.\n Valid Types and an explanation of their characteristics can be found in the vehicle type constants section. llSetVehicleVectorParam energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments ParameterName type integer tooltip ParameterValue type float tooltip tooltip Sets the specified vehicle vector parameter.\nSets the vehicle vector parameter.\nValid parameters can be found in the vehicle parameter constants section. llSetVelocity energy sleep 0.0 return void arguments Force type vector tooltip Local type integer tooltip tooltip Sets an objects velocity, in local coordinates if Local == TRUE (if the script is physical).\nApplies Force to a physical object. llSHA1String energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments Text type string tooltip tooltip Returns a string of 40 hex characters that is the SHA1 security Hash of Text.\nReturns a string of 40 hex characters that is the SHA1 security hash of the supplied string. llShout energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Channel type integer tooltip Text type string tooltip tooltip shouts Text on Channel.\nShout Text on Channel. Channel 0 is the public chat channel that all avatars see as chat text. Channels 1 to 2,147,483,648 are private channels that are not sent to avatars but other scripts can listen for through the llListen function. llSin energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments Theta type float tooltip tooltip Returns the sine of Theta (Theta in radians).\nReturns the sine of Theta in radians. llSitTarget energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Offset type vector tooltip Rotation type rotation tooltip tooltip Set the sit location for this object (if offset == <0,0,0> clear it).\nSet the sit location for this object. If offset == ZERO_VECTOR, clears the sit target. llSleep energy 0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Time type float tooltip tooltip Put script to sleep for Time seconds.\nPuts the script to sleep for time specified, in seconds. llSound deprecated true energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Sound type string tooltip Volume type float tooltip Queue type integer tooltip Loop type integer tooltip tooltip Deprecated: Use llPlaySound instead.\nDeprecated: Use llPlaySound instead.\nPlays Sound at Volume and specifies whether it should loop or not. llSoundPreload deprecated true energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Sound type string tooltip tooltip Deprecated: Use llPreloadSound instead.\nDeprecated: Use llPreloadSound instead.\nPreloads a sound on viewers within range. llSqrt energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments Value type float tooltip tooltip Returns the square root of Value, or returns 0 and triggers a Math Error for imaginary results.\nReturns the square root of the value. If the value is less than 0.0, this function returns 0.0 and raises a maths runtime error. llStartAnimation energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Animation type string tooltip tooltip Start Animation for agent that owns object.\nThis function starts the animation for the last avatar that granted the object PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission. llStopAnimation energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Animation type string tooltip tooltip Stop Animation for agent that owns object.\nThis function stops the animation for the last avatar that granted the object PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission. llStopHover energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments tooltip Stop hovering to a height.\nStop hovering at a height. llStopLookAt energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments tooltip Stop causing object to point at a target.\nStop causing object to look at target. llStopMoveToTarget energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments tooltip Stops critically damped motion. llStopSound energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments tooltip Stops currently attached sound.\nStops the currently playing attached sound started with llPlaySound or llLoopSound. Has no effect on sounds started with llTriggerSound. llStringLength energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Text type string tooltip tooltip Returns the length of string.\nReturns the number of characters in the specified text. llStringToBase64 energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments Text type string tooltip tooltip Converts a string to the Base64 representation of the string.\nConverts a string to the Base 64 representation of the string. llStringTrim energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments Text type string tooltip TrimType type integer tooltip tooltip Trims the leading and/or trailing white spaces from a string.\n TrimType can be STRING_TRIM, STRING_TRIM_HEAD or STRING_TRIM_TAIL.\nOutputs a string, eliminating white-space from the start and/or end of the specified string.\n Constants for trim_type:\n STRING_TRIM_HEAD: trim all leading spaces in text\n STRING_TRIM_TAIL: trim all trailing spaces in text\n STRING_TRIM: trim all leading and trailing spaces in text llSubStringIndex energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Text type string tooltip Sequence type string tooltip tooltip Returns an integer that is the index in source where pattern first appears. Returns -1 if not found.\nReturns an index of the text where the sequence of characters first appears.\n Returns -1 if no match is found. llTakeCamera deprecated true energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments AvatarID type key tooltip tooltip Deprecated: Use llSetCameraParams instead.\nDeprecated: Use llSetCameraParams instead. Move avatar's viewpoint to task. llTakeControls energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Controls type integer tooltip Accept type integer tooltip PassOn type integer tooltip tooltip Take controls from agent task has permissions for. If (Accept == (controls & input)), send input to task. If PassOn send to agent also.\nRequires the PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS permission to run. llTan energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments Theta type float tooltip tooltip Returns the tangent of Theta (Theta in radians).\nReturns the tangent of Theta radians. llTarget energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return integer arguments Position type vector tooltip Range type float tooltip tooltip Sets positions within range of position as a target and return an ID for the target.\nSet object position, within range of position, as a target and returns an integer ID for the target. llTargetOmega energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Axis type vector tooltip SpinRate type float tooltip Gain type float tooltip tooltip Attempt to spin at SpinRate with strength Gain.\nAttempt to spin at SpinRate with strength Gain on axis.\n A spin-rate of 0.0 cancels the spin. This function always works in object local coordinates. llTargetRemove energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Target type integer tooltip tooltip Removes target number.\nRemove target number. llTeleportAgent energy 0 sleep 0 return void arguments AvatarID type key tooltip LandmarkName type string tooltip Position type vector tooltip LookAtPoint type vector tooltip tooltip Requests a teleport of avatar to a landmark stored in the object's inventory. If no landmark is provided (an empty string), the avatar is teleported to the location position in the current region. In either case, the avatar is turned to face the position given by look_at in local coordinates. Requires the PERMISSION_TELEPORT permission. This function can only teleport the owner of the object. llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords energy 0 sleep 0 return void arguments AvatarID type key tooltip GlobalPosition type vector tooltip RegionPosition type vector tooltip LookAtPoint type vector tooltip tooltip Teleports an agent to set of a region_coordinates within a region at the specified global_coordinates. The agent lands facing the position defined by look_at local coordinates. llTeleportAgentHome energy 100.0 sleep 5.0 return void arguments AvatarID type key tooltip tooltip Teleports agent on owner's land to agent's home location.\nTeleport agent over the owner's land to agent's home location. llTextBox energy 10.0 sleep 1.0 return void arguments AvatarID type key tooltip Text type string tooltip Channel type integer tooltip tooltip Shows a dialog box on the avatar's screen with the message. A text box asks for input, and if entered the Text is chatted on Channel.\nShows a dialogue box on avatar's screen with the text message.\n It contains a text box for input. Any text that is entered is said on the specified channel (as if by the avatar) when the "OK" button is clicked. llToLower energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments Text type string tooltip tooltip Returns a string that is Text with all lower-case characters.\nReturns Text in all lower case. llToUpper energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments Text type string tooltip tooltip Returns a string that is Text with all upper-case characters.\nReturns Text in all upper case. llTransferLindenDollars energy sleep 0.0 return key arguments AvatarID type key tooltip Amount type integer tooltip tooltip Transfer Amount of linden dollars (L$) from script owner to AvatarID. Returns a key to a corresponding transaction_result event for the success of the transfer.\nAttempts to send the amount of money to the specified avatar, and trigger a transaction_result event identified by the returned key. llTriggerSound energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Sound type string tooltip Volume type float tooltip tooltip Plays Sound at Volume (0.0 - 1.0), centered at but not attached to object.\nPlays a transient sound NOT attached to an object.\n The sound plays from a stationary position located at the centre of the object at the time of the triggering.\n There is no limit to the number of triggered sounds which can be generated by an object, and calling llTriggerSound does not affect the attached sounds created by llPlaySound and llLoopSound. This is very useful for things like collision noises, explosions, etc. There is no way to stop or alter the volume of a sound triggered by this function. llTriggerSoundLimited energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Sound type string tooltip Volume type float tooltip TNE type vector tooltip BSW type vector tooltip tooltip Plays Sound at Volume (0.0 - 1.0), centered at but not attached to object, limited to axis-aligned bounding box defined by vectors top-north-east (TNE) and bottom-south-west (BSW).\nPlays a transient sound NOT attached to an object, with its audible range limited by the axis-aligned bounding box define by TNE (top-north-east) and BSW (bottom-south-west).\n The sound plays from a stationary position located at the centre of the object at the time of the triggering.\n There is no limit to the number of triggered sounds which can be generated by an object, and calling llTriggerSound does not affect the attached sounds created by llPlaySound and llLoopSound. This is very useful for things like collision noises, explosions, etc. There is no way to stop or alter the volume of a sound triggered by this function. llUnescapeURL energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments URL type string tooltip tooltip Returns an unescaped/ unencoded version of URL, replacing %20 with spaces etc.\nReturns the string that is the URL unescaped, replacing "%20" with spaces, etc., version of URL.\n The function can output raw UTF-8 strings. llUnSit energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments AvatarID type key tooltip tooltip If agent identified by AvatarID is sitting on the object the script is attached to or is over land owned by the objects owner, the agent is forced to stand up.\nIf the agent identified is sitting on the object the script is attached to or is over land owned by the objects owner, the agent is forced to stand up. llUpdateCharacter energy sleep return void arguments Options type list tooltip tooltip Change the character's settings.\nUpdates settings for a character. llVecDist energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments Location1 type vector tooltip Location2 type vector tooltip tooltip Returns the 3D distance between Location1 and Location2.\nReturns the distance from location 1 to location 2. llVecMag energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments Vector type vector tooltip tooltip Returns the magnitude of Vector.\nReturns the magnitude of the vector. llVecNorm energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments Vector type vector tooltip tooltip Returns the v normalized.\nReturns normalized vector. llVolumeDetect energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments DetectEnabled type integer tooltip tooltip If DetectEnabled = TRUE, object becomes phantom but triggers collision_start and collision_end events when other objects start and stop interpenetrating. Must be applied to the root object.\nWhen detect = TRUE, this makes the entire link set the script is attached to phantom. If another object (including avatars) interpenetrates it, it will get a collision_start event.\n When an object stops interpenetrating, a collision_end event is generated. While the other is inter-penetrating, collision events are NOT generated. The script must be applied to the root object of the link set to get the collision events.\n Collision filters work normally. llWanderWithin energy sleep return void arguments Origin type vector tooltip Area type vector tooltip Options type list tooltip tooltip Wander within a specified volume.\nSets a character to wander about a central spot within a specified area. llWater energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return float arguments Offset type vector tooltip tooltip Returns the water height below the object position + offset.\nReturns the water height at the object's position + offset. llWhisper energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return void arguments Channel type integer tooltip Text type string tooltip tooltip Whispers Text on Channel.\nWhisper Text on Channel. Channel 0 is the public chat channel that all avatars see as chat text. Channels 1 to 2,147,483,648 are private channels that are not sent to avatars but other scripts can listen for through the llListen function. llWind energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return vector arguments Offset type vector tooltip tooltip Returns the wind velocity at the object position + offset.\nReturns the wind velocity at the object's position + offset. llXorBase64Strings deprecated true energy 10.0 sleep 0.3 return string arguments Text1 type string tooltip Text2 type string tooltip tooltip Deprecated: Please use llXorBase64StringsCorrect instead.\n Incorrectly performs an exclusive OR on two Base64 strings and returns a Base64 string. Text2 repeats if it is shorter than Text1. Retained for backwards compatibility.\nDeprecated: Use llXorBase64StringsCorrect instead.\nIncorrectly performs an exclusive OR on two Base64 strings and returns a Base64 string. llXorBase64StringsCorrect energy 10.0 sleep 0.0 return string arguments Text1 type string tooltip Text2 type string tooltip tooltip Correctly performs an exclusive OR on two Base64 strings and returns a Base64 string.\n Text2 repeats if it is shorter than Text1.\nPerforms an exclusive-OR on two Base64 strings and returns a Base64 string. text-2 repeats if it is shorter than text-1.\n This function is for encrypting data. Put your data in text-1 and your key in text-2 to encrypt or put the encrypted data into text-1 with the same key in text-2 to decrypt again.