/** * @file llwindowwin32.cpp * @brief Platform-dependent implementation of llwindow * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #if LL_WINDOWS && !LL_MESA_HEADLESS #include "llwindowwin32.h" // LLWindow library includes #include "llkeyboardwin32.h" #include "lldragdropwin32.h" #include "llpreeditor.h" #include "llwindowcallbacks.h" // Linden library includes #include "llerror.h" #include "llexception.h" #include "llfasttimer.h" #include "llgl.h" #include "llstring.h" #include "lldir.h" #include "llsdutil.h" #include "llglslshader.h" #include "llthreadsafequeue.h" #include "stringize.h" #include "llframetimer.h" // System includes #include #include #include #include // for _spawn #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // std::pair #include #include #include // Require DirectInput version 8 #define DIRECTINPUT_VERSION 0x0800 #include #include #include // needed for llurlentry test to build on some systems #pragma comment(lib, "dxguid.lib") // needed for llurlentry test to build on some systems #pragma comment(lib, "dinput8") const S32 MAX_MESSAGE_PER_UPDATE = 20; const S32 BITS_PER_PIXEL = 32; const S32 MAX_NUM_RESOLUTIONS = 32; const F32 ICON_FLASH_TIME = 0.5f; #ifndef WM_DPICHANGED #define WM_DPICHANGED 0x02E0 #endif #ifndef USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI #define USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI 96 // Win7 #endif // Claim a couple unused GetMessage() message IDs const UINT WM_DUMMY_(WM_USER + 0x0017); const UINT WM_POST_FUNCTION_(WM_USER + 0x0018); extern BOOL gDebugWindowProc; static std::thread::id sWindowThreadId; static std::thread::id sMainThreadId; #if 1 // flip to zero to enable assertions for functions being called from wrong thread #define ASSERT_MAIN_THREAD() #define ASSERT_WINDOW_THREAD() #else #define ASSERT_MAIN_THREAD() llassert(LLThread::currentID() == sMainThreadId) #define ASSERT_WINDOW_THREAD() llassert(LLThread::currentID() == sWindowThreadId) #endif LPWSTR gIconResource = IDI_APPLICATION; LPDIRECTINPUT8 gDirectInput8; LLW32MsgCallback gAsyncMsgCallback = NULL; #ifndef DPI_ENUMS_DECLARED typedef enum PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS { PROCESS_DPI_UNAWARE = 0, PROCESS_SYSTEM_DPI_AWARE = 1, PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE = 2 } PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS; typedef enum MONITOR_DPI_TYPE { MDT_EFFECTIVE_DPI = 0, MDT_ANGULAR_DPI = 1, MDT_RAW_DPI = 2, MDT_DEFAULT = MDT_EFFECTIVE_DPI } MONITOR_DPI_TYPE; #endif typedef HRESULT(STDAPICALLTYPE *SetProcessDpiAwarenessType)(_In_ PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS value); typedef HRESULT(STDAPICALLTYPE *GetProcessDpiAwarenessType)( _In_ HANDLE hprocess, _Out_ PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS *value); typedef HRESULT(STDAPICALLTYPE *GetDpiForMonitorType)( _In_ HMONITOR hmonitor, _In_ MONITOR_DPI_TYPE dpiType, _Out_ UINT *dpiX, _Out_ UINT *dpiY); // // LLWindowWin32 // void show_window_creation_error(const std::string& title) { LL_WARNS("Window") << title << LL_ENDL; } HGLRC SafeCreateContext(HDC &hdc) { __try { return wglCreateContext(hdc); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return NULL; } } GLuint SafeChoosePixelFormat(HDC &hdc, const PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *ppfd) { __try { return ChoosePixelFormat(hdc, ppfd); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // convert to C++ styled exception // C exception don't allow classes, so it's a regular char array char integer_string[32]; sprintf(integer_string, "SEH, code: %lu\n", GetExceptionCode()); throw std::exception(integer_string); } } //static BOOL LLWindowWin32::sIsClassRegistered = FALSE; BOOL LLWindowWin32::sLanguageTextInputAllowed = TRUE; BOOL LLWindowWin32::sWinIMEOpened = FALSE; HKL LLWindowWin32::sWinInputLocale = 0; DWORD LLWindowWin32::sWinIMEConversionMode = IME_CMODE_NATIVE; DWORD LLWindowWin32::sWinIMESentenceMode = IME_SMODE_AUTOMATIC; LLCoordWindow LLWindowWin32::sWinIMEWindowPosition(-1,-1); // The following class LLWinImm delegates Windows IMM APIs. // It was originally introduced to support US Windows XP, on which we needed // to dynamically load IMM32.DLL and use GetProcAddress to resolve its entry // points. Now that that's moot, we retain this wrapper only for hooks for // metrics. class LLWinImm { public: static bool isAvailable() { return true; } public: // Wrappers for IMM API. static BOOL isIME(HKL hkl); static HIMC getContext(HWND hwnd); static BOOL releaseContext(HWND hwnd, HIMC himc); static BOOL getOpenStatus(HIMC himc); static BOOL setOpenStatus(HIMC himc, BOOL status); static BOOL getConversionStatus(HIMC himc, LPDWORD conversion, LPDWORD sentence); static BOOL setConversionStatus(HIMC himc, DWORD conversion, DWORD sentence); static BOOL getCompositionWindow(HIMC himc, LPCOMPOSITIONFORM form); static BOOL setCompositionWindow(HIMC himc, LPCOMPOSITIONFORM form); static LONG getCompositionString(HIMC himc, DWORD index, LPVOID data, DWORD length); static BOOL setCompositionString(HIMC himc, DWORD index, LPVOID pComp, DWORD compLength, LPVOID pRead, DWORD readLength); static BOOL setCompositionFont(HIMC himc, LPLOGFONTW logfont); static BOOL setCandidateWindow(HIMC himc, LPCANDIDATEFORM candidate_form); static BOOL notifyIME(HIMC himc, DWORD action, DWORD index, DWORD value); }; // static BOOL LLWinImm::isIME(HKL hkl) { return ImmIsIME(hkl); } // static HIMC LLWinImm::getContext(HWND hwnd) { return ImmGetContext(hwnd); } //static BOOL LLWinImm::releaseContext(HWND hwnd, HIMC himc) { return ImmReleaseContext(hwnd, himc); } // static BOOL LLWinImm::getOpenStatus(HIMC himc) { return ImmGetOpenStatus(himc); } // static BOOL LLWinImm::setOpenStatus(HIMC himc, BOOL status) { return ImmSetOpenStatus(himc, status); } // static BOOL LLWinImm::getConversionStatus(HIMC himc, LPDWORD conversion, LPDWORD sentence) { return ImmGetConversionStatus(himc, conversion, sentence); } // static BOOL LLWinImm::setConversionStatus(HIMC himc, DWORD conversion, DWORD sentence) { return ImmSetConversionStatus(himc, conversion, sentence); } // static BOOL LLWinImm::getCompositionWindow(HIMC himc, LPCOMPOSITIONFORM form) { return ImmGetCompositionWindow(himc, form); } // static BOOL LLWinImm::setCompositionWindow(HIMC himc, LPCOMPOSITIONFORM form) { return ImmSetCompositionWindow(himc, form); } // static LONG LLWinImm::getCompositionString(HIMC himc, DWORD index, LPVOID data, DWORD length) { return ImmGetCompositionString(himc, index, data, length); } // static BOOL LLWinImm::setCompositionString(HIMC himc, DWORD index, LPVOID pComp, DWORD compLength, LPVOID pRead, DWORD readLength) { return ImmSetCompositionString(himc, index, pComp, compLength, pRead, readLength); } // static BOOL LLWinImm::setCompositionFont(HIMC himc, LPLOGFONTW pFont) { return ImmSetCompositionFont(himc, pFont); } // static BOOL LLWinImm::setCandidateWindow(HIMC himc, LPCANDIDATEFORM form) { return ImmSetCandidateWindow(himc, form); } // static BOOL LLWinImm::notifyIME(HIMC himc, DWORD action, DWORD index, DWORD value) { return ImmNotifyIME(himc, action, index, value); } class LLMonitorInfo { public: std::vector getResolutionsList() { return mResList; } LLMonitorInfo() { EnumDisplayMonitors(0, 0, MonitorEnum, (LPARAM)this); } private: static BOOL CALLBACK MonitorEnum(HMONITOR hMon, HDC hdc, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM pData) { int monitor_width = lprcMonitor->right - lprcMonitor->left; int monitor_height = lprcMonitor->bottom - lprcMonitor->top; std::ostringstream sstream; sstream << monitor_width << "x" << monitor_height;; std::string res = sstream.str(); LLMonitorInfo* pThis = reinterpret_cast(pData); pThis->mResList.push_back(res); return TRUE; } std::vector mResList; }; static LLMonitorInfo sMonitorInfo; // Thread that owns the Window Handle // This whole struct is private to LLWindowWin32, which needs to mess with its // members, which is why it's a struct rather than a class. In effect, we make // the containing class a friend. struct LLWindowWin32::LLWindowWin32Thread : public LL::ThreadPool { static const int MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 2048; LLThreadSafeQueue mMessageQueue; LLWindowWin32Thread(); void run() override; void close() override; // closes queue, wakes thread, waits until thread closes void wakeAndDestroy(); void glReady() { mGLReady = true; } // initialzie DXGI adapter (for querying available VRAM) void initDX(); // initialize D3D (if DXGI cannot be used) void initD3D(); //clean up DXGI/D3D resources void cleanupDX(); // call periodically to update available VRAM void updateVRAMUsage(); U32 getAvailableVRAMMegabytes() { return mAvailableVRAM; } /// called by main thread to post work to this window thread template void post(CALLABLE&& func) { // Ignore bool return. Shutdown timing is tricky: the main thread can // end up trying to post a cursor position after having closed the // WorkQueue. getQueue().post(std::forward(func)); } /** * Like post(), Post() is a way of conveying a single work item to this * thread. Its virtue is that it will definitely be executed "soon" rather * than potentially waiting for the next frame: it uses PostMessage() to * break us out of the window thread's blocked GetMessage() call. It's * more expensive, though, not only from the Windows API latency of * PostMessage() and GetMessage(), but also because it involves heap * allocation and release. * * Require HWND from caller, even though we store an HWND locally. * Otherwise, if our mWindowHandle was accessed from both threads, we'd * have to protect it with a mutex. */ template void Post(HWND windowHandle, CALLABLE&& func) { // Move func to the heap. If we knew FuncType could fit into LPARAM, // we could simply instantiate FuncType and pass it by value. But // since we don't, we must put that on the heap as well as the // internal heap allocation it likely requires to store func. auto ptr = new FuncType(std::move(func)); WPARAM wparam{ 0xF1C }; LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "PostMessage(" << std::hex << windowHandle << ", " << WM_POST_FUNCTION_ << ", " << wparam << std::dec << LL_ENDL; PostMessage(windowHandle, WM_POST_FUNCTION_, wparam, LPARAM(ptr)); } using FuncType = std::function; // call GetMessage() and pull enqueue messages for later processing void gatherInput(); HWND mWindowHandleThrd = NULL; HDC mhDCThrd = 0; // *HACK: Attempt to prevent startup crashes by deferring memory accounting // until after some graphics setup. See SL-20177. -Cosmic,2023-09-18 bool mGLReady = false; // best guess at available video memory in MB std::atomic mAvailableVRAM; U32 mMaxVRAM = 0; // maximum amount of vram to allow in the "budget", or 0 for no maximum (see updateVRAMUsage) IDXGIAdapter3* mDXGIAdapter = nullptr; LPDIRECT3D9 mD3D = nullptr; LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 mD3DDevice = nullptr; }; LLWindowWin32::LLWindowWin32(LLWindowCallbacks* callbacks, const std::string& title, const std::string& name, S32 x, S32 y, S32 width, S32 height, U32 flags, BOOL fullscreen, BOOL clearBg, BOOL enable_vsync, BOOL use_gl, BOOL ignore_pixel_depth, U32 fsaa_samples, U32 max_cores, U32 max_vram, F32 max_gl_version) : LLWindow(callbacks, fullscreen, flags), mMaxGLVersion(max_gl_version), mMaxCores(max_cores) { sMainThreadId = LLThread::currentID(); mWindowThread = new LLWindowWin32Thread(); mWindowThread->mMaxVRAM = max_vram; //MAINT-516 -- force a load of opengl32.dll just in case windows went sideways LoadLibrary(L"opengl32.dll"); if (mMaxCores != 0) { HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); mMaxCores = llmin(mMaxCores, (U32) 64); DWORD_PTR mask = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mMaxCores; ++i) { mask |= ((DWORD_PTR) 1) << i; } SetProcessAffinityMask(hProcess, mask); } #if 0 // this is probably a bad idea, but keep it in your back pocket if you see what looks like // process deprioritization during profiles // force high thread priority HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); if (hProcess) { int priority = GetPriorityClass(hProcess); if (priority < REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS) { if (SetPriorityClass(hProcess, REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS)) { LL_INFOS() << "Set process priority to REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS" << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_INFOS() << "Failed to set process priority: " << std::hex << GetLastError() << LL_ENDL; } } } #endif #if 0 // this is also probably a bad idea, but keep it in your back pocket for getting main thread off of background thread cores (see also LLThread::threadRun) HANDLE hThread = GetCurrentThread(); SYSTEM_INFO sysInfo; GetSystemInfo(&sysInfo); U32 core_count = sysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; if (max_cores != 0) { core_count = llmin(core_count, max_cores); } if (hThread) { int priority = GetThreadPriority(hThread); if (priority < THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL) { if (SetThreadPriority(hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL)) { LL_INFOS() << "Set thread priority to THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL" << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_INFOS() << "Failed to set thread priority: " << std::hex << GetLastError() << LL_ENDL; } // tell main thread to prefer core 0 SetThreadIdealProcessor(hThread, 0); } } #endif mFSAASamples = fsaa_samples; mIconResource = gIconResource; mOverrideAspectRatio = 0.f; mNativeAspectRatio = 0.f; mInputProcessingPaused = FALSE; mPreeditor = NULL; mKeyCharCode = 0; mKeyScanCode = 0; mKeyVirtualKey = 0; mhDC = NULL; mhRC = NULL; memset(mCurrentGammaRamp, 0, sizeof(mCurrentGammaRamp)); memset(mPrevGammaRamp, 0, sizeof(mPrevGammaRamp)); mCustomGammaSet = FALSE; mWindowHandle = NULL; mRect = {0, 0, 0, 0}; mClientRect = {0, 0, 0, 0}; if (!SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETMOUSEVANISH, 0, &mMouseVanish, 0)) { mMouseVanish = TRUE; } // Initialize the keyboard gKeyboard = new LLKeyboardWin32(); gKeyboard->setCallbacks(callbacks); // Initialize the Drag and Drop functionality mDragDrop = new LLDragDropWin32; // Initialize (boot strap) the Language text input management, // based on the system's (user's) default settings. allowLanguageTextInput(mPreeditor, FALSE); WNDCLASS wc; RECT window_rect; // Set the window title if (title.empty()) { mWindowTitle = new WCHAR[50]; wsprintf(mWindowTitle, L"OpenGL Window"); } else { mWindowTitle = new WCHAR[256]; // Assume title length < 255 chars. mbstowcs(mWindowTitle, title.c_str(), 255); mWindowTitle[255] = 0; } // Set the window class name if (name.empty()) { mWindowClassName = new WCHAR[50]; wsprintf(mWindowClassName, L"OpenGL Window"); } else { mWindowClassName = new WCHAR[256]; // Assume title length < 255 chars. mbstowcs(mWindowClassName, name.c_str(), 255); mWindowClassName[255] = 0; } // We're not clipping yet SetRect( &mOldMouseClip, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); // Make an instance of our window then define the window class mhInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL); // Init Direct Input - needed for joystick / Spacemouse LPDIRECTINPUT8 di8_interface; HRESULT status = DirectInput8Create( mhInstance, // HINSTANCE hinst, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, // DWORD dwVersion, IID_IDirectInput8, // REFIID riidltf, (LPVOID*)&di8_interface, // LPVOID * ppvOut, NULL // LPUNKNOWN punkOuter ); if (status == DI_OK) { gDirectInput8 = di8_interface; } mSwapMethod = SWAP_METHOD_UNDEFINED; // No WPARAM yet. mLastSizeWParam = 0; // Windows GDI rects don't include rightmost pixel window_rect.left = (long) 0; window_rect.right = (long) width; window_rect.top = (long) 0; window_rect.bottom = (long) height; // Grab screen size to sanitize the window S32 window_border_y = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER); S32 virtual_screen_x = GetSystemMetrics(SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN); S32 virtual_screen_y = GetSystemMetrics(SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN); S32 virtual_screen_width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN); S32 virtual_screen_height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN); if (x < virtual_screen_x) x = virtual_screen_x; if (y < virtual_screen_y - window_border_y) y = virtual_screen_y - window_border_y; if (x + width > virtual_screen_x + virtual_screen_width) x = virtual_screen_x + virtual_screen_width - width; if (y + height > virtual_screen_y + virtual_screen_height) y = virtual_screen_y + virtual_screen_height - height; if (!sIsClassRegistered) { // Force redraw when resized and create a private device context // Makes double click messages. wc.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_OWNDC | CS_DBLCLKS; // Set message handler function wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC) mainWindowProc; // unused wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = mhInstance; wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(mhInstance, mIconResource); // We will set the cursor ourselves wc.hCursor = NULL; // background color is not used if (clearBg) { wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); } else { wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) NULL; } // we don't use windows menus wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.lpszClassName = mWindowClassName; if (!RegisterClass(&wc)) { OSMessageBox(mCallbacks->translateString("MBRegClassFailed"), mCallbacks->translateString("MBError"), OSMB_OK); return; } sIsClassRegistered = TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get the current refresh rate //----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEVMODE dev_mode; ::ZeroMemory(&dev_mode, sizeof(DEVMODE)); dev_mode.dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); DWORD current_refresh; if (EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &dev_mode)) { current_refresh = dev_mode.dmDisplayFrequency; mNativeAspectRatio = ((F32)dev_mode.dmPelsWidth) / ((F32)dev_mode.dmPelsHeight); } else { current_refresh = 60; } mRefreshRate = current_refresh; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Drop resolution and go fullscreen // use a display mode with our desired size and depth, with a refresh // rate as close at possible to the users' default //----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (mFullscreen) { BOOL success = FALSE; DWORD closest_refresh = 0; for (S32 mode_num = 0;; mode_num++) { if (!EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, mode_num, &dev_mode)) { break; } if (dev_mode.dmPelsWidth == width && dev_mode.dmPelsHeight == height && dev_mode.dmBitsPerPel == BITS_PER_PIXEL) { success = TRUE; if ((dev_mode.dmDisplayFrequency - current_refresh) < (closest_refresh - current_refresh)) { closest_refresh = dev_mode.dmDisplayFrequency; } } } if (closest_refresh == 0) { LL_WARNS("Window") << "Couldn't find display mode " << width << " by " << height << " at " << BITS_PER_PIXEL << " bits per pixel" << LL_ENDL; //success = FALSE; if (!EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &dev_mode)) { success = FALSE; } else { if (dev_mode.dmBitsPerPel == BITS_PER_PIXEL) { LL_WARNS("Window") << "Current BBP is OK falling back to that" << LL_ENDL; window_rect.right=width=dev_mode.dmPelsWidth; window_rect.bottom=height=dev_mode.dmPelsHeight; success = TRUE; } else { LL_WARNS("Window") << "Current BBP is BAD" << LL_ENDL; success = FALSE; } } } // If we found a good resolution, use it. if (success) { success = setDisplayResolution(width, height, BITS_PER_PIXEL, closest_refresh); } // Keep a copy of the actual current device mode in case we minimize // and change the screen resolution. JC EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &dev_mode); // If it failed, we don't want to run fullscreen if (success) { mFullscreen = TRUE; mFullscreenWidth = dev_mode.dmPelsWidth; mFullscreenHeight = dev_mode.dmPelsHeight; mFullscreenBits = dev_mode.dmBitsPerPel; mFullscreenRefresh = dev_mode.dmDisplayFrequency; LL_INFOS("Window") << "Running at " << dev_mode.dmPelsWidth << "x" << dev_mode.dmPelsHeight << "x" << dev_mode.dmBitsPerPel << " @ " << dev_mode.dmDisplayFrequency << LL_ENDL; } else { mFullscreen = FALSE; mFullscreenWidth = -1; mFullscreenHeight = -1; mFullscreenBits = -1; mFullscreenRefresh = -1; std::map args; args["[WIDTH]"] = llformat("%d", width); args["[HEIGHT]"] = llformat ("%d", height); OSMessageBox(mCallbacks->translateString("MBFullScreenErr", args), mCallbacks->translateString("MBError"), OSMB_OK); } } // TODO: add this after resolving _WIN32_WINNT issue // if (!fullscreen) // { // TRACKMOUSEEVENT track_mouse_event; // track_mouse_event.cbSize = sizeof( TRACKMOUSEEVENT ); // track_mouse_event.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE; // track_mouse_event.hwndTrack = mWindowHandle; // track_mouse_event.dwHoverTime = HOVER_DEFAULT; // TrackMouseEvent( &track_mouse_event ); // } // SL-12971 dual GPU display DISPLAY_DEVICEA display_device; int display_index = -1; DWORD display_flags = 0; // EDD_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_NAME ? const size_t display_bytes = sizeof(display_device); do { if (display_index >= 0) { // CHAR DeviceName [ 32] Adapter name // CHAR DeviceString[128] CHAR text[256]; size_t name_len = strlen(display_device.DeviceName ); size_t desc_len = strlen(display_device.DeviceString); CHAR *name = name_len ? display_device.DeviceName : "???"; CHAR *desc = desc_len ? display_device.DeviceString : "???"; sprintf(text, "Display Device %d: %s, %s", display_index, name, desc); LL_INFOS("Window") << text << LL_ENDL; } ::ZeroMemory(&display_device,display_bytes); display_device.cb = display_bytes; display_index++; } while( EnumDisplayDevicesA(NULL, display_index, &display_device, display_flags )); LL_INFOS("Window") << "Total Display Devices: " << display_index << LL_ENDL; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create GL drawing context //----------------------------------------------------------------------- LLCoordScreen windowPos(x,y); LLCoordScreen windowSize(window_rect.right - window_rect.left, window_rect.bottom - window_rect.top); if (!switchContext(mFullscreen, windowSize, enable_vsync, &windowPos)) { return; } //start with arrow cursor initCursors(); setCursor( UI_CURSOR_ARROW ); mRawMouse.usUsagePage = 0x01; // HID_USAGE_PAGE_GENERIC mRawMouse.usUsage = 0x02; // HID_USAGE_GENERIC_MOUSE mRawMouse.dwFlags = 0; // adds mouse and also ignores legacy mouse messages mRawMouse.hwndTarget = 0; RegisterRawInputDevices(&mRawMouse, 1, sizeof(mRawMouse)); // Initialize (boot strap) the Language text input management, // based on the system's (or user's) default settings. allowLanguageTextInput(NULL, FALSE); } LLWindowWin32::~LLWindowWin32() { delete mDragDrop; delete [] mWindowTitle; mWindowTitle = NULL; delete [] mSupportedResolutions; mSupportedResolutions = NULL; delete [] mWindowClassName; mWindowClassName = NULL; delete mWindowThread; } void LLWindowWin32::show() { LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "Setting window to show" << LL_ENDL; ShowWindow(mWindowHandle, SW_SHOW); SetForegroundWindow(mWindowHandle); SetFocus(mWindowHandle); } void LLWindowWin32::hide() { setMouseClipping(FALSE); ShowWindow(mWindowHandle, SW_HIDE); } //virtual void LLWindowWin32::minimize() { setMouseClipping(FALSE); showCursor(); ShowWindow(mWindowHandle, SW_MINIMIZE); } //virtual void LLWindowWin32::restore() { ShowWindow(mWindowHandle, SW_RESTORE); SetForegroundWindow(mWindowHandle); SetFocus(mWindowHandle); } // See SL-12170 // According to callstack "c0000005 Access violation" happened inside __try block, // deep in DestroyWindow and crashed viewer, which shouldn't be possible. // I tried manually causing this exception and it was caught without issues, so // I'm turning off optimizations for this part to be sure code executes as intended // (it is a straw, but I have no idea why else __try can get overruled) #pragma optimize("", off) bool destroy_window_handler(HWND hWnd) { bool res; __try { res = DestroyWindow(hWnd); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { res = false; } return res; } #pragma optimize("", on) // close() destroys all OS-specific code associated with a window. // Usually called from LLWindowManager::destroyWindow() void LLWindowWin32::close() { LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "Closing LLWindowWin32" << LL_ENDL; // Is window is already closed? if (!mWindowHandle) { return; } mDragDrop->reset(); // Go back to screen mode written in the registry. if (mFullscreen) { resetDisplayResolution(); } // Make sure cursor is visible and we haven't mangled the clipping state. showCursor(); setMouseClipping(FALSE); if (gKeyboard) { gKeyboard->resetKeys(); } // Clean up remaining GL state if (gGLManager.mInited) { LL_INFOS("Window") << "Cleaning up GL" << LL_ENDL; gGLManager.shutdownGL(); } LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "Releasing Context" << LL_ENDL; if (mhRC) { if (!wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL)) { LL_WARNS("Window") << "Release of DC and RC failed" << LL_ENDL; } if (!wglDeleteContext(mhRC)) { LL_WARNS("Window") << "Release of rendering context failed" << LL_ENDL; } mhRC = NULL; } // Restore gamma to the system values. restoreGamma(); LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "Destroying Window" << LL_ENDL; mhDC = NULL; mWindowHandle = NULL; mWindowThread->wakeAndDestroy(); } BOOL LLWindowWin32::isValid() { return (mWindowHandle != NULL); } BOOL LLWindowWin32::getVisible() { return (mWindowHandle && IsWindowVisible(mWindowHandle)); } BOOL LLWindowWin32::getMinimized() { return (mWindowHandle && IsIconic(mWindowHandle)); } BOOL LLWindowWin32::getMaximized() { return (mWindowHandle && IsZoomed(mWindowHandle)); } BOOL LLWindowWin32::maximize() { BOOL success = FALSE; if (!mWindowHandle) return success; mWindowThread->post([=] { WINDOWPLACEMENT placement; placement.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT); if (GetWindowPlacement(mWindowHandle, &placement)) { placement.showCmd = SW_MAXIMIZE; SetWindowPlacement(mWindowHandle, &placement); } }); return TRUE; } BOOL LLWindowWin32::getFullscreen() { return mFullscreen; } BOOL LLWindowWin32::getPosition(LLCoordScreen *position) { position->mX = mRect.left; position->mY = mRect.top; return TRUE; } BOOL LLWindowWin32::getSize(LLCoordScreen *size) { size->mX = mRect.right - mRect.left; size->mY = mRect.bottom - mRect.top; return TRUE; } BOOL LLWindowWin32::getSize(LLCoordWindow *size) { size->mX = mClientRect.right - mClientRect.left; size->mY = mClientRect.bottom - mClientRect.top; return TRUE; } BOOL LLWindowWin32::setPosition(const LLCoordScreen position) { LLCoordScreen size; if (!mWindowHandle) { return FALSE; } getSize(&size); moveWindow(position, size); return TRUE; } BOOL LLWindowWin32::setSizeImpl(const LLCoordScreen size) { LLCoordScreen position; getPosition(&position); if (!mWindowHandle) { return FALSE; } mWindowThread->post([=]() { WINDOWPLACEMENT placement; placement.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT); if (GetWindowPlacement(mWindowHandle, &placement)) { placement.showCmd = SW_RESTORE; SetWindowPlacement(mWindowHandle, &placement); } }); moveWindow(position, size); return TRUE; } BOOL LLWindowWin32::setSizeImpl(const LLCoordWindow size) { RECT window_rect = {0, 0, size.mX, size.mY }; DWORD dw_ex_style = WS_EX_APPWINDOW | WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE; DWORD dw_style = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; AdjustWindowRectEx(&window_rect, dw_style, FALSE, dw_ex_style); return setSizeImpl(LLCoordScreen(window_rect.right - window_rect.left, window_rect.bottom - window_rect.top)); } // changing fullscreen resolution BOOL LLWindowWin32::switchContext(BOOL fullscreen, const LLCoordScreen& size, BOOL enable_vsync, const LLCoordScreen* const posp) { //called from main thread GLuint pixel_format; DEVMODE dev_mode; ::ZeroMemory(&dev_mode, sizeof(DEVMODE)); dev_mode.dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); DWORD current_refresh; DWORD dw_ex_style; DWORD dw_style; RECT window_rect = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; S32 width = size.mX; S32 height = size.mY; BOOL auto_show = FALSE; if (mhRC) { auto_show = TRUE; resetDisplayResolution(); } if (EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &dev_mode)) { current_refresh = dev_mode.dmDisplayFrequency; } else { current_refresh = 60; } mRefreshRate = current_refresh; gGLManager.shutdownGL(); //destroy gl context if (mhRC) { if (!wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL)) { LL_WARNS("Window") << "Release of DC and RC failed" << LL_ENDL; } if (!wglDeleteContext(mhRC)) { LL_WARNS("Window") << "Release of rendering context failed" << LL_ENDL; } mhRC = NULL; } if (fullscreen) { mFullscreen = TRUE; BOOL success = FALSE; DWORD closest_refresh = 0; for (S32 mode_num = 0;; mode_num++) { if (!EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, mode_num, &dev_mode)) { break; } if (dev_mode.dmPelsWidth == width && dev_mode.dmPelsHeight == height && dev_mode.dmBitsPerPel == BITS_PER_PIXEL) { success = TRUE; if ((dev_mode.dmDisplayFrequency - current_refresh) < (closest_refresh - current_refresh)) { closest_refresh = dev_mode.dmDisplayFrequency; } } } if (closest_refresh == 0) { LL_WARNS("Window") << "Couldn't find display mode " << width << " by " << height << " at " << BITS_PER_PIXEL << " bits per pixel" << LL_ENDL; return FALSE; } // If we found a good resolution, use it. if (success) { success = setDisplayResolution(width, height, BITS_PER_PIXEL, closest_refresh); } // Keep a copy of the actual current device mode in case we minimize // and change the screen resolution. JC EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &dev_mode); if (success) { mFullscreen = TRUE; mFullscreenWidth = dev_mode.dmPelsWidth; mFullscreenHeight = dev_mode.dmPelsHeight; mFullscreenBits = dev_mode.dmBitsPerPel; mFullscreenRefresh = dev_mode.dmDisplayFrequency; LL_INFOS("Window") << "Running at " << dev_mode.dmPelsWidth << "x" << dev_mode.dmPelsHeight << "x" << dev_mode.dmBitsPerPel << " @ " << dev_mode.dmDisplayFrequency << LL_ENDL; window_rect.left = (long)0; window_rect.right = (long)width; // Windows GDI rects don't include rightmost pixel window_rect.top = (long)0; window_rect.bottom = (long)height; dw_ex_style = WS_EX_APPWINDOW; dw_style = WS_POPUP; // Move window borders out not to cover window contents. // This converts client rect to window rect, i.e. expands it by the window border size. AdjustWindowRectEx(&window_rect, dw_style, FALSE, dw_ex_style); } // If it failed, we don't want to run fullscreen else { mFullscreen = FALSE; mFullscreenWidth = -1; mFullscreenHeight = -1; mFullscreenBits = -1; mFullscreenRefresh = -1; LL_INFOS("Window") << "Unable to run fullscreen at " << width << "x" << height << LL_ENDL; return FALSE; } } else { mFullscreen = FALSE; window_rect.left = (long)(posp ? posp->mX : 0); window_rect.right = (long)width + window_rect.left; // Windows GDI rects don't include rightmost pixel window_rect.top = (long)(posp ? posp->mY : 0); window_rect.bottom = (long)height + window_rect.top; // Window with an edge dw_ex_style = WS_EX_APPWINDOW | WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE; dw_style = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; } // don't post quit messages when destroying old windows mPostQuit = FALSE; // create window LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "Creating window with X: " << window_rect.left << " Y: " << window_rect.top << " Width: " << (window_rect.right - window_rect.left) << " Height: " << (window_rect.bottom - window_rect.top) << " Fullscreen: " << mFullscreen << LL_ENDL; recreateWindow(window_rect, dw_ex_style, dw_style); if (mWindowHandle) { LL_INFOS("Window") << "window is created." << LL_ENDL ; } else { LL_WARNS("Window") << "Window creation failed, code: " << GetLastError() << LL_ENDL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create GL drawing context //----------------------------------------------------------------------- static PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd = { sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), 1, PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER, PFD_TYPE_RGBA, BITS_PER_PIXEL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // RGB bits and shift, unused 8, // alpha bits 0, // alpha shift 0, // accum bits 0, 0, 0, 0, // accum RGBA 24, // depth bits 8, // stencil bits, avi added for stencil test 0, PFD_MAIN_PLANE, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; if (!mhDC) { close(); OSMessageBox(mCallbacks->translateString("MBDevContextErr"), mCallbacks->translateString("MBError"), OSMB_OK); return FALSE; } LL_INFOS("Window") << "Device context retrieved." << LL_ENDL ; try { // Looks like ChoosePixelFormat can crash in case of faulty driver if (!(pixel_format = SafeChoosePixelFormat(mhDC, &pfd))) { LL_WARNS("Window") << "ChoosePixelFormat failed, code: " << GetLastError() << LL_ENDL; OSMessageBox(mCallbacks->translateString("MBPixelFmtErr"), mCallbacks->translateString("MBError"), OSMB_OK); close(); return FALSE; } } catch (...) { LOG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION("ChoosePixelFormat"); OSMessageBox(mCallbacks->translateString("MBPixelFmtErr"), mCallbacks->translateString("MBError"), OSMB_OK); close(); return FALSE; } LL_INFOS("Window") << "Pixel format chosen." << LL_ENDL ; // Verify what pixel format we actually received. if (!DescribePixelFormat(mhDC, pixel_format, sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), &pfd)) { OSMessageBox(mCallbacks->translateString("MBPixelFmtDescErr"), mCallbacks->translateString("MBError"), OSMB_OK); close(); return FALSE; } // (EXP-1765) dump pixel data to see if there is a pattern that leads to unreproducible crash LL_INFOS("Window") << "--- begin pixel format dump ---" << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pixel_format is " << pixel_format << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.nSize: " << pfd.nSize << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.nVersion: " << pfd.nVersion << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.dwFlags: 0x" << std::hex << pfd.dwFlags << std::dec << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.iPixelType: " << (int)pfd.iPixelType << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.cColorBits: " << (int)pfd.cColorBits << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.cRedBits: " << (int)pfd.cRedBits << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.cRedShift: " << (int)pfd.cRedShift << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.cGreenBits: " << (int)pfd.cGreenBits << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.cGreenShift: " << (int)pfd.cGreenShift << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.cBlueBits: " << (int)pfd.cBlueBits << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.cBlueShift: " << (int)pfd.cBlueShift << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.cAlphaBits: " << (int)pfd.cAlphaBits << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.cAlphaShift: " << (int)pfd.cAlphaShift << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.cAccumBits: " << (int)pfd.cAccumBits << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.cAccumRedBits: " << (int)pfd.cAccumRedBits << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.cAccumGreenBits: " << (int)pfd.cAccumGreenBits << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.cAccumBlueBits: " << (int)pfd.cAccumBlueBits << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.cAccumAlphaBits: " << (int)pfd.cAccumAlphaBits << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.cDepthBits: " << (int)pfd.cDepthBits << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.cStencilBits: " << (int)pfd.cStencilBits << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.cAuxBuffers: " << (int)pfd.cAuxBuffers << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.iLayerType: " << (int)pfd.iLayerType << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.bReserved: " << (int)pfd.bReserved << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.dwLayerMask: " << pfd.dwLayerMask << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.dwVisibleMask: " << pfd.dwVisibleMask << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "pfd.dwDamageMask: " << pfd.dwDamageMask << LL_ENDL ; LL_INFOS("Window") << "--- end pixel format dump ---" << LL_ENDL ; if (!SetPixelFormat(mhDC, pixel_format, &pfd)) { OSMessageBox(mCallbacks->translateString("MBPixelFmtSetErr"), mCallbacks->translateString("MBError"), OSMB_OK); close(); return FALSE; } if (!(mhRC = SafeCreateContext(mhDC))) { OSMessageBox(mCallbacks->translateString("MBGLContextErr"), mCallbacks->translateString("MBError"), OSMB_OK); close(); return FALSE; } if (!wglMakeCurrent(mhDC, mhRC)) { OSMessageBox(mCallbacks->translateString("MBGLContextActErr"), mCallbacks->translateString("MBError"), OSMB_OK); close(); return FALSE; } LL_INFOS("Window") << "Drawing context is created." << LL_ENDL ; gGLManager.initWGL(); if (wglChoosePixelFormatARB) { // OK, at this point, use the ARB wglChoosePixelFormatsARB function to see if we // can get exactly what we want. GLint attrib_list[256]; S32 cur_attrib = 0; attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = WGL_DEPTH_BITS_ARB; attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = 24; //attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = WGL_STENCIL_BITS_ARB; //stencil buffer is deprecated (performance penalty) //attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = 8; attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = WGL_DRAW_TO_WINDOW_ARB; attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = GL_TRUE; attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = WGL_ACCELERATION_ARB; attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = WGL_FULL_ACCELERATION_ARB; attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = WGL_SUPPORT_OPENGL_ARB; attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = GL_TRUE; attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = WGL_DOUBLE_BUFFER_ARB; attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = GL_TRUE; attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = WGL_COLOR_BITS_ARB; attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = 24; attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = WGL_ALPHA_BITS_ARB; attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = 0; U32 end_attrib = 0; if (mFSAASamples > 0) { end_attrib = cur_attrib; attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = WGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB; attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = GL_TRUE; attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = WGL_SAMPLES_ARB; attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = mFSAASamples; } // End the list attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = 0; GLint pixel_formats[256]; U32 num_formats = 0; // First we try and get a 32 bit depth pixel format BOOL result = wglChoosePixelFormatARB(mhDC, attrib_list, NULL, 256, pixel_formats, &num_formats); while(!result && mFSAASamples > 0) { LL_WARNS() << "FSAASamples: " << mFSAASamples << " not supported." << LL_ENDL ; mFSAASamples /= 2 ; //try to decrease sample pixel number until to disable anti-aliasing if(mFSAASamples < 2) { mFSAASamples = 0 ; } if (mFSAASamples > 0) { attrib_list[end_attrib + 3] = mFSAASamples; } else { cur_attrib = end_attrib ; end_attrib = 0 ; attrib_list[cur_attrib++] = 0 ; //end } result = wglChoosePixelFormatARB(mhDC, attrib_list, NULL, 256, pixel_formats, &num_formats); if(result) { LL_WARNS() << "Only support FSAASamples: " << mFSAASamples << LL_ENDL ; } } if (!result) { LL_WARNS() << "mFSAASamples: " << mFSAASamples << LL_ENDL ; close(); show_window_creation_error("Error after wglChoosePixelFormatARB 32-bit"); return FALSE; } if (!num_formats) { if (end_attrib > 0) { LL_INFOS("Window") << "No valid pixel format for " << mFSAASamples << "x anti-aliasing." << LL_ENDL; attrib_list[end_attrib] = 0; BOOL result = wglChoosePixelFormatARB(mhDC, attrib_list, NULL, 256, pixel_formats, &num_formats); if (!result) { close(); show_window_creation_error("Error after wglChoosePixelFormatARB 32-bit no AA"); return FALSE; } } if (!num_formats) { LL_INFOS("Window") << "No 32 bit z-buffer, trying 24 bits instead" << LL_ENDL; // Try 24-bit format attrib_list[1] = 24; BOOL result = wglChoosePixelFormatARB(mhDC, attrib_list, NULL, 256, pixel_formats, &num_formats); if (!result) { close(); show_window_creation_error("Error after wglChoosePixelFormatARB 24-bit"); return FALSE; } if (!num_formats) { LL_WARNS("Window") << "Couldn't get 24 bit z-buffer,trying 16 bits instead!" << LL_ENDL; attrib_list[1] = 16; BOOL result = wglChoosePixelFormatARB(mhDC, attrib_list, NULL, 256, pixel_formats, &num_formats); if (!result || !num_formats) { close(); show_window_creation_error("Error after wglChoosePixelFormatARB 16-bit"); return FALSE; } } } LL_INFOS("Window") << "Choosing pixel formats: " << num_formats << " pixel formats returned" << LL_ENDL; } LL_INFOS("Window") << "pixel formats done." << LL_ENDL ; S32 swap_method = 0; S32 cur_format = 0; const S32 max_format = (S32)num_formats - 1; GLint swap_query = WGL_SWAP_METHOD_ARB; // SL-14705 Fix name tags showing in front of objects with AMD GPUs. // On AMD hardware we need to iterate from the first pixel format to the end. // Spec: // https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL/extensions/ARB/WGL_ARB_pixel_format.txt while (wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB(mhDC, pixel_formats[cur_format], 0, 1, &swap_query, &swap_method)) { if (swap_method == WGL_SWAP_UNDEFINED_ARB) { break; } else if (cur_format >= max_format) { cur_format = 0; break; } ++cur_format; } pixel_format = pixel_formats[cur_format]; if (mhDC != 0) // Does The Window Have A Device Context? { wglMakeCurrent(mhDC, 0); // Set The Current Active Rendering Context To Zero if (mhRC != 0) // Does The Window Have A Rendering Context? { wglDeleteContext (mhRC); // Release The Rendering Context mhRC = 0; // Zero The Rendering Context } } // will release and recreate mhDC, mWindowHandle recreateWindow(window_rect, dw_ex_style, dw_style); RECT rect; RECT client_rect; //initialize immediately on main thread if (GetWindowRect(mWindowHandle, &rect) && GetClientRect(mWindowHandle, &client_rect)) { mRect = rect; mClientRect = client_rect; }; if (mWindowHandle) { LL_INFOS("Window") << "recreate window done." << LL_ENDL ; } else { // Note: if value is NULL GetDC retrieves the DC for the entire screen. LL_WARNS("Window") << "Window recreation failed, code: " << GetLastError() << LL_ENDL; } if (!mhDC) { OSMessageBox(mCallbacks->translateString("MBDevContextErr"), mCallbacks->translateString("MBError"), OSMB_OK); close(); return FALSE; } if (!SetPixelFormat(mhDC, pixel_format, &pfd)) { OSMessageBox(mCallbacks->translateString("MBPixelFmtSetErr"), mCallbacks->translateString("MBError"), OSMB_OK); close(); return FALSE; } if (wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB(mhDC, pixel_format, 0, 1, &swap_query, &swap_method)) { switch (swap_method) { case WGL_SWAP_EXCHANGE_ARB: mSwapMethod = SWAP_METHOD_EXCHANGE; LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "Swap Method: Exchange" << LL_ENDL; break; case WGL_SWAP_COPY_ARB: mSwapMethod = SWAP_METHOD_COPY; LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "Swap Method: Copy" << LL_ENDL; break; case WGL_SWAP_UNDEFINED_ARB: mSwapMethod = SWAP_METHOD_UNDEFINED; LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "Swap Method: Undefined" << LL_ENDL; break; default: mSwapMethod = SWAP_METHOD_UNDEFINED; LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "Swap Method: Unknown" << LL_ENDL; break; } } } else { LLError::LLUserWarningMsg::show(mCallbacks->translateString("MBVideoDrvErr")); // mWindowHandle is 0, going to crash either way LL_ERRS("Window") << "No wgl_ARB_pixel_format extension!" << LL_ENDL; } // Verify what pixel format we actually received. if (!DescribePixelFormat(mhDC, pixel_format, sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), &pfd)) { OSMessageBox(mCallbacks->translateString("MBPixelFmtDescErr"), mCallbacks->translateString("MBError"), OSMB_OK); close(); return FALSE; } LL_INFOS("Window") << "GL buffer: Color Bits " << S32(pfd.cColorBits) << " Alpha Bits " << S32(pfd.cAlphaBits) << " Depth Bits " << S32(pfd.cDepthBits) << LL_ENDL; mhRC = 0; if (wglCreateContextAttribsARB) { //attempt to create a specific versioned context mhRC = (HGLRC) createSharedContext(); if (!mhRC) { return FALSE; } } if (!wglMakeCurrent(mhDC, mhRC)) { OSMessageBox(mCallbacks->translateString("MBGLContextActErr"), mCallbacks->translateString("MBError"), OSMB_OK); close(); return FALSE; } if (!gGLManager.initGL()) { OSMessageBox(mCallbacks->translateString("MBVideoDrvErr"), mCallbacks->translateString("MBError"), OSMB_OK); close(); return FALSE; } // Disable vertical sync for swap toggleVSync(enable_vsync); SetWindowLongPtr(mWindowHandle, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)this); // register this window as handling drag/drop events from the OS DragAcceptFiles( mWindowHandle, TRUE ); mDragDrop->init( mWindowHandle ); //register joystick timer callback SetTimer( mWindowHandle, 0, 1000 / 30, NULL ); // 30 fps timer // ok to post quit messages now mPostQuit = TRUE; // *HACK: Attempt to prevent startup crashes by deferring memory accounting // until after some graphics setup. See SL-20177. -Cosmic,2023-09-18 mWindowThread->post([=]() { mWindowThread->glReady(); }); if (auto_show) { show(); glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); swapBuffers(); } LL_PROFILER_GPU_CONTEXT; return TRUE; } void LLWindowWin32::recreateWindow(RECT window_rect, DWORD dw_ex_style, DWORD dw_style) { auto oldWindowHandle = mWindowHandle; auto oldDCHandle = mhDC; // zero out mWindowHandle and mhDC before destroying window so window // thread falls back to peekmessage mWindowHandle = 0; mhDC = 0; std::promise> promise; // What follows must be done on the window thread. auto window_work = [this, self=mWindowThread, oldWindowHandle, oldDCHandle, // bind CreateWindowEx() parameters by value instead of // back-referencing LLWindowWin32 members windowClassName=mWindowClassName, windowTitle=mWindowTitle, hInstance=mhInstance, window_rect, dw_ex_style, dw_style, &promise] () { LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "recreateWindow(): window_work entry" << LL_ENDL; self->mWindowHandleThrd = 0; self->mhDCThrd = 0; if (oldWindowHandle) { if (oldDCHandle && !ReleaseDC(oldWindowHandle, oldDCHandle)) { LL_WARNS("Window") << "Failed to ReleaseDC" << LL_ENDL; } // important to call DestroyWindow() from the window thread if (!destroy_window_handler(oldWindowHandle)) { LL_WARNS("Window") << "Failed to properly close window before recreating it!" << LL_ENDL; } } auto handle = CreateWindowEx(dw_ex_style, windowClassName, windowTitle, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | dw_style, window_rect.left, // x pos window_rect.top, // y pos window_rect.right - window_rect.left, // width window_rect.bottom - window_rect.top, // height NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL); if (! handle) { // Failed to create window: clear the variables. This // assignment is valid because we're running on mWindowThread. self->mWindowHandleThrd = NULL; self->mhDCThrd = 0; } else { // Update mWindowThread's own mWindowHandle and mhDC. self->mWindowHandleThrd = handle; self->mhDCThrd = GetDC(handle); } updateWindowRect(); // It's important to wake up the future either way. promise.set_value(std::make_pair(self->mWindowHandleThrd, self->mhDCThrd)); LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "recreateWindow(): window_work done" << LL_ENDL; }; // But how we pass window_work to the window thread depends on whether we // already have a window handle. if (!oldWindowHandle) { // Pass window_work using the WorkQueue: without an existing window // handle, the window thread can't call GetMessage(). LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "posting window_work to WorkQueue" << LL_ENDL; mWindowThread->post(window_work); } else { // Pass window_work using PostMessage(). We can still // PostMessage(oldHandle) because oldHandle won't be destroyed until // the window thread has retrieved and executed window_work. LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "posting window_work to message queue" << LL_ENDL; mWindowThread->Post(oldWindowHandle, window_work); } auto future = promise.get_future(); // This blocks until mWindowThread processes CreateWindowEx() and calls // promise.set_value(). auto pair = future.get(); mWindowHandle = pair.first; mhDC = pair.second; } void* LLWindowWin32::createSharedContext() { mMaxGLVersion = llclamp(mMaxGLVersion, 3.f, 4.6f); S32 version_major = llfloor(mMaxGLVersion); S32 version_minor = llround((mMaxGLVersion-version_major)*10); S32 attribs[] = { WGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, version_major, WGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, version_minor, WGL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB, LLRender::sGLCoreProfile ? WGL_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT_ARB : WGL_CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT_ARB, WGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB, gDebugGL ? WGL_CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB : 0, 0 }; HGLRC rc = 0; bool done = false; while (!done) { rc = wglCreateContextAttribsARB(mhDC, mhRC, attribs); if (!rc) { if (attribs[3] > 0) { //decrement minor version attribs[3]--; } else if (attribs[1] > 3) { //decrement major version and start minor version over at 3 attribs[1]--; attribs[3] = 3; } else { //we reached 3.0 and still failed, bail out done = true; } } else { LL_INFOS() << "Created OpenGL " << llformat("%d.%d", attribs[1], attribs[3]) << (LLRender::sGLCoreProfile ? " core" : " compatibility") << " context." << LL_ENDL; done = true; } } if (!rc && !(rc = wglCreateContext(mhDC))) { close(); OSMessageBox(mCallbacks->translateString("MBGLContextErr"), mCallbacks->translateString("MBError"), OSMB_OK); } return rc; } void LLWindowWin32::makeContextCurrent(void* contextPtr) { wglMakeCurrent(mhDC, (HGLRC) contextPtr); LL_PROFILER_GPU_CONTEXT; } void LLWindowWin32::destroySharedContext(void* contextPtr) { wglDeleteContext((HGLRC)contextPtr); } void LLWindowWin32::toggleVSync(bool enable_vsync) { if (wglSwapIntervalEXT == nullptr) { LL_INFOS("Window") << "VSync: wglSwapIntervalEXT not initialized" << LL_ENDL; } else if (!enable_vsync) { LL_INFOS("Window") << "Disabling vertical sync" << LL_ENDL; wglSwapIntervalEXT(0); } else { LL_INFOS("Window") << "Enabling vertical sync" << LL_ENDL; wglSwapIntervalEXT(1); } } void LLWindowWin32::moveWindow( const LLCoordScreen& position, const LLCoordScreen& size ) { if( mIsMouseClipping ) { RECT client_rect_in_screen_space; if( getClientRectInScreenSpace( &client_rect_in_screen_space ) ) { ClipCursor( &client_rect_in_screen_space ); } } // if the window was already maximized, MoveWindow seems to still set the maximized flag even if // the window is smaller than maximized. // So we're going to do a restore first (which is a ShowWindow call) (SL-44655). // THIS CAUSES DEV-15484 and DEV-15949 //ShowWindow(mWindowHandle, SW_RESTORE); // NOW we can call MoveWindow mWindowThread->post([=]() { MoveWindow(mWindowHandle, position.mX, position.mY, size.mX, size.mY, TRUE); }); } void LLWindowWin32::setTitle(const std::string title) { // TODO: Do we need to use the wide string version of this call // to support non-ascii usernames (and region names?) mWindowThread->post([=]() { SetWindowTextA(mWindowHandle, title.c_str()); }); } BOOL LLWindowWin32::setCursorPosition(const LLCoordWindow position) { ASSERT_MAIN_THREAD(); if (!mWindowHandle) { return FALSE; } LLCoordScreen screen_pos(position.convert()); // instantly set the cursor position from the app's point of view mCursorPosition = position; mLastCursorPosition = position; // Inform the application of the new mouse position (needed for per-frame // hover/picking to function). mCallbacks->handleMouseMove(this, position.convert(), (MASK)0); // actually set the cursor position on the window thread mWindowThread->post([=]() { // actually set the OS cursor position SetCursorPos(screen_pos.mX, screen_pos.mY); }); return TRUE; } BOOL LLWindowWin32::getCursorPosition(LLCoordWindow *position) { ASSERT_MAIN_THREAD(); if (!position) { return FALSE; } *position = mCursorPosition; return TRUE; } BOOL LLWindowWin32::getCursorDelta(LLCoordCommon* delta) { if (delta == nullptr) { return FALSE; } *delta = mMouseFrameDelta; return TRUE; } void LLWindowWin32::hideCursor() { ASSERT_MAIN_THREAD(); mWindowThread->post([=]() { while (ShowCursor(FALSE) >= 0) { // nothing, wait for cursor to push down } }); mCursorHidden = TRUE; mHideCursorPermanent = TRUE; } void LLWindowWin32::showCursor() { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED_CATEGORY_WIN32; ASSERT_MAIN_THREAD(); mWindowThread->post([=]() { // makes sure the cursor shows up while (ShowCursor(TRUE) < 0) { // do nothing, wait for cursor to pop out } }); mCursorHidden = FALSE; mHideCursorPermanent = FALSE; } void LLWindowWin32::showCursorFromMouseMove() { if (!mHideCursorPermanent) { showCursor(); } } void LLWindowWin32::hideCursorUntilMouseMove() { if (!mHideCursorPermanent && mMouseVanish) { hideCursor(); mHideCursorPermanent = FALSE; } } BOOL LLWindowWin32::isCursorHidden() { return mCursorHidden; } HCURSOR LLWindowWin32::loadColorCursor(LPCTSTR name) { return (HCURSOR)LoadImage(mhInstance, name, IMAGE_CURSOR, 0, // default width 0, // default height LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); } void LLWindowWin32::initCursors() { mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_ARROW ] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_WAIT ] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_HAND ] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_HAND); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_IBEAM ] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_IBEAM); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_CROSS ] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_CROSS); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_SIZENWSE ] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZENWSE); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_SIZENESW ] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZENESW); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_SIZEWE ] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZEWE); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_SIZENS ] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZENS); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_SIZEALL ] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZEALL); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_NO ] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_NO); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_WORKING ] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_APPSTARTING); HMODULE module = GetModuleHandle(NULL); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLGRAB ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLGRAB")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLLAND ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLLAND")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLFOCUS ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLFOCUS")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLCREATE ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLCREATE")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_ARROWDRAG ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("ARROWDRAG")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_ARROWCOPY ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("ARROWCOPY")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_ARROWDRAGMULTI ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("ARROWDRAGMULTI")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_ARROWCOPYMULTI ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("ARROWCOPYMULTI")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_NOLOCKED ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("NOLOCKED")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_ARROWLOCKED ]= LoadCursor(module, TEXT("ARROWLOCKED")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_GRABLOCKED ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("GRABLOCKED")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLTRANSLATE ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLTRANSLATE")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLROTATE ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLROTATE")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLSCALE ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLSCALE")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLCAMERA ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLCAMERA")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLPAN ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLPAN")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLZOOMIN ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLZOOMIN")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLZOOMOUT ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLZOOMOUT")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLPICKOBJECT3 ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLPICKOBJECT3")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_PIPETTE ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLPIPETTE")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLSIT ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLSIT")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLBUY ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLBUY")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLOPEN ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLOPEN")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLPATHFINDING ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLPATHFINDING")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLPATHFINDING_PATH_START_ADD ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLPATHFINDINGPATHSTARTADD")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLPATHFINDING_PATH_START ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLPATHFINDINGPATHSTART")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLPATHFINDING_PATH_END ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLPATHFINDINGPATHEND")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLPATHFINDING_PATH_END_ADD ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLPATHFINDINGPATHENDADD")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLNO ] = LoadCursor(module, TEXT("TOOLNO")); // Color cursors mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLPLAY ] = loadColorCursor(TEXT("TOOLPLAY")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLPAUSE ] = loadColorCursor(TEXT("TOOLPAUSE")); mCursor[ UI_CURSOR_TOOLMEDIAOPEN ] = loadColorCursor(TEXT("TOOLMEDIAOPEN")); // Note: custom cursors that are not found make LoadCursor() return NULL. for( S32 i = 0; i < UI_CURSOR_COUNT; i++ ) { if( !mCursor[i] ) { mCursor[i] = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); } } } void LLWindowWin32::updateCursor() { ASSERT_MAIN_THREAD(); LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED_CATEGORY_WIN32 if (mNextCursor == UI_CURSOR_ARROW && mBusyCount > 0) { mNextCursor = UI_CURSOR_WORKING; } if( mCurrentCursor != mNextCursor ) { mCurrentCursor = mNextCursor; auto nextCursor = mCursor[mNextCursor]; mWindowThread->post([=]() { SetCursor(nextCursor); }); } } ECursorType LLWindowWin32::getCursor() const { return mCurrentCursor; } void LLWindowWin32::captureMouse() { SetCapture(mWindowHandle); } void LLWindowWin32::releaseMouse() { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED_CATEGORY_WIN32; ReleaseCapture(); } void LLWindowWin32::delayInputProcessing() { mInputProcessingPaused = TRUE; } void LLWindowWin32::gatherInput() { ASSERT_MAIN_THREAD(); LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED_CATEGORY_WIN32 MSG msg; { LLMutexLock lock(&mRawMouseMutex); mMouseFrameDelta = mRawMouseDelta; mRawMouseDelta.mX = 0; mRawMouseDelta.mY = 0; } if (mWindowThread->getQueue().size()) { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("gi - PostMessage"); kickWindowThread(); } while (mWindowThread->mMessageQueue.tryPopBack(msg)) { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("gi - message queue"); if (mInputProcessingPaused) { continue; } // For async host by name support. Really hacky. if (gAsyncMsgCallback && (LL_WM_HOST_RESOLVED == msg.message)) { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("gi - callback"); gAsyncMsgCallback(msg); } } { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("gi - PeekMessage"); S32 msg_count = 0; while ((msg_count < MAX_MESSAGE_PER_UPDATE) && PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_USER, WM_USER, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); msg_count++; } } { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("gi - function queue"); //process any pending functions std::function curFunc; while (mFunctionQueue.tryPopBack(curFunc)) { curFunc(); } } // send one and only one mouse move event per frame BEFORE handling mouse button presses if (mLastCursorPosition != mCursorPosition) { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("gi - mouse move"); mCallbacks->handleMouseMove(this, mCursorPosition.convert(), mMouseMask); } mLastCursorPosition = mCursorPosition; { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("gi - mouse queue"); // handle mouse button presses AFTER updating mouse cursor position std::function curFunc; while (mMouseQueue.tryPopBack(curFunc)) { curFunc(); } } mInputProcessingPaused = FALSE; updateCursor(); } static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_KEYHANDLER("Handle Keyboard"); static LLTrace::BlockTimerStatHandle FTM_MOUSEHANDLER("Handle Mouse"); #define WINDOW_IMP_POST(x) window_imp->post([=]() { x; }) LRESULT CALLBACK LLWindowWin32::mainWindowProc(HWND h_wnd, UINT u_msg, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param) { ASSERT_WINDOW_THREAD(); LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED_CATEGORY_WIN32; if (u_msg == WM_POST_FUNCTION_) { // from LLWindowWin32Thread::Post() // Cast l_param back to the pointer to the heap FuncType // allocated by Post(). Capture in unique_ptr so we'll delete // once we're done with it. std::unique_ptr ptr(reinterpret_cast(l_param)); (*ptr)(); return 0; } // Ignore clicks not originated in the client area, i.e. mouse-up events not preceded with a WM_LBUTTONDOWN. // This helps prevent avatar walking after maximizing the window by double-clicking the title bar. static bool sHandleLeftMouseUp = true; // Ignore the double click received right after activating app. // This is to avoid triggering double click teleport after returning focus (see MAINT-3786). static bool sHandleDoubleClick = true; LLWindowWin32* window_imp = (LLWindowWin32*)GetWindowLongPtr(h_wnd, GWLP_USERDATA); if (NULL != window_imp) { // Juggle to make sure we can get negative positions for when // mouse is outside window. LLCoordWindow window_coord((S32)(S16)LOWORD(l_param), (S32)(S16)HIWORD(l_param)); // pass along extended flag in mask MASK mask = (l_param >> 16 & KF_EXTENDED) ? MASK_EXTENDED : 0x0; BOOL eat_keystroke = TRUE; switch (u_msg) { RECT update_rect; S32 update_width; S32 update_height; case WM_TIMER: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_TIMER"); WINDOW_IMP_POST(window_imp->mCallbacks->handleTimerEvent(window_imp)); break; } case WM_DEVICECHANGE: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_DEVICECHANGE"); if (w_param == DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED || w_param == DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL) { WINDOW_IMP_POST(window_imp->mCallbacks->handleDeviceChange(window_imp)); return TRUE; } break; } case WM_PAINT: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_PAINT"); GetUpdateRect(window_imp->mWindowHandle, &update_rect, FALSE); update_width = update_rect.right - update_rect.left + 1; update_height = update_rect.bottom - update_rect.top + 1; WINDOW_IMP_POST(window_imp->mCallbacks->handlePaint(window_imp, update_rect.left, update_rect.top, update_width, update_height)); break; } case WM_PARENTNOTIFY: { break; } case WM_SETCURSOR: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_SETCURSOR"); // This message is sent whenever the cursor is moved in a window. // You need to set the appropriate cursor appearance. // Only take control of cursor over client region of window // This allows Windows(tm) to handle resize cursors, etc. if (LOWORD(l_param) == HTCLIENT) { SetCursor(window_imp->mCursor[window_imp->mCurrentCursor]); return 0; } break; } case WM_ENTERMENULOOP: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_ENTERMENULOOP"); WINDOW_IMP_POST(window_imp->mCallbacks->handleWindowBlock(window_imp)); break; } case WM_EXITMENULOOP: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_EXITMENULOOP"); WINDOW_IMP_POST(window_imp->mCallbacks->handleWindowUnblock(window_imp)); break; } case WM_ACTIVATEAPP: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_ACTIVATEAPP"); window_imp->post([=]() { // This message should be sent whenever the app gains or loses focus. BOOL activating = (BOOL)w_param; if (window_imp->mFullscreen) { // When we run fullscreen, restoring or minimizing the app needs // to switch the screen resolution if (activating) { window_imp->setFullscreenResolution(); window_imp->restore(); } else { window_imp->minimize(); window_imp->resetDisplayResolution(); } } if (!activating) { sHandleDoubleClick = false; } window_imp->mCallbacks->handleActivateApp(window_imp, activating); }); break; } case WM_ACTIVATE: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_ACTIVATE"); window_imp->post([=]() { // Can be one of WA_ACTIVE, WA_CLICKACTIVE, or WA_INACTIVE BOOL activating = (LOWORD(w_param) != WA_INACTIVE); if (!activating && LLWinImm::isAvailable() && window_imp->mPreeditor) { window_imp->interruptLanguageTextInput(); } }); break; } case WM_QUERYOPEN: // TODO: use this to return a nice icon break; case WM_SYSCOMMAND: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_SYSCOMMAND"); switch (w_param) { case SC_KEYMENU: // Disallow the ALT key from triggering the default system menu. return 0; case SC_SCREENSAVE: case SC_MONITORPOWER: // eat screen save messages and prevent them! return 0; } break; } case WM_CLOSE: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_CLOSE"); window_imp->post([=]() { // Will the app allow the window to close? if (window_imp->mCallbacks->handleCloseRequest(window_imp)) { // Get the app to initiate cleanup. window_imp->mCallbacks->handleQuit(window_imp); // The app is responsible for calling destroyWindow when done with GL } }); return 0; } case WM_DESTROY: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_DESTROY"); if (window_imp->shouldPostQuit()) { PostQuitMessage(0); // Posts WM_QUIT with an exit code of 0 } return 0; } case WM_COMMAND: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_COMMAND"); if (!HIWORD(w_param)) // this message is from a menu { WINDOW_IMP_POST(window_imp->mCallbacks->handleMenuSelect(window_imp, LOWORD(w_param))); } break; } case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_SYSKEYDOWN"); // allow system keys, such as ALT-F4 to be processed by Windows eat_keystroke = FALSE; // intentional fall-through here } case WM_KEYDOWN: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_KEYDOWN"); window_imp->post([=]() { window_imp->mKeyCharCode = 0; // don't know until wm_char comes in next window_imp->mKeyScanCode = (l_param >> 16) & 0xff; window_imp->mKeyVirtualKey = w_param; window_imp->mRawMsg = u_msg; window_imp->mRawWParam = w_param; window_imp->mRawLParam = l_param; gKeyboard->handleKeyDown(w_param, mask); }); if (eat_keystroke) return 0; // skip DefWindowProc() handling if we're consuming the keypress break; } case WM_SYSKEYUP: eat_keystroke = FALSE; // intentional fall-through here case WM_KEYUP: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_KEYUP"); window_imp->post([=]() { window_imp->mKeyScanCode = (l_param >> 16) & 0xff; window_imp->mKeyVirtualKey = w_param; window_imp->mRawMsg = u_msg; window_imp->mRawWParam = w_param; window_imp->mRawLParam = l_param; { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_KEYUP"); gKeyboard->handleKeyUp(w_param, mask); } }); if (eat_keystroke) return 0; // skip DefWindowProc() handling if we're consuming the keypress break; } case WM_IME_SETCONTEXT: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_IME_SETCONTEXT"); if (LLWinImm::isAvailable() && window_imp->mPreeditor) { l_param &= ~ISC_SHOWUICOMPOSITIONWINDOW; // Invoke DefWinProc with the modified LPARAM. } break; } case WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION"); if (LLWinImm::isAvailable() && window_imp->mPreeditor) { WINDOW_IMP_POST(window_imp->handleStartCompositionMessage()); return 0; } break; } case WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION"); if (LLWinImm::isAvailable() && window_imp->mPreeditor) { return 0; } break; } case WM_IME_COMPOSITION: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_IME_COMPOSITION"); if (LLWinImm::isAvailable() && window_imp->mPreeditor) { WINDOW_IMP_POST(window_imp->handleCompositionMessage(l_param)); return 0; } break; } case WM_IME_REQUEST: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_IME_REQUEST"); if (LLWinImm::isAvailable() && window_imp->mPreeditor) { LRESULT result; window_imp->handleImeRequests(w_param, l_param, &result); return result; } break; } case WM_CHAR: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_CHAR"); window_imp->post([=]() { window_imp->mKeyCharCode = w_param; window_imp->mRawMsg = u_msg; window_imp->mRawWParam = w_param; window_imp->mRawLParam = l_param; // Should really use WM_UNICHAR eventually, but it requires a specific Windows version and I need // to figure out how that works. - Doug // // ... Well, I don't think so. // How it works is explained in Win32 API document, but WM_UNICHAR didn't work // as specified at least on Windows XP SP1 Japanese version. I have never used // it since then, and I'm not sure whether it has been fixed now, but I don't think // it is worth trying. The good old WM_CHAR works just fine even for supplementary // characters. We just need to take care of surrogate pairs sent as two WM_CHAR's // by ourselves. It is not that tough. -- Alissa Sabre @ SL // Even if LLWindowCallbacks::handleUnicodeChar(llwchar, BOOL) returned FALSE, // we *did* processed the event, so I believe we should not pass it to DefWindowProc... window_imp->handleUnicodeUTF16((U16)w_param, gKeyboard->currentMask(FALSE)); }); return 0; } case WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN"); { // A click in a non-client area, e.g. title bar or window border. window_imp->post([=]() { sHandleLeftMouseUp = false; sHandleDoubleClick = true; }); } break; } case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_LBUTTONDOWN"); { LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_MOUSEHANDLER); window_imp->postMouseButtonEvent([=]() { sHandleLeftMouseUp = true; if (LLWinImm::isAvailable() && window_imp->mPreeditor) { window_imp->interruptLanguageTextInput(); } MASK mask = gKeyboard->currentMask(TRUE); auto gl_coord = window_imp->mCursorPosition.convert(); window_imp->mCallbacks->handleMouseMove(window_imp, gl_coord, mask); window_imp->mCallbacks->handleMouseDown(window_imp, gl_coord, mask); }); return 0; } break; } case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK"); window_imp->postMouseButtonEvent([=]() { //RN: ignore right button double clicks for now //case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: if (!sHandleDoubleClick) { sHandleDoubleClick = true; return; } MASK mask = gKeyboard->currentMask(TRUE); // generate move event to update mouse coordinates window_imp->mCursorPosition = window_coord; window_imp->mCallbacks->handleDoubleClick(window_imp, window_imp->mCursorPosition.convert(), mask); }); return 0; } case WM_LBUTTONUP: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_LBUTTONUP"); { window_imp->postMouseButtonEvent([=]() { LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_MOUSEHANDLER); if (!sHandleLeftMouseUp) { sHandleLeftMouseUp = true; return; } sHandleDoubleClick = true; MASK mask = gKeyboard->currentMask(TRUE); // generate move event to update mouse coordinates window_imp->mCursorPosition = window_coord; window_imp->mCallbacks->handleMouseUp(window_imp, window_imp->mCursorPosition.convert(), mask); }); } return 0; } case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_RBUTTONDOWN"); { LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_MOUSEHANDLER); window_imp->post([=]() { if (LLWinImm::isAvailable() && window_imp->mPreeditor) { WINDOW_IMP_POST(window_imp->interruptLanguageTextInput()); } MASK mask = gKeyboard->currentMask(TRUE); // generate move event to update mouse coordinates auto gl_coord = window_imp->mCursorPosition.convert(); window_imp->mCallbacks->handleMouseMove(window_imp, gl_coord, mask); window_imp->mCallbacks->handleRightMouseDown(window_imp, gl_coord, mask); }); } return 0; } break; case WM_RBUTTONUP: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_RBUTTONUP"); { LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_MOUSEHANDLER); window_imp->postMouseButtonEvent([=]() { MASK mask = gKeyboard->currentMask(TRUE); window_imp->mCallbacks->handleRightMouseUp(window_imp, window_imp->mCursorPosition.convert(), mask); }); } } break; case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: // case WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_MBUTTONDOWN"); { LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_MOUSEHANDLER); window_imp->postMouseButtonEvent([=]() { if (LLWinImm::isAvailable() && window_imp->mPreeditor) { window_imp->interruptLanguageTextInput(); } MASK mask = gKeyboard->currentMask(TRUE); window_imp->mCallbacks->handleMiddleMouseDown(window_imp, window_imp->mCursorPosition.convert(), mask); }); } } break; case WM_MBUTTONUP: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_MBUTTONUP"); { LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_MOUSEHANDLER); window_imp->postMouseButtonEvent([=]() { MASK mask = gKeyboard->currentMask(TRUE); window_imp->mCallbacks->handleMiddleMouseUp(window_imp, window_imp->mCursorPosition.convert(), mask); }); } } break; case WM_XBUTTONDOWN: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_XBUTTONDOWN"); window_imp->postMouseButtonEvent([=]() { LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_MOUSEHANDLER); S32 button = GET_XBUTTON_WPARAM(w_param); if (LLWinImm::isAvailable() && window_imp->mPreeditor) { window_imp->interruptLanguageTextInput(); } MASK mask = gKeyboard->currentMask(TRUE); // Windows uses numbers 1 and 2 for buttons, remap to 4, 5 window_imp->mCallbacks->handleOtherMouseDown(window_imp, window_imp->mCursorPosition.convert(), mask, button + 3); }); } break; case WM_XBUTTONUP: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_XBUTTONUP"); window_imp->postMouseButtonEvent([=]() { LL_RECORD_BLOCK_TIME(FTM_MOUSEHANDLER); S32 button = GET_XBUTTON_WPARAM(w_param); MASK mask = gKeyboard->currentMask(TRUE); // Windows uses numbers 1 and 2 for buttons, remap to 4, 5 window_imp->mCallbacks->handleOtherMouseUp(window_imp, window_imp->mCursorPosition.convert(), mask, button + 3); }); } break; case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_MOUSEWHEEL"); static short z_delta = 0; RECT client_rect; // eat scroll events that occur outside our window, since we use mouse position to direct scroll // instead of keyboard focus // NOTE: mouse_coord is in *window* coordinates for scroll events POINT mouse_coord = { (S32)(S16)LOWORD(l_param), (S32)(S16)HIWORD(l_param) }; if (ScreenToClient(window_imp->mWindowHandle, &mouse_coord) && GetClientRect(window_imp->mWindowHandle, &client_rect)) { // we have a valid mouse point and client rect if (mouse_coord.x < client_rect.left || client_rect.right < mouse_coord.x || mouse_coord.y < client_rect.top || client_rect.bottom < mouse_coord.y) { // mouse is outside of client rect, so don't do anything return 0; } } S16 incoming_z_delta = HIWORD(w_param); z_delta += incoming_z_delta; // cout << "z_delta " << z_delta << endl; // current mouse wheels report changes in increments of zDelta (+120, -120) // Future, higher resolution mouse wheels may report smaller deltas. // So we sum the deltas and only act when we've exceeded WHEEL_DELTA // // If the user rapidly spins the wheel, we can get messages with // large deltas, like 480 or so. Thus we need to scroll more quickly. if (z_delta <= -WHEEL_DELTA || WHEEL_DELTA <= z_delta) { short clicks = -z_delta / WHEEL_DELTA; WINDOW_IMP_POST(window_imp->mCallbacks->handleScrollWheel(window_imp, clicks)); z_delta = 0; } return 0; } /* // TODO: add this after resolving _WIN32_WINNT issue case WM_MOUSELEAVE: { window_imp->mCallbacks->handleMouseLeave(window_imp); // TRACKMOUSEEVENT track_mouse_event; // track_mouse_event.cbSize = sizeof( TRACKMOUSEEVENT ); // track_mouse_event.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE; // track_mouse_event.hwndTrack = h_wnd; // track_mouse_event.dwHoverTime = HOVER_DEFAULT; // TrackMouseEvent( &track_mouse_event ); return 0; } */ case WM_MOUSEHWHEEL: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_MOUSEHWHEEL"); static short h_delta = 0; RECT client_rect; // eat scroll events that occur outside our window, since we use mouse position to direct scroll // instead of keyboard focus // NOTE: mouse_coord is in *window* coordinates for scroll events POINT mouse_coord = { (S32)(S16)LOWORD(l_param), (S32)(S16)HIWORD(l_param) }; if (ScreenToClient(window_imp->mWindowHandle, &mouse_coord) && GetClientRect(window_imp->mWindowHandle, &client_rect)) { // we have a valid mouse point and client rect if (mouse_coord.x < client_rect.left || client_rect.right < mouse_coord.x || mouse_coord.y < client_rect.top || client_rect.bottom < mouse_coord.y) { // mouse is outside of client rect, so don't do anything return 0; } } S16 incoming_h_delta = HIWORD(w_param); h_delta += incoming_h_delta; // If the user rapidly spins the wheel, we can get messages with // large deltas, like 480 or so. Thus we need to scroll more quickly. if (h_delta <= -WHEEL_DELTA || WHEEL_DELTA <= h_delta) { WINDOW_IMP_POST(window_imp->mCallbacks->handleScrollHWheel(window_imp, h_delta / WHEEL_DELTA)); h_delta = 0; } return 0; } // Handle mouse movement within the window case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_MOUSEMOVE"); // DO NOT use mouse event queue for move events to ensure cursor position is updated // when button events are handled WINDOW_IMP_POST( { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_MOUSEMOVE lambda"); MASK mask = gKeyboard->currentMask(TRUE); window_imp->mMouseMask = mask; window_imp->mCursorPosition = window_coord; }); return 0; } case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_GETMINMAXINFO"); LPMINMAXINFO min_max = (LPMINMAXINFO)l_param; min_max->ptMinTrackSize.x = window_imp->mMinWindowWidth; min_max->ptMinTrackSize.y = window_imp->mMinWindowHeight; return 0; } case WM_MOVE: { window_imp->updateWindowRect(); return 0; } case WM_SIZE: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_SIZE"); window_imp->updateWindowRect(); // There's an odd behavior with WM_SIZE that I would call a bug. If // the window is maximized, and you call MoveWindow() with a size smaller // than a maximized window, it ends up sending WM_SIZE with w_param set // to SIZE_MAXIMIZED -- which isn't true. So the logic below doesn't work. // (SL-44655). Fixed it by calling ShowWindow(SW_RESTORE) first (see // LLWindowWin32::moveWindow in this file). // If we are now restored, but we weren't before, this // means that the window was un-minimized. if (w_param == SIZE_RESTORED && window_imp->mLastSizeWParam != SIZE_RESTORED) { WINDOW_IMP_POST(window_imp->mCallbacks->handleActivate(window_imp, TRUE)); } // handle case of window being maximized from fully minimized state if (w_param == SIZE_MAXIMIZED && window_imp->mLastSizeWParam != SIZE_MAXIMIZED) { WINDOW_IMP_POST(window_imp->mCallbacks->handleActivate(window_imp, TRUE)); } // Also handle the minimization case if (w_param == SIZE_MINIMIZED && window_imp->mLastSizeWParam != SIZE_MINIMIZED) { WINDOW_IMP_POST(window_imp->mCallbacks->handleActivate(window_imp, FALSE)); } // Actually resize all of our views if (w_param != SIZE_MINIMIZED) { // Ignore updates for minimizing and minimized "windows" WINDOW_IMP_POST(window_imp->mCallbacks->handleResize(window_imp, LOWORD(l_param), HIWORD(l_param))); } window_imp->mLastSizeWParam = w_param; return 0; } case WM_DPICHANGED: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_DPICHANGED"); LPRECT lprc_new_scale; F32 new_scale = F32(LOWORD(w_param)) / F32(USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI); lprc_new_scale = (LPRECT)l_param; S32 new_width = lprc_new_scale->right - lprc_new_scale->left; S32 new_height = lprc_new_scale->bottom - lprc_new_scale->top; WINDOW_IMP_POST(window_imp->mCallbacks->handleDPIChanged(window_imp, new_scale, new_width, new_height)); SetWindowPos(h_wnd, HWND_TOP, lprc_new_scale->left, lprc_new_scale->top, new_width, new_height, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE); return 0; } case WM_SETFOCUS: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_SETFOCUS"); WINDOW_IMP_POST(window_imp->mCallbacks->handleFocus(window_imp)); return 0; } case WM_KILLFOCUS: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_KILLFOCUS"); WINDOW_IMP_POST(window_imp->mCallbacks->handleFocusLost(window_imp)); return 0; } case WM_COPYDATA: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_COPYDATA"); { // received a URL PCOPYDATASTRUCT myCDS = (PCOPYDATASTRUCT)l_param; void* data = new U8[myCDS->cbData]; memcpy(data, myCDS->lpData, myCDS->cbData); auto myType = myCDS->dwData; window_imp->post([=]() { window_imp->mCallbacks->handleDataCopy(window_imp, myType, data); delete[] data; }); }; return 0; break; } case WM_SETTINGCHANGE: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - WM_SETTINGCHANGE"); if (w_param == SPI_SETMOUSEVANISH) { if (!SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETMOUSEVANISH, 0, &window_imp->mMouseVanish, 0)) { WINDOW_IMP_POST(window_imp->mMouseVanish = TRUE); } } } break; case WM_INPUT: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("MWP - WM_INPUT"); UINT dwSize = 0; GetRawInputData((HRAWINPUT)l_param, RID_INPUT, NULL, &dwSize, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)); llassert(dwSize < 1024); U8 lpb[1024]; if (GetRawInputData((HRAWINPUT)l_param, RID_INPUT, (void*)lpb, &dwSize, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)) == dwSize) { RAWINPUT* raw = (RAWINPUT*)lpb; if (raw->header.dwType == RIM_TYPEMOUSE) { LLMutexLock lock(&window_imp->mRawMouseMutex); bool absolute_coordinates = (raw->data.mouse.usFlags & MOUSE_MOVE_ABSOLUTE); if (absolute_coordinates) { static S32 prev_absolute_x = 0; static S32 prev_absolute_y = 0; S32 absolute_x; S32 absolute_y; if ((raw->data.mouse.usFlags & 0x10) == 0x10) // touch screen? touch? Not defined in header { // touch screen spams (0,0) coordinates in a number of situations // (0,0) might need to be filtered absolute_x = raw->data.mouse.lLastX; absolute_y = raw->data.mouse.lLastY; } else { bool v_desktop = (raw->data.mouse.usFlags & MOUSE_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP) == MOUSE_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP; S32 width = GetSystemMetrics(v_desktop ? SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN : SM_CXSCREEN); S32 height = GetSystemMetrics(v_desktop ? SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN : SM_CYSCREEN); absolute_x = (raw->data.mouse.lLastX / 65535.0f) * width; absolute_y = (raw->data.mouse.lLastY / 65535.0f) * height; } window_imp->mRawMouseDelta.mX += absolute_x - prev_absolute_x; window_imp->mRawMouseDelta.mY -= absolute_y - prev_absolute_y; prev_absolute_x = absolute_x; prev_absolute_y = absolute_y; } else { S32 speed; const S32 DEFAULT_SPEED(10); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETMOUSESPEED, 0, &speed, 0); if (speed == DEFAULT_SPEED) { window_imp->mRawMouseDelta.mX += raw->data.mouse.lLastX; window_imp->mRawMouseDelta.mY -= raw->data.mouse.lLastY; } else { window_imp->mRawMouseDelta.mX += round((F32)raw->data.mouse.lLastX * (F32)speed / DEFAULT_SPEED); window_imp->mRawMouseDelta.mY -= round((F32)raw->data.mouse.lLastY * (F32)speed / DEFAULT_SPEED); } } } } } //list of messages we get often that we don't care to log about case WM_NCHITTEST: case WM_NCMOUSEMOVE: case WM_NCMOUSELEAVE: case WM_MOVING: case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: break; default: { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - default"); LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "Unhandled windows message code: 0x" << std::hex << U32(u_msg) << LL_ENDL; } break; } } else { // (NULL == window_imp) LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "No window implementation to handle message with, message code: " << U32(u_msg) << LL_ENDL; } // pass unhandled messages down to Windows LRESULT ret; { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("mwp - DefWindowProc"); ret = DefWindowProc(h_wnd, u_msg, w_param, l_param); } return ret; } BOOL LLWindowWin32::convertCoords(LLCoordGL from, LLCoordWindow *to) { S32 client_height; RECT client_rect; LLCoordWindow window_position; if (!mWindowHandle || !GetClientRect(mWindowHandle, &client_rect) || NULL == to) { return FALSE; } to->mX = from.mX; client_height = client_rect.bottom - client_rect.top; to->mY = client_height - from.mY - 1; return TRUE; } BOOL LLWindowWin32::convertCoords(LLCoordWindow from, LLCoordGL* to) { S32 client_height; RECT client_rect; if (!mWindowHandle || !GetClientRect(mWindowHandle, &client_rect) || NULL == to) { return FALSE; } to->mX = from.mX; client_height = client_rect.bottom - client_rect.top; to->mY = client_height - from.mY - 1; return TRUE; } BOOL LLWindowWin32::convertCoords(LLCoordScreen from, LLCoordWindow* to) { POINT mouse_point; mouse_point.x = from.mX; mouse_point.y = from.mY; BOOL result = ScreenToClient(mWindowHandle, &mouse_point); if (result) { to->mX = mouse_point.x; to->mY = mouse_point.y; } return result; } BOOL LLWindowWin32::convertCoords(LLCoordWindow from, LLCoordScreen *to) { POINT mouse_point; mouse_point.x = from.mX; mouse_point.y = from.mY; BOOL result = ClientToScreen(mWindowHandle, &mouse_point); if (result) { to->mX = mouse_point.x; to->mY = mouse_point.y; } return result; } BOOL LLWindowWin32::convertCoords(LLCoordScreen from, LLCoordGL *to) { LLCoordWindow window_coord; if (!mWindowHandle || (NULL == to)) { return FALSE; } convertCoords(from, &window_coord); convertCoords(window_coord, to); return TRUE; } BOOL LLWindowWin32::convertCoords(LLCoordGL from, LLCoordScreen *to) { LLCoordWindow window_coord; if (!mWindowHandle || (NULL == to)) { return FALSE; } convertCoords(from, &window_coord); convertCoords(window_coord, to); return TRUE; } BOOL LLWindowWin32::isClipboardTextAvailable() { return IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT); } BOOL LLWindowWin32::pasteTextFromClipboard(LLWString &dst) { BOOL success = FALSE; if (IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT)) { if (OpenClipboard(mWindowHandle)) { HGLOBAL h_data = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT); if (h_data) { WCHAR *utf16str = (WCHAR*) GlobalLock(h_data); if (utf16str) { dst = utf16str_to_wstring(utf16str); LLWStringUtil::removeWindowsCR(dst); GlobalUnlock(h_data); success = TRUE; } } CloseClipboard(); } } return success; } BOOL LLWindowWin32::copyTextToClipboard(const LLWString& wstr) { BOOL success = FALSE; if (OpenClipboard(mWindowHandle)) { EmptyClipboard(); // Provide a copy of the data in Unicode format. LLWString sanitized_string(wstr); LLWStringUtil::addCRLF(sanitized_string); llutf16string out_utf16 = wstring_to_utf16str(sanitized_string); const size_t size_utf16 = (out_utf16.length() + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); // Memory is allocated and then ownership of it is transfered to the system. HGLOBAL hglobal_copy_utf16 = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, size_utf16); if (hglobal_copy_utf16) { WCHAR* copy_utf16 = (WCHAR*) GlobalLock(hglobal_copy_utf16); if (copy_utf16) { memcpy(copy_utf16, out_utf16.c_str(), size_utf16); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ GlobalUnlock(hglobal_copy_utf16); if (SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, hglobal_copy_utf16)) { success = TRUE; } } } CloseClipboard(); } return success; } // Constrains the mouse to the window. void LLWindowWin32::setMouseClipping( BOOL b ) { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED_CATEGORY_WIN32; ASSERT_MAIN_THREAD(); if( b != mIsMouseClipping ) { BOOL success = FALSE; if( b ) { GetClipCursor( &mOldMouseClip ); RECT client_rect_in_screen_space; if( getClientRectInScreenSpace( &client_rect_in_screen_space ) ) { success = ClipCursor( &client_rect_in_screen_space ); } } else { // Must restore the old mouse clip, which may be set by another window. success = ClipCursor( &mOldMouseClip ); SetRect( &mOldMouseClip, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } if( success ) { mIsMouseClipping = b; } } } BOOL LLWindowWin32::getClientRectInScreenSpace( RECT* rectp ) { BOOL success = FALSE; RECT client_rect; if (mWindowHandle && GetClientRect(mWindowHandle, &client_rect)) { POINT top_left; top_left.x = client_rect.left; top_left.y = client_rect.top; ClientToScreen(mWindowHandle, &top_left); POINT bottom_right; bottom_right.x = client_rect.right; bottom_right.y = client_rect.bottom; ClientToScreen(mWindowHandle, &bottom_right); SetRect(rectp, top_left.x, top_left.y, bottom_right.x, bottom_right.y); success = TRUE; } return success; } void LLWindowWin32::flashIcon(F32 seconds) { mWindowThread->post([=]() { FLASHWINFO flash_info; flash_info.cbSize = sizeof(FLASHWINFO); flash_info.hwnd = mWindowHandle; flash_info.dwFlags = FLASHW_TRAY; flash_info.uCount = UINT(seconds / ICON_FLASH_TIME); flash_info.dwTimeout = DWORD(1000.f * ICON_FLASH_TIME); // milliseconds FlashWindowEx(&flash_info); }); } F32 LLWindowWin32::getGamma() { return mCurrentGamma; } BOOL LLWindowWin32::restoreGamma() { ASSERT_MAIN_THREAD(); if (mCustomGammaSet != FALSE) { LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "Restoring gamma" << LL_ENDL; mCustomGammaSet = FALSE; return SetDeviceGammaRamp(mhDC, mPrevGammaRamp); } return TRUE; } BOOL LLWindowWin32::setGamma(const F32 gamma) { ASSERT_MAIN_THREAD(); mCurrentGamma = gamma; //Get the previous gamma ramp to restore later. if (mCustomGammaSet == FALSE) { if (!gGLManager.mIsIntel) // skip for Intel GPUs (see SL-11341) { LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "Getting the previous gamma ramp to restore later" << LL_ENDL; if(GetDeviceGammaRamp(mhDC, mPrevGammaRamp) == FALSE) { LL_WARNS("Window") << "Failed to get the previous gamma ramp" << LL_ENDL; return FALSE; } } mCustomGammaSet = TRUE; } LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "Setting gamma to " << gamma << LL_ENDL; for ( int i = 0; i < 256; ++i ) { int mult = 256 - ( int ) ( ( gamma - 1.0f ) * 128.0f ); int value = mult * i; if ( value > 0xffff ) value = 0xffff; mCurrentGammaRamp[0][i] = mCurrentGammaRamp[1][i] = mCurrentGammaRamp[2][i] = (WORD) value; }; return SetDeviceGammaRamp ( mhDC, mCurrentGammaRamp ); } void LLWindowWin32::setFSAASamples(const U32 fsaa_samples) { ASSERT_MAIN_THREAD(); mFSAASamples = fsaa_samples; } U32 LLWindowWin32::getFSAASamples() { return mFSAASamples; } LLWindow::LLWindowResolution* LLWindowWin32::getSupportedResolutions(S32 &num_resolutions) { ASSERT_MAIN_THREAD(); if (!mSupportedResolutions) { mSupportedResolutions = new LLWindowResolution[MAX_NUM_RESOLUTIONS]; DEVMODE dev_mode; ::ZeroMemory(&dev_mode, sizeof(DEVMODE)); dev_mode.dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); mNumSupportedResolutions = 0; for (S32 mode_num = 0; mNumSupportedResolutions < MAX_NUM_RESOLUTIONS; mode_num++) { if (!EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, mode_num, &dev_mode)) { break; } if (dev_mode.dmBitsPerPel == BITS_PER_PIXEL && dev_mode.dmPelsWidth >= 800 && dev_mode.dmPelsHeight >= 600) { BOOL resolution_exists = FALSE; for(S32 i = 0; i < mNumSupportedResolutions; i++) { if (mSupportedResolutions[i].mWidth == dev_mode.dmPelsWidth && mSupportedResolutions[i].mHeight == dev_mode.dmPelsHeight) { resolution_exists = TRUE; } } if (!resolution_exists) { mSupportedResolutions[mNumSupportedResolutions].mWidth = dev_mode.dmPelsWidth; mSupportedResolutions[mNumSupportedResolutions].mHeight = dev_mode.dmPelsHeight; mNumSupportedResolutions++; } } } } num_resolutions = mNumSupportedResolutions; return mSupportedResolutions; } F32 LLWindowWin32::getNativeAspectRatio() { if (mOverrideAspectRatio > 0.f) { return mOverrideAspectRatio; } else if (mNativeAspectRatio > 0.f) { // we grabbed this value at startup, based on the user's desktop settings return mNativeAspectRatio; } // RN: this hack presumes that the largest supported resolution is monitor-limited // and that pixels in that mode are square, therefore defining the native aspect ratio // of the monitor...this seems to work to a close approximation for most CRTs/LCDs S32 num_resolutions; LLWindowResolution* resolutions = getSupportedResolutions(num_resolutions); return ((F32)resolutions[num_resolutions - 1].mWidth / (F32)resolutions[num_resolutions - 1].mHeight); } F32 LLWindowWin32::getPixelAspectRatio() { F32 pixel_aspect = 1.f; if (getFullscreen()) { LLCoordScreen screen_size; getSize(&screen_size); pixel_aspect = getNativeAspectRatio() * (F32)screen_size.mY / (F32)screen_size.mX; } return pixel_aspect; } // Change display resolution. Returns true if successful. // protected BOOL LLWindowWin32::setDisplayResolution(S32 width, S32 height, S32 bits, S32 refresh) { DEVMODE dev_mode; ::ZeroMemory(&dev_mode, sizeof(DEVMODE)); dev_mode.dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); BOOL success = FALSE; // Don't change anything if we don't have to if (EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &dev_mode)) { if (dev_mode.dmPelsWidth == width && dev_mode.dmPelsHeight == height && dev_mode.dmBitsPerPel == bits && dev_mode.dmDisplayFrequency == refresh ) { // ...display mode identical, do nothing return TRUE; } } memset(&dev_mode, 0, sizeof(dev_mode)); dev_mode.dmSize = sizeof(dev_mode); dev_mode.dmPelsWidth = width; dev_mode.dmPelsHeight = height; dev_mode.dmBitsPerPel = bits; dev_mode.dmDisplayFrequency = refresh; dev_mode.dmFields = DM_BITSPERPEL | DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT | DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY; // CDS_FULLSCREEN indicates that this is a temporary change to the device mode. LONG cds_result = ChangeDisplaySettings(&dev_mode, CDS_FULLSCREEN); success = (DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL == cds_result); if (!success) { LL_WARNS("Window") << "setDisplayResolution failed, " << width << "x" << height << "x" << bits << " @ " << refresh << LL_ENDL; } return success; } // protected BOOL LLWindowWin32::setFullscreenResolution() { if (mFullscreen) { return setDisplayResolution( mFullscreenWidth, mFullscreenHeight, mFullscreenBits, mFullscreenRefresh); } else { return FALSE; } } // protected BOOL LLWindowWin32::resetDisplayResolution() { LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "resetDisplayResolution START" << LL_ENDL; LONG cds_result = ChangeDisplaySettings(NULL, 0); BOOL success = (DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL == cds_result); if (!success) { LL_WARNS("Window") << "resetDisplayResolution failed" << LL_ENDL; } LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "resetDisplayResolution END" << LL_ENDL; return success; } void LLWindowWin32::swapBuffers() { { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED_CATEGORY_WIN32; SwapBuffers(mhDC); } { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("GPU Collect"); LL_PROFILER_GPU_COLLECT; } } // // LLSplashScreenImp // LLSplashScreenWin32::LLSplashScreenWin32() : mWindow(NULL) { } LLSplashScreenWin32::~LLSplashScreenWin32() { } void LLSplashScreenWin32::showImpl() { // This appears to work. ??? HINSTANCE hinst = GetModuleHandle(NULL); mWindow = CreateDialog(hinst, TEXT("SPLASHSCREEN"), NULL, // no parent (DLGPROC) LLSplashScreenWin32::windowProc); ShowWindow(mWindow, SW_SHOW); // Should set taskbar text without creating a header for the window (caption) SetWindowTextA(mWindow, "Second Life"); } void LLSplashScreenWin32::updateImpl(const std::string& mesg) { if (!mWindow) return; int output_str_len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, mesg.c_str(), mesg.length(), NULL, 0); if( output_str_len>1024 ) return; WCHAR w_mesg[1025];//big enought to keep null terminatos MultiByteToWideChar (CP_UTF8, 0, mesg.c_str(), mesg.length(), w_mesg, output_str_len); //looks like MultiByteToWideChar didn't add null terminator to converted string, see EXT-4858 w_mesg[output_str_len] = 0; SendDlgItemMessage(mWindow, 666, // HACK: text id WM_SETTEXT, FALSE, (LPARAM)w_mesg); } void LLSplashScreenWin32::hideImpl() { if (mWindow) { if (!destroy_window_handler(mWindow)) { LL_WARNS("Window") << "Failed to properly close splash screen window!" << LL_ENDL; } mWindow = NULL; } } // static LRESULT CALLBACK LLSplashScreenWin32::windowProc(HWND h_wnd, UINT u_msg, WPARAM w_param, LPARAM l_param) { // Just give it to windows return DefWindowProc(h_wnd, u_msg, w_param, l_param); } // // Helper Funcs // S32 OSMessageBoxWin32(const std::string& text, const std::string& caption, U32 type) { UINT uType; switch(type) { case OSMB_OK: uType = MB_OK; break; case OSMB_OKCANCEL: uType = MB_OKCANCEL; break; case OSMB_YESNO: uType = MB_YESNO; break; default: uType = MB_OK; break; } int retval_win = MessageBoxW(NULL, // HWND ll_convert_string_to_wide(text).c_str(), ll_convert_string_to_wide(caption).c_str(), uType); S32 retval; switch(retval_win) { case IDYES: retval = OSBTN_YES; break; case IDNO: retval = OSBTN_NO; break; case IDOK: retval = OSBTN_OK; break; case IDCANCEL: retval = OSBTN_CANCEL; break; default: retval = OSBTN_CANCEL; break; } return retval; } void LLWindowWin32::spawnWebBrowser(const std::string& escaped_url, bool async) { bool found = false; S32 i; for (i = 0; i < gURLProtocolWhitelistCount; i++) { if (escaped_url.find(gURLProtocolWhitelist[i]) == 0) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { LL_WARNS("Window") << "spawn_web_browser() called for url with protocol not on whitelist: " << escaped_url << LL_ENDL; return; } LL_INFOS("Window") << "Opening URL " << escaped_url << LL_ENDL; // replaced ShellExecute code with ShellExecuteEx since ShellExecute doesn't work // reliablly on Vista. // this is madness.. no, this is.. LLWString url_wstring = utf8str_to_wstring( escaped_url ); llutf16string url_utf16 = wstring_to_utf16str( url_wstring ); // let the OS decide what to use to open the URL SHELLEXECUTEINFO sei = { sizeof( sei ) }; // NOTE: this assumes that SL will stick around long enough to complete the DDE message exchange // necessary for ShellExecuteEx to complete if (async) { sei.fMask = SEE_MASK_ASYNCOK; } sei.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; sei.lpVerb = L"open"; sei.lpFile = url_utf16.c_str(); ShellExecuteEx( &sei ); } /* Make the raw keyboard data available - used to poke through to LLQtWebKit so that Qt/Webkit has access to the virtual keycodes etc. that it needs */ LLSD LLWindowWin32::getNativeKeyData() { LLSD result = LLSD::emptyMap(); result["scan_code"] = (S32)mKeyScanCode; result["virtual_key"] = (S32)mKeyVirtualKey; result["msg"] = ll_sd_from_U32(mRawMsg); result["w_param"] = ll_sd_from_U32(mRawWParam); result["l_param"] = ll_sd_from_U32(mRawLParam); return result; } BOOL LLWindowWin32::dialogColorPicker( F32 *r, F32 *g, F32 *b ) { BOOL retval = FALSE; static CHOOSECOLOR cc; static COLORREF crCustColors[16]; cc.lStructSize = sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR); cc.hwndOwner = mWindowHandle; cc.hInstance = NULL; cc.rgbResult = RGB ((*r * 255.f),(*g *255.f),(*b * 255.f)); //cc.rgbResult = RGB (0x80,0x80,0x80); cc.lpCustColors = crCustColors; cc.Flags = CC_RGBINIT | CC_FULLOPEN; cc.lCustData = 0; cc.lpfnHook = NULL; cc.lpTemplateName = NULL; // This call is modal, so pause agent //send_agent_pause(); // this is in newview and we don't want to set up a dependency { retval = ChooseColor(&cc); } //send_agent_resume(); // this is in newview and we don't want to set up a dependency *b = ((F32)((cc.rgbResult >> 16) & 0xff)) / 255.f; *g = ((F32)((cc.rgbResult >> 8) & 0xff)) / 255.f; *r = ((F32)(cc.rgbResult & 0xff)) / 255.f; return (retval); } void *LLWindowWin32::getPlatformWindow() { return (void*)mWindowHandle; } void LLWindowWin32::bringToFront() { mWindowThread->post([=]() { BringWindowToTop(mWindowHandle); }); } // set (OS) window focus back to the client void LLWindowWin32::focusClient() { mWindowThread->post([=]() { SetFocus(mWindowHandle); }); } void LLWindowWin32::allowLanguageTextInput(LLPreeditor *preeditor, BOOL b) { if (b == sLanguageTextInputAllowed || !LLWinImm::isAvailable()) { return; } if (preeditor != mPreeditor && !b) { // This condition may occur with a call to // setEnabled(BOOL) from LLTextEditor or LLLineEditor // when the control is not focused. // We need to silently ignore the case so that // the language input status of the focused control // is not disturbed. return; } // Take care of old and new preeditors. if (preeditor != mPreeditor || !b) { if (sLanguageTextInputAllowed) { interruptLanguageTextInput(); } mPreeditor = (b ? preeditor : NULL); } sLanguageTextInputAllowed = b; if (sLanguageTextInputAllowed) { mWindowThread->post([=]() { // Allowing: Restore the previous IME status, so that the user has a feeling that the previous // text input continues naturally. Be careful, however, the IME status is meaningful only during the user keeps // using same Input Locale (aka Keyboard Layout). if (sWinIMEOpened && GetKeyboardLayout(0) == sWinInputLocale) { HIMC himc = LLWinImm::getContext(mWindowHandle); LLWinImm::setOpenStatus(himc, TRUE); LLWinImm::setConversionStatus(himc, sWinIMEConversionMode, sWinIMESentenceMode); LLWinImm::releaseContext(mWindowHandle, himc); } }); } else { mWindowThread->post([=]() { // Disallowing: Turn off the IME so that succeeding key events bypass IME and come to us directly. // However, do it after saving the current IME status. We need to restore the status when // allowing language text input again. sWinInputLocale = GetKeyboardLayout(0); sWinIMEOpened = LLWinImm::isIME(sWinInputLocale); if (sWinIMEOpened) { HIMC himc = LLWinImm::getContext(mWindowHandle); sWinIMEOpened = LLWinImm::getOpenStatus(himc); if (sWinIMEOpened) { LLWinImm::getConversionStatus(himc, &sWinIMEConversionMode, &sWinIMESentenceMode); // We need both ImmSetConversionStatus and ImmSetOpenStatus here to surely disable IME's // keyboard hooking, because Some IME reacts only on the former and some other on the latter... LLWinImm::setConversionStatus(himc, IME_CMODE_NOCONVERSION, sWinIMESentenceMode); LLWinImm::setOpenStatus(himc, FALSE); } LLWinImm::releaseContext(mWindowHandle, himc); } }); } } void LLWindowWin32::fillCandidateForm(const LLCoordGL& caret, const LLRect& bounds, CANDIDATEFORM *form) { LLCoordWindow caret_coord, top_left, bottom_right; convertCoords(caret, &caret_coord); convertCoords(LLCoordGL(bounds.mLeft, bounds.mTop), &top_left); convertCoords(LLCoordGL(bounds.mRight, bounds.mBottom), &bottom_right); memset(form, 0, sizeof(CANDIDATEFORM)); form->dwStyle = CFS_EXCLUDE; form->ptCurrentPos.x = caret_coord.mX; form->ptCurrentPos.y = caret_coord.mY; form->rcArea.left = top_left.mX; form->rcArea.top = top_left.mY; form->rcArea.right = bottom_right.mX; form->rcArea.bottom = bottom_right.mY; } // Put the IME window at the right place (near current text input). Point coordinates should be the top of the current text line. void LLWindowWin32::setLanguageTextInput( const LLCoordGL & position ) { if (sLanguageTextInputAllowed && LLWinImm::isAvailable()) { HIMC himc = LLWinImm::getContext(mWindowHandle); LLCoordWindow win_pos; convertCoords( position, &win_pos ); if ( win_pos.mX >= 0 && win_pos.mY >= 0 && (win_pos.mX != sWinIMEWindowPosition.mX) || (win_pos.mY != sWinIMEWindowPosition.mY) ) { COMPOSITIONFORM ime_form; memset( &ime_form, 0, sizeof(ime_form) ); ime_form.dwStyle = CFS_POINT; ime_form.ptCurrentPos.x = win_pos.mX; ime_form.ptCurrentPos.y = win_pos.mY; LLWinImm::setCompositionWindow( himc, &ime_form ); sWinIMEWindowPosition = win_pos; } LLWinImm::releaseContext(mWindowHandle, himc); } } void LLWindowWin32::fillCharPosition(const LLCoordGL& caret, const LLRect& bounds, const LLRect& control, IMECHARPOSITION *char_position) { LLCoordScreen caret_coord, top_left, bottom_right; convertCoords(caret, &caret_coord); convertCoords(LLCoordGL(bounds.mLeft, bounds.mTop), &top_left); convertCoords(LLCoordGL(bounds.mRight, bounds.mBottom), &bottom_right); char_position->pt.x = caret_coord.mX; char_position->pt.y = top_left.mY; // Windows wants the coordinate of upper left corner of a character... char_position->cLineHeight = bottom_right.mY - top_left.mY; char_position->rcDocument.left = top_left.mX; char_position->rcDocument.top = top_left.mY; char_position->rcDocument.right = bottom_right.mX; char_position->rcDocument.bottom = bottom_right.mY; } void LLWindowWin32::fillCompositionLogfont(LOGFONT *logfont) { // Our font is a list of FreeType recognized font files that may // not have a corresponding ones in Windows' fonts. Hence, we // can't simply tell Windows which font we are using. We will // notify a _standard_ font for a current input locale instead. // We use a hard-coded knowledge about the Windows' standard // configuration to do so... memset(logfont, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT)); const WORD lang_id = LOWORD(GetKeyboardLayout(0)); switch (PRIMARYLANGID(lang_id)) { case LANG_CHINESE: // We need to identify one of two Chinese fonts. switch (SUBLANGID(lang_id)) { case SUBLANG_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED: case SUBLANG_CHINESE_SINGAPORE: logfont->lfCharSet = GB2312_CHARSET; lstrcpy(logfont->lfFaceName, TEXT("SimHei")); break; case SUBLANG_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL: case SUBLANG_CHINESE_HONGKONG: case SUBLANG_CHINESE_MACAU: default: logfont->lfCharSet = CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET; lstrcpy(logfont->lfFaceName, TEXT("MingLiU")); break; } break; case LANG_JAPANESE: logfont->lfCharSet = SHIFTJIS_CHARSET; lstrcpy(logfont->lfFaceName, TEXT("MS Gothic")); break; case LANG_KOREAN: logfont->lfCharSet = HANGUL_CHARSET; lstrcpy(logfont->lfFaceName, TEXT("Gulim")); break; default: logfont->lfCharSet = ANSI_CHARSET; lstrcpy(logfont->lfFaceName, TEXT("Tahoma")); break; } logfont->lfHeight = mPreeditor->getPreeditFontSize(); logfont->lfWeight = FW_NORMAL; } U32 LLWindowWin32::fillReconvertString(const LLWString &text, S32 focus, S32 focus_length, RECONVERTSTRING *reconvert_string) { const llutf16string text_utf16 = wstring_to_utf16str(text); const DWORD required_size = sizeof(RECONVERTSTRING) + (text_utf16.length() + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (reconvert_string && reconvert_string->dwSize >= required_size) { const DWORD focus_utf16_at = wstring_utf16_length(text, 0, focus); const DWORD focus_utf16_length = wstring_utf16_length(text, focus, focus_length); reconvert_string->dwVersion = 0; reconvert_string->dwStrLen = text_utf16.length(); reconvert_string->dwStrOffset = sizeof(RECONVERTSTRING); reconvert_string->dwCompStrLen = focus_utf16_length; reconvert_string->dwCompStrOffset = focus_utf16_at * sizeof(WCHAR); reconvert_string->dwTargetStrLen = 0; reconvert_string->dwTargetStrOffset = focus_utf16_at * sizeof(WCHAR); const LPWSTR text = (LPWSTR)((BYTE *)reconvert_string + sizeof(RECONVERTSTRING)); memcpy(text, text_utf16.c_str(), (text_utf16.length() + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); } return required_size; } void LLWindowWin32::updateLanguageTextInputArea() { if (!mPreeditor || !LLWinImm::isAvailable()) { return; } LLCoordGL caret_coord; LLRect preedit_bounds; if (mPreeditor->getPreeditLocation(-1, &caret_coord, &preedit_bounds, NULL)) { mLanguageTextInputPointGL = caret_coord; mLanguageTextInputAreaGL = preedit_bounds; CANDIDATEFORM candidate_form; fillCandidateForm(caret_coord, preedit_bounds, &candidate_form); HIMC himc = LLWinImm::getContext(mWindowHandle); // Win32 document says there may be up to 4 candidate windows. // This magic number 4 appears only in the document, and // there are no constant/macro for the value... for (int i = 3; i >= 0; --i) { candidate_form.dwIndex = i; LLWinImm::setCandidateWindow(himc, &candidate_form); } LLWinImm::releaseContext(mWindowHandle, himc); } } void LLWindowWin32::interruptLanguageTextInput() { ASSERT_MAIN_THREAD(); if (mPreeditor && LLWinImm::isAvailable()) { HIMC himc = LLWinImm::getContext(mWindowHandle); LLWinImm::notifyIME(himc, NI_COMPOSITIONSTR, CPS_COMPLETE, 0); LLWinImm::releaseContext(mWindowHandle, himc); } } void LLWindowWin32::handleStartCompositionMessage() { // Let IME know the font to use in feedback UI. LOGFONT logfont; fillCompositionLogfont(&logfont); HIMC himc = LLWinImm::getContext(mWindowHandle); LLWinImm::setCompositionFont(himc, &logfont); LLWinImm::releaseContext(mWindowHandle, himc); } // Handle WM_IME_COMPOSITION message. void LLWindowWin32::handleCompositionMessage(const U32 indexes) { if (!mPreeditor) { return; } BOOL needs_update = FALSE; LLWString result_string; LLWString preedit_string; S32 preedit_string_utf16_length = 0; LLPreeditor::segment_lengths_t preedit_segment_lengths; LLPreeditor::standouts_t preedit_standouts; // Step I: Receive details of preedits from IME. HIMC himc = LLWinImm::getContext(mWindowHandle); if (indexes & GCS_RESULTSTR) { LONG size = LLWinImm::getCompositionString(himc, GCS_RESULTSTR, NULL, 0); if (size >= 0) { const LPWSTR data = new WCHAR[size / sizeof(WCHAR) + 1]; size = LLWinImm::getCompositionString(himc, GCS_RESULTSTR, data, size); if (size > 0) { result_string = utf16str_to_wstring(llutf16string(data, size / sizeof(WCHAR))); } delete[] data; needs_update = TRUE; } } if (indexes & GCS_COMPSTR) { LONG size = LLWinImm::getCompositionString(himc, GCS_COMPSTR, NULL, 0); if (size >= 0) { const LPWSTR data = new WCHAR[size / sizeof(WCHAR) + 1]; size = LLWinImm::getCompositionString(himc, GCS_COMPSTR, data, size); if (size > 0) { preedit_string_utf16_length = size / sizeof(WCHAR); preedit_string = utf16str_to_wstring(llutf16string(data, size / sizeof(WCHAR))); } delete[] data; needs_update = TRUE; } } if ((indexes & GCS_COMPCLAUSE) && preedit_string.length() > 0) { LONG size = LLWinImm::getCompositionString(himc, GCS_COMPCLAUSE, NULL, 0); if (size > 0) { const LPDWORD data = new DWORD[size / sizeof(DWORD)]; size = LLWinImm::getCompositionString(himc, GCS_COMPCLAUSE, data, size); if (size >= sizeof(DWORD) * 2 && data[0] == 0 && data[size / sizeof(DWORD) - 1] == preedit_string_utf16_length) { preedit_segment_lengths.resize(size / sizeof(DWORD) - 1); S32 offset = 0; for (U32 i = 0; i < preedit_segment_lengths.size(); i++) { const S32 length = wstring_wstring_length_from_utf16_length(preedit_string, offset, data[i + 1] - data[i]); preedit_segment_lengths[i] = length; offset += length; } } delete[] data; } } if ((indexes & GCS_COMPATTR) && preedit_segment_lengths.size() > 1) { LONG size = LLWinImm::getCompositionString(himc, GCS_COMPATTR, NULL, 0); if (size > 0) { const LPBYTE data = new BYTE[size / sizeof(BYTE)]; size = LLWinImm::getCompositionString(himc, GCS_COMPATTR, data, size); if (size == preedit_string_utf16_length) { preedit_standouts.assign(preedit_segment_lengths.size(), FALSE); S32 offset = 0; for (U32 i = 0; i < preedit_segment_lengths.size(); i++) { if (ATTR_TARGET_CONVERTED == data[offset] || ATTR_TARGET_NOTCONVERTED == data[offset]) { preedit_standouts[i] = TRUE; } offset += wstring_utf16_length(preedit_string, offset, preedit_segment_lengths[i]); } } delete[] data; } } S32 caret_position = preedit_string.length(); if (indexes & GCS_CURSORPOS) { const S32 caret_position_utf16 = LLWinImm::getCompositionString(himc, GCS_CURSORPOS, NULL, 0); if (caret_position_utf16 >= 0 && caret_position <= preedit_string_utf16_length) { caret_position = wstring_wstring_length_from_utf16_length(preedit_string, 0, caret_position_utf16); } } if (indexes == 0) { // I'm not sure this condition really happens, but // Windows SDK document says it is an indication // of "reset everything." needs_update = TRUE; } LLWinImm::releaseContext(mWindowHandle, himc); // Step II: Update the active preeditor. if (needs_update) { if (preedit_string.length() != 0 || result_string.length() != 0) { mPreeditor->resetPreedit(); } if (result_string.length() > 0) { for (LLWString::const_iterator i = result_string.begin(); i != result_string.end(); i++) { mPreeditor->handleUnicodeCharHere(*i); } } if (preedit_string.length() == 0) { preedit_segment_lengths.clear(); preedit_standouts.clear(); } else { if (preedit_segment_lengths.size() == 0) { preedit_segment_lengths.assign(1, preedit_string.length()); } if (preedit_standouts.size() == 0) { preedit_standouts.assign(preedit_segment_lengths.size(), FALSE); } } mPreeditor->updatePreedit(preedit_string, preedit_segment_lengths, preedit_standouts, caret_position); // Some IME doesn't query char position after WM_IME_COMPOSITION, // so we need to update them actively. updateLanguageTextInputArea(); } } // Given a text and a focus range, find_context finds and returns a // surrounding context of the focused subtext. A variable pointed // to by offset receives the offset in llwchars of the beginning of // the returned context string in the given wtext. static LLWString find_context(const LLWString & wtext, S32 focus, S32 focus_length, S32 *offset) { static const S32 CONTEXT_EXCESS = 30; // This value is by experiences. const S32 e = llmin((S32) wtext.length(), focus + focus_length + CONTEXT_EXCESS); S32 end = focus + focus_length; while (end < e && '\n' != wtext[end]) { end++; } const S32 s = llmax(0, focus - CONTEXT_EXCESS); S32 start = focus; while (start > s && '\n' != wtext[start - 1]) { --start; } *offset = start; return wtext.substr(start, end - start); } // final stage of handling drop requests - both from WM_DROPFILES message // for files and via IDropTarget interface requests. LLWindowCallbacks::DragNDropResult LLWindowWin32::completeDragNDropRequest( const LLCoordGL gl_coord, const MASK mask, LLWindowCallbacks::DragNDropAction action, const std::string url ) { ASSERT_MAIN_THREAD(); return mCallbacks->handleDragNDrop( this, gl_coord, mask, action, url ); } // Handle WM_IME_REQUEST message. // If it handled the message, returns TRUE. Otherwise, FALSE. // When it handled the message, the value to be returned from // the Window Procedure is set to *result. BOOL LLWindowWin32::handleImeRequests(WPARAM request, LPARAM param, LRESULT *result) { if ( mPreeditor ) { switch (request) { case IMR_CANDIDATEWINDOW: // http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms776080.aspx { LLCoordGL caret_coord; LLRect preedit_bounds; mPreeditor->getPreeditLocation(-1, &caret_coord, &preedit_bounds, NULL); CANDIDATEFORM *const form = (CANDIDATEFORM *)param; DWORD const dwIndex = form->dwIndex; fillCandidateForm(caret_coord, preedit_bounds, form); form->dwIndex = dwIndex; *result = 1; return TRUE; } case IMR_QUERYCHARPOSITION: { IMECHARPOSITION *const char_position = (IMECHARPOSITION *)param; // char_position->dwCharPos counts in number of // WCHARs, i.e., UTF-16 encoding units, so we can't simply pass the // number to getPreeditLocation. const LLWString & wtext = mPreeditor->getPreeditString(); S32 preedit, preedit_length; mPreeditor->getPreeditRange(&preedit, &preedit_length); LLCoordGL caret_coord; LLRect preedit_bounds, text_control; const S32 position = wstring_wstring_length_from_utf16_length(wtext, preedit, char_position->dwCharPos); if (!mPreeditor->getPreeditLocation(position, &caret_coord, &preedit_bounds, &text_control)) { LL_WARNS("Window") << "*** IMR_QUERYCHARPOSITON called but getPreeditLocation failed." << LL_ENDL; return FALSE; } fillCharPosition(caret_coord, preedit_bounds, text_control, char_position); *result = 1; return TRUE; } case IMR_COMPOSITIONFONT: { fillCompositionLogfont((LOGFONT *)param); *result = 1; return TRUE; } case IMR_RECONVERTSTRING: { mPreeditor->resetPreedit(); const LLWString & wtext = mPreeditor->getPreeditString(); S32 select, select_length; mPreeditor->getSelectionRange(&select, &select_length); S32 context_offset; const LLWString context = find_context(wtext, select, select_length, &context_offset); RECONVERTSTRING * const reconvert_string = (RECONVERTSTRING *)param; const U32 size = fillReconvertString(context, select - context_offset, select_length, reconvert_string); if (reconvert_string) { if (select_length == 0) { // Let the IME to decide the reconversion range, and // adjust the reconvert_string structure accordingly. HIMC himc = LLWinImm::getContext(mWindowHandle); const BOOL adjusted = LLWinImm::setCompositionString(himc, SCS_QUERYRECONVERTSTRING, reconvert_string, size, NULL, 0); LLWinImm::releaseContext(mWindowHandle, himc); if (adjusted) { const llutf16string & text_utf16 = wstring_to_utf16str(context); const S32 new_preedit_start = reconvert_string->dwCompStrOffset / sizeof(WCHAR); const S32 new_preedit_end = new_preedit_start + reconvert_string->dwCompStrLen; select = utf16str_wstring_length(text_utf16, new_preedit_start); select_length = utf16str_wstring_length(text_utf16, new_preedit_end) - select; select += context_offset; } } mPreeditor->markAsPreedit(select, select_length); } *result = size; return TRUE; } case IMR_CONFIRMRECONVERTSTRING: { *result = FALSE; return TRUE; } case IMR_DOCUMENTFEED: { const LLWString & wtext = mPreeditor->getPreeditString(); S32 preedit, preedit_length; mPreeditor->getPreeditRange(&preedit, &preedit_length); S32 context_offset; LLWString context = find_context(wtext, preedit, preedit_length, &context_offset); preedit -= context_offset; preedit_length = llmin(preedit_length, (S32)context.length() - preedit); if (preedit_length > 0 && preedit >= 0) { // IMR_DOCUMENTFEED may be called when we have an active preedit. // We should pass the context string *excluding* the preedit string. // Otherwise, some IME are confused. context.erase(preedit, preedit_length); } RECONVERTSTRING *reconvert_string = (RECONVERTSTRING *)param; *result = fillReconvertString(context, preedit, 0, reconvert_string); return TRUE; } default: return FALSE; } } return FALSE; } //static void LLWindowWin32::setDPIAwareness() { HMODULE hShcore = LoadLibrary(L"shcore.dll"); if (hShcore != NULL) { SetProcessDpiAwarenessType pSPDA; pSPDA = (SetProcessDpiAwarenessType)GetProcAddress(hShcore, "SetProcessDpiAwareness"); if (pSPDA) { HRESULT hr = pSPDA(PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE); if (hr != S_OK) { LL_WARNS() << "SetProcessDpiAwareness() function returned an error. Will use legacy DPI awareness API of Win XP/7" << LL_ENDL; } } FreeLibrary(hShcore); } else { LL_WARNS() << "Could not load shcore.dll library (included by from Win 8.1 SDK. Will use legacy DPI awareness API of Win XP/7" << LL_ENDL; } } void* LLWindowWin32::getDirectInput8() { return &gDirectInput8; } bool LLWindowWin32::getInputDevices(U32 device_type_filter, std::function osx_callback, void * di8_devices_callback, void* userdata) { if (gDirectInput8 != NULL) { // Enumerate devices HRESULT status = gDirectInput8->EnumDevices( (DWORD) device_type_filter, // DWORD dwDevType, (LPDIENUMDEVICESCALLBACK)di8_devices_callback, // LPDIENUMDEVICESCALLBACK lpCallback, // BOOL DIEnumDevicesCallback( LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE lpddi, LPVOID pvRef ) // BOOL CALLBACK DinputDevice::DevicesCallback (LPVOID*)userdata, // LPVOID pvRef DIEDFL_ATTACHEDONLY // DWORD dwFlags ); return status == DI_OK; } return false; } F32 LLWindowWin32::getSystemUISize() { F32 scale_value = 1.f; HWND hWnd = (HWND)getPlatformWindow(); HDC hdc = GetDC(hWnd); HMONITOR hMonitor; HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS dpi_awareness; HMODULE hShcore = LoadLibrary(L"shcore.dll"); if (hShcore != NULL) { GetProcessDpiAwarenessType pGPDA; pGPDA = (GetProcessDpiAwarenessType)GetProcAddress(hShcore, "GetProcessDpiAwareness"); GetDpiForMonitorType pGDFM; pGDFM = (GetDpiForMonitorType)GetProcAddress(hShcore, "GetDpiForMonitor"); if (pGPDA != NULL && pGDFM != NULL) { pGPDA(hProcess, &dpi_awareness); if (dpi_awareness == PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE) { POINT pt; UINT dpix = 0, dpiy = 0; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; RECT rect; GetWindowRect(hWnd, &rect); // Get the DPI for the monitor, on which the center of window is displayed and set the scaling factor pt.x = (rect.left + rect.right) / 2; pt.y = (rect.top + rect.bottom) / 2; hMonitor = MonitorFromPoint(pt, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST); hr = pGDFM(hMonitor, MDT_EFFECTIVE_DPI, &dpix, &dpiy); if (hr == S_OK) { scale_value = F32(dpix) / F32(USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI); } else { LL_WARNS() << "Could not determine DPI for monitor. Setting scale to default 100 %" << LL_ENDL; scale_value = 1.0f; } } else { LL_WARNS() << "Process is not per-monitor DPI-aware. Setting scale to default 100 %" << LL_ENDL; scale_value = 1.0f; } } FreeLibrary(hShcore); } else { LL_WARNS() << "Could not load shcore.dll library (included by from Win 8.1 SDK). Using legacy DPI awareness API of Win XP/7" << LL_ENDL; scale_value = F32(GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX)) / F32(USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI); } ReleaseDC(hWnd, hdc); return scale_value; } //static std::vector LLWindowWin32::getDisplaysResolutionList() { return sMonitorInfo.getResolutionsList(); } //static std::vector LLWindowWin32::getDynamicFallbackFontList() { // Fonts previously in getFontListSans() have moved to fonts.xml. return std::vector(); } U32 LLWindowWin32::getAvailableVRAMMegabytes() { return mWindowThread ? mWindowThread->getAvailableVRAMMegabytes() : 0; } #endif // LL_WINDOWS inline LLWindowWin32::LLWindowWin32Thread::LLWindowWin32Thread() : LL::ThreadPool("Window Thread", 1, MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, true /*should be false, temporary workaround for SL-18721*/) { LL::ThreadPool::start(); } void LLWindowWin32::LLWindowWin32Thread::close() { if (!mQueue->isClosed()) { LL_WARNS() << "Closing window thread without using destroy_window_handler" << LL_ENDL; LL::ThreadPool::close(); // Workaround for SL-18721 in case window closes too early and abruptly LLSplashScreen::show(); LLSplashScreen::update("..."); // will be updated later } } /** * LogChange is to log changes in status while trying to avoid spamming the * log with repeated messages, especially in a tight loop. It refuses to log * a continuous run of identical messages, but logs every time the message * changes. (It will happily spam when messages quickly bounce back and * forth.) */ class LogChange { public: LogChange(const std::string& tag): mTag(tag) {} template void always(Items&&... items) { // This odd construct ensures that the stringize() call is only // executed if DEBUG logging is enabled for the passed tag. LL_DEBUGS(mTag.c_str()); log(LL_CONT, stringize(std::forward(items)...)); LL_ENDL; } template void onChange(Items&&... items) { LL_DEBUGS(mTag.c_str()); auto str = stringize(std::forward(items)...); if (str != mPrev) { log(LL_CONT, str); } LL_ENDL; } private: void log(std::ostream& out, const std::string& message) { mPrev = message; out << message; } std::string mTag; std::string mPrev; }; // Print hardware debug info about available graphics adapters in ordinal order void debugEnumerateGraphicsAdapters() { LL_INFOS("Window") << "Enumerating graphics adapters..." << LL_ENDL; IDXGIFactory1* factory; HRESULT res = CreateDXGIFactory1(__uuidof(IDXGIFactory1), (void**)&factory); if (FAILED(res) || !factory) { LL_WARNS() << "CreateDXGIFactory1 failed: 0x" << std::hex << res << LL_ENDL; } else { UINT graphics_adapter_index = 0; IDXGIAdapter3* dxgi_adapter; while (true) { res = factory->EnumAdapters(graphics_adapter_index, reinterpret_cast(&dxgi_adapter)); if (FAILED(res)) { if (graphics_adapter_index == 0) { LL_WARNS() << "EnumAdapters failed: 0x" << std::hex << res << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_INFOS("Window") << "Done enumerating graphics adapters" << LL_ENDL; } } else { DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC desc; dxgi_adapter->GetDesc(&desc); std::wstring description_w((wchar_t*)desc.Description); std::string description(description_w.begin(), description_w.end()); LL_INFOS("Window") << "Graphics adapter index: " << graphics_adapter_index << ", " << "Description: " << description << ", " << "DeviceId: " << desc.DeviceId << ", " << "SubSysId: " << desc.SubSysId << ", " << "AdapterLuid: " << desc.AdapterLuid.HighPart << "_" << desc.AdapterLuid.LowPart << ", " << "DedicatedVideoMemory: " << desc.DedicatedVideoMemory / 1024 / 1024 << ", " << "DedicatedSystemMemory: " << desc.DedicatedSystemMemory / 1024 / 1024 << ", " << "SharedSystemMemory: " << desc.SharedSystemMemory / 1024 / 1024 << LL_ENDL; } if (dxgi_adapter) { dxgi_adapter->Release(); dxgi_adapter = NULL; } else { break; } graphics_adapter_index++; } } if (factory) { factory->Release(); } } void LLWindowWin32::LLWindowWin32Thread::initDX() { if (!mGLReady) { return; } if (mDXGIAdapter == NULL) { debugEnumerateGraphicsAdapters(); IDXGIFactory4* pFactory = nullptr; HRESULT res = CreateDXGIFactory1(__uuidof(IDXGIFactory4), (void**)&pFactory); if (FAILED(res)) { LL_WARNS() << "CreateDXGIFactory1 failed: 0x" << std::hex << res << LL_ENDL; } else { res = pFactory->EnumAdapters(0, reinterpret_cast(&mDXGIAdapter)); if (FAILED(res)) { LL_WARNS() << "EnumAdapters failed: 0x" << std::hex << res << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_INFOS() << "EnumAdapters success" << LL_ENDL; } } if (pFactory) { pFactory->Release(); } } } void LLWindowWin32::LLWindowWin32Thread::initD3D() { if (!mGLReady) { return; } if (mDXGIAdapter == NULL && mD3DDevice == NULL && mWindowHandleThrd != 0) { mD3D = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION); D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS d3dpp; ZeroMemory(&d3dpp, sizeof(d3dpp)); d3dpp.Windowed = TRUE; d3dpp.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD; HRESULT res = mD3D->CreateDevice(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, mWindowHandleThrd, D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING, &d3dpp, &mD3DDevice); if (FAILED(res)) { LL_WARNS() << "(fallback) CreateDevice failed: 0x" << std::hex << res << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_INFOS() << "(fallback) CreateDevice success" << LL_ENDL; } } } void LLWindowWin32::LLWindowWin32Thread::cleanupDX() { //clean up DXGI/D3D resources if (mDXGIAdapter) { mDXGIAdapter->Release(); mDXGIAdapter = nullptr; } if (mD3DDevice) { mD3DDevice->Release(); mD3DDevice = nullptr; } if (mD3D) { mD3D->Release(); mD3D = nullptr; } } void LLWindowWin32::LLWindowWin32Thread::updateVRAMUsage() { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED; if (!mGLReady) { return; } if (mDXGIAdapter != nullptr) { // NOTE: what lies below is hand wavy math based on compatibility testing and observation against a variety of hardware // It doesn't make sense, but please don't refactor it to make sense. -- davep DXGI_QUERY_VIDEO_MEMORY_INFO info; mDXGIAdapter->QueryVideoMemoryInfo(0, DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP_LOCAL, &info); #if 0 // debug 0 budget and 0 CU info.Budget = 0; info.CurrentUsage = 0; #endif U32 budget_mb = info.Budget / 1024 / 1024; gGLManager.mVRAM = llmax(gGLManager.mVRAM, (S32) budget_mb); U32 afr_mb = info.AvailableForReservation / 1024 / 1024; // correct for systems that misreport budget if (budget_mb == 0) { // fall back to available for reservation clamped between 512MB and 2GB budget_mb = llclamp(afr_mb, (U32) 512, (U32) 2048); } if ( mMaxVRAM != 0) { budget_mb = llmin(budget_mb, mMaxVRAM); } U32 cu_mb = info.CurrentUsage / 1024 / 1024; // get an estimated usage based on texture bytes allocated U32 eu_mb = LLImageGL::getTextureBytesAllocated() * 2 / 1024 / 1024; if (cu_mb == 0) { // current usage is sometimes unreliable on Intel GPUs, fall back to estimated usage cu_mb = llmax((U32)1, eu_mb); } U32 target_mb = budget_mb; if (target_mb > 4096) // if 4GB are installed, try to leave 2GB free { target_mb -= 2048; } else // if less than 4GB are installed, try not to use more than half of it { target_mb /= 2; } mAvailableVRAM = cu_mb < target_mb ? target_mb - cu_mb : 0; #if 0 F32 eu_error = (F32)((S32)eu_mb - (S32)cu_mb) / (F32)cu_mb; LL_INFOS("Window") << "\nLocal\nAFR: " << info.AvailableForReservation / 1024 / 1024 << "\nBudget: " << info.Budget / 1024 / 1024 << "\nCR: " << info.CurrentReservation / 1024 / 1024 << "\nCU: " << info.CurrentUsage / 1024 / 1024 << "\nEU: " << eu_mb << llformat(" (%.2f)", eu_error) << "\nTU: " << target_mb << "\nAM: " << mAvailableVRAM << LL_ENDL; #endif } else if (mD3DDevice != NULL) { // fallback to D3D9 mAvailableVRAM = mD3DDevice->GetAvailableTextureMem() / 1024 / 1024; } } void LLWindowWin32::LLWindowWin32Thread::run() { sWindowThreadId = std::this_thread::get_id(); LogChange logger("Window"); //as good a place as any to up the MM timer resolution (see ms_sleep) //attempt to set timer resolution to 1ms TIMECAPS tc; if (timeGetDevCaps(&tc, sizeof(TIMECAPS)) == TIMERR_NOERROR) { timeBeginPeriod(llclamp((U32) 1, tc.wPeriodMin, tc.wPeriodMax)); } while (! getQueue().done()) { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED_CATEGORY_WIN32; // lazily call initD3D inside this loop to catch when mGLReady has been set to true initDX(); if (mWindowHandleThrd != 0) { // lazily call initD3D inside this loop to catch when mWindowHandle has been set, and mGLReady has been set to true // *TODO: Shutdown if this fails when mWindowHandle exists initD3D(); MSG msg; BOOL status; if (mhDCThrd == 0) { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("w32t - PeekMessage"); logger.onChange("PeekMessage(", std::hex, mWindowHandleThrd, ")"); status = PeekMessage(&msg, mWindowHandleThrd, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE); } else { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("w32t - GetMessage"); logger.always("GetMessage(", std::hex, mWindowHandleThrd, ")"); status = GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0); } if (status > 0) { logger.always("got MSG (", std::hex, msg.hwnd, ", ", msg.message, ", ", msg.wParam, ")"); TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); mMessageQueue.pushFront(msg); } } { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("w32t - Function Queue"); logger.onChange("runPending()"); //process any pending functions getQueue().runPending(); } // update available vram once every 3 seconds static LLFrameTimer vramTimer; if (vramTimer.getElapsedTimeF32() > 3.f) { updateVRAMUsage(); vramTimer.reset(); } #if 0 { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_NAMED_CATEGORY_WIN32("w32t - Sleep"); logger.always("sleep(1)"); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)); } #endif } cleanupDX(); } void LLWindowWin32::LLWindowWin32Thread::wakeAndDestroy() { if (mQueue->isClosed()) { LL_WARNS() << "Tried to close Queue. Win32 thread Queue already closed." << LL_ENDL; return; } // Make sure we don't leave a blank toolbar button. // Also hiding window now prevents user from suspending it // via some action (like dragging it around) ShowWindow(mWindowHandleThrd, SW_HIDE); // Schedule destruction HWND old_handle = mWindowHandleThrd; post([this]() { if (IsWindow(mWindowHandleThrd)) { if (mhDCThrd) { if (!ReleaseDC(mWindowHandleThrd, mhDCThrd)) { LL_WARNS("Window") << "Release of ghDC failed!" << LL_ENDL; } mhDCThrd = NULL; } // This causes WM_DESTROY to be sent *immediately* if (!destroy_window_handler(mWindowHandleThrd)) { LL_WARNS("Window") << "Failed to destroy Window! " << std::hex << GetLastError() << LL_ENDL; } } else { // Something killed the window while we were busy destroying gl or handle somehow got broken LL_WARNS("Window") << "Failed to destroy Window, invalid handle!" << LL_ENDL; } mWindowHandleThrd = NULL; mhDCThrd = NULL; mGLReady = false; }); LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "Closing window's pool queue" << LL_ENDL; mQueue->close(); // Post a nonsense user message to wake up the thread in // case it is waiting for a getMessage() if (old_handle) { WPARAM wparam{ 0xB0B0 }; LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "PostMessage(" << std::hex << old_handle << ", " << WM_DUMMY_ << ", " << wparam << ")" << std::dec << LL_ENDL; PostMessage(old_handle, WM_DUMMY_, wparam, 0x1337); } // There are cases where window will refuse to close, // can't wait forever on join, check state instead LLTimer timeout; timeout.setTimerExpirySec(2.0); while (!getQueue().done() && !timeout.hasExpired() && mWindowHandleThrd) { ms_sleep(100); } if (getQueue().done() || mWindowHandleThrd == NULL) { // Window is closed, started closing or is cleaning up // now wait for our single thread to die. if (mWindowHandleThrd) { LL_INFOS("Window") << "Window is closing, waiting on pool's thread to join, time since post: " << timeout.getElapsedSeconds() << "s" << LL_ENDL; } else { LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "Waiting on pool's thread, time since post: " << timeout.getElapsedSeconds() << "s" << LL_ENDL; } for (auto& pair : mThreads) { pair.second.join(); } } else { // Something suspended window thread, can't afford to wait forever // so kill thread instead // Ex: This can happen if user starts dragging window arround (if it // was visible) or a modal notification pops up LL_WARNS("Window") << "Window is frozen, couldn't perform clean exit" << LL_ENDL; for (auto& pair : mThreads) { // very unsafe TerminateThread(pair.second.native_handle(), 0); pair.second.detach(); cleanupDX(); } } LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "thread pool shutdown complete" << LL_ENDL; } void LLWindowWin32::post(const std::function& func) { mFunctionQueue.pushFront(func); } void LLWindowWin32::postMouseButtonEvent(const std::function& func) { mMouseQueue.pushFront(func); } void LLWindowWin32::kickWindowThread(HWND windowHandle) { if (! windowHandle) windowHandle = mWindowHandle; if (windowHandle) { // post a nonsense user message to wake up the Window Thread in // case any functions are pending and no windows events came // through this frame WPARAM wparam{ 0xB0B0 }; LL_DEBUGS("Window") << "PostMessage(" << std::hex << windowHandle << ", " << WM_DUMMY_ << ", " << wparam << ")" << std::dec << LL_ENDL; PostMessage(windowHandle, WM_DUMMY_, wparam, 0x1337); } } void LLWindowWin32::updateWindowRect() { LL_PROFILE_ZONE_SCOPED_CATEGORY_WIN32; //called from window thread RECT rect; RECT client_rect; if (GetWindowRect(mWindowHandle, &rect) && GetClientRect(mWindowHandle, &client_rect)) { post([=] { mRect = rect; mClientRect = client_rect; }); } }