/** * @file llxmltree.cpp * @brief LLXmlTree implementation * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include "llxmltree.h" #include "v3color.h" #include "v4color.h" #include "v4coloru.h" #include "v3math.h" #include "v3dmath.h" #include "v4math.h" #include "llquaternion.h" #include "lluuid.h" #include "lldir.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LLXmlTree // static LLStdStringTable LLXmlTree::sAttributeKeys(1024); LLXmlTree::LLXmlTree() : mRoot( NULL ), mNodeNames(512) { } LLXmlTree::~LLXmlTree() { cleanup(); } void LLXmlTree::cleanup() { delete mRoot; mRoot = NULL; mNodeNames.cleanup(); } bool LLXmlTree::parseFile(const std::string & filename, bool keep_contents) { delete mRoot; mRoot = NULL; std::string xml = gDirUtilp->getFileContents(filename); if (xml.empty()) { LL_WARNS() << "LLXmlTree parse failed. No XML file: " << filename << LL_ENDL; return false; } bool success = parseString(xml, keep_contents); return success; } bool LLXmlTree::parseString(const std::string &xml, bool keep_contents) { delete mRoot; mRoot = NULL; LLXmlTreeParser parser(this); bool success = parser.parseString(xml, &mRoot, keep_contents); if (!success) { S32 line_number = parser.getCurrentLineNumber(); const char* error = parser.getErrorString(); LL_WARNS() << "LLXmlTree parse failed. Line " << line_number << ": " << error << LL_ENDL; } return success; } void LLXmlTree::dump() { if( mRoot ) { dumpNode( mRoot, " " ); } } void LLXmlTree::dumpNode( LLXmlTreeNode* node, const std::string& prefix ) { node->dump( prefix ); std::string new_prefix = prefix + " "; for( LLXmlTreeNode* child = node->getFirstChild(); child; child = node->getNextChild() ) { dumpNode( child, new_prefix ); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LLXmlTreeNode LLXmlTreeNode::LLXmlTreeNode( const std::string& name, LLXmlTreeNode* parent, LLXmlTree* tree ) : mName(name), mParent(parent), mTree(tree) { } LLXmlTreeNode::~LLXmlTreeNode() { attribute_map_t::iterator iter; for (iter=mAttributes.begin(); iter != mAttributes.end(); iter++) delete iter->second; for(LLXmlTreeNode* node : mChildren) { delete node; } mChildren.clear(); } void LLXmlTreeNode::dump( const std::string& prefix ) { LL_INFOS() << prefix << mName ; if( !mContents.empty() ) { LL_CONT << " contents = \"" << mContents << "\""; } attribute_map_t::iterator iter; for (iter=mAttributes.begin(); iter != mAttributes.end(); iter++) { LLStdStringHandle key = iter->first; const std::string* value = iter->second; LL_CONT << prefix << " " << key << "=" << (value->empty() ? "NULL" : *value); } LL_CONT << LL_ENDL; } bool LLXmlTreeNode::hasAttribute(const std::string& name) { LLStdStringHandle canonical_name = LLXmlTree::sAttributeKeys.addString( name ); attribute_map_t::iterator iter = mAttributes.find(canonical_name); return (iter == mAttributes.end()) ? false : true; } void LLXmlTreeNode::addAttribute(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { LLStdStringHandle canonical_name = LLXmlTree::sAttributeKeys.addString( name ); const std::string *newstr = new std::string(value); mAttributes[canonical_name] = newstr; // insert + copy } LLXmlTreeNode* LLXmlTreeNode::getFirstChild() { mChildrenIter = mChildren.begin(); return getNextChild(); } LLXmlTreeNode* LLXmlTreeNode::getNextChild() { if (mChildrenIter == mChildren.end()) return 0; else return *mChildrenIter++; } LLXmlTreeNode* LLXmlTreeNode::getChildByName(const std::string& name) { LLStdStringHandle tableptr = mTree->mNodeNames.checkString(name); mChildMapIter = mChildMap.lower_bound(tableptr); mChildMapEndIter = mChildMap.upper_bound(tableptr); return getNextNamedChild(); } LLXmlTreeNode* LLXmlTreeNode::getNextNamedChild() { if (mChildMapIter == mChildMapEndIter) return NULL; else return (mChildMapIter++)->second; } void LLXmlTreeNode::appendContents(const std::string& str) { mContents.append( str ); } void LLXmlTreeNode::addChild(LLXmlTreeNode* child) { llassert( child ); mChildren.push_back( child ); // Add a name mapping to this node LLStdStringHandle tableptr = mTree->mNodeNames.insert(child->mName); mChildMap.insert( child_map_t::value_type(tableptr, child)); child->mParent = this; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // These functions assume that name is already in mAttritrubteKeys bool LLXmlTreeNode::getFastAttributeBOOL(LLStdStringHandle canonical_name, bool& value) { const std::string *s = getAttribute( canonical_name ); return s && LLStringUtil::convertToBOOL( *s, value ); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getFastAttributeU8(LLStdStringHandle canonical_name, U8& value) { const std::string *s = getAttribute( canonical_name ); return s && LLStringUtil::convertToU8( *s, value ); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getFastAttributeS8(LLStdStringHandle canonical_name, S8& value) { const std::string *s = getAttribute( canonical_name ); return s && LLStringUtil::convertToS8( *s, value ); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getFastAttributeS16(LLStdStringHandle canonical_name, S16& value) { const std::string *s = getAttribute( canonical_name ); return s && LLStringUtil::convertToS16( *s, value ); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getFastAttributeU16(LLStdStringHandle canonical_name, U16& value) { const std::string *s = getAttribute( canonical_name ); return s && LLStringUtil::convertToU16( *s, value ); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getFastAttributeU32(LLStdStringHandle canonical_name, U32& value) { const std::string *s = getAttribute( canonical_name ); return s && LLStringUtil::convertToU32( *s, value ); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getFastAttributeS32(LLStdStringHandle canonical_name, S32& value) { const std::string *s = getAttribute( canonical_name ); return s && LLStringUtil::convertToS32( *s, value ); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getFastAttributeF32(LLStdStringHandle canonical_name, F32& value) { const std::string *s = getAttribute( canonical_name ); return s && LLStringUtil::convertToF32( *s, value ); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getFastAttributeF64(LLStdStringHandle canonical_name, F64& value) { const std::string *s = getAttribute( canonical_name ); return s && LLStringUtil::convertToF64( *s, value ); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getFastAttributeColor(LLStdStringHandle canonical_name, LLColor4& value) { const std::string *s = getAttribute( canonical_name ); return s ? LLColor4::parseColor(*s, &value) : false; } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getFastAttributeColor4(LLStdStringHandle canonical_name, LLColor4& value) { const std::string *s = getAttribute( canonical_name ); return s ? LLColor4::parseColor4(*s, &value) : false; } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getFastAttributeColor4U(LLStdStringHandle canonical_name, LLColor4U& value) { const std::string *s = getAttribute( canonical_name ); return s ? LLColor4U::parseColor4U(*s, &value ) : false; } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getFastAttributeVector3(LLStdStringHandle canonical_name, LLVector3& value) { const std::string *s = getAttribute( canonical_name ); return s ? LLVector3::parseVector3(*s, &value ) : false; } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getFastAttributeVector3d(LLStdStringHandle canonical_name, LLVector3d& value) { const std::string *s = getAttribute( canonical_name ); return s ? LLVector3d::parseVector3d(*s, &value ) : false; } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getFastAttributeQuat(LLStdStringHandle canonical_name, LLQuaternion& value) { const std::string *s = getAttribute( canonical_name ); return s ? LLQuaternion::parseQuat(*s, &value ) : false; } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getFastAttributeUUID(LLStdStringHandle canonical_name, LLUUID& value) { const std::string *s = getAttribute( canonical_name ); return s ? LLUUID::parseUUID(*s, &value ) : false; } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getFastAttributeString(LLStdStringHandle canonical_name, std::string& value) { const std::string *s = getAttribute( canonical_name ); if( !s ) { return false; } value = *s; return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool LLXmlTreeNode::getAttributeBOOL(const std::string& name, bool& value) { LLStdStringHandle canonical_name = LLXmlTree::sAttributeKeys.addString( name ); return getFastAttributeBOOL(canonical_name, value); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getAttributeU8(const std::string& name, U8& value) { LLStdStringHandle canonical_name = LLXmlTree::sAttributeKeys.addString( name ); return getFastAttributeU8(canonical_name, value); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getAttributeS8(const std::string& name, S8& value) { LLStdStringHandle canonical_name = LLXmlTree::sAttributeKeys.addString( name ); return getFastAttributeS8(canonical_name, value); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getAttributeS16(const std::string& name, S16& value) { LLStdStringHandle canonical_name = LLXmlTree::sAttributeKeys.addString( name ); return getFastAttributeS16(canonical_name, value); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getAttributeU16(const std::string& name, U16& value) { LLStdStringHandle canonical_name = LLXmlTree::sAttributeKeys.addString( name ); return getFastAttributeU16(canonical_name, value); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getAttributeU32(const std::string& name, U32& value) { LLStdStringHandle canonical_name = LLXmlTree::sAttributeKeys.addString( name ); return getFastAttributeU32(canonical_name, value); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getAttributeS32(const std::string& name, S32& value) { LLStdStringHandle canonical_name = LLXmlTree::sAttributeKeys.addString( name ); return getFastAttributeS32(canonical_name, value); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getAttributeF32(const std::string& name, F32& value) { LLStdStringHandle canonical_name = LLXmlTree::sAttributeKeys.addString( name ); return getFastAttributeF32(canonical_name, value); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getAttributeF64(const std::string& name, F64& value) { LLStdStringHandle canonical_name = LLXmlTree::sAttributeKeys.addString( name ); return getFastAttributeF64(canonical_name, value); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getAttributeColor(const std::string& name, LLColor4& value) { LLStdStringHandle canonical_name = LLXmlTree::sAttributeKeys.addString( name ); return getFastAttributeColor(canonical_name, value); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getAttributeColor4(const std::string& name, LLColor4& value) { LLStdStringHandle canonical_name = LLXmlTree::sAttributeKeys.addString( name ); return getFastAttributeColor4(canonical_name, value); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getAttributeColor4U(const std::string& name, LLColor4U& value) { LLStdStringHandle canonical_name = LLXmlTree::sAttributeKeys.addString( name ); return getFastAttributeColor4U(canonical_name, value); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getAttributeVector3(const std::string& name, LLVector3& value) { LLStdStringHandle canonical_name = LLXmlTree::sAttributeKeys.addString( name ); return getFastAttributeVector3(canonical_name, value); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getAttributeVector3d(const std::string& name, LLVector3d& value) { LLStdStringHandle canonical_name = LLXmlTree::sAttributeKeys.addString( name ); return getFastAttributeVector3d(canonical_name, value); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getAttributeQuat(const std::string& name, LLQuaternion& value) { LLStdStringHandle canonical_name = LLXmlTree::sAttributeKeys.addString( name ); return getFastAttributeQuat(canonical_name, value); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getAttributeUUID(const std::string& name, LLUUID& value) { LLStdStringHandle canonical_name = LLXmlTree::sAttributeKeys.addString( name ); return getFastAttributeUUID(canonical_name, value); } bool LLXmlTreeNode::getAttributeString(const std::string& name, std::string& value) { LLStdStringHandle canonical_name = LLXmlTree::sAttributeKeys.addString( name ); return getFastAttributeString(canonical_name, value); } /* The following xml nodes will all return the string from getTextContents(): "The quick brown fox\n Jumps over the lazy dog" 1. HTML paragraph format:

The quick brown fox

Jumps over the lazy dog

2. Each quoted section -> paragraph: "The quick brown fox" " Jumps over the lazy dog" 3. Literal text with beginning and trailing whitespace removed: The quick brown fox Jumps over the lazy dog */ std::string LLXmlTreeNode::getTextContents() { std::string msg; LLXmlTreeNode* p = getChildByName("p"); if (p) { // Case 1: node has


tags while (p) { msg += p->getContents() + "\n"; p = getNextNamedChild(); } } else { std::string::size_type n = mContents.find_first_not_of(" \t\n"); if (n != std::string::npos && mContents[n] == '\"') { // Case 2: node has quoted text S32 num_lines = 0; while(1) { // mContents[n] == '"' ++n; std::string::size_type t = n; std::string::size_type m = 0; // fix-up escaped characters while(1) { m = mContents.find_first_of("\\\"", t); // find first \ or " if ((m == std::string::npos) || (mContents[m] == '\"')) { break; } mContents.erase(m,1); t = m+1; } if (m == std::string::npos) { break; } // mContents[m] == '"' num_lines++; msg += mContents.substr(n,m-n) + "\n"; n = mContents.find_first_of("\"", m+1); if (n == std::string::npos) { if (num_lines == 1) { msg.erase(msg.size()-1); // remove "\n" if only one line } break; } } } else { // Case 3: node has embedded text (beginning and trailing whitespace trimmed) msg = mContents; } } return msg; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LLXmlTreeParser LLXmlTreeParser::LLXmlTreeParser(LLXmlTree* tree) : mTree(tree), mRoot( NULL ), mCurrent( NULL ), mDump( false ), mKeepContents(false) { } LLXmlTreeParser::~LLXmlTreeParser() { } bool LLXmlTreeParser::parseFile(const std::string &path, LLXmlTreeNode** root, bool keep_contents) { llassert( !mRoot ); llassert( !mCurrent ); mKeepContents = keep_contents; bool success = LLXmlParser::parseFile(path); *root = mRoot; mRoot = NULL; if( success ) { llassert( !mCurrent ); } mCurrent = NULL; return success; } bool LLXmlTreeParser::parseString(const std::string& xml, LLXmlTreeNode** root, bool keep_contents) { llassert( !mRoot ); llassert( !mCurrent ); mKeepContents = keep_contents; bool success = LLXmlParser::parse(xml.data(), (int)xml.size(), true); *root = mRoot; mRoot = NULL; if (success) { llassert(!mCurrent); } mCurrent = NULL; return success; } const std::string& LLXmlTreeParser::tabs() { static std::string s; s = ""; S32 num_tabs = getDepth() - 1; for( S32 i = 0; i < num_tabs; i++) { s += " "; } return s; } void LLXmlTreeParser::startElement(const char* name, const char **atts) { if( mDump ) { LL_INFOS() << tabs() << "startElement " << name << LL_ENDL; S32 i = 0; while( atts[i] && atts[i+1] ) { LL_INFOS() << tabs() << "attribute: " << atts[i] << "=" << atts[i+1] << LL_ENDL; i += 2; } } LLXmlTreeNode* child = CreateXmlTreeNode( std::string(name), mCurrent ); S32 i = 0; while( atts[i] && atts[i+1] ) { child->addAttribute( atts[i], atts[i+1] ); i += 2; } if( mCurrent ) { mCurrent->addChild( child ); } else { llassert( !mRoot ); mRoot = child; } mCurrent = child; } LLXmlTreeNode* LLXmlTreeParser::CreateXmlTreeNode(const std::string& name, LLXmlTreeNode* parent) { return new LLXmlTreeNode(name, parent, mTree); } void LLXmlTreeParser::endElement(const char* name) { if( mDump ) { LL_INFOS() << tabs() << "endElement " << name << LL_ENDL; } if( !mCurrent->mContents.empty() ) { LLStringUtil::trim(mCurrent->mContents); LLStringUtil::removeCRLF(mCurrent->mContents); } mCurrent = mCurrent->getParent(); } void LLXmlTreeParser::characterData(const char *s, int len) { std::string str; if (s) str = std::string(s, len); if( mDump ) { LL_INFOS() << tabs() << "CharacterData " << str << LL_ENDL; } if (mKeepContents) { mCurrent->appendContents( str ); } } void LLXmlTreeParser::processingInstruction(const char *target, const char *data) { if( mDump ) { LL_INFOS() << tabs() << "processingInstruction " << data << LL_ENDL; } } void LLXmlTreeParser::comment(const char *data) { if( mDump ) { LL_INFOS() << tabs() << "comment " << data << LL_ENDL; } } void LLXmlTreeParser::startCdataSection() { if( mDump ) { LL_INFOS() << tabs() << "startCdataSection" << LL_ENDL; } } void LLXmlTreeParser::endCdataSection() { if( mDump ) { LL_INFOS() << tabs() << "endCdataSection" << LL_ENDL; } } void LLXmlTreeParser::defaultData(const char *s, int len) { if( mDump ) { std::string str; if (s) str = std::string(s, len); LL_INFOS() << tabs() << "defaultData " << str << LL_ENDL; } } void LLXmlTreeParser::unparsedEntityDecl( const char* entity_name, const char* base, const char* system_id, const char* public_id, const char* notation_name) { if( mDump ) { LL_INFOS() << tabs() << "unparsed entity:" << LL_ENDL; LL_INFOS() << tabs() << " entityName " << entity_name << LL_ENDL; LL_INFOS() << tabs() << " base " << base << LL_ENDL; LL_INFOS() << tabs() << " systemId " << system_id << LL_ENDL; LL_INFOS() << tabs() << " publicId " << public_id << LL_ENDL; LL_INFOS() << tabs() << " notationName " << notation_name<< LL_ENDL; } } void test_llxmltree() { LLXmlTree tree; bool success = tree.parseFile( "test.xml" ); if( success ) { tree.dump(); } }