/** * @file lscript_byteconvert.h * @brief Shared code for compiler and assembler for LSL * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlife.com/developers/opensource/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at http://secondlife.com/developers/opensource/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ // data shared between compiler/assembler // used to convert data between byte stream and outside data types #ifndef LL_LSCRIPT_BYTECONVERT_H #define LL_LSCRIPT_BYTECONVERT_H #include "stdtypes.h" #include "v3math.h" #include "llquaternion.h" #include "lscript_byteformat.h" #include "lluuid.h" void reset_hp_to_safe_spot(const U8 *buffer); // remember that LScript byte stream is BigEndian void set_fault(const U8 *stream, LSCRIPTRunTimeFaults fault); inline S32 bytestream2integer(const U8 *stream, S32 &offset) { stream += offset; offset += 4; return (*stream<<24) | (*(stream + 1)<<16) | (*(stream + 2)<<8) | *(stream + 3); } inline U32 bytestream2unsigned_integer(const U8 *stream, S32 &offset) { stream += offset; offset += 4; return (*stream<<24) | (*(stream + 1)<<16) | (*(stream + 2)<<8) | *(stream + 3); } inline U64 bytestream2u64(const U8 *stream, S32 &offset) { stream += offset; offset += 8; return ((U64)(*stream)<<56)| ((U64)(*(stream + 1))<<48) | ((U64)(*(stream + 2))<<40) | ((U64)(*(stream + 3))<<32) | ((U64)(*(stream + 4))<<24) | ((U64)(*(stream + 5))<<16) | ((U64)(*(stream + 6))<<8) | (U64)(*(stream + 7)); } inline void integer2bytestream(U8 *stream, S32 &offset, S32 integer) { stream += offset; offset += 4; *(stream) = (integer >> 24); *(stream + 1) = (integer >> 16) & 0xff; *(stream + 2) = (integer >> 8) & 0xff; *(stream + 3) = (integer) & 0xff; } inline void unsigned_integer2bytestream(U8 *stream, S32 &offset, U32 integer) { stream += offset; offset += 4; *(stream) = (integer >> 24); *(stream + 1) = (integer >> 16) & 0xff; *(stream + 2) = (integer >> 8) & 0xff; *(stream + 3) = (integer) & 0xff; } inline void u642bytestream(U8 *stream, S32 &offset, U64 integer) { stream += offset; offset += 8; *(stream) = (U8)(integer >> 56); *(stream + 1) = (U8)((integer >> 48) & 0xff); *(stream + 2) = (U8)((integer >> 40) & 0xff); *(stream + 3) = (U8)((integer >> 32) & 0xff); *(stream + 4) = (U8)((integer >> 24) & 0xff); *(stream + 5) = (U8)((integer >> 16) & 0xff); *(stream + 6) = (U8)((integer >> 8) & 0xff); *(stream + 7) = (U8)((integer) & 0xff); } inline S16 bytestream2s16(const U8 *stream, S32 &offset) { stream += offset; offset += 2; return (*stream<<8) | *(stream + 1); } inline void s162bytestream(U8 *stream, S32 &offset, S16 integer) { stream += offset; offset += 2; *(stream) = (integer >> 8); *(stream + 1) = (integer) & 0xff; } inline U16 bytestream2u16(const U8 *stream, S32 &offset) { stream += offset; offset += 2; return (*stream<<8) | *(stream + 1); } inline void u162bytestream(U8 *stream, S32 &offset, U16 integer) { stream += offset; offset += 2; *(stream) = (integer >> 8); *(stream + 1) = (integer) & 0xff; } inline F32 bytestream2float(const U8 *stream, S32 &offset) { S32 value = bytestream2integer(stream, offset); F32 fpvalue = *(F32 *)&value; if (!llfinite(fpvalue)) { fpvalue = 0; set_fault(stream, LSRF_MATH); } return fpvalue; } inline void float2bytestream(U8 *stream, S32 &offset, F32 floatingpoint) { S32 value = *(S32 *)&floatingpoint; integer2bytestream(stream, offset, value); } inline void bytestream_int2float(U8 *stream, S32 &offset) { S32 value = bytestream2integer(stream, offset); offset -= 4; F32 fpvalue = (F32)value; if (!llfinite(fpvalue)) { fpvalue = 0; set_fault(stream, LSRF_MATH); } float2bytestream(stream, offset, fpvalue); } // Returns true on success, return false and clip copy on buffer overflow inline bool bytestream2char(char *buffer, const U8 *stream, S32 &offset, S32 buffsize) { S32 source_len = strlen( (const char *)stream+offset ); S32 copy_len = buffsize - 1; if( copy_len > source_len ) { copy_len = source_len; } // strncpy without \0 padding overhead memcpy( buffer, stream+offset, copy_len ); buffer[copy_len] = 0; offset += source_len + 1; // advance past source string, include terminating '\0' return source_len < buffsize; } inline void char2bytestream(U8 *stream, S32 &offset, const char *buffer) { while ((*(stream + offset++) = *buffer++)) ; } inline U8 bytestream2byte(const U8 *stream, S32 &offset) { return *(stream + offset++); } inline void byte2bytestream(U8 *stream, S32 &offset, U8 byte) { *(stream + offset++) = byte; } inline void bytestream2bytestream(U8 *dest, S32 &dest_offset, const U8 *src, S32 &src_offset, S32 count) { while (count) { (*(dest + dest_offset++)) = (*(src + src_offset++)); count--; } } inline void uuid2bytestream(U8 *stream, S32 &offset, const LLUUID &uuid) { S32 i; for (i = 0; i < UUID_BYTES; i++) { *(stream + offset++) = uuid.mData[i]; } } inline void bytestream2uuid(U8 *stream, S32 &offset, LLUUID &uuid) { S32 i; for (i = 0; i < UUID_BYTES; i++) { uuid.mData[i] = *(stream + offset++); } } // vectors and quaternions and encoded in backwards order to match the way in which they are stored on the stack inline void bytestream2vector(LLVector3 &vector, const U8 *stream, S32 &offset) { S32 value = bytestream2integer(stream, offset); vector.mV[VZ] = *(F32 *)&value; if (!llfinite(vector.mV[VZ])) { vector.mV[VZ] = 0; set_fault(stream, LSRF_MATH); } value = bytestream2integer(stream, offset); vector.mV[VY] = *(F32 *)&value; if (!llfinite(vector.mV[VY])) { vector.mV[VY] = 0; set_fault(stream, LSRF_MATH); } value = bytestream2integer(stream, offset); vector.mV[VX] = *(F32 *)&value; if (!llfinite(vector.mV[VX])) { vector.mV[VX] = 0; set_fault(stream, LSRF_MATH); } } inline void vector2bytestream(U8 *stream, S32 &offset, LLVector3 &vector) { S32 value = *(S32 *)&vector.mV[VZ]; integer2bytestream(stream, offset, value); value = *(S32 *)&vector.mV[VY]; integer2bytestream(stream, offset, value); value = *(S32 *)&vector.mV[VX]; integer2bytestream(stream, offset, value); } inline void bytestream2quaternion(LLQuaternion &quat, const U8 *stream, S32 &offset) { S32 value = bytestream2integer(stream, offset); quat.mQ[VS] = *(F32 *)&value; if (!llfinite(quat.mQ[VS])) { quat.mQ[VS] = 0; set_fault(stream, LSRF_MATH); } value = bytestream2integer(stream, offset); quat.mQ[VZ] = *(F32 *)&value; if (!llfinite(quat.mQ[VZ])) { quat.mQ[VZ] = 0; set_fault(stream, LSRF_MATH); } value = bytestream2integer(stream, offset); quat.mQ[VY] = *(F32 *)&value; if (!llfinite(quat.mQ[VY])) { quat.mQ[VY] = 0; set_fault(stream, LSRF_MATH); } value = bytestream2integer(stream, offset); quat.mQ[VX] = *(F32 *)&value; if (!llfinite(quat.mQ[VX])) { quat.mQ[VX] = 0; set_fault(stream, LSRF_MATH); } } inline void quaternion2bytestream(U8 *stream, S32 &offset, LLQuaternion &quat) { S32 value = *(S32 *)&quat.mQ[VS]; integer2bytestream(stream, offset, value); value = *(S32 *)&quat.mQ[VZ]; integer2bytestream(stream, offset, value); value = *(S32 *)&quat.mQ[VY]; integer2bytestream(stream, offset, value); value = *(S32 *)&quat.mQ[VX]; integer2bytestream(stream, offset, value); } inline S32 get_register(const U8 *stream, LSCRIPTRegisters reg) { S32 offset = gLSCRIPTRegisterAddresses[reg]; return bytestream2integer(stream, offset); } inline F32 get_register_fp(U8 *stream, LSCRIPTRegisters reg) { S32 offset = gLSCRIPTRegisterAddresses[reg]; F32 value = bytestream2float(stream, offset); if (!llfinite(value)) { value = 0; set_fault(stream, LSRF_MATH); } return value; } inline U64 get_register_u64(U8 *stream, LSCRIPTRegisters reg) { S32 offset = gLSCRIPTRegisterAddresses[reg]; return bytestream2u64(stream, offset); } inline U64 get_event_register(U8 *stream, LSCRIPTRegisters reg, S32 major_version) { if (major_version == 1) { S32 offset = gLSCRIPTRegisterAddresses[reg]; return (U64)bytestream2integer(stream, offset); } else if (major_version == 2) { S32 offset = gLSCRIPTRegisterAddresses[reg + (LREG_NCE - LREG_CE)]; return bytestream2u64(stream, offset); } else { S32 offset = gLSCRIPTRegisterAddresses[reg]; return (U64)bytestream2integer(stream, offset); } } inline void set_register(U8 *stream, LSCRIPTRegisters reg, S32 value) { S32 offset = gLSCRIPTRegisterAddresses[reg]; integer2bytestream(stream, offset, value); } inline void set_register_fp(U8 *stream, LSCRIPTRegisters reg, F32 value) { S32 offset = gLSCRIPTRegisterAddresses[reg]; float2bytestream(stream, offset, value); } inline void set_register_u64(U8 *stream, LSCRIPTRegisters reg, U64 value) { S32 offset = gLSCRIPTRegisterAddresses[reg]; u642bytestream(stream, offset, value); } inline void set_event_register(U8 *stream, LSCRIPTRegisters reg, U64 value, S32 major_version) { if (major_version == 1) { S32 offset = gLSCRIPTRegisterAddresses[reg]; integer2bytestream(stream, offset, (S32)value); } else if (major_version == 2) { S32 offset = gLSCRIPTRegisterAddresses[reg + (LREG_NCE - LREG_CE)]; u642bytestream(stream, offset, value); } else { S32 offset = gLSCRIPTRegisterAddresses[reg]; integer2bytestream(stream, offset, (S32)value); } } inline F32 add_register_fp(U8 *stream, LSCRIPTRegisters reg, F32 value) { S32 offset = gLSCRIPTRegisterAddresses[reg]; F32 newvalue = bytestream2float(stream, offset); newvalue += value; if (!llfinite(newvalue)) { newvalue = 0; set_fault(stream, LSRF_MATH); } offset = gLSCRIPTRegisterAddresses[reg]; float2bytestream(stream, offset, newvalue); return newvalue; } void lsa_print_heap(U8 *buffer); inline void set_fault(const U8 *stream, LSCRIPTRunTimeFaults fault) { S32 fr = get_register(stream, LREG_FR); // record the first error if (!fr) { if ( (fault == LSRF_HEAP_ERROR) ||(fault == LSRF_STACK_HEAP_COLLISION) ||(fault == LSRF_BOUND_CHECK_ERROR)) { reset_hp_to_safe_spot(stream); // lsa_print_heap((U8 *)stream); } fr = fault; set_register((U8 *)stream, LREG_FR, fr); } } inline BOOL set_ip(U8 *stream, S32 ip) { // Verify that the Instruction Pointer is in a valid // code area (between the Global Function Register // and Heap Register). S32 gfr = get_register(stream, LREG_GFR); if (ip == 0) { set_register(stream, LREG_IP, ip); return TRUE; } if (ip < gfr) { set_fault(stream, LSRF_BOUND_CHECK_ERROR); return FALSE; } S32 hr = get_register(stream, LREG_HR); if (ip >= hr) { set_fault(stream, LSRF_BOUND_CHECK_ERROR); return FALSE; } set_register(stream, LREG_IP, ip); return TRUE; } inline BOOL set_bp(U8 *stream, S32 bp) { // Verify that the Base Pointer is in a valid // data area (between the Heap Pointer and // the Top of Memory, and below the // Stack Pointer). S32 hp = get_register(stream, LREG_HP); if (bp <= hp) { set_fault(stream, LSRF_STACK_HEAP_COLLISION); return FALSE; } S32 tm = get_register(stream, LREG_TM); if (bp >= tm) { set_fault(stream, LSRF_BOUND_CHECK_ERROR); return FALSE; } S32 sp = get_register(stream, LREG_SP); if (bp < sp) { set_fault(stream, LSRF_BOUND_CHECK_ERROR); return FALSE; } set_register(stream, LREG_BP, bp); return TRUE; } inline BOOL set_sp(U8 *stream, S32 sp) { // Verify that the Stack Pointer is in a valid // data area (between the Heap Pointer and // the Top of Memory). S32 hp = get_register(stream, LREG_HP); if (sp <= hp) { set_fault(stream, LSRF_STACK_HEAP_COLLISION); return FALSE; } S32 tm = get_register(stream, LREG_TM); if (sp >= tm) { set_fault(stream, LSRF_BOUND_CHECK_ERROR); return FALSE; } set_register(stream, LREG_SP, sp); return TRUE; } inline void lscript_push(U8 *stream, U8 value) { S32 sp = get_register(stream, LREG_SP); sp -= 1; if (set_sp(stream, sp)) { *(stream + sp) = value; } } inline void lscript_push(U8 *stream, S32 value) { S32 sp = get_register(stream, LREG_SP); sp -= LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER]; if (set_sp(stream, sp)) { integer2bytestream(stream, sp, value); } } inline void lscript_push(U8 *stream, F32 value) { S32 sp = get_register(stream, LREG_SP); sp -= LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_FLOATINGPOINT]; if (set_sp(stream, sp)) { float2bytestream(stream, sp, value); } } inline void lscript_push(U8 *stream, LLVector3 &value) { S32 sp = get_register(stream, LREG_SP); sp -= LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_VECTOR]; if (set_sp(stream, sp)) { vector2bytestream(stream, sp, value); } } inline void lscript_push(U8 *stream, LLQuaternion &value) { S32 sp = get_register(stream, LREG_SP); sp -= LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_QUATERNION]; if (set_sp(stream, sp)) { quaternion2bytestream(stream, sp, value); } } inline void lscript_pusharg(U8 *stream, S32 arg) { S32 sp = get_register(stream, LREG_SP); sp -= arg; set_sp(stream, sp); } inline void lscript_poparg(U8 *stream, S32 arg) { S32 sp = get_register(stream, LREG_SP); sp += arg; set_sp(stream, sp); } inline U8 lscript_pop_char(U8 *stream) { S32 sp = get_register(stream, LREG_SP); U8 value = *(stream + sp++); set_sp(stream, sp); return value; } inline S32 lscript_pop_int(U8 *stream) { S32 sp = get_register(stream, LREG_SP); S32 value = bytestream2integer(stream, sp); set_sp(stream, sp); return value; } inline F32 lscript_pop_float(U8 *stream) { S32 sp = get_register(stream, LREG_SP); F32 value = bytestream2float(stream, sp); if (!llfinite(value)) { value = 0; set_fault(stream, LSRF_MATH); } set_sp(stream, sp); return value; } inline void lscript_pop_vector(U8 *stream, LLVector3 &value) { S32 sp = get_register(stream, LREG_SP); bytestream2vector(value, stream, sp); set_sp(stream, sp); } inline void lscript_pop_quaternion(U8 *stream, LLQuaternion &value) { S32 sp = get_register(stream, LREG_SP); bytestream2quaternion(value, stream, sp); set_sp(stream, sp); } inline void lscript_pusharge(U8 *stream, S32 value) { S32 sp = get_register(stream, LREG_SP); sp -= value; if (set_sp(stream, sp)) { S32 i; for (i = 0; i < value; i++) { *(stream + sp++) = 0; } } } inline BOOL lscript_check_local(U8 *stream, S32 &address, S32 size) { S32 sp = get_register(stream, LREG_SP); S32 bp = get_register(stream, LREG_BP); address += size; address = bp - address; if (address < sp - size) { set_fault(stream, LSRF_BOUND_CHECK_ERROR); return FALSE; } S32 tm = get_register(stream, LREG_TM); if (address + size > tm) { set_fault(stream, LSRF_BOUND_CHECK_ERROR); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } inline BOOL lscript_check_global(U8 *stream, S32 &address, S32 size) { S32 gvr = get_register(stream, LREG_GVR); // Possibility of overwriting registers? -- DK 09/07/04 if (address < 0) { set_fault(stream, LSRF_BOUND_CHECK_ERROR); return FALSE; } address += gvr; S32 gfr = get_register(stream, LREG_GFR); if (address + size > gfr) { set_fault(stream, LSRF_BOUND_CHECK_ERROR); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } inline void lscript_local_store(U8 *stream, S32 address, S32 value) { if (lscript_check_local(stream, address, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER])) integer2bytestream(stream, address, value); } inline void lscript_local_store(U8 *stream, S32 address, F32 value) { if (lscript_check_local(stream, address, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_FLOATINGPOINT])) float2bytestream(stream, address, value); } inline void lscript_local_store(U8 *stream, S32 address, LLVector3 value) { if (lscript_check_local(stream, address, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_VECTOR])) vector2bytestream(stream, address, value); } inline void lscript_local_store(U8 *stream, S32 address, LLQuaternion value) { if (lscript_check_local(stream, address, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_QUATERNION])) quaternion2bytestream(stream, address, value); } inline void lscript_global_store(U8 *stream, S32 address, S32 value) { if (lscript_check_global(stream, address, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER])) integer2bytestream(stream, address, value); } inline void lscript_global_store(U8 *stream, S32 address, F32 value) { if (lscript_check_global(stream, address, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_FLOATINGPOINT])) float2bytestream(stream, address, value); } inline void lscript_global_store(U8 *stream, S32 address, LLVector3 value) { if (lscript_check_global(stream, address, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_VECTOR])) vector2bytestream(stream, address, value); } inline void lscript_global_store(U8 *stream, S32 address, LLQuaternion value) { if (lscript_check_global(stream, address, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_QUATERNION])) quaternion2bytestream(stream, address, value); } inline S32 lscript_local_get(U8 *stream, S32 address) { if (lscript_check_local(stream, address, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER])) return bytestream2integer(stream, address); return 0; } inline void lscript_local_get(U8 *stream, S32 address, F32 &value) { if (lscript_check_local(stream, address, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_FLOATINGPOINT])) value = bytestream2float(stream, address); if (!llfinite(value)) { value = 0; set_fault(stream, LSRF_MATH); } } inline void lscript_local_get(U8 *stream, S32 address, LLVector3 &value) { if (lscript_check_local(stream, address, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_VECTOR])) bytestream2vector(value, stream, address); } inline void lscript_local_get(U8 *stream, S32 address, LLQuaternion &value) { if (lscript_check_local(stream, address, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_QUATERNION])) bytestream2quaternion(value, stream, address); } inline S32 lscript_global_get(U8 *stream, S32 address) { if (lscript_check_global(stream, address, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER])) return bytestream2integer(stream, address); return 0; } inline void lscript_global_get(U8 *stream, S32 address, F32 &value) { if (lscript_check_global(stream, address, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_FLOATINGPOINT])) value = bytestream2float(stream, address); if (!llfinite(value)) { value = 0; set_fault(stream, LSRF_MATH); } } inline void lscript_global_get(U8 *stream, S32 address, LLVector3 &value) { if (lscript_check_global(stream, address, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_VECTOR])) bytestream2vector(value, stream, address); } inline void lscript_global_get(U8 *stream, S32 address, LLQuaternion &value) { if (lscript_check_global(stream, address, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_QUATERNION])) bytestream2quaternion(value, stream, address); } inline S32 get_state_event_opcoode_start(U8 *stream, S32 state, LSCRIPTStateEventType event) { // get the start of the state table S32 sr = get_register(stream, LREG_SR); // get the position of the jump to the desired state S32 value = get_register(stream, LREG_VN); S32 state_offset_offset = 0; S32 major_version = 0; if (value == LSL2_VERSION1_END_NUMBER) { major_version = LSL2_MAJOR_VERSION_ONE; state_offset_offset = sr + LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER] + LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER]*2*state; } else if (value == LSL2_VERSION_NUMBER) { major_version = LSL2_MAJOR_VERSION_TWO; state_offset_offset = sr + LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER] + LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER]*3*state; } if ( state_offset_offset < 0 || state_offset_offset > TOP_OF_MEMORY ) { return -1; } // get the actual position in memory of the desired state S32 state_offset = sr + bytestream2integer(stream, state_offset_offset); if ( state_offset < 0 || state_offset > TOP_OF_MEMORY ) { return -1; } // save that value S32 state_offset_base = state_offset; // jump past the state name S32 event_jump_offset = state_offset_base + bytestream2integer(stream, state_offset); // get the location of the event offset S32 event_offset = event_jump_offset + LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER]*2*get_event_handler_jump_position(get_event_register(stream, LREG_ER, major_version), event); if ( event_offset < 0 || event_offset > TOP_OF_MEMORY ) { return -1; } // now, jump to the event S32 event_start = bytestream2integer(stream, event_offset); if ( event_start < 0 || event_start > TOP_OF_MEMORY ) { return -1; } event_start += event_jump_offset; S32 event_start_original = event_start; // now skip past the parameters S32 opcode_offset = bytestream2integer(stream, event_start); if ( opcode_offset < 0 || opcode_offset > TOP_OF_MEMORY ) { return -1; } return opcode_offset + event_start_original; } inline U64 get_handled_events(U8 *stream, S32 state) { U64 retvalue = 0; // get the start of the state table S32 sr = get_register(stream, LREG_SR); // get the position of the jump to the desired state S32 value = get_register(stream, LREG_VN); S32 state_handled_offset = 0; if (value == LSL2_VERSION1_END_NUMBER) { state_handled_offset = sr + LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER]*2*state + 2*LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER]; retvalue = bytestream2integer(stream, state_handled_offset); } else if (value == LSL2_VERSION_NUMBER) { state_handled_offset = sr + LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER]*3*state + 2*LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER]; retvalue = bytestream2u64(stream, state_handled_offset); } // get the handled events return retvalue; } // Returns -1 on error inline S32 get_event_stack_size(U8 *stream, S32 state, LSCRIPTStateEventType event) { // get the start of the state table S32 sr = get_register(stream, LREG_SR); // get state offset S32 value = get_register(stream, LREG_VN); S32 state_offset_offset = 0; S32 major_version = 0; if (value == LSL2_VERSION1_END_NUMBER) { major_version = LSL2_MAJOR_VERSION_ONE; state_offset_offset = sr + LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER] + LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER]*2*state; } else if (value == LSL2_VERSION_NUMBER) { major_version = LSL2_MAJOR_VERSION_TWO; state_offset_offset = sr + LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER] + LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER]*3*state; } if ( state_offset_offset < 0 || state_offset_offset > TOP_OF_MEMORY ) { return -1; } S32 state_offset = bytestream2integer(stream, state_offset_offset); state_offset += sr; state_offset_offset = state_offset; if ( state_offset_offset < 0 || state_offset_offset > TOP_OF_MEMORY ) { return -1; } // skip to jump table S32 jump_table = bytestream2integer(stream, state_offset_offset); jump_table += state_offset; if ( jump_table < 0 || jump_table > TOP_OF_MEMORY ) { return -1; } // get the position of the jump to the desired state S32 stack_size_offset = jump_table + LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER]*2*get_event_handler_jump_position(get_event_register(stream, LREG_ER, major_version), event) + LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER]; // get the handled events S32 stack_size = bytestream2integer(stream, stack_size_offset); if ( stack_size < 0 || stack_size > TOP_OF_MEMORY ) { return -1; } return stack_size; } inline LSCRIPTStateEventType return_first_event(S32 event) { S32 count = 1; while (count < LSTT_EOF) { if (event & 0x1) { return (LSCRIPTStateEventType) count; } else { event >>= 1; count++; } } return LSTT_NULL; } // the safe instruction versions of these commands will only work if offset is between // GFR and HR, meaning that it is an instruction (more or less) in global functions or event handlers inline BOOL safe_instruction_check_address(U8 *stream, S32 offset, S32 size) { S32 gfr = get_register(stream, LREG_GFR); if (offset < gfr) { set_fault(stream, LSRF_BOUND_CHECK_ERROR); return FALSE; } else { S32 hr = get_register(stream, LREG_HR); if (offset + size > hr) { set_fault(stream, LSRF_BOUND_CHECK_ERROR); return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } } inline BOOL safe_heap_check_address(U8 *stream, S32 offset, S32 size) { S32 hr = get_register(stream, LREG_HR); if (offset < hr) { set_fault(stream, LSRF_BOUND_CHECK_ERROR); return FALSE; } else { S32 hp = get_register(stream, LREG_HP); if (offset + size > hp) { set_fault(stream, LSRF_BOUND_CHECK_ERROR); return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } } inline U8 safe_instruction_bytestream2byte(U8 *stream, S32 &offset) { if (safe_instruction_check_address(stream, offset, 1)) { return *(stream + offset++); } else { return 0; } } inline void safe_instruction_byte2bytestream(U8 *stream, S32 &offset, U8 byte) { if (safe_instruction_check_address(stream, offset, 1)) { *(stream + offset++) = byte; } } inline S32 safe_instruction_bytestream2integer(U8 *stream, S32 &offset) { if (safe_instruction_check_address(stream, offset, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER])) { return (bytestream2integer(stream, offset)); } else { return 0; } } inline void safe_instruction_integer2bytestream(U8 *stream, S32 &offset, S32 value) { if (safe_instruction_check_address(stream, offset, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER])) { integer2bytestream(stream, offset, value); } } inline U16 safe_instruction_bytestream2u16(U8 *stream, S32 &offset) { if (safe_instruction_check_address(stream, offset, 2)) { return (bytestream2u16(stream, offset)); } else { return 0; } } inline void safe_instruction_u162bytestream(U8 *stream, S32 &offset, U16 value) { if (safe_instruction_check_address(stream, offset, 2)) { u162bytestream(stream, offset, value); } } inline F32 safe_instruction_bytestream2float(U8 *stream, S32 &offset) { if (safe_instruction_check_address(stream, offset, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_INTEGER])) { F32 value = bytestream2float(stream, offset); if (!llfinite(value)) { value = 0; set_fault(stream, LSRF_MATH); } return value; } else { return 0; } } inline void safe_instruction_float2bytestream(U8 *stream, S32 &offset, F32 value) { if (safe_instruction_check_address(stream, offset, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_FLOATINGPOINT])) { float2bytestream(stream, offset, value); } } inline void safe_instruction_bytestream2char(char *buffer, U8 *stream, S32 &offset, S32 buffsize) { // This varies from the old method. Previously, we would copy up until we got an error, // then halt the script via safe_isntruction_check_address. Now we don't bother // copying a thing if there's an error. if( safe_instruction_check_address(stream, offset, strlen( (const char *)stream + offset ) + 1 ) ) { // Takes the same parms as this function. Won't overread, per above check. bytestream2char( buffer, stream, offset, buffsize ); } else { // Truncate - no point in copying *buffer = 0; } } inline void safe_instruction_bytestream_count_char(U8 *stream, S32 &offset) { while ( (safe_instruction_check_address(stream, offset, 1)) &&(*(stream + offset++))) ; } inline void safe_heap_bytestream_count_char(U8 *stream, S32 &offset) { while ( (safe_heap_check_address(stream, offset, 1)) &&(*(stream + offset++))) ; } inline void safe_instruction_char2bytestream(U8 *stream, S32 &offset, const char* buffer) { while ( (safe_instruction_check_address(stream, offset, 1)) &&(*(stream + offset++) = *buffer++)) ; } inline void safe_instruction_bytestream2vector(LLVector3 &value, U8 *stream, S32 &offset) { if (safe_instruction_check_address(stream, offset, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_VECTOR])) { bytestream2vector(value, stream, offset); } } inline void safe_instruction_vector2bytestream(U8 *stream, S32 &offset, LLVector3 &value) { if (safe_instruction_check_address(stream, offset, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_VECTOR])) { vector2bytestream(stream, offset, value); } } inline void safe_instruction_bytestream2quaternion(LLQuaternion &value, U8 *stream, S32 &offset) { if (safe_instruction_check_address(stream, offset, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_QUATERNION])) { bytestream2quaternion(value, stream, offset); } } inline void safe_instruction_quaternion2bytestream(U8 *stream, S32 &offset, LLQuaternion &value) { if (safe_instruction_check_address(stream, offset, LSCRIPTDataSize[LST_QUATERNION])) { quaternion2bytestream(stream, offset, value); } } static inline LSCRIPTType char2type(char type) { switch(type) { case 'i': return LST_INTEGER; case 'f': return LST_FLOATINGPOINT; case 's': return LST_STRING; case 'k': return LST_KEY; case 'v': return LST_VECTOR; case 'q': return LST_QUATERNION; case 'l': return LST_LIST; default: return LST_NULL; } } #endif